Releases: syncfusion/ej2-vue-ui-components
Accumulation Chart
Bug Fixes
- The legend text size now updates correctly when resizing the accumulation chart.
Bug Fixes
- Data points in a multi-pane chart no longer collapse when zooming in canvas mode.#I641366
- The border for the multi-pane chart now renders correctly in canvas mode.#I640624
- The Moving Average trendline now functions as expected when the period is set to one.#I642177
- ThecolumnWidthInPixel
property now works correctly in the transposed stacked column chart.#I638097
- The scrollbar now functions properly during data binding.#I644765
- Series now renders properly when the axis interval is zero.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the page automatically scrolled to the top when users began typing in the masked datetime picker on iPad.
Bug Fixes
- The undo and redo actions work during swimlane deletion, even when the swimlane's delete constraint is disabled.#I638627
- The tooltip for the annotation is now visible when the text overflow is set to Ellipsis or Clip.#I595572
- The undefined exception will no longer be thrown when moving a node with Line Routing enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Now track changes working as expected when using collaboration.#I641336
- Resolved the text overlap issue in document uploading.#I636876
- Now script error does not get thrown when unmounting the DocumentEditor with collaboration.#I638548
- Resolved the issue of document stays loading.#I637068
- Now proper font family is updated for splitted Chinese text.#I618565
- Now text get highlighted properly if user clicks on comment.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the flat data navigation path and rename arguments issues in File Manager component.
Bug fixes
- Console error occurred when clickingfittoproject
issue has been fixed.#I643327
- Custom zooming levels using virtual mode throw a script error when zooming in and out issue has been fixed.#I641833
- Console error occurs while exporting pdf with empty data and critical path issue has been fixed.#I637794
- Pdf export issue with baselines not working properly issue has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- The script error that occurred when adding a new row with adateonly
column inBatch
edit mode has been resolved.#I643285
- The script error caused by the pager when using a custom locale has been resolved.#I641645
- Resolved the misalignment of print grid cells for lazy loading with multi-column grouping.#I638401
- InAdaptiveUI
Grid, the localization issue with the filter dialog header text is still present, but the issue with the filter icon title has been resolved.#I641453
- Fixed an issue where unsupported characters were present in thept
localization JSON files.#F194581
- Fixed an issue where theExcel
filter in the grid was not functioning correctly when localization was enabled.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the sticky notes annotation is correctly added when the PDF Viewer window is resized to a smaller size, with the sticky annotation option available in the toolbar dropdown menu.#I637865
- Now, the form field type updates properly when switching fields without adding in the PDF Viewer.#I637742
- Now, the annotations are not missing, and no script errors occur whenenableThumbnail
are enabled.#I634412
- Now, the stamp annotation is no longer missing when printing the imported annotations.
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- The cumulative percentage values will now be displayed correctly in the tooltip when hovering over the chart series of the Pareto chart.
- Issue with "Custom operator not working properly in QueryBuilder While dynamically change locale property" has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
- Now, the rich text editor properly sanitizes and encodes tab characters in JavaScript alerts. -
- Now, the bullet list format is properly removed when pasting content from MS Word in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, image duplication is prevented whenshiftEnterKey
is pressed on a paragraph in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, the format toolbar will be updated properly when the cursor is in front of the table. -
- Now, being typed with zero-width-space works without any console error. -
- Now, the width and height attributes of images will reflect their specified values, rather than defaulting toauto
, after insertion and replacement in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, whenenableResize
is set to true, the IFrame editor resize event will be unbound properly. -
- Now, the issue where the editor was lagging after inserting a mention value has been resolved. -
- Now the cutting and pasting list works properly in the rich text editor.
Bug fixes
- An issue where resizing was not functioning correctly in timeline views when using thestartHour
properties has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Issue with "image ID is not applied properly when inserting an image with an ID using theinsertImage
method" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now the issue with unable to navigate to the next step when the step's disabled state is dynamically updated in linear mode has been resolved. -
- Now the issue with progress bar misalignment during dynamic updates of the step label has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with the arguments returned in theselected
event of the Tab when using theremoveTab
method with hidden Tab items has been fixed.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the delete action would not function correctly when the expand/collapse icon was clicked repeatedly.F61804
- Fixed an issue where the selection was not clearing when a checkbox was selected and the row was expanded.
Bug Fixes
- The first label on the y-axis is now positioned correctly.
AI AssistView
Bug Fixes
- Now the issue with CSS syntax exception raised by the use of justifyContent property style in the AI AssistView has been resolved.
- Now we have provided localization support for the stop responding text in the AI AssistView.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the DataMatrix barcode is rendered properly with alphanumeric values.
