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File metadata and controls

195 lines (149 loc) · 7.5 KB

For clarification, To create the package I would create a folder containing profile.d setup.d, Docker file and ( . Then modify the publish-packages.yaml (which is a github workflow and will update automatically on push to main) to deploy them to GHCR (using imgpkg from Carvel)

Note: profile.d is process AFTER setup.d when building packages unlike Workshop repo profile.d -setup.d processing order (as of 10/27/2022)

Recommended Workfow

  1. Create folder with desired package name

  2. Create structure

    cd package-name
    mkdir setup.d profile.d 
    touch setup.d/ profile.d
    touch Dockerfile

    Dockerfile - instructions on building package image - Script to run on package creation (in container) setup.d & profile.d - Script files to run on workshop start up

  3. Complete Dockerfile


    FROM fedora:37
    COPY . /opt/packages/package-name/
    WORKDIR /opt/packages/package-name
    RUN ./
  4. Run a workshop in a separate terminal/editor (different repository) & Test commands in workshop terminal (in browser)

    make open-workshop

    Note: You can use the workshop/profile.d & workshop/setup.d folders to test scripts (workshop/profile.d Processed BEFORE workshop/setup.d)

  5. When complete build your Docker Image and Run the container to make sure files have been copied correctly

    cd oackage-name
    docker build -t package-name .
    docker run -it package-name
  6. When scripts run correctly in workshop terminal and Dockerfile is configured correctly move your scripts to package-name/profile.d & package-name/setup.d keeping in mind the following notes

    • package-name/profile.d processes AFTER package-name/setup.d during package creation (as of 10/27/2022)
    • Environment variables defined in package-name/profile.d (not package-name/setup.d)will exist in the workshop terminal (include path)
    • Files in package-name/setup.d MUST be made executable before publishing (Note: They will not run in workshop otherwise)
      cd package-name/setup.d; chmod +x $(find . -type f -name "*.sh");
    • Files in package-name/profild.d MUST be made readable before publishing (Note: They will not run in workshop otherwise)
      cd package-name/profile.d; chmod +r $(find . -type f -name "*.sh");

    Check if file has read permissions: test -r && echo $? (1=false, 0=true) Check if file has execute permissions: test -x && echo $? (1=false, 0=true)

    Remove Permisson chmod -rx

    Note: Create container rins test -r *.sh or [ -r *.sh] (or -x) on specific script files to check if they are readable or executeable befor sourcing or executing.

    • Files in package-name/setup.d MUST have #!/bin/bash at top of file

    • All scripts should start with the following lines (after #!/bin/bash if applicable)

      set -x
      set -eo pipefail
    • To reference the current directory decrat a local environment variable with value $(cd "$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)/.."; pwd)

      For example,

      PROJECT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname $BASH_SOURCE)/.."; pwd) # /opt/packages/package-name
      mkdir -p $PROJECT_DIR/dir-in-workshop
  7. When packages are ready publish them

    In this repo there exists a github action in .github/workflows/publish-packages.yaml This automatically publishes packages to your GitHub Container registry.

    1. Open .github/workflows/publish-packages.yaml in editor

    2. Add a Job to publish your package called package-name by copying the following into the publish-packages.yaml under jobs:

      name: Publish package-name
      runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
      - name: Check out the repo
          uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Install imgpkg
          shell: bash
          run: |
          wget -nv -O- > /tmp/imgpkg
          chmod 755 /tmp/imgpkg
      - name: Calculate variables
          run: |
          echo "REPOSITORY_SHA7=${GITHUB_SHA::7}" >>${GITHUB_ENV}
      - name: Build and publish package-name
          shell: bash
          run: |
          /tmp/imgpkg push -i${{github.repository}}/package-name:sha-${REPOSITORY_SHA7} -f packages/postgres-12 --registry-username=${{}} --registry-password=${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
          /tmp/imgpkg push -i${{github.repository}}/package-name:latest -f packages/package-name --registry-username=${{}} --registry-password=${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
    3. Commit & Push

    4. Open your repository in browser and navigate to teh Actions tab. Here you can see your package being build. Specifically, the output of

    5. Once build you can add to your workshop by adding it to lab-labName/resources/workshop.yaml under spec.workshop.packages.

      For example,


      kind: Workshop
          name: lab-mdas-base
              image: jdk17-environment:*
              - name: postgres-12
              - image:
              budget: medium

      Note: In this case the package is called postgres-12 and was created in the morgan-iverson/mdas-packages repository and is stored at

      Note: Be sure to use the :latest tag so you work have to update tag in the wokrshop.yaml every time you modify the package files in the package rep (this repo)

  8. Now you can test with your workshop!

    • Find your files in /opt/packages in the workshop terminal (in browser)
    • Make sure your Path is set
    • Check log files in workshop terminal at ~/.local/share/workshop/ (Note: Failed processes will have extension .failed and you can see log in corresponding log file)

How to build image

  1. cd into package folder

    cd packages/gemfire
  2. Build with docker

    docker build -t $REGISTRY/gemfire-image:latest .

    Note: I am using the images registry running on a local educates cluster (REGISTRY=localhost:5001)

  3. Push to registry

    docker push $REGISTRY/gemfire-image:latest

How to test package image creation (Make sure all necessary files have been copied in teh correct locations)

  1. Run Image as Container
    docker run -it --name gemfire $REGISTRY/gemfire-image:latest 

Add environment variables

In setup.d you can append export statments or aliases to $HOME/.bash_profile or you can add export statments to profile.d


export ENV_VAR=variable-value

or setup.d/

echo "alias psql='kubectl exec -it $POD_NAME -- psql'" >> .bash_profile