Files for producing spectral and spectral-spatial prewinding RF pulses for MRI
Based on S. N. Williams, J-F. Nielsen, J.A. Fessler, and D.C. Noll, "Design of spectral-spatial phase prewinding pulses and their use in small-tip fast recovery steady-state imaging", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2017
Files found at:
main files:
-example.m runs example design/plots on human data
-PrewindingPulse.mat human data for pulse design and simulation
-prewinding_pulse.m sets up spectral and spectral-spatial RF pulse design
-spectralRF.m spectral prewinding design
-spectralspatialRF.m spectral prewinding design
... additional file details listed in example.m
needs the following external packages:
-Michigan IRT Jeff Fessler's Image Recon Toolbox,
-Var. Dens. Spiral Brian Hargreaves' VDS Functions,
-PTx Bloch Simulator Hao Sun's Mex Bloch Simulator,
disclaimer: first Github repo, hoping to learn more soon. Please contact me at sydneynw_at_umich_dot_edu for questions or comments, thanks!