From 92307c531bf9e36b437ed97a6f14aaf2a636b918 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: David Maisonave <> Date: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 17:36:24 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Upgraded to version 1.0.0; See description for details ### 0.2.0 - For report, added logic to transfer option settings **[Disable Complete Confirmation]** and **[Disable Delete Confirmation]** when paginating. - Fixed minor bug in advance_options.html for GQL params. ### 0.2.1 - Added logic to have reports and advanced menu to work with Stash settings requiring a password by adding API-Key as param argument for advance menu, and adding API-Key as variable in reports. - When **[Advance Tag Menu]** is called from reports, it's given both the GQL URL and the apiKey on the URL param, which allows advance menu to work with non-standard URL's and with API-Key. ### 0.2.2 - Added dropdown menu logic to Advance Menu and reports. - Added Graylist deletion option to Advance Menu. - Report option to clear all flags from report. - Report option to clear all (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion_?) tag from all scenes. - Report option to delete from Stash DB all scenes with missing files in file system. - Added popup tag list to report which list all tags associated with scene. - Added popup performer list to report which list all performers associated with scene. - Added popup gallery list to report which list all galleries associated with scene. - Added popup group list to report which list all groups associated with scene. - After merging tags in report, the report gets updated with the merged scene metadata. - Added graylist deletion option to [**Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu**]. - Added pinklist option to Settings->Plugins->Plugins and to [**Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu**] - The pinklist is only used with the [**Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu**], and it's **NOT** used in the primary process to selected candidates for deletion. - Advance Menu now works with non-tagged scenes that are in the current report. ### 1.0.0 - Consolidated buttons and links on report into dropdown buttons. - On report, added dropdown menu options for flags. - Rename Tools-UI advance duplicate tagged menu to [**Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu**] - When [**Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu**] completes report, gives user prompt to open the report in browser. - Added performance enhancement for removing (clearing) duplicate tags from all scenes by using SQL call. - Added option to report to delete files that do not exist by duplicate candidates in report, as well as by tagged files. - Added logic to disable scene in report if deleted by [**Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu**]. Note: Requires a refresh. - Added report option to delete by flags set on the report. ### - Fixed bug with report delete scene request. ### - In the report, made icon colors for tags, performers, galleries, and groups with different colors if they don't match. In other words, use different color icons if **candidate to delete** doesn't match **duplicate to keep** associated icon data. - If data for associated icon are the same, then both icons are black or blue (the default color). - If [**duplicate to keep**] is missing data that is in [**candidate to delete**], than [**candidate to delete**] gets a yellow icon. - If [**candidate to delete**] is missing data that is in [**duplicate to keep**], than [**duplicate to keep**] gets a pink icon. ### - Added option on report to merge all metadata missing in [**Duplicate to Keep**] files. - Added cookies to report so as to remember user options for Disable Complete Confirmation **[Disable Complete Confirmation]** and **[Disable Delete Confirmation]**. - This change was needed because sometimes the browser refuse to open local URL's with params on the URL. - Using cookies also allows check options status to stay the same after refresh. - Added code to [**Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu**] to delete based on flags. --- plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js | 1004 +- plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.log | 18075 ++++++++++++++++++++ plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml | 10 +- plugins/DupFileManager/ | 17 +- 4 files changed, 18785 insertions(+), 321 deletions(-) create mode 100644 plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.log diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js index 4042fa18..c9a2a47e 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.js @@ -1,316 +1,704 @@ (function () { - /*! jQuery v3.7.1 | (c) OpenJS Foundation and other contributors | */ - // prettier-ignore - !function(e,t){"use strict";"object"==typeof module&&"object"==typeof module.exports?module.exports=e.document?t(e,!0):function(e){if(!e.document)throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");return t(e)}:t(e)}("undefined"!=typeof window?window:this,function(ie,e){"use strict";var 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This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("tag_duplicates_task"); + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Report complete. Click [Show Report] to view report." + ), + GetShowReportButton(GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), "Show Report"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetAdvanceMenuButton(), + React.createElement("p", null), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const CreateReportWithNoTagging = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: "Running task to create report. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("createDuplicateReportWithoutTagging"); + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Created HTML report without tagging. Click [Show Report] to view report." + ), + GetShowReportButton(GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), "Show Report"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetAdvanceMenuButton(), + React.createElement("p", null), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const ToolsAndUtilities = () => { + return React.createElement( + "center", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "DupFileManager Tools and Utilities"), + React.createElement("p", null), - const PluginApi = window.PluginApi; - const React = PluginApi.React; - const GQL = PluginApi.GQL; - const { Button } = PluginApi.libraries.Bootstrap; - const { faEthernet } = PluginApi.libraries.FontAwesomeSolid; - const { Link, NavLink, } = PluginApi.libraries.ReactRouterDOM; - // ToolTip text - const CreateReportButtonToolTip = "Tag duplicate files, and create a new duplicate file report listing all duplicate files and using existing DupFileManager plugin options selected."; - const CreateReportNoTagButtonToolTip = "Create a new duplicate file report listing all duplicate files and using existing DupFileManager plugin options selected. Do NOT tag files."; - const ToolsMenuToolTip = "Show DupFileManager advance menu, which list additional tools and utilities."; - const ShowReportButtonToolTip = "Open link to the duplicate file (HTML) report created in local path."; - const ReportMenuButtonToolTip = "Main report menu for DupFileManager. Create and show duplicate files on an HTML report."; - // Buttons - const DupFileManagerReportMenuButton = React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager", title: ReportMenuButtonToolTip }, React.createElement(Button, null, "DupFileManager Report Menu")); - const ToolsMenuOptionButton = React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_ToolsAndUtilities", title: ToolsMenuToolTip }, React.createElement(Button, null, "DupFileManager Tools and Utilities")); - function GetShowReportButton(LocalDuplicateReportPath, ButtonText){return React.createElement("a", { href: LocalDuplicateReportPath, title: ShowReportButtonToolTip}, React.createElement(Button, null, ButtonText));} - function GetAdvanceMenuButton(){return React.createElement("a", { href: AdvanceMenuOptionUrl, title: "Open link to the [Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu]."}, React.createElement(Button, null, "Show [Advance Duplicate File Deletion Menu]"));} - function GetCreateReportNoTagButton(ButtonText){return React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReportWithNoTagging", title: CreateReportNoTagButtonToolTip }, React.createElement(Button, null, ButtonText));} - function GetCreateReportButton(ButtonText){return React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReport", title: CreateReportButtonToolTip }, React.createElement(Button, null, ButtonText));} - - const { LoadingIndicator, } = PluginApi.components; - const HomePage = () => { - var LocalDuplicateReportPath = GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(); - console.log(LocalDupReportExist); - var MyHeader = React.createElement("h1", null, "DupFileManager Report Menu"); - if (LocalDupReportExist) - return (React.createElement("center", null, - MyHeader, - GetShowReportButton(LocalDuplicateReportPath, "Show Duplicate-File Report"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetAdvanceMenuButton(), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetCreateReportNoTagButton("Create New Report (NO Tagging)"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetCreateReportButton("Create New Report with Tagging"), - React.createElement("p", null), - ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - return (React.createElement("center", null, - MyHeader, - GetCreateReportNoTagButton("Create Duplicate-File Report (NO Tagging)"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetCreateReportButton("Create Duplicate-File Report with Tagging"), - React.createElement("p", null), - ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const CreateReport = () => { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to create report. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("tag_duplicates_task"); - return (React.createElement("center", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Report complete. Click [Show Report] to view report."), - GetShowReportButton(GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), "Show Report"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetAdvanceMenuButton(), - React.createElement("p", null), DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const CreateReportWithNoTagging = () => { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to create report. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("createDuplicateReportWithoutTagging"); - return (React.createElement("center", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Created HTML report without tagging. Click [Show Report] to view report."), - GetShowReportButton(GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), "Show Report"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetAdvanceMenuButton(), - React.createElement("p", null), DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const ToolsAndUtilities = () => { - return (React.createElement("center", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "DupFileManager Tools and Utilities"), - React.createElement("p", null), - - React.createElement("h3", {class:"submenu"}, "Report Options"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetCreateReportNoTagButton("Create Report (NO Tagging)"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetCreateReportButton("Create Report (Tagging)"), - React.createElement("p", null), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, - React.createElement("p", null), - GetShowReportButton(GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), "Show Duplicate-File Report"), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles", title: "Delete local HTML duplicate file report." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete Duplicate-File Report HTML Files")), - React.createElement("hr", {class:"dotted"}), + React.createElement("h3", { class: "submenu" }, "Report Options"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetCreateReportNoTagButton("Create Report (NO Tagging)"), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetCreateReportButton("Create Report (Tagging)"), + React.createElement("p", null), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + GetShowReportButton( + GetLocalDuplicateReportPath(), + "Show Duplicate-File Report" + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles", + title: "Delete local HTML duplicate file report.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Duplicate-File Report HTML Files" + ) + ), + React.createElement("hr", { class: "dotted" }), - React.createElement("h3", {class:"submenu"}, "Tagged Duplicates Options"), - React.createElement("p", null), - GetAdvanceMenuButton(), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask", title: "Delete scenes previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion)." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete Tagged Duplicates")), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask", title: "Delete scenes only in blacklist which where previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion)." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete Tagged Duplicates in Blacklist Only")), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", title: "Delete scenes previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion) and lower resultion or duration compare to primary (ToKeep) duplicate." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete Low Res/Dur Tagged Duplicates")), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", title: "Delete scenes only in blacklist which where previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion) and lower resultion or duration compare to primary (ToKeep) duplicate." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete Low Res/Dur Tagged Duplicates in Blacklist Only")), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement("hr", {class:"dotted"}), + React.createElement( + "h3", + { class: "submenu" }, + "Tagged Duplicates Options" + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + GetAdvanceMenuButton(), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask", + title: + "Delete scenes previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion).", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete Tagged Duplicates") + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask", + title: + "Delete scenes only in blacklist which where previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion).", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Tagged Duplicates in Blacklist Only" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + title: + "Delete scenes previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion) and lower resultion or duration compare to primary (ToKeep) duplicate.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Low Res/Dur Tagged Duplicates" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + title: + "Delete scenes only in blacklist which where previously given duplicate tag (_DuplicateMarkForDeletion) and lower resultion or duration compare to primary (ToKeep) duplicate.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Delete Low Res/Dur Tagged Duplicates in Blacklist Only" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("hr", { class: "dotted" }), - React.createElement("h3", {class:"submenu"}, "Tagged Management Options"), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_ClearAllDuplicateTags", title: "Remove duplicate tag from all scenes. This task may take some time to complete." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Clear All Duplicate Tags")), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteAllDupFileManagerTags", title: "Delete all DupFileManager tags from stash." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete All DupFileManager Tags")), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_tagGrayList", title: "Set tag _GraylistMarkForDeletion to scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and that are in the Graylist." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Tag Graylist")), - React.createElement("hr", {class:"dotted"}), + React.createElement( + "h3", + { class: "submenu" }, + "Tagged Management Options" + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_ClearAllDuplicateTags", + title: + "Remove duplicate tag from all scenes. This task may take some time to complete.", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Clear All Duplicate Tags") + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteAllDupFileManagerTags", + title: "Delete all DupFileManager tags from stash.", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Delete All DupFileManager Tags") + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_tagGrayList", + title: + "Set tag _GraylistMarkForDeletion to scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and that are in the Graylist.", + }, + React.createElement(Button, null, "Tag Graylist") + ), + React.createElement("hr", { class: "dotted" }), - React.createElement("h3", {class:"submenu"}, "Miscellaneous Options"), - React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_generatePHASH_Matching", title: "Generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) matching. Used for file comparisons." }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) Matching")), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement("p", null), - React.createElement("p", null), - )); - }; - const ClearAllDuplicateTags = () => { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running clear duplicate tags in background. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("clear_duplicate_tags_task"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Removed duplicate tags from all scenes."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles = () => { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to delete HTML files. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h2", null, "Deleted the HTML duplicate file report from local files."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const deleteAllDupFileManagerTags = () => { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to delete all DupFileManager tags in background. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteAllDupFileManagerTags"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Deleted all DupFileManager tags."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const generatePHASH_Matching = () => { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) matching in background. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("generate_phash_task"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "PHASH (Perceptual hashes) complete."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const tagGrayList = () => { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to tag _GraylistMarkForDeletion to scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and that are in the Graylist. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("graylist_tag_task"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Gray list tagging complete."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - }; - const deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask = () => { - let result = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all scenes having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags? This will delete the files, and remove them from stash."); - if (result) - { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to delete all scenes with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("delete_tagged_duplicates_task"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Scenes with dup tag deleted."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - } - return ToolsAndUtilities(); - }; - const deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask = () => { - let result = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete all scenes in blacklist having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags? This will delete the files, and remove tem from stash."); - if (result) - { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to delete all scenes in blacklist with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Blacklist scenes with dup tag deleted."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - } - return ToolsAndUtilities(); - }; - const deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration = () => { - let result = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete scenes having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags and lower resultion or duration? This will delete the files, and remove them from stash."); - if (result) - { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to delete all scenes with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and lower resultion or duration. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Scenes with dup tag and lower resultion or duration deleted."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - } - return ToolsAndUtilities(); - }; - const deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration = () => { - let result = confirm("Are you sure you want to delete scenes in blacklist having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags and lower resultion or duration? This will delete the files, and remove tem from stash."); - if (result) - { - const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard]); - if (componentsLoading) - return (React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, {message: "Running task to delete all scenes in blacklist with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and lower resultion or duration. This may take a while. Please standby."})); - RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration"); - return (React.createElement("div", null, - React.createElement("h1", null, "Blacklist scenes with dup tag and lower resultion or duration deleted."), - DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, React.createElement("p", null), ToolsMenuOptionButton - )); - } - return ToolsAndUtilities(); - }; - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager", HomePage); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReport", CreateReport); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReportWithNoTagging", CreateReportWithNoTagging); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_ToolsAndUtilities", ToolsAndUtilities); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_ClearAllDuplicateTags", ClearAllDuplicateTags); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles", deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteAllDupFileManagerTags", deleteAllDupFileManagerTags); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_generatePHASH_Matching", generatePHASH_Matching); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_tagGrayList", tagGrayList); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask", deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask", deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration); - PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration); - PluginApi.patch.before("SettingsToolsSection", function (props) { - const { Setting, } = PluginApi.components; - return [ + React.createElement("h3", { class: "submenu" }, "Miscellaneous Options"), + React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_generatePHASH_Matching", + title: + "Generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) matching. Used for file comparisons.", + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) Matching" + ) + ), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("p", null), + React.createElement("p", null) + ); + }; + const ClearAllDuplicateTags = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running clear duplicate tags in background. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("clear_duplicate_tags_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Removed duplicate tags from all scenes." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: "Running task to delete HTML files. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h2", + null, + "Deleted the HTML duplicate file report from local files." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const deleteAllDupFileManagerTags = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all DupFileManager tags in background. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteAllDupFileManagerTags"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "Deleted all DupFileManager tags."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const generatePHASH_Matching = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task generate PHASH (Perceptual hashes) matching in background. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("generate_phash_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "PHASH (Perceptual hashes) complete."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const tagGrayList = () => { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to tag _GraylistMarkForDeletion to scenes having DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and that are in the Graylist. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("graylist_tag_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "Gray list tagging complete."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + }; + const deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete all scenes having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags? This will delete the files, and remove them from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("delete_tagged_duplicates_task"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement("h1", null, "Scenes with dup tag deleted."), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + const deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete all scenes in blacklist having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags? This will delete the files, and remove tem from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes in blacklist with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Blacklist scenes with dup tag deleted." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + const deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete scenes having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags and lower resultion or duration? This will delete the files, and remove them from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and lower resultion or duration. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager("deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration"); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Scenes with dup tag and lower resultion or duration deleted." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + const deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration = () => { + let result = confirm( + "Are you sure you want to delete scenes in blacklist having _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tags and lower resultion or duration? This will delete the files, and remove tem from stash." + ); + if (result) { + const componentsLoading = PluginApi.hooks.useLoadComponents([ + PluginApi.loadableComponents.SceneCard, + ]); + if (componentsLoading) + return React.createElement(LoadingIndicator, { + message: + "Running task to delete all scenes in blacklist with _DuplicateMarkForDeletion tag and lower resultion or duration. This may take a while. Please standby.", + }); + RunPluginDupFileManager( + "deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration" + ); + return React.createElement( + "div", + null, + React.createElement( + "h1", + null, + "Blacklist scenes with dup tag and lower resultion or duration deleted." + ), + DupFileManagerReportMenuButton, + React.createElement("p", null), + ToolsMenuOptionButton + ); + } + return ToolsAndUtilities(); + }; + PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager", HomePage); + PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReport", CreateReport); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_CreateReportWithNoTagging", + CreateReportWithNoTagging + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_ToolsAndUtilities", + ToolsAndUtilities + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_ClearAllDuplicateTags", + ClearAllDuplicateTags + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles", + deleteLocalDupReportHtmlFiles + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteAllDupFileManagerTags", + deleteAllDupFileManagerTags + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_generatePHASH_Matching", + generatePHASH_Matching + ); + PluginApi.register.route("/plugin/DupFileManager_tagGrayList", tagGrayList); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask", + deleteTaggedDuplicatesTask + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask", + deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesTask + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + deleteTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration + ); + PluginApi.register.route( + "/plugin/DupFileManager_deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration", + deleteBlackListTaggedDuplicatesLwrResOrLwrDuration + ); + PluginApi.patch.before("SettingsToolsSection", function (props) { + const { Setting } = PluginApi.components; + return [ + { + children: React.createElement( + React.Fragment, + null, + props.children, + React.createElement(Setting, { + heading: React.createElement( + Link, + { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager", title: ReportMenuButtonToolTip }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "Duplicate File Report (DupFileManager)" + ) + ), + }), + React.createElement(Setting, { + heading: React.createElement( + Link, + { + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_ToolsAndUtilities", + title: ToolsMenuToolTip, + }, + React.createElement( + Button, + null, + "DupFileManager Tools and Utilities" + ) + ), + }) + ), + }, + ]; + }); + PluginApi.patch.before("MainNavBar.UtilityItems", function (props) { + const { Icon } = PluginApi.components; + return [ + { + children: React.createElement( + React.Fragment, + null, + props.children, + React.createElement( + NavLink, { - children: (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, - props.children, - React.createElement(Setting, { heading: React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager", title: ReportMenuButtonToolTip }, React.createElement(Button, null, "Duplicate File Report (DupFileManager)"))}), - React.createElement(Setting, { heading: React.createElement(Link, { to: "/plugin/DupFileManager_ToolsAndUtilities", title: ToolsMenuToolTip }, React.createElement(Button, null, "DupFileManager Tools and Utilities"))}), - )), + className: "nav-utility", + exact: true, + to: "/plugin/DupFileManager", }, - ]; - }); - PluginApi.patch.before("MainNavBar.UtilityItems", function (props) { - const { Icon, } = PluginApi.components; - return [ - { - children: (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null, - props.children, - React.createElement(NavLink, { className: "nav-utility", exact: true, to: "/plugin/DupFileManager" }, - React.createElement(Button, { className: "minimal d-flex align-items-center h-100", title: ReportMenuButtonToolTip }, - React.createElement(Icon, { icon: faEthernet }))))) - } - ]; - }); + React.createElement( + Button, + { + className: "minimal d-flex align-items-center h-100", + title: ReportMenuButtonToolTip, + }, + React.createElement(Icon, { icon: faEthernet }) + ) + ) + ), + }, + ]; + }); })(); diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.log b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.log new file mode 100644 index 00000000..2c996af8 --- /dev/null +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.log @@ -0,0 +1,18075 @@ +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14494, ID=14494 duration=(581.5), Size=(81034168), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Anja's anal boo boo - Anal Fuck, German Teen, Teacher - Asja Ent-[ATM]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Anja's anal boo boo - Anal Fuck, German Teen, Teacher - Asja Ent-[ATM]-640x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14494, ID=24928 duration=(581.52), Size=(23258427), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anja Und Der Herbergsvater Germany 1998 - teen anal ATM-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Anja's anal boo boo - Anal Fuck, German Teen, Teacher - Asja Ent-[ATM]-640x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24928 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anja Und Der Herbergsvater Germany 1998 - teen anal ATM-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=766;Set=366 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=394' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14499, ID=14499 duration=(2500.93), Size=(365520723), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch BBC Straight Anal Teen - Angie Koks, Erick Lewis, Bbc -852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch BBC Straight Anal Teen - Angie Koks, Erick Lewis, Bbc -852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14499, ID=19587 duration=(2501.04), Size=(156322050), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Move Your Hand-1-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Teen]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch BBC Straight Anal Teen - Angie Koks, Erick Lewis, Bbc -852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19587 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Move Your Hand-1-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Teen]-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=768;Set=367 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=395' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14526, ID=14526 duration=(1039.8), Size=(75758179), Res=(626 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - Rough - rape-[Force]-626x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - Rough - rape-[Force]-626x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14526, ID=25685 duration=(1039.8), Size=(73980699), Res=(480 x 368) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - Rough - rape-[Force]-626x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25685 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=770;Set=368 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=396' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14533, ID=14533 duration=(1301.83), Size=(167357115), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hot Red on Sofa - Stupri, Stupro, Witness Porn - - rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hot Red on Sofa - Stupri, Stupro, Witness Porn - - rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14533, ID=28931 duration=(1301.82), Size=(71423643), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043c\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0445\u0443 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u044e\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438 \u043d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0445\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0440\u0430-[Busty]-[Force]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hot Red on Sofa - Stupri, Stupro, Witness Porn - - rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28931 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043c\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0445\u0443 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u044e\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438 \u043d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0445\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0440\u0430-[Busty]-[Force]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=772;Set=369 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=397' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5739, ID=5739 duration=(1154.96), Size=(85624219), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5739, ID=14535 duration=(1155.13), Size=(52192858), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Just Fuck her - Hot, Sexy, Solo Porn - - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5739, ID=30665 duration=(1155.04), Size=(15456068), Res=(256 x 144) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Homemade Webcam Fuck 981, Free Fucks Porn 83 xHamster xHamster-[Force]-256x144P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14535 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Just Fuck her - Hot, Sexy, Solo Porn - - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=775;Set=370 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=398' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30665 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Homemade Webcam Fuck 981, Free Fucks Porn 83 xHamster xHamster-[Force]-256x144P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=775;Set=370 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=399' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6950, ID=6950 duration=(1223.8), Size=(91384324), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stepdad fucks busty daughter in kitchen - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stepdad fucks busty daughter in kitchen - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6950, ID=14537 duration=(1223.83), Size=(64000961), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Katerina Hartlova - First Anal - Angela Roccanera - very busty ATM-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stepdad fucks busty daughter in kitchen - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14537 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Katerina Hartlova - First Anal - Angela Roccanera - very busty ATM-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=777;Set=371 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=400' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31302, ID=31302 duration=(822.1), Size=(48513162), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lea Martini - Le ma\xeetre chanteur - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lea Martini - Le ma\xeetre chanteur - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31302, ID=14540 duration=(822.13), Size=(42883635), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch L\xe9a Martini - Le maitre chanteur - Poor, Blonde Sexy, -480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lea Martini - Le ma\xeetre chanteur - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14540 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch L\xe9a Martini - Le maitre chanteur - Poor, Blonde Sexy, -480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=779;Set=372 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=401' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14549, ID=14549 duration=(1443.82), Size=(225057230), Res=(850 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drunk Russian Girl Double Penetrated By Her Fellows - - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Busty]-[Wasted]-480x270P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2634, ID=2634 duration=(1443.7), Size=(108111041), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drunk Russian Girl Double Penetrated By Her Fellows - - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Busty]-[Wasted]-480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drunk Russian Girl Double Penetrated By Her Fellows - - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Busty]-[Wasted]-480x270P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14549 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=781;Set=373 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=402' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28652, ID=28652 duration=(2111.65), Size=(79999671), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Plumber - Plumber, Brunette, Babe Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 640x480' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14548, ID=14548 duration=(2111.83), Size=(73868001), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Plumber - Plumber, Brunette, Babe Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Plumber - Plumber, Brunette, Babe Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28652 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=783;Set=374 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=403' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14561, ID=14561 duration=(5294.85), Size=(862162989), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\girls forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3662, ID=3662 duration=(5294.88), Size=(291624442), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\girls forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\girls forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14561 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=785;Set=375 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=404' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14577, ID=14577 duration=(4656.04), Size=(770336769), Res=(624 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-3-[Anal]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 624x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29318, ID=29318 duration=(4656.08), Size=(460064887), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-3-[Anal]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-3-[Anal]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14577 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=787;Set=376 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=405' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14585, ID=14585 duration=(1973.12), Size=(308719154), Res=(624 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 624x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2534, ID=2534 duration=(1973.12), Size=(193246300), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2534, ID=17959 duration=(1973.12), Size=(78310835), Res=(312 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dreckige Biker Fantasy, Free Fantasy Tube Porn c9 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-312x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14585 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=790;Set=377 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=406' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17959 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dreckige Biker Fantasy, Free Fantasy Tube Porn c9 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-312x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=790;Set=377 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=407' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14597, ID=14597 duration=(2868.78), Size=(261321458), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watching The Schoolgirl \u2013 rape-640x360P-640x360P-[Force]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watching The Schoolgirl \u2013 rape-640x360P-640x360P-[Force]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14597, ID=17490 duration=(2868.74), Size=(179367590), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute School Girl Kidnapped Fucked And Strangled By Psychopath - teen rape-[Force]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watching The Schoolgirl \u2013 rape-640x360P-640x360P-[Force]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17490 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute School Girl Kidnapped Fucked And Strangled By Psychopath - teen rape-[Force]-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=792;Set=378 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=408' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1749, ID=1749 duration=(2284.84), Size=(327211797), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1749, ID=14599 duration=(2284.89), Size=(192902681), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Wife and husband kidnap and abuse a girl - rape-[Force]-400x300P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1749, ID=22429 duration=(2284.9), Size=(134826587), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\0645 - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14599 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Wife and husband kidnap and abuse a girl - rape-[Force]-400x300P-[Anal].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=795;Set=379 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=409' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22429 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\0645 - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=795;Set=379 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=410' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14601, ID=14601 duration=(3018.75), Size=(526990242), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4=1396579 v.s. B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4=1405718' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1396579, 24.83 : h264, 1405718, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1633, ID=1633 duration=(2998.18), Size=(526825475), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14601 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=797;Set=380 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=411' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14604, ID=14604 duration=(1442.35), Size=(160567840), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Xxx New Anal - XXX BULE - Teen singer ass-fuck casting - busty anal real painal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Xxx New Anal - XXX BULE - Teen singer ass-fuck casting - busty anal real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14604, ID=24169 duration=(1442.47), Size=(22242145), Res=(256 x 144) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A primeira audi\xe7\xe3o anal da gata gostosa xHamster-256x144P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Xxx New Anal - XXX BULE - Teen singer ass-fuck casting - busty anal real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24169 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\A primeira audi\xe7\xe3o anal da gata gostosa xHamster-256x144P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=799;Set=381 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=412' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14631, ID=14631 duration=(322.12), Size=(52279825), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\b. PAINAL punishment for 18-year-old - Bing video-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\b. PAINAL punishment for 18-year-old - Bing video-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14631, ID=22561 duration=(322.07), Size=(19346027), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year-old Painal-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\b. PAINAL punishment for 18-year-old - Bing video-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22561 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year-old Painal-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=801;Set=382 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=413' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14667, ID=14667 duration=(1170.16), Size=(70739562), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Random Teen Porn Vids I Love _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Random Teen Porn Vids I Love _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14667, ID=25816 duration=(1170.12), Size=(54407185), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\curious daughter fucked by dad - MOTHERLESSCOM-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Random Teen Porn Vids I Love _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25816 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\curious daughter fucked by dad - MOTHERLESSCOM-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=803;Set=383 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=414' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14674, ID=14674 duration=(1833.2), Size=(195867396), Res=(682 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Old man rape young girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3016, ID=3016 duration=(1833.12), Size=(104950034), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Old man rape young girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Old man rape young girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14674 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=805;Set=384 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=415' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8083, ID=8083 duration=(1619.21), Size=(114392078), Res=(432 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8083, ID=14685 duration=(1619.16), Size=(64774545), Res=(432 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\pleasure and pain for this cutie - very busty anal painal ATM-432x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14685 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\pleasure and pain for this cutie - very busty anal painal ATM-432x240P.mp4=320040 v.s. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4=565176' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\pleasure and pain for this cutie - very busty anal painal ATM-432x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=807;Set=385 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=416' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14698, ID=14698 duration=(499.62), Size=(81925875), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14698, ID=21076 duration=(499.6), Size=(81900837), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SIS. PORN. Unplanned sex with stepbro helps skinny girl forge-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21076 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\SIS. PORN. Unplanned sex with stepbro helps skinny girl forge-1280x720P.mp4=1311463 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4=1311804' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\SIS. PORN. Unplanned sex with stepbro helps skinny girl forge-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=809;Set=386 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=417' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14715, ID=14715 duration=(1987.63), Size=(324216347), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14715, ID=26035 duration=(1987.52), Size=(311290237), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Hard Anal Casting Couch Pretty Young Black Slut HD Porn cf xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26035 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Hard Anal Casting Couch Pretty Young Black Slut HD Porn cf xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1252979 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1304938' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Hard Anal Casting Couch Pretty Young Black Slut HD Porn cf xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=811;Set=387 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=418' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25056, ID=25056 duration=(2090.84), Size=(341109676), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 2090.84 < 2091.02' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14723, ID=14723 duration=(2091.02), Size=(340888910), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1304204 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4=1304221' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1304204, 25 : h264, 1304221, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15457, ID=15457 duration=(2090.86), Size=(340868670), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15457, ID=24404 duration=(2090.93), Size=(323126418), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Chubby Schoolgirl Hard Sodomized by Her Teacher xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25056 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=815;Set=388 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=419' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14723 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=815;Set=388 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=420' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24404 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Chubby Schoolgirl Hard Sodomized by Her Teacher xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1236295 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4=1304221' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Chubby Schoolgirl Hard Sodomized by Her Teacher xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=815;Set=388 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=421' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31219, ID=31219 duration=(1935.88), Size=(316815709), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Drilled - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1935.88 < 1936.15' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14730, ID=14730 duration=(1936.15), Size=(316599799), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Drilled - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Drilled - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31219 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=817;Set=389 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=422' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19046, ID=19046 duration=(2615.61), Size=(426982407), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19046, ID=14738 duration=(2615.91), Size=(426713703), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14738 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1304977 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4=1305950' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=819;Set=390 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=423' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26221, ID=26221 duration=(958.72), Size=(156333936), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26221, ID=14750 duration=(958.9), Size=(156213252), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14750 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1303270 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1304522' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=821;Set=391 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=424' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7075, ID=7075 duration=(702.59), Size=(151127688), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7075, ID=14754 duration=(702.64), Size=(114117432), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14754 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1299298 v.s. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4=1720801' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=823;Set=392 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=425' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14761, ID=14761 duration=(1817.43), Size=(295989987), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14761, ID=28334 duration=(1816.71), Size=(267726730), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teensloveanal - Compilation of Painful Anal Sex HD Porn 78 x-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14761, ID=26499 duration=(1816.67), Size=(189674554), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex Porn Videos-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28334 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teensloveanal - Compilation of Painful Anal Sex HD Porn 78 x-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=826;Set=393 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=426' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26499 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex Porn Videos-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=826;Set=393 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=427' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14769, ID=14769 duration=(5505.36), Size=(477841133), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Volumen de gang bang inverso 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 638x360 < 554x416' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26773, ID=26773 duration=(5505.26), Size=(304299543), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Volumen de gang bang inverso 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Volumen de gang bang inverso 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14769 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=828;Set=394 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=428' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14846, ID=14846 duration=(492.75), Size=(165901679), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4=2693505 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4=2694700' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2693505, 24.99 : h264, 2694700, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14776, ID=14776 duration=(492.06), Size=(165745289), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14776, ID=23497 duration=(492.04), Size=(10889739), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot 18 Year Old Indian Teen Like It Rough -[Force]-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14846 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=831;Set=395 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=429' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23497 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot 18 Year Old Indian Teen Like It Rough -[Force]-444x250P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=831;Set=395 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=430' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=200, ID=200 duration=(1213.16), Size=(410308322), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=200, ID=30589 duration=(1213.18), Size=(410178836), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rough assfuck for big ass teen 18 after street casting on th-[Anal]-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=200, ID=14786 duration=(1213.26), Size=(410167684), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Voyer]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30589 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rough assfuck for big ass teen 18 after street casting on th-[Anal]-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704810 v.s. B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4=2705716' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rough assfuck for big ass teen 18 after street casting on th-[Anal]-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=834;Set=396 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=431' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14786 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Voyer]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704558 v.s. B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4=2705716' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Voyer]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=834;Set=396 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=432' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29081, ID=29081 duration=(738.28), Size=(248230627), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29081, ID=14795 duration=(738.34), Size=(248104363), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORATION SEX AT FIRST DATE - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14795 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORATION SEX AT FIRST DATE - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2688246 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2689826' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORATION SEX AT FIRST DATE - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=836;Set=397 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=433' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29084, ID=29084 duration=(736.16), Size=(246952377), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29084, ID=14797 duration=(736.24), Size=(246918824), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CHANIE AT STREET CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14797 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CHANIE AT STREET CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2683008 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2683681' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CHANIE AT STREET CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=838;Set=398 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=434' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14804, ID=14804 duration=(754.05), Size=(253818577), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - SKINNY REDHEAD TEEN EMMA ANAL SEX AT CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - SKINNY REDHEAD TEEN EMMA ANAL SEX AT CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14804, ID=29160 duration=(753.96), Size=(121088943), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Skinny Redhead Teen Emma Anal Sex at Casting xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - SKINNY REDHEAD TEEN EMMA ANAL SEX AT CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29160 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Skinny Redhead Teen Emma Anal Sex at Casting xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=840;Set=399 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=435' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14810, ID=14810 duration=(421.48), Size=(141602499), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Amateur Interracial African Anal Casting Compilation -[Ebony].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=811, ID=811 duration=(421.48), Size=(9234159), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Amateur Interracial African Anal Casting Compilation -[Ebony].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Amateur Interracial African Anal Casting Compilation -[Ebony].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14810 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=842;Set=400 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=436' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14820, ID=14820 duration=(737.43), Size=(249282636), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Our Favorite Bang Casting Scenes - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Our Favorite Bang Casting Scenes - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14820, ID=20055 duration=(737.24), Size=(102736143), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Our Favorite Bang! Casting Scenes a Compilation - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Our Favorite Bang Casting Scenes - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20055 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Our Favorite Bang! Casting Scenes a Compilation - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=844;Set=401 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=437' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14823, ID=14823 duration=(1084.25), Size=(368431861), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14823, ID=20134 duration=(1084.17), Size=(368295560), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal 'Please Cum, I'll Do Anything' Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal 2023 WWWXXX-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20134 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal 'Please Cum, I'll Do Anything' Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal 2023 WWWXXX-1920x1080P.mp4=2717630 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2718420" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal 'Please Cum, I'll Do Anything' Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal 2023 WWWXXX-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=846;Set=402 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=438" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14835, ID=14835 duration=(636.74), Size=(213936443), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\25yo Mother Trying Anal Fuck with our Cameraman - Pornhubcom-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5670, ID=5670 duration=(636.69), Size=(70659260), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\25yo Mother Trying Anal Fuck with our Cameraman - Pornhubcom-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\25yo Mother Trying Anal Fuck with our Cameraman - Pornhubcom-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14835 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=848;Set=403 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=439' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26903, ID=26903 duration=(705.8), Size=(237383291), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26903, ID=14845 duration=(705.95), Size=(237295903), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14845 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2689086 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4=2690657' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=850;Set=404 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=440' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21082, ID=21082 duration=(1225.78), Size=(414434858), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21082, ID=14856 duration=(1225.86), Size=(414242138), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - skinny girl 18 seduce to first assfuck by huge cock step brother - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14856 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - skinny girl 18 seduce to first assfuck by huge cock step brother - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2703361 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704788' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - skinny girl 18 seduce to first assfuck by huge cock step brother - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=852;Set=405 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=441' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14858, ID=14858 duration=(1789.42), Size=(239871218), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked up and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Busty]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20411, ID=20411 duration=(1789.48), Size=(161321510), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked up and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Busty]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked up and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Busty]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14858 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=854;Set=406 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=442' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22437, ID=22437 duration=(1083.36), Size=(64563515), Res=(526 x 394) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\526x394 - 100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1083.36 < 1086.37' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14878, ID=14878 duration=(1086.37), Size=(64459993), Res=(526 x 394) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\526x394 - 100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\526x394 - 100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22437 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=856;Set=407 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=443' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14887, ID=14887 duration=(5023.67), Size=(296488275), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4=472146 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4=472911' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 472146, 24.93 : h264, 472911, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19196, ID=19196 duration=(5009.34), Size=(296122005), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14887 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=858;Set=408 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=444' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14886, ID=14886 duration=(2508.15), Size=(118482543), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4=377912 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4=380275' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 377912, 24.83 : h264, 380275, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28497, ID=28497 duration=(2491.29), Size=(118422244), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14886 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=860;Set=409 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=445' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30983, ID=30983 duration=(2483.14), Size=(136872487), Res=(546 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30983, ID=14888 duration=(2483.19), Size=(136700707), Res=(546 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\546x420 - Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - XVIDEOS.COM-546x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14888 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\546x420 - Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - XVIDEOS.COM-546x420P.mp4=440404 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4=440965' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\546x420 - Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - XVIDEOS.COM-546x420P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=862;Set=410 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=446' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22762, ID=22762 duration=(4973.28), Size=(358212264), Res=(720 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\24556.mp4-720x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\24556.mp4-720x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22762, ID=14906 duration=(4973.68), Size=(275404955), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - she needs her asshole to be filled - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\24556.mp4-720x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14906 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - she needs her asshole to be filled - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=864;Set=411 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=447' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31207, ID=31207 duration=(3073.6), Size=(274329456), Res=(582 x 388) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\582x388 - no money wife debit 0084906 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 3073.6 < 3094.47' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14903, ID=14903 duration=(3094.47), Size=(180305639), Res=(582 x 388) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\582x388 - no money wife debit 0084906 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\582x388 - no money wife debit 0084906 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31207 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=866;Set=412 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=448' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22802, ID=22802 duration=(1925.56), Size=(106343380), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22802, ID=14909 duration=(1925.58), Size=(106134087), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - 3 rubias sexy folladas por una polla negra PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14909 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - 3 rubias sexy folladas por una polla negra PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=440943 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=441817' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - 3 rubias sexy folladas por una polla negra PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=868;Set=413 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=449' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21874, ID=21874 duration=(3550.73), Size=(195884124), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21874, ID=14917 duration=(3550.81), Size=(195573478), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Rubias cachondas a las que les estiran el culo TS-5-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14917 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Rubias cachondas a las que les estiran el culo TS-5-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=440629 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4=441338' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Rubias cachondas a las que les estiran el culo TS-5-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=870;Set=414 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=450' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17716, ID=17716 duration=(314.56), Size=(17349857), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17716, ID=14913 duration=(314.6), Size=(17295215), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14913 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=439800 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=441247' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=872;Set=415 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=451' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14997, ID=14997 duration=(4008.3), Size=(337264135), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Young Black Teen Anal Casting Black Hardcore Sex Video - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 638x360 < 646x364' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14930, ID=14930 duration=(4035.89), Size=(236602196), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Young Black Teen Anal Casting Black Hardcore Sex Video - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Young Black Teen Anal Casting Black Hardcore Sex Video - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14997 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=874;Set=416 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=452' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14929, ID=14929 duration=(3735.45), Size=(219789641), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4=470711 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4=473792' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 470711, 24.83 : h264, 473792, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22562, ID=22562 duration=(3710.08), Size=(219726111), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14929 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=876;Set=417 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=453' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14933, ID=14933 duration=(3223.5), Size=(190337184), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4=472373 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4=475597' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 472373, 24.83 : h264, 475597, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22559, ID=22559 duration=(3201.12), Size=(190305656), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14933 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=878;Set=418 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=454' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14937, ID=14937 duration=(1474.42), Size=(138725846), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14937, ID=28707 duration=(1474.1), Size=(138629450), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28707 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=752349 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=752709' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=880;Set=419 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=455' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14953, ID=14953 duration=(3465.33), Size=(517822174), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=29.97' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1195433, 24 : h264, 1058118, 29.97' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14952, ID=14952 duration=(3439.4), Size=(454912047), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14953 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=882;Set=420 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=456' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16514, ID=16514 duration=(300.2), Size=(29093661), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4=29.94' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv with B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 775314, 25 : h264, 753896, 29.94' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14946, ID=14946 duration=(300.4), Size=(28308594), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16514 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=884;Set=421 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=457' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16534, ID=16534 duration=(303.8), Size=(41249179), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16534, ID=14959 duration=(300.51), Size=(23076115), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG] -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14959 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG] -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=886;Set=422 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=458' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14981, ID=14981 duration=(216.85), Size=(11449038), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Accidental Painal Compilation-576x432P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Accidental Painal Compilation-576x432P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14981, ID=24624 duration=(216.94), Size=(8688648), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Compilation Pain, Free Xxx Anal Tube Porn 81 xHamster xHamster-[Painal]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Accidental Painal Compilation-576x432P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24624 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Compilation Pain, Free Xxx Anal Tube Porn 81 xHamster xHamster-[Painal]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=888;Set=423 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=459' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14991, ID=14991 duration=(610.08), Size=(237488460), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3114179, 24 : h264, 1304280, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23280, ID=23280 duration=(609.96), Size=(99444830), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23280, ID=24243 duration=(609.95), Size=(41200610), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14991 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=891;Set=424 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=460' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24243 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=891;Set=424 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=461' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15002, ID=15002 duration=(615.87), Size=(234715444), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3048872, 24 : h264, 1310850, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23345, ID=23345 duration=(615.76), Size=(100896175), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23345, ID=24253 duration=(615.78), Size=(44247699), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview... - Angie Koks - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15002 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=894;Set=425 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=462' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24253 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview... - Angie Koks - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=894;Set=425 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=463' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15009, ID=15009 duration=(2439.16), Size=(287357911), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15009, ID=23363 duration=(2439.12), Size=(287296888), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alexa May - Anal Petite Teen Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too Far, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23363 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alexa May - Anal Petite Teen Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too Far v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4=942481' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alexa May - Anal Petite Teen Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too Far for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=896;Set=426 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=464' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26467, ID=26467 duration=(2364.3), Size=(1539268559), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenie Gets Ass Hole Fucking - Blonde Alice Klay - teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenie Gets Ass Hole Fucking - Blonde Alice Klay - teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26467, ID=15015 duration=(2364.33), Size=(391951832), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alice - Russian girlfriend puts out - Alice Klay - teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenie Gets Ass Hole Fucking - Blonde Alice Klay - teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15015 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alice - Russian girlfriend puts out - Alice Klay - teen anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=898;Set=427 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=465' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15019, ID=15019 duration=(2339.58), Size=(832250740), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alicia Williams Fit Teen Anal - very skinny busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alicia Williams Fit Teen Anal - very skinny busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15019, ID=22660 duration=(2339.4), Size=(243746723), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\195385_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alicia Williams Fit Teen Anal - very skinny busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22660 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\195385_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=900;Set=428 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=466' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15032, ID=15032 duration=(615.67), Size=(234727709), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3050063, 24 : h264, 1312744, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24379, ID=24379 duration=(615.56), Size=(101009130), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15032 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=902;Set=429 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=467' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15040, ID=15040 duration=(4673.73), Size=(262313609), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Amateur Anal Attempts\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4, ID=4 duration=(4673.71), Size=(261428804), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Amateur Anal Attempts\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Amateur Anal Attempts\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15040 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=904;Set=430 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=468' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15047, ID=15047 duration=(2520), Size=(342416729), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15047, ID=24385 duration=(2519.95), Size=(342385983), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In Stockings, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15047, ID=24446 duration=(2519.72), Size=(55742349), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur anal casting couch of a skinny french brunette in stockings -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24385 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In Stockings for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=907;Set=431 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=469' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24446 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur anal casting couch of a skinny french brunette in stockings - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=907;Set=431 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=470' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17947, ID=17947 duration=(597.24), Size=(59494591), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Double blackmail rape scene watch online watch online-[Amateur]-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Double blackmail rape scene watch online watch online-[Amateur]-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17947, ID=15050 duration=(597.22), Size=(35214474), Res=(524 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur, Big Tits, Fat, British, BBW - busty rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Double blackmail rape scene watch online watch online-[Amateur]-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15050 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur, Big Tits, Fat, British, BBW - busty rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=909;Set=432 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=471' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24565, ID=24565 duration=(2425.07), Size=(1587453622), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amelia Li First Anal Session [4K] - Sheena Shaw - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amelia Li First Anal Session [4K] - Sheena Shaw - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24565, ID=15058 duration=(2425.1), Size=(332411423), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amelia Li First - Anal Session - EPORNER-854x480P-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amelia Li First Anal Session [4K] - Sheena Shaw - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15058 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amelia Li First - Anal Session - EPORNER-854x480P-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=911;Set=433 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=472' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15079, ID=15079 duration=(1970.53), Size=(1283669850), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15079, ID=24584 duration=(1970.52), Size=(141297535), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24584 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=913;Set=434 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=473' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15086, ID=15086 duration=(2198.5), Size=(1179261210), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Casting 2 - Hard X Mick Blue Zoe Bloom - anal casting-1920x1080P-[Nude].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Casting 2 - Hard X Mick Blue Zoe Bloom - anal casting-1920x1080P-[Nude].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15086, ID=27249 duration=(2198.47), Size=(287090864), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Zoe bloom (all anal super cutie)[2019, big butts, small tits, brunette, nude photography, sexy, blowjobs, anal, hd 1080p] watch online-[Anal Casting]-[Casting]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Casting 2 - Hard X Mick Blue Zoe Bloom - anal casting-1920x1080P-[Nude].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27249 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Zoe bloom (all anal super cutie)[2019, big butts, small tits, brunette, nude photography, sexy, blowjobs, anal, hd 1080p] watch online-[Anal Casting]-[Casting]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=915;Set=435 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=474' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15093, ID=15093 duration=(4198.36), Size=(724393141), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15093, ID=24765 duration=(4198.33), Size=(723516813), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sky In The Woods, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24765 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sky In The Woods v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4=1380335' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sky In The Woods for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=917;Set=436 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=475' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24876, ID=24876 duration=(300.07), Size=(16531754), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24876, ID=15111 duration=(300.07), Size=(16503368), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15111 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=439984 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4=440741' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=919;Set=437 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=476' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=341, ID=341 duration=(1817.5), Size=(711256401), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Busty\\Busty Girl Enjoys Anal - Busty Clary - very busty teen anal cum in mouth-[ATM]-[CumInMouth]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Busty\\Busty Girl Enjoys Anal - Busty Clary - very busty teen anal cum in mouth-[ATM]-[CumInMouth]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=341, ID=15131 duration=(1817.47), Size=(141341847), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Marceline(2)-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Busty\\Busty Girl Enjoys Anal - Busty Clary - very busty teen anal cum in mouth-[ATM]-[CumInMouth]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15131 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Marceline(2)-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=921;Set=438 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=477' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25785, ID=25785 duration=(1641.98), Size=(162147387), Res=(720 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 10 21sextury 2020 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 10 21sextury 2020 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25785, ID=15134 duration=(1641.95), Size=(123360786), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Renata Fox-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 10 21sextury 2020 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15134 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Renata Fox-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=923;Set=439 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=478' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15147, ID=15147 duration=(3039), Size=(446593304), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids 19yo sweetie doll's first interracial penetration big black cock ATM BBC balls deep anal cum in mouth-[CumInMouth]-[Teen]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids 19yo sweetie doll's first interracial penetration big black cock ATM BBC balls deep anal cum in mouth-[CumInMouth]-[Teen]-852x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15147, ID=31615 duration=(3038.98), Size=(306945241), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\legalporno analvids 23 01 21 sweetie doll eks105 720p xleech watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids 19yo sweetie doll's first interracial penetration big black cock ATM BBC balls deep anal cum in mouth-[CumInMouth]-[Teen]-852x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31615 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\legalporno analvids 23 01 21 sweetie doll eks105 720p xleech watch online - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=925;Set=440 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=479' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15163, ID=15163 duration=(3222.05), Size=(474205894), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lola Bredly - Anal - very busty-854x480P-[Teen].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 854x480' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16075, ID=16075 duration=(3222.17), Size=(438771519), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lola Bredly - Anal - very busty-854x480P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lola Bredly - Anal - very busty-854x480P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15163 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=927;Set=441 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=480' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=16140 duration=(2503), Size=(1607947410), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=25104 duration=(2502.97), Size=(505887361), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-Mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=25106 duration=(2503.18), Size=(504542913), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=15162 duration=(2503.02), Size=(432201939), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new teen mensia francis first time anal action ball - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25104 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-Mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=931;Set=442 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=481' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25106 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=931;Set=442 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=482' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15162 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new teen mensia francis first time anal action ball - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=931;Set=442 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=483' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15987, ID=15987 duration=(3009.71), Size=(1928232707), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Kate Foley Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-[Amateur]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Kate Foley Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-[Amateur]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15987, ID=15166 duration=(3009.61), Size=(441730258), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids newbie teen kate foley tastes a big black cock for -[Amateur]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Kate Foley Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-[Amateur]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15166 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids newbie teen kate foley tastes a big black cock for -[Amateur]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=933;Set=443 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=484' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5500, ID=5500 duration=(1977.98), Size=(380661129), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Angelina black - Velvet Touch - pure 18 movie from JizzBunker com - skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 768x432 < 852x480' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15182, ID=15182 duration=(1978.13), Size=(271946820), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Angelina black - Velvet Touch - pure 18 movie from JizzBunker com - skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Angelina black - Velvet Touch - pure 18 movie from JizzBunker com - skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=935;Set=444 of 980;QtySkipForDel=7" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15206, ID=15206 duration=(1983.21), Size=(759036774), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asia Butt Hurt - teen very skinny asian anal real painal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asia Butt Hurt - teen very skinny asian anal real painal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15206, ID=31436 duration=(1983.1), Size=(236334554), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Ouch! Why Does My Bum Hurts Asian - F86 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asia Butt Hurt - teen very skinny asian anal real painal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31436 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Ouch! Why Does My Bum Hurts Asian - F86 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=937;Set=445 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=485' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15218, ID=15218 duration=(2268.03), Size=(977629151), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3448377, 30 : av1, 2431229, 30' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15208, ID=15208 duration=(2268.03), Size=(689263335), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15218 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=939;Set=446 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=486' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15269, ID=15269 duration=(2924.13), Size=(497623417), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Balls deep alice clay vs dylan brown balls deep anal - aka alice klay - anal ATM BBC teen-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Balls deep alice clay vs dylan brown balls deep anal - aka alice klay - anal ATM BBC teen-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15269, ID=23390 duration=(2923.93), Size=(496095278), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alice Clay petite teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Balls deep alice clay vs dylan brown balls deep anal - aka alice klay - anal ATM BBC teen-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23390 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alice Clay petite teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=941;Set=447 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=487' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16897, ID=16897 duration=(3471.29), Size=(932933547), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\It Will Grow In Her Care - Jill Taylor - teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\It Will Grow In Her Care - Jill Taylor - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16897, ID=15275 duration=(3471.52), Size=(698524377), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\BangBus - Jill Taylor - Pickup Young Blonde Girl - teen busty anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\It Will Grow In Her Care - Jill Taylor - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15275 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\BangBus - Jill Taylor - Pickup Young Blonde Girl - teen busty anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=943;Set=448 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=488' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17321, ID=17321 duration=(1901.95), Size=(327198014), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17321, ID=29639 duration=(1901.9), Size=(326514540), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (queen lin) [porncube \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e new porn hd 1080 anal big tits russia -[Busty]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17321, ID=15323 duration=(1901.81), Size=(268196086), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Biker Hard Fucked Teen Queenlin in The Ass - Big Anal Gape - Big Natural Tits - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29639 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (queen lin) [porncube \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e new porn hd 1080 anal big tits russia -[Busty]-852x480P.mp4=1373424 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4=1376265' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (queen lin) [porncube \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e new porn hd 1080 anal big tits russia -[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=946;Set=449 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=489' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15323 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Biker Hard Fucked Teen Queenlin in The Ass - Big Anal Gape - Big Natural Tits - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=946;Set=449 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=490' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2782, ID=2782 duration=(1489.5), Size=(133022869), Res=(822 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ginevra Hollander - Intruder takes advantage of a horny blind - Forced_Rape-822x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ginevra Hollander - Intruder takes advantage of a horny blind - Forced_Rape-822x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2782, ID=15332 duration=(1489.51), Size=(59024503), Res=(412 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blind very busty girl in black dress anal raped-[Force]-[Skirt]-412x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ginevra Hollander - Intruder takes advantage of a horny blind - Forced_Rape-822x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15332 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blind very busty girl in black dress anal raped-[Force]-[Skirt]-412x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=948;Set=450 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=491' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15361, ID=15361 duration=(2389.96), Size=(1532206578), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Babe Takes Huge BBC - Charlotte Sins - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Babe Takes Huge BBC - Charlotte Sins - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15361, ID=27989 duration=(2389.94), Size=(334149665), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Charlotte sins, dredd - anal BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Babe Takes Huge BBC - Charlotte Sins - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27989 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Charlotte sins, dredd - anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=950;Set=451 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=492' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15340, ID=15340 duration=(491.84), Size=(64194027), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15340, ID=29300 duration=(491.81), Size=(56932262), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-23-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29300 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-23-768x432P.mp4=926089 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4=1044144' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-23-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=952;Set=452 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=493' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15350, ID=15350 duration=(1812.22), Size=(92857439), Res=(400 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal -' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal - with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x240 < 432x240' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15373, ID=15373 duration=(1812.32), Size=(72149616), Res=(432 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Claudia Rossi loves Boats - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-444x250P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 432x240 < 444x250' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25089, ID=25089 duration=(1812.27), Size=(50578886), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Claudia Rossi loves Boats - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Claudia Rossi loves Boats - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-444x250P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15350 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=955;Set=453 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=494' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15373 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=955;Set=453 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=495' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5285, ID=5285 duration=(1321.35), Size=(137201426), Res=(512 x 384) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Blonde Brazilian anal.painful.anal-512x384P.avi, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Blonde Brazilian anal.painful.anal-512x384P.avi' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5285, ID=15356 duration=(1321.43), Size=(50451531), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brazilian Babe Gets Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Blonde Brazilian anal.painful.anal-512x384P.avi' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15356 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brazilian Babe Gets Anal - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=957;Set=454 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=496' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4094, ID=4094 duration=(2616.8), Size=(179221788), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4094, ID=15366 duration=(2616.77), Size=(178692712), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Briana Taylor and Mark Wood - Drunken Street Boys video-852x480P-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Wasted].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15366 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Briana Taylor and Mark Wood - Drunken Street Boys video-852x480P-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Wasted].mp4=546299 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4=547912' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Briana Taylor and Mark Wood - Drunken Street Boys video-852x480P-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Wasted].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=959;Set=455 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=497' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24152, ID=24152 duration=(1337.12), Size=(123003351), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\79 big dick black cock retro classic - teen anal ATM BBC-[DP]-[Petite]-[Vintage]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\79 big dick black cock retro classic - teen anal ATM BBC-[DP]-[Petite]-[Vintage]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24152, ID=15369 duration=(1337.28), Size=(33236587), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\British IR DP - petite teen anal BBC-320x240P-[ATM]-[Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\79 big dick black cock retro classic - teen anal ATM BBC-[DP]-[Petite]-[Vintage]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15369 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\British IR DP - petite teen anal BBC-320x240P-[ATM]-[Vintage].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=961;Set=456 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=498' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15395, ID=15395 duration=(310.83), Size=(50935000), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15395, ID=18015 duration=(310.81), Size=(50910962), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dude caught victim and anal fucked her - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Asian]-[Busty]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18015 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dude caught victim and anal fucked her - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Asian]-[Busty]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=1310403 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4=1310925' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dude caught victim and anal fucked her - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Asian]-[Busty]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=963;Set=457 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=499' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27833, ID=27833 duration=(1902.21), Size=(305413068), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Camila Wants BBC Free Xnnxx HD Porn Video 79 - xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Camila Wants BBC Free Xnnxx HD Porn Video 79 - xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27833, ID=15400 duration=(1902.13), Size=(278741181), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila - teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Camila Wants BBC Free Xnnxx HD Porn Video 79 - xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15400 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila - teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=965;Set=458 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=500' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15402, ID=15402 duration=(1502.73), Size=(209475677), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila Cooper - Natasha Teen - very skinny teen anal BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila Cooper - Natasha Teen - very skinny teen anal BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15402, ID=16797 duration=(1502.73), Size=(168139640), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Camila Cooper Assfucked By BBC Camilla Kamila - very skinny petite anal latina real painal ATM BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila Cooper - Natasha Teen - very skinny teen anal BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16797 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Camila Cooper Assfucked By BBC Camilla Kamila - very skinny petite anal latina real painal ATM BBC.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=967;Set=459 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=501' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15406, ID=15406 duration=(1181.9), Size=(748403675), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camilla Krabbe - BBC UPSCALED skinny anal-960x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camilla Krabbe - BBC UPSCALED skinny anal-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15406, ID=15924 duration=(1182.03), Size=(162408335), Res=(708 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jake Steed Franco Roccaforte Vs Camilla Krabbe - skinny puffy nipples anal BBC-[UPSCALED]-708x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camilla Krabbe - BBC UPSCALED skinny anal-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15924 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jake Steed Franco Roccaforte Vs Camilla Krabbe - skinny puffy nipples anal BBC-[UPSCALED]-708x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=969;Set=460 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=502' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=20823, ID=20823 duration=(600.63), Size=(203425294), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco Siffredi Wants 2 Know If She's REALLY NASTY! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Casting]-[Deepthroat]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco Siffredi Wants 2 Know If She's REALLY NASTY! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Casting]-[Deepthroat]-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=20823, ID=15418 duration=(600.73), Size=(13494235), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting Deepthroat, Casting Anal Atm -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco Siffredi Wants 2 Know If She's REALLY NASTY! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Casting]-[Deepthroat]-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15418 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting Deepthroat, Casting Anal Atm - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=971;Set=461 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=503' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16838, ID=16838 duration=(3406.8), Size=(343374645), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ExploitedCollegeGirls 17 10 19 E715 Charlotte Anal XXX 1080p - T-720x480P-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ExploitedCollegeGirls 17 10 19 E715 Charlotte Anal XXX 1080p - T-720x480P-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16838, ID=15432 duration=(3406.79), Size=(139789610), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Charlotte Carmen Nice Baby Charlottes First Anal Sex Experience Public Pussy - very skinny teen anal (Low Res) -480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ExploitedCollegeGirls 17 10 19 E715 Charlotte Anal XXX 1080p - T-720x480P-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15432 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Charlotte Carmen Nice Baby Charlottes First Anal Sex Experience Public Pussy - very skinny teen anal (Low Res) -480x270P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=973;Set=462 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=504' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17257, ID=17257 duration=(1099.8), Size=(108507062), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Roadtrip to Hell - ultimate asphyx kill _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Roadtrip to Hell - ultimate asphyx kill _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17257, ID=15442 duration=(1099.94), Size=(60077541), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chick Kidnapped, Fucked, Smothered - busty, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Roadtrip to Hell - ultimate asphyx kill _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15442 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chick Kidnapped, Fucked, Smothered - busty for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=975;Set=463 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=505' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25908, ID=25908 duration=(2511.48), Size=(138688486), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25908, ID=15448 duration=(2511.5), Size=(138413231), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chocolate bar in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15448 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chocolate bar in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=440893 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=441774' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chocolate bar in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=977;Set=464 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=506' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16403, ID=16403 duration=(446.62), Size=(150865670), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16403, ID=15489 duration=(446.62), Size=(150858151), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Indian Teen Slut Pounded - XVIDEOS COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15489 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Indian Teen Slut Pounded - XVIDEOS COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2702201 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2702335' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Indian Teen Slut Pounded - XVIDEOS COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=979;Set=465 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=507' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2800, ID=2800 duration=(522.96), Size=(85671284), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gorgeous babe Sarah Kay kidnapped and brutally fucked in BDS - Forced_Rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gorgeous babe Sarah Kay kidnapped and brutally fucked in BDS - Forced_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2800, ID=15492 duration=(528.89), Size=(51405345), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Sweetie Sarah Kay Kidnapped And Brutal Fucked In Bondage Action By Large Male -[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gorgeous babe Sarah Kay kidnapped and brutally fucked in BDS - Forced_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15492 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Sweetie Sarah Kay Kidnapped And Brutal Fucked In Bondage Action By Large Male -[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=981;Set=466 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=508' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17540, ID=17540 duration=(821.88), Size=(77546905), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17540, ID=15496 duration=(821.9), Size=(77457717), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15496 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian-854x480P.mp4=753935 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4=754824' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=983;Set=467 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=509' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15510, ID=15510 duration=(7150.88), Size=(895574477), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dakota Tyler In 1st Anything Anal - brunette petite teen real painal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dakota Tyler In 1st Anything Anal - brunette petite teen real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15510, ID=15915 duration=(7150.72), Size=(407037513), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\It\u2019s Been An Exit Only Until Today \u2013 xxdbx-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dakota Tyler In 1st Anything Anal - brunette petite teen real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15915 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\It\u2019s Been An Exit Only Until Today \u2013 xxdbx-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=985;Set=468 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=510' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15520, ID=15520 duration=(1810.65), Size=(574224609), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho Thrillers - Daddy Dearest MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29549, ID=29549 duration=(1803.76), Size=(162872203), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho Thrillers - Daddy Dearest MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho Thrillers - Daddy Dearest MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15520 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=987;Set=469 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=511' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15546, ID=15546 duration=(1771.78), Size=(1136320777), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Diana Rius First Anal Quest - EPORNER-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Diana Rius First Anal Quest - EPORNER-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15546, ID=18994 duration=(1771.78), Size=(175888721), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest com diana rius 598 august 29 2020_1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Diana Rius First Anal Quest - EPORNER-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18994 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest com diana rius 598 august 29 2020_1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=989;Set=470 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=512' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15539, ID=15539 duration=(483), Size=(24290503), Res=(576 x 442) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Sleeping daughter-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6783, ID=6783 duration=(482.96), Size=(19659541), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Sleeping daughter-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Sleeping daughter-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15539 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=991;Set=471 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=513' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17960, ID=17960 duration=(888.48), Size=(300502695), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17960, ID=15553 duration=(888.5), Size=(300400335), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15553 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704777 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4=2705768' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=993;Set=472 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=514' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2619, ID=2619 duration=(657.26), Size=(107648920), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drugged and fucked in bedroom - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drugged and fucked in bedroom - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2619, ID=15555 duration=(657.27), Size=(36269454), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Drugged And Abused-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drugged and fucked in bedroom - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15555 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Drugged And Abused-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=995;Set=473 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=515' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15566, ID=15566 duration=(2687.21), Size=(535213337), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15566, ID=29874 duration=(2687.29), Size=(525244814), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time Wet Cocks - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29874 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time Wet Cocks - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4=1563640 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4=1593366' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time Wet Cocks - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=997;Set=474 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=516' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15571, ID=15571 duration=(8519.68), Size=(471974888), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15571, ID=18049 duration=(8519.66), Size=(471458669), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EVASIVE ANGLES Hot Latin Pussy Adventures 32 -[Latina]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18049 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\a\\EVASIVE ANGLES Hot Latin Pussy Adventures 32 -[Latina]-554x416P.mp4=442702 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4=443185' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\EVASIVE ANGLES Hot Latin Pussy Adventures 32 -[Latina]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=999;Set=475 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=517' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18275, ID=18275 duration=(442.35), Size=(70077097), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1267369, 24 : av1, 1046438, 24' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15600, ID=15600 duration=(442.35), Size=(57861054), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18275 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1001;Set=476 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=518' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15625, ID=15625 duration=(1680.68), Size=(430368757), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\ - ANAL SLAVE DRESSES LIKE A CUTE SLUT FOR - Forced_Anal_Rape-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1825, ID=1825 duration=(1680.64), Size=(92848953), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\ - ANAL SLAVE DRESSES LIKE A CUTE SLUT FOR - Forced_Anal_Rape-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\ - ANAL SLAVE DRESSES LIKE A CUTE SLUT FOR - Forced_Anal_Rape-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15625 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1003;Set=477 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=519' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15689, ID=15689 duration=(2517.53), Size=(2175295453), Res=(3840 x 2160) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy Whores - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-3840x2160P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy Whores - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15689, ID=16042 duration=(2517.53), Size=(1555532156), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal (9215) - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy Whores - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16042 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal (9215) - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1005;Set=478 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=520' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18563, ID=18563 duration=(1996.86), Size=(188912982), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18563, ID=15645 duration=(1996.89), Size=(109656189), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15645 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1007;Set=479 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=521' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18615, ID=18615 duration=(2354.97), Size=(1212519171), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Alexa Flexy - EPORNER-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 2354.97 < 2355' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15652, ID=15652 duration=(2355), Size=(588723069), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Alexa Flexy - EPORNER-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Alexa Flexy - EPORNER-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18615 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1009;Set=480 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=522' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23850, ID=23850 duration=(63.07), Size=(21524607), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4=29.98 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4=30' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2730394, 29.98 : h264, 2724249, 30' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15651, ID=15651 duration=(63.09), Size=(21483997), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23850 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1011;Set=481 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=523' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15654, ID=15654 duration=(748.24), Size=(122218533), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15654, ID=25529 duration=(748.15), Size=(100471712), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hardcore anal gaping is what teen hussy gets - ZB Porn-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25529 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hardcore anal gaping is what teen hussy gets - ZB Porn-1280x720P.mp4=1074351 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4=1306734' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hardcore anal gaping is what teen hussy gets - ZB Porn-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1013;Set=482 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=524' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23039, ID=23039 duration=(2548.58), Size=(617758842), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A teen who gets her anus sprayed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-[Anal]-[FAQ]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A teen who gets her anus sprayed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-[Anal]-[FAQ]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23039, ID=15655 duration=(2548.7), Size=(140203914), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - ANAL PUNISHMENT OF A CUTE CZECH TEEN WI-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A teen who gets her anus sprayed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-[Anal]-[FAQ]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15655 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - ANAL PUNISHMENT OF A CUTE CZECH TEEN WI-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1015;Set=483 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=525' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18407, ID=18407 duration=(1550.24), Size=(524646344), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINNY TEEN GIRL - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINNY TEEN GIRL - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18407, ID=15657 duration=(1550.26), Size=(252987405), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINN-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINNY TEEN GIRL - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15657 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINN-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1017;Set=484 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=526' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15670, ID=15670 duration=(1402.07), Size=(151187309), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced at home #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 554x416 < 738x554' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2723, ID=2723 duration=(1386.32), Size=(130700809), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced at home #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced at home #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15670 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1019;Set=485 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=527' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20912, ID=20912 duration=(2030.72), Size=(191601142), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough and seedy sex in the suburbs Vol. 6 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough and seedy sex in the suburbs Vol. 6 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20912, ID=15672 duration=(2054.03), Size=(188488991), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing To Fuck -[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough and seedy sex in the suburbs Vol. 6 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15672 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing To Fuck -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1021;Set=486 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=528' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15688, ID=15688 duration=(2630.82), Size=(623570917), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15688, ID=23746 duration=(2630.86), Size=(344559329), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Huge dick monster dick penis severely torn stretched ass Russian inkwell francesca dicaprio in anal ass ass anus porn watch online-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Pounding In Prague - Anal, Interracial, Anybody Know Her Name Porn - SpankBang-[BBC]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 2630.82 < 2631.16' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31551, ID=31551 duration=(2631.16), Size=(537152820), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Pounding In Prague - Anal, Interracial, Anybody Know Her Name Porn - SpankBang-[BBC]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Pounding In Prague - Anal, Interracial, Anybody Know Her Name Porn - SpankBang-[BBC]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15688 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1024;Set=487 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=529' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23746 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Huge dick monster dick penis severely torn stretched ass Russian inkwell francesca dicaprio in anal ass ass anus porn watch online-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1024;Set=487 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=530' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15695, ID=15695 duration=(2681.28), Size=(231359934), Res=(576 x 468) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen's First Anal Fuck-576x468P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen's First Anal Fuck-576x468P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15695, ID=19013 duration=(2681.28), Size=(148052562), Res=(532 x 434) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\flora jourdan -Clip#1-532x434P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen's First Anal Fuck-576x468P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19013 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\flora jourdan -Clip#1-532x434P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1026;Set=488 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=531' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28779, ID=28779 duration=(1796.2), Size=(291712033), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1299238, 25 : av1, 1234699, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15697, ID=15697 duration=(1796.2), Size=(277221264), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15697, ID=16452 duration=(1796.16), Size=(203130084), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - French amateur teen try painful anal homemade -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28779 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1029;Set=489 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=532' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16452 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - French amateur teen try painful anal homemade - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1029;Set=489 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=533' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15708, ID=15708 duration=(767.6), Size=(74378272), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder in Amber MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-636x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x432 < 636x480' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2887, ID=2887 duration=(767.7), Size=(68405299), Res=(636 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder in Amber MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-636x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder in Amber MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-636x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15708 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1031;Set=490 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=534' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15751, ID=15751 duration=(2339.62), Size=(1202126570), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Gianna Michaels Anal Scene - UPSCALED very busty anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Gianna Michaels Anal Scene - UPSCALED very busty anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15751, ID=30632 duration=(2339.5), Size=(754599455), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Gianna Michaels Anal Scene [Color Corrected, Upscaled, And Interpolated] - Gianna Michaels, Milf, German Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Gianna Michaels Anal Scene - UPSCALED very busty anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30632 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Gianna Michaels Anal Scene [Color Corrected, Upscaled, And Interpolated] - Gianna Michaels, Milf, German Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1033;Set=491 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=535' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21350, ID=21350 duration=(2393.76), Size=(317205835), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1060109, 25 : av1, 704160, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15741, ID=15741 duration=(2393.76), Size=(210698756), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21350 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1035;Set=492 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=536' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18383, ID=18383 duration=(2428.68), Size=(383272892), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18383, ID=15767 duration=(2428.68), Size=(382886685), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grandparents Anal Threesome, Grandparents Threesome - Videos-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15767 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grandparents Anal Threesome, Grandparents Threesome - Videos-1280x720P.mp4=1261217 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4=1262489' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grandparents Anal Threesome, Grandparents Threesome - Videos-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1037;Set=493 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=537' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3944, ID=3944 duration=(424.84), Size=(34386260), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rocco - Teen First Blowjob, Forced Anal Fucking She Does Not Like-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rocco - Teen First Blowjob, Forced Anal Fucking She Does Not Like-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3944, ID=15762 duration=(424.97), Size=(16996879), Res=(324 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Great anal scene 1 - Tubesafari com-[Force]-[Teen]-324x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rocco - Teen First Blowjob, Forced Anal Fucking She Does Not Like-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15762 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Great anal scene 1 - Tubesafari com-[Force]-[Teen]-324x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1039;Set=494 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=538' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15768, ID=15768 duration=(2295.9), Size=(316620404), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grosse Pute Se Fait Pulv\xe9riser Le Fion Par Une Bbc - Jane Wi-01-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grosse Pute Se Fait Pulv\xe9riser Le Fion Par Une Bbc - Jane Wi-01-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15768, ID=26378 duration=(2296.04), Size=(315933082), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Sweet Teen Anal Ride Bbc - Sweet Jane - EPORNER-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grosse Pute Se Fait Pulv\xe9riser Le Fion Par Une Bbc - Jane Wi-01-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26378 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Sweet Teen Anal Ride Bbc - Sweet Jane - EPORNER-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1041;Set=495 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=539' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15766, ID=15766 duration=(1516.7), Size=(142256312), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\group of woman snuff in forest - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3645, ID=3645 duration=(1516.66), Size=(83505158), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\group of woman snuff in forest - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\group of woman snuff in forest - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15766 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1043;Set=496 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=540' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23935, ID=23935 duration=(651.41), Size=(113928719), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial sex for petite teen with both anal and pussy-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial sex for petite teen with both anal and pussy-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23935, ID=15785 duration=(651.42), Size=(35553187), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hardcore interracial white teen fucked by black man in her pussy and tight ass - XVIDEOSCOM-640x360P-[Anal]-[Petite].