diff --git a/lithostratigraphy.rdf b/lithostratigraphy.rdf new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a7f210 --- /dev/null +++ b/lithostratigraphy.rdf @@ -0,0 +1,11126 @@ + + + + + + + + + + metamorphic rock essentially composed of minerals of the amphibole group + + Amphibolit + amphibolite + amphibolite + anfibolite + + + + + + active + + + + + crystalline rock whose mineralogy is dominantly ferromagnesian (60-90% olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, biotite) + + Gestein: mafisch + rock: mafic + roche: mafique + roccia: mafico + mafisches Gestein + mafic rock + roche mafique + roccia mafica + + + + + + active + + + + + amphibolite displaying a compositional layering + + Amphibolit: gebändert + amphibolite: banded + amphibolite: rubané + anfibolite: a bande + Bänderamphibolit + banded amphibolite + amphibolite rubanée + anfibolite a bande + + active + + + + + + Amphibolit: Granat + amphibolite: garnet + amphibolite: grenat + anfibolite: granato + Granat-führender Amphibolit + garnet-bearing amphibolite + amphibolite à grenat + anfibolite con granato + amphibolite grenatifère + + active + + + + + metamorphic rock essentially composed of the mineral hornblende + + Amphibolit: Hornblende + amphibolite: hornblende + amphibolite: hornblende + anfibolite: orneblenda + Hornblende-Amphibolit + hornblende amphibolite + amphibolite à hornblende + anfibolite con orneblenda + Hornblendit + hornblendite + orneblendite + + active + + + + + + Amphibolit: migmatitisch + amphibolite: migmatitic + amphibolite: migmatitique + anfibolite: migmatitico + Schollenamphibolit + migmatitic amphibolite + amphibolite migmatitique + anfibolite migmatitica + anfibolite a blocchi + + + active + + + + + rock formed by partial fusion under medium- to high-grade metamorphic conditions segregating a leucosome exsolution from a melanosome refractory remnant; this anatectic process can ultimately lead to the production of magmatic bodies + + Migmatit + migmatite + migmatite + migmatite + + + + active + + + + + volcanic rock (max. 20% quartz or max. 10% feldspatoid and > 65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic + + Andesit + andesite + andésite + andesite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: andesitisch + rock: andesitic + roche: andésitique + roccia: andesitico + Andesitoid + andesitoid + andésitoïde + andesitoid + + + active + + + + + leucocratic acidic microcrystalline rock emplaced as dikes and/or sills or as fine-grained peripheral facies of plutonic intrusions + + Aplit + aplite + aplite + aplite + aplitic rock + + + active + + + + + magmatic rock whose emplacement in the form of dikes and/or sills is linked to an intrusion at depth or to a subvolcanic level closer to the surface + + Gestein: gangartig + rock: filonian + roche: filonien + roccia: filoniano + Ganggestein + filonian rock + roche filonienne + roccia filoniana + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: granitisch + rock: granitic + roche: granitique + roccia: granitico + Granitoid + granitoid + granitoïde + granitoid + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + melanocratic mafic volcanic rock (max. 20% quartz or max. 10% feldspatoid and > 65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic + + Basalt + basalt + basalte + basalto + + active + + + + + + Gestein: basaltisch + rock: basaltic + roche: basaltique + roccia: basaltico + Basaltoid + basaltoid + basaltoïde + basaltoid + + + + + active + + + + + + Basalt: verwittert: Albit + basalt: altered: albite + basalte: altéré: albite + basalto: alterato: albite + Spilit + spillite + spilite + spilite + + active + + + + + + Basalt: Olivin + basalt: olivine + basalte: olivine + basalto: olivina + Olivin-reicher Basalt + olivine-rich basalt + basalte à olivine + basalto con olivina + Pikrit + picrite + picrite + + active + + + + + + Basanit + basanite + basanite + basanite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: tephritisch + rock: tephritic + roche: téphritique + roccia: tefritico + Tephritoid + tephritoid + téphritoïde + tefritoid + + + + + active + + + + + very fine-grained clay-rich residual rock mostly consisting of absorbent swelling montmorillonite; it forms by the weathering of volcanic tuff + + Bentonit + bentonite + bentonite + bentonite + + + + active + + + + + volcano-clastic rock with elements dominantly (> 75%) of pyroclastic origin + + Tuff: vulkanisch + tuff: volcanic + tuf: volcanique + tufo: vulcanico + vulkanischer Tuff + volcanic tuff + tuf volcanique + tufo vulcanico + + + + + + active + + + + + very fine-grained (mean grainsize < 1/256 mm) clastic sedimentary rock + + Tonstein + claystone + argilite + argillite + shale + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + sedimentary rock formed by the accumulation of residues of alteration processes + + Gestein: residual + rock: residual + roche: résiduel + roccia: residuale + Residualgestein + residual rock + roche résiduelle + roccia residuale + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clastic rock with angular elements; the fragmentation processes is not further specified + + Brekzie + breccia + brèche + breccia + + + + + active + + + + + + + Gestein + rock + roche + roccia + Festgestein + consolidated rock + roche consolidée + roche indurée + + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements + + Brekzie: sedimentär + breccia: sedimentary + brèche: sédimentaire + breccia: sedimentario + sedimentäre Brekzie + sedimentary breccia + brèche sédimentaire + breccia sedimentaria + + + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clastic rock with angular elements formed by tectonic fragmentation in a deformation zone + + Brekzie: tektonisch + breccia: tectonic + brèche: tectonique + breccia: tettonico + tektonische Brekzie + tectonic breccia + brèche tectonique + breccia tettonica + breccia di frizione + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) volcano-clastic rock with angular elements dominantly (> 75%) of pyroclastic origin + + Brekzie: pyroklastisch + breccia: pyroclastic + brèche: pyroclastique + breccia: piroclastico + pyroklastische Brekzie + pyroclastic breccia + brèche pyroclastique + breccia piroclastica + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements essentially of monomictic calcareous composition + + Brekzie: kalkig + breccia: calcareous + brèche: calcaire + breccia: calcareo + Kalkbrekzie + calcareous breccia + brèche calcaire + breccia calcarea + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements of monomictic composition (derived from the same rock type) + + Brekzie: monomikt + breccia: monomictic + brèche: monomicte + breccia: monomittico + monomikte Brekzie + monomictic breccia + brèche monomicte + breccia monomittica + + + + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: kalkig: Bioklasten + breccia: calcareous: bioclasts + brèche: calcaire: bioclastes + breccia: calcareo: bioclasti + bioklastische Kalkbrekzie + bioclastic calcareous breccia + brèche calcaire bioclastique + breccia calcarea bioclastica + brèche bioclastique + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: kalkig-dolomitisch + breccia: calcareous-dolomitic + brèche: calcaire-dolomitique + breccia: calcareo-dolomitico + dolomitische Kalkbrekzie + dolomitic-calcareous breccia + brèche calcaréo-dolomitique + breccia calcarea-dolomitica + kalkige Dolomitbrekzie + calcareous-dolomitic breccia + brèche dolomitico-calcaire + breccia dolomitica-calcarea + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements of dominantly calcareous, though polymictic composition + + Brekzie: kalkig-polymikt + breccia: calcareous-polymictic + brèche: calcaire-polymicte + breccia: calcareo-polimittico + polymikte Kalkbrekzie + polymictic calcareous breccia + brèche calcaire polymicte + breccia calcarea polimittica + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements essentially of monomictic dolomitic composition + + Brekzie: dolomitisch + breccia: dolomitic + brèche: dolomitique + breccia: dolomitico + Dolomitbrekzie + dolomitic breccia + brèche dolomitique + breccia dolomitica + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements of polymictic composition (derived from different rock types) + + Brekzie: polymikt + breccia: polymictic + brèche: polymicte + breccia: polimittico + polymikte Brekzie + polymictic breccia + brèche polymicte + breccia polimittica + polygene Brekzie + brèche polygénique + + + + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: kataklastisch + breccia: cataclastic + brèche: cataclastique + breccia: cataclastico + kataklastische Brekzie + cataclastic breccia + brèche cataclastique + breccia cataclastica + kohäsive tektonische Brekzie + cohesive tectonic breccia + + + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: kataklastisch-dolomitisch + breccia: cataclastic-dolomitic + brèche: cataclastique-dolomitique + breccia: cataclastico-dolomitico + kataklastische Dolomitbrekzie + cataclastic dolomitic breccia + brèche cataclastique à éléments dolomitiques + breccia cataclastica con elementi dolomitici + kohäsive tektonische Dolomitbrekzie + cohesive tectonic dolomitic breccia + + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: kataklastisch-kalkig + breccia: cataclastic-calcareous + brèche: cataclastique-calcaire + breccia: cataclastico-calcareo + kataklastische Kalkbrekzie + cataclastic calcareous breccia + brèche cataclastique à éléments calcaires + breccia cataclastica con elementi calcarei + kohäsive tektonische Kalkbrekzie + cohesive tectonic calcareous breccia + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements essentially of monomictic crystalline composition + + Brekzie: kristallin + breccia: crystalline + brèche: cristallin + breccia: cristallino + Kristallinbrekzie + crystalline breccia + brèche cristalline + breccia cristallina + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements of dominantly crystalline, though polymictic composition + + Brekzie: kristallin-polymikt + breccia: crystalline-polymictic + brèche: cristallin-polymicte + breccia: cristallino-polimittico + polymikte Kristallinbrekzie + polymictic crystalline breccia + brèche cristalline polymicte + breccia cristallina polimittica + + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: dolomitisch: Bitumen + breccia: dolomitic: bitumen + brèche: dolomitique: bitume + breccia: dolomitico: bitume + bituminöse Dolomitbrekzie + bituminous dolomitic breccia + brèche dolomitique bitumineuse + breccia dolomitica bituminosa + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with angular elements of dominantly dolomitic, though polymictic composition + + Brekzie: dolomitisch-polymikt + breccia: dolomitic-polymictic + brèche: dolomitique-polymicte + breccia: dolomitico-polimittico + polymikte Dolomitbrekzie + polymictic dolomitic breccia + brèche dolomitique polymicte + breccia dolomitica polimittica + + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: kakiritisch + breccia: kakiritic + brèche: kakiritique + breccia: cachiritico + kakiritische Brekzie + kakiritic breccia + brèche kakiritique + breccia cachiritica + kohäsionslose tektonische Brekzie + non-cohesive tectonic breccia + brèche de faille + + active + + + + + volcano-clastic rock with elements dominantly (> 75%) of pyroclastic origin + + Gestein: pyroklastisch + rock: pyroclastic + roche: pyroclastique + roccia: piroclastico + pyroklastisches Gestein + pyroclastic rock + roche pyroclastique + roccia piroclastica + Pyroklastit + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) volcano-clastic rock with angular elements dominantly (> 75%) of rhyolitic nature + + Brekzie: rhyolithisch + breccia: rhyolitic + brèche: rhyolitique + breccia: riolitico + rhyolithische Brekzie + rhyolitic breccia + brèche rhyolitique + breccia riolitica + + + active + + + + + leucocratic acidic volcanic rock (> 20% quartz and < 65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic to porphyric with a large amount of glass + + Rhyolith + rhyolite + rhyolite + riolite + + + active + + + + + + Brekzie: sandig + breccia: sandy + brèche: gréseux + breccia: sabbioso + sandige Brekzie + sandy breccia + brèche gréseuse + breccia sabbiosa + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clastic sedimentary rock, typically formed by pebbles in a finer-grained matrix + + Psephit + psephite + pséphite + psefite + Konglomerat und Brekzie + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) volcano-clastic sedimentary rock with a large proportion (25-75%) of angular elements of pyroclastic origin + + Brekzie: tuffitisch + breccia: tuffitic + brèche: tuffitique + breccia: tufitico + tuffitische Brekzie + tuffitic brecia + brèche tuffitique + breccia tufitica + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: tektonisch + rock: tectonic + roche: tectonique + roccia: tettonico + Gestein der Störungszone + tectonic rock + roche tectonique + roccia tettonica + Tektonit + + + + + + + active + + + + + volcano-clastic rock with a large proportion (25-75%) of element of volcanic origin + + Tuffit + tuffite + tuffite + tufite + tuffitic rock + + active + + + + + cohesive rock formed by tectonic fragmentation in a deformation zone + + Kataklasit + cataclastite + cataclastite + cataclastite + + + active + + + + + + Rauwacke: kataklastisch + rauwacke: cataclastic + cornieule: cataclastique + cargnola: cataclastico + kataklastischer Rauwacke + cataclastic rauwacke + cornieule cataclastique + cargnola cataclastica + tektonischer Rauwacke + cornieule tectonique + cargnola tettonica + cataclastic cellular dolostone + tectonic cellular dolostone + + + active + + + + + + Ton + clay + argile + argilla + + + + + + active + + + + + + Material: klastisch + material: clastic + matériel: clastique + materiale: clastico + klastisches Lockermaterial + clastic material + matériel clastique + materiale clasticoclastico + matériel détritique + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Ton: residual + clay: residual + argile: résiduel + argilla: residuale + residualer Ton + residual clay + argile résiduelle + argilla residuale + Hupererde + + + + active + + + + + + Ton: sandig + clay: sandy + argile: sableux + argilla: sabbioso + sandiger Ton + sandy clay + argile sableuse + argilla sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Ton: siltig + clay: silty + argile: silteux + argilla: siltoso + siltiger Ton + silty clay + argile silteuse + argilla siltosa + + + active + + + + + + Ton: residual: Eisenpisoide + clay: residual: iron pisoids + argile: résiduel: pisoïdes ferrugineuses + argilla: residuale: pisoidi di ferro + Bohnerz + iron-oolitic residual clay + argile à bolus + argilla residuale con pisoidi di ferro + Boluston + + + active + + + + + + Ton: residual-sandig + clay: residual-sandy + argile: résiduel-sableux + argilla: residuale-sabbioso + residualer sandiger Ton + sandy residual clay + argile résiduelle sableuse + argilla residuale sabbiosa + Huppersand + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: Eisenpisoide + rock: iron pisoids + roche: pisoïdes ferrugineuses + roccia: pisoidi di ferro + eisenpisolithisches Gestein + iron pisolite + roche à pisolites ferrugineuses + roccia con pisoidi di ferro + Eisenpisolith + pisolite ferrugineuse + pisolite di ferro + + + active + + + + + + Lehm + loam + limon + limo + + + + active + + + + + fine-grained (mean grainsize < 1/16 mm) clastic sedimentary rock + + Pelit + pelite + pélite + pelite + + + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: Bitumen + claystone: bitumen + argilite: bitume + argillite: bitume + bituminöser Tonstein + bituminous claystone + argilite bitumineuse + argillite bituminosa + black shale + black shale + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: dolomitisch + claystone: dolomitic + argilite: dolomitique + argillite: dolomitico + dolomitischer Tonstein + dolomitic claystone + argilite dolomitique + argillite dolomitica + + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: Glaukonit + claystone: glauconite + argilite: glauconite + argillite: glauconite + glaukonitischer Tonstein + glauconitic claystone + argilite glauconieuse + argillite glauconitica + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: kalkig + claystone: calcareous + argilite: calcaire + argillite: calcareo + kalkiger Tonstein + calcareous claystone + argilite calcaire + argillite calcarea + + + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: Kohle + claystone: coal + argilite: charbon + argillite: carbone + Kohle-führender Tonstein + coal-bearing claystone + argilite charbonneuse + argillite con carbone + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: mergelig + claystone: marly + argilite: marneux + argillite: marnoso + mergeliger Tonstein + marly claystone + argilite marneuse + argillite marnosa + Mergelton + + + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: sandig + claystone: sandy + argilite: gréseux + argillite: sabbioso + sandiger Tonstein + sandy claystone + argilite gréseuse + argillite sabbiosa + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: schiefrig + claystone: schistose + argilite: schisteux + argillite: scistoso + schiefriger Tonstein + schistose claystone + argilite schisteuse + argillite scistosa + Tonschiefer + + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: schiefrig: Anthrazit + claystone: schistose: anthracite + argilite: schisteux: anthracite + argillite: scistoso: antracite + Anthrazit-führender schiefriger Tonstein + anthracite-bearing schistose claystone + argilite schisteuse à anthracite + argillite scistosa con anthracite + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: schiefrig: Bitumen + claystone: schistose: bitumen + argilite: schisteux: bitume + argillite: scistoso: bitume + bituminöser schiefriger Tonstein + bituminous schistose claystone + argilite schisteuse bitumineuse + argillite scistosa bituminosa + black shale + black shale + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: siltig + claystone: silty + argilite: silteux + argillite: siltoso + siltiger Tonstein + silty claystone + argilite silteuse + argillite siltosa + Schlammstein + + + + + + active + + + + + very fine-grained (mean grainsize < 1/256 mm) volcano-clastic sedimentary rock with a large proportion (25-75%) of elements of pyroclastic origin + + Tonstein: tuffitisch + claystone: tuffitic + argilite: tuffitique + argillite: tufitico + tuffitischer Tonstein + tuffitic claystone + argilite tuffitique + argillite tufacea + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: kalkig: Glaukonit + claystone: calcareous: glauconite + argilite: calcaire: glauconite + argillite: calcareo: glauconite + glaukonitischer kalkiger Tonstein + glauconitic calcareous claystone + argilite calcaire glauconieuse + argillite calcarea glauconitica + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: sandig-kalkig + claystone: sandy-calcareous + argilite: gréseux-calcaire + argillite: sabbioso-calcareo + kalkig-sandiger Tonstein + calcareous-sandy claystone + argilite gréso-calcaire + argillite sabbiosa-calcarea + sandig-kalkiger Tonstein + sandy-calcareous claystone + argilite calcaréo-gréseuse + argillite calcarea-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: siltig-kalkig + claystone: silty-calcareous + argilite: silteux-calcaire + argillite: siltoso-calcareo + kalkig-siltiger Tonstein + calcareous-silty claystone + argilite silto-calcaire + argillite siltosa-calcarea + siltig-kalkiger Tonstein + silty-calcareous claystone + argilite calcaréo-silteuse + argillite calcarea-siltosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: sandig-dolomitisch + claystone: sandy-dolomitic + argilite: gréseux-dolomitique + argillite: sabbioso-dolomitico + dolomitisch-sandiger Tonstein + dolomitic-sandy claystone + argilite gréso-dolomitique + argillite sabbiosa-dolomitica + sandig-dolomitischer Tonstein + sandy-dolomitic claystone + argilite dolomitico-gréseuse + argillite dolomitica-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: siltig-dolomitisch + claystone: silty-dolomitic + argilite: silteux-dolomitique + argillite: siltoso-dolomitico + dolomitisch-siltiger Tonstein + dolomitic-silty claystone + argilite silto-dolomitique + argillite siltosa-dolomitica + siltig-dolomitischer Tonstein + silty-dolomitic claystone + argilite dolomitico-silteuse + argillite dolomitica-siltosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: mergelig: Bitumen + claystone: marly: bitumen + argilite: marneux: bitume + argillite: marnoso: bitume + bituminöser mergeliger Tonstein + bituminous marly claystone + argilite marneuse bitumineuse + argillite marnosa bituminosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: mergelig: Glimmer + claystone: marly: mica + argilite: marneux: mica + argillite: marnoso: mica + Glimmer-führender mergeliger Tonstein + micaceous marly claystone + argilite marneuse micacée + argillite