The Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos
- A longitudinal, community-based study
- Individuals from four study sites:
- Chicago, Bronx, Miami, San Diego.
- Hispanics/Latinos were sampled via a two-stage study design
- First, block units were sampled,
- Then, households,
- Finally, all or some of household members.
- So that results from association analyses , be , and have
- HCHS/SOL analyses use sampling weights;
- are adjusted to study center;
- are fit via mixed models or GEEs.
- Hispanics/Latinos are admixed, with three ancestral populations: European, Amerindian, and African.
- The proportion of genotypes due to each ancestry differ between people and groups.
- This is demonstrated in the following figure, taken from: Conomos, Matthew P., et al. "Genetic diversity and association studies in US Hispanic/Latino populations: applications in the Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos." The American Journal of Human Genetics 98.1 (2016): 165-184.
- Many of the additional figures below are also taken from the supplementary material of the same paper.
- The diversity of the HCHS/SOL participants and the population structure could also be gleaned from the Principal Components (PCs) figure:
- HCHS/SOL individuals self-identified as Mexican, Central American, South American (Mainland), Cuban, Dominican, or Puerto Rican (Caribbean).
- The HCHS/SOL GAC later defined the Genetic Analysis Groups based on these, and high-dimensional presentation of the genetic data.
- The genetic analysis group is now a factor variable that is used in association analyses in various ways. (How? - later!)
Due to genetic recombination of chromosomes during Meiosis, genotypes are inherited from parents in intervals.
- Therefore, each chromosome is composed of intervals that were inherited from ancestors.
- The intervals from more ancient ancestors are smaller.
- Intervals and their ancestries could be inferred using reference panels and an appropriate software.
- For the HCHS/SOL, Browning et al. (2016) performed such inference
- For each person, we have counts of intervals inherited from each of the parental ancestries.
Browning, Sharon R., et al. "Local Ancestry Inference in a Large US-Based Hispanic/Latino Study: Hispanic Community Health Study/Study of Latinos (HCHS/SOL)." G3: Genes| Genomes| Genetics 6.6 (2016): 1525-1534.
- Due to privacy restrictions, we cannot use the HCHS/SOL dataset.
- So we generated a simulated dataset that have similar, yet simpler, characteristics.
- We will describe the dataset, and then use R packages to study it.
- Using the Hapgen software, simulated genotype data from two populations: CEU and MEX.
- These are not the same ancestral populations of HCHS/SOL participants.
- (HCHS/SOL participants have 3 ancestral populations: European, African, Amerindian).
- Assumed that each individual had two parents
- Of the two chromosome pairs of each parent, one was entirely CEU and one was entirely MEX.
- We randomly assigned intervals inherited from each parent to be those from the first or the second chromosome.
- The probability of CEU ancestry was either 0.8 for the "UW genetic analysis group" or 0.5 for the "UNC genetic analysis group".
- In the remainder of this session, we will look at the simulated data.
- We will get to know a few useful softwares.
- And understand (to some extent) file formats.
- We will not perform any association analysis or testing yet!
- These are the files that we will use.
dir <- paste0("/home/postdoc/tsofer/SISG/",
## [1] "20170303_prepare_data.R"
## [2] "20170620_hh_mat.R"
## [3] "20170705_prepare_gen_data.R"
## [4] ""
## [5] "dscvr_diabetes_res.csv"
## [6] "for_SUGEN"
## [7] "SISG_genotype.vcf"
## [8] "SISG_houshold_matrix_2.RData"
## [9] "SISG_houshold_matrix.RData"
## [10] "SISG_local_ancestry_2.gds"
## [11] "SISG_local_ancestry_snpAnnot.RData"
## [12] "SISG_local_ancestry.gds"
## [13] "SISG_phenotypes.RData"
## [14] "SISG_relatedness_matrix.RData"
## [15] "SISG_snp_dosages_snpAnnot.RData"
## [16] "SISG_snp_dosages.gds"
## [17] "sol_diabetes_res.csv"
If you haven't installed the GWASTools package yet, do so now:
After the package is installed, load it:
library("GWASTools", quietly=TRUE)
...and it may be useful to open the manual
- GWASTools works with (among the rest) GDS files, which we will use.
- Often, a GDS file will have an "attached" variant annotation file.
- When working with genotype data
- We first define a genotype reader object [GdsGenotypeReader]
- Then a genotype data object [GenotypeData]
- The latter could be associated with the SNP annotation.
Let's see!
gds <- GdsGenotypeReader(file.path(dir,
## File: /home/postdoc/tsofer/SISG/Preparing_simulated_data_2/SISG_snp_dosages.gds (1.0M)
## + [ ]
## |--+ genotype { Bit2 500x7463, 911.0K }
## |--+ { VStr8 500, 2.3K }
## |--+ { Int32 7463, 29.2K }
## |--+ snp.chromosome { Float64 7463, 58.3K }
## \--+ snp.position { Int32 7463, 29.2K }
## [1] 1 1 1 1 1 1
### the sample IDs of the first 5 individuals
## [1] "p1" "p2" "p3" "p4" "p5"
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
## [1] 558390 711153 713682 713754 719811 740098
### the sample IDs of the first 5 individuals
## [1] "p1" "p2" "p3" "p4" "p5"
Let's connect it to the SNP annotation object via a geotypeData object:
snpAnnot <- getobj(file.path(dir,
## [1] 7463 9
## rsID position snpID alleleA alleleB
## 1 rs11497407 558390 1 A C
## 2 rs12565286 711153 2 G C
## 3 rs11804171 713682 3 C T
## 4 rs2977670 713754 4 A C
## 5 rs2977656 719811 5 A T
## 6 rs12138618 740098 6 G A
Let's connect it to the SNP annotation object via a geotypeData object:
## chromosome info type oevar
## 1 1 1.0000000 2 1.0000000
## 2 1 1.0000000 3 1.0000000
## 3 1 0.8598037 0 0.8992697
## 4 1 0.8786222 0 0.8875563
## 5 1 0.9048905 0 0.9042507
## 6 1 1.0000000 3 1.0000000
- "info" and "oevar" are two imputation quality metrics.
