[ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
+The namespace contains functions to create arrays pre-filled with spaced values:
+- [`datespace( start, stop[, length][, opts] )`][@stdlib/array/datespace]: generate an array of linearly spaced dates.
+- [`incrspace( start, stop[, increment] )`][@stdlib/array/incrspace]: generate a linearly spaced numeric array using a provided increment.
+- [`linspace( start, stop[, length] )`][@stdlib/array/linspace]: generate a linearly spaced numeric array.
+- [`logspace( a, b[, length] )`][@stdlib/array/logspace]: generate a logarithmically spaced numeric array.
+You can use the following functions to retrieve a list of available data types:
+- [`arrayDataTypes()`][@stdlib/array/dtypes]: list of array data types.
+- [`typedarrayComplexDataTypes()`][@stdlib/array/typed-complex-dtypes]: list of complex typed array data types.
+- [`typedarrayDataTypes()`][@stdlib/array/typed-dtypes]: list of typed array data types.
+var DTYPES = ns.arrayDataTypes();
+// returns [ 'float32', 'float64', 'generic', 'int16', 'int32', 'int8', 'uint16', 'uint32', 'uint8', 'uint8c' ]
+Furthermore, the namespace contains utility functions to retrieve a given constructor:
+- [`arrayCtors( dtype )`][@stdlib/array/ctors]: array constructors.
+- [`typedarrayComplexCtors( dtype )`][@stdlib/array/typed-complex-ctors]: complex typed array constructors.
+- [`typedarrayCtors( dtype )`][@stdlib/array/typed-ctors]: typed array constructors.
+var ctor = ns.typedarrayCtors( 'float64' );
+// returns
+ctor = ns.typedarrayCtors( 'int' );
+// returns null
+Lastly, the namespace contains various other functions for dealing with arrays, including functions to convert arrays from one data type to another or to serialize them as JSON and vice versa.
+- [`convertArray( arr, dtype )`][@stdlib/array/convert]: convert an array to an array of a different data type.
+- [`convertArraySame( x, y )`][@stdlib/array/convert-same]: convert an array to the same data type as a second input array.
+- [`arrayDataType( array )`][@stdlib/array/dtype]: return the data type of an array.
+- [`reviveTypedArray( key, value )`][@stdlib/array/reviver]: revive a JSON-serialized typed array.
+- [`typedarray2json( typedarray )`][@stdlib/array/to-json]: return a JSON representation of a typed array.