All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- api client: extract axios api client from classes (1d6fb63)
- constants: add helper functions to access constants (2e267ec)
- constants: extract constants, update .json and perform type checking on import (3e7515e)
- constants: update (a09022d)
- main classes: extract base class (0628feb)
- oven: add method to return contract details (aa7be2a)
- oven, core: add integrity check to core and oven; setDelegate, withdraw and deposit for oven (6c1f9d7)
- project: add facade class to interact with components of the sdk (ce3000a)
- project: add project (b8efcc3)
- readme: add code examples to readme that can be auto updated (13239d1)
- test: add script to load external library that launches sandbox and migrates state (1d8c3ab)
- token contract: add support for token contract (87d485a)