diff --git a/src/view-sync/db-init/04_delete_from_borehole.sql b/src/view-sync/db-init/04_delete_from_borehole.sql
index 52a555111..64288df3d 100644
--- a/src/view-sync/db-init/04_delete_from_borehole.sql
+++ b/src/view-sync/db-init/04_delete_from_borehole.sql
@@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ VALUES ((SELECT id_usr FROM bdms.users WHERE subject_id = 'sub_anonymous'),
(SELECT id_rol FROM bdms.roles WHERE name_rol = 'VIEW'),
(SELECT id_wgp FROM bdms.workgroups WHERE name_wgp = 'Default'));
+-- Set default settings for anonymous user (e.g. "Maps displayed")
+UPDATE bdms.users
+SET settings_usr = '{"filter": {}, "viewerFilter": {}, "boreholetable": {"orderby": "alternate_name", "direction": "ASC"}, "eboreholetable": {"orderby": "alternate_name", "direction": "ASC"}, "map": {"explorer": {"ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover", "Abstract": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geocover.wms_abstract", "position": 14, "Title": "GeoCover - Vector Datasets", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas", "Abstract": "The sheets of the Geological Atlas of Switzerland (GA25) give detailed information about the uppermost layers of the subsurface structure. Geological formations are represented by colours, conventional signs and symbols, which correspond to their age, composition and tectonic structure. For each sheet, an explanatory booklet is also published, in which the geological formations and special features of the study area are described. Over two thirds of the 220 map sheets that are planned have already been published.", "position": 13, "Title": "Geological Atlas GA25", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_profile": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologischer_atlas_profile", "Abstract": "The GA25-Profile dataset (GA25_CS) is a compilation of the profiles published together with the Geological Atlas 1:25,000. It depicts the profile tracks and contains metadata on the profiles. The given year of issue corresponds to the publication year of the respective explanatory notes. The profiles represented by the tracks were extracted from the published profile plates and, if possible, saved individually along with the entire plate legend and scale as a PDF. Since the legend always refers to the entire plate, it is likely that not all elements of the legend appear in the individual profile. In a few cases, plates with very closely spaced profiles cannot be subdivided into single profiles. In these cases, the entire plate is shown for each group of the profile tracks. LINK: Fact sheet LINK: Dataset description LINK: map.geo.admin.ch - Geological Atlas GA25 Disclaimer: The user acknowledges that the authors have made all reasonable efforts to verify the information in the particular geologic model / dataset. There is no guarantee that the provided data are correct at any particular point in the subsurface. Under no circumstances shall the publisher be liable for any loss or damage of a material or immaterial nature arising from access to or from use, misuse or technical malfunction of the published information.", "position": 12, "Title": "Geological profiles GA25", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk500-lithologie_hauptgruppen": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk500-lithologie_hauptgruppen", "Abstract": "The Lithological map of Switzerland 1:500,000 provides an overview of the subsurface classified according to lithological and petrographic criteria.The geometry of the polygons was reproduced unmodified from the Geological and Tectonic maps of Switzerland 1:500,000. Additional attributes were assigned to the polygons on the basis of the Lithological-petrographic map 1:200,000.", "position": 11, "Title": "Lithology 500", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologische_karte": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geologische_karte", "Abstract": "Die Geologische Karte der Schweiz 1:500`000 (GK500-Geol) deckt die gesamte Schweiz und das angrenzende Ausland ab. Sie gibt einen \u00dcberblick \u00fcber die Verteilung der in der Schweiz auftretenden obersten Gesteinsschichten. Sie liefert somit eine wichtige Datengrundlage und ein Werkzeug f\u00fcr das bessere Verst\u00e4ndnis unserer Umwelt zwecks einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung. Sie ist ein unumg\u00e4ngliches Hilfsmittel f\u00fcr die Ausbildung in den Bereichen Erd- und Umweltwissenschaften und Naturgefahren.", "position": 10, "Title": "Geologie 500", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-tektonische_karte": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-tektonische_karte", "Abstract": "The Tectonic Map of Switzerland (TK500) depicts the tectonic units and structural elements of the entire Swiss territory and neighboring regions. These units group together rocks with a common geodynamic history and are separated from one another by tectonic discontinuities. Within some units, a distinction has been made between crystalline basement and one or more successive series of sedimentary cover. Units are grouped into structural domains separated by major tectonic discontinuities. Units and subunits can be located by entering their name in the search field, like some structural lines (not all have names). The current map (4th edition, 2024) is accompanied by an explanatory note providing a brief definition of each unit. A first enclosure contains three NW-SE to N-S tectonic cross-sections through the entire map area, which also show the major structures at depth. A second enclosure