diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2d1b338b..20a66abf 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -207,8 +207,8 @@ Copyright © 2016-2024. The Stdlib [Authors][stdlib-authors].
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[npm-url]: https://npmjs.org/package/@stdlib/string
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diff --git a/dist/index.d.ts b/dist/index.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 15e948f0..00000000
--- a/dist/index.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
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-import ns from '../docs/types/index';
-export = ns;
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index 5c6aa1c9..00000000
--- a/dist/index.js
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First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));for(i=[PF(r)],t=1;t?`{}|~\/\\\[\]]/g;function HF(r){if(!zF(r))throw new TypeError(jF("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return WF(r,$F,"")}Ci.exports=HF});var Br=n(function(im,Bi){"use strict";var ZF=li();Bi.exports=ZF});var fi=n(function(xm,gi){"use strict";function XF(r){return r.toUpperCase()}gi.exports=XF});var V=n(function(tm,pi){"use strict";var QF=fi();pi.exports=QF});var Di=n(function(am,Ei){"use strict";function JF(r){return r.toLowerCase()}Ei.exports=JF});var h=n(function(nm,Ai){"use strict";var YF=Di();Ai.exports=YF});var qi=n(function(um,hi){"use strict";var KF=require("@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object"),oF=require("@stdlib/assert/has-own-property"),cF=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string-array").primitives,dF=require("@stdlib/assert/is-empty-array"),mi=v();function rv(r,i){return KF(i)?oF(i,"stopwords")&&(r.stopwords=i.stopwords,!cF(r.stopwords)&&!dF(r.stopwords))?new TypeError(mi("invalid option. `%s` option must be an array of strings. Option: `%s`.","stopwords",r.stopwords)):null:new TypeError(mi("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i))}hi.exports=rv});var wi=n(function(em,iv){iv.exports=["a","all","also","although","an","and","any","are","as","at","b","be","been","but","by","c","could","d","e","each","eg","either","even","ever","ex","except","f","far","few","for","from","further","g","get","gets","given","gives","go","going","got","h","had","has","have","having","he","her","here","herself","him","himself","his","how","i","ie","if","in","into","is","it","its","itself","j","just","k","l","less","let","m","many","may","me","might","must","my","myself","n","need","needs","next","no","non","not","now","o","of","off","old","on","once","only","or","our","out","p","per","put","q","r","s","same","shall","she","should","since","so","such","sure","t","than","that","the","their","them","then","there","these","they","this","those","though","thus","to","too","u","us","v","w","was","we","well","went","were","what","when","where","which","who","whose","why","will","would","x","y","yet","z"]});var yi=n(function(sm,bi){"use strict";var xv=Br(),tv=require("@stdlib/nlp/tokenize"),av=A(),nv=V(),uv=h(),ev=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,sv=require("@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains").factory,Fv=v(),vv=qi(),Cv=wi(),lv=/-/g;function Bv(r,i){var t,x,a,u,e,s;if(!ev(r))throw new TypeError(Fv("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(a={},arguments.length>1&&(u=vv(a,i),u))throw u;for(t=sv(a.stopwords||Cv),r=xv(r),r=av(r,lv," "),x=tv(r),e="",s=0;s?`{}|~\/\\\[\]_#$*&^@%]+/g,zv=/(?:\s|^)([^\s]+)(?=\s|$)/g,Wv=/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;function jv(r,i,t){return i=Gv(i),t===0?i:Iv(i)}function $v(r){return r=$(r,Mv," "),r=$(r,Uv," "),r=$(r,Wv,"$1 $2"),r=kv(r),$(r,zv,jv)}Qi.exports=$v});var pr=n(function(hm,Yi){"use strict";var Hv=Ji();Yi.exports=Hv});var ix=n(function(qm,rx){"use strict";var Ki=65536,oi=1024,H=55296,ci=56319,Z=56320,di=57343;function Zv(r,i,t){var x,a,u;return i<0&&(i+=r.length),x=r.charCodeAt(i),x>=H&&x<=ci&&i=Z&&x<=di&&i>=1?(u=r.charCodeAt(i-1),a=x,H<=u&&u<=ci?(u-H)*oi+(a-Z)+Ki:a):x}rx.exports=Zv});var Er=n(function(wm,xx){"use strict";var Xv=ix();xx.exports=Xv});var ax=n(function(bm,tx){"use strict";var Qv=V(),Dr=A(),Jv=w(),Yv=/\s+/g,Kv=/[\-!"'(),–.:;<>?`{}|~\/\\\[\]_#$*&^@%]+/g,ov=/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;function cv(r){return r=Dr(r,Kv," "),r=Dr(r,ov,"$1 $2"),r=Jv(r),r=Dr(r,Yv,"_"),Qv(r)}tx.exports=cv});var Ar=n(function(ym,nx){"use strict";var dv=ax();nx.exports=dv});var Fx=n(function(Tm,sx){"use strict";var ux=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,ex=v();function rC(r,i){var t,x;if(!ux(r))throw new TypeError(ex("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!ux(i))throw new TypeError(ex("invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",i));if(r.length!==i.length)return-1;for(t=0,x=0;x?`{}|~\/\\\[\]_#$*&^@%]+/g,sC=/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;function FC(r){return r=hr(r,eC," "),r=hr(r,sC,"$1 $2"),r=nC(r),r=hr(r,uC,"."),aC(r)}qx.exports=FC});var qr=n(function(Nm,bx){"use strict";var vC=wx();bx.exports=vC});var Tx=n(function(_m,yx){"use strict";var CC=typeof String.prototype.endsWith!="undefined";yx.exports=CC});var Vx=n(function(Om,Sx){"use strict";function lC(r,i,t){var x,a,u;if(a=i.length,t===0)return a===0;if(t<0?x=r.length+t:x=t,a===0)return!0;if(x-=a,x<0)return!1;for(u=0;ur.length?!1:gC.call(r,i,x))}Lx.exports=fC});var X=n(function(km,_x){"use strict";var pC=Tx(),EC=Vx(),DC=Nx(),wr;pC?wr=DC:wr=EC;_x.exports=wr});var Ix=n(function(Um,Ox){"use strict";function AC(r,i){return r.substring(0,i)}Ox.exports=AC});var br=n(function(Mm,Gx){"use strict";var mC=Ix();Gx.exports=mC});var Ux=n(function(zm,kx){"use strict";var hC=require("@stdlib/regexp/utf16-surrogate-pair").REGEXP,qC=/[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,wC=/[\uD800-\uDBFF]/;function bC(r,i){var t,x,a,u,e,s;if(r===""||i===0)return"";if(i===1)return r=r.substring(0,2),hC.test(r)?r:r[0];for(t=r.length,x="",e=0,s=0;s=r.length)throw new RangeError(Q("invalid argument. Second argument must be a valid position (i.e., be within string bounds). Value: `%d`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(!TC(t))throw new TypeError(Q("invalid argument. Third argument must be a boolean. Value: `%s`.",t));x=t}else x=!1;return PC(r,i,x)}zx.exports=RC});var J=n(function($m,jx){"use strict";var LC=Wx();jx.exports=LC});var N=n(function(Hm,$x){"use strict";var NC={CR:0,LF:1,Control:2,Extend:3,RegionalIndicator:4,SpacingMark:5,L:6,V:7,T:8,LV:9,LVT:10,Other:11,Prepend:12,ZWJ:13,NotBreak:0,BreakStart:1,Break:2,BreakLastRegional:3,BreakPenultimateRegional:4,ExtendedPictographic:101};$x.exports=NC});var Qx=n(function(Zm,Xx){"use strict";var B=N();function _C(r,i,t,x){var a,u;for(t>=r.length&&(t=r.length-1),a=0,u=i;u<=t;u++)r[u]===x&&(a+=1);return a}function Hx(r,i,t,x){var a;for(t>=r.length&&(t=r.length-1),a=i;a<=t;a++)if(r[a]!==x)return!1;return!0}function OC(r,i,t,x){var a;for(t>=r.length&&(t=r.length-1),a=i;a<=t;a++)if(r[a]===x)return a;return-1}function Zx(r,i,t,x){var a;for(i>=r.length-1&&(i=r.length-1),a=i;a>=t;a--)if(r[a]===x)return a;return-1}function IC(r,i){var t,x,a,u,e,s;return e=r.length,s=e-1,a=r[s-1],x=r[s],t=i[s],u=Zx(r,s,0,B.RegionalIndicator),u>0&&a!==B.Prepend&&a!==B.RegionalIndicator&&Hx(r,1,u-1,B.RegionalIndicator)?_C(r,0,s,B.RegionalIndicator)%2===1?B.BreakLastRegional:B.BreakPenultimateRegional:a===B.CR&&x===B.LF?B.NotBreak:a===B.Control||a===B.CR||a===B.LF||x===B.Control||x===B.CR||x===B.LF?B.BreakStart:a===B.L&&(x===B.L||x===B.V||x===B.LV||x===B.LVT)||(a===B.LV||a===B.V)&&(x===B.V||x===B.T)||(a===B.LVT||a===B.T)&&x===B.T||x===B.Extend||x===B.ZWJ||x===B.SpacingMark||a===B.Prepend||(u=Zx(i,s-1,0,B.ExtendedPictographic),u>=0&&a===B.ZWJ&&t===B.ExtendedPictographic&&i[u]===B.ExtendedPictographic&&Hx(r,u+1,s-2,B.Extend))?B.NotBreak:OC(r,1,s-1,B.RegionalIndicator)>=0?B.Break:a===B.RegionalIndicator&&x===B.RegionalIndicator?B.NotBreak:B.BreakStart}Xx.exports=IC});var Kx=n(function(Xm,Yx){"use strict";var Jx=N();function GC(r){return 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First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(arguments.length>1){if(!$C(i))throw new TypeError(it("invalid argument. Second argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.",i));u=i}else u=0;if(a=r.length,u<0&&(u+=a,u<0&&(u=0)),a===0||u>=a)return-1;for(t=[],x=[],e=rt(r,u),t.push(xt(e)),x.push(tt(e)),s=u+1;s0))return s;return-1}at.exports=XC});var q=n(function(Km,ut){"use strict";var QC=nt();ut.exports=QC});var st=n(function(om,et){"use strict";var JC=q();function YC(r,i){for(var t=0;i>0;)t=JC(r,t),i-=1;return r===""||t===-1?r:r.substring(0,t)}et.exports=YC});var Vr=n(function(cm,Ft){"use strict";var KC=st();Ft.exports=KC});var Ct=n(function(dm,vt){"use strict";function oC(r,i,t){var x;for(x=0;x?`{}|~\/\\\[\]_#$*&^@%]+/g,gl=/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;function fl(r){return r=Nr(r,Bl," "),r=Nr(r,gl,"$1 $2"),r=Cl(r),r=Fl(r),r=vl(r),Nr(r,ll,"-")}qt.exports=fl});var _r=n(function(s2,bt){"use strict";var pl=wt();bt.exports=pl});var Tt=n(function(F2,yt){"use strict";var El=V(),Dl=h();function Al(r){var i,t,x,a;for(i=[],a=0;a?`{}|~\/\\\[\]_#$*&^@%]+/g,yl=/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;function Tl(r){return r=Or(r,bl," "),r=Or(r,yl,"$1 $2"),r=ql(r),r=Or(r,wl,"-"),hl(r)}Pt.exports=Tl});var Ir=n(function(l2,Lt){"use strict";var Sl=Rt();Lt.exports=Sl});var _t=n(function(B2,Nt){"use strict";var Vl=typeof String.prototype.repeat!="undefined";Nt.exports=Vl});var It=n(function(g2,Ot){"use strict";function Pl(r,i){var t,x;if(r.length===0||i===0)return"";for(t="",x=i;(x&1)===1&&(t+=r),x>>>=1,x!==0;)r+=r;return t}Ot.exports=Pl});var kt=n(function(f2,Gt){"use strict";var Rl=String.prototype.repeat;Gt.exports=Rl});var Mt=n(function(p2,Ut){"use strict";var Ll=kt();function Nl(r,i){return Ll.call(r,i)}Ut.exports=Nl});var O=n(function(E2,zt){"use strict";var _l=_t(),Ol=It(),Il=Mt(),Gr;_l?Gr=Il:Gr=Ol;zt.exports=Gr});var jt=n(function(D2,Wt){"use strict";var Gl=O(),kl=require("@stdlib/math/base/special/ceil");function Ul(r,i,t){var x=(i-r.length)/t.length;return x<=0?r:(x=kl(x),Gl(t,x)+r)}Wt.exports=Ul});var kr=n(function(A2,$t){"use strict";var Ml=jt();$t.exports=Ml});var Zt=n(function(m2,Ht){"use strict";var zl=typeof String.prototype.trimLeft!="undefined";Ht.exports=zl});var Qt=n(function(h2,Xt){"use strict";var Wl=A(),jl=/^[\u0020\f\n\r\t\v\u00a0\u1680\u2000-\u200a\u2028\u2029\u202f\u205f\u3000\ufeff]+/;function $l(r){return Wl(r,jl,"")}Xt.exports=$l});var Yt=n(function(q2,Jt){"use strict";var Hl=String.prototype.trimLeft;Jt.exports=Hl});var ot=n(function(w2,Kt){"use strict";var Zl=Yt();function Xl(r){return Zl.call(r)}Kt.exports=Xl});var Mr=n(function(b2,ct){"use strict";var Ql=Zt(),Jl=Qt(),Yl=ot(),Ur;Ql?Ur=Yl:Ur=Jl;ct.exports=Ur});var ra=n(function(y2,dt){"use strict";var Kl=L(),ol=h(),o=A(),cl=w(),dl=/\s+/g,rB=/[-!"'(),–.:;<>?`{}|~\/\\\[\]_#$*&^@%]+/g,iB=/(?:\s|^)([^\s]+)(?=\s|$)/g,xB=/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;function tB(r,i){return Kl(ol(i))}function aB(r){return r=o(r,rB," "),r=o(r,dl," "),r=o(r,xB,"$1 $2"),r=cl(r),o(r,iB,tB)}dt.exports=aB});var zr=n(function(T2,ia){"use strict";var nB=ra();ia.exports=nB});var aa=n(function(S2,ta){"use strict";var uB=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,eB=v(),P=63,T=128,sB=192,FB=224,vB=240,xa=1023,CB=2048,lB=55296,BB=57344,gB=65536;function fB(r){var i,t,x,a;if(!uB(r))throw new TypeError(eB("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));for(x=r.length,t=[],a=0;a>6),t.push(T|i&P)):i=BB?(t.push(FB|i>>12),t.push(T|i>>6&P),t.push(T|i&P)):(a+=1,i=gB+((i&xa)<<10|r.charCodeAt(a)&xa),t.push(vB|i>>18),t.push(T|i>>12&P),t.push(T|i>>6&P),t.push(T|i&P));return t}ta.exports=fB});var Wr=n(function(V2,na){"use strict";var pB=aa();na.exports=pB});var ea=n(function(P2,ua){"use strict";var EB=Wr(),DB=95,AB=46,mB=45,hB=126,qB=48,wB=57,bB=65,yB=90,TB=97,SB=122;function VB(r){var i,t,x,a,u;for(a=EB(r),x=a.length,t="",u=0;u=qB&&i<=wB||i>=bB&&i<=yB||i>=TB&&i<=SB||i===mB||i===AB||i===DB||i===hB?t+=r.charAt(u):t+="%"+i.toString(16).toUpperCase();return t}ua.exports=VB});var jr=n(function(R2,sa){"use strict";var PB=ea();sa.exports=PB});var va=n(function(L2,Fa){"use strict";function RB(r,i){return r.substring(i,r.length)}Fa.exports=RB});var $r=n(function(N2,Ca){"use strict";var LB=va();Ca.exports=LB});var Ba=n(function(_2,la){"use strict";var NB=/[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,_B=/[\uD800-\uDBFF]/;function OB(r,i){var t,x,a,u,e;if(i===0)return r;for(t=r.length,u=0,e=0;e0;)t=GB(r,t),i-=1;return r===""||t===-1?"":r.substring(t,r.length)}fa.exports=kB});var Zr=n(function(G2,Ea){"use strict";var UB=pa();Ea.exports=UB});var Aa=n(function(k2,Da){"use strict";function MB(r,i){return r.substring(0,r.length-i)}Da.exports=MB});var Xr=n(function(U2,ma){"use strict";var zB=Aa();ma.exports=zB});var qa=n(function(M2,ha){"use strict";var WB=/[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,jB=/[\uD800-\uDBFF]/;function $B(r,i){var t,x,a,u,e;if(i===0)return r;for(t=r.length,u=0,e=t-1;e>=0;e--){if(x=r[e],u+=1,WB.test(x)){if(e===0)break;a=r[e-1],jB.test(a)&&(e-=1)}if(u===i)break}return r.substring(0,e)}ha.exports=$B});var Qr=n(function(z2,wa){"use strict";var HB=qa();wa.exports=HB});var Ta=n(function(W2,ya){"use strict";var ZB=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,ba=q(),XB=v();function QB(r){var i,t,x;if(!ZB(r))throw new TypeError(XB("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));for(i=0,t=0,x=ba(r,t);x!==-1;)i+=1,t=x,x=ba(r,t);return t=0;t--)i+=r[t];return i}Oa.exports=ig});var Kr=n(function(J2,Ga){"use strict";var xg=Ia();Ga.exports=xg});var Ua=n(function(Y2,ka){"use strict";var tg=/[\uDC00-\uDFFF]/,ag=/[\uD800-\uDBFF]/;function ng(r){var i,t,x,a,u;for(i=r.length,t="",u=0;u?`{}|~\/\\\[\]_#$*&^@%]+/g,Vg=/([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;function Pg(r){return r=x0(r,Sg," "),r=x0(r,Vg,"$1 $2"),r=yg(r),r=x0(r,Tg,"_"),bg(r)}xn.exports=Pg});var t0=n(function(e3,an){"use strict";var Rg=tn();an.exports=Rg});var un=n(function(s3,nn){"use strict";var Lg=typeof String.prototype.startsWith!="undefined";nn.exports=Lg});var sn=n(function(F3,en){"use strict";function Ng(r,i,t){var x,a;if(t<0?x=r.length+t:x=t,i.length===0)return!0;if(x<0||x+i.length>r.length)return!1;for(a=0;ar.length?!1:Og.call(r,i,x)}Cn.exports=Ig});var n0=n(function(l3,Bn){"use strict";var Gg=un(),kg=sn(),Ug=ln(),a0;Gg?a0=Ug:a0=kg;Bn.exports=a0});var fn=n(function(B3,gn){"use strict";var Mg=require("@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-odd"),zg=require("@stdlib/math/base/special/round");function Wg(r,i,t){var x,a,u,e,s;return a=t.length,u=r.length,i>u?r:(x=i-a,x<0?t.slice(0,i):(e=zg(x/2),s=Mg(x)?e-1:e,s=u-s,r.substring(0,e)+t+r.substring(s)))}gn.exports=Wg});var En=n(function(g3,pn){"use strict";var jg=fn();pn.exports=jg});var An=n(function(f3,Dn){"use strict";function $g(r){return r===""?"":r.charAt(0).toLowerCase()+r.slice(1)}Dn.exports=$g});var u0=n(function(p3,mn){"use strict";var Hg=An();mn.exports=Hg});var qn=n(function(E3,hn){"use strict";var f=require("@stdlib/utils/define-read-only-property"),g={};f(g,"altcase",Li());f(g,"camelcase",pr());f(g,"capitalize",L());f(g,"codePointAt",Er());f(g,"constantcase",Ar());f(g,"distances",hx());f(g,"dotcase",qr());f(g,"endsWith",X());f(g,"first",br());f(g,"firstCodePoint",yr());f(g,"firstGraphemeCluster",Vr());f(g,"forEach",Pr());f(g,"forEachCodePoint",Rr());f(g,"forEachGraphemeCluster",Lr());f(g,"formatInterpolate",Fr());f(g,"formatTokenize",vr());f(g,"headercase",_r());f(g,"invcase",Vt());f(g,"kebabcase",Ir());f(g,"lpad",kr());f(g,"ltrim",Mr());f(g,"lowercase",h());f(g,"pascalcase",zr());f(g,"percentEncode",jr());f(g,"removeFirst",$r());f(g,"removeFirstCodePoint",Hr());f(g,"removeFirstGraphemeCluster",Zr());f(g,"removeLast",Xr());f(g,"removeLastCodePoint",Qr());f(g,"removeLastGraphemeCluster",Jr());f(g,"repeat",O());f(g,"replace",A());f(g,"replaceBefore",Yr());f(g,"reverse",Kr());f(g,"reverseCodePoints",or());f(g,"reverseGraphemeClusters",cr());f(g,"rpad",dr());f(g,"rtrim",i0());f(g,"snakecase",t0());f(g,"startcase",K());f(g,"startsWith",n0());f(g,"trim",w());f(g,"truncateMiddle",En());f(g,"uncapitalize",u0());f(g,"uppercase",V());hn.exports=g});var bn=n(function(D3,wn){"use strict";var Zg=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,Xg=v(),Qg=pr();function Jg(r){if(!Zg(r))throw new TypeError(Xg("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return Qg(r)}wn.exports=Jg});var Tn=n(function(A3,yn){"use strict";var Yg=bn();yn.exports=Yg});var Vn=n(function(m3,Sn){"use strict";var Kg=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,og=v(),cg=L();function dg(r){if(!Kg(r))throw new TypeError(og("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return cg(r)}Sn.exports=dg});var Rn=n(function(h3,Pn){"use strict";var rf=Vn();Pn.exports=rf});var Nn=n(function(q3,Ln){"use strict";var xf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,tf=v(),af=Ar();function nf(r){if(!xf(r))throw new TypeError(tf("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return af(r)}Ln.exports=nf});var On=n(function(w3,_n){"use strict";var uf=Nn();_n.exports=uf});var Gn=n(function(b3,In){"use strict";var ef=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,sf=v(),Ff=qr();function vf(r){if(!ef(r))throw new TypeError(sf("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return Ff(r)}In.exports=vf});var Un=n(function(y3,kn){"use strict";var Cf=Gn();kn.exports=Cf});var Wn=n(function(T3,zn){"use strict";var lf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-integer").isPrimitive,Mn=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,e0=v(),Bf=X();function gf(r,i,t){if(!Mn(r))throw new TypeError(e0("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!Mn(i))throw new TypeError(e0("invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(!lf(t))throw new TypeError(e0("invalid argument. Third argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.",t))}else t=r.length;return Bf(r,i,t)}zn.exports=gf});var $n=n(function(S3,jn){"use strict";var ff=Wn();jn.exports=ff});var Jn=n(function(V3,Qn){"use strict";var pf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,Hn=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,Zn=require("@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object"),Ef=require("@stdlib/assert/has-own-property"),Df=require("@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains").factory,Af=br(),mf=yr(),hf=Vr(),G=v(),Xn=["grapheme","code_point","code_unit"],qf={grapheme:hf,code_point:mf,code_unit:Af},wf=Df(Xn);function bf(r){var i,t,x,a;if(!pf(r))throw new TypeError(G("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(x={mode:"grapheme"},t=arguments.length,t===1)a=1;else if(t===2){if(a=arguments[1],Zn(a))i=a,a=1;else if(!Hn(a))throw new TypeError(G("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",a))}else{if(a=arguments[1],!Hn(a))throw new TypeError(G("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",a));if(i=arguments[2],!Zn(i))throw new TypeError(G("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i))}if(i&&Ef(i,"mode")&&(x.mode=i.mode,!wf(x.mode)))throw new TypeError(G('invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: "%s". Value: `%s`.',"mode",Xn.join('", "'),x.mode));return qf[x.mode](r,a)}Qn.exports=bf});var Kn=n(function(P3,Yn){"use strict";var yf=Jn();Yn.exports=yf});var ru=n(function(R3,dn){"use strict";var Tf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-function"),Sf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,on=require("@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object"),Vf=require("@stdlib/assert/has-own-property"),Pf=require("@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains").factory,Rf=Pr(),Lf=Rr(),Nf=Lr(),c=v(),cn=["grapheme","code_point","code_unit"],_f={grapheme:Nf,code_point:Lf,code_unit:Rf},Of=Pf(cn);function If(r,i,t){var x,a,u,e;if(!Sf(r))throw new TypeError(c("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(u={mode:"grapheme"},a=arguments.length,a===2)e=i,i=null;else if(a===3)on(i)?e=t:(e=i,i=null,x=t);else{if(!on(i))throw new TypeError(c("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i));e=t,x=arguments[3]}if(!Tf(e))throw new TypeError(c("invalid argument. Callback argument must be a function. Value: `%s`.",e));if(i&&Vf(i,"mode")&&(u.mode=i.mode,!Of(u.mode)))throw new TypeError(c('invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: "%s". Value: `%s`.',"mode",cn.join('", "'),u.mode));return _f[u.mode](r,e,x),r}dn.exports=If});var xu=n(function(L3,iu){"use strict";var Gf=ru();iu.exports=Gf});var eu=n(function(N3,uu){"use strict";var kf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,Uf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-collection"),tu=v(),au=require("@stdlib/constants/unicode/max"),Mf=require("@stdlib/constants/unicode/max-bmp"),nu=String.fromCharCode,zf=65536,Wf=55296,jf=56320,$f=1023;function Hf(r){var i,t,x,a,u,e,s;if(i=arguments.length,i===1&&Uf(r))x=arguments[0],i=x.length;else for(x=[],s=0;sau)throw new RangeError(tu("invalid argument. Must provide a valid code point (i.e., cannot exceed %u). Value: `%s`.",au,e));e<=Mf?t+=nu(e):(e-=zf,u=(e>>10)+Wf,a=(e&$f)+jf,t+=nu(u,a))}return t}uu.exports=Hf});var Fu=n(function(_3,su){"use strict";var Zf=eu();su.exports=Zf});var Cu=n(function(O3,vu){"use strict";var Xf=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,Qf=v(),Jf=_r();function Yf(r){if(!Xf(r))throw new TypeError(Qf("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return Jf(r)}vu.exports=Yf});var Bu=n(function(I3,lu){"use strict";var Kf=Cu();lu.exports=Kf});var fu=n(function(G3,gu){"use strict";var of=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,cf=v(),df=Ir();function rp(r){if(!of(r))throw new TypeError(cf("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return df(r)}gu.exports=rp});var Eu=n(function(k3,pu){"use strict";var ip=fu();pu.exports=ip});var mu=n(function(U3,Au){"use strict";var xp=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,Du=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,d=v(),tp=require("@stdlib/constants/float64/max-safe-integer"),ap=kr();function np(r,i,t){var x;if(!Du(r))throw new TypeError(d("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!xp(i))throw new TypeError(d("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(x=t,!Du(x))throw new TypeError(d("invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",x));if(x.length===0)throw new RangeError("invalid argument. Third argument must not be an empty string.")}else x=" ";if(i>tp)throw new RangeError(d("invalid argument. Output string length exceeds maximum allowed string length. Value: `%u`.",i));return ap(r,i,x)}Au.exports=np});var s0=n(function(M3,hu){"use strict";var up=mu();hu.exports=up});var wu=n(function(z3,qu){"use strict";var ep=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,sp=v(),Fp=Mr();function vp(r){if(!ep(r))throw new TypeError(sp("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return Fp(r)}qu.exports=vp});var yu=n(function(W3,bu){"use strict";var Cp=wu();bu.exports=Cp});var Vu=n(function(j3,Su){"use strict";var lp=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,Tu=q(),Bp=v();function gp(r){var i,t,x;if(!lp(r))throw new TypeError(Bp("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(i=0,x=[],r.length===0)return x;for(t=Tu(r,i);t!==-1;)x.push(r.substring(i,t)),i=t,t=Tu(r,i);return x.push(r.substring(i)),x}Su.exports=gp});var rr=n(function($3,Pu){"use strict";var fp=Vu();Pu.exports=fp});var _u=n(function(H3,Nu){"use strict";var Ru=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,pp=rr(),Ep=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,Dp=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string-array").primitives,Ap=R(),Lu=require("@stdlib/utils/escape-regexp-string"),F0=v(),mp=" \f\n\r \v\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF";function hp(r,i,t){var x,a,u,e,s;if(!Ru(r))throw new TypeError(F0("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!Ep(i))throw new TypeError(F0("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(u=Ru(t),!u&&!Dp(t))throw new TypeError(F0("invalid argument. Third argument must be a string or an array of strings. Value: `%s`.",t));for(u&&(t=pp(t)),x=t.length-1,a="",s=0;s1){if(!Pp(i))throw new TypeError(zu("invalid argument. Second argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.",i));a=i}else a=0;return x=r.length,a<0&&(a+=x,a<0&&(a=0)),t=x-1,a>=t?-1:(u=a+1,e=u+1,Lp.test(r[a])&&Rp.test(r[u])?e>=t?-1:e:u)}Wu.exports=Np});var Hu=n(function(Y3,$u){"use strict";var _p=ju();$u.exports=_p});var v0=n(function(K3,Op){Op.exports=[{VAL:1,EN:"zero",DE:"null"},{VAL:10,EN:"ten",DE:"zehn"},{VAL:100,EN:"hundred",DE:"hundert"},{VAL:1e3,EN:"thousand",DE:"tausend"},{VAL:1e6,EN:"million",DE:"Million"},{VAL:1e9,EN:"billion",DE:"Milliarde"},{VAL:1e12,EN:"trillion",DE:"Billion"},{VAL:1e15,EN:"quadrillion",DE:"Billiarde"},{VAL:1e18,EN:"quintillion",DE:"Trillion"},{VAL:1e21,EN:"sextillion",DE:"Trilliarde"},{VAL:1e24,EN:"septillion",DE:"Quadrillion"},{VAL:1e27,EN:"octillion",DE:"Quadrilliarde"},{VAL:1e30,EN:"nonillion",DE:"Quintillion"},{VAL:1e33,EN:"decillion",DE:"Quintilliarde"},{VAL:1e36,EN:"undecillion",DE:"Sextillion"},{VAL:1e39,EN:"duodecillion",DE:"Sextilliarde"},{VAL:1e42,EN:"tredecillion",DE:"Septillion"},{VAL:1e45,EN:"quattuordecillion",DE:"Septilliarde"},{VAL:1e48,EN:"quindecillion",DE:"Octillion"},{VAL:1e51,EN:"sedecillion",DE:"Octilliarde"},{VAL:1e54,EN:"septendecillion",DE:"Nonillion"},{VAL:1e57,EN:"octodecillion",DE:"Nonilliarde"},{VAL:1e60,EN:"novendecillion",DE:"Decillion"},{VAL:1e63,EN:"vigintillion",DE:"Decilliarde"},{VAL:1e66,EN:"unvigintillion",DE:"Undecillion"},{VAL:1e69,EN:"duovigintillion",DE:"Undecilliarde"},{VAL:1e72,EN:"tresvigintillion",DE:"Duodecillion"},{VAL:1e75,EN:"quattuorvigintillion",DE:"Duodecilliarde"},{VAL:1e78,EN:"quinquavigintillion",DE:"Tredecillion"},{VAL:1e81,EN:"sesvigintillion",DE:"Tredecilliarde"},{VAL:1e84,EN:"septemvigintillion",DE:"Quattuordecillion"},{VAL:1e87,EN:"octovigintillion",DE:"Quattuordecilliarde"},{VAL:1e90,EN:"novemvigintillion",DE:"Quindecillion"},{VAL:1e93,EN:"trigintillion",DE:"Quindecilliarde"},{VAL:1e96,EN:"untrigintillion",DE:"Sedecillion"},{VAL:1e99,EN:"duotrigintillion",DE:"Sedecilliarde"},{VAL:1e102,EN:"trestrigintillion",DE:"Septendecillion"},{VAL:1e105,EN:"quattuortrigintillion",DE:"Septendecilliarde"},{VAL:1e108,EN:"quinquatrigintillion",DE:"Octodecillion"},{VAL:1e111,EN:"sestrigintillion",DE:"Octodecilliarde"},{VAL:1e114,EN:"septentrigintillion",DE:"Novendecillion"},{VAL:1e117,EN:"octotrigintillion",DE:"Novendecilliarde"},{VAL:1e120,EN:"noventrigintillion",DE:"Vigintillion"},{VAL:1e123,EN:"quadragintillion",DE:"Vigintilliarde"},{VAL:1e153,EN:"quinquagintillion",DE:"Quinvigintilliarde"},{VAL:1e183,EN:"sexagintillion",DE:"Trigintilliarde"},{VAL:1e213,EN:"septuagintillion",DE:"Quintrigintilliarde"},{VAL:1e243,EN:"octogintillion",DE:"Quadragintilliarde"},{VAL:1e273,EN:"nonagintillion",DE:"Quin\xADquadra\xADgint\xADilliarde"},{VAL:1e303,EN:"centillion",DE:"Quinquagintilliarde"},{VAL:1e306,EN:"uncentillion",DE:"Unquinquagintillione"}]});var Qu=n(function(o3,Xu){"use strict";var k=require("@stdlib/math/base/special/floor"),Ip=X(),S=v0(),Zu=["null","eins","zwei","drei","vier","f\xFCnf","sechs","sieben","acht","neun","zehn","elf","zw\xF6lf","dreizehn","vierzehn","f\xFCnfzehn","sechzehn","siebzehn","achtzehn","neunzehn"],Gp=["null","zehn","zwanzig","drei\xDFig","vierzig","f\xFCnfzig","sechzig","siebzig","achtzig","neunzig"];function kp(r){return Ip(r,"e")?r+"n":r+"en"}function U(r,i){var t,x,a;if(r===0)return i||"null";if(r<0&&(i+="minus ",r*=-1),r<20)x=0,r===1&&i.length===0?t="ein":t=Zu[r];else if(r<100)x=r%10,t=Gp[k(r/10)],x&&(t=(x===1?"ein":Zu[x])+"und"+t,x=0);else if(r<1e3)x=r%100,t=U(k(r/100),"")+"hundert";else if(r<1e6)x=r%1e3,t=U(k(r/1e3),"")+"tausend";else for(a=5;a0&&(t+="-"+Ju[x],x=0);else{for(a=3;a0&&(i+=" "),i+=t,ir(x,i)}Yu.exports=ir});var r1=n(function(d3,du){"use strict";var Mp=require("@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object"),zp=require("@stdlib/assert/has-own-property"),Wp=require("@stdlib/utils/index-of"),ou=v(),cu=["en","de"];function jp(r,i){return Mp(i)?zp(i,"lang")&&(r.lang=i.lang,Wp(cu,r.lang)===-1)?new TypeError(ou('invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: "%s". Value: `%s`.',"lang",cu.join('", "'),r.lang)):null:new TypeError(ou("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i))}du.exports=jp});var x1=n(function(r6,i1){"use strict";function $p(r,i){var t,x,a;for(x=r.length,t="",a=0;a1&&(a=Jp(x,i),a))throw a;if(Zp(r))switch(x.lang){case"de":return l0(r,"");case"en":default:return B0(r,"")}if(!Xp(r))switch(x.lang){case"de":return r<0?"minus unendlich":"unendlich";case"en":default:return r<0?"negative infinity":"infinity"}switch(t=r.toString().split("."),x.lang){case"de":return l0(t[0],"")+" Komma "+t1(t[1],l0);case"en":default:return B0(t[0],"")+" point "+t1(t[1],B0)}}a1.exports=Yp});var e1=n(function(x6,u1){"use strict";var Kp=n1();u1.exports=Kp});var v1=n(function(t6,F1){"use strict";var op=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,cp=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,s1=v(),dp=O();function rE(r,i){if(!cp(r))throw new TypeError(s1("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!op(i))throw new TypeError(s1("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",i));return dp(r,i)}F1.exports=rE});var g0=n(function(a6,C1){"use strict";var iE=v1();C1.exports=iE});var g1=n(function(n6,B1){"use strict";var xE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,l1=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,xr=v(),tE=require("@stdlib/constants/float64/max-safe-integer"),aE=dr();function nE(r,i,t){var x;if(!l1(r))throw new TypeError(xr("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!xE(i))throw new TypeError(xr("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(x=t,!l1(x))throw new TypeError(xr("invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",x));if(x.length===0)throw new RangeError("invalid argument. Pad string must not be an empty string.")}else x=" ";if(i>tE)throw new RangeError(xr("invalid argument. Output string length exceeds maximum allowed string length. Value: `%u`.",i));return aE(r,i,x)}B1.exports=nE});var f0=n(function(u6,f1){"use strict";var uE=g1();f1.exports=uE});var D1=n(function(e6,E1){"use strict";var eE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object"),p0=require("@stdlib/assert/has-own-property"),p1=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,sE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-boolean").isPrimitive,tr=v();function FE(r,i){return eE(i)?p0(i,"lpad")&&(r.lpad=i.lpad,!p1(r.lpad))?new TypeError(tr("invalid option. `%s` option must be a string. Option: `%s`.","lpad",r.lpad)):p0(i,"rpad")&&(r.rpad=i.rpad,!p1(r.rpad))?new TypeError(tr("invalid option. `%s` option must be a string. Option: `%s`.","rpad",r.rpad)):p0(i,"centerRight")&&(r.centerRight=i.centerRight,!sE(r.centerRight))?new TypeError(tr("invalid option. `%s` option must be a boolean. Option: `%s`.","centerRight",r.centerRight)):null:new TypeError(tr("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i))}E1.exports=FE});var b1=n(function(s6,w1){"use strict";var vE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,CE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,A1=g0(),ar=v(),m1=require("@stdlib/math/base/special/floor"),h1=require("@stdlib/math/base/special/ceil"),lE=s0(),q1=f0(),BE=require("@stdlib/math/base/special/abs"),gE=require("@stdlib/constants/float64/max-safe-integer"),fE=D1();function pE(r,i,t){var x,a,u,e,s,F,p,D,E;if(!CE(r))throw new TypeError(ar("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!vE(i))throw new TypeError(ar("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",i));if(i>gE)throw new RangeError(ar("invalid argument. Output string length exceeds maximum allowed string length. Value: `%u`.",i));if(F={},arguments.length>2&&(p=fE(F,t),p))throw p;if(F.lpad&&F.rpad)return E=(i-r.length)/2,E===0?r:(D=m1(E),D!==E&&(u=!0),E<0?(E=m1(BE(E)),a=E,x=r.length-E,u&&(F.centerRight?x-=1:a+=1),r.substring(a,x)):(a=h1(E/F.lpad.length),s=A1(F.lpad,a),x=h1(E/F.rpad.length),e=A1(F.rpad,x),E=D,a=E,x=E,u&&(F.centerRight?a+=1:x+=1),s=s.substring(0,a),e=e.substring(0,x),s+r+e));if(F.lpad)return D=lE(r,i,F.lpad),D.substring(D.length-i);if(F.rpad)return q1(r,i,F.rpad).substring(0,i);if(F.rpad===void 0)return q1(r,i," ").substring(0,i);throw new RangeError(ar("invalid argument. At least one padding option must have a length greater than 0. Left padding: `%s`. Right padding: `%s`.",F.lpad,F.rpad))}w1.exports=pE});var T1=n(function(F6,y1){"use strict";var EE=b1();y1.exports=EE});var V1=n(function(v6,S1){"use strict";var DE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,AE=v(),mE=zr();function hE(r){if(!DE(r))throw new TypeError(AE("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return mE(r)}S1.exports=hE});var R1=n(function(C6,P1){"use strict";var qE=V1();P1.exports=qE});var N1=n(function(l6,L1){"use strict";var wE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,bE=v(),yE=jr();function TE(r){if(!wE(r))throw new TypeError(bE("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return yE(r)}L1.exports=TE});var O1=n(function(B6,_1){"use strict";var SE=N1();_1.exports=SE});var z1=n(function(g6,M1){"use strict";var VE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,PE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-integer"),I1=J(),RE=require("@stdlib/assert/has-utf16-surrogate-pair-at"),E0=Tr(),G1=v(),LE=E0.breakType,k1=E0.breakProperty,U1=E0.emojiProperty;function NE(r,i){var t,x,a,u,e,s,F;if(!VE(r))throw new TypeError(G1("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(u=r.length,arguments.length>1){if(!PE(i))throw new TypeError(G1("invalid argument. Second argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.",i));e=i}else e=u-1;if(u===0||e<=0)return-1;for(e>=u&&(e=u-1),t=[],x=[],s=I1(r,0),t.push(k1(s)),x.push(U1(s)),a=-1,F=1;F<=e;F++){if(RE(r,F-1)){a=F-2,t.length=0,x.length=0;continue}if(s=I1(r,F),t.push(k1(s)),x.push(U1(s)),LE(t,x)>0){a=F-1,t.length=0,x.length=0;continue}}return a}M1.exports=NE});var D0=n(function(f6,W1){"use strict";var _E=z1();W1.exports=_E});var X1=n(function(p6,Z1){"use strict";var OE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,j1=require("@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object"),IE=require("@stdlib/assert/has-own-property"),GE=require("@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains").factory,$1=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,kE=$r(),UE=Hr(),ME=Zr(),M=v(),H1=["grapheme","code_point","code_unit"],zE={grapheme:ME,code_point:UE,code_unit:kE},WE=GE(H1);function jE(r){var i,t,x,a;if(!OE(r))throw new TypeError(M("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(x={mode:"grapheme"},t=arguments.length,t===1)a=1;else if(t===2){if(a=arguments[1],j1(a))i=a,a=1;else if(!$1(a))throw new TypeError(M("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",a))}else{if(a=arguments[1],!$1(a))throw new TypeError(M("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",a));if(i=arguments[2],!j1(i))throw new TypeError(M("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i))}if(i&&IE(i,"mode")&&(x.mode=i.mode,!WE(x.mode)))throw new TypeError(M('invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: "%s". Value: `%s`.',"mode",H1.join('", "'),x.mode));return zE[x.mode](r,a)}Z1.exports=jE});var J1=n(function(E6,Q1){"use strict";var $E=X1();Q1.exports=$E});var d1=n(function(D6,c1){"use strict";var HE=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,Y1=require("@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object"),ZE=require("@stdlib/assert/has-own-property"),XE=require("@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains").factory,K1=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,QE=Xr(),JE=Qr(),YE=Jr(),z=v(),o1=["grapheme","code_point","code_unit"],KE={grapheme:YE,code_point:JE,code_unit:QE},oE=XE(o1);function cE(r){var i,t,x,a;if(!HE(r))throw new TypeError(z("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(x={mode:"grapheme"},t=arguments.length,t===1)a=1;else if(t===2){if(a=arguments[1],Y1(a))i=a,a=1;else if(!K1(a))throw new TypeError(z("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",a))}else{if(a=arguments[1],!K1(a))throw new TypeError(z("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",a));if(i=arguments[2],!Y1(i))throw new TypeError(z("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i))}if(i&&ZE(i,"mode")&&(x.mode=i.mode,!oE(x.mode)))throw new TypeError(z('invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: "%s". Value: `%s`.',"mode",o1.join('", "'),x.mode));return KE[x.mode](r,a)}c1.exports=cE});var ie=n(function(A6,re){"use strict";var dE=d1();re.exports=dE});var te=n(function(m6,xe){"use strict";var rD=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,iD=v(),xD=65279;function tD(r){if(!rD(r))throw new TypeError(iD("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return r.charCodeAt(0)===xD?r.slice(1):r}xe.exports=tD});var ne=n(function(h6,ae){"use strict";var aD=te();ae.exports=aD});var ee=n(function(q6,ue){"use strict";var nD=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,uD=v();function eD(r){if(!nD(r))throw new TypeError(uD("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return r.toUpperCase()}ue.exports=eD});var A0=n(function(w6,se){"use strict";var sD=ee();se.exports=sD});var Ce=n(function(b6,ve){"use strict";var FD=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string-array"),Fe=A0(),vD=require("@stdlib/assert/is-boolean").isPrimitive,CD=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,lD=require("@stdlib/nlp/tokenize"),m0=v();function BD(r,i,t){var x,a,u,e,s,F,p,D;if(!CD(r))throw new TypeError(m0("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!FD(i))throw new TypeError(m0("invalid argument. Second argument must be an array of strings. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2&&!vD(t))throw new TypeError(m0("invalid argument. Third argument must be a boolean. Value: `%s`.",t));if(x=lD(r,!0),F=i.length,s=[],t){for(u=i.slice(),p=0;p1&&(i=arguments[1],!AD(i)))throw new TypeError(w0("invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.",i));if(i&&mD(i,"mode")&&(x.mode=i.mode,!TD(x.mode)))throw new TypeError(w0('invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: "%s". Value: `%s`.',"mode",De.join('", "'),x.mode));return yD[x.mode](r)}Ae.exports=SD});var qe=n(function(P6,he){"use strict";var VD=me();he.exports=VD});var be=n(function(R6,we){"use strict";var PD=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,RD=v(),LD=i0();function ND(r){if(!PD(r))throw new TypeError(RD("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return LD(r)}we.exports=ND});var Te=n(function(L6,ye){"use strict";var _D=be();ye.exports=_D});var Re=n(function(N6,Pe){"use strict";var Se=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,OD=rr(),ID=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,GD=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string-array").primitives,kD=R(),Ve=require("@stdlib/utils/escape-regexp-string"),b0=v(),UD=" \f\n\r \v\xA0\u1680\u2000-\u200A\u2028\u2029\u202F\u205F\u3000\uFEFF";function MD(r,i,t){var x,a,u,e,s;if(!Se(r))throw new TypeError(b0("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!ID(i))throw new TypeError(b0("invalid argument. Must provide a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(u=Se(t),!u&&!GD(t))throw new TypeError(b0("invalid argument. Must provide a string or an array of strings. Value: `%s`.",t));for(u&&(t=OD(t)),x=t.length-1,a="",s=0;s2){if(!oD(t))throw new TypeError(y0("invalid argument. Third argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.",t));x=t}else x=0;return cD(r,i,x)}je.exports=dD});var Ze=n(function(M6,He){"use strict";var rA=$e();He.exports=rA});var Je=n(function(z6,Qe){"use strict";var Xe=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,iA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-integer").isPrimitive,T0=v();function xA(r,i,t){var x;if(!Xe(r))throw new TypeError(T0("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!Xe(i))throw new TypeError(T0("invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(!iA(t))throw new TypeError(T0("invalid argument. Third argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.",t));x=r.indexOf(i,t)}else x=r.indexOf(i);return x===-1?"":r.substring(x+i.length)}Qe.exports=xA});var Ke=n(function(W6,Ye){"use strict";var tA=Je();Ye.exports=tA});var de=n(function(j6,ce){"use strict";var aA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-integer").isPrimitive,oe=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,S0=v();function nA(r,i,t){var x;if(!oe(r))throw new TypeError(S0("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!oe(i))throw new TypeError(S0("invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2){if(!aA(t))throw new TypeError(S0("invalid argument. Third argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",t));x=r.lastIndexOf(i,t)}else x=r.lastIndexOf(i);return x===-1?"":r.substring(x+i.length)}ce.exports=nA});var is=n(function($6,rs){"use strict";var uA=de();rs.exports=uA});var ns=n(function(H6,as){"use strict";var xs=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,ts=v();function eA(r,i){var t;if(!xs(r))throw new TypeError(ts("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!xs(i))throw new TypeError(ts("invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",i));return t=r.indexOf(i),t===-1?r:r.substring(0,t)}as.exports=eA});var es=n(function(Z6,us){"use strict";var sA=ns();us.exports=sA});var Cs=n(function(X6,vs){"use strict";var ss=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,Fs=v();function FA(r,i){var t;if(!ss(r))throw new TypeError(Fs("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!ss(i))throw new TypeError(Fs("invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",i));return t=r.lastIndexOf(i),t===-1?r:r.substring(0,t)}vs.exports=FA});var Bs=n(function(Q6,ls){"use strict";var vA=Cs();ls.exports=vA});var Ds=n(function(J6,Es){"use strict";var nr=require("@stdlib/utils/define-nonenumerable-read-only-property"),CA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-function"),lA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,gs=require("@stdlib/symbol/iterator"),fs=q(),ps=v();function V0(r){var i,t,x,a,u;if(!lA(r))throw new TypeError(ps("invalid argument. First argument must be astring. Value: `%s`.",r));if(arguments.length>1){if(a=arguments[1],!CA(a))throw new TypeError(ps("invalid argument. Second argument must be a function. Value: `%s`.",a));i=arguments[2]}return u=0,t={},a?nr(t,"next",e):nr(t,"next",s),nr(t,"return",F),gs&&nr(t,gs,p),t;function e(){var D,E;return x?{done:!0}:(E=fs(r,u),E===-1?(x=!0,r.length?{value:a.call(i,r.substring(u),u,r),done:!1}:{done:!0}):(D=a.call(i,r.substring(u,E),u,r),u=E,{value:D,done:!1}))}function s(){var D,E;return x?{done:!0}:(E=fs(r,u),E===-1?(x=!0,r.length?{value:r.substring(u),done:!1}:{done:!0}):(D=r.substring(u,E),u=E,{value:D,done:!1}))}function F(D){return x=!0,arguments.length?{value:D,done:!0}:{done:!0}}function p(){return a?V0(r,a,i):V0(r)}}Es.exports=V0});var ms=n(function(Y6,As){"use strict";var BA=Ds();As.exports=BA});var ys=n(function(K6,bs){"use strict";var ur=require("@stdlib/utils/define-nonenumerable-read-only-property"),gA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-function"),fA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,hs=require("@stdlib/symbol/iterator"),qs=D0(),ws=v();function P0(r){var i,t,x,a,u;if(!fA(r))throw new TypeError(ws("invalid argument. First argument must be astring. Value: `%s`.",r));if(arguments.length>1){if(a=arguments[1],!gA(a))throw new TypeError(ws("invalid argument. Second argument must be a function. Value: `%s`.",a));i=arguments[2]}return u=r.length-1,t={},a?ur(t,"next",e):ur(t,"next",s),ur(t,"return",F),hs&&ur(t,hs,p),t;function e(){var D,E;return x?{done:!0}:(E=qs(r,u),E===-1?(x=!0,r.length?{value:a.call(i,r.substring(E+1,u+1),E+1,r),done:!1}:{done:!0}):(D=a.call(i,r.substring(E+1,u+1),E+1,r),u=E,{value:D,done:!1}))}function s(){var D,E;return x?{done:!0}:(E=qs(r,u),E===-1?(x=!0,r.length?{value:r.substring(E+1,u+1),done:!1}:{done:!0}):(D=r.substring(E+1,u+1),u=E,{value:D,done:!1}))}function F(D){return x=!0,arguments.length?{value:D,done:!0}:{done:!0}}function p(){return a?P0(r,a,i):P0(r)}}bs.exports=P0});var Ss=n(function(o6,Ts){"use strict";var pA=ys();Ts.exports=pA});var Ps=n(function(c6,Vs){"use strict";var EA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,DA=v(),AA=w();function mA(r){if(!EA(r))throw new TypeError(DA("invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return AA(r)}Vs.exports=mA});var Ls=n(function(d6,Rs){"use strict";var hA=Ps();Rs.exports=hA});var Is=n(function(r9,Os){"use strict";var Ns=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,qA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer").isPrimitive,_s=I(),wA=q(),R0=v();function bA(r,i,t){var x,a,u,e;if(!Ns(r))throw new TypeError(R0("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));if(!qA(i))throw new TypeError(R0("invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.",i));if(arguments.length>2&&!Ns(t))throw new TypeError(R0("invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",t));if(t=t||"...",x=_s(t),a=0,i>_s(r))return r;if(i-x<0)return t.slice(0,i);for(u=0;u2&&!Us(t))throw new TypeError(L0("invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",t));if(t=t||"...",x=Ms(t),u=Ms(r),a=0,i>u)return r;if(i-x<0)return t.slice(0,i);for(e=SA((i-x)/2),F=u-VA((i-x)/2),s=0;s0&&(p=zs(r,a),!(p>=F+a-s));)a=p,s+=1;return r.substring(0,D)+t+r.substring(p)}Ws.exports=PA});var Hs=n(function(t9,$s){"use strict";var RA=js();$s.exports=RA});var Xs=n(function(a9,Zs){"use strict";var LA=require("@stdlib/assert/is-string").isPrimitive,NA=v(),_A=u0();function OA(r){if(!LA(r))throw new TypeError(NA("invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.",r));return _A(r)}Zs.exports=OA});var Js=n(function(n9,Qs){"use strict";var IA=Xs();Qs.exports=IA});var l=require("@stdlib/utils/define-read-only-property"),C={};l(C,"acronym",Si());l(C,"base",qn());l(C,"camelcase",Tn());l(C,"capitalize",Rn());l(C,"codePointAt",J());l(C,"constantcase",On());l(C,"dotcase",Un());l(C,"endsWith",$n());l(C,"first",Kn());l(C,"forEach",xu());l(C,"format",v());l(C,"fromCodePoint",Fu());l(C,"headercase",Bu());l(C,"kebabcase",Eu());l(C,"lpad",s0());l(C,"ltrim",yu());l(C,"ltrimN",Iu());l(C,"lowercase",Mu());l(C,"nextCodePointIndex",Hu());l(C,"nextGraphemeClusterBreak",q());l(C,"numGraphemeClusters",I());l(C,"num2words",e1());l(C,"pad",T1());l(C,"pascalcase",R1());l(C,"percentEncode",O1());l(C,"prevGraphemeClusterBreak",D0());l(C,"removeFirst",J1());l(C,"removeLast",ie());l(C,"removePunctuation",Br());l(C,"removeUTF8BOM",ne());l(C,"removeWords",Be());l(C,"repeat",g0());l(C,"replace",R());l(C,"replaceBefore",Ee());l(C,"reverseString",qe());l(C,"rpad",f0());l(C,"rtrim",Te());l(C,"rtrimN",Ne());l(C,"snakecase",Ge());l(C,"splitGraphemeClusters",rr());l(C,"startcase",ze());l(C,"startsWith",Ze());l(C,"substringAfter",Ke());l(C,"substringAfterLast",is());l(C,"substringBefore",es());l(C,"substringBeforeLast",Bs());l(C,"graphemeClusters2iterator",ms());l(C,"graphemeClusters2iteratorRight",Ss());l(C,"trim",Ls());l(C,"truncate",ks());l(C,"truncateMiddle",Hs());l(C,"uncapitalize",Js());l(C,"uppercase",A0());l(C,"utf16ToUTF8Array",Wr());module.exports=C;
-* @license Apache-2.0
-* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
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-* limitations under the License.
