Parse Binary and Ascii Maya scene files with Python.
Supports Maya 8.5-2017.
Parsing either an .ma
of .mb
involves subclassing a parser superclass and implementing various handles, such as when a node or attribute creation event takes place.
from maya_scenefile_parser import MayaAsciiParser, MayaBinaryParser
nodes = dict()
ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1]
Base, mode = {
".ma": (MayaAsciiParser, "r"),
".mb": (MayaBinaryParser, "rb"),
except KeyError:
raise RuntimeError("Invalid maya file: %s" % path)
class Parser(Base):
def on_create_node(self, nodetype, name, parent):
self.current_node = (name, parent, nodetype)
def on_set_attr(self, name, value, type):
if name not in ("nts", "notes"):
if self.current_node not in nodes:
nodes[self.current_node] = {}
nodes[self.current_node][name] = value
print("{name} = {value} ({type})".format(**locals()))
with open(path, mode) as f:
parser = Parser(f)
for node, attrs in nodes.iteritems():
for key, value in attrs.iteritems():
print("{node}.{key} = {value}".format(**locals()))