Stream MySQL Backups to AWS S3.
s3gof3r provides fast, parallelized, pipelined streaming access to Amazon S3. It includes a command-line interface: gof3r
xtrabackup >= 2.3
Percona XtraBackup is an open-source hot backup utility for MySQL - based servers that doesn’t lock your database during the backup.
Copy s3backup.cnf.example to /etc/s3backup.cnf or ~/.s3backup.cnf and edit it accordingly
Set AWS S3 Bucket Name to store backups
Set AWS S3 Bucket path to store backups. This is useful if you want to store all this backups in a dedicated directory
Set Backup path to store backups, e.g cluster_name
MySQL User user when running a backup.
MySQL User password user when running a backup.
Command to start mysql, based on your distro.
MYSQL_SERVICE_CMD="service mysql start"
Directory used to restore the backup. If you are using full-restore set this to MySQL datadir otherwise set this to a temporal directory.
AWS Region where S3 Bucket is located
AWS Access key
AWS Secret key
Generate the AES256 key for backups encryption
s3backup genkey
Upload a full backup to S3 Bucket
s3backup backup
Prepare a full backup restore from S3 Bucket from desired date in format 'YYYYMMDD'. This will leave a restore ready to run innobackupex --move-back DIR
s3backup restore date
Restore a full backup from S3 Bucket from disered date in format 'YYYYMMDD'. Set LOCAL_DIR to MySQL datadir, make sure this directory is empty and MySQL Service is not running.
s3backup full-restore date