marnosa micacea + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: sandig-mergelig + claystone: sandy-marly + argilite: gréseux-marneux + argillite: sabbioso-marnoso + mergelig-sandiger Tonstein + marly-sandy claystone + argilite gréso-marneuse + argillite sabbiosa-marnosa + sandig-mergeliger Tonstein + sandy-marly claystone + argilite marno-gréseuse + argillite marnosa-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: sandig: Kohle + claystone: sandy: coal + argilite: gréseux: charbon + argillite: sabbioso: carbone + Kohle-führender sandiger Tonstein + coal-bearing sandy claystone + argilite gréseuse charbonneuse + argillite sabbiosa con carbone + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: sandig-schiefrig + claystone: sandy-schistose + argilite: gréseux-schisteux + argillite: sabbioso-scistoso + schiefrig-sandiger Tonstein + schistose-sandy claystone + argilite gréso-schisteuse + argillite sabbiosa-scistosa + sandig-schiefriger Tonstein + sandy-schistose claystone + argilite schisto-gréseuse + argillite scistosa-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: siltig-schiefrig + claystone: silty-schistose + argilite: silteux-schisteux + argillite: siltoso-scistoso + schiefrig-siltiger Tonstein + schistose-silty claystone + argilite silto-schisteuse + argillite siltosa-scistosa + siltig-schiefriger Tonstein + silty-schistose claystone + argilite schisto-silteuse + argillite scistosa-siltosa + + + active + + + + + + Tonstein: siltig: Glimmer + claystone: silty: mica + argilite: silteux: mica + argillite: siltoso: mica + Glimmer-führender siltiger Tonstein + micaceous silty claystone + argilite silteuse micacée + argillite siltosa micacea + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements + + Konglomerat + conglomerate + conglomérat + conglomerato + Nagelfluh + puddingstone + poudingue + puddinga + + + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements of monomictic composition (derived from the same rock type) + + Konglomerat: monomikt + conglomerate: monomictic + conglomérat: monomicte + conglomerato: monomittico + monomiktes Konglomerat + monomictic conglomerate + conglomérat monomicte + conglomerato monomittico + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements of polymictic composition (derived from different rock types) + + Konglomerat: polymikt + conglomerate: polymictic + conglomérat: polymicte + conglomerato: polimittico + polymiktes Konglomerat + polymictic conglomerate + conglomérat polymicte + conglomerato polimittico + conglomérat polygénique + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements dominantly (> 75%) of volcanic origin + + Konglomerat: pyroklastisch + conglomerate: pyroclastic + conglomérat: pyroclastique + conglomerato: piroclastico + pyroklastisches Konglomerat + pyroclastic conglomerate + conglomérat pyroclastique + conglomerato piroclastico + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements essentially of monomictic quartzitic composition + + Konglomerat: Quarz + conglomerate: quartz + conglomérat: quartz + conglomerato: quarzo + Quarzitnagelfuh + quartzitic conglomerate + conglomérat quartzitique + conglomerato quarzitico + Quarzkonglomerat + + active + + + + + coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clastic sedimentary rock with a large proportion (25-75%) of rounded elements of volcanic origin + + Konglomerat: tuffitisch + conglomerate: tuffitic + conglomérat: tuffitique + conglomerato: tufitico + tuffitisches Konglomerat + tuffitic conglomerate + conglomérat tuffitique + conglomerato tufitico + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements essentially of monomictic calcareous composition + + Konglomerat: kalkig + conglomerate: calcareous + conglomérat: calcaire + conglomerato: calcareo + Kalkkonglomerat + calcareous conglomerate + conglomérat calcaire + conglomerato calcareo + Gompholith + gompholite + gompholite + gonfolite + kalkiges Konglomerat + + + + active + + + + + + Konglomerat: kalkig: Muscheln + conglomerate: calcareous: bivalves + conglomérat: calcaire: bivalves + conglomerato: calcareo: bivalvi + Muschelkonglomerat + shelly conglomerate + conglomérat coquillier + conglomerato conchilifero + Muschelagglomerat + conglomérat bioclastique + conglomerato conchiglifero + + active + + + + + + Konglomerat: kalkig-dolomitisch + conglomerate: calcareous-dolomitic + conglomérat: calcaire-dolomitique + conglomerato: calcareo-dolomitico + dolomitisches Kalkkonglomerat + dolomitic-calcareous conglomerate + conglomérat calcaréo-dolomitique + conglomerato calcareo-dolomitico + kalkiges Dolomitkonglomerat + calcareous-dolomitic conglomerate + conglomérat dolomitico-calcaire + conglomerato dolomitico-calcareo + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements essentially of monomictic dolomitic composition + + Konglomerat: dolomitisch + conglomerate: dolomitic + conglomérat: dolomitique + conglomerato: dolomitico + Dolomitkonglomerat + dolomitic conglomerate + conglomérat dolomitique + conglomerato dolomitico + dolomitisches Konglomerat + + + active + + + + + + Konglomerat: kalkig-residual: Eisenpisoide + conglomerate: calcareous-residual: iron pisoids + conglomérat: calcaire-résiduel: pisoïdes ferrugineuses + conglomerato: calcareo-residuale: pisoidi di ferro + eisenpisolithisches Kalkkonglomerat + iron pisolitic calcareous conglomerate + conglomérat calcaire à pisoïdes de fer + conglomerato calcareo con pisoidi di ferro + siderolithisches Konglomerat + conglomérat calcaire à pisolites de fer + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements essentially of monomictic crystalline composition + + Konglomerat: kristallin + conglomerate: crystalline + conglomérat: cristallin + conglomerato: cristallino + kristallines Konglomerat + crystalline conglomerate + conglomérat cristallin + conglomerato cristallino + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements dominantly of ophiolitic origin + + Konglomerat: ophiolithisch + conglomerate: ophiolitic + conglomérat: ophiolitique + conglomerato: ofiolitico + ophiolithisches Konglomerat + ophiolitic conglomerate + conglomérat ophiolitique + conglomerato ofiolitico + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements of dominantly bioclastic calcareous, though polymictic composition + + Konglomerat: polymikt: Bioklasten + conglomerate: polymictic: bioclasts + conglomérat: polymicte: bioclastes + conglomerato: polimittico: bioclasti + bioklastisches polymiktes Konglomerat + bioclastic polymictic conglomerate + conglomérat polymicte bioclastique + conglomerato polimittico bioclastico + + active + + + + + coarse-grained clastic sedimentary rock with rounded elements of dominantly quartzitic, though polymictic composition + + Konglomerat: polymikt: Quarz + conglomerate: polymictic: quartz + conglomérat: polymicte: quartz + conglomerato: polimittico: quarzo + polymikte Quarzitnagelfluh + quartzitic polymictic conglomerate + conglomérat polymicte quartzitique + conglomerato polimittico quarzitico + polymiktes Quarzkonglomerat + + + active + + + + + leucocratic acidic volcanic rock (> 20% quartz and > 65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic to porphyric with a large amount of glass + + Dazit + dacite + dacite + dacite + Quarzandesit + + active + + + + + + Gestein: dazitisch + rock: dacitic + roche: dacitique + roccia: dacitico + Dazitoid + dacitoid + dacitoïde + dacitoid + + + + active + + + + + + Dazit: rhyolithisch + dacite: rhyolitic + dacite: rhyolitique + dacite: riolitico + Rhyodazit + rhyodacite + rhyodacite + riodacite + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: rhyolithisch + rock: rhyolitic + roche: rhyolitique + roccia: riolitico + Rhyolithoid + rhyolitoid + rhyolitoïde + riolitoid + + + + + active + + + + + plutonic rock (max. 20% quartz and > 65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram) + + Diorit + diorite + diorite + diorite + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: dioritisch + rock: dioritic + roche: dioritique + roccia: dioritico + Dioritoid + dioritoid + dioritoïde + dioritoid + + + + + + active + + + + + + Diorit: Biotit-Hornblende + diorite: biotite-hornblende + diorite: biotite-hornblende + diorite: biotite-orneblenda + Hornblende- und Biotit-führender Diorit + hornblende- and biotite-rich diorite + diorite à biotite et hornblende + diorite con biotite e orneblenda + + active + + + + + + Diorit: mikrokristallin + diorite: microcrystalline + diorite: microcristallin + diorite: microcristallino + Mikrodiorit + microdiorite + microdiorite + microdiorite + + active + + + + + + Diorit: porphyrisch + diorite: porphyric + diorite: porphyrique + diorite: porfirico + porphyrischer Diorit + porphyric diorite + diorite porphyrique + diorite profirica + + active + + + + + + Diorit: Quarz + diorite: quartz + diorite: quartz + diorite: quarzo + Quarzdiorit + quartz diorite + quartzdiorite + quarzdiorite + + + + + active + + + + + + Diorit: migmatitisch + diorite: migmatitic + diorite: migmatitique + diorite: migmatitico + Schollendiorit + migmatitic diorite + diorite migmatitique + diorite migmatitica + + + active + + + + + + Diorit: monzonitisch + diorite: monzonitic + diorite: monzonitique + diorite: monzonitico + Monzodiorit + monzodiorite + monzodiorite + monzodiorite + + + active + + + + + plutonic rock (max. 20% quartz or max. 10% feldspatoid and 35-65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram) + + Monzonit + monzonite + monzonite + monzonite + + + + + active + + + + + + Diorit: Quarz-Biotit + diorite: quartz-biotite + diorite: quartz-biotite + diorite: quarzo-biotite + Biotit-führender Quarzdiorit + biotite-rich quartz diorite + quartzdiorite à biotite + quarzdiorite con biotite + + active + + + + + + Diorit: Quarz-Epidot + diorite: quartz-epidote + diorite: quartz-épidote + diorite: quarzo-epidoto + Epidot-führender Quarzdiorit + epidote-bearing quartz diorite + quartzdiorite à épidote + quarzdiorite con epidoto + + active + + + + + + Diorit: Quarz-Hornblende + diorite: quartz-hornblende + diorite: quartz-hornblende + diorite: quarzo-orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Quarzdiorit + hornblende-rich quartz diorite + quartzdiorite à hornblende + quarzdiorite con orneblenda + + active + + + + + + Diorit: schiefrig + diorite: schistose + diorite: schisteux + diorite: scistoso + schiefriger Diorit + schistose diorite + diorite schisteuse + diorite scistosa + + active + + + + + sedimentary rock essentially composed of the mineral dolomite (calcium magnesium carbonate); it can be formed primarily by biochemical processes, secondarily through diagenetic replacement or indirectly by accumulation and cementation of dolomitic clasts + + Dolomitstein + dolostone + dolomie + dolomia + dolomite + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + carbonate-rich rock, regardless of its formation process + + Gestein: Karbonat + rock: carbonate + roche: carbonate + roccia: carbonato + Karbonatgestein + carbonate rock + roche carbonatée + roccia carbonata + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: dolomitisch + marble: dolomitic + marbre: dolomitique + marmo: dolomitico + Dolomitmarmor + dolomitic marble + marbre dolomitique + marmo dolomitico + Dolomitmarmor + + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: Bioklasten + dolostone: bioclasts + dolomie: bioclastes + dolomia: bioclasti + bioklastischer Dolomitstein + bioclastic dolostone + dolomie bioclastique + dolomia bioclastica + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: Bitumen + dolostone: bitumen + dolomie: bitume + dolomia: bitume + bituminöser Dolomitstein + bituminous dolostone + dolomie bitumineuse + dolomia bituminosa + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: kalkig + dolostone: calcareous + dolomie: calcaire + dolomia: calcareo + kalkiger Dolomitstein + calcareous dolostone + dolomie calcaire + dolomia calcareo + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: kieselig + dolostone: siliceous + dolomie: siliceux + dolomia: siliceo + kieseliger Dolomitstein + siliceous dolostone + dolomie siliceuse + dolomia silicea + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: mikritisch + dolostone: micritic + dolomie: micritique + dolomia: micritico + mikritischer Dolomitstein + micritic dolostone + dolomie micritique + dolomia micritica + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: Ooide + dolostone: ooids + dolomie: ooïdes + dolomia: ooidi + oolithischer Dolomitstein + oolitic dolostone + dolomie oolitique + dolomia oolitica + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: sandig + dolostone: sandy + dolomie: gréseux + dolomia: sabbioso + sandiger Dolomitstein + sandy dolostone + dolomie gréseuse + dolomia sabbiosa + + + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: schiefrig + dolostone: schistose + dolomie: schisteux + dolomia: scistoso + schiefriger Dolomitstein + schistose dolostone + dolomie schisteuse + dolomia scistosa + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: siltig + dolostone: silty + dolomie: silteux + dolomia: siltoso + siltiger Dolomitstein + silty dolostone + dolomie silteuse + dolomia siltosa + + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: spätig + dolostone: spathic + dolomie: spathique + dolomia: spatico + spätiger Dolomitstein + spathic dolostone + dolomie spathique + dolomia spatica + spaty dolostone + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: stromatolithisch + dolostone: stromatolitic + dolomie: stromatolitique + dolomia: stromatolitico + stromatolithischer Dolomitstein + stromatolitic dolostone + dolomie stromatolitique + dolomia stromatolitica + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: tonig + dolostone: clayey + dolomie: argileux + dolomia: argilloso + toniger Dolomitstein + clayey dolostone + dolomie argileuse + dolomia argillosa + + + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: sandig-tonig + dolostone: sandy-clayey + dolomie: gréseux-argileux + dolomia: sabbioso-argilloso + tonig-sandiger Dolomitstein + clayey-sandy dolostone + dolomie gréso-argileuse + dolomia sabbiosa-argillosa + sandig-toniger Dolomitstein + sandy-clayey dolostone + dolomie argilo-gréseuse + dolomia argillosa-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: sandig-tonig: Bitumen + dolostone: sandy-clayey: bitumen + dolomie: gréseux-argileux: bitume + dolomia: sabbioso-argilloso: bitume + bituminöser tonig-sandiger Dolomitstein + bituninous clayey-sandy dolostone + dolomie gréso-argileuse bitumineuse + dolomia sabbiosa-argillosa bituminosa + bituminöser sandig-toniger Dolomitstein + bituminous sandy-clayey dolostone + dolomie argilo-gréseuse bitumineuse + dolomia argillosa-sabbiosa bituminosa + + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: siltig-tonig + dolostone: silty-clayey + dolomie: silteux-argileux + dolomia: siltoso-argilloso + tonig-siltiger Dolomitstein + clayey-silty dolostone + dolomie silto-argileuse + dolomia siltosa-argillosa + siltig-toniger Dolomitstein + silty-clayey dolostone + dolomie argilo-silteuse + dolomia argillosa-siltosa + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: Ooide-Chert + dolostone: ooids-chert + dolomie: ooïdes-silex + dolomia: ooidi-selce + Chert-führender oolithischer Dolomitstein + chert-bearing oolitic dolostone + dolomie oolitique à silex + dolomia oolitica a selce + cherty oolitic dolostone + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: sandig-siltig + dolostone: sandy-silty + dolomie: gréseux-silteux + dolomia: sabbioso-siltoso + siltig-sandiger Dolomitstein + silty-sandy dolostone + dolomie gréso-silteuse + dolomia sabbiosa-siltosa + sandig-siltiger Dolomitstein + sandy-silty dolostone + dolomie silto-gréseuse + dolomia siltosa-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + silica-rich rock formed by sedimentary (biochemical and diagenetic) processes; it encompasses primarily quartz- and/or chert-rich rocks, as well as radiolarites and spiculites + + Gestein: kieselig-sedimentär + rock: siliceous-sedimentary + roche: siliceux-sédimentaire + roccia: siliceo-sedimentario + kieseliges Sedimentgestein + siliceous sedimentary rock + roche sédimentaire siliceuse + roccia sedimentaria silicea + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: spätig: Bioklasten + dolostone: spathic: bioclasts + dolomie: spathique: bioclastes + dolomia: spatico: bioclasti + bioklastischer spätiger Dolomitstein + bioclastic spathic dolostone + dolomie spathique bioclastique + dolomia spatica bioclastica + bioclastic spaty dolostone + + + active + + + + + + Dolomitstein: stromatolithisch: Chert + dolostone: stromatolitic: chert + dolomie: stromatolitique: silex + dolomia: stromatolitico: selce + Chert-führender stromatolithischer Dolomitstein + chert-bearing stromatolitic dolostone + dolomie stromatolitique à silex + dolomia stromatolitica a selce + cherty stromatolitic dolostone + + + active + + + + + mafic metamorphic rock typically composed of garnet and omphacite (sodium-rich pyroxene); it forms under high-pressure and low-temperature conditions; the name eclogite should not be indiscriminately used for all metamorphic rock formed under eclogitic facies conditions + + Eklogit + eclogite + éclogite + eclogite + + active + + + + + sedimentary rock formed by chemical precipitation + + Evaporit + evaporite + évaporite + evaporite + Salzgestein + evaporitic rock + roche évaporitique + roccia evaporitica + salt rock + + + + + + + active + + + + + consolidated rock formed by sedimentary processes + + Gestein: sedimentär + rock: sedimentary + roche: sédimentaire + roccia: sedimentario + Sedimentgestein + sedimentary rock + roche sédimentaire + roccia sedimentaria + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Evaporit: Anhydrit + evaporite: anhydrite + évaporite: anhydrite + evaporite: anidrite + Anhydritgestein + anhydrite-rich rock + roche évaporitique riche en anhydrite + roccia evaporitica ricca di anidrite + Anhydrit + anhydrite + anhydrite + + active + + + + + + Evaporit: Gips + evaporite: gypsum + évaporite: gypse + evaporite: gesso + Gipsgestein + gypsum-rich rock + roche évaporitique riche en gypse + roccia evaporitica ricca di gesso + Gips + gypsum + gypse + + active + + + + + + Evaporit: Halit + evaporite: halite + évaporite: halite + evaporite: halite + Steinsalz + halite-rich rock + roche évaporitique riche en halite + roccia evaporitica ricca di halite + Halit + halite + halite + salgemma + + active + + + + + + Evaporit: Sulfat + evaporite: sulfate + évaporite: sulfate + evaporite: solfato + Sulfatgestein + sulfate-rich rock + roche évaporitique riche en sulfate + roccia evaporitica ricca di solfato + sulfate + sulfate + + active + + + + + + Evaporit: tonig + evaporite: clayey + évaporite: argileux + evaporite: argilloso + toniges Salzgestein + clayey evaporitic rock + roche évaporitique argileuse + roccia evaporitica argillosa + clayey evaporite + + + + active + + + + + + Evaporit: tonig: Anhydrit + evaporite: clayey: anhydrite + évaporite: argileux: anhydrite + evaporite: argilloso: anidrite + toniges Anhydritgestein + clayey anhydrite-rich rock + roche évaporitique argileuse riche en anhydrite + roccia evaporitica argillosa ricca di anidrite + clayey anhydrite + + + active + + + + + + Evaporit: tonig: Gips + evaporite: clayey: gypsum + évaporite: argileux: gypse + evaporite: argilloso: gesso + toniges Gipsgestein + clayey gypsum-rich rock + roche évaporitique argileuse riche en gypse + roccia evaporitica argillosa ricca di gesso + clayey gypsum + + + active + + + + + strongly undersaturated (no quartz) volcanic rock with a predominant feldspatoid mineralogy (> 60% in the QAPF diagram) + + Foidit + foidite + foïdite + foidite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: foiditisch + rock: foiditic + roche: foïditique + roccia: foiditico + Foiditoid + foiditoid + foïditoïde + foiditoid + + + active + + + + + strongly undersaturated (no quartz) plutonic rock with a predominant feldspatoid mineralogy (> 60% in the QAPF diagram) + + Foidolit + foidolite + foïdolite + foidolite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: foidolitisch + rock: foidolitic + roche: foïdolitique + roccia: foidolitico + Foidolitoid + foidolitoid + foïdolitoïde + foidolitoid + + + active + + + + + mafic plutonic rock (max. 20% quartz and > 65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram) + + Gabbro + gabbro + gabbro + gabbro + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: gabbroisch + rock: gabbroic + roche: gabbroïque + roccia: gabbroico + Gabbroid + gabbroid + gabbroïde + gabbroid + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: Hornblende + gabbro: hornblende + gabbro: hornblende + gabbro: orneblenda + Hornblendegabbro + hornblende-rich gabbro + gabbro à hornblende + gabbro con orneblenda + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: mikrokristallin + gabbro: microcrystalline + gabbro: microcristallin + gabbro: microcristallino + Mikrogabbro + microgabbro + microgabbro + microgabbro + Dolerit + dolerite + dolérite + dolerite + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: Olivin + gabbro: olivine + gabbro: olivine + gabbro: olivina + Olivin-führender Gabbro + olivine-bearing gabbro + gabbro à olivine + gabbro con olivina + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: Orthopyroxen + gabbro: orthopyroxene + gabbro: orthopyroxène + gabbro: ortopirosseno + Orthopyroxen-führender Gabbro + ortopyroxene-bearing gabbro + gabbro à orthopyroxène + gabbro con ortopirosseno + Norit + norite + norite + norite + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: Quarz + gabbro: quartz + gabbro: quartz + gabbro: quarzo + Quarzgabbro + quartz gabbro + quartzgabbro + quarzgabbro + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: monzonitisch + gabbro: monzonitic + gabbro: monzonitique + gabbro: monzonitico + Monzogabbro + monzogabbro + monzogabbro + monzogabbro + + + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: monzonitisch: Nephelin + gabbro: monzonitic: nepheline + gabbro: monzonitique: néphéline + gabbro: monzonitico: nefelina + Nephelin-führender Monzogabbro + nepheline-bearing monzogabbro + monzogabbro à néphéline + monzogabbro con nefelina + Essexit + essexite + essexite + monzogabbro nefelinica + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: mylonitisch + gabbro: mylonitic + gabbro: mylonitique + gabbro: milonitico + mylonitischer Gabbro + mylonitic gabbro + gabbro mylonitique + gabbro milonitico + gabbro mylonitisé + + + active + + + + + rock formed by ductile tectonic deformation + + Mylonit + mylonite + mylonite + milonite + + + + active + + + + + + Gabbro: Omphazit + gabbro: omphacite + gabbro: omphacite + gabbro: omfacite + Omphazit-führender Gabbro + omphacite-bearing gabbro + gabbro à omphacite + gabbro con omfacite + + + active + + + + + layered (gneissose cleavage planes > 1 cm apart) metamorphic rock + + Gneis + gneiss + gneiss + gneiss + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: metamorph + rock: metamorphic + roche: métamorphique + roccia: metamorfico + Metamorphit + metamorphic rock + roche métamorphique + roccia metamorfica + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Albit + gneiss: albite + gneiss: albite + gneiss: albite + Albit-führender Gneis + albite-bearing gneiss + gneiss à albite + gneiss con albite + Albitgneis + gneiss albitique + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Aluminosilikat + gneiss: aluminosilicate + gneiss: aluminosilicate + gneiss: aluminosilicato + Aluminosilikat-führender Gneis + aluminosilicate-bearing gneiss + gneiss à aluminosilicate + gneiss con aluminosilicato + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Amphibol + gneiss: amphibole + gneiss: amphibole + gneiss: anfibolo + Amphibol-führender Gneis + amphibole-bearing gneiss + gneiss à amphibole + gneiss con anfibolo + Amphibolitgneis + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: augig + gneiss: augen + gneiss: oeillé + gneiss: occhiadino + Augengneis + augengneiss + gneiss oeillé + gneiss occhiadino + augiger Gneis + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Biotit + gneiss: biotite + gneiss: biotite + gneiss: biotite + Biotit-reicher Gneis + biotite-rich gneiss + gneiss à biotite + gneiss con biotite + Biotitgneis + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Chlorit + gneiss: chlorite + gneiss: chlorite + gneiss: clorite + Chlorit-reicher Gneis + chlorite-rich gneiss + gneiss à chlorite + gneiss con clorite + Chloritgneis + gneiss chloriteux + + active + + + + + gneiss displaying a compositional layering + + Gneis: gebändert + gneiss: banded + gneiss: rubané + gneiss: a bande + Bändergneis + banded gneiss + gneiss rubané + gneiss a bande + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Granat + gneiss: garnet + gneiss: grenat + gneiss: granato + Granat-führender Gneis + garnet-bearing gneiss + gneiss à grenat + gneiss con granato + gneiss grenatifère + + active + + + + + + Gneis: granulitisch + gneiss: granulitic + gneiss: granulitique + gneiss: granulitico + granulitischer Gneis + granulitic gneiss + gneiss granulitique + gneiss granulitico + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: magmatisch + gneiss: magmatic + gneiss: magmatique + gneiss: magmatico + Orthogneis + orthogneiss + orthogneiss + ortogneiss + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: metasomatisch + gneiss: metasomatic + gneiss: métasomatique + gneiss: metasomatico + metasomatischer Gneis + metsomatic gneiss + gneiss métasomatique + gneiss metasomatico + Gneis mit Feldspatblasten + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: migmatitisch + gneiss: migmatitic + gneiss: migmatitique + gneiss: migmatitico + migmatitischer Gneis + migmatitic gneiss + gneiss migmatitique + gneiss migmatitico + agmatischer Gneis + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Muskovit + gneiss: muscovite + gneiss: muscovite + gneiss: muscovite + Muskovit-reicher Gneis + muscovite-rich gneiss + gneiss à muscovite + gneiss con muscovite + Muskovitgneis + + active + + + + + + Gneis: mylonitisch + gneiss: mylonitic + gneiss: mylonitique + gneiss: milonitico + mylonitischer Gneis + mylonitic gneiss + gneiss mylonitique + gneiss milonitico + gneiss mylonitisé + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Phengit + gneiss: phengite + gneiss: phengite + gneiss: fengite + Phengit-reicher Gneis + phengite-rich gneiss + gneiss à phengite + gneiss con fengite + Phengitgneis + gneiss phengitique + + active + + + + + + Gneis: schiefrig + gneiss: schistose + gneiss: schisteux + gneiss: scistoso + schiefriger Gneis + schistose gneiss + gneiss schisteux + gneiss scistoso + Schiefergneis + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: sedimentär + gneiss: sedimentary + gneiss: sédimentaire + gneiss: sedimentario + Paragneis + paragneiss + paragneiss + paragneiss + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Serizit + gneiss: sericite + gneiss: séricite + gneiss: sericite + Serizit-reicher Gneis + sericite-rich gneiss + gneiss à séricite + gneiss con sericite + Serizitgneis + gneiss sériciteux + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Albit-Oligoklas + gneiss: albite-oligoclase + gneiss: albite-oligoclase + gneiss: albite-oligoclasio + Oligoklas- und Albit-führender Gneis + oligoclase- and albite-bearing gneiss + gneiss à albite et oligoclase + gneiss con albite e oligoclasio + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Hornblende + gneiss: hornblende + gneiss: hornblende + gneiss: orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Gneis + hornblende-bearing gneiss + gneiss à hornblende + gneiss con orneblenda + Hornblendegneis + + active + + + + + + Gneis: augig: Phengit + gneiss: augen: phengite + gneiss: oeillé: phengite + gneiss: occhiadino: fengite + Phengit-reicher Augengneis + phengite-rich augengneiss + gneiss oeillé à phengite + gneiss occhiadino con fengite + augiger Phengitgneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: magmatisch-augig + gneiss: magmatic-augen + gneiss: magmatique-oeillé + gneiss: magmatico-occhiadino + augiger Orthogneis + magmatic augengneiss + orthogneiss oeillé + ortogneiss occhiadino + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: magmatisch-augig: Cordierit + gneiss: magmatic-augen: cordierite + gneiss: magmatique-oeillé: cordiérite + gneiss: magmatico-occhiadino: cordierite + Cordierit-führender augiger Orthogneis + cordierite-bearing orthogneiss + orthogneiss oeillé à cordiérite + ortogneiss occhiadino con cordierite + Cordierit-führender Augengneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: migmatitisch-augig + gneiss: migmatitic-augen + gneiss: migmatitique-oeillé + gneiss: migmatitico-occhiadino + migmatitischer Augengneis + migmatitic augengneiss + gneiss migmatitique oeillé + gneiss migmatitico occhiadino + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: schiefrig-augig + gneiss: schistose-augen + gneiss: schisteux-oeillé + gneiss: scistoso-occhiadino + schiefriger Augengneis + schistose augengneiss + gneiss schisteux oeillé + gneiss scistoso occhiadino + gneiss oeillé schisteux + augiger Schiefergneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: gebändert: Granat + gneiss: banded: garnet + gneiss: rubané: grenat + gneiss: a bande: granato + Granat-führender Bändergneis + garnet-bearing banded gneiss + gneiss rubané à grenat + gneiss a bande con granato + gneiss rubané grenatifère + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Biotit-Hornblende + gneiss: biotite-hornblende + gneiss: biotite-hornblende + gneiss: biotite-orneblenda + Hornblende- und Biotit-reicher Gneis + hornblende- and biotite-rich gneiss + gneiss à biotite et hornblende + gneiss con biotite e orneblenda + Hornblende-Biotitgneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Biotit-Muskovit + gneiss: biotite-muscovite + gneiss: biotite-muscovite + gneiss: biotite-muscovite + Muscovit- und Biotit-reicher Gneis + muscovite- and biotite-rich gneiss + gneiss à biotite et muscovite + gneiss con biotite e muscovite + Zweiglimmergneis + two mica gneiss + gneiss à deux micas + gneiss a due miche + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: dioritisch + gneiss: dioritic + gneiss: dioritique + gneiss: dioritico + dioritischer Gneis + dioritic gneiss + gneiss dioritique + gneiss dioritico + Dioritgneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: granitisch + gneiss: granitic + gneiss: granitique + gneiss: granitico + granitischer Gneis + granitic gneiss + gneiss granitique + gneiss granitico + Granitgneis + + + active + + + + + leucocratic acidic plutonic rock (20-60% quartz and < 65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram) + + Granit + granite + granite + granito + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: granitisch-augig + gneiss: granitic-augen + gneiss: granitique-oeillé + gneiss: granitico-occhiadino + granitischer Augengneis + granitic augengneiss + gneiss granitique oeillé + gneiss granitico occhiadino + augiger Granitgneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: granodioritisch + gneiss: granodioritic + gneiss: granodioritique + gneiss: granodioritico + granodioritischer Gneis + granodioritic gneiss + gneiss granodioritique + gneiss granodioritico + + + active + + + + + leucocratic acidic plutonic rock (20-60% quartz and 65-90% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram) + + Granodiorit + granodiorite + granodiorite + granodiorite + + + + + + active + + + + + high-grade metamorphic rock with a granoblastic texture and massive to layered (gneissose) aspect + + Granulit + granulite + granulite + granulite + + + + + active + + + + + rock crystallised from a molten magma, either intrusively at depth (plutonic) or effusively at the earth's surface (volcanic) + + Gestein: magmatisch + rock: magmatic + roche: magmatique + roccia: magmatico + magmatisches Gestein + magmatic rock + roche magmatique + roccia magmatica + igneous rock + roche ignée + Magmatit + magmatite + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: metasomatisch + rock: metasomatic + roche: métasomatique + roccia: metasomatico + Metasomatit + metasomatic rock + roche métasomatique + roccia metasomatica + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: migmatitisch: Cordierit + gneiss: migmatitic: cordierite + gneiss: migmatitique: cordiérite + gneiss: migmatitico: cordierite + Cordierit-führender migmatitischer Gneis + cordierite-bearing migmatitic gneiss + gneiss migmatitique à cordiérite + gneiss migmatitico con cordierite + + active + + + + + + Gneis: psammitisch + gneiss: psammitic + gneiss: psammitique + gneiss: psammitico + psammitischer Gneis + psammitic gneiss + gneiss psammitique + gneiss psammitico + sandiger Gneis + sandy gneiss + gneiss gréseux + + + active + + + + + medium-grained (mean grainsize 1/16 - 2 mm) clastic sedimentary rock + + Psammit + psammite + psammite + psammite + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: psephitisch + gneiss: psephitic + gneiss: pséphitique + gneiss: psefitico + psephitischer Gneis + psephitic gneiss + gneiss pséphitique + gneiss psefitico + konglomeratischer Gneis + conglomeratic gneiss + gneiss conglomératique + gneiss conglomeratico + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: psephitisch: Phengit + gneiss: psephitic: phengite + gneiss: pséphitique: phengite + gneiss: psefitico: fengite + Phengit-reicher psephitischer Gneis + phengite-rich psephitic gneiss + gneiss pséphitique à phengite + gneiss psefitico con fengite + konglomeratischer Phengitgneis + gneiss conglomératique à phengite + + + active + + + + + foliated (schistose cleavage planes 0,1-1 cm apart) metamorphic rock + + Schiefer + schist + schiste + scisto + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: schiefrig: Biotit + gneiss: schistose: biotite + gneiss: schisteux: biotite + gneiss: scistoso: biotite + Biotit-reicher schiefriger Gneis + biotite-rich schistose gneiss + gneiss schisteux à biotite + gneiss scistoso con biotite + schiefriger Biotitgneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: schiefrig: Chlorit + gneiss: schistose: chlorite + gneiss: schisteux: chlorite + gneiss: scistoso: clorite + Chlorit-reicher schiefriger Gneis + chlorite-rich schistose gneiss + gneiss schisteux à chlorite + gneiss scistoso con clorite + schiefriger Chloritgneis + gneiss schisteux chloriteux + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: schiefrig: Hornblende + gneiss: schistose: hornblende + gneiss: schisteux: hornblende + gneiss: scistoso: orneblenda + Hornblende-führender schiefriger Gneis + hornblende-bearing schistose gneiss + gneiss schisteux à hornblende + gneiss scistoso con orneblenda + schiefriger Hornblendegneis + + + active + + + + + + Gneis: Serizit-Granat + gneiss: sericite-garnet + gneiss: séricite-grenat + gneiss: sericite-granato + Granat-führender Serizit-reicher Gneis + garnet-bearing sericite-rich gneiss + gneiss à séricite et grenat + gneiss con sericite e granato + gneiss sériciteux grenatifère + + + active + + + + + + Granit: aplitisch + granite: aplitic + granite: aplitique + granito: aplitico + aplitischer Granit + aplitic granite + granite aplitique + granito aplitico + Aplitgranit + + + + active + + + + + + Granit: Biotit + granite: biotite + granite: biotite + granito: biotite + Biotitgranit + biotite-rich granite + granite à biotite + granito con biotite + + + + + active + + + + + + Granit: monzonitisch + granite: monzonitic + granite: monzonitique + granito: monzonitico + Monzogranit + monzogranite + monzogranite + monzogranito + + + active + + + + + + Granit: porphyrisch + granite: porphyric + granite: porphyrique + granito: porfirico + porphyrischer Granit + porphyric granite + granite porphyrique + granito porfirico + + + + active + + + + + + Granit: schiefrig + granite: schistose + granite: schisteux + granito: scistoso + schiefriger Granit + schistose granite + granite schisteux + granito scistoso + + active + + + + + + Granit: syenitisch + granite: syenitic + granite: syénitique + granito: sienitico + Syenogranit + syenogranite + syénogranite + sienogranito + + + active + + + + + + Granit: Alkalifeldspat + granite: alkali feldspar + granite: feldspath alcalin + granito: feldspato alcalino + Alkaligranit + alkali feldspar granite + granite à feldspath alcalin + granito con felspato alcalino + Alkalogranit + + active + + + + + + Granit: aplitisch: Granat + granite: aplitic: garnet + granite: aplitique: grenat + granito: aplitico: granato + Granat-führender aplitischer Granit + garnet-bearing aplitic granite + granite aplitique à grenat + granito aplitico con granato + granite aplitique grenatifère + + active + + + + + + Granit: Biotit-Cordierit + granite: biotite-cordierite + granite: biotite-cordiérite + granito: biotite-cordierite + Cordierit-führender Biotitgranit + cordierite-bearing biotite-rich granite + granite à biotite et cordiérite + granito con biotite e cordierite + + active + + + + + + Granit: Biotit-Granat + granite: biotite-garnet + granite: biotite-grenat + granito: biotite-granato + Granat-führender Biotitgranit + garnet-bearing biotite-rich granite + granite à biotite et grenat + granito con biotite e granato + granite à biotite grenatifère + + active + + + + + + Granit: Biotit-Muskovit + granite: biotite-muscovite + granite: biotite-muscovite + granito: biotite-muscovite + Muscovit-reicher Biotitgranit + muscovite- and biotite-rich granite + granite à biotite et muscovite + granito con biotite e muscovite + + active + + + + + + Granit: Hornblende + granite: hornblende + granite: hornblende + granito: orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Granit + hornblende-bearing granite + granite à hornblende + granito con orneblenda + + active + + + + + + Granit: metasomatisch + granite: metasomatic + granite: métasomatique + granito: metasomatico + Greisen + greisen + greisen + greisen + metasomatic granite + + + active + + + + + + Granit: mikrokristallin + granite: microcrystalline + granite: microcristallin + granito: microcristallino + Mikrogranit + microgranite + microgranite + microgranito + + + active + + + + + + Granit: mikrokristallin-porphyrisch + granite: microcrystalline-porphyric + granite: microcristallin-porphyrique + granito: microcristallino-porfirico + porphyrischer Mikrogranit + porphyric microgranite + microgranite porphyrique + microgranito porfirico + + active + + + + + + Granit: mylonitisch + granite: mylonitic + granite: mylonitique + granito: milonitico + mylonitischer Granit + mylonitic granite + granite mylonitique + granito milonitico + granite mylonitisé + + + active + + + + + + Granit: porphyrisch: Biotit + granite: porphyric: biotite + granite: porphyrique: biotite + granito: porfirico: biotite + porphyrischer Biotitgranit + biotite-rich porphyric granite + granite porphyrique à biotite + granito porfirico con biotite + + + active + + + + + + Granit: porphyrisch: Hornblende + granite: porphyric: hornblende + granite: porphyrique: hornblende + granito: porfirico: orneblenda + porphyrischer Hornblende-führender Granit + hornblend-bearing porphyric granite + granite porphyrique à hornblende + granito porfirico con orneblenda + + + active + + + + + plutonic rock (max. 20% quartz or max. 10% feldspatoid and < 35% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram) + + Syenit + syenite + syénite + sienite + + + + + + active + + + + + + Granodiorit: aplitisch + granodiorite: aplitic + granodiorite: aplitique + granodiorite: aplitico + apltischer Granodiorit + aplitic granodiorite + granodiorite aplitique + granodiorite aplitica + + + active + + + + + + Granodiorit: Hornblende + granodiorite: hornblende + granodiorite: hornblende + granodiorite: orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Granodiorit + hornblende-bearing granodiorite + granodiorite à hornblende + granodiorite con orneblenda + + active + + + + + + Granodiorit: porphyrisch + granodiorite: porphyric + granodiorite: porphyrique + granodiorite: porfirico + porphyrischer Granodiorit + porphyric granodiorite + granodiorite porphyrique + granodiorite porfirica + + active + + + + + + Granodiorit: schiefrig + granodiorite: schistose + granodiorite: schisteux + granodiorite: scistoso + schiefriger Granodiorit + schistose granodiorite + granodiorite schisteuse + granodiorite scistosa + + active + + + + + metamorphic rock with a granoblastic texture and a massive, non-foliated aspect + + Granofels + granofels + granofels + granofels + Fels + fels + fels + Leptinit + leptinite + leptinite + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Granofels: Albit + granofels: albite + granofels: albite + granofels: albite + Albitit + albite fels + granofels à albite + granofels con albite + albitite + albitite + + active + + + + + + Granofels: Granat + granofels: garnet + granofels: grenat + granofels: granato + Granatit + garnet fels + granofels à grenat + granofels con granato + grenatite + granatite + + active + + + + + + Granofels: Kalksilikat + granofels: calcsilicate + granofels: calcsilicate + granofels: calcsilicati + Kalksilikatfels + calcsilicate fels + granofels à calcsilicates + granofels con calcsilicati + calcefiro + + + active + + + + + + Granofels: Olivin + granofels: olivine + granofels: olivine + granofels: olivina + Olivinfels + olivine fels + granofels à olivine + granofels con olivina + + + active + + + + + + Granofels: Pyroxen + granofels: pyroxene + granofels: pyroxène + granofels: pirosseno + Pyroxenfels + pyroxene fels + granofels à pyroxène + granofels con pirosseno + pyroxénite + pirossenite + + + active + + + + + + Granofels: Silikat-Karbonat + granofels: silicate-carbonate + granofels: silicate-carbonate + granofels: silicato-carbonato + Karbonat- und Silikat-führendes Gestein + carbonate- and silicate-bearing fels + granofels à silicates et