This bundle is just a convenient way to use OpenTBS, all the credits go to Skrol29 and the TinyButStrong team.
OpenTBS - create OpenOffice and Ms Office documents with PHP (and Symfony)
(Taken from
OpenTBS is a PHP tool to produce any OpenOffice and Ms Office documents with templates.
OpenTBS can merge any OpenDocument and Open XML files. It autommatically reconize extensions: odt, ods, odg, odf, odm, odp, ott, ots, otg, otp, docx, xlsx, pptx. In fact it can merge any XML or Text file saved in a zip container (which is the case for both OpenDocuments and OpenXML documents).
What is special to OpenTBS:
- Design your templates directly with OpenOffice or MS Office.
- No exe file needed to merge documents.
- No temporary files needed to merge documents.
- Output directly as an http download, a new file on the disk, or as a string (for file attachment for example).
- Works with both PHP 4 and PHP 5.
TinyButStrong - 3.14.0
OpenTBS - 1.10.7
- Symfony2
- PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 5.3.2 (for Symfony2)
- It is better to have the Zlib extension enabled on your PHP installation. If it's not, here is what to do.
Setp 0: Install Composer
> composer require mbence/opentbs-bundle
Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/mbence/opentbs-bundle
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new MBence\OpenTBSBundle\OpenTBSBundle(),
First you need to define the variables in your docx template (you can use any other supported document format).
... some text in a word file with a `[]` variable ...
In TBS you always need a variable base client
and a variable name name
Then in your controller you need to get the OpenTBS service, load your template and merge the fields (eg. replace the teplate variables).
// get the service
$TBS = $this->get('opentbs');
// load your template
// replace variables
$TBS->MergeField('client', array('name' => 'Ford Prefect'));
// send the file
$TBS->Show(OPENTBS_DOWNLOAD, 'file_name.docx');
A note for onshow automatic variables:
You could define your variables within the onshow
base, (like
), but I would not recommend this practice for it will only work if you use GLOBAL variables.
read the TBS manual at
and the OpenTBS plugin documentation at