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial sex for petite teen with both anal and pussy-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15785 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hardcore interracial white teen fucked by black man in her pussy and tight ass - XVIDEOSCOM-640x360P-[Anal]-[Petite].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1045;Set=497 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=541' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2213, ID=2213 duration=(1872.48), Size=(638057197), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Hazel abducted drugged and hung out for use - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Hazel abducted drugged and hung out for use - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2213, ID=15789 duration=(1893.79), Size=(130160169), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel Abducted Drugged + Hung Out For Use - skinny teen[Force]-[Wasted]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Hazel abducted drugged and hung out for use - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15789 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel Abducted Drugged + Hung Out For Use - skinny teen[Force]-[Wasted]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1047;Set=498 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=542' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15792, ID=15792 duration=(2071.48), Size=(356977398), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel moore anal ATM BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel moore anal ATM BBC-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15792, ID=26584 duration=(2071.43), Size=(156438020), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\There Is Nothing Like The Backdoor \u2013 xxdbx-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel moore anal ATM BBC-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26584 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\There Is Nothing Like The Backdoor \u2013 xxdbx-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1049;Set=499 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=543' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2461, ID=2461 duration=(1881.76), Size=(215174770), Res=(576 x 484) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Teen Raped And Choked - Forced_Rape-576x484P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Teen Raped And Choked - Forced_Rape-576x484P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2461, ID=15807 duration=(1881.79), Size=(188135906), Res=(572 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker Raped By Duo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny busty-[Force]-[Teen]-572x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Teen Raped And Choked - Forced_Rape-576x484P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15807 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker Raped By Duo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny busty-[Force]-[Teen]-572x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1051;Set=500 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=544' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15933, ID=15933 duration=(1825.68), Size=(956199158), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15933, ID=28168 duration=(1825.64), Size=(740625719), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Small Tits Teen Gets Anal Creampied by her Big Cock Pussy De-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15933, ID=15852 duration=(1825.59), Size=(211901265), Res=(800 x 452) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\How To Spend Spare Time Presented By Horny Girl Iveta - teen anal-[Deepthroat]-800x452P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28168 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Small Tits Teen Gets Anal Creampied by her Big Cock Pussy De-1920x1080P.mp4=3245440 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=4189996' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Small Tits Teen Gets Anal Creampied by her Big Cock Pussy De-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1054;Set=501 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=545' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15852 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\How To Spend Spare Time Presented By Horny Girl Iveta - teen anal-[Deepthroat]-800x452P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1054;Set=501 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=546' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15873, ID=15873 duration=(438.98), Size=(147603155), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15873, ID=29822 duration=(438.98), Size=(147601391), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Sex With 18 Years Old Indian Girl - XVIDEOS COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29822 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Sex With 18 Years Old Indian Girl - XVIDEOS COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2689878 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2689911' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Sex With 18 Years Old Indian Girl - XVIDEOS COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1056;Set=502 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=547' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15876, ID=15876 duration=(450.28), Size=(152424183), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15876, ID=27123 duration=(450.28), Size=(152345438), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Sexy Indian Girl First Time Sex Defloration - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27123 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Sexy Indian Girl First Time Sex Defloration - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2706700 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2708099' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Sexy Indian Girl First Time Sex Defloration - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1058;Set=503 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=548' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21462, ID=21462 duration=(1712.67), Size=(231142945), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She Needs the Black Cock in the Ass, Free Porn 84 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She Needs the Black Cock in the Ass, Free Porn 84 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21462, ID=15896 duration=(1712.78), Size=(133107890), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Interracial Hole Stretchers 3 - Scene 3 -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She Needs the Black Cock in the Ass, Free Porn 84 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15896 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Interracial Hole Stretchers 3 - Scene 3 - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1060;Set=504 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=549' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15903, ID=15903 duration=(603.17), Size=(228393247), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3029257, 24 : h264, 1269753, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1868, ID=1868 duration=(603.05), Size=(95715689), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15903 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1062;Set=505 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=550' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30549, ID=30549 duration=(1634.85), Size=(169711876), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30549, ID=31199 duration=(1634.85), Size=(169288952), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=30549, ID=15905 duration=(1653.36), Size=(141310948), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\It's A Trap! Brought Her House And Violently Crew Pounded - skinny teen anal DP[ATM]-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31199 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44.mp4=828401 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4=830470' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1065;Set=506 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=551' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15905 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\It's A Trap! Brought Her House And Violently Crew Pounded - skinny teen anal DP[ATM]-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1065;Set=506 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=552" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28534, ID=28534 duration=(2352.88), Size=(130164950), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28534, ID=15911 duration=(2352.9), Size=(129905604), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Iveta - skinny busty russian anal painal-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15911 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Iveta - skinny busty russian anal painal-638x360P.mp4=441686 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4=442572' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Iveta - skinny busty russian anal painal-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1067;Set=507 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=553' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5099, ID=5099 duration=(2853.57), Size=(492973173), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\SpyCam\\Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[Nude]-[Voyer]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\SpyCam\\Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[Nude]-[Voyer]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5099, ID=15914 duration=(2853.54), Size=(211016686), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ivi Rein Gets Her Asshole Filled With Cum \u2013 xxdbx- very skinny petite ATM anal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\SpyCam\\Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[Nude]-[Voyer]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15914 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ivi Rein Gets Her Asshole Filled With Cum \u2013 xxdbx- very skinny petite ATM anal-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1069;Set=508 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=554' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15983, ID=15983 duration=(2518.58), Size=(445472074), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Khali Noire Straight To Anal - very skinny latin teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Khali Noire Straight To Anal - very skinny latin teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15983, ID=16309 duration=(2518.58), Size=(353170342), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\[legalporno com&analvids com] khali noire brazilian super cu-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Khali Noire Straight To Anal - very skinny latin teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16309 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\[legalporno com&analvids com] khali noire brazilian super cu-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1071;Set=509 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=555' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31226, ID=31226 duration=(3469.85), Size=(567144433), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31226, ID=16011 duration=(3469.86), Size=(566759264), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16011 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - anal-1280x720P.mp4=1306701 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4=1307593' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1073;Set=510 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=556' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16009, ID=16009 duration=(2054.88), Size=(336088166), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16009, ID=31237 duration=(2054.87), Size=(335973981), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31237 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4=1308008 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4=1308450' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1075;Set=511 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=557' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16014, ID=16014 duration=(1484.32), Size=(159013012), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Lady y su amiga porno colombiano gratis anal painal busty-[FFM]-544x408P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x360 < 544x408' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26198, ID=26198 duration=(1484.46), Size=(87518955), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Lady y su amiga porno colombiano gratis anal painal busty-[FFM]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Lady y su amiga porno colombiano gratis anal painal busty-[FFM]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16014 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1077;Set=512 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=558' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16034, ID=16034 duration=(1365.7), Size=(97750406), Res=(480 x 352) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen babysitter watches homemade video then punished by-480x352P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8197, ID=8197 duration=(1364.03), Size=(62319041), Res=(480 x 352) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen babysitter watches homemade video then punished by-480x352P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen babysitter watches homemade video then punished by-480x352P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16034 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1079;Set=513 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=559' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22746, ID=22746 duration=(2495.77), Size=(460510107), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\21 Years Old In New Teen Princess Alice First Time Assfucked, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\21 Years Old In New Teen Princess Alice First Time Assfucked' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22746, ID=16046 duration=(2495.59), Size=(426700675), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legalporno analvids princess alice new teen princess alice f-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\21 Years Old In New Teen Princess Alice First Time Assfucked' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16046 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legalporno analvids princess alice new teen princess alice f-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1081;Set=514 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=560' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19045, ID=19045 duration=(410.62), Size=(16282203), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 317220, 25 : av1, 201668, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16058, ID=16058 duration=(410.67), Size=(10352374), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19045 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1083;Set=515 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=561' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16082, ID=16082 duration=(1519.12), Size=(1816986773), Res=(2560 x 1440) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal ATM painal-[UPSCALED]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=252, ID=252 duration=(1519.13), Size=(993098472), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal ATM painal-[UPSCALED]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal ATM painal-[UPSCALED]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16082 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1085;Set=516 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=562' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19221, ID=19221 duration=(772.18), Size=(394395812), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19221, ID=16095 duration=(772.29), Size=(394312700), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots -1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16095 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots -1920x1080P.mp4=4084600 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4=4086052' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots -1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1087;Set=517 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=563' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16101, ID=16101 duration=(1206.85), Size=(99954915), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 544x408 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18771, ID=18771 duration=(1194.4), Size=(94273953), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3984, ID=3984 duration=(1193.96), Size=(74061469), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3984, ID=4041 duration=(1193.18), Size=(33750585), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\force russian girl 21 - XNXX.COM-374x280P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16101 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1091;Set=518 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=564' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18771 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1091;Set=518 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=565' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\force russian girl 21 - XNXX.COM-374x280P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1091;Set=518 of 980;QtySkipForDel=8" +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16120, ID=16120 duration=(1804.62), Size=(222943154), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom -' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom - v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom - with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 988322, 24.72 : h264, 471858, 25' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2976, ID=2976 duration=(1784.38), Size=(105246989), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16120 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1093;Set=519 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=566' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=67, ID=67 duration=(4798.87), Size=(976337017), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 1111.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 1111.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=67, ID=16128 duration=(4798.94), Size=(496749774), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (1111) Facefucking Marathon, Part 11 Of 11-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 1111.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16128 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (1111) Facefucking Marathon, Part 11 Of 11-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1095;Set=520 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=567' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=89, ID=89 duration=(5186.7), Size=(1481416743), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz multiple scenes - Sluts Get Destroyed - Cocksucking, Cumpil.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz multiple scenes - Sluts Get Destroyed - Cocksucking, Cumpil.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=89, ID=16129 duration=(5186.78), Size=(566844314), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (411) Facefucking Marathon, Part 4 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz multiple scenes - Sluts Get Destroyed - Cocksucking, Cumpil.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16129 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (411) Facefucking Marathon, Part 4 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1097;Set=521 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=568' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=71, ID=71 duration=(6074.73), Size=(1466870773), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 511 _ test upload - HD No volume - includes Jessie hotel scene.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 511 _ test upload - HD No volume - includes Jessie hotel scene.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=71, ID=16131 duration=(6074.8), Size=(648281214), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (511) Facefucking Marathon, Part 5 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 511 _ test upload - HD No volume - includes Jessie hotel scene.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16131 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (511) Facefucking Marathon, Part 5 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1099;Set=522 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=569' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16133, ID=16133 duration=(2230.97), Size=(872762773), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis FirstAnal Quest com 2022 EP657 Blonde Girl In Fis-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis FirstAnal Quest com 2022 EP657 Blonde Girl In Fis-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16133, ID=19406 duration=(2230.93), Size=(385098545), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mencia Francis - Firstanalquest blonde girl in fishnets mencia francis tries anal sex first time russian - puffy nipples very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis FirstAnal Quest com 2022 EP657 Blonde Girl In Fis-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19406 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mencia Francis - Firstanalquest blonde girl in fishnets mencia francis tries anal sex first time russian - puffy nipples very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1101;Set=523 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=570' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16145, ID=16145 duration=(2111.2), Size=(492536535), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mia Cheers(20y) . Blond Hair Super Skinny . Anal3 - Petite very skinny blond anal-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mia Cheers(20y) . Blond Hair Super Skinny . Anal3 - Petite very skinny blond anal-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16145, ID=17318 duration=(2111.23), Size=(360492996), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mia cheers (skinny white blonde mia gets her ass destroyed by mr anderson!) [2023, anal, teen, natural tits, 1080p] watch online-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mia Cheers(20y) . Blond Hair Super Skinny . Anal3 - Petite very skinny blond anal-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17318 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mia cheers (skinny white blonde mia gets her ass destroyed by mr anderson!) [2023, anal, teen, natural tits, 1080p] watch online-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1103;Set=524 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=571' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16144, ID=16144 duration=(2977.14), Size=(424553533), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16144, ID=19468 duration=(2977.12), Size=(423937963), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19468 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4=1140835' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1105;Set=525 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=572' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16163, ID=16163 duration=(2128.67), Size=(281662047), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Molly jane dad thinks im mom - very busty anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Molly jane dad thinks im mom - very busty anal-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16163, ID=19539 duration=(2128.59), Size=(202331300), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Molly Jane in step Daughter with Big Tits is broken in her Anus by Horny StepDad - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Molly jane dad thinks im mom - very busty anal-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19539 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Molly Jane in step Daughter with Big Tits is broken in her Anus by Horny StepDad - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1107;Set=526 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=573' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16167, ID=16167 duration=(3003.2), Size=(515730702), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting Welcome To Porn Rough Sex, Balls - skinny teen anal ATM rough.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting Welcome To Porn Rough Sex, Balls - skinny teen anal ATM rough.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16167, ID=22461 duration=(3002.9), Size=(421510951), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\1177008.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting Welcome To Porn Rough Sex, Balls - skinny teen anal ATM rough.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22461 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\1177008.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1109;Set=527 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=574' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16183, ID=16183 duration=(1260.02), Size=(69503838), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal skinny petite teens FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal skinny petite teens FFM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16183, ID=19691 duration=(1260), Size=(25220613), Res=(384 x 288) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal FFM-[Teen]-384x288P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal skinny petite teens FFM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19691 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal FFM-[Teen]-384x288P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1111;Set=528 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=575' +[241127 11:55:32] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16201, ID=16201 duration=(2425.67), Size=(420119098), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16201, ID=19844 duration=(2425.64), Size=(418868914), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\New teen queenlin first time to anal vids-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19844 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\New teen queenlin first time to anal vids-852x480P.mp4=1381473 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4=1385577' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\New teen queenlin first time to anal vids-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1113;Set=529 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=576' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5862, ID=5862 duration=(3631.06), Size=(291980346), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\PST office party - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\PST office party - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5862, ID=16219 duration=(3631.15), Size=(283303010), Res=(540 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Office Party \u2013 PornXP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\PST office party - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16219 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Office Party \u2013 PornXP.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1115;Set=530 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=577' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16255, ID=16255 duration=(2372.97), Size=(897116328), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Pain Of Bbc In The Ass - Angie Koks - anal-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Pain Of Bbc In The Ass - Angie Koks - anal-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16255, ID=31439 duration=(2372.9), Size=(307175262), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Painal BBC Up Her Tight Anal Cavity Anal - skinny teen anal BBC-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Pain Of Bbc In The Ass - Angie Koks - anal-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31439 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Painal BBC Up Her Tight Anal Cavity Anal - skinny teen anal BBC-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1117;Set=531 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=578' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20159, ID=20159 duration=(286.88), Size=(27692772), Res=(360 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painful Anal Free Porn Porn Porn Video a9 - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painful Anal Free Porn Porn Porn Video a9 - xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20159, ID=16240 duration=(286.88), Size=(10386244), Res=(244 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Painful Homemade Anal-244x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painful Anal Free Porn Porn Porn Video a9 - xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16240 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Painful Homemade Anal-244x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1119;Set=532 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=579' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16254, ID=16254 duration=(1018.67), Size=(147030025), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16254, ID=22931 duration=(1018.75), Size=(73845026), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\A Good Time free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page of-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16254, ID=21419 duration=(1018.69), Size=(63517003), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shame On Her - Dahlia Sin fucked in an alley - XVIDEOS.COM-[Passed Out]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22931 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\A Good Time free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page of-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1122;Set=533 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=580' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21419 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shame On Her - Dahlia Sin fucked in an alley - XVIDEOS.COM-[Passed Out]-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1122;Set=533 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=581' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16263, ID=16263 duration=(1128.28), Size=(142864567), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Persistent Guy Finally Convince Shy Friends Sister With Perfect Natural Tits To Fuck Her -[Anal]-[Casting]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-480x272P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5901, ID=5901 duration=(1128.28), Size=(82261067), Res=(480 x 272) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Persistent Guy Finally Convince Shy Friends Sister With Perfect Natural Tits To Fuck Her -[Anal]-[Casting]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-480x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Persistent Guy Finally Convince Shy Friends Sister With Perfect Natural Tits To Fuck Her -[Anal]-[Casting]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-480x272P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16263 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1124;Set=534 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=582' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4302, ID=4302 duration=(1281.64), Size=(111930858), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4302, ID=16270 duration=(1281.66), Size=(75903610), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Girlfriend Violently Abused And Force Fucked - RapeLust-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4302, ID=3321 duration=(1281.78), Size=(75603808), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Step Brother forces his Little Step Sister to fuck -[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16270 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Girlfriend Violently Abused And Force Fucked - RapeLust-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1127;Set=535 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=583' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Step Brother forces his Little Step Sister to fuck -[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1127;Set=535 of 980;QtySkipForDel=9" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4881, ID=4881 duration=(176.54), Size=(19076162), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg, KeepPath=B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Young Latina Short Pigtails By Pool Anal Fuck One Of My F.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 384x288' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16279, ID=16279 duration=(176.68), Size=(3948312), Res=(384 x 288) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Young Latina Short Pigtails By Pool Anal Fuck One Of My F.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Young Latina Short Pigtails By Pool Anal Fuck One Of My F.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1129;Set=536 of 980;QtySkipForDel=10" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16489, ID=16489 duration=(1831.26), Size=(148571066), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Two Hot Brazilian Bikini Babes Gets Roughly Pushed Anal Fucked On the Yacht By 2 Intruders - anal rape FFMM skinny-[Anal, Bikini, Force].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 448x336 < 480x368' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16298, ID=16298 duration=(1831.38), Size=(127796116), Res=(480 x 368) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Two Hot Brazilian Bikini Babes Gets Roughly Pushed Anal Fucked On the Yacht By 2 Intruders - anal rape FFMM skinny-[Anal, Bikini, Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Two Hot Brazilian Bikini Babes Gets Roughly Pushed Anal Fucked On the Yacht By 2 Intruders - anal rape FFMM skinny-[Anal, Bikini, Force].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16489 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1131;Set=537 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=584' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16311, ID=16311 duration=(636.53), Size=(60100947), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal Sexo - very skinny anal teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal Sexo - very skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16311, ID=30232 duration=(636.56), Size=(37647740), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal Sexo - very skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30232 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1133;Set=538 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=585' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25767, ID=25767 duration=(207.36), Size=(11436243), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25767, ID=16313 duration=(207.38), Size=(11414846), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16313 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=440338 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=441213' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1135;Set=539 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=586' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16339, ID=16339 duration=(450.5), Size=(152376652), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\black teenage girl gets a hung wh i te dick in her big booty-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\black teenage girl gets a hung wh i te dick in her big booty-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16339, ID=28782 duration=(450.54), Size=(71220078), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoshardx-ebony-teen-takes-a-big-white-cock-up-her-bubbly-ass-10864505-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\black teenage girl gets a hung wh i te dick in her big booty-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28782 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoshardx-ebony-teen-takes-a-big-white-cock-up-her-bubbly-ass-10864505-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1137;Set=540 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=587' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16359, ID=16359 duration=(727.82), Size=(118626881), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4=30' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex - with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1303919, 29.97 : h264, 1139327, 30' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22196, ID=22196 duration=(727.83), Size=(103654477), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16359 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1139;Set=541 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=588' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26994, ID=26994 duration=(1555.52), Size=(146744048), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26994, ID=23264 duration=(1555.58), Size=(85779926), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #3 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26994, ID=16360 duration=(1555.54), Size=(85272791), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - You Never Know What Twisted Meetings Come Across Vol. 11 - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23264 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #3 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1142;Set=542 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=589' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16360 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - You Never Know What Twisted Meetings Come Across Vol. 11 - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1142;Set=542 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=590' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17595, ID=17595 duration=(1256.8), Size=(425047424), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17595, ID=16375 duration=(1256.82), Size=(424903015), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\deep ass fuck with cum inside for slim blonde girl 18 - ATM anal blond-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16375 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\deep ass fuck with cum inside for slim blonde girl 18 - ATM anal blond-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704616 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4=2705585' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\deep ass fuck with cum inside for slim blonde girl 18 - ATM anal blond-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1144;Set=543 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=591' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18954, ID=18954 duration=(5198.9), Size=(286897446), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18954, ID=16370 duration=(5198.9), Size=(286342073), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16370 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4=440619 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=441473' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1146;Set=544 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=592' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16406, ID=16406 duration=(731.94), Size=(247591463), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16406, ID=16404 duration=(731.9), Size=(247574566), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\extreme skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and de.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16404 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\extreme skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and de.mp4=2706091 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2706128' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\extreme skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and de.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1148;Set=545 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=593' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16412, ID=16412 duration=(1703.8), Size=(106287816), Res=(848 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\BrutalPickup\\Brutal Pickups - Joseline Kelly - E09 - rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1680, ID=1680 duration=(1703.89), Size=(96054870), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\BrutalPickup\\Brutal Pickups - Joseline Kelly - E09 - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\BrutalPickup\\Brutal Pickups - Joseline Kelly - E09 - rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16412 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1150;Set=546 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=594' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17115, ID=17115 duration=(2248.27), Size=(733311447), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Emma Rosie Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - anal skinny.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Emma Rosie Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - anal skinny.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17115, ID=16427 duration=(2248.25), Size=(427768007), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Emma Rosie Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Emma Rosie Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - anal skinny.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16427 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Emma Rosie Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1152;Set=547 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=595' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28426, ID=28426 duration=(2174.5), Size=(1408011539), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality - very skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality - very skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28426, ID=16434 duration=(2174.48), Size=(375203108), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality -[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality - very skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16434 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality -[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1154;Set=548 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=596' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27665, ID=27665 duration=(783.76), Size=(74575282), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty French Picked Up For Anal 2023 WWWXXX-748x548P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty French Picked Up For Anal 2023 WWWXXX-748x548P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27665, ID=16443 duration=(783.77), Size=(70806226), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Busty french picked up for anal - SEXTVX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty French Picked Up For Anal 2023 WWWXXX-748x548P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16443 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Busty french picked up for anal - SEXTVX.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1156;Set=549 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=597' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22383, ID=22383 duration=(2481.77), Size=(838209105), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead skinny milf - XNXX.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead skinny milf - XNXX.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22383, ID=16457 duration=(2481.79), Size=(277433556), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead milf -[Skinny]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead skinny milf - XNXX.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16457 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead milf -[Skinny]-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1158;Set=550 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=598' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16700, ID=16700 duration=(1919.89), Size=(181059383), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\852x480 - Petite Black Babe Penetrated by White Cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\852x480 - Petite Black Babe Penetrated by White Cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=16700, ID=16461 duration=(1919.85), Size=(177809431), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - White cock for ebony babe's ass -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\852x480 - Petite Black Babe Penetrated by White Cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16461 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - White cock for ebony babe's ass - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1160;Set=551 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=599" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16468, ID=16468 duration=(216.32), Size=(15114154), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Fat Slut Screaming While Assfucked PAINAL _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Fat Slut Screaming While Assfucked PAINAL _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16468, ID=21812 duration=(216.13), Size=(10542973), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Wife Screams Loudly while getting her Asshole Drilled Hard-[Anal]-[Painal]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Fat Slut Screaming While Assfucked PAINAL _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21812 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Wife Screams Loudly while getting her Asshole Drilled Hard-[Anal]-[Painal]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1162;Set=552 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=600' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16475, ID=16475 duration=(1307.01), Size=(301770522), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Furniturer Raped girl in the ass _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny teen in skirt rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Furniturer Raped girl in the ass _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny teen in skirt rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16475, ID=23794 duration=(1307.24), Size=(163819163), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\I got a big instrument for you MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Furniturer Raped girl in the ass _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny teen in skirt rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23794 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\I got a big instrument for you MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1164;Set=553 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=601' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16494, ID=16494 duration=(2879.32), Size=(596224484), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=29.97' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1656570, 25 : h264, 1305470, 29.97' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22656, ID=22656 duration=(2879.25), Size=(469847128), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16494 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1166;Set=554 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=602' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16481, ID=16481 duration=(1949.31), Size=(217050550), Res=(656 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\beautiful young girl raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 656x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3592, ID=3592 duration=(1949.36), Size=(190253611), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\beautiful young girl raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\beautiful young girl raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16481 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1168;Set=555 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=603' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16487, ID=16487 duration=(464.08), Size=(26317499), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - War Rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - War Rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16487, ID=30812 duration=(464.12), Size=(25672146), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Japanese in prison - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - War Rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30812 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Japanese in prison - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1170;Set=556 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=604' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30998, ID=30998 duration=(275.43), Size=(26553272), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16495, ID=16495 duration=(275.46), Size=(23771130), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage gangrape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3758, ID=3758 duration=(275.52), Size=(21121929), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage gangrape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage gangrape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30998 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1173;Set=557 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=605' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16495 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1173;Set=557 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=606' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19684, ID=19684 duration=(687.06), Size=(229732434), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19684, ID=16527 duration=(687.08), Size=(229690808), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\no lube anal was a bad idea 18 yo blonde teen can hardly take it-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16527 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\no lube anal was a bad idea 18 yo blonde teen can hardly take it-1920x1080P.mp4=2674387 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4=2674962' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\no lube anal was a bad idea 18 yo blonde teen can hardly take it-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1175;Set=558 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=607' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28843, ID=28843 duration=(1996.36), Size=(322344309), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosteens-try-blacks18yo-russian-anja-had-her-.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosteens-try-blacks18yo-russian-anja-had-her-.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28843, ID=16565 duration=(1996.7), Size=(322150303), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Extreme Deep Hard Fuck Brutal Sex Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosteens-try-blacks18yo-russian-anja-had-her-.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16565 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Extreme Deep Hard Fuck Brutal Sex Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4=1290732 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosteens-try-blacks18yo-russian-anja-had-her-.mp4=1291728' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Extreme Deep Hard Fuck Brutal Sex Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1177;Set=559 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=608' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26862, ID=26862 duration=(1557.57), Size=(507722813), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Keri Anal Teen Second Video - EPORNER.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1557.57 < 1585.64' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16575, ID=16575 duration=(1585.64), Size=(436185758), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Keri Anal Teen Second Video - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Keri Anal Teen Second Video - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26862 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1179;Set=560 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=609' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1841, ID=1841 duration=(311.3), Size=(50772407), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Painful Anal Scream and Anal Pain Compilation.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 311.3 < 315.55' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16570, ID=16570 duration=(315.55), Size=(34917967), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Painful Anal Scream and Anal Pain Compilation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Painful Anal Scream and Anal Pain Compilation.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16570, ID=17231 duration=(311.36), Size=(24673276), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANAL.COM - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Painful Anal Scream and Anal Pain Compilation.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1182;Set=561 of 980;QtySkipForDel=11" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17231 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANAL.COM - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1182;Set=561 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=610' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16580, ID=16580 duration=(405.4), Size=(77450304), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck with Throatpie -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck with Throatpie -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck with Throatpie - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck.mp4=1547425' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck with Throatpie - with B:\\V\\V\\h\\Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1528366, 29.59 : h264, 1547425, 30' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28385, ID=28385 duration=(399.75), Size=(77323859), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16580 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck with Throatpie - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1184;Set=562 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=611' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16587, ID=16587 duration=(730.04), Size=(118936524), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Vegan Cutie Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From Her 1st Big Black Cock! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Vegan Cutie Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From Her 1st Big Black Cock! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16587, ID=23912 duration=(730.01), Size=(89678086), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial Amateur Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From BBC! - Bing video.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Vegan Cutie Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From Her 1st Big Black Cock! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23912 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial Amateur Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From BBC! - Bing video.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1186;Set=563 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=612' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16592, ID=16592 duration=(730.15), Size=(118771552), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - dude 18 yo babysitter bella anal painal and more wtf - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - dude 18 yo babysitter bella anal painal and more wtf - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16592, ID=22551 duration=(730.01), Size=(88017735), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Yo Babysitter Bella Fucked in Virgin Butthole! - Bing video.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - dude 18 yo babysitter bella anal painal and more wtf - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22551 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Yo Babysitter Bella Fucked in Virgin Butthole! - Bing video.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1188;Set=564 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=613' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16591, ID=16591 duration=(61.13), Size=(642533), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\18videoz - Lindsey Vood - Romantic Date Leads To Anal - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\18videoz - Lindsey Vood - Romantic Date Leads To Anal - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\18videoz - Lindsey Vood - Romantic Date Leads To Anal - EPORNER.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\petite redhead gets fucked - Bing video.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8068, ID=8068 duration=(61.13), Size=(642497), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\petite redhead gets fucked - Bing video.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\petite redhead gets fucked - Bing video.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16591 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\18videoz - Lindsey Vood - Romantic Date Leads To Anal - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1190;Set=565 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=614' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16607, ID=16607 duration=(720.9), Size=(244495822), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16607, ID=27713 duration=(720.75), Size=(244410765), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27713 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=2712834 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=2713222' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1192;Set=566 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=615' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16620, ID=16620 duration=(790.85), Size=(266897862), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16620, ID=29154 duration=(790.76), Size=(124982127), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29154 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1194;Set=567 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=616' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16633, ID=16633 duration=(783.73), Size=(265117168), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16633, ID=29622 duration=(783.63), Size=(127909202), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29622 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1196;Set=568 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=617' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16687, ID=16687 duration=(2882.12), Size=(1827556328), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Summer Vixen Hard Anal Fucking - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Summer Vixen Hard Anal Fucking - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16687, ID=26369 duration=(2842.95), Size=(490873132), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Summer vixen hard anal fucking in summer - skinny anal BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Summer Vixen Hard Anal Fucking - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26369 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Summer vixen hard anal fucking in summer - skinny anal BBC.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1198;Set=569 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=618' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28612, ID=28612 duration=(346.22), Size=(345504275), Res=(3840 x 2160) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Wrong Hole Compilation, Free Hardcore Anal Compilation HD Porn xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Wrong Hole Compilation, Free Hardcore Anal Compilation HD Porn xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28612, ID=16636 duration=(346.25), Size=(116979423), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Wrong hole compilation. Painal. Not for the faint hearted. - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Wrong Hole Compilation, Free Hardcore Anal Compilation HD Porn xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16636 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Wrong hole compilation. Painal. Not for the faint hearted. - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1200;Set=570 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=619' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16644, ID=16644 duration=(604.18), Size=(35925883), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\20313 - ebony anal ATM real busty.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\20313 - ebony anal ATM real busty.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\20313 - ebony anal ATM real busty.mp4=475697 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\k\\Light ebony Black teen anal atm.mp4=478808' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\20313 - ebony anal ATM real busty.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\k\\Light ebony Black teen anal atm.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 475697, 24.83 : h264, 478808, 24.99' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31416, ID=31416 duration=(600), Size=(35910662), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Light ebony Black teen anal atm.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Light ebony Black teen anal atm.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16644 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\20313 - ebony anal ATM real busty.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1202;Set=571 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=620' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16647, ID=16647 duration=(1647.25), Size=(155303410), Res=(730 x 562) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2815516 - two ebony teens anal FFM real painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2815516 - two ebony teens anal FFM real painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2815516 - two ebony teens anal FFM real painal.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\They Both Get The Business - for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7449, ID=7449 duration=(1647.11), Size=(128695697), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\They Both Get The Business -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\They Both Get The Business -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7449, ID=22686 duration=(1647.13), Size=(96395526), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 Black teen FFM anal and painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\They Both Get The Business -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16647 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2815516 - two ebony teens anal FFM real painal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1205;Set=572 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=621' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22686 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 Black teen FFM anal and painal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1205;Set=572 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=622' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1729, ID=1729 duration=(354.46), Size=(20924962), Res=(524 x 420) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 5 World best crying Anal scene - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 5 World best crying Anal scene - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1729, ID=16650 duration=(359.55), Size=(20542581), Res=(450 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\450x360 - Anal 5 World best crying Anal scene.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 5 World best crying Anal scene - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16650 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\450x360 - Anal 5 World best crying Anal scene.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1207;Set=573 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=623' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25011, ID=25011 duration=(1473.44), Size=(133113822), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\544x408 - Daniela Zianchine Brazilian Petite - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x360 < 544x408' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16658, ID=16658 duration=(1483.38), Size=(87500821), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\544x408 - Daniela Zianchine Brazilian Petite - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\544x408 - Daniela Zianchine Brazilian Petite - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25011 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1209;Set=574 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=624' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24576, ID=24576 duration=(356.45), Size=(37716652), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24576, ID=16657 duration=(356.37), Size=(19734930), Res=(546 x 422) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\546x422 - Anal 3 European First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 3 European First Time Anal Pain - XVIDEOSCOM[422, Mp4] - painal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1726, ID=1726 duration=(356.34), Size=(19725708), Res=(546 x 422) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 3 European First Time Anal Pain - XVIDEOSCOM[422, Mp4] - painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 3 European First Time Anal Pain - XVIDEOSCOM[422, Mp4] - painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24576 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1212;Set=575 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=625' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16657 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\546x422 - Anal 3 European First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1212;Set=575 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=626' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16669, ID=16669 duration=(1369.61), Size=(75883681), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens vol 18 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens vol 18 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens vol 18 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\DP\\Sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens Vol. 18 - skinny anal DP.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=733, ID=733 duration=(1369.43), Size=(75790882), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\DP\\Sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens Vol. 18 - skinny anal DP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\DP\\Sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens Vol. 18 - skinny anal DP.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16669 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens vol 18 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1214;Set=576 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=627' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22711, ID=22711 duration=(2592.04), Size=(142681975), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22711, ID=16677 duration=(2592.07), Size=(142454863), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - 2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn WK-3-02] - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16677 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - 2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn WK-3-02] - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=439663 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn.mp4=440369' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - 2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn WK-3-02] - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1216;Set=577 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=628' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16676, ID=16676 duration=(807.2), Size=(44771233), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - How Anal Is Supposed To Work - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - How Anal Is Supposed To Work - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16676, ID=23704 duration=(807.12), Size=(17866523), Res=(408 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\How Anal Is Supposed To Work -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - How Anal Is Supposed To Work - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23704 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\How Anal Is Supposed To Work - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1218;Set=578 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=629' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16686, ID=16686 duration=(1037.8), Size=(97523444), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16686, ID=18842 duration=(1037.64), Size=(61281637), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18842 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1220;Set=579 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=630' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16690, ID=16690 duration=(1470.11), Size=(138024343), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - PINKY ONLY ANAL SCENE - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - PINKY ONLY ANAL SCENE - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16690, ID=16997 duration=(1469.96), Size=(128055061), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pinky XXX First and Only ANAL scene not a clear shot - Tnaflix c.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - PINKY ONLY ANAL SCENE - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16997 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pinky XXX First and Only ANAL scene not a clear shot - Tnaflix c.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1222;Set=580 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=631' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16695, ID=16695 duration=(1525.35), Size=(144780105), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16695, ID=24499 duration=(1525.19), Size=(144643722), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVI.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24499 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVI.mp4=758691 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=759327' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVI.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1224;Set=581 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=632' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16705, ID=16705 duration=(1083.49), Size=(153415002), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ANAL VIRGIN teen 18 HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ANAL VIRGIN teen 18 HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16705, ID=24210 duration=(1083.31), Size=(122722842), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\ANAL VIRGIN TEEN HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ANAL VIRGIN teen 18 HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24210 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\ANAL VIRGIN TEEN HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1226;Set=582 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=633' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16707, ID=16707 duration=(1943.14), Size=(227814089), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16707, ID=31808 duration=(1943.14), Size=(227754394), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA and-rea-005-wmv-high_01.anal.force - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31808 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA and-rea-005-wmv-high_01.anal.force - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P.mp4=937676 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4=937922' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA and-rea-005-wmv-high_01.anal.force - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1228;Set=583 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=634' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16715, ID=16715 duration=(1305.23), Size=(123745374), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16715, ID=24498 duration=(1305.21), Size=(123672996), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 25 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24498 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 25 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=758029 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4=758459' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 25 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1230;Set=584 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=635' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16751, ID=16751 duration=(904.85), Size=(147264756), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\At the interview, she was raped in the ass - anal rape busty.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\At the interview, she was raped in the ass - anal rape busty.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\At the interview, she was raped in the ass - anal rape busty.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice ass woman get raped on a table MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1889, ID=1889 duration=(904.84), Size=(86781420), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice ass woman get raped on a table MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice ass woman get raped on a table MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16751 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\At the interview, she was raped in the ass - anal rape busty.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1232;Set=585 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=636' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16758, ID=16758 duration=(1779.96), Size=(139258701), Res=(576 x 434) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BBC Abuses MILF In Cunt And Ass - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BBC Abuses MILF In Cunt And Ass - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16758, ID=17338 duration=(1780.3), Size=(125873070), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - BBC-[Anal]-[Force]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BBC Abuses MILF In Cunt And Ass - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BBC Abuses MILF In Cunt And Ass - anal rape.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\White woman forced by brother's black friend - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[BBC]-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=4031, ID=4031 duration=(1779.96), Size=(99268609), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\White woman forced by brother's black friend - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[BBC]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\White woman forced by brother's black friend - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[BBC]-554x416P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16758 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BBC Abuses MILF In Cunt And Ass - anal rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1235;Set=586 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=637' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17338 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - BBC-[Anal]-[Force]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1235;Set=586 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=638' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16953, ID=16953 duration=(682.86), Size=(230438490), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mia Cheers - Skinny teen with colored hair ass fucked - XVIDEOS .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mia Cheers - Skinny teen with colored hair ass fucked - XVIDEOS .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16953, ID=16760 duration=(682), Size=(148468178), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BF fuck the skinny teen in her little pussy and then in her tigh.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mia Cheers - Skinny teen with colored hair ass fucked - XVIDEOS .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16760 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BF fuck the skinny teen in her little pussy and then in her tigh.mp4=1741562 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mia Cheers - Skinny teen with colored hair ass fucked - XVIDEOS .mp4=2699674' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BF fuck the skinny teen in her little pussy and then in her tigh.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1237;Set=587 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=639' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26487, ID=26487 duration=(2109.12), Size=(338889414), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1285424, 25 : av1, 1009000, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16772, ID=16772 duration=(2109.12), Size=(266012998), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26487 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1239;Set=588 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=640' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16783, ID=16783 duration=(1617.41), Size=(110793344), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blond raped strangled - Tnaflix com-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blond raped strangled - Tnaflix com-[Force]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blond raped strangled - Tnaflix com-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u0430\u0436\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u043b\u043e\u043d\u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 646x364' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28907, ID=28907 duration=(1617.47), Size=(100815201), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u0430\u0436\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u043b\u043e\u043d\u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041f\u043e\u0445\u043e\u0442\u043b\u0438\u0432\u044b\u0439 \u043c\u0430\u0436\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u043b\u043e\u043d\u0434\u0438\u043d\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16783 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blond raped strangled - Tnaflix com-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1241;Set=589 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=641' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16788, ID=16788 duration=(1961.73), Size=(312511260), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blowjob, brutal sex - hardcore anal sex session for amateur 18 year old American teen girl - AnalMedia.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blowjob, brutal sex - hardcore anal sex session for amateur 18 year old American teen girl - AnalMedia.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blowjob, brutal sex - hardcore anal sex session for amateur 18 year old American teen girl - AnalMedia.mp4=24.99 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Blonde Teen gets Her Ass Destroyed by BBC Porn 77 xHamster.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blowjob, brutal sex - hardcore anal sex session for amateur 18 year old American teen girl - AnalMedia.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Blonde Teen gets Her Ass Destroyed by BBC Porn 77 xHamster.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1274433, 24.99 : h264, 1242684, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23870, ID=23870 duration=(1961.16), Size=(304637487), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Blonde Teen gets Her Ass Destroyed by BBC Porn 77 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Blonde Teen gets Her Ass Destroyed by BBC Porn 77 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16788 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blowjob, brutal sex - hardcore anal sex session for amateur 18 year old American teen girl - AnalMedia.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1243;Set=590 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=642' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16801, ID=16801 duration=(2338.92), Size=(913981740), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Tina Fire - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Tina Fire - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16801, ID=25014 duration=(2338.84), Size=(235765271), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Ebony-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Tina Fire - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25014 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Ebony-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1245;Set=591 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=643' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16799, ID=16799 duration=(814.32), Size=(70143848), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Captured woman enemy soldier brutally fucked by paramilitary soldiers - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Captured woman enemy soldier brutally fucked by paramilitary soldiers - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Captured woman enemy soldier brutally fucked by paramilitary soldiers - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Captured Army Girl Forcefully Fucked By Paramilitary Soldiers -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Captured woman enemy soldier brutally fucked by paramilitary soldiers - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\h\\Captured Army Girl Forcefully Fucked By Paramilitary Soldiers - for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 689100, 25 : h264, 593143, 29.97' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27872, ID=27872 duration=(814.32), Size=(60376384), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Captured Army Girl Forcefully Fucked By Paramilitary Soldiers -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Captured Army Girl Forcefully Fucked By Paramilitary Soldiers -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16799 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Captured woman enemy soldier brutally fucked by paramilitary soldiers - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1247;Set=592 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=644' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25255, ID=25255 duration=(1994.92), Size=(313527111), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crazy Teen Anal Sex with Monster Cock Part 2 Free Porn 72 xH.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crazy Teen Anal Sex with Monster Cock Part 2 Free Porn 72 xH.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25255, ID=16807 duration=(1995.17), Size=(79030591), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Crazy Teen Anal Sex with Monster Cock Part 2 BBC Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crazy Teen Anal Sex with Monster Cock Part 2 Free Porn 72 xH.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16807 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Crazy Teen Anal Sex with Monster Cock Part 2 BBC Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1249;Set=593 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=645' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1705, ID=1705 duration=(1196.1), Size=(138646319), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2193, ID=2193 duration=(1196.18), Size=(103810926), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2193, ID=31147 duration=(1196.18), Size=(80469774), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Drunk hot blonde screams and cries while getting abused - skinny anal rape painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2193, ID=29745 duration=(1195.84), Size=(57041065), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection hard anal drink russian blonde watch online-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1253;Set=594 of 980;QtySkipForDel=12" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31147 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Drunk hot blonde screams and cries while getting abused - skinny anal rape painal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1253;Set=594 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=646' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29745 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection hard anal drink russian blonde watch online-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1253;Set=594 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=647' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28178, ID=28178 duration=(1368.14), Size=(462390005), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Spanish ebony teen get anal outdoor - XVIDEOS.COM-[Latina]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Spanish ebony teen get anal outdoor - XVIDEOS.COM-[Latina]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28178, ID=16824 duration=(1368.15), Size=(154599734), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\EROCOM TV - spanish skinny ebony teen anal outdoor-[Latina]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Spanish ebony teen get anal outdoor - XVIDEOS.COM-[Latina]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16824 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\EROCOM TV - spanish skinny ebony teen anal outdoor-[Latina]-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1255;Set=595 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=648' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16839, ID=16839 duration=(2210.21), Size=(449692637), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Esperanza del Horno - Dutch stepdaughter in an interracial anal fuck - teen anal BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Esperanza del Horno - Dutch stepdaughter in an interracial anal fuck - teen anal BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=16839, ID=25391 duration=(2210.08), Size=(175139468), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Dad Wants To Break Daughters' Addiction To BBCs at DrTuber.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Esperanza del Horno - Dutch stepdaughter in an interracial anal fuck - teen anal BBC.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25391 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Dad Wants To Break Daughters' Addiction To BBCs at DrTuber.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1257;Set=596 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=649" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16834, ID=16834 duration=(764.42), Size=(72920401), Res=(490 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Extra Rare Anal Daisy Marie.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Extra Rare Anal Daisy Marie.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Extra Rare Anal Daisy Marie.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!AAA Daisy Marie - Extra Rare Anal Scene - for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5542, ID=5542 duration=(764), Size=(38357756), Res=(400 x 304) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!AAA Daisy Marie - Extra Rare Anal Scene -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!AAA Daisy Marie - Extra Rare Anal Scene -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16834 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Extra Rare Anal Daisy Marie.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1259;Set=597 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=650' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18811, ID=18811 duration=(2091.83), Size=(611100017), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - [tushy] Alaina dawson shy young girl does anal - redhead petite teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - [tushy] Alaina dawson shy young girl does anal - redhead petite teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18811, ID=16847 duration=(2091.52), Size=(182219456), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Freckled Teen - [tushy] Alaina dawson shy young girl does anal - redhead petite teen anal - 1080p.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - [tushy] Alaina dawson shy young girl does anal - redhead petite teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16847 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Freckled Teen - [tushy] Alaina dawson shy young girl does anal - redhead petite teen anal - 1080p.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1261;Set=598 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=651' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16858, ID=16858 duration=(1531.22), Size=(144325305), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Glamorous 18yo Gets Made Love In Rear End - Ass Sex -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Glamorous 18yo Gets Made Love In Rear End - Ass Sex -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16858, ID=24752 duration=(1531.03), Size=(122329623), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Hot Teen Juliya Porn Videos.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Glamorous 18yo Gets Made Love In Rear End - Ass Sex -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24752 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Hot Teen Juliya Porn Videos.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1263;Set=599 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=652' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17328, ID=17328 duration=(1985), Size=(423820699), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Asian drunk girl forced.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Asian drunk girl forced.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17328, ID=16895 duration=(1985), Size=(409903093), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Japanese forced 2 - uncensored asian rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Asian drunk girl forced.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16895 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Japanese forced 2 - uncensored asian rape.mp4=1652002 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Asian drunk girl forced.mp4=1708093' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Japanese forced 2 - uncensored asian rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1265;Set=600 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=653' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16949, ID=16949 duration=(1830.55), Size=(500607530), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mesmerizing girlfriend gets a big raging cock - Free Porn Videos.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mesmerizing girlfriend gets a big raging cock - Free Porn Videos.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16949, ID=23085 duration=(1829.93), Size=(311798318), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette busty big boobs wants to get ass-fucked - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mesmerizing girlfriend gets a big raging cock - Free Porn Videos.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23085 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette busty big boobs wants to get ass-fucked - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1267;Set=601 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=654' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16971, ID=16971 duration=(2427.43), Size=(412769298), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16971, ID=19845 duration=(2427.39), Size=(412238426), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Newbie Latina Teen Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Scene With Min Galilea, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19845 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Newbie Latina Teen Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Scene With Min Galilea v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4=1360348' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Newbie Latina Teen Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Scene With Min Galilea for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1269;Set=602 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=655' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20000, ID=20000 duration=(542.04), Size=(113094453), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old dude fucks skinny ebony anally interracial anal p1.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old dude fucks skinny ebony anally interracial anal p1.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20000, ID=16977 duration=(542), Size=(60731291), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Old dude fucks skinny ebony anally interracial anal p1-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old dude fucks skinny ebony anally interracial anal p1.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16977 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Old dude fucks skinny ebony anally interracial anal p1-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1271;Set=603 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=656' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26955, ID=26955 duration=(2598.96), Size=(318011155), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Xxxpawn - Jenny Gets Her Ass Pounded At The Pawn Shop - very busty teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Xxxpawn - Jenny Gets Her Ass Pounded At The Pawn Shop - very busty teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26955, ID=16986 duration=(2598.87), Size=(138808507), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pale girl in a pawn shop - very busty teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Xxxpawn - Jenny Gets Her Ass Pounded At The Pawn Shop - very busty teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16986 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pale girl in a pawn shop - very busty teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1273;Set=604 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=657' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16988, ID=16988 duration=(2572.38), Size=(167860674), Res=(576 x 326) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Penance lll - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Penance lll - rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Penance lll - rape.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pkf- Penance 3 - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x326 < 646x364' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20443, ID=20443 duration=(2572.31), Size=(151420286), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pkf- Penance 3 - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pkf- Penance 3 - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16988 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Penance lll - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1275;Set=605 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=658' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5904, ID=5904 duration=(1200.58), Size=(86742258), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally - BBC anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-374x280P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 374x280' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16989, ID=16989 duration=(1200.56), Size=(26823572), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally - BBC anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-374x280P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally - BBC anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-374x280P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1277;Set=606 of 980;QtySkipForDel=13" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17048, ID=17048 duration=(3660.07), Size=(343520774), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shoplyfter Anne Amari - Tnaflix com-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shoplyfter Anne Amari - Tnaflix com-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shoplyfter Anne Amari - Tnaflix com-720x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Anne Amari - Petite Black Teen.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4482, ID=4482 duration=(3660.24), Size=(170255081), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Anne Amari - Petite Black Teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Anne Amari - Petite Black Teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17048 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shoplyfter Anne Amari - Tnaflix com-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1279;Set=607 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=659' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17056, ID=17056 duration=(1543.64), Size=(766704504), Res=(1440 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC German Porn by Teen - BBC anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC German Porn by Teen - BBC anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17056, ID=28089 duration=(1543.64), Size=(148948075), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC Free Porn f6 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC German Porn by Teen - BBC anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28089 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC Free Porn f6 xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1281;Set=608 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=660' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22343, ID=22343 duration=(780.8), Size=(83701315), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\skinny teen anal lesson - ZB Porn.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\skinny teen anal lesson - ZB Porn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22343, ID=17054 duration=(780.82), Size=(70845984), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Skinny teen anal lesson PornTube .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\skinny teen anal lesson - ZB Porn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17054 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Skinny teen anal lesson PornTube .mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1283;Set=609 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=661' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17073, ID=17073 duration=(2108.88), Size=(1528034447), Res=(3840 x 2160) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TEEN ANAL - Flexi Nicole 4K - Nicole Murkovski - petite teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TEEN ANAL - Flexi Nicole 4K - Nicole Murkovski - petite teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17073, ID=17092 duration=(2108.93), Size=(1358110127), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Land - Nicole Murkovski - petite teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TEEN ANAL - Flexi Nicole 4K - Nicole Murkovski - petite teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17092 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Land - Nicole Murkovski - petite teen anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1285;Set=610 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=662' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17085, ID=17085 duration=(94.6), Size=(9297929), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Raped During Party Becomes Resigned - movie.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Raped During Party Becomes Resigned - movie.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17085, ID=18002 duration=(94.6), Size=(7424033), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl raped by friend trying to help her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Raped During Party Becomes Resigned - movie.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18002 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl raped by friend trying to help her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1287;Set=611 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=663' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4693, ID=4693 duration=(1031.88), Size=(130734427), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Hentai\\All\\Lara in trouble sex,porno,anal,hd,zoo,hentai,3d,anime,hentai,cartoon,animation,monster,porno,teens,dick,futanari,fuck,fucking,anime,3d watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Hentai\\All\\Lara in trouble sex,porno,anal,hd,zoo,hentai,3d,anime,hentai,cartoon,animation,monster,porno,teens,dick,futanari,fuck,fucking,anime,3d watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4693, ID=17109 duration=(1031.98), Size=(82725268), Res=(642 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tomb Raider - Lara In Trouble - animie rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Hentai\\All\\Lara in trouble sex,porno,anal,hd,zoo,hentai,3d,anime,hentai,cartoon,animation,monster,porno,teens,dick,futanari,fuck,fucking,anime,3d watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17109 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tomb Raider - Lara In Trouble - animie rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1289;Set=612 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=664' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=749, ID=749 duration=(1822.25), Size=(185695694), Res=(720 x 404) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - Nikky Ivy.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - Nikky Ivy.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=749, ID=17118 duration=(1822.17), Size=(185398616), Res=(720 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Nikky-720x404P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - Nikky Ivy.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17118 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Nikky-720x404P.mp4=813969 v.s. B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - Nikky Ivy.mp4=815236' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Nikky-720x404P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1291;Set=613 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=665' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17121, ID=17121 duration=(1805.16), Size=(476232748), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Novinha fazendo-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Novinha fazendo-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Novinha fazendo-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Alexa.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=755, ID=755 duration=(1805.21), Size=(198721861), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Alexa.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Alexa.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17121 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Novinha fazendo-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1293;Set=614 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=666' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3168, ID=3168 duration=(764.24), Size=(57199201), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Robbers Violently Attacked And Force Fucked 2 Girls - - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Robbers Violently Attacked And Force Fucked 2 Girls - - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3168, ID=17127 duration=(764.12), Size=(51947563), Res=(640 x 454) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Two Besties Suffered Horrible Humiliation When 2 Intruders Broke Into Their Home - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Robbers Violently Attacked And Force Fucked 2 Girls - - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17127 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Two Besties Suffered Horrible Humiliation When 2 Intruders Broke Into Their Home - anal rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1295;Set=615 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=667' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17137, ID=17137 duration=(1976.48), Size=(369063704), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ultra Rare Anal DP Teen Slut Gets Dominated-01.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ultra Rare Anal DP Teen Slut Gets Dominated-01.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17137, ID=17135 duration=(1976.36), Size=(187362011), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ultra Rare Anal DP Teen Slut Gets Dominated.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ultra Rare Anal DP Teen Slut Gets Dominated-01.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17135 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ultra Rare Anal DP Teen Slut Gets Dominated.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1297;Set=616 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=668' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17140, ID=17140 duration=(3080.62), Size=(554533482), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17140, ID=26707 duration=(3080.47), Size=(425605700), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26707 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1299;Set=617 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=669' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17136, ID=17136 duration=(1855.25), Size=(234794653), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Used tiny teen girl is forced to thraot some hard cock and gets some deep anal fucking in her tusty .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Used tiny teen girl is forced to thraot some hard cock and gets some deep anal fucking in her tusty .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17136, ID=29334 duration=(1855.06), Size=(115601753), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Go Anal When Shes Drunk - Bing video-[Force]-[Wasted]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Used tiny teen girl is forced to thraot some hard cock and gets some deep anal fucking in her tusty .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29334 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Go Anal When Shes Drunk - Bing video-[Force]-[Wasted]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1301;Set=618 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=670' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17156, ID=17156 duration=(1182.14), Size=(65510672), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=17156, ID=28513 duration=(1182.12), Size=(65443232), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White stud fucks black cheerleader's asshole - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28513 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\White stud fucks black cheerleader's asshole - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=442889 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4=443336" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\White stud fucks black cheerleader's asshole - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1303;Set=619 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=671" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17161, ID=17161 duration=(817.27), Size=(275893933), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17161, ID=20135 duration=(817.25), Size=(275848365), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal BDSM Sex Slave Endures A Rough Anal Fucking 2023 WWWXXX.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20135 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal BDSM Sex Slave Endures A Rough Anal Fucking 2023 WWWXXX.mp4=2700257 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2700627' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal BDSM Sex Slave Endures A Rough Anal Fucking 2023 WWWXXX.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1305;Set=620 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=672' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4190, ID=4190 duration=(1938.73), Size=(635914885), Res=(1552 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Brenda Wang aka Stacy Snake.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Brenda Wang aka Stacy Snake.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4190, ID=22895 duration=(1938.68), Size=(279442238), Res=(852 x 396) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\849534519927-852x396P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Brenda Wang aka Stacy Snake.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4190, ID=17172 duration=(1938.75), Size=(260598651), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\[ripherup] Stacy Snake.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Brenda Wang aka Stacy Snake.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22895 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\849534519927-852x396P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1308;Set=621 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=673' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17172 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\[ripherup] Stacy Snake.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1308;Set=621 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=674' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17363, ID=17363 duration=(2792.5), Size=(187367972), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - skinny teen-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - skinny teen-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17363, ID=31157 duration=(2792.5), Size=(187212132), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - forced collection - LuxureTV.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - skinny teen-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - skinny teen-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapp, undressed and put to work - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Skinny]-[Teen]-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2921, ID=2921 duration=(2792.34), Size=(153344945), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapp, undressed and put to work - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Skinny]-[Teen]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapp, undressed and put to work - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Skinny]-[Teen]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17363 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - skinny teen-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1311;Set=622 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=675' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31157 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - forced collection - LuxureTV.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1311;Set=622 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=676' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26823, ID=26823 duration=(1841.64), Size=(384343896), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Amber Hardin - Amber Hardin, Anal Teen, Anal Porn - busty ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Amber Hardin - Amber Hardin, Anal Teen, Anal Porn - busty ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26823, ID=17181 duration=(1841.6), Size=(211473512), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Fitting Jeans On Her Amazing Ass - Amber Hardin - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Amber Hardin - Amber Hardin, Anal Teen, Anal Porn - busty ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17181 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Fitting Jeans On Her Amazing Ass - Amber Hardin - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1313;Set=623 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=677' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19143, ID=19143 duration=(2400.04), Size=(276852918), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop - for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 768x432 < 720x480' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17198, ID=17198 duration=(2400.13), Size=(269671528), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17198, ID=31419 duration=(2400.02), Size=(190300616), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lolly Pop - Hard - Bed + 2 Boys - Sarah Lollypop aka Olga - petite puffy nipples teen anal DP ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19143 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1316;Set=624 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=678' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31419 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lolly Pop - Hard - Bed + 2 Boys - Sarah Lollypop aka Olga - petite puffy nipples teen anal DP ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1316;Set=624 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=679' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17207, ID=17207 duration=(1269.56), Size=(101401076), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - 1German School Girls In Pretty Orgy Devon C Xxx Porno Sexy Girl Lolita Russian Dog Fuck Suck Child Pedo Lesbian Animal Sister Brother Masturbating A.avi _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - 1German School Girls In Pretty Orgy Devon C Xxx Porno Sexy Girl Lolita Russian Dog Fuck Suck Child Pedo Lesbian Animal Sister Brother Masturbating A.avi _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - 1German School Girls In Pretty Orgy Devon C Xxx Porno Sexy Girl Lolita Russian Dog Fuck Suck Child Pedo Lesbian Animal Sister Brother Masturbating A.avi _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\h\\Schoolgirl Gets Kidnapped On Her Way To School And Roughly A.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 448x336 < 560x416' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28034, ID=28034 duration=(1269.32), Size=(91199626), Res=(560 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Schoolgirl Gets Kidnapped On Her Way To School And Roughly A.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Schoolgirl Gets Kidnapped On Her Way To School And Roughly A.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17207 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - 1German School Girls In Pretty Orgy Devon C Xxx Porno Sexy Girl Lolita Russian Dog Fuck Suck Child Pedo Lesbian Animal Sister Brother Masturbating A.avi _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1318;Set=625 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=680' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17230, ID=17230 duration=(1824.12), Size=(202308218), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Forced sex - Pep 153 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Forced sex - Pep 153 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Forced sex - Pep 153 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Two boys steal russian schoolgirl's virginity - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=7644, ID=7644 duration=(1824.13), Size=(108709466), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Two boys steal russian schoolgirl's virginity - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Two boys steal russian schoolgirl's virginity - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17230 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Forced sex - Pep 153 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1320;Set=626 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=681' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17258, ID=17258 duration=(1104.49), Size=(120909108), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Russian girlfriend forced - anal rape teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Russian girlfriend forced - anal rape teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Russian girlfriend forced - anal rape teen.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen in red top with nice boobs forced fuck and anal on bed - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2262, ID=2262 duration=(1104.48), Size=(101936573), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen in red top with nice boobs forced fuck and anal on bed - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen in red top with nice boobs forced fuck and anal on bed - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17258 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Russian girlfriend forced - anal rape teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1322;Set=627 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=682' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6978, ID=6978 duration=(755.93), Size=(113195664), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Struggling Slut Fights Rough Anal Abuse - Fails Miserably - .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Struggling Slut Fights Rough Anal Abuse - Fails Miserably - .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6978, ID=31158 duration=(755.96), Size=(80379076), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - She struggles as he rapes her ass - Long Rape Videos!! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Struggling Slut Fights Rough Anal Abuse - Fails Miserably - .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31158 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - She struggles as he rapes her ass - Long Rape Videos!! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1324;Set=628 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=683' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18941, ID=18941 duration=(1111.4), Size=(67182410), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk passed out rusian MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk passed out rusian MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18941, ID=17271 duration=(1111.44), Size=(49357701), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Too Drunk Girl Anal Fucked .mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk passed out rusian MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17271 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Too Drunk Girl Anal Fucked .mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1326;Set=629 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=684' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20675, ID=20675 duration=(3000.17), Size=(687295315), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\ - First Anal Casting 18yo Carla Cage With Balls Deep Anal Gapes And Cum On Face Brandi Love Pussy, Rto4nya - PeekVids.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\ - First Anal Casting 18yo Carla Cage With Balls Deep Anal Gapes And Cum On Face Brandi Love Pussy, Rto4nya - PeekVids.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20675, ID=17317 duration=(3000.13), Size=(444203290), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - First anal casting 18yo carla cage with balls deep anal, gapes and cum on face from mr anderson vg020 watch online-852x480P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\ - First Anal Casting 18yo Carla Cage With Balls Deep Anal Gapes And Cum On Face Brandi Love Pussy, Rto4nya - PeekVids.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20675, ID=25100 duration=(3000.32), Size=(434201667), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip First Anal Casting Vg With Carla Cage, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\ - First Anal Casting 18yo Carla Cage With Balls Deep Anal Gapes And Cum On Face Brandi Love Pussy, Rto4nya - PeekVids.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17317 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - First anal casting 18yo carla cage with balls deep anal, gapes and cum on face from mr anderson vg020 watch online-852x480P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1329;Set=630 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=685' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25100 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip First Anal Casting Vg With Carla Cage for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1329;Set=630 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=686' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=19600, ID=19600 duration=(2945.68), Size=(465065473), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mr. Anderson's Anal Casting Alexa Black Welcome to Porn with Balls Deep Anal, Gapes and Cum in Mouth GL241, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mr. Anderson's Anal Casting Alexa Black Welcome to Porn with Balls Deep Anal, Gapes and Cum in Mouth GL241" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=19600, ID=17319 duration=(2945.45), Size=(384222563), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mr anderson anal casting alexa black welcome to porn with balls deep anal, gapes and cum in mouth gl241 watch online-[CumInMouth]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mr. Anderson's Anal Casting Alexa Black Welcome to Porn with Balls Deep Anal, Gapes and Cum in Mouth GL241" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17319 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mr anderson anal casting alexa black welcome to porn with balls deep anal, gapes and cum in mouth gl241 watch online-[CumInMouth]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1331;Set=631 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=687' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31166, ID=31166 duration=(2934.8), Size=(237179610), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31166, ID=30566 duration=(2934.8), Size=(237179500), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44-576x324P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30566 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44-576x324P-[Force].mp4=646529 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4=646530' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44-576x324P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1333;Set=632 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=688' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17347, ID=17347 duration=(3546.4), Size=(192557686), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02-[Force]-426x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02-[Force]-426x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02-[Force]-426x240P.mp4=20 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\[Porno Land] Facial fuck teen Deepthroat Cumshot Porno Schoolgirl Cosplay Facial BBC rape.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02-[Force]-426x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\[Porno Land] Facial fuck teen Deepthroat Cumshot Porno Schoolgirl Cosplay Facial BBC rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 434373, 20 : h264, 309365, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23970, ID=23970 duration=(3546.31), Size=(137138415), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[Porno Land] Facial fuck teen Deepthroat Cumshot Porno Schoolgirl Cosplay Facial BBC rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[Porno Land] Facial fuck teen Deepthroat Cumshot Porno Schoolgirl Cosplay Facial BBC rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17347 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02-[Force]-426x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1335;Set=633 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=689' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31163, ID=31163 duration=(554.95), Size=(72527153), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31163, ID=30536 duration=(554.95), Size=(72527043), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-1.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30536 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-1.mp4=1045529 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4=1045530' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-1.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1337;Set=634 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=690' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31172, ID=31172 duration=(2980.45), Size=(301760540), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-05.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-05.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31172, ID=30568 duration=(2980.45), Size=(301760430), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-4-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-05.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-05.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Forced, Whipped and Spanked by Two Guys after Shower - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2442, ID=2442 duration=(2980.24), Size=(176086112), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Forced, Whipped and Spanked by Two Guys after Shower - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Forced, Whipped and Spanked by Two Guys after Shower - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31172 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-05.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1340;Set=635 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=691' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30568 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-4-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1340;Set=635 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=692' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31168, ID=31168 duration=(1563.49), Size=(155552211), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-06.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-06.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-06.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-2.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=blacklist vs not blacklist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30546, ID=30546 duration=(1563.49), Size=(155552093), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-2.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-2.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31168 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-06.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1342;Set=636 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=693' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31165, ID=31165 duration=(824.3), Size=(67372189), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-08.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-08.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-08.mp4=20 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Gang\\Brutal Vintage Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-08.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Gang\\Brutal Vintage Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 653860, 20 : h264, 646812, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4116, ID=4116 duration=(824.12), Size=(66631340), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Gang\\Brutal Vintage Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Gang\\Brutal Vintage Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31165 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-08.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1344;Set=637 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=694' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31167, ID=31167 duration=(1006.1), Size=(60711498), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31167, ID=30563 duration=(1006.1), Size=(60711396), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-6.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30563 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-6.mp4=482746 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4=482747' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-6.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1346;Set=638 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=695' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31170, ID=31170 duration=(1147.5), Size=(85988862), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-10.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-10.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-10.mp4=20 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-10.