allows users to build Singularity Image Format (SIF) images via Singularity Container Services or Singularity Enterprise without the need to install and configure Singularity.
Obtain an access token from Singularity Container Services or Singularity Enterprise installation, and export it in the environment:
To build an image, tag it and publish it directly to the Library:
# Singularity Container Services (
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
sylabsio/scs-build build /work/recipe.def library:<entity>/default/image:latest
# Singularity Enterprise (replace "cloud.enterprise.local" with your installation host name)
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
sylabsio/scs-build build /work/recipe.def library://cloud.enterprise.local/<entity>/default/image:latest
To build an image and retrieve it:
# Singularity Container Services (
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
sylabsio/scs-build build /work/recipe.def /work/image.sif
# Singularity Enterprise (replace "cloud.enterprise.local" with your installation host name)
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
sylabsio/scs-build build --url https://cloud.enterprise.local /work/recipe.def /work/image.sif
Build an image, sign it using PGP key matching fingerprint, and publish directly to the library:
# Singularity Container Services (
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
-v ~/.gnupg:/gnupg:ro \
sylabsio/scs-build build /work/recipe.def library://cloud.enterprise.local/<entity>/default/image:latest \
--keyring /gnupg/secring.gpg --fingerprint ABABABABABA
# Singularity Enterprise (replace "cloud.enterprise.local" with your installation host name)
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
-v ~/.gnupg:/gnupg:ro \
sylabsio/scs-build build /work/recipe.def library://cloud.enterprise.local/<entity>/default/image:latest \
--url https://cloud.enterprise.local \
--keyring /gnupg/secring.gpg --fingerprint ABABABABABA
Build an image, sign it using key 1 from the keyring, and retrieve it:
# Singularity Container Services (
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
-v ~/.gnupg:/gnupg:ro \
sylabsio/scs-build build /work/recipe.def /work/image.sif \
--keyring /gnupg/secring.gpg --keyidx 1 \
# Singularity Enterprise (replace "cloud.enterprise.local" with your installation host name)
docker run -e SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN \
-u $(id -u) -v `pwd`:/work \
-v ~/.gnupg:/gnupg:ro \
sylabsio/scs-build build --url https://cloud.enterprise.local /work/recipe.def /work/image.sif \
--keyring /gnupg/secring.gpg --keyidx 1
Be sure to substitute <entity>
appropriately (generally your username.)
Create a secret named SYLABS_AUTH_TOKEN
containing access token obtained from "Access Tokens" in Singularity Container Services.
See examples/github-actions-ci.yaml for an example configuration.
Example gitlab-ci.yml is configured to build using file alpine.def
contained within the project directory.
This example configuration will store the build artifact (in this case, artifact.sif
) within GitLab. Using a library reference (ie. library:myuser/myproject/image
) will result in the build artifact automatically being pushed to Singularity Container Services or a local Singularity Enterprise installation.