NNI supports running an experiment on DLTS, called dlts mode. Before starting to use NNI dlts mode, you should have an account to access DLTS dashboard.
Step 1. Choose a cluster from DLTS dashboard, ask administrator for the cluster dashboard URL.
Step 2. Prepare a NNI config YAML like the following:
# Set this field to "dlts"
trainingServicePlatform: dlts
authorName: your_name
experimentName: auto_mnist
trialConcurrency: 2
maxExecDuration: 3h
maxTrialNum: 100
searchSpacePath: search_space.json
useAnnotation: false
builtinTunerName: TPE
optimize_mode: maximize
command: python3 mnist.py
codeDir: .
gpuNum: 1
image: msranni/nni
# Configuration to access DLTS
dashboard: # Ask administrator for the cluster dashboard URL
Remember to fill the cluster dashboard URL to the last line.
Step 3. Open your working directory of the cluster, paste the NNI config as well as related code to a directory.
Step 4. Submit a NNI manager job to the specified cluster.
Step 5. Go to Endpoints tab of the newly created job, click the Port 40000 link to check trial's information.