Bug Fixes
- Now, multilevel axis labels are working properly when RTL is enabled.#I640682
- The border dash array now works properly for all series.#I640585
- Now, the range area series works properly when the middle point's x value is set to 0.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "checkbox state input element checked state was not update properly " has been resolved.
- Panels overlapping when adding a panel dynamically usingaddPanel
method in theVue
DashboardLayout component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, The connectors can connect to ports even when their visibility is set to hidden.#F194445
- The mouse cursor now updates correctly when entering the diagram canvas after changing tools at runtime.#I635135
- The tooltip for a node is now displayed correctly when the node is grouped at runtime.#I630934
- Now, The flipped annotations are readable when the corresponding node is flipped.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the inconsistent resizing behaviour observed with the modal dialog.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the Pie chart color issue in Blazor word processor.#I627890
- Resolved the error in opening the document.#I631391
- Resolved the Word Preview Freezes Browser issue.#I632707
- Resolved the issue of tables with complex structures that have cells wrapping to the next page are not rendered.#FB61513
- Resolved the error when saving track changes.#I631081
- Resolved the table looping issue while opening attached sfdt.#I638813
- Resolved the XSS vulnerability issue.#I635143
- Resolved the mailto issue in the Document editor.#I632855
- Resolved script error when try to download the document with unposted comments.#I627023
- Now SpellCheck API pass the custom header when using beforeXmlHttpRequestSend.#I631727
- Resolved the issue bullet points loses it style.#I636298
- Now stopProtectionAsync reject properly when entered wrong password.#I626464
- Resolved the Characters get hidden when typing multi languages with Track changes OFF.#I632911
- Resolved console warning for missing modules in document editor.#I630998
- Now able to add text after a content control when no other element is next to it.#I622732
- Resolved script error while delete content after search text.
- Added support for selecting revision in beforeAcceptRejectChanges event in document editor.#I568983
- Provided support to refer external font in Document Editor.
Bug fixes
- The issue with the selected item being incorrectly added to the popup in the dropdown list has been resolved.#I912588
- The issue with filtered selected item in the Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The scrolling performance of the File Manager component has been enhanced to enable smoother scrolling during drag-and-drop operations.#I633879
- Improved error handling and null value management in File Manager component create folder andfilterFiles
Bug fixes
- Parent dependency validation is not working properly issue has been fixed.#I632390
- While collapsing parent custom color applied for child disappeared issue has been fixed.#I635881
is set to custom non-working days are not disabled when editing the Start Date and End Date columns issue has been fixed.#I636598
- Duration field not updating in dialog box when setting the end Date as same as start Date issue has been fixed.#I635782
- When thePdfTrueTypeFont
property is used, the label value is not exported issue has been fixed.#I637078
- SettingfontSize
for labels does not working when exporting to pdf issue has been fixed.#I635774
- Portrait mode not working in pdf export while usingA0
page size issue has been fixed.#I632226
- Performance delay occur during load time issue has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- The issue with Excel custom filtering not working correctly with theNull
operators has been resolved.#FB61575
- The issue where the browser automatically scrolls to the grid when it is rendered with initially grouped columns has been resolved.#I630298
- The issue where thedataStateChange
event was not triggered when opening the filter menu for a Boolean column in custom data binding has been resolved.I640964
- Resolved a script error that occurred when editing was disabled inBatch
- Fixed an issue where clicking theClear
button in the sort responsive dialog incorrectly displayed all sort buttons text asNone
instead of their localized values.I639750
- Resolved a script error that occurred during the initial rendering ofauto-generated
columns when resizing was enabled.I638418
- Fixed a script error that occurred when opening thefilter
pop-up and navigating using the down arrow key.I635845
- Resolved misalignment issues that occurred when resizing aggregate columns along with frozen columns.
Image Editor
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Localization issue in ImageEditor" has been resolved.
- The issue with "redact with straightening not working properly" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the Kanban card filter and drag-and-drop functionality are now functioning properly, with only the filtered cards displayed when thefield
property is configured in bothsortSettings
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Toolbar button state not updated properly while drag and drop with filtering and disabled listbox items" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the notification dialog is not shown for search text with no matches whenshowNotificationDialog
API is set to false.#I636244
- Now, the annotation toolbar is programmatically opened on a mobile device using theshowAnnotationToolbar
- Now, the signature collection ID and ID from theaddSignature
event are the same on mobile devices.#F194443
- Now, the tooltip is properly removed when programmatically removing a form field tooltip using theupdateFormField
- Now, the PDF Viewer does not stop responding when searching the text.#I637275
- Now, the download option is disabled in mobile mode whenenableDownload
API is set to false.#I633438
- Now, the invalid file corrupted dialog closes automatically after a valid PDF document is loaded.#I619099
- Now, the delay in searching for text after completing text extraction has been reduced.#I635120
- Now, the undo and redo functions for free text annotations, as well as the ability to change alignment and font size using theeditAnnotation
method, are now functioning correctly.#I608686
- Now, a script error does not occur when trying to update and delete annotations simultaneously after importing them.#I635119
- Now, after programmatically highlighting and deleting text, the text will not be highlighted again unless a new selection is made, as the selection is cleared when the delete method is called programmatically.- Now, the close button is clickable across all size scenarios when the thumbnail container is resized.