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 599486, 20 : h264, 584699, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27269, ID=27269 duration=(1147.36), Size=(83857641), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27269, ID=20501 duration=(1147.36), Size=(80070344), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Poor little victim-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31170 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-10.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1349;Set=639 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=696' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20501 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Poor little victim-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1349;Set=639 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=697' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31169, ID=31169 duration=(326.85), Size=(32218457), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31169, ID=30565 duration=(326.85), Size=(32218355), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-9.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30565 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-9.mp4=788578 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4=788580' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-9.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1351;Set=640 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=698' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31206, ID=31206 duration=(3410.15), Size=(293176680), Res=(786 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-46.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-46.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31206, ID=17351 duration=(3410.15), Size=(293115310), Res=(786 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12-[_NoLongerPartOfLibrary]-786x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-46.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17351 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12-[_NoLongerPartOfLibrary]-786x432P.mp4=687630 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-46.mp4=687774' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12-[_NoLongerPartOfLibrary]-786x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1353;Set=641 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=699' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31177, ID=31177 duration=(4005.2), Size=(343827658), Res=(660 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=blacklist vs not blacklist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30583, ID=30583 duration=(4005.2), Size=(343827540), Res=(660 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31177 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1355;Set=642 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=700' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31181, ID=31181 duration=(4385.4), Size=(440459179), Res=(704 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage rape scene - - Vintage Rape-476x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3775, ID=3775 duration=(4385.37), Size=(233344971), Res=(476 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage rape scene - - Vintage Rape-476x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage rape scene - - Vintage Rape-476x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31181 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1357;Set=643 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=701' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17354, ID=17354 duration=(1884.81), Size=(197373824), Res=(576 x 436) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15 - anal rape in parking lot.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15 - anal rape in parking lot.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15 - anal rape in parking lot.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\french forced having sex in parking ( blonde gang ) - Bing video - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3629, ID=3629 duration=(1884.52), Size=(110675922), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\french forced having sex in parking ( blonde gang ) - Bing video - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\french forced having sex in parking ( blonde gang ) - Bing video - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17354 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15 - anal rape in parking lot.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1359;Set=644 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=702' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31186, ID=31186 duration=(1032.1), Size=(539960162), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31186, ID=30552 duration=(1032.1), Size=(539960060), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-14.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30552 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-14.mp4=4185331 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4=4185332' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-14.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1361;Set=645 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=703' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31174, ID=31174 duration=(424.15), Size=(84116654), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31174, ID=30540 duration=(424.15), Size=(84116480), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30540 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4=1586542 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4=1586545' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1363;Set=646 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=704' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31185, ID=31185 duration=(4198.65), Size=(422531937), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-19.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-19.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-19.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=blacklist vs not blacklist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30550, ID=30550 duration=(4198.65), Size=(422531819), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31185 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-19.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1365;Set=647 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=705' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31101, ID=31101 duration=(2833.3), Size=(369909680), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kenzie reeves taboo! horny stepdad watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kenzie reeves taboo! horny stepdad watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31101, ID=31182 duration=(2833.35), Size=(291217934), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-20.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kenzie reeves taboo! horny stepdad watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31182 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-20.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1367;Set=648 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=706' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28517, ID=28517 duration=(1631.21), Size=(118968363), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White woman forced by brothers black friend 2 - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White woman forced by brothers black friend 2 - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28517, ID=31175 duration=(1631.3), Size=(110303610), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White woman forced by brothers black friend 2 - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31175 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4=540935 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\White woman forced by brothers black friend 2 - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4=583461' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1369;Set=649 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=707' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31176, ID=31176 duration=(143.1), Size=(12072747), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31176, ID=30561 duration=(143.1), Size=(12072645), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30561 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4=674920 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4=674926' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1371;Set=650 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=708' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31179, ID=31179 duration=(1388.3), Size=(120702672), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31179, ID=30560 duration=(1388.3), Size=(120702554), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-45.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30560 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-45.mp4=695541 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4=695542' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-45.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1373;Set=651 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=709' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31183, ID=31183 duration=(301.65), Size=(25628649), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31183, ID=30541 duration=(301.65), Size=(25628531), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-16.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30541 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-16.mp4=679689 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4=679692' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-16.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1375;Set=652 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=710' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31188, ID=31188 duration=(1319.4), Size=(156087719), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31188, ID=30556 duration=(1319.4), Size=(156087609), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-34.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30556 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-34.mp4=946412 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4=946413' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-34.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1377;Set=653 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=711' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3541, ID=3541 duration=(1517.36), Size=(131245006), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Woman Raped By 3 Men MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Woman Raped By 3 Men MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3541, ID=31187 duration=(1517.45), Size=(124446396), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Woman Raped By 3 Men MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31187 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30.mp4=656081 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Woman Raped By 3 Men MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4=691965' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1379;Set=654 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=712' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31197, ID=31197 duration=(3755.55), Size=(346876385), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-31 - busty young blond.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=blacklist vs not blacklist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30557, ID=30557 duration=(3755.55), Size=(346876267), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-31 - busty young blond.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-31 - busty young blond.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31197 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1381;Set=655 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=713' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20213, ID=20213 duration=(1245.56), Size=(97207622), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Papa grubo razdalblivaet dirki docheri incest daddy doughter .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Papa grubo razdalblivaet dirki docheri incest daddy doughter .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20213, ID=31191 duration=(1245.7), Size=(91813779), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-35.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Papa grubo razdalblivaet dirki docheri incest daddy doughter .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31191 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-35.mp4=589636 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Papa grubo razdalblivaet dirki docheri incest daddy doughter .mp4=624346' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-35.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1383;Set=656 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=714' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31192, ID=31192 duration=(1189.6), Size=(76796447), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31192, ID=30548 duration=(1189.6), Size=(76796337), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-26.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30548 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-26.mp4=516449 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4=516450' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-26.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1385;Set=657 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=715' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2537, ID=2537 duration=(149.18), Size=(15214328), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cops forced woman to blowjob - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cops forced woman to blowjob - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2537, ID=31202 duration=(149.3), Size=(13717297), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cops forced woman to blowjob - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31202 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48.mp4=735019 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cops forced woman to blowjob - Forced_Rape.mp4=815878' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1387;Set=658 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=716' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28164, ID=28164 duration=(1150.18), Size=(189385882), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28164, ID=27319 duration=(1150.25), Size=(166198832), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Russ - Russian, Gangbang, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4127, ID=4127 duration=(1150.01), Size=(166144355), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4127, ID=3440 duration=(1150.16), Size=(144151688), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\The girl get Gang Rape - Bing video - Forced_Rape-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4127, ID=17357 duration=(1150.05), Size=(108225204), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - anal gangbang russian-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28164 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1392;Set=659 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=717' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27319 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Russ - Russian, Gangbang, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1392;Set=659 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=718' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\The girl get Gang Rape - Bing video - Forced_Rape-576x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1392;Set=659 of 980;QtySkipForDel=14" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17357 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - anal gangbang russian-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1392;Set=659 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=719' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17368, ID=17368 duration=(2118.04), Size=(267285662), Res=(654 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\raped in the ass - milf anal-654x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\raped in the ass - milf anal-654x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17368, ID=28086 duration=(2118.12), Size=(209722461), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shut Up + Open Your Legs Bitch! Vol. 10 - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\raped in the ass - milf anal-654x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\raped in the ass - milf anal-654x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shut up and open your legs bitch! Vol 10 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 654x480 < 738x554' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21525, ID=21525 duration=(2118.1), Size=(199214346), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shut up and open your legs bitch! Vol 10 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shut up and open your legs bitch! Vol 10 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17368 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\raped in the ass - milf anal-654x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1395;Set=660 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28086 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shut Up + Open Your Legs Bitch! Vol. 10 - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1395;Set=660 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=721' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17367, ID=17367 duration=(440.48), Size=(118337622), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and deep ass fucke-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and deep ass fucke-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17367, ID=24666 duration=(440.49), Size=(21562123), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Fucking Skinny Teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and deep ass fucke-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24666 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Fucking Skinny Teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1397;Set=661 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=722' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17378, ID=17378 duration=(2425.97), Size=(273653825), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Atriz novata esculachada no DP - N\xe3o Aguentou, Novatas, Novata Gostosa Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Atriz novata esculachada no DP - N\xe3o Aguentou, Novatas, Novata Gostosa Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Atriz novata esculachada no DP - N\xe3o Aguentou, Novatas, Novata Gostosa Porn - SpankBang.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Spanish crying anal pain - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6918, ID=6918 duration=(2426), Size=(221593957), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Spanish crying anal pain - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Spanish crying anal pain - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17378 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Atriz novata esculachada no DP - N\xe3o Aguentou, Novatas, Novata Gostosa Porn - SpankBang.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1399;Set=662 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=723' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17385, ID=17385 duration=(555.28), Size=(43598681), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch First time anal - First Time Anal, Anal Sex, Doggystyle Anal Porn - real painal teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch First time anal - First Time Anal, Anal Sex, Doggystyle Anal Porn - real painal teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch First time anal - First Time Anal, Anal Sex, Doggystyle Anal Porn - real painal teen.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painful-Anal---petite-teen-gets-hard-anal---painal -[364, Mp4].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2146, ID=2146 duration=(555.3), Size=(32745436), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painful-Anal---petite-teen-gets-hard-anal---painal -[364, Mp4].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painful-Anal---petite-teen-gets-hard-anal---painal -[364, Mp4].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17385 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch First time anal - First Time Anal, Anal Sex, Doggystyle Anal Porn - real painal teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1401;Set=663 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=724' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25496, ID=25496 duration=(2755.49), Size=(931601892), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\HERLIMIT - Megan Venturi - Skinny Brunette Gets Her Asshole Demolished By BBC - XNXX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\HERLIMIT - Megan Venturi - Skinny Brunette Gets Her Asshole Demolished By BBC - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25496, ID=17397 duration=(2755.5), Size=(769689029), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch HER LIMIT - Petite Ukrainian Babe Megan Venturi Gets Anal Destruction From BBC - FULL MOVIE - Her Limit, Ukrainian, Megan Venturi Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\HERLIMIT - Megan Venturi - Skinny Brunette Gets Her Asshole Demolished By BBC - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17397 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch HER LIMIT - Petite Ukrainian Babe Megan Venturi Gets Anal Destruction From BBC - FULL MOVIE - Her Limit, Ukrainian, Megan Venturi Porn - SpankBang.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1403;Set=664 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=725' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28037, ID=28037 duration=(2187.01), Size=(2185347788), Res=(2560 x 1440) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SARA KAY - Sarah Kay - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SARA KAY - Sarah Kay - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28037, ID=17407 duration=(2187.08), Size=(785594177), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch - Meet & Fuck Slutty Singles Who Lives In Your Area - Anal, Teen, Blonde Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SARA KAY - Sarah Kay - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17407 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch - Meet & Fuck Slutty Singles Who Lives In Your Area - Anal, Teen, Blonde Porn - SpankBang.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1405;Set=665 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=726' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17410, ID=17410 duration=(1205.91), Size=(138203554), Res=(656 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Sweet redhead tries anal WNM - Anal, Blowjob, Redhead Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Sweet redhead tries anal WNM - Anal, Blowjob, Redhead Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17410, ID=27432 duration=(1206), Size=(122242144), Res=(492 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Amateur Anal Attempts #10 _ Amateur - M68 - XFREEHD.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Sweet redhead tries anal WNM - Anal, Blowjob, Redhead Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27432 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Amateur Anal Attempts #10 _ Amateur - M68 - XFREEHD.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1407;Set=666 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=727' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17414, ID=17414 duration=(892.73), Size=(56555481), Res=(676 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Very Sweet Hard Anal - Anal Babe, Sweet Teen, Hard Anal Fuck Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Very Sweet Hard Anal - Anal Babe, Sweet Teen, Hard Anal Fuck Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17414, ID=24022 duration=(892.7), Size=(49418234), Res=(570 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[] Tight Ass Painal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Very Sweet Hard Anal - Anal Babe, Sweet Teen, Hard Anal Fuck Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24022 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\[] Tight Ass Painal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1409;Set=667 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=728' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17459, ID=17459 duration=(3600.21), Size=(415619270), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - ExploitedCollegeGirls Millie Melrose Anal {1080p} -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - ExploitedCollegeGirls Millie Melrose Anal {1080p} -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17459, ID=19682 duration=(3600), Size=(320717928), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NEW - MILLIE MELROSE, Exploited Anal. 100621. Casting - T94 .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - ExploitedCollegeGirls Millie Melrose Anal {1080p} -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19682 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\NEW - MILLIE MELROSE, Exploited Anal. 100621. Casting - T94 .mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1411;Set=668 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=729' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17560, ID=17560 duration=(2110), Size=(711529575), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17560, ID=17547 duration=(2109.96), Size=(46668801), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17547 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1413;Set=669 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=730' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17604, ID=17604 duration=(1420.86), Size=(133774796), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 01 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 01 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17604, ID=25870 duration=(1420.62), Size=(107101664), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chilling Out In The Forest Turns Into Horror -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 01 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25870 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chilling Out In The Forest Turns Into Horror - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1415;Set=670 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=731' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17605, ID=17605 duration=(1367.14), Size=(128733894), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Violence Sex #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2273, ID=2273 duration=(1366.84), Size=(128670343), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Violence Sex #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Violence Sex #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17605 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1417;Set=671 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=732' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26173, ID=26173 duration=(1457.9), Size=(140796586), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 04 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x480 < 716x572' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17611, ID=17611 duration=(1457.86), Size=(137237011), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 04 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 04 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26173 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1419;Set=672 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=733' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26913, ID=26913 duration=(2310.12), Size=(137196548), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\WhiteTeensBlackCocks - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\WhiteTeensBlackCocks - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26913, ID=17659 duration=(2314.27), Size=(91811896), Res=(340 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Daisy Wtbc Free Funny & Daisy Porn Video 57 - xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-340x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\WhiteTeensBlackCocks - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17659 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Daisy Wtbc Free Funny & Daisy Porn Video 57 - xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-340x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1421;Set=673 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=734' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17674, ID=17674 duration=(1483.34), Size=(88620608), Res=(576 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damage goods-576x384P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damage goods-576x384P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17674, ID=17673 duration=(1483.48), Size=(67934653), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damaged Goods.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damage goods-576x384P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17673 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damaged Goods.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1423;Set=674 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=735' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28209, ID=28209 duration=(940.87), Size=(150707523), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28209, ID=17712 duration=(940.95), Size=(124194087), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dark-haired Cunt Raped Hard by Dominant Stud MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28209, ID=20898 duration=(940.71), Size=(73687862), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Throat and Pussy Fuck For Brunette Teen -[Force]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17712 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dark-haired Cunt Raped Hard by Dominant Stud MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4=1055902 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4=1281429' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dark-haired Cunt Raped Hard by Dominant Stud MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1426;Set=675 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=736' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20898 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Throat and Pussy Fuck For Brunette Teen -[Force]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1426;Set=675 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=737' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=17895, ID=17895 duration=(1299.67), Size=(208939187), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Don't Say a Word the Parody - Chapter 14, Porn 29 - busty rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Don't Say a Word the Parody - Chapter 14, Porn 29 - busty rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=17895, ID=21494 duration=(1299.48), Size=(122490325), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Don't Say a Word the Parody - Chapter 14, Porn 29 - busty rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21494 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1428;Set=676 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=738" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17907, ID=17907 duration=(2162.26), Size=(203271669), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 11 - MILF anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 11 - MILF anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17907, ID=23265 duration=(2162.3), Size=(119093020), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #8 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 11 - MILF anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23265 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #8 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1430;Set=677 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=739' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31911, ID=31911 duration=(2262.41), Size=(142116402), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17977, ID=17977 duration=(2262.4), Size=(122346069), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31911 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1432;Set=678 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=740' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17976, ID=17976 duration=(1307.1), Size=(102693050), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17976, ID=27330 duration=(1307.18), Size=(68355072), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Stepsis - Step Sister, Step Brother, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-[Force]-[Wasted]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27330 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Stepsis - Step Sister, Step Brother, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-[Force]-[Wasted]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1434;Set=679 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=741' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17991, ID=17991 duration=(796.52), Size=(60380877), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17991, ID=29281 duration=(796.4), Size=(56192857), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls Found Sleeping Drunk On The Street Gets Gangbanged By Local Scum -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29281 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls Found Sleeping Drunk On The Street Gets Gangbanged By Local Scum - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1436;Set=680 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=742' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18004, ID=18004 duration=(1336.08), Size=(133341012), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Boozed Teen Passed Out Drunk Gets Fucked And Puke - - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2465, ID=2465 duration=(1336.03), Size=(107261222), Res=(560 x 400) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Boozed Teen Passed Out Drunk Gets Fucked And Puke - - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Boozed Teen Passed Out Drunk Gets Fucked And Puke - - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18004 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1438;Set=681 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=743' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18011, ID=18011 duration=(1236.44), Size=(103606600), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Drunk man anal Rapes.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4108, ID=4108 duration=(1236.34), Size=(92463906), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Drunk man anal Rapes.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Drunk man anal Rapes.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18011 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1440;Set=682 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=744' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18044, ID=18044 duration=(1375.1), Size=(597543887), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EURO TEEN TAKES IT NICE - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EURO TEEN TAKES IT NICE - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18044, ID=31500 duration=(1375.21), Size=(182017257), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Fucked in the Ass - Only Anal, Rough Anal, Shaved Pussy Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EURO TEEN TAKES IT NICE - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31500 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Fucked in the Ass - Only Anal, Rough Anal, Shaved Pussy Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1442;Set=683 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=745' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4436, ID=4436 duration=(3674.68), Size=(630500376), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Jada doll-[Ebony]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Jada doll-[Ebony]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4436, ID=18106 duration=(3674.11), Size=(310499474), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ebony chick, Jada Doll always fucks her way out of trouble, when-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Jada doll-[Ebony]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18106 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ebony chick, Jada Doll always fucks her way out of trouble, when-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1444;Set=684 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=746' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18168, ID=18168 duration=(1187.92), Size=(82432470), Res=(640 x 356) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Emily and Jahn - BEST XXX TUBE-640x356P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Emily and Jahn - BEST XXX TUBE-640x356P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=18168, ID=20464 duration=(1187.92), Size=(70421518), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please don't fuck my ass by assessor - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Emily and Jahn - BEST XXX TUBE-640x356P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20464 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please don't fuck my ass by assessor - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1446;Set=685 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=747" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18257, ID=18257 duration=(2949.4), Size=(533704102), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Eveline Dellai & Sylvia Dellai real TWINS assfucked tog[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Eveline Dellai & Sylvia Dellai real TWINS assfucked tog[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18257, ID=29828 duration=(2949.24), Size=(406327811), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Girl 53 - Eveline Dellai - anal orgy-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Eveline Dellai & Sylvia Dellai real TWINS assfucked tog[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29828 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Girl 53 - Eveline Dellai - anal orgy-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1448;Set=686 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=748' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18269, ID=18269 duration=(1167.16), Size=(147940385), Res=(780 x 470) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind - with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Girl Rape Fucked 7 - drug rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3364, ID=3364 duration=(1167.13), Size=(83735951), Res=(528 x 352) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Girl Rape Fucked 7 - drug rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Girl Rape Fucked 7 - drug rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18269 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1450;Set=687 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=749' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18279, ID=18279 duration=(890.44), Size=(103144740), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\How We Got Laid in The Old Days MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23709, ID=23709 duration=(890.4), Size=(72039773), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\How We Got Laid in The Old Days MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\How We Got Laid in The Old Days MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18279 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1452;Set=688 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=750' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18929, ID=18929 duration=(4905.38), Size=(876406142), Res=(1424 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\cute legal age teenagers hardcore cumshot compilation dimecu.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\cute legal age teenagers hardcore cumshot compilation dimecu.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18929, ID=18321 duration=(4905.39), Size=(792063161), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploited 18 Compilation Pmv by Dimecum, Porn f0 xHamster xH-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\cute legal age teenagers hardcore cumshot compilation dimecu.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18321 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploited 18 Compilation Pmv by Dimecum, Porn f0 xHamster xH-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1454;Set=689 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=751' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18376, ID=18376 duration=(2290.77), Size=(494577700), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FAQ - Ellie Eilish, Ellie Eilish Anal Porn - ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FAQ - Ellie Eilish, Ellie Eilish Anal Porn - ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18376, ID=25410 duration=(2290.44), Size=(260066631), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Quest - Ellie Black Amateur - M78 - XFREEHD-[ATM]-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FAQ - Ellie Eilish, Ellie Eilish Anal Porn - ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25410 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Quest - Ellie Black Amateur - M78 - XFREEHD-[ATM]-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1456;Set=690 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=752' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18408, ID=18408 duration=(1816.6), Size=(615025728), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - FIRST TIME ANAL SEX WITH AN AMAZINGLY HORNY YOUNG VIRGIN - anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - FIRST TIME ANAL SEX WITH AN AMAZINGLY HORNY YOUNG VIRGIN - anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18408, ID=26761 duration=(1816.43), Size=(132090892), Res=(480 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Asses Anal Fuck Hurts A Lot - anal painal ATM-480x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - FIRST TIME ANAL SEX WITH AN AMAZINGLY HORNY YOUNG VIRGIN - anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26761 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Asses Anal Fuck Hurts A Lot - anal painal ATM-480x272P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1458;Set=691 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=753' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18461, ID=18461 duration=(5784.92), Size=(242437589), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Faces of Pain 6 - real painal compilation.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=98, ID=98 duration=(5784.92), Size=(203979903), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Faces of Pain 6 - real painal compilation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Faces of Pain 6 - real painal compilation.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18461 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1460;Set=692 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=754' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18561, ID=18561 duration=(219), Size=(21410581), Res=(758 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Anal Submissive Drunk Girl.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2077, ID=2077 duration=(219), Size=(13242840), Res=(576 x 366) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Anal Submissive Drunk Girl.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Anal Submissive Drunk Girl.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18561 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1462;Set=693 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=755' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24904, ID=24904 duration=(2546.02), Size=(349857572), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal casting with a young and hot Altera Pars FLX-[Redhead]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 854x480' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18646, ID=18646 duration=(2546), Size=(334915713), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal casting with a young and hot Altera Pars FLX-[Redhead]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal casting with a young and hot Altera Pars FLX-[Redhead]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24904 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1464;Set=694 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=756' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18683, ID=18683 duration=(2100.64), Size=(116112643), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\One of the Best Teen Anal Sex Ever, Free Porn c6 xHamster-[FAQ]-462x240P.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5825, ID=5825 duration=(2100.69), Size=(102163501), Res=(462 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\One of the Best Teen Anal Sex Ever, Free Porn c6 xHamster-[FAQ]-462x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\One of the Best Teen Anal Sex Ever, Free Porn c6 xHamster-[FAQ]-462x240P.flv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18683 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1466;Set=695 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=757' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18748, ID=18748 duration=(3178.25), Size=(298723878), Res=(736 x 556) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For d. Girls - 1972 - XVIDEOS.COM-736x556P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For d. Girls - 1972 - XVIDEOS.COM-736x556P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18748, ID=21174 duration=(3178.25), Size=(208293751), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\School For Dead Girls - 1972 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For d. Girls - 1972 - XVIDEOS.COM-736x556P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21174 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\School For Dead Girls - 1972 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1468;Set=696 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=758' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1537, ID=1537 duration=(3195.9), Size=(1086746991), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_Unknown - blond anal painal ATM(53min15sec).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_Unknown - blond anal painal ATM(53min15sec).mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1537, ID=18744 duration=(3195.96), Size=(70705428), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For his first casting he unloads in his ass -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_Unknown - blond anal painal ATM(53min15sec).mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18744 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\For his first casting he unloads in his ass - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1470;Set=697 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=759' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18758, ID=18758 duration=(1472.7), Size=(113577259), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder rapes girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Anal].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x432 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2892, ID=2892 duration=(1472.68), Size=(109541925), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder rapes girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder rapes girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18758 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1472;Set=698 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=760' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18766, ID=18766 duration=(300.12), Size=(31379481), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Lady! Feel free to cry xHamster - anal rape painal ATM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=96, ID=96 duration=(300.2), Size=(9805118), Res=(468 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Lady! Feel free to cry xHamster - anal rape painal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Lady! Feel free to cry xHamster - anal rape painal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18766 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1474;Set=699 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=761' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18808, ID=18808 duration=(2393.44), Size=(541383862), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - Alaina Dawson , Teen Porn - redhead petite teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - Alaina Dawson , Teen Porn - redhead petite teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18808, ID=19031 duration=(2393.4), Size=(298668893), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\freckles - Bing video-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - Alaina Dawson , Teen Porn - redhead petite teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19031 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\freckles - Bing video-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1476;Set=700 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=762' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18833, ID=18833 duration=(1510.83), Size=(162756085), Res=(960 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French Cunt Raped at Gunpoint by Intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-960x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French Cunt Raped at Gunpoint by Intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-960x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18833, ID=31901 duration=(1510.83), Size=(128912283), Res=(720 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\Gunpoint rape - Tnaflix com-720x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French Cunt Raped at Gunpoint by Intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-960x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31901 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\Gunpoint rape - Tnaflix com-720x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1478;Set=701 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=763' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18945, ID=18945 duration=(429.4), Size=(29388480), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Wasted Slut Disgracing Herself-[Busty]-[Force]-576x384P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 448x336 < 576x384' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26803, ID=26803 duration=(429.39), Size=(17198504), Res=(576 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Wasted Slut Disgracing Herself-[Busty]-[Force]-576x384P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Wasted Slut Disgracing Herself-[Busty]-[Force]-576x384P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18945 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1480;Set=702 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=764' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31510, ID=31510 duration=(2203.69), Size=(697944393), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Greedy teen gets her asshole atomized - Anal, Teen, - very busty anal teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Greedy teen gets her asshole atomized - Anal, Teen, - very busty anal teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31510, ID=18992 duration=(2203.76), Size=(219039768), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest 20 10 22 amalia davis 1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Greedy teen gets her asshole atomized - Anal, Teen, - very busty anal teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18992 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest 20 10 22 amalia davis 1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1482;Set=703 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=765' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18993, ID=18993 duration=(2116.13), Size=(147176750), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18993, ID=25398 duration=(2116.13), Size=(143885606), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Laura Dickens - busty-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25398 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Laura Dickens - busty-640x360P.mp4=543958 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Laura Dickens - busty-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1484;Set=704 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=766' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20377, ID=20377 duration=(4234.41), Size=(2768108659), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Anal Teens - Carolina Sweets, Layla Love - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Anal Teens - Carolina Sweets, Layla Love - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20377, ID=19176 duration=(4234.55), Size=(863788411), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Love - Atm Extravaganza With With Carolina Sweets, Lina Sweet And Layla Love[Anal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Anal Teens - Carolina Sweets, Layla Love - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19176 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Love - Atm Extravaganza With With Carolina Sweets, Lina Sweet And Layla Love[Anal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1486;Set=705 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=767' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=19238, ID=19238 duration=(896.96), Size=(85437593), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\MILF Really Hates [Forced] Ass-To-Mouth - XVIDEOSCOM[392, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1877, ID=1877 duration=(897.02), Size=(49676607), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\MILF Really Hates [Forced] Ass-To-Mouth - XVIDEOSCOM[392, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\MILF Really Hates [Forced] Ass-To-Mouth - XVIDEOSCOM[392, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19238 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1488;Set=706 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=768" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19450, ID=19450 duration=(1446.08), Size=(86078482), Res=(582 x 388) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Angel forced - MOTHERLESS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2357, ID=2357 duration=(1446.04), Size=(72421316), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Angel forced - MOTHERLESS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Angel forced - MOTHERLESS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19450 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1490;Set=707 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=769' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19467, ID=19467 duration=(1497.1), Size=(456176290), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Anal 2 Mouth Teens #5 Marley Brinx, Moka Mora, Alyssa Cole - very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=690, ID=690 duration=(1497.21), Size=(387142933), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Anal 2 Mouth Teens #5 Marley Brinx, Moka Mora, Alyssa Cole - very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Anal 2 Mouth Teens #5 Marley Brinx, Moka Mora, Alyssa Cole - very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19467 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1492;Set=708 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=770' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19489, ID=19489 duration=(813.56), Size=(71882528), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf gets Raped in shed MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf gets Raped in shed MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19489, ID=29734 duration=(813.56), Size=(63614534), Res=(490 x 366) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Raped mature woman - video-[Force]-490x366P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf gets Raped in shed MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29734 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Raped mature woman - video-[Force]-490x366P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1494;Set=709 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=771' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19491, ID=19491 duration=(1219.84), Size=(83785896), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19491, ID=28826 duration=(1219.84), Size=(48401743), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosstep-mom-with-big-boobs-get-to-fuck-with-two-guys-4104594-[Busty]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28826 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosstep-mom-with-big-boobs-get-to-fuck-with-two-guys-4104594-[Busty]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1496;Set=710 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=772' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19633, ID=19633 duration=(3293.99), Size=(1111756006), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\My Dirty Novels Compilation - Stud assfucks two hotties - XN-[Anal]-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\My Dirty Novels Compilation - Stud assfucks two hotties - XN-[Anal]-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19633, ID=31547 duration=(3290.53), Size=(904605983), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch MyDirtyNovels Compilation - FFM Threesome Anal & Cumsh-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\My Dirty Novels Compilation - Stud assfucks two hotties - XN-[Anal]-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31547 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch MyDirtyNovels Compilation - FFM Threesome Anal & Cumsh-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1498;Set=711 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=773' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19925, ID=19925 duration=(1792), Size=(169527007), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19925, ID=19921 duration=(1791.96), Size=(39641623), Res=(390 x 286) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19921 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1500;Set=712 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=774' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20088, ID=20088 duration=(1606.6), Size=(543315603), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20088, ID=29947 duration=(1606.62), Size=(543134693), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny shy Teen tricked to First Time Assfuck by Step brothe-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29947 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny shy Teen tricked to First Time Assfuck by Step brothe-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704478 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2705418' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny shy Teen tricked to First Time Assfuck by Step brothe-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1502;Set=713 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=775' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20145, ID=20145 duration=(500.93), Size=(993185073), Res=(3840 x 2160) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\POV Teen Porn Starring a Cute Pale Redhead Free HD Porn 85 xHamster-3840x2160P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\POV Teen Porn Starring a Cute Pale Redhead Free HD Porn 85 xHamster-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20145, ID=20718 duration=(500.96), Size=(53921508), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Redheaded teen with freckles and red pubic hair sucks cock -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\POV Teen Porn Starring a Cute Pale Redhead Free HD Porn 85 xHamster-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20718 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Redheaded teen with freckles and red pubic hair sucks cock - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1504;Set=714 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=776' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26223, ID=26223 duration=(1480.13), Size=(380229941), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Extremely most Painful first Anal Sex of A\xa0cute Girl. \U0001f62b\U0001f632 -[Painal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Extremely most Painful first Anal Sex of A\xa0cute Girl. \U0001f62b\U0001f632 -[Painal].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26223, ID=20116 duration=(1474.35), Size=(95785592), Res=(1096 x 616) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pain anal buttplug before Sex - Video - Free Porn Videos -[Painal]-1096x616P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Extremely most Painful first Anal Sex of A\xa0cute Girl. \U0001f62b\U0001f632 -[Painal].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20116 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pain anal buttplug before Sex - Video - Free Porn Videos -[Painal]-1096x616P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1506;Set=715 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=777' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24711, ID=24711 duration=(1164.83), Size=(70505382), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation Painal Painful First anal - - Bing video-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation Painal Painful First anal - - Bing video-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24711, ID=20123 duration=(1164.96), Size=(46602355), Res=(376 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal Compilation Free Anal Anal Porn Video bc - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation Painal Painful First anal - - Bing video-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20123 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal Compilation Free Anal Anal Porn Video bc - xHamster xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1508;Set=716 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=778' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20220, ID=20220 duration=(1180.6), Size=(89332892), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl - for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 605341, 25 : h264, 598959, 29.97' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25961, ID=25961 duration=(1180.6), Size=(88391084), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20220 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1510;Set=717 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=779' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29909, ID=29909 duration=(1244.82), Size=(421125973), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Czech Virgin Step Sister Seduce to her Tight Ass Defl-[Anal]-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Czech Virgin Step Sister Seduce to her Tight Ass Defl-[Anal]-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29909, ID=20331 duration=(1244.95), Size=(120196679), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Girl Seduced to Anal Sex by Classmate During... xHams-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Czech Virgin Step Sister Seduce to her Tight Ass Defl-[Anal]-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20331 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Girl Seduced to Anal Sex by Classmate During... xHams-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1512;Set=718 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=780' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20349, ID=20349 duration=(373.24), Size=(83961982), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite skinny anal whore plowed - XNXX.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 1188x668 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20388, ID=20388 duration=(373.1), Size=(60955652), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite skinny anal whore plowed - XNXX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite skinny anal whore plowed - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20349 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1514;Set=719 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=781' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28809, ID=28809 duration=(2342.31), Size=(1230341763), Res=(1440 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoslewd-asian-engages-in-rough-anal-sex-romp-xhHgaB6-[ATM]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1440x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoslewd-asian-engages-in-rough-anal-sex-romp-xhHgaB6-[ATM]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1440x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28809, ID=20382 duration=(2342.24), Size=(306632014), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite geizer - very skinny anal ATM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoslewd-asian-engages-in-rough-anal-sex-romp-xhHgaB6-[ATM]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1440x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20382 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite geizer - very skinny anal ATM-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1516;Set=720 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=782' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25676, ID=25676 duration=(769.42), Size=(58044928), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride - with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked Up For DP On Street.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x270 < 480x360' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20403, ID=20403 duration=(769.02), Size=(34085275), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked Up For DP On Street.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked Up For DP On Street.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25676 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1518;Set=721 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=783' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=328, ID=328 duration=(1780.58), Size=(105828995), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\BBC\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\BBC\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=328, ID=20413 duration=(1780.69), Size=(49661347), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - XVIDEOS.COM-374x280P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\BBC\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20413 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - XVIDEOS.COM-374x280P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1520;Set=722 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=784' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27458, ID=27458 duration=(305.63), Size=(47643685), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Insane first pain anal for young slender slut-[Painal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Insane first pain anal for young slender slut-[Painal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27458, ID=20461 duration=(305.63), Size=(24243775), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please Stop!-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Insane first pain anal for young slender slut-[Painal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20461 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please Stop!-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1522;Set=723 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=785' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28895, ID=28895 duration=(1148.01), Size=(110936754), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pretty blonde girl abused By stepfather MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x480 < 640x480' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20557, ID=20557 duration=(1145.8), Size=(110927175), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pretty blonde girl abused By stepfather MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pretty blonde girl abused By stepfather MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28895 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1524;Set=724 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=786' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28670, ID=28670 duration=(1107.94), Size=(180129717), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28670, ID=20561 duration=(1107.7), Size=(104430420), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape-[Busty, Force, Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20561 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape-[Busty, Force, Vintage].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1526;Set=725 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=787' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23103, ID=23103 duration=(1737.41), Size=(423037240), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4222, ID=4222 duration=(1737.39), Size=(222691682), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4222, ID=20608 duration=(1737.36), Size=(94769025), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\my sister anal super MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23103 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1529;Set=726 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=788' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20608 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\my sister anal super MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1529;Set=726 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=789' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22827, ID=22827 duration=(255.23), Size=(15979417), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\new MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 448x336 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20613, ID=20613 duration=(255.05), Size=(14612468), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\new MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\new MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22827 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1531;Set=727 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=790' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23079, ID=23079 duration=(1712.96), Size=(465661979), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brune chaudasse encul\xe9e sauvagement par son amant - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brune chaudasse encul\xe9e sauvagement par son amant - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23079, ID=20635 duration=(1713.04), Size=(161167848), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\olimpia brunette hottie ass fucked - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brune chaudasse encul\xe9e sauvagement par son amant - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20635 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\olimpia brunette hottie ass fucked - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1533;Set=728 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=791' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29111, ID=29111 duration=(2724.21), Size=(537026401), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gangband Riley Reid - Free Porn Videos - YouPorn-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gangband Riley Reid - Free Porn Videos - YouPorn-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29111, ID=20779 duration=(2724.19), Size=(353126880), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley Reid anal hardcore pizza girl-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gangband Riley Reid - Free Porn Videos - YouPorn-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20779 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley Reid anal hardcore pizza girl-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1535;Set=729 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=792' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4248, ID=4248 duration=(1814.45), Size=(595128899), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lexie Owens-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lexie Owens-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4248, ID=20803 duration=(1814.33), Size=(459587770), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp - AbsoluPorn - Le sexe brutal ca la fait monter au septi\xe8me ciel - anal ATM rape-[Force]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lexie Owens-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20803 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp - AbsoluPorn - Le sexe brutal ca la fait monter au septi\xe8me ciel - anal ATM rape-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1537;Set=730 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=793' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20800, ID=20800 duration=(2295), Size=(574817906), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lorraine Floyd-854x480P-[BBC]-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4246, ID=4246 duration=(2294.95), Size=(288435562), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lorraine Floyd-854x480P-[BBC]-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lorraine Floyd-854x480P-[BBC]-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20800 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1539;Set=731 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=794' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29824, ID=29824 duration=(3570.11), Size=(1354816117), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rita fox and anastasia mistress (redhead rita and anastasia big piss drinking piss in mouth deep anal foot suck 088) - anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rita fox and anastasia mistress (redhead rita and anastasia big piss drinking piss in mouth deep anal foot suck 088) - anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29824, ID=20817 duration=(3570.32), Size=(577841660), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rita Faltoyano - Clip And Anastasia Mistress Anal Piss Drinking Vk, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rita fox and anastasia mistress (redhead rita and anastasia big piss drinking piss in mouth deep anal foot suck 088) - anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20817 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rita Faltoyano - Clip And Anastasia Mistress Anal Piss Drinking Vk for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1541;Set=732 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=795' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20856, ID=20856 duration=(1116.65), Size=(159651258), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-027-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape.wmv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1692, ID=1692 duration=(1116.64), Size=(129906539), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-027-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-027-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape.wmv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20856 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1543;Set=733 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=796' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20886, ID=20886 duration=(2441.23), Size=(277242240), Res=(892 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20886, ID=29818 duration=(2441.28), Size=(277207941), Res=(892 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck teen 18+ Carola -[Force]-[ATM].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29818 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck teen 18+ Carola -[Force]-[ATM].mp4=908401 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4=908532' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck teen 18+ Carola -[Force]-[ATM].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1545;Set=734 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=797' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1696, ID=1696 duration=(1274), Size=(147207309), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3820, ID=3820 duration=(1274.08), Size=(97239508), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3820, ID=20895 duration=(1273.52), Size=(93660682), Res=(512 x 368) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Teen Anal RapeXXX Gf Porn-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-512x368P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1548;Set=735 of 980;QtySkipForDel=15" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20895 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Teen Anal RapeXXX Gf Porn-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-512x368P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1548;Set=735 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=798' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4103, ID=4103 duration=(773.16), Size=(58301741), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen gets Raped at a construction site - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen gets Raped at a construction site - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4103, ID=20942 duration=(773.04), Size=(45674227), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rougher than she expected MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen gets Raped at a construction site - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20942 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rougher than she expected MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1550;Set=736 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=799' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29827, ID=29827 duration=(2923.92), Size=(416446201), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29827, ID=20974 duration=(2923.88), Size=(416424408), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Anal Teen Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opal, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20974 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Anal Teen Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opal v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4=1139418' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Anal Teen Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opal for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1552;Set=737 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=800' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30656, ID=30656 duration=(3033.76), Size=(393069310), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Invaded Gangbang - Pornhubcom-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-[Painal]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 854x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20995, ID=20995 duration=(3034.04), Size=(370614235), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Invaded Gangbang - Pornhubcom-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-[Painal]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Invaded Gangbang - Pornhubcom-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-[Painal]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30656 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1554;Set=738 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=801' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21013, ID=21013 duration=(795.5), Size=(128680646), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Teen Nelya Small First Anal Sex, Porn 4f xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Teen Nelya Small First Anal Sex, Porn 4f xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21013, ID=21054 duration=(795.49), Size=(104395157), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen nelya small s first anal sex - BEST XXX TUBE-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Teen Nelya Small First Anal Sex, Porn 4f xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21054 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen nelya small s first anal sex - BEST XXX TUBE-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1556;Set=739 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=802' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21049, ID=21049 duration=(818.55), Size=(103575471), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\ Russian Redhead Anal Teen Anally Creampied By A Big Dick ~ Teen Anal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7724, ID=7724 duration=(818.56), Size=(50262601), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\ Russian Redhead Anal Teen Anally Creampied By A Big Dick ~ Teen Anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\ Russian Redhead Anal Teen Anally Creampied By A Big Dick ~ Teen Anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21049 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1558;Set=740 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=803' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8143, ID=8143 duration=(595.36), Size=(46221675), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\skinny busty ANAL! - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\skinny busty ANAL! - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8143, ID=21052 duration=(595.44), Size=(35231813), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen anal in a car - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\skinny busty ANAL! - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21052 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen anal in a car - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1560;Set=741 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=804' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21062, ID=21062 duration=(539.56), Size=(48903944), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russianrape rapesection 03 .mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russianrape rapesection 03 .mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21062, ID=28898 duration=(539.5), Size=(29544716), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0447\u043a\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0439 \u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u0440\u044e\u043d\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0443-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russianrape rapesection 03 .mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28898 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0447\u043a\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0439 \u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u0440\u044e\u043d\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0443-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1562;Set=742 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=805' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21094, ID=21094 duration=(1676.02), Size=(1089926853), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Ryder Rey, Anthony Pierce - Don T Tell My Parents I Assfucked The Babysitter - EPORNER-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Ryder Rey, Anthony Pierce - Don T Tell My Parents I Assfucked The Babysitter - EPORNER-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=21094, ID=22302 duration=(1675.97), Size=(236699558), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\ryder rey don't tell my parents i assfuck ed the babysitter - anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Ryder Rey, Anthony Pierce - Don T Tell My Parents I Assfucked The Babysitter - EPORNER-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22302 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\ryder rey don't tell my parents i assfuck ed the babysitter - anal-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1564;Set=743 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=806" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29845, ID=29845 duration=(2714.84), Size=(430237991), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29845, ID=21111 duration=(2714.81), Size=(429679518), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21111 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1566;Set=744 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=807' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28066, ID=28066 duration=(1714.42), Size=(541138322), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sexy Blonde Gets her first Anal Experience -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sexy Blonde Gets her first Anal Experience -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28066, ID=21337 duration=(1714.58), Size=(287449268), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Blonde Gets Her First Anal Experience, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sexy Blonde Gets her first Anal Experience -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21337 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Blonde Gets Her First Anal Experience for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1568;Set=745 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=808' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26535, ID=26535 duration=(2358.66), Size=(1231146287), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teeny German Sex Ep 2, Free HD Porn Video 12 xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teeny German Sex Ep 2, Free HD Porn Video 12 xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26535, ID=21408 duration=(2358.56), Size=(130373060), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy step Mom Anally Rides Best Friends Fat Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teeny German Sex Ep 2, Free HD Porn Video 12 xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21408 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy step Mom Anally Rides Best Friends Fat Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1570;Set=746 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=809' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21416, ID=21416 duration=(1254.02), Size=(152986973), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-044-wmv-high_01anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Redhead]-[Teen]-400x300P.wmv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1703, ID=1703 duration=(1254), Size=(146119029), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-044-wmv-high_01anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Redhead]-[Teen]-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-044-wmv-high_01anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Redhead]-[Teen]-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21416 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1572;Set=747 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=810' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=21492, ID=21492 duration=(1423.36), Size=(134086135), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=21492, ID=21506 duration=(1423.38), Size=(133939535), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shes too cute I jump her and screw her! Vol 1 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21506 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shes too cute I jump her and screw her! Vol 1 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4].mp4=752795 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=753631" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shes too cute I jump her and screw her! Vol 1 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1574;Set=748 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=811' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28016, ID=28016 duration=(1763.79), Size=(235739868), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SHIRLEY HARRIS & TEACHER - skinny busty anal blond.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SHIRLEY HARRIS & TEACHER - skinny busty anal blond.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28016, ID=21502 duration=(1763.48), Size=(118051166), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shelly trys out-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SHIRLEY HARRIS & TEACHER - skinny busty anal blond.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21502 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shelly trys out-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1576;Set=749 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=812' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26503, ID=26503 duration=(743.34), Size=(109600346), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teensloveanal - Shy Ebony Teen Fucks in Her Parents\u2019 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teensloveanal - Shy Ebony Teen Fucks in Her Parents\u2019 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26503, ID=21537 duration=(743.43), Size=(77388547), Res=(1072 x 604) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shy Ebony Teen Fucks In Her Parents Bedroom, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teensloveanal - Shy Ebony Teen Fucks in Her Parents\u2019 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21537 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shy Ebony Teen Fucks In Her Parents Bedroom for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1578;Set=750 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=813' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28090, ID=28090 duration=(2004.07), Size=(275592792), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shyla - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shyla - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28090, ID=21550 duration=(2004.13), Size=(79678253), Res=(344 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Free Funny & Shyla Porn Video 9c - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shyla - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21550 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Free Funny & Shyla Porn Video 9c - xHamster xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1580;Set=751 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=814' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21594, ID=21594 duration=(1417.56), Size=(479879258), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21594, ID=29900 duration=(1417.58), Size=(479714607), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by d. and to her first As-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29900 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by d. and to her first As-1920x1080P.mp4=2707225 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4=2708198' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by d. and to her first As-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1582;Set=752 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=815' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21643, ID=21643 duration=(247.41), Size=(23942523), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny German Anal German Online Porn Video 7c - xHamster xHamster-[Amateur]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny German Anal German Online Porn Video 7c - xHamster xHamster-[Amateur]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21643, ID=21589 duration=(247.27), Size=(9586312), Res=(576 x 326) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Amateur Anal Fucking-576x326P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny German Anal German Online Porn Video 7c - xHamster xHamster-[Amateur]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21589 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Amateur Anal Fucking-576x326P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1584;Set=753 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=816' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21601, ID=21601 duration=(120.6), Size=(5633444), Res=(576 x 326) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Slim girlfriend with constricted butthole anal HClips - Private Home Clips-[Skinny]-428x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6811, ID=6811 duration=(120.81), Size=(3064150), Res=(428 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Slim girlfriend with constricted butthole anal HClips - Private Home Clips-[Skinny]-428x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Slim girlfriend with constricted butthole anal HClips - Private Home Clips-[Skinny]-428x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21601 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1586;Set=754 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=817' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21642, ID=21642 duration=(3217.77), Size=(1255129698), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21642, ID=29910 duration=(3217.8), Size=(1254863439), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29910 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4=3119805 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4=3120491' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1588;Set=755 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=818' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21684, ID=21684 duration=(810.24), Size=(62514039), Res=(576 x 318) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Anal - for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x318 < 720x396' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21628, ID=21628 duration=(810.32), Size=(59738183), Res=(720 x 396) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Anal -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21684 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1590;Set=756 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=819' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21629, ID=21629 duration=(703.04), Size=(155955411), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Pounded By Big Dick -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Pounded By Big Dick -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21629, ID=26395 duration=(703.12), Size=(71895760), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TUSHY My girlfriend and I love to gape -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Pounded By Big Dick -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26395 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TUSHY My girlfriend and I love to gape - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1592;Set=757 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=820' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21667, ID=21667 duration=(1221.12), Size=(72857865), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4=24.99 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 477318, 24.99 : h264, 476677, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29912, ID=29912 duration=(1221.26), Size=(72768403), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21667 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1594;Set=758 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=821' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21686, ID=21686 duration=(819.54), Size=(128503755), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off - for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1254396, 24 : h264, 1118330, 29.97' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6746, ID=6746 duration=(819.55), Size=(114565323), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21686 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1596;Set=759 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=822' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21702, ID=21702 duration=(2052.18), Size=(877004841), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21702, ID=21701 duration=(2052.18), Size=(804990206), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21701 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1598;Set=760 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=823' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21704, ID=21704 duration=(1229.22), Size=(415261046), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21704, ID=29923 duration=(1229.22), Size=(415128800), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29923 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2701731 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4=2702603' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1600;Set=761 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=824' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28820, ID=28820 duration=(787.43), Size=(127236383), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28820, ID=21773 duration=(787.39), Size=(113013403), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny teen Izzy Lush loses her anal virginity - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21773 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny teen Izzy Lush loses her anal virginity - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4=1148237 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4=1292670' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny teen Izzy Lush loses her anal virginity - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1602;Set=762 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=825' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21827, ID=21827 duration=(1210.47), Size=(137549104), Res=(602 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleeping Bride To Be Is Raped In Pussy And Ass By Masked Man - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1988, ID=1988 duration=(1210.44), Size=(54849725), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleeping Bride To Be Is Raped In Pussy And Ass By Masked Man - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleeping Bride To Be Is Raped In Pussy And Ass By Masked Man - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21827 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1604;Set=763 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=826' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21962, ID=21962 duration=(1910.47), Size=(748563720), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sophia Traxler - 18Yo White Teen With Huge Natural Tits First Anal Scene #CENTURION #anal #bigtits (Big Natural Tits - 0) (02.05.2022) on SexyPorn.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sophia Traxler - 18Yo White Teen With Huge Natural Tits First Anal Scene #CENTURION #anal #bigtits (Big Natural Tits - 0) (02.05.2022) on SexyPorn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21962, ID=31458 duration=(1910.49), Size=(177220716), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Sophie Traxler - Gonzo First Time Anal On Cam Anal - W86 - X-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sophia Traxler - 18Yo White Teen With Huge Natural Tits First Anal Scene #CENTURION #anal #bigtits (Big Natural Tits - 0) (02.05.2022) on SexyPorn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31458 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Sophie Traxler - Gonzo First Time Anal On Cam Anal - W86 - X-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1606;Set=764 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=827' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28114, ID=28114 duration=(1228.99), Size=(415144590), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Teen First Time Assfuck by Huge Cock Classmate - anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Teen First Time Assfuck by Huge Cock Classmate - anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28114, ID=22031 duration=(1229), Size=(97000701), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Step Sister 18 Seduce To Anal Defloration Sex By Big Cock at DrTuber-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Teen First Time Assfuck by Huge Cock Classmate - anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22031 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Step Sister 18 Seduce To Anal Defloration Sex By Big Cock at DrTuber-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1608;Set=765 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=828' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26895, ID=26895 duration=(630.03), Size=(42295041), Res=(450 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 450x360 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22055, ID=22055 duration=(630.08), Size=(39654665), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26895 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1610;Set=766 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=829' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26359, ID=26359 duration=(1467.16), Size=(497510037), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26359, ID=22113 duration=(1467.13), Size=(497434636), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22113 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2712417 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4=2712785' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1612;Set=767 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=830' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22167, ID=22167 duration=(2149.87), Size=(86006713), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 320044, 25 : av1, 120581, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26362, ID=26362 duration=(2149.89), Size=(32404731), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22167 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1614;Set=768 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=831' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22224, ID=22224 duration=(2245.52), Size=(123875970), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22224, ID=26367 duration=(2245.54), Size=(123633265), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take a big cock in their asse-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26367 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take a big cock in their asse-588x392P.mp4=440457 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4=441326' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take a big cock in their asse-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1616;Set=769 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=832' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22285, ID=22285 duration=(2663.81), Size=(454772342), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet hole - skinny teen anal ATM casting-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet hole - skinny teen anal ATM casting-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22285, ID=24293 duration=(2663.89), Size=(417719983), Res=(852 x 400) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alita Angel - anal casting - very skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-852x400P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet hole - skinny teen anal ATM casting-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24293 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alita Angel - anal casting - very skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-852x400P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1618;Set=770 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=833' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3142, ID=3142 duration=(3338.66), Size=(344110457), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped In The Woods MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped In The Woods MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3142, ID=22290 duration=(3338.64), Size=(183913523), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\rough groupsex XXX hornyporn sexfuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped In The Woods MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22290 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\rough groupsex XXX hornyporn sexfuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1620;Set=771 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=834' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22287, ID=22287 duration=(34.8), Size=(5754910), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene - busty black slave forced by her massah MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3684, ID=3684 duration=(34.84), Size=(3548729), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene - busty black slave forced by her massah MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene - busty black slave forced by her massah MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22287 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1622;Set=772 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=835' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22483, ID=22483 duration=(2553.05), Size=(197922626), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\139032.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\139032.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22483, ID=30461 duration=(2553.6), Size=(132012384), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - 18yo babyfaced litte Kendall \u2013 PornXP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\139032.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30461 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - 18yo babyfaced litte Kendall \u2013 PornXP.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1624;Set=773 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=836' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22505, ID=22505 duration=(342.31), Size=(72073609), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\160167.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\160167.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22505, ID=30380 duration=(342.42), Size=(18738756), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Brutal anal sex for goth teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\160167.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30380 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Brutal anal sex for goth teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1626;Set=774 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=837' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22512, ID=22512 duration=(1346.62), Size=(325538790), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\16092_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\16092_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22512, ID=25854 duration=(1346.64), Size=(135553310), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\high class student escorts scene 2 540p watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\16092_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25854 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\high class student escorts scene 2 540p watch online - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1628;Set=775 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=838' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22581, ID=22581 duration=(2459.92), Size=(1274143655), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Year Old on Her Birthday at Anal Casting Free Porn ed xHamster-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Year Old on Her Birthday at Anal Casting Free Porn ed xHamster-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22581, ID=28269 duration=(2460.05), Size=(176350345), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Anal Casting - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Year Old on Her Birthday at Anal Casting Free Porn ed xHamster-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28269 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Anal Casting - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1630;Set=776 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=839' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22669, ID=22669 duration=(4464.85), Size=(701398984), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22669, ID=23877 duration=(4464.92), Size=(602073822), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Eighteen Year Old Casting and First Anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23877 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Eighteen Year Old Casting and First Anal.mp4=1078763 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4=1256747' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Eighteen Year Old Casting and First Anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1632;Set=777 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=840' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23284, ID=23284 duration=(1201.79), Size=(214744943), Res=(608 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adorable 18 Year old April Aniston Loves getting Fucked in the Ass -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adorable 18 Year old April Aniston Loves getting Fucked in the Ass -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23284, ID=22715 duration=(1201.8), Size=(92818243), Res=(270 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\200990_480p.mp4-270x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adorable 18 Year old April Aniston Loves getting Fucked in the Ass -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22715 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\200990_480p.mp4-270x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1634;Set=778 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=841' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22780, ID=22780 duration=(2368.85), Size=(446239649), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Amber Stark - redhead.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4407, ID=4407 duration=(2368.9), Size=(229394185), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Amber Stark - redhead.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Amber Stark - redhead.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22780 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1636;Set=779 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=842' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22792, ID=22792 duration=(1383.24), Size=(866849473), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv with B:\\V\\V\\e\\HDSex18 - Ella Fantastic # Anal Video with 18 Yo Gottie #teen.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1383.24 < 1384.33' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25482, ID=25482 duration=(1384.33), Size=(344619928), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\HDSex18 - Ella Fantastic # Anal Video with 18 Yo Gottie #teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\HDSex18 - Ella Fantastic # Anal Video with 18 Yo Gottie #teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22792 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1638;Set=780 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=843' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8199, ID=8199 duration=(1213.61), Size=(93462639), Res=(480 x 362) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal -' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal - with B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 Blacks 1 Girl - XVIDEOSCOM[404, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Teen]-550x404P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x362 < 550x404' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22785, ID=22785 duration=(1213.58), Size=(71634134), Res=(550 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 Blacks 1 Girl - XVIDEOSCOM[404, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Teen]-550x404P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 Blacks 1 Girl - XVIDEOSCOM[404, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Teen]-550x404P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal -';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1640;Set=781 of 980;QtySkipForDel=16" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22861, ID=22861 duration=(790.89), Size=(93745514), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Skinny Hooker Fucked By Two Soldiers - - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3258, ID=3258 duration=(789.42), Size=(59076856), Res=(720 x 560) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Skinny Hooker Fucked By Two Soldiers - - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Skinny Hooker Fucked By Two Soldiers - - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22861 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1642;Set=782 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=844' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4202, ID=4202 duration=(2066.2), Size=(675639593), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4202, ID=22882 duration=(2066.23), Size=(293058958), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\713995258619-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4202, ID=23024 duration=(2066.12), Size=(215663989), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A bitch violently fucked by a half-breed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22882 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\713995258619-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1645;Set=783 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=845' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23024 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A bitch violently fucked by a half-breed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1645;Set=783 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=846' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22876, ID=22876 duration=(264.68), Size=(25424477), Res=(480 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\russian-teen-cries-while-being-forced-to-fuck_-_XVIDEOS_COM.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x272 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8116, ID=8116 duration=(264.68), Size=(24044816), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\russian-teen-cries-while-being-forced-to-fuck_-_XVIDEOS_COM.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\russian-teen-cries-while-being-forced-to-fuck_-_XVIDEOS_COM.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22876 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1647;Set=784 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=847' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24170, ID=24170 duration=(1182.87), Size=(138584074), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Very Good Party - RapeLust.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Very Good Party - RapeLust.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24170, ID=22893 duration=(1182.8), Size=(44725728), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\867065727538-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Very Good Party - RapeLust.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22893 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\867065727538-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1649;Set=785 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=848' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22904, ID=22904 duration=(979.82), Size=(57777721), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape 43634634.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3896, ID=3896 duration=(979.76), Size=(50926315), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape 43634634.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape 43634634.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22904 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1651;Set=786 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=849' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23027, ID=23027 duration=(1716.22), Size=(647960411), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Holly Osborne.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4241, ID=4241 duration=(1716.3), Size=(565017604), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Holly Osborne.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Holly Osborne.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23027 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1653;Set=787 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=850' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4196, ID=4196 duration=(1511.13), Size=(497399035), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sally Ledesma.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sally Ledesma.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4196, ID=23023 duration=(1511.02), Size=(169747796), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A black guy rips off her pantyhose before fucking her wildly - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sally Ledesma.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23023 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A black guy rips off her pantyhose before fucking her wildly - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1655;Set=788 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=851' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23030, ID=23030 duration=(1498.32), Size=(158575885), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rose Scott.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4259, ID=4259 duration=(1498.34), Size=(151145349), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rose Scott.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rose Scott.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23030 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1657;Set=789 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=852' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23047, ID=23047 duration=(1673.04), Size=(562710184), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4191, ID=4191 duration=(1673), Size=(548905820), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4191, ID=4223 duration=(1672.96), Size=(213425361), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Dorothy Nash-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23047 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1660;Set=790 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=853' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Dorothy Nash-[Force]-854x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1660;Set=790 of 980;QtySkipForDel=17" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4201, ID=4201 duration=(1753.01), Size=(568491360), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Susan Price.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Susan Price.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4201, ID=23092 duration=(1753.06), Size=(385763595), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette sauvagement sodomis\xe9e - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Susan Price.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23092 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette sauvagement sodomis\xe9e - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1662;Set=791 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=854' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23093, ID=23093 duration=(2068.2), Size=(747885746), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Madelaine Young-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4193, ID=4193 duration=(2068.16), Size=(679060043), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Madelaine Young-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Madelaine Young-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23093 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1664;Set=792 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=855' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4253, ID=4253 duration=(1823.07), Size=(599008026), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lupe Burnett.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lupe Burnett.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4253, ID=23107 duration=(1823.04), Size=(582514884), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle aime le sexe extr\xeame et la sodomie - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lupe Burnett.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23107 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle aime le sexe extr\xeame et la sodomie - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1666;Set=793 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=856' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4251, ID=4251 duration=(1839.69), Size=(605425108), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lucy Abernathy.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lucy Abernathy.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4251, ID=23142 duration=(1839.62), Size=(566580295), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il arrache les v\xeatements de cette actrice x pour mieux lui p\xe9n\xe9trer la rondelle - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lucy Abernathy.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23142 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il arrache les v\xeatements de cette actrice x pour mieux lui p\xe9n\xe9trer la rondelle - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1668;Set=794 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=857' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4236, ID=4236 duration=(1644.21), Size=(538317527), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Hellen Miller.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Hellen Miller.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=4236, ID=23141 duration=(1644.03), Size=(397741761), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il d\xe9fonce le cul d'une brune en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Hellen Miller.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23141 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il d\xe9fonce le cul d'une brune en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1670;Set=795 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=858" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23151, ID=23151 duration=(1458.99), Size=(490088552), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Roxanne Mercer.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4264, ID=4264 duration=(1459.07), Size=(480035958), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Roxanne Mercer.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Roxanne Mercer.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23151 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1672;Set=796 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=859' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4268, ID=4268 duration=(2017.93), Size=(664628378), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Ruth Fowler-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Ruth Fowler-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4268, ID=23168 duration=(2017.83), Size=(476730192), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Pornstar hard ass fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Anal]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Ruth Fowler-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23168 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Pornstar hard ass fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Anal]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1674;Set=797 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=860' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23221, ID=23221 duration=(1795.84), Size=(683189208), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Belkis Toscano.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4219, ID=4219 duration=(1795.92), Size=(591427684), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Belkis Toscano.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Belkis Toscano.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23221 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1676;Set=798 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=861' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4285, ID=4285 duration=(1918.29), Size=(630929531), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4285, ID=23248 duration=(1918.21), Size=(476811604), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Wendy harper gets her pussy slammed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4285, ID=4206 duration=(1918.32), Size=(223836366), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Angela-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23248 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Wendy harper gets her pussy slammed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1679;Set=799 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=862' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Angela-[Force]-854x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1679;Set=799 of 980;QtySkipForDel=18" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27012, ID=27012 duration=(1814.4), Size=(171408614), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 9 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 9 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27012, ID=23262 duration=(1814.46), Size=(100058330), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #10 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 9 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23262 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #10 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1681;Set=800 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=863' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3696, ID=3696 duration=(1034.94), Size=(97059066), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\sexy MILF passed out burglar plays with her - XNXXCOM[554, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\sexy MILF passed out burglar plays with her - XNXXCOM[554, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3696, ID=23524 duration=(1034.96), Size=(65670164), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Bitch Knocked Out and Raped by Burglar MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Passed Out]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\sexy MILF passed out burglar plays with her - XNXXCOM[554, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23524 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Bitch Knocked Out and Raped by Burglar MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Passed Out]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1683;Set=801 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=864' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23539, ID=23539 duration=(445.12), Size=(48512157), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Extreme Skinny Gf Tight Pussy Gets Rough And Deep Fucked - Forced_Rape-[Busty]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2669, ID=2669 duration=(445.14), Size=(23553991), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Extreme Skinny Gf Tight Pussy Gets Rough And Deep Fucked - Forced_Rape-[Busty]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Extreme Skinny Gf Tight Pussy Gets Rough And Deep Fucked - Forced_Rape-[Busty]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23539 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1685;Set=802 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=865' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25348, ID=25348 duration=(1147.92), Size=(82936373), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy black bitch punched out and raped by stepdad MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy black bitch punched out and raped by stepdad MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25348, ID=23752 duration=(1147.99), Size=(67630627), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hurt the Hunnies Hard MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy black bitch punched out and raped by stepdad MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23752 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hurt the Hunnies Hard MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1687;Set=803 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=866' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24033, ID=24033 duration=(1654.33), Size=(241206041), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24033, ID=26721 duration=(1654.42), Size=(239784631), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal - skinny teen puffy nipples.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26721 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal - skinny teen puffy nipples.mp4=1159484 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4=1166423' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal - skinny teen puffy nipples.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1689;Set=804 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=867' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24257, ID=24257 duration=(3367.67), Size=(1137147254), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Abuseme - Kinky Harsh Sex Fetishes With Kylie Quinn, Brittne-[Force]-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Abuseme - Kinky Harsh Sex Fetishes With Kylie Quinn, Brittne-[Force]-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24257, ID=24073 duration=(3367.72), Size=(74017917), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\abuse painal - Free porn movies-[Force]-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Abuseme - Kinky Harsh Sex Fetishes With Kylie Quinn, Brittne-[Force]-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24073 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\abuse painal - Free porn movies-[Force]-444x250P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1691;Set=805 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=868' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24128, ID=24128 duration=(502.98), Size=(80002636), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4=24.99 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1272448, 24.99 : h264, 1272280, 25' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26743, ID=26743 duration=(502.8), Size=(79963580), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24128 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1693;Set=806 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=869' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24141, ID=24141 duration=(678.88), Size=(341880323), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched to the Max - Asian anal BBC busty.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched to the Max - Asian anal BBC busty.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=24141, ID=31426 duration=(677.04), Size=(102432673), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills' tight asian ass stretched to the max by a BBC in-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched to the Max - Asian anal BBC busty.