-* @license Apache-2.0
-* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.
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-* @license Apache-2.0
-* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
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-* @license Apache-2.0
-* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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-* @license Apache-2.0
-* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"../base/remove-first-grapheme-cluster/lib/main.js", "../base/remove-first-grapheme-cluster/lib/index.js", "../base/remove-last/lib/main.js", "../base/remove-last/lib/index.js", "../base/remove-last-code-point/lib/main.js", "../base/remove-last-code-point/lib/index.js", "../num-grapheme-clusters/lib/main.js", "../num-grapheme-clusters/lib/index.js", "../base/remove-last-grapheme-cluster/lib/main.js", "../base/remove-last-grapheme-cluster/lib/index.js", "../base/replace-before/lib/main.js", "../base/replace-before/lib/index.js", "../base/reverse/lib/main.js", "../base/reverse/lib/index.js", "../base/reverse-code-points/lib/main.js", "../base/reverse-code-points/lib/index.js", "../base/reverse-grapheme-clusters/lib/main.js", "../base/reverse-grapheme-clusters/lib/index.js", "../base/right-pad/lib/main.js", "../base/right-pad/lib/index.js", "../base/right-trim/lib/has_builtin.js", "../base/right-trim/lib/polyfill.js", "../base/right-trim/lib/builtin.js", "../base/right-trim/lib/main.js", "../base/right-trim/lib/index.js", "../base/snakecase/lib/main.js", "../base/snakecase/lib/index.js", "../base/starts-with/lib/has_builtin.js", "../base/starts-with/lib/polyfill.js", "../base/starts-with/lib/builtin.js", "../base/starts-with/lib/main.js", "../base/starts-with/lib/index.js", "../base/truncate-middle/lib/main.js", "../base/truncate-middle/lib/index.js", "../base/uncapitalize/lib/main.js", "../base/uncapitalize/lib/index.js", "../base/lib/index.js", "../camelcase/lib/main.js", "../camelcase/lib/index.js", "../capitalize/lib/main.js", "../capitalize/lib/index.js", "../constantcase/lib/main.js", "../constantcase/lib/index.js", "../dotcase/lib/main.js", "../dotcase/lib/index.js", "../ends-with/lib/main.js", "../ends-with/lib/index.js", "../first/lib/main.js", "../first/lib/index.js", "../for-each/lib/main.js", "../for-each/lib/index.js", "../from-code-point/lib/main.js", "../from-code-point/lib/index.js", "../headercase/lib/main.js", "../headercase/lib/index.js", "../kebabcase/lib/main.js", "../kebabcase/lib/index.js", "../left-pad/lib/main.js", "../left-pad/lib/index.js", "../left-trim/lib/main.js", "../left-trim/lib/index.js", "../split-grapheme-clusters/lib/main.js", "../split-grapheme-clusters/lib/index.js", "../left-trim-n/lib/main.js", "../left-trim-n/lib/index.js", "../lowercase/lib/main.js", "../lowercase/lib/index.js", "../next-code-point-index/lib/main.js", "../next-code-point-index/lib/index.js", "../num2words/lib/units.json", "../num2words/lib/int2words_de.js", "../num2words/lib/int2words_en.js", "../num2words/lib/validate.js", "../num2words/lib/decimals.js", "../num2words/lib/main.js", "../num2words/lib/index.js", "../repeat/lib/main.js", "../repeat/lib/index.js", "../right-pad/lib/main.js", "../right-pad/lib/index.js", "../pad/lib/validate.js", "../pad/lib/main.js", "../pad/lib/index.js", "../pascalcase/lib/main.js", "../pascalcase/lib/index.js", "../percent-encode/lib/main.js", "../percent-encode/lib/index.js", "../prev-grapheme-cluster-break/lib/main.js", "../prev-grapheme-cluster-break/lib/index.js", "../remove-first/lib/main.js", "../remove-first/lib/index.js", "../remove-last/lib/main.js", "../remove-last/lib/index.js", "../remove-utf8-bom/lib/main.js", "../remove-utf8-bom/lib/index.js", "../uppercase/lib/main.js", "../uppercase/lib/index.js", "../remove-words/lib/main.js", "../remove-words/lib/index.js", "../replace-before/lib/main.js", "../replace-before/lib/index.js", "../reverse/lib/main.js", "../reverse/lib/index.js", "../right-trim/lib/main.js", "../right-trim/lib/index.js", "../right-trim-n/lib/main.js", "../right-trim-n/lib/index.js", "../snakecase/lib/main.js", "../snakecase/lib/index.js", "../startcase/lib/main.js", "../startcase/lib/index.js", "../starts-with/lib/main.js", "../starts-with/lib/index.js", "../substring-after/lib/main.js", "../substring-after/lib/index.js", "../substring-after-last/lib/main.js", "../substring-after-last/lib/index.js", "../substring-before/lib/main.js", "../substring-before/lib/index.js", "../substring-before-last/lib/main.js", "../substring-before-last/lib/index.js", "../to-grapheme-cluster-iterator/lib/main.js", "../to-grapheme-cluster-iterator/lib/index.js", "../to-grapheme-cluster-iterator-right/lib/main.js", "../to-grapheme-cluster-iterator-right/lib/index.js", "../trim/lib/main.js", "../trim/lib/index.js", "../truncate/lib/main.js", "../truncate/lib/index.js", "../truncate-middle/lib/main.js", "../truncate-middle/lib/index.js", "../uncapitalize/lib/main.js", "../uncapitalize/lib/index.js", "../lib/index.js"],
- "sourcesContent": ["/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Tests if a value is a number primitive.\n*\n* @param {*} value - value to test\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if a value is a number primitive\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = isNumber( 3.14 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = isNumber( NaN );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = isNumber( new Number( 3.14 ) );\n* // returns false\n*/\nfunction isNumber( value ) {\n\treturn ( typeof value === 'number' ); // NOTE: we inline the `isNumber.isPrimitive` function from `@stdlib/assert/is-number` in order to avoid circular dependencies.\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = isNumber;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Tests if a string starts with a minus sign (`-`).\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if a string starts with a minus sign (`-`)\n*/\nfunction startsWithMinus( str ) {\n\treturn str[ 0 ] === '-';\n}\n\n/**\n* Returns a string of `n` zeros.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {number} n - number of zeros\n* @returns {string} string of zeros\n*/\nfunction zeros( n ) {\n\tvar out = '';\n\tvar i;\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {\n\t\tout += '0';\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Pads a token with zeros to the specified width.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - token argument\n* @param {number} width - token width\n* @param {boolean} [right=false] - boolean indicating whether to pad to the right\n* @returns {string} padded token argument\n*/\nfunction zeroPad( str, width, right ) {\n\tvar negative = false;\n\tvar pad = width - str.length;\n\tif ( pad < 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tif ( startsWithMinus( str ) ) {\n\t\tnegative = true;\n\t\tstr = str.substr( 1 );\n\t}\n\tstr = ( right ) ?\n\t\tstr + zeros( pad ) :\n\t\tzeros( pad ) + str;\n\tif ( negative ) {\n\t\tstr = '-' + str;\n\t}\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = zeroPad;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNumber = require( './is_number.js' );\nvar zeroPad = require( './zero_pad.js' );\n\n// NOTE: for the following, we explicitly avoid using stdlib packages in this particular package in order to avoid circular dependencies.\nvar lowercase = String.prototype.toLowerCase;\nvar uppercase = String.prototype.toUpperCase;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Formats a token object argument as an integer.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Object} token - token object\n* @throws {Error} must provide a valid integer\n* @returns {string} formatted token argument\n*/\nfunction formatInteger( token ) {\n\tvar base;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tswitch ( token.specifier ) {\n\tcase 'b':\n\t\t// Case: %b (binary)\n\t\tbase = 2;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 'o':\n\t\t// Case: %o (octal)\n\t\tbase = 8;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 'x':\n\tcase 'X':\n\t\t// Case: %x, %X (hexadecimal)\n\t\tbase = 16;\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 'd':\n\tcase 'i':\n\tcase 'u':\n\tdefault:\n\t\t// Case: %d, %i, %u (decimal)\n\t\tbase = 10;\n\t\tbreak;\n\t}\n\tout = token.arg;\n\ti = parseInt( out, 10 );\n\tif ( !isFinite( i ) ) { // NOTE: We use the global `isFinite` function here instead of `@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-finite` in order to avoid circular dependencies.\n\t\tif ( !isNumber( out ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new Error( 'invalid integer. Value: ' + out );\n\t\t}\n\t\ti = 0;\n\t}\n\tif ( i < 0 && ( token.specifier === 'u' || base !== 10 ) ) {\n\t\ti = 0xffffffff + i + 1;\n\t}\n\tif ( i < 0 ) {\n\t\tout = ( -i ).toString( base );\n\t\tif ( token.precision ) {\n\t\t\tout = zeroPad( out, token.precision, token.padRight );\n\t\t}\n\t\tout = '-' + out;\n\t} else {\n\t\tout = i.toString( base );\n\t\tif ( !i && !token.precision ) {\n\t\t\tout = '';\n\t\t} else if ( token.precision ) {\n\t\t\tout = zeroPad( out, token.precision, token.padRight );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( token.sign ) {\n\t\t\tout = token.sign + out;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( base === 16 ) {\n\t\tif ( token.alternate ) {\n\t\t\tout = '0x' + out;\n\t\t}\n\t\tout = ( token.specifier === uppercase.call( token.specifier ) ) ?\n\t\t\tuppercase.call( out ) :\n\t\t\tlowercase.call( out );\n\t}\n\tif ( base === 8 ) {\n\t\tif ( token.alternate && out.charAt( 0 ) !== '0' ) {\n\t\t\tout = '0' + out;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = formatInteger;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Tests if a value is a string primitive.\n*\n* @param {*} value - value to test\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if a value is a string primitive\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = isString( 'beep' );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = isString( new String( 'beep' ) );\n* // returns false\n*/\nfunction isString( value ) {\n\treturn ( typeof value === 'string' ); // NOTE: we inline the `isString.isPrimitive` function from `@stdlib/assert/is-string` in order to avoid circular dependencies.\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = isString;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNumber = require( './is_number.js' );\n\n// NOTE: for the following, we explicitly avoid using stdlib packages in this particular package in order to avoid circular dependencies.\nvar abs = Math.abs; // eslint-disable-line stdlib/no-builtin-math\nvar lowercase = String.prototype.toLowerCase;\nvar uppercase = String.prototype.toUpperCase;\nvar replace = String.prototype.replace;\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_EXP_POS_DIGITS = /e\\+(\\d)$/;\nvar RE_EXP_NEG_DIGITS = /e-(\\d)$/;\nvar RE_ONLY_DIGITS = /^(\\d+)$/;\nvar RE_DIGITS_BEFORE_EXP = /^(\\d+)e/;\nvar RE_TRAILING_PERIOD_ZERO = /\\.0$/;\nvar RE_PERIOD_ZERO_EXP = /\\.0*e/;\nvar RE_ZERO_BEFORE_EXP = /(\\..*[^0])0*e/;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Formats a token object argument as a floating-point number.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Object} token - token object\n* @throws {Error} must provide a valid floating-point number\n* @returns {string} formatted token argument\n*/\nfunction formatDouble( token ) {\n\tvar digits;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar f = parseFloat( token.arg );\n\tif ( !isFinite( f ) ) { // NOTE: We use the global `isFinite` function here instead of `@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-finite` in order to avoid circular dependencies.\n\t\tif ( !isNumber( token.arg ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new Error( 'invalid floating-point number. Value: ' + out );\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Case: NaN, Infinity, or -Infinity\n\t\tf = token.arg;\n\t}\n\tswitch ( token.specifier ) {\n\tcase 'e':\n\tcase 'E':\n\t\tout = f.toExponential( token.precision );\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 'f':\n\tcase 'F':\n\t\tout = f.toFixed( token.precision );\n\t\tbreak;\n\tcase 'g':\n\tcase 'G':\n\t\tif ( abs( f ) < 0.0001 ) {\n\t\t\tdigits = token.precision;\n\t\t\tif ( digits > 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\tdigits -= 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tout = f.toExponential( digits );\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tout = f.toPrecision( token.precision );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( !token.alternate ) {\n\t\t\tout = replace.call( out, RE_ZERO_BEFORE_EXP, '$1e' );\n\t\t\tout = replace.call( out, RE_PERIOD_ZERO_EXP, 'e');\n\t\t\tout = replace.call( out, RE_TRAILING_PERIOD_ZERO, '' );\n\t\t}\n\t\tbreak;\n\tdefault:\n\t\tthrow new Error( 'invalid double notation. Value: ' + token.specifier );\n\t}\n\tout = replace.call( out, RE_EXP_POS_DIGITS, 'e+0$1' );\n\tout = replace.call( out, RE_EXP_NEG_DIGITS, 'e-0$1' );\n\tif ( token.alternate ) {\n\t\tout = replace.call( out, RE_ONLY_DIGITS, '$1.' );\n\t\tout = replace.call( out, RE_DIGITS_BEFORE_EXP, '$1.e' );\n\t}\n\tif ( f >= 0 && token.sign ) {\n\t\tout = token.sign + out;\n\t}\n\tout = ( token.specifier === uppercase.call( token.specifier ) ) ?\n\t\tuppercase.call( out ) :\n\t\tlowercase.call( out );\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = formatDouble;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Returns `n` spaces.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {number} n - number of spaces\n* @returns {string} string of spaces\n*/\nfunction spaces( n ) {\n\tvar out = '';\n\tvar i;\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {\n\t\tout += ' ';\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Pads a token with spaces to the specified width.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - token argument\n* @param {number} width - token width\n* @param {boolean} [right=false] - boolean indicating whether to pad to the right\n* @returns {string} padded token argument\n*/\nfunction spacePad( str, width, right ) {\n\tvar pad = width - str.length;\n\tif ( pad < 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tstr = ( right ) ?\n\t\tstr + spaces( pad ) :\n\t\tspaces( pad ) + str;\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = spacePad;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar formatInteger = require( './format_integer.js' );\nvar isString = require( './is_string.js' );\nvar formatDouble = require( './format_double.js' );\nvar spacePad = require( './space_pad.js' );\nvar zeroPad = require( './zero_pad.js' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;\nvar isnan = isNaN; // NOTE: We use the global `isNaN` function here instead of `@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-nan` to avoid circular dependencies.\nvar isArray = Array.isArray; // NOTE: We use the global `Array.isArray` function here instead of `@stdlib/assert/is-array` to avoid circular dependencies.\n\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Initializes token object with properties of supplied format identifier object or default values if not present.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Object} token - format identifier object\n* @returns {Object} token object\n*/\nfunction initialize( token ) {\n\tvar out = {};\n\tout.specifier = token.specifier;\n\tout.precision = ( token.precision === void 0 ) ? 1 : token.precision;\n\tout.width = token.width;\n\tout.flags = token.flags || '';\n\tout.mapping = token.mapping;\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Generates string from a token array by interpolating values.\n*\n* @param {Array} tokens - string parts and format identifier objects\n* @param {Array} ...args - variable values\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be an array\n* @throws {Error} invalid flags\n* @returns {string} formatted string\n*\n* @example\n* var tokens = [ 'beep ', { 'specifier': 's' } ];\n* var out = formatInterpolate( tokens, 'boop' );\n* // returns 'beep boop'\n*/\nfunction formatInterpolate( tokens ) {\n\tvar hasPeriod;\n\tvar flags;\n\tvar token;\n\tvar flag;\n\tvar num;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar pos;\n\tvar i;\n\tvar j;\n\n\tif ( !isArray( tokens ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( 'invalid argument. First argument must be an array. Value: `' + tokens + '`.' );\n\t}\n\tout = '';\n\tpos = 1;\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ ) {\n\t\ttoken = tokens[ i ];\n\t\tif ( isString( token ) ) {\n\t\t\tout += token;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\thasPeriod = token.precision !== void 0;\n\t\t\ttoken = initialize( token );\n\t\t\tif ( !token.specifier ) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( 'invalid argument. Token is missing `specifier` property. Index: `'+ i +'`. Value: `' + token + '`.' );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( token.mapping ) {\n\t\t\t\tpos = token.mapping;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tflags = token.flags;\n\t\t\tfor ( j = 0; j < flags.length; j++ ) {\n\t\t\t\tflag = flags.charAt( j );\n\t\t\t\tswitch ( flag ) {\n\t\t\t\tcase ' ':\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.sign = ' ';\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase '+':\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.sign = '+';\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase '-':\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.padRight = true;\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.padZeros = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase '0':\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.padZeros = flags.indexOf( '-' ) < 0; // NOTE: We use built-in `Array.prototype.indexOf` here instead of `@stdlib/assert/contains` in order to avoid circular dependencies.\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tcase '#':\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.alternate = true;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow new Error( 'invalid flag: ' + flag );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( token.width === '*' ) {\n\t\t\t\ttoken.width = parseInt( arguments[ pos ], 10 );\n\t\t\t\tpos += 1;\n\t\t\t\tif ( isnan( token.width ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( 'the argument for * width at position ' + pos + ' is not a number. Value: `' + token.width + '`.' );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ( token.width < 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.padRight = true;\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.width = -token.width;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( hasPeriod ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( token.precision === '*' ) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.precision = parseInt( arguments[ pos ], 10 );\n\t\t\t\t\tpos += 1;\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( isnan( token.precision ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( 'the argument for * precision at position ' + pos + ' is not a number. Value: `' + token.precision + '`.' );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( token.precision < 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\ttoken.precision = 1;\n\t\t\t\t\t\thasPeriod = false;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\ttoken.arg = arguments[ pos ];\n\t\t\tswitch ( token.specifier ) {\n\t\t\tcase 'b':\n\t\t\tcase 'o':\n\t\t\tcase 'x':\n\t\t\tcase 'X':\n\t\t\tcase 'd':\n\t\t\tcase 'i':\n\t\t\tcase 'u':\n\t\t\t\t// Case: %b (binary), %o (octal), %x, %X (hexadecimal), %d, %i (decimal), %u (unsigned decimal)\n\t\t\t\tif ( hasPeriod ) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.padZeros = false;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\ttoken.arg = formatInteger( token );\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 's':\n\t\t\t\t// Case: %s (string)\n\t\t\t\ttoken.maxWidth = ( hasPeriod ) ? token.precision : -1;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 'c':\n\t\t\t\t// Case: %c (character)\n\t\t\t\tif ( !isnan( token.arg ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tnum = parseInt( token.arg, 10 );\n\t\t\t\t\tif ( num < 0 || num > 127 ) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tthrow new Error( 'invalid character code. Value: ' + token.arg );\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.arg = ( isnan( num ) ) ?\n\t\t\t\t\t\tString( token.arg ) :\n\t\t\t\t\t\tfromCharCode( num );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tcase 'e':\n\t\t\tcase 'E':\n\t\t\tcase 'f':\n\t\t\tcase 'F':\n\t\t\tcase 'g':\n\t\t\tcase 'G':\n\t\t\t\t// Case: %e, %E (scientific notation), %f, %F (decimal floating point), %g, %G (uses the shorter of %e/E or %f/F)\n\t\t\t\tif ( !hasPeriod ) {\n\t\t\t\t\ttoken.precision = 6;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\ttoken.arg = formatDouble( token );\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\t\tthrow new Error( 'invalid specifier: ' + token.specifier );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Fit argument into field width...\n\t\t\tif ( token.maxWidth >= 0 && token.arg.length > token.maxWidth ) {\n\t\t\t\ttoken.arg = token.arg.substring( 0, token.maxWidth );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( token.padZeros ) {\n\t\t\t\ttoken.arg = zeroPad( token.arg, token.width || token.precision, token.padRight ); // eslint-disable-line max-len\n\t\t\t} else if ( token.width ) {\n\t\t\t\ttoken.arg = spacePad( token.arg, token.width, token.padRight );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tout += token.arg || '';\n\t\t\tpos += 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = formatInterpolate;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Generate string from a token array by interpolating values.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/format-interpolate\n*\n* @example\n* var formatInterpolate = require( '@stdlib/string/base/format-interpolate' );\n*\n* var tokens = ['Hello ', { 'specifier': 's' }, '!' ];\n* var out = formatInterpolate( tokens, 'World' );\n* // returns 'Hello World!'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE = /%(?:([1-9]\\d*)\\$)?([0 +\\-#]*)(\\*|\\d+)?(?:(\\.)(\\*|\\d+)?)?[hlL]?([%A-Za-z])/g;\n\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Parses a delimiter.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Array} match - regular expression match\n* @returns {Object} delimiter token object\n*/\nfunction parse( match ) {\n\tvar token = {\n\t\t'mapping': ( match[ 1 ] ) ? parseInt( match[ 1 ], 10 ) : void 0,\n\t\t'flags': match[ 2 ],\n\t\t'width': match[ 3 ],\n\t\t'precision': match[ 5 ],\n\t\t'specifier': match[ 6 ]\n\t};\n\tif ( match[ 4 ] === '.' && match[ 5 ] === void 0 ) {\n\t\ttoken.precision = '1';\n\t}\n\treturn token;\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Tokenizes a string into an array of string parts and format identifier objects.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {Array} tokens\n*\n* @example\n* var tokens = formatTokenize( 'Hello %s!' );\n* // returns [ 'Hello ', {...}, '!' ]\n*/\nfunction formatTokenize( str ) {\n\tvar content;\n\tvar tokens;\n\tvar match;\n\tvar prev;\n\n\ttokens = [];\n\tprev = 0;\n\tmatch = RE.exec( str );\n\twhile ( match ) {\n\t\tcontent = str.slice( prev, RE.lastIndex - match[ 0 ].length );\n\t\tif ( content.length ) {\n\t\t\ttokens.push( content );\n\t\t}\n\t\ttokens.push( parse( match ) );\n\t\tprev = RE.lastIndex;\n\t\tmatch = RE.exec( str );\n\t}\n\tcontent = str.slice( prev );\n\tif ( content.length ) {\n\t\ttokens.push( content );\n\t}\n\treturn tokens;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = formatTokenize;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Tokenize a string into an array of string parts and format identifier objects.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/format-tokenize\n*\n* @example\n* var formatTokenize = require( '@stdlib/string/base/format-tokenize' );\n*\n* var str = 'Hello %s!';\n* var tokens = formatTokenize( str );\n* // returns [ 'Hello ', {...}, '!' ]\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Tests if a value is a string primitive.\n*\n* @param {*} value - value to test\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if a value is a string primitive\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = isString( 'beep' );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = isString( new String( 'beep' ) );\n* // returns false\n*/\nfunction isString( value ) {\n\treturn ( typeof value === 'string' ); // NOTE: we inline the `isString.isPrimitive` function from `@stdlib/assert/is-string` in order to avoid circular dependencies.\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = isString;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar interpolate = require( './../../base/format-interpolate' );\nvar tokenize = require( './../../base/format-tokenize' );\nvar isString = require( './is_string.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Inserts supplied variable values into a format string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {Array} ...args - variable values\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {Error} invalid flags\n* @returns {string} formatted string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = format( 'Hello %s!', 'world' );\n* // returns 'Hello world!'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = format( 'Pi: ~%.2f', 3.141592653589793 );\n* // returns 'Pi: ~3.14'\n*/\nfunction format( str ) {\n\tvar args;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\targs = [ tokenize( str ) ];\n\tfor ( i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {\n\t\targs.push( arguments[ i ] );\n\t}\n\treturn interpolate.apply( null, args );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = format;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Insert supplied variable values into a format string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/format\n*\n* @example\n* var format = require( '@stdlib/string/format' );\n*\n* var out = format( '%s %s!', 'Hello', 'World' );\n* // returns 'Hello World!'\n*\n* out = format( 'Pi: ~%.2f', 3.141592653589793 );\n* // returns 'Pi: ~3.14'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Replaces search occurrences with a replacement string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {RegExp} search - search expression\n* @param {(string|Function)} newval - replacement value or function\n* @returns {string} new string containing replacement(s)\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'Hello World';\n* var out = replace( str, /world/i, 'Mr. President' );\n* // returns 'Hello Mr. President'\n*\n* @example\n* var capitalize = require( '@stdlib/string/base/capitalize' );\n*\n* var str = 'Oranges and lemons say the bells of St. Clement\\'s';\n*\n* function replacer( match, p1 ) {\n* return capitalize( p1 );\n* }\n*\n* var out = replace( str, /([^\\s]*)/gi, replacer);\n* // returns 'Oranges And Lemons Say The Bells Of St. Clement\\'s'\n*/\nfunction replace( str, search, newval ) {\n\treturn str.replace( search, newval );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = replace;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Replace search occurrences with a replacement string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/replace\n*\n* @example\n* var replace = require( '@stdlib/string/base/replace' );\n*\n* var str = 'Hello World';\n* var out = replace( str, /world/i, 'Mr. President' );\n* // returns 'Hello Mr. President'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar rescape = require( '@stdlib/utils/escape-regexp-string' );\nvar isFunction = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-function' );\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isRegExp = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-regexp' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/replace' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Replaces search occurrences with a replacement string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {(string|RegExp)} search - search expression\n* @param {(string|Function)} newval - replacement value or function\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument argument must be a string or regular expression\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string or function\n* @returns {string} new string containing replacement(s)\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep';\n* var out = replace( str, 'e', 'o' );\n* // returns 'boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'Hello World';\n* var out = replace( str, /world/i, 'Mr. President' );\n* // returns 'Hello Mr. President'\n*\n* @example\n* var capitalize = require( '@stdlib/string/capitalize' );\n*\n* var str = 'Oranges and lemons say the bells of St. Clement\\'s';\n*\n* function replacer( match, p1 ) {\n* return capitalize( p1 );\n* }\n*\n* var out = replace( str, /([^\\s]*)/gi, replacer);\n* // returns 'Oranges And Lemons Say The Bells Of St. Clement\\'s'\n*/\nfunction replace( str, search, newval ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tsearch = new RegExp( rescape( search ), 'g' );\n\t} else if ( !isRegExp( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string or regular expression. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( newval ) && !isFunction( newval ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a string or replacement function. Value: `%s`.', newval ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, search, newval );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = replace;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Replace search occurrences with a replacement string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/replace\n*\n* @example\n* var replace = require( '@stdlib/string/replace' );\n*\n* var str = 'beep';\n* var out = replace( str, 'e', 'o' );\n* // returns 'boop'\n*\n* str = 'Hello World';\n* out = replace( str, /world/i, 'Mr. President' );\n* // returns 'Hello Mr. President'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar replace = require( './../../replace' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE = /[!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]]/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes punctuation characters from a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string primitive\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'Sun Tzu said: \"A leader leads by example not by force.\"';\n* var out = removePunctuation( str );\n* // returns 'Sun Tzu said A leader leads by example not by force'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble!';\n* var out = removePunctuation( str );\n* // returns 'Double double toil and trouble Fire burn and cauldron bubble'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'This module removes these characters: `{}[]:,!/<>().;~|?\\'\"';\n* var out = removePunctuation( str );\n* // returns 'This module removes these characters '\n*/\nfunction removePunctuation( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn replace( str, RE, '' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removePunctuation;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove punctuation characters from a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/remove-punctuation\n*\n* @example\n* var removePunctuation = require( '@stdlib/string/remove-punctuation' );\n*\n* var out = removePunctuation( 'Sun Tzu said: \"A leader leads by example not by force.\"' );\n* // returns 'Sun Tzu said A leader leads by example not by force'\n*\n* out = removePunctuation( 'Double, double, toil and trouble; Fire burn, and cauldron bubble!' ) );\n* // returns 'Double double toil and trouble Fire burn and cauldron bubble'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to uppercase.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} uppercase string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = uppercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'BEEP'\n*/\nfunction uppercase( str ) {\n\treturn str.toUpperCase();\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = uppercase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to uppercase.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/uppercase\n*\n* @example\n* var uppercase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/uppercase' );\n*\n* var str = uppercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'BEEP'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to lowercase.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} lowercase string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lowercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*/\nfunction lowercase( str ) {\n\treturn str.toLowerCase();\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = lowercase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to lowercase.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/lowercase\n*\n* @example\n* var lowercase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/lowercase' );\n*\n* var str = lowercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar isStringArray = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string-array' ).primitives;\nvar isEmptyArray = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-empty-array' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Validates function options.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Object} opts - destination object\n* @param {Options} options - options to validate\n* @param {StringArray} [options.stopwords] - array of custom stop words\n* @returns {(null|Error)} error object or null\n*\n* @example\n* var opts = {};\n* var options = {\n* 'stopwords': [ 'of' ]\n* };\n* var err = validate( opts, options );\n* if ( err ) {\n* throw err;\n* }\n*/\nfunction validate( opts, options ) {\n\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'stopwords' ) ) {\n\t\topts.stopwords = options.stopwords;\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\t!isStringArray( opts.stopwords ) &&\n\t\t\t!isEmptyArray( opts.stopwords )\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be an array of strings. Option: `%s`.', 'stopwords', opts.stopwords ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = validate;\n", "[\n \"a\",\n \"all\",\n \"also\",\n \"although\",\n \"an\",\n \"and\",\n \"any\",\n \"are\",\n \"as\",\n \"at\",\n \"b\",\n \"be\",\n \"been\",\n \"but\",\n \"by\",\n \"c\",\n \"could\",\n \"d\",\n \"e\",\n \"each\",\n \"eg\",\n \"either\",\n \"even\",\n \"ever\",\n \"ex\",\n \"except\",\n \"f\",\n \"far\",\n \"few\",\n \"for\",\n \"from\",\n \"further\",\n \"g\",\n \"get\",\n \"gets\",\n \"given\",\n \"gives\",\n \"go\",\n \"going\",\n \"got\",\n \"h\",\n \"had\",\n \"has\",\n \"have\",\n \"having\",\n \"he\",\n \"her\",\n \"here\",\n \"herself\",\n \"him\",\n \"himself\",\n \"his\",\n \"how\",\n \"i\",\n \"ie\",\n \"if\",\n \"in\",\n \"into\",\n \"is\",\n \"it\",\n \"its\",\n \"itself\",\n \"j\",\n \"just\",\n \"k\",\n \"l\",\n \"less\",\n \"let\",\n \"m\",\n \"many\",\n \"may\",\n \"me\",\n \"might\",\n \"must\",\n \"my\",\n \"myself\",\n \"n\",\n \"need\",\n \"needs\",\n \"next\",\n \"no\",\n \"non\",\n \"not\",\n \"now\",\n \"o\",\n \"of\",\n \"off\",\n \"old\",\n \"on\",\n \"once\",\n \"only\",\n \"or\",\n \"our\",\n \"out\",\n \"p\",\n \"per\",\n \"put\",\n \"q\",\n \"r\",\n \"s\",\n \"same\",\n \"shall\",\n \"she\",\n \"should\",\n \"since\",\n \"so\",\n \"such\",\n \"sure\",\n \"t\",\n \"than\",\n \"that\",\n \"the\",\n \"their\",\n \"them\",\n \"then\",\n \"there\",\n \"these\",\n \"they\",\n \"this\",\n \"those\",\n \"though\",\n \"thus\",\n \"to\",\n \"too\",\n \"u\",\n \"us\",\n \"v\",\n \"w\",\n \"was\",\n \"we\",\n \"well\",\n \"went\",\n \"were\",\n \"what\",\n \"when\",\n \"where\",\n \"which\",\n \"who\",\n \"whose\",\n \"why\",\n \"will\",\n \"would\",\n \"x\",\n \"y\",\n \"yet\",\n \"z\"\n]\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar removePunctuation = require( './../../remove-punctuation' );\nvar tokenize = require( '@stdlib/nlp/tokenize' );\nvar replace = require( './../../base/replace' );\nvar uppercase = require( './../../base/uppercase' );\nvar lowercase = require( './../../base/lowercase' );\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar contains = require( '@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains' ).factory;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar validate = require( './validate.js' );\nvar STOPWORDS = require( './stopwords.json' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_HYPHEN = /-/g;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Generates an acronym for a given string.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - The acronym is generated by capitalizing the first letter of each word in the string.\n* - The function removes stop words from the string before generating the acronym.\n* - The function splits hyphenated words and uses the first character of each hyphenated part.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {Options} [options] - function options\n* @param {StringArray} [options.stopwords] - custom stop words\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string primitive\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @returns {string} generated acronym\n*\n* @example\n* var out = acronym( 'the quick brown fox' );\n* // returns 'QBF'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = acronym( 'Hard-boiled eggs' );\n* // returns 'HBE'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = acronym( 'National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation' );\n* // returns 'NASDAQ'\n*/\nfunction acronym( str, options ) {\n\tvar isStopWord;\n\tvar words;\n\tvar opts;\n\tvar err;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {};\n\tif ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n\t\terr = validate( opts, options );\n\t\tif ( err ) {\n\t\t\tthrow err;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tisStopWord = contains( opts.stopwords || STOPWORDS );\n\tstr = removePunctuation( str );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_HYPHEN, ' ' );\n\twords = tokenize( str );\n\tout = '';\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < words.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tif ( isStopWord( lowercase( words[ i ] ) ) === false ) {\n\t\t\tout += uppercase( words[ i ].charAt( 0 ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = acronym;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Generate an acronym for a given string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/acronym\n*\n* @example\n* var acronym = require( '@stdlib/string/acronym' );\n*\n* var out = acronym( 'National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation' );\n* // returns 'NASDAQ'\n*\n* out = acronym( 'To be determined...', {\n* 'stopwords': []\n* });\n* // returns 'TBD'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\nvar uppercase = require( './../../../base/uppercase' );\nvar isEven = require( '@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-even' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to alternate case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} alternate-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = altcase( 'beep' );\n* // returns 'bEeP'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = altcase( 'beep boop' );\n* // returns 'bEeP BoOp'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = altcase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'iSmObIlE'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = altcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hElLo wOrLd!'\n*/\nfunction altcase( str ) {\n\tvar out = '';\n\tvar i;\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tif ( isEven( i ) ) {\n\t\t\tout += lowercase( str[i] );\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tout += uppercase( str[i] );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = altcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to alternate case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/altcase\n*\n* @example\n* var altcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/altcase' );\n*\n* var str = altcase( 'aBcDeF' );\n* // returns 'aBcDeF'\n*\n* str = altcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hElLo wOrLd!'\n*\n* str = altcase( 'I am a robot' );\n* // returns 'i aM A RoBoT'\n*/\n\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Capitalizes the first character in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} capitalized string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'Last man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'Presidential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'javaScript' );\n* // returns 'JavaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasures'\n*/\nfunction capitalize( str ) {\n\tif ( str === '' ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\treturn str.charAt( 0 ).toUpperCase() + str.slice( 1 );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = capitalize;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Capitalize the first character in a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/capitalize\n*\n* @example\n* var capitalize = require( '@stdlib/string/base/capitalize' );\n*\n* var out = capitalize( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'Last man standing'\n*\n* out = capitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasures';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar bool = ( typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'undefined' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = bool;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar trim = String.prototype.trim;\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = trim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar trim = require( './builtin.js' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar str1 = ' \\n\\t\\r\\n\\f\\v\\u1680\\u2000\\u2001\\u2002\\u2003\\u2004\\u2005\\u2006\\u2007\\u2008\\u2009\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff';\nvar str2 = '\\u180e';\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Tests the built-in `String.prototype.trim()` implementation when provided whitespace.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - For context, see . In short, we can only rely on the built-in `trim` method when it does not consider the Mongolian space separator as whitespace.\n*\n* @private\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating whether the built-in implementation returns the expected value\n*\n* @example\n* var b = test();\n* // returns \n*/\nfunction test() {\n\treturn ( trim.call( str1 ) === '' ) && ( trim.call( str2 ) === str2 );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = test;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\n// The following regular expression should suffice to polyfill (most?) all environments.\nvar RE = /^[\\u0020\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff]*([\\S\\s]*?)[\\u0020\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff]*$/;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines'\n*/\nfunction trim( str ) {\n\treturn replace( str, RE, '$1' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = trim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar builtin = require( './builtin.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines'\n*/\nfunction trim( str ) {\n\treturn builtin.call( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = trim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/trim\n*\n* @example\n* var trim = require( '@stdlib/string/base/trim' );\n*\n* var out = trim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace'\n*\n* out = trim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs'\n*\n* out = trim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar HAS_BUILTIN = require( './has_builtin.js' );\nvar check = require( './check.js' );\nvar polyfill = require( './polyfill.js' );\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar trim;\nif ( HAS_BUILTIN && check() ) {\n\ttrim = main;\n} else {\n\ttrim = polyfill;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = trim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar capitalize = require( './../../../base/capitalize' );\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\nvar trim = require( './../../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_WHITESPACE = /\\s+/g;\nvar RE_SPECIAL = /[-!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]_#$*&^@%]+/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\nvar RE_TO_CAMEL = /(?:\\s|^)([^\\s]+)(?=\\s|$)/g;\nvar RE_CAMEL = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;\n\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Converts first capture group to uppercase.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} match - entire match\n* @param {string} p1 - first capture group\n* @param {number} offset - offset of the matched substring in entire string\n* @returns {string} uppercased capture group\n*/\nfunction replacer( match, p1, offset ) {\n\tp1 = lowercase( p1 );\n\treturn ( offset === 0 ) ? p1 : capitalize( p1 );\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to camel case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} camel-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( 'IS_MOBILE' );\n* // returns 'isMobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'helloWorld'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*/\nfunction camelcase( str ) {\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_SPECIAL, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_WHITESPACE, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_CAMEL, '$1 $2' );\n\tstr = trim( str );\n\treturn replace( str, RE_TO_CAMEL, replacer );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = camelcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to camel case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/camelcase\n*\n* @example\n* var camelcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/camelcase' );\n*\n* var str = camelcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*\n* str = camelcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*\n* str = camelcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'helloWorld'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\n// Factors for converting individual surrogates...\nvar Ox10000 = 0x10000|0; // 65536\nvar Ox400 = 0x400|0; // 1024\n\n// Range for a high surrogate\nvar OxD800 = 0xD800|0; // 55296\nvar OxDBFF = 0xDBFF|0; // 56319\n\n// Range for a low surrogate\nvar OxDC00 = 0xDC00|0; // 56320\nvar OxDFFF = 0xDFFF|0; // 57343\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns a Unicode code point from a string at a specified position.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - UTF-16 encoding uses one 16-bit unit for non-surrogates (U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF).\n* - UTF-16 encoding uses two 16-bit units (surrogate pairs) for U+10000 to U+10FFFF and encodes U+10000-U+10FFFF by subtracting 0x10000 from the code point, expressing the result as a 20-bit binary, and splitting the 20 bits of 0x0-0xFFFFF as upper and lower 10-bits. The respective 10-bits are stored in two 16-bit words: a high and a low surrogate.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} idx - position\n* @param {boolean} backward - backward iteration for low surrogates\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} code point\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( 'last man standing', 4, false );\n* // returns 32\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( 'presidential election', 8, true );\n* // returns 116\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 2, false );\n* // returns 2369\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( '\uD83C\uDF37', 1, true );\n* // returns 127799\n*/\nfunction codePointAt( str, idx, backward ) {\n\tvar code;\n\tvar low;\n\tvar hi;\n\n\tif ( idx < 0 ) {\n\t\tidx += str.length;\n\t}\n\tcode = str.charCodeAt( idx );\n\n\t// High surrogate\n\tif ( code >= OxD800 && code <= OxDBFF && idx < str.length - 1 ) {\n\t\thi = code;\n\t\tlow = str.charCodeAt( idx+1 );\n\t\tif ( OxDC00 <= low && low <= OxDFFF ) {\n\t\t\treturn ( ( hi - OxD800 ) * Ox400 ) + ( low - OxDC00 ) + Ox10000;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn hi;\n\t}\n\t// Low surrogate - support only if backward iteration is desired\n\tif ( backward ) {\n\t\tif ( code >= OxDC00 && code <= OxDFFF && idx >= 1 ) {\n\t\t\thi = str.charCodeAt( idx-1 );\n\t\t\tlow = code;\n\t\t\tif ( OxD800 <= hi && hi <= OxDBFF ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn ( ( hi - OxD800 ) * Ox400 ) + ( low - OxDC00 ) + Ox10000;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn low;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn code;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = codePointAt;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return a Unicode code point from a string at a specified position.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/code-point-at\n*\n* @example\n* var codePointAt = require( '@stdlib/string/base/code-point-at' );\n*\n* var out = codePointAt( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 2, false );\n* // returns 2369\n*\n* out = codePointAt( '\uD83C\uDF37', 1, true );\n* // returns 127799\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar uppercase = require( './../../../base/uppercase' );\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\nvar trim = require( './../../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_WHITESPACE = /\\s+/g;\nvar RE_SPECIAL = /[\\-!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]_#$*&^@%]+/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\nvar RE_CAMEL = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to constant case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} constant-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'beep' );\n* // returns 'BEEP'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'beep boop' );\n* // returns 'BEEP_BOOP'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'IS_MOBILE'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HELLO_WORLD'\n*/\nfunction constantcase( str ) {\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_SPECIAL, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_CAMEL, '$1 $2' );\n\tstr = trim( str );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_WHITESPACE, '_' );\n\treturn uppercase( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = constantcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to constant case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/constantcase\n*\n* @example\n* var constantcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/constantcase' );\n*\n* var str = constantcase( 'aBcDeF' );\n* // returns 'ABCDEF'\n*\n* str = constantcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HELLO_WORLD'\n*\n* str = constantcase( 'I am a robot' );\n* // returns 'I_AM_A_ROBOT'\n*/\n\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Calculates the Hamming distance between two equal-length strings.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - The function returns a sentinel value of `-1` if the input string lengths differ.\n*\n* @param {string} s1 - first input string\n* @param {string} s2 - second input string\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @returns {integer} Hamming distance\n*\n* @example\n* var distance = hammingDistance( 'algorithm', 'altruistic' );\n* // returns -1\n*/\nfunction hammingDistance( s1, s2 ) {\n\tvar out;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( !isString( s1 ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', s1 ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( s2 ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', s2 ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( s1.length !== s2.length ) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\tout = 0;\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < s1.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tif (s1[ i ] !== s2[ i ] ) {\n\t\t\tout += 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = hammingDistance;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Calculate the Hamming distance between two equal-length strings.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/distances/hamming\n*\n* @example\n* var hammingDistance = require( '@stdlib/string/base/distances/hamming' );\n*\n* var dist = hammingDistance( 'fly', 'ant' );\n* // returns 3\n*\n* dist = hammingDistance( 'frog', 'blog' );\n* // returns 2\n*\n* dist = hammingDistance( 'javascript', 'typescript' );\n* // returns 4\n*/\n\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../../../format' );\nvar min = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/min' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Calculates the Levenshtein (edit) distance between two strings.\n*\n* @param {string} s1 - first string value\n* @param {string} s2 - second string value\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} Levenshtein distance\n*\n* @example\n* var distance = levenshteinDistance( 'algorithm', 'altruistic' );\n* // returns 6\n*/\nfunction levenshteinDistance( s1, s2 ) {\n\tvar temp;\n\tvar row;\n\tvar pre;\n\tvar m;\n\tvar n;\n\tvar i;\n\tvar j;\n\tvar k;\n\n\tif ( !isString( s1 ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', s1 ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( s2 ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', s2 ) );\n\t}\n\tn = s1.length;\n\tm = s2.length;\n\n\t// If either string is empty, the edit distance is equal to the number of characters in the non-empty string...\n\tif ( n === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn m;\n\t}\n\tif ( m === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn n;\n\t}\n\n\trow = [];\n\tfor ( i = 0; i <= m; i++ ) {\n\t\trow.push( i );\n\t}\n\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {\n\t\tpre = row[ 0 ];\n\t\trow[ 0 ] = i + 1;\n\t\tfor ( j = 0; j < m; j++ ) {\n\t\t\tk = j + 1;\n\t\t\ttemp = row[ k ];\n\t\t\tif ( s1[ i ] === s2[ j ] ) {\n\t\t\t\trow[ k ] = pre;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\trow[ k ] = min( pre, min( row[ j ], row[ k ] ) ) + 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tpre = temp;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn row[ m ];\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = levenshteinDistance;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Calculate the Levenshtein (edit) distance between two strings.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/distances/levenshtein\n*\n* @example\n* var levenshteinDistance = require( '@stdlib/string/base/distances/levenshtein' );\n*\n* var dist = levenshteinDistance( 'fly', 'ant' );\n* // returns 3\n*\n* dist = levenshteinDistance( 'frog', 'fog' );\n* // returns 1\n*\n* dist = levenshteinDistance( 'javascript', 'typescript' );\n* // returns 4\n*/\n\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/*\n* When adding modules to the namespace, ensure that they are added in alphabetical order according to module name.\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar setReadOnly = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-read-only-property' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Top-level namespace.\n*\n* @namespace ns\n*/\nvar ns = {};\n\n/**\n* @name hammingDistance\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/distances/hamming}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'hammingDistance', require( './../../../base/distances/hamming' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name levenshteinDistance\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/distances/levenshtein}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'levenshteinDistance', require( './../../../base/distances/levenshtein' ) );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ns;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\nvar trim = require( './../../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_WHITESPACE = /\\s+/g;\nvar RE_SPECIAL = /[\\-!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]_#$*&^@%]+/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\nvar RE_CAMEL = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to dot case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} dot-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = dotcase( 'beep' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = dotcase( 'beep boop' );\n* // returns 'beep.boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = dotcase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'is.mobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = dotcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello.world'\n*/\nfunction dotcase( str ) {\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_SPECIAL, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_CAMEL, '$1 $2' );\n\tstr = trim( str );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_WHITESPACE, '.' );\n\treturn lowercase( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = dotcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to dot case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/dotcase\n*\n* @example\n* var dotcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/dotcase' );\n*\n* var str = dotcase( 'aBcDeF' );\n* // returns 'abcdef'\n*\n* str = dotcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello.world'\n*\n* str = dotcase( 'I am a robot' );\n* // returns 'i.am.a.robot'\n*/\n\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar bool = ( typeof String.prototype.endsWith !== 'undefined' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = bool;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Tests if a string ends with the characters of another string.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - The last parameter restricts the search to a substring within the input string beginning from the leftmost character. If provided a negative value, `len` indicates to ignore the last `len` characters, and is thus equivalent to `str.length + len`.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {integer} len - substring length\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if the input string ends with the search string\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 19 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', -23 );\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction endsWith( str, search, len ) {\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar N;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tN = search.length;\n\tif ( len === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn ( N === 0 );\n\t}\n\tif ( len < 0 ) {\n\t\tidx = str.length + len;\n\t} else {\n\t\tidx = len;\n\t}\n\tif ( N === 0 ) {\n\t\t// Based on the premise that every string can be \"surrounded\" by empty strings (e.g., \"\" + \"a\" + \"\" + \"b\" + \"\" === \"ab\"):\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\tidx -= N;\n\tif ( idx < 0 ) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < N; i++) {\n\t\tif ( str.charCodeAt( idx + i ) !== search.charCodeAt( i ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = endsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar endsWith = String.prototype.endsWith;\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = endsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar builtin = require( './builtin.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Tests if a string ends with the characters of another string.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - The last parameter restricts the search to a substring within the input string beginning from the leftmost character. If provided a negative value, `len` indicates to ignore the last `len` characters, and is thus equivalent to `str.length + len`.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {integer} len - substring length\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if the input string ends with the search string\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 19 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', -23 );\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction endsWith( str, search, len ) {\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar N;\n\n\tN = search.length;\n\tif ( len === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn ( N === 0 );\n\t}\n\tif ( len < 0 ) {\n\t\tidx = str.length + len;\n\t} else {\n\t\tidx = len;\n\t}\n\tif ( N === 0 ) {\n\t\t// Based on the premise that every string can be \"surrounded\" by empty strings (e.g., \"\" + \"a\" + \"\" + \"b\" + \"\" === \"ab\"):\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\tif ( idx - N < 0 || idx > str.length ) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\treturn builtin.call( str, search, idx );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = endsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Test if a string ends with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/ends-with\n*\n* @example\n* var endsWith = require( '@stdlib/string/base/ends-with' );\n*\n* var str = 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air';\n*\n* var bool = endsWith( str, 'air', str.length );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = endsWith( str, 'fair', str.length );\n* // returns false\n*\n* bool = endsWith( str, 'fair', 30 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = endsWith( str, 'fair', -34 );\n* // returns true\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar HAS_BUILTIN = require( './has_builtin.js' );\nvar polyfill = require( './polyfill.js' );\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar endsWith;\nif ( HAS_BUILTIN ) {\n\tendsWith = main;\n} else {\n\tendsWith = polyfill;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = endsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the first `n` UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of UTF-16 code units to return\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'p'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'J'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'H'\n*/\nfunction first( str, n ) {\n\treturn str.substring( 0, n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = first;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the first `n` UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/first\n*\n* @example\n* var first = require( '@stdlib/string/base/first' );\n*\n* var out = first( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* out = first( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'H';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar RE_UTF16_SURROGATE_PAIR = require( '@stdlib/regexp/utf16-surrogate-pair' ).REGEXP;\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE = /[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\nvar RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE = /[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the first `n` Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of Unicode code points to return\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'p'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'J'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'H'\n*/\nfunction first( str, n ) {\n\tvar len;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar ch1;\n\tvar ch2;\n\tvar cnt;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( str === '' || n === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\tif ( n === 1 ) {\n\t\tstr = str.substring( 0, 2 );\n\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_SURROGATE_PAIR.test( str ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn str;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn str[ 0 ];\n\t}\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tout = '';\n\tcnt = 0;\n\n\t// Process the string one Unicode code unit at a time and count UTF-16 surrogate pairs as a single Unicode code point...\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tch1 = str[ i ];\n\t\tout += ch1;\n\t\tcnt += 1;\n\n\t\t// Check for a high UTF-16 surrogate...\n\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE.test( ch1 ) ) {\n\t\t\t// Check for an unpaired surrogate at the end of the input string...\n\t\t\tif ( i === len-1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found an unpaired surrogate...\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Check whether the high surrogate is paired with a low surrogate...\n\t\t\tch2 = str[ i+1 ];\n\t\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE.test( ch2 ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found a surrogate pair:\n\t\t\t\tout += ch2;\n\t\t\t\ti += 1; // bump the index to process the next code unit\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check whether we've found the desired number of code points...\n\t\tif ( cnt === n ) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = first;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the first `n` Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/first-code-point\n*\n* @example\n* var first = require( '@stdlib/string/base/first-code-point' );\n*\n* var out = first( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* out = first( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'H';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isBoolean = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-boolean' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/code-point-at' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns a Unicode code point from a string at a specified position.