npm -i @tastytrade/api
yarn add @tastytrade/api
import TastytradeClient from "@tastytrade/api"
const tastytradeClient = new TastytradeClient(baseUrl, accountStreamerUrl)
const loginResponse = await tastytradeClient.sessionService.login(usernameOrEmail, pasword)
const accounts = await tastytradeClient.accountsAndCustomersService.getCustomerAccounts()
const accountPositions = await tastytradeClient.balancesAndPositionsService.getPositionsList(accounts[0].accounts['account-number'])
import TastytradeClient, { QuoteStreamer } from "@tastytrade-api"
const tastytradeClient = new TastytradeClient(baseUrl, accountStreamerUrl)
await tastytradeClient.sessionService.login(usernameOrEmail, pasword)
const tokenResponse = await tastytradeClient.AccountsAndCustomersService.getQuoteStreamerTokens()
const quoteStreamer = new QuoteStreamer(tokenResponse.token, `${tokenResponse['websocket-url']}/cometd`)
function handleMarketDataReceived(event) {
// Triggers every time market data event occurs
// Subscribe to a single equity quote
quoteStreamer.subscribe('AAPL', handleMarketDataReceived)
// Subscribe to a single equity option quote
const optionChain = await tastytradeClient.instrumentsService.getOptionChain('AAPL')
quoteStreamer.subscribe(optionChain[0]['streamer-symbol'], handleMarketDataReceived)
npm run build
Outputs everything to dist/
npm run build
cd examples/
npm install
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
Unit tests are for specific pieces of code and should not make any external calls (http requests). If needed, you can mock out an http response in your unit test.
For testing actual api requests, use the tests/integration
Directory structure should match the lib
structure. Service tests will go in tests/unit/service/<servicefilename>.test.ts