A FTP library for .NET Standard 1.4 and .NET Standard 2.1.
The server allows anonymous login, and users can read and write in a public directory.
// using System.Net;
// using System.Threading;
// using Zhaobang.FtpServer;
var endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 21);
// To accept IPv6 connection, replace "IPAddress.Any" with "IPAddress.IPv6Any"
// You need 2 FtpServer instances to accept both IPv4 and IPv6 connectins
var baseDirectory = "C:\\FtpServer";
var server = new FtpServer(endPoint, baseDirectory);
var cancelSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
var runResult = server.RunAsync(cancelSource.Token);
cancelSource.Cancel(); // Stop accepting new clients
await runResult; // Wait until last client quits
The server allows developer to use customized authentication, file provider, data connection and stream encrytion.
Implement Zhaobang.FtpServer.File.IFileProviderFactory
to use custom file system. The default one is SimpleFileProvider, which allow all users to read and write in a single directory.
Implement Zhaobang.FtpServer.Connections.IDataConnectionFactory
to use custom data connection, (for example, establish data connection from another server). The default one is LocalDataConnectionFactory
, which establish data connection from local server. Use SslLocalDataConnectionFactory
(available only on .NET Standard 2.1) to support TLS on data connection.
Implement Zhaobang.FtpServer.Authenticate.IAuthenticator
to use custom authentication. The default one is AnonymousAuthenticator
, which only allows anonymous logins.
(Optional) (since version 2.1.0) Provide an implementation of Zhaobang.FtpServer.Connections.IControlConnectionSslFactory
to support TLS on control connection. An implementation class ControlConnectionSslFactory
is provided on the .NET Standard 2.1 version.
Use the following to start your customized server:
var server = new FtpServer(
new MyFileProviderFactory(),
new MyDataConnectionFactory(),
new MyAuthenticator(),
new MyControlConnectionSslFactory()
// the remaining is same as simple use
TLS on data connection is enabled when IDataConnection
instances created by IDataConnectionDataFactory
instance implement interface ISslDataConnection
TLS on control connection is enabled when an instance of IControlConnectionSslFactory
is passed to the constructor of FtpServer
The .NET Standard 2.1 version has out-of-box FTP over TLS support. Example:
var fileProviderFactory = new SimpleFileProviderFactory(config.BaseDirectory);
var dataConnectionFactory = new SslLocalDataConnectionFactory(certificate);
var authenticator = new AnonymousAuthenticator();
var controlConnectionSslFactory = new ControlConnectionSslFactory(certificate);
var server = new FtpServer(ep, fileProviderFactory, dataConnectionFactory, authenticator, controlConnectionSslFactory);
The .NET Standard 1.4 version requires your own implementation of those classes. You can refer to the source code for a sample implementation.