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} idx - position\n* @param {boolean} [backward=false] - backward iteration for low surrogates\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be an integer\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a boolean\n* @throws {RangeError} position must be a valid index in string\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} code point\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( 'last man standing', 4 );\n* // returns 32\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( 'presidential election', 8, true );\n* // returns 116\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 2 );\n* // returns 2369\n*\n* @example\n* var out = codePointAt( '\uD83C\uDF37', 1, true );\n* // returns 127799\n*/\nfunction codePointAt( str, idx, backward ) {\n\tvar FLG;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isInteger( idx ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.', idx ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( idx < 0 ) {\n\t\tidx += str.length;\n\t}\n\tif ( idx < 0 || idx >= str.length ) {\n\t\tthrow new RangeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a valid position (i.e., be within string bounds). Value: `%d`.', idx ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isBoolean( backward ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a boolean. Value: `%s`.', backward ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tFLG = backward;\n\t} else {\n\t\tFLG = false;\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, idx, FLG );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = codePointAt;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return a Unicode code point from a string at a specified position.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/code-point-at\n*\n* @example\n* var codePointAt = require( '@stdlib/string/code-point-at' );\n*\n* var out = codePointAt( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 2 );\n* // returns 2369\n*\n* out = codePointAt( '\uD83C\uDF37', 1, true );\n* // returns 127799\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar consts = {\n\t'CR': 0,\n\t'LF': 1,\n\t'Control': 2,\n\t'Extend': 3,\n\t'RegionalIndicator': 4,\n\t'SpacingMark': 5,\n\t'L': 6,\n\t'V': 7,\n\t'T': 8,\n\t'LV': 9,\n\t'LVT': 10,\n\t'Other': 11,\n\t'Prepend': 12,\n\t'ZWJ': 13,\n\t'NotBreak': 0,\n\t'BreakStart': 1,\n\t'Break': 2,\n\t'BreakLastRegional': 3,\n\t'BreakPenultimateRegional': 4,\n\t'ExtendedPictographic': 101\n};\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = consts;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar constants = require( './constants.js' );\n\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Returns number of elements in array equal to a provided value.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Array} arr - input array\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} start - starting search index (inclusive)\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} end - ending search index (inclusive)\n* @param {*} value - input value\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} number of elements in array equal to a provided value\n*/\nfunction count( arr, start, end, value ) {\n\tvar cnt;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( end >= arr.length ) {\n\t\tend = arr.length - 1;\n\t}\n\tcnt = 0;\n\tfor ( i = start; i <= end; i++ ) {\n\t\tif ( arr[ i ] === value ) {\n\t\t\tcnt += 1;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn cnt;\n}\n\n/**\n* Returns whether every indexed array element is equal to a provided value.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Array} arr - input array\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} start - starting search index (inclusive)\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} end - ending search index (inclusive)\n* @param {*} value - search value\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating whether all the values in array in the given range are equal to the provided value\n*/\nfunction every( arr, start, end, value ) {\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( end >= arr.length ) {\n\t\tend = arr.length - 1;\n\t}\n\tfor ( i = start; i <= end; i++ ) {\n\t\tif ( arr[ i ] !== value ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n}\n\n/**\n* Returns the index of the first occurrence of a value in a provided array.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Array} arr - input array\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} start - starting search index (inclusive)\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} end - ending search index (inclusive)\n* @param {*} value - search value\n* @returns {integer} index of the first occurrence\n*/\nfunction indexOf( arr, start, end, value ) {\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( end >= arr.length ) {\n\t\tend = arr.length - 1;\n\t}\n\tfor ( i = start; i <= end; i++ ) {\n\t\tif ( arr[ i ] === value ) {\n\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn -1;\n}\n\n/**\n* Returns the index of the last occurrence of a value in a provided array.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Array} arr - input array\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} start - starting search index at which to start searching backwards (inclusive)\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} end - ending search index (inclusive)\n* @param {*} value - search value\n* @returns {integer} index of the last occurrence\n*/\nfunction lastIndexOf( arr, start, end, value ) {\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( start >= arr.length-1 ) {\n\t\tstart = arr.length - 1;\n\t}\n\tfor ( i = start; i >= end; i-- ) {\n\t\tif ( arr[ i ] === value ) {\n\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn -1;\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the break type between grapheme breaking classes according to _UAX #29 3.1.1 Grapheme Cluster Boundary Rules_ on extended grapheme clusters.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Array} breaks - list of grapheme break properties\n* @param {Array} emoji - list of emoji properties\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} break type\n*\n* @example\n* var out = breakType( [ 11, 3, 11 ], [ 11, 11, 11 ] );\n* // returns 1\n*/\nfunction breakType( breaks, emoji ) {\n\tvar nextEmoji;\n\tvar next;\n\tvar prev;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar N;\n\tvar M;\n\n\tN = breaks.length;\n\tM = N - 1;\n\n\tprev = breaks[ M-1 ];\n\tnext = breaks[ M ];\n\tnextEmoji = emoji[ M ];\n\n\tidx = lastIndexOf( breaks, M, 0, constants.RegionalIndicator );\n\tif (\n\t\tidx > 0 &&\n\t\tprev !== constants.Prepend &&\n\t\tprev !== constants.RegionalIndicator &&\n\t\tevery( breaks, 1, idx-1, constants.RegionalIndicator )\n\t) {\n\t\tif ( count( breaks, 0, M, constants.RegionalIndicator ) % 2 === 1 ) {\n\t\t\treturn constants.BreakLastRegional;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn constants.BreakPenultimateRegional;\n\t}\n\t// GB3: CR \u00D7 LF\n\tif (\n\t\tprev === constants.CR &&\n\t\tnext === constants.LF\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB4: (Control|CR|LF) \u00F7\n\tif (\n\t\tprev === constants.Control ||\n\t\tprev === constants.CR ||\n\t\tprev === constants.LF\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.BreakStart;\n\t}\n\t// GB5: \u00F7 (Control|CR|LF)\n\tif (\n\t\tnext === constants.Control ||\n\t\tnext === constants.CR ||\n\t\tnext === constants.LF\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.BreakStart;\n\t}\n\t// GB6: L \u00D7 (L|V|LV|LVT)\n\tif (\n\t\tprev === constants.L &&\n\t\t(\n\t\t\tnext === constants.L ||\n\t\t\tnext === constants.V ||\n\t\t\tnext === constants.LV ||\n\t\t\tnext === constants.LVT\n\t\t)\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB7: (LV|V) \u00D7 (V|T)\n\tif (\n\t\t( prev === constants.LV || prev === constants.V ) &&\n\t\t( next === constants.V || next === constants.T )\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB8: (LVT|T) \u00D7 (T)\n\tif (\n\t\t( prev === constants.LVT || prev === constants.T ) &&\n\t\tnext === constants.T\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB9: \u00D7 (Extend|ZWJ)\n\tif (\n\t\tnext === constants.Extend ||\n\t\tnext === constants.ZWJ\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB9a: \u00D7 SpacingMark\n\tif ( next === constants.SpacingMark ) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB9b: Prepend \u00D7\n\tif ( prev === constants.Prepend ) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB11: \\p{Extended_Pictographic} Extend* ZWJ \u00D7 \\p{Extended_Pictographic}\n\tidx = lastIndexOf( emoji, M-1, 0, constants.ExtendedPictographic );\n\tif (\n\t\tidx >= 0 &&\n\t\tprev === constants.ZWJ &&\n\t\tnextEmoji === constants.ExtendedPictographic &&\n\t\temoji[ idx ] === constants.ExtendedPictographic &&\n\t\tevery( breaks, idx+1, M-2, constants.Extend )\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB12: ^ (RI RI)* RI \u00D7 RI\n\t// GB13: [^RI] (RI RI)* RI \u00D7 RI\n\tif ( indexOf( breaks, 1, M-1, constants.RegionalIndicator ) >= 0 ) {\n\t\treturn constants.Break;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tprev === constants.RegionalIndicator &&\n\t\tnext === constants.RegionalIndicator\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.NotBreak;\n\t}\n\t// GB999: Any ? Any\n\treturn constants.BreakStart;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = breakType;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar constants = require( './constants.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the emoji property from the [Unicode Standard][1].\n*\n* [1]: https://www.unicode.org/Public/13.0.0/ucd/emoji/emoji-data.txt\n*\n* @private\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} code - Unicode code point\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} emoji property\n*\n* @example\n* var out = emojiProperty( 0x23EC );\n* // returns 101\n*\n* @example\n* var out = emojiProperty( 0x1FFFE );\n* // returns 11\n*/\nfunction emojiProperty( code ) {\n\tif (\n\t\tcode === 0x00A9 || // E0.6 [1] (\u00A9\uFE0F) copyright\n\t\tcode === 0x00AE || // E0.6 [1] (\u00AE\uFE0F) registered\n\t\tcode === 0x203C || // E0.6 [1] (\u203C\uFE0F) double exclamation mark\n\t\tcode === 0x2049 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2049\uFE0F) exclamation question mark\n\t\tcode === 0x2122 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2122\uFE0F) trade mark\n\t\tcode === 0x2139 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2139\uFE0F) information\n\t\t( 0x2194 <= code && code <= 0x2199 ) || // E0.6 [6] (\u2194\uFE0F..\u2199\uFE0F) left-right arrow..down-left arrow\n\t\t( 0x21A9 <= code && code <= 0x21AA ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u21A9\uFE0F..\u21AA\uFE0F) right arrow curving left..left arrow curving right\n\t\t( 0x231A <= code && code <= 0x231B ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u231A..\u231B) watch..hourglass done\n\t\tcode === 0x2328 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2328\uFE0F) keyboard\n\t\tcode === 0x2388 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2388) HELM SYMBOL\n\t\tcode === 0x23CF || // E1.0 [1] (\u23CF\uFE0F) eject button\n\t\t( 0x23E9 <= code && code <= 0x23EC ) || // E0.6 [4] (\u23E9..\u23EC) fast-forward button..fast down button\n\t\t( 0x23ED <= code && code <= 0x23EE ) || // E0.7 [2] (\u23ED\uFE0F..\u23EE\uFE0F) next track button..last track button\n\t\tcode === 0x23EF || // E1.0 [1] (\u23EF\uFE0F) play or pause button\n\t\tcode === 0x23F0 || // E0.6 [1] (\u23F0) alarm clock\n\t\t( 0x23F1 <= code && code <= 0x23F2 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\u23F1\uFE0F..\u23F2\uFE0F) stopwatch..timer clock\n\t\tcode === 0x23F3 || // E0.6 [1] (\u23F3) hourglass not done\n\t\t( 0x23F8 <= code && code <= 0x23FA ) || // E0.7 [3] (\u23F8\uFE0F..\u23FA\uFE0F) pause button..record button\n\t\tcode === 0x24C2 || // E0.6 [1] (\u24C2\uFE0F) circled M\n\t\t( 0x25AA <= code && code <= 0x25AB ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u25AA\uFE0F..\u25AB\uFE0F) black small square..white small square\n\t\tcode === 0x25B6 || // E0.6 [1] (\u25B6\uFE0F) play button\n\t\tcode === 0x25C0 || // E0.6 [1] (\u25C0\uFE0F) reverse button\n\t\t( 0x25FB <= code && code <= 0x25FE ) || // E0.6 [4] (\u25FB\uFE0F..\u25FE) white medium square..black medium-small square\n\t\t( 0x2600 <= code && code <= 0x2601 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u2600\uFE0F..\u2601\uFE0F) sun..cloud\n\t\t( 0x2602 <= code && code <= 0x2603 ) || // E0.7 [2] (\u2602\uFE0F..\u2603\uFE0F) umbrella..snowman\n\t\tcode === 0x2604 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2604\uFE0F) comet\n\t\tcode === 0x2605 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2605) BLACK STAR\n\t\t( 0x2607 <= code && code <= 0x260D ) || // E0.0 [7] (\u2607..\u260D) LIGHTNING..OPPOSITION\n\t\tcode === 0x260E || // E0.6 [1] (\u260E\uFE0F) telephone\n\t\t( 0x260F <= code && code <= 0x2610 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u260F..\u2610) WHITE TELEPHONE..BALLOT BOX\n\t\tcode === 0x2611 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2611\uFE0F) check box with check\n\t\tcode === 0x2612 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2612) BALLOT BOX WITH X\n\t\t( 0x2614 <= code && code <= 0x2615 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u2614..\u2615) umbrella with rain drops..hot beverage\n\t\t( 0x2616 <= code && code <= 0x2617 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u2616..\u2617) WHITE SHOGI PIECE..BLACK SHOGI PIECE\n\t\tcode === 0x2618 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2618\uFE0F) shamrock\n\t\t( 0x2619 <= code && code <= 0x261C ) || // E0.0 [4] (\u2619..\u261C) REVERSED ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET..WHITE LEFT POINTING INDEX\n\t\tcode === 0x261D || // E0.6 [1] (\u261D\uFE0F) index pointing up\n\t\t( 0x261E <= code && code <= 0x261F ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u261E..\u261F) WHITE RIGHT POINTING INDEX..WHITE DOWN POINTING INDEX\n\t\tcode === 0x2620 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2620\uFE0F) skull and crossbones\n\t\tcode === 0x2621 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2621) CAUTION SIGN\n\t\t( 0x2622 <= code && code <= 0x2623 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\u2622\uFE0F..\u2623\uFE0F) radioactive..biohazard\n\t\t( 0x2624 <= code && code <= 0x2625 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u2624..\u2625) CADUCEUS..ANKH\n\t\tcode === 0x2626 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2626\uFE0F) orthodox cross\n\t\t( 0x2627 <= code && code <= 0x2629 ) || // E0.0 [3] (\u2627..\u2629) CHI RHO..CROSS OF JERUSALEM\n\t\tcode === 0x262A || // E0.7 [1] (\u262A\uFE0F) star and crescent\n\t\t( 0x262B <= code && code <= 0x262D ) || // E0.0 [3] (\u262B..\u262D) FARSI SYMBOL..HAMMER AND SICKLE\n\t\tcode === 0x262E || // E1.0 [1] (\u262E\uFE0F) peace symbol\n\t\tcode === 0x262F || // E0.7 [1] (\u262F\uFE0F) yin yang\n\t\t( 0x2630 <= code && code <= 0x2637 ) || // E0.0 [8] (\u2630..\u2637) TRIGRAM FOR HEAVEN..TRIGRAM FOR EARTH\n\t\t( 0x2638 <= code && code <= 0x2639 ) || // E0.7 [2] (\u2638\uFE0F..\u2639\uFE0F) wheel of dharma..frowning face\n\t\tcode === 0x263A || // E0.6 [1] (\u263A\uFE0F) smiling face\n\t\t( 0x263B <= code && code <= 0x263F ) || // E0.0 [5] (\u263B..\u263F) BLACK SMILING FACE..MERCURY\n\t\tcode === 0x2640 || // E4.0 [1] (\u2640\uFE0F) female sign\n\t\tcode === 0x2641 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2641) EARTH\n\t\tcode === 0x2642 || // E4.0 [1] (\u2642\uFE0F) male sign\n\t\t( 0x2643 <= code && code <= 0x2647 ) || // E0.0 [5] (\u2643..\u2647) JUPITER..PLUTO\n\t\t( 0x2648 <= code && code <= 0x2653 ) || // E0.6 [12] (\u2648..\u2653) Aries..Pisces\n\t\t( 0x2654 <= code && code <= 0x265E ) || // E0.0 [11] (\u2654..\u265E) WHITE CHESS KING..BLACK CHESS KNIGHT\n\t\tcode === 0x265F || // E11.0 [1] (\u265F\uFE0F) chess pawn\n\t\tcode === 0x2660 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2660\uFE0F) spade suit\n\t\t( 0x2661 <= code && code <= 0x2662 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u2661..\u2662) WHITE HEART SUIT..WHITE DIAMOND SUIT\n\t\tcode === 0x2663 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2663\uFE0F) club suit\n\t\tcode === 0x2664 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2664) WHITE SPADE SUIT\n\t\t( 0x2665 <= code && code <= 0x2666 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u2665\uFE0F..\u2666\uFE0F) heart suit..diamond suit\n\t\tcode === 0x2667 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2667) WHITE CLUB SUIT\n\t\tcode === 0x2668 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2668\uFE0F) hot springs\n\t\t( 0x2669 <= code && code <= 0x267A ) || // E0.0 [18] (\u2669..\u267A) QUARTER NOTE..RECYCLING SYMBOL FOR GENERIC MATERIALS\n\t\tcode === 0x267B || // E0.6 [1] (\u267B\uFE0F) recycling symbol\n\t\t( 0x267C <= code && code <= 0x267D ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u267C..\u267D) RECYCLED PAPER SYMBOL..PARTIALLY-RECYCLED PAPER SYMBOL\n\t\tcode === 0x267E || // E11.0 [1] (\u267E\uFE0F) infinity\n\t\tcode === 0x267F || // E0.6 [1] (\u267F) wheelchair symbol\n\t\t( 0x2680 <= code && code <= 0x2685 ) || // E0.0 [6] (\u2680..\u2685) DIE FACE-1..DIE FACE-6\n\t\t( 0x2690 <= code && code <= 0x2691 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u2690..\u2691) WHITE FLAG..BLACK FLAG\n\t\tcode === 0x2692 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2692\uFE0F) hammer and pick\n\t\tcode === 0x2693 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2693) anchor\n\t\tcode === 0x2694 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2694\uFE0F) crossed swords\n\t\tcode === 0x2695 || // E4.0 [1] (\u2695\uFE0F) medical symbol\n\t\t( 0x2696 <= code && code <= 0x2697 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\u2696\uFE0F..\u2697\uFE0F) balance scale..alembic\n\t\tcode === 0x2698 || // E0.0 [1] (\u2698) FLOWER\n\t\tcode === 0x2699 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2699\uFE0F) gear\n\t\tcode === 0x269A || // E0.0 [1] (\u269A) STAFF OF HERMES\n\t\t( 0x269B <= code && code <= 0x269C ) || // E1.0 [2] (\u269B\uFE0F..\u269C\uFE0F) atom symbol..fleur-de-lis\n\t\t( 0x269D <= code && code <= 0x269F ) || // E0.0 [3] (\u269D..\u269F) OUTLINED WHITE STAR..THREE LINES CONVERGING LEFT\n\t\t( 0x26A0 <= code && code <= 0x26A1 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u26A0\uFE0F..\u26A1) warning..high voltage\n\t\t( 0x26A2 <= code && code <= 0x26A6 ) || // E0.0 [5] (\u26A2..\u26A6) DOUBLED FEMALE SIGN..MALE WITH STROKE SIGN\n\t\tcode === 0x26A7 || // E13.0 [1] (\u26A7\uFE0F) transgender symbol\n\t\t( 0x26A8 <= code && code <= 0x26A9 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u26A8..\u26A9) VERTICAL MALE WITH STROKE SIGN..HORIZONTAL MALE WITH STROKE SIGN\n\t\t( 0x26AA <= code && code <= 0x26AB ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u26AA..\u26AB) white circle..black circle\n\t\t( 0x26AC <= code && code <= 0x26AF ) || // E0.0 [4] (\u26AC..\u26AF) MEDIUM SMALL WHITE CIRCLE..UNMARRIED PARTNERSHIP SYMBOL\n\t\t( 0x26B0 <= code && code <= 0x26B1 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\u26B0\uFE0F..\u26B1\uFE0F) coffin..funeral urn\n\t\t( 0x26B2 <= code && code <= 0x26BC ) || // E0.0 [11] (\u26B2..\u26BC) NEUTER..SESQUIQUADRATE\n\t\t( 0x26BD <= code && code <= 0x26BE ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u26BD..\u26BE) soccer ball..baseball\n\t\t( 0x26BF <= code && code <= 0x26C3 ) || // E0.0 [5] (\u26BF..\u26C3) SQUARED KEY..BLACK DRAUGHTS KING\n\t\t( 0x26C4 <= code && code <= 0x26C5 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u26C4..\u26C5) snowman without snow..sun behind cloud\n\t\t( 0x26C6 <= code && code <= 0x26C7 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u26C6..\u26C7) RAIN..BLACK SNOWMAN\n\t\tcode === 0x26C8 || // E0.7 [1] (\u26C8\uFE0F) cloud with lightning and rain\n\t\t( 0x26C9 <= code && code <= 0x26CD ) || // E0.0 [5] (\u26C9..\u26CD) TURNED WHITE SHOGI PIECE..DISABLED CAR\n\t\tcode === 0x26CE || // E0.6 [1] (\u26CE) Ophiuchus\n\t\tcode === 0x26CF || // E0.7 [1] (\u26CF\uFE0F) pick\n\t\tcode === 0x26D0 || // E0.0 [1] (\u26D0) CAR SLIDING\n\t\tcode === 0x26D1 || // E0.7 [1] (\u26D1\uFE0F) rescue worker\u2019s helmet\n\t\tcode === 0x26D2 || // E0.0 [1] (\u26D2) CIRCLED CROSSING LANES\n\t\tcode === 0x26D3 || // E0.7 [1] (\u26D3\uFE0F) chains\n\t\tcode === 0x26D4 || // E0.6 [1] (\u26D4) no entry\n\t\t( 0x26D5 <= code && code <= 0x26E8 ) || // E0.0 [20] (\u26D5..\u26E8) ALTERNATE ONE-WAY LEFT WAY TRAFFIC..BLACK CROSS ON SHIELD\n\t\tcode === 0x26E9 || // E0.7 [1] (\u26E9\uFE0F) shinto shrine\n\t\tcode === 0x26EA || // E0.6 [1] (\u26EA) church\n\t\t( 0x26EB <= code && code <= 0x26EF ) || // E0.0 [5] (\u26EB..\u26EF) CASTLE..MAP SYMBOL FOR LIGHTHOUSE\n\t\t( 0x26F0 <= code && code <= 0x26F1 ) || // E0.7 [2] (\u26F0\uFE0F..\u26F1\uFE0F) mountain..umbrella on ground\n\t\t( 0x26F2 <= code && code <= 0x26F3 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u26F2..\u26F3) fountain..flag in hole\n\t\tcode === 0x26F4 || // E0.7 [1] (\u26F4\uFE0F) ferry\n\t\tcode === 0x26F5 || // E0.6 [1] (\u26F5) sailboat\n\t\tcode === 0x26F6 || // E0.0 [1] (\u26F6) SQUARE FOUR CORNERS\n\t\t( 0x26F7 <= code && code <= 0x26F9 ) || // E0.7 [3] (\u26F7\uFE0F..\u26F9\uFE0F) skier..person bouncing ball\n\t\tcode === 0x26FA || // E0.6 [1] (\u26FA) tent\n\t\t( 0x26FB <= code && code <= 0x26FC ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u26FB..\u26FC) JAPANESE BANK SYMBOL..HEADSTONE GRAVEYARD SYMBOL\n\t\tcode === 0x26FD || // E0.6 [1] (\u26FD) fuel pump\n\t\t( 0x26FE <= code && code <= 0x2701 ) || // E0.0 [4] (\u26FE..\u2701) CUP ON BLACK SQUARE..UPPER BLADE SCISSORS\n\t\tcode === 0x2702 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2702\uFE0F) scissors\n\t\t( 0x2703 <= code && code <= 0x2704 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u2703..\u2704) LOWER BLADE SCISSORS..WHITE SCISSORS\n\t\tcode === 0x2705 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2705) check mark button\n\t\t( 0x2708 <= code && code <= 0x270C ) || // E0.6 [5] (\u2708\uFE0F..\u270C\uFE0F) airplane..victory hand\n\t\tcode === 0x270D || // E0.7 [1] (\u270D\uFE0F) writing hand\n\t\tcode === 0x270E || // E0.0 [1] (\u270E) LOWER RIGHT PENCIL\n\t\tcode === 0x270F || // E0.6 [1] (\u270F\uFE0F) pencil\n\t\t( 0x2710 <= code && code <= 0x2711 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\u2710..\u2711) UPPER RIGHT PENCIL..WHITE NIB\n\t\tcode === 0x2712 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2712\uFE0F) black nib\n\t\tcode === 0x2714 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2714\uFE0F) check mark\n\t\tcode === 0x2716 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2716\uFE0F) multiply\n\t\tcode === 0x271D || // E0.7 [1] (\u271D\uFE0F) latin cross\n\t\tcode === 0x2721 || // E0.7 [1] (\u2721\uFE0F) star of David\n\t\tcode === 0x2728 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2728) sparkles\n\t\t( 0x2733 <= code && code <= 0x2734 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u2733\uFE0F..\u2734\uFE0F) eight-spoked asterisk..eight-pointed star\n\t\tcode === 0x2744 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2744\uFE0F) snowflake\n\t\tcode === 0x2747 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2747\uFE0F) sparkle\n\t\tcode === 0x274C || // E0.6 [1] (\u274C) cross mark\n\t\tcode === 0x274E || // E0.6 [1] (\u274E) cross mark button\n\t\t( 0x2753 <= code && code <= 0x2755 ) || // E0.6 [3] (\u2753..\u2755) question mark..white exclamation mark\n\t\tcode === 0x2757 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2757) exclamation mark\n\t\tcode === 0x2763 || // E1.0 [1] (\u2763\uFE0F) heart exclamation\n\t\tcode === 0x2764 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2764\uFE0F) red heart\n\t\t( 0x2765 <= code && code <= 0x2767 ) || // E0.0 [3] (\u2765..\u2767) ROTATED HEAVY BLACK HEART BULLET..ROTATED FLORAL HEART BULLET\n\t\t( 0x2795 <= code && code <= 0x2797 ) || // E0.6 [3] (\u2795..\u2797) plus..divide\n\t\tcode === 0x27A1 || // E0.6 [1] (\u27A1\uFE0F) right arrow\n\t\tcode === 0x27B0 || // E0.6 [1] (\u27B0) curly loop\n\t\tcode === 0x27BF || // E1.0 [1] (\u27BF) double curly loop\n\t\t( 0x2934 <= code && code <= 0x2935 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u2934\uFE0F..\u2935\uFE0F) right arrow curving up..right arrow curving down\n\t\t( 0x2B05 <= code && code <= 0x2B07 ) || // E0.6 [3] (\u2B05\uFE0F..\u2B07\uFE0F) left arrow..down arrow\n\t\t( 0x2B1B <= code && code <= 0x2B1C ) || // E0.6 [2] (\u2B1B..\u2B1C) black large square..white large square\n\t\tcode === 0x2B50 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2B50) star\n\t\tcode === 0x2B55 || // E0.6 [1] (\u2B55) hollow red circle\n\t\tcode === 0x3030 || // E0.6 [1] (\u3030\uFE0F) wavy dash\n\t\tcode === 0x303D || // E0.6 [1] (\u303D\uFE0F) part alternation mark\n\t\tcode === 0x3297 || // E0.6 [1] (\u3297\uFE0F) Japanese \u201Ccongratulations\u201D button\n\t\tcode === 0x3299 || // E0.6 [1] (\u3299\uFE0F) Japanese \u201Csecret\u201D button\n\t\t( 0x1F000 <= code && code <= 0x1F003 ) || // E0.0 [4] (\uD83C\uDC00..\uD83C\uDC03) MAHJONG TILE EAST WIND..MAHJONG TILE NORTH WIND\n\t\tcode === 0x1F004 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDC04) mahjong red dragon\n\t\t( 0x1F005 <= code && code <= 0x1F0CE ) || // E0.0 [202] (\uD83C\uDC05..\uD83C\uDCCE) MAHJONG TILE GREEN DRAGON..PLAYING CARD KING OF DIAMONDS\n\t\tcode === 0x1F0CF || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDCCF) joker\n\t\t( 0x1F0D0 <= code && code <= 0x1F0FF ) || // E0.0 [48] (\uD83C\uDCD0..\uD83C\uDCFF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F10D <= code && code <= 0x1F10F ) || // E0.0 [3] (\uD83C\uDD0D..\uD83C\uDD0F) CIRCLED ZERO WITH SLASH..CIRCLED DOLLAR SIGN WITH OVERLAID BACKSLASH\n\t\tcode === 0x1F12F || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDD2F) COPYLEFT SYMBOL\n\t\t( 0x1F16C <= code && code <= 0x1F16F ) || // E0.0 [4] (\uD83C\uDD6C..\uD83C\uDD6F) RAISED MR SIGN..CIRCLED HUMAN FIGURE\n\t\t( 0x1F170 <= code && code <= 0x1F171 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83C\uDD70\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDD71\uFE0F) A button (blood type)..B button (blood type)\n\t\t( 0x1F17E <= code && code <= 0x1F17F ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83C\uDD7E\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDD7F\uFE0F) O button (blood type)..P button\n\t\tcode === 0x1F18E || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDD8E) AB button (blood type)\n\t\t( 0x1F191 <= code && code <= 0x1F19A ) || // E0.6 [10] (\uD83C\uDD91..\uD83C\uDD9A) CL button..VS button\n\t\t( 0x1F1AD <= code && code <= 0x1F1E5 ) || // E0.0 [57] (\uD83C\uDDAD..\uD83C\uDDE5) MASK WORK SYMBOL..\n\t\t( 0x1F201 <= code && code <= 0x1F202 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83C\uDE01..\uD83C\uDE02\uFE0F) Japanese \u201Chere\u201D button..Japanese \u201Cservice charge\u201D button\n\t\t( 0x1F203 <= code && code <= 0x1F20F ) || // E0.0 [13] (\uD83C\uDE03..\uD83C\uDE0F) ..\n\t\tcode === 0x1F21A || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDE1A) Japanese \u201Cfree of charge\u201D button\n\t\tcode === 0x1F22F || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDE2F) Japanese \u201Creserved\u201D button\n\t\t( 0x1F232 <= code && code <= 0x1F23A ) || // E0.6 [9] (\uD83C\uDE32..\uD83C\uDE3A) Japanese \u201Cprohibited\u201D button..Japanese \u201Copen for business\u201D button\n\t\t( 0x1F23C <= code && code <= 0x1F23F ) || // E0.0 [4] (\uD83C\uDE3C..\uD83C\uDE3F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F249 <= code && code <= 0x1F24F ) || // E0.0 [7] (\uD83C\uDE49..\uD83C\uDE4F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F250 <= code && code <= 0x1F251 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83C\uDE50..\uD83C\uDE51) Japanese \u201Cbargain\u201D button..Japanese \u201Cacceptable\u201D button\n\t\t( 0x1F252 <= code && code <= 0x1F2FF ) || // E0.0 [174] (\uD83C\uDE52..\uD83C\uDEFF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F300 <= code && code <= 0x1F30C ) || // E0.6 [13] (\uD83C\uDF00..\uD83C\uDF0C) cyclone..milky way\n\t\t( 0x1F30D <= code && code <= 0x1F30E ) || // E0.7 [2] (\uD83C\uDF0D..\uD83C\uDF0E) globe showing Europe-Africa..globe showing Americas\n\t\tcode === 0x1F30F || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDF0F) globe showing Asia-Australia\n\t\tcode === 0x1F310 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDF10) globe with meridians\n\t\tcode === 0x1F311 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDF11) new moon\n\t\tcode === 0x1F312 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDF12) waxing crescent moon\n\t\t( 0x1F313 <= code && code <= 0x1F315 ) || // E0.6 [3] (\uD83C\uDF13..\uD83C\uDF15) first quarter moon..full moon\n\t\t( 0x1F316 <= code && code <= 0x1F318 ) || // E1.0 [3] (\uD83C\uDF16..\uD83C\uDF18) waning gibbous moon..waning crescent moon\n\t\tcode === 0x1F319 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDF19) crescent moon\n\t\tcode === 0x1F31A || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDF1A) new moon face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F31B || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDF1B) first quarter moon face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F31C || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83C\uDF1C) last quarter moon face\n\t\t( 0x1F31D <= code && code <= 0x1F31E ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83C\uDF1D..\uD83C\uDF1E) full moon face..sun with face\n\t\t( 0x1F31F <= code && code <= 0x1F320 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83C\uDF1F..\uD83C\uDF20) glowing star..shooting star\n\t\tcode === 0x1F321 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83C\uDF21\uFE0F) thermometer\n\t\t( 0x1F322 <= code && code <= 0x1F323 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83C\uDF22..\uD83C\uDF23) BLACK DROPLET..WHITE SUN\n\t\t( 0x1F324 <= code && code <= 0x1F32C ) || // E0.7 [9] (\uD83C\uDF24\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDF2C\uFE0F) sun behind small cloud..wind face\n\t\t( 0x1F32D <= code && code <= 0x1F32F ) || // E1.0 [3] (\uD83C\uDF2D..\uD83C\uDF2F) hot dog..burrito\n\t\t( 0x1F330 <= code && code <= 0x1F331 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83C\uDF30..\uD83C\uDF31) chestnut..seedling\n\t\t( 0x1F332 <= code && code <= 0x1F333 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83C\uDF32..\uD83C\uDF33) evergreen tree..deciduous tree\n\t\t( 0x1F334 <= code && code <= 0x1F335 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83C\uDF34..\uD83C\uDF35) palm tree..cactus\n\t\tcode === 0x1F336 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83C\uDF36\uFE0F) hot pepper\n\t\t( 0x1F337 <= code && code <= 0x1F34A ) || // E0.6 [20] (\uD83C\uDF37..\uD83C\uDF4A) tulip..tangerine\n\t\tcode === 0x1F34B || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDF4B) lemon\n\t\t( 0x1F34C <= code && code <= 0x1F34F ) || // E0.6 [4] (\uD83C\uDF4C..\uD83C\uDF4F) banana..green apple\n\t\tcode === 0x1F350 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDF50) pear\n\t\t( 0x1F351 <= code && code <= 0x1F37B ) || // E0.6 [43] (\uD83C\uDF51..\uD83C\uDF7B) peach..clinking beer mugs\n\t\tcode === 0x1F37C || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDF7C) baby bottle\n\t\tcode === 0x1F37D || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83C\uDF7D\uFE0F) fork and knife with plate\n\t\t( 0x1F37E <= code && code <= 0x1F37F ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83C\uDF7E..\uD83C\uDF7F) bottle with popping cork..popcorn\n\t\t( 0x1F380 <= code && code <= 0x1F393 ) || // E0.6 [20] (\uD83C\uDF80..\uD83C\uDF93) ribbon..graduation cap\n\t\t( 0x1F394 <= code && code <= 0x1F395 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83C\uDF94..\uD83C\uDF95) HEART WITH TIP ON THE LEFT..BOUQUET OF FLOWERS\n\t\t( 0x1F396 <= code && code <= 0x1F397 ) || // E0.7 [2] (\uD83C\uDF96\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDF97\uFE0F) military medal..reminder ribbon\n\t\tcode === 0x1F398 || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDF98) MUSICAL KEYBOARD WITH JACKS\n\t\t( 0x1F399 <= code && code <= 0x1F39B ) || // E0.7 [3] (\uD83C\uDF99\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDF9B\uFE0F) studio microphone..control knobs\n\t\t( 0x1F39C <= code && code <= 0x1F39D ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83C\uDF9C..\uD83C\uDF9D) BEAMED ASCENDING MUSICAL NOTES..BEAMED DESCENDING MUSICAL NOTES\n\t\t( 0x1F39E <= code && code <= 0x1F39F ) || // E0.7 [2] (\uD83C\uDF9E\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDF9F\uFE0F) film frames..admission tickets\n\t\t( 0x1F3A0 <= code && code <= 0x1F3C4 ) || // E0.6 [37] (\uD83C\uDFA0..\uD83C\uDFC4) carousel horse..person surfing\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3C5 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDFC5) sports medal\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3C6 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDFC6) trophy\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3C7 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDFC7) horse racing\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3C8 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDFC8) american football\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3C9 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDFC9) rugby football\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3CA || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83C\uDFCA) person swimming\n\t\t( 0x1F3CB <= code && code <= 0x1F3CE ) || // E0.7 [4] (\uD83C\uDFCB\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDFCE\uFE0F) person lifting weights..racing car\n\t\t( 0x1F3CF <= code && code <= 0x1F3D3 ) || // E1.0 [5] (\uD83C\uDFCF..\uD83C\uDFD3) cricket game..ping pong\n\t\t( 0x1F3D4 <= code && code <= 0x1F3DF ) || // E0.7 [12] (\uD83C\uDFD4\uFE0F..\uD83C\uDFDF\uFE0F) snow-capped mountain..stadium\n\t\t( 0x1F3E0 <= code && code <= 0x1F3E3 ) || // E0.6 [4] (\uD83C\uDFE0..\uD83C\uDFE3) house..Japanese post office\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3E4 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDFE4) post office\n\t\t( 0x1F3E5 <= code && code <= 0x1F3F0 ) || // E0.6 [12] (\uD83C\uDFE5..\uD83C\uDFF0) hospital..castle\n\t\t( 0x1F3F1 <= code && code <= 0x1F3F2 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83C\uDFF1..\uD83C\uDFF2) WHITE PENNANT..BLACK PENNANT\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3F3 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83C\uDFF3\uFE0F) white flag\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3F4 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDFF4) black flag\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3F5 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83C\uDFF5\uFE0F) rosette\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3F6 || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83C\uDFF6) BLACK ROSETTE\n\t\tcode === 0x1F3F7 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83C\uDFF7\uFE0F) label\n\t\t( 0x1F3F8 <= code && code <= 0x1F3FA ) || // E1.0 [3] (\uD83C\uDFF8..\uD83C\uDFFA) badminton..amphora\n\t\t( 0x1F400 <= code && code <= 0x1F407 ) || // E1.0 [8] (\uD83D\uDC00..\uD83D\uDC07) rat..rabbit\n\t\tcode === 0x1F408 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDC08) cat\n\t\t( 0x1F409 <= code && code <= 0x1F40B ) || // E1.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDC09..\uD83D\uDC0B) dragon..whale\n\t\t( 0x1F40C <= code && code <= 0x1F40E ) || // E0.6 [3] (\uD83D\uDC0C..\uD83D\uDC0E) snail..horse\n\t\t( 0x1F40F <= code && code <= 0x1F410 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDC0F..\uD83D\uDC10) ram..goat\n\t\t( 0x1F411 <= code && code <= 0x1F412 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83D\uDC11..\uD83D\uDC12) ewe..monkey\n\t\tcode === 0x1F413 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDC13) rooster\n\t\tcode === 0x1F414 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDC14) chicken\n\t\tcode === 0x1F415 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDC15) dog\n\t\tcode === 0x1F416 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDC16) pig\n\t\t( 0x1F417 <= code && code <= 0x1F429 ) || // E0.6 [19] (\uD83D\uDC17..\uD83D\uDC29) boar..poodle\n\t\tcode === 0x1F42A || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDC2A) camel\n\t\t( 0x1F42B <= code && code <= 0x1F43E ) || // E0.6 [20] (\uD83D\uDC2B..\uD83D\uDC3E) two-hump camel..paw prints\n\t\tcode === 0x1F43F || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDC3F\uFE0F) chipmunk\n\t\tcode === 0x1F440 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDC40) eyes\n\t\tcode === 0x1F441 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDC41\uFE0F) eye\n\t\t( 0x1F442 <= code && code <= 0x1F464 ) || // E0.6 [35] (\uD83D\uDC42..\uD83D\uDC64) ear..bust in silhouette\n\t\tcode === 0x1F465 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDC65) busts in silhouette\n\t\t( 0x1F466 <= code && code <= 0x1F46B ) || // E0.6 [6] (\uD83D\uDC66..\uD83D\uDC6B) boy..woman and man holding hands\n\t\t( 0x1F46C <= code && code <= 0x1F46D ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDC6C..\uD83D\uDC6D) men holding hands..women holding hands\n\t\t( 0x1F46E <= code && code <= 0x1F4AC ) || // E0.6 [63] (\uD83D\uDC6E..\uD83D\uDCAC) police officer..speech balloon\n\t\tcode === 0x1F4AD || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDCAD) thought balloon\n\t\t( 0x1F4AE <= code && code <= 0x1F4B5 ) || // E0.6 [8] (\uD83D\uDCAE..\uD83D\uDCB5) white flower..dollar banknote\n\t\t( 0x1F4B6 <= code && code <= 0x1F4B7 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDCB6..\uD83D\uDCB7) euro banknote..pound banknote\n\t\t( 0x1F4B8 <= code && code <= 0x1F4EB ) || // E0.6 [52] (\uD83D\uDCB8..\uD83D\uDCEB) money with wings..closed mailbox with raised flag\n\t\t( 0x1F4EC <= code && code <= 0x1F4ED ) || // E0.7 [2] (\uD83D\uDCEC..\uD83D\uDCED) open mailbox with raised flag..open mailbox with lowered flag\n\t\tcode === 0x1F4EE || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDCEE) postbox\n\t\tcode === 0x1F4EF || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDCEF) postal horn\n\t\t( 0x1F4F0 <= code && code <= 0x1F4F4 ) || // E0.6 [5] (\uD83D\uDCF0..\uD83D\uDCF4) newspaper..mobile phone off\n\t\tcode === 0x1F4F5 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDCF5) no mobile phones\n\t\t( 0x1F4F6 <= code && code <= 0x1F4F7 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83D\uDCF6..\uD83D\uDCF7) antenna bars..camera\n\t\tcode === 0x1F4F8 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDCF8) camera with flash\n\t\t( 0x1F4F9 <= code && code <= 0x1F4FC ) || // E0.6 [4] (\uD83D\uDCF9..\uD83D\uDCFC) video camera..videocassette\n\t\tcode === 0x1F4FD || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDCFD\uFE0F) film projector\n\t\tcode === 0x1F4FE || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDCFE) PORTABLE STEREO\n\t\t( 0x1F4FF <= code && code <= 0x1F502 ) || // E1.0 [4] (\uD83D\uDCFF..\uD83D\uDD02) prayer beads..repeat single button\n\t\tcode === 0x1F503 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDD03) clockwise vertical arrows\n\t\t( 0x1F504 <= code && code <= 0x1F507 ) || // E1.0 [4] (\uD83D\uDD04..\uD83D\uDD07) counterclockwise arrows button..muted speaker\n\t\tcode === 0x1F508 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDD08) speaker low volume\n\t\tcode === 0x1F509 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDD09) speaker medium volume\n\t\t( 0x1F50A <= code && code <= 0x1F514 ) || // E0.6 [11] (\uD83D\uDD0A..\uD83D\uDD14) speaker high volume..bell\n\t\tcode === 0x1F515 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDD15) bell with slash\n\t\t( 0x1F516 <= code && code <= 0x1F52B ) || // E0.6 [22] (\uD83D\uDD16..\uD83D\uDD2B) bookmark..pistol\n\t\t( 0x1F52C <= code && code <= 0x1F52D ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDD2C..\uD83D\uDD2D) microscope..telescope\n\t\t( 0x1F52E <= code && code <= 0x1F53D ) || // E0.6 [16] (\uD83D\uDD2E..\uD83D\uDD3D) crystal ball..downwards button\n\t\t( 0x1F546 <= code && code <= 0x1F548 ) || // E0.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDD46..\uD83D\uDD48) WHITE LATIN CROSS..CELTIC CROSS\n\t\t( 0x1F549 <= code && code <= 0x1F54A ) || // E0.7 [2] (\uD83D\uDD49\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDD4A\uFE0F) om..dove\n\t\t( 0x1F54B <= code && code <= 0x1F54E ) || // E1.0 [4] (\uD83D\uDD4B..\uD83D\uDD4E) kaaba..menorah\n\t\tcode === 0x1F54F || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDD4F) BOWL OF HYGIEIA\n\t\t( 0x1F550 <= code && code <= 0x1F55B ) || // E0.6 [12] (\uD83D\uDD50..\uD83D\uDD5B) one o\u2019clock..twelve o\u2019clock\n\t\t( 0x1F55C <= code && code <= 0x1F567 ) || // E0.7 [12] (\uD83D\uDD5C..\uD83D\uDD67) one-thirty..twelve-thirty\n\t\t( 0x1F568 <= code && code <= 0x1F56E ) || // E0.0 [7] (\uD83D\uDD68..\uD83D\uDD6E) RIGHT SPEAKER..BOOK\n\t\t( 0x1F56F <= code && code <= 0x1F570 ) || // E0.7 [2] (\uD83D\uDD6F\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDD70\uFE0F) candle..mantelpiece clock\n\t\t( 0x1F571 <= code && code <= 0x1F572 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDD71..\uD83D\uDD72) BLACK SKULL AND CROSSBONES..NO PIRACY\n\t\t( 0x1F573 <= code && code <= 0x1F579 ) || // E0.7 [7] (\uD83D\uDD73\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDD79\uFE0F) hole..joystick\n\t\tcode === 0x1F57A || // E3.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDD7A) man dancing\n\t\t( 0x1F57B <= code && code <= 0x1F586 ) || // E0.0 [12] (\uD83D\uDD7B..\uD83D\uDD86) LEFT HAND TELEPHONE RECEIVER..PEN OVER STAMPED ENVELOPE\n\t\tcode === 0x1F587 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDD87\uFE0F) linked paperclips\n\t\t( 0x1F588 <= code && code <= 0x1F589 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDD88..\uD83D\uDD89) BLACK PUSHPIN..LOWER LEFT PENCIL\n\t\t( 0x1F58A <= code && code <= 0x1F58D ) || // E0.7 [4] (\uD83D\uDD8A\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDD8D\uFE0F) pen..crayon\n\t\t( 0x1F58E <= code && code <= 0x1F58F ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDD8E..\uD83D\uDD8F) LEFT WRITING HAND..TURNED OK HAND SIGN\n\t\tcode === 0x1F590 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDD90\uFE0F) hand with fingers splayed\n\t\t( 0x1F591 <= code && code <= 0x1F594 ) || // E0.0 [4] (\uD83D\uDD91..\uD83D\uDD94) REVERSED RAISED HAND WITH FINGERS SPLAYED..REVERSED VICTORY HAND\n\t\t( 0x1F595 <= code && code <= 0x1F596 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDD95..\uD83D\uDD96) middle finger..vulcan salute\n\t\t( 0x1F597 <= code && code <= 0x1F5A3 ) || // E0.0 [13] (\uD83D\uDD97..\uD83D\uDDA3) WHITE DOWN POINTING LEFT HAND INDEX..BLACK DOWN POINTING BACKHAND INDEX\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5A4 || // E3.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDDA4) black heart\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5A5 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDA5\uFE0F) desktop computer\n\t\t( 0x1F5A6 <= code && code <= 0x1F5A7 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDDA6..\uD83D\uDDA7) KEYBOARD AND MOUSE..THREE NETWORKED COMPUTERS\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5A8 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDA8\uFE0F) printer\n\t\t( 0x1F5A9 <= code && code <= 0x1F5B0 ) || // E0.0 [8] (\uD83D\uDDA9..\uD83D\uDDB0) POCKET CALCULATOR..TWO BUTTON MOUSE\n\t\t( 0x1F5B1 <= code && code <= 0x1F5B2 ) || // E0.7 [2] (\uD83D\uDDB1\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDDB2\uFE0F) computer mouse..trackball\n\t\t( 0x1F5B3 <= code && code <= 0x1F5BB ) || // E0.0 [9] (\uD83D\uDDB3..\uD83D\uDDBB) OLD PERSONAL COMPUTER..DOCUMENT WITH PICTURE\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5BC || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDBC\uFE0F) framed picture\n\t\t( 0x1F5BD <= code && code <= 0x1F5C1 ) || // E0.0 [5] (\uD83D\uDDBD..\uD83D\uDDC1) FRAME WITH TILES..OPEN FOLDER\n\t\t( 0x1F5C2 <= code && code <= 0x1F5C4 ) || // E0.7 [3] (\uD83D\uDDC2\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDDC4\uFE0F) card index dividers..file cabinet\n\t\t( 0x1F5C5 <= code && code <= 0x1F5D0 ) || // E0.0 [12] (\uD83D\uDDC5..\uD83D\uDDD0) EMPTY NOTE..PAGES\n\t\t( 0x1F5D1 <= code && code <= 0x1F5D3 ) || // E0.7 [3] (\uD83D\uDDD1\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDDD3\uFE0F) wastebasket..spiral calendar\n\t\t( 0x1F5D4 <= code && code <= 0x1F5DB ) || // E0.0 [8] (\uD83D\uDDD4..\uD83D\uDDDB) DESKTOP WINDOW..DECREASE FONT SIZE SYMBOL\n\t\t( 0x1F5DC <= code && code <= 0x1F5DE ) || // E0.7 [3] (\uD83D\uDDDC\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDDDE\uFE0F) clamp..rolled-up newspaper\n\t\t( 0x1F5DF <= code && code <= 0x1F5E0 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDDDF..\uD83D\uDDE0) PAGE WITH CIRCLED TEXT..STOCK CHART\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5E1 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDE1\uFE0F) dagger\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5E2 || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDDE2) LIPS\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5E3 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDE3\uFE0F) speaking head\n\t\t( 0x1F5E4 <= code && code <= 0x1F5E7 ) || // E0.0 [4] (\uD83D\uDDE4..\uD83D\uDDE7) THREE RAYS ABOVE..THREE RAYS RIGHT\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5E8 || // E2.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDDE8\uFE0F) left speech bubble\n\t\t( 0x1F5E9 <= code && code <= 0x1F5EE ) || // E0.0 [6] (\uD83D\uDDE9..\uD83D\uDDEE) RIGHT SPEECH BUBBLE..LEFT ANGER BUBBLE\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5EF || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDEF\uFE0F) right anger bubble\n\t\t( 0x1F5F0 <= code && code <= 0x1F5F2 ) || // E0.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDDF0..\uD83D\uDDF2) MOOD BUBBLE..LIGHTNING MOOD\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5F3 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDF3\uFE0F) ballot box with ballot\n\t\t( 0x1F5F4 <= code && code <= 0x1F5F9 ) || // E0.0 [6] (\uD83D\uDDF4..\uD83D\uDDF9) BALLOT SCRIPT X..BALLOT BOX WITH BOLD CHECK\n\t\tcode === 0x1F5FA || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDDFA\uFE0F) world map\n\t\t( 0x1F5FB <= code && code <= 0x1F5FF ) || // E0.6 [5] (\uD83D\uDDFB..\uD83D\uDDFF) mount fuji..moai\n\t\tcode === 0x1F600 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE00) grinning face\n\t\t( 0x1F601 <= code && code <= 0x1F606 ) || // E0.6 [6] (\uD83D\uDE01..\uD83D\uDE06) beaming face with smiling eyes..grinning squinting face\n\t\t( 0x1F607 <= code && code <= 0x1F608 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDE07..\uD83D\uDE08) smiling face with halo..smiling face with horns\n\t\t( 0x1F609 <= code && code <= 0x1F60D ) || // E0.6 [5] (\uD83D\uDE09..\uD83D\uDE0D) winking face..smiling face with heart-eyes\n\t\tcode === 0x1F60E || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE0E) smiling face with sunglasses\n\t\tcode === 0x1F60F || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE0F) smirking face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F610 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDE10) neutral face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F611 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE11) expressionless face\n\t\t( 0x1F612 <= code && code <= 0x1F614 ) || // E0.6 [3] (\uD83D\uDE12..\uD83D\uDE14) unamused face..pensive face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F615 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE15) confused face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F616 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE16) confounded face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F617 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE17) kissing face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F618 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE18) face blowing a kiss\n\t\tcode === 0x1F619 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE19) kissing face with smiling eyes\n\t\tcode === 0x1F61A || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE1A) kissing face with closed eyes\n\t\tcode === 0x1F61B || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE1B) face with tongue\n\t\t( 0x1F61C <= code && code <= 0x1F61E ) || // E0.6 [3] (\uD83D\uDE1C..\uD83D\uDE1E) winking face with tongue..disappointed face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F61F || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE1F) worried face\n\t\t( 0x1F620 <= code && code <= 0x1F625 ) || // E0.6 [6] (\uD83D\uDE20..\uD83D\uDE25) angry face..sad but relieved face\n\t\t( 0x1F626 <= code && code <= 0x1F627 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDE26..\uD83D\uDE27) frowning face with open mouth..anguished face\n\t\t( 0x1F628 <= code && code <= 0x1F62B ) || // E0.6 [4] (\uD83D\uDE28..\uD83D\uDE2B) fearful face..tired face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F62C || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE2C) grimacing face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F62D || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE2D) loudly crying face\n\t\t( 0x1F62E <= code && code <= 0x1F62F ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDE2E..\uD83D\uDE2F) face with open mouth..hushed face\n\t\t( 0x1F630 <= code && code <= 0x1F633 ) || // E0.6 [4] (\uD83D\uDE30..\uD83D\uDE33) anxious face with sweat..flushed face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F634 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE34) sleeping face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F635 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE35) dizzy face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F636 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE36) face without mouth\n\t\t( 0x1F637 <= code && code <= 0x1F640 ) || // E0.6 [10] (\uD83D\uDE37..\uD83D\uDE40) face with medical mask..weary cat\n\t\t( 0x1F641 <= code && code <= 0x1F644 ) || // E1.0 [4] (\uD83D\uDE41..\uD83D\uDE44) slightly frowning face..face with rolling eyes\n\t\t( 0x1F645 <= code && code <= 0x1F64F ) || // E0.6 [11] (\uD83D\uDE45..\uD83D\uDE4F) person gesturing NO..folded hands\n\t\tcode === 0x1F680 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE80) rocket\n\t\t( 0x1F681 <= code && code <= 0x1F682 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDE81..\uD83D\uDE82) helicopter..locomotive\n\t\t( 0x1F683 <= code && code <= 0x1F685 ) || // E0.6 [3] (\uD83D\uDE83..\uD83D\uDE85) railway car..bullet train\n\t\tcode === 0x1F686 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE86) train\n\t\tcode === 0x1F687 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE87) metro\n\t\tcode === 0x1F688 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE88) light rail\n\t\tcode === 0x1F689 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE89) station\n\t\t( 0x1F68A <= code && code <= 0x1F68B ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDE8A..\uD83D\uDE8B) tram..tram car\n\t\tcode === 0x1F68C || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE8C) bus\n\t\tcode === 0x1F68D || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDE8D) oncoming bus\n\t\tcode === 0x1F68E || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE8E) trolleybus\n\t\tcode === 0x1F68F || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE8F) bus stop\n\t\tcode === 0x1F690 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE90) minibus\n\t\t( 0x1F691 <= code && code <= 0x1F693 ) || // E0.6 [3] (\uD83D\uDE91..\uD83D\uDE93) ambulance..police car\n\t\tcode === 0x1F694 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDE94) oncoming police car\n\t\tcode === 0x1F695 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE95) taxi\n\t\tcode === 0x1F696 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDE96) oncoming taxi\n\t\tcode === 0x1F697 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDE97) automobile\n\t\tcode === 0x1F698 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDE98) oncoming automobile\n\t\t( 0x1F699 <= code && code <= 0x1F69A ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83D\uDE99..\uD83D\uDE9A) sport utility vehicle..delivery truck\n\t\t( 0x1F69B <= code && code <= 0x1F6A1 ) || // E1.0 [7] (\uD83D\uDE9B..\uD83D\uDEA1) articulated lorry..aerial tramway\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6A2 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDEA2) ship\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6A3 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDEA3) person rowing boat\n\t\t( 0x1F6A4 <= code && code <= 0x1F6A5 ) || // E0.6 [2] (\uD83D\uDEA4..\uD83D\uDEA5) speedboat..horizontal traffic light\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6A6 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDEA6) vertical traffic light\n\t\t( 0x1F6A7 <= code && code <= 0x1F6AD ) || // E0.6 [7] (\uD83D\uDEA7..\uD83D\uDEAD) construction..no smoking\n\t\t( 0x1F6AE <= code && code <= 0x1F6B1 ) || // E1.0 [4] (\uD83D\uDEAE..\uD83D\uDEB1) litter in bin sign..non-potable water\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6B2 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDEB2) bicycle\n\t\t( 0x1F6B3 <= code && code <= 0x1F6B5 ) || // E1.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDEB3..\uD83D\uDEB5) no bicycles..person mountain biking\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6B6 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDEB6) person walking\n\t\t( 0x1F6B7 <= code && code <= 0x1F6B8 ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDEB7..\uD83D\uDEB8) no pedestrians..children crossing\n\t\t( 0x1F6B9 <= code && code <= 0x1F6BE ) || // E0.6 [6] (\uD83D\uDEB9..\uD83D\uDEBE) men\u2019s room..water closet\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6BF || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDEBF) shower\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6C0 || // E0.6 [1] (\uD83D\uDEC0) person taking bath\n\t\t( 0x1F6C1 <= code && code <= 0x1F6C5 ) || // E1.0 [5] (\uD83D\uDEC1..\uD83D\uDEC5) bathtub..left luggage\n\t\t( 0x1F6C6 <= code && code <= 0x1F6CA ) || // E0.0 [5] (\uD83D\uDEC6..\uD83D\uDECA) TRIANGLE WITH ROUNDED CORNERS..GIRLS SYMBOL\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6CB || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDECB\uFE0F) couch and lamp\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6CC || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDECC) person in bed\n\t\t( 0x1F6CD <= code && code <= 0x1F6CF ) || // E0.7 [3] (\uD83D\uDECD\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDECF\uFE0F) shopping bags..bed\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6D0 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDED0) place of worship\n\t\t( 0x1F6D1 <= code && code <= 0x1F6D2 ) || // E3.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDED1..\uD83D\uDED2) stop sign..shopping cart\n\t\t( 0x1F6D3 <= code && code <= 0x1F6D4 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDED3..\uD83D\uDED4) STUPA..PAGODA\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6D5 || // E12.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDED5) hindu temple\n\t\t( 0x1F6D6 <= code && code <= 0x1F6D7 ) || // E13.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDED6..\uD83D\uDED7) hut..elevator\n\t\t( 0x1F6D8 <= code && code <= 0x1F6DF ) || // E0.0 [8] (\uD83D\uDED8..\uD83D\uDEDF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F6E0 <= code && code <= 0x1F6E5 ) || // E0.7 [6] (\uD83D\uDEE0\uFE0F..\uD83D\uDEE5\uFE0F) hammer and wrench..motor boat\n\t\t( 0x1F6E6 <= code && code <= 0x1F6E8 ) || // E0.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDEE6..\uD83D\uDEE8) UP-POINTING MILITARY AIRPLANE..UP-POINTING SMALL AIRPLANE\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6E9 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDEE9\uFE0F) small airplane\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6EA || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDEEA) NORTHEAST-POINTING AIRPLANE\n\t\t( 0x1F6EB <= code && code <= 0x1F6EC ) || // E1.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDEEB..\uD83D\uDEEC) airplane departure..airplane arrival\n\t\t( 0x1F6ED <= code && code <= 0x1F6EF ) || // E0.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDEED..\uD83D\uDEEF) ..\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6F0 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDEF0\uFE0F) satellite\n\t\t( 0x1F6F1 <= code && code <= 0x1F6F2 ) || // E0.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDEF1..\uD83D\uDEF2) ONCOMING FIRE ENGINE..DIESEL LOCOMOTIVE\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6F3 || // E0.7 [1] (\uD83D\uDEF3\uFE0F) passenger ship\n\t\t( 0x1F6F4 <= code && code <= 0x1F6F6 ) || // E3.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDEF4..\uD83D\uDEF6) kick scooter..canoe\n\t\t( 0x1F6F7 <= code && code <= 0x1F6F8 ) || // E5.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDEF7..\uD83D\uDEF8) sled..flying saucer\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6F9 || // E11.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDEF9) skateboard\n\t\tcode === 0x1F6FA || // E12.0 [1] (\uD83D\uDEFA) auto rickshaw\n\t\t( 0x1F6FB <= code && code <= 0x1F6FC ) || // E13.0 [2] (\uD83D\uDEFB..\uD83D\uDEFC) pickup truck..roller skate\n\t\t( 0x1F6FD <= code && code <= 0x1F6FF ) || // E0.0 [3] (\uD83D\uDEFD..\uD83D\uDEFF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F774 <= code && code <= 0x1F77F ) || // E0.0 [12] (\uD83D\uDF74..\uD83D\uDF7F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F7D5 <= code && code <= 0x1F7DF ) || // E0.0 [11] (\uD83D\uDFD5..\uD83D\uDFDF) CIRCLED TRIANGLE..\n\t\t( 0x1F7E0 <= code && code <= 0x1F7EB ) || // E12.0 [12] (\uD83D\uDFE0..\uD83D\uDFEB) orange circle..brown square\n\t\t( 0x1F7EC <= code && code <= 0x1F7FF ) || // E0.0 [20] (\uD83D\uDFEC..\uD83D\uDFFF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F80C <= code && code <= 0x1F80F ) || // E0.0 [4] (\uD83E\uDC0C..\uD83E\uDC0F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F848 <= code && code <= 0x1F84F ) || // E0.0 [8] (\uD83E\uDC48..\uD83E\uDC4F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F85A <= code && code <= 0x1F85F ) || // E0.0 [6] (\uD83E\uDC5A..\uD83E\uDC5F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F888 <= code && code <= 0x1F88F ) || // E0.0 [8] (\uD83E\uDC88..\uD83E\uDC8F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1F8AE <= code && code <= 0x1F8FF ) || // E0.0 [82] (\uD83E\uDCAE..\uD83E\uDCFF) ..\n\t\tcode === 0x1F90C || // E13.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD0C) pinched fingers\n\t\t( 0x1F90D <= code && code <= 0x1F90F ) || // E12.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDD0D..\uD83E\uDD0F) white heart..pinching hand\n\t\t( 0x1F910 <= code && code <= 0x1F918 ) || // E1.0 [9] (\uD83E\uDD10..\uD83E\uDD18) zipper-mouth face..sign of the horns\n\t\t( 0x1F919 <= code && code <= 0x1F91E ) || // E3.0 [6] (\uD83E\uDD19..\uD83E\uDD1E) call me hand..crossed fingers\n\t\tcode === 0x1F91F || // E5.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD1F) love-you gesture\n\t\t( 0x1F920 <= code && code <= 0x1F927 ) || // E3.0 [8] (\uD83E\uDD20..\uD83E\uDD27) cowboy hat face..sneezing face\n\t\t( 0x1F928 <= code && code <= 0x1F92F ) || // E5.0 [8] (\uD83E\uDD28..\uD83E\uDD2F) face with raised eyebrow..exploding head\n\t\tcode === 0x1F930 || // E3.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD30) pregnant woman\n\t\t( 0x1F931 <= code && code <= 0x1F932 ) || // E5.0 [2] (\uD83E\uDD31..\uD83E\uDD32) breast-feeding..palms up together\n\t\t( 0x1F933 <= code && code <= 0x1F93A ) || // E3.0 [8] (\uD83E\uDD33..\uD83E\uDD3A) selfie..person fencing\n\t\t( 0x1F93C <= code && code <= 0x1F93E ) || // E3.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDD3C..\uD83E\uDD3E) people wrestling..person playing handball\n\t\tcode === 0x1F93F || // E12.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD3F) diving mask\n\t\t( 0x1F940 <= code && code <= 0x1F945 ) || // E3.0 [6] (\uD83E\uDD40..\uD83E\uDD45) wilted flower..goal net\n\t\t( 0x1F947 <= code && code <= 0x1F94B ) || // E3.0 [5] (\uD83E\uDD47..\uD83E\uDD4B) 1st place medal..martial arts uniform\n\t\tcode === 0x1F94C || // E5.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD4C) curling stone\n\t\t( 0x1F94D <= code && code <= 0x1F94F ) || // E11.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDD4D..\uD83E\uDD4F) lacrosse..flying disc\n\t\t( 0x1F950 <= code && code <= 0x1F95E ) || // E3.0 [15] (\uD83E\uDD50..\uD83E\uDD5E) croissant..pancakes\n\t\t( 0x1F95F <= code && code <= 0x1F96B ) || // E5.0 [13] (\uD83E\uDD5F..\uD83E\uDD6B) dumpling..canned food\n\t\t( 0x1F96C <= code && code <= 0x1F970 ) || // E11.0 [5] (\uD83E\uDD6C..\uD83E\uDD70) leafy green..smiling face with hearts\n\t\tcode === 0x1F971 || // E12.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD71) yawning face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F972 || // E13.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD72) smiling face with tear\n\t\t( 0x1F973 <= code && code <= 0x1F976 ) || // E11.0 [4] (\uD83E\uDD73..\uD83E\uDD76) partying face..cold face\n\t\t( 0x1F977 <= code && code <= 0x1F978 ) || // E13.0 [2] (\uD83E\uDD77..\uD83E\uDD78) ninja..disguised face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F979 || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD79) \n\t\tcode === 0x1F97A || // E11.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD7A) pleading face\n\t\tcode === 0x1F97B || // E12.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDD7B) sari\n\t\t( 0x1F97C <= code && code <= 0x1F97F ) || // E11.0 [4] (\uD83E\uDD7C..\uD83E\uDD7F) lab coat..flat shoe\n\t\t( 0x1F980 <= code && code <= 0x1F984 ) || // E1.0 [5] (\uD83E\uDD80..\uD83E\uDD84) crab..unicorn\n\t\t( 0x1F985 <= code && code <= 0x1F991 ) || // E3.0 [13] (\uD83E\uDD85..\uD83E\uDD91) eagle..squid\n\t\t( 0x1F992 <= code && code <= 0x1F997 ) || // E5.0 [6] (\uD83E\uDD92..\uD83E\uDD97) giraffe..cricket\n\t\t( 0x1F998 <= code && code <= 0x1F9A2 ) || // E11.0 [11] (\uD83E\uDD98..\uD83E\uDDA2) kangaroo..swan\n\t\t( 0x1F9A3 <= code && code <= 0x1F9A4 ) || // E13.0 [2] (\uD83E\uDDA3..\uD83E\uDDA4) mammoth..dodo\n\t\t( 0x1F9A5 <= code && code <= 0x1F9AA ) || // E12.0 [6] (\uD83E\uDDA5..\uD83E\uDDAA) sloth..oyster\n\t\t( 0x1F9AB <= code && code <= 0x1F9AD ) || // E13.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDDAB..\uD83E\uDDAD) beaver..seal\n\t\t( 0x1F9AE <= code && code <= 0x1F9AF ) || // E12.0 [2] (\uD83E\uDDAE..\uD83E\uDDAF) guide dog..white cane\n\t\t( 0x1F9B0 <= code && code <= 0x1F9B9 ) || // E11.0 [10] (\uD83E\uDDB0..\uD83E\uDDB9) red hair..supervillain\n\t\t( 0x1F9BA <= code && code <= 0x1F9BF ) || // E12.0 [6] (\uD83E\uDDBA..\uD83E\uDDBF) safety vest..mechanical leg\n\t\tcode === 0x1F9C0 || // E1.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDDC0) cheese wedge\n\t\t( 0x1F9C1 <= code && code <= 0x1F9C2 ) || // E11.0 [2] (\uD83E\uDDC1..\uD83E\uDDC2) cupcake..salt\n\t\t( 0x1F9C3 <= code && code <= 0x1F9CA ) || // E12.0 [8] (\uD83E\uDDC3..\uD83E\uDDCA) beverage box..ice\n\t\tcode === 0x1F9CB || // E13.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDDCB) bubble tea\n\t\tcode === 0x1F9CC || // E0.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDDCC) \n\t\t( 0x1F9CD <= code && code <= 0x1F9CF ) || // E12.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDDCD..\uD83E\uDDCF) person standing..deaf person\n\t\t( 0x1F9D0 <= code && code <= 0x1F9E6 ) || // E5.0 [23] (\uD83E\uDDD0..\uD83E\uDDE6) face with monocle..socks\n\t\t( 0x1F9E7 <= code && code <= 0x1F9FF ) || // E11.0 [25] (\uD83E\uDDE7..\uD83E\uDDFF) red envelope..nazar amulet\n\t\t( 0x1FA00 <= code && code <= 0x1FA6F ) || // E0.0 [112] (\uD83E\uDE00..\uD83E\uDE6F) NEUTRAL CHESS KING..\n\t\t( 0x1FA70 <= code && code <= 0x1FA73 ) || // E12.0 [4] (\uD83E\uDE70..\uD83E\uDE73) ballet shoes..shorts\n\t\tcode === 0x1FA74 || // E13.0 [1] (\uD83E\uDE74) thong sandal\n\t\t( 0x1FA75 <= code && code <= 0x1FA77 ) || // E0.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDE75..\uD83E\uDE77) ..\n\t\t( 0x1FA78 <= code && code <= 0x1FA7A ) || // E12.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDE78..\uD83E\uDE7A) drop of blood..stethoscope\n\t\t( 0x1FA7B <= code && code <= 0x1FA7F ) || // E0.0 [5] (\uD83E\uDE7B..\uD83E\uDE7F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1FA80 <= code && code <= 0x1FA82 ) || // E12.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDE80..\uD83E\uDE82) yo-yo..parachute\n\t\t( 0x1FA83 <= code && code <= 0x1FA86 ) || // E13.0 [4] (\uD83E\uDE83..\uD83E\uDE86) boomerang..nesting dolls\n\t\t( 0x1FA87 <= code && code <= 0x1FA8F ) || // E0.0 [9] (\uD83E\uDE87..\uD83E\uDE8F) ..\n\t\t( 0x1FA90 <= code && code <= 0x1FA95 ) || // E12.0 [6] (\uD83E\uDE90..\uD83E\uDE95) ringed planet..banjo\n\t\t( 0x1FA96 <= code && code <= 0x1FAA8 ) || // E13.0 [19] (\uD83E\uDE96..\uD83E\uDEA8) military helmet..rock\n\t\t( 0x1FAA9 <= code && code <= 0x1FAAF ) || // E0.0 [7] (\uD83E\uDEA9..\uD83E\uDEAF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1FAB0 <= code && code <= 0x1FAB6 ) || // E13.0 [7] (\uD83E\uDEB0..\uD83E\uDEB6) fly..feather\n\t\t( 0x1FAB7 <= code && code <= 0x1FABF ) || // E0.0 [9] (\uD83E\uDEB7..\uD83E\uDEBF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1FAC0 <= code && code <= 0x1FAC2 ) || // E13.0 [3] (\uD83E\uDEC0..\uD83E\uDEC2) anatomical heart..people hugging\n\t\t( 0x1FAC3 <= code && code <= 0x1FACF ) || // E0.0 [13] (\uD83E\uDEC3..\uD83E\uDECF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1FAD0 <= code && code <= 0x1FAD6 ) || // E13.0 [7] (\uD83E\uDED0..\uD83E\uDED6) blueberries..teapot\n\t\t( 0x1FAD7 <= code && code <= 0x1FAFF ) || // E0.0 [41] (\uD83E\uDED7..\uD83E\uDEFF) ..\n\t\t( 0x1FC00 <= code && code <= 0x1FFFD ) // E0.0[1022] (\uD83F\uDC00..\uD83F\uDFFD) ..\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.ExtendedPictographic;\n\t}\n\treturn constants.Other;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = emojiProperty;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar constants = require( './constants.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the grapheme break property from the [Unicode Standard][1].