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31426 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills' tight asian ass stretched to the max by a BBC in-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1695;Set=807 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=870" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24163, ID=24163 duration=(2476.12), Size=(410877332), Res=(1282 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Black Man Fucks a Schoolgirl in Anal Brings Her to Orgasm -1-[Teen]-1282x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Black Man Fucks a Schoolgirl in Anal Brings Her to Orgasm -1-[Teen]-1282x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=24163, ID=26693 duration=(2476.12), Size=(239182121), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Un black baise une lyc\xe9enne en sodomie et l'am\xe8ne \xe0 l'orgasme et jouit dans sa bouche xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Black Man Fucks a Schoolgirl in Anal Brings Her to Orgasm -1-[Teen]-1282x720P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26693 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Un black baise une lyc\xe9enne en sodomie et l'am\xe8ne \xe0 l'orgasme et jouit dans sa bouche xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1697;Set=808 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=871" +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24193, ID=24193 duration=(662.23), Size=(224643877), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMATEUR THREESOME WITH TWO BEAUTIFUL TEEN GIRLS THAT LOVE ANAL - anal FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMATEUR THREESOME WITH TWO BEAUTIFUL TEEN GIRLS THAT LOVE ANAL - anal FFM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24193, ID=24384 duration=(662.2), Size=(107798616), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Threesome with Two Beautiful Teen Girls xHamste anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMATEUR THREESOME WITH TWO BEAUTIFUL TEEN GIRLS THAT LOVE ANAL - anal FFM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24384 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Threesome with Two Beautiful Teen Girls xHamste anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1699;Set=809 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=872' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24280, ID=24280 duration=(496.14), Size=(93768846), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Interracial Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 496.14 < 500.8' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24281, ID=24281 duration=(500.8), Size=(81613596), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Interracial Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Interracial Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24280 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1701;Set=810 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=873' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24297, ID=24297 duration=(625.96), Size=(211750900), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal All The Time 18 Yr old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal All The Time 18 Yr old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24297, ID=24298 duration=(626.04), Size=(91137279), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal all the Time 18 Yr Old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal All The Time 18 Yr old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24298 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal all the Time 18 Yr Old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1703;Set=811 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=874' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24435, ID=24435 duration=(1198.04), Size=(326742735), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Plumper Sodomy Sex -960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Plumper Sodomy Sex -960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24435, ID=26876 duration=(1198.03), Size=(195771360), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Y-Fatties (VanessaValerieVal) - Teen, Fatties, Babe - busty anal teen-[Amateur]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Plumper Sodomy Sex -960x540P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26876 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Y-Fatties (VanessaValerieVal) - Teen, Fatties, Babe - busty anal teen-[Amateur]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1705;Set=812 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=875' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24488, ID=24488 duration=(419.99), Size=(171110740), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed tutor finds out the ginger babe wears no panties - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 419.99 < 420.02' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24486, ID=24486 duration=(420.02), Size=(142293052), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed tutor finds out the ginger babe wears no panties - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed tutor finds out the ginger babe wears no panties - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24488 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1707;Set=813 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=876' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24515, ID=24515 duration=(1203.12), Size=(81858073), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Threesome Rape - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-576x462P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3190, ID=3190 duration=(1203.12), Size=(64642140), Res=(576 x 462) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Threesome Rape - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-576x462P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Threesome Rape - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-576x462P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24515 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1709;Set=814 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=877' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24710, ID=24710 duration=(343.1), Size=(55786523), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24710, ID=29781 duration=(343.1), Size=(55676138), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Real Virgin Defloration Painful, Pain Missionary Sex Compila-[Anal]-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29781 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Real Virgin Defloration Painful, Pain Missionary Sex Compila-[Anal]-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4=1298175 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4=1300748' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Real Virgin Defloration Painful, Pain Missionary Sex Compila-[Anal]-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1711;Set=815 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=878' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24945, ID=24945 duration=(4197.17), Size=(1371423897), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24945, ID=24932 duration=(4197.14), Size=(300606906), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - Amateur Anal Teen - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:33] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24932 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - Amateur Anal Teen - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1713;Set=816 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=879' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30508, ID=30508 duration=(1649.68), Size=(165145435), Res=(720 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\private 18 10 15 big tit clany enjoys anal watch online - very busty anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\private 18 10 15 big tit clany enjoys anal watch online - very busty anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30508, ID=25009 duration=(1649.66), Size=(88152530), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Big Tit Enjoys Anal \u2013 Busty Clary - very busty-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\private 18 10 15 big tit clany enjoys anal watch online - very busty anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25009 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Big Tit Enjoys Anal \u2013 Busty Clary - very busty-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1715;Set=817 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=880' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2005, ID=2005 duration=(1775.88), Size=(151274420), Res=(520 x 390) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Stasy German Teen Forced Anal - Free18net - Forced_Anal_Rape-520x390P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Stasy German Teen Forced Anal - Free18net - Forced_Anal_Rape-520x390P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2005, ID=25081 duration=(1776.42), Size=(114256786), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic German Anal Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-[Vintage]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Stasy German Teen Forced Anal - Free18net - Forced_Anal_Rape-520x390P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25081 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic German Anal Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-[Vintage]-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1717;Set=818 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=881' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2685, ID=2685 duration=(419.52), Size=(46154787), Res=(624 x 464) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic Scenes - Amber Hunt Train Scene - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 624x464 < 854x480' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25082, ID=25082 duration=(419.54), Size=(40567589), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic Scenes - Amber Hunt Train Scene - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic Scenes - Amber Hunt Train Scene - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1719;Set=819 of 980;QtySkipForDel=19" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25117, ID=25117 duration=(2619.23), Size=(418734552), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-queenlin And Anastasia Mistress First Time Piss Drinking Anal Vk[FFM]-1188x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-queenlin And Anastasia Mistress First Time Piss Drinking Anal Vk[FFM]-1188x668P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25117, ID=29642 duration=(2619.07), Size=(367673139), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin FFM Hardcore Frolics Anal - S04 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-queenlin And Anastasia Mistress First Time Piss Drinking Anal Vk[FFM]-1188x668P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29642 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin FFM Hardcore Frolics Anal - S04 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1721;Set=820 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=882' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25285, ID=25285 duration=(1448.46), Size=(150657543), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Slut A Big Cock Down Her Throat - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-716x572P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 536x428 < 716x572' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25284, ID=25284 duration=(1448.4), Size=(136726248), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Slut A Big Cock Down Her Throat - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Slut A Big Cock Down Her Throat - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25285 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1723;Set=821 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=883' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6360, ID=6360 duration=(286.6), Size=(28181295), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen with huge tits - missionary then anal - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen with huge tits - missionary then anal - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6360, ID=25329 duration=(287.04), Size=(23116228), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cunts fuck to the song hands up (porn anal oral blowjob students orgasm cp sex erotic sperm virgin)) watch online-[Busty]-[Teen]-426x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen with huge tits - missionary then anal - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25329 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cunts fuck to the song hands up (porn anal oral blowjob students orgasm cp sex erotic sperm virgin)) watch online-[Busty]-[Teen]-426x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1725;Set=822 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=884' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25351, ID=25351 duration=(1814.96), Size=(614044990), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo brunette Teen with natural tits gets the tip anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo brunette Teen with natural tits gets the tip anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25351, ID=25341 duration=(1815.02), Size=(332210299), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo Brunette Teen with Natural Tits gets the Tip xHam-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo brunette Teen with natural tits gets the tip anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25341 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo Brunette Teen with Natural Tits gets the Tip xHam-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1727;Set=823 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=885' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=4822, ID=4822 duration=(2646.31), Size=(415782056), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\MyVeryFirstTime\\MyVeryFirstTime - 016 - Destiny's First Anal featuring Destiny Love real painal - Free Porn Cliphunter.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\MyVeryFirstTime\\MyVeryFirstTime - 016 - Destiny's First Anal featuring Destiny Love real painal - Free Porn Cliphunter.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=4822, ID=25409 duration=(2646.26), Size=(227554887), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Destiny Love Anal - T01 - XFREEHD-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\MyVeryFirstTime\\MyVeryFirstTime - 016 - Destiny's First Anal featuring Destiny Love real painal - Free Porn Cliphunter.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25409 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Destiny Love Anal - T01 - XFREEHD-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1729;Set=824 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=886' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25603, ID=25603 duration=(1201.28), Size=(196168319), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25603, ID=25605 duration=(1201.3), Size=(196042360), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25605 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4].mp4=1305531 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1306395' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1731;Set=825 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=887' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28234, ID=28234 duration=(2279.32), Size=(769432145), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Susana Melo and Max Cortes fucking in the forest - teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Susana Melo and Max Cortes fucking in the forest - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28234, ID=25689 duration=(2279.27), Size=(683232339), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Fucked Hard In Ass - Susana Melo - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Susana Melo and Max Cortes fucking in the forest - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25689 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Fucked Hard In Ass - Susana Melo - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1733;Set=826 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=888' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30633, ID=30633 duration=(2307.03), Size=(274968060), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30633, ID=31910 duration=(2307.15), Size=(194912475), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection FOO foo-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30633, ID=25711 duration=(2307), Size=(178884008), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Home Intrusion - rape-[Force]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31910 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection FOO foo-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1736;Set=827 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=889' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25711 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Home Intrusion - rape-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1736;Set=827 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=890' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2823, ID=2823 duration=(606.3), Size=(92469799), Res=(768 x 576) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hardcore Gang Rape xxx Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-768x576P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hardcore Gang Rape xxx Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-768x576P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2823, ID=25821 duration=(606.3), Size=(54496723), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\hardcore gangrape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hardcore Gang Rape xxx Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-768x576P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25821 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\hardcore gangrape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1738;Set=828 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=891' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30602, ID=30602 duration=(1290.83), Size=(63544811), Res=(480 x 358) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Birthday gift - Birthday, Threesome Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Birthday gift - Birthday, Threesome Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30602, ID=26025 duration=(1290.68), Size=(51233067), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Happy Birthday to You- Girlfriend, Free Porn 91 xHamster xHamster-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Birthday gift - Birthday, Threesome Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26025 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Happy Birthday to You- Girlfriend, Free Porn 91 xHamster xHamster-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1740;Set=829 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=892' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26426, ID=26426 duration=(764.95), Size=(67992358), Res=(542 x 422) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4=24.72 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 711077, 24.72 : h264, 437403, 25' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28935, ID=28935 duration=(756.3), Size=(41351156), Res=(542 x 422) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26426 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1742;Set=830 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=893' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26526, ID=26526 duration=(2819.48), Size=(192819880), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_\\Burglars fuck woman - busty vintage Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4278, ID=4278 duration=(2819.5), Size=(112817153), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_\\Burglars fuck woman - busty vintage Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_\\Burglars fuck woman - busty vintage Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26526 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1744;Set=831 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=894' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26557, ID=26557 duration=(858.58), Size=(120283946), Res=(852 x 478) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Skinny Asian Forced Anal Sex - RapeLust-[Painal]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=100, ID=100 duration=(858.64), Size=(56776226), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Skinny Asian Forced Anal Sex - RapeLust-[Painal]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Skinny Asian Forced Anal Sex - RapeLust-[Painal]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26557 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1746;Set=832 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=895' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2152, ID=2152 duration=(59.18), Size=(3447955), Res=(644 x 364) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4]-[Force]-644x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4]-[Force]-644x364P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2152, ID=26563 duration=(59.14), Size=(3271677), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4]-[Force]-644x364P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26563 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1748;Set=833 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=896' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26588, ID=26588 duration=(1444.23), Size=(367169388), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Anal-[Skinny]-480x252P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5937, ID=5937 duration=(1444.11), Size=(111259514), Res=(480 x 252) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Anal-[Skinny]-480x252P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Anal-[Skinny]-480x252P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26588 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1750;Set=834 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=897' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28401, ID=28401 duration=(1003.8), Size=(519722491), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 4142051, 30 : av1, 2961554, 30' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26604, ID=26604 duration=(1003.8), Size=(371600068), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=26604, ID=28391 duration=(1003.8), Size=(96953015), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany dit joyeux anniversaire \xe0 Blackzilla avec un peu d'amour anal xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28401 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1753;Set=835 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=898' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28391 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany dit joyeux anniversaire \xe0 Blackzilla avec un peu d'amour anal xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1753;Set=835 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=899" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=346, ID=346 duration=(3084.17), Size=(443432358), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\DP\\Bella Gray - Lil Ho - puffy nipples teen anal ATM DP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\DP\\Bella Gray - Lil Ho - puffy nipples teen anal ATM DP.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=346, ID=26610 duration=(3083.94), Size=(427146696), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny Teen Gets Her Ass Tore Up - anal puffy nipples teen ATM-[DP]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\DP\\Bella Gray - Lil Ho - puffy nipples teen anal ATM DP.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26610 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1042] DBG: 'DupFileSets Qty = 980; DupFileDetailList Qty = 2; QtyTagForDel = 900; htmlReportPaginate = 100; QtyTagForDel + htmlReportPaginate = 1000' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny Teen Gets Her Ass Tore Up - anal puffy nipples teen ATM-[DP]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1755;Set=836 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=900' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26606, ID=26606 duration=(180.84), Size=(10019382), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny asian girl taking bbc anal - XVIDEOS COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny asian girl taking bbc anal - XVIDEOS COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26606, ID=28400 duration=(180.84), Size=(7249950), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Asian Girl Takes a BBC up the Ass, Porn 3b skinny anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny asian girl taking bbc anal - XVIDEOS COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28400 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Asian Girl Takes a BBC up the Ass, Porn 3b skinny anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1757;Set=837 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=901' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=30695, ID=30695 duration=(4629.58), Size=(289244831), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Its My Body (1985)-[Vintage]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x320 < 640x480" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26619, ID=26619 duration=(4629.84), Size=(245531976), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Its My Body (1985)-[Vintage]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Its My Body (1985)-[Vintage]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30695 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1759;Set=838 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=902" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26635, ID=26635 duration=(4505), Size=(1226454789), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Talk Dirty to Me Part 3 (1984) UNCUT (720) (AI UPSCALED).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Talk Dirty to Me Part 3 (1984) UNCUT (720) (AI UPSCALED).mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26635, ID=30031 duration=(4505.15), Size=(446254384), Res=(618 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Talk Dirty To Me 3 [Pogovori so mnoyu gryazno 3] (1984) \u2014 Daft-618x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Talk Dirty to Me Part 3 (1984) UNCUT (720) (AI UPSCALED).mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30031 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Talk Dirty To Me 3 [Pogovori so mnoyu gryazno 3] (1984) \u2014 Daft-618x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1761;Set=839 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=903' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6381, ID=6381 duration=(2859.67), Size=(396996967), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) -' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) - with B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1110610, 24 : h264, 1079828, 25' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26637, ID=26637 duration=(2859.76), Size=(386006187), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) -';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1763;Set=840 of 980;QtySkipForDel=20" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=718, ID=718 duration=(2664.21), Size=(1709842060), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mouth - Stephanie Moon - skinny teen anal ATM-[Tryteens]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mouth - Stephanie Moon - skinny teen anal ATM-[Tryteens]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=718, ID=26641 duration=(2664.48), Size=(366800187), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Stephanie E - Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mout - Uporni-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mouth - Stephanie Moon - skinny teen anal ATM-[Tryteens]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26641 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Stephanie E - Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mout - Uporni-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1765;Set=841 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=904' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26643, ID=26643 duration=(2780.48), Size=(461768941), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teen Love DP Free Teen DP Porn Video 03 - xHamster-[Tryteens]-446x240P.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7184, ID=7184 duration=(2780.02), Size=(200788034), Res=(446 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teen Love DP Free Teen DP Porn Video 03 - xHamster-[Tryteens]-446x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teen Love DP Free Teen DP Porn Video 03 - xHamster-[Tryteens]-446x240P.flv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26643 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1767;Set=842 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=905' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27000, ID=27000 duration=(1631.76), Size=(153883071), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 2 - anal-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 2 - anal-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27000, ID=26654 duration=(1631.82), Size=(89128574), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Bad Guys Brutalizing A Kidnapped Teen At The Freeway - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 2 - anal-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26654 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Bad Guys Brutalizing A Kidnapped Teen At The Freeway - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1769;Set=843 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=906' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4125, ID=4125 duration=(1615.08), Size=(268285338), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\DP\\Brazilian Redhead Raped By Thugs - busty anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\DP\\Brazilian Redhead Raped By Thugs - busty anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4125, ID=26668 duration=(1615.04), Size=(124016427), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Maniacs Picked From The Road Bondage And Fucked Redhead - rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\DP\\Brazilian Redhead Raped By Thugs - busty anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26668 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Maniacs Picked From The Road Bondage And Fucked Redhead - rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1771;Set=844 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=907' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3730, ID=3730 duration=(1538.8), Size=(144726983), Res=(852 x 482) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\two women forcedsex by three boys - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-852x482P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\two women forcedsex by three boys - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-852x482P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3730, ID=26675 duration=(1556.38), Size=(141165637), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Women Forcedsex By Three Boys - very busty FFMMM, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\two women forcedsex by three boys - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-852x482P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26675 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Women Forcedsex By Three Boys - very busty FFMMM for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1773;Set=845 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=908' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26681, ID=26681 duration=(2215), Size=(122348383), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26681, ID=26683 duration=(2215.02), Size=(122107538), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3-01 - anal ATM BBC FFM blonds skinny.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26683 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3-01 - anal ATM BBC FFM blonds skinny.mp4=441015 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4=441890' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3-01 - anal ATM BBC FFM blonds skinny.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1775;Set=846 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=909' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31376, ID=31376 duration=(30.2), Size=(4890988), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lesbian Hardcore lesbian anal pounding in front of her girlf.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lesbian Hardcore lesbian anal pounding in front of her girlf.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31376, ID=26703 duration=(30.21), Size=(2911321), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une lesbienne d\xe9tenue, punition anale xHamster-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lesbian Hardcore lesbian anal pounding in front of her girlf.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26703 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une lesbienne d\xe9tenue, punition anale xHamster-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1777;Set=847 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=910' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26741, ID=26741 duration=(889.94), Size=(418520531), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26741, ID=26738 duration=(889.89), Size=(302782531), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal defloration!The most painful ANAL CREAMPIE E-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26738 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal defloration!The most painful ANAL CREAMPIE E-1920x1080P.mp4=2721977 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4=3762230' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal defloration!The most painful ANAL CREAMPIE E-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1779;Set=848 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=911' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30382, ID=30382 duration=(557.74), Size=(30494117), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Virgin Anal Compilation-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Virgin Anal Compilation-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30382, ID=26758 duration=(557.76), Size=(22322701), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Anal Compilation, Free American Dad Anal Porn Video x.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Virgin Anal Compilation-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26758 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Anal Compilation, Free American Dad Anal Porn Video x.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1781;Set=849 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=912' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26770, ID=26770 duration=(2451.79), Size=(1192231609), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - 3Way - DP petite very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - 3Way - DP petite very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26770, ID=26765 duration=(2451.88), Size=(423785543), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - Chess And Gape With Two Men - petite very skinny teen anal DP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - 3Way - DP petite very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26765 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - Chess And Gape With Two Men - petite very skinny teen anal DP.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1783;Set=850 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=913' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26867, ID=26867 duration=(1050.08), Size=(126881730), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleepy teen getting butt banged by a dirty older man - - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1992, ID=1992 duration=(1050.28), Size=(55925868), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleepy teen getting butt banged by a dirty older man - - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleepy teen getting butt banged by a dirty older man - - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26867 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1785;Set=851 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=914' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26914, ID=26914 duration=(2474.89), Size=(218974682), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Whitney - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Whitney - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26914, ID=28527 duration=(2474.9), Size=(98400677), Res=(346 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Whitney Wtbc Free Black Porn Video 60 - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Whitney - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28527 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Whitney Wtbc Free Black Porn Video 60 - xHamster xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1787;Set=852 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=915' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4118, ID=4118 duration=(2671.43), Size=(199664273), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Women Captured And Used As Sex Slaves By Soldiers - rape asian-[Censor]-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 576x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26940, ID=26940 duration=(2671.49), Size=(183236308), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Women Captured And Used As Sex Slaves By Soldiers - rape asian-[Censor]-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Women Captured And Used As Sex Slaves By Soldiers - rape asian-[Censor]-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1789;Set=853 of 980;QtySkipForDel=21" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=28667, ID=28667 duration=(2736.04), Size=(559887470), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Yessica Bunny gets her first anal with Ed Junior's huge-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Yessica Bunny gets her first anal with Ed Junior's huge-854x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=28667, ID=26972 duration=(2736.18), Size=(465997656), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Yessica bunny gets her first anal with ed juniors huge cock ye (28 10 2020) - very skinny petite teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Yessica Bunny gets her first anal with Ed Junior's huge-854x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26972 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Yessica bunny gets her first anal with ed juniors huge cock ye (28 10 2020) - very skinny petite teen anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1791;Set=854 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=916' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27223, ID=27223 duration=(1317.08), Size=(226603551), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Youthful Adult Beauties Getting Sloppy Drillin Lucy Tyler, A-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Youthful Adult Beauties Getting Sloppy Drillin Lucy Tyler, A-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27223, ID=27054 duration=(1317.14), Size=(72160228), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Banana Tits - There are amateur and professional HD videos free porn movie \U0001f336\ufe0f.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Youthful Adult Beauties Getting Sloppy Drillin Lucy Tyler, A-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27054 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Banana Tits - There are amateur and professional HD videos free porn movie \U0001f336\ufe0f.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1793;Set=855 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=917' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27102, ID=27102 duration=(1289.48), Size=(144007065), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Latina]-[Teen]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2709, ID=2709 duration=(1289.61), Size=(136922256), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Latina]-[Teen]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Latina]-[Teen]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27102 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1795;Set=856 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=918' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2875, ID=2875 duration=(714.81), Size=(243551434), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\I fucked my drunk teen sister, she woke up and I cum in her pussy[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\I fucked my drunk teen sister, she woke up and I cum in her pussy[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2875, ID=27111 duration=(714.81), Size=(54015358), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Pussy Fucked and Creampied While She is Drunk - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\I fucked my drunk teen sister, she woke up and I cum in her pussy[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27111 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Pussy Fucked and Creampied While She is Drunk - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1797;Set=857 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=919' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27181, ID=27181 duration=(1285.16), Size=(434280253), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young cute shows big gape and fisted - busty anal ATM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young cute shows big gape and fisted - busty anal ATM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27181, ID=28335 duration=(1285.21), Size=(205974723), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teenyplayground - Fisted Busty Teen Anal Fucked by Older Man-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young cute shows big gape and fisted - busty anal ATM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28335 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teenyplayground - Fisted Busty Teen Anal Fucked by Older Man-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1799;Set=858 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=920' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27203, ID=27203 duration=(2231.62), Size=(210819519), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young unleashed sluts for a reverse gang bang Vol. 2 - XVIDE.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young unleashed sluts for a reverse gang bang Vol. 2 - XVIDE.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27203, ID=29804 duration=(2231.69), Size=(123638631), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Reverse gang bang for a lucky man - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young unleashed sluts for a reverse gang bang Vol. 2 - XVIDE.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29804 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Reverse gang bang for a lucky man - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1801;Set=859 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=921' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27292, ID=27292 duration=(2172.09), Size=(120437575), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27292, ID=30582 duration=(2172.1), Size=(119469203), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30582 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4=440013 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=443582' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1803;Set=860 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=922' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3285, ID=3285 duration=(1312.58), Size=(69900511), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl gets hard cock - Porn300com - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl gets hard cock - Porn300com - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3285, ID=27300 duration=(1311.75), Size=(64873048), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Medical Fuckers - Medical Fuckers, Fetish, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Sleep]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl gets hard cock - Porn300com - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27300 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Medical Fuckers - Medical Fuckers, Fetish, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Sleep]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1805;Set=861 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=923' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27333, ID=27333 duration=(1235.56), Size=(131347738), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleep Assault Drugged Girl Archosavi MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1985, ID=1985 duration=(1234.76), Size=(93727015), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleep Assault Drugged Girl Archosavi MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleep Assault Drugged Girl Archosavi MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27333 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1807;Set=862 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=924' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27403, ID=27403 duration=(1728.12), Size=(137429445), Res=(624 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl penetrated deep and fucked hard - PORNDROIDSCO - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3291, ID=3291 duration=(1728.21), Size=(91977337), Res=(528 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl penetrated deep and fucked hard - PORNDROIDSCO - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl penetrated deep and fucked hard - PORNDROIDSCO - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27403 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1809;Set=863 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=925' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=758, ID=758 duration=(1455.1), Size=(193472489), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Heidi.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Heidi.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=758, ID=27410 duration=(1455.2), Size=(164739945), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - rough anal sex and gape for skinny teen girl (Lana Conti) -[ATM]-[AssTeenMouth]-[Force]-[Tryteens]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Heidi.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27410 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - rough anal sex and gape for skinny teen girl (Lana Conti) -[ATM]-[AssTeenMouth]-[Force]-[Tryteens]-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1811;Set=864 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=926' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=731, ID=731 duration=(2105.79), Size=(289528453), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Nika Bride- Anal For 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty With Perfec - teen anal cum in mouth.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Nika Bride- Anal For 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty With Perfec - teen anal cum in mouth.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=731, ID=27494 duration=(2105.54), Size=(151958608), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Anal for 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty Nika Bride with Perfect Natural Body, Gapes and Cum on Mouth \u2013 xxdbx-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Nika Bride- Anal For 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty With Perfec - teen anal cum in mouth.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27494 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Anal for 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty Nika Bride with Perfect Natural Body, Gapes and Cum on Mouth \u2013 xxdbx-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1813;Set=865 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=927' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27542, ID=27542 duration=(766.76), Size=(48206362), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex fuck hard - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3623, ID=3623 duration=(766.68), Size=(44967604), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex fuck hard - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex fuck hard - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27542 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1815;Set=866 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=928' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27559, ID=27559 duration=(1199.46), Size=(65829735), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0413\u0440\u0443\u043f\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0433\u0438-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0413\u0440\u0443\u043f\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0433\u0438-[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27559, ID=30567 duration=(1199.33), Size=(45367112), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape fantasy rape section gri ret 007 -[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0413\u0440\u0443\u043f\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0433\u0438-[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30567 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape fantasy rape section gri ret 007 -[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1817;Set=867 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=929' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2656, ID=2656 duration=(1517.31), Size=(118387772), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Dumb bitch gets used, abused and degraded MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Dumb bitch gets used, abused and degraded MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2656, ID=27578 duration=(1516.71), Size=(101041935), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0417\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b \u0436\u0435\u043d\u0443 \u0435\u0431\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0441 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f\u043c\u0438 wife forced to hard sex with husbands friend and enjoy it [\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u043a\u0438 \u0438\u043d\u0446\u0435\u0441\u0442 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043c\u0438\u043b\u0444 \u0444\u0443\u043b\u043b watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Dumb bitch gets used, abused and degraded MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27578 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0417\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b \u0436\u0435\u043d\u0443 \u0435\u0431\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0441 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f\u043c\u0438 wife forced to hard sex with husbands friend and enjoy it [\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u043a\u0438 \u0438\u043d\u0446\u0435\u0441\u0442 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043c\u0438\u043b\u0444 \u0444\u0443\u043b\u043b watch online.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1819;Set=868 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=930' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27651, ID=27651 duration=(467.03), Size=(69804985), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally for Cumshot, HD Porn 2e xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally for Cumshot, HD Porn 2e xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27651, ID=27648 duration=(467.13), Size=(62766172), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally For Cumshot - Lucie Wilde - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally for Cumshot, HD Porn 2e xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27648 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally For Cumshot - Lucie Wilde - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1821;Set=869 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=931' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27671, ID=27671 duration=(630.12), Size=(114443092), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Hot Blonde Fucked By Best Friend - XVIDEOS.COM-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Hot Blonde Fucked By Best Friend - XVIDEOS.COM-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27671, ID=29871 duration=(630.1), Size=(34461856), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Blondie Forced Fucked By Best Friend in short blue skirt on couch -[Busty]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Hot Blonde Fucked By Best Friend - XVIDEOS.COM-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29871 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Blondie Forced Fucked By Best Friend in short blue skirt on couch -[Busty]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1823;Set=870 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=932' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27975, ID=27975 duration=(374.98), Size=(44875212), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BRUTAL RAPE, TORTURE, SNUFF VIDEO MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2383, ID=2383 duration=(374.92), Size=(24514288), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BRUTAL RAPE, TORTURE, SNUFF VIDEO MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BRUTAL RAPE, TORTURE, SNUFF VIDEO MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27975 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1825;Set=871 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=933' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28042, ID=28042 duration=(2781.41), Size=(1219579426), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sarah Wants Him To Ring Her Bell - Sara Bell - skinny blond anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sarah Wants Him To Ring Her Bell - Sara Bell - skinny blond anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28042, ID=28208 duration=(2781.66), Size=(414717239), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Stunning Blonde Babe Sara Opens Her Backdoor For A Huge Black With Sara Bell And Freddy Gong - skinny petite 21Yo anal BBC-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sarah Wants Him To Ring Her Bell - Sara Bell - skinny blond anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28208 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Stunning Blonde Babe Sara Opens Her Backdoor For A Huge Black With Sara Bell And Freddy Gong - skinny petite 21Yo anal BBC-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1827;Set=872 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=934' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28094, ID=28094 duration=(602.5), Size=(157255337), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28094, ID=29898 duration=(602.57), Size=(157105426), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Atm, Ava -[Anal]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29898 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Atm, Ava -[Anal]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2085790 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4=2088051' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Atm, Ava -[Anal]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1829;Set=873 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=935' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29722, ID=29722 duration=(1077.47), Size=(71450929), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape of a Japanese girl at the doctor 2021 Doktor Japon tecav\xfcz - DaftSex-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape of a Japanese girl at the doctor 2021 Doktor Japon tecav\xfcz - DaftSex-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29722, ID=28108 duration=(1076.48), Size=(59271621), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Japanese anal - Anal Planet-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape of a Japanese girl at the doctor 2021 Doktor Japon tecav\xfcz - DaftSex-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28108 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Japanese anal - Anal Planet-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1831;Set=874 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=936' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2701, ID=2701 duration=(1387.5), Size=(471392783), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\FULL Drunken passed out young niece gets a creampie -[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\FULL Drunken passed out young niece gets a creampie -[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2701, ID=28142 duration=(1387.49), Size=(106385560), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sleeping Girl Wakes Up When She is Fucked by Her Daddy - rape-[Force]-[Passed Out]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\FULL Drunken passed out young niece gets a creampie -[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28142 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sleeping Girl Wakes Up When She is Fucked by Her Daddy - rape-[Force]-[Passed Out]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1833;Set=875 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=937' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28260, ID=28260 duration=(2684.4), Size=(640159056), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28260, ID=28157 duration=(2684.6), Size=(367168919), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Slim Slam! - Rosa Mentoni anal very skinny-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28157 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Slim Slam! - Rosa Mentoni anal very skinny-1280x720P.mp4=1094149 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4=1907790' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Slim Slam! - Rosa Mentoni anal very skinny-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1835;Set=876 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=938' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3583, ID=3583 duration=(1047.36), Size=(104638762), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\asian schoolgirl rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\asian schoolgirl rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3583, ID=28311 duration=(1047.28), Size=(90873958), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Molested On The Way To School-[Asian]-[Force]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\asian schoolgirl rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28311 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Molested On The Way To School-[Asian]-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1837;Set=877 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=939' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28382, ID=28382 duration=(402.08), Size=(188927012), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief in the house - LifeSelector - anal forced rape girl in red dress.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief in the house - LifeSelector - anal forced rape girl in red dress.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28382, ID=28378 duration=(402.2), Size=(37242007), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief In The House... - Roxy Bell - rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief in the house - LifeSelector - anal forced rape girl in red dress.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28378 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief In The House... - Roxy Bell - rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1839;Set=878 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=940' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28483, ID=28483 duration=(2710.37), Size=(916459478), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\WHITE SKINNY MILF GET ANAL FROM BIG BLACK COCK - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\WHITE SKINNY MILF GET ANAL FROM BIG BLACK COCK - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28483, ID=28504 duration=(2710.63), Size=(427572262), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Skinny Milf Get Anal From Big Black Cock, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\WHITE SKINNY MILF GET ANAL FROM BIG BLACK COCK - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28504 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Skinny Milf Get Anal From Big Black Cock for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1841;Set=879 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=941' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28749, ID=28749 duration=(1573.24), Size=(239449631), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Geri-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=246, ID=246 duration=(1573.52), Size=(100412707), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Geri-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Geri-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28749 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1843;Set=880 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=942' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3821, ID=3821 duration=(1554.96), Size=(131838919), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Snatched and raped at gunpoint MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Snatched and raped at gunpoint MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3821, ID=28934 duration=(1554.98), Size=(84936211), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0438\u043b \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u0443\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0437\u043e\u0439 \u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u044f-[Force]-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Snatched and raped at gunpoint MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28934 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0438\u043b \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u0443\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0437\u043e\u0439 \u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u044f-[Force]-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1845;Set=881 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=943' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29306, ID=29306 duration=(1839.4), Size=(189484011), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\9cc6c195138dc554 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5683, ID=5683 duration=(1839.4), Size=(102524609), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\9cc6c195138dc554 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\9cc6c195138dc554 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29306 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1847;Set=882 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=944' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29685, ID=29685 duration=(2523.86), Size=(289679116), Res=(692 x 452) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-26.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 692x452 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29311, ID=29311 duration=(2523.85), Size=(263239087), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-26.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-26.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29685 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1849;Set=883 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=945' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29341, ID=29341 duration=(332.25), Size=(46042595), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced in bedroom free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3615, ID=3615 duration=(332.54), Size=(21700271), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced in bedroom free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced in bedroom free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29341 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1851;Set=884 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=946' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29522, ID=29522 duration=(3444.82), Size=(498376206), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gonzo Anal Debut With Hazel Moore[BBC]-[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29350, ID=29350 duration=(3445.01), Size=(461206078), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gonzo Anal Debut With Hazel Moore[BBC]-[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gonzo Anal Debut With Hazel Moore[BBC]-[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29522 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1853;Set=885 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=947' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29553, ID=29553 duration=(807.64), Size=(73912913), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\PST-After school Menace MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29394, ID=29394 duration=(807.6), Size=(59553294), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\PST-After school Menace MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\PST-After school Menace MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29553 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1855;Set=886 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=948' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29407, ID=29407 duration=(1523.61), Size=(515514648), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails - teen ATM Oral Cumshot, European Slut.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=684, ID=684 duration=(1523.6), Size=(515422346), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails - teen ATM Oral Cumshot, European Slut.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails - teen ATM Oral Cumshot, European Slut.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29407 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1857;Set=887 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=949' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29440, ID=29440 duration=(310.32), Size=(32005702), Res=(524 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Female Prisoners - Raped By the Guards MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 524x420 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2185, ID=2185 duration=(310.32), Size=(26212755), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Female Prisoners - Raped By the Guards MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Female Prisoners - Raped By the Guards MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29440 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1859;Set=888 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=950' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30615, ID=30615 duration=(1014.07), Size=(126417122), Res=(638 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch DIRTY SEX - Pervert, Dirty Sexy, Anal Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch DIRTY SEX - Pervert, Dirty Sexy, Anal Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30615, ID=29536 duration=(1014.1), Size=(56137550), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Proper ladies fallen into bad and dirty traps Vol. 13 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch DIRTY SEX - Pervert, Dirty Sexy, Anal Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29536 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Proper ladies fallen into bad and dirty traps Vol. 13 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1861;Set=889 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=951' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30289, ID=30289 duration=(746.18), Size=(103916912), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen with Puffy Nipples Wants to Fuck Really Hard Porn ca xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen with Puffy Nipples Wants to Fuck Really Hard Porn ca xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30289, ID=29583 duration=(746.34), Size=(69095352), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puffy nipples doing solo dildo live streaming-1188x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen with Puffy Nipples Wants to Fuck Really Hard Porn ca xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29583 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puffy nipples doing solo dildo live streaming-1188x668P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1863;Set=890 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=952' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29637, ID=29637 duration=(2398.18), Size=(414264570), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (new teen hard fucked in the ass anal gape big natural tits cute face 049) [2021, anal,natural tits,teen, 720p] watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (new teen hard fucked in the ass anal gape big natural tits cute face 049) [2021, anal,natural tits,teen, 720p] watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29637, ID=30390 duration=(2398.18), Size=(282203122), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal Defloration- Galinka Nagymellu Losing Her Anal Virginit _ Anal - T15-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (new teen hard fucked in the ass anal gape big natural tits cute face 049) [2021, anal,natural tits,teen, 720p] watch online.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30390 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal Defloration- Galinka Nagymellu Losing Her Anal Virginit _ Anal - T15-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1865;Set=891 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=953' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2249, ID=2249 duration=(1768.1), Size=(136572381), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Fantasy - Biker Girl Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 448x336' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29683, ID=29683 duration=(1768.48), Size=(97193602), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Fantasy - Biker Girl Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Fantasy - Biker Girl Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1867;Set=892 of 980;QtySkipForDel=22" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29752, ID=29752 duration=(1166.6), Size=(102479481), Res=(640 x 460) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ania forcedsex fucked - XVIDEOSCOM[406, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-542x406P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2360, ID=2360 duration=(1167.46), Size=(68856805), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ania forcedsex fucked - XVIDEOSCOM[406, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-542x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ania forcedsex fucked - XVIDEOSCOM[406, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-542x406P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29752 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1869;Set=893 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=954' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3151, ID=3151 duration=(630.06), Size=(59213211), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Redhead Stepsister Forced In A Threesome - XNXXCOM[572, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Redhead Stepsister Forced In A Threesome - XNXXCOM[572, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3151, ID=29794 duration=(630.08), Size=(47076491), Res=(482 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Redhead Sister In A Threesome Forced Sex Orgy - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Redhead Stepsister Forced In A Threesome - XNXXCOM[572, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29794 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Redhead Sister In A Threesome Forced Sex Orgy - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1871;Set=894 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=955' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29852, ID=29852 duration=(2454.5), Size=(1569940475), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruz - Samantha Cruuz - very busty anal ebony latina.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruz - Samantha Cruuz - very busty anal ebony latina.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29852, ID=29840 duration=(2454.5), Size=(567286406), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruuz Anal Sex - very busty anal ebony-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruz - Samantha Cruuz - very busty anal ebony latina.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29840 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruuz Anal Sex - very busty anal ebony-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1873;Set=895 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=956' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29859, ID=29859 duration=(5551.6), Size=(848269685), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) (uncut-92 minutes) (1985 [LA]) - very busty rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) (uncut-92 minutes) (1985 [LA]) - very busty rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29859, ID=29851 duration=(5551.68), Size=(221337148), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) uncut - very busty rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) (uncut-92 minutes) (1985 [LA]) - very busty rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29851 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) uncut - very busty rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1875;Set=896 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=957' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29855, ID=29855 duration=(5212.3), Size=(416749571), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury full movie Christy Canyon - Tnaflix com-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury full movie Christy Canyon - Tnaflix com-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29855, ID=29849 duration=(5212.33), Size=(270274036), Res=(480 x 370) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) full movie - very busty rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury full movie Christy Canyon - Tnaflix com-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29849 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) full movie - very busty rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1877;Set=897 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=958' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29883, ID=29883 duration=(1499.87), Size=(135000409), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Sharking Public Violations Of Japanese Girls In Park -[Asian]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4349, ID=4349 duration=(1500.03), Size=(117562940), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Sharking Public Violations Of Japanese Girls In Park -[Asian]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Sharking Public Violations Of Japanese Girls In Park -[Asian]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29883 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1879;Set=898 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=959' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3185, ID=3185 duration=(1137.32), Size=(149609641), Res=(520 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv=wmv3:Rank=40 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4=h264:Rank=9' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: wmv3, 1052367, 30 : h264, 951521, 30' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29917, ID=29917 duration=(1136.89), Size=(135221604), Res=(520 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1881;Set=899 of 980;QtySkipForDel=23" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29967, ID=29967 duration=(1824.44), Size=(312893129), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sophia sterling - anal ATM blond-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sophia sterling - anal ATM blond-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=29967, ID=30477 duration=(1824.37), Size=(130061192), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Drilling Maia Little's Bunghole \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sophia sterling - anal ATM blond-852x480P.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30477 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Drilling Maia Little's Bunghole \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1883;Set=900 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=960" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30163, ID=30163 duration=(3211.44), Size=(2025953306), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Ass Vs BBC = Teen Ass Destroyed - Rosalyn Sphinx - skinny anal teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Ass Vs BBC = Teen Ass Destroyed - Rosalyn Sphinx - skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30163, ID=31564 duration=(3211.46), Size=(901117907), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Ros@lyn.5phinx.First.BBC.Anal - Ir, Bbc, Anal Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Ass Vs BBC = Teen Ass Destroyed - Rosalyn Sphinx - skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31564 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Ros@lyn.5phinx.First.BBC.Anal - Ir, Bbc, Anal Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1885;Set=901 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=961' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30244, ID=30244 duration=(666.97), Size=(75120526), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Painal\\Crying Anal, Unwanted Anal - for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5110, ID=5110 duration=(667.11), Size=(26531882), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Painal\\Crying Anal, Unwanted Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Painal\\Crying Anal, Unwanted Anal -' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30244 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1887;Set=902 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=962' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30288, ID=30288 duration=(1242.74), Size=(130411907), Res=(656 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Forced In A Black Miniskirt - XVIDEOSCOM[428, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3352, ID=3352 duration=(1242.66), Size=(68428623), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Forced In A Black Miniskirt - XVIDEOSCOM[428, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Forced In A Black Miniskirt - XVIDEOSCOM[428, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30288 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1889;Set=903 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=963' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30447, ID=30447 duration=(3158.22), Size=(374790150), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30447, ID=30444 duration=(3158.22), Size=(330781410), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 ( The Last Of Us ) - Animated Video Porn Ep.3 _ Hentai - W91-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30444 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 ( The Last Of Us ) - Animated Video Porn Ep.3 _ Hentai - W91-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4=837892 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4=949369' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 ( The Last Of Us ) - Animated Video Porn Ep.3 _ Hentai - W91-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1891;Set=904 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=964' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=915, ID=915 duration=(3169.11), Size=(663107091), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Angelique 25Yo - brunette anal ATM open legs upskirt.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Angelique 25Yo - brunette anal ATM open legs upskirt.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=915, ID=30467 duration=(3169.13), Size=(198256692), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - ANAL ANGEL \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Angelique 25Yo - brunette anal ATM open legs upskirt.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30467 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - ANAL ANGEL \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1893;Set=905 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=965' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5480, ID=5480 duration=(1319.82), Size=(760408354), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA v72167 - Netta.a2m.anal-[ATM]-1280x720P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA v72167 - Netta.a2m.anal-[ATM]-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5480, ID=30468 duration=(1319.87), Size=(119498158), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal teen angel Netta \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA v72167 - Netta.a2m.anal-[ATM]-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30468 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal teen angel Netta \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1895;Set=906 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=966' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1564, ID=1564 duration=(1964.17), Size=(285318775), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\CzechCasting\\Czech Casting denisa (6796) czech casting - busty anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\CzechCasting\\Czech Casting denisa (6796) czech casting - busty anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1564, ID=30476 duration=(1964), Size=(107813171), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Denisa \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\CzechCasting\\Czech Casting denisa (6796) czech casting - busty anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30476 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Denisa \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1897;Set=907 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=967' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30599, ID=30599 duration=(2626.6), Size=(354509658), Res=(660 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucking My sweet gf While Shes Sleeping - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2755, ID=2755 duration=(2626.56), Size=(144933404), Res=(562 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucking My sweet gf While Shes Sleeping - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucking My sweet gf While Shes Sleeping - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30599 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1899;Set=908 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=968' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30598, ID=30598 duration=(1328.09), Size=(214332774), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen Brutally Fucked In Abandoned Building - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2257, ID=2257 duration=(1327.93), Size=(107435302), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen Brutally Fucked In Abandoned Building - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen Brutally Fucked In Abandoned Building - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30598 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1901;Set=909 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=969' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31749, ID=31749 duration=(3005.3), Size=(420156364), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\k\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 548x418' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30667, ID=30667 duration=(3005.29), Size=(166252226), Res=(548 x 418) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31749 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1903;Set=910 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=970' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1164, ID=1164 duration=(2330.2), Size=(312770323), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Katrina-1 25Yo - brunette anal real painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Katrina-1 25Yo - brunette anal real painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1164, ID=31030 duration=(2330.28), Size=(271582373), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Katrina watch online-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Katrina-1 25Yo - brunette anal real painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31030 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Katrina watch online-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1905;Set=911 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=971' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1544, ID=1544 duration=(1747.07), Size=(185965898), Res=(704 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Latifa Miller.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Latifa Miller.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1544, ID=31255 duration=(1746.33), Size=(96809999), Res=(556 x 414) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latifa Casting - XVIDEOS.COM-556x414P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Latifa Miller.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31255 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latifa Casting - XVIDEOS.COM-556x414P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1907;Set=912 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=972' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31300, ID=31300 duration=(3676.07), Size=(1888920413), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latina Anal Creampie - Luna Mills - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latina Anal Creampie - Luna Mills - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31300, ID=31433 duration=(3676.27), Size=(634138131), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills In 19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched To The Max-[Latina]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latina Anal Creampie - Luna Mills - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31433 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills In 19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched To The Max-[Latina]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1909;Set=913 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=973' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1782, ID=1782 duration=(1431.58), Size=(157581332), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Casting Latina Painful 1st Anal With Tears - Video - Free Porn Videos - - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Casting Latina Painful 1st Anal With Tears - Video - Free Porn Videos - - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1782, ID=31431 duration=(1431.38), Size=(108058432), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Nataly Lopez Anal Hurts Teen - W51 - XFREEHD-[Casting]-[Force]-[Latina]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Casting Latina Painful 1st Anal With Tears - Video - Free Porn Videos - - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31431 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Nataly Lopez Anal Hurts Teen - W51 - XFREEHD-[Casting]-[Force]-[Latina]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1911;Set=914 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=974' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31503, ID=31503 duration=(1133.09), Size=(233418694), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA CuteTeen DeepThroated and AssFucked-[ATM]-[Anal]-320x240P.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5316, ID=5316 duration=(1132.96), Size=(69467421), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA CuteTeen DeepThroated and AssFucked-[ATM]-[Anal]-320x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA CuteTeen DeepThroated and AssFucked-[ATM]-[Anal]-320x240P.flv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31503 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1913;Set=915 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=975' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3374, ID=3374 duration=(1271.8), Size=(98443721), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3374, ID=31907 duration=(1271.95), Size=(82384548), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection - LuxureTV-50-768x432P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31907 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection - LuxureTV-50-768x432P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1915;Set=916 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=976' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31933, ID=31933 duration=(58.29), Size=(9644314), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm=vp9:Rank=8' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4 with B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1323595, 29.95 : vp9, 796237, 29.97' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31934, ID=31934 duration=(58.27), Size=(5799100), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm, KeepPath=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31933 to HTML report.' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1917;Set=917 of 980;NewlyTag=0;isTag=977' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=90, ID=90 duration=(2602.8), Size=(453111161), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4 with B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #10 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not ExcludeTag vs ExcludeTag' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5123, ID=5123 duration=(2602.57), Size=(247282305), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #10 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #10 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1919;Set=918 of 980;QtySkipForDel=24" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3895, ID=3895 duration=(912.16), Size=(48670148), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\anal fuck cry forced screaming MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - real painal rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x432 < 854x480' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=102, ID=102 duration=(912.17), Size=(46810186), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\anal fuck cry forced screaming MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - real painal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\anal fuck cry forced screaming MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - real painal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1921;Set=919 of 980;QtySkipForDel=25" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=129, ID=129 duration=(2876.2), Size=(355148466), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC #35 Ava-4 aka Ava Eden 23Yo - brunette anal ATM real painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC #35 Ava-4 aka Ava Eden 23Yo - brunette anal ATM real painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=129, ID=5124 duration=(2876.21), Size=(264525791), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #13 Ava Eden - brunette anal ATM real painal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC #35 Ava-4 aka Ava Eden 23Yo - brunette anal ATM real painal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #13 Ava Eden - brunette anal ATM real painal-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1923;Set=920 of 980;QtySkipForDel=26" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1488, ID=1488 duration=(3143.83), Size=(399967391), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde HD.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde HD.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1488, ID=157 duration=(3143.85), Size=(290523260), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde HD.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1925;Set=921 of 980;QtySkipForDel=27" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=220, ID=220 duration=(1378.48), Size=(226042809), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=220, ID=746 duration=(1378.78), Size=(81814342), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top.old - busty - deleteme - Copy.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top.old - busty - deleteme - Copy.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1927;Set=922 of 980;QtySkipForDel=28" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=229, ID=229 duration=(1509.48), Size=(293328050), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Temptation.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=314, ID=314 duration=(1509.67), Size=(196775206), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Temptation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Temptation.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1929;Set=923 of 980;QtySkipForDel=29" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2079, ID=2079 duration=(1707.75), Size=(391402679), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\guy with big by a dick girl fucks mercilessly anal but she screams - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\guy with big by a dick girl fucks mercilessly anal but she screams - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2079, ID=271 duration=(1708.8), Size=(296231155), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kenzie - painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\guy with big by a dick girl fucks mercilessly anal but she screams - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kenzie - painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1931;Set=924 of 980;QtySkipForDel=30" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=330, ID=330 duration=(1857.77), Size=(533509393), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=330, ID=272 duration=(1857.74), Size=(307709615), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kimberly - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kimberly - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1933;Set=925 of 980;QtySkipForDel=31" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=632, ID=632 duration=(2891.26), Size=(1847554421), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\EURO PISS SLUTS FUCKED IN THE ASS - Hot Pearl - teen very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\EURO PISS SLUTS FUCKED IN THE ASS - Hot Pearl - teen very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=632, ID=623 duration=(2891.27), Size=(498842981), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Hot pearl + anastasia mistress - skinny teen anal ATM FFM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\EURO PISS SLUTS FUCKED IN THE ASS - Hot Pearl - teen very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Hot pearl + anastasia mistress - skinny teen anal ATM FFM-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1935;Set=926 of 980;QtySkipForDel=32" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=737, ID=737 duration=(1823.9), Size=(586589244), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Lovely Blonde Girl With Hard Dick In Ass - Joleyn Burst - puffy nipple busty teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Lovely Blonde Girl With Hard Dick In Ass - Joleyn Burst - puffy nipple busty teen anal.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=737, ID=7819 duration=(1823.81), Size=(60088085), Res=(450 x 238) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\What's Her name-450x238P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Lovely Blonde Girl With Hard Dick In Ass - Joleyn Burst - puffy nipple busty teen anal.mp4" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\What's Her name-450x238P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1937;Set=927 of 980;QtySkipForDel=33" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=818, ID=818 duration=(1798.12), Size=(304338253), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Desperate_Black_Beauty_Does_Her_Best_To_Please_Her_Producer_-[Ebony]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Desperate_Black_Beauty_Does_Her_Best_To_Please_Her_Producer_-[Ebony]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=818, ID=809 duration=(1798.41), Size=(235397384), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\African casting candy watch online-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Desperate_Black_Beauty_Does_Her_Best_To_Please_Her_Producer_-[Ebony]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\African casting candy watch online-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1939;Set=928 of 980;QtySkipForDel=34" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=863, ID=863 duration=(4463.49), Size=(419650027), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Anal African Casting - Bing video.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 720x480' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=820, ID=820 duration=(4463.8), Size=(410547202), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Anal African Casting - Bing video.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Anal African Casting - Bing video.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1941;Set=929 of 980;QtySkipForDel=35" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=828, ID=828 duration=(1890.48), Size=(241511913), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\Watch African Casting Lola - Anal, Ebony, Casting Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 854x480' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=849, ID=849 duration=(1890.28), Size=(241397991), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\Watch African Casting Lola - Anal, Ebony, Casting Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\Watch African Casting Lola - Anal, Ebony, Casting Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1943;Set=930 of 980;QtySkipForDel=36" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=871, ID=871 duration=(1782.87), Size=(333869621), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina - 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana(full).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina - 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana(full).mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=871, ID=869 duration=(1782.72), Size=(89393325), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina - 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana(full).mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1945;Set=931 of 980;QtySkipForDel=37" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=910, ID=910 duration=(4020.27), Size=(2363478922), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha - 19Yo brunette skinny ebony teen anal ATM painal(full)-[Casting]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha - 19Yo brunette skinny ebony teen anal ATM painal(full)-[Casting]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=910, ID=891 duration=(4020.27), Size=(982092101), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha 19Yo - busty ebony skinny teen brunette anal real painal ATM full HD.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha - 19Yo brunette skinny ebony teen anal ATM painal(full)-[Casting]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha 19Yo - busty ebony skinny teen brunette anal real painal ATM full HD.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1947;Set=932 of 980;QtySkipForDel=38" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1014, ID=1014 duration=(2648.03), Size=(301230607), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Cheri - brunette noana(full)-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Cheri - brunette noana(full)-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1014, ID=1422 duration=(2648.35), Size=(267152606), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Stella-1 20Yo - brunette noana.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Cheri - brunette noana(full)-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Stella-1 20Yo - brunette noana.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1949;Set=933 of 980;QtySkipForDel=39" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1165, ID=1165 duration=(1977.27), Size=(121980965), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Kayla 18Yo - brunette teen noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Kayla 18Yo - brunette teen noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1165, ID=1450 duration=(1977.44), Size=(54949260), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Tayla - 18Yo - brunette busty teen noana(full).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Kayla 18Yo - brunette teen noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Tayla - 18Yo - brunette busty teen noana(full).mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1951;Set=934 of 980;QtySkipForDel=40" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1240, ID=1240 duration=(4763.99), Size=(891700843), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddy 21Yo - blond anal ATM painal puffy nipples-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddy 21Yo - blond anal ATM painal puffy nipples-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1240, ID=1237 duration=(4764.03), Size=(590391930), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddie-0 21Yo blond anal painal ATM(full)-[Casting]-[Puffy Nipples]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddy 21Yo - blond anal ATM painal puffy nipples-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddie-0 21Yo blond anal painal ATM(full)-[Casting]-[Puffy Nipples]-720x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1953;Set=935 of 980;QtySkipForDel=41" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1348, ID=1348 duration=(2894.87), Size=(597449344), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19Yo - brunette very busty teen anal ATM painal-[Casting]-[Real Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19Yo - brunette very busty teen anal ATM painal-[Casting]-[Real Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1348, ID=1342 duration=(2894.63), Size=(123454542), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19yo - brunette teen busty anal real painal ATM-[Casting]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19Yo - brunette very busty teen anal ATM painal-[Casting]-[Real Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19yo - brunette teen busty anal real painal ATM-[Casting]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1955;Set=936 of 980;QtySkipForDel=42" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1507, ID=1507 duration=(948.37), Size=(237906682), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### Anal chair compilation-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### Anal chair compilation-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1507, ID=1511 duration=(948.53), Size=(124475883), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### compilation - painful anal painal BRCC compilation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### Anal chair compilation-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### compilation - painful anal painal BRCC compilation.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1957;Set=937 of 980;QtySkipForDel=43" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1541, ID=1541 duration=(2501.72), Size=(158608603), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1541, ID=1538 duration=(2501.56), Size=(138059694), Res=(580 x 396) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage]-580x396P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage]-580x396P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1959;Set=938 of 980;QtySkipForDel=44" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1546, ID=1546 duration=(1828.44), Size=(132206368), Res=(488 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage]-558x410P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 488x360 < 558x410' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1545, ID=1545 duration=(1828.41), Size=(100793583), Res=(558 x 410) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage]-558x410P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage]-558x410P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1961;Set=939 of 980;QtySkipForDel=45" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1693, ID=1693 duration=(1279.28), Size=(148999393), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 4 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1736, ID=1736 duration=(1279.28), Size=(146162589), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 4 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 4 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1963;Set=940 of 980;QtySkipForDel=46" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1700, ID=1700 duration=(1184), Size=(137910049), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Abducted and raped teen - MOTHERLESSCOM - anal rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2333, ID=2333 duration=(1184.01), Size=(124076457), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Abducted and raped teen - MOTHERLESSCOM - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Abducted and raped teen - MOTHERLESSCOM - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1965;Set=941 of 980;QtySkipForDel=47" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1707, ID=1707 duration=(970.96), Size=(161635091), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 8 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1740, ID=1740 duration=(970.96), Size=(119493804), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 8 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 8 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1967;Set=942 of 980;QtySkipForDel=48" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1717, ID=1717 duration=(1187.36), Size=(197939557), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAB bat-rea-026-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAB bat-rea-026-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1717, ID=2250 duration=(1184.25), Size=(80750558), Res=(560 x 384) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Step Brother Brutally Anal Rapes His Crying Teen Step Sister - Incest Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAB bat-rea-026-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Step Brother Brutally Anal Rapes His Crying Teen Step Sister - Incest Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1969;Set=943 of 980;QtySkipForDel=49" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1819, ID=1819 duration=(461.57), Size=(35015435), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2127, ID=2127 duration=(461.59), Size=(18371301), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1971;Set=944 of 980;QtySkipForDel=50" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1891, ID=1891 duration=(1262.16), Size=(89418872), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice hard anal rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice hard anal rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1891, ID=4006 duration=(1262.12), Size=(71141082), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Total rape scene - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-[Force]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice hard anal rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Total rape scene - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-[Force]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1973;Set=945 of 980;QtySkipForDel=51" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1930, ID=1930 duration=(545.23), Size=(39561106), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal Collection MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2134, ID=2134 duration=(545.28), Size=(38162850), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal Collection MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal Collection MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1975;Set=946 of 980;QtySkipForDel=52" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3620, ID=3620 duration=(242.58), Size=(13400640), Res=(548 x 420) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Retarded Girl [] Raped & Sodomized MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 548x420 < 768x432' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1934, ID=1934 duration=(242.52), Size=(6418100), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Retarded Girl [] Raped & Sodomized MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Retarded Girl [] Raped & Sodomized MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1977;Set=947 of 980;QtySkipForDel=53" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1945, ID=1945 duration=(1547.28), Size=(591476174), Res=(900 x 488) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Johanna - (!!! AAA rhu_johanna.a2m.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-900x488P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Johanna - (!!! AAA rhu_johanna.a2m.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-900x488P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1945, ID=4239 duration=(1547.38), Size=(122561740), Res=(850 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Johanna Bach-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-850x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Johanna - (!!! AAA rhu_johanna.a2m.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-900x488P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Johanna Bach-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-850x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1979;Set=948 of 980;QtySkipForDel=54" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1968, ID=1968 duration=(1832.28), Size=(942464409), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv=wmv3:Rank=40 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: wmv3, 4114942, 50 : h264, 2607405, 50' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4265, ID=4265 duration=(1832.36), Size=(597211834), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1981;Set=949 of 980;QtySkipForDel=55" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2824, ID=2824 duration=(613.7), Size=(32650278), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Secretary Chloroformed - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Sleep]-576x394P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 544x408 < 576x394' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2248, ID=2248 duration=(613.4), Size=(31594098), Res=(576 x 394) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Secretary Chloroformed - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Sleep]-576x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Secretary Chloroformed - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Sleep]-576x394P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1983;Set=950 of 980;QtySkipForDel=56" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2281, ID=2281 duration=(1512.87), Size=(98947380), Res=(720 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\simulated rape incest and murder - Bing video - Forced Rape-720x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\simulated rape incest and murder - Bing video - Forced Rape-720x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2281, ID=2600 duration=(1512.86), Size=(83514726), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Divorced Father breaks into house and forces his wife and daughter[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\simulated rape incest and murder - Bing video - Forced Rape-720x360P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Divorced Father breaks into house and forces his wife and daughter[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1985;Set=951 of 980;QtySkipForDel=57" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3843, ID=3843 duration=(1084.51), Size=(70108045), Res=(560 x 304) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Wasted Teen Melissa Matthews Forced Fuck In the Closet-rape - Forced Rape-560x304P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Wasted Teen Melissa Matthews Forced Fuck In the Closet-rape - Forced Rape-560x304P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3843, ID=2382 duration=(1084.6), Size=(49150431), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BEST DRUNK GIRL RAPE MOVIE EVER!!! - MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Wasted Teen Melissa Matthews Forced Fuck In the Closet-rape - Forced Rape-560x304P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BEST DRUNK GIRL RAPE MOVIE EVER!!! - MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1987;Set=952 of 980;QtySkipForDel=58" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2514, ID=2514 duration=(1597.06), Size=(189696768), Res=(640 x 464) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Burglar Rape Homemade - EPORNER - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Burglar Rape Homemade - EPORNER - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2514, ID=2458 duration=(1597.13), Size=(95467826), Res=(554 x 402) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde is forced to suck and fuck in home invasion. - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x402P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Burglar Rape Homemade - EPORNER - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde is forced to suck and fuck in home invasion. - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x402P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1989;Set=953 of 980;QtySkipForDel=59" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2540, ID=2540 duration=(318.36), Size=(32041467), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cowboys Gang Rape Indian Babe MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cowboys Gang Rape Indian Babe MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2540, ID=3336 duration=(318.32), Size=(18811089), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sweet and savage gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cowboys Gang Rape Indian Babe MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sweet and savage gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1991;Set=954 of 980;QtySkipForDel=60" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2588, ID=2588 duration=(1785.1), Size=(146939036), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter Raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter Raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2588, ID=2586 duration=(1785.08), Size=(98313362), Res=(572 x 402) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter forced by dad - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter Raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter forced by dad - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1993;Set=955 of 980;QtySkipForDel=61" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4102, ID=4102 duration=(2611.8), Size=(224213555), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Unaware - busty drunk anal rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Unaware - busty drunk anal rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4102, ID=2757 duration=(2611.76), Size=(218069507), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucked drunk slut MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Wasted].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Unaware - busty drunk anal rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucked drunk slut MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Wasted].mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1995;Set=956 of 980;QtySkipForDel=62" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2768, ID=2768 duration=(447.36), Size=(33051008), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gets daughter drunk to fuck her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gets daughter drunk to fuck her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2768, ID=2908 duration=(447.28), Size=(23491188), Res=(352 x 288) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Jeunes filles vendre - fat old guy rapes Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-352x288P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gets daughter drunk to fuck her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Jeunes filles vendre - fat old guy rapes Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-352x288P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1997;Set=957 of 980;QtySkipForDel=63" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3119, ID=3119 duration=(480.05), Size=(36021814), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape! Drunk girl gangraped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape! Drunk girl gangraped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3119, ID=2810 duration=(480.03), Size=(29055888), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\HG - Drunk girl gang raped in alley MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape! Drunk girl gangraped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\HG - Drunk girl gang raped in alley MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1999;Set=958 of 980;QtySkipForDel=64" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2939, ID=2939 duration=(5562.8), Size=(377669839), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapped and Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapped and Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2939, ID=3822 duration=(5562.8), Size=(329431381), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Rapita e Umilata - rape force retro - Forced Rape-[Vintage]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapped and Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Rapita e Umilata - rape force retro - Forced Rape-[Vintage]-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2001;Set=959 of 980;QtySkipForDel=65" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4023, ID=4023 duration=(114.04), Size=(3644587), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\WONDERFUL RAPE SCENE!!! - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\WONDERFUL RAPE SCENE!!! - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4023, ID=3078 duration=(114.01), Size=(3248178), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape In Backstage Toilet - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\WONDERFUL RAPE SCENE!!! - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape In Backstage Toilet - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2003;Set=960 of 980;QtySkipForDel=66" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3128, ID=3128 duration=(1400.12), Size=(109685105), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped by a big dick MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped by a big dick MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3128, ID=3654 duration=(1400.08), Size=(77333607), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\innocent girl forced by burglar - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped by a big dick MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\innocent girl forced by burglar - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2005;Set=961 of 980;QtySkipForDel=67" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3170, ID=3170 duration=(1444.96), Size=(154235840), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rip Her Up Pia Paz - (RipHerUp.E03.Pia.Paz Porn Videos) - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rip Her Up Pia Paz - (RipHerUp.E03.Pia.Paz Porn Videos) - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3170, ID=4255 duration=(1445.12), Size=(63842669), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Pia Paz.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rip Her Up Pia Paz - (RipHerUp.E03.Pia.Paz Porn Videos) - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Pia Paz.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2007;Set=962 of 980;QtySkipForDel=68" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3990, ID=3990 duration=(610.24), Size=(52286983), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Teen Abducted, Tied, & Forced - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Teen Abducted, Tied, & Forced - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3990, ID=3346 duration=(610.08), Size=(47212964), Res=(576 x 438) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Abducted And Tied - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Teen Abducted, Tied, & Forced - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Abducted And Tied - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2009;Set=963 of 980;QtySkipForDel=69" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3474, ID=3474 duration=(2022.41), Size=(119370651), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3474, ID=3480 duration=(2022.46), Size=(119204408), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2011;Set=964 of 980;QtySkipForDel=70" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3642, ID=3642 duration=(1253.04), Size=(124474504), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\gang rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\gang rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3642, ID=3894 duration=(1253), Size=(85891553), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Peeping Tom Raped - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\gang rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Peeping Tom Raped - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2013;Set=965 of 980;QtySkipForDel=71" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3689, ID=3689 duration=(1149.64), Size=(77404745), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene expensive tastes hooker forced les MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene expensive tastes hooker forced les MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3689, ID=4068 duration=(1149.68), Size=(58303741), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\rp scene - escort forced by 2 guys and 1 woman-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene expensive tastes hooker forced les MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\rp scene - escort forced by 2 guys and 1 woman-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2015;Set=966 of 980;QtySkipForDel=72" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4216, ID=4216 duration=(1170.6), Size=(135399258), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Cindy Jays.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Cindy Jays.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4216, ID=4089 duration=(1170.7), Size=(93547196), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\what a rape - \U0001f4f9 Free Porn Video-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Cindy Jays.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\what a rape - \U0001f4f9 Free Porn Video-[Force]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2017;Set=967 of 980;QtySkipForDel=73" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4100, ID=4100 duration=(1196.96), Size=(134789597), Res=(598 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Burglar Force Anal Fucked Home Alone Girl - - Forced_Anal_Rape anal ATM teen.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 598x480 < 700x534' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4286, ID=4286 duration=(1196.57), Size=(94471229), Res=(700 x 534) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Burglar Force Anal Fucked Home Alone Girl - - Forced_Anal_Rape anal ATM teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Burglar Force Anal Fucked Home Alone Girl - - Forced_Anal_Rape anal ATM teen.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2019;Set=968 of 980;QtySkipForDel=74" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4269, ID=4269 duration=(1495.09), Size=(491313556), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Scarlet Lamm-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Scarlet Lamm-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4269, ID=4180 duration=(1494.98), Size=(168893383), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute hot fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Scarlet Lamm-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute hot fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2021;Set=969 of 980;QtySkipForDel=75" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4187, ID=4187 duration=(1153.68), Size=(270427890), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - Assfucking Rape In Shower - TubeGalore.Tv - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - Assfucking Rape In Shower - TubeGalore.Tv - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4187, ID=4226 duration=(1153.34), Size=(169260275), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Gabrielle Clayton-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - Assfucking Rape In Shower - TubeGalore.Tv - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Gabrielle Clayton-[Force]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2023;Set=970 of 980;QtySkipForDel=76" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4369, ID=4369 duration=(1437.18), Size=(232996537), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\enf - Sharking Compilation 5 - AllnPorn.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\enf - Sharking Compilation 5 - AllnPorn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4369, ID=4345 duration=(1437.18), Size=(159101324), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Real Pubic Boob Sharking-[Force]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\enf - Sharking Compilation 5 - AllnPorn.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Real Pubic Boob Sharking-[Force]-576x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2025;Set=971 of 980;QtySkipForDel=77" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4540, ID=4540 duration=(3111.42), Size=(233276203), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Love-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Love-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4540, ID=4493 duration=(3111.48), Size=(194791720), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Avi Love - Case 4448576 - anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Love-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Avi Love - Case 4448576 - anal.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2027;Set=972 of 980;QtySkipForDel=78" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4999, ID=4999 duration=(450.69), Size=(43469591), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\CatFight,ForceStrip,Groping\\Drunk girl beaten and stripped by other girls.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\CatFight,ForceStrip,Groping\\Drunk girl beaten and stripped by other girls.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4999, ID=4985 duration=(450.84), Size=(28945773), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\Bullies\\girl beaten by friends and strip - Xrares-[ForcedStrip]-[Nude]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\CatFight,ForceStrip,Groping\\Drunk girl beaten and stripped by other girls.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\Bullies\\girl beaten by friends and strip - Xrares-[ForcedStrip]-[Nude]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2029;Set=973 of 980;QtySkipForDel=79" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5100, ID=5100 duration=(95.4), Size=(11356395), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch Breasts Scene in American Beauty - AZnude-[NudeMovieScenes]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch Breasts Scene in American Beauty - AZnude-[NudeMovieScenes]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5100, ID=5101 duration=(95.4), Size=(5127718), Res=(640 x 274) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch nude - American Beauty (1999) - very busty teen movie nude scene.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch Breasts Scene in American Beauty - AZnude-[NudeMovieScenes]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch nude - American Beauty (1999) - very busty teen movie nude scene.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2031;Set=974 of 980;QtySkipForDel=80" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5525, ID=5525 duration=(922.4), Size=(79285125), Res=(720 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Young Slut Young Skinny Porn Video 73 - xHamster.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 720x432 < 720x576' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6663, ID=6663 duration=(922.36), Size=(66199260), Res=(720 x 576) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Young Slut Young Skinny Porn Video 73 - xHamster.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Young Slut Young Skinny Porn Video 73 - xHamster.flv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2033;Set=975 of 980;QtySkipForDel=81" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6670, ID=6670 duration=(480.15), Size=(99936495), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny anal teen amateur outdoor Man Milk Cookies And Tiny on GotPorn (6623743)-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny anal teen amateur outdoor Man Milk Cookies And Tiny on GotPorn (6623743)-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6670, ID=5934 duration=(480.2), Size=(36465727), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Brunette Anal Threesome Man Milk, Cookies, And T - Free Porn & Sex Video - Facia-[Amateur]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny anal teen amateur outdoor Man Milk Cookies And Tiny on GotPorn (6623743)-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Brunette Anal Threesome Man Milk, Cookies, And T - Free Porn & Sex Video - Facia-[Amateur]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2035;Set=976 of 980;QtySkipForDel=82" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7360, ID=7360 duration=(809.32), Size=(213798634), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teenie Spritz Ab - Und Dann Arschficki, Porn 03 xHamster-1280x720P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teenie Spritz Ab - Und Dann Arschficki, Porn 03 xHamster-1280x720P.flv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7360, ID=6660 duration=(809.33), Size=(204050207), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Teenie Spritzt Auch Ab, Free Sexter Media Channel HD Porn.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teenie Spritz Ab - Und Dann Arschficki, Porn 03 xHamster-1280x720P.flv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Teenie Spritzt Auch Ab, Free Sexter Media Channel HD Porn.flv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2037;Set=977 of 980;QtySkipForDel=83" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7079, ID=7079 duration=(1151.15), Size=(88480078), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes, Free Young Porn 82 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes, Free Young Porn 82 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7079, ID=7080 duration=(1150.98), Size=(84556811), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes-320x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes, Free Young Porn 82 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes-320x240P.flv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2039;Set=978 of 980;QtySkipForDel=84" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7727, ID=7727 duration=(500.35), Size=(43230259), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Vintage German Teen Orgy.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Vintage German Teen Orgy.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7727, ID=7529 duration=(500.62), Size=(35284100), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tiny Tove - Teenage Tricks-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Vintage German Teen Orgy.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tiny Tove - Teenage Tricks-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2041;Set=979 of 980;QtySkipForDel=85" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7691, ID=7691 duration=(739.25), Size=(57656989), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By not Stepdad.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By not Stepdad.flv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7691, ID=7687 duration=(739.37), Size=(24605010), Res=(428 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By Stepdad-428x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By not Stepdad.flv' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By Stepdad-428x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=2043;Set=980 of 980;QtySkipForDel=86" +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1074] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1075] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1076] INF: 'View Stash duplicate report using Stash->Settings->Tools->[Duplicate File Report]' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1077] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1078] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1081] DBG: '#####################################################' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1082] INF: 'QtyDupSet=980, QtyDup=2043, QtyDeleted=0, QtySwap=0, QtyTagForDel=977, QtySkipForDel=86, QtyExcludeForDel=0, QtyExactDup=903, QtyAlmostDup=160, QtyMerge=0, QtyRealTimeDiff=0' +[241127 11:55:34] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 50 +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1845] DBG: 'create_duplicate_report_task EXIT' +[241127 11:55:34] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '16672', 'mode': 'deleteScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = deleteScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=deleteScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:01:25] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:01:25] [LN:1736] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16672' +[241127 12:01:26] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 506' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:26] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 506' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16672{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1606] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1621] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16672 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'deleteScene complete for scene 16672 with results = True' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1863] DBG: 'deleteScene EXIT' +[241127 12:01:27] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9100:Big black cock drills young black pussy', 'mode': 'renameFile'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = renameFile; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=renameFile), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1480] INF: 'Parsed targets 9100 and Big black cock drills young black pussy' +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 1185 +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1788] INF: "renaming file ''B:\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0\\\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4'' to ''B:\\\\W\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0\\\\Big black cock drills young black pussy.mp4''" +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 79 +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:845] TRACE: 'Executing query (update files set basename = "Big black cock drills young black pussy.mp4" where id = 11412;)' +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 81 +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1640] DBG: 'Found class ID_9100 in line: B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\582x388 - Black cock deep in black ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4