carbonates + granofels con silicati e carbonati + granofels carbonatico e siliceo + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: Kalksilikat + marble: calcsilicate + marbre: calcsilicate + marmo: calcsilicati + Kalksilikat-führender Marmor + calcsilicate-bearing marble + marbre à calcsilicate + marmo con calcsilicati + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained ultramafic rock essentially composed of minerals of the olivine and pyroxene groups + + Peridotit + peridotite + péridotite + peridotite + + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained ultramafic rock essentially composed of minerals of the pyroxene group + + pyroxénite + pirossenite + Pyroxenit + pyroxenite + + + + active + + + + + subvolcanic porphyric rock, generally of granitic composition, characterised by its graphic intergrowth of quartz and alkali feldspar + + Granophyr + granophyre + granophyre + granofiro + granophyric rock + + active + + + + + + Granulit: Biotit-Granat + granulite: biotite-garnet + granulite: biotite-grenat + granulite: biotite-granato + Kinzigit + kinzigite + kinzigite + kinzigite + + active + + + + + + Granulit: Feldspat-Granat + granulite: feldspar-garnet + granulite: feldspath-grenat + granulite: feldspato-granato + Stronalit + stronalite + stronalite + stronalite + + active + + + + + rock formed by contact metamorphism + + Hornfels + hornfels + cornéenne + cornubianite + Gestein der Kontaktmetamorphose + roche du métamorphisme de contact + hornfels + + active + + + + + volcano-clastic rock with elements dominantly (> 75%) of pyroclastic origin; it is characteristically composed of a poorly sorted mixture of volcanic ash, pumice lapilli and scattered lithic fragments + + Ignimbrit + ignimbrite + ignimbrite + ignimbrite + + active + + + + + non-cohesive rock formed by tectonic fragmentation in a deformation zone + + Kakirit + kakirite + kakirite + cachirite + + + active + + + + + + Kakirit: tonig + kakirite: clayey + kakirite: argileux + cachirite: argilloso + Kluftletten + fault gauge + roche pulvérisée + roccia polverizzata + Gesteinsmehl + clay smear + argile de faille + argilla di faglia + rock floor + farine de roche + farina di roccia + + + active + + + + + volcanic rock (max. 20% quartz or max. 10% feldspatoid and 35-65% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic to porphyric + + Latit + latite + latite + latite + Trachyandesit + trachyandesite + trachyandésite + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: latitisch + rock: latitic + roche: latitique + roccia: latitico + Latitoid + latitoid + latitoïde + latitoid + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: trachytisch + rock: trachytic + roche: trachytique + roccia: trachitico + Trachytoid + trachytoid + trachytoïde + trachitoid + + + + active + + + + + sedimentary rock essentially composed of the mineral calcite (pure calcium carbonate); it can be formed directly by biogenic, biochemical or hydrochemical processes, as well as indirectly by accumulation and cementation of calcitic clasts + + Kalkstein + limestone + calcaire + calcare + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + carbonate-rich rock formed by sedimentary processes; it encompasses primarily limestone and marlstone + + Gestein: Karbonat-sedimentär + rock: carbonate-sedimentary + roche: carbonate-sédimentaire + roccia: carbonato-sedimentario + sedimentäres Karbonatgestein + carbonate sedimentary rock + roche sédimentaire carbonatée + roccia sedimentaria carbonata + + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: kalkig + marble: calcareous + marbre: calcaire + marmo: calcareo + Kalkmarmor + calcareous marble + marbre calcaire + marmo calcareo + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Albit + limestone: albite + calcaire: albite + calcare: albite + Albit-Kalkstein + albite-bearing limestone + calcaire à albite + calcare con albite + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: arenitisch + limestone: arenitic + calcaire: arénitique + calcare: arenitico + Kalkarenit + calcarenite + calcarénite + calcare arenitico + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Bioklasten + limestone: bioclasts + calcaire: bioclastes + calcare: bioclasti + bioklastischer Kalkstein + bioclastic limestone + calcaire bioclastique + calcare bioclastico + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Bitumen + limestone: bitumen + calcaire: bitume + calcare: bitume + bituminöser Kalkstein + bituminous limestone + calcaire bitumineux + calcare bituminoso + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: brekziös + limestone: brecciated + calcaire: bréchique + calcare: brecciato + brekziöser Kalkstein + brecciated limestone + calcaire brèchique + calcare brecciato + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Chert + limestone: chert + calcaire: silex + calcare: selce + Chert-führender Kalkstein + chert-bearing limestone + calcaire à silex + calcare a selce + cherty limestone + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: dolomitisch + limestone: dolomitic + calcaire: dolomitique + calcare: dolomitico + dolomitischer Kalkstein + dolomitic limestone + calcaire dolomitique + calcare dolomitico + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Eisenmineralien + limestone: iron minerals + calcaire: minéraux de fer + calcare: mineri di ferro + Eisen-schüssiger Kalkstein + iron-rich limestone + calcaire ferrugineux + calcare ferruginoso + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Eisenooide + limestone: iron ooids + calcaire: ooïdes ferrugineuses + calcare: ooidi di ferro + eisenoolithischer Kalkstein + iron-oolitic limestone + calcaire à ooïdes ferrugineuses + calcare con ooidi di ferro + calcaire à oolites ferrugineuses + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Glaukonit + limestone: glauconite + calcaire: glauconite + calcare: glauconite + glaukonitischer Kalkstein + glauconitic limestone + calcaire glauconieux + calcare glauconitico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kieselig + limestone: siliceous + calcaire: siliceux + calcare: siliceo + kieseliger Kalkstein + siliceous limestone + calcaire siliceux + calcare siliceo + Kieselkalk + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kreidig + limestone: chalky + calcaire: crayeux + calcare: gessoso + kreidiger Kalkstein + chalky limestone + calcaire crayeux + calcare gessoso + Kreide + chalk + craie + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kristallin + limestone: crystalline + calcaire: cristallin + calcare: cristallino + Zuckerkörniger Kalkstein + saccharoidal limestone + calcaire saccharoïde + calcare cristallino + kristalliner Kalkstein + crystalline limestone + calcaire cristallin + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Limonit + limestone: limonite + calcaire: limonite + calcare: limonite + limonitischer Kalkstein + limonite-bearing limestone + calcaire limoniteux + calcare con limonite + limonitic limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mergelig + limestone: marly + calcaire: marneux + calcare: marnoso + mergeliger Kalkstein + marly limestone + calcaire marneux + calcare marnoso + Mergelkalk + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch + limestone: micritic + calcaire: micritique + calcare: micritico + mikritischer Kalkstein + micritic limestone + calcaire micritique + calcare micritico + Mikrit + micrite + micrite + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Onkoide + limestone: oncoids + calcaire: oncoïdes + calcare: oncoidi + onkolithischer Kalkstein + oncolitic limestone + calcaire oncolitique + calcare oncolitico + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Ooide + limestone: ooids + calcaire: ooïdes + calcare: ooidi + oolithischer Kalkstein + oolitic limestone + calcaire oolitique + calcare oolitico + Kalkoolith + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: pedogen-verkrustet + limestone: pedogenic-encrusted + calcaire: pédogène-encroûté + calcare: pedogene-incrostato + Krustenkalk + pedogenic crusted limestone + croûte calcaire pédogène + calcare incrostato pedogenetico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Phosphorit + limestone: phosphorite + calcaire: phosphate + calcare: fosforite + Phosphorit-reicher Kalkstein + phosphorite-rich limestone + calcaire phosphaté + calcare fosfatico + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Pisoide + limestone: pisoids + calcaire: pisoïdes + calcare: pisoidi + pisolithischer Kalkstein + pisolitic limestone + calcaire pisolitique + calcare pisolitico + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: ruditisch + limestone: ruditic + calcaire: ruditique + calcare: ruditico + Kalkrudit + calcirudite + calcirudite + calcirudite + rudite + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig + limestone: sandy + calcaire: gréseux + calcare: sabbioso + sandiger Kalkstein + sandy limestone + calcaire gréseux + calcare sabbioso + Sandkalk + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: siltig + limestone: silty + calcaire: silteux + calcare: siltoso + siltiger Kalkstein + silty limestone + calcaire silteux + calcare siltoso + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig + limestone: spathic + calcaire: spathique + calcare: spatico + spätiger Kalkstein + spathic limestone + calcaire spathique + calcare spatico + Spatkalk + spaty limestone + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: stromatolithisch + limestone: stromatolitic + calcaire: stromatolitique + calcare: stromatolitico + stromatolithischer Kalkstein + stromatolitic limestone + calcaire stromatolitique + calcare stromatolitico + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: tonig + limestone: clayey + calcaire: argileux + calcare: argilloso + toniger Kalkstein + clayey limestone + calcaire argileux + calcare argilloso + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: tuffig + limestone: tufaceous + calcaire: tufacé + calcare: tufaceo + Travertin + tufaceous limestone + travertin + calcare tufaceo + Kalktuff + travertine + calcaire hydrochimique + + + active + + + + + + Tuff: kalkig + tuff: calcareous + tuf: calcaire + tufo: calcareo + Quelltuff + calcareous tuff + tuf calcaire + tufo calcareo + Kalktuff + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Algen + limestone: algae + calcaire: algues + calcare: alghe + Algen-führender Kalkstein + algae-bearing limestone + calcaire algaire + calcare con alghe + Algenkalk + algal limestone + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: arenitisch: Bioklasten + limestone: arenitic: bioclasts + calcaire: arénitique: bioclastes + calcare: arenitico: bioclasti + bioklastischer Kalkarenit + bioclastic calcarenite + calcarénite bioclastique + calcare arenitico bioclastico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: arenitisch: Bioklasten-Chert + limestone: arenitic: bioclasts-chert + calcaire: arénitique: bioclastes-silex + calcare: arenitico: bioclasti-selce + Chert-führender bioklastischer Kalkarenit + chert-bearing bioclastic calcarenite + calcarénite bioclastique à silex + calcare arenitico bioclastico a selce + cherty bioclastic calcarenite + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: arenitisch: Ooide + limestone: arenitic: ooids + calcaire: arénitique: ooïdes + calcare: arenitico: ooidi + oolithischer bioklastischer Kalkarenit + oolitic calcarenite + calcarénite oolitique + calcare arenitico oolitico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: arenitisch: Quarz + limestone: arenitic: quartz + calcaire: arénitique: quartz + calcare: arenitico: quarzo + Quarz-führender bioklastischer Kalkarenit + quartzitic calcarenite + calcarénite quartzeuse + calcare arenitico quarzoso + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: arenitisch-spätig + limestone: arenitic-spathic + calcaire: arénitique-spathique + calcare: arenitico-spatico + spätiger bioklastischer Kalkarenit + spathic calcarenite + calcarénite spathique + calcare arenitico spatico + spaty calcarenite + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Bioklasten-Chert + limestone: bioclasts-chert + calcaire: bioclastes-silex + calcare: bioclasti-selce + Chert-führender bioklastischer Kalkstein + chert-bearing bioclastic limestone + calcaire bioclastique à silex + calcare bioclastico a selce + cherty bioclastic limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Bioklasten-Ooide + limestone: bioclasts-ooids + calcaire: bioclastes-ooïdes + calcare: bioclasti-ooidi + oolithischer bioklastischer Kalkstein + oolitic bioclastic limestone + calcaire bioclastique oolitique + calcare bioclastico oolitico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Korallen + limestone: corals + calcaire: coraux + calcare: corali + Korallen-führender Kalkstein + coral-bearing limestone + calcaire à coraux + calcare con corali + Korallenkalk + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Nummuliten + limestone: nummulites + calcaire: nummulites + calcare: nummuliti + Nummuliten-führender Kalkstein + nummulite-bearing limestone + calcaire à nummulites + calcare con nummuliti + Nummulitenkalk + nummulitic limestone + calcaire nummulitique + calcare nummulitico + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Schwämme + limestone: sponges + calcaire: éponges + calcare: spunghe + spikulitischer Kalkstein + sponge-bearing limestone + calcaire à spongiaires + calcare con spunghe + spiculitic limestone + calcaire à spicules + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Bitumen-Bioklasten + limestone: bitumen-bioclasts + calcaire: bitume-bioclastes + calcare: bitume-bioclasti + bituminöser bioklastischer Kalkstein + bituminous bioclastic limestone + calcaire bitumineux bioclastique + calcare bituminoso bioclastico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kreidig: Bitumen + limestone: chalky: bitumen + calcaire: crayeux: bitume + calcare: gessoso: bitume + bituminöser kreidiger Kalkstein + bituminous chalky limestone + calcaire crayeux bitumineux + calcare gessoso bituminoso + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kreidig: Chert + limestone: chalky: chert + calcaire: crayeux: silex + calcare: gessoso: selce + Chert-führender kreidiger Kalkstein + chert-bearing chalky limestone + calcaire crayeux à silex + calcare gessoso a selce + cherty chalky limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kreidig: Pisoide + limestone: chalky: pisoids + calcaire: crayeux: pisoïdes + calcare: gessoso: pisoidi + pisolithischer kreidiger Kalkstein + pisolitic chalky limestone + calcaire crayeux pisolitique + calcare gessoso con pisoidi + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig-tonig + limestone: sandy-clayey + calcaire: gréseux-argileux + calcare: sabbioso-argilloso + tonig-sandiger Kalkstein + clayey-sandy limestone + calcaire gréso-argileux + calcare sabbioso-argilloso + sandig-toniger Kalkstein + sandy-clayey limestone + calcaire argilo-gréseux + calcare argilloso-sabbioso + toniger Sandkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: siltig-tonig + limestone: silty-clayey + calcaire: silteux-argileux + calcare: siltoso-argilloso + tonig-siltiger Kalkstein + clayey-silty limestone + calcaire silto-argileux + calcare siltoso-argilloso + siltig-toniger Kalkstein + silty-clayey limestone + calcaire argilo-silteux + calcare argilloso-siltoso + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: tonig: Bioklasten + limestone: clayey: bioclasts + calcaire: argileux: bioclastes + calcare: argilloso: bioclasti + bioklastischer toniger Kalkstein + bioclastic clayey limestone + calcaire argileux bioclastique + calcare argilloso bioclastico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: tonig: Chert + limestone: clayey: chert + calcaire: argileux: silex + calcare: argilloso: selce + Chert-führender toniger Kalkstein + chert-bearing clayey limestone + calcaire argileux à silex + calcare argilloso a selce + cherty clayey limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: tonig-schiefrig + limestone: clayey-schistose + calcaire: argileux-schisteux + calcare: argilloso-scistoso + schiefrig-toniger Kalkstein + schistose-clayey limestone + calcaire argilo-schisteux + calcare argilloso-scistoso + tonig-schiefriger Kalkstein + clayey-schistose limestone + calcaire schisto-argileux + calcare scistoso-argilloso + + + active + + + + + metamorphic rock dominantly of carbonate composition, granoblastic texture and massive to layered aspect (foliated varieties are classified as calcschists or calcphyllites) + + Marmor + marble + marbre + marmo + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: dolomitisch: Bioklasten + limestone: dolomitic: bioclasts + calcaire: dolomitique: bioclastes + calcare: dolomitico: bioclasti + bioklastischer dolomitischer Kalkstein + bioclastic dolomitic limestone + calcaire dolomitique bioclastique + calcare dolomitico bioclastico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mergelig-dolomitisch + limestone: marly-dolomitic + calcaire: marneux-dolomitique + calcare: marnoso-dolomitico + dolomitisch-mergeliger Kalkstein + dolomitic-marly limestone + calcaire marno-dolomitique + calcare marnoso-dolomitico + mergelig-dolomitischer Kalkstein + marly-dolomitic limestone + calcaire dolomitico-marneux + calcare dolomitico-marnoso + dolomitischer Mergelkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Glaukonit-Bioklasten + limestone: glauconite-bioclasts + calcaire: glauconite-bioclastes + calcare: glauconite-bioclasti + glaukonitischer bioklastischer Kalkstein + bioclastic glauconitic limestone + calcaire glauconieux bioclastique + calcare glauconitico bioclastico + + + active + + + + + iron-rich rock formed by sedimentary processes + + Gestein: Eisenmineralien + rock: iron minerals + roche: minéraux de fer + roccia: mineri di ferro + Eisen-reiches Gestein + iron-rich rock + roche ferrugineuse + roccia ferruginosa + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: Eisenooide + rock: iron ooids + roche: ooïdes ferrugineuses + roccia: ooidi di ferro + eisenoolithisches Gestein + iron oolite + roche à oolites ferrugineuses + roccia con ooidi di ferro + Eisenoolith + oolite ferrugineuse + oolite di ferro + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mergelig: Bioklasten + limestone: marly: bioclasts + calcaire: marneux: bioclastes + calcare: marnoso: bioclasti + bioklastischer mergeliger Kalkstein + bioclastic marly limestone + calcaire marneux bioclastique + calcare marnoso bioclastico + bioklastischer Mergelkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mergelig: Chert + limestone: marly: chert + calcaire: marneux: silex + calcare: marnoso: selce + Chert-führender mergeliger Kalkstein + chert-bearing marly limestone + calcaire marneux à silex + calcare marnoso a selce + cherty marly limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mergelig: Glaukonit + limestone: marly: glauconite + calcaire: marneux: glauconite + calcare: marnoso: glauconite + glaukonitischer mergeliger Kalkstein + glauconitic marly limestone + calcaire marneux glauconieux + calcare marnoso glauconitico + glaukonitischer Mergelkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mergelig-kieselig + limestone: marly-siliceous + calcaire: marneux-siliceux + calcare: marnoso-siliceo + kieselig-mergeliger Kalkstein + siliceous-marly limestone + calcaire marno-siliceux + calcare marnoso-siliceo + mergelig-kieseliger Kalkstein + marly-siliceous limestone + calcaire silico-marneux + calcare siliceo-marnoso + kieseliger Mergelkalk + mergeliger Kieselkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mergelig-schiefrig + limestone: marly-schistose + calcaire: marneux-schisteux + calcare: marnoso-scistoso + schiefrig-mergeliger Kalkstein + schistose-marly limestone + calcaire marno-schisteux + calcare marnoso-scistoso + mergelig-schiefriger Kalkstein + marly-schistose limestone + calcaire schisto-marneux + calcare scistoso-marnoso + schiefriger Mergelkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Aptychen + limestone: micritic: aptychi + calcaire: micritique: aptychi + calcare: micritico: aptici + Aptychen-führender mikritischer Kalkstein + aptychus-bearing micritic limestone + calcaire micritique à Aptychus + calcare micritico con aptici + Aptychenkalk + calcaire à aptychi + calcare ad aptici + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Bioklasten + limestone: micritic: bioclasts + calcaire: micritique: bioclastes + calcare: micritico: bioclasti + bioklastischer mikritischer Kalkstein + bioclastic micritic limestone + calcaire micritique bioclastique + calcare micritico bioclastico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Bioklasten-Chert + limestone: micritic: bioclasts-chert + calcaire: micritique: bioclastes-silex + calcare: micritico: bioclasti-selce + Chert-führender bioklastischer mikritischer Kalkstein + chert-bearing bioclastic micritic limestone + calcaire micritique bioclastique