diff --git a/packages/synapse-interface/components/Maintenance/README.md b/packages/synapse-interface/components/Maintenance/README.md
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+# Maintenance Instructions
+This guide explains how to use the Maintenance feature of the Synapse Interface Webapp to pause a chain or bridge module.
+## How it works
+There are a few maintenance components implemented around the app:
+1. Banner - located at the top of the page.
+2. Countdown Progress Bar - located at the top of Bridge / Swap cards.
+3. Warning Message - located below the input UI in Bridge / Swap cards.
+These components ingest data fetched from the following JSON files:
+- [Pause Chains JSON](https://github.com/synapsecns/sanguine/blob/master/packages/synapse-interface/public/pauses/v1/paused-chains.json)
+- [Pause Bridge Modules JSON](https://github.com/synapsecns/sanguine/blob/master/packages/synapse-interface/public/pauses/v1/paused-bridge-modules.json)
+To control when the Banner, Countdown Progress Bar, and Warning Message components are displayed, update the [Pause Chains JSON](https://github.com/synapsecns/sanguine/blob/master/packages/synapse-interface/public/pauses/v1/paused-chains.json).
+To specify which bridge modules (SynapseRFQ, SynapseBridge, or SynapseCCTP) are paused, update the [Pause Bridge Modules JSON](https://github.com/synapsecns/sanguine/blob/master/packages/synapse-interface/public/pauses/v1/paused-bridge-modules.json).
+After updating the proper JSON files, the following steps must be taken to ensure the production webapp reflects the changes made:
+1. Merge the new branch into `master`
+2. Merge `master` branch into `fe-release` branch
+After Step 1 is completed, the [Github Pages](https://github.com/synapsecns/sanguine/deployments/github-pages) must finish building for the respective branch to take effect on the production webapp.
+Although completing Step 1 will already reflect changes in the webapp, Step 2 is required in the slim chance that the github API is down, so that the production webapp can use the local JSON files as a reliable backup data source.
+## Chain Pause
+You can pause the Bridge and Swap functionalities on specific chains using their chainIds. Pauses can be applied independently to Bridge or Swap functions, or to both simultaneously.
+For Bridge functionality, you can specify the origin and destination chainIds to pause. For Swap functionality, you can pause a chain either by including the specific chainId in either the origin or destination. You can set a start and end time for the pause, or leave it indefinite if the duration is uncertain.
+Additionally, you can control which components are displayed during the pause event.
+### Chain Pause Props
+Unique ID used to distinguish maintenance component instances. Use 'EVENT_NAME-pause' format. (e.g: arbitrum-chain-pause)
+An array containing origin chainIds to pause.
+An array containing destination chainIds to pause.
+Boolean indicating whether to pause Bridge functionality.
+Boolean indicating whether to pause Swap functionality.
+UTC time of when to start chain(s) pause.
+UTC time of when to end chain(s) pause. If null, chain(s) pause will continue indefinitely.
+UTC time of when to start displaying Banner.
+UTC time of when to end displaying Banner. If null, Banner will display indefinitely.
+String to display in Warning Message shown in Bridge or Swap card.
+String to display in Banner.
+String to display in Countdown Progress Bar.
+Boolean indicating whether to hide Banner.
+Boolean indicating whether to hide Warning Message in Bridge or Swap card.
+Boolean indicating whether to hide Countdown Progress Bar.
+### Example
+ [
+ // Bridge Pause
+ {
+ "id": "base-chain-pause",
+ "pausedFromChains": [8453],
+ "pausedToChains": [8453],
+ "pauseBridge": true,
+ "pauseSwap": false,
+ "startTimePauseChain": "2024-04-12T17:41:00Z",
+ "endTimePauseChain": null,
+ "startTimeBanner": "2024-04-12T04:40:00Z",
+ "endTimeBanner": null,
+ "inputWarningMessage": "Base bridging is paused until maintenance is complete.",
+ "bannerMessage": "Base bridging is paused until maintenance is complete.",
+ "progressBarMessage": "Base maintenance in progress",
+ "disableBanner": false,
+ "disableWarning": false,
+ "disableCountdown": false
+ },
+ {
+ "id": "ecotone-fork-pause",
+ "pausedFromChains": [10, 8453],
+ "pausedToChains": [10, 8453],
+ "pauseBridge": true,
+ "pauseSwap": false,
+ "startTimePauseChain": "2024-03-13T23:35:00Z",
+ "endTimePauseChain": "2024-03-14T00:25:00Z",
+ "startTimeBanner": "2024-03-13T23:20:00Z",
+ "endTimeBanner": "2024-03-14T00:25:00Z",
+ "inputWarningMessage": "",
+ "bannerMessage": "Optimism + Base Bridging will be paused 10 minutes ahead of Ecotone (March 14 00:00 UTC, 20:00 EST). Will be back online shortly following the network upgrade.",
+ "progressBarMessage": "Ecotone Fork maintenance in progress",
+ "disableBanner": false,
+ "disableWarning": true,
+ "disableCountdown": false
+ },
+ // Swap Pause
+ {
+ "id": "arbitrum-swap-pause",
+ "pausedFromChains": [42161],
+ "pausedToChains": [42161],
+ "pauseBridge": false,
+ "pauseSwap": true,
+ "startTimePauseChain": "2024-03-13T23:35:00Z",
+ "endTimePauseChain": "2024-03-14T00:25:00Z",
+ "startTimeBanner": "2024-03-13T23:20:00Z",
+ "endTimeBanner": "2024-03-14T00:25:00Z",
+ "inputWarningMessage": "Swapping on Arbitrum is paused until maintenance is complete.",
+ "bannerMessage": "Swapping on Arbitrum is paused until maintenance is complete.",
+ "progressBarMessage": "Arbitrum maintenance in progress",
+ "disableBanner": false,
+ "disableWarning": false,
+ "disableCountdown": false
+ }
+ ]
+## Bridge Module Pause
+You can pause a specific bridge module on a given chain. Currently, there are the following bridge modules:
+- SynapseRFQ
+- SynapseCCTP
+- SynapseBridge
+### Bridge Module Pause Props
+Chain ID of Chain to pause specific bridge module.
+Accepts 'SynapseRFQ', 'SynapseBridge', 'SynapseCCTP', or 'ALL'. If selecting 'ALL', all bridge modules will be paused for respective chainId.
+### Example
+ [
+ {
+ "chainId": 42161,
+ "bridgeModuleName": "ALL"
+ },
+ {
+ "chainId": 10,
+ "bridgeModuleName": "SynapseRFQ"
+ },
+ {
+ "chainId": 10,
+ "bridgeModuleName": "SynapseCCTP"
+ },
+ {
+ "chainId": 8453,
+ "bridgeModuleName": "SynapseBridge"
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/packages/synapse-interface/components/Maintenance/images/maintenance-banner.png b/packages/synapse-interface/components/Maintenance/images/maintenance-banner.png
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index 0000000000..3a2f31db5d
Binary files /dev/null and b/packages/synapse-interface/components/Maintenance/images/maintenance-bridge-card.png differ