Reason: codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 470621, 24.83 : h264, 473915, 25

B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4


\n' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1645] DBG: 'id = 16672" >B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\582x388 - Black cock deep in black ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4

Reason: codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 470621, 24.83 : h264, 473915, 25

B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4


\n, idx = 18' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1647] DBG: 'id = 16672' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1645] DBG: 'id = 16672" >B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\582x388 - Black cock deep in black ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4

Reason: codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 470621, 24.83 : h264, 473915, 25

B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4


\n, idx = 234' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1647] DBG: 'id = 16672' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1645] DBG: 'id = 9100" >B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4


\n, idx = 4373' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1647] DBG: 'id = 9100' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1645] DBG: 'id = 9100" >B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4


\n, idx = 4586' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1647] DBG: 'id = 9100' +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 51 +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 399 +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1658] ERR: 'Could not get scene details for both scene1 ({scene1}) and scene2 ({scene2}); sceneDetails1={sceneDetails1}; sceneDetails2={sceneDetails2};' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1640] DBG: 'Found class ID_9100 in line: B:\\V\\V\\2\\Black cock deep in black ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4

Reason: Resolution 400x266 < 582x388

B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4


\n' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1645] DBG: 'id = 11572" >B:\\V\\V\\2\\Black cock deep in black ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4

Reason: Resolution 400x266 < 582x388

B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big black cock drills young black pussy - XNXX.COM.mp4