- Now, the Form field data will be accurately preserved after scrolling, even when form fields with the same name are updated, and the form designer module is not included.
New Features
- Added support for retrieving page details, such as the current page size, page rotation and zoom factor, through thegetPageDetails
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- The pivot table will now work properly while dynamically disabling grouping with the pivot chart enabled.
Bug fixes
- An issue where a script error occurred when attempting to save an event after adding theNumericTextBox
component in the editor template has been resolved.#FB61371
- An issue affecting the identification of thestartTime
properties within theeventRenderedArgs
for spanned events in the Month view has been resolved.#I640650
- An issue where a script error occurred while settingsetWorkHours
in DST time has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Issue with "script error occurred when exporting to Excel with a filter set to the second sheet but not the first sheet" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the text indicators disappearing when the disabled property is updated dynamically in the stepper component has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the scroll position was not maintained correctly when usingenablePersistence
- The alignment issue with aggregates and treegrid columns has been fixed whenallowResizing
are enabled.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the collapseAll API not collapsing TreeView nodes correctly based on the specified node level in the TreeView component has been resolved.#I912588
- The issue with filtered selected item in the DropdownTree component has been fixed.
Accumulation Chart
Bug Fixes
- Now, the percentage values of the pie chart points are updated when the legend is clicked.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the chart height is set properly when applying the scale.#I636350
- Now, the y-axis label is rendered properly when rotation is enabled.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "When addingsubmenu
item dynamically the parent menu item was returned wrongly in select event" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, selector renders for newly added phase at runtime.#I632361
- Now, Node will be draggable inside swimlane after adding new phase at run time.#I632374
- Now, Height and Width of the lane will be updated properly.#I632335
- Now, Node selection is restricted on diagram focus.#I632371
- The resize cursor now updates correctly when hovering over the phase line.#I632404
- Now, Rotating the flipped node will rotates its annotation along with the node.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the console error thrown when opening attached SFDT document.#I630929
- Resolved the content not syncing properly after removing content control at the end of the document.#I627161
- Resolved the RTL text formatting issue in Document Editor.
Bug Fixes
- Nodes with selectable as false cannot be expanded or collapsed using keyboard inDropdown Tree
has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Manual parent taskbar pdf export is not working properly issue has been fixed.#I634832
- The issue aboutisShiftPressed
property in the row selecting event was not maintained properly has been fixed.#I633271
- Changing the events hitting order and addrowPosition
property inactionBegin
event issue has been fixed#I634857
- Parent dependency validation is not working properly issue has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- The issue where Virtualization loads indefinitely after applying Grouping, Filtering and scroll to the end has been resolved.#F194538
- The issue where theUpdateCell
method does not change the value of the primary key column in a newly added record before saving in batch mode has been resolved.#I633129
- The issue where theIEditCell
interface did not support theTextBoxModel
property has been resolved.#I633624
- The issue where the focus was moved out of the column chooser dialog when pressing the tab key on the cancel button has been resolved.#I633945
- The issue where added records were not displayed while usingCustomDataAdaptor
with batch editing mode has been resolved.#FB61502
- Resolved the script error occurs when enter key press with column spanning and hidden columns.#I628507
- The issue where the reorder the stacked header with frozen column not working properly has been resolved.
Image Editor
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "text annotation not proper in transformed state" has been resolved.
- The issue with "image annotation not working properly in safari browser" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the drag-and-drop functionality for the kanban cards is now working properly without any errors when the configuration includes thefield
property in bothsortSettings
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Handle the toolbar button state while filtering with disabled listbox items" has been resolved.#I625107
- Issue with "The listbox Item template with filtering action related issues" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the form field index is correctly calculated, andNaN
is no longer added to the form field name when creating new fields from the designer in PDF Viewer.#I634439
- Now, the value of the dropdown field name does not set to null in theformFieldCollections
when theenableFormDesigner
API is disabled.#I631901
- Now, the keyboard shortcuts for theOpenOption
are disabled when theOpenOption
item is not included in the toolbar.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Script error thrown while adding the new condition in complex data binding sample with template in angular" has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now, decreasing the indent for list items correctly preserves the paragraph format instead of converting them into a single paragraph in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, the issue where applying a list or alignment at the last line in Firefox caused the page to scroll to the top when the Rich Text Editor was rendered in aniframe
has been successfully resolved. -
- Now, Resolved an issue where pasting mention chips inside a<span>
resulted in unnecessary nested<span>
tags in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, inserting the link with a URL as multiple spaces using the link dialog is prevented in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, the order list start attribute is maintained while copying and pasting content from Word document in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, the tooltip for custom toolbar items works properly in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, the Iframe editor's table border styles are handled with class names instead of tags. -
Now the default font size and font family will be applied to the editor when the Iframe mode is enabled.