\n*\n* [1]: https://www.unicode.org/Public/13.0.0/ucd/auxiliary/GraphemeBreakProperty.txt\n*\n* @private\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} code - Unicode code point\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} grapheme break property\n*\n* @example\n* var out = graphemeBreakProperty( 0x008f );\n* // returns 2\n*\n* @example\n* var out = graphemeBreakProperty( 0x111C2 );\n* // returns 12\n*\n* @example\n* var out = graphemeBreakProperty( 0x1F3FC );\n* // returns 3\n*/\nfunction graphemeBreakProperty( code ) {\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0x0600 <= code && code <= 0x0605 ) || // Cf [6] ARABIC NUMBER SIGN..ARABIC NUMBER MARK ABOVE\n\t\tcode === 0x06DD || // Cf ARABIC END OF AYAH\n\t\tcode === 0x070F || // Cf SYRIAC ABBREVIATION MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x08E2 || // Cf ARABIC DISPUTED END OF AYAH\n\t\tcode === 0x0D4E || // Lo MALAYALAM LETTER DOT REPH\n\t\tcode === 0x110BD || // Cf KAITHI NUMBER SIGN\n\t\tcode === 0x110CD || // Cf KAITHI NUMBER SIGN ABOVE\n\t\t( 0x111C2 <= code && code <= 0x111C3 ) || // Lo [2] SHARADA SIGN JIHVAMULIYA..SHARADA SIGN UPADHMANIYA\n\t\tcode === 0x1193F || // Lo DIVES AKURU PREFIXED NASAL SIGN\n\t\tcode === 0x11941 || // Lo DIVES AKURU INITIAL RA\n\t\tcode === 0x11A3A || // Lo ZANABAZAR SQUARE CLUSTER-INITIAL LETTER RA\n\t\t( 0x11A84 <= code && code <= 0x11A89 ) || // Lo [6] SOYOMBO SIGN JIHVAMULIYA..SOYOMBO CLUSTER-INITIAL LETTER SA\n\t\tcode === 0x11D46 // Lo MASARAM GONDI REPHA\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.Prepend;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tcode === 0x000D // Cc \n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.CR;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tcode === 0x000A // Cc \n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.LF;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0x0000 <= code && code <= 0x0009 ) || // Cc [10] ..\n\t\t( 0x000B <= code && code <= 0x000C ) || // Cc [2] ..\n\t\t( 0x000E <= code && code <= 0x001F ) || // Cc [18] ..\n\t\t( 0x007F <= code && code <= 0x009F ) || // Cc [33] ..\n\t\tcode === 0x00AD || // Cf SOFT HYPHEN\n\t\tcode === 0x061C || // Cf ARABIC LETTER MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x180E || // Cf MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR\n\t\tcode === 0x200B || // Cf ZERO WIDTH SPACE\n\t\t( 0x200E <= code && code <= 0x200F ) || // Cf [2] LEFT-TO-RIGHT MARK..RIGHT-TO-LEFT MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x2028 || // Zl LINE SEPARATOR\n\t\tcode === 0x2029 || // Zp PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR\n\t\t( 0x202A <= code && code <= 0x202E ) || // Cf [5] LEFT-TO-RIGHT EMBEDDING..RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE\n\t\t( 0x2060 <= code && code <= 0x2064 ) || // Cf [5] WORD JOINER..INVISIBLE PLUS\n\t\tcode === 0x2065 || // Cn \n\t\t( 0x2066 <= code && code <= 0x206F ) || // Cf [10] LEFT-TO-RIGHT ISOLATE..NOMINAL DIGIT SHAPES\n\t\tcode === 0xFEFF || // Cf ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE\n\t\t( 0xFFF0 <= code && code <= 0xFFF8 ) || // Cn [9] ..\n\t\t( 0xFFF9 <= code && code <= 0xFFFB ) || // Cf [3] INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION ANCHOR..INTERLINEAR ANNOTATION TERMINATOR\n\t\t( 0x13430 <= code && code <= 0x13438 ) || // Cf [9] EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH VERTICAL JOINER..EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPH END SEGMENT\n\t\t( 0x1BCA0 <= code && code <= 0x1BCA3 ) || // Cf [4] SHORTHAND FORMAT LETTER OVERLAP..SHORTHAND FORMAT UP STEP\n\t\t( 0x1D173 <= code && code <= 0x1D17A ) || // Cf [8] MUSICAL SYMBOL BEGIN BEAM..MUSICAL SYMBOL END PHRASE\n\t\tcode === 0xE0000 || // Cn \n\t\tcode === 0xE0001 || // Cf LANGUAGE TAG\n\t\t( 0xE0002 <= code && code <= 0xE001F ) || // Cn [30] ..\n\t\t( 0xE0080 <= code && code <= 0xE00FF ) || // Cn [128] ..\n\t\t( 0xE01F0 <= code && code <= 0xE0FFF ) // Cn [3600] ..\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.Control;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0x0300 <= code && code <= 0x036F ) || // Mn [112] COMBINING GRAVE ACCENT..COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER X\n\t\t( 0x0483 <= code && code <= 0x0487 ) || // Mn [5] COMBINING CYRILLIC TITLO..COMBINING CYRILLIC POKRYTIE\n\t\t( 0x0488 <= code && code <= 0x0489 ) || // Me [2] COMBINING CYRILLIC HUNDRED THOUSANDS SIGN..COMBINING CYRILLIC MILLIONS SIGN\n\t\t( 0x0591 <= code && code <= 0x05BD ) || // Mn [45] HEBREW ACCENT ETNAHTA..HEBREW POINT METEG\n\t\tcode === 0x05BF || // Mn HEBREW POINT RAFE\n\t\t( 0x05C1 <= code && code <= 0x05C2 ) || // Mn [2] HEBREW POINT SHIN DOT..HEBREW POINT SIN DOT\n\t\t( 0x05C4 <= code && code <= 0x05C5 ) || // Mn [2] HEBREW MARK UPPER DOT..HEBREW MARK LOWER DOT\n\t\tcode === 0x05C7 || // Mn HEBREW POINT QAMATS QATAN\n\t\t( 0x0610 <= code && code <= 0x061A ) || // Mn [11] ARABIC SIGN SALLALLAHOU ALAYHE WASSALLAM..ARABIC SMALL KASRA\n\t\t( 0x064B <= code && code <= 0x065F ) || // Mn [21] ARABIC FATHATAN..ARABIC WAVY HAMZA BELOW\n\t\tcode === 0x0670 || // Mn ARABIC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALEF\n\t\t( 0x06D6 <= code && code <= 0x06DC ) || // Mn [7] ARABIC SMALL HIGH LIGATURE SAD WITH LAM WITH ALEF MAKSURA..ARABIC SMALL HIGH SEEN\n\t\t( 0x06DF <= code && code <= 0x06E4 ) || // Mn [6] ARABIC SMALL HIGH ROUNDED ZERO..ARABIC SMALL HIGH MADDA\n\t\t( 0x06E7 <= code && code <= 0x06E8 ) || // Mn [2] ARABIC SMALL HIGH YEH..ARABIC SMALL HIGH NOON\n\t\t( 0x06EA <= code && code <= 0x06ED ) || // Mn [4] ARABIC EMPTY CENTRE LOW STOP..ARABIC SMALL LOW MEEM\n\t\tcode === 0x0711 || // Mn SYRIAC LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ALAPH\n\t\t( 0x0730 <= code && code <= 0x074A ) || // Mn [27] SYRIAC PTHAHA ABOVE..SYRIAC BARREKH\n\t\t( 0x07A6 <= code && code <= 0x07B0 ) || // Mn [11] THAANA ABAFILI..THAANA SUKUN\n\t\t( 0x07EB <= code && code <= 0x07F3 ) || // Mn [9] NKO COMBINING SHORT HIGH TONE..NKO COMBINING DOUBLE DOT ABOVE\n\t\tcode === 0x07FD || // Mn NKO DANTAYALAN\n\t\t( 0x0816 <= code && code <= 0x0819 ) || // Mn [4] SAMARITAN MARK IN..SAMARITAN MARK DAGESH\n\t\t( 0x081B <= code && code <= 0x0823 ) || // Mn [9] SAMARITAN MARK EPENTHETIC YUT..SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN A\n\t\t( 0x0825 <= code && code <= 0x0827 ) || // Mn [3] SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN SHORT A..SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\t( 0x0829 <= code && code <= 0x082D ) || // Mn [5] SAMARITAN VOWEL SIGN LONG I..SAMARITAN MARK NEQUDAA\n\t\t( 0x0859 <= code && code <= 0x085B ) || // Mn [3] MANDAIC AFFRICATION MARK..MANDAIC GEMINATION MARK\n\t\t( 0x08D3 <= code && code <= 0x08E1 ) || // Mn [15] ARABIC SMALL LOW WAW..ARABIC SMALL HIGH SIGN SAFHA\n\t\t( 0x08E3 <= code && code <= 0x0902 ) || // Mn [32] ARABIC TURNED DAMMA BELOW..DEVANAGARI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\tcode === 0x093A || // Mn DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN OE\n\t\tcode === 0x093C || // Mn DEVANAGARI SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x0941 <= code && code <= 0x0948 ) || // Mn [8] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN U..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\tcode === 0x094D || // Mn DEVANAGARI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x0951 <= code && code <= 0x0957 ) || // Mn [7] DEVANAGARI STRESS SIGN UDATTA..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN UUE\n\t\t( 0x0962 <= code && code <= 0x0963 ) || // Mn [2] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\tcode === 0x0981 || // Mn BENGALI SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\tcode === 0x09BC || // Mn BENGALI SIGN NUKTA\n\t\tcode === 0x09BE || // Mc BENGALI VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x09C1 <= code && code <= 0x09C4 ) || // Mn [4] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN U..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\tcode === 0x09CD || // Mn BENGALI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x09D7 || // Mc BENGALI AU LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x09E2 <= code && code <= 0x09E3 ) || // Mn [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\tcode === 0x09FE || // Mn BENGALI SANDHI MARK\n\t\t( 0x0A01 <= code && code <= 0x0A02 ) || // Mn [2] GURMUKHI SIGN ADAK BINDI..GURMUKHI SIGN BINDI\n\t\tcode === 0x0A3C || // Mn GURMUKHI SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x0A41 <= code && code <= 0x0A42 ) || // Mn [2] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN U..GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\t( 0x0A47 <= code && code <= 0x0A48 ) || // Mn [2] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN EE..GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x0A4B <= code && code <= 0x0A4D ) || // Mn [3] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN OO..GURMUKHI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x0A51 || // Mn GURMUKHI SIGN UDAAT\n\t\t( 0x0A70 <= code && code <= 0x0A71 ) || // Mn [2] GURMUKHI TIPPI..GURMUKHI ADDAK\n\t\tcode === 0x0A75 || // Mn GURMUKHI SIGN YAKASH\n\t\t( 0x0A81 <= code && code <= 0x0A82 ) || // Mn [2] GUJARATI SIGN CANDRABINDU..GUJARATI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\tcode === 0x0ABC || // Mn GUJARATI SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x0AC1 <= code && code <= 0x0AC5 ) || // Mn [5] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN U..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA E\n\t\t( 0x0AC7 <= code && code <= 0x0AC8 ) || // Mn [2] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN E..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\tcode === 0x0ACD || // Mn GUJARATI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x0AE2 <= code && code <= 0x0AE3 ) || // Mn [2] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\t( 0x0AFA <= code && code <= 0x0AFF ) || // Mn [6] GUJARATI SIGN SUKUN..GUJARATI SIGN TWO-CIRCLE NUKTA ABOVE\n\t\tcode === 0x0B01 || // Mn ORIYA SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\tcode === 0x0B3C || // Mn ORIYA SIGN NUKTA\n\t\tcode === 0x0B3E || // Mc ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\tcode === 0x0B3F || // Mn ORIYA VOWEL SIGN I\n\t\t( 0x0B41 <= code && code <= 0x0B44 ) || // Mn [4] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN U..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\tcode === 0x0B4D || // Mn ORIYA SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x0B55 <= code && code <= 0x0B56 ) || // Mn [2] ORIYA SIGN OVERLINE..ORIYA AI LENGTH MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x0B57 || // Mc ORIYA AU LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x0B62 <= code && code <= 0x0B63 ) || // Mn [2] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\tcode === 0x0B82 || // Mn TAMIL SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\tcode === 0x0BBE || // Mc TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\tcode === 0x0BC0 || // Mn TAMIL VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\tcode === 0x0BCD || // Mn TAMIL SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x0BD7 || // Mc TAMIL AU LENGTH MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x0C00 || // Mn TELUGU SIGN COMBINING CANDRABINDU ABOVE\n\t\tcode === 0x0C04 || // Mn TELUGU SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE\n\t\t( 0x0C3E <= code && code <= 0x0C40 ) || // Mn [3] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN AA..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x0C46 <= code && code <= 0x0C48 ) || // Mn [3] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN E..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x0C4A <= code && code <= 0x0C4D ) || // Mn [4] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN O..TELUGU SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x0C55 <= code && code <= 0x0C56 ) || // Mn [2] TELUGU LENGTH MARK..TELUGU AI LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x0C62 <= code && code <= 0x0C63 ) || // Mn [2] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\tcode === 0x0C81 || // Mn KANNADA SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\tcode === 0x0CBC || // Mn KANNADA SIGN NUKTA\n\t\tcode === 0x0CBF || // Mn KANNADA VOWEL SIGN I\n\t\tcode === 0x0CC2 || // Mc KANNADA VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\tcode === 0x0CC6 || // Mn KANNADA VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x0CCC <= code && code <= 0x0CCD ) || // Mn [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN AU..KANNADA SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x0CD5 <= code && code <= 0x0CD6 ) || // Mc [2] KANNADA LENGTH MARK..KANNADA AI LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x0CE2 <= code && code <= 0x0CE3 ) || // Mn [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\t( 0x0D00 <= code && code <= 0x0D01 ) || // Mn [2] MALAYALAM SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE..MALAYALAM SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\t( 0x0D3B <= code && code <= 0x0D3C ) || // Mn [2] MALAYALAM SIGN VERTICAL BAR VIRAMA..MALAYALAM SIGN CIRCULAR VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x0D3E || // Mc MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x0D41 <= code && code <= 0x0D44 ) || // Mn [4] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN U..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\tcode === 0x0D4D || // Mn MALAYALAM SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x0D57 || // Mc MALAYALAM AU LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x0D62 <= code && code <= 0x0D63 ) || // Mn [2] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\tcode === 0x0D81 || // Mn SINHALA SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\tcode === 0x0DCA || // Mn SINHALA SIGN AL-LAKUNA\n\t\tcode === 0x0DCF || // Mc SINHALA VOWEL SIGN AELA-PILLA\n\t\t( 0x0DD2 <= code && code <= 0x0DD4 ) || // Mn [3] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI IS-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI PAA-PILLA\n\t\tcode === 0x0DD6 || // Mn SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA PAA-PILLA\n\t\tcode === 0x0DDF || // Mc SINHALA VOWEL SIGN GAYANUKITTA\n\t\tcode === 0x0E31 || // Mn THAI CHARACTER MAI HAN-AKAT\n\t\t( 0x0E34 <= code && code <= 0x0E3A ) || // Mn [7] THAI CHARACTER SARA I..THAI CHARACTER PHINTHU\n\t\t( 0x0E47 <= code && code <= 0x0E4E ) || // Mn [8] THAI CHARACTER MAITAIKHU..THAI CHARACTER YAMAKKAN\n\t\tcode === 0x0EB1 || // Mn LAO VOWEL SIGN MAI KAN\n\t\t( 0x0EB4 <= code && code <= 0x0EBC ) || // Mn [9] LAO VOWEL SIGN I..LAO SEMIVOWEL SIGN LO\n\t\t( 0x0EC8 <= code && code <= 0x0ECD ) || // Mn [6] LAO TONE MAI EK..LAO NIGGAHITA\n\t\t( 0x0F18 <= code && code <= 0x0F19 ) || // Mn [2] TIBETAN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN -KHYUD PA..TIBETAN ASTROLOGICAL SIGN SDONG TSHUGS\n\t\tcode === 0x0F35 || // Mn TIBETAN MARK NGAS BZUNG NYI ZLA\n\t\tcode === 0x0F37 || // Mn TIBETAN MARK NGAS BZUNG SGOR RTAGS\n\t\tcode === 0x0F39 || // Mn TIBETAN MARK TSA -PHRU\n\t\t( 0x0F71 <= code && code <= 0x0F7E ) || // Mn [14] TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN AA..TIBETAN SIGN RJES SU NGA RO\n\t\t( 0x0F80 <= code && code <= 0x0F84 ) || // Mn [5] TIBETAN VOWEL SIGN REVERSED I..TIBETAN MARK HALANTA\n\t\t( 0x0F86 <= code && code <= 0x0F87 ) || // Mn [2] TIBETAN SIGN LCI RTAGS..TIBETAN SIGN YANG RTAGS\n\t\t( 0x0F8D <= code && code <= 0x0F97 ) || // Mn [11] TIBETAN SUBJOINED SIGN LCE TSA CAN..TIBETAN SUBJOINED LETTER JA\n\t\t( 0x0F99 <= code && code <= 0x0FBC ) || // Mn [36] TIBETAN SUBJOINED LETTER NYA..TIBETAN SUBJOINED LETTER FIXED-FORM RA\n\t\tcode === 0x0FC6 || // Mn TIBETAN SYMBOL PADMA GDAN\n\t\t( 0x102D <= code && code <= 0x1030 ) || // Mn [4] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN I..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\t( 0x1032 <= code && code <= 0x1037 ) || // Mn [6] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AI..MYANMAR SIGN DOT BELOW\n\t\t( 0x1039 <= code && code <= 0x103A ) || // Mn [2] MYANMAR SIGN VIRAMA..MYANMAR SIGN ASAT\n\t\t( 0x103D <= code && code <= 0x103E ) || // Mn [2] MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL WA..MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL HA\n\t\t( 0x1058 <= code && code <= 0x1059 ) || // Mn [2] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\t( 0x105E <= code && code <= 0x1060 ) || // Mn [3] MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MON MEDIAL NA..MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MON MEDIAL LA\n\t\t( 0x1071 <= code && code <= 0x1074 ) || // Mn [4] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN GEBA KAREN I..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN KAYAH EE\n\t\tcode === 0x1082 || // Mn MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN SHAN MEDIAL WA\n\t\t( 0x1085 <= code && code <= 0x1086 ) || // Mn [2] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN E ABOVE..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN FINAL Y\n\t\tcode === 0x108D || // Mn MYANMAR SIGN SHAN COUNCIL EMPHATIC TONE\n\t\tcode === 0x109D || // Mn MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN AITON AI\n\t\t( 0x135D <= code && code <= 0x135F ) || // Mn [3] ETHIOPIC COMBINING GEMINATION AND VOWEL LENGTH MARK..ETHIOPIC COMBINING GEMINATION MARK\n\t\t( 0x1712 <= code && code <= 0x1714 ) || // Mn [3] TAGALOG VOWEL SIGN I..TAGALOG SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x1732 <= code && code <= 0x1734 ) || // Mn [3] HANUNOO VOWEL SIGN I..HANUNOO SIGN PAMUDPOD\n\t\t( 0x1752 <= code && code <= 0x1753 ) || // Mn [2] BUHID VOWEL SIGN I..BUHID VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\t( 0x1772 <= code && code <= 0x1773 ) || // Mn [2] TAGBANWA VOWEL SIGN I..TAGBANWA VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\t( 0x17B4 <= code && code <= 0x17B5 ) || // Mn [2] KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AQ..KHMER VOWEL INHERENT AA\n\t\t( 0x17B7 <= code && code <= 0x17BD ) || // Mn [7] KHMER VOWEL SIGN I..KHMER VOWEL SIGN UA\n\t\tcode === 0x17C6 || // Mn KHMER SIGN NIKAHIT\n\t\t( 0x17C9 <= code && code <= 0x17D3 ) || // Mn [11] KHMER SIGN MUUSIKATOAN..KHMER SIGN BATHAMASAT\n\t\tcode === 0x17DD || // Mn KHMER SIGN ATTHACAN\n\t\t( 0x180B <= code && code <= 0x180D ) || // Mn [3] MONGOLIAN FREE VARIATION SELECTOR ONE..MONGOLIAN FREE VARIATION SELECTOR THREE\n\t\t( 0x1885 <= code && code <= 0x1886 ) || // Mn [2] MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI BALUDA..MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI THREE BALUDA\n\t\tcode === 0x18A9 || // Mn MONGOLIAN LETTER ALI GALI DAGALGA\n\t\t( 0x1920 <= code && code <= 0x1922 ) || // Mn [3] LIMBU VOWEL SIGN A..LIMBU VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\t( 0x1927 <= code && code <= 0x1928 ) || // Mn [2] LIMBU VOWEL SIGN E..LIMBU VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\tcode === 0x1932 || // Mn LIMBU SMALL LETTER ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x1939 <= code && code <= 0x193B ) || // Mn [3] LIMBU SIGN MUKPHRENG..LIMBU SIGN SA-I\n\t\t( 0x1A17 <= code && code <= 0x1A18 ) || // Mn [2] BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN I..BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\tcode === 0x1A1B || // Mn BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN AE\n\t\tcode === 0x1A56 || // Mn TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL LA\n\t\t( 0x1A58 <= code && code <= 0x1A5E ) || // Mn [7] TAI THAM SIGN MAI KANG LAI..TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN SA\n\t\tcode === 0x1A60 || // Mn TAI THAM SIGN SAKOT\n\t\tcode === 0x1A62 || // Mn TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN MAI SAT\n\t\t( 0x1A65 <= code && code <= 0x1A6C ) || // Mn [8] TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN I..TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN OA BELOW\n\t\t( 0x1A73 <= code && code <= 0x1A7C ) || // Mn [10] TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN OA ABOVE..TAI THAM SIGN KHUEN-LUE KARAN\n\t\tcode === 0x1A7F || // Mn TAI THAM COMBINING CRYPTOGRAMMIC DOT\n\t\t( 0x1AB0 <= code && code <= 0x1ABD ) || // Mn [14] COMBINING DOUBLED CIRCUMFLEX ACCENT..COMBINING PARENTHESES BELOW\n\t\tcode === 0x1ABE || // Me COMBINING PARENTHESES OVERLAY\n\t\t( 0x1ABF <= code && code <= 0x1AC0 ) || // Mn [2] COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER W BELOW..COMBINING LATIN SMALL LETTER TURNED W BELOW\n\t\t( 0x1B00 <= code && code <= 0x1B03 ) || // Mn [4] BALINESE SIGN ULU RICEM..BALINESE SIGN SURANG\n\t\tcode === 0x1B34 || // Mn BALINESE SIGN REREKAN\n\t\tcode === 0x1B35 || // Mc BALINESE VOWEL SIGN TEDUNG\n\t\t( 0x1B36 <= code && code <= 0x1B3A) || // Mn [5] BALINESE VOWEL SIGN ULU..BALINESE VOWEL SIGN RA REPA\n\t\tcode === 0x1B3C || // Mn BALINESE VOWEL SIGN LA LENGA\n\t\tcode === 0x1B42 || // Mn BALINESE VOWEL SIGN PEPET\n\t\t( 0x1B6B <= code && code <= 0x1B73 ) || // Mn [9] BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TEGEH..BALINESE MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING GONG\n\t\t( 0x1B80 <= code && code <= 0x1B81 ) || // Mn [2] SUNDANESE SIGN PANYECEK..SUNDANESE SIGN PANGLAYAR\n\t\t( 0x1BA2 <= code && code <= 0x1BA5 ) || // Mn [4] SUNDANESE CONSONANT SIGN PANYAKRA..SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANYUKU\n\t\t( 0x1BA8 <= code && code <= 0x1BA9 ) || // Mn [2] SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PAMEPET..SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANEULEUNG\n\t\t( 0x1BAB <= code && code <= 0x1BAD ) || // Mn [3] SUNDANESE SIGN VIRAMA..SUNDANESE CONSONANT SIGN PASANGAN WA\n\t\tcode === 0x1BE6 || // Mn BATAK SIGN TOMPI\n\t\t( 0x1BE8 <= code && code <= 0x1BE9) || // Mn [2] BATAK VOWEL SIGN PAKPAK E..BATAK VOWEL SIGN EE\n\t\tcode === 0x1BED || // Mn BATAK VOWEL SIGN KARO O\n\t\t( 0x1BEF <= code && code <= 0x1BF1 ) || // Mn [3] BATAK VOWEL SIGN U FOR SIMALUNGUN SA..BATAK CONSONANT SIGN H\n\t\t( 0x1C2C <= code && code <= 0x1C33 ) || // Mn [8] LEPCHA VOWEL SIGN E..LEPCHA CONSONANT SIGN T\n\t\t( 0x1C36 <= code && code <= 0x1C37 ) || // Mn [2] LEPCHA SIGN RAN..LEPCHA SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x1CD0 <= code && code <= 0x1CD2 ) || // Mn [3] VEDIC TONE KARSHANA..VEDIC TONE PRENKHA\n\t\t( 0x1CD4 <= code && code <= 0x1CE0 ) || // Mn [13] VEDIC SIGN YAJURVEDIC MIDLINE SVARITA..VEDIC TONE RIGVEDIC KASHMIRI INDEPENDENT SVARITA\n\t\t( 0x1CE2 <= code && code <= 0x1CE8 ) || // Mn [7] VEDIC SIGN VISARGA SVARITA..VEDIC SIGN VISARGA ANUDATTA WITH TAIL\n\t\tcode === 0x1CED || // Mn VEDIC SIGN TIRYAK\n\t\tcode === 0x1CF4 || // Mn VEDIC TONE CANDRA ABOVE\n\t\t( 0x1CF8 <= code && code <= 0x1CF9 ) || // Mn [2] VEDIC TONE RING ABOVE..VEDIC TONE DOUBLE RING ABOVE\n\t\t( 0x1DC0 <= code && code <= 0x1DF9 ) || // Mn [58] COMBINING DOTTED GRAVE ACCENT..COMBINING WIDE INVERTED BRIDGE BELOW\n\t\t( 0x1DFB <= code && code <= 0x1DFF ) || // Mn [5] COMBINING DELETION MARK..COMBINING RIGHT ARROWHEAD AND DOWN ARROWHEAD BELOW\n\t\tcode === 0x200C || // Cf ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER\n\t\t( 0x20D0 <= code && code <= 0x20DC ) || // Mn [13] COMBINING LEFT HARPOON ABOVE..COMBINING FOUR DOTS ABOVE\n\t\t( 0x20DD <= code && code <= 0x20E0 ) || // Me [4] COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE..COMBINING ENCLOSING CIRCLE BACKSLASH\n\t\tcode === 0x20E1 || // Mn COMBINING LEFT RIGHT ARROW ABOVE\n\t\t( 0x20E2 <= code && code <= 0x20E4 ) || // Me [3] COMBINING ENCLOSING SCREEN..COMBINING ENCLOSING UPWARD POINTING TRIANGLE\n\t\t( 0x20E5 <= code && code <= 0x20F0 ) || // Mn [12] COMBINING REVERSE SOLIDUS OVERLAY..COMBINING ASTERISK ABOVE\n\t\t( 0x2CEF <= code && code <= 0x2CF1 ) || // Mn [3] COPTIC COMBINING NI ABOVE..COPTIC COMBINING SPIRITUS LENIS\n\t\tcode === 0x2D7F || // Mn TIFINAGH CONSONANT JOINER\n\t\t( 0x2DE0 <= code && code <= 0x2DFF ) || // Mn [32] COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER BE..COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER IOTIFIED BIG YUS\n\t\t( 0x302A <= code && code <= 0x302D ) || // Mn [4] IDEOGRAPHIC LEVEL TONE MARK..IDEOGRAPHIC ENTERING TONE MARK\n\t\t( 0x302E <= code && code <= 0x302F ) || // Mc [2] HANGUL SINGLE DOT TONE MARK..HANGUL DOUBLE DOT TONE MARK\n\t\t( 0x3099 <= code && code <= 0x309A ) || // Mn [2] COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA VOICED SOUND MARK..COMBINING KATAKANA-HIRAGANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK\n\t\tcode === 0xA66F || // Mn COMBINING CYRILLIC VZMET\n\t\t( 0xA670 <= code && code <= 0xA672 ) || // Me [3] COMBINING CYRILLIC TEN MILLIONS SIGN..COMBINING CYRILLIC THOUSAND MILLIONS SIGN\n\t\t( 0xA674 <= code && code <= 0xA67D ) || // Mn [10] COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER UKRAINIAN IE..COMBINING CYRILLIC PAYEROK\n\t\t( 0xA69E <= code && code <= 0xA69F ) || // Mn [2] COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER EF..COMBINING CYRILLIC LETTER IOTIFIED E\n\t\t( 0xA6F0 <= code && code <= 0xA6F1 ) || // Mn [2] BAMUM COMBINING MARK KOQNDON..BAMUM COMBINING MARK TUKWENTIS\n\t\tcode === 0xA802 || // Mn SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN DVISVARA\n\t\tcode === 0xA806 || // Mn SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN HASANTA\n\t\tcode === 0xA80B || // Mn SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0xA825 <= code && code <= 0xA826 ) || // Mn [2] SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN U..SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\tcode === 0xA82C || // Mn SYLOTI NAGRI SIGN ALTERNATE HASANTA\n\t\t( 0xA8C4 <= code && code <= 0xA8C5 ) || // Mn [2] SAURASHTRA SIGN VIRAMA..SAURASHTRA SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\t( 0xA8E0 <= code && code <= 0xA8F1 ) || // Mn [18] COMBINING DEVANAGARI DIGIT ZERO..COMBINING DEVANAGARI SIGN AVAGRAHA\n\t\tcode === 0xA8FF || // Mn DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AY\n\t\t( 0xA926 <= code && code <= 0xA92D ) || // Mn [8] KAYAH LI VOWEL UE..KAYAH LI TONE CALYA PLOPHU\n\t\t( 0xA947 <= code && code <= 0xA951 ) || // Mn [11] REJANG VOWEL SIGN I..REJANG CONSONANT SIGN R\n\t\t( 0xA980 <= code && code <= 0xA982 ) || // Mn [3] JAVANESE SIGN PANYANGGA..JAVANESE SIGN LAYAR\n\t\tcode === 0xA9B3 || // Mn JAVANESE SIGN CECAK TELU\n\t\t( 0xA9B6 <= code && code <= 0xA9B9 ) || // Mn [4] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN WULU..JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN SUKU MENDUT\n\t\t( 0xA9BC <= code && code <= 0xA9BD ) || // Mn [2] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN PEPET..JAVANESE CONSONANT SIGN KERET\n\t\tcode === 0xA9E5 || // Mn MYANMAR SIGN SHAN SAW\n\t\t( 0xAA29 <= code && code <= 0xAA2E ) || // Mn [6] CHAM VOWEL SIGN AA..CHAM VOWEL SIGN OE\n\t\t( 0xAA31 <= code && code <= 0xAA32 ) || // Mn [2] CHAM VOWEL SIGN AU..CHAM VOWEL SIGN UE\n\t\t( 0xAA35 <= code && code <= 0xAA36 ) || // Mn [2] CHAM CONSONANT SIGN LA..CHAM CONSONANT SIGN WA\n\t\tcode === 0xAA43 || // Mn CHAM CONSONANT SIGN FINAL NG\n\t\tcode === 0xAA4C || // Mn CHAM CONSONANT SIGN FINAL M\n\t\tcode === 0xAA7C || // Mn MYANMAR SIGN TAI LAING TONE-2\n\t\tcode === 0xAAB0 || // Mn TAI VIET MAI KANG\n\t\t( 0xAAB2 <= code && code <= 0xAAB4 ) || // Mn [3] TAI VIET VOWEL I..TAI VIET VOWEL U\n\t\t( 0xAAB7 <= code && code <= 0xAAB8 ) || // Mn [2] TAI VIET MAI KHIT..TAI VIET VOWEL IA\n\t\t( 0xAABE <= code && code <= 0xAABF ) || // Mn [2] TAI VIET VOWEL AM..TAI VIET TONE MAI EK\n\t\tcode === 0xAAC1 || // Mn TAI VIET TONE MAI THO\n\t\t( 0xAAEC <= code && code <= 0xAAED ) || // Mn [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN UU..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN AAI\n\t\tcode === 0xAAF6 || // Mn MEETEI MAYEK VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0xABE5 || // Mn MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN ANAP\n\t\tcode === 0xABE8 || // Mn MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN UNAP\n\t\tcode === 0xABED || // Mn MEETEI MAYEK APUN IYEK\n\t\tcode === 0xFB1E || // Mn HEBREW POINT JUDEO-SPANISH VARIKA\n\t\t( 0xFE00 <= code && code <= 0xFE0F ) || // Mn [16] VARIATION SELECTOR-1..VARIATION SELECTOR-16\n\t\t( 0xFE20 <= code && code <= 0xFE2F ) || // Mn [16] COMBINING LIGATURE LEFT HALF..COMBINING CYRILLIC TITLO RIGHT HALF\n\t\t( 0xFF9E <= code && code <= 0xFF9F ) || // Lm [2] HALFWIDTH KATAKANA VOICED SOUND MARK..HALFWIDTH KATAKANA SEMI-VOICED SOUND MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x101FD || // Mn PHAISTOS DISC SIGN COMBINING OBLIQUE STROKE\n\t\tcode === 0x102E0 || // Mn COPTIC EPACT THOUSANDS MARK\n\t\t( 0x10376 <= code && code <= 0x1037A ) || // Mn [5] COMBINING OLD PERMIC LETTER AN..COMBINING OLD PERMIC LETTER SII\n\t\t( 0x10A01 <= code && code <= 0x10A03 ) || // Mn [3] KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN I..KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R\n\t\t( 0x10A05 <= code && code <= 0x10A06 ) || // Mn [2] KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN E..KHAROSHTHI VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\t( 0x10A0C <= code && code <= 0x10A0F ) || // Mn [4] KHAROSHTHI VOWEL LENGTH MARK..KHAROSHTHI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x10A38 <= code && code <= 0x10A3A ) || // Mn [3] KHAROSHTHI SIGN BAR ABOVE..KHAROSHTHI SIGN DOT BELOW\n\t\tcode === 0x10A3F || // Mn KHAROSHTHI VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x10AE5 <= code && code <= 0x10AE6 ) || // Mn [2] MANICHAEAN ABBREVIATION MARK ABOVE..MANICHAEAN ABBREVIATION MARK BELOW\n\t\t( 0x10D24 <= code && code <= 0x10D27 ) || // Mn [4] HANIFI ROHINGYA SIGN HARBAHAY..HANIFI ROHINGYA SIGN TASSI\n\t\t( 0x10EAB <= code && code <= 0x10EAC ) || // Mn [2] YEZIDI COMBINING HAMZA MARK..YEZIDI COMBINING MADDA MARK\n\t\t( 0x10F46 <= code && code <= 0x10F50 ) || // Mn [11] SOGDIAN COMBINING DOT BELOW..SOGDIAN COMBINING STROKE BELOW\n\t\tcode === 0x11001 || // Mn BRAHMI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x11038 <= code && code <= 0x11046 ) || // Mn [15] BRAHMI VOWEL SIGN AA..BRAHMI VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x1107F <= code && code <= 0x11081 ) || // Mn [3] BRAHMI NUMBER JOINER..KAITHI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x110B3 <= code && code <= 0x110B6 ) || // Mn [4] KAITHI VOWEL SIGN U..KAITHI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x110B9 <= code && code <= 0x110BA ) || // Mn [2] KAITHI SIGN VIRAMA..KAITHI SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x11100 <= code && code <= 0x11102 ) || // Mn [3] CHAKMA SIGN CANDRABINDU..CHAKMA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x11127 <= code && code <= 0x1112B ) || // Mn [5] CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN A..CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\t( 0x1112D <= code && code <= 0x11134 ) || // Mn [8] CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN AI..CHAKMA MAAYYAA\n\t\tcode === 0x11173 || // Mn MAHAJANI SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x11180 <= code && code <= 0x11181 ) || // Mn [2] SHARADA SIGN CANDRABINDU..SHARADA SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x111B6 <= code && code <= 0x111BE ) || // Mn [9] SHARADA VOWEL SIGN U..SHARADA VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\t( 0x111C9 <= code && code <= 0x111CC ) || // Mn [4] SHARADA SANDHI MARK..SHARADA EXTRA SHORT VOWEL MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x111CF || // Mn SHARADA SIGN INVERTED CANDRABINDU\n\t\t( 0x1122F <= code && code <= 0x11231 ) || // Mn [3] KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN U..KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\tcode === 0x11234 || // Mn KHOJKI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x11236 <= code && code <= 0x11237 ) || // Mn [2] KHOJKI SIGN NUKTA..KHOJKI SIGN SHADDA\n\t\tcode === 0x1123E || // Mn KHOJKI SIGN SUKUN\n\t\tcode === 0x112DF || // Mn KHUDAWADI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x112E3 <= code && code <= 0x112EA ) || // Mn [8] KHUDAWADI VOWEL SIGN U..KHUDAWADI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x11300 <= code && code <= 0x11301 ) || // Mn [2] GRANTHA SIGN COMBINING ANUSVARA ABOVE..GRANTHA SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\t( 0x1133B <= code && code <= 0x1133C ) || // Mn [2] COMBINING BINDU BELOW..GRANTHA SIGN NUKTA\n\t\tcode === 0x1133E || // Mc GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\tcode === 0x11340 || // Mn GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\tcode === 0x11357 || // Mc GRANTHA AU LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x11366 <= code && code <= 0x1136C ) || // Mn [7] COMBINING GRANTHA DIGIT ZERO..COMBINING GRANTHA DIGIT SIX\n\t\t( 0x11370 <= code && code <= 0x11374 ) || // Mn [5] COMBINING GRANTHA LETTER A..COMBINING GRANTHA LETTER PA\n\t\t( 0x11438 <= code && code <= 0x1143F ) || // Mn [8] NEWA VOWEL SIGN U..NEWA VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x11442 <= code && code <= 0x11444 ) || // Mn [3] NEWA SIGN VIRAMA..NEWA SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\tcode === 0x11446 || // Mn NEWA SIGN NUKTA\n\t\tcode === 0x1145E || // Mn NEWA SANDHI MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x114B0 || // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x114B3 <= code && code <= 0x114B8 ) || // Mn [6] TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN U..TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\tcode === 0x114BA || // Mn TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN SHORT E\n\t\tcode === 0x114BD || // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN SHORT O\n\t\t( 0x114BF <= code && code <= 0x114C0 ) || // Mn [2] TIRHUTA SIGN CANDRABINDU..TIRHUTA SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x114C2 <= code && code <= 0x114C3 ) || // Mn [2] TIRHUTA SIGN VIRAMA..TIRHUTA SIGN NUKTA\n\t\tcode === 0x115AF || // Mc SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x115B2 <= code && code <= 0x115B5 ) || // Mn [4] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN U..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\t( 0x115BC <= code && code <= 0x115BD ) || // Mn [2] SIDDHAM SIGN CANDRABINDU..SIDDHAM SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x115BF <= code && code <= 0x115C0 ) || // Mn [2] SIDDHAM SIGN VIRAMA..SIDDHAM SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x115DC <= code && code <= 0x115DD ) || // Mn [2] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN ALTERNATE U..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN ALTERNATE UU\n\t\t( 0x11633 <= code && code <= 0x1163A ) || // Mn [8] MODI VOWEL SIGN U..MODI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\tcode === 0x1163D || // Mn MODI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x1163F <= code && code <= 0x11640 ) || // Mn [2] MODI SIGN VIRAMA..MODI SIGN ARDHACANDRA\n\t\tcode === 0x116AB || // Mn TAKRI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\tcode === 0x116AD || // Mn TAKRI VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x116B0 <= code && code <= 0x116B5 ) || // Mn [6] TAKRI VOWEL SIGN U..TAKRI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x116B7 || // Mn TAKRI SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x1171D <= code && code <= 0x1171F ) || // Mn [3] AHOM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL LA..AHOM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL LIGATING RA\n\t\t( 0x11722 <= code && code <= 0x11725 ) || // Mn [4] AHOM VOWEL SIGN I..AHOM VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\t( 0x11727 <= code && code <= 0x1172B ) || // Mn [5] AHOM VOWEL SIGN AW..AHOM SIGN KILLER\n\t\t( 0x1182F <= code && code <= 0x11837 ) || // Mn [9] DOGRA VOWEL SIGN U..DOGRA SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x11839 <= code && code <= 0x1183A ) || // Mn [2] DOGRA SIGN VIRAMA..DOGRA SIGN NUKTA\n\t\tcode === 0x11930 || // Mc DIVES AKURU VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x1193B <= code && code <= 0x1193C ) || // Mn [2] DIVES AKURU SIGN ANUSVARA..DIVES AKURU SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\tcode === 0x1193E || // Mn DIVES AKURU VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x11943 || // Mn DIVES AKURU SIGN NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x119D4 <= code && code <= 0x119D7 ) || // Mn [4] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN U..NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\t( 0x119DA <= code && code <= 0x119DB ) || // Mn [2] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN E..NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\tcode === 0x119E0 || // Mn NANDINAGARI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x11A01 <= code && code <= 0x11A0A ) || // Mn [10] ZANABAZAR SQUARE VOWEL SIGN I..ZANABAZAR SQUARE VOWEL LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x11A33 <= code && code <= 0x11A38 ) || // Mn [6] ZANABAZAR SQUARE FINAL CONSONANT MARK..ZANABAZAR SQUARE SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x11A3B <= code && code <= 0x11A3E ) || // Mn [4] ZANABAZAR SQUARE CLUSTER-FINAL LETTER YA..ZANABAZAR SQUARE CLUSTER-FINAL LETTER VA\n\t\tcode === 0x11A47 || // Mn ZANABAZAR SQUARE SUBJOINER\n\t\t( 0x11A51 <= code && code <= 0x11A56 ) || // Mn [6] SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN I..SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN OE\n\t\t( 0x11A59 <= code && code <= 0x11A5B ) || // Mn [3] SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R..SOYOMBO VOWEL LENGTH MARK\n\t\t( 0x11A8A <= code && code <= 0x11A96 ) || // Mn [13] SOYOMBO FINAL CONSONANT SIGN G..SOYOMBO SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\t( 0x11A98 <= code && code <= 0x11A99 ) || // Mn [2] SOYOMBO GEMINATION MARK..SOYOMBO SUBJOINER\n\t\t( 0x11C30 <= code && code <= 0x11C36 ) || // Mn [7] BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN I..BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L\n\t\t( 0x11C38 <= code && code <= 0x11C3D ) || // Mn [6] BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN E..BHAIKSUKI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\tcode === 0x11C3F || // Mn BHAIKSUKI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x11C92 <= code && code <= 0x11CA7 ) || // Mn [22] MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER KA..MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER ZA\n\t\t( 0x11CAA <= code && code <= 0x11CB0 ) || // Mn [7] MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER RA..MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x11CB2 <= code && code <= 0x11CB3 ) || // Mn [2] MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN U..MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x11CB5 <= code && code <= 0x11CB6 ) || // Mn [2] MARCHEN SIGN ANUSVARA..MARCHEN SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\t( 0x11D31 <= code && code <= 0x11D36 ) || // Mn [6] MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN AA..MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R\n\t\tcode === 0x11D3A || // Mn MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x11D3C <= code && code <= 0x11D3D ) || // Mn [2] MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN AI..MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\t( 0x11D3F <= code && code <= 0x11D45 ) || // Mn [7] MASARAM GONDI VOWEL SIGN AU..MASARAM GONDI VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x11D47 || // Mn MASARAM GONDI RA-KARA\n\t\t( 0x11D90 <= code && code <= 0x11D91 ) || // Mn [2] GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN EE..GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\tcode === 0x11D95 || // Mn GUNJALA GONDI SIGN ANUSVARA\n\t\tcode === 0x11D97 || // Mn GUNJALA GONDI VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x11EF3 <= code && code <= 0x11EF4 ) || // Mn [2] MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN I..MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\t( 0x16AF0 <= code && code <= 0x16AF4 ) || // Mn [5] BASSA VAH COMBINING HIGH TONE..BASSA VAH COMBINING HIGH-LOW TONE\n\t\t( 0x16B30 <= code && code <= 0x16B36 ) || // Mn [7] PAHAWH HMONG MARK CIM TUB..PAHAWH HMONG MARK CIM TAUM\n\t\tcode === 0x16F4F || // Mn MIAO SIGN CONSONANT MODIFIER BAR\n\t\t( 0x16F8F <= code && code <= 0x16F92 ) || // Mn [4] MIAO TONE RIGHT..MIAO TONE BELOW\n\t\tcode === 0x16FE4 || // Mn KHITAN SMALL SCRIPT FILLER\n\t\t( 0x1BC9D <= code && code <= 0x1BC9E ) || // Mn [2] DUPLOYAN THICK LETTER SELECTOR..DUPLOYAN DOUBLE MARK\n\t\tcode === 0x1D165 || // Mc MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING STEM\n\t\t( 0x1D167 <= code && code <= 0x1D169 ) || // Mn [3] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TREMOLO-1..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TREMOLO-3\n\t\t( 0x1D16E <= code && code <= 0x1D172 ) || // Mc [5] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING FLAG-1..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING FLAG-5\n\t\t( 0x1D17B <= code && code <= 0x1D182 ) || // Mn [8] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING ACCENT..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING LOURE\n\t\t( 0x1D185 <= code && code <= 0x1D18B ) || // Mn [7] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING DOIT..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING TRIPLE TONGUE\n\t\t( 0x1D1AA <= code && code <= 0x1D1AD ) || // Mn [4] MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING DOWN BOW..MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING SNAP PIZZICATO\n\t\t( 0x1D242 <= code && code <= 0x1D244 ) || // Mn [3] COMBINING GREEK MUSICAL TRISEME..COMBINING GREEK MUSICAL PENTASEME\n\t\t( 0x1DA00 <= code && code <= 0x1DA36 ) || // Mn [55] SIGNWRITING HEAD RIM..SIGNWRITING AIR SUCKING IN\n\t\t( 0x1DA3B <= code && code <= 0x1DA6C ) || // Mn [50] SIGNWRITING MOUTH CLOSED NEUTRAL..SIGNWRITING EXCITEMENT\n\t\tcode === 0x1DA75 || // Mn SIGNWRITING UPPER BODY TILTING FROM HIP JOINTS\n\t\tcode === 0x1DA84 || // Mn SIGNWRITING LOCATION HEAD NECK\n\t\t( 0x1DA9B <= code && code <= 0x1DA9F ) || // Mn [5] SIGNWRITING FILL MODIFIER-2..SIGNWRITING FILL MODIFIER-6\n\t\t( 0x1DAA1 <= code && code <= 0x1DAAF ) || // Mn [15] SIGNWRITING ROTATION MODIFIER-2..SIGNWRITING ROTATION MODIFIER-16\n\t\t( 0x1E000 <= code && code <= 0x1E006 ) || // Mn [7] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER AZU..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER ZHIVETE\n\t\t( 0x1E008 <= code && code <= 0x1E018 ) || // Mn [17] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER ZEMLJA..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER HERU\n\t\t( 0x1E01B <= code && code <= 0x1E021 ) || // Mn [7] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER SHTA..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER YATI\n\t\t( 0x1E023 <= code && code <= 0x1E024 ) || // Mn [2] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER YU..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER SMALL YUS\n\t\t( 0x1E026 <= code && code <= 0x1E02A ) || // Mn [5] COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER YO..COMBINING GLAGOLITIC LETTER FITA\n\t\t( 0x1E130 <= code && code <= 0x1E136 ) || // Mn [7] NYIAKENG PUACHUE HMONG TONE-B..NYIAKENG PUACHUE HMONG TONE-D\n\t\t( 0x1E2EC <= code && code <= 0x1E2EF ) || // Mn [4] WANCHO TONE TUP..WANCHO TONE KOINI\n\t\t( 0x1E8D0 <= code && code <= 0x1E8D6 ) || // Mn [7] MENDE KIKAKUI COMBINING NUMBER TEENS..MENDE KIKAKUI COMBINING NUMBER MILLIONS\n\t\t( 0x1E944 <= code && code <= 0x1E94A ) || // Mn [7] ADLAM ALIF LENGTHENER..ADLAM NUKTA\n\t\t( 0x1F3FB <= code && code <= 0x1F3FF ) || // Sk [5] EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-1-2..EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-6\n\t\t( 0xE0020 <= code && code <= 0xE007F ) || // Cf [96] TAG SPACE..CANCEL TAG\n\t\t( 0xE0100 <= code && code <= 0xE01EF ) // Mn [240] VARIATION SELECTOR-17..VARIATION SELECTOR-256\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.Extend;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0x1F1E6 <= code && code <= 0x1F1FF ) // So [26] REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER A..REGIONAL INDICATOR SYMBOL LETTER Z\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.RegionalIndicator;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tcode === 0x0903 || // Mc DEVANAGARI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x093B || // Mc DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN OOE\n\t\t( 0x093E <= code && code <= 0x0940 ) || // Mc [3] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AA..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x0949 <= code && code <= 0x094C ) || // Mc [4] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA O..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\t( 0x094E <= code && code <= 0x094F ) || // Mc [2] DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E..DEVANAGARI VOWEL SIGN AW\n\t\t( 0x0982 <= code && code <= 0x0983 ) || // Mc [2] BENGALI SIGN ANUSVARA..BENGALI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x09BF <= code && code <= 0x09C0 ) || // Mc [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN I..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x09C7 <= code && code <= 0x09C8 ) || // Mc [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN E..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x09CB <= code && code <= 0x09CC ) || // Mc [2] BENGALI VOWEL SIGN O..BENGALI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x0A03 || // Mc GURMUKHI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x0A3E <= code && code <= 0x0A40 ) || // Mc [3] GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN AA..GURMUKHI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\tcode === 0x0A83 || // Mc GUJARATI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x0ABE <= code && code <= 0x0AC0 ) || // Mc [3] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AA..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\tcode === 0x0AC9 || // Mc GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN CANDRA O\n\t\t( 0x0ACB <= code && code <= 0x0ACC ) || // Mc [2] GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN O..GUJARATI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\t( 0x0B02 <= code && code <= 0x0B03 ) || // Mc [2] ORIYA SIGN ANUSVARA..ORIYA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x0B40 || // Mc ORIYA VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x0B47 <= code && code <= 0x0B48 ) || // Mc [2] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN E..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x0B4B <= code && code <= 0x0B4C ) || // Mc [2] ORIYA VOWEL SIGN O..ORIYA VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x0BBF || // Mc TAMIL VOWEL SIGN I\n\t\t( 0x0BC1 <= code && code <= 0x0BC2 ) || // Mc [2] TAMIL VOWEL SIGN U..TAMIL VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\t( 0x0BC6 <= code && code <= 0x0BC8 ) || // Mc [3] TAMIL VOWEL SIGN E..TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x0BCA <= code && code <= 0x0BCC ) || // Mc [3] TAMIL VOWEL SIGN O..TAMIL VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\t( 0x0C01 <= code && code <= 0x0C03 ) || // Mc [3] TELUGU SIGN CANDRABINDU..TELUGU SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x0C41 <= code && code <= 0x0C44 ) || // Mc [4] TELUGU VOWEL SIGN U..TELUGU VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\t( 0x0C82 <= code && code <= 0x0C83 ) || // Mc [2] KANNADA SIGN ANUSVARA..KANNADA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x0CBE || // Mc KANNADA VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x0CC0 <= code && code <= 0x0CC1 ) || // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN II..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\t( 0x0CC3 <= code && code <= 0x0CC4 ) || // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\t( 0x0CC7 <= code && code <= 0x0CC8 ) || // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN EE..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x0CCA <= code && code <= 0x0CCB ) || // Mc [2] KANNADA VOWEL SIGN O..KANNADA VOWEL SIGN OO\n\t\t( 0x0D02 <= code && code <= 0x0D03 ) || // Mc [2] MALAYALAM SIGN ANUSVARA..MALAYALAM SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x0D3F <= code && code <= 0x0D40 ) || // Mc [2] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN I..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x0D46 <= code && code <= 0x0D48 ) || // Mc [3] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN E..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x0D4A <= code && code <= 0x0D4C ) || // Mc [3] MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN O..MALAYALAM VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\t( 0x0D82 <= code && code <= 0x0D83 ) || // Mc [2] SINHALA SIGN ANUSVARAYA..SINHALA SIGN VISARGAYA\n\t\t( 0x0DD0 <= code && code <= 0x0DD1 ) || // Mc [2] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KETTI AEDA-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA AEDA-PILLA\n\t\t( 0x0DD8 <= code && code <= 0x0DDE ) || // Mc [7] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN GAETTA-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN KOMBUVA HAA GAYANUKITTA\n\t\t( 0x0DF2 <= code && code <= 0x0DF3 ) || // Mc [2] SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA GAETTA-PILLA..SINHALA VOWEL SIGN DIGA GAYANUKITTA\n\t\tcode === 0x0E33 || // Lo THAI CHARACTER SARA AM\n\t\tcode === 0x0EB3 || // Lo LAO VOWEL SIGN AM\n\t\t( 0x0F3E <= code && code <= 0x0F3F ) || // Mc [2] TIBETAN SIGN YAR TSHES..TIBETAN SIGN MAR TSHES\n\t\tcode === 0x0F7F || // Mc TIBETAN SIGN RNAM BCAD\n\t\tcode === 0x1031 || // Mc MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x103B <= code && code <= 0x103C ) || // Mc [2] MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL YA..MYANMAR CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL RA\n\t\t( 0x1056 <= code && code <= 0x1057 ) || // Mc [2] MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC R..MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\tcode === 0x1084 || // Mc MYANMAR VOWEL SIGN SHAN E\n\t\tcode === 0x17B6 || // Mc KHMER VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\t( 0x17BE <= code && code <= 0x17C5 ) || // Mc [8] KHMER VOWEL SIGN OE..KHMER VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\t( 0x17C7 <= code && code <= 0x17C8 ) || // Mc [2] KHMER SIGN REAHMUK..KHMER SIGN YUUKALEAPINTU\n\t\t( 0x1923 <= code && code <= 0x1926 ) || // Mc [4] LIMBU VOWEL SIGN EE..LIMBU VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\t( 0x1929 <= code && code <= 0x192B ) || // Mc [3] LIMBU SUBJOINED LETTER YA..LIMBU SUBJOINED LETTER WA\n\t\t( 0x1930 <= code && code <= 0x1931 ) || // Mc [2] LIMBU SMALL LETTER KA..LIMBU SMALL LETTER NGA\n\t\t( 0x1933 <= code && code <= 0x1938 ) || // Mc [6] LIMBU SMALL LETTER TA..LIMBU SMALL LETTER LA\n\t\t( 0x1A19 <= code && code <= 0x1A1A ) || // Mc [2] BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN E..BUGINESE VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\tcode === 0x1A55 || // Mc TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN MEDIAL RA\n\t\tcode === 0x1A57 || // Mc TAI THAM CONSONANT SIGN LA TANG LAI\n\t\t( 0x1A6D <= code && code <= 0x1A72 ) || // Mc [6] TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN OY..TAI THAM VOWEL SIGN THAM AI\n\t\tcode === 0x1B04 || // Mc BALINESE SIGN BISAH\n\t\tcode === 0x1B3B || // Mc BALINESE VOWEL SIGN RA REPA TEDUNG\n\t\t( 0x1B3D <= code && code <= 0x1B41 ) || // Mc [5] BALINESE VOWEL SIGN LA LENGA TEDUNG..BALINESE VOWEL SIGN TALING REPA TEDUNG\n\t\t( 0x1B43 <= code && code <= 0x1B44 ) || // Mc [2] BALINESE VOWEL SIGN PEPET TEDUNG..BALINESE ADEG ADEG\n\t\tcode === 0x1B82 || // Mc SUNDANESE SIGN PANGWISAD\n\t\tcode === 0x1BA1 || // Mc SUNDANESE CONSONANT SIGN PAMINGKAL\n\t\t( 0x1BA6 <= code && code <= 0x1BA7 ) || // Mc [2] SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANAELAENG..SUNDANESE VOWEL SIGN PANOLONG\n\t\tcode === 0x1BAA || // Mc SUNDANESE SIGN PAMAAEH\n\t\tcode === 0x1BE7 || // Mc BATAK VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x1BEA <= code && code <= 0x1BEC ) || // Mc [3] BATAK VOWEL SIGN I..BATAK VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\tcode === 0x1BEE || // Mc BATAK VOWEL SIGN U\n\t\t( 0x1BF2 <= code && code <= 0x1BF3 ) || // Mc [2] BATAK PANGOLAT..BATAK PANONGONAN\n\t\t( 0x1C24 <= code && code <= 0x1C2B ) || // Mc [8] LEPCHA SUBJOINED LETTER YA..LEPCHA VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\t( 0x1C34 <= code && code <= 0x1C35 ) || // Mc [2] LEPCHA CONSONANT SIGN NYIN-DO..LEPCHA CONSONANT SIGN KANG\n\t\tcode === 0x1CE1 || // Mc VEDIC TONE ATHARVAVEDIC INDEPENDENT SVARITA\n\t\tcode === 0x1CF7 || // Mc VEDIC SIGN ATIKRAMA\n\t\t( 0xA823 <= code && code <= 0xA824 ) || // Mc [2] SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN A..SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN I\n\t\tcode === 0xA827 || // Mc SYLOTI NAGRI VOWEL SIGN OO\n\t\t( 0xA880 <= code && code <= 0xA881 ) || // Mc [2] SAURASHTRA SIGN ANUSVARA..SAURASHTRA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0xA8B4 <= code && code <= 0xA8C3 ) || // Mc [16] SAURASHTRA CONSONANT SIGN HAARU..SAURASHTRA VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\t( 0xA952 <= code && code <= 0xA953 ) || // Mc [2] REJANG CONSONANT SIGN H..REJANG VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0xA983 || // Mc JAVANESE SIGN WIGNYAN\n\t\t( 0xA9B4 <= code && code <= 0xA9B5 ) || // Mc [2] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN TARUNG..JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN TOLONG\n\t\t( 0xA9BA <= code && code <= 0xA9BB ) || // Mc [2] JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN TALING..JAVANESE VOWEL SIGN DIRGA MURE\n\t\t( 0xA9BE <= code && code <= 0xA9C0 ) || // Mc [3] JAVANESE CONSONANT SIGN PENGKAL..JAVANESE PANGKON\n\t\t( 0xAA2F <= code && code <= 0xAA30 ) || // Mc [2] CHAM VOWEL SIGN O..CHAM VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0xAA33 <= code && code <= 0xAA34 ) || // Mc [2] CHAM CONSONANT SIGN YA..CHAM CONSONANT SIGN RA\n\t\tcode === 0xAA4D || // Mc CHAM CONSONANT SIGN FINAL H\n\t\tcode === 0xAAEB || // Mc MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0xAAEE <= code && code <= 0xAAEF ) || // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN AU..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN AAU\n\t\tcode === 0xAAF5 || // Mc MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0xABE3 <= code && code <= 0xABE4 ) || // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN ONAP..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN INAP\n\t\t( 0xABE6 <= code && code <= 0xABE7 ) || // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN YENAP..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN SOUNAP\n\t\t( 0xABE9 <= code && code <= 0xABEA ) || // Mc [2] MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN CHEINAP..MEETEI MAYEK VOWEL SIGN NUNG\n\t\tcode === 0xABEC || // Mc MEETEI MAYEK LUM IYEK\n\t\tcode === 0x11000 || // Mc BRAHMI SIGN CANDRABINDU\n\t\tcode === 0x11002 || // Mc BRAHMI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x11082 || // Mc KAITHI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x110B0 <= code && code <= 0x110B2 ) || // Mc [3] KAITHI VOWEL SIGN AA..KAITHI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x110B7 <= code && code <= 0x110B8 ) || // Mc [2] KAITHI VOWEL SIGN O..KAITHI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x1112C || // Mc CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x11145 <= code && code <= 0x11146 ) || // Mc [2] CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN AA..CHAKMA VOWEL SIGN EI\n\t\tcode === 0x11182 || // Mc SHARADA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x111B3 <= code && code <= 0x111B5 ) || // Mc [3] SHARADA VOWEL SIGN AA..SHARADA VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x111BF <= code && code <= 0x111C0 ) || // Mc [2] SHARADA VOWEL SIGN AU..SHARADA SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\tcode === 0x111CE || // Mc SHARADA VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E\n\t\t( 0x1122C <= code && code <= 0x1122E ) || // Mc [3] KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN AA..KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x11232 <= code && code <= 0x11233 ) || // Mc [2] KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN O..KHOJKI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x11235 || // Mc KHOJKI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x112E0 <= code && code <= 0x112E2 ) || // Mc [3] KHUDAWADI VOWEL SIGN AA..KHUDAWADI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x11302 <= code && code <= 0x11303 ) || // Mc [2] GRANTHA SIGN ANUSVARA..GRANTHA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x1133F || // Mc GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN I\n\t\t( 0x11341 <= code && code <= 0x11344 ) || // Mc [4] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN U..GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC RR\n\t\t( 0x11347 <= code && code <= 0x11348 ) || // Mc [2] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN EE..GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN AI\n\t\t( 0x1134B <= code && code <= 0x1134D ) || // Mc [3] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN OO..GRANTHA SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x11362 <= code && code <= 0x11363 ) || // Mc [2] GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC L..GRANTHA VOWEL SIGN VOCALIC LL\n\t\t( 0x11435 <= code && code <= 0x11437 ) || // Mc [3] NEWA VOWEL SIGN AA..NEWA VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x11440 <= code && code <= 0x11441 ) || // Mc [2] NEWA VOWEL SIGN O..NEWA VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x11445 || // Mc NEWA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x114B1 <= code && code <= 0x114B2 ) || // Mc [2] TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN I..TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\tcode === 0x114B9 || // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x114BB <= code && code <= 0x114BC ) || // Mc [2] TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN AI..TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\tcode === 0x114BE || // Mc TIRHUTA VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x114C1 || // Mc TIRHUTA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x115B0 <= code && code <= 0x115B1 ) || // Mc [2] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN I..