\n, idx = 18' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1647] DBG: 'id = 11572' +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 51 +[241127 12:01:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 399 +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1658] ERR: 'Could not get scene details for both scene1 ({scene1}) and scene2 ({scene2}); sceneDetails1={sceneDetails1}; sceneDetails2={sceneDetails2};' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:52] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1626] INF: 'Updating table rows with scene 9100 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1634] INF: 'line count = 507' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1635] INF: 'Searching for class="ID_9100"' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1671] INF: "Did not find both scene ID's associated with scene 9100; scene1 = -1; scene2 = -1" +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1680] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1685] DBG: 'updateScenesInReports complete' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1792] INF: 'renameFile complete for scene 9100 ;renamed to Big black cock drills young black pussy; result=None' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1872] DBG: 'renameFile EXIT' +[241127 12:01:53] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9053', 'mode': 'deleteScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = deleteScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=deleteScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:02:30] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1736] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 9053' +[241127 12:02:30] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 527' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 507' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 527' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:30] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 507' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9053{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1606] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1621] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 9053 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'deleteScene complete for scene 9053 with results = True' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1863] DBG: 'deleteScene EXIT' +[241127 12:02:31] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9052', 'mode': 'deleteScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = deleteScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=deleteScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:03:00] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:03:00] [LN:1736] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 9052' +[241127 12:03:01] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 508' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 508' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9052{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1606] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1621] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 9052 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'deleteScene complete for scene 9052 with results = True' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1863] DBG: 'deleteScene EXIT' +[241127 12:03:01] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9043', 'mode': 'deleteScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = deleteScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=deleteScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:03:17] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1736] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 9043' +[241127 12:03:17] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:17] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 509' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 509' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9043{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1606] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1621] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 9043 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'deleteScene complete for scene 9043 with results = True' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1863] DBG: 'deleteScene EXIT' +[241127 12:03:18] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '8890', 'mode': 'deleteScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = deleteScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=deleteScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:04:02] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:04:02] [LN:1736] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 8890' +[241127 12:04:03] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 510' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:03] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 510' +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_8890{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1606] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1621] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 8890 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'deleteScene complete for scene 8890 with results = True' +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1863] DBG: 'deleteScene EXIT' +[241127 12:04:04] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '15304:yellow highlight', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:04:18] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1480] INF: 'Parsed targets 15304 and yellow highlight' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:18] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 511' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 15304 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 511' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_15304{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1875] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 12:04:19] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9155:yellow highlight', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:04:35] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1480] INF: 'Parsed targets 9155 and yellow highlight' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:35] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 512' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 512' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1875] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 12:04:36] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9167:red highlight', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 12:04:45] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1480] INF: 'Parsed targets 9167 and red highlight' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:45] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 513' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1690] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1695] INF: 'line count = 513' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1713] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1723] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1875] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 12:04:46] [LN:1949] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:99] DBG: 'No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT[\'args\'] = {\'Target\': \'{"pathToDelete":"B:\\\\\\\\W\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0", "YellowFlag":"true"}\', \'mode\': \'applyCombo\'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = applyCombo; argv = [\'C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/\']' +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=True), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=applyCombo), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:09:14] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:09:14] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 118 +[241127 15:09:14] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 336 +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = pathToDelete, target = B:\\W\\V\\V\\0' +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = YellowFlag, target = true' +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:1240] DBG: 'Searching for scenes with flag type yellow' +[241127 15:09:14] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1246] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 4' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 6' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 8' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 10' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 12' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 14' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 16' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 18' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 514' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 20' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1291] DBG: 'Fournd 20 scenes with flag yellow' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1298] DBG: '#########################################################################' +[241127 15:09:15] [LN:1189] INF: 'Getting candidates for deletion from file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1312] INF: 'Found 972 scenes in report' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1364] TRACE: 'Found yellow flag for Scene ID = 15304' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XN-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\w\\v\\v\\0.' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1364] TRACE: 'Found yellow flag for Scene ID = 9155' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitch forced by two burglars - busty rape-536x428P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\w\\v\\v\\0.' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1460] DBG: '#####################################################' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1461] INF: 'QtyDup=972, QtyClearedTags=0, QtySetGraylistTag=0, QtyDeleted=0, QtyFailedQuery=0' +[241127 15:09:16] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 50 +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1970] DBG: 'applyCombo EXIT' +[241127 15:09:16] [LN:1983] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:99] DBG: 'No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT[\'args\'] = {\'Target\': \'{"pathToDelete":"B:\\\\\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0", "YellowFlag":"true"}\', \'mode\': \'applyCombo\'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = applyCombo; argv = [\'C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/\']' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=True), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=applyCombo), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:12:42] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:12:42] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 118 +[241127 15:12:42] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 336 +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = pathToDelete, target = B:\\V\\V\\0' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = YellowFlag, target = true' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1240] DBG: 'Searching for scenes with flag type yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1246] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 4' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 6' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 8' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 10' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 12' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 14' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 16' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 18' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 514' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 9155 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 20' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1291] DBG: 'Fournd 20 scenes with flag yellow' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1298] DBG: '#########################################################################' +[241127 15:12:42] [LN:1189] INF: 'Getting candidates for deletion from file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1312] INF: 'Found 972 scenes in report' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1364] TRACE: 'Found yellow flag for Scene ID = 15304' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XN-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\0.' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1364] TRACE: 'Found yellow flag for Scene ID = 9155' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitch forced by two burglars - busty rape-536x428P.mp4'" +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 9155' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1773] INF: 'dry_run enabled, but scene 9155 would have been removed from stash with delete_file=True.' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 514' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 513' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=dry_run enabled, but scene 9155 would have been removed from stash with delete_file=True. for file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitch forced by two burglars - busty rape-536x428P.mp4;QtyDeleted=1;Count=3 of 972' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1460] DBG: '#####################################################' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1461] INF: 'QtyDup=972, QtyClearedTags=0, QtySetGraylistTag=0, QtyDeleted=1, QtyFailedQuery=0' +[241127 15:12:45] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 369 +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:824] INF: "Skipping Job ID(36); description=Scanning...; {'id': '36', 'status': 'RUNNING', 'subTasks': ['Scanning B:\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0\\\\Black Meat 8 AJ Applegate, Riley Reyes, Ember Stone, Angel Smalls, Nat Turner - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4', 'Scanning B:\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0\\\\Beautiful horny teen cocksucker get hard fuck when visiting friend - XNXX.COM.mp4', 'Scanning B:\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0\\\\Aria Lee, Emma Starletto - EPORNER.mp4'], 'description': 'Scanning...', 'progress': 0.9988808058198098, 'startTime': '2024-11-27T15:12:43.3399417-05:00', 'endTime': None, 'addTime': '2024-11-27T15:12:43.3399417-05:00', 'error': None})" +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1970] DBG: 'applyCombo EXIT' +[241127 15:12:45] [LN:1983] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:99] DBG: 'No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT[\'args\'] = {\'Target\': \'{"pathToDelete":"B:\\\\\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0", "YellowFlag":"true"}\', \'mode\': \'applyCombo\'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = applyCombo; argv = [\'C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/\']' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=applyCombo), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:14:46] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:14:46] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 118 +[241127 15:14:46] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 336 +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = pathToDelete, target = B:\\V\\V\\0' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = YellowFlag, target = true' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1240] DBG: 'Searching for scenes with flag type yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1246] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 2' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 3' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 4' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 5' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 6' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 7' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 8' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 9' +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:46] [LN:1201] DBG: 'Searching for flag type yellow in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1206] TRACE: 'line count = 514' +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1210] DBG: 'Found scene id = 15304 with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1212] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 1' +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1255] TRACE: 'flaggedScenes count = 10' +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1249] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1291] DBG: 'Fournd 10 scenes with flag yellow' +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1298] DBG: '#########################################################################' +[241127 15:14:47] [LN:1189] INF: 'Getting candidates for deletion from file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:14:48] [LN:1312] INF: 'Found 971 scenes in report' +[241127 15:14:48] [LN:1364] TRACE: 'Found yellow flag for Scene ID = 15304' +[241127 15:14:48] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XN-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\0.' +[241127 15:14:48] [LN:1460] DBG: '#####################################################' +[241127 15:14:48] [LN:1461] INF: 'QtyDup=971, QtyClearedTags=0, QtySetGraylistTag=0, QtyDeleted=0, QtyFailedQuery=0' +[241127 15:14:48] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 50 +[241127 15:14:48] [LN:1970] DBG: 'applyCombo EXIT' +[241127 15:14:48] [LN:1983] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:99] DBG: 'No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT[\'args\'] = {\'Target\': \'{"pathToDelete":"B:\\\\\\\\V\\\\V\\\\Tip"}\', \'mode\': \'applyCombo\'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = applyCombo; argv = [\'C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/\']' +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=applyCombo), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:20:09] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:20:09] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 118 +[241127 15:20:09] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 336 +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = pathToDelete, target = B:\\V\\V\\Tip' +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:1976] ERR: 'Exception while running DupFileManager Task(applyCombo); Error: argument of type \'NoneType\' is not iterable\nTraceBack=Traceback (most recent call last):\n File "C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/", line 1969, in \n manageDuplicatesTaggedOrInReport(deleteScenes=True, advanceMenuOptionSelected=True)\n File "C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/", line 1282, in manageDuplicatesTaggedOrInReport\n if checkFlagOption or "Flag" in tagOrFlag:\n ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^\nTypeError: argument of type \'NoneType\' is not iterable\n' +[241127 15:20:09] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 50 +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:1979] ERR: Error: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable +TraceBack=Traceback (most recent call last): + File "C:\Stash\plugins\DupFileManager/", line 1969, in + manageDuplicatesTaggedOrInReport(deleteScenes=True, advanceMenuOptionSelected=True) + File "C:\Stash\plugins\DupFileManager/", line 1282, in manageDuplicatesTaggedOrInReport + if checkFlagOption or "Flag" in tagOrFlag: + ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable + +[241127 15:20:09] [LN:1983] INF: +********************************* +EXITING *********************** +********************************* +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:99] DBG: 'No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT[\'args\'] = {\'Target\': \'{"pathToDelete":"B:\\\\\\\\V\\\\V\\\\Tip"}\', \'mode\': \'applyCombo\'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = applyCombo; argv = [\'C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/\']' +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=applyCombo), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:23:21] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:23:21] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 118 +[241127 15:23:21] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 336 +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:1107] INF: 'Processing taskName = pathToDelete, target = B:\\V\\V\\Tip' +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:1298] DBG: '#########################################################################' +[241127 15:23:21] [LN:1189] INF: 'Getting candidates for deletion from file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1312] INF: 'Found 971 scenes in report' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XN-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Black cock deep in black ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitchy Cheerleader Taught a Lesson with Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\skinny ebony teen first time anal bukkake orgy - Tubesafari com-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Skinny Secretary Milf Gets Anal From Big Black Cock because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blondes do it better TS-11-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-408x272P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonds are better - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bootleg and Jay D fuck her ass deep and hard deep in her thr-[Anal]-[Painal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound Slut Painal-640x322P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Poor Girl Gets Anal Raped By Insane Guy -[Force]-544x320P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Boyfriend Roughs Up Girlfriend free HD Porn Video - SpankBang-480x270P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brazilian Horny Anal #3 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Brazilian Teen Painfull anal - Long Rape Videos!! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17216' +[241127 15:23:22] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 514' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 514' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17216{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17216 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Brazilian Teen Painfull anal - Long Rape Videos!! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4;QtyDeleted=1;Count=17 of 971' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Bride fuck - Teen, Blowjob, Cumshot Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bride Gets Brutal Present-[Force]-582x388P-[Teen].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\BrokenTeens Anal Compilation - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brooklyn Had Her Ass Stretched Wider Than Ever by a Big Black Cock xHamster-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Bro Catch Junkie Step Stepsister Stealing - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brutal BDSM Gangbang - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brutal DP For Teen - petite very skinny teen anal painal ATM-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\BrutalPickups E06 Anya Olsen - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosanal-invasion-772348-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\The Rape of Nickey Huntsman \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\analteenangels 20 02 23 renata fox the boss slutty daughter watch online - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\analteenangels 20 10 18 kittina 1080p watch online - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Her FIRST EVER anal scene! 18-year-old Spanish \u2013 PornXP-[Latina]-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\analteenangels roxy lips sultry schoolgirl watch online - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\analteenangels zazie skymm zazie loves anal watch online - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Zazie Loves Anal \u2013 PornXP-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\analvids 21 08 17 amanda clarke and milana vk094 Watch porn -720x406P-[Teen].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\babydoll anal - XNXX.COM-542x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\barely legal 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[BarelyLegal]-574x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Forced By 2 Russian Men - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - EROCOM.TV - Teen anal and ass to mouth threesome ffm lession creampie -'" +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17448' +[241127 15:23:24] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 515' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 515' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17448{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17448 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - EROCOM.TV - Teen anal and ass to mouth threesome ffm lession creampie -;QtyDeleted=2;Count=38 of 971' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley reid & mike adriano-[Anal]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen first bbc anal - Bbc Anal, Anal Teen - anal real painal BBC FFM-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Riley Reid First Anal -960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:26] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Rough anal, compilation of hard anal, gaping, ass to mouth lana roy watch online.mkv'" +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17327' +[241127 15:23:27] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 516' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 516' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17327{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17327 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Rough anal, compilation of hard anal, gaping, ass to mouth lana roy watch online.mkv;QtyDeleted=3;Count=42 of 971' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation, Porn 1a xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Atogm Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute Porn 70 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\The best Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass to Mouth Facials-[ATM]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teen anal compilation (abella danger, kyler quinn, emily wil-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Parking Lot of Fucked - MILF[Force]-536x428P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Girl In Coma Sexually Harassed By Creepy Doctor During Night Shift - Free Porn Tube Videos - Nonktube.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17301' +[241127 15:23:29] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 517' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 517' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17301{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17301 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Girl In Coma Sexually Harassed By Creepy Doctor During Night Shift - Free Porn Tube Videos - Nonktube.mp4;QtyDeleted=4;Count=49 of 971' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot girls and two guys with big cocks fucking on a cou-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - X-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three sexy young chicks taking a big cock in their asses TS-[Teen]-408x272P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch slim glrl - Anal, Teen, Teen (18+) Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tight Cheerleader Fucked Hard By Her Teacher - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Anal Russian Teen, Free Xshare Teen (18+) Porn Video e9-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Argentina Teen Painful Anal facial-480x360P-[Petite].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity gets fucked with a huge cock - skinny blond anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teen Hammered by a BBC, Free Xxnx Free Teen (18+) Porn Video xHamster-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\MOLLY ROME ASK FOR IT ANAL FUCK - teen anal-492x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation 2023 WWWXXX.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny tender wife trying painful anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Painal Sex-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Luchshee Horse Train Lords Traci Lords Basta 1987 Russian Vhs-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Sweet Hot Tracy - Erica Boyer-622x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Sister dearest (1984)-704x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beautiful Teen Karly Baker First Anal -960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tushyraw \u2013 Petite Redhead gets Her Asshole Stretched xHamster-[Anal]-256x144P-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two Drunk Boys Attacked Stepsister While Take A Bath -[Force]-[Wasted]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two Guys Fuck p. Amature - XNXX.COM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - Two hot girls receive a huge dick in the ass NL-12-02 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16683' +[241127 15:23:30] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 518' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 518' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16683{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16683 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - Two hot girls receive a huge dick in the ass NL-12-02 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=5;Count=72 of 971' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two soldiers rape a young cook (rape, rape, mzhm, blowjob, sucking, dp) [anal schoolgirl youngster milf mature ass] watch online-[Force]-[Teen]-618x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Ultra Slim Anal, Slim Ass Teen, 18 Year Old -[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-444x250P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Flirty Alex Swon tries anal for the first time - First Anal Quest-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Unsuspecting girl takes a painful fucking in this brutal forced sex encounter with stranger - LuxureTV-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Upbringing wife - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - My First BBC, Bonnie Dolce, 1on1, BBC, Anal and No Pussy, ATM, Rough Sex, Big Gapes, Cum in Mouth, Swallow \u2013 PornXP-[CumInMouth]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\kayla obey - KAYL'S LITTLE SLIM BRUNETTE IS A HARDCORARY ANAL DEBUT - very skinny anal teen-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Video from slii privata -852x478P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vietnam Store 1 Tubepornclassiccom[384, Mp4] very busty rape redhead at war AAAAA-[Force]-512x384P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vina Sky Hot Asian Teen Porn Video - Vina Skyy - skinny anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vintage Abduction and Rough Gang Rape - Bing video - Vintage Rape-[Force]-528x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Virginy Adel (aka Adel Bye) - Fuck My Tight Ass Teen - W70 - very skinny teen anal ATM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Virginy lovely casting x 228 anal sex casting teen babe hardcore first time petite cutie blonde young swallow, porn, \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e watch online-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Wanda Anal - Bing video-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Wasted Chick Fucked Unconscious By Roommate After Party - Bing video-[Force]-320x240P-[Sleep].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM anal ATM-646x364P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jackie Hoff - Anal - busty anal young girl in skirt-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Anal - Teen, Anal Russian, Anal Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch As Panteras - Sequestro - Sequestro, As Panteras, Brasileirinhas Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-720x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Big Tits Teen Hottie Assfucked & DPed - Aimi Yoshikawa-[Busty]-720x404P-[Anal].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Blonde Amateur Swallows After Anal - Anal, Blonde, Ama-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Serious Anal-576x288P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lily Thai, Dana Vespoli - From Her Ass to her Mouth (V-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Une jeune violer par un Inconnue - Cul, Sexe, Viol - rape-[Force]-720x404P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Helpless teens Lilly - Lizzie Bell, H Cup, Lilly Dixon-480x320P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginebra Bellucci And Sara Bell In Sexy Secretaries Get T anal busty FFM-[Latina]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lea-White teens black cocks - Anal, Interracial, Babe -852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\SpankBang helplessteens lily dixon 480p - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella - Anal - Sexy, Beauty, Facial Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old school anal fucking fun - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Montana Fit - New Montana Fit Takes Big Cock in Ass - Balls Deep Anal Anal, Ass To Mouth-[ATM]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Natasha rios - Luara Amaral, Natasha Rios, Kelly Olive-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Pigtailed teen takes it in all holes - Facial, Babyfac-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kidnapped From The Street And Raped - RapeLust-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lilly - Make Teen Gape - Teen Lilly - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY - DEFINITIVE TUSHY CLASSICS VOL.1 - Tushy, Kimberly Brix, Janice Griffith Porn - SpankBang.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Free Porn Videos - -1278x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY RAW - TIGHT - Top Petite Model Compilation - Zoe Bloom, Harmony Wonder, Anastasia Knight Porn - SpankBang.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Teen Anal - Anal, Teen, Swallow Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WHITE TRASH SKINNY BUTTERFACE TEEN GB 1 - Amateur, Teen Blonde, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Trixi Free Trixie & Funny Porn Video 54 anal ATM BBC-340x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal big boobs girl using black stud-[Busty]-638x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch [firstanalquest] Avrora Sky - SOCKS - Socks, Firstanalquest, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch a-sweet-dark-hair-gets-her-asshole-fucked - Teen, Facial, Babe Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal For Super Skinny Teen-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Paris devine in asshole with love anal ATM very skinny teen-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\Weak Girl Forced to Have Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\1\\v. teenie brutally assfucked - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\BDSM anal bound - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-646x364P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super Cute Teen Got Seduced For Anal Sex On The Bangbus - ATM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beauty Amanda Wants Only Anal (asshole Filled, Pussy Empty) - Koni Demiko - busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Best Anal & Ass Fucking videos, page 002 - - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big black cock penetrating deep in the ass SL1802 - XVIDEOS.-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big boobs Russian teen Alexa Black loses her anal virginity - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in college - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blacked Rich Girl Wants Nothing but BBC, Porn e0 xHamster-1280x720P-[Anal]-[Skinny].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blonde Hitchhiker Raped In The Car - RapeLust - anal rape-1280x720P-1280x720P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - anal ATM FFM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Instead of studying for their exams, two girls and one guy a-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Koni Demiko And A Friend Invites A Big Dick For Anal Fuck - busty teen anal-[ATM]-[FFM]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bound 18 Babe Screaming in Rough Anal Fuck with Creampie - X.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Let's talk about shagging in the 70's Vol. 7 - XVIDEOS.COM-558x410P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Breaking An Entry - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mr. Gray Wolf did not know that Little Red Riding Hood ... @Kat Rich69 has a black belt in Hard Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brutal Harassment Of Naive Japanese Teen Uncensored - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brutal X with Madi Collins in Redhead Gets Brute-Fuck Lesson - very skinny teen force-640x360P-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Busty Teen Was Ready For A Dick Up Her Ass - Hardcore Mandy - anal-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Tight 18yo Teen Slut Extreme BBC Ass Fuck HD Porn 89 xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-960x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Casting couch Big boobed french black sodomized with cum 2 mouth - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Categories Tags Channel Prado - 19 Year Old Teen First Time in Porn - braces freckle very busty teen anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Celeb & Whore Rihanna Getting Abused & Fucked by friend -[Anal]-[Force]-[Teen]-480x362P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Delivery Guy - Russian, Delivery, Blonde Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - teen ATM swallow-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Christina Young - First Anal - EPORNER.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16805' +[241127 15:23:32] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 519' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 519' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16805{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16805 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Christina Young - First Anal - EPORNER.mp4;QtyDeleted=6;Count=147 of 971' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French-1188x668P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Crying Young Girl Brutally Raped By Intruder - Bing video-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMWF teen abused by Asian intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\french first anal gangbang - anal ATM DP busty rape -554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teen Dos Anal Only (only Sodomy Always Sodomy - skinny petite teen anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teenage Dragged And Kidnapped In A Street!!! - anal rape-[Force]-554x416P-[Busty].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\DP first Time Anal only 19 Babe - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\DP First Time Anal Only 19 Babe - RedTube-426x240P-[Busty]-[Teen].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Damn Painful Anal For Amateur Tight Ass Teen - painal-290x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - RedTube-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Do what I Want - Episode 01 - Vintage Chapter - anal rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Dont Open the Door Porn Video - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\EROCOM.TV - French very skinny amateur teen anal threesome ffm - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\EURO SLUT BBC ASS FUCK - Ellie Wain - skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time 0% Pussy ATM BBC Deepthroat Gapes Facial \u2013 PornXP-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\582x388 - Ebony teen takes anal black cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16675' +[241127 15:23:34] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 520' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 520' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16675{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16675 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\582x388 - Ebony teen takes anal black cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=7;Count=164 of 971' +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ebony teen takes anal black cock - XVIDEOS COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:35] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16826' +[241127 15:23:36] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 521' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 521' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16826{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16826 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ebony teen takes anal black cock - XVIDEOS COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=8;Count=165 of 971' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Babyface Fitness Body And Cum Eater - Ella Elastic - anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ella elastic ella elastic 150 cm, fitness body, 18yo teen anal-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - PAINFUL ANAL WITH BBC WRECKING HER TIGHT WHITE ASSHOLE - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-638x362P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Has Afair with Stepdad He Sticks His BBC Right up Her Booty xHamster-[Anal]-1290x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\640x360 - Maryjane Johnson Anal Sex Debut - Full ECG Video - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16689' +[241127 15:23:37] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 522' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 522' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16689{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16689 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\640x360 - Maryjane Johnson Anal Sex Debut - Full ECG Video - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=9;Count=171 of 971' +[241127 15:23:38] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Two sluts begging for a cock in the ass - XVIDEOS COM-738x554P.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17132' +[241127 15:23:39] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 523' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 523' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17132{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17132 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Two sluts begging for a cock in the ass - XVIDEOS COM-738x554P.mp4;QtyDeleted=10;Count=172 of 971' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal Ends Up Being Too Painful-576x434P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Schoolgirl Meow Miu trying gaping anal sex first time \u2013 Meow Miu - teen anal-[ATM]-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Fake police officer anal and inmate Mexican border patrol agent has - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal beauty 21 10 28 milana a 1080p wrb analbeauty 21 10 28 milana a watch online - Milana Milka aka Gulya Pechkina-[Busty]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Felicia Clover - very very busty anal-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal For Black Girl With Big White Dick Rebecca Sax - black skinny teen anal.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal with Flexible Stepsister - teen anal-1280x720P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\First time anal with BBC for colombian hottie\xa0Karla Roy\xa0NT022 - busty Latina anal ATM swallows-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - Iris Kiss-Kiss - blond Gaped Painfully-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest \u2013 little randy gets her first anal sex after shower-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - Merrie Heys-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Busty Clary Teen - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\93335_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest young busty clary gaping anal porn 24 04 2018 rq watch online -[FAQ]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Alexa Flexy - anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest Shakila Asti - busty anal ATM-[FAQ]-640x360P-[Teen].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - PETITE ANAL WITH HIS SMALL TITS CZECH - petite teen anal-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - SUPER ANAL SLUT LOVES HER FIRST TIME FUck - busty anal.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\French Teen Nymph - Anal Casting - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\From Nacho Vidal Fucks 2 Colombian Teens - Teens, Pussy Fuck, anal real painal-588x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\German blonde earns an anal creampie - - X-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginger Slut Gets It Hard - RapeLust-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Girl Fucked In Ass And Vagina - Estelle Siam aka Lucille aka Licije Sperm - redhead teen anal painal-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\HARDCORE BBC ANAL GAPE FUCK of SUPER HOT SEXY PERFECT BODY BIG NATURAL TITS SKINNY TEEN CUM SLUT-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hard rape of two young bitches Operation Desert Anal ATM (Lyla S-[Force]-[Teen]-320x180P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting - anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West -^- Gaping Anal A2M Newbie-[ATM]-[Amateur]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hazel moore [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens] busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\European Hottie Heidi Handles Anal Bbc Like A Pro - Shane Diesel Porn Video - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hogtied brunette forced to hardcore - rape-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rapped, Rapping -[Force]-554x416P-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny Bestfriends Fucks With One Guy! - anal ATM FFM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny teenage Madison Sins trollop fucked hardcore - very skinny teen.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - FFM petite anal-[Force]-640x360P.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17345' +[241127 15:23:40] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 524' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 524' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17345{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17345 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - FFM petite anal-[Force]-640x360P.mp4;QtyDeleted=11;Count=206 of 971' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Babe Looking For Romance - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Kidnapped And Brutally Anal Fucked Under The Gun Threat -[ATM]-[Force]-[Skinny]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Blonde Raped By Her Friend - RapeLust-1280x720P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Russian Raped At The Pool - RapeLust-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Swimmer Cunt Raped and Abused at the Pool MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Hot Teen Fucking Hardcore Anal Wreck Teen - F02 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot blond groped and manhandled by her step daddy (Cadence Lux, Gina Wild) Porn Video - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot brunette teen abused fuck on couch -[Force]-[Skirt]-536x428P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\How to Painal - rough forced anal painal BBC on ebony-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\old dude fucks skinny ebony anally - interracial anal.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17323' +[241127 15:23:41] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 525' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 525' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17323{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17323 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\old dude fucks skinny ebony anally - interracial anal.mp4;QtyDeleted=12;Count=217 of 971' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\If She Didn't Want It - RapeLust-640x480P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\[rapesection] elena tsibrik \u0440\u0430\u0437\u044a\u044f\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043a\u043e \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 (720 hd \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e, \u0448\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430, \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435, \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435) watch online-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\if she didin\xb4t want it - XVIDEOSCOM[Mp4]-[Force]-384x288P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Interracial foursome Big black cock fucking three sexy chick - anal ATM FFFM BBC-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Jillian janson (amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed) - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\KERI ANAL very busty teen anal ATM redhead painal-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Double for the blonde with two big white cocks - anal DP-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - very skinny anal-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LPFS - GG Exclusive Anal with Abby & Niki - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Latina Casting Kamila Egypt And Yessica Bunny - Latina Bunny - very skinny anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lick, Suck And Fuck Hard-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\pornbox 23 01 20 lola bredly first monster cock in anal 18yo baby 1080p hevc x265 prt mkv watch online -[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Loren strawberry gets hard anal from her master - skinny busty anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\AnalVids Tea Mint New Beautiful Teen Tea Mint Lost Her Anal Virginity At The Casting Of Leo Casanovas Monstrous Cock FLX056 (07-02-2023) 1080p - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new beautiful teen tea mint lost her anal virginity-[ATM]-[Casting]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Birthday Anal Surprise \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lucie Wilde Big Natural Tits Creampie Orgy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\293384_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mandy Dee (aka Daria Makarova) - TeenAss - very busty teen anal-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Roswitha (Maria) 3 - very skinny teen-546x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Masked Man Unpleasantly Surprised Mother And Daughter - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest mia sanders skinny -[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mike adriano simone sonay melissa may anal ATM FFM-852x480P-[Teen].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Milana Fox Has A Casting Couch Encounter... - EPORNER-640x360P-[Anal]-[Anal Casting].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother Forced To Join Daughter Gangbang. Porn Video -[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\1659604.mp4-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nataly Gold Fucked By A Fat Pervert - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nerdy Black Teen anal sex scene - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-42.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31198' +[241127 15:23:43] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 526' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 526' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31198{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31198 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-42.mp4;QtyDeleted=13;Count=246 of 971' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Novinha Dando O Cu - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - NON-STOP! Monstrous cock fucked hard Tea Mint in the asshole 0% pussy ATM Anal cream Hard & fast fucking \u2013 PornXP-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nurse gets her own physical MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape section ero ret 013-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\O primeiro anal profundo com passos flex\xedveis \xe9 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Oh no!!!! that's the Wrong Hole, please don't Fuck my Ass!!!-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vintage Interracial Anal BBC-426x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Olivia Nice A DP While Hard Casting - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - E-3840x2160P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Painful Anal Free Anal Movie Porn Video f6 xHamster-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Latina]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-360x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0416\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b \u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 had anal painful anal watch online-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club-01.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Olga Peter Tried Unsuccessfully To Hide From Sexual Predator - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Petite Etudiante Indienne Se Fait Enculer Par Son Prof - French Skinny - EPORNER-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Ebony]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pinky Breeze Does Anal For First Time. Anal - T92 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\586x392 - Estrellas porno disfrutando de una org\xeda anal TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM-586x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornworld ivi rein stud psychologist slams nympho secretary ivi rein at her workplace - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Nelya's Favorite Joystick \u2013 very skinny teen anal-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Psycho Teens 7 - petite teens puffy nipples anal FFM-848x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Puffy Nipples compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\RUSSIAN RAPE 1 Porn Video -[Force]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rape R0091 Porn Video-[Force]-[Teen]-512x368P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape fake 2 russian guys abuse girlfriend in front of her boyfriend one cum inside her creampie cum inside -[Force]-[Teen]-500x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Geiser & red barbie anal threesome -852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - Redhead teen takes a big cock in her ass - anal ATM.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16691' +[241127 15:23:44] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 527' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 527' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16691{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16691 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - Redhead teen takes a big cock in her ass - anal ATM.mp4;QtyDeleted=14;Count=273 of 971' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Classic schoolgirl anal xHamster-[Teen]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Screaming Teen Molested By Bunch Of Guys Retro Fuck Porn rape-[Force]-[Painal]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Russian teen Rita Lee first anal \u2013 ATM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rough Violent Anal For Poor Spanish Girl - rape-[Force]-[Latina]-560x320P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\analvids 21 07 09 milana - Milana Milka aka Gulya Pechkina-[ATM]-[Busty]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\Russian Redhead Kidnapped and Gangbanged-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\blonde anal - XVIDEOS.COM - very skinny anal rape-638x360P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\doubleviewcasting Amber Hardin anal fuck - Amber Chase, Amber Hardin - skinny busty teen anal ATM busty -852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\fractured brunette daughter - very busty teen anal ATM rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\hot anal sex orgy 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\librarian forced to fuck with prisoner - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bound Teen GF Painful Anal and Facial! - Bing video-374x280P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Multi-anal rape. Posted several times but my fave. _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - No lube painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Daddy's Anal Cutie 02- Harlow West \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Rebecca Lord and Vanessa Chase Porn Videos-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Gang Bang]-[Skinny]-304x232P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\ASS TO MOUTH anal threesome ffm mff with skinny teen milfs - ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass (Noemi Bilas) POV - busty anal ATM-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Crave - ebony anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Deep Rider Tammi Ann - very skinny teen anal-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex And Facial Cumshot For Stella Cardo - busty anal-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny asian teen gets a big dick in her pussy and her asshole - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Ivi Rein First-time rough sex with Steve Q on AnalVids \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Asian Kitty Yung Does Anal - very skinny petite teen asian anal-480x394P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Totally Wasted Girl Dped And Molested By Two Horny Guys - Pa-[Force]-480x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bad Bad Gang! Scene - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\BangingBeauties Ebony Teen Anal Threesomes Skin Diamond and Leilani Leeane - skinny ebony anal ATM FFM ballslicking-1272x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Betty - Painal - 18 & Interracial 9 Porn Tube-560x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bitch Slap - anal rape-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\BlackAmbush - Natalie - skinny busty anal ATM BBC.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Onlyfans evaelfie eva elfie anal with boyfriend anal babyface russian teen-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brenda Opens Up - Tara Ashley - very skinny anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\British teen analized by Rocco - very bust anal ATM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\I Bet My Ass - skinny ebony anal-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\small whore - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\[yutch] [18 year old first anal] chanel shortcake follow me [porno first anal sex oral] watch online-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x478P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - X-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute blowjob amateur - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-600x450P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\DX Big Boobs IR Anal - Babe, Blonde, Big Tits Porn - Stella Cox - skinny busty anal ATM BBC-720x400P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Defloration Of 18yo Blonde Girl - RapeLust-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Deleted scene from Emmanuelle IV (1984) - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Ryder - Anal Ho-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Entrepreneurial StepSisters - Dakota Burns - very skinny teen FFM-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Eva Elfie - Anal with boyfriend - My First Anal Sex 2023 - busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Extremely Brutal and Incredibly Sad - Part I \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Exxxtra Small Anal, Small Boobs Anal - - very skinny redhead anal ATM-[FAQ]-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ - Maya Morgen - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 194 - skinny anal-1280x720P-[Busty].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka - Milana Vital, Anal Sex, Teen Anal Porn - very busty teen anal-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\FirstAnalQuest Young blonde Milana Vital first gaping anal s-[FAQ]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST - FIRST ANAL QUEST FOR KINKY TEEN KRIS THE FOXX-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST - SKINNY RUSSIAN GIRL MIA SANDERS GETS FIRST ANAL FUCK WITH CREAMPIE-[FAQ]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sara Hilton AKA Bella G, Julia Blair - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sindy anal - very skinny anal ATM-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\\U0001f525Petite teen Sonia Smile enjoys first anal gape - First Anal Quest -[FAQ]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\African Anal, African Long, Blacks On Blondes Long -[BBC]-[Ebony]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\GirlsGotCream - Renee-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Helpless Maid Suffered Painful Torment - rape-[Force]-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Horny Twins Porn Sex-Crazed 3some Date HD - very skinny teen twins FFM-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\19yo Teen Yanik with Big Natural Tits Gets Fucked Hard by Italian Monster Cock - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jazmin luv and kyler quinn opening kyler\u2019s ass and jazmin\u2019s throat anal FFM-[ATM]-[Skinny]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Anal Destruction - Jolynn - real painal.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:45] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16721' +[241127 15:23:46] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16721{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16721 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Anal Destruction - Jolynn - real painal.mp4;QtyDeleted=15;Count=336 of 971' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Legalporno anal vids betty carr debut! first anal ! 18yo - teen anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Markus Dupree In 18yo Teen Casting With Petra My First Time Anal-1004x668P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Super Skinny Blonde-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Nastya Horny Thief Tales - XVIDEOS.COM - rape-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot in -1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\New 18 y.o. nympho Bella Tornado - Non-Stop Multi Orgasm - Anal Crazy Teen - Squirting Orgasm - teen anal ATM cum swallow-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Olia - First Sex In 18 - Olga Shkabarnya - skinny very busty anal.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Oliviya Dis Vs Erick Lewis - anal BBC-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\PabloLapiedra - La Nilorona Mexican Sex up to TEARS - very skinny teen latin real painal-[Latina]-[Anal]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Painful Anal Sex For The Russian Milf - very busty anal ATM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\[] Cute Blond Teen In Anal - busty teen real painalxwx.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Porn little hellcat - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Incre\xedbles zorras jugando con enormes juguetes sexuales - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SKINNY SECRETARY LUCY WITH JEANS MINI SKIRT-[Force]-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Intruder, Force - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stupri Di Guerra 1992 Full Vintage Movie, Porn 8e xHamster xHamster-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Raped and Strangled II - redhead busty-[Force]-540x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ravishing Russian Hotty Analfuck - hellcat - very skinny anal ATM-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 & 19 years old petite angels trying Leo Casanova's big cock in the ass for the first time - XNXX.COM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Robbery Gone Brutal - rape-[Force]-576x326P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Pornstar Tessa Mini Skirt Anal Sex HD - Sunporno-[Miniskirt ]-480x320P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Stc-047 - ebony rape-[Force]-480x272P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Seventeen Classic 01 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Vintage]-562x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen Classic 2 -[Vintage]-512x384P-[Anal].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sexual Equilibrium - skinny blond anal ATM-636x360P-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Hard And Deep Anal Sex By A Huge Dick Ngebokep-444x250P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Stunning teen hardcore fucking turns into deep anal - skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Submissive Girl Face And Assfucked To Tears - anal ATM real painal forced-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sweetheart And Cute Kacey Kox Has A Sweet Anal Sex Anal - T4 teen anal ATM-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHY - ALL STAR ANAL DEBUTS - First Time Compilation - RedTube-1278x720P.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17077' +[241127 15:23:47] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17077{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17077 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHY - ALL STAR ANAL DEBUTS - First Time Compilation - RedTube-1278x720P.mp4;QtyDeleted=16;Count=366 of 971' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Nasty 18yo Gets Dominated By Family Couple - Rebel Lynn, 18 Years Old And Jean Val Jean -'" +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16964' +[241127 15:23:48] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 530' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16964{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16964 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Nasty 18yo Gets Dominated By Family Couple - Rebel Lynn, 18 Years Old And Jean Val Jean -;QtyDeleted=17;Count=367 of 971' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHYRAW Oil comp - V\xeddeos Pornos Gratuitos - YouPorn-1-426x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs Porn Video because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teasing Teen Forced By Tv RepairMan - rape-450x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Codi Aka L. Hellcat Anal For The First Time - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Katia sweet first anal hardcore balls deep big - skinny teen anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - FFM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Tries It And Hates It PainalTube - real painal-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Amateur teen rough sex - Teen, Amateur, Blowjob - rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA bat-rea-033-wmv-high_01.anal.force [ rape section] two guys tear hard and rape Russian girlfriend's ass -640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen girl kidnapped and raped-480x360P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\- Video - Free Porn Videos -[Force]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Timea Bella - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tiny tits tart gets her nasty asshole blasted - very skinny anal teen-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sekushilover top 10 real movie penetration sex scenes 10 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0441\u0446\u0435\u043d \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0432 \u043a\u0438\u043d\u043e \u0435\u0431\u0443\u0442 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439 watch online-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Torture Rape Strangulation Of Amber \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-540x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ultra Rare Skinny Teen Anal Slut Gets Dominated[ATM]-[Very Skinny].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:49] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-29.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31184' +[241127 15:23:50] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 531' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31184{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31184 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-29.mp4;QtyDeleted=18;Count=386 of 971' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal - anal blond screeming in pain bent over-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anja Und Der Herbergsvater Germany 1998 - teen anal ATM-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Move Your Hand-1-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Teen]-480x320P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043c\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0445\u0443 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u044e\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438 \u043d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0445\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0440\u0430-[Busty]-[Force]-536x428P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Just Fuck her - Hot, Sexy, Solo Porn - - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Homemade Webcam Fuck 981, Free Fucks Porn 83 xHamster xHamster-[Force]-256x144P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Katerina Hartlova - First Anal - Angela Roccanera - very busty ATM-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch L\xe9a Martini - Le maitre chanteur - Poor, Blonde Sexy, -480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dreckige Biker Fantasy, Free Fantasy Tube Porn c9 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-312x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute School Girl Kidnapped Fucked And Strangled By Psychopath - teen rape-[Force]-480x320P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\Wife and husband kidnap and abuse a girl - rape-[Force]-400x300P-[Anal].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\0645 - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\A primeira audi\xe7\xe3o anal da gata gostosa xHamster-256x144P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year-old Painal-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\curious daughter fucked by dad - MOTHERLESSCOM-448x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\3\\pleasure and pain for this cutie - very busty anal painal ATM-432x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\SIS. PORN. Unplanned sex with stepbro helps skinny girl forge-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Hard Anal Casting Couch Pretty Young Black Slut HD Porn cf xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Chubby Schoolgirl Hard Sodomized by Her Teacher xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teensloveanal - Compilation of Painful Anal Sex HD Porn 78 x-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex Porn Videos-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot 18 Year Old Indian Teen Like It Rough -[Force]-444x250P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rough assfuck for big ass teen 18 after street casting on th-[Anal]-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Voyer]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORATION SEX AT FIRST DATE - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CHANIE AT STREET CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Skinny Redhead Teen Emma Anal Sex at Casting xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Our Favorite Bang! Casting Scenes a Compilation - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal 'Please Cum, I'll Do Anything' Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal 2023 WWWXXX-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - skinny girl 18 seduce to first assfuck by huge cock step brother - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\546x420 - Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - XVIDEOS.COM-546x420P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - she needs her asshole to be filled - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31207' +[241127 15:23:51] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 532' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4;QtyDeleted=19;Count=442 of 971' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - 3 rubias sexy folladas por una polla negra PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Rubias cachondas a las que les estiran el culo TS-5-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG] -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Compilation Pain, Free Xxx Anal Tube Porn 81 xHamster xHamster-[Painal]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview... - Angie Koks - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alexa May - Anal Petite Teen Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too Far because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alice - Russian girlfriend puts out - Alice Klay - teen anal ATM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\195385_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In Stockings because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur anal casting couch of a skinny french brunette in stockings - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur, Big Tits, Fat, British, BBW - busty rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amelia Li First - Anal Session - EPORNER-854x480P-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Zoe bloom (all anal super cutie)[2019, big butts, small tits, brunette, nude photography, sexy, blowjobs, anal, hd 1080p] watch online-[Anal Casting]-[Casting]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sky In The Woods because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Marceline(2)-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Renata Fox-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\legalporno analvids 23 01 21 sweetie doll eks105 720p xleech watch online - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-Mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new teen mensia francis first time anal action ball - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids newbie teen kate foley tastes a big black cock for -[Amateur]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Ouch! Why Does My Bum Hurts Asian - F86 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alice Clay petite teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\BangBus - Jill Taylor - Pickup Young Blonde Girl - teen busty anal ATM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (queen lin) [porncube \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e new porn hd 1080 anal big tits russia -[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Biker Hard Fucked Teen Queenlin in The Ass - Big Anal Gape - Big Natural Tits - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blind very busty girl in black dress anal raped-[Force]-[Skirt]-412x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Charlotte sins, dredd - anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-23-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brazilian Babe Gets Anal - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Briana Taylor and Mark Wood - Drunken Street Boys video-852x480P-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Wasted].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\British IR DP - petite teen anal BBC-320x240P-[ATM]-[Vintage].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dude caught victim and anal fucked her - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Asian]-[Busty]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila - teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Camila Cooper Assfucked By BBC Camilla Kamila - very skinny petite anal latina real painal ATM BBC.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:52] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16797' +[241127 15:23:53] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 533' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16797{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16797 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Camila Cooper Assfucked By BBC Camilla Kamila - very skinny petite anal latina real painal ATM BBC.mp4;QtyDeleted=20;Count=495 of 971' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jake Steed Franco Roccaforte Vs Camilla Krabbe - skinny puffy nipples anal BBC-[UPSCALED]-708x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting Deepthroat, Casting Anal Atm - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Charlotte Carmen Nice Baby Charlottes First Anal Sex Experience Public Pussy - very skinny teen anal (Low Res) -480x270P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chick Kidnapped, Fucked, Smothered - busty because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chocolate bar in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Indian Teen Slut Pounded - XVIDEOS COM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Sweetie Sarah Kay Kidnapped And Brutal Fucked In Bondage Action By Large Male -[Force]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\It\u2019s Been An Exit Only Until Today \u2013 xxdbx-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest com diana rius 598 august 29 2020_1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Drugged And Abused-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time Wet Cocks - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\EVASIVE ANGLES Hot Latin Pussy Adventures 32 -[Latina]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal (9215) - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hardcore anal gaping is what teen hussy gets - ZB Porn-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - ANAL PUNISHMENT OF A CUTE CZECH TEEN WI-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINN-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing To Fuck -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Huge dick monster dick penis severely torn stretched ass Russian inkwell francesca dicaprio in anal ass ass anus porn watch online-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\flora jourdan -Clip#1-532x434P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - French amateur teen try painful anal homemade - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Gianna Michaels Anal Scene [Color Corrected, Upscaled, And Interpolated] - Gianna Michaels, Milf, German Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grandparents Anal Threesome, Grandparents Threesome - Videos-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Great anal scene 1 - Tubesafari com-[Force]-[Teen]-324x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Sweet Teen Anal Ride Bbc - Sweet Jane - EPORNER-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hardcore interracial white teen fucked by black man in her pussy and tight ass - XVIDEOSCOM-640x360P-[Anal]-[Petite].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel Abducted Drugged + Hung Out For Use - skinny teen[Force]-[Wasted]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\There Is Nothing Like The Backdoor \u2013 xxdbx-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker Raped By Duo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny busty-[Force]-[Teen]-572x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Small Tits Teen Gets Anal Creampied by her Big Cock Pussy De-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\How To Spend Spare Time Presented By Horny Girl Iveta - teen anal-[Deepthroat]-800x452P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Sex With 18 Years Old Indian Girl - XVIDEOS COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Sexy Indian Girl First Time Sex Defloration - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Interracial Hole Stretchers 3 - Scene 3 - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31199' +[241127 15:23:54] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 534' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31199{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31199 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44.mp4;QtyDeleted=21;Count=545 of 971' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\It's A Trap! Brought Her House And Violently Crew Pounded - skinny teen anal DP[ATM]-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Iveta - skinny busty russian anal painal-638x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ivi Rein Gets Her Asshole Filled With Cum \u2013 xxdbx- very skinny petite ATM anal-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\[legalporno com&analvids com] khali noire brazilian super cu-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legalporno analvids princess alice new teen princess alice f-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots -1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (1111) Facefucking Marathon, Part 11 Of 11-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (411) Facefucking Marathon, Part 4 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (511) Facefucking Marathon, Part 5 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mencia Francis - Firstanalquest blonde girl in fishnets mencia francis tries anal sex first time russian - puffy nipples very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mia cheers (skinny white blonde mia gets her ass destroyed by mr anderson!) [2023, anal, teen, natural tits, 1080p] watch online-852x480P.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17318' +[241127 15:23:56] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 535' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17318{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17318 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mia cheers (skinny white blonde mia gets her ass destroyed by mr anderson!) [2023, anal, teen, natural tits, 1080p] watch online-852x480P.mp4;QtyDeleted=22;Count=565 of 971' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Molly Jane in step Daughter with Big Tits is broken in her Anus by Horny StepDad - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\1177008.mp4-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal FFM-[Teen]-384x288P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\New teen queenlin first time to anal vids-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Office Party \u2013 PornXP.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Painal BBC Up Her Tight Anal Cavity Anal - skinny teen anal BBC-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Painful Homemade Anal-244x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\A Good Time free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page of-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shame On Her - Dahlia Sin fucked in an alley - XVIDEOS.COM-[Passed Out]-646x364P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Girlfriend Violently Abused And Force Fucked - RapeLust-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoshardx-ebony-teen-takes-a-big-white-cock-up-her-bubbly-ass-10864505-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #3 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - You Never Know What Twisted Meetings Come Across Vol. 11 - rape.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\deep ass fuck with cum inside for slim blonde girl 18 - ATM anal blond-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\extreme skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and de.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Emma Rosie Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality -[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Busty french picked up for anal - SEXTVX.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead milf -[Skinny]-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - White cock for ebony babe's ass - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Wife Screams Loudly while getting her Asshole Drilled Hard-[Anal]-[Painal]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\I got a big instrument for you MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Japanese in prison - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\4\\no lube anal was a bad idea 18 yo blonde teen can hardly take it-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Extreme Deep Hard Fuck Brutal Sex Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4'" +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16565' +[241127 15:23:58] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:23:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 536' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16565{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16565 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Extreme Deep Hard Fuck Brutal Sex Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4;QtyDeleted=23;Count=602 of 971' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANAL.COM - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17231' +[241127 15:24:00] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 537' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17231{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17231 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANAL.COM - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4;QtyDeleted=24;Count=604 of 971' +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck with Throatpie -'" +[241127 15:24:01] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16580' +[241127 15:24:02] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 538' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16580{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16580 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Throat Gets used and Pounded in Deep Upside down Throat Fuck with Throatpie -;QtyDeleted=25;Count=605 of 971' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial Amateur Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From BBC! - Bing video.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Yo Babysitter Bella Fucked in Virgin Butthole! - Bing video.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\18videoz - Lindsey Vood - Romantic Date Leads To Anal - EPORNER.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16591' +[241127 15:24:03] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 539' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16591{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16591 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\18videoz - Lindsey Vood - Romantic Date Leads To Anal - EPORNER.mp4;QtyDeleted=26;Count=608 of 971' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting xHamster.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Summer vixen hard anal fucking in summer - skinny anal BBC.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Wrong hole compilation. Painal. Not for the faint hearted. - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16636' +[241127 15:24:04] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 540' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16636{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16636 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Wrong hole compilation. Painal. Not for the faint hearted. - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=27;Count=613 of 971' +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\20313 - ebony anal ATM real busty.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:05] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16644' +[241127 15:24:06] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 541' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16644{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16644 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\20313 - ebony anal ATM real busty.mp4;QtyDeleted=28;Count=614 of 971' +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2815516 - two ebony teens anal FFM real painal.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:07] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16647' +[241127 15:24:08] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:08] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 542' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16647{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16647 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2815516 - two ebony teens anal FFM real painal.mp4;QtyDeleted=29;Count=615 of 971' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 Black teen FFM anal and painal.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\450x360 - Anal 5 World best crying Anal scene.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16650' +[241127 15:24:09] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 543' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16650{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16650 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\450x360 - Anal 5 World best crying Anal scene.mp4;QtyDeleted=30;Count=617 of 971' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\546x422 - Anal 3 European First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16657' +[241127 15:24:10] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 544' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16657{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16657 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\546x422 - Anal 3 European First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=31;Count=620 of 971' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens vol 18 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16669' +[241127 15:24:12] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 545' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16669{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16669 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - sexual tourists fucking brazilian teens vol 18 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=32;Count=621 of 971' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - 2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn WK-3-02] - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16677' +[241127 15:24:13] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:13] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 546' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16677{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16677 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - 2 sexy girls getting fucked in the ass and pussy [legal porn WK-3-02] - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4;QtyDeleted=33;Count=622 of 971' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\How Anal Is Supposed To Work - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pinky XXX First and Only ANAL scene not a clear shot - Tnaflix c.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16997' +[241127 15:24:14] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 547' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16997{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16997 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pinky XXX First and Only ANAL scene not a clear shot - Tnaflix c.mp4;QtyDeleted=34;Count=625 of 971' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVI.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\ANAL VIRGIN TEEN HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA and-rea-005-wmv-high_01.anal.force - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 25 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\At the interview, she was raped in the ass - anal rape busty.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16751' +[241127 15:24:16] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 548' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16751{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16751 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\At the interview, she was raped in the ass - anal rape busty.mp4;QtyDeleted=35;Count=630 of 971' +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BBC Abuses MILF In Cunt And Ass - anal rape.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:17] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16758' +[241127 15:24:18] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 549' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16758{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16758 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BBC Abuses MILF In Cunt And Ass - anal rape.mp4;QtyDeleted=36;Count=631 of 971' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - BBC-[Anal]-[Force]-480x360P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17338' +[241127 15:24:19] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 550' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17338{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17338 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - BBC-[Anal]-[Force]-480x360P.mp4;QtyDeleted=37;Count=632 of 971' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BF fuck the skinny teen in her little pussy and then in her tigh.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16760' +[241127 15:24:20] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 551' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16760{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:21] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16760 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BF fuck the skinny teen in her little pussy and then in her tigh.mp4;QtyDeleted=38;Count=633 of 971' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blond raped strangled - Tnaflix com-[Force]-640x360P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16783' +[241127 15:24:22] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 552' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16783{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16783 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blond raped strangled - Tnaflix com-[Force]-640x360P.mp4;QtyDeleted=39;Count=635 of 971' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blowjob, brutal sex - hardcore anal sex session for amateur 18 year old American teen girl - AnalMedia.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16788' +[241127 15:24:23] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 553' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16788{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16788 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Blowjob, brutal sex - hardcore anal sex session for amateur 18 year old American teen girl - AnalMedia.mp4;QtyDeleted=40;Count=636 of 971' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Ebony-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Captured woman enemy soldier brutally fucked by paramilitary soldiers - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16799' +[241127 15:24:24] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 554' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16799{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16799 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Captured woman enemy soldier brutally fucked by paramilitary soldiers - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4;QtyDeleted=41;Count=638 of 971' +[241127 15:24:25] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Crazy Teen Anal Sex with Monster Cock Part 2 BBC Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16807' +[241127 15:24:26] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 555' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16807{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16807 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Crazy Teen Anal Sex with Monster Cock Part 2 BBC Porn BBC anal ATM.mp4;QtyDeleted=42;Count=639 of 971' +[241127 15:24:28] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Drunk hot blonde screams and cries while getting abused - skinny anal rape painal.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:29] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31147' +[241127 15:24:30] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 556' +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31147{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31147 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Drunk hot blonde screams and cries while getting abused - skinny anal rape painal.mp4;QtyDeleted=43;Count=640 of 971' +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection hard anal drink russian blonde watch online-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\EROCOM TV - spanish skinny ebony teen anal outdoor-[Latina]-720x480P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16824' +[241127 15:24:32] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 557' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16824{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16824 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\EROCOM TV - spanish skinny ebony teen anal outdoor-[Latina]-720x480P.mp4;QtyDeleted=44;Count=642 of 971' +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Dad Wants To Break Daughters' Addiction To BBCs at DrTuber.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Extra Rare Anal Daisy Marie.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:34] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16834' +[241127 15:24:35] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 558' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16834{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16834 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Extra Rare Anal Daisy Marie.mp4;QtyDeleted=45;Count=644 of 971' +[241127 15:24:36] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Freckled Teen - [tushy] Alaina dawson shy young girl does anal - redhead petite teen anal - 1080p.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16847' +[241127 15:24:37] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 559' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16847{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16847 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Freckled Teen - [tushy] Alaina dawson shy young girl does anal - redhead petite teen anal - 1080p.mp4;QtyDeleted=46;Count=645 of 971' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Hot Teen Juliya Porn Videos.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Japanese forced 2 - uncensored asian rape.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16895' +[241127 15:24:38] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 560' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16895{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16895 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Japanese forced 2 - uncensored asian rape.mp4;QtyDeleted=47;Count=647 of 971' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette busty big boobs wants to get ass-fucked - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Newbie Latina Teen Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Scene With Min Galilea because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Old dude fucks skinny ebony anally interracial anal p1-720x480P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16977' +[241127 15:24:40] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 561' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16977{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16977 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Old dude fucks skinny ebony anally interracial anal p1-720x480P.mp4;QtyDeleted=48;Count=650 of 971' +[241127 15:24:41] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pale girl in a pawn shop - very busty teen.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16986' +[241127 15:24:42] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 562' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16986{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16986 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Pale girl in a pawn shop - very busty teen.mp4;QtyDeleted=49;Count=651 of 971' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Penance lll - rape.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 16988' +[241127 15:24:43] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 563' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_16988{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 16988 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Penance lll - rape.mp4;QtyDeleted=50;Count=652 of 971' +[241127 15:24:44] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shoplyfter Anne Amari - Tnaflix com-720x480P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:45] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17048' +[241127 15:24:46] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 564' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17048{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17048 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shoplyfter Anne Amari - Tnaflix com-720x480P.mp4;QtyDeleted=51;Count=653 of 971' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC Free Porn f6 xHamster.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Skinny teen anal lesson PornTube .mp4'" +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17054' +[241127 15:24:47] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 565' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17054{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17054 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Skinny teen anal lesson PornTube .mp4;QtyDeleted=52;Count=655 of 971' +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Land - Nicole Murkovski - petite teen anal.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:48] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17092' +[241127 15:24:49] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 566' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17092{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17092 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Land - Nicole Murkovski - petite teen anal.mp4;QtyDeleted=53;Count=656 of 971' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl raped by friend trying to help her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tomb Raider - Lara In Trouble - animie rape.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17109' +[241127 15:24:50] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 567' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17109{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17109 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tomb Raider - Lara In Trouble - animie rape.mp4;QtyDeleted=54;Count=658 of 971' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Nikky-720x404P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17118' +[241127 15:24:51] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 568' +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17118{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17118 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Nikky-720x404P.mp4;QtyDeleted=55;Count=659 of 971' +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Novinha fazendo-1280x720P.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:53] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17121' +[241127 15:24:54] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 569' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17121{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17121 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TryTeens-Anal - Novinha fazendo-1280x720P.mp4;QtyDeleted=56;Count=660 of 971' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Two Besties Suffered Horrible Humiliation When 2 Intruders Broke Into Their Home - anal rape.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17127' +[241127 15:24:56] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 570' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17127{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17127 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Two Besties Suffered Horrible Humiliation When 2 Intruders Broke Into Their Home - anal rape.mp4;QtyDeleted=57;Count=661 of 971' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ultra Rare Anal DP Teen Slut Gets Dominated.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17135' +[241127 15:24:58] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:58] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 571' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17135{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17135 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ultra Rare Anal DP Teen Slut Gets Dominated.mp4;QtyDeleted=58;Count=662 of 971' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny - EPORNER.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Go Anal When Shes Drunk - Bing video-[Force]-[Wasted]-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\White stud fucks black cheerleader's asshole - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal BDSM Sex Slave Endures A Rough Anal Fucking 2023 WWWXXX.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\849534519927-852x396P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\[ripherup] Stacy Snake.mp4'" +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17172' +[241127 15:24:59] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:24:59] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 572' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\[ripherup] Stacy Snake.mp4;QtyDeleted=59;Count=668 of 971' +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - skinny teen-[Force]-768x432P.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:00] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17363' +[241127 15:25:01] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:01] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 573' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17363{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17363 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - skinny teen-[Force]-768x432P.mp4;QtyDeleted=60;Count=669 of 971' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - forced collection - LuxureTV.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31157' +[241127 15:25:02] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:02] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 574' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31157{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31157 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - forced collection - LuxureTV.mp4;QtyDeleted=61;Count=670 of 971' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Fitting Jeans On Her Amazing Ass - Amber Hardin - EPORNER.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17181' +[241127 15:25:03] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:03] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 575' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Fitting Jeans On Her Amazing Ass - Amber Hardin - EPORNER.mp4;QtyDeleted=62;Count=671 of 971' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lolly Pop - Hard - Bed + 2 Boys - Sarah Lollypop aka Olga - petite puffy nipples teen anal DP ATM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - 1German School Girls In Pretty Orgy Devon C Xxx Porno Sexy Girl Lolita Russian Dog Fuck Suck Child Pedo Lesbian Animal Sister Brother Masturbating A.avi _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:04] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17207' +[241127 15:25:05] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:05] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 576' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17207{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17207 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - 1German School Girls In Pretty Orgy Devon C Xxx Porno Sexy Girl Lolita Russian Dog Fuck Suck Child Pedo Lesbian Animal Sister Brother Masturbating A.avi _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4;QtyDeleted=63;Count=674 of 971' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Forced sex - Pep 153 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17230' +[241127 15:25:06] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:06] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 577' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17230{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17230 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Forced sex - Pep 153 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4;QtyDeleted=64;Count=675 of 971' +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Russian girlfriend forced - anal rape teen.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:07] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17258' +[241127 15:25:09] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:09] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 578' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17258{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17258 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Russian girlfriend forced - anal rape teen.mp4;QtyDeleted=65;Count=676 of 971' +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - She struggles as he rapes her ass - Long Rape Videos!! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:10] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31158' +[241127 15:25:11] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:11] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 579' +[241127 15:25:12] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31158{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:13] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:13] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:13] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31158 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:13] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - She struggles as he rapes her ass - Long Rape Videos!! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4;QtyDeleted=66;Count=677 of 971' +[241127 15:25:13] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Too Drunk Girl Anal Fucked .mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:13] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17271' +[241127 15:25:14] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:14] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 580' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17271{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17271 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Too Drunk Girl Anal Fucked .mp4 _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4;QtyDeleted=67;Count=678 of 971' +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - First anal casting 18yo carla cage with balls deep anal, gapes and cum on face from mr anderson vg020 watch online-852x480P-[Teen].mp4'" +[241127 15:25:15] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17317' +[241127 15:25:16] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:16] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:17] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 581' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17317{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17317 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - First anal casting 18yo carla cage with balls deep anal, gapes and cum on face from mr anderson vg020 watch online-852x480P-[Teen].mp4;QtyDeleted=68;Count=679 of 971' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip First Anal Casting Vg With Carla Cage because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mr anderson anal casting alexa black welcome to porn with balls deep anal, gapes and cum in mouth gl241 watch online-[CumInMouth]-854x480P.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:18] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17319' +[241127 15:25:19] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:19] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 582' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17319{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17319 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Mr anderson anal casting alexa black welcome to porn with balls deep anal, gapes and cum in mouth gl241 watch online-[CumInMouth]-854x480P.mp4;QtyDeleted=69;Count=681 of 971' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44-576x324P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:20] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02-[Force]-426x240P.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17347' +[241127 15:25:21] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:21] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 583' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17347{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17347 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02-[Force]-426x240P.mp4;QtyDeleted=70;Count=683 of 971' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-1.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-05.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:22] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31172' +[241127 15:25:23] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:23] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:24] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 584' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31172{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31172 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-05.mp4;QtyDeleted=71;Count=685 of 971' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-4-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-06.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:25] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31168' +[241127 15:25:26] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:26] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 585' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31168{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31168 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-06.mp4;QtyDeleted=72;Count=687 of 971' +[241127 15:25:27] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-08.