Now the browser spell check will work when the Iframe mode is enabled.
Now the editor content will have proper line height when the Iframe mode is enabled.
Now the Iframe editor's body element will have the class name
and then id. -
Now, the issue where the page would scroll with the Iframe editor
set toauto
when the table quick toolbar was opened has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue with the schedule component tooltip rendering outside the viewport has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- The border styles will now display correctly when printing a sheet or workbook.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Need to set the aria-label attribute for the checkbox input element and not to the wrapper element" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where the “aria-disabled” attribute value did not update properly when dynamically enabling and disabling the ComboBox has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Context menu reopens after selecting options quickly" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue where the "DateTimePicker Mask" was not functioning correctly after deletion using the keyboard.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the Fixed user handle visibility works properly.#I629696
- Now, the image node is exported properly with every export region settings.#F194390
- Now, Annotation will render based on its width if defined.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the paragraph shifting issue when pasting text content.#I626306
- Resolved the font family and page content is not rendered properly.
Bug Fixes
- Console error on initial rendering ofDropdown Tree
when settingcheckDisabledChildren
to false with additional htmlAttributes has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Custom column not refreshed properly while indent and outdent issue has been fixed.#I631776
- Dates given in the data source are not displayed same as segment data source issue has been fixed.#I633422
- Incorrect start date updated usingupdateRecordByID
issue has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- TheCSP
issue when usingCustomDataAdaptor
has been resolved.#I631247
- The issue with delete icon is disabled in toolbar when the griddataSource
is empty with Batch edit has been resolved.#I630777
- The issue where Virtualization not working properly with specificpageSize
values has been resolved.#I634165
- The issue with the Grid auto-saving the cell while using theuploader
component with batch editing has been resolved.
Image Editor
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "undo-redo collection updated multiple times while customizing arrow annotation" has been resolved.
- The issue with "Image Editor arrow intersection point is improper" has bee resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "listboxRemoveItems
method performance issue occurs while using large number items" has been resolved.#I625107
- Issue with "Prevent the default sorting action for custom data from filtering updateData method" has been resolved.#I628439
- Issue with "Dual listbox sample move function not working properly with disabled items" has been resolved.#I904248
- Issue with "TheremoveItems
method not working properly after drag and drop and specific the index value" has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, the context menu for form fields opens properly in desktop touch mode.#I630341
- Now, the text is properly aligned in the freetext annotation when using the subject property.#I629789
- Now, theIsDocumentEdited
property set to false when loading the customer provided PDF document.#I632424
- Now, the object reference error won't occur when downloading with the dropdown field after updating the dropdown options programmatically.#I627479
- Now, the browse button is working properly when dynamically changing enableFormFields API value.#I635120
- Now, After adding a freetext, changing the alignment and font size, the undo and redo functions working properly.#I635116
- Now, Freetext annotation appeared properly when update the alignment styling.#I635117
- Now, the undo and redo actions is properly working when perform the cut and paste action.#I630883
- Now, resizing the form field on the first page doesn't hide the form field on the third page.#I630441
- Now, thepageMouseover
event is triggered without annotation and form designer modules.
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- The drill-through popup will now display the proper data when using the Pivot Table with the server-side engine and DataTable.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Background color issue for disabled unselect radio button in bootstrap5 theme" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, pressing the delete key when the cursor is at the end of the container correctly removes the correctbr
tag in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, theInsert
button is disabled in the image dialog when the selected image size exceeds the maximum file size. -
- Now, thebeforePasteCleanup
event argumentsValue
is not empty when content is copied and pasted from the Adobe Acrobat PDF read. -
- Now, Border right will appear when pasting from the Excel in the Rich Text Editor.
Bug fixes
- An issue where the appointment drag position is not updating according to the mouse cursor in the vertical views of the schedule has been fixed.#I569000
- The issue with the current time indicator displaying discrepancies compared to the time scale on the start and end days of daylight saving time in the vertical view has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the close arguments event value showing as null when performing a swipe action in the Sidebar component has been resolved. -
- An issue with Sidebar component while utilizing multiple sidebars withcloseOnDocumentClick
property has been resolved.
