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What is generalization?

“Generalization” is the replication of an association between a genetic variant and a trait, discovered in one population, to another population.

  • Most genetic association studies were performed in populations of European Ancestry (EA)
  • These are often detected in very large GWAS (e.g. 100,000 individuals)

Why perform generalization analysis?

There are multiple reasons.

  • To know, whether associations that were discovered in one populations exists in another.
    • This may not always be true...
  • To gain power by limiting the number of variants tested for associations to those already previously reported.
  • Because we need to perform analysis, but we do not have access to an independent study with the same type of population and/or the same trait.

Generalization analysis

  • An intuitive approach to generalization analysis:
    • Take the list of SNP associations reported in a paper
    • Test the same SNPs with the same trait in your data
    • Report the significant associations.
  • What should be the p-value threshold to report associations?

Wait for it...

Generalization analysis

  • We developed a generalization testing framework that originated in the replication analysis literature.
  • We combine test results (p-values) from both the discovery study, and our study (the follow-up)
    • and calculate an r-value.
    • (for every SNP).
  • These r-values take into account multiple testing (of both studies),
  • And are used like p-values.
  • Since they are already adjusted for multiple testing, an association is generalized if the r-value<0.05.

Generalization analysis

  • The generalization framework also takes into account the direction of associations.
  • If the estimated association is negative in one study, and positive in the other, the association will not generalize.

possible alternatives - Here, the cells in gray represent generalized associations.

Generalization analysis - platelet count example

  • Suppose that we ran a GWAS of platelet count in the HCHS/SOL.
  • The results are displayed in the Manhattan plot:
    • Figure from Schick, Ursula M., et al. "Genome-wide association study of platelet count identifies ancestry-specific loci in Hispanic/Latino Americans." The American Journal of Human Genetics 98.2 (2016): 229-242. this figure is from Schick, Ursula M., et al. "Genome-wide association study of platelet count identifies ancestry-specific loci in Hispanic/Latino Americans." The American Journal of Human Genetics 98.2 (2016): 229-242.

Generalization analysis - platelet count example

  • The platelet GWAS discovered 5 new associations
    • that were then replicated in independent studies.
    • There was another association that did not replicate.
    • And there were a few additional known associations that were statistically significant.
  • What about 55 other associations that were previously reported in other papers, reporting GWAS in other populations?
    • Generalization analysis!

Generalization analysis - platelet count example

  • The generalization R package have an example from the HCHS/SOL platelet count paper.
  • We first load this package. (Install it if you haven't already!)
#         subdir = "generalize")

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

  • The generalization R package has an example data set.
  • It has results reported by Geiger et al., 2011, and matched association results from the HCHS/SOL.
  • Generalization analysis is done for one study at a time.
# load the data set from the package
# look at the column names:
matrix(colnames(dat), ncol = 3)
##      [,1]             [,2]             [,3]            
## [1,] "rsID"           "study1.beta"    "study2.alleleB"
## [2,] "chromosome"     ""      "study2.beta"   
## [3,] "position"       "study1.pval"    ""     
## [4,] "study1.alleleA" "study1.n.test"  "study2.pval"   
## [5,] "study1.alleleB" "study2.alleleA" "Ref"

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

  • The data.frame with the example provides all information we need for generalization analysis.
##         rsID chromosome  position study1.alleleA study1.alleleB
## 1  rs2336384          1  12046062              G              T
## 2 rs10914144          1 171949749              T              C
## 3  rs1668871          1 205237136              C              T
## 4  rs7550918          1 247675558              T              C
## 5  rs3811444          1 248039450              C              T
## 6  rs1260326          2  27730939              T              C
##   study1.beta study1.pval study1.n.test study2.alleleA
## 1       2.172     0.382    1.25e-08       2710000              G
## 2       3.417     0.487    2.22e-12       2710000              T
## 3       2.804     0.368    2.59e-14       2710000              T
## 4       3.133     0.471    2.91e-11       2710000              C
## 5       3.346     0.574    5.60e-09       2710000              C
## 6       2.334     0.381    9.12e-10       2710000              T
##   study2.alleleB study2.beta  study2.pval         Ref
## 1              T   1.1164496 0.8084368 0.1672795709 Gieger,2011
## 2              C   1.9402873 0.9881444 0.0495803692 Gieger,2011
## 3              C   0.4107451 0.9386512 0.6616829698 Gieger,2011
## 4              T  -0.9727501 0.8973005 0.2783270717 Gieger,2011
## 5              T   3.4528058 0.8908264 0.0001062059 Gieger,2011
## 6              C   2.5336998 0.8571613 0.0031173839 Gieger,2011