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x115B8 <= code && code <= 0x115BB ) || // Mc [4] SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN E..SIDDHAM VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x115BE || // Mc SIDDHAM SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x11630 <= code && code <= 0x11632 ) || // Mc [3] MODI VOWEL SIGN AA..MODI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x1163B <= code && code <= 0x1163C ) || // Mc [2] MODI VOWEL SIGN O..MODI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x1163E || // Mc MODI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x116AC || // Mc TAKRI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x116AE <= code && code <= 0x116AF ) || // Mc [2] TAKRI VOWEL SIGN I..TAKRI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\tcode === 0x116B6 || // Mc TAKRI SIGN VIRAMA\n\t\t( 0x11720 <= code && code <= 0x11721 ) || // Mc [2] AHOM VOWEL SIGN A..AHOM VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\tcode === 0x11726 || // Mc AHOM VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x1182C <= code && code <= 0x1182E ) || // Mc [3] DOGRA VOWEL SIGN AA..DOGRA VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\tcode === 0x11838 || // Mc DOGRA SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x11931 <= code && code <= 0x11935 ) || // Mc [5] DIVES AKURU VOWEL SIGN I..DIVES AKURU VOWEL SIGN E\n\t\t( 0x11937 <= code && code <= 0x11938 ) || // Mc [2] DIVES AKURU VOWEL SIGN AI..DIVES AKURU VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\tcode === 0x1193D || // Mc DIVES AKURU SIGN HALANTA\n\t\tcode === 0x11940 || // Mc DIVES AKURU MEDIAL YA\n\t\tcode === 0x11942 || // Mc DIVES AKURU MEDIAL RA\n\t\t( 0x119D1 <= code && code <= 0x119D3 ) || // Mc [3] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN AA..NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN II\n\t\t( 0x119DC <= code && code <= 0x119DF ) || // Mc [4] NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN O..NANDINAGARI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x119E4 || // Mc NANDINAGARI VOWEL SIGN PRISHTHAMATRA E\n\t\tcode === 0x11A39 || // Mc ZANABAZAR SQUARE SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x11A57 <= code && code <= 0x11A58 ) || // Mc [2] SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN AI..SOYOMBO VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x11A97 || // Mc SOYOMBO SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x11C2F || // Mc BHAIKSUKI VOWEL SIGN AA\n\t\tcode === 0x11C3E || // Mc BHAIKSUKI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\tcode === 0x11CA9 || // Mc MARCHEN SUBJOINED LETTER YA\n\t\tcode === 0x11CB1 || // Mc MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN I\n\t\tcode === 0x11CB4 || // Mc MARCHEN VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\t( 0x11D8A <= code && code <= 0x11D8E ) || // Mc [5] GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN AA..GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN UU\n\t\t( 0x11D93 <= code && code <= 0x11D94 ) || // Mc [2] GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN OO..GUNJALA GONDI VOWEL SIGN AU\n\t\tcode === 0x11D96 || // Mc GUNJALA GONDI SIGN VISARGA\n\t\t( 0x11EF5 <= code && code <= 0x11EF6 ) || // Mc [2] MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN E..MAKASAR VOWEL SIGN O\n\t\t( 0x16F51 <= code && code <= 0x16F87 ) || // Mc [55] MIAO SIGN ASPIRATION..MIAO VOWEL SIGN UI\n\t\t( 0x16FF0 <= code && code <= 0x16FF1 ) || // Mc [2] VIETNAMESE ALTERNATE READING MARK CA..VIETNAMESE ALTERNATE READING MARK NHAY\n\t\tcode === 0x1D166 || // Mc MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING SPRECHGESANG STEM\n\t\tcode === 0x1D16D // Mc MUSICAL SYMBOL COMBINING AUGMENTATION DOT\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.SpacingMark;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0x1100 <= code && code <= 0x115F ) || // Lo [96] HANGUL CHOSEONG KIYEOK..HANGUL CHOSEONG FILLER\n\t\t( 0xA960 <= code && code <= 0xA97C ) // Lo [29] HANGUL CHOSEONG TIKEUT-MIEUM..HANGUL CHOSEONG SSANGYEORINHIEUH\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.L;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0x1160 <= code && code <= 0x11A7 ) || // Lo [72] HANGUL JUNGSEONG FILLER..HANGUL JUNGSEONG O-YAE\n\t\t( 0xD7B0 <= code && code <= 0xD7C6 ) // Lo [23] HANGUL JUNGSEONG O-YEO..HANGUL JUNGSEONG ARAEA-E\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.V;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0x11A8 <= code && code <= 0x11FF ) || // Lo [88] HANGUL JONGSEONG KIYEOK..HANGUL JONGSEONG SSANGNIEUN\n\t\t( 0xD7CB <= code && code <= 0xD7FB ) // Lo [49] HANGUL JONGSEONG NIEUN-RIEUL..HANGUL JONGSEONG PHIEUPH-THIEUTH\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.T;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tcode === 0xAC00 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GA\n\t\tcode === 0xAC1C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GAE\n\t\tcode === 0xAC38 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYA\n\t\tcode === 0xAC54 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xAC70 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GEO\n\t\tcode === 0xAC8C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GE\n\t\tcode === 0xACA8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xACC4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYE\n\t\tcode === 0xACE0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GO\n\t\tcode === 0xACFC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWA\n\t\tcode === 0xAD18 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xAD34 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GOE\n\t\tcode === 0xAD50 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYO\n\t\tcode === 0xAD6C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GU\n\t\tcode === 0xAD88 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xADA4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWE\n\t\tcode === 0xADC0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GWI\n\t\tcode === 0xADDC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYU\n\t\tcode === 0xADF8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GEU\n\t\tcode === 0xAE14 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GYI\n\t\tcode === 0xAE30 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GI\n\t\tcode === 0xAE4C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGA\n\t\tcode === 0xAE68 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAE\n\t\tcode === 0xAE84 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYA\n\t\tcode === 0xAEA0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xAEBC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEO\n\t\tcode === 0xAED8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGE\n\t\tcode === 0xAEF4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xAF10 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYE\n\t\tcode === 0xAF2C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGO\n\t\tcode === 0xAF48 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWA\n\t\tcode === 0xAF64 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xAF80 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOE\n\t\tcode === 0xAF9C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYO\n\t\tcode === 0xAFB8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGU\n\t\tcode === 0xAFD4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xAFF0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWE\n\t\tcode === 0xB00C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWI\n\t\tcode === 0xB028 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYU\n\t\tcode === 0xB044 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEU\n\t\tcode === 0xB060 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYI\n\t\tcode === 0xB07C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE GGI\n\t\tcode === 0xB098 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NA\n\t\tcode === 0xB0B4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB0D0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYA\n\t\tcode === 0xB0EC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB108 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB124 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NE\n\t\tcode === 0xB140 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB15C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYE\n\t\tcode === 0xB178 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NO\n\t\tcode === 0xB194 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWA\n\t\tcode === 0xB1B0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB1CC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NOE\n\t\tcode === 0xB1E8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYO\n\t\tcode === 0xB204 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NU\n\t\tcode === 0xB220 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB23C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWE\n\t\tcode === 0xB258 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NWI\n\t\tcode === 0xB274 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYU\n\t\tcode === 0xB290 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NEU\n\t\tcode === 0xB2AC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NYI\n\t\tcode === 0xB2C8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE NI\n\t\tcode === 0xB2E4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DA\n\t\tcode === 0xB300 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB31C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYA\n\t\tcode === 0xB338 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB354 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB370 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DE\n\t\tcode === 0xB38C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB3A8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYE\n\t\tcode === 0xB3C4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DO\n\t\tcode === 0xB3E0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWA\n\t\tcode === 0xB3FC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB418 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DOE\n\t\tcode === 0xB434 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYO\n\t\tcode === 0xB450 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DU\n\t\tcode === 0xB46C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB488 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWE\n\t\tcode === 0xB4A4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DWI\n\t\tcode === 0xB4C0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYU\n\t\tcode === 0xB4DC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DEU\n\t\tcode === 0xB4F8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DYI\n\t\tcode === 0xB514 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DI\n\t\tcode === 0xB530 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDA\n\t\tcode === 0xB54C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB568 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYA\n\t\tcode === 0xB584 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB5A0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB5BC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDE\n\t\tcode === 0xB5D8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB5F4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYE\n\t\tcode === 0xB610 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDO\n\t\tcode === 0xB62C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWA\n\t\tcode === 0xB648 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB664 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOE\n\t\tcode === 0xB680 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYO\n\t\tcode === 0xB69C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDU\n\t\tcode === 0xB6B8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB6D4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWE\n\t\tcode === 0xB6F0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWI\n\t\tcode === 0xB70C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYU\n\t\tcode === 0xB728 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEU\n\t\tcode === 0xB744 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYI\n\t\tcode === 0xB760 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE DDI\n\t\tcode === 0xB77C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RA\n\t\tcode === 0xB798 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB7B4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYA\n\t\tcode === 0xB7D0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB7EC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE REO\n\t\tcode === 0xB808 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RE\n\t\tcode === 0xB824 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB840 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYE\n\t\tcode === 0xB85C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RO\n\t\tcode === 0xB878 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWA\n\t\tcode === 0xB894 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xB8B0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE ROE\n\t\tcode === 0xB8CC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYO\n\t\tcode === 0xB8E8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RU\n\t\tcode === 0xB904 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xB920 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWE\n\t\tcode === 0xB93C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RWI\n\t\tcode === 0xB958 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYU\n\t\tcode === 0xB974 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE REU\n\t\tcode === 0xB990 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RYI\n\t\tcode === 0xB9AC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE RI\n\t\tcode === 0xB9C8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MA\n\t\tcode === 0xB9E4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBA00 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYA\n\t\tcode === 0xBA1C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBA38 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBA54 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE ME\n\t\tcode === 0xBA70 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBA8C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYE\n\t\tcode === 0xBAA8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MO\n\t\tcode === 0xBAC4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWA\n\t\tcode === 0xBAE0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBAFC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MOE\n\t\tcode === 0xBB18 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYO\n\t\tcode === 0xBB34 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MU\n\t\tcode === 0xBB50 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBB6C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWE\n\t\tcode === 0xBB88 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MWI\n\t\tcode === 0xBBA4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYU\n\t\tcode === 0xBBC0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MEU\n\t\tcode === 0xBBDC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MYI\n\t\tcode === 0xBBF8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE MI\n\t\tcode === 0xBC14 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BA\n\t\tcode === 0xBC30 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBC4C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYA\n\t\tcode === 0xBC68 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBC84 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBCA0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BE\n\t\tcode === 0xBCBC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBCD8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYE\n\t\tcode === 0xBCF4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BO\n\t\tcode === 0xBD10 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWA\n\t\tcode === 0xBD2C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBD48 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BOE\n\t\tcode === 0xBD64 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYO\n\t\tcode === 0xBD80 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BU\n\t\tcode === 0xBD9C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBDB8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWE\n\t\tcode === 0xBDD4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BWI\n\t\tcode === 0xBDF0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYU\n\t\tcode === 0xBE0C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BEU\n\t\tcode === 0xBE28 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BYI\n\t\tcode === 0xBE44 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BI\n\t\tcode === 0xBE60 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBA\n\t\tcode === 0xBE7C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBE98 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYA\n\t\tcode === 0xBEB4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBED0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBEEC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBE\n\t\tcode === 0xBF08 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xBF24 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYE\n\t\tcode === 0xBF40 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBO\n\t\tcode === 0xBF5C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWA\n\t\tcode === 0xBF78 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xBF94 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOE\n\t\tcode === 0xBFB0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYO\n\t\tcode === 0xBFCC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBU\n\t\tcode === 0xBFE8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC004 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWE\n\t\tcode === 0xC020 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWI\n\t\tcode === 0xC03C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYU\n\t\tcode === 0xC058 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEU\n\t\tcode === 0xC074 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYI\n\t\tcode === 0xC090 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE BBI\n\t\tcode === 0xC0AC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SA\n\t\tcode === 0xC0C8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC0E4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYA\n\t\tcode === 0xC100 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC11C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC138 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SE\n\t\tcode === 0xC154 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC170 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYE\n\t\tcode === 0xC18C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SO\n\t\tcode === 0xC1A8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWA\n\t\tcode === 0xC1C4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC1E0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SOE\n\t\tcode === 0xC1FC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYO\n\t\tcode === 0xC218 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SU\n\t\tcode === 0xC234 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC250 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWE\n\t\tcode === 0xC26C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SWI\n\t\tcode === 0xC288 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYU\n\t\tcode === 0xC2A4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SEU\n\t\tcode === 0xC2C0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SYI\n\t\tcode === 0xC2DC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SI\n\t\tcode === 0xC2F8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSA\n\t\tcode === 0xC314 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC330 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYA\n\t\tcode === 0xC34C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC368 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC384 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSE\n\t\tcode === 0xC3A0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC3BC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYE\n\t\tcode === 0xC3D8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSO\n\t\tcode === 0xC3F4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWA\n\t\tcode === 0xC410 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC42C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOE\n\t\tcode === 0xC448 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYO\n\t\tcode === 0xC464 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSU\n\t\tcode === 0xC480 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC49C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWE\n\t\tcode === 0xC4B8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWI\n\t\tcode === 0xC4D4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYU\n\t\tcode === 0xC4F0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEU\n\t\tcode === 0xC50C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYI\n\t\tcode === 0xC528 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE SSI\n\t\tcode === 0xC544 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE A\n\t\tcode === 0xC560 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE AE\n\t\tcode === 0xC57C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YA\n\t\tcode === 0xC598 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC5B4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE EO\n\t\tcode === 0xC5D0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE E\n\t\tcode === 0xC5EC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC608 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YE\n\t\tcode === 0xC624 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE O\n\t\tcode === 0xC640 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WA\n\t\tcode === 0xC65C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC678 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE OE\n\t\tcode === 0xC694 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YO\n\t\tcode === 0xC6B0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE U\n\t\tcode === 0xC6CC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC6E8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WE\n\t\tcode === 0xC704 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE WI\n\t\tcode === 0xC720 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YU\n\t\tcode === 0xC73C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE EU\n\t\tcode === 0xC758 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE YI\n\t\tcode === 0xC774 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE I\n\t\tcode === 0xC790 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JA\n\t\tcode === 0xC7AC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC7C8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYA\n\t\tcode === 0xC7E4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC800 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC81C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JE\n\t\tcode === 0xC838 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC854 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYE\n\t\tcode === 0xC870 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JO\n\t\tcode === 0xC88C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWA\n\t\tcode === 0xC8A8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xC8C4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JOE\n\t\tcode === 0xC8E0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYO\n\t\tcode === 0xC8FC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JU\n\t\tcode === 0xC918 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xC934 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWE\n\t\tcode === 0xC950 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JWI\n\t\tcode === 0xC96C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYU\n\t\tcode === 0xC988 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JEU\n\t\tcode === 0xC9A4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JYI\n\t\tcode === 0xC9C0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JI\n\t\tcode === 0xC9DC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJA\n\t\tcode === 0xC9F8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCA14 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYA\n\t\tcode === 0xCA30 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCA4C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCA68 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJE\n\t\tcode === 0xCA84 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCAA0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYE\n\t\tcode === 0xCABC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJO\n\t\tcode === 0xCAD8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWA\n\t\tcode === 0xCAF4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCB10 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOE\n\t\tcode === 0xCB2C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYO\n\t\tcode === 0xCB48 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJU\n\t\tcode === 0xCB64 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCB80 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWE\n\t\tcode === 0xCB9C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWI\n\t\tcode === 0xCBB8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYU\n\t\tcode === 0xCBD4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEU\n\t\tcode === 0xCBF0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYI\n\t\tcode === 0xCC0C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE JJI\n\t\tcode === 0xCC28 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CA\n\t\tcode === 0xCC44 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCC60 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYA\n\t\tcode === 0xCC7C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCC98 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCCB4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CE\n\t\tcode === 0xCCD0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCCEC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYE\n\t\tcode === 0xCD08 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CO\n\t\tcode === 0xCD24 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWA\n\t\tcode === 0xCD40 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCD5C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE COE\n\t\tcode === 0xCD78 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYO\n\t\tcode === 0xCD94 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CU\n\t\tcode === 0xCDB0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCDCC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWE\n\t\tcode === 0xCDE8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CWI\n\t\tcode === 0xCE04 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYU\n\t\tcode === 0xCE20 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CEU\n\t\tcode === 0xCE3C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CYI\n\t\tcode === 0xCE58 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE CI\n\t\tcode === 0xCE74 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KA\n\t\tcode === 0xCE90 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCEAC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYA\n\t\tcode === 0xCEC8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCEE4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCF00 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KE\n\t\tcode === 0xCF1C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xCF38 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYE\n\t\tcode === 0xCF54 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KO\n\t\tcode === 0xCF70 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWA\n\t\tcode === 0xCF8C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xCFA8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KOE\n\t\tcode === 0xCFC4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYO\n\t\tcode === 0xCFE0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KU\n\t\tcode === 0xCFFC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD018 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWE\n\t\tcode === 0xD034 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KWI\n\t\tcode === 0xD050 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYU\n\t\tcode === 0xD06C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KEU\n\t\tcode === 0xD088 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KYI\n\t\tcode === 0xD0A4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE KI\n\t\tcode === 0xD0C0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TA\n\t\tcode === 0xD0DC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD0F8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYA\n\t\tcode === 0xD114 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD130 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD14C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TE\n\t\tcode === 0xD168 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD184 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYE\n\t\tcode === 0xD1A0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TO\n\t\tcode === 0xD1BC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWA\n\t\tcode === 0xD1D8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD1F4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TOE\n\t\tcode === 0xD210 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYO\n\t\tcode === 0xD22C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TU\n\t\tcode === 0xD248 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD264 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWE\n\t\tcode === 0xD280 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TWI\n\t\tcode === 0xD29C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYU\n\t\tcode === 0xD2B8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TEU\n\t\tcode === 0xD2D4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TYI\n\t\tcode === 0xD2F0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE TI\n\t\tcode === 0xD30C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PA\n\t\tcode === 0xD328 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD344 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYA\n\t\tcode === 0xD360 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD37C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD398 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PE\n\t\tcode === 0xD3B4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD3D0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYE\n\t\tcode === 0xD3EC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PO\n\t\tcode === 0xD408 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWA\n\t\tcode === 0xD424 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD440 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE POE\n\t\tcode === 0xD45C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYO\n\t\tcode === 0xD478 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PU\n\t\tcode === 0xD494 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD4B0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWE\n\t\tcode === 0xD4CC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PWI\n\t\tcode === 0xD4E8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYU\n\t\tcode === 0xD504 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PEU\n\t\tcode === 0xD520 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PYI\n\t\tcode === 0xD53C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE PI\n\t\tcode === 0xD558 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HA\n\t\tcode === 0xD574 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD590 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYA\n\t\tcode === 0xD5AC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD5C8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD5E4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HE\n\t\tcode === 0xD600 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD61C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYE\n\t\tcode === 0xD638 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HO\n\t\tcode === 0xD654 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWA\n\t\tcode === 0xD670 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAE\n\t\tcode === 0xD68C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HOE\n\t\tcode === 0xD6A8 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYO\n\t\tcode === 0xD6C4 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HU\n\t\tcode === 0xD6E0 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEO\n\t\tcode === 0xD6FC || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWE\n\t\tcode === 0xD718 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HWI\n\t\tcode === 0xD734 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYU\n\t\tcode === 0xD750 || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HEU\n\t\tcode === 0xD76C || // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HYI\n\t\tcode === 0xD788 // Lo HANGUL SYLLABLE HI\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.LV;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\t( 0xAC01 <= code && code <= 0xAC1B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GAH\n\t\t( 0xAC1D <= code && code <= 0xAC37 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GAEH\n\t\t( 0xAC39 <= code && code <= 0xAC53 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAH\n\t\t( 0xAC55 <= code && code <= 0xAC6F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYAEH\n\t\t( 0xAC71 <= code && code <= 0xAC8B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GEOH\n\t\t( 0xAC8D <= code && code <= 0xACA7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GEH\n\t\t( 0xACA9 <= code && code <= 0xACC3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEOH\n\t\t( 0xACC5 <= code && code <= 0xACDF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYEH\n\t\t( 0xACE1 <= code && code <= 0xACFB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GOH\n\t\t( 0xACFD <= code && code <= 0xAD17 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAH\n\t\t( 0xAD19 <= code && code <= 0xAD33 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWAEH\n\t\t( 0xAD35 <= code && code <= 0xAD4F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GOEH\n\t\t( 0xAD51 <= code && code <= 0xAD6B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYOH\n\t\t( 0xAD6D <= code && code <= 0xAD87 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GUH\n\t\t( 0xAD89 <= code && code <= 0xADA3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEOH\n\t\t( 0xADA5 <= code && code <= 0xADBF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWEH\n\t\t( 0xADC1 <= code && code <= 0xADDB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GWIH\n\t\t( 0xADDD <= code && code <= 0xADF7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYUH\n\t\t( 0xADF9 <= code && code <= 0xAE13 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GEUH\n\t\t( 0xAE15 <= code && code <= 0xAE2F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GYIH\n\t\t( 0xAE31 <= code && code <= 0xAE4B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GIH\n\t\t( 0xAE4D <= code && code <= 0xAE67 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAH\n\t\t( 0xAE69 <= code && code <= 0xAE83 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGAEH\n\t\t( 0xAE85 <= code && code <= 0xAE9F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAH\n\t\t( 0xAEA1 <= code && code <= 0xAEBB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYAEH\n\t\t( 0xAEBD <= code && code <= 0xAED7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEOH\n\t\t( 0xAED9 <= code && code <= 0xAEF3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEH\n\t\t( 0xAEF5 <= code && code <= 0xAF0F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEOH\n\t\t( 0xAF11 <= code && code <= 0xAF2B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYEH\n\t\t( 0xAF2D <= code && code <= 0xAF47 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOH\n\t\t( 0xAF49 <= code && code <= 0xAF63 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAH\n\t\t( 0xAF65 <= code && code <= 0xAF7F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWAEH\n\t\t( 0xAF81 <= code && code <= 0xAF9B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGOEH\n\t\t( 0xAF9D <= code && code <= 0xAFB7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYOH\n\t\t( 0xAFB9 <= code && code <= 0xAFD3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGUH\n\t\t( 0xAFD5 <= code && code <= 0xAFEF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEOH\n\t\t( 0xAFF1 <= code && code <= 0xB00B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWEH\n\t\t( 0xB00D <= code && code <= 0xB027 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGWIH\n\t\t( 0xB029 <= code && code <= 0xB043 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYUH\n\t\t( 0xB045 <= code && code <= 0xB05F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGEUH\n\t\t( 0xB061 <= code && code <= 0xB07B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGYIH\n\t\t( 0xB07D <= code && code <= 0xB097 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE GGIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE GGIH\n\t\t( 0xB099 <= code && code <= 0xB0B3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NAH\n\t\t( 0xB0B5 <= code && code <= 0xB0CF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NAEH\n\t\t( 0xB0D1 <= code && code <= 0xB0EB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAH\n\t\t( 0xB0ED <= code && code <= 0xB107 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYAEH\n\t\t( 0xB109 <= code && code <= 0xB123 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NEOH\n\t\t( 0xB125 <= code && code <= 0xB13F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NEH\n\t\t( 0xB141 <= code && code <= 0xB15B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEOH\n\t\t( 0xB15D <= code && code <= 0xB177 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYEH\n\t\t( 0xB179 <= code && code <= 0xB193 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NOH\n\t\t( 0xB195 <= code && code <= 0xB1AF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAH\n\t\t( 0xB1B1 <= code && code <= 0xB1CB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWAEH\n\t\t( 0xB1CD <= code && code <= 0xB1E7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NOEH\n\t\t( 0xB1E9 <= code && code <= 0xB203 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYOH\n\t\t( 0xB205 <= code && code <= 0xB21F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NUH\n\t\t( 0xB221 <= code && code <= 0xB23B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEOH\n\t\t( 0xB23D <= code && code <= 0xB257 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWEH\n\t\t( 0xB259 <= code && code <= 0xB273 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NWIH\n\t\t( 0xB275 <= code && code <= 0xB28F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYUH\n\t\t( 0xB291 <= code && code <= 0xB2AB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NEUH\n\t\t( 0xB2AD <= code && code <= 0xB2C7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NYIH\n\t\t( 0xB2C9 <= code && code <= 0xB2E3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE NIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE NIH\n\t\t( 0xB2E5 <= code && code <= 0xB2FF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DAH\n\t\t( 0xB301 <= code && code <= 0xB31B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DAEH\n\t\t( 0xB31D <= code && code <= 0xB337 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAH\n\t\t( 0xB339 <= code && code <= 0xB353 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYAEH\n\t\t( 0xB355 <= code && code <= 0xB36F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DEOH\n\t\t( 0xB371 <= code && code <= 0xB38B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DEH\n\t\t( 0xB38D <= code && code <= 0xB3A7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEOH\n\t\t( 0xB3A9 <= code && code <= 0xB3C3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYEH\n\t\t( 0xB3C5 <= code && code <= 0xB3DF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DOH\n\t\t( 0xB3E1 <= code && code <= 0xB3FB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAH\n\t\t( 0xB3FD <= code && code <= 0xB417 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWAEH\n\t\t( 0xB419 <= code && code <= 0xB433 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DOEH\n\t\t( 0xB435 <= code && code <= 0xB44F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYOH\n\t\t( 0xB451 <= code && code <= 0xB46B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DUH\n\t\t( 0xB46D <= code && code <= 0xB487 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEOH\n\t\t( 0xB489 <= code && code <= 0xB4A3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWEH\n\t\t( 0xB4A5 <= code && code <= 0xB4BF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DWIH\n\t\t( 0xB4C1 <= code && code <= 0xB4DB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYUH\n\t\t( 0xB4DD <= code && code <= 0xB4F7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DEUH\n\t\t( 0xB4F9 <= code && code <= 0xB513 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DYIH\n\t\t( 0xB515 <= code && code <= 0xB52F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DIH\n\t\t( 0xB531 <= code && code <= 0xB54B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAH\n\t\t( 0xB54D <= code && code <= 0xB567 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDAEH\n\t\t( 0xB569 <= code && code <= 0xB583 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAH\n\t\t( 0xB585 <= code && code <= 0xB59F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYAEH\n\t\t( 0xB5A1 <= code && code <= 0xB5BB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEOH\n\t\t( 0xB5BD <= code && code <= 0xB5D7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEH\n\t\t( 0xB5D9 <= code && code <= 0xB5F3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEOH\n\t\t( 0xB5F5 <= code && code <= 0xB60F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYEH\n\t\t( 0xB611 <= code && code <= 0xB62B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOH\n\t\t( 0xB62D <= code && code <= 0xB647 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAH\n\t\t( 0xB649 <= code && code <= 0xB663 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWAEH\n\t\t( 0xB665 <= code && code <= 0xB67F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDOEH\n\t\t( 0xB681 <= code && code <= 0xB69B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYOH\n\t\t( 0xB69D <= code && code <= 0xB6B7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDUH\n\t\t( 0xB6B9 <= code && code <= 0xB6D3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEOH\n\t\t( 0xB6D5 <= code && code <= 0xB6EF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWEH\n\t\t( 0xB6F1 <= code && code <= 0xB70B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDWIH\n\t\t( 0xB70D <= code && code <= 0xB727 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYUH\n\t\t( 0xB729 <= code && code <= 0xB743 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDEUH\n\t\t( 0xB745 <= code && code <= 0xB75F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDYIH\n\t\t( 0xB761 <= code && code <= 0xB77B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE DDIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE DDIH\n\t\t( 0xB77D <= code && code <= 0xB797 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RAH\n\t\t( 0xB799 <= code && code <= 0xB7B3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RAEH\n\t\t( 0xB7B5 <= code && code <= 0xB7CF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAH\n\t\t( 0xB7D1 <= code && code <= 0xB7EB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYAEH\n\t\t( 0xB7ED <= code && code <= 0xB807 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE REOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE REOH\n\t\t( 0xB809 <= code && code <= 0xB823 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE REG..HANGUL SYLLABLE REH\n\t\t( 0xB825 <= code && code <= 0xB83F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEOH\n\t\t( 0xB841 <= code && code <= 0xB85B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYEH\n\t\t( 0xB85D <= code && code <= 0xB877 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE ROG..HANGUL SYLLABLE ROH\n\t\t( 0xB879 <= code && code <= 0xB893 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAH\n\t\t( 0xB895 <= code && code <= 0xB8AF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWAEH\n\t\t( 0xB8B1 <= code && code <= 0xB8CB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE ROEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE ROEH\n\t\t( 0xB8CD <= code && code <= 0xB8E7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYOH\n\t\t( 0xB8E9 <= code && code <= 0xB903 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RUH\n\t\t( 0xB905 <= code && code <= 0xB91F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEOH\n\t\t( 0xB921 <= code && code <= 0xB93B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWEH\n\t\t( 0xB93D <= code && code <= 0xB957 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RWIH\n\t\t( 0xB959 <= code && code <= 0xB973 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYUH\n\t\t( 0xB975 <= code && code <= 0xB98F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE REUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE REUH\n\t\t( 0xB991 <= code && code <= 0xB9AB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RYIH\n\t\t( 0xB9AD <= code && code <= 0xB9C7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE RIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE RIH\n\t\t( 0xB9C9 <= code && code <= 0xB9E3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MAH\n\t\t( 0xB9E5 <= code && code <= 0xB9FF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MAEH\n\t\t( 0xBA01 <= code && code <= 0xBA1B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAH\n\t\t( 0xBA1D <= code && code <= 0xBA37 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYAEH\n\t\t( 0xBA39 <= code && code <= 0xBA53 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MEOH\n\t\t( 0xBA55 <= code && code <= 0xBA6F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MEH\n\t\t( 0xBA71 <= code && code <= 0xBA8B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEOH\n\t\t( 0xBA8D <= code && code <= 0xBAA7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYEH\n\t\t( 0xBAA9 <= code && code <= 0xBAC3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MOH\n\t\t( 0xBAC5 <= code && code <= 0xBADF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAH\n\t\t( 0xBAE1 <= code && code <= 0xBAFB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWAEH\n\t\t( 0xBAFD <= code && code <= 0xBB17 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MOEH\n\t\t( 0xBB19 <= code && code <= 0xBB33 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYOH\n\t\t( 0xBB35 <= code && code <= 0xBB4F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MUH\n\t\t( 0xBB51 <= code && code <= 0xBB6B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEOH\n\t\t( 0xBB6D <= code && code <= 0xBB87 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWEH\n\t\t( 0xBB89 <= code && code <= 0xBBA3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MWIH\n\t\t( 0xBBA5 <= code && code <= 0xBBBF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYUH\n\t\t( 0xBBC1 <= code && code <= 0xBBDB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MEUH\n\t\t( 0xBBDD <= code && code <= 0xBBF7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MYIH\n\t\t( 0xBBF9 <= code && code <= 0xBC13 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE MIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE MIH\n\t\t( 0xBC15 <= code && code <= 0xBC2F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BAH\n\t\t( 0xBC31 <= code && code <= 0xBC4B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BAEH\n\t\t( 0xBC4D <= code && code <= 0xBC67 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAH\n\t\t( 0xBC69 <= code && code <= 0xBC83 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYAEH\n\t\t( 0xBC85 <= code && code <= 0xBC9F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BEOH\n\t\t( 0xBCA1 <= code && code <= 0xBCBB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BEH\n\t\t( 0xBCBD <= code && code <= 0xBCD7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEOH\n\t\t( 0xBCD9 <= code && code <= 0xBCF3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYEH\n\t\t( 0xBCF5 <= code && code <= 0xBD0F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BOH\n\t\t( 0xBD11 <= code && code <= 0xBD2B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAH\n\t\t( 0xBD2D <= code && code <= 0xBD47 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWAEH\n\t\t( 0xBD49 <= code && code <= 0xBD63 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BOEH\n\t\t( 0xBD65 <= code && code <= 0xBD7F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYOH\n\t\t( 0xBD81 <= code && code <= 0xBD9B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BUH\n\t\t( 0xBD9D <= code && code <= 0xBDB7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEOH\n\t\t( 0xBDB9 <= code && code <= 0xBDD3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWEH\n\t\t( 0xBDD5 <= code && code <= 0xBDEF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BWIH\n\t\t( 0xBDF1 <= code && code <= 0xBE0B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYUH\n\t\t( 0xBE0D <= code && code <= 0xBE27 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BEUH\n\t\t( 0xBE29 <= code && code <= 0xBE43 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BYIH\n\t\t( 0xBE45 <= code && code <= 0xBE5F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BIH\n\t\t( 0xBE61 <= code && code <= 0xBE7B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAH\n\t\t( 0xBE7D <= code && code <= 0xBE97 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBAEH\n\t\t( 0xBE99 <= code && code <= 0xBEB3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAH\n\t\t( 0xBEB5 <= code && code <= 0xBECF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYAEH\n\t\t( 0xBED1 <= code && code <= 0xBEEB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEOH\n\t\t( 0xBEED <= code && code <= 0xBF07 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEH\n\t\t( 0xBF09 <= code && code <= 0xBF23 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEOH\n\t\t( 0xBF25 <= code && code <= 0xBF3F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYEH\n\t\t( 0xBF41 <= code && code <= 0xBF5B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOH\n\t\t( 0xBF5D <= code && code <= 0xBF77 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAH\n\t\t( 0xBF79 <= code && code <= 0xBF93 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWAEH\n\t\t( 0xBF95 <= code && code <= 0xBFAF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBOEH\n\t\t( 0xBFB1 <= code && code <= 0xBFCB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYOH\n\t\t( 0xBFCD <= code && code <= 0xBFE7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBUH\n\t\t( 0xBFE9 <= code && code <= 0xC003 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEOH\n\t\t( 0xC005 <= code && code <= 0xC01F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWEH\n\t\t( 0xC021 <= code && code <= 0xC03B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBWIH\n\t\t( 0xC03D <= code && code <= 0xC057 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYUH\n\t\t( 0xC059 <= code && code <= 0xC073 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBEUH\n\t\t( 0xC075 <= code && code <= 0xC08F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBYIH\n\t\t( 0xC091 <= code && code <= 0xC0AB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE BBIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE BBIH\n\t\t( 0xC0AD <= code && code <= 0xC0C7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SAH\n\t\t( 0xC0C9 <= code && code <= 0xC0E3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SAEH\n\t\t( 0xC0E5 <= code && code <= 0xC0FF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAH\n\t\t( 0xC101 <= code && code <= 0xC11B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYAEH\n\t\t( 0xC11D <= code && code <= 0xC137 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SEOH\n\t\t( 0xC139 <= code && code <= 0xC153 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SEH\n\t\t( 0xC155 <= code && code <= 0xC16F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEOH\n\t\t( 0xC171 <= code && code <= 0xC18B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYEH\n\t\t( 0xC18D <= code && code <= 0xC1A7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SOH\n\t\t( 0xC1A9 <= code && code <= 0xC1C3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAH\n\t\t( 0xC1C5 <= code && code <= 0xC1DF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWAEH\n\t\t( 0xC1E1 <= code && code <= 0xC1FB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SOEH\n\t\t( 0xC1FD <= code && code <= 0xC217 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYOH\n\t\t( 0xC219 <= code && code <= 0xC233 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SUH\n\t\t( 0xC235 <= code && code <= 0xC24F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEOH\n\t\t( 0xC251 <= code && code <= 0xC26B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWEH\n\t\t( 0xC26D <= code && code <= 0xC287 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SWIH\n\t\t( 0xC289 <= code && code <= 0xC2A3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYUH\n\t\t( 0xC2A5 <= code && code <= 0xC2BF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SEUH\n\t\t( 0xC2C1 <= code && code <= 0xC2DB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SYIH\n\t\t( 0xC2DD <= code && code <= 0xC2F7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SIH\n\t\t( 0xC2F9 <= code && code <= 0xC313 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAH\n\t\t( 0xC315 <= code && code <= 0xC32F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSAEH\n\t\t( 0xC331 <= code && code <= 0xC34B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAH\n\t\t( 0xC34D <= code && code <= 0xC367 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYAEH\n\t\t( 0xC369 <= code && code <= 0xC383 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEOH\n\t\t( 0xC385 <= code && code <= 0xC39F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEH\n\t\t( 0xC3A1 <= code && code <= 0xC3BB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEOH\n\t\t( 0xC3BD <= code && code <= 0xC3D7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYEH\n\t\t( 0xC3D9 <= code && code <= 0xC3F3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOH\n\t\t( 0xC3F5 <= code && code <= 0xC40F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAH\n\t\t( 0xC411 <= code && code <= 0xC42B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWAEH\n\t\t( 0xC42D <= code && code <= 0xC447 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSOEH\n\t\t( 0xC449 <= code && code <= 0xC463 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYOH\n\t\t( 0xC465 <= code && code <= 0xC47F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSUH\n\t\t( 0xC481 <= code && code <= 0xC49B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEOH\n\t\t( 0xC49D <= code && code <= 0xC4B7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWEH\n\t\t( 0xC4B9 <= code && code <= 0xC4D3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSWIH\n\t\t( 0xC4D5 <= code && code <= 0xC4EF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYUH\n\t\t( 0xC4F1 <= code && code <= 0xC50B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSEUH\n\t\t( 0xC50D <= code && code <= 0xC527 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSYIH\n\t\t( 0xC529 <= code && code <= 0xC543 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE SSIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE SSIH\n\t\t( 0xC545 <= code && code <= 0xC55F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE AG..HANGUL SYLLABLE AH\n\t\t( 0xC561 <= code && code <= 0xC57B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE AEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE AEH\n\t\t( 0xC57D <= code && code <= 0xC597 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YAH\n\t\t( 0xC599 <= code && code <= 0xC5B3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YAEH\n\t\t( 0xC5B5 <= code && code <= 0xC5CF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE EOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE EOH\n\t\t( 0xC5D1 <= code && code <= 0xC5EB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE EG..HANGUL SYLLABLE EH\n\t\t( 0xC5ED <= code && code <= 0xC607 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YEOH\n\t\t( 0xC609 <= code && code <= 0xC623 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YEH\n\t\t( 0xC625 <= code && code <= 0xC63F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE OG..HANGUL SYLLABLE OH\n\t\t( 0xC641 <= code && code <= 0xC65B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WAH\n\t\t( 0xC65D <= code && code <= 0xC677 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WAEH\n\t\t( 0xC679 <= code && code <= 0xC693 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE OEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE OEH\n\t\t( 0xC695 <= code && code <= 0xC6AF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YOH\n\t\t( 0xC6B1 <= code && code <= 0xC6CB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE UG..HANGUL SYLLABLE UH\n\t\t( 0xC6CD <= code && code <= 0xC6E7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WEOH\n\t\t( 0xC6E9 <= code && code <= 0xC703 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WEH\n\t\t( 0xC705 <= code && code <= 0xC71F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE WIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE WIH\n\t\t( 0xC721 <= code && code <= 0xC73B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YUH\n\t\t( 0xC73D <= code && code <= 0xC757 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE EUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE EUH\n\t\t( 0xC759 <= code && code <= 0xC773 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE YIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE YIH\n\t\t( 0xC775 <= code && code <= 0xC78F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE IG..HANGUL SYLLABLE IH\n\t\t( 0xC791 <= code && code <= 0xC7AB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JAH\n\t\t( 0xC7AD <= code && code <= 0xC7C7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JAEH\n\t\t( 0xC7C9 <= code && code <= 0xC7E3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAH\n\t\t( 0xC7E5 <= code && code <= 0xC7FF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYAEH\n\t\t( 0xC801 <= code && code <= 0xC81B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JEOH\n\t\t( 0xC81D <= code && code <= 0xC837 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JEH\n\t\t( 0xC839 <= code && code <= 0xC853 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEOH\n\t\t( 0xC855 <= code && code <= 0xC86F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYEH\n\t\t( 0xC871 <= code && code <= 0xC88B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JOH\n\t\t( 0xC88D <= code && code <= 0xC8A7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAH\n\t\t( 0xC8A9 <= code && code <= 0xC8C3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWAEH\n\t\t( 0xC8C5 <= code && code <= 0xC8DF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JOEH\n\t\t( 0xC8E1 <= code && code <= 0xC8FB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYOH\n\t\t( 0xC8FD <= code && code <= 0xC917 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JUH\n\t\t( 0xC919 <= code && code <= 0xC933 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEOH\n\t\t( 0xC935 <= code && code <= 0xC94F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWEH\n\t\t( 0xC951 <= code && code <= 0xC96B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JWIH\n\t\t( 0xC96D <= code && code <= 0xC987 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYUH\n\t\t( 0xC989 <= code && code <= 0xC9A3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JEUH\n\t\t( 0xC9A5 <= code && code <= 0xC9BF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JYIH\n\t\t( 0xC9C1 <= code && code <= 0xC9DB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JIH\n\t\t( 0xC9DD <= code && code <= 0xC9F7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAH\n\t\t( 0xC9F9 <= code && code <= 0xCA13 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJAEH\n\t\t( 0xCA15 <= code && code <= 0xCA2F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAH\n\t\t( 0xCA31 <= code && code <= 0xCA4B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYAEH\n\t\t( 0xCA4D <= code && code <= 0xCA67 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEOH\n\t\t( 0xCA69 <= code && code <= 0xCA83 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEH\n\t\t( 0xCA85 <= code && code <= 0xCA9F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEOH\n\t\t( 0xCAA1 <= code && code <= 0xCABB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYEH\n\t\t( 0xCABD <= code && code <= 0xCAD7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOH\n\t\t( 0xCAD9 <= code && code <= 0xCAF3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAH\n\t\t( 0xCAF5 <= code && code <= 0xCB0F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWAEH\n\t\t( 0xCB11 <= code && code <= 0xCB2B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJOEH\n\t\t( 0xCB2D <= code && code <= 0xCB47 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYOH\n\t\t( 0xCB49 <= code && code <= 0xCB63 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJUH\n\t\t( 0xCB65 <= code && code <= 0xCB7F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEOH\n\t\t( 0xCB81 <= code && code <= 0xCB9B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWEH\n\t\t( 0xCB9D <= code && code <= 0xCBB7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJWIH\n\t\t( 0xCBB9 <= code && code <= 0xCBD3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYUH\n\t\t( 0xCBD5 <= code && code <= 0xCBEF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJEUH\n\t\t( 0xCBF1 <= code && code <= 0xCC0B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJYIH\n\t\t( 0xCC0D <= code && code <= 0xCC27 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE JJIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE JJIH\n\t\t( 0xCC29 <= code && code <= 0xCC43 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CAH\n\t\t( 0xCC45 <= code && code <= 0xCC5F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CAEH\n\t\t( 0xCC61 <= code && code <= 0xCC7B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAH\n\t\t( 0xCC7D <= code && code <= 0xCC97 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYAEH\n\t\t( 0xCC99 <= code && code <= 0xCCB3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CEOH\n\t\t( 0xCCB5 <= code && code <= 0xCCCF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CEH\n\t\t( 0xCCD1 <= code && code <= 0xCCEB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEOH\n\t\t( 0xCCED <= code && code <= 0xCD07 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYEH\n\t\t( 0xCD09 <= code && code <= 0xCD23 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE COG..HANGUL SYLLABLE COH\n\t\t( 0xCD25 <= code && code <= 0xCD3F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAH\n\t\t( 0xCD41 <= code && code <= 0xCD5B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWAEH\n\t\t( 0xCD5D <= code && code <= 0xCD77 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE COEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE COEH\n\t\t( 0xCD79 <= code && code <= 0xCD93 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYOH\n\t\t( 0xCD95 <= code && code <= 0xCDAF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CUH\n\t\t( 0xCDB1 <= code && code <= 0xCDCB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEOH\n\t\t( 0xCDCD <= code && code <= 0xCDE7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWEH\n\t\t( 0xCDE9 <= code && code <= 0xCE03 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CWIH\n\t\t( 0xCE05 <= code && code <= 0xCE1F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYUH\n\t\t( 0xCE21 <= code && code <= 0xCE3B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CEUH\n\t\t( 0xCE3D <= code && code <= 0xCE57 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CYIH\n\t\t( 0xCE59 <= code && code <= 0xCE73 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE CIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE CIH\n\t\t( 0xCE75 <= code && code <= 0xCE8F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KAH\n\t\t( 0xCE91 <= code && code <= 0xCEAB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KAEH\n\t\t( 0xCEAD <= code && code <= 0xCEC7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAH\n\t\t( 0xCEC9 <= code && code <= 0xCEE3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYAEH\n\t\t( 0xCEE5 <= code && code <= 0xCEFF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KEOH\n\t\t( 0xCF01 <= code && code <= 0xCF1B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KEH\n\t\t( 0xCF1D <= code && code <= 0xCF37 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEOH\n\t\t( 0xCF39 <= code && code <= 0xCF53 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYEH\n\t\t( 0xCF55 <= code && code <= 0xCF6F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KOH\n\t\t( 0xCF71 <= code && code <= 0xCF8B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAH\n\t\t( 0xCF8D <= code && code <= 0xCFA7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWAEH\n\t\t( 0xCFA9 <= code && code <= 0xCFC3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KOEH\n\t\t( 0xCFC5 <= code && code <= 0xCFDF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYOH\n\t\t( 0xCFE1 <= code && code <= 0xCFFB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KUH\n\t\t( 0xCFFD <= code && code <= 0xD017 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEOH\n\t\t( 0xD019 <= code && code <= 0xD033 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWEH\n\t\t( 0xD035 <= code && code <= 0xD04F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KWIH\n\t\t( 0xD051 <= code && code <= 0xD06B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYUH\n\t\t( 0xD06D <= code && code <= 0xD087 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KEUH\n\t\t( 0xD089 <= code && code <= 0xD0A3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KYIH\n\t\t( 0xD0A5 <= code && code <= 0xD0BF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE KIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE KIH\n\t\t( 0xD0C1 <= code && code <= 0xD0DB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TAH\n\t\t( 0xD0DD <= code && code <= 0xD0F7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TAEH\n\t\t( 0xD0F9 <= code && code <= 0xD113 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAH\n\t\t( 0xD115 <= code && code <= 0xD12F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYAEH\n\t\t( 0xD131 <= code && code <= 0xD14B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TEOH\n\t\t( 0xD14D <= code && code <= 0xD167 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TEH\n\t\t( 0xD169 <= code && code <= 0xD183 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEOH\n\t\t( 0xD185 <= code && code <= 0xD19F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYEH\n\t\t( 0xD1A1 <= code && code <= 0xD1BB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TOH\n\t\t( 0xD1BD <= code && code <= 0xD1D7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAH\n\t\t( 0xD1D9 <= code && code <= 0xD1F3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWAEH\n\t\t( 0xD1F5 <= code && code <= 0xD20F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TOEH\n\t\t( 0xD211 <= code && code <= 0xD22B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYOH\n\t\t( 0xD22D <= code && code <= 0xD247 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TUH\n\t\t( 0xD249 <= code && code <= 0xD263 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEOH\n\t\t( 0xD265 <= code && code <= 0xD27F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWEH\n\t\t( 0xD281 <= code && code <= 0xD29B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TWIH\n\t\t( 0xD29D <= code && code <= 0xD2B7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYUH\n\t\t( 0xD2B9 <= code && code <= 0xD2D3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TEUH\n\t\t( 0xD2D5 <= code && code <= 0xD2EF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TYIH\n\t\t( 0xD2F1 <= code && code <= 0xD30B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE TIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE TIH\n\t\t( 0xD30D <= code && code <= 0xD327 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PAH\n\t\t( 0xD329 <= code && code <= 0xD343 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PAEH\n\t\t( 0xD345 <= code && code <= 0xD35F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAH\n\t\t( 0xD361 <= code && code <= 0xD37B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYAEH\n\t\t( 0xD37D <= code && code <= 0xD397 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PEOH\n\t\t( 0xD399 <= code && code <= 0xD3B3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PEH\n\t\t( 0xD3B5 <= code && code <= 0xD3CF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEOH\n\t\t( 0xD3D1 <= code && code <= 0xD3EB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYEH\n\t\t( 0xD3ED <= code && code <= 0xD407 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE POG..HANGUL SYLLABLE POH\n\t\t( 0xD409 <= code && code <= 0xD423 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAH\n\t\t( 0xD425 <= code && code <= 0xD43F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWAEH\n\t\t( 0xD441 <= code && code <= 0xD45B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE POEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE POEH\n\t\t( 0xD45D <= code && code <= 0xD477 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYOH\n\t\t( 0xD479 <= code && code <= 0xD493 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PUH\n\t\t( 0xD495 <= code && code <= 0xD4AF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEOH\n\t\t( 0xD4B1 <= code && code <= 0xD4CB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWEH\n\t\t( 0xD4CD <= code && code <= 0xD4E7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PWIH\n\t\t( 0xD4E9 <= code && code <= 0xD503 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYUH\n\t\t( 0xD505 <= code && code <= 0xD51F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PEUH\n\t\t( 0xD521 <= code && code <= 0xD53B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PYIH\n\t\t( 0xD53D <= code && code <= 0xD557 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE PIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE PIH\n\t\t( 0xD559 <= code && code <= 0xD573 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HAH\n\t\t( 0xD575 <= code && code <= 0xD58F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HAEH\n\t\t( 0xD591 <= code && code <= 0xD5AB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAH\n\t\t( 0xD5AD <= code && code <= 0xD5C7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYAEH\n\t\t( 0xD5C9 <= code && code <= 0xD5E3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HEOH\n\t\t( 0xD5E5 <= code && code <= 0xD5FF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HEH\n\t\t( 0xD601 <= code && code <= 0xD61B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEOH\n\t\t( 0xD61D <= code && code <= 0xD637 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYEH\n\t\t( 0xD639 <= code && code <= 0xD653 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HOH\n\t\t( 0xD655 <= code && code <= 0xD66F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAH\n\t\t( 0xD671 <= code && code <= 0xD68B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWAEH\n\t\t( 0xD68D <= code && code <= 0xD6A7 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HOEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HOEH\n\t\t( 0xD6A9 <= code && code <= 0xD6C3 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYOH\n\t\t( 0xD6C5 <= code && code <= 0xD6DF ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HUH\n\t\t( 0xD6E1 <= code && code <= 0xD6FB ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEOG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEOH\n\t\t( 0xD6FD <= code && code <= 0xD717 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWEH\n\t\t( 0xD719 <= code && code <= 0xD733 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HWIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HWIH\n\t\t( 0xD735 <= code && code <= 0xD74F ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYUH\n\t\t( 0xD751 <= code && code <= 0xD76B ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HEUG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HEUH\n\t\t( 0xD76D <= code && code <= 0xD787 ) || // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HYIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HYIH\n\t\t( 0xD789 <= code && code <= 0xD7A3 ) // Lo [27] HANGUL SYLLABLE HIG..HANGUL SYLLABLE HIH\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.LVT;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tcode === 0x200D // Cf ZERO WIDTH JOINER\n\t) {\n\t\treturn constants.ZWJ;\n\t}\n\t// All unlisted characters have a grapheme break property of \"Other\":\n\treturn constants.Other;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = graphemeBreakProperty;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Grapheme cluster break tooling.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/tools/grapheme-cluster-break\n*\n* @example\n* var grapheme = require( '@stdlib/string/tools/grapheme-cluster-break' );\n*\n* var out = grapheme.emojiProperty( 0x23EC );\n* // returns 101\n*\n* out = grapheme.breakProperty( 0x008f );\n* // returns 2\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar setReadOnly = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-nonenumerable-read-only-property' );\nvar constants = require( './constants.js' );\nvar breakType = require( './break_type.js' );\nvar emojiProperty = require( './emoji_property.js' );\nvar breakProperty = require( './break_property.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar main = {};\nsetReadOnly( main, 'constants', constants );\nsetReadOnly( main, 'breakType', breakType );\nsetReadOnly( main, 'emojiProperty', emojiProperty );\nsetReadOnly( main, 'breakProperty', breakProperty );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar codePointAt = require( './../../code-point-at' );\nvar hasUTF16SurrogatePairAt = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-utf16-surrogate-pair-at' );\nvar grapheme = require( './../../tools/grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar breakType = grapheme.breakType;\nvar breakProperty = grapheme.breakProperty;\nvar emojiProperty = grapheme.emojiProperty;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the next extended grapheme cluster break in a string after a specified position.