Stock Chart
Bug Fixes
- The crosshair tooltip now displays correctly on the axis labels.
- An alignment issue while utilizingcontent
property as template in Timeline component has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Last record removed during virtual scroll issue has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the console error that occurred when dragging tree items in the TreeView component while using the Firefox browser.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "the memory leak on the Vue Grid when rendering the row template" has been resolved.
Accumulation Chart
- Now, the group separator will work for both the tooltip x-point and the legend text.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the DataMatrix barcode is rendered properly with alphanumeric values.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "we need to prevent the popup from closing until amultiselect
value is selected in breadcrumb component" has been resolved.
- Now, the spline range area chart will handle null values properly.
Circular Gauge
Bug fixes
- The annotations will now render correctly when templates are provided through functions.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Hovering style for primary button of color picker in bootstrap 5 theme" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Context menu reopens after selecting options quickly" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "performance delay in the popup open while entering invalid start or end date value" has been resolved.
- The DateTimePicker used provides options to define the range of selectable times through the minTime and maxTime properties. These properties ensure that users can only select times within the specified range, while times outside this range are restricted. Please find the demo link here.
Key Features:
- MinTime: Specifies the minimum time value that can be selected.
- MaxTime: Specifies the maximum time value that can be selected.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the layout renders properly without considering boundary constraints.#I628018
- Now, Flipping the group node properly rendered and rotation properly worked for the child nodes.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the Heap memory increasing issue even after destroying the component.#I624644
- Improved the performance of rendering border for content control.#I627238
- Resolved formatting different when layouting the document.#I625566
- Content control with multiple paragraph now exported properly.#I626922
- Resolved script error when highlighting edit range.#I624612
- Nested table border is not render properly.#I627042
- Alert message it now shown properly when opening broken sfdt.#I624582
- Formatting now preserved properly when copy/paste content from excel document.
Bug Fixes
- Issue in DropDownButton Popup Alignment issue while settingenableRtl
property as true has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue when the window is resizing the popup position is misaligned
New Features
- Provided support to prevent the check action of disabled child nodes usingcheckDisabledChildren
- Provided valueTemplate support to customize the display of selected values in the Dropdown Tree component.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where, when multi selection is enabled, selected items were just appended into one string for the aria-label in the Dropdown Tree has been resolved.#I630411
- Facing an console error when all nodes are not selectable while opening the popup in the Dropdown Tree component have been resolved.#I624932
- Multiple focus issue when enabled the showSelectAll and allowFiltering properties in the Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.#I625088
- The issue with selected field in the Dropdown Tree component has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Change the event argument action property value while deleting dependency issue has been fixed.#I629758
- Console error while deleting last record with undo redo and styles not persists in notes tab in dialog issues has been fixed.#I631900
- Script error occurs while deleting last record when undo redo support is enabled issue has been fixed.#I625233
- Timeline cell disappeared duringDST
issue has been fixed.#I631255
- Incorrect left is updated duringDST
issue has been fixed.#I628433
- When adding a dependency to an unscheduled task, an exception is thrown issue has been fixed.#I632390
- While collapsing parent custom color applied for child disappeared issue has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- The issue with adding/editing when the grid component is rendered inside the Dialog component has been resolved.#I628534
- The problem with theBatchDelete
event arguments not being correct during bulk delete actions has been resolved.#I631245
- The issue with the Cancel Interface in thebeforeDataBound
event arguments has been resolved.#FB61172
- The issue with padding being added to the first cell during grid cell selection in the Material 3 theme has been resolved.#FB60975
- The issue where the cell was not highlighted when selecting a row using a method in the EJ2 Grid has been resolved.#I630248
- The issue where theminWidth
was not respected during window resizing has been resolved.#I629597
- The issue with excel custom filter with the second empty filter not applied to the grid has been resolved.#I631424
- The issue where theAutoFill
position was not adjusted to corresponding cells when resizing the window has been resolved.#I633357
- The issue with vertical expansion when dragging with long names and text wrap enabled has been resolved.#I629718
- Grid didn't rendered properly while using the individual scripts has been fixed.#I632793
is not working properly has been resolved.#I628424
- Header indent cell overlapped in a stacked frozen grid with grouped columns is fixed.
New Features
- HeatMap's axis labels can now include line break characters.#I287338
- Label templates can be displayed in place of cell labels to provide additional information.
