In this part we will explore the api code and configuration.
The api lives in ./ex-10/got-episodes-api
- Server and app code (./src/server.js, ./src/app.js)
- The Server creates an instance of the web app (app.js)
- The app code is the main api server
- It's based on the Fastify web framework.
- It has support for CORS, rate-limiting and Swagger
- Routes define the api routes (except for / and /doc)(./routes/routes/episodes.js)
- Adds rudimentary validators for api verbs
- Adds
- GET - /api/episodes
- GET - /api/episodes/:id
- POST - /api/episodes
- PUT - /api/episodes/:id
- DELETE - /api/episodes/:id
- The Controller (./controller/episodes_controller.js)
- The controller code for the api, adding functions to get all episodes, get one episode, add an episode, update an episode and delete an episode
- The controller reads episodes demo data from './data/got_demo_data'. No data is persisted, it's in memory for this version.
- Lib contains helpers (./lib)
- 'app-config.js' to build and validate configuration params
- 'auth.js' to help validating api requests, jwt token and scope vs api verbs
- 'logger.js' - a log helper, deciding log levels based on node_env.
- Tests (./test)
- Test code, coverage is basic, it's not including all verbs etc.
Investigate the code
- Pay particularly attention to the token validation code in 'auth.js'
- Find the url for public part of the keys that are used to sign the jwt token - investigate
Make the tests for the episodes api execute (from ./ex-10/got-episodes-api)
npm run test-cover
Get an idea for test coverage by executing
npx tap report
When done - dehydrate and offer to help a fellow workshop participant
Security headers; we have implemented CORS, but traditional headers does not give much value for this simple API, they are more for the web browser / client
Good practice: Do proper token validation (header, signature, audience, issuer, expired)
- "Trust but verify"?
Good practice: Use frameworks to do token validation, especially the crypto part
Good practice: OWASP Top 10 for api security is a good resource for securing your api's
- #1 - API1:2023 - Broken Object Level Authorization (handled with fastify schemas)
- #2 - API2:2023 - Broken Authentication (the basic validation is in place (jwt))
- #3 - API3:2023 - Broken Object Property Level Authorization (we have simple func auth with jwt, scope and schemas)
- #4 - API4:2023 - Unrestricted Resource Consumption (we have implemented rate limiting)
- #5 - API5:2023 - Broken Function Level Authorization (we have simple func auth with jwt, scope and schemas)
- #6 .....
4 of the top 5 API security issues has to do with Authentication and Authorization
Good practice: Create automated documentation of your api, Swagger or OpenApi are good choices.