Table of contents TCM Security Academy Notes Courses TCM - Linux 101 1. Introduction Linux Distributions Installing Linux 2. Command Line Intro to Command Line Getting help on the Command Line Command Line Arguments and Options Reading Text Files 3. File System Filesystem Hierarchy Standard Devices, Partitions and Mounting Absolute and Relative Paths Files and Directories Paths, Filenames and Text Files Filesystem Links Archiving and Searching Files 4. Users and Groups Working with Users and Groups File and Directory Permissions Changing Users and Passwords 5. Installing Software Package Management 6. Shells Common Command Line Shells Environment Variables & Startup Files Input/Output Redirection Command History & Substitution 7. Utilities and File Editors Searching and Processing Text Networking at the Command Line File Transfer Text Editors and Converters 8. Process Management Process Information Foreground and Background Processes Managing Processes Scheduling Processes 9. Regular Expressions Regular Expressions, Searching, Replacing, Building 10. Bash Scripting Bash Scripting Basics, Control Structures, Loops 🌐 Linux101 References TCM - Mobile Application Penetration Testing 1. Introduction & Mobile Pentesting 2. Android Security 3. Android Lab Setup 4. Android Static Analysis 5. Android Dynamic Analysis 6. Android Bug Bounty 7. iOS Security 8. iOS Lab Setup 9. iOS Static Analysis 10. iOS Dynamic Analysis 11. iOS Bug Bounty 🌐 MAPT References TCM - Practical Ethical Hacking 1. Introduction & Networking 2. Lab Set Up, Linux & Python Intro to Kali Linux Intro to Python 3. The Ethical Hacker Methodology Information Gathering Scanning & Enumeration Vulnerability Scanning with Nessus Exploitation Basics Capstone Practical Labs 4. Active Directory Active Directory Lab AD - Initial Attack Vectors AD - Post-Compromise Enumeration AD - Post-Compromise Attacks AD - Additional Attacks AD - Case Studies 5. Post Exploitation 6. Web Application 7. Wireless Attacks 8. Legal Documentation & Report Writing 🌐 PEH References 🏠 syselement's Blog Home