Chainlink External Adapter for Bitso Input Parameters Required? Name Description Options Defaults to endpoint The endpoint to use crypto crypto Crypto Endpoint NOTE: the price endpoint is temporarily still supported, however, is being deprecated. Please use the crypto endpoint instead. Input Params Required? Name Description Options Defaults to ✅ base, from, or coin The symbol of the currency to query ✅ quote, to, or market The symbol of the currency to convert to field The object path to access the value that will be returned as the result vwap Sample Input { "id": "1", "data": { "base": "BTC", "quote": "ARS" } } Sample Output { "jobRunID": "1", "data": { "success": true, "payload": { "high": "1581920.78", "last": "1567306.98", "created_at": "2020-10-06T10:57:38+00:00", "book": "btc_ars", "volume": "16.96252687", "vwap": "1568906.7103474855", "low": "1553404.00", "ask": "1574120.27", "bid": "1567306.98", "change_24": "2345.15" }, "result": 1567306.98 }, "result": 1567306.98, "statusCode": 200 }