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} [fromIndex=0] - position\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be an integer\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} next grapheme break position\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( 'last man standing', 4 );\n* // returns 5\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( 'presidential election', 8 );\n* // returns 9\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 1 );\n* // returns 3\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( '\uD83C\uDF37' );\n* // returns -1\n*/\nfunction nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, fromIndex ) {\n\tvar breaks;\n\tvar emoji;\n\tvar len;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar cp;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isInteger( fromIndex ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.', fromIndex ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tidx = fromIndex;\n\t} else {\n\t\tidx = 0;\n\t}\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tif ( idx < 0 ) {\n\t\tidx += len;\n\t\tif ( idx < 0 ) {\n\t\t\tidx = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( len === 0 || idx >= len ) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\t// Initialize caches for storing grapheme break and emoji properties:\n\tbreaks = [];\n\temoji = [];\n\n\t// Get the code point for the starting index:\n\tcp = codePointAt( str, idx );\n\n\t// Get the corresponding grapheme break and emoji properties:\n\tbreaks.push( breakProperty( cp ) );\n\temoji.push( emojiProperty( cp ) );\n\n\t// Begin searching for the next grapheme cluster break...\n\tfor ( i = idx+1; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\t// If the current character is part of a surrogate pair, move along...\n\t\tif ( hasUTF16SurrogatePairAt( str, i-1 ) ) {\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Get the next code point:\n\t\tcp = codePointAt( str, i );\n\n\t\t// Get the corresponding grapheme break and emoji properties:\n\t\tbreaks.push( breakProperty( cp ) );\n\t\temoji.push( emojiProperty( cp ) );\n\n\t\t// Determine if we've encountered a grapheme cluster break...\n\t\tif ( breakType( breaks, emoji ) > 0 ) {\n\t\t\t// We've found a break!\n\t\t\treturn i;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\t// Unable to find a grapheme cluster break:\n\treturn -1;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = nextGraphemeClusterBreak;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the next extended grapheme cluster break in a string after a specified position.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/next-grapheme-cluster-break\n*\n* @example\n* var nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( '@stdlib/string/next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\n*\n* var out = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 1 );\n* // returns 3\n*\n* out = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( '\uD83C\uDF37', 0 );\n* // returns -1\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the first `n` grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of grapheme clusters to return\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'p'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'J'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'H'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'foo bar', 5 );\n* // returns 'foo b'\n*/\nfunction first( str, n ) {\n\tvar i = 0;\n\twhile ( n > 0 ) {\n\t\ti = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, i );\n\t\tn -= 1;\n\t}\n\t// Value of `i` will be -1 if and only if `str` is an empty string or `str` has only 1 extended grapheme cluster...\n\tif ( str === '' || i === -1 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( 0, i );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = first;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the first `n` grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/first-grapheme-cluster\n*\n* @example\n* var first = require( '@stdlib/string/base/first-grapheme-cluster' );\n*\n* var out = first( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* out = first( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'H';\n*\n* out = first( '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Invokes a function for each UTF-16 code unit in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {Function} clbk - function to invoke\n* @param {*} [thisArg] - execution context\n* @returns {string} input string\n*\n* @example\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\nfunction forEach( str, clbk, thisArg ) {\n\tvar i;\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tclbk.call( thisArg, str[ i ], i, str );\n\t}\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = forEach;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Invoke a function for each UTF-16 code unit in a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/for-each\n*\n* @example\n* var forEach = require( '@stdlib/string/base/for-each' );\n*\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE = /[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\nvar RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE = /[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Invokes a function for each Unicode code point in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {Function} clbk - function to invoke\n* @param {*} [thisArg] - execution context\n* @returns {string} input string\n*\n* @example\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\nfunction forEach( str, clbk, thisArg ) {\n\tvar len;\n\tvar ch1;\n\tvar ch2;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar ch;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tlen = str.length;\n\n\t// Process the string one Unicode code unit at a time and handle UTF-16 surrogate pairs as a single Unicode code point...\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tch1 = str[ i ];\n\t\tidx = i;\n\t\tch = ch1;\n\n\t\t// Check for a UTF-16 surrogate pair...\n\t\tif ( i < len-1 && RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE.test( ch1 ) ) {\n\t\t\t// Check whether the high surrogate is paired with a low surrogate...\n\t\t\tch2 = str[ i+1 ];\n\t\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE.test( ch2 ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found a surrogate pair:\n\t\t\t\tch += ch2;\n\t\t\t\ti += 1; // bump the index to process the next code unit\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Note: `ch` may be a lone surrogate (e.g., a low surrogate without a preceding high surrogate or a high surrogate at the end of the input string).\n\n\t\t// Invoke the callback with the code point:\n\t\tclbk.call( thisArg, ch, idx, str );\n\t}\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = forEach;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Invoke a function for each Unicode code point in a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/for-each-code-point\n*\n* @example\n* var forEach = require( '@stdlib/string/base/for-each-code-point' );\n*\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Invokes a function for each grapheme cluster (i.e., user-perceived character) in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {Function} clbk - function to invoke\n* @param {*} [thisArg] - execution context\n* @returns {string} input string\n*\n* @example\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\nfunction forEach( str, clbk, thisArg ) {\n\tvar len;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar brk;\n\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tidx = 0;\n\twhile ( idx < len ) {\n\t\tbrk = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, idx );\n\t\tif ( brk === -1 ) {\n\t\t\tbrk = len;\n\t\t}\n\t\tclbk.call( thisArg, str.substring( idx, brk ), idx, str );\n\t\tidx = brk;\n\t}\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = forEach;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Invoke a function for each grapheme cluster (i.e., user-perceived character) in a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/for-each-grapheme-cluster\n*\n* @example\n* var forEach = require( '@stdlib/string/base/for-each-grapheme-cluster' );\n*\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar reWhitespace = require( '@stdlib/regexp/whitespace' ).REGEXP;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Capitalizes the first letter of each word in an input string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} start case string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = startcase( 'beep boop foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Beep Boop Foo Bar'\n*/\nfunction startcase( str ) {\n\tvar cap;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar ch;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tcap = true;\n\tout = '';\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tch = str.charAt( i );\n\t\tif ( reWhitespace.test( ch ) ) {\n\t\t\tcap = true;\n\t\t} else if ( cap ) {\n\t\t\tch = ch.toUpperCase();\n\t\t\tcap = false;\n\t\t}\n\t\tout += ch;\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = startcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Capitalize the first letter of each word in an input string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/startcase\n*\n* @example\n* var startcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/startcase' );\n*\n* var str = startcase( 'beep boop foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Beep Boop Foo Bar'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\nvar startcase = require( './../../../base/startcase' );\nvar trim = require( './../../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_WHITESPACE = /\\s+/g;\nvar RE_SPECIAL = /[-!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]_#$*&^@%]+/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\nvar RE_CAMEL = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to HTTP header case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} HTTP header-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( 'IS_MOBILE' );\n* // returns 'Is-Mobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'Hello-World'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*/\nfunction headercase( str ) {\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_SPECIAL, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_CAMEL, '$1 $2' );\n\tstr = trim( str );\n\tstr = lowercase( str );\n\tstr = startcase( str );\n\treturn replace( str, RE_WHITESPACE, '-' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = headercase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to HTTP header case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/headercase\n*\n* @example\n* var headercase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/headercase' );\n*\n* var str = headercase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*\n* str = headercase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*\n* str = headercase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'Hello-World'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar uppercase = require( './../../../base/uppercase' );\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to inverse case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} inverse-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = invcase( 'beep' );\n* // returns 'BEEP'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = invcase( 'beep BOOP' );\n* // returns 'BEEP boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = invcase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'ISmOBILE'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = invcase( 'HeLlO wOrLd!' );\n* // returns 'hElLo WoRlD!'\n*/\nfunction invcase( str ) {\n\tvar out;\n\tvar ch;\n\tvar s;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tout = [];\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tch = str[ i ];\n\t\ts = uppercase( ch );\n\t\tif ( s === ch ) {\n\t\t\ts = lowercase( ch );\n\t\t}\n\t\tout.push( s );\n\t}\n\treturn out.join( '' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = invcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to inverse case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/invcase\n*\n* @example\n* var invcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/invcase' );\n*\n* var str = invcase( 'aBcDeF' );\n* // returns 'AbCdEf'\n*\n* str = invcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hELLO wORLD!'\n*\n* str = invcase( 'I am a robot' );\n* // returns 'i AM A ROBOT'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\nvar trim = require( './../../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_WHITESPACE = /\\s+/g;\nvar RE_SPECIAL = /[!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]_#$*&^@%]+/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\nvar RE_CAMEL = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to kebab case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} kebab-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello-world'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'foo-bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'I am a tiny little teapot' );\n* // returns 'i-am-a-tiny-little-teapot'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'BEEP boop' );\n* // returns 'beep-boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'is-mobile'\n*/\nfunction kebabCase( str ) {\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_SPECIAL, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_CAMEL, '$1 $2' );\n\tstr = trim( str );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_WHITESPACE, '-' );\n\treturn lowercase( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = kebabCase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to kebab case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/kebabcase\n*\n* @example\n* var kebabcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/kebabcase' );\n*\n* var str = kebabcase( 'Foo Bar' );\n* // returns 'foo-bar'\n*\n* str = kebabcase( 'I am a tiny little house' );\n* // returns 'i-am-a-tiny-little-house'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar bool = ( typeof String.prototype.repeat !== 'undefined' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = bool;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Repeats a string a specified number of times and returns the concatenated result.\n*\n* ## Method\n*\n* The algorithmic trick used in the implementation is to treat string concatenation the same as binary addition (i.e., any natural number (nonnegative integer) can be expressed as a sum of powers of two).\n*\n* For example,\n*\n* ```text\n* n = 10 => 1010 => 2^3 + 2^0 + 2^1 + 2^0\n* ```\n*\n* We can produce a 10-repeat string by \"adding\" the results of a 8-repeat string and a 2-repeat string.\n*\n* The implementation is then as follows:\n*\n* 1. Let `s` be the string to be repeated and `o` be an output string.\n*\n* 2. Initialize an output string `o`.\n*\n* 3. Check the least significant bit to determine if the current `s` string should be \"added\" to the output \"total\".\n*\n* - if the bit is a one, add\n* - otherwise, move on\n*\n* 4. Double the string `s` by adding `s` to `s`.\n*\n* 5. Right-shift the bits of `n`.\n*\n* 6. Check if we have shifted off all bits.\n*\n* - if yes, done.\n* - otherwise, move on\n*\n* 7. Repeat 3-6.\n*\n* The result is that, as the string is repeated, we continually check to see if the doubled string is one which we want to add to our \"total\".\n*\n* The algorithm runs in `O(log_2(n))` compared to `O(n)`.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - string to repeat\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of times to repeat the string\n* @returns {string} repeated string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'aaaaa'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( '', 100 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( 'beep', 0 );\n* // returns ''\n*/\nfunction repeat( str, n ) {\n\tvar rpt;\n\tvar cnt;\n\tif ( str.length === 0 || n === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\trpt = '';\n\tcnt = n;\n\tfor ( ; ; ) {\n\t\t// If the count is odd, append the current concatenated string:\n\t\tif ( (cnt&1) === 1 ) {\n\t\t\trpt += str;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Right-shift the bits:\n\t\tcnt >>>= 1;\n\t\tif ( cnt === 0 ) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Double the string:\n\t\tstr += str;\n\t}\n\treturn rpt;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = repeat;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar repeat = String.prototype.repeat;\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = repeat;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar builtin = require( './builtin.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Repeats a string a specified number of times and returns the concatenated result.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to repeat\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of times to repeat the string\n* @returns {string} repeated string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'aaaaa'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( '', 100 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( 'beep', 0 );\n* // returns ''\n*/\nfunction repeat( str, n ) {\n\treturn builtin.call( str, n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = repeat;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Repeat a string a specified number of times and return the concatenated result.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/repeat\n*\n* @example\n* var replace = require( '@stdlib/string/base/repeat' );\n*\n* var str = repeat( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'aaaaa'\n*\n* str = repeat( '', 100 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* str = repeat( 'beep', 0 );\n* // returns ''\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar HAS_BUILTIN = require( './has_builtin.js' );\nvar polyfill = require( './polyfill.js' );\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar repeat;\nif ( HAS_BUILTIN ) {\n\trepeat = main;\n} else {\n\trepeat = polyfill;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = repeat;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar repeat = require( './../../../base/repeat' );\nvar ceil = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/ceil' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Left pads a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to pad\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} len - minimum string length\n* @param {string} pad - string used to pad\n* @returns {string} padded string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lpad( 'a', 5, ' ' );\n* // returns ' a'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lpad( 'beep', 10, 'b' );\n* // returns 'bbbbbbbeep'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lpad( 'boop', 12, 'beep' );\n* // returns 'beepbeepboop'\n*/\nfunction lpad( str, len, pad ) {\n\tvar n = ( len - str.length ) / pad.length;\n\tif ( n <= 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tn = ceil( n );\n\treturn repeat( pad, n ) + str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = lpad;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Left pad a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/left-pad\n*\n* @example\n* var lpad = require( '@stdlib/string/base/left-pad' );\n*\n* var str = lpad( 'a', 5, ' ' );\n* // returns ' a'\n*\n* str = lpad( 'beep', 10, 'b' );\n* // returns 'bbbbbbbeep'\n*\n* str = lpad( 'boop', 12, 'beep' );\n* // returns 'beepbeepboop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar bool = ( typeof String.prototype.trimLeft !== 'undefined' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = bool;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\n// The following regular expression should suffice to polyfill (most?) all environments.\nvar RE = /^[\\u0020\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff]+/;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace characters from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace '\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs\\t\\t\\t'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines\\n\\n\\n'\n*/\nfunction ltrim( str ) {\n\treturn replace( str, RE, '' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ltrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar ltrim = String.prototype.trimLeft;\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ltrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar builtin = require( './builtin.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace characters from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace '\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs\\t\\t\\t'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines\\n\\n\\n'\n*/\nfunction ltrim( str ) {\n\treturn builtin.call( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ltrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim whitespace characters from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/left-trim\n*\n* @example\n* var ltrim = require( '@stdlib/string/base/left-trim' );\n*\n* var out = ltrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace '\n*\n* out = ltrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs\\t\\t\\t'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar HAS_BUILTIN = require( './has_builtin.js' );\nvar polyfill = require( './polyfill.js' );\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar ltrim;\nif ( HAS_BUILTIN ) {\n\tltrim = main;\n} else {\n\tltrim = polyfill;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ltrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar capitalize = require( './../../../base/capitalize' );\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\nvar trim = require( './../../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_WHITESPACE = /\\s+/g;\nvar RE_SPECIAL = /[-!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]_#$*&^@%]+/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\nvar RE_TO_PASCAL = /(?:\\s|^)([^\\s]+)(?=\\s|$)/g;\nvar RE_CAMEL = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;\n\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Callback invoked upon a match.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} match - entire match\n* @param {string} p1 - first capture group\n* @returns {string} capitalized capture group\n*/\nfunction replacer( match, p1 ) {\n\treturn capitalize( lowercase( p1 ) );\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to Pascal case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} Pascal-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( 'IS_MOBILE' );\n* // returns 'IsMobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HelloWorld'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*/\nfunction pascalcase( str ) {\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_SPECIAL, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_WHITESPACE, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_CAMEL, '$1 $2' );\n\tstr = trim( str );\n\treturn replace( str, RE_TO_PASCAL, replacer );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = pascalcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to Pascal case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/pascalcase\n*\n* @example\n* var pascalcase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/pascalcase' );\n*\n* var str = pascalcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*\n* str = pascalcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*\n* str = pascalcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HelloWorld'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\n// 2^6-1 = 63 => 0x3f => 00111111\nvar Ox3F = 63|0;\n\n// 2^7 = 128 => 0x80 => 10000000\nvar Ox80 = 128|0;\n\n// 192 => 0xc0 => 11000000\nvar OxC0 = 192|0;\n\n// 224 => 0xe0 => 11100000\nvar OxE0 = 224|0;\n\n// 240 => 0xf0 => 11110000\nvar OxF0 = 240|0;\n\n// 2^10-1 = 1023 => 0x3ff => 00000011 11111111\nvar Ox3FF = 1023|0;\n\n// 2^11 = 2048 => 0x800 => 00001000 00000000\nvar Ox800 = 2048|0;\n\n// 55296 => 11011000 00000000\nvar OxD800 = 55296|0;\n\n// 57344 => 11100000 00000000\nvar OxE000 = 57344|0;\n\n// 2^16 = 65536 => 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000\nvar Ox10000 = 65536|0;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a UTF-16 encoded string to an array of integers using UTF-8 encoding.\n*\n* ## Method\n*\n* - UTF-8 is defined to encode code points in one to four bytes, depending on the number of significant bits in the numerical value of the code point.\n*\n* - UTF-16 encoding uses one 16-bit unit for non-surrogates (U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF).\n*\n* - UTF-16 encoding uses two 16-bit units (surrogate pairs) for U+10000 to U+10FFFF and encodes U+10000-U+10FFFF by subtracting 0x10000 from the code point, expressing the result as a 20-bit binary, and splitting the 20 bits of 0x0-0xFFFFF as upper and lower 10-bits. The respective 10-bits are stored in two 16-bit words.\n*\n* - Let `N` be the number of significant bits.\n*\n* - If `N <= 7` (i.e., U+0000 to U+007F), a code point is encoded in a single byte.\n*\n* ```text\n* 0xxxxxxx\n* ```\n*\n* where an `x` refers to a code point bit.\n*\n* - If `N <= 11` (i.e., U+0080 to U+07FF; ASCII characters), a code point is encoded in two bytes (5+6 bits).\n*\n* ```text\n* 110xxxxx 10xxxxxx\n* ```\n*\n* - If `N <= 16` (i.e., U+0800 to U+FFFF), a code point is encoded in three bytes (4+6+6 bits).\n*\n* ```text\n* 1110xxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx\n* ```\n*\n* - If `N <= 21` (i.e., U+10000 to U+10FFFF), a code point is encoded in four bytes (3+6+6+6 bits).\n*\n* ```text\n* 11110xxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx 10xxxxxx\n* ```\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {Array} array of integers\n* @see [UTF-8]{@link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8}\n* @see [Stack Overflow]{@link https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6240055/manually-converting-unicode-codepoints-into-utf-8-and-utf-16}\n*\n* @example\n* var str = '\u2603';\n* var out = utf16ToUTF8Array( str );\n* // returns [ 226, 152, 131 ]\n*/\nfunction utf16ToUTF8Array( str ) {\n\tvar code;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar len;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tout = [];\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tcode = str.charCodeAt( i );\n\n\t\t// ASCII...\n\t\tif ( code < Ox80 ) {\n\t\t\tout.push( code );\n\t\t}\n\t\t// UTF-16 non-surrogate pair...\n\t\telse if ( code < Ox800 ) {\n\t\t\tout.push( OxC0 | (code>>6) );\n\t\t\tout.push( Ox80 | (code & Ox3F) );\n\t\t}\n\t\telse if ( code < OxD800 || code >= OxE000 ) {\n\t\t\tout.push( OxE0 | (code>>12) );\n\t\t\tout.push( Ox80 | ((code>>6) & Ox3F) );\n\t\t\tout.push( Ox80 | (code & Ox3F) );\n\t\t}\n\t\t// UTF-16 surrogate pair...\n\t\telse {\n\t\t\ti += 1;\n\n\t\t\t// eslint-disable-next-line max-len\n\t\t\tcode = Ox10000 + (((code & Ox3FF)<<10) | (str.charCodeAt(i) & Ox3FF));\n\n\t\t\tout.push( OxF0 | (code>>18) );\n\t\t\tout.push( Ox80 | ((code>>12) & Ox3F) );\n\t\t\tout.push( Ox80 | ((code>>6) & Ox3F) );\n\t\t\tout.push( Ox80 | (code & Ox3F) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = utf16ToUTF8Array;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a UTF-16 encoded string to an array of integers using UTF-8 encoding.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/utf16-to-utf8-array\n*\n* @example\n* var utf16ToUTF8Array = require( '@stdlib/string/utf16-to-utf8-array' );\n*\n* var str = '\u2603';\n* var out = utf16ToUTF8Array( str );\n* // returns [ 226, 152, 131 ]\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar utf16ToUTF8Array = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = utf16ToUTF8Array;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar utf16ToUTF8Array = require( './../../../utf16-to-utf8-array' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\n// Character codes:\nvar UNDERSCORE = 95|0;\nvar PERIOD = 46|0;\nvar HYPHEN = 45|0;\nvar TILDE = 126|0;\nvar ZERO = 48|0;\nvar NINE = 57|0;\nvar A = 65|0;\nvar Z = 90|0;\nvar a = 97|0;\nvar z = 122|0;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Percent-encodes a UTF-16 encoded string according to [RFC 3986][1].\n*\n* [1]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.1\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to percent-encode\n* @returns {string} percent-encoded string\n*\n* @example\n* var str1 = 'Ladies + Gentlemen';\n*\n* var str2 = percentEncode( str1 );\n* // returns 'Ladies%20%2B%20Gentlemen'\n*/\nfunction percentEncode( str ) {\n\tvar byte;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar len;\n\tvar buf;\n\tvar i;\n\n\t// Convert to an array of octets using UTF-8 encoding (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.5):\n\tbuf = utf16ToUTF8Array( str );\n\n\t// Encode the string...\n\tlen = buf.length;\n\tout = '';\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tbyte = buf[ i ];\n\t\tif (\n\t\t\t// ASCII Digits:\n\t\t\t( byte >= ZERO && byte <= NINE ) ||\n\n\t\t\t// ASCII uppercase letters:\n\t\t\t( byte >= A && byte <= Z ) ||\n\n\t\t\t// ASCII lowercase letters:\n\t\t\t( byte >= a && byte <= z ) ||\n\n\t\t\t// ASCII unreserved characters (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.3):\n\t\t\tbyte === HYPHEN ||\n\t\t\tbyte === PERIOD ||\n\t\t\tbyte === UNDERSCORE ||\n\t\t\tbyte === TILDE\n\t\t) {\n\t\t\tout += str.charAt( i );\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Convert an octet to hexadecimal and uppercase according to the RFC (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.1):\n\t\t\tout += '%' + byte.toString( 16 ).toUpperCase();\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = percentEncode;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Percent-encode a UTF-16 encoded string according to RFC 3986.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/percent-encode\n*\n* @example\n* var percentEncode = require( '@stdlib/string/base/percent-encode' );\n*\n* var str1 = 'Ladies + Gentlemen';\n*\n* var str2 = percentEncode( str1 );\n* // returns 'Ladies%20%2B%20Gentlemen'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the first `n` UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of UTF-16 code units to remove\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'residential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'avaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures'\n*/\nfunction removeFirst( str, n ) {\n\treturn str.substring( n, str.length );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeFirst;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the first `n` UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/remove-first\n*\n* @example\n* var removeFirst = require( '@stdlib/string/base/remove-first' );\n*\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE = /[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\nvar RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE = /[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the first `n` Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of Unicode code points to remove\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'residential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'avaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures'\n*/\nfunction removeFirst( str, n ) {\n\tvar len;\n\tvar ch1;\n\tvar ch2;\n\tvar cnt;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( n === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tcnt = 0;\n\n\t// Process the string one Unicode code unit at a time and count UTF-16 surrogate pairs as a single Unicode code point...\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tch1 = str[ i ];\n\t\tcnt += 1;\n\n\t\t// Check for a high UTF-16 surrogate...\n\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE.test( ch1 ) ) {\n\t\t\t// Check for an unpaired surrogate at the end of the input string...\n\t\t\tif ( i === len-1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found an unpaired surrogate...\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Check whether the high surrogate is paired with a low surrogate...\n\t\t\tch2 = str[ i+1 ];\n\t\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE.test( ch2 ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found a surrogate pair:\n\t\t\t\ti += 1; // bump the index to process the next code unit\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check whether we've found the desired number of code points...\n\t\tif ( cnt === n ) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( i + 1, str.length );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeFirst;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the first `n` Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/remove-first-code-point\n*\n* @example\n* var removeFirst = require( '@stdlib/string/base/remove-first-code-point' );\n*\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the first `n` grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of grapheme clusters to remove\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'residential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'avaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'foo bar', 5 );\n* // returns 'ar'\n*/\nfunction removeFirst( str, n ) {\n\tvar i = 0;\n\twhile ( n > 0 ) {\n\t\ti = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, i );\n\t\tn -= 1;\n\t}\n\t// Value of `i` will be -1 if and only if `str` is an empty string or `str` has only 1 extended grapheme cluster...\n\tif ( str === '' || i === -1 ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( i, str.length );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeFirst;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the first `n` grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/remove-first-grapheme-cluster\n*\n* @example\n* var removeFirst = require( '@stdlib/string/base/remove-first-grapheme-cluster' );\n*\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures';\n*\n* out = removeFirst( '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the last `n` UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of UTF-16 code units to remove\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'presidential electio'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'JavaScrip'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure'\n*/\nfunction removeLast( str, n ) {\n\treturn str.substring( 0, str.length - n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeLast;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the last `n` UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/remove-last\n*\n* @example\n* var removeLast = require( '@stdlib/string/base/remove-last' );\n*\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE = /[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\nvar RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE = /[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the last `n` Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of Unicode code points to remove\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'presidential electio'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'JavaScrip'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure'\n*/\nfunction removeLast( str, n ) {\n\tvar len;\n\tvar ch1;\n\tvar ch2;\n\tvar cnt;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( n === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tcnt = 0;\n\n\t// Process the string one Unicode code unit at a time and count UTF-16 surrogate pairs as a single Unicode code point...\n\tfor ( i = len - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {\n\t\tch1 = str[ i ];\n\t\tcnt += 1;\n\n\t\t// Check for a low UTF-16 surrogate...\n\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE.test( ch1 ) ) {\n\t\t\t// Check for an unpaired surrogate at the end of the input string...\n\t\t\tif ( i === 0 ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found an unpaired surrogate...\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Check whether the high surrogate is paired with a low surrogate...\n\t\t\tch2 = str[ i-1 ];\n\t\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE.test( ch2 ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found a surrogate pair:\n\t\t\t\ti -= 1; // bump the index to process the next code unit\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Check whether we've found the desired number of code points...\n\t\tif ( cnt === n ) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( 0, i );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeLast;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the last `n` Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/remove-last-code-point\n*\n* @example\n* var removeLast = require( '@stdlib/string/base/remove-last-code-point' );\n*\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the number of grapheme clusters in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} number of grapheme clusters\n*\n* @example\n* var out = numGraphemeClusters( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 17\n*\n* @example\n* var out = numGraphemeClusters( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 21\n*\n* @example\n* var out = numGraphemeClusters( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926' );\n* // returns 5\n*\n* @example\n* var out = numGraphemeClusters( '\uD83C\uDF37' );\n* // returns 1\n*/\nfunction numGraphemeClusters( str ) {\n\tvar count;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar brk;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tcount = 0;\n\tidx = 0;\n\n\tbrk = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, idx );\n\twhile ( brk !== -1 ) {\n\t\tcount += 1;\n\t\tidx = brk;\n\t\tbrk = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, idx );\n\t}\n\tif ( idx < str.length ) {\n\t\tcount += 1;\n\t}\n\treturn count;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = numGraphemeClusters;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2020 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the number of grapheme clusters in a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/num-grapheme-clusters\n*\n* @example\n* var numGraphemeClusters = require( '@stdlib/string/num-grapheme-clusters' );\n*\n* var out = numGraphemeClusters( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 17\n*\n* out = numGraphemeClusters( '\uD83C\uDF37' );\n* // returns 1\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require('./../../../next-grapheme-cluster-break');\nvar numGraphemeClusters = require( './../../../num-grapheme-clusters' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the last `n` grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of grapheme clusters to remove\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'presidential election', 1 );\n* // returns 'presidential electio'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'JavaScript', 1 );\n* // returns 'JavaScrip'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'foo bar', 5 );\n* // returns 'fo'\n*/\nfunction removeLast( str, n ) {\n\tvar total;\n\tvar num;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( n === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\n\ttotal = numGraphemeClusters( str );\n\tif ( str === '' || total < n ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\n\ti = 0;\n\tnum = 0;\n\twhile ( num < total - n ) {\n\t\ti = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, i );\n\t\tnum += 1;\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( 0, i );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeLast;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the last `n` grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/remove-last-grapheme-cluster\n*\n* @example\n* var removeLast = require( '@stdlib/string/base/remove-last-grapheme-cluster' );\n*\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing', 1 );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures', 1 );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure';\n*\n* out = removeLast( '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Replaces the substring before the first occurrence of a specified search string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {string} replacement - replacement string\n* @returns {string} string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'beep boop', ' ', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'foo boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'beep boop', 'p', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'foop boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'Hello World!', '', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'Hello World!'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'Hello World!', 'xyz', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'Hello World!'\n*/\nfunction replaceBefore( str, search, replacement ) {\n\tvar idx = str.indexOf( search );\n\tif ( str === '' || search === '' || replacement === '' || idx < 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\treturn replacement + str.substring( idx );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = replaceBefore;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Replace the substring before the first occurrence of a specified search string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/replace-before\n*\n* @example\n* var replaceBefore = require( '@stdlib/string/base/replace-before' );\n*\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n*\n* var out = replaceBefore( str, ' ', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'foo boop'\n*\n* out = replaceBefore( str, 'o', 'bar' );\n* // returns 'baroop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Reverses the UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'noitcele laitnediserp'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'JavaScript' );\n* // returns 'tpircSavaJ'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH'\n*/\nfunction reverse( str ) {\n\tvar out;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tout = '';\n\tfor ( i = str.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {\n\t\tout += str[ i ];\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = reverse;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Reverse the UTF-16 code units of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/reverse\n*\n* @example\n* var reverse = require( '@stdlib/string/base/reverse' );\n*\n* var out = reverse( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* out = reverse( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE = /[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\nvar RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE = /[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Reverses the Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'noitcele laitnediserp'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'JavaScript' );\n* // returns 'tpircSavaJ'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH'\n*/\nfunction reverse( str ) {\n\tvar len;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar ch1;\n\tvar ch2;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tout = '';\n\n\t// Process the string one Unicode code unit at a time and count UTF-16 surrogate pairs as a single Unicode code point...\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tch1 = str[ i ];\n\n\t\t// Check for a high UTF-16 surrogate...\n\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE.test( ch1 ) ) {\n\t\t\t// Check for an unpaired surrogate at the end of the input string...\n\t\t\tif ( i === len-1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found an unpaired surrogate...\n\t\t\t\tout = ch1 + out;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t// Check whether the high surrogate is paired with a low surrogate...\n\t\t\tch2 = str[ i+1 ];\n\t\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE.test( ch2 ) ) {\n\t\t\t\t// We found a surrogate pair:\n\t\t\t\tout = ch1 + ch2 + out;\n\t\t\t\ti += 1; // bump the index to process the next code unit\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tout = ch1 + out;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tout = ch1 + out;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = reverse;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Reverse the Unicode code points of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/reverse-code-points\n*\n* @example\n* var reverse = require( '@stdlib/string/base/reverse-code-points' );\n*\n* var out = reverse( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* out = reverse( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Reverses the grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'noitcele laitnediserp'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'JavaScript' );\n* // returns 'tpircSavaJ'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38' );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC36'\n*/\nfunction reverse( str ) {\n\tvar cluster;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar brk;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tout = '';\n\tidx = 0;\n\twhile ( idx < str.length ) {\n\t\tbrk = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, idx );\n\t\tif ( brk === -1 ) {\n\t\t\tbrk = str.length;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcluster = '';\n\t\tfor ( i = idx; i < brk; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tcluster += str.charAt( i );\n\t\t}\n\t\tout = cluster + out;\n\t\tidx = brk;\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = reverse;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Reverse the grapheme clusters (i.e., user-perceived characters) of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/reverse-grapheme-clusters\n*\n* @example\n* var reverse = require( '@stdlib/string/base/reverse-grapheme-clusters' );\n*\n* var out = reverse( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* out = reverse( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH';\n*\n* out = reverse( '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38' );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC36'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar repeat = require( './../../../base/repeat' );\nvar ceil = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/ceil' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Right pads a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to pad\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} len - minimum string length\n* @param {string} pad - string used to pad\n* @returns {string} padded string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = rpad( 'a', 5, ' ' );\n* // returns 'a '\n*\n* @example\n* var str = rpad( 'beep', 10, 'b' );\n* // returns 'beepbbbbbb'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = rpad( 'boop', 12, 'beep' );\n* // returns 'boopbeepbeep'\n*/\nfunction rpad( str, len, pad ) {\n\tvar n = ( len - str.length ) / pad.length;\n\tif ( n <= 0 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tn = ceil( n );\n\treturn str + repeat( pad, n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rpad;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Right pad a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/right-pad\n*\n* @example\n* var rpad = require( '@stdlib/string/base/right-pad' );\n*\n* var str = rpad( 'a', 5, ' ' );\n* // returns 'a '\n*\n* str = rpad( 'beep', 10, 'b' );\n* // returns 'beepbbbbbb'\n*\n* str = rpad( 'boop', 12, 'beep' );\n* // returns 'boopbeepbeep'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar bool = ( typeof String.prototype.trimRight !== 'undefined' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = bool;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\n// The following regular expression should suffice to polyfill (most?) all environments.\nvar RE = /[\\u0020\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff]+$/;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace from the end of a string.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns ' Whitespace'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns '\\t\\t\\tTabs'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines'\n*/\nfunction rtrim( str ) {\n\treturn replace( str, RE, '' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rtrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar rtrim = String.prototype.trimRight;\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rtrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar builtin = require( './builtin.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace from the end of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns ' Whitespace'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns '\\t\\t\\tTabs'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines'\n*/\nfunction rtrim( str ) {\n\treturn builtin.call( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rtrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim whitespace characters from the end of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/right-trim\n*\n* @example\n* var rtrim = require( '@stdlib/string/base/right-trim' );\n*\n* var out = rtrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns ' Whitespace'\n*\n* out = rtrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns '\\t\\t\\tTabs'\n*\n* out = rtrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar HAS_BUILTIN = require( './has_builtin.js' );\nvar polyfill = require( './polyfill.js' );\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar rtrim;\nif ( HAS_BUILTIN ) {\n\trtrim = main;\n} else {\n\trtrim = polyfill;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rtrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar lowercase = require( './../../../base/lowercase' );\nvar replace = require( './../../../base/replace' );\nvar trim = require( './../../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_WHITESPACE = /\\s+/g;\nvar RE_SPECIAL = /[\\-!\"'(),\u2013.:;<>?`{}|~\\/\\\\\\[\\]_#$*&^@%]+/g; // eslint-disable-line no-useless-escape\nvar RE_CAMEL = /([a-z0-9])([A-Z])/g;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to snake case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @returns {string} snake-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello_world'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'foo_bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'I am a tiny little teapot' );\n* // returns 'i_am_a_tiny_little_teapot'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'BEEP boop' );\n* // returns 'beep_boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'is_mobile'\n*/\nfunction snakecase( str ) {\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_SPECIAL, ' ' );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_CAMEL, '$1 $2' );\n\tstr = trim( str );\n\tstr = replace( str, RE_WHITESPACE, '_' );\n\treturn lowercase( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = snakecase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to snake case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/snakecase\n*\n* @example\n* var snakecase = require( '@stdlib/string/base/snakecase' );\n*\n* var str = snakecase( 'Foo Bar' );\n* // returns 'foo_bar'\n*\n* str = snakecase( 'I am a tiny little house' );\n* // returns 'i_am_a_tiny_little_house'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar bool = ( typeof String.prototype.startsWith !== 'undefined' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = bool;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Tests if a string starts with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {integer} position - position at which to start searching\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if the input string starts with the search string\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'Remember', 0 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'Remember, remember', 0 );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'To be', 0 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 0 );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 14 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'quest', -9 );\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction startsWith( str, search, position ) {\n\tvar pos;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( position < 0 ) {\n\t\tpos = str.length + position;\n\t} else {\n\t\tpos = position;\n\t}\n\tif ( search.length === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tpos < 0 ||\n\t\tpos + search.length > str.length\n\t) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < search.length; i++ ) {\n\t\tif ( str.charCodeAt( pos + i ) !== search.charCodeAt( i ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn false;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn true;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = startsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar startsWith = String.prototype.startsWith;\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = startsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar builtin = require( './builtin.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Tests if a string starts with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {integer} position - position at which to start searching\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if the input string starts with the search string\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'Remember', 0 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'Remember, remember', 0 );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'To be', 0 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 0 );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 14 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'quest', -9 );\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction startsWith( str, search, position ) {\n\tvar pos;\n\tif ( position < 0 ) {\n\t\tpos = str.length + position;\n\t} else {\n\t\tpos = position;\n\t}\n\tif ( search.length === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn true;\n\t}\n\tif (\n\t\tpos < 0 ||\n\t\tpos + search.length > str.length\n\t) {\n\t\treturn false;\n\t}\n\treturn builtin.call( str, search, pos );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = startsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Test if a string starts with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/starts-with\n*\n* @example\n* var startsWith = require( '@stdlib/string/base/starts-with' );\n*\n* var str = 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air';\n* var bool = startsWith( str, 'Fair', 0 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = startsWith( str, 'fair', 0 );\n* // returns false\n*\n* bool = startsWith( str, 'foul', 8 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = startsWith( str, 'filthy', -10 );\n* // returns true\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar HAS_BUILTIN = require( './has_builtin.js' );\nvar polyfill = require( './polyfill.js' );\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\nvar startsWith;\nif ( HAS_BUILTIN ) {\n\tstartsWith = main;\n} else {\n\tstartsWith = polyfill;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = startsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isOdd = require( '@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-odd' );\nvar round = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/round' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Truncates the middle UTF-16 code units of a string to return a string having a specified length.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} len - output string length (including sequence)\n* @param {string} seq - custom replacement sequence\n* @returns {string} truncated string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 5, '...' );\n* // returns 'b...p'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 5, '>>>' );\n* // returns 'b>>>p'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 10, '...' );\n* // returns 'beep boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 0, '...' );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 2, '...' );\n* // returns '..'\n*/\nfunction truncateMiddle( str, len, seq ) {\n\tvar finalLength;\n\tvar seqLength;\n\tvar strLength;\n\tvar seqStart;\n\tvar seqEnd;\n\n\tseqLength = seq.length;\n\tstrLength = str.length;\n\tif ( len > strLength ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tfinalLength = len - seqLength;\n\tif ( finalLength < 0 ) {\n\t\treturn seq.slice( 0, len );\n\t}\n\n\tseqStart = round( finalLength / 2 );\n\tseqEnd = ( isOdd( finalLength ) ) ? seqStart-1 : seqStart;\n\tseqEnd = strLength - seqEnd;\n\n\treturn str.substring( 0, seqStart ) + seq + str.substring( seqEnd );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = truncateMiddle;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Truncate the middle UTF-16 code units of a string to return a string having a specified length.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/truncate-middle\n*\n* @example\n* var truncateMiddle = require( '@stdlib/string/base/truncate-middle' );\n*\n* var out = truncateMiddle( 'beep boop', 7, '...' );\n* // returns 'be...op'\n*\n* out = truncateMiddle( 'beep boop', 7, '|' );\n* // returns 'bee|oop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Uncapitalizes the first character of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @returns {string} input string with first character converted to lowercase\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Last man standing' );\n* // returns 'last man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Presidential election' );\n* // returns 'presidential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'JavaScript' );\n* // returns 'javaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'hidden Treasures'\n*/\nfunction uncapitalize( str ) {\n\tif ( str === '' ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\treturn str.charAt( 0 ).toLowerCase() + str.slice( 1 );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = uncapitalize;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Uncapitalize the first character of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/base/uncapitalize\n*\n* @example\n* var uncapitalize = require( '@stdlib/string/base/uncapitalize' );\n*\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Last man standing' );\n* // returns 'last man standing'\n*\n* out = uncapitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'hidden Treasures';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/*\n* When adding modules to the namespace, ensure that they are added in alphabetical order according to module name.\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar setReadOnly = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-read-only-property' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Top-level namespace.