First of all, thank you for choosing to participate. More eyes and more hands will make for a better product.
Please review this before contributing to the project. It'll help keep things tidy.
- If bugs are found, please use the Issues page and create an issue there. It would be very helpful to include a VHDL code example that demonstrates the bug behavior, if at all possible.
- If features are desired, again, please use the Issues page and we can discuss it. Depending on what's requested, there's a very good chance it can be introduced.
- All Pull-Requests should target develop, not master. Master is reserved for releases.
- For contributing code, please fork off the develop branch. I do tend to keep the develop branch updated with my own changes. If master is forked, you may not have all the up-to-date alterations. Even if it's a minor addition, forking off of master and then doing a Pull Request to develop can cause some weirdness in the Pull Request since master usually only gets PRs from develop.
I make certain that contributions are acknowledged in the documentation.
I think that's about it. Thanks again for considering contributing bugs, ideas, or code to this Sublime Text package. I really appreciate it.