à silex + calcare micritico bioclastico a selce + cherty bioclastic micritic limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Calpionellen + limestone: micritic: calpionellids + calcaire: micritique: calpionelles + calcare: micritico: caplioneli + Calpionellen-führender mikritischer Kalkstein + calpionellid-bearing bioclastic micritic limestone + calcaire micritique à calpionelles + calcare micritico con calpioneli + Calpionellenkalk + calcaire à calpionelles + calcare a calpionelle + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Chert + limestone: micritic: chert + calcaire: micritique: silex + calcare: micritico: selce + Chert-führender mikritischer Kalkstein + chert-bearing micritic limestone + calcaire micritique à silex + calcare micritico a selce + cherty micritic limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Glaukonit + limestone: micritic: glauconite + calcaire: micritique: glauconite + calcare: micritico: glauconite + glaukonitischer mikritischer Kalkstein + glauconitic micritic limestone + calcaire micritique glauconieux + calcare micritico glauconitico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Onkoide + limestone: micritic: oncoids + calcaire: micritique: oncoïdes + calcare: micritico: oncoidi + onkolithischer mikritischer Kalkstein + oncolitic micritic limestone + calcaire micritique oncolitique + calcare micritico oncolitico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: mikritisch: Ooide + limestone: micritic: ooids + calcaire: micritique: ooïdes + calcare: micritico: ooidi + oolithischer mikritischer Kalkstein + oolitic micritic limestone + calcaire micritique oolitique + calcare micritico oolitico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: Ooide-Chert + limestone: ooids-chert + calcaire: ooïdes-silex + calcare: ooidi-selce + Chert-führender oolithischer Kalkstein + chert-bearing oolitic limestone + calcaire oolitique à silex + calcare oolitico a selce + cherty oolitic limestone + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: pedogen-verkrustet: Karbonat + rock: pedogenic-encrusted: carbonate + roche: pédogène-encroûté: carbonate + roccia: pedogene-incrostato: carbonato + Caliche + calcrete + croûte pédogène carbonatée + crosta pedogenetica carbonata + Calcrete + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: ruditisch: Korallen + limestone: ruditic: corals + calcaire: ruditique: coraux + calcare: ruditico: corali + Korall-führender Kalkrudit + coral-bearing calcirudite + calcirudite à coraux + calcirudite con corali + Riffkalk + reefal limestone + calcaire récifal + calcare recifale + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig: Bioklasten + limestone: sandy: bioclasts + calcaire: gréseux: bioclastes + calcare: sabbioso: bioclasti + bioklastischer sandiger Kalkstein + bioclastic sandy limestone + calcaire gréseux bioclastique + calcare sabbioso bioclastico + bioklastischer Sandkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig: Eisenooide + limestone: sandy: iron ooids + calcaire: gréseux: ooïdes ferrugineuses + calcare: sabbioso: ooidi di ferro + eisenoolithischer sandiger Kalkstein + iron-oolitic sandy limestone + calcaire gréseux à ooïdes ferrugineuses + calcare sabbioso con ooidi di ferro + eisenoolithischer Sandkalk + calcaire gréseux à oolites ferrugineuses + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig: Glaukonit + limestone: sandy: glauconite + calcaire: gréseux: glauconite + calcare: sabbioso: glauconite + glaukonitischer sandiger Kalkstein + glauconitic sandy limestone + calcaire gréseux glauconieux + calcare sabbioso glauconitico + glaukonitischer Sandkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig: Glimmer + limestone: sandy: mica + calcaire: gréseux: mica + calcare: sabbioso: mica + Glimmer-führender sandiger Kalkstein + micaceous sandy limestone + calcaire gréseux micacé + calcare sabbioso micaceo + Glimmer-führender Sandkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig-kieselig + limestone: sandy-siliceous + calcaire: gréseux-siliceux + calcare: sabbioso-siliceo + kieselig-sandiger Kalkstein + siliceous-sandy limestone + calcaire gréso-siliceux + calcare sabbioso-siliceo + sandig-kieseliger Kalkstein + sandy-siliceous limestone + calcaire silico-gréseux + calcare siliceo-sabbioso + kieseliger Sandkalk + sandiger Kieselkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: sandig-spätig + limestone: sandy-spathic + calcaire: gréseux-spathique + calcare: sabbioso-spatico + spätig-sandiger Kalkstein + spathic-sandy limestone + calcaire gréso-spathique + calcare sabbioso-spatico + sandig-spätiger Kalkstein + sandy-spathic limestone + calcaire spathique gréseux + calcare spatico-sabbioso + spätiger Sandkalk + spaty-sandy limestone + sandiger Spatkalk + sandy-spaty limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kieselig: Bioklasten + limestone: siliceous: bioclasts + calcaire: siliceux: bioclastes + calcare: siliceo: bioclasti + bioklastischer kieseliger Kalkstein + bioclastic siliceous limestone + calcaire siliceux bioclastique + calcare siliceo bioclastico + bioklastischer Kieselkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kieselig: Glaukonit + limestone: siliceous: glauconite + calcaire: siliceux: glauconite + calcare: siliceo: glauconite + glaukonitischer kieseliger Kalkstein + glauconitic siliceous limestone + calcaire siliceux glauconieux + calcare siliceo glauconitico + glaukonitischer Kieselkalk + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: kieselig-spätig + limestone: siliceous-spathic + calcaire: siliceux-spathique + calcare: siliceo-spatico + spätiger kieseliger Kalkstein + spathic siliceous limestone + calcaire silico-spathique + calcare siliceo spatico + spätiger Kieselkalk + spaty siliceous limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: siltig: Bioklasten + limestone: silty: bioclasts + calcaire: silteux: bioclastes + calcare: siltoso: bioclasti + bioklastischer siltiger Kalkstein + bioclastic silty limestone + calcaire silteux bioclastique + calcare siltoso bioclastico + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig: Bioklasten + limestone: spathic: bioclasts + calcaire: spathique: bioclastes + calcare: spatico: bioclasti + bioklastischer spätiger Kalkstein + bioclastic spathic limestone + calcaire spathique bioclastique + calcare spatico bioclastico + bioklastischer Spatkalk + bioclastic spaty limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig: Bioklasten-Chert + limestone: spathic: bioclasts-chert + calcaire: spathique: bioclastes-silex + calcare: spatico: bioclasti-selce + Chert-führender bioklastischer spätiger Kalkstein + chert-bearing bioclastic spathic limestone + calcaire spathique bioclastique à silex + calcare spatico bioclastico a selce + cherty bioclastic spaty limestone + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig: Chert + limestone: spathic: chert + calcaire: spathique: silex + calcare: spatico: selce + Chert-führender spätiger Kalkstein + chert-bearing spathic limestone + calcaire spathique à silex + calcare spatico a selce + cherty spaty limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig: Echinodermen + limestone: spathic: echinoderms + calcaire: spathique: échinodermes + calcare: spatico: echinodermi + Echinodermen-führender spätiger Kalkstein + echinoderm-bearing spathic limestone + calcaire à échinodermes + calcare con echinodermi + Trochiten-führender spätiger Kalkstein + crinoid-bearing spathic limestone + calcaire à entroques + calcare con crinoidi + Echinodermenkalk + echinodermal limestone + Trochitenkalk + crinoidal limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig: Glaukonit + limestone: spathic: glauconite + calcaire: spathique: glauconite + calcare: spatico: glauconite + glaukonitischer spätiger Kalkstein + glauconitic spathic limestone + calcaire spathique glauconieux + calcare spatico glauconitico + glaukonitischer Spatkalk + glauconitic spaty limestone + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig: Glaukonit-Chert + limestone: spathic: glauconite-chert + calcaire: spathique: glauconite-silex + calcare: spatico: glauconite-selce + Chert-führender glaukonitischer spätiger Kalkstein + chert-bearing glauconitic spathic limestone + calcaire spathique glauconieux à silex + calcare spatico glauconitico a selce + cherty glauconitic spaty limestone + + + + active + + + + + + Kalkstein: spätig: Ooide + limestone: spathic: ooids + calcaire: spathique: ooïdes + calcare: spatico: ooidi + oolithischer spätiger Kalkstein + oolitic spathic limestone + calcaire spathique oolitique + calcare spatico oolitico + oolithischer Spatkalk + oolitic spaty limestone + + + active + + + + + + Silt: tonig + silt: clayey + silt: argileux + silt: argilloso + toniger Silt + clayey silt + silt argileux + silt argilloso + + + active + + + + + carbonate-rich metamorphic rock; it encompasses primarily marble and calcschist + + Gestein: Karbonat-metamorph + rock: carbonate-metamorphic + roche: carbonate-métamorphique + roccia: carbonato-metamorfico + metamorphes Karbonatgestein + carbonate metamorphic rock + roche métamorphique carbonatée + roccia metamorfica carbonata + + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: kieselig + marble: siliceous + marbre: siliceux + marmo: siliceo + kieseliger Marmor + siliceous marble + marbre siliceux + marmo siliceo + + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: konglomeratisch + marble: conglomeratic + marbre: conglomératique + marmo: conglomeratico + konglomeratischer Marmor + conglomeratic marble + marbre conglomératique + marmo conglomeratico + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: metasomatisch + marble: metasomatic + marbre: métasomatique + marmo: metasomatico + Skarn + skarn + skarn + skarn + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: sandig + marble: sandy + marbre: gréseux + marmo: sabbioso + sandiger Marmor + sandy marble + marbre gréseux + marmo sabbioso + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: schiefrig + marble: schistose + marbre: schisteux + marmo: scistoso + schiefriger Marmor + schistose marble + marbre schisteux + marmo scistoso + + + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: Serizit + marble: sericite + marbre: séricite + marmo: sericite + Serizit-führender Marmor + sericite-bearing marble + marbre à séricite + marmo con sericite + Serizitmarmor + marbre sériciteux + + active + + + + + + Marmor: Silikat + marble: silicate + marbre: silicate + marmo: silicato + Silikat-reicher Marmor + silicate-bearing marble + marbre à silicate + marmo con silicato + marbre silicaté + + active + + + + + + Marmor: tonig + marble: clayey + marbre: argileux + marmo: argilloso + toniger Marmor + clayey marble + marbre argileux + marmo argilloso + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: kalkig: Chlorit + marble: calcareous: chlorite + marbre: calcaire: chlorite + marmo: calcareo: clorite + Chlorit-führender Kalkmarmor + chlorite-bearing calcareous marble + marbre calcaire à chlorite + marmo calcareo con clorite + marbre calcaire chloriteux + Cipolin + cipollino + cipolin + cipollino + + active + + + + + + Marmor: kalkig: Serizit + marble: calcareous: sericite + marbre: calcaire: séricite + marmo: calcareo: sericite + Serizit-führender Kalkmarmor + sericite-bearing calcareous marble + marbre calcaire à séricite + marmo calcareo con sericite + marbre calcaire sériciteux + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: kalkig-kieselig + marble: calcareous-siliceous + marbre: calcaire-siliceux + marmo: calcareo-siliceo + kieseliger Kalkmarmor + siliceous-calcareous marble + marbre calcaréo-siliceux + marmo calcareo-siliceo + calcareous-siliceous marble + marbre silico-calcaire + marmo siliceo-calcareo + kieselig-kalkiger Marmor + kalkig-kieseliger Marmor + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: konglomeratisch-kalkig + marble: conglomeratic-calcareous + marbre: conglomératique-calcaire + marmo: conglomeratico-calcareo + konglomeratischer Kalkmarmor + calcareous-conglomeratic marble + marbre conglomératique calcaire + marmo conglomeratico-calcareo + conglomeratic-calcareous marble + marbre calcaire conglomératique + marmo calcareo-conglomeratico + kalkig-konglomeratischer Marmor + konglomeratisch-kalkiger Marmor + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: tonig-schiefrig + marble: clayey-schistose + marbre: argileux-schisteux + marmo: argilloso-scistoso + schiefrig-toniger Marmor + schistose-clayey marble + marbre argilo-schisteux + marmo argilloso-scistoto + tonig-schiefriger Marmor + clayey-schistose marble + marbre schisto-argileux + marmo scistoto-argilloso + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: dolomitisch-schiefrig + marble: dolomitic-schistose + marbre: dolomitique-schisteux + marmo: dolomitico-scistoso + schiefriger Dolomitmarmor + schistose-dolomitic marble + marbre dolomitico-schisteux + marmo dolomitico-scistoso + dolomitic-schistose marble + marbre schisto-dolomitique + marmo scistoso-dolomitico + schiefrig-dolomitischer Marmor + dolomitisch-schiefriger Marmor + + + active + + + + + + Marmor: sandig: Bioklasten + marble: sandy: bioclasts + marbre: gréseux: bioclastes + marmo: sabbioso: bioclasti + bioklastischer sandiger Marmor + bioclastic sandy marble + marbre gréseux bioclastique + marmo sabbioso bioclastico + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: kalkig + schist: calcareous + schiste: calcaire + scisto: calcareo + Kalkschiefer + calcschist + calcschiste + calcescisto + calcarous schist + schiste calcaire + scisto calcareo + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + silica-rich metamorphic rock; it encompasses primarily quartzites and quartz schists + + Gestein: kieselig-metamorph + rock: siliceous-metamorphic + roche: siliceux-métamorphique + roccia: siliceo-metamorfico + kieseliges metamorphes Gestein + siliceous metamorphic rock + roche métamorphique siliceuse + roccia metamorfica silicea + + + + active + + + + + + Mergel + marl + marne + marna + + + + + + + + active + + + + + carbonate-rich fine-grained (mean grainsize 1/256 - 1/16 mm) clastic sedimentary rock + + marne + marna + Mergelstein + marlstone + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + unconsolidated material composed of carbonate particles + + Material: Karbonat + material: carbonate + matériel: carbonate + materiale: carbonato + Karbonat-reiches Material + carbonate material + matériel carbonaté + materiale carbonato + + + + + active + + + + + + Mergel: Kaolin + marl: kaoline + marne: kaolin + marna: caolino + Karolinmergel + kaoline-rich marl + marne à kaolin + marna di kaolino + marne kaolinitique + + active + + + + + + Mergel: sandig + marl: sandy + marne: sableux + marna: sabbioso + sandiger Mergel + sandy marl + marne sableuse + marna sabbiosa + + active + + + + + + Mergel: siltig + marl: silty + marne: silteux + marna: siltoso + siltiger Mergel + silty marl + marne silteuse + marna siltosa + + active + + + + + + Mergel: tonig + marl: clayey + marne: argileux + marna: argilloso + toniger Mergel + clayey marl + marne argileuse + marna argillosa + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Bioklasten + marlstone: bioclasts + marne: bioclastes + marna: bioclasti + bioklastischer Mergelstein + bioclastic marlstone + marne bioclastique + marna bioclastica + + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Bitumen + marlstone: bitumen + marne: bitume + marna: bitume + bituminöser Mergelstein + bituminous bioclastic marlstone + marne bitumineuse + marna bituminosa + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: dolomitisch + marlstone: dolomitic + marne: dolomitique + marna: dolomitico + dolomitischer Mergelstein + dolomitic marlstone + marne dolomitique + marna dolomitica + + + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Eisenooide + marlstone: iron ooids + marne: ooïdes ferrugineuses + marna: ooidi di ferro + eisenoolithischer Mergelstein + iron-oolitic marlstone + marne à ooïdes ferrugineuses + marna con ooidi di ferro + marne à oolites ferrugineuses + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Gips + marlstone: gypsum + marne: gypse + marna: gesso + Gips-führender Mergelstein + gypsum-bearing marlstone + marne à gypse + marna con gesso + Gipsmergel + marne gypseuse + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Glaukonit + marlstone: glauconite + marne: glauconite + marna: glauconite + glaukonitischer Mergelstein + glauconitic marlstone + marne glauconieuse + marna glauconitica + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Glimmer + marlstone: mica + marne: mica + marna: mica + Glimmer-führender Mergelstein + micaceous marlstone + marne micacée + marna micacea + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kalkig + marlstone: calcareous + marne: calcaire + marna: calcareo + kalkiger Mergelstein + calcareous marlstone + marne calcaire + marna calcarea + Kalkmergel + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kieselig + marlstone: siliceous + marne: siliceux + marna: siliceo + kieseliger Mergelstein + siliceous marlstone + marne siliceuse + marna silicea + + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Kohle + marlstone: coal + marne: charbon + marna: carbone + Kohle-führender Mergelstein + coal-bearing marlstone + marne à charbon + marna con carbone + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: konglomeratisch + marlstone: conglomeratic + marne: conglomératique + marna: conglomeratico + konglomeratischer Mergelstein + conglomeratic marlstone + marne conglomératique + marna conglomeratica + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Ooide + marlstone: ooids + marne: ooïdes + marna: ooidi + oolithischer Mergelstein + oolitic marlstone + marne oolitique + marna oolitica + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Phosphorit + marlstone: phosphorite + marne: phosphate + marna: fosforite + Phosphorit-reicher Mergelstein + phosphorite-rich marlstone + marne phosphatée + marna fosfatica + + active + + + + + + marna: sabbioso + Mergelstein: sandig + marlstone: sandy + marne: gréseux + marna sabbiosa + sandiger Mergelstein + sandy marlstone + marne gréseuse + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: schiefrig + marlstone: schistose + marne: schisteux + marna: scistoso + schiefriger Mergelstein + schistose marlstone + marne schisteuse + marna scistosa + Schiefermergel + + + + + active + + + + + + marne: silteux + marna: siltoso + Mergelstein: siltig + marlstone: silty + marne silteuse + marna siltosa + siltiger Mergelstein + silty marlstone + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + marne: argileux + marna: argilloso + Mergelstein: tonig + marlstone: clayey + marne argileuse + marna argillosa + toniger Mergelstein + clayey marlstone + Tonmergel + + + + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Bioklasten-Ooide + marlstone: bioclasts-ooids + marne: bioclastes-ooïdes + marna: bioclasti-ooidi + oolithischer bioklastischer Mergelstein + oolitic bioclastic marlstone + marne bioclastique oolitique + marna bioclastica oolitica + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Korallen + marlstone: corals + marne: coraux + marna: corali + Korallen-führender Mergelstein + coral-bearing marlstone + marne à coraux + marna con corali + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kalkig: Bioklasten + marlstone: calcareous: bioclasts + marne: calcaire: bioclastes + marna: calcareo: bioclasti + bioklastischer kalkiger Mergelstein + bioclastic calcareous marlstone + marne calcaire bioclastique + marna calcarea bioclastica + bioklastischer Kalkmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kalkig: Bitumen + marlstone: calcareous: bitumen + marne: calcaire: bitume + marna: calcareo: bitume + bituminöser kalkiger Mergelstein + bituminous calcareous marlstone + marne calcaire bitumineuse + marna calcarea bituminosa + bituminöser Kalkmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kalkig: Glaukonit + marlstone: calcareous: glauconite + marne: calcaire: glauconite + marna: calcareo: glauconite + glaukonitischer kalkiger Mergelstein + glauconitic calcareous marlstone + marne calcaire glauconieuse + marna calcarea glauconitica + glaukonitischer Kalkmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kalkig-dolomitisch + marlstone: calcareous-dolomitic + marne: calcaire-dolomitique + marna: calcareo-dolomitico + dolomitisch-kalkiger Mergelstein + dolomitic-calcareous marlstone + marne calcaréo-dolomitique + marna calcarea-dolomitica + kalkig-dolomitischer Mergelstein + calcareous-dolomitic marlstone + marne dolomitico-calcaire + marna dolomitica-calcarea + dolomitischer Kalkmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kalkig-kieselig + marlstone: calcareous-siliceous + marne: calcaire-siliceux + marna: calcareo-siliceo + kieselig-kalkiger Mergelstein + siliceous-calcareous marlstone + marne calcaréo-siliceuse + marna