contains a series of paleogeographic diagrams, from the Middle Jurassic (170 Ma) to the present day, showing the evolution of spatial relationships between the different tectonic domains covered by the map.", "position": 9, "Title": "Tectonics 500", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk500-gesteinsklassierung": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk500-gesteinsklassierung", "Abstract": "The Lithological map of Switzerland - Groups of rocks 1:500,000 provides an overview of the subsurface subdivided into three groups of rocks: unconsolidated rocks, sedimentary rocks and crystalline rocks.The geometry of the polygons was reproduced unmodified from the Geological and Tectonic maps of Switzerland 1:500,000. Additional attributes were assigned to the polygons on the basis of the Lithological-petrographic map 1:200,000.", "position": 8, "Title": "Groups of rocks 500", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk500-genese": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-geotechnik-gk500-genese", "Abstract": "The Lithological map of Switzerland - Genesis 1:500,000 provides an overview of the subsurface classified according to the origin of the rocks, e.g. deposits from rivers and glaciers, solidification of magma or transformation of rocks through the effects of pressure and temperature.The geometry of the polygons was reproduced unmodified from the Geological and Tectonic maps of Switzerland 1:500,000. Additional attributes were assigned to the polygons on the basis of the Lithological-petrographic map 1:200,000.", "position": 7, "Title": "Origin of rocks 500", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-generalkarte-ggk200": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-generalkarte-ggk200", "Abstract": "Geological mapping of the whole country based on the Dufour Map of Switzerland. Comprised of eight sheets, published between 1942 and 1964, the General Geological Map of Switzerland (GGK200) is a historical document of the highest quality. The printed versions of the sheets of the General Geological Map are partially out of print, but each sheet is available as a pixel map.", "position": 6, "Title": "General Geol. Map 200", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-lockergestein_maechtigkeitsmodell": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-lockergestein_maechtigkeitsmodell", "Abstract": "The thickness model of unconsolidated deposits is a digital data set that describes the thickness of the unconsolidated deposits. This product is derived from the bedrock elevation model. The subtraction of the bedrock surface from the terrain surface (digital height model, DHM25) gives the thickness of unconsolidated deposits. 3D models represent a simplification of the real geological settings. The user acknowledges that the authors have taken every reasonable effort to ensure that information contained in the presented 3D geological model is as accurate as possible. There is no guarantee that the given data related to a definite point in the subsurface is accurate. Under no circumstances will the publisher be liable for any loss or damage of a material or immaterial nature arising from access to, use or non-use of published information, or from misuse or technical breakdown.", "position": 5, "Title": "Thickness of unconsolidated deposits", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-gesteinsdichte": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-gesteinsdichte", "Abstract": "An important physical property of rock is its density, which depends mainly on mineralogy and porosity. Rocks made of minerals with a high content of magnesium, iron or other heavy metallic elements have a high density. In contrast, rocks that have a large proportion of alkalis (e.g. sodium, potassium) and silicon dioxide have a comparatively low density. Furthermore, rocks with a crystalline structure generally have a greater density than those with an amorphous (glassy) structure. Density is defined as mass per unit volume of a material [kg/m3]. While the so-called bulk density comprises the entire volume of a rock, the pure density (also called grain density) represents the volume without the empty spaces - i.e. without the porosity. Based on a database of density values, a bulk-density map of Switzerland was produced, which shows the mean value and other statistical data of all measured samples from each of the 21 lithological groups. Consequently, at no point does the density map show the expected absolute bulk density of a local rock type. Instead, it primarily shows the range in which the density of the local lithology varies. The data source, the data processing and the methodology used to produce the density map can be found in the publication by Alba Zappone & Edi Kissling (2021, Swiss J. Geosciences).", "position": 4, "Title": "Rock density", "transparency": 0, "type": "WMS", "url": "https://wms.geo.admin.ch/?", "visibility": false, "queryable": true}, "ch.swisstopo.geologie-reflexionsseismik": {"Identifier": "ch.swisstopo.geologie-reflexionsseismik", "Abstract": "This map shows the location of seismic reflection data acquired in Switzerland for the exploration of the geological subsurface. The majority of these are two-dimensional measurements (2D) along the profile traces shown. Three-dimensional measurements (3D) are only locally available within the shown perimeters. For more detailed information on the actual reflection seismic data, please contact the rights holder directly. This map is continuously updated and does not claim to be complete.