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

dat.matched <- matchEffectAllele(dat$rsID,  
                    study2.effect = dat$study2.beta, 
                    study1.alleleA = dat$study1.alleleA, 
                    study2.alleleA = dat$study2.alleleA, 
                    study1.alleleB = dat$study1.alleleB, 
                    study2.alleleB = dat$study2.alleleB)
## passed data entry checks, orienting the effects of study2 to the correct effect allele. Assuming same strand.

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

##        snpID study2.effect study1.alleleA  flip strand.ambiguous
## 1  rs2336384     1.1164496              G FALSE            FALSE
## 2 rs10914144     1.9402873              T FALSE            FALSE
## 3  rs1668871    -0.4107451              C  TRUE            FALSE
## 4  rs7550918     0.9727501              T  TRUE            FALSE
## 5  rs3811444     3.4528058              C FALSE            FALSE
## 6  rs1260326     2.5336998              T FALSE            FALSE

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

dat$study2.beta <- dat.matched$study2.effect
dat$alleleA <- dat$study1.alleleA
dat$alleleB <- dat$study1.alleleB
dat$study1.alleleA <- dat$study1.alleleB <- 
      dat$study2.alleleA <- dat$study2.alleleB <- NULL
##         rsID chromosome  position study1.beta study1.pval
## 1  rs2336384          1  12046062       2.172     0.382    1.25e-08
## 2 rs10914144          1 171949749       3.417     0.487    2.22e-12
## 3  rs1668871          1 205237136       2.804     0.368    2.59e-14
## 4  rs7550918          1 247675558       3.133     0.471    2.91e-11
## 5  rs3811444          1 248039450       3.346     0.574    5.60e-09
## 6  rs1260326          2  27730939       2.334     0.381    9.12e-10
##   study1.n.test study2.beta  study2.pval         Ref alleleA
## 1       2710000   1.1164496 0.8084368 0.1672795709 Gieger,2011       G
## 2       2710000   1.9402873 0.9881444 0.0495803692 Gieger,2011       T
## 3       2710000  -0.4107451 0.9386512 0.6616829698 Gieger,2011       C
## 4       2710000   0.9727501 0.8973005 0.2783270717 Gieger,2011       T
## 5       2710000   3.4528058 0.8908264 0.0001062059 Gieger,2011       C
## 6       2710000   2.5336998 0.8571613 0.0031173839 Gieger,2011       T
##   alleleB
## 1       T
## 2       C
## 3       T
## 4       C
## 5       T
## 6       C

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

  • Test for generalization:
gen.res <- testGeneralization(dat$rsID, dat$study1.pval, 
                  dat$study2.pval, dat$study1.n.test[1], 
                  study1.effect = dat$study1.beta, 
                    study2.effect = dat$study2.beta, 
                  directional.control = TRUE, 
                    control.measure = "FDR" )
## Controlling FDRat the 0.05 level

## Generating one-sided p-values guided by study1's directions of effects...

## Calcluating FDR r-values...

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

##        snpID    gen.rvals generalized
## 1  rs2336384 0.2422669647       FALSE
## 2 rs10914144 0.0867656461       FALSE
## 3  rs1668871 1.0000000000       FALSE
## 4  rs7550918 0.3542344549       FALSE
## 5  rs3811444 0.0005575808        TRUE
## 6  rs1260326 0.0093521516        TRUE

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

  • Create a figure:
require(ggplot2,quietly = TRUE)
require(gridExtra,quietly = TRUE)
require(RColorBrewer,quietly = TRUE)
figure.out <-  paste0(getwd(), 

prepareGenResFigure(dat$rsID, dat$study1.beta, 
          dat$, dat$study2.beta, dat$, 
          gen.res$generalized, gen.res$gen.rvals, 
          output.file = figure.out, 
   = "Study1",
 = "Study2")

Generalization analysis - let's do it!