Image Editor
- Added new action types 'resize-start' and 'resize-end' to the selectionChanging event. The event triggers 'resize-start' when resizing begins and 'resize-end' when resizing ends.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Localization issue in ImageEditor" has been resolved.#I629743
- The issue with "zoomed event not triggered for mousewheel zoom" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with "Prevent the default sorting action for custom data from filtering updateData method" has been resolved.#I628439
- Issue with "Dual listbox sample move function not working properly with disabled items" has been resolved.#I904248
- Issue with "TheremoveItems
method not working properly after drag and drop and specific the index value" has been resolved.
New Features
- An animation transition will now occur when the data labels are first rendered.
Bug Fixes
- The tooltip will now be displayed properly above the marker templates.
- The Mention provides options for individual items to be in either an enabled or disabled state for specific scenarios. Once an item is disabled, it cannot be selected as a value for the component. This is particularly useful for disabling options such as out-of-stock products or inactive account types. To configure the disabled item columns, use the 'fields.disabled' property. Please find the demo link here.
Bug Fixes
- Mention popup value not updating in textbox when using mouse interaction has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "the close icon being misaligned when the content alignment was set to centre" has been resolved.
MultiColumn ComboBox
Bug Fixes
- Now the issue with selection state not updated when grouping is enabled in the Multicolumn ComboBox has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the performance issue when multiselect component is rendered with large number of data.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, stamp annotation is saved properly when adding custom Data property.#I631717
- Now, Free text author and comment characters are not changed when importing the exported annotation.#I632150
- Now, the handwritten signature is properly selected after being added to the PDF viewer on a mobile device.#I626892
- Now, the large document opens instandalone
PDF Viewer.#I632511
- Now, the fetch request is not sent if the URL is set to the document path on the Server-Backed PDF Viewer.#I632378
- Now, copy paste is working with formfields whenenableFormDesigner
as false.#I631207
- Now, thetextmarkup
annotations are not unselected when changing the properties programmatically.
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- The pivot chart will now render properly when the
property is changed dynamically with the toolbar option enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with While setting rule value as an empty string the rule was not created in QueryBuilder has been fixed.#I594200
- Issue with Script error thrown while filtering the field items of complex data binding in angular has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now, In localization, different text are used in alternative text quick toolbar item and alternative text dialog header. -
- Now, the ordered and unordered lists are now rendered properly in the table when ...
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the alignment issue column (spacing and width) in the page setup dialog box.#I620813
- Resolved the script error issue when exporting the attached document.#I618994
- Resolved the script error issue when copy pasting content for the given document.#I620006
- Resolved the content overlapping issue when copy pasting external text.#I625188
- Resolved the multi column content copying issue.#I624334
- Resolved the error when using text only option.#I623974
- Resolved the line spacing issue after selecting text only in paste options.#I618565
- Resolved the Issue appears while editing the track change document.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the first and last points are rendered properly in the bar chart when using the category axis.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where the "Change Event Was Not Triggered When Removing Bound Value Using the Backspace Key" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the alignment issue column (spacing and width) in the page setup dialog box.#I620813
- Resolved the script error issue when exporting the attached document.#I618994
- Resolved the script error issue when copy pasting content for the given document.#I620006
- Resolved the content overlapping issue when copy pasting external text.#I625188
- Resolved the multi column content copying issue.#I624334
- Resolved the error when using text only option.#I623974
- Resolved the line spacing issue after selecting text only in paste options.#I618565
- Resolved the Issue appears while editing the track change document.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where, when multi selection is enabled, selected items were just appended into one string for the aria-label in the Dropdown Tree has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Separator size property in splitter settings not working properly issue has been fixed.#I627377
property is not working properly withcollapseAllParentTasks
property enabled issue has been fixed.#I519903
- Spinner showing endlessly with null value filtering issue has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- The issue with an extra border appearing on the last record during row drag-and-drop in the grid has been resolved.#FB60521
- The issue with the search button being a different size from the other buttons has been resolved.#I611432
- Additional request sent issue when checkbox column with field has been resolved.#FB60567
- Cookies could not be sent with the request headers when usingcustomAdaptor
that extends theUrlAdaptor
is resolved.#F193989
- Resolved the issue whereVue3
is not correctly printing and exporting custom templates.#I626077
- Resolved the issue where Batch edit through keyboard tab navigation is not working properly for numeric textbox template column.#I902432
- Accessibility issue with thecheckbox
when focusing on thecheckbox header
initially has been resolved.#FB60740
- Issue with initial grouping and sorting in the grid has been resolved.