calcarea-silicea + kalkig-kieseliger Mergelstein + calcareous-siliceous marlstone + marne silico-calcaire + marna silicea-calcarea + kieseliger Kalkmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: kalkig-schiefrig + marlstone: calcareous-schistose + marne: calcaire-schisteux + marna: calcareo-scistoso + schiefrig-kalkiger Mergelstein + schistose-calcareous marlstone + marne calcaréo-schisteuse + marna calcarea-scistosa + kalkig-schiefriger Mergelstein + calcareous-schistose marlstone + marne schisto-calcaire + marna scistosa-calcarea + schiefriger Kalkmergel + kalkiger Schiefermergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig-kalkig + marlstone: sandy-calcareous + marne: gréseux-calcaire + marna: sabbioso-calcareo + kalkig-sandiger Mergelstein + calcareous-sandy marlstone + marne gréso-calcaire + marna sabbiosa-calcarea + sandig-kalkiger Mergelstein + sandy-calcareous marlstone + marne calcaréo-gréseuse + marna calcarea-sabbiosa + sandiger Kalkmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: siltig-kalkig + marlstone: silty-calcareous + marne: silteux-calcaire + marna: siltoso-calcareo + kalkig-siltiger Mergelstein + calcareous-silty marlstone + marne silto-calcaire + marna siltosa-calcarea + siltig-kalkiger Mergelstein + silty-calcareous marlstone + marne calcaréo-silteuse + marna calcarea-siltosa + siltiger Kalkmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig-tonig + marlstone: sandy-clayey + marne: gréseux-argileux + marna: sabbioso-argilloso + tonig-sandiger Mergelstein + clayey-sandy marlstone + marne gréso-argileuse + marna sabbiosa-argillosa + sandig-toniger Mergelstein + sandy-clayey marlstone + marne argilo-gréseuse + marna argillosa-sabbiosa + sandiger Tonmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: siltig-tonig + marlstone: silty-clayey + marne: silteux-argileux + marna: siltoso-argilloso + tonig-siltiger Mergelstein + clayey-silty marlstone + marne silto-argileuse + marna siltosa-argillosa + siltig-toniger Mergelstein + silty-clayey marlstone + marne argilo-silteuse + marna argillosa-siltosa + siltiger Tonmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: tonig: Bitumen + marlstone: clayey: bitumen + marne: argileux: bitume + marna: argilloso: bitume + bituminöser toniger Mergelstein + bituminous clayey marlstone + marne argileuse bitumineuse + marna argillosa bituminosa + bituminöser Tonmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: tonig: Kohle + marlstone: clayey: coal + marne: argileux: charbon + marna: argilloso: carbone + Kohle-führender toniger Mergelstein + coal-bearing clayey marlstone + marne argileuse charbonneuse + marna argillosa con carbone + Kohle-führender Tonmergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Lignit + marlstone: lignite + marne: lignite + marna: lignite + Lignit-führender Mergelstein + lignite-bearing marlstone + marne à lignite + marna con lignite + marne ligniteuse + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig-dolomitisch + marlstone: sandy-dolomitic + marne: gréseux-dolomitique + marna: sabbioso-dolomitico + dolomitisch-sandiger Mergelstein + dolomitic-sandy marlstone + marne gréso-dolomitique + marna sabbiosa-dolomitica + sandig-dolomitischer Mergelstein + sandy-dolomitic marlstone + marne dolomitico-gréseuse + marna dolomitica-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: siltig-dolomitisch + marlstone: silty-dolomitic + marne: silteux-dolomitique + marna: siltoso-dolomitico + dolomitisch-siltiger Mergelstein + dolomitic-silty marlstone + marne silto-dolomitique + marna siltosa-dolomitica + siltig-dolomitischer Mergelstein + silty-dolomitic marlstone + marne dolomitico-silteuse + marna dolomitica-siltosa + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: Glaukonit-Bioklasten + marlstone: glauconite-bioclasts + marne: glauconite-bioclastes + marna: glauconite-bioclasti + bioklastischer glaukonitischer Mergelstein + bioclastic glauconitic marlstone + marne glauconieuse bioclastique + marna glauconitica bioclastica + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig: Bioklasten + marlstone: sandy: bioclasts + marne: gréseux: bioclastes + marna: sabbioso: bioclasti + bioklastischer sandiger Mergelstein + bioclastic sandy marlstone + marne gréseuse bioclastique + marna sabbiosa bioclastica + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig: Glaukonit + marlstone: sandy: glauconite + marne: gréseux: glauconite + marna: sabbioso: glauconite + glaukonitischer sandiger Mergelstein + glauconitic sandy marlstone + marne gréseuse glauconieuse + marna sabbiosa glauconitica + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig: Glimmer + marlstone: sandy: mica + marne: gréseux: mica + marna: sabbioso: mica + Glimmer-führender sandiger Mergelstein + micaceous sandy marlstone + marne gréseuse micacée + marna sabbiosa micacea + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig: Kohle + marlstone: sandy: coal + marne: gréseux: charbon + marna: sabbioso: carbone + Kohle-führender sandiger Mergelstein + coal-bearing sandy marlstone + marne gréseuse charbonneuse + marna sabbiosa con carbone + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: sandig-siltig + marlstone: sandy-silty + marne: gréseux-silteux + marna: sabbioso-siltoso + siltig-sandiger Mergelstein + silty-sandy marlstone + marne gréso-silteuse + marna sabbiosa-siltosa + sandig-siltiger Mergelstein + sandy-silty marlstone + marne silto-gréseuse + marna siltosa-sabbiosa + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: schiefrig: Bitumen + marlstone: schistose: bitumen + marne: schisteux: bitume + marna: scistoso: bitume + bituminöser schiefriger Mergelstein + bituminous schistose marlstone + marne schisteuse bitumineuse + marna scistosa bituminosa + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: siltig-schiefrig + marlstone: silty-schistose + marne: silteux-schisteux + marna: siltoso-scistoso + schiefrig-siltiger Mergelstein + schistose-silty marlstone + marne silto-schisteuse + marna siltosa-scistosa + siltig-schiefriger Mergelstein + silty-schistose marlstone + marne schisto-silteuse + marna scistosa-siltosa + siltiger Schiefermergel + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: siltig: Glaukonit + marlstone: silty: glauconite + marne: silteux: glauconite + marna: siltoso: glauconite + glaukonitischer siltiger Mergelstein + glauconitic silty marlstone + marne silteuse glauconieuse + marna siltosa glauconitica + + + active + + + + + + Mergelstein: siltig: Glimmer + marlstone: silty: mica + marne: silteux: mica + marna: siltoso: mica + Glimmer-führender siltiger Mergelstein + micaceous silty marlstone + marne silteuse micacée + marna siltosa micacea + + + active + + + + + + + Material: locker + material: unconsolidated + matériel: non consolidé + materiale: non consolidato + Lockermaterial + unconsolidated material + matériel non consolidé + materiale non consolidato + Lockergestein + matériel meuble + + + + active + + + + + pulverulent, almost pure calcitic sedimentary material + + Material: Karbonat: kreidig + material: carbonate: chalky + matériel: carbonate: crayeux + gesso lacustre + chalk + craie + Seekreide + + + active + + + + + consolidated rock formed by clastic sedimentary processes + + Gestein: klastisch + rock: clastic + roche: clastique + roccia: clastico + klastisches Sedimentgestein + clastic sedimentary rock + roche sédimentaire clastique + roccia sedimentaria clastica + Klastika + detritic rock + roche détritique + roccia detritica + + + + + + active + + + + + unconsolidated material composed of coarse-grained (mean grainsize > 2 mm) clasts + + Kies + pebble + gravier + ghiaia + + + active + + + + + unconsolidated material composed of medium-grained (mean grainsize 1/16 - 2 mm) clasts + + Sand + sand + sable + sabbia + + + + + + active + + + + + + Silt + silt + silt + silt + + + + + active + + + + + unconsolidated material composed of organic particles + + Material: organisch + material: organic + matériel: organique + materiale: organico + organisches Material + organic material + matériel organique + materiale organico + + + + active + + + + + sedimentary rock formed by the accumulation of organic material; it comprises primarily coal s.l. and its varieties + + Gestein: organisch + rock: organic + roche: organique + roccia: organico + organisches Sedimentgestein + organic sedimentary rock + roche sédimentaire organique + roccia sedimentaria organica + + + + + + active + + + + + partly decomposed organic material (mainly Sphagnum) accumulated in poorly oxygenated wetlands + + Torf + peat + tourbe + torba + + active + + + + + + Migmatit: Cordierit + migmatite: cordierite + migmatite: cordiérite + migmatite: cordierite + Cordierit-führender Migmatit + cordierite-bearing migmatite + migmatite à cordiérite + migmatite con cordierite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: syenitisch + rock: syenitic + roche: syénitique + roccia: sienitico + Syenitoid + syenitoid + syénitoïde + sienitoid + + + + + active + + + + + + Monzonit: Feldspatoid + monzonite: feldspatoid + monzonite: feldspatoïde + monzonite: feldspatoido + Feldspatoid-reicher Monzonit + foid-bearing monzonite + monzonite à feldspathoïdes + monzonite con feldspatoido + + active + + + + + + Monzonit: porphyrisch: Quarz + monzonite: porphyric: quartz + monzonite: porphyrique: quartz + monzonite: porfirico: quarzo + porphyrischer Quarzmonzonit + porphyric quartz monzonite + quartzmonzonite porphyrique + quarzmonzonite porfirica + + + active + + + + + + Monzonit: Quarz + monzonite: quartz + monzonite: quartz + monzonite: quarzo + Quarzmonzonit + quartz monzonite + quartzmonzonite + quarzmonzonite + + active + + + + + + Mylonit: kalkig + mylonite: calcareous + mylonite: calcaire + milonite: calcareo + Kalkmylonit + calcareous mylonite + mylonite calcaire + milonite calcarea + calcaire mylonitique + calcare milonitico + calcaire mylonitisé + calcare milonitisato + + + + active + + + + + + Mylonit: phyllitisch + mylonite: phyllitic + mylonite: phyllitique + milonite: filitico + Phyllonit + phyllonite + phyllonite + filonite + phyllitischer Mylonit + phyillitic mylonite + mylonite phyllitique + + + active + + + + + finely foliated (cleavage planes <0,1 mm apart) metamorphic rock + + Phyllit + phyllite + phyllite + fillite + méta-argilite + + + + + active + + + + + filonian magmatic rock characterised by (very) large automorphic crystals, mainly occuring at the periphery of (and genetically linked to) granitic intrusions + + Pegmatit + pegmatite + pegmatite + pegmatite + pegmatitic rock + + active + + + + + fine-grained (mean grainsize 1/256 - 1/16 mm) clastic sedimentary rock + + Siltstein + siltstone + siltite + siltite + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + crystalline rock whose mineralogy is almost exclusively ferromagnesian (> 90% olivine, pyroxene, amphibole, biotite) + + Gestein: ultramafisch + rock: ultramafic + roche: ultramafique + roccia: ultramafico + ultramafisches Gestein + ultramafic rock + roche ultramafique + roccia ultramfica + Ultramafitit + ultrabasic rock + roche ultrabasique + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained ultramafic plutonic rock essentially composed minerals of the olivine and pyroxene groups + + Peridotit: plutonisch + peridotite: plutonic + péridotite: plutonique + peridotite: plutonico + plutonischer Peridotit + plutonic peridotite + péridotite plutonique + peridotite plutonica + + + + + + + active + + + + + coarse-grained ultramafic metamorphic rock essentially composed minerals of the olivine and pyroxene groups + + Peridotit: metamorph + peridotite: metamorphic + péridotite: métamorphique + peridotite: metamorfico + metamorpher Peridotit + metamorphic peridotite + péridotite métamorphique + peridotite metamorfica + Metaperidotit + metaperidotite + métapéridotite + + + + active + + + + + + Peridotit: Hornblende + peridotite: hornblende + péridotite: hornblende + peridotite: orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Peridotit + hornblende-bearing peridotite + péridotite à hornblende + peridotite con orneblenda + + active + + + + + + Peridotit: Phlogopit + peridotite: phlogopite + péridotite: phlogopite + peridotite: flogopite + Phlogopit-führender Peridotit + phlogopite-bearing peridotite + péridotite à phlogopite + peridotite con flogopite + + active + + + + + peridotite with an intermediate content of clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene + + Peridotit: Klinopyroxen-Orthopyroxen + peridotite: clinopyroxene-orthopyroxene + péridotite: clinopyroxène-orthopyroxène + peridotite: clinopirosseno-ortopirosseno + Lherzolit + lherzolite + lherzolite + lerzolite + + active + + + + + + Peridotit: Serpentin + peridotite: serpentine + péridotite: serpentine + peridotite: serpentino + Serptentin-führender Peridotit + serpentine-bearing peridotite + péridotite à serpentine + peridotite con serpentine + péridotite serpentinisée + + + active + + + + + peridotite composed almost exclusively (> 90%) of the mineral olivine + + Peridotit: Olivin + peridotite: olivine + péridotite: olivine + peridotite: olivina + Dunit + dunite + dunite + dunite + + active + + + + + peridotite composed essentially of olivine and clinopyroxene (< 5% orthopyroxene) + + Peridotit: Olivin-Klinopyroxen + peridotite: olivine-clinopyroxene + péridotite: olivine-clinopyroxène + peridotite: olivina-clinopirosseno + Wehrlit + wehrlite + wehrlite + werlite + + active + + + + + peridotite composed essentially of olivine and orthopyroxene (< 5% clinopyroxene) + + Peridotit: Olivin-Orthopyroxen + peridotite: olivine-orthopyroxene + péridotite: olivine-orthopyroxène + peridotite: olivina-ortopirosseno + Harzburgit + harzburgite + harzburgite + harzburgite + + active + + + + + magmatic rock whose intrusive emplacement took place at depth + + Gestein: plutonisch + rock: plutonic + roche: plutonique + roccia: plutonico + plutonisches Gestein + plutonic rock + roche plutonique + roccia plutonica + Plutonit + intrusive rock + roche intrusive + Intrusivgestein + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + metamorphic rock essentially composed of minerals of the serpentine group + + Serpentinit + serpentinite + serpentinite + serpentinite + + + + + active + + + + + undersaturated (no quartz) volcanic rock (> 10% feldspatoid and < 50% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic + + Phonolith + phonolite + phonolite + fonolite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: phonolithisch + rock: phonolitic + roche: phonolitique + roccia: fonolitico + Phonolithoid + phonolitoid + phonolitoïde + fonolitoid + + + + active + + + + + + Phonolith: tephritisch + phonolite: tephritic + phonolite: téphritique + fonolite: tefritico + tephritischer Phonolith + tephritic phonolite + phonolite téphritique + fonolite tefritica + + + active + + + + + + Phyllit: Graphit + phyllite: graphite + phyllite: graphite + fillite: grafite + Graphitphyllit + graphite-bearing phyllite + phyllite à graphite + fillite con grafite + phyllite graphiteuse + + + active + + + + + + Phyllit: kalkig + phyllite: calcareous + phyllite: calcaire + fillite: calcareo + Kalkphyllit + calareous phyllite + calcphyllite + fillite calcarea + phyllite calcaire + + + active + + + + + + Phyllit: Quarz + phyllite: quartz + phyllite: quartz + fillite: quarzo + Quarzphyllit + quartz-bearing phyllite + quartzphyllite + fillite quarzosa + phyllite quartzeuse + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Graphit + schist: graphite + schiste: graphite + scisto: grafite + Graphitschiefer + graphite schist + schiste à graphite + scisto con grafite + schiste graphiteux + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Quarz + schist: quartz + schiste: quartz + scisto: quarzo + Quarzschiefer + quartz schist + schiste quartzeux + scisto quarzoso + quartzschiste + quarzscisto + + + + + + active + + + + + mafic metamorphic rock of basaltic composition, typically displaying white ocellar albite crystals surrounded by a green matrix + + Prasinit + prasinite + prasinite + prasinite + + + + + active + + + + + + Prasinit: Albit-Chlorit + prasinite: albite-chlorite + prasinite: albite-chlorite + prasinite: albite-clorite + Albit- und Chlorit-führender Prasinit + albite- and chlorite-bearing prasinite + prasinite à albite et chlorite + prasinite con albite e clorite + + active + + + + + + Prasinit: Chlorit + prasinite: chlorite + prasinite: chlorite + prasinite: clorite + Ovardit + ovardite + ovardite + ovardite + + active + + + + + + Prasinit: schiefrig + prasinite: schistose + prasinite: schisteux + prasinite: scistoso + schiefriger Prasinit + schistose prasinite + prasinite schisteuse + prasinite scistosa + Grünschiefer + greenschist + schiste vert + + active + + + + + medium-grained (mean grainsize 1/16 - 2 mm) clastic sedimentary rock + + Sandstein + sandstone + grès + arenaria + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + rock resulting from melting by frictional heat in a deformation zone + + Pseudotachyllit + pseudotachyllite + pseudotachyllite + pseudotachilite + + active + + + + + coarse-grained ultramafic plutonic rock essentially composed of minerals of the pyroxene group + + Pyroxenit: plutonisch + pyroxenite: plutonic + pyroxénite: plutonique + pirossenite: plutonico + plutonischer Pyroxenit + plutonic pyroxenite + pyroxénite plutonique + pirossenite plutonica + + + + active + + + + + metamorphic rock dominantly of quartzitic composition, granoblastic texture and massive to layered aspect (foliated varieties are classified as quartz schists or quartz phyllites) + + Quarzit + quartzite + quartzite + quarzite + + + + + + active + + + + + + Quarzit: Albit + quartzite: albite + quartzite: albite + quarzite: albite + Albit-führender Quarzit + albite-bearing quartzite + quartzite à albite + quarzite con albite + quartzite albitique + + active + + + + + + Quarzit: Chlorit + quartzite: chlorite + quartzite: chlorite + quarzite: clorite + Chlorit-führender Quarzit + chlorite-bearing quartzite + quartzite à chlorite + quarzite con clorite + quartzite chloriteux + + active + + + + + + Quarzit: kalkig + quartzite: calcareous + quartzite: calcaire + quarzite: calcareo + kalkiger Quarzit + calcareous quartzite + quartzite calcaire + quarzite calcareo + + + active + + + + + + Quarzit: Serizit + quartzite: sericite + quartzite: séricite + quarzite: sericite + Serizit-führender Quarzit + sericite-bearing quartzite + quartzite à séricite + quarzite con sericite + quartzite sériciteux + + active + + + + + porous carbonate sedimentary rock with a brecciated and/or vacuolar aspect; it can be formed by a combination of chemical processes (incl. dissolution of original gypsum) and/or tectonic deformation + + Rauwacke + rauwacke + cornieule + cargnola + Zellendolomit + cellular dolostone + Rauhwacke + cellular dolomite + cargneule + dolomia cariata + + + + active + + + + + + Rauwacke: sedimentär + rauwacke: sedimentary + cornieule: sédimentaire + cargnola: sedimentario + sedimentärer Rauwacke + sedimentary rauwacke + cornieule sédimentaire + cargnola sedimentaria + sedimentary cellular dolostone + + + + active + + + + + + Rauwacke: sandig + rauwacke: sandy + cornieule: gréseux + cargnola: sabbioso + sandiger Rauwacke + sandy rauwacke + cornieule gréseuse + cargnola sabbiosa + sand cellular dolostone + + active + + + + + + Rhyolith: porphyrisch + rhyolite: porphyric + rhyolite: porphyrique + riolite: porfirico + porphyrischer Rhyolith + porphyric rhyolite + rhyolite porphyrique + riolite porfirica + Rhyolithporphyr + porphyrite + porfido riolitico + + active + + + + + + Rhyolith: Alkalifeldspat + rhyolite: alkali feldspar + rhyolite: feldspath alcalin + riolite: feldspato alcalino + Alkalirhyolith + alkali feldspar rhyolite + rhyolite à feldspath alcalin + riolite con feldspato alcalino + + active + + + + + + Rhyolith: ignimbritisch + rhyolite: ignimbritic + rhyolite: ignimbritique + riolite: ignimbritico + ignimbritischer Rhyolith + ignimbritic rhyolite + rhyolite ignimbritique + riolite ignimbritica + + + + active + + + + + silica-rich (crystallised or amorphous) rock, regardless of its formation process + + Gestein: kieselig + rock: siliceous + roche: siliceux + roccia: siliceo + kieseliges Gestein + siliceous rock + roche siliceuse + roccia silicea + + + + active + + + + + informal term for magmatic and metamorphic rocks formed by (re)crystallisation processes (somewhat misleading as sedimentary rocks are also made of crystals) + + Gestein: kristallin + rock: crystalline + roche: cristallin + roccia: cristallino + Kristallingestein + crystalline rock + roche cristalline + roccia cristallina + + + + + + active + + + + + rock with a chemistry supersaturated in silicium (> 66% SiO2, < 15% Fe, Mg, Ca) + + Gestein: saur + rock: acidic + roche: acide + roccia: acido + saures Gestein + acidic rock + roche acide + roccia acida + + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: saur-gangartig + rock: acidic-filonian + roche: acide-filonien + roccia: acido-filoniano + saures Ganggestein + acidic filonian rock + roche filonienne acide + roccia filoniana acida + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: saur-plutonisch + rock: acidic-plutonic + roche: acide-plutonique + roccia: acido-plutonico + saures plutonisches Gestein + acidic plutonic rock + roche plutonique acide + roccia plutonica acida + saurer Plutonit + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: saur-vulkanisch + rock: acidic-volcanic + roche: acide-volcanique + roccia: acido-vulcanico + saures vulkanisches Gestein + acidic volcanic rock + roche volcanique acide + roccia vulcanica acida + saurer Vulkanit + + + active + + + + + magmatic rock whose effusive emplacement took place at the earth's surface + + Gestein: vulkanisch + rock: volcanic + roche: volcanique + roccia: vulcanico + vulkanisches Gestein + volcanic rock + roche volcanique + roccia vulcanica + Vulkanit + Extrusivgestein + Ergussgestein + eruptive rock + roche éruptive + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + rock with a chemistry undersaturated in silicium (45-52% SiO2, 20-35% Fe, Mg, Ca) + + Gestein: basisch + rock: basic + roche: basique + roccia: basico + basisches Gestein + basic rock + roche basique + roccia basica + Basika + + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: basisch-gangartig + rock: basic-filonian + roche: basique-filonien + roccia: basico-filoniano + basisches Ganggestein + basic filonian rock + roche filonienne basique + roccia filoniana basica + Lamprophyr + lamprophyre + lamprophyre + lamprofiro + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: basisch-plutonisch + rock: basic-plutonic + roche: basique-plutonique + roccia: basico-plutonico + basisches plutonisches Gestein + basic plutonic rock + roche plutonique basique + roccia plutonica basica + basischer Plutonit + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: basisch-vulkanisch + rock: basic-volcanic + roche: basique-volcanique + roccia: basico-vulcanico + basisches vulkanisches Gestein + basic volcanic rock + roche volcanique basique + roccia vulcanica basica + basischer Vulkanit + + + active + + + + + carbonate-rich rock formed by volcanic processes; only represented by rare carbonatite occurrences + + Gestein: Karbonat-vulkanisch + rock: carbonate-volcanic + roche: carbonate-volcanique + roccia: carbonato-volcanico + vulkanisches Karbonatgestein + carbonate volcanic rock + roche volcanique carbonatée + roccia vulcanica carbonata + + + active + + + + + rock formed from the effusion of a carbonate magma at the earth's surface + + Gestein: vulkanisch: Karbonat + rock: volcanic: carbonate + roche: volcanique: carbonate + roccia: vulcanico: carbonato + roche volcanique carbonatée + roccia vulcanica carbonata + Karbonatit + carbonatite + carbonate volcanic rock + + + active + + + + + + Serpentinit: brekziös: Karbonat + serpentinite: brecciated: carbonate + serpentinite: bréchique: carbonate + serpentinite: brecciato: carbonato + Ophikalzit + ophicalcite + ophicalcite + oficalcite + Ophikarbonat + ophicarbonate + ophicarbonate + oficarbonate + + + + active + + + + + calc-silicate-rich microcrystalline rock formed by metasomatic processes at the contact between serpentinites and mafic or felsic intrusive bodies + + Rodingit + rodingite + rodingite + rodingite + + + + active + + + + + acidic plutonic rock (20-60% quartz and > 90% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram) + + Tonalit + tonalite + tonalite + tonalite + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: organisch: Anthrazit + rock: organic: anthracite + roche: organique: anthracite + roccia: organico: antracite + Anthrazitgestein + anthracite-rich organic rock + roche anthraciteuse + roccia organica ricca di antracite + Anthrazit + anthracite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: organisch: Kohle + rock: organic: coal + roche: organique: charbon + roccia: organico: carbone + Kohlegestein + coal-rich organic rock + roche charbonneuse + roccia organica ricca di carbone + Kohle + charbon + + active + + + + + + Gestein: organisch: Lignit + rock: organic: lignite + roche: organique: lignite + roccia: organico: lignite + Lignitgestein + lignite-rich organic rock + roche ligniteuse + roccia organica ricca di lignite + Lignit + lignite + + active + + + + + sedimentary rock formed by pedogenic processes (dissolution/precipitation at particular soil horizons) + + Gestein: pedogen + rock: pedogenic + roche: pédogène + roccia: pedogene + pedogen überprägtes Sedimentgestein + pedogenic overprinted sedimentary rock + roche pédogène + roccia pedogenetica + Paläoboden + paléosol + + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: pedogen: Karbonat + rock: pedogenic: carbonate + roche: pédogène: carbonate + roccia: pedogene: carbonato + pedogen überprägtes Karbonatgestein + pedogenic carbonate rock + roche pédogène carbonatée + roccia pedogenetica carbonata + + active + + + + + phosphate-rich rock formed by sedimentary processes + + Gestein: Phosphorit + rock: phosphorite + roche: phosphate + roccia: fosfato + Phosphorit-reiches Sedimentgestein + phophorite-rich rock + roche riche en phosphate + roccia fosfatica + phosphatic rock + roche phosphatée + + active + + + + + + Gestein: residual: Eisenmineralien + rock: residual: iron minerals + roche: résiduel: minéraux de fer + roccia: residuale: mineri di ferro + Eisen-reiches Residualgestein + iron-rich residual rock + roche résiduelle ferrugineuse + roccia residuale ferruginosa + siderolithische Verwitterungsbildung + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: residual: Silikat + rock: residual: silicate + roche: résiduel: silicate + roccia: residuale: silicato + Silikat-reiches Residualgestein + silicate-rich residual rock + roche résiduelle silicatée + roccia residuale di silicato + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: residual: Silikate-Eisenmineralien + rock: residual: silicate-iron minerals + roche: résiduel: silicate-minéraux de fer + roccia: residuale: silicato-mineri di ferro + Eisen- und Silikat-reiches Residualgestein + iron-and silicate-rich residual rock + roche résiduelle silicatée ferrugineuse + roccia residuale di silicato e ferruginosa + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: kieselig-kryptokristallin + rock: siliceous-kryptokrystalline + roche: siliceux-kryptocristallin + roccia: siliceo-criptocristallino + Hornstein + chert + chert + selce + Chert + chaille + + active + + + + + + Gestein: kieselig-pedogen + rock: siliceous-pedogenic + roche: siliceux-pédogène + roccia: siliceo-pedogene + Silcrete + silcrete + silcrète + silcrete + + + active + + + + + + Gestein: kieselig: Radiolarien + rock: siliceous: radiolarians + roche: siliceux: radiolaires + roccia: siliceo: radiolari + Radiolarit + radiolarite + radiolarite + radiolarite + + active + + + + + + Gestein: kieselig: Schwämme + rock: siliceous: sponges + roche: siliceux: éponges + roccia: siliceo: spunghe + Spiculit + spiculite + spiculite + spiculite + Spikulit + + active + + + + + + Syenit: Alkalifeldspat + syenite: alkali feldspar + syénite: feldspath alcalin + sienite: feldspato alcalino + Alkalisyenit + alkali feldspar syenite + syénite à feldspath alcalin + sienite con felspato alcalino + + active + + + + + undersaturated (no quartz) volcanic rock (> 10% feldspatoid and > 50% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic + + Tephrit + tephrite + téphrite + tefrite + + active + + + + + + Tephrit: phonolithisch + tephrite: phonolitic + téphrite: phonolitique + tefrite: fonolitico + phonolithischer Tephrit + phonolitic tephrite + téphrite phonolitique + tefrite fonolitica + + + active + + + + + volcanic rock (max. 20% quartz or max. 10% feldspatoid and < 35% plagioclase in the QAPF diagram); the texture is microlithic to porphyric + + Trachyt + trachyte + trachyte + trachite + + active + + + + + + Trachyt: Alkalifeldspat + trachyte: alkali feldspar + trachyte: feldspath alcalin + trachite: feldspato alcalino + Alkalitrachyt + alkali feldspar trachyte + trachyte à feldspath alcalin + trachite con feldspato alcalino + + active + + + + + unconsolidated material composed of medium-grained quartzitic clasts + + Sand: Quarz + sand: quartz + sable: quartz + sabbia: quarzo + Quarzsand + quartzitic sand + sable quartzeux + sabbia quarzosa + + active + + + + + + Sand: siltig + sand: silty + sable: silteux + sabbia: siltoso + siltiger Sand + silty sand + sable silteux + sabbia siltosa + + active + + + + + + Sand: tonig + sand: clayey + sable: argileux + sabbia: argilloso + toniger Sand + clayey sand + sable argileux + sabbia argillosa + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Bioklasten + sandstone: bioclasts + grès: bioclastes + arenaria: bioclasti + bioklastischer Sandstein + bioclastic sandstone + grès bioclastique + arenaria bioclastica + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Bitumen + sandstone: bitumen + grès: bitume + arenaria: bitume + bituminöser Sandstein + bituminous sandstone + grès bitumineux + arenaria bituminosa + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: dolomitisch + sandstone: dolomitic + grès: dolomitique + arenaria: dolomitico + dolomitischer Sandstein + dolomitic sandstone + grès dolomitique + arenaria dolomitica + Dolomitsandstein + + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Eisenmineralien + sandstone: iron minerals + grès: minéraux de fer + arenaria: mineri di ferro + Eisen-reicher Sandstein + iron-rich sandstone + grès ferrugineux + arenaria ferruginosa + Eisensandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Feldspat + sandstone: feldspar + grès: feldspath + arenaria: feldspato + Arkose + arkose + arkose + arcose + grès feldspathique + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Gips + sandstone: gypsum + grès: gypse + arenaria: gesso + Gips-führender Sandstein + gypsum-bearing sandstone + grès à gypse + arenaria con gesso + grès gypseux + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Glaukonit + sandstone: glauconite + grès: glauconite + arenaria: glauconite + glaukonitischer Sandstein + glauconitic sandstone + grès glauconieux + arenaria glauconitica + Glaukonitsandstein + grès glauconitique + Grünsandstein + grès vert + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Glimmer + sandstone: mica + grès: mica + arenaria: mica + Glimmersandstein + micaceous sandstone + grès micacé + arenaria micacea + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig + sandstone: calcareous + grès: calcaire + arenaria: calcareo + Kalksandstein + calcareous sandstone + grès calcaire + arenaria calcarea + + + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kieselig + sandstone: siliceous + grès: siliceux + arenaria: siliceo + kieseliger Sandstein + siliceous sandstone + grès siliceux + arenaria silicea + + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Kohle + sandstone: coal + grès: charbon + arenaria: carbone + Kohle-führender Sandstein + coal-bearing sandstone + grès charbonneux + arenaria con carbone + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: konglomeratisch + sandstone: conglomeratic + grès: conglomératique + arenaria: conglomeratico + konglomeratischer Sandstein + conglomeratic sandstone + grès conglomératique + arenaria conglomeratica + Geröll-führender Sandstein + grès à galets + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: mergelig + sandstone: marly + grès: marneux + arenaria: marnoso + mergeliger Sandstein + marly sandstone + grès marneux + arenaria marnosa + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Phosphorit + sandstone: phosphorite + grès: phosphate + arenaria: fosforite + Phosphorit-reicher Sandstein + phosphorite-rich sandstone + grès phosphaté + arenaria fosfatica + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Quarz + sandstone: quartz + grès: quartz + arenaria: quarzo + Quarzsandstein + quartzitic sandstone + grès quartzeux + arenaria quarzosa + grès quartzitique + + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: siltig + sandstone: silty + grès: silteux + arenaria: siltoso + siltiger Sandstein + silty sandstone + grès silteux + arenaria siltosa + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig + sandstone: clayey + grès: argileux + arenaria: argilloso + toniger Sandstein + clayey sandstone + grès argileux + arenaria argillosa + + + + + + + + + + active + + + + + medium-grained (mean grainsize 1/16 - 2 mm) volcano-clastic sedimentary rock with a large proportion (25-75%) of elements of pyroclastic origin + + Sandstein: tuffitisch + sandstone: tuffitic + grès: tuffitique + arenaria: tufitico + tuffitischer Sandstein + tuffitic sandstone + grès tuffitique + arenaria tufacea + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig: Bioklasten + sandstone: calcareous: bioclasts + grès: calcaire: bioclastes + arenaria: calcareo: bioclasti + bioklastischer Kalksandstein + bioclastic calcareous sandstone + grès calcaire bioclastique + arenaria calcarea bioclastica + + + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig: Glaukonit + sandstone: calcareous: glauconite + grès: calcaire: glauconite + arenaria: calcareo: glauconite + glaukonitischer Kalksandstein + glauconitic calcareous sandstone + grès calcaire glauconieux + arenaria calcarea glauconitica + kalkiger Glaukonitsandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig: Glimmer + sandstone: calcareous: mica + grès: calcaire: mica + arenaria: calcareo: mica + kalkiger Glimmersandstein + micaceous calcareous sandstone + grès calcaire micacé + arenaria calcarea micacea + Glimmer-führender Kalksandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig: Kohle + sandstone: calcareous: coal + grès: calcaire: charbon + arenaria: calcareo: carbone + Kohle-führender Kalksandstein + coal-bearing calcareous sandstone + grès calcaire charbonneux + arenaria calcarea con carbone + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig: Quarz + sandstone: calcareous: quartz + grès: calcaire: quartz + arenaria: calcareo: quarzo + kalkiger Quarzsandstein + quartzitic calcareous sandstone + grès calcaire quartzeux + arenaria calcarea quarzosa + Quarz-führender Kalksandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig-dolomitisch + sandstone: calcareous-dolomitic + grès: calcaire-dolomitique + arenaria: calcareo-dolomitico + dolomitischer Kalksandstein + dolomitic-calcareous sandstone + grès calcaréo-dolomitique + arenaria calcarea-dolomitica + kalkiger Dolomitsandstein + calcareous-dolomitic sandstone + grès dolomitico-calcaire + arenaria dolomitica-calcarea + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig-kieselig + sandstone: calcareous-siliceous + grès: calcaire-siliceux + arenaria: calcareo-siliceo + kieseliger Kalksandstein + siliceous-calcareous sandstone + grès calcaréo-siliceux + arenaria calcarea-silicea + kalkig-kieseliger Sandstein + calcareous-siliceous sandstone + grès silico-calcaire + arenaria silicea-calcarea + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: siltig-kalkig + sandstone: silty-calcareous + grès: silteux-calcaire + arenaria: siltoso-calcareo + kalkig-siltiger Sandstein + calcareous-silty sandstone + grès silto-calcaire + arenaria siltosa-calcarea + siltig-kalkiger Sandstein + silty-calcareous sandstone + grès calcaréo-silteux + arenaria calcarea-siltosa + siltiger Kalksandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig-kalkig + sandstone: clayey-calcareous + grès: argileux-calcaire + arenaria: argilloso-calcareo + kalkig-toniger Sandstein + calcareous-clayey sandstone + grès argilo-calcaire + arenaria argillosa-calcarea + tonig-kalkiger Sandstein + clayey-calcareous sandstone + grès calcaréo-argileux + arenaria calcarea-argillosa + toniger Kalksandstein + + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig-kalkig: Kohle + sandstone: clayey-calcareous: coal + grès: argileux-calcaire: charbon + arenaria: argilloso-calcareo: carbone + Kohle-führender kalkig-toniger Sandstein + coal-bearing calcareous-clayey sandstone + grès argilo-calcaire charbonneux + arenaria argillosa-calcarea con carbone + Kohle-führender tonig-kalkiger Sandstein + coal-bearing clayey-calcareous sandstone + grès calcaréo-argileux charbonneux + arenaria calcarea-argillosa con carbone + Kohle-führender toniger Kalksandstein + + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig: Muscheln + sandstone: calcareous: bivalves + grès: calcaire: bivalves + arenaria: calcareo: bivalvi + Muschelsandstein + shelly sandstone + grès coquillier + arenaria conchilifera + arenaria conchiglifera + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: kalkig: Nummuliten + sandstone: calcareous: nummulites + grès: calcaire: nummulites + arenaria: calcareo: nummuliti + Nummulitensandstein + nummulite-bearing sandstone + grès à nummulites + arenaria nummulitica + nummulitic sandstone + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: konglomeratisch-kalkig: Muscheln + sandstone: conglomeratic-calcareous: bivalves + grès: conglomératique-calcaire: bivalves + arenaria: conglomeratico-calcareo: bivalvi + konglomeratischer Muschelsandstein + conglomeratic shelly sandstone + grès coquillier conglomératique + arenaria conchilifera conglomeratica + arenaria conchiglifera conglomeratica + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig: Feldspat + sandstone: clayey: feldspar + grès: argileux: feldspath + arenaria: argilloso: feldspato + tonige Arkose + clayey arkose + arkose argileuse + arenaria argillosa con feldspato + grès argileux feldspathique + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig: Glaukonit + sandstone: clayey: glauconite + grès: argileux: glauconite + arenaria: argilloso: glauconite + glaukonitischer toniger Sandstein + glauconitic clayey sandstone + grès argileux glauconieux + arenaria argillosa glauconitica + toniger Glaukonitsandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig: Glimmer + sandstone: clayey: mica + grès: argileux: mica + arenaria: argilloso: mica + toniger Glimmersandstein + micaceous clayey sandstone + grès argileux micacé + arenaria argillosa micacea + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig: Kohle + sandstone: clayey: coal + grès: argileux: charbon + arenaria: argilloso: carbone + Kohle-führender toniger Sandstein + coal-bearing clayey sandstone + grès argileux charbonneux + arenaria argillosa con carbone + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig: Lithoklasten + sandstone: clayey: lithoclasts + grès: argileux: lithoclastes + arenaria: argilloso: litoclasti + Grauwacke + greywacke + grauwacke + grovacca + Flyschsandstein + grès du flysch + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: tonig-dolomitisch + sandstone: clayey-dolomitic + grès: argileux-dolomitique + arenaria: argilloso-dolomitico + dolomitisch-toniger Sandstein + dolomitic-clayey sandstone + grès argilo-dolomitique + arenaria argillosa-dolomitica + tonig-dolomitischer Sandstein + clayey-dolomitic sandstone + grès dolomitico-argileux + arenaria dolomitica-argillosa + toniger Dolomitsandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: mergelig: Glimmer + sandstone: marly: mica + grès: marneux: mica + arenaria: marnoso: mica + mergeliger Glimmersandstein + micaceous marly sandstone + grès marneux micacé + arenaria marnosa micacea + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Glimmer-Glaukonit + sandstone: mica-glauconite + grès: mica-glauconite + arenaria: mica-glauconite + glaukonitischer Glimmersandstein + glauconitic micaceous sandstone + grès micacé glauconieux + arenaria micacea glauconitica + Glimmer-führender Glaukonitsandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Quarz-Glaukonit + sandstone: quartz-glauconite + grès: quartz-glauconite + arenaria: quarzo-glauconite + glaukonitischer Quarzsandstein + glauconitic quartzitic sandstone + grès quartzeux glauconieux + arenaria quarzosa glauconitica + quarzitischer Glaukonitsandstein + + + active + + + + + + Sandstein: Quarz-Glimmer + sandstone: quartz-mica + grès: quartz-mica + arenaria: quarzo-mica + Glimmer-führender Quarzsandstein + micaceous quartzitic sandstone + grès quartzeux micacé + arenaria quarzosa micacea + Quarz-führender Glimmersandstein + quartzitic micaceous sandstone + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Amphibol + schist: amphibole + schiste: amphibole + scisto: anfibolo + Amphibol-führender Schiefer + amphibole-bearing schist + schiste à amphibole + scisto con anfibolo + Amphibolschiefer + amphiboloschiste + + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Antigorit + schist: antigorite + schiste: antigorite + scisto: antigorite + Antigorit-führender Schiefer + antigorite-bearing schist + schiste à antigorite + scisto con antigorite + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Biotit + schist: biotite + schiste: biotite + scisto: biotite + Biotit-reicher