- "type" refers to imputation status. type=0 is imputed. Otherwise genotyped.
## labelDescription
## rsID <NA>
## position Variant position in genome build 37
## snpID unique integer ID
## alleleA The effet (tested) allele in the additive genetic model
## alleleB The other (non-tested, reference) allele
## chromosome <NA>
## info The info imputation quality measure
## type Imputation type: 0 = imputed, 2 and 3: imputed (different platforms)
## oevar The oevar imputation quality measure, defined as the ration between the observed and the expected dosage variance
Connecting the genotype reader object it to the snpAnnot object to create a geotypeData object:
genoData <- GenotypeData(gds, snpAnnot=snpAnnot)
## [1] "A" "G" "C" "A" "A"
rsIDs <- getSnpVariable(genoData, "rsID")
## [1] "rs11497407" "rs12565286" "rs11804171" "rs2977670" "rs2977656"
getGenotypeSelection(genoData, snp = (rsIDs
== "rs2977656"), scan = 1:10)
## p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9 p10
## 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 1 2 1
We can also connect the genotype data with sample annotations:
scanAnnot <- getobj(file.path(dir,
## An object of class 'ScanAnnotationDataFrame'
## scans: 1 2 ... 500 (500 total)
## varLabels: scanID EV1 ... group (8 total)
## varMetadata: labelDescription
genoData <- GenotypeData(gds,
snpAnnot=snpAnnot, scanAnnot = scanAnnot)
## [1] "scanID" "EV1" "EV2" "sex"
- Only now, because we need to have sex annotation for that!
- ...the sex column in scanAnnot must be called ``sex". Males have to be denoted by M and females by F.
## [1] "age" "trait" "disease" "group"
Afreqs <- alleleFrequency(genoData)
## reading scan 100 of 500
## reading scan 200 of 500
## reading scan 300 of 500
## reading scan 400 of 500
## reading scan 500 of 500
## M F all n.M n.F n MAF
## 1 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.000 228 272 500 0.000
## 2 0.00000000 0.001838235 0.001 228 272 500 0.001
## 3 0.01315789 0.003676471 0.008 228 272 500 0.008
## 4 0.00000000 0.000000000 0.000 228 272 500 0.000
## 5 0.80482456 0.779411765 0.791 228 272 500 0.209
## 6 0.84429825 0.810661765 0.826 228 272 500 0.174
## close the GDS file:
showfile.gds(close = TRUE)
## FileName
## 1 /home/postdoc/tsofer/SISG/Preparing_simulated_data_2/SISG_snp_dosages.gds
## ReadOnly State
## 1 TRUE closed
or we can also use close(gds).
- Recall that study individuals were sampled from block units, and households.
- These induce correlations between traits of certain individuals
- E.g. people who live in the same house may eat similar food (similar environment).
- Individuals are also genetically related.
- Similar to the HCHS/SOL, our simulated data set have household and genetic relatedness matrices.
- The matrices were constructed based on the real data (by sampling from the real matrices).
HH.mat <- getobj(file.path(dir,
kin.mat <- getobj(file.path(dir,
## p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
## p1 0.994917413 0.0123160048 -0.0031369458 0.0029970526 -0.0040635308
## p2 0.012316005 0.9962207088 0.0001299051 0.0074585380 0.0019388646
## p3 -0.003136946 0.0001299051 0.9919895296 -0.0020126658 -0.0037603344
## p4 0.002997053 0.0074585380 -0.0020126658 0.9990199189 0.0006761824
## p5 -0.004063531 0.0019388646 -0.0037603344 0.0006761824 1.0011102847
- The household matrix have 1 in the i, j entry, if the i, j individuals live in the same household.
## p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
## p1 1 0 0 0 0
## p2 0 1 0 0 0
## p3 0 0 1 0 0
## p4 0 0 0 1 0
## p5 0 0 0 0 1
sum(rowSums(HH.mat) > 1)
## [1] 19
- According to this household matrix, only 19 individuals live in the same house as other people in the study.
- There are negative kinship values, and diagonal values are not exactly 1. This is okay.
Use the GWASTools manual, your R knowledge, and the commands we learned to perform the following tasks and answer the questions:
- Compare the variance of the trait "trait" between the UW and the UNC groups.
- Plot a graph comparing the effect allele frequencies between the groups.
- What is the genomic position of the SNP with the largest EAF difference between the UW and the UNC groups?
- What is the proportion of diseased individuals in males and females? and in the UW and UNC groups?
- Extract the genotypes of rs12033927 and rs17390062. What is the LD between them in the combined sample? in the UW group? in the UNC group?