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Beyond the Exchange: Data Security in the Cloud

Understanding Email

Thinking of messages sent over http as postcards and those sent via https as letters in envelopes is actually a fairly good analogy for how your information is and isn’t exposed when you’re actively sending messages to and from a website. But what about after that exchange has ended? At least some of the information we exchange with websites–be they financial websites, social networking services, or email providers–ends up being stored by them for various purposes. Obviously, any website that requires a username and password will need to store those in order to protect your account. Social networking services host copies of our posts and photos; financial institutions retain records of our accounts and transactions. Email providers that offer Web-based email access maintain copies of our emails.

While all of this is to be expected, the way this information is treated, both legally and technically, may not always meet our expectations. For example, it is generally regarded as good practice to store passwords only in encrypted form in case of a security breach, though leak incidents demonstrate that not all service providers adhere to this security rule of thumb.38 To protect your information from outside attackers, financial institutions and email providers also typically encrypt the copies they maintain of your account information and emails. At the same time, these companies have the ability to decrypt your information as well; if they didn’t, opening an email on the Web would only reveal encrypted gibberish, rather than the readable text of the note that your best friend sent you this morning.

Google’s recent “end-to-end” offering may address some of these issues, but further analysis is needed to assess exactly how the library works.

Obviously, this is part of what makes Web-based email services so convenient–we can read and refer to our email from anywhere.

The flip side of this convenience, however, is that your email provider has as much capacity as you do to access the readable text of the note your friend sent to you. If their servers are successfully hacked, the attacker will be able read all of your emails as well. Perhaps more likely–though arguably equally problematic–there are many cases where your email provider may be compelled to use its access to provide the text of your email messages to requesting authorities.39 This capacity can also be leveraged by law enforcement to compel an email provider to decrypt and share emails and other information that is more than 180 days old, because these are considered “abandoned” and so can be legally obtained through a subpoena–contents and all (18 U.S.C. 2703(a)).

Understanding Endpoints

Even without recurring headlines of cybercrime, attacks on Web servers, and security breaches, it probably seems commonsensical that businesses would use encryption to protect the data they store. After all, a bank’s website is as obvious a target for a criminal attack as a brick-and-mortar branch would be; perhaps even more so given that it can be accessed from anywhere and is likely a conduit to a much greater volume of assets. Not encrypting sensitive organization and customer information would be an obvious security hole.

But the data on your computer doesn’t need to be a gateway to millions of dollars in order to have value to an attacker. Journalists and those close to them may be the targeted for the information that their devices contain about both sources and stories: contact lists, interview notes, source documents, etc. Even for non-journalists, gaining access to your device can be valuable to the authorities or a criminal seeking information, since many of us store passwords or sensitive financial and medical information on our computers and phones.

In security-speak, an “endpoint” is any device that stores information. In this sense, Web-service providers’ servers are endpoints; so is your laptop or mobile phone. Protecting them generally requires following some simple rules: Don’t leave them in a situation where others can gain physical access to them; and to be on the safe side, encrypt them. We are apart from our devices more than we may readily imagine, whether to use the bathroom at a coffee shop or pass through a security checkpoint at an airport. Probably the most common and high-profile example of the latter situation was exemplified when Glenn Greenwald’s partner, David Miranda, flew through London Heathrow Airport in August of 2013; his computers and hard drives were taken from him for several hours.40 Any unencrypted information they contained would have been readily accessible to authorities. Just because you have a password on your computer or phone doesn’t mean its contents are encrypted; this is something you need to set up explicitly.

Don’t Get “Pwned”

That said, encryption will not protect your data against malicious software that you have voluntarily (if unknowingly) loaded onto your device yourself.

The term “pwn” (pronounced p’ōn) derives either from World of Warcraft or chess.

This most commonly happens through USB drives and downloads, both of which may contain hidden programs designed to access, manipulate, and/or communicate your private information whenever you next connect to the Internet. Trusting the source of the device or document isn’t enough to protect you. Brand-new USB drives have been known to have malware embedded by their manufacturers, and documents that can run programs–such as PDFS–may contain malware of which even the sender is unaware. This doesn’t mean that working with these resources is impossible, but it does require taking some simple precautions. One such approach is opening potentially problematic filetypes in a service like Google Docs first; these services are built to scan for and eliminate malware. Another approach is to set up an “air gapped” computer, which is simply an old machine that you never let connect to a network. This way, any malicious software is starved of the connection it needs to leak information. Of course, the first option only makes sense if the information is not sensitive; anything you save to Google Docs (or a similar Web-based service provider) falls under the same legal and technical rules of access as those described for email above.