Schiefer + biotite-rich schist + schiste à biotite + scisto con biotite + Biotitit + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Chlorit + schist: chlorite + schiste: chlorite + scisto: clorite + Chloritschiefer + chlorite schist + schiste à chlorite + scisto con clorite + Grünschiefer + greenschist + schiste vert + Chloritit + chloritite + chloritoschiste + cloritoscisto + Chlorit-reicher Schiefer + chlorite-rich schist + schiste chloriteux + scistoclorite + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Chloritoid + schist: chloritoid + schiste: chloritoïde + scisto: cloritoido + Chloritoid-führender Schiefer + chloritoid-bearing schist + schiste à chloritoïde + scisto con cloritoid + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Glaukophan + schist: glaucophane + schiste: glaucophane + scisto: glaucofane + Glaukophanschiefer + glaucophane schist + schiste à glaucophane + scisto con glaucofane + Blauschiefer + blueschist + schiste bleu + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Glimmer + schist: mica + schiste: mica + scisto: mica + Glimmerschiefer + micaschist + micaschiste + micascisto + micaceous schist + schiste micacé + scisto micaceo + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Granat + schist: garnet + schiste: grenat + scisto:granato + Granat-führender Schiefer + garnet-bearing schist + schiste à grenat + scisto con granato + schiste grenatifère + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Kohle + schist: coal + schiste: charbon + scisto: carbone + Kohle-führender Schiefer + coal-bearing schist + schiste charbonneux + scisto con carbone + schiste à charbon + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: kieselig + schist: siliceous + schiste: siliceux + scisto: siliceo + kieseliger Schiefer + siliceous schist + schiste siliceux + scisto siliceo + Kieselschiefer + + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: konglomeratisch + schist: conglomeratic + schiste: conglomératique + scisto: conglomeratico + konglomeratischer Schiefer + conglomeratic schist + schiste conglomératique + scisto conglomeratico + psephitischer Schiefer + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Kyanit + schist: kyanite + schiste: disthène + scisto: cianite + Kynit-führender Schiefer + kyanite-bearing schist + schiste à disthène + scisto con cianite + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: mergelig + schist: marly + schiste: marneux + scisto: marnoso + mergeliger Schiefer + marly schist + schiste marneux + scisto marnoso + Mergelschiefer + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: sandig + schist: sandy + schiste: gréseux + scisto: sabbioso + sandiger Schiefer + sandy schist + schiste gréseux + scisto sabbioso + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Serizit + schist: sericite + schiste: séricite + scisto: sericite + Serizitschiefer + sericite schiste + schiste à séricite + scisto con sericite + séricitoschiste + schiste sériciteux + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Talk + schist: talc + schiste: talc + scisto: talco + Talkschiefer + talc schist + talcschiste + talcoscisto + Steatit + talcschist + schiste talqueux + schisto con talco + + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: tonig + schist: clayey + schiste: argileux + scisto: argilloso + Tonschiefer + clayey schist + schiste argileux + scisto argilloso + argillaceous schist + ardoise + ardesia + argiloschiste + + + + + + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Turmalin + schist: tourmaline + schiste: tourmaline + scisto: tormalina + Turmalin-führender Schiefer + tourmaline-bearing schist + schiste à tourmaline + scisto con tormalina + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Zoisit + schist: zoisite + schiste: zoïsite + scisto: zoisite + Zoisit-führender Schiefer + zoisite-bearing schist + schiste à zoïsite + scisto con zoisite + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Aktinolith + schist: actinolite + schiste: actinote + scisto: actinolite + Aktinolith-führender Schiefer + actinolite-bearing schist + schiste à actinote + scisto con actinolite + Aktinolithschiefer + actinoschiste + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Hornblende + schist: hornblende + schiste: hornblende + scisto: orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Schiefer + hornblende-bearing schist + schiste à hornblende + scisto con orneblenda + Hornblendit + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Tremolit + schist: tremolite + schiste: trémolite + scisto: tremolite + Tremolit-führender Schiefer + tremolite-bearing schist + schiste à trémolite + scisto con tremolite + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Anthrazit + schist: anthracite + schiste: anthracite + scisto: antracite + Anthrazit-führender Schiefer + anthracite-bearing schist + schiste à anthracite + scisto con antracite + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: augig: Glimmer + schist: augen: mica + schiste: oeillé: mica + scisto: occhiadino: mica + augiger Glimmerschiefer + micaceous augenschist + micaschiste oeillé + micascisto occiadino + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Biotit-Apatit + schist: biotite-apatite + schiste: biotite-apatite + scisto: biotite-apatite + Apatit-führender Biotit-reicher Schiefer + apatite-bearing biotite-rich schist + schiste à biotite et apatite + scisto con biotite e apatite + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: kalkig: Glimmer + schist: calcareous: mica + schiste: calcaire: mica + scisto: calcareo: mica + Kalkglimmerschiefer + mica-bearing calcschist + calcschiste micacé + calcescisto micaceo + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: kalkig: Serizit + schist: calcareous: sericite + schiste: calcaire: séricite + scisto: calcareo: sericite + Serizit-führender Kalkschiefer + sericite-bearing calcschist + calcschiste à séricite + calcescisto con sericite + calcschiste sériciteux + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: kalkig: Zoisit + schist: calcareous: zoisite + schiste: calcaire: zoïsite + scisto: calcareo: zoisite + Zoisit-führender Kalkschiefer + zoisite-bearing calcschist + calcschiste à zoïsite + calcescisto con zoisite + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: konglomeratisch-kalkig + schist: conglomeratic-calcareous + schiste: conglomératique-calcaire + scisto: conglomeratico-calcareo + konglomeratischer Kalkschiefer + calcareous-conglomeratic schist + schiste conglomératique calcaire + scisto conglomeratico-calcareo + conglomeratic-calcareous schist + calcschiste conglomératique + scisto calcareo-conglomeratico + kalkig-konglomeratischer Schiefer + konglomeratisch-kalkiger Schiefer + conglomeratic calcschist + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: sandig-kalkig + schist: sandy-calcareous + schiste: gréseux-calcaire + scisto: sabbioso-calcareo + kalkig-sandiger Schiefer + calcareous-sandy schist + schiste gréso-calcaire + scisto sabbioso-calcareo + sandig-kalkiger Schiefer + sandy-calcareous schist + schiste calcaréo-gréseux + scisto calcareo-sabbioso + sandiger Kalkschiefer + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: tonig-kalkig + schist: clayey-calcareous + schiste: argileux-calcaire + scisto: argilloso-calcareo + kalkig-toniger Schiefer + calcareous-clayey schist + schiste argilo-calcaire + scisto argilloso-calcareo + tonig-kalkiger Schiefer + clayey-calcareous schist + schiste calcaréo-argileux + scisto calcareo-argilloso + kalkiger Tonschiefer + toniger Kalkschiefer + clayey calcschist + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Chlorit-Epidot + schist: chlorite-epidote + schiste: chlorite-épidote + scisto: clorite-epidoto + Epidot-führender Chloritschiefer + epidote-bearing chlorite schist + schiste à chlorite et épidote + scisto con clorite e epidoto + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Chlorit-Talk + schist: chlorite-talc + schiste: chlorite-talc + scisto: clorite-talco + Talk-führender Chloritschiefer + talc-bearing chlorite schist + schiste à chlorite et talc + scisto con clorite e talco + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Chloritoid-Kyanit + schist: chloritoid-kyanite + schiste: chloritoïde-disthène + scisto: cloritoido-cianite + Kyanit- und Chloritoid-führender Schiefer + kyanite- and chloritoid-bearing schist + schiste à chloritoïde et disthène + scisto con cloritoid e cianite + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: sandig-tonig + schist: sandy-clayey + schiste: gréseux-argileux + scisto: sabbioso-argilloso + tonig-sandiger Schiefer + clayey-sandy schist + schiste gréso-argileux + scisto sabbioso-argilloso + sandig-toniger Schiefer + sandy-clayey schist + schiste argilo-gréseux + scisto argilloso-sabbioso + sandiger Tonschiefer + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: tonig: Anthrazit + schist: clayey: anthracite + schiste: argileux: anthracite + scisto: argilloso: antracite + Anthrazit-führender Tonschiefer + anthracite-bearing clayey schist + schiste argileux à anthracite + scisto argilloso con antracite + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: tonig: Bitumen + schist: clayey: bitumen + schiste: argileux: bitume + scisto: argilloso: bitume + bituminöser Tonschiefer + bituminous clayey schist + schiste argileux bitumineux + scisto argilloso bituminoso + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: tonig: Graphit + schist: clayey: graphite + schiste: argileux: graphite + scisto: argilloso: grafite + Graphit-führender Tonschiefer + graphite-bearing clayey schist + schiste argileux à graphite + scisto argilloso con grafite + schiste argileux et graphiteux + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: tonig-kieselig + schist: clayey-siliceous + schiste: argileux-siliceux + scisto: argilloso-siliceo + kieselig-toniger Schiefer + siliceous-clayey schist + schiste argilo-siliceux + scisto argilloso-siliceo + tonig-kieseliger Schiefer + clayey-siliceous schist + schiste silico-argileux + scisto siliceo-argilloso + kieseliger Tonschiefer + toniger Kieselschiefer + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: tonig-kieselig: Bitumen + schist: clayey-siliceous: bitumen + schiste: argileux-siliceux: bitume + scisto: argilloso-siliceo: bitume + bituminöser kieselig-toniger Schiefer + bituminous siliceous-clayey schist + schiste argilo-siliceux bitumineux + scisto argilloso-siliceo bituminoso + bituminöser tonig-kieseliger Schiefer + bituminous clayey-siliceous schist + schiste silico-argileux bitumineux + scisto siliceo-argilloso bituminoso + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Hornblende-Granat + schist: hornblende-garnet + schiste: hornblende-grenat + scisto: orneblenda-granato + Granat- und Hornblende-führender Schiefer + garnet- and hornblende-bearing schist + schiste à hornblende et grenat + scisto con orneblenda e granato + schiste à hornblende grenatifère + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Glimmer-Chlorit + schist: mica-chlorite + schiste: mica-chlorite + scisto: mica-clorite + Chlorit-Glimmerschiefer + chlorite-bearing micaschist + micaschiste à chlorite + micascisto con clorite + micaschiste chloriteux + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Glimmer-Chloritoid + schist: mica-chloritoid + schiste: mica-chloritoïde + scisto: mica-chloritoido + Chloritoid-führender Glimmerschiefer + chloritoid-bearing micaschist + micaschiste à chloritoïde + micascisto con cloritoid + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Glimmer-Granat + schist: mica-garnet + schiste: mica-grenat + scisto: mica-granato + Granat-Glimmerschiefer + garnet-bearing micaschist + micaschiste à grenat + micascisto con granato + micaschiste grenatifère + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Glimmer-Graphit + schist: mica-graphite + schiste: mica-graphite + scisto: mica-grafite + Graphit-führender Glimmerschiefer + graphite-bearing micaschist + micaschiste à graphite + micascisto con grafite + micaschiste graphiteux + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Glimmer-Hornblende + schist: mica-hornblende + schiste: mica-hornblende + scisto: mica-orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Glimmerschiefer + hornblende-bearing micaschist + micaschiste à hornblende + micascisto con orneblenda + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Quarz-Chlorit + schist: quartz-chlorite + schiste: quartz-chlorite + scisto: quarzo-clorite + Chlorit-führender Quarzschiefer + chlorite-bearing quartz schist + schiste quartzo-chloriteux + scisto quarzoso con clorite + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Quarz-Glimmer + schist: quartz-mica + schiste: quartz-mica + scisto: quarzo-mica + Glimmer-führender Quarzschiefer + micaceous quartz schist + schiste quartzo-micacé + scisto quarzoso-micaceo + quartzitischer Glimmerschiefer + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Quarz-Serizit + schist: quartz-sericite + schiste: quartz-séricite + scisto: quarzo-sericite + Serizit-führender Quarzschiefer + sericite-bearing quartz schist + schiste quartzo-sériciteux + scisto quarzoso con sericite + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Serizit-Chlorit + schist: sericite-chlorite + schiste: séricite-chlorite + scisto: sericite-clorite + Chlorit- und Serizit-reicher Schiefer + chlorite- and sericite-rich schiste + schiste à séricite et chlorite + scisto con sericite e clorite + schiste sériciteux et chloriteux + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Serizit-Staurolith + schist: sericite-staurolite + schiste: séricite-staurotide + scisto: sericite-staurolite + Staurolith-führender Serizitschiefer + staurolite-bearing sericite schiste + schiste à séricite et staurotide + scisto con sericite e staurolite + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Talk-Kyanit + schist: talc-kyanite + schiste: talc-disthène + scisto: talco-cianite + Kyanit-führender Talkschiefer + kyanite-bearing talc schist + talcschiste à disthène + talcoscisto con cianite + schiste à talc et disthène + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Talk-Serpentin + schist: talc-serpentine + schiste: talc-serpentine + scisto: talco-serpentino + Serpentin-führender Talkschiefer + serpentine-bearing talc schist + talcschiste à serpentine + talcoscisto con serpentine + schiste à talc et serpentine + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Talk-Tremolit + schist: talc-tremolite + schiste: talc-trémolite + scisto: talco-tremolite + Tremolit-führender Talkschiefer + tremolite-bearing talc schist + talcschiste à trémolite + talcoscisto con tremolite + schiste à talc et trémolite + + + active + + + + + + Schiefer: Zoisit-Fuchsit + schist: zoisite-fuchsite + schiste: zoïsite-fuchsite + scisto: zoisite-fuchsite + Fuchsit- und Zoisit-führender Schiefer + fuchsite- and zoisite-bearing schist + schiste à zoïsite et fuchsite + scisto con zoisite e fuchsite + + active + + + + + metamorphic rock essentially composed of the mineral antigorite + + Serpentinit: Antigorit + serpentinite: antigorite + serpentinite: antigorite + serpentinite: antigorite + Antigorit-Serpentinit + antigorite serpentinite + serpentinite à antigorite + serpentinite con antigorite + + active + + + + + metamorphic rock essentially composed of the mineral chrysotile + + Serpentinit: Chrysotil + serpentinite: chrysotile + serpentinite: chrysotile + serpentinite: crisotilo + Chrysotil-Serpentinit + chrysotile serpentinite + serpentinite à chrysotile + serpentinite con crisotilo + + active + + + + + + Silt: sandig + silt: sandy + silt: sableux + silt: sabbioso + sandiger Silt + sandy silt + silt sableux + silt sabbioso + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: dolomitisch + siltstone: dolomitic + siltite: dolomitique + siltite: dolomitico + dolomitischer Siltstein + dolomitic siltsonte + siltite dolomitique + siltite dolomitica + + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: Glimmer + siltstone: mica + siltite: mica + siltite: mica + Glimmer-führender Siltstein + micaceous siltstone + siltite micacée + siltite micacea + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: kalkig + siltstone: calcareous + siltite: calcaire + siltite: calcareo + kalkiger Siltstein + calcareous siltstone + siltite calcaire + siltite calcarea + + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: Kohle + siltstone: coal + siltite: charbon + siltite: carbone + Kohle-führender Siltstein + coal-bearing siltstone + siltite charbonneuse + siltite con carbone + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: sandig + siltstone: sandy + siltite: gréseux + siltite: sabbioso + sandiger Siltstein + sandy siltstone + siltite gréseuse + siltite sabbiosa + siltite sableuse + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: schiefrig + siltstone: schistose + siltite: schisteux + siltite: scistoso + schiefriger Siltstein + schistose siltstone + siltite schisteuse + siltite scistosa + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: tonig + siltstone: clayey + siltite: argileux + siltite: argilloso + toniger Siltstein + clayey siltstone + siltite argileuse + siltite argillosa + Schlammstein + mudstone + + + + active + + + + + fine-grained (mean grainsize 1/256 - 1/16 mm) volcano-clastic sedimentary rock with a large proportion (25-75%) of elements of pyroclastic origin + + Siltstein: tuffitisch + siltstone: tuffitic + siltite: tuffitique + siltite: tufitico + tuffitischer Siltstein + tuffitic siltstone + siltite tuffitique + siltite tufacea + + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: tonig-kalkig + siltstone: clayey-calcareous + siltite: argileux-calcaire + siltite: argilloso-calcareo + kalkig-toniger Siltstein + calcareous-clayey siltstone + siltite argilo-calcaire + siltite argillosa-calcarea + tonig-kalkiger Siltstein + clayey-calcareous siltstone + siltite calcaréo-argileuse + siltite calcarea-argillosa + + + active + + + + + + Siltstein: tonig-dolomitisch + siltstone: clayey-dolomitic + siltite: argileux-dolomitique + siltite: argilloso-dolomitico + dolomitisch-toniger Siltstein + dolomitic-clayey siltstone + siltite argilo-dolomitique + siltite argillosa-dolomitica + tonig-dolomitischer Siltstein + clayey-dolomitic siltstone + siltite dolomitico-argileuse + siltite dolomitica-argillosa + + + active + + + + + + Syenit: Feldspatoid + syenite: feldspatoid + syénite: feldspatoïde + sienite: feldspatoido + Feldspatoid-reicher Syenit + foid-bearing syenite + syénite à feldspathoïdes + sienite con felspatoido + + + active + + + + + + Syenit: porphyrisch: Quarz + syenite: porphyric: quartz + syénite: porphyrique: quartz + sienite: porfirico: quarzo + porphyrischer Quarzsyenit + porphyric quartz syenite + quartzsyénite porphyrique + quarzsienite porfirica + + + active + + + + + + Syenit: Quarz + syenite: quartz + syénite: quartz + sienite: quarzo + Quarzsyenit + quartz syenite + quartzsyénite + quarzsienite + + active + + + + + + Syenit: Quarz-Hornblende + syenite: quartz-hornblende + syénite: quartz-hornblende + sienite: quarzo-orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Quarzsyenit + hornblende-bearing quartz syenite + quartzsyénite à hornblende + quarzsienite con orneblenda + + + active + + + + + + Syenit: Nephelin + syenite: nepheline + syénite: néphéline + sienite: nefelina + Nephelin-führender Syenit + nepheline-bearing syenite + syénite à néphéline + sienite con nefelina + nephelinitischer Syenit + sienite nefelinica + + active + + + + + + Tonalit: Biotit + tonalite: biotite + tonalite: biotite + tonalite: biotite + Biotittonalit + biotite-rich tonalite + tonalite à biotite + tonalite con biotite + + + active + + + + + + Tonalit: Biotit-Hornblende + tonalite: biotite-hornblende + tonalite: biotite-hornblende + tonalite: biotite-orneblenda + Hornblende-führender Biotittonalit + hornblende- and biotite-rich tonalite + tonalite à biotite et hornblende + tonalite con biotite e orneblenda + + active + + + + + volcano-clastic rock with elements dominantly (> 75%) of pyroclastic origin and mainly composed of volcanic ash + + Tuff: vulkanisch: Asche + tuff: volcanic: ash + tuf: volcanique: cendre + tufo: vulcanico: cenere + Aschentuff + ash tuff + tuf à cendre volcanique + tufo a cenera + + active + + + + + volcano-clastic rock with elements dominantly (> 75%) of pyroclastic origin and mainly composed of crystal tuff + + Tuff: vulkanisch: Kristalle + tuff: volcanic: crystals + tuf: volcanique: cristaux + tufo: vulcanico: cristalli + Kristalltuff + crystal tuff + tuf à cristaux + tufo a cristalli + tufo cristallino + + active + + + + + volcano-clastic rock with elements dominantly (> 75%) of pyroclastic origin and mainly composed of pumice lapilli + + Tuff: vulkanisch: Lapilli + tuff: volcanic: lapilli + tuf: volcanique: lapilli + tufo: vulcanico: lapilli + Lapillituff + lapilli tuff + tuf à lapilli + tufo a lapilli + + active + + + \ No newline at end of file