\n*\n* @namespace ns\n*/\nvar ns = {};\n\n/**\n* @name altcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/altcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'altcase', require( './../../base/altcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name camelcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/camelcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'camelcase', require( './../../base/camelcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name capitalize\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/capitalize}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'capitalize', require( './../../base/capitalize' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name codePointAt\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/code-point-at}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'codePointAt', require( './../../base/code-point-at' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name constantcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/constantcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'constantcase', require( './../../base/constantcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name distances\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Namespace}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/distances}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'distances', require( './../../base/distances' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name dotcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/dotcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'dotcase', require( './../../base/dotcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name endsWith\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/ends-with}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'endsWith', require( './../../base/ends-with' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name first\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/first}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'first', require( './../../base/first' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name firstCodePoint\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/first-code-point}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'firstCodePoint', require( './../../base/first-code-point' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name firstGraphemeCluster\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/first-grapheme-cluster}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'firstGraphemeCluster', require( './../../base/first-grapheme-cluster' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name forEach\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/for-each}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'forEach', require( './../../base/for-each' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name forEachCodePoint\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/for-each-code-point}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'forEachCodePoint', require( './../../base/for-each-code-point' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name forEachGraphemeCluster\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/for-each-grapheme-cluster}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'forEachGraphemeCluster', require( './../../base/for-each-grapheme-cluster' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name formatInterpolate\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/format-interpolate}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'formatInterpolate', require( './../../base/format-interpolate' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name formatTokenize\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/format-tokenize}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'formatTokenize', require( './../../base/format-tokenize' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name headercase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/headercase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'headercase', require( './../../base/headercase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name invcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/invcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'invcase', require( './../../base/invcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name kebabcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/kebabcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'kebabcase', require( './../../base/kebabcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name lpad\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/left-pad}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'lpad', require( './../../base/left-pad' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name ltrim\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/left-trim}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'ltrim', require( './../../base/left-trim' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name lowercase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/lowercase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'lowercase', require( './../../base/lowercase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name pascalcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/pascalcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'pascalcase', require( './../../base/pascalcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name percentEncode\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/percent-encode}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'percentEncode', require( './../../base/percent-encode' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeFirst\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/remove-first}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'removeFirst', require( './../../base/remove-first' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeFirstCodePoint\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/remove-first-code-point}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'removeFirstCodePoint', require( './../../base/remove-first-code-point' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeFirstGraphemeCluster\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/remove-first-grapheme-cluster}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'removeFirstGraphemeCluster', require( './../../base/remove-first-grapheme-cluster' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeLast\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/remove-last}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'removeLast', require( './../../base/remove-last' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeLastCodePoint\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/remove-last-code-point}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'removeLastCodePoint', require( './../../base/remove-last-code-point' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeLastGraphemeCluster\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/remove-last-grapheme-cluster}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'removeLastGraphemeCluster', require( './../../base/remove-last-grapheme-cluster' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name repeat\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/repeat}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'repeat', require( './../../base/repeat' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name replace\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/replace}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'replace', require( './../../base/replace' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name replaceBefore\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/replace-before}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'replaceBefore', require( './../../base/replace-before' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name reverse\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/reverse}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'reverse', require( './../../base/reverse' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name reverseCodePoints\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/reverse-code-points}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'reverseCodePoints', require( './../../base/reverse-code-points' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name reverseGraphemeClusters\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/reverse-grapheme-clusters}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'reverseGraphemeClusters', require( './../../base/reverse-grapheme-clusters' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name rpad\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/right-pad}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'rpad', require( './../../base/right-pad' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name rtrim\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/right-trim}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'rtrim', require( './../../base/right-trim' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name snakecase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/snakecase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'snakecase', require( './../../base/snakecase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name startcase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/startcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'startcase', require( './../../base/startcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name startsWith\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/starts-with}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'startsWith', require( './../../base/starts-with' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name trim\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/trim}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'trim', require( './../../base/trim' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name truncateMiddle\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/truncate-middle}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'truncateMiddle', require( './../../base/truncate-middle' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name uncapitalize\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/uncapitalize}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'uncapitalize', require( './../../base/uncapitalize' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name uppercase\n* @memberof ns\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base/uppercase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( ns, 'uppercase', require( './../../base/uppercase' ) );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ns;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/camelcase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to camel case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} camel-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( 'IS_MOBILE' );\n* // returns 'isMobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'helloWorld'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = camelcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*/\nfunction camelcase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = camelcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to camel case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/camelcase\n*\n* @example\n* var camelcase = require( '@stdlib/string/camelcase' );\n*\n* var str = camelcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*\n* str = camelcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'fooBar'\n*\n* str = camelcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'helloWorld'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/capitalize' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Capitalizes the first character in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} capitalized string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'Last man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'Presidential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'javaScript' );\n* // returns 'JavaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = capitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasures'\n*/\nfunction capitalize( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = capitalize;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Capitalize the first character in a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/capitalize\n*\n* @example\n* var capitalize = require( '@stdlib/string/capitalize' );\n*\n* var out = capitalize( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'Last man standing'\n*\n* out = capitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasures';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/constantcase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to constant case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} constant-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'beep' );\n* // returns 'BEEP'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'beep boop' );\n* // returns 'BEEP_BOOP'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'IS_MOBILE'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = constantcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HELLO_WORLD'\n*/\nfunction constantcase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = constantcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to constant case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/constantcase\n*\n* @example\n* var constantcase = require( '@stdlib/string/constantcase' );\n*\n* var str = constantcase( 'aBcDeF' );\n* // returns 'ABCDEF'\n*\n* str = constantcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HELLO_WORLD'\n*\n* str = constantcase( 'I am a robot' );\n* // returns 'I_AM_A_ROBOT'\n*/\n\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/dotcase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to dot case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} dot-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = dotcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'foo.bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = dotcase( 'IS_MOBILE' );\n* // returns 'is.mobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = dotcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello.world'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = dotcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'foo.bar'\n*/\nfunction dotcase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = dotcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to dot case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/dotcase\n*\n* @example\n* var dotcase = require( '@stdlib/string/dotcase' );\n*\n* var str = dotcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'foo.bar'\n*\n* str = dotcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'foo.bar'\n*\n* str = dotcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello.world'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/ends-with' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Test if a string ends with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {integer} [len=str.length] - substring length\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be an integer\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if the input string ends with the search string\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'boy?' );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'Boy?' );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be' );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 19 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = endsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', -23 );\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction endsWith( str, search, len ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isInteger( len ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.', len ) );\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tlen = str.length;\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, search, len );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = endsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Test if a string ends with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/ends-with\n*\n* @example\n* var endsWith = require( '@stdlib/string/ends-with' );\n*\n* var str = 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air';\n*\n* var bool = endsWith( str, 'air' );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = endsWith( str, 'fair' );\n* // returns false\n*\n* bool = endsWith( str, 'fair', 30 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = endsWith( str, 'fair', -34 );\n* // returns true\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar contains = require( '@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains' ).factory;\nvar firstCodeUnit = require( './../../base/first' );\nvar firstCodePoint = require( './../../base/first-code-point' );\nvar firstGraphemeCluster = require( './../../base/first-grapheme-cluster' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar MODES = [ 'grapheme', 'code_point', 'code_unit' ];\nvar FCNS = {\n\t'grapheme': firstGraphemeCluster,\n\t'code_point': firstCodePoint,\n\t'code_unit': firstCodeUnit\n};\nvar isMode = contains( MODES );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the first character(s) of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} [n=1] - number of characters to return\n* @param {Options} [options] - options\n* @param {string} [options.mode=\"grapheme\"] - type of \"character\" to return (must be either `grapheme`, `code_point`, or `code_unit`)\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} options argument must be an object\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'p'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'javaScript' );\n* // returns 'j'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'H'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = first( 'foo bar', 5 );\n* // returns 'foo b'\n*/\nfunction first( str ) {\n\tvar options;\n\tvar nargs;\n\tvar opts;\n\tvar n;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {\n\t\t'mode': 'grapheme'\n\t};\n\tnargs = arguments.length;\n\tif ( nargs === 1 ) {\n\t\tn = 1;\n\t} else if ( nargs === 2 ) {\n\t\tn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( isPlainObject( n ) ) {\n\t\t\toptions = n;\n\t\t\tn = 1;\n\t\t} else if ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t\t}\n\t} else { // nargs > 2\n\t\tn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\toptions = arguments[ 2 ];\n\t\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( options ) {\n\t\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'mode' ) ) {\n\t\t\topts.mode = options.mode;\n\t\t\tif ( !isMode( opts.mode ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: \"%s\". Value: `%s`.', 'mode', MODES.join( '\", \"' ), opts.mode ) );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn FCNS[ opts.mode ]( str, n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = first;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the first character(s) of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/first\n*\n* @example\n* var first = require( '@stdlib/string/first' );\n*\n* var out = first( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'l'\n*\n* out = first( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'H';\n*\n* out = first( '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isFunction = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-function' );\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar contains = require( '@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains' ).factory;\nvar forEachCodeUnit = require( './../../base/for-each' );\nvar forEachCodePoint = require( './../../base/for-each-code-point' );\nvar forEachGraphemeCluster = require( './../../base/for-each-grapheme-cluster' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar MODES = [ 'grapheme', 'code_point', 'code_unit' ];\nvar FCNS = {\n\t'grapheme': forEachGraphemeCluster,\n\t'code_point': forEachCodePoint,\n\t'code_unit': forEachCodeUnit\n};\nvar isMode = contains( MODES );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Invokes a function for each character in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {Options} [options] - options\n* @param {string} [options.mode=\"grapheme\"] - type of \"character\" over which to iterate (must be either `grapheme`, `code_point`, or `code_unit`)\n* @param {Function} clbk - function to invoke\n* @param {*} [thisArg] - execution context\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} callback argument must be a function\n* @throws {TypeError} options argument must be an object\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @returns {string} input string\n*\n* @example\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\nfunction forEach( str, options, clbk ) {\n\tvar thisArg;\n\tvar nargs;\n\tvar opts;\n\tvar cb;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {\n\t\t'mode': 'grapheme'\n\t};\n\tnargs = arguments.length;\n\tif ( nargs === 2 ) {\n\t\tcb = options;\n\t\toptions = null;\n\t} else if ( nargs === 3 ) {\n\t\tif ( isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\t\tcb = clbk;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tcb = options;\n\t\t\toptions = null;\n\t\t\tthisArg = clbk;\n\t\t}\n\t} else { // nargs === 4\n\t\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tcb = clbk;\n\t\tthisArg = arguments[ 3 ];\n\t}\n\tif ( !isFunction( cb ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Callback argument must be a function. Value: `%s`.', cb ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( options ) {\n\t\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'mode' ) ) {\n\t\t\topts.mode = options.mode;\n\t\t\tif ( !isMode( opts.mode ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: \"%s\". Value: `%s`.', 'mode', MODES.join( '\", \"' ), opts.mode ) );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tFCNS[ opts.mode ]( str, cb, thisArg );\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = forEach;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Invoke a function for each character in a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/for-each\n*\n* @example\n* var forEach = require( '@stdlib/string/for-each' );\n*\n* function log( value, index ) {\n* console.log( '%d: %s', index, value );\n* }\n*\n* forEach( 'Hello', log );\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isCollection = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-collection' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar UNICODE_MAX = require( '@stdlib/constants/unicode/max' );\nvar UNICODE_MAX_BMP = require( '@stdlib/constants/unicode/max-bmp' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar fromCharCode = String.fromCharCode;\n\n// Factor to rescale a code point from a supplementary plane:\nvar Ox10000 = 0x10000|0; // 65536\n\n// Factor added to obtain a high surrogate:\nvar OxD800 = 0xD800|0; // 55296\n\n// Factor added to obtain a low surrogate:\nvar OxDC00 = 0xDC00|0; // 56320\n\n// 10-bit mask: 2^10-1 = 1023 => 0x3ff => 00000000 00000000 00000011 11111111\nvar Ox3FF = 1023|0;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Creates a string from a sequence of Unicode code points.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - UTF-16 encoding uses one 16-bit unit for non-surrogates (U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF).\n* - UTF-16 encoding uses two 16-bit units (surrogate pairs) for U+10000 to U+10FFFF and encodes U+10000-U+10FFFF by subtracting 0x10000 from the code point, expressing the result as a 20-bit binary, and splitting the 20 bits of 0x0-0xFFFFF as upper and lower 10-bits. The respective 10-bits are stored in two 16-bit words: a high and a low surrogate.\n*\n* @param {...NonNegativeInteger} args - sequence of code points\n* @throws {Error} must provide either an array-like object of code points or one or more code points as separate arguments\n* @throws {TypeError} a code point must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {RangeError} must provide a valid Unicode code point\n* @returns {string} created string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = fromCodePoint( 9731 );\n* // returns '\u2603'\n*/\nfunction fromCodePoint( args ) {\n\tvar len;\n\tvar str;\n\tvar arr;\n\tvar low;\n\tvar hi;\n\tvar pt;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tlen = arguments.length;\n\tif ( len === 1 && isCollection( args ) ) {\n\t\tarr = arguments[ 0 ];\n\t\tlen = arr.length;\n\t} else {\n\t\tarr = [];\n\t\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tarr.push( arguments[ i ] );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( len === 0 ) {\n\t\tthrow new Error( 'insufficient arguments. Must provide either an array of code points or one or more code points as separate arguments.' );\n\t}\n\tstr = '';\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tpt = arr[ i ];\n\t\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( pt ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide valid code points (i.e., nonnegative integers). Value: `%s`.', pt ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( pt > UNICODE_MAX ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new RangeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a valid code point (i.e., cannot exceed %u). Value: `%s`.', UNICODE_MAX, pt ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( pt <= UNICODE_MAX_BMP ) {\n\t\t\tstr += fromCharCode( pt );\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// Code point from a supplementary plane. Split into two 16-bit code units (surrogate pair).\n\t\t\tpt -= Ox10000;\n\t\t\thi = (pt >> 10) + OxD800;\n\t\t\tlow = (pt & Ox3FF) + OxDC00;\n\t\t\tstr += fromCharCode( hi, low );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = fromCodePoint;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Create a string from a sequence of Unicode code points.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/from-code-point\n*\n* @example\n* var fromCodePoint = require( '@stdlib/string/from-code-point' );\n*\n* var str = fromCodePoint( 9731 );\n* // returns '\u2603'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/headercase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to HTTP header case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} HTTP header-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( 'IS_MOBILE' );\n* // returns 'Is-Mobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'Hello-World'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = headercase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*/\nfunction headercase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = headercase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to HTTP header case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/headercase\n*\n* @example\n* var headercase = require( '@stdlib/string/headercase' );\n*\n* var str = headercase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*\n* str = headercase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'Foo-Bar'\n*\n* str = headercase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'Hello-World'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/kebabcase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to kebab case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} kebab-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello-world'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'foo-bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'I am a tiny little teapot' );\n* // returns 'i-am-a-tiny-little-teapot'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'BEEP boop' );\n* // returns 'beep-boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = kebabCase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'is-mobile'\n*/\nfunction kebabCase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = kebabCase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to kebab case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/kebabcase\n*\n* @example\n* var kebabcase = require( '@stdlib/string/kebabcase' );\n*\n* var str = kebabcase( 'Foo Bar' );\n* // returns 'foo-bar'\n*\n* str = kebabcase( 'I am a tiny little house' );\n* // returns 'i-am-a-tiny-little-house'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar FLOAT64_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = require( '@stdlib/constants/float64/max-safe-integer' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/left-pad' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Left pads a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to pad\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} len - minimum string length\n* @param {string} [pad=' '] - string used to pad\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string\n* @throws {RangeError} padding must have a length greater than `0`\n* @returns {string} padded string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lpad( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns ' a'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lpad( 'beep', 10, 'b' );\n* // returns 'bbbbbbbeep'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lpad( 'boop', 12, 'beep' );\n* // returns 'beepbeepboop'\n*/\nfunction lpad( str, len, pad ) {\n\tvar p;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( len ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tp = pad;\n\t\tif ( !isString( p ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', p ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( p.length === 0 ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new RangeError( 'invalid argument. Third argument must not be an empty string.' );\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tp = ' ';\n\t}\n\tif ( len > FLOAT64_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ) {\n\t\tthrow new RangeError( format( 'invalid argument. Output string length exceeds maximum allowed string length. Value: `%u`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, len, p );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = lpad;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Left pad a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/left-pad\n*\n* @example\n* var lpad = require( '@stdlib/string/left-pad' );\n*\n* var str = lpad( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns ' a'\n*\n* str = lpad( 'beep', 10, 'b' );\n* // returns 'bbbbbbbeep'\n*\n* str = lpad( 'boop', 12, 'beep' );\n* // returns 'beepbeepboop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/left-trim' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace characters from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace '\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs\\t\\t\\t'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = ltrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines\\n\\n\\n'\n*/\nfunction ltrim( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ltrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim whitespace characters from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/left-trim\n*\n* @example\n* var ltrim = require( '@stdlib/string/left-trim' );\n*\n* var out = ltrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace '\n*\n* out = ltrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs\\t\\t\\t'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Splits a string by its grapheme cluster breaks.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string primitive\n* @returns {StringArray} array of grapheme clusters\n*\n* @example\n* var out = splitGraphemeClusters( 'caf\u00E9' );\n* // returns [ 'c', 'a', 'f', '\u00E9' ]\n*\n* @example\n* var out = splitGraphemeClusters( '\uD83C\uDF55\uD83C\uDF55\uD83C\uDF55' );\n* // returns [ '\uD83C\uDF55', '\uD83C\uDF55', '\uD83C\uDF55' ]\n*/\nfunction splitGraphemeClusters( str ) {\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar brk;\n\tvar out;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tidx = 0;\n\tout = [];\n\tif ( str.length === 0 ) {\n\t\treturn out;\n\t}\n\tbrk = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, idx );\n\twhile ( brk !== -1 ) {\n\t\tout.push( str.substring( idx, brk ) );\n\t\tidx = brk;\n\t\tbrk = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, idx );\n\t}\n\tout.push( str.substring( idx ) );\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = splitGraphemeClusters;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Split a string by its grapheme cluster breaks.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/split-grapheme-clusters\n*\n* @example\n* var splitGraphemeClusters = require( '@stdlib/string/split-grapheme-clusters' );\n*\n* var out = splitGraphemeClusters( 'caf\u00E9' );\n* // returns [ 'c', 'a', 'f', '\u00E9' ]\n*\n* out = splitGraphemeClusters( '\uD83C\uDF55\uD83C\uDF55\uD83C\uDF55' );\n* // returns [ '\uD83C\uDF55', '\uD83C\uDF55', '\uD83C\uDF55' ]\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar splitGraphemeClusters = require( './../../split-grapheme-clusters' );\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isStringArray = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string-array' ).primitives;\nvar replace = require( './../../replace' );\nvar rescape = require( '@stdlib/utils/escape-regexp-string' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar WHITESPACE_CHARS = '\\u0020\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff';\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims `n` characters from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of characters to trim\n* @param {(string|StringArray)} [chars] - characters to trim (defaults to whitespace characters)\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string or an array of strings\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = ' abc ';\n* var out = ltrimN( str, 2 );\n* // returns ' abc '\n*\n* @example\n* var str = ' abc ';\n* var out = ltrimN( str, str.length );\n* // returns 'abc '\n*\n* @example\n* var str = '~~abc!~~';\n* var out = ltrimN( str, str.length, [ '~', '!' ] );\n* // returns 'abc!~~'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = '\uD83E\uDD16\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8\uD83E\uDD16\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8\uD83E\uDD16\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8';\n* var out = ltrimN( str, str.length, '\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8\uD83E\uDD16' );\n* // returns ''\n*/\nfunction ltrimN( str, n, chars ) {\n\tvar nElems;\n\tvar reStr;\n\tvar isStr;\n\tvar RE;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tisStr = isString( chars );\n\t\tif ( !isStr && !isStringArray( chars ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a string or an array of strings. Value: `%s`.', chars ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( isStr ) {\n\t\t\tchars = splitGraphemeClusters( chars );\n\t\t}\n\t\tnElems = chars.length - 1;\n\t\treStr = '';\n\t\tfor ( i = 0; i < nElems; i++ ) {\n\t\t\treStr += rescape( chars[ i ] );\n\t\t\treStr += '|';\n\t\t}\n\t\treStr += rescape( chars[ nElems ] );\n\n\t\t// Case: Trim a specific set of characters from the beginning of a string..\n\t\tRE = new RegExp( '^(?:' + reStr + '){0,'+n+'}' );\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Case: Trim `n` whitespace characters from the beginning of a string...\n\t\tRE = new RegExp( '^[' + WHITESPACE_CHARS + ']{0,'+n+'}' );\n\t}\n\treturn replace( str, RE, '' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = ltrimN;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim `n` characters from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/left-trim-n\n*\n* @example\n* var ltrimN = require( '@stdlib/string/left-trim-n' );\n*\n* var str = 'foo ';\n* var out = ltrimN( str, str.length );\n* // returns 'foo '\n*\n* str = '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36 Animals \uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36';\n* out = ltrimN( str, 4, [ '\uD83D\uDC36', ' ' ] );\n* // returns 'Animals \uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/lowercase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to lowercase.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} lowercase string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = lowercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*/\nfunction lowercase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = lowercase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to lowercase.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/lowercase\n*\n* @example\n* var lowercase = require( '@stdlib/string/lowercase' );\n*\n* var str = lowercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE = /[\\uDC00-\\uDFFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\nvar RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE = /[\\uD800-\\uDBFF]/; // TODO: replace with stdlib pkg\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the position of the next Unicode code point in a string after a specified position.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} [fromIndex=0] - position\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be an integer\n* @returns {integer} position of the next Unicode code point\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextCodePointIndex( 'last man standing', 4 );\n* // returns 5\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextCodePointIndex( 'presidential election', 8 );\n* // returns 9\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextCodePointIndex( '\uD801\uDCBB\uD801\uDCDF\uD801\uDCBB\uD801\uDCDF', 0 );\n* // returns 2\n*\n* @example\n* var out = nextCodePointIndex( '\uD83C\uDF37' );\n* // returns -1\n*/\nfunction nextCodePointIndex( str, fromIndex ) {\n\tvar lastIndex;\n\tvar len;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar i;\n\tvar j;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isInteger( fromIndex ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.', fromIndex ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tidx = fromIndex;\n\t} else {\n\t\tidx = 0;\n\t}\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tif ( idx < 0 ) {\n\t\tidx += len;\n\t\tif ( idx < 0 ) {\n\t\t\tidx = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tlastIndex = len - 1;\n\tif ( idx >= lastIndex ) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\n\t// Check for a high UTF-16 surrogate...\n\ti = idx + 1;\n\tj = i + 1;\n\tif ( RE_UTF16_HIGH_SURROGATE.test( str[ idx ] ) ) {\n\t\t// Check whether the high surrogate is paired with a low surrogate...\n\t\tif ( RE_UTF16_LOW_SURROGATE.test( str[ i ] ) ) {\n\t\t\t// We found a surrogate pair:\n\t\t\treturn ( j >= lastIndex ) ? -1 : j;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn i;\n\t}\n\treturn i;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = nextCodePointIndex;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the position of the next Unicode code point in a string after a specified position.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/next-code-point-index\n*\n* @example\n* var nextCodePointIndex = require( '@stdlib/string/next-code-point-index' );\n*\n* var out = nextCodePointIndex( '\uD801\uDCBB\uD801\uDCDF\uD801\uDCBB\uD801\uDCDF', 0 );\n* // returns 2\n*\n* out = nextCodePointIndex( '\uD83C\uDF37', 0 );\n* // returns -1\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "[\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e0, \"EN\": \"zero\", \"DE\": \"null\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e1, \"EN\": \"ten\", \"DE\": \"zehn\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e2, \"EN\": \"hundred\", \"DE\": \"hundert\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e3, \"EN\": \"thousand\", \"DE\": \"tausend\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e6, \"EN\": \"million\", \"DE\": \"Million\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e9, \"EN\": \"billion\", \"DE\": \"Milliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e12, \"EN\": \"trillion\", \"DE\": \"Billion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e15, \"EN\": \"quadrillion\", \"DE\": \"Billiarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e18, \"EN\": \"quintillion\", \"DE\": \"Trillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e21, \"EN\": \"sextillion\", \"DE\": \"Trilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e24, \"EN\": \"septillion\", \"DE\": \"Quadrillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e27, \"EN\": \"octillion\", \"DE\": \"Quadrilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e30, \"EN\": \"nonillion\", \"DE\": \"Quintillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e33, \"EN\": \"decillion\", \"DE\": \"Quintilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e36, \"EN\": \"undecillion\", \"DE\": \"Sextillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e39, \"EN\": \"duodecillion\", \"DE\": \"Sextilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e42, \"EN\": \"tredecillion\", \"DE\": \"Septillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e45, \"EN\": \"quattuordecillion\", \"DE\": \"Septilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e48, \"EN\": \"quindecillion\", \"DE\": \"Octillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e51, \"EN\": \"sedecillion\", \"DE\": \"Octilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e54, \"EN\": \"septendecillion\", \"DE\": \"Nonillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e57, \"EN\": \"octodecillion\", \"DE\": \"Nonilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e60, \"EN\": \"novendecillion\", \"DE\": \"Decillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e63, \"EN\": \"vigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Decilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e66, \"EN\": \"unvigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Undecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e69, \"EN\": \"duovigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Undecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e72, \"EN\": \"tresvigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Duodecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e75, \"EN\": \"quattuorvigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Duodecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e78, \"EN\": \"quinquavigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Tredecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e81, \"EN\": \"sesvigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Tredecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e84, \"EN\": \"septemvigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quattuordecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e87, \"EN\": \"octovigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quattuordecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e90, \"EN\": \"novemvigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quindecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e93, \"EN\": \"trigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quindecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e96, \"EN\": \"untrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Sedecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e99, \"EN\": \"duotrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Sedecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e102, \"EN\": \"trestrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Septendecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e105, \"EN\": \"quattuortrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Septendecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e108, \"EN\": \"quinquatrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Octodecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e111, \"EN\": \"sestrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Octodecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e114, \"EN\": \"septentrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Novendecillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e117, \"EN\": \"octotrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Novendecilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e120, \"EN\": \"noventrigintillion\", \"DE\": \"Vigintillion\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e123, \"EN\": \"quadragintillion\", \"DE\": \"Vigintilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e153, \"EN\": \"quinquagintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quinvigintilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e183, \"EN\": \"sexagintillion\", \"DE\": \"Trigintilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e213, \"EN\": \"septuagintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quintrigintilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e243, \"EN\": \"octogintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quadragintilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e273, \"EN\": \"nonagintillion\", \"DE\": \"Quin\u00ADquadra\u00ADgint\u00ADilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e303, \"EN\": \"centillion\", \"DE\": \"Quinquagintilliarde\" },\n\t{ \"VAL\": 1e306, \"EN\": \"uncentillion\", \"DE\": \"Unquinquagintillione\" }\n]\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar floor = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/floor' );\nvar endsWith = require( './../../base/ends-with' );\nvar UNITS = require( './units.json' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar ONES = [ 'null', 'eins', 'zwei', 'drei', 'vier', 'f\u00FCnf', 'sechs', 'sieben', 'acht', 'neun', 'zehn', 'elf', 'zw\u00F6lf', 'dreizehn', 'vierzehn', 'f\u00FCnfzehn', 'sechzehn', 'siebzehn', 'achtzehn', 'neunzehn' ];\nvar TENS = [ 'null', 'zehn', 'zwanzig', 'drei\u00DFig', 'vierzig', 'f\u00FCnfzig', 'sechzig', 'siebzig', 'achtzig', 'neunzig' ];\n\n\n// FUNCTIONS //\n\n/**\n* Pluralizes a word by adding a 'n' or 'en' suffix.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} word - word to pluralize\n* @returns {string} pluralized word\n*/\nfunction pluralize( word ) {\n\tif ( endsWith( word, 'e' ) ) {\n\t\treturn word + 'n';\n\t}\n\treturn word + 'en';\n}\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a number to a word representation in German.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {number} num - number to convert\n* @param {string} out - output string\n* @returns {string} word representation\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsDE( 1243, '' );\n* // returns 'eintausendzweihundertdreiundvierzig'\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsDE( 387, '' );\n* // returns 'dreihundertsiebenundachtzig'\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsDE( 100, '' );\n* // returns 'einhundert'\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsDE( 1421, '' );\n* // returns 'eintausendvierhunderteinundzwanzig'\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsDE( 100381, '' );\n* // returns 'einhunderttausenddreihunderteinundachtzig'\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsDE( -13, '' );\n* // returns 'minus dreizehn'\n*/\nfunction int2wordsDE( num, out ) {\n\tvar word;\n\tvar rem;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( num === 0 ) {\n\t\t// Case: We have reached the end of the number and the number is zero.\n\t\treturn out || 'null';\n\t}\n\tif ( num < 0 ) {\n\t\tout += 'minus ';\n\t\tnum *= -1;\n\t}\n\tif ( num < 20 ) {\n\t\trem = 0;\n\t\tif ( num === 1 && out.length === 0 ) {\n\t\t\tword = 'ein';\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\tword = ONES[ num ];\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse if ( num < 100 ) {\n\t\trem = num % 10;\n\t\tword = TENS[ floor( num / 10 ) ];\n\t\tif ( rem ) {\n\t\t\tword = ( ( rem === 1 ) ? 'ein' : ONES[ rem ] ) + 'und' + word;\n\t\t\trem = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse if ( num < 1e3 ) {\n\t\trem = num % 100;\n\t\tword = int2wordsDE( floor( num / 100 ), '' ) + 'hundert';\n\t}\n\telse if ( num < 1e6 ) {\n\t\trem = num % 1e3;\n\t\tword = int2wordsDE( floor( num / 1e3 ), '' ) + 'tausend';\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tfor ( i = 5; i < UNITS.length; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tif ( num < UNITS[ i ].VAL ) {\n\t\t\t\trem = num % UNITS[ i-1 ].VAL;\n\t\t\t\tif ( floor( num / UNITS[ i-1 ].VAL ) === 1 ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tword = 'eine ' + UNITS[ i-1 ].DE;\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tword = int2wordsDE( floor( num / UNITS[ i-1 ].VAL ), '' ) + ' ' + pluralize( UNITS[ i-1 ].DE );\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tif ( rem ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tword += ' ';\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tout += word;\n\treturn int2wordsDE( rem, out );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = int2wordsDE;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar floor = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/floor' );\nvar UNITS = require( './units.json' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar ONES = [ 'zero', 'one', 'two', 'three', 'four', 'five', 'six', 'seven', 'eight', 'nine', 'ten', 'eleven', 'twelve', 'thirteen', 'fourteen', 'fifteen', 'sixteen', 'seventeen', 'eighteen', 'nineteen' ];\nvar TENS = [ 'zero', 'ten', 'twenty', 'thirty', 'forty', 'fifty', 'sixty', 'seventy', 'eighty', 'ninety' ];\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a number to a word representation in English.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {number} num - number to convert\n* @param {string} out - output string\n* @returns {string} word representation\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsEN( 1234, '' );\n* // returns 'one thousand two hundred thirty-four'\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsEN( -129, '' );\n* // returns 'minus one hundred twenty-nine'\n*\n* @example\n* var words = int2wordsEN( 0, '' );\n* // returns 'zero'\n*/\nfunction int2wordsEN( num, out ) {\n\tvar word;\n\tvar rem;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( num === 0 ) {\n\t\t// Case: We have reached the end of the number and the number is zero.\n\t\treturn out || 'zero';\n\t}\n\tif ( num < 0 ) {\n\t\tout += 'minus';\n\t\tnum *= -1;\n\t}\n\tif ( num < 20 ) {\n\t\trem = 0;\n\t\tword = ONES[ num ];\n\t}\n\telse if ( num < 100 ) {\n\t\trem = num % 10;\n\t\tword = TENS[ floor( num / 10 ) ];\n\t\tif ( rem > 0 ) {\n\t\t\tword += '-' + ONES[ rem ];\n\t\t\trem = 0;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\telse {\n\t\tfor ( i = 3; i < UNITS.length - 1; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tif ( num < UNITS[ i ].VAL ) {\n\t\t\t\trem = num % UNITS[ i-1 ].VAL;\n\t\t\t\tword = int2wordsEN( floor( num / UNITS[ i-1 ].VAL ), '' ) + ' ' + UNITS[ i-1 ].EN;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( i === UNITS.length - 1 ) {\n\t\t\trem = num % UNITS[ i-1 ].VAL;\n\t\t\tword = int2wordsEN( floor( num / UNITS[ i-1 ].VAL ), '' ) + ' ' + UNITS[ i-1 ].EN;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( out.length > 0 ) {\n\t\tout += ' ';\n\t}\n\tout += word;\n\treturn int2wordsEN( rem, out );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = int2wordsEN;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar indexOf = require( '@stdlib/utils/index-of' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar LANGUAGE_CODES = [ 'en', 'de' ];\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Validates function options.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Object} opts - destination object\n* @param {Options} options - options to validate\n* @param {string} [options.lang] - language code\n* @returns {(null|Error)} error object or null\n*\n* @example\n* var opts = {};\n* var options = {\n* 'lang': 'es'\n* };\n* var err = validate( opts, options );\n* if ( err ) {\n* throw err;\n* }\n*/\nfunction validate( opts, options ) {\n\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'lang' ) ) {\n\t\topts.lang = options.lang;\n\t\tif ( indexOf( LANGUAGE_CODES, opts.lang ) === -1 ) {\n\t\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: \"%s\". Value: `%s`.', 'lang', LANGUAGE_CODES.join( '\", \"' ), opts.lang ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = validate;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Processes a string of decimal numbers and applies a function mapping decimal numbers to words to each character.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {string} x - string of decimal numbers\n* @param {Function} fcn - function mapping decimal numbers to words\n* @returns {string} string of words\n*/\nfunction decimals( x, fcn ) {\n\tvar out;\n\tvar len;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tlen = x.length;\n\tout = '';\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {\n\t\tout += fcn( x[ i ], '' );\n\t\tif ( i < len-1 ) {\n\t\t\tout += ' ';\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = decimals;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNumber = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-number' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isfinite = require( '@stdlib/math/base/assert/is-finite' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar int2wordsDE = require( './int2words_de.js' );\nvar int2wordsEN = require( './int2words_en.js' );\nvar validate = require( './validate.js' );\nvar decimals = require( './decimals.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a number to a word representation.\n*\n* @param {number} num - number to convert\n* @param {Object} [options] - options\n* @param {string} [options.lang='en'] - language code\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @returns {string} word representation of number\n*\n* @example\n* var out = num2words( 12 );\n* // returns 'twelve'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = num2words( 21.8 );\n* // returns 'twenty-one point eight'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = num2words( 1234 );\n* // returns 'one thousand two hundred thirty-four'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = num2words( 100381 );\n* // returns 'one hundred thousand three hundred eighty-one'\n*/\nfunction num2words( num, options ) {\n\tvar parts;\n\tvar opts;\n\tvar err;\n\n\tif ( !isNumber( num ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a number. Value: `%s`.', num ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {};\n\tif ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n\t\terr = validate( opts, options );\n\t\tif ( err ) {\n\t\t\tthrow err;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( isInteger( num ) ) {\n\t\tswitch ( opts.lang ) {\n\t\tcase 'de':\n\t\t\treturn int2wordsDE( num, '' );\n\t\tcase 'en':\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\treturn int2wordsEN( num, '' );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( !isfinite( num ) ) {\n\t\tswitch ( opts.lang ) {\n\t\tcase 'de':\n\t\t\treturn ( num < 0 ) ? 'minus unendlich' : 'unendlich';\n\t\tcase 'en':\n\t\tdefault:\n\t\t\treturn ( num < 0 ) ? 'negative infinity' : 'infinity';\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tparts = num.toString().split( '.' );\n\tswitch ( opts.lang ) {\n\tcase 'de':\n\t\treturn int2wordsDE( parts[ 0 ], '' ) + ' Komma ' + decimals( parts[ 1 ], int2wordsDE );\n\tcase 'en':\n\tdefault:\n\t\treturn int2wordsEN( parts[ 0 ], '' ) + ' point ' + decimals( parts[ 1 ], int2wordsEN );\n\t}\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = num2words;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a number to a word representation.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/num2words\n*\n* @example\n* var num2words = require( '@stdlib/string/num2words' );\n*\n* var out = num2words( 29 );\n* // returns 'twenty-nine'\n*\n* out = num2words( 13072 );\n* // returns 'thirteen thousand seventy-two'\n*\n* out = num2words( 183, { 'lang': 'de' } );\n* // returns 'einhundertdreiundachtzig'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/repeat' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Repeats a string a specified number of times and returns the concatenated result.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to repeat\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of times to repeat the string\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {RangeError} output string length must not exceed maximum allowed string length\n* @returns {string} repeated string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'aaaaa'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( '', 100 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var str = repeat( 'beep', 0 );\n* // returns ''\n*/\nfunction repeat( str, n ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = repeat;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Repeat a string a specified number of times and return the concatenated result.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/repeat\n*\n* @example\n* var replace = require( '@stdlib/string/repeat' );\n*\n* var str = repeat( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'aaaaa'\n*\n* str = repeat( '', 100 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* str = repeat( 'beep', 0 );\n* // returns ''\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar FLOAT64_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = require( '@stdlib/constants/float64/max-safe-integer' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/right-pad' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Right pads a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to pad\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} len - minimum string length\n* @param {string} [pad=' '] - string used to pad\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string\n* @throws {RangeError} padding must have a length greater than `0`\n* @returns {string} padded string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = rpad( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'a '\n*\n* @example\n* var str = rpad( 'beep', 10, 'p' );\n* // returns 'beeppppppp'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = rpad( 'beep', 12, 'boop' );\n* // returns 'beepboopboop'\n*/\nfunction rpad( str, len, pad ) {\n\tvar p;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( len ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tp = pad;\n\t\tif ( !isString( p ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', p ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( p.length === 0 ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new RangeError( 'invalid argument. Pad string must not be an empty string.' );\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\tp = ' ';\n\t}\n\tif ( len > FLOAT64_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ) {\n\t\tthrow new RangeError( format( 'invalid argument. Output string length exceeds maximum allowed string length. Value: `%u`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, len, p );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rpad;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Right pad a string such that the padded string has a length of at least `len`.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/right-pad\n*\n* @example\n* var rpad = require( '@stdlib/string/right-pad' );\n*\n* var str = rpad( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'a '\n*\n* str = rpad( 'beep', 10, 'p' );\n* // returns 'beeppppppp'\n*\n* str = rpad( 'beep', 12, 'boop' );\n* // returns 'beepboopboop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isBoolean = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-boolean' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Validates function options.\n*\n* @private\n* @param {Object} opts - destination object\n* @param {Options} options - options to validate\n* @param {string} [options.lpad] - string used to left pad\n* @param {string} [options.rpad] - string used to right pad\n* @param {boolean} [options.centerRight] - boolean indicating whether to center right in the event of a tie\n* @returns {(null|Error)} error object or null\n*\n* @example\n* var opts = {};\n* var options = {\n* 'lpad': 'a',\n* 'rpad': 'b'\n* };\n* var err = validate( opts, options );\n* if ( err ) {\n* throw err;\n* }\n*/\nfunction validate( opts, options ) {\n\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'lpad' ) ) {\n\t\topts.lpad = options.lpad;\n\t\tif ( !isString( opts.lpad ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be a string. Option: `%s`.', 'lpad', opts.lpad ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'rpad' ) ) {\n\t\topts.rpad = options.rpad;\n\t\tif ( !isString( opts.rpad ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be a string. Option: `%s`.', 'rpad', opts.rpad ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'centerRight' ) ) {\n\t\topts.centerRight = options.centerRight;\n\t\tif ( !isBoolean( opts.centerRight ) ) {\n\t\t\treturn new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be a boolean. Option: `%s`.', 'centerRight', opts.centerRight ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn null;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = validate;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar repeat = require( './../../repeat' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar floor = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/floor' );\nvar ceil = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/ceil' );\nvar lpad = require( './../../left-pad' );\nvar rpad = require( './../../right-pad' );\nvar abs = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/abs' );\nvar FLOAT64_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = require( '@stdlib/constants/float64/max-safe-integer' );\nvar validate = require( './validate.js' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Pads a string such that the padded string has a length of `len`.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to pad\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} len - string length\n* @param {Options} [options] - function options\n* @param {string} [options.lpad=''] - string used to left pad\n* @param {string} [options.rpad=' '] - string used to right pad\n* @param {boolean} [options.centerRight=false] - boolean indicating whether to center right in the event of a tie\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} options argument must be an object\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @throws {RangeError} at least one padding must have a length greater than `0`\n* @returns {string} padded string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = pad( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'a '\n*\n* @example\n* var str = pad( 'a', 10, {\n* 'lpad': 'b'\n* });\n* // returns 'bbbbbbbbba'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = pad( 'a', 12, {\n* 'rpad': 'b'\n* });\n* // returns 'abbbbbbbbbbb'\n*\n* @example\n* var opts = {\n* 'lpad': 'a',\n* 'rpad': 'c'\n* };\n* var str = pad( 'b', 10, opts );\n* // returns 'aaaabccccc'\n*\n* @example\n* var opts = {\n* 'lpad': 'a',\n* 'rpad': 'c',\n* 'centerRight': true\n* };\n* var str = pad( 'b', 10, opts );\n* // returns 'aaaaabcccc'\n*/\nfunction pad( str, len, options ) {\n\tvar nright;\n\tvar nleft;\n\tvar isodd;\n\tvar right;\n\tvar left;\n\tvar opts;\n\tvar err;\n\tvar tmp;\n\tvar n;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( len ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( len > FLOAT64_MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ) {\n\t\tthrow new RangeError( format( 'invalid argument. Output string length exceeds maximum allowed string length. Value: `%u`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {};\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\terr = validate( opts, options );\n\t\tif ( err ) {\n\t\t\tthrow err;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( opts.lpad && opts.rpad ) {\n\t\tn = ( len-str.length ) / 2;\n\t\tif ( n === 0 ) {\n\t\t\treturn str;\n\t\t}\n\t\ttmp = floor( n );\n\t\tif ( tmp !== n ) {\n\t\t\tisodd = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( n < 0 ) {\n\t\t\tn = floor( abs( n ) );\n\t\t\tnleft = n;\n\t\t\tnright = str.length - n;\n\n\t\t\t// If |len-str.length| is an odd number, take away an additional character from one side...\n\t\t\tif ( isodd ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( opts.centerRight ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tnright -= 1;\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\tnleft += 1;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn str.substring( nleft, nright );\n\t\t}\n\t\tnleft = ceil( n / opts.lpad.length );\n\t\tleft = repeat( opts.lpad, nleft );\n\n\t\tnright = ceil( n / opts.rpad.length );\n\t\tright = repeat( opts.rpad, nright );\n\n\t\t// If (len-str.length) is an odd number, give one side one extra character...\n\t\tn = tmp;\n\t\tnleft = n;\n\t\tnright = n;\n\t\tif ( isodd ) {\n\t\t\tif ( opts.centerRight ) {\n\t\t\t\tnleft += 1;\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\tnright += 1;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tleft = left.substring( 0, nleft );\n\t\tright = right.substring( 0, nright );\n\t\treturn left + str + right;\n\t}\n\tif ( opts.lpad ) {\n\t\ttmp = lpad( str, len, opts.lpad );\n\t\treturn tmp.substring( tmp.length-len );\n\t}\n\tif ( opts.rpad ) {\n\t\treturn ( rpad( str, len, opts.rpad ) ).substring( 0, len );\n\t}\n\tif ( opts.rpad === void 0 ) {\n\t\treturn ( rpad( str, len, ' ' ) ).substring( 0, len );\n\t}\n\tthrow new RangeError( format( 'invalid argument. At least one padding option must have a length greater than 0. Left padding: `%s`. Right padding: `%s`.', opts.lpad, opts.rpad ) );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = pad;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Pad a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/pad\n*\n* @example\n* var pad = require( '@stdlib/string/pad' );\n*\n* var str = pad( 'a', 5 );\n* // returns 'a '\n*\n* str = pad( 'a', 10, {\n* 'lpad': 'b'\n* });\n* // returns 'bbbbbbbbba'\n*\n* str = pad( 'a', 12, {\n* 'rpad': 'b'\n* });\n* // returns 'abbbbbbbbbbb'\n*\n* var opts = {\n* 'lpad': 'a',\n* 'rpad': 'c'\n* };\n* str = pad( 'b', 10, opts );\n* // returns 'aaaabccccc'\n*\n* opts = {\n* 'lpad': 'a',\n* 'rpad': 'c',\n* 'centerRight': true\n* };\n* str = pad( 'b', 10, opts );\n* // returns 'aaaaabcccc'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/pascalcase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to Pascal case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} Pascal-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( 'IS_MOBILE' );\n* // returns 'IsMobile'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HelloWorld'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = pascalcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*/\nfunction pascalcase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = pascalcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to Pascal case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/pascalcase\n*\n* @example\n* var pascalcase = require( '@stdlib/string/pascalcase' );\n*\n* var str = pascalcase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*\n* str = pascalcase( '--foo-bar--' );\n* // returns 'FooBar'\n*\n* str = pascalcase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'HelloWorld'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/percent-encode' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Percent-encodes a UTF-16 encoded string according to [RFC 3986][1].\n*\n* [1]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.1\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to percent-encode\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} percent-encoded string\n*\n* @example\n* var str1 = 'Ladies + Gentlemen';\n*\n* var str2 = percentEncode( str1 );\n* // returns 'Ladies%20%2B%20Gentlemen'\n*/\nfunction percentEncode( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = percentEncode;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Percent-encode a UTF-16 encoded string according to RFC 3986.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/percent-encode\n*\n* @example\n* var percentEncode = require( '@stdlib/string/percent-encode' );\n*\n* var str1 = 'Ladies + Gentlemen';\n*\n* var str2 = percentEncode( str1 );\n* // returns 'Ladies%20%2B%20Gentlemen'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' );\nvar codePointAt = require( './../../code-point-at' );\nvar hasUTF16SurrogatePairAt = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-utf16-surrogate-pair-at' );\nvar grapheme = require( './../../tools/grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar breakType = grapheme.breakType;\nvar breakProperty = grapheme.breakProperty;\nvar emojiProperty = grapheme.emojiProperty;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the previous extended grapheme cluster break in a string before a specified position.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} [fromIndex=str.length-1] - position\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be an integer\n* @returns {NonNegativeInteger} previous grapheme break position\n*\n* @example\n* var out = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( 'last man standing', 4 );\n* // returns 3\n*\n* @example\n* var out = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( 'presidential election', 8 );\n* // returns 7\n*\n* @example\n* var out = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 2 );\n* // returns 0\n*\n* @example\n* var out = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( '\uD83C\uDF37', 1 );\n* // returns -1\n*/\nfunction prevGraphemeClusterBreak( str, fromIndex ) {\n\tvar breaks;\n\tvar emoji;\n\tvar ans;\n\tvar len;\n\tvar idx;\n\tvar cp;\n\tvar i;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tlen = str.length;\n\tif ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isInteger( fromIndex ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.', fromIndex ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tidx = fromIndex;\n\t} else {\n\t\tidx = len - 1;\n\t}\n\tif ( len === 0 || idx <= 0 ) {\n\t\treturn -1;\n\t}\n\tif ( idx >= len ) {\n\t\tidx = len - 1;\n\t}\n\n\t// Initialize caches for storing grapheme break and emoji properties:\n\tbreaks = [];\n\temoji = [];\n\n\t// Get the code point for the starting index:\n\tcp = codePointAt( str, 0 );\n\n\t// Get the corresponding grapheme break and emoji properties:\n\tbreaks.push( breakProperty( cp ) );\n\temoji.push( emojiProperty( cp ) );\n\n\tans = -1;\n\tfor ( i = 1; i <= idx; i++ ) {\n\t\t// If the current character is part of a surrogate pair, move along...\n\t\tif ( hasUTF16SurrogatePairAt( str, i-1 ) ) {\n\t\t\tans = i-2;\n\t\t\tbreaks.length = 0;\n\t\t\temoji.length = 0;\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t\tcp = codePointAt( str, i );\n\n\t\t// Get the corresponding grapheme break and emoji properties:\n\t\tbreaks.push( breakProperty( cp ) );\n\t\temoji.push( emojiProperty( cp ) );\n\n\t\t// Determine if we've encountered a grapheme cluster break...\n\t\tif ( breakType( breaks, emoji ) > 0 ) {\n\t\t\tans = i-1;\n\t\t\tbreaks.length = 0;\n\t\t\temoji.length = 0;\n\t\t\tcontinue;\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn ans;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = prevGraphemeClusterBreak;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the prev extended grapheme cluster break in a string before a specified position.