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Deploy microservices on K8S


  • You have Docker installed
  • You have a DockerHUB user
  • You have a Minikube cluster up and running with kubectl CLI already configured to access it
  • You setup all the infrastructure components as showed in lab 06 - Install infrastructure components on K8S

Deploy Customser microservice

Build the image (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker build --build-arg MVN_ARGS=-DskipTests  -t <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT ../02-eCommerce_microservices/customer/
Successfully built af34dc2c05d5
Successfully tagged dennydgl1/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Authenticate with DockerHUB (insert your credentials if prompted)

$ docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

Push the image on DockerHUB (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker push <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT
1.0-SNAPSHOT: digest: sha256:b51a9a0f4a1e640d5e91bce08a6b0a8e40403d704fead46fc83043a40ded0db0 size: 1366

Create the ConfigMap object to store file

$ kubectl create configmap customer-conf --from-file ../02-eCommerce_microservices/customer/src/main/resources/
configmap/customer-conf created

Modify the image name in customer-ms.yaml file, in order to reflect the one you used in the previous steps (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

 image: <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/customer:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Apply the manifest

$ kubectl apply -f customer-ms.yaml
deployment.apps/customer-deployment created
service/customer-service created

Check if everything went fine

$ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -l app=customer
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/customer-deployment   1/1     1            1           23s

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/customer-deployment-6df99bcbd4-dwgpr   1/1     Running   0          23s

NAME                       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/customer-service   NodePort   <none>        8102:32102/TCP   23s

Invoke the microservice (please substitute <K8S NODE> placeholder with the IP address of one Kubernetes node):

$ curl <K8S NODE>:32102/customers-service/v2/customers/

You should get an empty array just because at this stage the database is empty.

Deploy Order microservice

Build the image (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker build --build-arg MVN_ARGS=-DskipTests  -t <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/order:1.0-SNAPSHOT ../02-eCommerce_microservices/order/
Successfully built af34dc2c05d5
Successfully tagged dennydgl1/order:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Authenticate with DockerHUB (insert your credentials if prompted)

$ docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

Push the image on DockerHUB (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker push <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/order:1.0-SNAPSHOT
1.0-SNAPSHOT: digest: sha256:b51a9a0f4a1e640d5e91bce08a6b0a8e40403d704fead46fc83043a40ded0db0 size: 1366

Create the ConfigMap object to store file

$ kubectl create configmap order-conf --from-file ../02-eCommerce_microservices/order/src/main/resources/
configmap/order-conf created

Modify the image name in order-ms.yaml file, in order to reflect the one you used in the previous steps (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)


Apply the manifest

$ kubectl apply -f order-ms.yaml
deployment.apps/order-deployment created
service/order-service created

Check if everything went fine

$ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -l app=order
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/order-deployment   1/1     1            1           23s

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/order-deployment-6df99bcbd4-dwgpr   1/1     Running   0          23s

NAME                       TYPE       CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
service/order-service   NodePort   <none>        8102:32102/TCP   23s

Invoke the microservice (please substitute <K8S NODE> placeholder with the IP address of one Kubernetes node):

$ curl <K8S NODE>:32103/orders-service/v2/orders/

You should get an empty array just because at this stage the database is empty.

Deploy Notification microservice

Build the image (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker build --build-arg MVN_ARGS=-DskipTests  -t <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT ../02-eCommerce_microservices/notification/
Successfully built af34dc2c05d5
Successfully tagged dennydgl1/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Authenticate with DockerHUB (insert your credentials if prompted)

$ docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded

Push the image on DockerHUB (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

$ docker push <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT
1.0-SNAPSHOT: digest: sha256:b51a9a0f4a1e640d5e91bce08a6b0a8e40403d704fead46fc83043a40ded0db0 size: 1366

Create the ConfigMap object to store file

$ kubectl create configmap notification-conf --from-file ../02-eCommerce_microservices/notification/src/main/resources/
configmap/notification-conf created

Modify the image name in notification-ms.yaml file, in order to reflect the one you used in the previous steps (change the placeholder <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER> with your DockerHUB username)

 image: <YOUR_DOCKERHUB_USER>/notification:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Apply the manifest

$ kubectl apply -f notification-ms.yaml
deployment.apps/notification-deployment created
service/notification-service created

Check if everything went fine

$ kubectl get deploy,pod,svc -l app=notification
NAME                                  READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/notification-deployment   1/1     1            1           23s

NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
pod/notification-deployment-6df99bcbd4-dwgpr   1/1     Running   0          23s