— creates React portal into document's body.<Overlay>
— creates an overlay over the whole page.<Modal>
— creates an overlay and keeps focus in modal.<Dimmer>
— Dims its parent element.<Dimmable>
— Dims its children.<Parallax>
— Creates parallax effect when user scrolls.<FullScreen>
— displays children in full screen.<Slider>
— provides mouse position inside element when scrubbing.<DropArea>
— area where to copy-paste and drop files.<Group>
— separates its children using a separator.<OutsideClick>
— tracks clicks outside its children.<Ripple>
— creates a material-design-like ripple effect.<Img>
— render-prop for<img>
to handle loading and error states.<WidthQuery>
— Renders the<View>
child that matches a query.<WindowWidthQuery>
that uses<WindowWidthSensor>
that uses<WidthSensor>
— render-prop for<audio>
— render-prop for<video>
— synthesizes human voice.<Vibrate>
— vibrates user's device.<Alert>
— displaysalert()