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Write your own Sugar web activity

Choose your development environment

You've got three choices to develop your own web activity for Sugar:

  • install packaged Sugar on Fedora, Debian, or Ubuntu; or,
  • use Sugarizer.

See Setup a development environment for more detail.

Sugarizer simulates the Sugar environment in a browser. So you need only a browser to start developing. It's the better choice if you've no time or knowledge to learn how to install or build Sugar desktop on a GNU Linux distribution but you're not in a Sugar desktop environment, so your activity may only work in Sugarizer.

Create the activity from the template

On packaged sugar, after you have built the development environment, clone the Sugarizer repository. Install volo through npm.

npm install -g volo

Create an activity based on the default template

cd sugarizer/activities
volo create MyActivity.activity ./ActivityTemplate
cd MyActivity.activity

On Sugarizer, after you've cloned - or copied - the Sugarizer repository, copy all content of activities/ActivityTemplate directory in a new directory activities/MyActivity.activity.


Choose a name for your activity. Write it in the activity name and bundle-id in activity/ of the new directory.

And also in the title tag of index.html.


On packaged sugar, install the activity for development

python dev

On Sugarizer, update the file activities.json of the Sugarizer directory: add a new line for your activity. Update id, name and directory values on this new line.

Sugarizer settings

Now you should have a basic activity running!

Activity template

File structure

In your new activity, you will find the following file structure:

|-- activity/
|   |--
|   `-- activity-icon.svg
|-- index.html
|-- css/
|   `-- activity.css
|-- js/
|   |-- activity.js
|   `-- loader.js
|-- lib/
|-- package.json
  • activity/ contains information about your activity, including the name, ID, and the icon.

  • index.html is where the elements that compose your activity are defined. The template comes with a toolbar and a canvas where you can place your content.

  • js/activity.js is where the logic of your activity lives.

  • css/activity.css is where you add the styling of your activity.

Those are the files you'll modify in most cases. The others are:

  • js/loader.js configures the libraries paths and loads your js/activity.js . You can add non-AMD libraries here.

  • lib/ contains the libraries

  • package.json contains information about the libraries the activity depends

  • lets you install your activity or make an installable bundle with it

Now you are ready to go ahead and develop your activity in the html, js and css directories.

Revision control your code

For development you can initialize the repository as a git repository. This will help you to track your changes. First use git init to initialize the repository:

git init

With git status you can show the available files in the folder they are still untracked. Now add all the files in the directory besides the lib folder and commit those changes, you can use git status again to see the current state:

git add .
git commit -a -m 'Initial import'
git status

First steps

Adding a button to the toolbar

This simple example will show you how web activities are structured as bits of HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

You will need a SVG graphic for the button. Or you can use one from the Sugar icon set at lib/sugar-web/graphics/icons/. For this example, let's say you have one custom icon called my-button.svg. Create a directory icons/ inside your activity and place the SVG file inside. Then do the following steps.

In index.html, add a new <button> element inside the toolbar:

<button class="toolbutton" id="my-button" title="My Button"></button>

In css/activity.css, define the button style:

#main-toolbar #my-button {
    background-image: url(../icons/my-button.svg);

In js/activity.js, add a callback for the button:

var myButton = document.getElementById("my-button");
myButton.onclick = function () {
    console.log("You clicked me!");

Adding HTML content dynamically

Soon you will find that adding content to the HTML as we did with the toolbar button in the previous section, is very limited. You'll want to add HTML elements on the fly, as the user interacts with the activity, or as the data structures of your activity logic change. There are several options to archive this. Most of the time you'll end up using a mix of them, so it is important to know them all.

First, it is possible to create HTML elements and append them to other HTML elements using JavaScript. This is called "manipulating the DOM".

For example, to create a new div with class 'my-div', and append it to the canvas div, you can do:

myElem = document.createElement('div');
myElem.className = "my-div";
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");

But it is a pain to do that for large HTML structures. Writing HTML directly is much better:

var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
canvas.innerHTML +=
    '<ul id="names-list">' +
      '<li class="name">Tom</li>' +
      '<li class="name">Chris</li>' +
      '<li class="name">Donald</li>' +

Nice, that saves us many JavaScript lines. But what if the HTML depends on your data? Let's say you have an array of names and you want one <li> per name, as in the previous example. You have two options: 1. go back to use the JavaScript methods for DOM manipulation, or 2. use a template system.

There are many template systems out there, and you can use whatever you like. Let's try mustache here.

Add mustache to your activity:

volo add mustache

Import mustache in your js/activity.js:

var mustache = require("mustache");

Use it:

var template =
    '<ul id="names-list">' +
      '{{#names}}' +
      '<li class="name">{{ name }}</li>' +
      '{{/names}}' +

var data = {names: [{name: "Laura"}, {name: "Joao"},
                    {name: "Willy"}, {name: "Sandra"}]};

var containerElem = document.getElementById("container");
containerElem.innerHTML = mustache.render(template, data);


If you want to inspect the code, you can press ctrl+shift+I while your Activity is running.

The inspector is a very useful tool for many things. For example, you can edit the activity CSS or HTML, and interactively see how it is affected. Or you can execute JavaScript commands in the console.

Activity inspector

It has also more advanced tools for JavaScript debugging. They are nicely documented here:

Keeping Sugar libraries up to date

The activity depends on the sugar-web library that provides the Sugar API and the Sugar look & feel.

This means that if there are changes to the library you have to update your local copy. You can do this with running the following command inside the activity directory:

volo add -f

Using other JavaScript libraries


You can easily add AMD-ready libraries with volo. For example, to add RaphaelJS:

$ volo add DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael
Installed github:DmitryBaranovskiy/raphael/v2.1.2 at lib/raphael.js
AMD dependency name: raphael

Then in js/activity.js you can use it:

var raphael = require("raphael");

non-AMD libs

Please, refer to RequiresJS shim section, then you can add your shim section in js/loader.js

Ready to release

Before your first release, you should:

  • make your activity unique in the Sugar interface by changing your activity icon activity/activity-icon.svg . Or if you don't have graphics skills, you can ask in the community if someone can do it.

After that, if the activity works with Sugar 0.112 or earlier, on packaged-sugar you may make a bundle and upload it to the Sugar Activity Library

python dist_xo

With Sugarizer, you can directly publish the XO bundle. So, just zip the content of your activities/MyActivity.activity directory and rename the .zip file to a .xo file.

For further releases, you should update the activity_version in activity/