  • Look at our figure! Resulting figure

Generalization analysis - more considerations

  • Coverage of the confidence intervals... depends on the number of tests!
    • e.g. (1 − α/10)×100% for 10 tests in a study for Bonferroni-type coverage.
    • There are other options, controlling "False coverage rate", more complicated.
  • Generalization of only "lead SNPs" compared to all SNPs with p-value below some threshold.
    • Lead SNP in EA GWAS may be correlated with the causal SNP in EA, but not with Hispanics/Latinos!
  • Non-generalization due to lack of power.
    • Summarize information across non-generalized associations, e.g.:
    • Test consistency of direction of associations between the discovery study and HCHS/SOL;
    • Test trait association with Genetic Risk Score (GRS) - GRS can be generated as the sum of reported trait-increasing alleles. Test a GRS composed solely of SNP alleles of non-generalized associations.

Examples from our work - diabetes

  • We ran a GWAS of Diabetes in the HCHS/SOL.
    • Reported in Qi et. al. (2017) "Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes in US Hispanic/Latino Individuals: Results from the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)", .
  • The GWAS identified two genome-wide significant associations (p-value<5 × 10−8) in known regions.
    • There were 76 known independent associations at the time.
    • The power to detect these associations at the p-value<5 × 10−8 was low.

Examples from our work - diabetes

\begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{diabetes_discovery_power.pdf} \end{figure} Examples from our work - diabetes

  • We approximated the power to detect the associations in generalization analysis using Bonferroni threshold. \begin{figure} \includegraphics[scale=0.4]{diabetes_generalization_power.pdf} \end{figure}


Examples from our work - diabetes

  • 14 of the associations generalized in generalization analysis.

\begin{center} Question: could other associations generalize if we had more power? \end{center}

  • To address this, we constructed a GRS by summing all non-generalized diabetes risk-alleles for all participants in the analysis.
  • And tested the association of this GRS with diabetes.
  • The resulting p-value=6.12 × 10−14.

Examples from our work - total cholesterol (TC)

  • In the generalization manuscript we investigated approaches for generalization when entire GWAS is available
    • Compared to the case where only lead SNPs are available.
    • Reported in Sofer et. al. (2017), "A powerful statistical framework for generalization testing in GWAS, with application to the HCHS/SOL", .
  • The GLGC consortium published a list of 74 lead SNPs, from 74 genomic regions, in Willer et al. (2013).
    • European Ancestry (EA); ∼190, 000 individuals.
  • In addition, the complete results from Willer et al.’s analysis are freely available online.
  • In generalization analysis applied on these 74 SNPs .

Examples from our work - total cholesterol (TC)

  • In generalization analysis applied on 4,106 SNPs with p-value<5 × 10−8 in the Willer et al. GWAS 2,206 SNPs generalized.
    • These SNPs were from .
    • 34 of the lead SNPs reported by Willer et al. generalized (only 33 of these generalized in the "usual" generalization analysis)
    • And also non-lead SNPs from 8 additional genomics regions.
  • In generalization analysis applied on 5,399 SNPs SNPs with p-value<1 × 10−6 in the Willer et al. GWAS 2,418 SNPs generalized.
    • These SNPs were from .

Examples from our work - total cholesterol (TC)

The TC example demonstrates that

  • Due to differences in LD structure, there are instances where the lead EA SNP is different than the lead SNP in HCHS/SOL.
    • Applying generalization testing on more SNPs (not just the lead SNPs) is useful.
  • Considering SNPs with higher p-value than the commonly-used 5 × 10−8 can increase power.


  • I generated a data set based on generalization analysis that I have done for the diabetes GWAS manuscript in HCHS/SOL.
  • The following exercise will take you through generalization analysis based on this data set.
  1. Use the command read.csv() to read the files and with
    • Association results published in a Mahajan et al. (2014) paper with results of diabetes GWAS in the DIAGRAM consortium (altered a bit).
    • Association results of a few more variants in the HCHS/SOL (also altered a bit).

More in the next slide...


  1. Use the function match() to subset the results from HCHS/SOL to those from Mahajan et al.

  2. How would you know if variants have the same direction of association in the HCHS/SOL and in the DIAGRAM consortium?

  3. Use the function matchEffectAllele() to match the effect sizes in the HCHS/SOL to correspond the same effect allele as in the DIAGRAM.

  4. Test which associations generalize to the HCHS/SOL.

    • Take the number of tested associations in the DIAGRAM to be 106.
  5. How many associations generalized?

  6. Compare the effect allele frequencies between the two studies using plot() command.