Image Editor
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "On initial load the ImageEditor component's image cannot fit within the canvas while using the toolbar template" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The console issue while navigating within the nested ListView component has been resolved. -
- The issue with the ListView component's select event cancellation argument not functioning has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- TheIsDocumentEdited
API does not return true for documents with form fields.#I620047
- Now, the text markup annotation rotation is correctly rendered after rotating the PDF pages.#I625999
- Now, the free text annotation font size is updating properly.#I620349
- Now, theFormFieldPropertiesChange
event is triggered when adding or deleting the dropdown options.#I622415
- Now, the able to copy text from the input box of the search dialog.#I626450
- Now, no more console errors occur when focusing on the PDF Viewer.#I626966
- The invalid behavior of font alignment and font color tools in theannotationToolbarItems
has been resolved now.#I626108
- The polygon annotation is now preserved properly when adding and rotating the pages.
Bug fixes
- The width of pivot table column headers will now be updated properly when the pivot table width is specified in 'px'.
Bug Fixes
- Now, copying a single item within an ordered list and pasting it back into the same list item works properly in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, applying bold and then using the Ctrl + a to select the mention issue is fixed.
Bug fixes
- An issue where the tooltip shows the wrong end time value when the start and end of the appointment are the same has been fixed.#FB60391
- Deleted recurrence appointment added into thechangedRecords
instead ofdeletedRecords
and upon clickingYES
in the series edit confirmation alert to delete the individual occurrences the deleted records not included in thedeletedRecords
in theactionBegin
event has been fixed.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the unwantedactionFailure
event triggered when height and width were given in pixels.#F60579
- Added an interface or type for the column template event handler.
- Fixed an issue where the ActionComplete event did not return file data properly.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where the "Change Event Was Not Triggered When Removing Bound Value Using the Backspace Key" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where, when multi selection is enabled, selected items were just appended into one string for the aria-label in the Dropdown Tree has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- TheIsDocumentEdited
API does not return true for documents with form fields.#I620047
- Now, the text markup annotation rotation is correctly rendered after rotating the PDF pages.#I625999
- Now, the free text annotation font size is updating properly.#I620349
- Now, theFormFieldPropertiesChange
event is triggered when adding or deleting the dropdown options.#I622415
- Now, the able to copy text from the input box of the search dialog.#I626450
- Now, no more console errors occur when focusing on the PDF Viewer.#I626966
- The invalid behavior of font alignment and font color tools in theannotationToolbarItems
has been resolved now.#I626108
- The polygon annotation is now preserved properly when adding and rotating the pages.
Bug Fixes
- Now, when pressing the Backspace key on indented text, the indentation is decreased by one level in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, applying bold and then using the @ character to open the mention popup is fixed.
- Fixed an issue where the ActionComplete event did not return file data properly.
Bug Fixes
- Now, the pareto chart will render properly when specifying the axis name in the pareto series.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the DateTimePicker popup was not visible in mobile mode due to a fixed z-index value set in the CSS.
Bug Fixes
- Now,the connections are getting blocked while setting arguments cancel as "true".
Bug fixes
- An unwanted error message is thrown in the actionFailure
event issues has been fixed.
- Negative offset getting removed while using locale has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- The issue where settingargs.cancel
to true in therowDeselecting
event caused a script error when selection persistence was enabled without a checkbox column has been resolved.#FB60504
- The issue of the grid ignoring the stacked header during printing has been resolved.#I620165
- Focus issue whenenableColumnVirtualization
is enabled with freeze columns has been resolved.#FB60430
- The problem with the Shimmer effect behaviour during Pagination has been resolved.#I621511
- Resolved the script error that occurs when opening the column chooser in adaptive mode.#I624131
- The issue where the columnautoFit
property was ignored, even withresizeSettings
mode set to normal when applying other column width property values as auto, has been resolved.#I621704
- The issue with tab navigation not working properly with the toolbar search has been resolved.#I621707
- The problem with the layout when using a custom toolbar inAdaptive UI
has been resolved.#FB60195
- The issue where the hierarchy grid export was not working correctly when passing columns in the export properties has been resolved.
MultiColumn ComboBox
Bug fixes
- Now the issue with custom filtering, dynamic data is not filtered correctly with or without query parameters has now been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- TheIsDocumentEdited
API does not return true for documents with form fields.#I620047
- Now, the text markup annotation rotation is correctly rendered after rotating the PDF pages.#I625999
- Now, the free text annotation font size is updating properly.#I620349
- Now, theFormFieldPropertiesChange
event is triggered when adding or deleting the dropdown options.#I622415
- Now, the able to copy text from the input box of the search dialog.#I626450
- Now, no more console errors occur when focusing on the PDF Viewer.#I626966
- The invalid behavior of font alignment and font color tools in theannotationToolbarItems
has been resolved now.#I626108
- The polygon annotation is now preserved properly when adding and rotating the pages.
Bug Fixes
- Now, merging cells across two or more rows in a table that are copied and pasted from the Excel sheet will work properly. -
- Now, copying a single item within an ordered list and pasting it back into the same list item works properly in the Rich Text Editor.