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/prev-grapheme-cluster-break\n*\n* @example\n* var prevGraphemeClusterBreak = require( '@stdlib/string/prev-grapheme-cluster-break' );\n*\n* var out = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( '\u0905\u0928\u0941\u091A\u094D\u091B\u0947\u0926', 2 );\n* // returns 0\n*\n* out = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( '\uD83C\uDF37', 1 );\n* // returns -1\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar contains = require( '@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains' ).factory;\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar removeFirstCodeUnit = require( './../../base/remove-first' );\nvar removeFirstCodePoint = require( './../../base/remove-first-code-point' );\nvar removeFirstGraphemeCluster = require( './../../base/remove-first-grapheme-cluster' ); // eslint-disable-line id-length\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar MODES = [ 'grapheme', 'code_point', 'code_unit' ];\nvar FCNS = {\n\t'grapheme': removeFirstGraphemeCluster,\n\t'code_point': removeFirstCodePoint,\n\t'code_unit': removeFirstCodeUnit\n};\nvar isMode = contains( MODES );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the first character(s) of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} [n=1] - number of characters to remove\n* @param {Options} [options] - options\n* @param {string} [options.mode=\"grapheme\"] - type of \"character\" to return (must be either `grapheme`, `code_point`, or `code_unit`)\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string primitive\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} options argument must be an object\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @returns {string} updated string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'residential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'JavaScript' );\n* // returns 'avaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC30\uD83D\uDC38'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeFirst( 'foo bar', 4 );\n* // returns 'bar'\n*/\nfunction removeFirst( str ) {\n\tvar options;\n\tvar nargs;\n\tvar opts;\n\tvar n;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {\n\t\t'mode': 'grapheme'\n\t};\n\tnargs = arguments.length;\n\tif ( nargs === 1 ) {\n\t\tn = 1;\n\t} else if ( nargs === 2 ) {\n\t\tn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( isPlainObject( n ) ) {\n\t\t\toptions = n;\n\t\t\tn = 1;\n\t\t} else if ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t\t}\n\t} else { // nargs > 2\n\t\tn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\toptions = arguments[ 2 ];\n\t\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( options ) {\n\t\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'mode' ) ) {\n\t\t\topts.mode = options.mode;\n\t\t\tif ( !isMode( opts.mode ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: \"%s\". Value: `%s`.', 'mode', MODES.join( '\", \"' ), opts.mode ) );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn FCNS[ opts.mode ]( str, n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeFirst;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the first character(s) of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/remove-first\n*\n* @example\n* var removeFirst = require( '@stdlib/string/remove-first' );\n*\n* var out = removeFirst( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'ast man standing'\n*\n* out = removeFirst( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'idden Treasures';\n*\n* out = removeFirst( '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35', 2 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar contains = require( '@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains' ).factory;\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar removeLastCodeUnit = require( './../../base/remove-last' );\nvar removeLastCodePoint = require( './../../base/remove-last-code-point' );\nvar removeLastGraphemeCluster = require( './../../base/remove-last-grapheme-cluster' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar MODES = [ 'grapheme', 'code_point', 'code_unit' ];\nvar FCNS = {\n\t'grapheme': removeLastGraphemeCluster,\n\t'code_point': removeLastCodePoint,\n\t'code_unit': removeLastCodeUnit\n};\nvar isMode = contains( MODES );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes the last character(s) of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} [n=1] - number of character to remove\n* @param {Options} [options] - options\n* @param {string} [options.mode=\"grapheme\"] - type of \"character\" to return (must be either `grapheme`, `code_point`, or `code_unit`)\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string primitive\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} options argument must be an object\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @returns {string} updated string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'presidential electio'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'javaScript' );\n* // returns 'javaScrip'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = removeLast( 'leader', 2 );\n* // returns 'lead'\n*/\nfunction removeLast( str ) {\n\tvar options;\n\tvar nargs;\n\tvar opts;\n\tvar n;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {\n\t\t'mode': 'grapheme'\n\t};\n\tnargs = arguments.length;\n\tif ( nargs === 1 ) {\n\t\tn = 1;\n\t} else if ( nargs === 2 ) {\n\t\tn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( isPlainObject( n ) ) {\n\t\t\toptions = n;\n\t\t\tn = 1;\n\t\t} else if ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t\t}\n\t} else { // nargs > 2\n\t\tn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\toptions = arguments[ 2 ];\n\t\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( options ) {\n\t\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'mode' ) ) {\n\t\t\topts.mode = options.mode;\n\t\t\tif ( !isMode( opts.mode ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: \"%s\". Value: `%s`.', 'mode', MODES.join( '\", \"' ), opts.mode ) );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn FCNS[ opts.mode ]( str, n );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeLast;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove the last character(s) of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/remove-last\n*\n* @example\n* var removeLast = require( '@stdlib/string/remove-last' );\n*\n* var out = removeLast( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'last man standin'\n*\n* out = removeLast( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'Hidden Treasure';\n*\n* out = removeLast( '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37\uD83D\uDC38\uD83D\uDC35', 2 ) );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC2E\uD83D\uDC37'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\n// '\\ufeff' => 1111111011111111 => 0xFEFF => 65279\nvar BOM = 65279;\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* ## Notes\n*\n* - A UTF-8 byte order mark ([BOM][1]) is the byte sequence `0xEF,0xBB,0xBF`.\n* - To convert a UTF-8 encoded `Buffer` to a `string`, the `Buffer` must be converted to [UTF-16][2]. The BOM thus gets converted to the single 16-bit code point `'\\ufeff'` (UTF-16 BOM).\n*\n* [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark#UTF-8\n* [2]: http://es5.github.io/#x4.3.16\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string primitive\n* @returns {string} string with BOM removed\n*\n* @example\n* var str = removeUTF8BOM( '\\ufeffbeep' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*/\nfunction removeUTF8BOM( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( str.charCodeAt( 0 ) === BOM ) {\n\t\treturn str.slice( 1 );\n\t}\n\treturn str;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeUTF8BOM;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove a UTF-8 byte order mark (BOM) from the beginning of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/remove-utf8-bom\n*\n* @example\n* var removeUTF8BOM = require( '@stdlib/string/remove-utf8-bom' );\n*\n* var str = removeUTF8BOM( '\\ufeffbeep' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar removeUTF8BOM = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeUTF8BOM;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to uppercase.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} uppercase string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = uppercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'BEEP'\n*/\nfunction uppercase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn str.toUpperCase();\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = uppercase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to uppercase.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/uppercase\n*\n* @example\n* var uppercase = require( '@stdlib/string/uppercase' );\n*\n* var str = uppercase( 'bEEp' );\n* // returns 'BEEP'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isStringArray = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string-array' );\nvar uppercase = require( './../../uppercase' );\nvar isBoolean = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-boolean' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar tokenize = require( '@stdlib/nlp/tokenize' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Removes a list of words from a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {StringArray} words - array of words to be removed\n* @param {boolean} [ignoreCase=false] - boolean indicating whether to perform a case-insensitive operation\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be an array of strings\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a boolean\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop Foo bar';\n* var out = removeWords( str, [ 'boop', 'foo' ] );\n* // returns 'beep Foo bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop Foo bar';\n* var out = removeWords( str, [ 'boop', 'foo' ], true );\n* // returns 'beep bar'\n*/\nfunction removeWords( str, words, ignoreCase ) {\n\tvar tokens;\n\tvar token;\n\tvar list;\n\tvar flg;\n\tvar out;\n\tvar N;\n\tvar i;\n\tvar j;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isStringArray( words ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be an array of strings. Value: `%s`.', words ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isBoolean( ignoreCase ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a boolean. Value: `%s`.', ignoreCase ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\ttokens = tokenize( str, true );\n\tN = words.length;\n\tout = [];\n\tif ( ignoreCase ) {\n\t\tlist = words.slice();\n\t\tfor ( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tlist[ i ] = uppercase( list[ i ] );\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor ( i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ ) {\n\t\t\tflg = true;\n\t\t\ttoken = uppercase( tokens[ i ] );\n\t\t\tfor ( j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {\n\t\t\t\tif ( list[ j ] === token ) {\n\t\t\t\t\tflg = false;\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\tif ( flg ) {\n\t\t\t\tout.push( tokens[ i ] );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn out.join( '' );\n\t}\n\t// Case: case-sensitive\n\tfor ( i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++ ) {\n\t\ttoken = tokens[ i ];\n\t\tflg = true;\n\t\tfor ( j = 0; j < N; j++ ) {\n\t\t\tif ( words[ j ] === token ) {\n\t\t\t\tflg = false;\n\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( flg ) {\n\t\t\tout.push( token );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn out.join( '' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = removeWords;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Remove a list of words from a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/remove-words\n*\n* @example\n* var removeWords = require( '@stdlib/string/remove-words' );\n*\n* var str = 'beep boop Foo bar';\n* var words = [ 'boop', 'foo' ];\n*\n* var out = removeWords( str, words );\n* // returns 'beep Foo bar'\n*\n* // Case-insensitive:\n* out = removeWords( str, words, true )\n* //returns 'beep bar'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/replace-before' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Replaces the substring before the first occurrence of a specified search string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {string} replacement - replacement string\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string\n* @returns {string} output string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'beep boop', ' ', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'foo boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'beep boop', 'p', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'foop boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'Hello World!', '', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'Hello World!'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = replaceBefore( 'Hello World!', 'xyz', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'Hello World!'\n*/\nfunction replaceBefore( str, search, replacement ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( replacement ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', replacement ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, search, replacement );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = replaceBefore;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Replace the substring before the first occurrence of a specified search string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/replace-before\n*\n* @example\n* var replaceBefore = require( '@stdlib/string/replace-before' );\n*\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n*\n* var out = replaceBefore( str, ' ', 'foo' );\n* // returns 'foo boop'\n*\n* out = replaceBefore( str, 'o', 'bar' );\n* // returns 'baroop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isPlainObject = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-plain-object' );\nvar hasOwnProp = require( '@stdlib/assert/has-own-property' );\nvar contains = require( '@stdlib/array/base/assert/contains' ).factory;\nvar reverseCodeUnit = require( './../../base/reverse' );\nvar reverseCodePoints = require( './../../base/reverse-code-points' );\nvar reverseGraphemeClusters = require( './../../base/reverse-grapheme-clusters' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar MODES = [ 'grapheme', 'code_point', 'code_unit' ];\nvar FCNS = {\n\t'grapheme': reverseGraphemeClusters,\n\t'code_point': reverseCodePoints,\n\t'code_unit': reverseCodeUnit\n};\nvar isMode = contains( MODES );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Reverses a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {Options} [options] - options\n* @param {string} [options.mode=\"grapheme\"] - type of \"character\" to return (must be either `grapheme`, `code_point`, or `code_unit`)\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string primitive\n* @throws {TypeError} options argument must be an object\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide valid options\n* @returns {string} reversed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'presidential election' );\n* // returns 'noitcele laitnediserp'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'javaScript' );\n* // returns 'tpircSavaj'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = reverse( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH'\n*/\nfunction reverse( str ) {\n\tvar options;\n\tvar nargs;\n\tvar opts;\n\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\topts = {\n\t\t'mode': 'grapheme'\n\t};\n\tnargs = arguments.length;\n\tif ( nargs > 1 ) {\n\t\toptions = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( !isPlainObject( options ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Options argument must be an object. Value: `%s`.', options ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tif ( options ) {\n\t\tif ( hasOwnProp( options, 'mode' ) ) {\n\t\t\topts.mode = options.mode;\n\t\t\tif ( !isMode( opts.mode ) ) {\n\t\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid option. `%s` option must be one of the following: \"%s\". Value: `%s`.', 'mode', MODES.join( '\", \"' ), opts.mode ) );\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\treturn FCNS[ opts.mode ]( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = reverse;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Reverse a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/reverse\n*\n* @example\n* var reverseString = require( '@stdlib/string/reverse' );\n*\n* var out = reverseString( 'last man standing' );\n* // returns 'gnidnats nam tsal'\n*\n* out = reverseString( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'serusaerT neddiH';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/right-trim' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace from the end of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns ' Whitespace'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns '\\t\\t\\tTabs'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = rtrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines'\n*/\nfunction rtrim( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rtrim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim whitespace characters from the end of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/right-trim\n*\n* @example\n* var rtrim = require( '@stdlib/string/right-trim' );\n*\n* var out = rtrim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns ' Whitespace'\n*\n* out = rtrim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns '\\t\\t\\tTabs'\n*\n* out = rtrim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar splitGraphemeClusters = require( './../../split-grapheme-clusters' );\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isStringArray = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string-array' ).primitives;\nvar replace = require( './../../replace' );\nvar rescape = require( '@stdlib/utils/escape-regexp-string' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// VARIABLES //\n\nvar WHITESPACE_CHARS = '\\u0020\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff';\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims `n` characters from the end of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {NonNegativeInteger} n - number of characters to trim\n* @param {(string|StringArray)} [chars] - characters to trim (defaults to whitespace characters)\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string or an array of strings\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = ' abc ';\n* var out = rtrimN( str, 2 );\n* // returns ' abc '\n*\n* @example\n* var str = ' abc ';\n* var out = rtrimN( str, str.length );\n* // returns ' abc'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = '~~abc!~~';\n* var out = rtrimN( str, str.length, [ '~', '!' ] );\n* // returns '~~abc'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = '\uD83E\uDD16\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8\uD83E\uDD16\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8\uD83E\uDD16\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8';\n* var out = rtrimN( str, str.length, '\uD83D\uDC68\uD83C\uDFFC\u200D\uD83C\uDFA8\uD83E\uDD16' );\n* // returns ''\n*/\nfunction rtrimN( str, n, chars ) {\n\tvar nElems;\n\tvar reStr;\n\tvar isStr;\n\tvar RE;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( n ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', n ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tisStr = isString( chars );\n\t\tif ( !isStr && !isStringArray( chars ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string or an array of strings. Value: `%s`.', chars ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tif ( isStr ) {\n\t\t\tchars = splitGraphemeClusters( chars );\n\t\t}\n\t\tnElems = chars.length - 1;\n\t\treStr = '';\n\t\tfor ( i = 0; i < nElems; i++ ) {\n\t\t\treStr += rescape( chars[ i ] );\n\t\t\treStr += '|';\n\t\t}\n\t\treStr += rescape( chars[ nElems ] );\n\n\t\t// Case: Trim a specific set of characters from the end of a string..\n\t\tRE = new RegExp( '(?:' + reStr + '){0,'+n+'}$' );\n\t} else {\n\t\t// Case: Trim `n` whitespace characters from the end of a string...\n\t\tRE = new RegExp( '[' + WHITESPACE_CHARS + ']{0,'+n+'}$' );\n\t}\n\treturn replace( str, RE, '' );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = rtrimN;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim `n` characters from the end of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/right-trim-n\n*\n* @example\n* var rtrimN = require( '@stdlib/string/right-trim-n' );\n*\n* var str = ' foo ';\n* var out = rtrimN( str, str.length );\n* // returns ' foo'\n*\n* str = '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36 Animals \uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36';\n* out = rtrimN( str, 4, [ '\uD83D\uDC36', ' ' ] );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36\uD83D\uDC36 Animals'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/snakecase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Converts a string to snake case.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} snake-cased string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'Hello World!' );\n* // returns 'hello_world'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'foo bar' );\n* // returns 'foo_bar'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'I am a tiny little teapot' );\n* // returns 'i_am_a_tiny_little_teapot'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'BEEP boop' );\n* // returns 'beep_boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = snakecase( 'isMobile' );\n* // returns 'is_mobile'\n*/\nfunction snakecase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = snakecase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Convert a string to snake case.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/snakecase\n*\n* @example\n* var snakecase = require( '@stdlib/string/snakecase' );\n*\n* var str = snakecase( 'Foo Bar' );\n* // returns 'foo_bar'\n*\n* str = snakecase( 'I am a tiny little house' );\n* // returns 'i_am_a_tiny_little_house'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/startcase' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Capitalizes the first letter of each word in an input string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - string to convert\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} start case string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = startcase( 'beep boop foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Beep Boop Foo Bar'\n*/\nfunction startcase( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = startcase;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Capitalize the first letter of each word in an input string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/startcase\n*\n* @example\n* var startcase = require( '@stdlib/string/startcase' );\n*\n* var str = startcase( 'beep boop foo bar' );\n* // returns 'Beep Boop Foo Bar'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/starts-with' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Tests if a string starts with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {integer} [position=0] - position at which to start searching\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be an integer\n* @returns {boolean} boolean indicating if the input string starts with the search string\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'Remember' );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'Remember the story I used to tell you when you were a boy?', 'Remember, remember' );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'To be' );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be' );\n* // returns false\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'to be', 14 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* @example\n* var bool = startsWith( 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 'quest', -9 );\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction startsWith( str, search, position ) {\n\tvar pos;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isInteger( position ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.', position ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tpos = position;\n\t} else {\n\t\tpos = 0;\n\t}\n\treturn base( str, search, pos );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = startsWith;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Test if a string starts with the characters of another string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/starts-with\n*\n* @example\n* var startsWith = require( '@stdlib/string/starts-with' );\n*\n* var str = 'Fair is foul, and foul is fair, hover through fog and filthy air';\n* var bool = startsWith( str, 'Fair' );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = startsWith( str, 'fair' );\n* // returns false\n*\n* bool = startsWith( str, 'foul', 8 );\n* // returns true\n*\n* bool = startsWith( str, 'filthy', -10 );\n* // returns true\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the part of a string after a specified substring.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @param {integer} [fromIndex=0] - index at which to start the search\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be an integer\n* @returns {string} substring\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfter( 'Hello, world!', ', ' );\n* // returns 'world!'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfter( 'beep boop', 'beep' );\n* // returns ' boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfter( 'beep boop', 'boop' );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfter( 'beep boop', 'xyz' );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfter( 'beep boop', 'beep', 5 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfter( 'beep boop beep baz', 'beep', 5 );\n* // returns ' baz'\n*/\nfunction substringAfter( str, search, fromIndex ) {\n\tvar idx;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isInteger( fromIndex ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be an integer. Value: `%s`.', fromIndex ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tidx = str.indexOf( search, fromIndex );\n\t} else {\n\t\tidx = str.indexOf( search );\n\t}\n\tif ( idx === -1 ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( idx+search.length );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = substringAfter;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the part of a string after a specified substring.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/substring-after\n*\n* @example\n* var substringAfter = require( '@stdlib/string/substring-after' );\n*\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = substringAfter( str, 'o' );\n* // returns 'op'\n*\n* out = substringAfter( str, ' ' );\n* // returns 'boop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the part of a string after the last occurrence of a specified substring.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search value\n* @param {integer} [fromIndex=str.length] - index of last character to be considered beginning of a match\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be an integer\n* @returns {string} substring\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfterLast( 'beep boop', 'b' );\n* // returns 'oop'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfterLast( 'beep boop', 'o' );\n* // returns 'p'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfterLast( 'Hello World', 'o' );\n* // returns 'rld'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfterLast( 'Hello World', '!' );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfterLast( 'Hello World', '' );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringAfterLast( 'beep boop baz', 'p b', 6 );\n* // returns 'oop baz'\n*/\nfunction substringAfterLast( str, search, fromIndex ) {\n\tvar idx;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isInteger( fromIndex ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', fromIndex ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tidx = str.lastIndexOf( search, fromIndex );\n\t} else {\n\t\tidx = str.lastIndexOf( search );\n\t}\n\tif ( idx === -1 ) {\n\t\treturn '';\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( idx+search.length );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = substringAfterLast;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the part of a string after the last occurrence of a specified substring.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/substring-after-last\n*\n* @example\n* var substringAfterLast = require( '@stdlib/string/substring-after-last' );\n*\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = substringAfterLast( str, 'b' ):\n* // returns 'oop'\n*\n* out = substringAfterLast( str, 'o' ):\n* // returns 'p'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the part of a string before a specified substring.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search string\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @returns {string} substring\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBefore( 'beep boop', ' ' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBefore( 'beep boop', 'p' );\n* // returns 'bee'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBefore( 'Hello World!', '' );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBefore( 'Hello World!', 'XYZ' );\n* // returns 'Hello World!'\n*/\nfunction substringBefore( str, search ) {\n\tvar idx;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tidx = str.indexOf( search );\n\tif ( idx === -1 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( 0, idx );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = substringBefore;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the part of a string before a specified substring.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/substring-before\n*\n* @example\n* var substringBefore = require( '@stdlib/string/substring-before' );\n*\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = substringBefore( str, ' ' );\n* // returns 'beep'\n*\n* out = substringBefore( str, 'o' );\n* // returns 'beep b'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns the part of a string before the last occurrence of a specified substring.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {string} search - search value\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a string\n* @returns {string} substring\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBeforeLast( 'abcba', 'b' );\n* // returns 'abc'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBeforeLast( 'Hello World, my friend!', ' ' );\n* // returns 'Hello World, my'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBeforeLast( 'abcba', ' ' );\n* // returns 'abcba'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = substringBeforeLast( 'abcba', '' );\n* // returns 'abcba'\n*/\nfunction substringBeforeLast( str, search ) {\n\tvar idx;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isString( search ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', search ) );\n\t}\n\tidx = str.lastIndexOf( search );\n\tif ( idx === -1 ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( 0, idx );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = substringBeforeLast;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Return the part of a string before the last occurrence of a specified substring.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/substring-before-last\n*\n* @example\n* var substringBeforeLast = require( '@stdlib/string/substring-before-last' );\n*\n* var str = 'Beep Boop Beep';\n* var out = substringBeforeLast( str, 'Beep' );\n* // returns 'Beep Boop '\n*\n* out = substringBeforeLast( str, 'Boop' );\n* // returns 'Beep '\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar setReadOnly = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-nonenumerable-read-only-property' );\nvar isFunction = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-function' );\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar iteratorSymbol = require( '@stdlib/symbol/iterator' );\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns an iterator which iterates over each grapheme cluster in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} src - input value\n* @param {Function} [mapFcn] - function to invoke for each iterated value\n* @param {*} [thisArg] - execution context\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a function\n* @returns {Iterator} iterator\n*\n* @example\n* var iter = graphemeClusters2iterator( '\uD83C\uDF37\uD83C\uDF55' );\n*\n* var v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF37'\n*\n* v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF55'\n*\n* var bool = iter.next().done;\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction graphemeClusters2iterator( src ) {\n\tvar thisArg;\n\tvar iter;\n\tvar FLG;\n\tvar fcn;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( !isString( src ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be astring. Value: `%s`.', src ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n\t\tfcn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( !isFunction( fcn ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a function. Value: `%s`.', fcn ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tthisArg = arguments[ 2 ];\n\t}\n\ti = 0;\n\n\t// Create an iterator protocol-compliant object:\n\titer = {};\n\tif ( fcn ) {\n\t\tsetReadOnly( iter, 'next', next1 );\n\t} else {\n\t\tsetReadOnly( iter, 'next', next2 );\n\t}\n\tsetReadOnly( iter, 'return', end );\n\n\t// If an environment supports `Symbol.iterator`, make the iterator iterable:\n\tif ( iteratorSymbol ) {\n\t\tsetReadOnly( iter, iteratorSymbol, factory );\n\t}\n\treturn iter;\n\n\t/**\n\t* Returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object\n\t*/\n\tfunction next1() {\n\t\tvar v;\n\t\tvar j;\n\t\tif ( FLG ) {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tj = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( src, i );\n\t\tif ( j === -1 ) {\n\t\t\tFLG = true;\n\t\t\tif ( src.length ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t\t'value': fcn.call( thisArg, src.substring( i ), i, src ),\n\t\t\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tv = fcn.call( thisArg, src.substring( i, j ), i, src );\n\t\ti = j;\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'value': v,\n\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t* Returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object\n\t*/\n\tfunction next2() {\n\t\tvar v;\n\t\tvar j;\n\t\tif ( FLG ) {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tj = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( src, i );\n\t\tif ( j === -1 ) {\n\t\t\tFLG = true;\n\t\t\tif ( src.length ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t\t'value': src.substring( i ),\n\t\t\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tv = src.substring( i, j );\n\t\ti = j;\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'value': v,\n\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t* Finishes an iterator.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @param {*} [value] - value to return\n\t* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object\n\t*/\n\tfunction end( value ) {\n\t\tFLG = true;\n\t\tif ( arguments.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'value': value,\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t* Returns a new iterator.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @returns {Iterator} iterator\n\t*/\n\tfunction factory() {\n\t\tif ( fcn ) {\n\t\t\treturn graphemeClusters2iterator( src, fcn, thisArg );\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn graphemeClusters2iterator( src );\n\t}\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = graphemeClusters2iterator;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Create an iterator which iterates over grapheme clusters.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/to-grapheme-cluster-iterator\n*\n* @example\n* var graphemeClusters2iterator = require( '@stdlib/string/to-grapheme-cluster-iterator' );\n*\n* var iter = graphemeClusters2iterator( '\uD83C\uDF37\uD83C\uDF55' );\n*\n* var v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF37'\n*\n* v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF55'\n*\n* var bool = iter.next().done;\n* // returns true\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar setReadOnly = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-nonenumerable-read-only-property' );\nvar isFunction = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-function' );\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar iteratorSymbol = require( '@stdlib/symbol/iterator' );\nvar prevGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../prev-grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Returns an iterator which iterates from right to left over each grapheme cluster in a string.\n*\n* @param {string} src - input value\n* @param {Function} [mapFcn] - function to invoke for each iterated value\n* @param {*} [thisArg] - execution context\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a function\n* @returns {Iterator} iterator\n*\n* @example\n* var iter = graphemeClusters2iteratorRight( '\uD83C\uDF37\uD83C\uDF55' );\n*\n* var v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF55'\n*\n* v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF37'\n*\n* var bool = iter.next().done;\n* // returns true\n*/\nfunction graphemeClusters2iteratorRight( src ) { // eslint-disable-line id-length\n\tvar thisArg;\n\tvar iter;\n\tvar FLG;\n\tvar fcn;\n\tvar i;\n\tif ( !isString( src ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be astring. Value: `%s`.', src ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 1 ) {\n\t\tfcn = arguments[ 1 ];\n\t\tif ( !isFunction( fcn ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a function. Value: `%s`.', fcn ) );\n\t\t}\n\t\tthisArg = arguments[ 2 ];\n\t}\n\ti = src.length - 1;\n\n\t// Create an iterator protocol-compliant object:\n\titer = {};\n\tif ( fcn ) {\n\t\tsetReadOnly( iter, 'next', next1 );\n\t} else {\n\t\tsetReadOnly( iter, 'next', next2 );\n\t}\n\tsetReadOnly( iter, 'return', end );\n\n\t// If an environment supports `Symbol.iterator`, make the iterator iterable:\n\tif ( iteratorSymbol ) {\n\t\tsetReadOnly( iter, iteratorSymbol, factory );\n\t}\n\treturn iter;\n\n\t/**\n\t* Returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object\n\t*/\n\tfunction next1() {\n\t\tvar v;\n\t\tvar j;\n\t\tif ( FLG ) {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tj = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( src, i );\n\t\tif ( j === -1 ) {\n\t\t\tFLG = true;\n\t\t\tif ( src.length ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t\t'value': fcn.call( thisArg, src.substring( j+1, i+1 ), j+1, src ),\n\t\t\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tv = fcn.call( thisArg, src.substring( j+1, i+1 ), j+1, src );\n\t\ti = j;\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'value': v,\n\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t* Returns an iterator protocol-compliant object containing the next iterated value.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object\n\t*/\n\tfunction next2() {\n\t\tvar v;\n\t\tvar j;\n\t\tif ( FLG ) {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tj = prevGraphemeClusterBreak( src, i );\n\t\tif ( j === -1 ) {\n\t\t\tFLG = true;\n\t\t\tif ( src.length ) {\n\t\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t\t'value': src.substring( j+1, i+1 ),\n\t\t\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t\t\t};\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\tv = src.substring( j+1, i+1 );\n\t\ti = j;\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'value': v,\n\t\t\t'done': false\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t* Finishes an iterator.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @param {*} [value] - value to return\n\t* @returns {Object} iterator protocol-compliant object\n\t*/\n\tfunction end( value ) {\n\t\tFLG = true;\n\t\tif ( arguments.length ) {\n\t\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t\t'value': value,\n\t\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t\t};\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn {\n\t\t\t'done': true\n\t\t};\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t* Returns a new iterator.\n\t*\n\t* @private\n\t* @returns {Iterator} iterator\n\t*/\n\tfunction factory() {\n\t\tif ( fcn ) {\n\t\t\treturn graphemeClusters2iteratorRight( src, fcn, thisArg );\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn graphemeClusters2iteratorRight( src );\n\t}\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = graphemeClusters2iteratorRight;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2022 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Create an iterator which iterates from right to left over grapheme clusters.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/to-grapheme-cluster-iterator-right\n*\n* @example\n* var graphemeClusters2iteratorRight = require( '@stdlib/string/to-grapheme-cluster-iterator-right' );\n*\n* var iter = graphemeClusters2iteratorRight( '\uD83C\uDF37\uD83C\uDF55' );\n*\n* var v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF55'\n*\n* v = iter.next().value;\n* // returns '\uD83C\uDF37'\n*\n* var bool = iter.next().done;\n* // returns true\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/trim' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Trims whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} trimmed string\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = trim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines'\n*/\nfunction trim( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Must provide a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = trim;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Trim whitespace characters from the beginning and end of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/trim\n*\n* @example\n* var trim = require( '@stdlib/string/trim' );\n*\n* var out = trim( ' Whitespace ' );\n* // returns 'Whitespace'\n*\n* out = trim( '\\t\\t\\tTabs\\t\\t\\t' );\n* // returns 'Tabs'\n*\n* out = trim( '\\n\\n\\nNew Lines\\n\\n\\n' );\n* // returns 'New Lines'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar numGraphemeClusters = require( './../../num-grapheme-clusters' );\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Truncates a string to a specified length.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} len - output string length (including ending)\n* @param {string} [ending='...'] - custom ending\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string\n* @returns {string} truncated string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncate( str, 7 );\n* // returns 'beep...'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncate( str, 5, '>>>' );\n* // returns 'be>>>'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncate( str, 10 );\n* // returns 'beep boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncate( str, 0 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncate( str, 2 );\n* // returns '..'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = '\uD83D\uDC3A Wolf Brothers \uD83D\uDC3A';\n* var out = truncate( str, 6 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC3A W...'\n*/\nfunction truncate( str, len, ending ) {\n\tvar endingLength;\n\tvar fromIndex;\n\tvar nVisual;\n\tvar idx;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( len ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isString( ending ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', ending ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tending = ending || '...';\n\tendingLength = numGraphemeClusters( ending );\n\tfromIndex = 0;\n\tif ( len > numGraphemeClusters( str ) ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tif ( len - endingLength < 0 ) {\n\t\treturn ending.slice( 0, len );\n\t}\n\tnVisual = 0;\n\twhile ( nVisual < len - endingLength ) {\n\t\tidx = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, fromIndex );\n\t\tfromIndex = idx;\n\t\tnVisual += 1;\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( 0, idx ) + ending;\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = truncate;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Truncate a string to a specified length.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/truncate\n*\n* @example\n* var truncate = require( '@stdlib/string/truncate' );\n*\n* var out = truncate( 'beep boop', 7 );\n* // returns 'beep...'\n*\n* out = truncate( 'beep boop', 7, '|' );\n* // returns 'beep b|'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar isNonNegativeInteger = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-nonnegative-integer' ).isPrimitive;\nvar numGraphemeClusters = require( './../../num-grapheme-clusters' );\nvar nextGraphemeClusterBreak = require( './../../next-grapheme-cluster-break' );\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar round = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/round' );\nvar floor = require( '@stdlib/math/base/special/floor' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Truncates a string in the middle to a specified length.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @param {integer} len - output string length (including sequence)\n* @param {string} [seq='...'] - custom replacement sequence\n* @throws {TypeError} first argument must be a string\n* @throws {TypeError} second argument must be a nonnegative integer\n* @throws {TypeError} third argument must be a string\n* @returns {string} truncated string\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 5 );\n* // returns 'b...p'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 5, '>>>' );\n* // returns 'b>>>p'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 10 );\n* // returns 'beep boop'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 0 );\n* // returns ''\n*\n* @example\n* var str = 'beep boop';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 2 );\n* // returns '..'\n*\n* @example\n* var str = '\uD83D\uDC3A Wolf Brothers \uD83D\uDC3A';\n* var out = truncateMiddle( str, 7 );\n* // returns '\uD83D\uDC3A ... \uD83D\uDC3A'\n*/\nfunction truncateMiddle( str, len, seq ) {\n\tvar seqLength;\n\tvar fromIndex;\n\tvar strLength;\n\tvar seqStart;\n\tvar nVisual;\n\tvar seqEnd;\n\tvar idx2;\n\tvar idx1;\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( !isNonNegativeInteger( len ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Second argument must be a nonnegative integer. Value: `%s`.', len ) );\n\t}\n\tif ( arguments.length > 2 ) {\n\t\tif ( !isString( seq ) ) {\n\t\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. Third argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', seq ) );\n\t\t}\n\t}\n\tseq = seq || '...';\n\tseqLength = numGraphemeClusters( seq );\n\tstrLength = numGraphemeClusters( str );\n\tfromIndex = 0;\n\tif ( len > strLength ) {\n\t\treturn str;\n\t}\n\tif ( len - seqLength < 0 ) {\n\t\treturn seq.slice( 0, len );\n\t}\n\tseqStart = round( ( len - seqLength ) / 2 );\n\tseqEnd = strLength - floor( ( len - seqLength ) / 2 );\n\tnVisual = 0;\n\twhile ( nVisual < seqStart ) {\n\t\tidx1 = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, fromIndex );\n\t\tfromIndex = idx1;\n\t\tnVisual += 1;\n\t}\n\tidx2 = idx1;\n\twhile ( idx2 > 0 ) {\n\t\tidx2 = nextGraphemeClusterBreak( str, fromIndex );\n\t\tif ( idx2 >= seqEnd + fromIndex - nVisual ) {\n\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t}\n\t\tfromIndex = idx2;\n\t\tnVisual += 1;\n\t}\n\treturn str.substring( 0, idx1 ) + seq + str.substring( idx2 );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = truncateMiddle;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2021 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Truncate a string in the middle to a specified length.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/truncate-middle\n*\n* @example\n* var truncateMiddle = require( '@stdlib/string/truncate-middle' );\n*\n* var out = truncateMiddle( 'beep boop', 7 );\n* // returns 'be...op'\n*\n* out = truncateMiddle( 'beep boop', 7, '|' );\n* // returns 'bee|oop'\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar isString = require( '@stdlib/assert/is-string' ).isPrimitive;\nvar format = require( './../../format' );\nvar base = require( './../../base/uncapitalize' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Uncapitalizes the first character of a string.\n*\n* @param {string} str - input string\n* @throws {TypeError} must provide a string\n* @returns {string} input string with first character converted to lowercase\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Last man standing' );\n* // returns 'last man standing'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Presidential election' );\n* // returns 'presidential election'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'JavaScript' );\n* // returns 'javaScript'\n*\n* @example\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'hidden Treasures'\n*/\nfunction uncapitalize( str ) {\n\tif ( !isString( str ) ) {\n\t\tthrow new TypeError( format( 'invalid argument. First argument must be a string. Value: `%s`.', str ) );\n\t}\n\treturn base( str );\n}\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = uncapitalize;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/**\n* Uncapitalize the first character of a string.\n*\n* @module @stdlib/string/uncapitalize\n*\n* @example\n* var uncapitalize = require( '@stdlib/string/uncapitalize' );\n*\n* var out = uncapitalize( 'Last man standing' );\n* // returns 'last man standing'\n*\n* out = uncapitalize( 'Hidden Treasures' );\n* // returns 'hidden Treasures';\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar main = require( './main.js' );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = main;\n", "/**\n* @license Apache-2.0\n*\n* Copyright (c) 2018 The Stdlib Authors.\n*\n* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the \"License\");\n* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n* You may obtain a copy of the License at\n*\n* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0\n*\n* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n* distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" BASIS,\n* WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n* limitations under the License.\n*/\n\n'use strict';\n\n/*\n* When adding modules to the namespace, ensure that they are added in alphabetical order according to module name.\n*/\n\n/*\n* The following modules are intentionally not exported: tools\n*/\n\n// MODULES //\n\nvar setReadOnly = require( '@stdlib/utils/define-read-only-property' );\n\n\n// MAIN //\n\n/**\n* Top-level namespace.\n*\n* @namespace string\n*/\nvar string = {};\n\n/**\n* @name acronym\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/acronym}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'acronym', require( './../acronym' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name base\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/base}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'base', require( './../base' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name camelcase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/camelcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'camelcase', require( './../camelcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name capitalize\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/capitalize}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'capitalize', require( './../capitalize' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name codePointAt\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/code-point-at}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'codePointAt', require( './../code-point-at' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name constantcase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/constantcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'constantcase', require( './../constantcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name dotcase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/dotcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'dotcase', require( './../dotcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name endsWith\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/ends-with}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'endsWith', require( './../ends-with' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name first\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/first}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'first', require( './../first' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name forEach\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/for-each}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'forEach', require( './../for-each' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name format\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/format}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'format', require( './../format' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name fromCodePoint\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/from-code-point}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'fromCodePoint', require( './../from-code-point' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name headercase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/headercase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'headercase', require( './../headercase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name kebabcase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/kebabcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'kebabcase', require( './../kebabcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name lpad\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/left-pad}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'lpad', require( './../left-pad' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name ltrim\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/left-trim}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'ltrim', require( './../left-trim' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name ltrimN\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/left-trim-n}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'ltrimN', require( './../left-trim-n' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name lowercase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/lowercase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'lowercase', require( './../lowercase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name nextCodePointIndex\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/next-code-point-index}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'nextCodePointIndex', require( './../next-code-point-index' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name nextGraphemeClusterBreak\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/next-grapheme-cluster-break}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'nextGraphemeClusterBreak', require( './../next-grapheme-cluster-break' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name numGraphemeClusters\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/num-grapheme-clusters}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'numGraphemeClusters', require( './../num-grapheme-clusters' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name num2words\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/num2words}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'num2words', require( './../num2words' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name pad\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/pad}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'pad', require( './../pad' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name pascalcase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/pascalcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'pascalcase', require( './../pascalcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name percentEncode\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/percent-encode}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'percentEncode', require( './../percent-encode' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name prevGraphemeClusterBreak\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/prev-grapheme-cluster-break}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'prevGraphemeClusterBreak', require( './../prev-grapheme-cluster-break' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeFirst\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/remove-first}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'removeFirst', require( './../remove-first' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeLast\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/remove-last}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'removeLast', require( './../remove-last' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removePunctuation\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/remove-punctuation}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'removePunctuation', require( './../remove-punctuation' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeUTF8BOM\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/remove-utf8-bom}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'removeUTF8BOM', require( './../remove-utf8-bom' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name removeWords\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/remove-words}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'removeWords', require( './../remove-words' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name repeat\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/repeat}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'repeat', require( './../repeat' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name replace\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/replace}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'replace', require( './../replace' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name replaceBefore\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/replace-before}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'replaceBefore', require( './../replace-before' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name reverseString\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/reverse}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'reverseString', require( './../reverse' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name rpad\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/right-pad}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'rpad', require( './../right-pad' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name rtrim\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/right-trim}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'rtrim', require( './../right-trim' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name rtrimN\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/right-trim-n}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'rtrimN', require( './../right-trim-n' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name snakecase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/snakecase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'snakecase', require( './../snakecase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name splitGraphemeClusters\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/split-grapheme-clusters}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'splitGraphemeClusters', require( './../split-grapheme-clusters' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name startcase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/startcase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'startcase', require( './../startcase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name startsWith\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/starts-with}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'startsWith', require( './../starts-with' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name substringAfter\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/substring-after}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'substringAfter', require( './../substring-after' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name substringAfterLast\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/substring-after-last}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'substringAfterLast', require( './../substring-after-last' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name substringBefore\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/substring-before}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'substringBefore', require( './../substring-before' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name substringBeforeLast\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/substring-before-last}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'substringBeforeLast', require( './../substring-before-last' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name graphemeClusters2iterator\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/to-grapheme-cluster-iterator}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'graphemeClusters2iterator', require( './../to-grapheme-cluster-iterator' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name graphemeClusters2iteratorRight\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/to-grapheme-cluster-iterator-right}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'graphemeClusters2iteratorRight', require( './../to-grapheme-cluster-iterator-right' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name trim\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/trim}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'trim', require( './../trim' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name truncate\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/truncate}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'truncate', require( './../truncate' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name truncateMiddle\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/truncate-middle}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'truncateMiddle', require( './../truncate-middle' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name uncapitalize\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/uncapitalize}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'uncapitalize', require( './../uncapitalize' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name uppercase\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/uppercase}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'uppercase', require( './../uppercase' ) );\n\n/**\n* @name utf16ToUTF8Array\n* @memberof string\n* @readonly\n* @type {Function}\n* @see {@link module:@stdlib/string/utf16-to-utf8-array}\n*/\nsetReadOnly( string, 'utf16ToUTF8Array', require( './../utf16-to-utf8-array' ) );\n\n\n// EXPORTS //\n\nmodule.exports = string;\n"],
- "names": ["require_is_number", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "isNumber", "value", "require_zero_pad", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "startsWithMinus", "str", "zeros", "n", "out", "i", "zeroPad", "width", "right", "negative", "pad", "require_format_integer", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "isNumber", "zeroPad", "lowercase", "uppercase", "formatInteger", "token", "base", "out", "i", "require_is_string", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "isString", "value", "require_format_double", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "isNumber", "abs", "lowercase", "uppercase", "replace", "RE_EXP_POS_DIGITS", "RE_EXP_NEG_DIGITS", "RE_ONLY_DIGITS", "RE_DIGITS_BEFORE_EXP", "RE_TRAILING_PERIOD_ZERO", "RE_PERIOD_ZERO_EXP", "RE_ZERO_BEFORE_EXP", "formatDouble", "token", "digits", "out", "f", "require_space_pad", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "spaces", "n", "out", "i", "spacePad", "str", "width", "right", "pad", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "formatInteger", "isString", "formatDouble", "spacePad", "zeroPad", "fromCharCode", "isnan", "isArray", "initialize", "token", "out", "formatInterpolate", "tokens", "hasPeriod", "flags", "flag", "num", "pos", "i", "j", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "RE", "parse", "match", "token", "formatTokenize", "str", "content", "tokens", "prev", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_is_string", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "isString", "value", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "interpolate", "tokenize", "isString", "format", "str", "args", "i", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "replace", "str", "search", "newval", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "rescape", "isFunction", "isString", 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"acronym", "str", "options", "isStopWord", "words", "opts", "err", "out", "i", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "lowercase", "uppercase", "isEven", "altcase", "str", "out", "i", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "capitalize", "str", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_has_builtin", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "bool", "require_builtin", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "trim", "require_check", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "trim", "str1", "str2", "test", "require_polyfill", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "replace", "RE", "trim", "str", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "builtin", "trim", "str", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "HAS_BUILTIN", "check", "polyfill", "main", "trim", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "capitalize", "lowercase", "replace", "trim", "RE_WHITESPACE", "RE_SPECIAL", "RE_TO_CAMEL", "RE_CAMEL", "replacer", "match", "p1", "offset", "camelcase", "str", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "Ox10000", "Ox400", "OxD800", "OxDBFF", "OxDC00", "OxDFFF", "codePointAt", "str", "idx", "backward", "code", "low", "hi", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "uppercase", "replace", "trim", "RE_WHITESPACE", "RE_SPECIAL", "RE_CAMEL", "constantcase", "str", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "isString", "format", "hammingDistance", "s1", "s2", "out", "i", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "isString", "format", "min", "levenshteinDistance", "s1", "s2", "temp", "row", 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"__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "nextGraphemeClusterBreak", "forEach", "str", "clbk", "thisArg", "len", "idx", "brk", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "reWhitespace", "startcase", "str", "cap", "out", "ch", "i", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "lowercase", "replace", "startcase", "trim", "RE_WHITESPACE", "RE_SPECIAL", "RE_CAMEL", "headercase", "str", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "uppercase", "lowercase", "invcase", "str", "out", "ch", "s", "i", "require_lib", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "main", "require_main", "__commonJSMin", "exports", "module", "lowercase", "replace", "trim", "RE_WHITESPACE", "RE_SPECIAL", "RE_CAMEL", "kebabCase", "str", "require_lib", 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diff --git a/test/dist/test.js b/test/dist/test.js
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index a8a9c60f..00000000
--- a/test/dist/test.js
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@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-* @license Apache-2.0
-* Copyright (c) 2023 The Stdlib Authors.
-* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-* You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-'use strict';
-// MODULES //
-var tape = require( 'tape' );
-var main = require( './../../dist' );
-// TESTS //
-tape( 'main export is defined', function test( t ) {
- t.ok( true, __filename );
- t.strictEqual( main !== void 0, true, 'main export is defined' );
- t.end();