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How to construct the App'.

Sylvain M edited this page Nov 26, 2016 · 5 revisions

over Jenkins

Jenkins construct deploy and store sensitive files

$> docker build . -t sylvek/jenkins
$> docker run --rm --privileged --name jenkins -p 8080:8080 -u 0 -v /Users/sylvek/Documents/docker-folder/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home sylvek/jenkins
$> echo "create a job that points to and use the Jenkinsfile"

over Fastlane

Fastlane construct and deploy the app'

$> fastlane android deploy keystore:${KEYSTORE_PATH} password:${KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}
$> echo "you have to deliver a keystore file and a json key file"

without fastlane on your computer (but with rbenv)

$> #
$> brew install rbenv
$> rbenv install -s
$> ~/.rbenv/shims/gem install bundler
$> bundler install --path .gem
$> bundle update
$> bundle exec fastlane android deploy keystore:${KEYSTORE_PATH} password:${KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}
$> echo "you have to deliver a keystore file and a json key file"

over Gradle

Gradle construct the app'

$> ./gradlew assembleRelease -Pkeystore=${KEYSTORE_PATH} -Ppassword=${KEYSTORE_PASSWORD}
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