Bug Fixes
- Now the script error raised when resizing the page with the Stepper navigated between pages has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where thehasChildRecords
property value was not being updated correctly.#F60854
- Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown when clicking on a row while using thefilterTemplate
Bug Fixes
- Now, the DataMatrix barcode is rendered properly with alphanumeric values.
Bug Fixes
- Now the step is applied properly from left and right of the points in the range step area.#I623859
- Now the maximum range for waterfall series is calculated properly.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with "Facing a flickering issue with the ContextMenu component on a Mac device" has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue where toggling the visibility of the date range picker caused a memory leak.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the TimePicker popup was not opening at the center on mobile devices.
Bug Fixes
- Now,Connector routing is proper while setting the segment direction as "Left".#I589528
- Now, Diagram scrolling is smooth while scrolling with Track Pad in Mac.#I616888
- Now, Highlighters for Connector Element Draw with user handle update properly.#I616041
- Now,exception will not occur for self-loop in layouts.#I615229
- ConnectionChange event fired while using connector draw function.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the time delay issue when opening the provided documents.#I616985
- Resolved the issue that searching the content present in the document displays as no matches found.#I622039
- Resolved the track changes pane is not opening while deleting changes.#I608091
- Resolved the content overlapping issue when using insert text method.#I618189
- Resolved the paging issue printing documents in landscape mode.#F191318
- Resolved the double click behaviour changes.#F193935
- Resolved the control freeze issue when preforming accept all action.#I605284
- Paragraph marks in the Track Changes pane are now shown or hidden according to the value of theshowHiddenMarks
- Added support for context based paste options.
Bug Fixes
- The issue where the value property was not updating dynamically has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- ProvidedmenuClose
event support to prevent the context menu close action in File Manager component.#I615927
- The issue with the drag and drop action in the navigation pane of the File Manager component has been resolved.#I608803
- The issue with the copy and paste a folder within File Manager component navigation pane has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- White space issue occurs after horizontal scrolling withenableTimelineVirtualization
issue has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- XSS Vulnerability in thefilterByColumn
Method has been resolved.#I618398
- The issue with the 'Blanks' filter option has been resolved.#I604038
- The issue with maintaining text formatting in the edit dialog for a multiline TextBox in the Grid UI has been resolved.#I615271
- The issue with selected dropdown value is not saved in the grid when usingeditTemplate
has been resolved.#I902455
- The issue with Dot character search asNaN
issue has been resolved.#I621020
- Frozen grid withcolumnVirtualization
not properly rendered issue has been resolved.#I617987
- Double request issue whenpageSize
higher thantotalRecordCount
is resolved.#I616111
- The issue with the foreign column using a remote data manager, where values were only retrieved when the column was displayed, has been resolved.#I617475
- When enabling AutoFit for certain columns, the aggregate row becomes misaligned issue has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with the scroll position when dynamically updating thedataSource
in the ListView component has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the misalignment of footer elements in the MultiSelect popup on mobile devices. -
- Fixed an exception that occurred when re-rendering the multiselect component inside the scheduler by clicking the scheduler navigation icon. -
- Fixed the issue where ItemData returned null in the removed event argument when the value was cleared. -
- Fixed the issue where the Clear Icon fails to create a placeholder in MultiSelect after the selection is reset.
PDF Viewer
Bug Fixes
- Now, able to insert capitalH
in multiline textbox fields in PDF Viewer when holdingSHIFT
- Now, able to insert capitalH
in search text in PDF Viewer when holdingSHIFT
- Now, the annotation select event is triggered in provided document.#I624012
- Now, the font size of the type signature is correctly preserved in the downloaded document.#I618143
- Now, the password-protected PDF document is properly exported to an image using the server library.
Bug fixes
- Member sorting will now be performed correctly for negative numbers when using number grouping in the pivot table.#I620602
- The report settings will now be maintained correctly when switching between reports with grouping applied in the pivot table.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with value after comma in Numeric textbox QueryBuilder being deleted has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Now, Pasting images from the OTD word document file functions correctly in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now,decimal-leading-zero
list type is preserved correctly when pasting list content from MS Word in the Rich Text Editor -
- Now, space key working properly when space key is pressed in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, resolved the issue where pasted images were uploaded twice, currentTarget was null, and the success message popup appeared twice in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, the cursor will be visible when pressing the enter key and reaches the bottom of the Rich Text Editor when the container element's height and scroll style are manually set.
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the issue with tooltip positioning in Angular when using the component within a template.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the filter menudialog
would not close after performing a filter or cancel action when utilizing thefilterTemplate
- Fixed an issue where the ActionComplete event was not triggered after a file upload.