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:28] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31165' +[241127 15:25:29] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 606' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:29] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 586' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31165{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31165 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-08.mp4;QtyDeleted=73;Count=688 of 971' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-6.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:30] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-10.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31170' +[241127 15:25:31] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:31] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 607' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 587' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31170{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31170 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-10.mp4;QtyDeleted=74;Count=690 of 971' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Poor little victim-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-9.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12-[_NoLongerPartOfLibrary]-786x432P.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17351' +[241127 15:25:32] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:32] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:33] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 608' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 588' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17351{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17351 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12-[_NoLongerPartOfLibrary]-786x432P.mp4;QtyDeleted=75;Count=693 of 971' +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:34] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31177' +[241127 15:25:35] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 609' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 589' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31177{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31177 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-12.mp4;QtyDeleted=76;Count=694 of 971' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31181' +[241127 15:25:36] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:36] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 610' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 590' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31181{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31181 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4;QtyDeleted=77;Count=695 of 971' +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15 - anal rape in parking lot.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:37] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17354' +[241127 15:25:38] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:38] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 611' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 591' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17354{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17354 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15 - anal rape in parking lot.mp4;QtyDeleted=78;Count=696 of 971' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-14.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-19.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:39] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31185' +[241127 15:25:40] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 612' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:40] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 592' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31185{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31185 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-19.mp4;QtyDeleted=79;Count=699 of 971' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-20.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31182' +[241127 15:25:41] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:41] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 613' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 593' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31182{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31182 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-20.mp4;QtyDeleted=80;Count=700 of 971' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31175' +[241127 15:25:42] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:42] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 614' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 594' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31175{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31175 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4;QtyDeleted=81;Count=701 of 971' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-45.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-16.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-34.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:43] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31187' +[241127 15:25:44] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 615' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:44] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 595' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31187{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31187 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30.mp4;QtyDeleted=82;Count=706 of 971' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31197' +[241127 15:25:45] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:45] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 616' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 596' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31197{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31197 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4;QtyDeleted=83;Count=707 of 971' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-35.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31191' +[241127 15:25:46] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:46] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 617' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 597' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31191{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31191 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-35.mp4;QtyDeleted=84;Count=708 of 971' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-26.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:47] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 31202' +[241127 15:25:48] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 618' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:48] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 598' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_31202{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 31202 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48.mp4;QtyDeleted=85;Count=710 of 971' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Russ - Russian, Gangbang, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - anal gangbang russian-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x432P.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17357' +[241127 15:25:49] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 619' +[241127 15:25:49] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 599' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17357{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17357 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - anal gangbang russian-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x432P.mp4;QtyDeleted=86;Count=713 of 971' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\raped in the ass - milf anal-654x480P.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17368' +[241127 15:25:50] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:50] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 620' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 600' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17368{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17368 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\raped in the ass - milf anal-654x480P.mp4;QtyDeleted=87;Count=714 of 971' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shut Up + Open Your Legs Bitch! Vol. 10 - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Fucking Skinny Teen.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Atriz novata esculachada no DP - N\xe3o Aguentou, Novatas, Novata Gostosa Porn - SpankBang.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:51] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17378' +[241127 15:25:52] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 621' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:52] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 601' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17378{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17378 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Atriz novata esculachada no DP - N\xe3o Aguentou, Novatas, Novata Gostosa Porn - SpankBang.mp4;QtyDeleted=88;Count=717 of 971' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch First time anal - First Time Anal, Anal Sex, Doggystyle Anal Porn - real painal teen.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17385' +[241127 15:25:53] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:53] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 622' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 602' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17385{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17385 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch First time anal - First Time Anal, Anal Sex, Doggystyle Anal Porn - real painal teen.mp4;QtyDeleted=89;Count=718 of 971' +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch HER LIMIT - Petite Ukrainian Babe Megan Venturi Gets Anal Destruction From BBC - FULL MOVIE - Her Limit, Ukrainian, Megan Venturi Porn - SpankBang.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17397' +[241127 15:25:54] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:54] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 623' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 603' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17397{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:55] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17397 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch HER LIMIT - Petite Ukrainian Babe Megan Venturi Gets Anal Destruction From BBC - FULL MOVIE - Her Limit, Ukrainian, Megan Venturi Porn - SpankBang.mp4;QtyDeleted=90;Count=719 of 971' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1446] INF: "Deleting duplicate 'B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch - Meet & Fuck Slutty Singles Who Lives In Your Area - Anal, Teen, Blonde Porn - SpankBang.mp4'" +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 17407' +[241127 15:25:56] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:56] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1724] INF: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1729] INF: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1747] INF: 'styleSetting = .ID_17407{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 17407 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1456] DBG: 'destroyScene result=True for file B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch - Meet & Fuck Slutty Singles Who Lives In Your Area - Anal, Teen, Blonde Porn - SpankBang.mp4;QtyDeleted=91;Count=720 of 971' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Amateur Anal Attempts #10 _ Amateur - M68 - XFREEHD.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\[] Tight Ass Painal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\NEW - MILLIE MELROSE, Exploited Anal. 100621. Casting - T94 .mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chilling Out In The Forest Turns Into Horror - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Daisy Wtbc Free Funny & Daisy Porn Video 57 - xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-340x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damaged Goods.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dark-haired Cunt Raped Hard by Dominant Stud MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Throat and Pussy Fuck For Brunette Teen -[Force]-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #8 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Stepsis - Step Sister, Step Brother, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-[Force]-[Wasted]-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls Found Sleeping Drunk On The Street Gets Gangbanged By Local Scum - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Fucked in the Ass - Only Anal, Rough Anal, Shaved Pussy Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ebony chick, Jada Doll always fucks her way out of trouble, when-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please don't fuck my ass by assessor - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Girl 53 - Eveline Dellai - anal orgy-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploited 18 Compilation Pmv by Dimecum, Porn f0 xHamster xH-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Quest - Ellie Black Amateur - M78 - XFREEHD-[ATM]-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Asses Anal Fuck Hurts A Lot - anal painal ATM-480x272P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\School For Dead Girls - 1972 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\For his first casting he unloads in his ass - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\freckles - Bing video-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\Gunpoint rape - Tnaflix com-720x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest 20 10 22 amalia davis 1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Laura Dickens - busty-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Love - Atm Extravaganza With With Carolina Sweets, Lina Sweet And Layla Love[Anal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Raped mature woman - video-[Force]-490x366P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosstep-mom-with-big-boobs-get-to-fuck-with-two-guys-4104594-[Busty]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch MyDirtyNovels Compilation - FFM Threesome Anal & Cumsh-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny shy Teen tricked to First Time Assfuck by Step brothe-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Redheaded teen with freckles and red pubic hair sucks cock - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pain anal buttplug before Sex - Video - Free Porn Videos -[Painal]-1096x616P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal Compilation Free Anal Anal Porn Video bc - xHamster xHamster.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Girl Seduced to Anal Sex by Classmate During... xHams-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite geizer - very skinny anal ATM-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - XVIDEOS.COM-374x280P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please Stop!-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape-[Busty, Force, Vintage].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\my sister anal super MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\b\\olimpia brunette hottie ass fucked - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley Reid anal hardcore pizza girl-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp - AbsoluPorn - Le sexe brutal ca la fait monter au septi\xe8me ciel - anal ATM rape-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rita Faltoyano - Clip And Anastasia Mistress Anal Piss Drinking Vk because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck teen 18+ Carola -[Force]-[ATM].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Teen Anal RapeXXX Gf Porn-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-512x368P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rougher than she expected MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Anal Teen Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opal because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen nelya small s first anal sex - BEST XXX TUBE-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen anal in a car - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0447\u043a\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0439 \u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u0440\u044e\u043d\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0443-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\ryder rey don't tell my parents i assfuck ed the babysitter - anal-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Blonde Gets Her First Anal Experience because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy step Mom Anally Rides Best Friends Fat Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shes too cute I jump her and screw her! Vol 1 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shelly trys out-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shy Ebony Teen Fucks In Her Parents Bedroom because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Free Funny & Shyla Porn Video 9c - xHamster xHamster.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by d. and to her first As-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Amateur Anal Fucking-576x326P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\TUSHY My girlfriend and I love to gape - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny teen Izzy Lush loses her anal virginity - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Sophie Traxler - Gonzo First Time Anal On Cam Anal - W86 - X-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Step Sister 18 Seduce To Anal Defloration Sex By Big Cock at DrTuber-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take a big cock in their asse-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alita Angel - anal casting - very skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-852x400P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\rough groupsex XXX hornyporn sexfuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - 18yo babyfaced litte Kendall \u2013 PornXP.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Brutal anal sex for goth teen.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\high class student escorts scene 2 540p watch online - because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Anal Casting - EPORNER.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Eighteen Year Old Casting and First Anal.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\200990_480p.mp4-270x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\713995258619-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A bitch violently fucked by a half-breed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\867065727538-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A black guy rips off her pantyhose before fucking her wildly - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette sauvagement sodomis\xe9e - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle aime le sexe extr\xeame et la sodomie - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il arrache les v\xeatements de cette actrice x pour mieux lui p\xe9n\xe9trer la rondelle - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il d\xe9fonce le cul d'une brune en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Pornstar hard ass fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Anal]-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Wendy harper gets her pussy slammed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #10 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Bitch Knocked Out and Raped by Burglar MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Passed Out]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hurt the Hunnies Hard MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal - skinny teen puffy nipples.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\d\\abuse painal - Free porn movies-[Force]-444x250P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills' tight asian ass stretched to the max by a BBC in-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Un black baise une lyc\xe9enne en sodomie et l'am\xe8ne \xe0 l'orgasme et jouit dans sa bouche xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Threesome with Two Beautiful Teen Girls xHamste anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal all the Time 18 Yr Old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie xHamster.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Y-Fatties (VanessaValerieVal) - Teen, Fatties, Babe - busty anal teen-[Amateur]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Real Virgin Defloration Painful, Pain Missionary Sex Compila-[Anal]-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - Amateur Anal Teen - EPORNER.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Big Tit Enjoys Anal \u2013 Busty Clary - very busty-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic German Anal Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-[Vintage]-448x336P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin FFM Hardcore Frolics Anal - S04 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cunts fuck to the song hands up (porn anal oral blowjob students orgasm cp sex erotic sperm virgin)) watch online-[Busty]-[Teen]-426x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo Brunette Teen with Natural Tits gets the Tip xHam-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Destiny Love Anal - T01 - XFREEHD-638x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Fucked Hard In Ass - Susana Melo - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection FOO foo-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\Home Intrusion - rape-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\e\\hardcore gangrape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Happy Birthday to You- Girlfriend, Free Porn 91 xHamster xHamster-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-638x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany dit joyeux anniversaire \xe0 Blackzilla avec un peu d'amour anal xHamster.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny Teen Gets Her Ass Tore Up - anal puffy nipples teen ATM-[DP]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Asian Girl Takes a BBC up the Ass, Porn 3b skinny anal.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Talk Dirty To Me 3 [Pogovori so mnoyu gryazno 3] (1984) \u2014 Daft-618x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Stephanie E - Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mout - Uporni-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Bad Guys Brutalizing A Kidnapped Teen At The Freeway - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Maniacs Picked From The Road Bondage And Fucked Redhead - rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Women Forcedsex By Three Boys - very busty FFMMM because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3-01 - anal ATM BBC FFM blonds skinny.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une lesbienne d\xe9tenue, punition anale xHamster-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal defloration!The most painful ANAL CREAMPIE E-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Anal Compilation, Free American Dad Anal Porn Video x.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - Chess And Gape With Two Men - petite very skinny teen anal DP.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Whitney Wtbc Free Black Porn Video 60 - xHamster xHamster.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Yessica bunny gets her first anal with ed juniors huge cock ye (28 10 2020) - very skinny petite teen anal ATM.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Banana Tits - There are amateur and professional HD videos free porn movie \U0001f336\ufe0f.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Pussy Fucked and Creampied While She is Drunk - rape.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teenyplayground - Fisted Busty Teen Anal Fucked by Older Man-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Reverse gang bang for a lucky man - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Medical Fuckers - Medical Fuckers, Fetish, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Sleep]-480x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - rough anal sex and gape for skinny teen girl (Lana Conti) -[ATM]-[AssTeenMouth]-[Force]-[Tryteens]-720x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Anal for 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty Nika Bride with Perfect Natural Body, Gapes and Cum on Mouth \u2013 xxdbx-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape fantasy rape section gri ret 007 -[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0417\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b \u0436\u0435\u043d\u0443 \u0435\u0431\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0441 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f\u043c\u0438 wife forced to hard sex with husbands friend and enjoy it [\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u043a\u0438 \u0438\u043d\u0446\u0435\u0441\u0442 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043c\u0438\u043b\u0444 \u0444\u0443\u043b\u043b watch online.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally For Cumshot - Lucie Wilde - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Blondie Forced Fucked By Best Friend in short blue skirt on couch -[Busty]-536x428P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Stunning Blonde Babe Sara Opens Her Backdoor For A Huge Black With Sara Bell And Freddy Gong - skinny petite 21Yo anal BBC-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Atm, Ava -[Anal]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Japanese anal - Anal Planet-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sleeping Girl Wakes Up When She is Fucked by Her Daddy - rape-[Force]-[Passed Out]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Slim Slam! - Rosa Mentoni anal very skinny-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Molested On The Way To School-[Asian]-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief In The House... - Roxy Bell - rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Skinny Milf Get Anal From Big Black Cock because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0438\u043b \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u0443\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0437\u043e\u0439 \u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u044f-[Force]-588x392P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Proper ladies fallen into bad and dirty traps Vol. 13 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puffy nipples doing solo dildo live streaming-1188x668P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal Defloration- Galinka Nagymellu Losing Her Anal Virginit _ Anal - T15-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Redhead Sister In A Threesome Forced Sex Orgy - rape.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruuz Anal Sex - very busty anal ebony-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) uncut - very busty rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) full movie - very busty rape.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: "Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Drilling Maia Little's Bunghole \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip." +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Ros@lyn.5phinx.First.BBC.Anal - Ir, Bbc, Anal Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 ( The Last Of Us ) - Animated Video Porn Ep.3 _ Hentai - W91-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - ANAL ANGEL \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal teen angel Netta \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Denisa \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Katrina watch online-854x480P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latifa Casting - XVIDEOS.COM-556x414P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills In 19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched To The Max-[Latina]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Nataly Lopez Anal Hurts Teen - W51 - XFREEHD-[Casting]-[Force]-[Latina]-640x360P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection - LuxureTV-50-768x432P-[Force].mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1378] DBG: 'Skipping file B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4 because it does not start with b:\\v\\v\\tip.' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1460] DBG: '#####################################################' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1461] INF: 'QtyDup=971, QtyClearedTags=0, QtySetGraylistTag=0, QtyDeleted=91, QtyFailedQuery=0' +[241127 15:25:57] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 50 +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1970] DBG: 'applyCombo EXIT' +[241127 15:25:57] [LN:1983] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:28:52] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:28:52] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 9167 and 3988' +[241127 15:28:53] [LN:1806] INF: 'copyScene complete for scene 9167 and 3988' +[241127 15:28:53] [LN:1983] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9167:3988', 'mode': 'copyScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = copyScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=copyScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:30:54] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 9167 and 3988' +[241127 15:30:54] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 1468 +[241127 15:30:54] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 1282 +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:1806] INF: 'copyScene complete for scene 9167 and 3988' +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:1915] DBG: 'copyScene EXIT' +[241127 15:30:54] [LN:1983] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9167:3988', 'mode': 'copyScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = copyScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=copyScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:33:00] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 9167 and 3988' +[241127 15:33:00] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 1468 +[241127 15:33:00] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 1282 +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:1797] DBG: 'Coping file B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitchy Cheerleader Taught a Lesson with Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-852x480P.mp4 to B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stuck-up Cheerleader gets raped -Natalie Norton-[Force]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:1807] INF: 'copyScene complete for scene 9167 and 3988' +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:1916] DBG: 'copyScene EXIT' +[241127 15:33:00] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9167:remove all flags', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:33:39] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 9167 and remove all flags' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1910] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 15:33:39] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9167:remove all flags', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:33:44] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 9167 and remove all flags' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:44] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1910] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 15:33:45] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '30592:yellow highlight', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:34:25] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 30592 and yellow highlight' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 624' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:25] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 626' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:yellow;} for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 604' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_30592{background-color:yellow;}\n' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1910] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 15:34:26] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '30592:remove all flags', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:34:31] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 30592 and remove all flags' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 625' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 627' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property for scene 30592 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 605' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1910] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 15:34:31] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '1:0.90', 'mode': 'create_duplicate_report_task'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = create_duplicate_report_task; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=create_duplicate_report_task), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:34:57] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:811] TRACE: 'duplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_1' +[241127 15:34:57] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 346 +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:813] TRACE: 'dupTagId=7 name=_DuplicateMarkForDeletion_1' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:467] TRACE: 'Adding tag duplicateWhitelistTag = _DuplicateWhitelistFile' +[241127 15:34:57] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 368 +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:470] TRACE: 'dupWhitelistTagId=2 name=_DuplicateWhitelistFile' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:475] TRACE: 'Adding tag excludeDupFileDeleteTag = _ExcludeDuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:34:57] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 388 +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:478] TRACE: 'dupWhitelistTagId=3 name=_ExcludeDuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:836] INF: '#########################################################################' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:837] TRACE: '#########################################################################' +[241127 15:34:57] [LN:838] INF: 'Waiting for find_duplicate_scenes_diff to return results; matchDupDistance=High Match; significantTimeDiff=0.9' +[241127 15:35:04] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 None +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:846] TRACE: '#########################################################################' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:847] INF: 'Found 912 duplicate sets...' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1579] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1586] INF: 'Deleting file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1583] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_10.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:877] TRACE: "Scene = {'id': '9070', 'tags': [{'id': '11', 'name': 'Anal', 'ignore_auto_tag': False}], 'groups': [], 'performers': [], 'galleries': [], 'files': [{'path': 'B:\\\\V\\\\V\\\\0\\\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin Sister to Fuck her Tight Assho-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4', 'width': 1920, 'height': 1080, 'duration': 1257.78, 'size': 425534334, 'video_codec': 'h264', 'bit_rate': 2706577, 'frame_rate': 25}], 'details': '', 'code': '', 'director': '', 'title': '', 'rating100': None, 'date': None, 'studio': None, 'urls': [], 'paths': {'screenshot': '', 'sprite': '', 'preview': ''}}" +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9070, ID=9070 duration=(1257.78), Size=(425534334), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin Sister to Fuck her Tight Assho-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin Sister to Fuck her Tight Assho-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9070, ID=15304 duration=(1257.78), Size=(425398434), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XN-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin Sister to Fuck her Tight Assho-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15304 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XN-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2705703 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\0\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin Sister to Fuck her Tight Assho-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2706577' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1052] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big Dick Step Bro talk Virgin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XN-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion with tag _DuplicateMarkForDeletion_1' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14570, ID=14570 duration=(1267.44), Size=(201282372), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Wonda (aka Donatella) - Mocked poor Redhead - Hard Sex - rape-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Wonda (aka Donatella) - Mocked poor Redhead - Hard Sex - rape-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:940] ERR: 'Scene does NOT exist; path=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitch forced by two burglars - busty rape-536x428P.mp4; ID=9155' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9155 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitch forced by two burglars - busty rape-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=4;Set=2 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=2' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9167, ID=9167 duration=(1108.96), Size=(141707039), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitchy Cheerleader Taught a Lesson with Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitchy Cheerleader Taught a Lesson with Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitchy Cheerleader Taught a Lesson with Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stuck-up Cheerleader gets raped -Natalie Norton-[Force]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3988, ID=3988 duration=(1109), Size=(64959853), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stuck-up Cheerleader gets raped -Natalie Norton-[Force]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stuck-up Cheerleader gets raped -Natalie Norton-[Force]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9167 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bitchy Cheerleader Taught a Lesson with Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=6;Set=3 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=3' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9205, ID=9205 duration=(721.98), Size=(69704374), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Black Teen Rough Anal Gangbanged, Free Porn 5a xHamster xHamster-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Black Teen Rough Anal Gangbanged, Free Porn 5a xHamster xHamster-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9205, ID=30592 duration=(687.66), Size=(66158757), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\skinny ebony teen first time anal bukkake orgy - Tubesafari com-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Black Teen Rough Anal Gangbanged, Free Porn 5a xHamster xHamster-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30592 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\skinny ebony teen first time anal bukkake orgy - Tubesafari com-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=8;Set=4 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14890, ID=14890 duration=(1454.12), Size=(80462934), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14890, ID=9294 duration=(1454.05), Size=(80377288), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9294 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4=442224 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4=442675' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blond Angela Stone rides dick till it comes then licks all the cum - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=10;Set=5 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=5' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9344, ID=9344 duration=(2865.51), Size=(465039351), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Skinny Secretary MILF gets Anal from Big Black Cock xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Skinny Secretary MILF gets Anal from Big Black Cock xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9344, ID=9341 duration=(2865.67), Size=(434724140), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Skinny Secretary Milf Gets Anal From Big Black Cock, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Skinny Secretary MILF gets Anal from Big Black Cock xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9341 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Skinny Secretary Milf Gets Anal From Big Black Cock for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=12;Set=6 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=6' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9340, ID=9340 duration=(630.06), Size=(59168294), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Stepsister Brutally Fucked By Her Stepbrother -[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Stepsister Brutally Fucked By Her Stepbrother -[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9340, ID=13219 duration=(630.08), Size=(50709904), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde Stepsister Brutally Fucked By Her Stepbrother -[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13219 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=14;Set=7 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=7' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14891, ID=14891 duration=(1101.23), Size=(61323286), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14891, ID=9407 duration=(1101.17), Size=(61254639), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9407 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4=445015 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4=445490' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonde with pretty face and perky tits was gone up the old dirt road - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=16;Set=8 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=8' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15349, ID=15349 duration=(3069.7), Size=(169213460), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blondes do it better TS-11-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blondes do it better TS-11-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15349, ID=9408 duration=(3069.68), Size=(61353513), Res=(408 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blondes do it better TS-11-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-408x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blondes do it better TS-11-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9408 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blondes do it better TS-11-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-408x272P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=18;Set=9 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=9' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9620, ID=9620 duration=(1094.37), Size=(125589897), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brutal Domination of a Street Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brutal Domination of a Street Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9620, ID=9417 duration=(1094.38), Size=(60347074), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonds are better - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brutal Domination of a Street Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9417 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Blonds are better - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=20;Set=10 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=10' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26417, ID=26417 duration=(360.03), Size=(102416584), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teen Gets Extreme Painal Ass To Throat - anal painal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teen Gets Extreme Painal Ass To Throat - anal painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26417, ID=9436 duration=(360.05), Size=(59492731), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bootleg and Jay D fuck her ass deep and hard deep in her thr-[Anal]-[Painal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teen Gets Extreme Painal Ass To Throat - anal painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9436 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bootleg and Jay D fuck her ass deep and hard deep in her thr-[Anal]-[Painal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1321882 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teen Gets Extreme Painal Ass To Throat - anal painal-1280x720P.mp4=2275715' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bootleg and Jay D fuck her ass deep and hard deep in her thr-[Anal]-[Painal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=22;Set=11 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=11' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9449, ID=9449 duration=(449.16), Size=(44994177), Res=(640 x 322) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound Slut Painal-640x322P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound Slut Painal-640x322P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound Slut Painal-640x322P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Bound Submissive Painal Deep Throat Anal - Pornhubcom-[Deepthroat]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x322 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2109, ID=2109 duration=(449.24), Size=(35564295), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Bound Submissive Painal Deep Throat Anal - Pornhubcom-[Deepthroat]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Bound Submissive Painal Deep Throat Anal - Pornhubcom-[Deepthroat]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9449 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound Slut Painal-640x322P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=24;Set=12 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=12' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12971, ID=12971 duration=(375.72), Size=(25629730), Res=(544 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Poor Girl Gets Anal Raped By Insane Guy -[Force]-544x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Poor Girl Gets Anal Raped By Insane Guy -[Force]-544x320P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Poor Girl Gets Anal Raped By Insane Guy -[Force]-544x320P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound and Fucked - Pornhubcom-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 544x320 < 544x408' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9450, ID=9450 duration=(375.92), Size=(21968004), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound and Fucked - Pornhubcom-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bound and Fucked - Pornhubcom-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12971 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Poor Girl Gets Anal Raped By Insane Guy -[Force]-544x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=26;Set=13 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=13' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4228, ID=4228 duration=(1844.18), Size=(598806725), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Diana Wells-1280x720P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Diana Wells-1280x720P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4228, ID=9464 duration=(1844.64), Size=(123459044), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Boyfriend Roughs Up Girlfriend free HD Porn Video - SpankBang-480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Diana Wells-1280x720P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9464 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Boyfriend Roughs Up Girlfriend free HD Porn Video - SpankBang-480x270P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=28;Set=14 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=14' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13507, ID=13507 duration=(1498.52), Size=(120938447), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal -' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal - with B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brazilian Horny Anal #3 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 554x416' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9484, ID=9484 duration=(1500.8), Size=(82853671), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brazilian Horny Anal #3 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brazilian Horny Anal #3 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brazilian Horny Anal #3 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 554x416 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1762, ID=1762 duration=(1500.76), Size=(101442262), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13507 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brazilian Teen Painful Anal - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=31;Set=15 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=15' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9484 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brazilian Horny Anal #3 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=31;Set=15 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=16' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24167, ID=24167 duration=(899.03), Size=(150519361), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Spitting Lollypop - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Spitting Lollypop - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24167, ID=30609 duration=(899.08), Size=(149071847), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Bride fuck - Teen, Blowjob, Cumshot Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Spitting Lollypop - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24167, ID=9507 duration=(899.01), Size=(55726628), Res=(582 x 388) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bride Gets Brutal Present-[Force]-582x388P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Spitting Lollypop - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30609 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Bride fuck - Teen, Blowjob, Cumshot Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4=1326444 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Spitting Lollypop - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4=1339394' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Bride fuck - Teen, Blowjob, Cumshot Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=34;Set=16 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=17' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9507 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\Bride Gets Brutal Present-[Force]-582x388P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=34;Set=16 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=18' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9539, ID=9539 duration=(294.36), Size=(46132626), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brokenteens Anal Compilation, Free Porn Video 83 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brokenteens Anal Compilation, Free Porn Video 83 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9539, ID=15374 duration=(294.36), Size=(46109177), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\BrokenTeens Anal Compilation -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Brokenteens Anal Compilation, Free Porn Video 83 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15374 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\BrokenTeens Anal Compilation - v.s. 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Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32004, ID=32004 duration=(1687.56), Size=(136993356), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\FAQ - SkinnyAnal1 First Anal - painal-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\FAQ - SkinnyAnal1 First Anal - painal-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9639 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\FAQ - SkinnyAnal1 First Anal - painal-[Anal].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=48;Set=23 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=25' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8648, ID=8648 duration=(1677.5), Size=(271010253), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Zoey - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - BBC anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Zoey - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - BBC anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8648, ID=28733 duration=(1677.08), Size=(67128088), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosanal-invasion-772348-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\Zoey - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - BBC anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28733 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosanal-invasion-772348-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=50;Set=24 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=26' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9640, ID=9640 duration=(1086.72), Size=(173907310), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\[PKF Studios] The Rape of Nickey Huntsman - watch videos onl-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\[PKF Studios] The Rape of Nickey Huntsman - watch videos onl-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9640, ID=14400 duration=(1086.67), Size=(83619324), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\The Rape of Nickey Huntsman \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\[PKF Studios] The Rape of Nickey Huntsman - watch videos onl-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14400 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\The Rape of Nickey Huntsman \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=52;Set=25 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=27' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25787, ID=25787 duration=(1652.52), Size=(162838970), Res=(720 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 19 21 sextury 2021 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 19 21 sextury 2021 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25787, ID=9666 duration=(1653.12), Size=(114262347), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\analteenangels 20 02 23 renata fox the boss slutty daughter watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 19 21 sextury 2021 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9666 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\analteenangels 20 02 23 renata fox the boss slutty daughter watch online - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=54;Set=26 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=28' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15126, ID=15126 duration=(1536.7), Size=(118542730), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Kittina Ivory - After School Delight-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Kittina Ivory - After School Delight-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15126, ID=9670 duration=(1536.07), Size=(115669705), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\analteenangels 20 10 18 kittina 1080p watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Kittina Ivory - After School Delight-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9670 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. 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skinny ebony analx-730x562P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\babydoll anal - skinny ebony analx-730x562P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13118, ID=9724 duration=(1934.24), Size=(114621049), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\babydoll anal - XNXX.COM-542x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\babydoll anal - skinny ebony analx-730x562P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9724 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\babydoll anal - XNXX.COM-542x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=67;Set=32 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=35' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16335, ID=16335 duration=(445.79), Size=(39933882), Res=(774 x 528) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\barely legal 2 - anal-[BarelyLegal]-774x528P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\barely legal 2 - anal-[BarelyLegal]-774x528P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16335, ID=9729 duration=(445.64), Size=(26581601), Res=(574 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\barely legal 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[BarelyLegal]-574x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\barely legal 2 - anal-[BarelyLegal]-774x528P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 9729 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\0\\barely legal 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[BarelyLegal]-574x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=69;Set=33 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=36' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9734, ID=9734 duration=(1142.93), Size=(135253998), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\0\\bat reg 011 wmv xl 01 rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\bat reg 011 wmv xl 01 rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9734, ID=15339 duration=(1155.96), Size=(111177402), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Forced By 2 Russian Men -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\0\\bat reg 011 wmv xl 01 rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15339 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Forced By 2 Russian Men - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=71;Set=34 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=37' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9835, ID=9835 duration=(4794.97), Size=(3107653359), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TRA180523 - Riley Reid - anal petite skinny-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TRA180523 - Riley Reid - anal petite skinny-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9835, ID=20786 duration=(4795.09), Size=(767038980), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley reid & mike adriano-[Anal]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TRA180523 - Riley Reid - anal petite skinny-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20786 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley reid & mike adriano-[Anal]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=73;Set=35 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=38' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28318, ID=28318 duration=(924.17), Size=(45560811), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen first bbc anal - Bbc Anal, Anal Teen - anal real painal BBC FFM-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen first bbc anal - Bbc Anal, Anal Teen - anal real painal BBC FFM-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen first bbc anal - Bbc Anal, Anal Teen - anal real painal BBC FFM-480x360P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\TRAILERPARK MOM TEACHERS DAUGHTER ABOUT BBC ANAL - Free Porn Cliphunter-[FFM]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-[Teen]-480x360P.mp4=29.97' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen first bbc anal - Bbc Anal, Anal Teen - anal real painal BBC FFM-480x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\1\\TRAILERPARK MOM TEACHERS DAUGHTER ABOUT BBC ANAL - Free Porn Cliphunter-[FFM]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-[Teen]-480x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 394394, 24 : h264, 273103, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9802, ID=9802 duration=(924.06), Size=(31545576), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TRAILERPARK MOM TEACHERS DAUGHTER ABOUT BBC ANAL - Free Porn Cliphunter-[FFM]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-[Teen]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TRAILERPARK MOM TEACHERS DAUGHTER ABOUT BBC ANAL - Free Porn Cliphunter-[FFM]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-[Teen]-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28318 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen first bbc anal - Bbc Anal, Anal Teen - anal real painal BBC FFM-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=75;Set=36 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=39' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9895, ID=9895 duration=(797.88), Size=(488429184), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TUSHY Riley Reid First Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TUSHY Riley Reid First Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=9895, ID=13071 duration=(797.89), Size=(137994973), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Riley Reid First Anal -960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\TUSHY Riley Reid First Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13071 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Riley Reid First Anal -960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=77;Set=37 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=40' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10031, ID=10031 duration=(1140.15), Size=(110055201), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation, Porn 1a xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation, Porn 1a xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation, Porn 1a xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation, Porn 1a xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 772214, 24 : av1, 582260, 24' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26571, ID=26571 duration=(1140.19), Size=(82986071), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10031 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Ass to Mouth Compilation, Porn 1a xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=79;Set=38 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=41' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10036, ID=10036 duration=(1410.43), Size=(229493177), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Atogm Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute Porn 70 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Atogm Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute Porn 70 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Atogm Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute Porn 70 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate ATOGM Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Atogm Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute Porn 70 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate ATOGM Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1301690, 30 : av1, 1285935, 30' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26575, ID=26575 duration=(1410.43), Size=(226715491), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate ATOGM Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Ultimate ATOGM Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10036 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\The Ultimate Atogm Compilation 4 - Cream Tribute Porn 70 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=81;Set=39 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=42' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10049, ID=10049 duration=(1237.25), Size=(420380427), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The best Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass to Mouth Facials-[ATM]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The best Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass to Mouth Facials-[ATM]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\The best Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass to Mouth Facials-[ATM]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=23.98 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - The Best Teen Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass To Mouth Facials - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\The best Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass to Mouth Facials-[ATM]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - The Best Teen Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass To Mouth Facials - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2718155, 23.98 : h264, 2703714, 25' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16640, ID=16640 duration=(1237.42), Size=(418205481), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - The Best Teen Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass To Mouth Facials - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - The Best Teen Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass To Mouth Facials - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16640, ID=26421 duration=(1237.21), Size=(161991935), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teen anal compilation (abella danger, kyler quinn, emily wil-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - The Best Teen Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass To Mouth Facials - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10049 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\The best Anal Compilation - Anal Creampies, Gaping & Ass to Mouth Facials-[ATM]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=84;Set=40 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=43' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26421 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teen anal compilation (abella danger, kyler quinn, emily wil-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=84;Set=40 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=44' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10063, ID=10063 duration=(2083.6), Size=(704427407), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10063, ID=26589 duration=(2083.62), Size=(704201610), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26589 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2703758 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704655' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\The cute teen with the big boobs is an anal addict - XNXX.CO-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=86;Set=41 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=45' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10075, ID=10075 duration=(520.64), Size=(48868833), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The parking lot of fucked -[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The parking lot of fucked -[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10075, ID=26567 duration=(526.63), Size=(35429494), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Parking Lot of Fucked - MILF[Force]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\The parking lot of fucked -[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26567 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Parking Lot of Fucked - MILF[Force]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=88;Set=42 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=46' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10145, ID=10145 duration=(3032.28), Size=(165592736), Res=(586 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10145, ID=26585 duration=(3032.3), Size=(165267190), Res=(586 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26585 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4=436017 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4=436879' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot blondes taking a cock in the ass TS-8-01 - XVIDEOS-586x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=90;Set=43 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=47' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10146, ID=10146 duration=(2999.04), Size=(165670564), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot chicks and two guys with big dicks fucking on a co-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot chicks and two guys with big dicks fucking on a co-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10146, ID=26586 duration=(2999.06), Size=(165345988), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot girls and two guys with big cocks fucking on a cou-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot chicks and two guys with big dicks fucking on a co-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26586 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot girls and two guys with big cocks fucking on a cou-588x392P.mp4=441060 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three hot chicks and two guys with big dicks fucking on a co-588x392P.mp4=441929' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three hot girls and two guys with big cocks fucking on a cou-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=92;Set=44 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=48' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10153, ID=10153 duration=(2256.49), Size=(124641218), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10153, ID=26591 duration=(2256.5), Size=(124398766), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - X-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26591 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - X-588x392P.mp4=441032 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=441893' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Three sexy girls fucked in the ass by a big cock WK-7-04 - X-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=94;Set=45 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=49' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14916, ID=14916 duration=(2489.32), Size=(137245482), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Tres sexys jovencitas tomando una gran polla en sus culos TS-10-01 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Tres sexys jovencitas tomando una gran polla en sus culos TS-10-01 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14916, ID=10150 duration=(2489.3), Size=(49767539), Res=(408 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three sexy young chicks taking a big cock in their asses TS-[Teen]-408x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Tres sexys jovencitas tomando una gran polla en sus culos TS-10-01 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10150 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Three sexy young chicks taking a big cock in their asses TS-[Teen]-408x272P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=96;Set=46 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=50' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10198, ID=10198 duration=(2188.43), Size=(1105909134), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Throated and Ass Fucked Teen Slut gets it in Her Ass xHamster-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Throated and Ass Fucked Teen Slut gets it in Her Ass xHamster-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10198, ID=11346 duration=(2188.44), Size=(575609491), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch slim glrl - Anal, Teen, Teen (18+) Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Throated and Ass Fucked Teen Slut gets it in Her Ass xHamster-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11346 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch slim glrl - Anal, Teen, Teen (18+) Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=98;Set=47 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=51' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17104, ID=17104 duration=(421.82), Size=(68711216), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tight Cheerleader Fucked Hard By Her Teacher - XVIDEOS COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tight Cheerleader Fucked Hard By Her Teacher - XVIDEOS COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17104, ID=10202 duration=(421.8), Size=(39784663), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tight Cheerleader Fucked Hard By Her Teacher - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tight Cheerleader Fucked Hard By Her Teacher - XVIDEOS COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10202 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tight Cheerleader Fucked Hard By Her Teacher - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=100;Set=48 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=52' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26600, ID=26600 duration=(1449.67), Size=(80298264), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - Briana Banks - very skinny teen anal-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - Briana Banks - very skinny teen anal-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26600, ID=10220 duration=(1449.65), Size=(80206356), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - Briana Banks - very skinny teen anal-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10220 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny].mp4=442624 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - Briana Banks - very skinny teen anal-554x416P.mp4=443124' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tight ass cheerleader fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=102;Set=49 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=53' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10247, ID=10247 duration=(718.13), Size=(102517539), Res=(1038 x 584) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Anal Russian Teen, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Anal Russian Teen' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10247, ID=10249 duration=(718.17), Size=(69332544), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Anal Russian Teen, Free Xshare Teen (18+) Porn Video e9-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Anal Russian Teen' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10249 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Anal Russian Teen, Free Xshare Teen (18+) Porn Video e9-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=104;Set=50 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=54' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10251, ID=10251 duration=(1422.94), Size=(98533875), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Argentina Teen Painful Anal facial-480x360P-[Petite].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Argentina Teen Painful Anal facial-480x360P-[Petite].mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Argentina Teen Painful Anal facial-480x360P-[Petite].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\548x406 - Petite Argentinian Teen Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-548x406P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x360 < 548x406' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14889, ID=14889 duration=(1423.13), Size=(83932315), Res=(548 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\548x406 - Petite Argentinian Teen Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-548x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\548x406 - Petite Argentinian Teen Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-548x406P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10251 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Argentina Teen Painful Anal facial-480x360P-[Petite].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=106;Set=51 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=55' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26633, ID=26633 duration=(410.18), Size=(66869996), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity gets fucked with a huge cock - skinny blond anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity gets fucked with a huge cock - skinny blond anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity gets fucked with a huge cock - skinny blond anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Redhead Chick Takes 11 Inches Of Black Meat - Fuqer-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4=29.97' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity gets fucked with a huge cock - skinny blond anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Redhead Chick Takes 11 Inches Of Black Meat - Fuqer-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1304198, 25 : h264, 564243, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10269, ID=10269 duration=(410.13), Size=(28926917), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Redhead Chick Takes 11 Inches Of Black Meat - Fuqer-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Redhead Chick Takes 11 Inches Of Black Meat - Fuqer-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26633 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity gets fucked with a huge cock - skinny blond anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=108;Set=52 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=56' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7538, ID=7538 duration=(685.19), Size=(178591926), Res=(1040 x 584) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tiny Teen hammered by a BBC on GotPorn (5847383)-1040x584P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tiny Teen hammered by a BBC on GotPorn (5847383)-1040x584P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7538, ID=10285 duration=(685.21), Size=(66137592), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teen Hammered by a BBC, Free Xxnx Free Teen (18+) Porn Video xHamster-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tiny Teen hammered by a BBC on GotPorn (5847383)-1040x584P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10285 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teen Hammered by a BBC, Free Xxnx Free Teen (18+) Porn Video xHamster-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=110;Set=53 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=57' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10288, ID=10288 duration=(1189.05), Size=(70230224), Res=(552 x 402) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teen Molly Gets A Buttfucking - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-552x402P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teen Molly Gets A Buttfucking - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-552x402P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10288, ID=13958 duration=(1189.79), Size=(51437759), Res=(492 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\MOLLY ROME ASK FOR IT ANAL FUCK - teen anal-492x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teen Molly Gets A Buttfucking - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-552x402P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13958 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\MOLLY ROME ASK FOR IT ANAL FUCK - teen anal-492x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=112;Set=54 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=58' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16583, ID=16583 duration=(834.25), Size=(136459202), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16583, ID=10293 duration=(834.13), Size=(136419587), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation 2023 WWWXXX.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10293 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation 2023 WWWXXX.mp4=1308370 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation.mp4=1308574' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny Teens Anal Fuck Compilation 2023 WWWXXX.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=114;Set=55 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=59' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10315, ID=10315 duration=(327.94), Size=(53662041), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny tender wife trying painful anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny tender wife trying painful anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny tender wife trying painful anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tiny Tender Wife Trying Painful Anal -[Painal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 327.94 < 328.03' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14440, ID=14440 duration=(328.03), Size=(23350819), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tiny Tender Wife Trying Painful Anal -[Painal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tiny Tender Wife Trying Painful Anal -[Painal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14440, ID=20341 duration=(327.84), Size=(13703214), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Painal Sex-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tiny Tender Wife Trying Painful Anal -[Painal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10315 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tiny tender wife trying painful anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=117;Set=56 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=60' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20341 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Painal Sex-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=117;Set=56 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=61' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26620, ID=26620 duration=(6423.13), Size=(511206237), Res=(490 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Most Excellent of Traci-490x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Most Excellent of Traci-490x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26620, ID=10392 duration=(6421.48), Size=(408431372), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Luchshee Horse Train Lords Traci Lords Basta 1987 Russian Vhs-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Most Excellent of Traci-490x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:05] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10392 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Luchshee Horse Train Lords Traci Lords Basta 1987 Russian Vhs-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=119;Set=57 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=62' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10401, ID=10401 duration=(5238.84), Size=(733760760), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Open up traci ( 1984 ) -640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Open up traci ( 1984 ) -640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10401, ID=26623 duration=(5239.1), Size=(646516819), Res=(622 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Sweet Hot Tracy - Erica Boyer-622x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Open up traci ( 1984 ) -640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26623 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Sweet Hot Tracy - Erica Boyer-622x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=121;Set=58 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=63' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26621, ID=26621 duration=(4702.32), Size=(651749854), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Sister Dearest (1984) 720-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Sister Dearest (1984) 720-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26621, ID=10403 duration=(4702.36), Size=(612347048), Res=(704 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Sister dearest (1984)-704x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Sister Dearest (1984) 720-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10403 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Traci Lords - Sister dearest (1984)-704x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=123;Set=59 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=64' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10466, ID=10466 duration=(702.46), Size=(151438516), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tushy Beautiful Teen Karly Baker First Anal - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tushy Beautiful Teen Karly Baker First Anal - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10466, ID=11522 duration=(702.44), Size=(108735539), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beautiful Teen Karly Baker First Anal -960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tushy Beautiful Teen Karly Baker First Anal - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11522 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beautiful Teen Karly Baker First Anal -960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=125;Set=60 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=65' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31473, ID=31473 duration=(748.21), Size=(420488892), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\TUSHYRAW Petite Redhead Gets Her Asshole Stretched Out - Lottie Magne aka Christian Clay - very petite skinny redhead anal ATM-[Very Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\TUSHYRAW Petite Redhead Gets Her Asshole Stretched Out - Lottie Magne aka Christian Clay - very petite skinny redhead anal ATM-[Very Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31473, ID=10476 duration=(748.18), Size=(12536435), Res=(256 x 144) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tushyraw \u2013 Petite Redhead gets Her Asshole Stretched xHamster-[Anal]-256x144P-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\TUSHYRAW Petite Redhead Gets Her Asshole Stretched Out - Lottie Magne aka Christian Clay - very petite skinny redhead anal ATM-[Very Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10476 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Tushyraw \u2013 Petite Redhead gets Her Asshole Stretched xHamster-[Anal]-256x144P-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=127;Set=61 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=66' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29104, ID=29104 duration=(1195.03), Size=(113811980), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gang rape beautiful girl MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gang rape beautiful girl MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29104, ID=10501 duration=(1195.04), Size=(96133343), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two Drunk Boys Attacked Stepsister While Take A Bath -[Force]-[Wasted]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gang rape beautiful girl MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10501 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two Drunk Boys Attacked Stepsister While Take A Bath -[Force]-[Wasted]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=129;Set=62 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=67' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14558, ID=14558 duration=(1253.85), Size=(109262267), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Sleepping girl get fucked - Girl, Dp - sleep rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Sleepping girl get fucked - Girl, Dp - sleep rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14558, ID=10506 duration=(1253.76), Size=(69285859), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two Guys Fuck p. Amature - XNXX.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Sleepping girl get fucked - Girl, Dp - sleep rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10506 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two Guys Fuck p. Amature - XNXX.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=131;Set=63 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=68' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10577, ID=10577 duration=(751.75), Size=(86362091), Res=(618 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two soldiers rape a young cook (rape, rape, mzhm, blowjob, sucking, dp) [anal schoolgirl youngster milf mature ass] watch online-[Force]-[Teen]-618x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two soldiers rape a young cook (rape, rape, mzhm, blowjob, sucking, dp) [anal schoolgirl youngster milf mature ass] watch online-[Force]-[Teen]-618x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two soldiers rape a young cook (rape, rape, mzhm, blowjob, sucking, dp) [anal schoolgirl youngster milf mature ass] watch online-[Force]-[Teen]-618x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Skinny Blonde Forced Army Gang Rape-[Anal]-[DP]-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 618x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14278, ID=14278 duration=(753), Size=(56616816), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Skinny Blonde Forced Army Gang Rape-[Anal]-[DP]-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Skinny Blonde Forced Army Gang Rape-[Anal]-[DP]-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10577 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Two soldiers rape a young cook (rape, rape, mzhm, blowjob, sucking, dp) [anal schoolgirl youngster milf mature ass] watch online-[Force]-[Teen]-618x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=133;Set=64 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=69' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24137, ID=24137 duration=(1718.86), Size=(581328540), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\118-1-sextermedia-full - very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\118-1-sextermedia-full - very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24137, ID=10598 duration=(1718.92), Size=(38833952), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Ultra Slim Anal, Slim Ass Teen, 18 Year Old -[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\118-1-sextermedia-full - very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10598 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Ultra Slim Anal, Slim Ass Teen, 18 Year Old -[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-444x250P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=135;Set=65 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=70' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10617, ID=10617 duration=(735.8), Size=(118048436), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Unbreakable Ammy Smith Enjoying Her First Anal HD Porn 3f xHamster-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Unbreakable Ammy Smith Enjoying Her First Anal HD Porn 3f xHamster-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10617, ID=18731 duration=(736.2), Size=(77244701), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Flirty Alex Swon tries anal for the first time - First Anal Quest-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Unbreakable Ammy Smith Enjoying Her First Anal HD Porn 3f xHamster-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18731 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Flirty Alex Swon tries anal for the first time - First Anal Quest-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=137;Set=66 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=71' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5674, ID=5674 duration=(630.14), Size=(59050878), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\480p - Big Breasted Brunette Getting Couch Abused Unwillingly - Bing video-[Force]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\480p - Big Breasted Brunette Getting Couch Abused Unwillingly - Bing video-[Force]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5674, ID=10640 duration=(630.15), Size=(45796086), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Unsuspecting girl takes a painful fucking in this brutal forced sex encounter with stranger - LuxureTV-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\480p - Big Breasted Brunette Getting Couch Abused Unwillingly - Bing video-[Force]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10640 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Unsuspecting girl takes a painful fucking in this brutal forced sex encounter with stranger - LuxureTV-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=139;Set=67 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=72' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14672, ID=14672 duration=(1241), Size=(145144010), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Bad housekeeper - Blonde Sexy, Punish Fuck, Blonde - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x480 < 640x480' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14500, ID=14500 duration=(1241.32), Size=(82903861), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Bad housekeeper - Blonde Sexy, Punish Fuck, Blonde - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Bad housekeeper - Blonde Sexy, Punish Fuck, Blonde - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14500, ID=10647 duration=(1241.34), Size=(34401168), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Upbringing wife -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Bad housekeeper - Blonde Sexy, Punish Fuck, Blonde - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14672 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=142;Set=68 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=73' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10647 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Upbringing wife - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=142;Set=68 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=74' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10724, ID=10724 duration=(2680.84), Size=(456843636), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Very skinny teen anal - My first bbc, bonnie dolce, 1on1, bbc, anal and no pussy, atm , rough sex-[Force]-852x480P-[CumInMouth]-[Swallow].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Very skinny teen anal - My first bbc, bonnie dolce, 1on1, bbc, anal and no pussy, atm , rough sex-[Force]-852x480P-[CumInMouth]-[Swallow].mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10724, ID=30491 duration=(2680.79), Size=(174137765), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - My First BBC, Bonnie Dolce, 1on1, BBC, Anal and No Pussy, ATM, Rough Sex, Big Gapes, Cum in Mouth, Swallow \u2013 PornXP-[CumInMouth]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Very skinny teen anal - My first bbc, bonnie dolce, 1on1, bbc, anal and no pussy, atm , rough sex-[Force]-852x480P-[CumInMouth]-[Swallow].mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30491 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - My First BBC, Bonnie Dolce, 1on1, BBC, Anal and No Pussy, ATM, Rough Sex, Big Gapes, Cum in Mouth, Swallow \u2013 PornXP-[CumInMouth]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=144;Set=69 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=75' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10727, ID=10727 duration=(1833.98), Size=(466790074), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Very skinny teen anal - Sandy Milz aka Rebecca - Anal Fun With Crazy Teen - Sandy Milz - ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Very skinny teen anal - Sandy Milz aka Rebecca - Anal Fun With Crazy Teen - Sandy Milz - ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=10727, ID=16433 duration=(1834.38), Size=(255512778), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\kayla obey - KAYL'S LITTLE SLIM BRUNETTE IS A HARDCORARY ANAL DEBUT - very skinny anal teen-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Very skinny teen anal - Sandy Milz aka Rebecca - Anal Fun With Crazy Teen - Sandy Milz - ATM-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16433 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\kayla obey - KAYL'S LITTLE SLIM BRUNETTE IS A HARDCORARY ANAL DEBUT - very skinny anal teen-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=146;Set=70 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=76" +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10749, ID=10749 duration=(2215.51), Size=(382681012), Res=(852 x 478) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Video from slii privata -852x478P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Video from slii privata -852x478P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Video from slii privata -852x478P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-2 20Yo - brunette busty latina anal painal-[Casting]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1481, ID=1481 duration=(2215.51), Size=(104843107), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-2 20Yo - brunette busty latina anal painal-[Casting]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-2 20Yo - brunette busty latina anal painal-[Casting]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10749 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Video from slii privata -852x478P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=148;Set=71 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=77' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4480, ID=4480 duration=(4766.04), Size=(6057419754), Res=(1920 x 1440) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Vietnam Store 1 (1988) - Tracey Adams - rough rape very busty redhead at war-[Force]-1920x1440P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Vietnam Store 1 (1988) - Tracey Adams - rough rape very busty redhead at war-[Force]-1920x1440P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4480, ID=10748 duration=(4766.08), Size=(271931095), Res=(512 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vietnam Store 1 Tubepornclassiccom[384, Mp4] very busty rape redhead at war AAAAA-[Force]-512x384P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Vietnam Store 1 (1988) - Tracey Adams - rough rape very busty redhead at war-[Force]-1920x1440P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10748 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vietnam Store 1 Tubepornclassiccom[384, Mp4] very busty rape redhead at war AAAAA-[Force]-512x384P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=150;Set=72 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=78' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31533, ID=31533 duration=(2583.07), Size=(847198760), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Little Asian does anal - Anal, Asian, Anal Gape Porn - skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Little Asian does anal - Anal, Asian, Anal Gape Porn - skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31533, ID=10757 duration=(2583.36), Size=(412125106), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vina Sky Hot Asian Teen Porn Video - Vina Skyy - skinny anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Little Asian does anal - Anal, Asian, Anal Gape Porn - skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10757 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vina Sky Hot Asian Teen Porn Video - Vina Skyy - skinny anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4=1276245 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Little Asian does anal - Anal, Asian, Anal Gape Porn - skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=2623854' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vina Sky Hot Asian Teen Porn Video - Vina Skyy - skinny anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=152;Set=73 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=79' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3760, ID=3760 duration=(507.32), Size=(42116481), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage rape porn video MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage rape porn video MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3760, ID=10761 duration=(507.2), Size=(29334772), Res=(528 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vintage Abduction and Rough Gang Rape - Bing video - Vintage Rape-[Force]-528x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage rape porn video MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10761 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Vintage Abduction and Rough Gang Rape - Bing video - Vintage Rape-[Force]-528x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=154;Set=74 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=80' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26766, ID=26766 duration=(2135.84), Size=(799652221), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Adel - Fuck My Tight Ass Teen - very skinny teen anal ATM HD-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Adel - Fuck My Tight Ass Teen - very skinny teen anal ATM HD-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26766, ID=10827 duration=(2135.77), Size=(212746576), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Virginy Adel (aka Adel Bye) - Fuck My Tight Ass Teen - W70 - very skinny teen anal ATM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Adel - Fuck My Tight Ass Teen - very skinny teen anal ATM HD-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10827 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Virginy Adel (aka Adel Bye) - Fuck My Tight Ass Teen - W70 - very skinny teen anal ATM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=156;Set=75 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=81' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22900, ID=22900 duration=(5270.24), Size=(1295905115), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\680387_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\680387_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22900, ID=10837 duration=(5270.37), Size=(690221846), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Virginy lovely casting x 228 anal sex casting teen babe hardcore first time petite cutie blonde young swallow, porn, \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e watch online-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\680387_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10837 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Virginy lovely casting x 228 anal sex casting teen babe hardcore first time petite cutie blonde young swallow, porn, \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e watch online-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=158;Set=76 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=82' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17144, ID=17144 duration=(4714.24), Size=(443916043), Res=(850 x 484) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\WA 62 - rape-[Busty]-[Force]-[Skinny]-850x484P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\WA 62 - rape-[Busty]-[Force]-[Skinny]-850x484P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17144, ID=32005 duration=(4714.21), Size=(443635364), Res=(850 x 484) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\WA 62 - rape-[Busty, Force, Skinny].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\WA 62 - rape-[Busty]-[Force]-[Skinny]-850x484P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 32005 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\WA 62 - rape-[Busty, Force, Skinny].mp4=752847 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\WA 62 - rape-[Busty]-[Force]-[Skinny]-850x484P.mp4=753319' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\WA 62 - rape-[Busty, Force, Skinny].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=160;Set=77 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=83' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=322, ID=322 duration=(1564.42), Size=(188656558), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Wanda - painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Wanda - painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=322, ID=10849 duration=(1564.32), Size=(114503052), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Wanda Anal - Bing video-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Wanda - painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10849 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Wanda Anal - Bing video-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=162;Set=78 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=84' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27351, ID=27351 duration=(1317.59), Size=(144136924), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch sleeping girl fuck and blowjob - Fuck, Babe, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Wasted]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch sleeping girl fuck and blowjob - Fuck, Babe, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Wasted]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27351, ID=10855 duration=(1317.56), Size=(80833724), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Wasted Chick Fucked Unconscious By Roommate After Party - Bing video-[Force]-320x240P-[Sleep].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch sleeping girl fuck and blowjob - Fuck, Babe, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Wasted]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10855 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Wasted Chick Fucked Unconscious By Roommate After Party - Bing video-[Force]-320x240P-[Sleep].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=164;Set=79 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=85' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10882, ID=10882 duration=(1395), Size=(406311296), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Abelinda anal - Abelinda, Anal, Teen Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Abelinda anal - Abelinda, Anal, Teen Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10882, ID=28317 duration=(1394.99), Size=(82586287), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM anal ATM-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Abelinda anal - Abelinda, Anal, Teen Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28317 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM anal ATM-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=166;Set=80 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=86' +[241127 15:35:06] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30734, ID=30734 duration=(1822.53), Size=(714275726), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jackie Hoff - Anal - busty anal young girl in skirt-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jackie Hoff - Anal - busty anal young girl in skirt-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jackie Hoff - Anal - busty anal young girl in skirt-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Anal - Jackie Hoff, Anal, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jackie Hoff - Anal - busty anal young girl in skirt-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Anal - Jackie Hoff, Anal, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3135319, 24 : h264, 1860602, 25' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10901, ID=10901 duration=(1822.52), Size=(423873104), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Anal - Jackie Hoff, Anal, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Anal - Jackie Hoff, Anal, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30734 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jackie Hoff - Anal - busty anal young girl in skirt-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=168;Set=81 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=87' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11236, ID=11236 duration=(1781.88), Size=(763209083), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Teen Rocki Anal & Cum Swallow - Teen, Brunette, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Teen Rocki Anal & Cum Swallow - Teen, Brunette, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11236, ID=10899 duration=(1781.95), Size=(285500895), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Anal - Teen, Anal Russian, Anal Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Teen Rocki Anal & Cum Swallow - Teen, Brunette, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10899 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Anal - Teen, Anal Russian, Anal Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=170;Set=82 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=88' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14505, ID=14505 duration=(5467.65), Size=(776726905), Res=(830 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch As panteras - sequestro - Sequestro, Gemendo, Gostosas - rape-[Force]-830x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch As panteras - sequestro - Sequestro, Gemendo, Gostosas - rape-[Force]-830x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14505, ID=10917 duration=(5467.64), Size=(601086044), Res=(720 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch As Panteras - Sequestro - Sequestro, As Panteras, Brasileirinhas Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-720x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch As panteras - sequestro - Sequestro, Gemendo, Gostosas - rape-[Force]-830x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10917 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch As Panteras - Sequestro - Sequestro, As Panteras, Brasileirinhas Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-720x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=172;Set=83 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=89' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10929, ID=10929 duration=(984), Size=(440011140), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Banging Her Anal G Spot - Anal, Milf, Big Ass Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Banging Her Anal G Spot - Anal, Milf, Big Ass Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10929, ID=32038 duration=(984), Size=(159287427), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Violet Is At It Again (Violette Pure) - test not exist.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Banging Her Anal G Spot - Anal, Milf, Big Ass Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 32038 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Violet Is At It Again (Violette Pure) - test not exist.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=174;Set=84 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=90' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28306, ID=28306 duration=(1775.82), Size=(199756851), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Keri gets doubleteamed - very busty teen anal DP-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Keri gets doubleteamed - very busty teen anal DP-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28306, ID=10932 duration=(1775.88), Size=(189781582), Res=(720 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Big Tits Teen Hottie Assfucked & DPed - Aimi Yoshikawa-[Busty]-720x404P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Keri gets doubleteamed - very busty teen anal DP-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10932 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Big Tits Teen Hottie Assfucked & DPed - Aimi Yoshikawa-[Busty]-720x404P-[Anal].