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Releases: swarajban/npm-cache

Add support for custom location for vendor directory

26 Aug 05:46
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Corrected usage for --cacheDirectory & --forceRefresh options

22 Jun 00:35
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Fixed documentation in help & README for how to use the --cacheDirectory & --forceRefresh command line options.

When using the install command, the --cacheDirectory flag should be used after install, but before the specific installer arguments.

For example, the syntax to use npm-cache where you want to specify --cacheDirectory & npm install with the --force option is:
npm-cache install --cacheDirectory <my/custom/cache/dir> install npm --force

Namespace cache by installer & installer version

21 Jun 11:05
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Cached files will now be located in <cache_directory>/<installer name>/<md5_config.tar.gz> instead of just <cache_directory/<md5_config.tar.gz>. This will allow you to work with different versions of installers and still being able to trust npm-cache

Example new directory structure:


Clear install directory before extracting dependencies -- Fixes issue #5

21 Jun 07:56
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Added npm-shrinkwrap.json support

21 Mar 21:03
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npm-cache now checks for npm-shrinkwrap.json instead of package.json if it exists.

Small bugfix for version option

21 Mar 20:31
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bumping version number for bug fix

Added ability to specify custom package manager options

21 Mar 20:27
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Added ability to specify custom package manager options. For example, if you need to install bower components with the --allow-root option, and composer with the --prefer-source option, you can do the following:

npm-cache install bower --allow-root composer --prefer-source

Specify the package manager name followed by any custom options. This release does not break previous functionality

Bug fixes plus use async more correctly

10 Jul 18:19
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update das package version

Added version number option

06 Jul 09:46
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Specifying --version of -v displays version number

Refactors, clean-up, and new options

06 Jul 09:38
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  • Remove unnecessary init() function
  • Replace JS inheritance in cache dependency manager with config objects
  • Replace yargs with nomnom for better CLI command routing
  • Remove checked-in composer.phar (use user's installed composer)
  • Use async library to load dependency managers asynchronously
  • Added clean command
  • Added forceRefresh command