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Releases: szescxz/ZTE_NX769J_FOTA


15 Aug 10:30
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📅 Mon May 27 10:24:27 CST 2024



15 Aug 09:12
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📅 Mon May 27 10:24:31 CST 2024

GEN_EEA_NX769SV1BV1.0.0B03_TO_GEN_EEA_NX769SV1BV1.0.0B02⚠️Back to REDMAGICOS9.5.2_NX769S_EEA


16 Aug 00:50
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RedMagicOS9.5.8 Pre-release

📅 Thu May 23 17:08:50 CST 2024



• 优化系统流畅性和稳定性体验;

• 本次升级不会擦除用户数据,但仍然建议您在升级前做好重要数据备份;
• 升级前请确保手机电量在30%以上,以防升级过程中电量不足升级失败;
• 升级过程不会打断您的使用,完成后需要手动重启手机更新至新版本,首次开机请耐心等待几分钟;
• 第三方应用如不能正常使用请先临时卸载或等后续版本适配升级后再使用;金融类重要应用请务必保证是最新版本。



15 Aug 09:07
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📅 Wed May 22 02:33:59 CST 2024


Dear user,
Safeguarding minors in the digital sphere is the guiding principle in the design of products and services by nubia. To provide you with the 'parent controls' feature, our devices come pre-installed with Google's GMS applications. You can access this feature through Settings -> Digital wellbeing & parental controls. This feature is provided by Google. For information on how this feature collects and processes your personal information, please refer to Google's privacy policy.
This update brings you a better user experience.

What's new
1. Provides the latest version of Google security patch.

1. This update won't erase data stored on your phone, but it's still advised to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When update is finished, you need to restart your phone to update to the latest version.It will take a few minutes when you start your phone for the first time.


Dear user,
Safeguarding minors in the digital sphere is the guiding principle in the design of products and services by nubia. To provide you with the 'parent controls' feature, our devices come pre-installed with Google's GMS applications. You can access this feature through Settings -> Digital wellbeing & parental controls. This feature is provided by Google. For information on how this feature collects and processes your personal information, please refer to Google's privacy policy.
This update brings you a better user experience.

What's new
1. Provides the latest version of Google security patch.

1. This update won't erase data stored on your phone, but it's still advised to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When update is finished, you need to restart your phone to update to the latest version.It will take a few minutes when you start your phone for the first time.

GEN_EEA_NX769JV1BV1.0.0B14_TO_GEN_EEA_NX769JV1BV1.0.0B13⚠️Back to REDMAGICOS9.0.13_NX769J_EEA


11 Oct 01:21
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📅 Mon May 20 16:58:48 CST 2024


Dear REDMAGIC Fans, thank you for your great support to the REDMAGIC! This update will greatly improve the customer experience in many aspects such as system stability. It is strongly recommended that you update your device. Let's Begin!

What's new
1. Improved System Stability.

1. This update won't erase any data stored on your phone, but it's still recommended to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish the update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When the update is finished, please restart your phone to finish the installation. It will take a few minutes at the boot up screen.
4. If a third-party app doesn't work properly, you can temporarily uninstall the app or wait until the app developer fixes this issue.


15 Aug 09:06
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📅 Tue May 14 10:49:41 CST 2024


Dear user,
Safeguarding minors in the digital sphere is the guiding principle in the design of products and services by nubia. To provide you with the 'parent controls' feature, our devices come pre-installed with Google's GMS applications. You can access this feature through Settings -> Digital wellbeing & parental controls. This feature is provided by Google. For information on how this feature collects and processes your personal information, please refer to Google's privacy policy.
This update brings you a better user experience.

What's new
1. Provides the latest version of Google security patch.

1. This update won't erase data stored on your phone, but it's still advised to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When update is finished, you need to restart your phone to update to the latest version.It will take a few minutes when you start your phone for the first time.


