diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md index 7497c29313691..3b3ec2bfd4ed5 100644 --- a/CONTRIBUTING.md +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ We have a lot of mechanisms to help expedite towards an accepted PR. Here are so - `@opensearch.experimental`: Indicates rapidly changing [experimental code](./DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md#experimental-development). 5. *Employ sandbox for significant core changes*: Any new features or enhancements that make changes to core classes (e.g., search phases, codecs, or specialized lucene APIs) are more likely to. be merged if they are sandboxed. This can only be enabled on the java CLI (`-Dsandbox.enabled=true`). 6. *Micro-benchmark critical path*: This is a lesser known mechanism, but if you have critical path changes you're afraid will impact performance (the changes touch the garbage collector, heap, direct memory, or CPU) then including a [microbenchmark](https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/tree/main/benchmarks) with your PR (and jfr or flamegraph results in the description) is a *GREAT IDEA* and will help expedite the review process. -7. *Test, test, test*: pretty self explanatory ([OpenSearchTestCase](./test/framework/src/main/java/org/opensearch/test/OpenSearchTestCase.java) for unit tests, [OpenSearchIntegTestCase](./test/framework/src/main/java/org/opensearch/test/OpenSearchIntegTestCase.java) for integration & cluster tests, [OpenSearchRestTestCase](./test/framework/src/main/java/org/opensearch/test/rest/OpenSearchRestTestCase.java) for testing REST endpoint interfaces, and yaml tests with [ClientYamlTestSuiteIT](./rest-api-spec/src/yamlRestTest/java/org/opensearch/test/rest/ClientYamlTestSuiteIT.java) for REST integration tests) +7. *Test rigorously*: Ensure thorough testing ([OpenSearchTestCase](./test/framework/src/main/java/org/opensearch/test/OpenSearchTestCase.java) for unit tests, [OpenSearchIntegTestCase](./test/framework/src/main/java/org/opensearch/test/OpenSearchIntegTestCase.java) for integration & cluster tests, [OpenSearchRestTestCase](./test/framework/src/main/java/org/opensearch/test/rest/OpenSearchRestTestCase.java) for testing REST endpoint interfaces, and yaml tests with [ClientYamlTestSuiteIT](./rest-api-spec/src/yamlRestTest/java/org/opensearch/test/rest/ClientYamlTestSuiteIT.java) for REST integration tests) In general, the more guardrails you add to your change, the higher the chance your PR will be merged quickly. We can always relax these guard rails in smaller followup PRs. Reverting a GA feature is much more difficult. Check out the [DEVELOPER_GUIDE](./DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md#submitting-changes) for more useful tips.