16 Aug 00:56
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📅 Wed Apr 17 14:56:36 CST 2024



• 优化系统流畅性和稳定性体验;
• 优化游戏稳定性体验;
• 修复游戏三指操控概率性断触问题;
• 修复部分场景应用锁功能没有指纹解锁方式问题;
• 修复桌面底部上划概率性失灵问题;
• 修复通过车载蓝牙播放qq音乐不显示专辑图片问题;
• 修复部分场景投屏跟手延迟问题;

• 本次升级不会擦除用户数据,但仍然建议您在升级前做好重要数据备份;
• 升级前请确保手机电量在30%以上,以防升级过程中电量不足升级失败;
• 升级过程不会打断您的使用,完成后需要手动重启手机更新至新版本,首次开机请耐心等待几分钟;
• 第三方应用如不能正常使用请先临时卸载或等后续版本适配升级后再使用;金融类重要应用请务必保证是最新版本。



• 优化系统流畅性和稳定性体验;
• 优化游戏稳定性体验;
• 修复游戏三指操控概率性断触问题;
• 修复部分场景应用锁功能没有指纹解锁方式问题;
• 修复桌面底部上划概率性失灵问题;
• 修复通过车载蓝牙播放qq音乐不显示专辑图片问题;
• 修复部分场景投屏跟手延迟问题;

• 本次升级不会擦除用户数据,但仍然建议您在升级前做好重要数据备份;
• 升级前请确保手机电量在30%以上,以防升级过程中电量不足升级失败;
• 升级过程不会打断您的使用,完成后需要手动重启手机更新至新版本,首次开机请耐心等待几分钟;
• 第三方应用如不能正常使用请先临时卸载或等后续版本适配升级后再使用;金融类重要应用请务必保证是最新版本。



15 Aug 09:03
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📅 Tue Apr 2 02:34:08 CST 2024


Dear REDMAGIC Fans, thank you for your great support to the REDMAGIC! This update will greatly improve the customer experience in many aspects such as system stability. It is strongly recommended that you update your device. Let's Begin!

What's new
1. Improved System Stability.

1. This update won't erase any data stored on your phone, but it's still recommended to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish the update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When the update is finished, please restart your phone to finish the installation. It will take a few minutes at the boot up screen.
4. If a third-party app doesn't work properly, you can temporarily uninstall the app or wait until the app developer fixes this issue.


Dear REDMAGIC Fans, thank you for your great support to the REDMAGIC! This update will greatly improve the customer experience in many aspects such as system stability. It is strongly recommended that you update your device. Let's Begin!

What's new
1. Improved System Stability.

1. This update won't erase any data stored on your phone, but it's still recommended to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish the update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When the update is finished, please restart your phone to finish the installation. It will take a few minutes at the boot up screen.
4. If a third-party app doesn't work properly, you can temporarily uninstall the app or wait until the app developer fixes this issue.

GEN_EEA_NX769JV1BV1.0.0B13_TO_GEN_EEA_NX769JV1BV1.0.0B11⚠️Back to REDMAGICOS9.0.11_NX769J_EEA


15 Aug 10:07
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📅 Sat Mar 30 09:57:36 CST 2024


Dear REDMAGIC Fans, thank you for your great support to the REDMAGIC! This update will greatly improve the customer experience in many aspects such as system stability. It is strongly recommended that you update your device. Let's Begin!

What's new
1. Improved System Stability.

1. This update won't erase any data stored on your phone, but it's still recommended to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish the update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When the update is finished, please restart your phone to finish the installation. It will take a few minutes at the boot up screen.
4. If a third-party app doesn't work properly, you can temporarily uninstall the app or wait until the app developer fixes this issue.


15 Aug 10:03
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📅 Tue Mar 19 00:05:17 CST 2024


Dear REDMAGIC Fans, thank you for your great support to the REDMAGIC! This update will greatly improve the customer experience in many aspects such as system stability. It is strongly recommended that you update your device. Let's Begin!

What's new
1. Improved System Stability.

1. This update won't erase any data stored on your phone, but it's still recommended to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish the update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When the update is finished, please restart your phone to finish the installation. It will take a few minutes at the boot up screen.
4. If a third-party app doesn't work properly, you can temporarily uninstall the app or wait until the app developer fixes this issue.


Dear REDMAGIC Fans, thank you for your great support to the REDMAGIC! This update will greatly improve the customer experience in many aspects such as system stability. It is strongly recommended that you update your device. Let's Begin!

What's new
1. Improved System Stability.

1. This update won't erase any data stored on your phone, but it's still recommended to back up your data before updating.
2. In order to finish the update, please make sure your phone battery level is above 30%.
3. You can still use your phone while updating. When the update is finished, please restart your phone to finish the installation. It will take a few minutes at the boot up screen.
4. If a third-party app doesn't work properly, you can temporarily uninstall the app or wait until the app developer fixes this issue.