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=176;Set=85 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=91' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10938, ID=10938 duration=(1616.97), Size=(397337580), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Blonde Amateur Swallows After Anal - Anal, Blonde, Ama-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Blonde Amateur Swallows After Anal - Anal, Blonde, Ama-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Blonde Amateur Swallows After Anal - Anal, Blonde, Ama-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\hdzog.comvideos1906329anal-teen-cream-5-scene-3-[Amateur]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1616.97 < 1617.18' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14645, ID=14645 duration=(1617.18), Size=(194715743), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\hdzog.comvideos1906329anal-teen-cream-5-scene-3-[Amateur]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\hdzog.comvideos1906329anal-teen-cream-5-scene-3-[Amateur]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 10938 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Blonde Amateur Swallows After Anal - Anal, Blonde, Ama-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=178;Set=86 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=92' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10965, ID=10965 duration=(748.12), Size=(174999525), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Cute petite teen gets her asshole destroyed with big cock live at - Cam, Anal, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Cute petite teen gets her asshole destroyed with big cock live at - Cam, Anal, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=10965, ID=12048 duration=(748.24), Size=(22603816), Res=(576 x 288) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Serious Anal-576x288P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Cute petite teen gets her asshole destroyed with big cock live at - Cam, Anal, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12048 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Serious Anal-576x288P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=180;Set=87 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=93' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11098, ID=11098 duration=(1692.74), Size=(257688493), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lily Thai, Dana Vespoli - From Her Ass to her Mouth (V-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lily Thai, Dana Vespoli - From Her Ass to her Mouth (V-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lily Thai, Dana Vespoli - From Her Ass to her Mouth (V-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch From asian's ass to asian's mouth - Atm, Ffm, Threesom-656x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 656x480" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=10999, ID=10999 duration=(1692.93), Size=(190522635), Res=(656 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch From asian's ass to asian's mouth - Atm, Ffm, Threesom-656x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch From asian's ass to asian's mouth - Atm, Ffm, Threesom-656x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11098 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lily Thai, Dana Vespoli - From Her Ass to her Mouth (V-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=182;Set=88 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=94' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14564, ID=14564 duration=(2841.29), Size=(257276733), Res=(720 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Une jeune violer par un Inconnue - Cul, Sexe, Viol - rape-[Force]-720x404P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Une jeune violer par un Inconnue - Cul, Sexe, Viol - rape-[Force]-720x404P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Une jeune violer par un Inconnue - Cul, Sexe, Viol - rape-[Force]-720x404P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker used, abused, and sold. MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny teen rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 720x404 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15813, ID=15813 duration=(2841.4), Size=(168396935), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker used, abused, and sold. MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny teen rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker used, abused, and sold. MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny teen rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15813, ID=11026 duration=(2841.38), Size=(129770698), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Helpless teens Lilly - Lizzie Bell, H Cup, Lilly Dixon-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker used, abused, and sold. MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny teen rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14564 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Une jeune violer par un Inconnue - Cul, Sexe, Viol - rape-[Force]-720x404P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=185;Set=89 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=95' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11026 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Helpless teens Lilly - Lizzie Bell, H Cup, Lilly Dixon-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=185;Set=89 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=96' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11089, ID=11089 duration=(3467.44), Size=(892193773), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Latina Anal - Latinas, Anal Sex, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Latina Anal - Latinas, Anal Sex, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11089, ID=12178 duration=(3467.62), Size=(483996075), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginebra Bellucci And Sara Bell In Sexy Secretaries Get T anal busty FFM-[Latina]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Latina Anal - Latinas, Anal Sex, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12178 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginebra Bellucci And Sara Bell In Sexy Secretaries Get T anal busty FFM-[Latina]-1280x720P.mp4=1116606 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Latina Anal - Latinas, Anal Sex, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4=2058451' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginebra Bellucci And Sara Bell In Sexy Secretaries Get T anal busty FFM-[Latina]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=187;Set=90 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=97' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18618, ID=18618 duration=(1667.76), Size=(273288764), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Ever Black Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Ever Black Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18618, ID=11085 duration=(1667.8), Size=(212145554), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lea-White teens black cocks - Anal, Interracial, Babe -852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Ever Black Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11085 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lea-White teens black cocks - Anal, Interracial, Babe -852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=189;Set=91 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=98' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11096, ID=11096 duration=(2084.54), Size=(227607129), Res=(720 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lilli Dixon - HelplessTeens (full) - Lilli Dixon, Roug.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lilli Dixon - HelplessTeens (full) - Lilli Dixon, Roug.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11096, ID=21970 duration=(2084.72), Size=(122141561), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SpankBang helplessteens lily dixon 480p - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Lilli Dixon - HelplessTeens (full) - Lilli Dixon, Roug.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21970 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\SpankBang helplessteens lily dixon 480p - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=191;Set=92 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=99' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11093, ID=11093 duration=(712.6), Size=(116690172), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella - Anal - Sexy, Beauty, Facial Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella - Anal - Sexy, Beauty, Facial Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella - Anal - Sexy, Beauty, Facial Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Young Small Tits Hardcore tiny skinny cute blonde - Bing video-[Anal]-[Teen]-640x480P.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7922, ID=7922 duration=(712.5), Size=(97070551), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Young Small Tits Hardcore tiny skinny cute blonde - Bing video-[Anal]-[Teen]-640x480P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Young Small Tits Hardcore tiny skinny cute blonde - Bing video-[Anal]-[Teen]-640x480P.flv' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11093 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella - Anal - Sexy, Beauty, Facial Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=193;Set=93 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=100' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20003, ID=20003 duration=(962.24), Size=(51228271), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old school anal fucking fun -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old school anal fucking fun -' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old school anal fucking fun - with B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella Looking For A Cock - 69, Skinny Ass, Anal Porn - SpankBang-480x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 480x360' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11095, ID=11095 duration=(962.25), Size=(47612180), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella Looking For A Cock - 69, Skinny Ass, Anal Porn - SpankBang-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Little Cinderella Looking For A Cock - 69, Skinny Ass, Anal Porn - SpankBang-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20003 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Old school anal fucking fun - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=195;Set=94 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=101' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=11122, ID=11122 duration=(2500.56), Size=(702018323), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Mont4n4 fit, ugly as shit' but her body won't quit - Anal Gape, Atm Ass To Mouth, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Mont4n4 fit, ugly as shit' but her body won't quit - Anal Gape, Atm Ass To Mouth, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=11122, ID=19574 duration=(2500.6), Size=(427063529), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Montana Fit - New Montana Fit Takes Big Cock in Ass - Balls Deep Anal Anal, Ass To Mouth-[ATM]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Mont4n4 fit, ugly as shit' but her body won't quit - Anal Gape, Atm Ass To Mouth, Anal Porn - SpankBang-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19574 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Montana Fit - New Montana Fit Takes Big Cock in Ass - Balls Deep Anal Anal, Ass To Mouth-[ATM]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=197;Set=95 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=102' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16203, ID=16203 duration=(2519.6), Size=(983590054), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Natasha Rios And Luara Amaral Alpha Female Luara - Natasha Teen - anal orgy-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Natasha Rios And Luara Amaral Alpha Female Luara - Natasha Teen - anal orgy-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16203, ID=11126 duration=(2519.48), Size=(680075248), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Natasha rios - Luara Amaral, Natasha Rios, Kelly Olive-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Natasha Rios And Luara Amaral Alpha Female Luara - Natasha Teen - anal orgy-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11126 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Natasha rios - Luara Amaral, Natasha Rios, Kelly Olive-1280x720P.mp4=2159413 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Natasha Rios And Luara Amaral Alpha Female Luara - Natasha Teen - anal orgy-1280x720P.mp4=3123007' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Natasha rios - Luara Amaral, Natasha Rios, Kelly Olive-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=199;Set=96 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=103' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11133, ID=11133 duration=(1588.08), Size=(242353556), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Pigtailed teen takes it in all holes - Facial, Babyfac-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Pigtailed teen takes it in all holes - Facial, Babyfac-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Pigtailed teen takes it in all holes - Facial, Babyfac-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Tori-[ATM]-[Anal]-720x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=318, ID=318 duration=(1588.18), Size=(176043508), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Tori-[ATM]-[Anal]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Tori-[ATM]-[Anal]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11133 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Pigtailed teen takes it in all holes - Facial, Babyfac-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=201;Set=97 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=104' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11142, ID=11142 duration=(1107.07), Size=(279865947), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch ROUGH RIDE WITH A STRANGER - Alex Mae, Outdoor, Deep T-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch ROUGH RIDE WITH A STRANGER - Alex Mae, Outdoor, Deep T-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11142, ID=12482 duration=(1107.01), Size=(183366376), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kidnapped From The Street And Raped - RapeLust-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch ROUGH RIDE WITH A STRANGER - Alex Mae, Outdoor, Deep T-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12482 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kidnapped From The Street And Raped - RapeLust-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=1325131 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch ROUGH RIDE WITH A STRANGER - Alex Mae, Outdoor, Deep T-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=2022392' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kidnapped From The Street And Raped - RapeLust-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=203;Set=98 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=105' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12577, ID=12577 duration=(1003.57), Size=(363063534), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lilly - Make Teen Gape - Teen Lilly - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lilly - Make Teen Gape - Teen Lilly - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lilly - Make Teen Gape - Teen Lilly - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Red Hot Teen Anal & Swallow - Cum Swallowing, Anal, Bl-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4=30' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lilly - Make Teen Gape - Teen Lilly - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Red Hot Teen Anal & Swallow - Cum Swallowing, Anal, Bl-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2894188, 24 : h264, 2310585, 30' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11143, ID=11143 duration=(1003.5), Size=(289834019), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Red Hot Teen Anal & Swallow - Cum Swallowing, Anal, Bl-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Red Hot Teen Anal & Swallow - Cum Swallowing, Anal, Bl-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12577 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lilly - Make Teen Gape - Teen Lilly - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=205;Set=99 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=106' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17082, ID=17082 duration=(1992.39), Size=(526587388), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHY DEFINITIVE TUSHY CLASSICS VOL 1 The Best Of 2015 - Megan R.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHY DEFINITIVE TUSHY CLASSICS VOL 1 The Best Of 2015 - Megan R.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17082, ID=11214 duration=(1992.42), Size=(472053104), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY - DEFINITIVE TUSHY CLASSICS VOL.1 - Tushy, Kimberly Brix, Janice Griffith Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHY DEFINITIVE TUSHY CLASSICS VOL 1 The Best Of 2015 - Megan R.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11214 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY - DEFINITIVE TUSHY CLASSICS VOL.1 - Tushy, Kimberly Brix, Janice Griffith Porn - SpankBang.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=207;Set=100 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=107' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11218, ID=11218 duration=(2411.96), Size=(556742449), Res=(1278 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Tushy, Jessa Rhodes, Lana Rhoades Porn - SpankBang-1278x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Tushy, Jessa Rhodes, Lana Rhoades Porn - SpankBang-1278x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11218, ID=14343 duration=(2411.93), Size=(389262433), Res=(1278 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Free Porn Videos - -1278x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Tushy, Jessa Rhodes, Lana Rhoades Porn - SpankBang-1278x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14343 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Free Porn Videos - -1278x720P.mp4=1291125 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Tushy, Jessa Rhodes, Lana Rhoades Porn - SpankBang-1278x720P.mp4=1846607' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHY - LA 10s - Top Model Compilation - Free Porn Videos - -1278x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=209;Set=101 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=108' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11222, ID=11222 duration=(1714.71), Size=(458765394), Res=(1278 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY RAW - TIGHT - Top Petite Model Compilation - Zoe Bloom, Harmony Wonder, Anastasia Knight Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY RAW - TIGHT - Top Petite Model Compilation - Zoe Bloom, Harmony Wonder, Anastasia Knight Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY RAW - TIGHT - Top Petite Model Compilation - Zoe Bloom, Harmony Wonder, Anastasia Knight Porn - SpankBang.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHYRAW TIGHT Top Petite Model Compilation - Harmony Wonder - anal.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY RAW - TIGHT - Top Petite Model Compilation - Zoe Bloom, Harmony Wonder, Anastasia Knight Porn - SpankBang.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHYRAW TIGHT Top Petite Model Compilation - Harmony Wonder - anal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2140377, 24 : av1, 1541414, 24' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17081, ID=17081 duration=(1714.7), Size=(330383143), Res=(1278 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHYRAW TIGHT Top Petite Model Compilation - Harmony Wonder - anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\TUSHYRAW TIGHT Top Petite Model Compilation - Harmony Wonder - anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11222 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch TUSHY RAW - TIGHT - Top Petite Model Compilation - Zoe Bloom, Harmony Wonder, Anastasia Knight Porn - SpankBang.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=211;Set=102 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=109' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12213, ID=12213 duration=(2675.52), Size=(1741700857), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Goldie Small - very skinny petite anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Goldie Small - very skinny petite anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12213, ID=11228 duration=(2675.5), Size=(778807953), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Teen Anal - Anal, Teen, Swallow Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Goldie Small - very skinny petite anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11228 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch Teen Anal - Anal, Teen, Swallow Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=213;Set=103 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=110' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14948, ID=14948 duration=(1459.15), Size=(137786052), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Ugly busty girl group sex - XNXX.COM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Ugly busty girl group sex - XNXX.COM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14948, ID=11254 duration=(1459.13), Size=(92608055), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WHITE TRASH SKINNY BUTTERFACE TEEN GB 1 - Amateur, Teen Blonde, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Ugly busty girl group sex - XNXX.COM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11254 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WHITE TRASH SKINNY BUTTERFACE TEEN GB 1 - Amateur, Teen Blonde, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4=507742 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Ugly busty girl group sex - XNXX.COM-852x480P.mp4=755429' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WHITE TRASH SKINNY BUTTERFACE TEEN GB 1 - Amateur, Teen Blonde, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=215;Set=104 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=111' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11256, ID=11256 duration=(1737.34), Size=(246033055), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WTBC 12 - Wtbc, Anal Sex, Small Tits Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[BBC]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WTBC 12 - Wtbc, Anal Sex, Small Tits Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[BBC]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11256, ID=28422 duration=(1737.33), Size=(68912715), Res=(340 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Trixi Free Trixie & Funny Porn Video 54 anal ATM BBC-340x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WTBC 12 - Wtbc, Anal Sex, Small Tits Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[BBC]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28422 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Trixi Free Trixie & Funny Porn Video 54 anal ATM BBC-340x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=217;Set=105 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=112' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11258, ID=11258 duration=(1835.55), Size=(256207755), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WTBC 16 - Anal Sex, Small Tits, Russian Girl Porn - Sp-[Busty]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WTBC 16 - Anal Sex, Small Tits, Russian Girl Porn - Sp-[Busty]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11258, ID=24794 duration=(1835.44), Size=(101404511), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal big boobs girl using black stud-[Busty]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch WTBC 16 - Anal Sex, Small Tits, Russian Girl Porn - Sp-[Busty]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24794 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal big boobs girl using black stud-[Busty]-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=219;Set=106 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=113' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11280, ID=11280 duration=(2913.84), Size=(633972442), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch [firstanalquest] Avrora Sky - SOCKS - Socks, Firstanalquest, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch [firstanalquest] Avrora Sky - SOCKS - Socks, Firstanalquest, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch [firstanalquest] Avrora Sky - SOCKS - Socks, Firstanalquest, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Avrora Sky - busty skinny anal-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 2913.84 < 2914.04' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15620, ID=15620 duration=(2914.04), Size=(279818231), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Avrora Sky - busty skinny anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Avrora Sky - busty skinny anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11280 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch [firstanalquest] Avrora Sky - SOCKS - Socks, Firstanalquest, Anal Porn - SpankBang-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=221;Set=107 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=114' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11279, ID=11279 duration=(1615.99), Size=(350044856), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch a-sweet-dark-hair-gets-her-asshole-fucked - Teen, Facial, Babe Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch a-sweet-dark-hair-gets-her-asshole-fucked - Teen, Facial, Babe Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch a-sweet-dark-hair-gets-her-asshole-fucked - Teen, Facial, Babe Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Tilda-[ATM]-[Anal]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=316, ID=316 duration=(1615.92), Size=(178661523), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Tilda-[ATM]-[Anal]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Tilda-[ATM]-[Anal]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11279 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch a-sweet-dark-hair-gets-her-asshole-fucked - Teen, Facial, Babe Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=223;Set=108 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=115' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11296, ID=11296 duration=(1375.47), Size=(399829189), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch anal skinny teen - Taylor Krystal, Anal, Teen Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch anal skinny teen - Taylor Krystal, Anal, Teen Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11296, ID=24656 duration=(1375.53), Size=(81862411), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal For Super Skinny Teen-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch anal skinny teen - Taylor Krystal, Anal, Teen Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24656 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal For Super Skinny Teen-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=225;Set=109 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=116' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11345, ID=11345 duration=(1857.41), Size=(528858584), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch skinny sporty chick takes anal - Anal, Teen (18+) Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch skinny sporty chick takes anal - Anal, Teen (18+) Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11345, ID=12900 duration=(1857.41), Size=(268178597), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Paris devine in asshole with love anal ATM very skinny teen-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Watch skinny sporty chick takes anal - Anal, Teen (18+) Porn - SpankBang-[ATM]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12900 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Paris devine in asshole with love anal ATM very skinny teen-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=227;Set=110 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=117' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2984, ID=2984 duration=(1088.01), Size=(112544191), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Mental Patient Escapes & Rapes a Nurse MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Mental Patient Escapes & Rapes a Nurse MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2984, ID=11371 duration=(1088.16), Size=(98098033), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\Weak Girl Forced to Have Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Mental Patient Escapes & Rapes a Nurse MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11371 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\1\\Weak Girl Forced to Have Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4=721204 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Mental Patient Escapes & Rapes a Nurse MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4=827523' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\Weak Girl Forced to Have Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=229;Set=111 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=118' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2088, ID=2088 duration=(1201.73), Size=(72316533), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Drunk Girl Fucked By 2 Boys.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Drunk Girl Fucked By 2 Boys.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Drunk Girl Fucked By 2 Boys.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\1\\two gys fuck the drunk girl MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x432 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11433, ID=11433 duration=(1201.72), Size=(54663402), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\two gys fuck the drunk girl MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\1\\two gys fuck the drunk girl MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Drunk Girl Fucked By 2 Boys.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=231;Set=112 of 912;QtySkipForDel=1" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5357, ID=5357 duration=(1259.16), Size=(77497461), Res=(768 x 576) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Hot teen fucked and facialized-768x576P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Hot teen fucked and facialized-768x576P.flv' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5357, ID=11445 duration=(1259.16), Size=(74706645), Res=(526 x 394) Name=B:\\V\\V\\1\\v. teenie brutally assfucked - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Hot teen fucked and facialized-768x576P.flv' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11445 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\1\\v. teenie brutally assfucked - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=233;Set=113 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=119' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4055, ID=4055 duration=(368.84), Size=(36303592), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\rape on a creeky couch-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\rape on a creeky couch-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4055, ID=11487 duration=(368.88), Size=(21994189), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\BDSM anal bound - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\rape on a creeky couch-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11487 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\BDSM anal bound - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=235;Set=114 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=120' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26371, ID=26371 duration=(4185.76), Size=(470037719), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super Cute Teen Got Seduced For Anal Sex On The Bangbus - ATM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super Cute Teen Got Seduced For Anal Sex On The Bangbus - ATM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super Cute Teen Got Seduced For Anal Sex On The Bangbus - ATM-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bangbus Bailey Base - Anal On The-bus - EPORNER-[ATM]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11501, ID=11501 duration=(4185.79), Size=(319015629), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bangbus Bailey Base - Anal On The-bus - EPORNER-[ATM]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bangbus Bailey Base - Anal On The-bus - EPORNER-[ATM]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26371 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super Cute Teen Got Seduced For Anal Sex On The Bangbus - ATM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=237;Set=115 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=121' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14731, ID=14731 duration=(2242.84), Size=(365981211), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Amanda extremely ANAL Fuck Session - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Amanda extremely ANAL Fuck Session - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14731, ID=11528 duration=(2242.63), Size=(311215254), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beauty Amanda Wants Only Anal (asshole Filled, Pussy Empty) - Koni Demiko - busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Amanda extremely ANAL Fuck Session - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11528 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beauty Amanda Wants Only Anal (asshole Filled, Pussy Empty) - Koni Demiko - busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=239;Set=116 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=122' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32011, ID=32011 duration=(3171.08), Size=(2037903138), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Beba Candy BLW - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Beba Candy BLW - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32011, ID=11531 duration=(3171.08), Size=(436802895), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beba And Candy - Latin teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Beba Candy BLW - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11531 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Beba And Candy - Latin teen anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=241;Set=117 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=123' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11533, ID=11533 duration=(785.02), Size=(66203795), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Best Anal & Ass Fucking videos, page 002 - -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Best Anal & Ass Fucking videos, page 002 - -' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Best Anal & Ass Fucking videos, page 002 - - with B:\\V\\V\\a\\Date Gone Wrong MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17719, ID=17719 duration=(785.44), Size=(61489983), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Date Gone Wrong MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Date Gone Wrong MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11533 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Best Anal & Ass Fucking videos, page 002 - - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=243;Set=118 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=124' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11554, ID=11554 duration=(2278.69), Size=(125878295), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big black dick going deep in ass SL-18-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big black dick going deep in ass SL-18-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11554, ID=15318 duration=(2278.7), Size=(125631369), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big black cock penetrating deep in the ass SL1802 - XVIDEOS.-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big black dick going deep in ass SL-18-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15318 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big black cock penetrating deep in the ass SL1802 - XVIDEOS.-588x392P.mp4=441062 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big black dick going deep in ass SL-18-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=441932' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Big black cock penetrating deep in the ass SL1802 - XVIDEOS.-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=245;Set=119 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=125' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13536, ID=13536 duration=(736.59), Size=(120214749), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Busty Brunette Alexa Black & Bathroom Butt Fuck - XVIDEOS.CO-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Busty Brunette Alexa Black & Bathroom Butt Fuck - XVIDEOS.CO-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13536, ID=11557 duration=(736.57), Size=(120178095), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big boobs Russian teen Alexa Black loses her anal virginity - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Busty Brunette Alexa Black & Bathroom Butt Fuck - XVIDEOS.CO-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11557 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big boobs Russian teen Alexa Black loses her anal virginity - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4=1305272 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Busty Brunette Alexa Black & Bathroom Butt Fuck - XVIDEOS.CO-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4=1305630' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Big boobs Russian teen Alexa Black loses her anal virginity - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=247;Set=120 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=126' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16660, ID=16660 duration=(995.94), Size=(55200722), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16660, ID=11573 duration=(995.7), Size=(55142837), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in college - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11573 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in college - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=443049 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\554x416 - Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=443405' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Black girl is on her knees sucking cock in college - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=249;Set=121 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=127' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13434, ID=13434 duration=(689.15), Size=(178990603), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\BLACKED Rich Girl wants nothing but BBC - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\BLACKED Rich Girl wants nothing but BBC - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13434, ID=11576 duration=(689.22), Size=(95629829), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blacked Rich Girl Wants Nothing but BBC, Porn e0 xHamster-1280x720P-[Anal]-[Skinny].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\BLACKED Rich Girl wants nothing but BBC - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11576 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blacked Rich Girl Wants Nothing but BBC, Porn e0 xHamster-1280x720P-[Anal]-[Skinny].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=251;Set=122 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=128' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11590, ID=11590 duration=(1839.38), Size=(297081033), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blonde Hitchhiker Raped In The Car - RapeLust - anal rape-1280x720P-1280x720P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blonde Hitchhiker Raped In The Car - RapeLust - anal rape-1280x720P-1280x720P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blonde Hitchhiker Raped In The Car - RapeLust - anal rape-1280x720P-1280x720P-[Force].mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde teen kidnapped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2468, ID=2468 duration=(1839.37), Size=(178168759), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde teen kidnapped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde teen kidnapped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde teen kidnapped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hot blonde raped in car MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-768x432P-[Teen].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2854, ID=2854 duration=(1839.4), Size=(149929907), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hot blonde raped in car MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-768x432P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hot blonde raped in car MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-768x432P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11590 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Blonde Hitchhiker Raped In The Car - RapeLust - anal rape-1280x720P-1280x720P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=254;Set=123 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=129' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde teen kidnapped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=254;Set=123 of 912;QtySkipForDel=2" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16609, ID=16609 duration=(1600.25), Size=(542509139), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16609, ID=11607 duration=(1600.07), Size=(542351670), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - anal ATM FFM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16609, ID=23903 duration=(1600.77), Size=(379271646), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Instead of studying for their exams, two girls and one guy a-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16609, ID=12506 duration=(1600.6), Size=(221646124), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Koni Demiko And A Friend Invites A Big Dick For Anal Fuck - busty teen anal-[ATM]-[FFM]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11607 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - anal ATM FFM-1920x1080P.mp4=2711645 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=2712122' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bored Friends Seduced By Hot Guy! - anal ATM FFM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=258;Set=124 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=130' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23903 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Instead of studying for their exams, two girls and one guy a-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=258;Set=124 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=131' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12506 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Koni Demiko And A Friend Invites A Big Dick For Anal Fuck - busty teen anal-[ATM]-[FFM]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=258;Set=124 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=132' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16638, ID=16638 duration=(786.5), Size=(267042692), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - bound 18 babe screaming in rough anal fuck with creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - bound 18 babe screaming in rough anal fuck with creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16638, ID=11605 duration=(786.44), Size=(266946292), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bound 18 Babe Screaming in Rough Anal Fuck with Creampie - X.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - bound 18 babe screaming in rough anal fuck with creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11605 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bound 18 Babe Screaming in Rough Anal Fuck with Creampie - X.mp4=2715502 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - bound 18 babe screaming in rough anal fuck with creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=2716270' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bound 18 Babe Screaming in Rough Anal Fuck with Creampie - X.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=260;Set=125 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=133' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11609, ID=11609 duration=(1088.53), Size=(184431598), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bound to Please 06 FapHouse HD Porn Video 20 xHamster-960x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bound to Please 06 FapHouse HD Porn Video 20 xHamster-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=11609, ID=31385 duration=(1087.59), Size=(60446117), Res=(558 x 410) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Let's talk about shagging in the 70's Vol. 7 - XVIDEOS.COM-558x410P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Bound to Please 06 FapHouse HD Porn Video 20 xHamster-960x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31385 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Let's talk about shagging in the 70's Vol. 7 - XVIDEOS.COM-558x410P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=262;Set=126 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=134" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11623, ID=11623 duration=(1349.42), Size=(266788782), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Breaking An Entry - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Breaking An Entry - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Breaking An Entry - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape skinny girl in shower MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3071, ID=3071 duration=(1349.45), Size=(91838032), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape skinny girl in shower MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape skinny girl in shower MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11623 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Breaking An Entry - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=264;Set=127 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=135' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11634, ID=11634 duration=(812.05), Size=(158723860), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brought His Stepsister into the Forest and Fucked Her Anus - ATM anal rape very skinny teen in red dress-[Force]-[Skirt]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brought His Stepsister into the Forest and Fucked Her Anus - ATM anal rape very skinny teen in red dress-[Force]-[Skirt]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11634, ID=19598 duration=(812.01), Size=(134137442), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mr. Gray Wolf did not know that Little Red Riding Hood ... @Kat Rich69 has a black belt in Hard Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brought His Stepsister into the Forest and Fucked Her Anus - ATM anal rape very skinny teen in red dress-[Force]-[Skirt]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19598 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mr. Gray Wolf did not know that Little Red Riding Hood ... @Kat Rich69 has a black belt in Hard Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4=1321531 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brought His Stepsister into the Forest and Fucked Her Anus - ATM anal rape very skinny teen in red dress-[Force]-[Skirt]-1280x720P.mp4=1563679' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mr. Gray Wolf did not know that Little Red Riding Hood ... @Kat Rich69 has a black belt in Hard Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=266;Set=128 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=136' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1698, ID=1698 duration=(1195.2), Size=(138694217), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-040-wmv-high_01.anal.foce - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-040-wmv-high_01.anal.foce - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-040-wmv-high_01.anal.foce - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brunette Teen Gets Roughly Anal Raped By 2 Guys -[Force]-560x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 560x416' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11638, ID=11638 duration=(1195.18), Size=(77619782), Res=(560 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brunette Teen Gets Roughly Anal Raped By 2 Guys -[Force]-560x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brunette Teen Gets Roughly Anal Raped By 2 Guys -[Force]-560x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-040-wmv-high_01.anal.foce - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=268;Set=129 of 912;QtySkipForDel=3" +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2592, ID=2592 duration=(1196.8), Size=(83372540), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Desperate Japanese Teen Gets Raped - Collection Of Best Porn - HD Porn Tube - Forced_Rape-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Desperate Japanese Teen Gets Raped - Collection Of Best Porn - HD Porn Tube - Forced_Rape-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2592, ID=11643 duration=(1196.76), Size=(81292052), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brutal Harassment Of Naive Japanese Teen Uncensored - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Desperate Japanese Teen Gets Raped - Collection Of Best Porn - HD Porn Tube - Forced_Rape-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11643 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brutal Harassment Of Naive Japanese Teen Uncensored - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=270;Set=130 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=137' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17858, ID=17858 duration=(1410.15), Size=(136212424), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dirty slut brutally fucked - Bing video-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dirty slut brutally fucked - Bing video-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17858, ID=11650 duration=(1410.11), Size=(132452574), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brutal X with Madi Collins in Redhead Gets Brute-Fuck Lesson - very skinny teen force-640x360P-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dirty slut brutally fucked - Bing video-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11650 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Brutal X with Madi Collins in Redhead Gets Brute-Fuck Lesson - very skinny teen force-640x360P-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=272;Set=131 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=138' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27717, ID=27717 duration=(1371), Size=(585610624), Res=(1440 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Teen Was Ready For A Dick Up Her Ass - EPORNER-1440x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Teen Was Ready For A Dick Up Her Ass - EPORNER-1440x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27717, ID=11671 duration=(1371), Size=(188461931), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Busty Teen Was Ready For A Dick Up Her Ass - Hardcore Mandy - anal-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Teen Was Ready For A Dick Up Her Ass - EPORNER-1440x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11671 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Busty Teen Was Ready For A Dick Up Her Ass - Hardcore Mandy - anal-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=274;Set=132 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=139' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11693, ID=11693 duration=(2151.96), Size=(1107486258), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Camila - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - teen anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Camila - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - teen anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11693, ID=28508 duration=(2152.92), Size=(316847899), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Tight 18yo Teen Slut Extreme BBC Ass Fuck HD Porn 89 xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-960x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Camila - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - teen anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28508 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Tight 18yo Teen Slut Extreme BBC Ass Fuck HD Porn 89 xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-960x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=276;Set=133 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=140' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15421, ID=15421 duration=(898.18), Size=(146630438), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting couch Big boobed french black sodomized with cum 2 mouth - very busty ebony anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting couch Big boobed french black sodomized with cum 2 mouth - very busty ebony anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15421, ID=11699 duration=(898.17), Size=(84733063), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Casting couch Big boobed french black sodomized with cum 2 mouth - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting couch Big boobed french black sodomized with cum 2 mouth - very busty ebony anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11699 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Casting couch Big boobed french black sodomized with cum 2 mouth - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=278;Set=134 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=141' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12562, ID=12562 duration=(3145.79), Size=(354236171), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Legalporno 19 Year Old Teen Prado First Time - busty teen anal ATM-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Legalporno 19 Year Old Teen Prado First Time - busty teen anal ATM-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12562, ID=11706 duration=(3145.77), Size=(296088059), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Categories Tags Channel Prado - 19 Year Old Teen First Time in Porn - braces freckle very busty teen anal ATM-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Legalporno 19 Year Old Teen Prado First Time - busty teen anal ATM-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11706 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Categories Tags Channel Prado - 19 Year Old Teen First Time in Porn - braces freckle very busty teen anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=280;Set=135 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=142' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13607, ID=13607 duration=(2256.28), Size=(133515252), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Daisy Marie - Teen likes anal and creampie - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Daisy Marie - Teen likes anal and creampie - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13607, ID=11716 duration=(2256.19), Size=(98461715), Res=(480 x 362) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Celeb & Whore Rihanna Getting Abused & Fucked by friend -[Anal]-[Force]-[Teen]-480x362P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Daisy Marie - Teen likes anal and creampie - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11716 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Celeb & Whore Rihanna Getting Abused & Fucked by friend -[Anal]-[Force]-[Teen]-480x362P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=282;Set=136 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=143' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11723, ID=11723 duration=(1095.01), Size=(189275651), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Checking The Pipes - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Checking The Pipes - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11723, ID=14523 duration=(1095.05), Size=(181090898), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Delivery Guy - Russian, Delivery, Blonde Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Checking The Pipes - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14523 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Delivery Guy - Russian, Delivery, Blonde Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4=1322974 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Checking The Pipes - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4=1382829' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Delivery Guy - Russian, Delivery, Blonde Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=284;Set=137 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=144' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11734, ID=11734 duration=(2164.89), Size=(915236842), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - EPORNER-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Swallow].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - EPORNER-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Swallow].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11734, ID=15449 duration=(2164.89), Size=(856071132), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - teen ATM swallow-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - EPORNER-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Swallow].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15449 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - teen ATM swallow-1920x1080P.mp4=3163473 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - EPORNER-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Swallow].mp4=3382110' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chloe Heart New 18 Yo Goes First Anal - Teen Chloe - teen ATM swallow-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=286;Set=138 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=145' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11757, ID=11757 duration=(2532.88), Size=(407282141), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French College Girl Lvt - skinny anal ATM-1188x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French College Girl Lvt - skinny anal ATM-1188x668P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11757, ID=15464 duration=(2532.92), Size=(407230764), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French-1188x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French College Girl Lvt - skinny anal ATM-1188x668P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15464 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French-1188x668P.mp4=1286201 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French College Girl Lvt - skinny anal ATM-1188x668P.mp4=1286384' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Clip-candie Full Anal Destruction Of A Small Year Old French-1188x668P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=288;Set=139 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=146' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11790, ID=11790 duration=(1087.64), Size=(75397948), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Crying Young Girl Brutally Raped By Intruder - Bing video-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Crying Young Girl Brutally Raped By Intruder - Bing video-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Crying Young Girl Brutally Raped By Intruder - Bing video-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Weak girl forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-542x406P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 542x406' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3514, ID=3514 duration=(1087.76), Size=(64193879), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Weak girl forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-542x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Weak girl forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-542x406P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11790 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Crying Young Girl Brutally Raped By Intruder - Bing video-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=290;Set=140 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=147' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11808, ID=11808 duration=(3267.42), Size=(307242420), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Blonde Chloe Foster Raped By Intruder - RapeLust-[Asian]-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Blonde Chloe Foster Raped By Intruder - RapeLust-[Asian]-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11808, ID=24195 duration=(3267.44), Size=(232094395), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMWF teen abused by Asian intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Blonde Chloe Foster Raped By Intruder - RapeLust-[Asian]-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24195 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMWF teen abused by Asian intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=292;Set=141 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=148' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11807, ID=11807 duration=(742.61), Size=(71758403), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute French Teen in Extreme Anal Threesome Free Porn a2 Busty ATM anal rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute French Teen in Extreme Anal Threesome Free Porn a2 Busty ATM anal rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11807, ID=19020 duration=(742.48), Size=(41007954), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\french first anal gangbang - anal ATM DP busty rape -554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute French Teen in Extreme Anal Threesome Free Porn a2 Busty ATM anal rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19020 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\french first anal gangbang - anal ATM DP busty rape -554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=294;Set=142 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=149' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24373, ID=24373 duration=(2635.37), Size=(1715019367), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Always Smiling (1080) - Sofi Smile - petite skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Always Smiling (1080) - Sofi Smile - petite skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24373, ID=11844 duration=(2635.37), Size=(1677582351), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teen Dos Anal Only (only Sodomy Always Sodomy - skinny petite teen anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Always Smiling (1080) - Sofi Smile - petite skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11844 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teen Dos Anal Only (only Sodomy Always Sodomy - skinny petite teen anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4=5092510 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Always Smiling (1080) - Sofi Smile - petite skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4=5206154' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teen Dos Anal Only (only Sodomy Always Sodomy - skinny petite teen anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=296;Set=143 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=150' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11821, ID=11821 duration=(1647.52), Size=(160953337), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teenage Dragged And Kidnapped In A Street!!! - anal rape-[Force]-554x416P-[Busty].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teenage Dragged And Kidnapped In A Street!!! - anal rape-[Force]-554x416P-[Busty].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teenage Dragged And Kidnapped In A Street!!! - anal rape-[Force]-554x416P-[Busty].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 23 - anal rape-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 554x416 < 738x554' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17909, ID=17909 duration=(1647.46), Size=(155185555), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 23 - anal rape-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 23 - anal rape-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11821 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute Teenage Dragged And Kidnapped In A Street!!! - anal rape-[Force]-554x416P-[Busty].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=298;Set=144 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=151' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11818, ID=11818 duration=(90.52), Size=(8591386), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=24.99 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 759291, 24.99 : h264, 758276, 25' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14932, ID=14932 duration=(90.54), Size=(8582073), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11818 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Cute asian deep anal - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=300;Set=145 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=152' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17625, ID=17625 duration=(1274.38), Size=(371996017), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DP first Time Anal only 19 Babe -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DP first Time Anal only 19 Babe -' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\a\\DP first Time Anal only 19 Babe - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka First Anal - very busty teen anal-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\DP first Time Anal only 19 Babe - with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka First Anal - very busty teen anal-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2335226, 25 : av1, 1643966, 24' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16151, ID=16151 duration=(1274.38), Size=(261878763), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka First Anal - very busty teen anal-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka First Anal - very busty teen anal-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16151, ID=11827 duration=(1274.38), Size=(74511493), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\DP First Time Anal Only 19 Babe - RedTube-426x240P-[Busty]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka First Anal - very busty teen anal-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17625 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\DP first Time Anal only 19 Babe - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=303;Set=146 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=153' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11827 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\DP First Time Anal Only 19 Babe - RedTube-426x240P-[Busty]-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=303;Set=146 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=154' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11832, ID=11832 duration=(487.79), Size=(34969310), Res=(290 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Damn Painful Anal For Amateur Tight Ass Teen - painal-290x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Damn Painful Anal For Amateur Tight Ass Teen - painal-290x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Damn Painful Anal For Amateur Tight Ass Teen - painal-290x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rough Painal With Hot Tied Milf - anal painal force-[Amateur]-[Teen]-576x468P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 290x240 < 576x468' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14165, ID=14165 duration=(488.11), Size=(18499642), Res=(576 x 468) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rough Painal With Hot Tied Milf - anal painal force-[Amateur]-[Teen]-576x468P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rough Painal With Hot Tied Milf - anal painal force-[Amateur]-[Teen]-576x468P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11832 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Damn Painful Anal For Amateur Tight Ass Teen - painal-290x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=305;Set=147 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=155' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17705, ID=17705 duration=(772.24), Size=(125745029), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17705, ID=11836 duration=(772.17), Size=(119647354), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - RedTube-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11836 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - RedTube-1280x720P.mp4=1239594 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1302654' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Darcy Dark Aces Her First Foray into Painal - RedTube-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=307;Set=148 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=156' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11855, ID=11855 duration=(1538.02), Size=(250037927), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Do what I Want - Episode 01 - Vintage Chapter - anal rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Do what I Want - Episode 01 - Vintage Chapter - anal rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Do what I Want - Episode 01 - Vintage Chapter - anal rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Do what I WANT - episode 01 - Vintage skinny anal DP ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Do what I Want - Episode 01 - Vintage Chapter - anal rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Do what I WANT - episode 01 - Vintage skinny anal DP ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1300570, 25 : av1, 880228, 25' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15544, ID=15544 duration=(1538.02), Size=(169226161), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Do what I WANT - episode 01 - Vintage skinny anal DP ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Do what I WANT - episode 01 - Vintage skinny anal DP ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11855 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Do what I Want - Episode 01 - Vintage Chapter - anal rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=309;Set=149 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=157' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18488, ID=18488 duration=(3554.36), Size=(445123426), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Fake repairmen abduct sexy milf MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Fake repairmen abduct sexy milf MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18488, ID=11872 duration=(3554.33), Size=(306500703), Res=(720 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Dont Open the Door Porn Video -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Fake repairmen abduct sexy milf MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11872 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Dont Open the Door Porn Video - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=311;Set=150 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=158' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13736, ID=13736 duration=(1903.62), Size=(310402958), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\French very skinny amateur teen anal threesome ffm - XVIDEOS-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\French very skinny amateur teen anal threesome ffm - XVIDEOS-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13736, ID=11902 duration=(1903.64), Size=(215234638), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\EROCOM.TV - French very skinny amateur teen anal threesome ffm -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\French very skinny amateur teen anal threesome ffm - XVIDEOS-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11902 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\EROCOM.TV - French very skinny amateur teen anal threesome ffm - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=313;Set=151 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=159' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15592, ID=15592 duration=(2718.8), Size=(1748726204), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15592, ID=11923 duration=(2718.78), Size=(1234003323), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\EURO SLUT BBC ASS FUCK - Ellie Wain - skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15592, ID=30480 duration=(2718.76), Size=(198446139), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time 0% Pussy ATM BBC Deepthroat Gapes Facial \u2013 PornXP-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny].mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11923 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\EURO SLUT BBC ASS FUCK - Ellie Wain - skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4=3631052 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1920x1080P-[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny].mp4=5145580' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\EURO SLUT BBC ASS FUCK - Ellie Wain - skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=316;Set=152 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=160' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30480 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Ellie Wain Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time 0% Pussy ATM BBC Deepthroat Gapes Facial \u2013 PornXP-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=316;Set=152 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=161' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11917, ID=11917 duration=(1603.41), Size=(94464865), Res=(582 x 388) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=24.99 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS COM.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 471320, 24.99 : h264, 470926, 25' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16827, ID=16827 duration=(1603.5), Size=(94391501), Res=(582 x 388) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11917 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ebony whore loves anal blackc cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=318;Set=153 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=162' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11936, ID=11936 duration=(2288.74), Size=(1485678764), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ella Elastic - petite anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ella Elastic - petite anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11936, ID=15265 duration=(2288.83), Size=(896258305), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Babyface Fitness Body And Cum Eater - Ella Elastic - anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ella Elastic - petite anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11936, ID=11930 duration=(2288.77), Size=(330215148), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ella elastic ella elastic 150 cm, fitness body, 18yo teen anal-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ella Elastic - petite anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15265 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Babyface Fitness Body And Cum Eater - Ella Elastic - anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=321;Set=154 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=163' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 11930 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ella elastic ella elastic 150 cm, fitness body, 18yo teen anal-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=321;Set=154 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=164' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11945, ID=11945 duration=(2033.69), Size=(455790869), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Erick Lewis In Painful Anal With Bbc Wrecking Her Tight White Asshole Transferred Porn Video -[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Erick Lewis In Painful Anal With Bbc Wrecking Her Tight White Asshole Transferred Porn Video -[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11945, ID=18697 duration=(2033.16), Size=(112458755), Res=(638 x 362) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - PAINFUL ANAL WITH BBC WRECKING HER TIGHT WHITE ASSHOLE - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-638x362P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Erick Lewis In Painful Anal With Bbc Wrecking Her Tight White Asshole Transferred Porn Video -[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18697 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - PAINFUL ANAL WITH BBC WRECKING HER TIGHT WHITE ASSHOLE - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-638x362P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=323;Set=155 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=165' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11979, ID=11979 duration=(2259.17), Size=(1163696196), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Eveline Dellai - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - teen anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Eveline Dellai - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - teen anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=11979, ID=30178 duration=(2259.19), Size=(381012836), Res=(1290 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Has Afair with Stepdad He Sticks His BBC Right up Her Booty xHamster-[Anal]-1290x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Eveline Dellai - WhiteTeensBlackCocks - teen anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30178 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Has Afair with Stepdad He Sticks His BBC Right up Her Booty xHamster-[Anal]-1290x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=325;Set=156 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=166' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12005, ID=12005 duration=(1864.76), Size=(540553656), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FAQ - Sabrina Blond - petite teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FAQ - Sabrina Blond - petite teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12005, ID=18581 duration=(1864.75), Size=(115979043), Res=(576 x 434) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal Ends Up Being Too Painful-576x434P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FAQ - Sabrina Blond - petite teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18581 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal Ends Up Being Too Painful-576x434P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=327;Set=157 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=167' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12015, ID=12015 duration=(1969.98), Size=(1285520307), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FAQ - Teen Blonde - Meow Miu - petite teen anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FAQ - Teen Blonde - Meow Miu - petite teen anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12015, ID=25405 duration=(1970.04), Size=(114851124), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Schoolgirl Meow Miu trying gaping anal sex first time \u2013 Meow Miu - teen anal-[ATM]-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FAQ - Teen Blonde - Meow Miu - petite teen anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25405 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Schoolgirl Meow Miu trying gaping anal sex first time \u2013 Meow Miu - teen anal-[ATM]-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=329;Set=158 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=168' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18346, ID=18346 duration=(420.08), Size=(68333696), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Extremely b. hardcore gangbang princess donna xxx Kayla West was - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Extremely b. hardcore gangbang princess donna xxx Kayla West was - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18346, ID=12014 duration=(420.08), Size=(39586757), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Fake police officer anal and inmate Mexican border patrol agent has - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Extremely b. hardcore gangbang princess donna xxx Kayla West was - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12014 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Fake police officer anal and inmate Mexican border patrol agent has - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=331;Set=159 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=169' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12046, ID=12046 duration=(1895.12), Size=(1233709440), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Feet Massage Gives Satisfaction - Milana Milka - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Feet Massage Gives Satisfaction - Milana Milka - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12046, ID=25764 duration=(1895.13), Size=(191134900), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal beauty 21 10 28 milana a 1080p wrb analbeauty 21 10 28 milana a watch online - Milana Milka aka Gulya Pechkina-[Busty]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Feet Massage Gives Satisfaction - Milana Milka - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25764 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal beauty 21 10 28 milana a 1080p wrb analbeauty 21 10 28 milana a watch online - Milana Milka aka Gulya Pechkina-[Busty]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=333;Set=160 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=170' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12028, ID=12028 duration=(1677.69), Size=(228621030), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Felicia Clover - Big Phat Ass Babe Goes Anal With A Big One - very very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Felicia Clover - Big Phat Ass Babe Goes Anal With A Big One - very very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12028, ID=12029 duration=(1677.57), Size=(153818275), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Felicia Clover - very very busty anal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Felicia Clover - Big Phat Ass Babe Goes Anal With A Big One - very very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12029 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Felicia Clover - very very busty anal-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=335;Set=161 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=171' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13659, ID=13659 duration=(2358.59), Size=(562267243), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ebony interracial - Ebony Ass, Ebony Interacial, Ebony - skinny ebony anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ebony interracial - Ebony Ass, Ebony Interacial, Ebony - skinny ebony anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13659, ID=12051 duration=(2358.61), Size=(552663543), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal For Black Girl With Big White Dick Rebecca Sax - black skinny teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ebony interracial - Ebony Ass, Ebony Interacial, Ebony - skinny ebony anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12051 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal For Black Girl With Big White Dick Rebecca Sax - black skinny teen anal.mp4=1874537 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ebony interracial - Ebony Ass, Ebony Interacial, Ebony - skinny ebony anal-1280x720P.mp4=1907130' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal For Black Girl With Big White Dick Rebecca Sax - black skinny teen anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=337;Set=162 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=172' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18988, ID=18988 duration=(744.44), Size=(121959415), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\first rough anal with flexi stepsister - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\first rough anal with flexi stepsister - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18988, ID=12049 duration=(744.45), Size=(106200556), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal with Flexible Stepsister - teen anal-1280x720P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\first rough anal with flexi stepsister - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12049 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal with Flexible Stepsister - teen anal-1280x720P-[Force].mp4=1141254 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\first rough anal with flexi stepsister - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1310616' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\First Anal with Flexible Stepsister - teen anal-1280x720P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=339;Set=163 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=173' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16928, ID=16928 duration=(2032.13), Size=(2595512514), Res=(2560 x 1440) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\KARLA ROY - busty colombian anal BBC-2560x1440P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\KARLA ROY - busty colombian anal BBC-2560x1440P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16928, ID=12066 duration=(2032.21), Size=(589244732), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\First time anal with BBC for colombian hottie\xa0Karla Roy\xa0NT022 - busty Latina anal ATM swallows-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\KARLA ROY - busty colombian anal BBC-2560x1440P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12066 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\First time anal with BBC for colombian hottie\xa0Karla Roy\xa0NT022 - busty Latina anal ATM swallows-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=341;Set=164 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=174' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13694, ID=13694 duration=(2338.48), Size=(615489716), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Iris Kiss - anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Iris Kiss - anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13694, ID=12069 duration=(2338.5), Size=(366538675), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - Iris Kiss-Kiss - blond Gaped Painfully-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Iris Kiss - anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12069 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - Iris Kiss-Kiss - blond Gaped Painfully-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=343;Set=165 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=175' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12072, ID=12072 duration=(2002.65), Size=(416336570), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - LITTLE RANDY-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - LITTLE RANDY-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12072, ID=18658 duration=(2002.67), Size=(343234751), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest \u2013 little randy gets her first anal sex after shower-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - LITTLE RANDY-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18658 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest \u2013 little randy gets her first anal sex after shower-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=345;Set=166 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=176' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=681, ID=681 duration=(1947.48), Size=(591137183), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Merrie heys [ anal , teen 18+, blowjob, cum in mouth,barely legal]-[ATM]-[BarelyLegal]-[CumInMouth]-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Merrie heys [ anal , teen 18+, blowjob, cum in mouth,barely legal]-[ATM]-[BarelyLegal]-[CumInMouth]-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=681, ID=12077 duration=(1947.64), Size=(548526653), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - Merrie Heys-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Merrie heys [ anal , teen 18+, blowjob, cum in mouth,barely legal]-[ATM]-[BarelyLegal]-[CumInMouth]-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12077 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - Merrie Heys-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4=2253092 v.s. B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Merrie heys [ anal , teen 18+, blowjob, cum in mouth,barely legal]-[ATM]-[BarelyLegal]-[CumInMouth]-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4=2428315' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - Merrie Heys-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=347;Set=167 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=177' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12093, ID=12093 duration=(2231.63), Size=(622719545), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown busty teen anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown busty teen anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12093, ID=13692 duration=(2231.79), Size=(576920463), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Busty Clary Teen - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown busty teen anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12093, ID=22909 duration=(2231.6), Size=(553774090), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\93335_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown busty teen anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12093, ID=19003 duration=(2231.6), Size=(224805758), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest young busty clary gaping anal porn 24 04 2018 rq watch online -[FAQ]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown busty teen anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13692 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Busty Clary Teen - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4=2068008 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown busty teen anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4=2232336' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Busty Clary Teen - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=351;Set=168 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=178' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22909 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\93335_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4=1985209 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown busty teen anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4=2232336' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\93335_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=351;Set=168 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=179' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19003 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest young busty clary gaping anal porn 24 04 2018 rq watch online -[FAQ]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=351;Set=168 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=180' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12092, ID=12092 duration=(2052.23), Size=(596728474), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown petite busty teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown petite busty teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12092, ID=13691 duration=(2052.25), Size=(561454184), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Alexa Flexy - anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown petite busty teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13691 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Alexa Flexy - anal-1280x720P.mp4=2188639 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest - zzzUnknown petite busty teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4=2326162' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Alexa Flexy - anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=353;Set=169 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=181' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29003, ID=29003 duration=(1720.68), Size=(176732331), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\U0001f525First Time Anal Sex Of Russian Teen Shakila Asti - Yuri - First Anal Quest -[ATM]-[Busty]-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\U0001f525First Time Anal Sex Of Russian Teen Shakila Asti - Yuri - First Anal Quest -[ATM]-[Busty]-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29003, ID=12079 duration=(1720.47), Size=(162606039), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest Shakila Asti - busty anal ATM-[FAQ]-640x360P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\U0001f525First Time Anal Sex Of Russian Teen Shakila Asti - Yuri - First Anal Quest -[ATM]-[Busty]-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12079 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\FirstAnalQuest Shakila Asti - busty anal ATM-[FAQ]-640x360P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=355;Set=170 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=182' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21803, ID=21803 duration=(2627.98), Size=(382582743), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skiny girl anal gt moms -852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skiny girl anal gt moms -852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21803, ID=12084 duration=(2628.08), Size=(144853908), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - PETITE ANAL WITH HIS SMALL TITS CZECH - petite teen anal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skiny girl anal gt moms -852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12084 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - PETITE ANAL WITH HIS SMALL TITS CZECH - petite teen anal-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=357;Set=171 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=183' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27722, ID=27722 duration=(1498.96), Size=(385087001), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty anal - Destroying Tight Virgin Asshole - Shantel Nubiles - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty anal - Destroying Tight Virgin Asshole - Shantel Nubiles - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27722, ID=12082 duration=(1499), Size=(82797191), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - SUPER ANAL SLUT LOVES HER FIRST TIME FUck - busty anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty anal - Destroying Tight Virgin Asshole - Shantel Nubiles - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12082 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - SUPER ANAL SLUT LOVES HER FIRST TIME FUck - busty anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=359;Set=172 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=184' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15700, ID=15700 duration=(2098.67), Size=(435382256), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen Nymph - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen Nymph - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15700, ID=12110 duration=(2098.52), Size=(149930315), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\French Teen Nymph - Anal Casting - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen Nymph - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12110 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\French Teen Nymph - Anal Casting - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=361;Set=173 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=185' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12123, ID=12123 duration=(1244.17), Size=(149061062), Res=(588 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\From Nacho Vidal Fucks 2 Colombian Teens - Teens, Pussy Fuck, anal real painal-588x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\From Nacho Vidal Fucks 2 Colombian Teens - Teens, Pussy Fuck, anal real painal-588x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\From Nacho Vidal Fucks 2 Colombian Teens - Teens, Pussy Fuck, anal real painal-588x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Two columbian teens - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Anal]-[Columbiana]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7642, ID=7642 duration=(1244.12), Size=(95571017), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Two columbian teens - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Anal]-[Columbiana]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Two columbian teens - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Anal]-[Columbiana]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12123 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\From Nacho Vidal Fucks 2 Colombian Teens - Teens, Pussy Fuck, anal real painal-588x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=363;Set=174 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=186' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21808, ID=21808 duration=(405.21), Size=(66170990), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Anal, Anal Punishment, Anal Bestrafung -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Anal, Anal Punishment, Anal Bestrafung -' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21808, ID=12163 duration=(406.04), Size=(38439186), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\German blonde earns an anal creampie - - X-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Anal, Anal Punishment, Anal Bestrafung -' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12163 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\German blonde earns an anal creampie - - X-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=365;Set=175 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=187' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12177, ID=12177 duration=(906.04), Size=(144455575), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginger Slut Gets It Hard - RapeLust-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginger Slut Gets It Hard - RapeLust-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginger Slut Gets It Hard - RapeLust-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape DR0019 - \U0001f4f9 Free Porn Video-[Force]-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3904, ID=3904 duration=(906.14), Size=(93675005), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape DR0019 - \U0001f4f9 Free Porn Video-[Force]-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape DR0019 - \U0001f4f9 Free Porn Video-[Force]-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12177 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Ginger Slut Gets It Hard - RapeLust-[Redhead]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=367;Set=176 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=188' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25015, ID=25015 duration=(1957.05), Size=(630124353), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Babe Fucked In Ass And Vagina - Estelle Siam - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Babe Fucked In Ass And Vagina - Estelle Siam - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25015, ID=12190 duration=(1957.02), Size=(197300420), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Girl Fucked In Ass And Vagina - Estelle Siam aka Lucille aka Licije Sperm - redhead teen anal painal-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Babe Fucked In Ass And Vagina - Estelle Siam - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12190 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Girl Fucked In Ass And Vagina - Estelle Siam aka Lucille aka Licije Sperm - redhead teen anal painal-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=369;Set=177 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=189' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12211, ID=12211 duration=(1788.93), Size=(654578158), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\HARDCORE BBC ANAL GAPE FUCK of SUPER HOT SEXY PERFECT BODY BIG NATURAL TITS SKINNY TEEN CUM SLUT-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\HARDCORE BBC ANAL GAPE FUCK of SUPER HOT SEXY PERFECT BODY BIG NATURAL TITS SKINNY TEEN CUM SLUT-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\HARDCORE BBC ANAL GAPE FUCK of SUPER HOT SEXY PERFECT BODY BIG NATURAL TITS SKINNY TEEN CUM SLUT-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cute babe likes his hard big black cock - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1788.93 < 1789.12' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25382, ID=25382 duration=(1789.12), Size=(605548519), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cute babe likes his hard big black cock - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cute babe likes his hard big black cock - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12211 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\HARDCORE BBC ANAL GAPE FUCK of SUPER HOT SEXY PERFECT BODY BIG NATURAL TITS SKINNY TEEN CUM SLUT-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=371;Set=178 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=190' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1905, ID=1905 duration=(3261.5), Size=(191880409), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Operation Enduring Anal Rape - Bing video - Forced_Anal_Rape-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Operation Enduring Anal Rape - Bing video - Forced_Anal_Rape-576x324P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1905, ID=12224 duration=(3261.58), Size=(128487782), Res=(320 x 180) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hard rape of two young bitches Operation Desert Anal ATM (Lyla S-[Force]-[Teen]-320x180P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Operation Enduring Anal Rape - Bing video - Forced_Anal_Rape-576x324P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12224 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hard rape of two young bitches Operation Desert Anal ATM (Lyla S-[Force]-[Teen]-320x180P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=373;Set=179 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=191' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12235, ID=12235 duration=(2845.65), Size=(413127330), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting - anal ATM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting - anal ATM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting - anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25545, ID=25545 duration=(2845.88), Size=(212334738), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12235 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West - Porn Dude Casting - anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=375;Set=180 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=192' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12230, ID=12230 duration=(2187.04), Size=(200873817), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West -^- Gaping Anal A2M Newbie-[ATM]-[Amateur]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West -^- Gaping Anal A2M Newbie-[ATM]-[Amateur]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West -^- Gaping Anal A2M Newbie-[ATM]-[Amateur]-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Harlow West Gaping Anal & A2M Newbie \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Amateur]-648x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 648x360' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13792, ID=13792 duration=(2187.04), Size=(152582119), Res=(648 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Harlow West Gaping Anal & A2M Newbie \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Amateur]-648x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Harlow West Gaping Anal & A2M Newbie \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Amateur]-648x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12230 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Harlow West -^- Gaping Anal A2M Newbie-[ATM]-[Amateur]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=377;Set=181 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=193' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12252, ID=12252 duration=(3076.85), Size=(403879612), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hazel moore [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens] busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hazel moore [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens] busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hazel moore [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens] busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hazel moore porno, all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens, porn, \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e watch online-[Busty]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 3076.85 < 3077.01' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25581, ID=25581 duration=(3077.01), Size=(403862238), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hazel moore porno, all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens, porn, \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e watch online-[Busty]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hazel moore porno, all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens, porn, \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e watch online-[Busty]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12252 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hazel moore [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, anal, pov, teens] busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=379;Set=182 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=194' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18235, ID=18235 duration=(895.48), Size=(99905702), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\European Hottie Heidi Handles Anal Bbc Like A Pro - Shane Diesel Porn Video -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\European Hottie Heidi Handles Anal Bbc Like A Pro - Shane Diesel Porn Video -' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\a\\European Hottie Heidi Handles Anal Bbc Like A Pro - Shane Diesel Porn Video - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Heidi la bombasse europ\xe9enne g\xe8re une grosse bite noire comme une pro xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-854x480P.mp4=30' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\European Hottie Heidi Handles Anal Bbc Like A Pro - Shane Diesel Porn Video - with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Heidi la bombasse europ\xe9enne g\xe8re une grosse bite noire comme une pro xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 892533, 25 : h264, 772566, 30' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12253, ID=12253 duration=(895.36), Size=(86465640), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Heidi la bombasse europ\xe9enne g\xe8re une grosse bite noire comme une pro xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Heidi la bombasse europ\xe9enne g\xe8re une grosse bite noire comme une pro xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18235 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\European Hottie Heidi Handles Anal Bbc Like A Pro - Shane Diesel Porn Video - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=381;Set=183 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=195' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12266, ID=12266 duration=(1881.75), Size=(112070292), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hogtied brunette forced to hardcore - rape-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hogtied brunette forced to hardcore - rape-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hogtied brunette forced to hardcore - rape-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Slut in short dress forced sex by neighbor - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 554x416' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3308, ID=3308 duration=(1881.84), Size=(103968876), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Slut in short dress forced sex by neighbor - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Slut in short dress forced sex by neighbor - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3308, ID=14135 duration=(1881.92), Size=(103931885), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rapped, Rapping -[Force]-554x416P-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Slut in short dress forced sex by neighbor - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12266 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hogtied brunette forced to hardcore - rape-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=384;Set=184 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=196' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14135 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rapped, Rapping -[Force]-554x416P-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt].mp4=441812 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Slut in short dress forced sex by neighbor - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-554x416P.mp4=441988' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rapped, Rapping -[Force]-554x416P-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=384;Set=184 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=197' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15300, ID=15300 duration=(1605.43), Size=(544214479), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Best Friends Fucking with a Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Best Friends Fucking with a Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15300, ID=12288 duration=(1605.41), Size=(544124937), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny Bestfriends Fucks With One Guy! - anal ATM FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Best Friends Fucking with a Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12288 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny Bestfriends Fucks With One Guy! - anal ATM FFM.mp4=2711465 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Best Friends Fucking with a Guy! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2711871' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny Bestfriends Fucks With One Guy! - anal ATM FFM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=386;Set=185 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=198' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16877, ID=16877 duration=(464.63), Size=(25771124), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot young slut Madison Sins gets her sweet cunt drilled doggy st.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot young slut Madison Sins gets her sweet cunt drilled doggy st.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16877, ID=12287 duration=(464.63), Size=(25742248), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny teenage Madison Sins trollop fucked hardcore - very skinny teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot young slut Madison Sins gets her sweet cunt drilled doggy st.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12287 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny teenage Madison Sins trollop fucked hardcore - very skinny teen.mp4=443228 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot young slut Madison Sins gets her sweet cunt drilled doggy st.mp4=443726' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Horny teenage Madison Sins trollop fucked hardcore - very skinny teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=388;Set=186 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=199' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12298, ID=12298 duration=(1235.65), Size=(192846528), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Babe Looking For Romance - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Babe Looking For Romance - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:07] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Babe Looking For Romance - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAAA bat-rea-046-wmv-high_01.skinny.a2m.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-400x300P-[Teen].wmv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1711, ID=1711 duration=(1235.6), Size=(144182777), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAAA bat-rea-046-wmv-high_01.skinny.a2m.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-400x300P-[Teen].wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAAA bat-rea-046-wmv-high_01.skinny.a2m.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-400x300P-[Teen].wmv' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1711, ID=26528 duration=(1235.7), Size=(87512563), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Kidnapped And Brutally Anal Fucked Under The Gun Threat -[ATM]-[Force]-[Skinny]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAAA bat-rea-046-wmv-high_01.skinny.a2m.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-400x300P-[Teen].wmv' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12298 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Babe Looking For Romance - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=391;Set=187 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=200' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26528 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Kidnapped And Brutally Anal Fucked Under The Gun Threat -[ATM]-[Force]-[Skinny]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=391;Set=187 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=201' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4217, ID=4217 duration=(1520.19), Size=(500487993), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Betsey Kite-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Betsey Kite-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4217, ID=12310 duration=(1520.04), Size=(382764177), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Blonde Raped By Her Friend - RapeLust-1280x720P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Betsey Kite-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12310 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Blonde Raped By Her Friend - RapeLust-1280x720P-[Force].mp4=2014492 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Betsey Kite-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=2633823' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Blonde Raped By Her Friend - RapeLust-1280x720P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=393;Set=188 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=202' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12311, ID=12311 duration=(1112.61), Size=(163483509), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Russian Raped At The Pool - RapeLust-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Russian Raped At The Pool - RapeLust-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Russian Raped At The Pool - RapeLust-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Swimmer Cunt Raped and Abused at the Pool MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29981, ID=29981 duration=(1112.56), Size=(107270362), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Swimmer Cunt Raped and Abused at the Pool MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Swimmer Cunt Raped and Abused at the Pool MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Swimmer Cunt Raped and Abused at the Pool MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Aggressive Punk Beat Up And Force Fucked Poor Girl Against Her Will By The Pool - - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2344, ID=2344 duration=(1112.35), Size=(65913173), Res=(640 x 464) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Aggressive Punk Beat Up And Force Fucked Poor Girl Against Her Will By The Pool - - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Aggressive Punk Beat Up And Force Fucked Poor Girl Against Her Will By The Pool - - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12311 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Russian Raped At The Pool - RapeLust-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=396;Set=189 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=203' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29981 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Swimmer Cunt Raped and Abused at the Pool MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=396;Set=189 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=204' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12317, ID=12317 duration=(360), Size=(58785642), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Teen holding hands with small talks and grab a big dick - very busty very skinny teen-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Teen holding hands with small talks and grab a big dick - very busty very skinny teen-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12317, ID=13823 duration=(360), Size=(47685005), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Hot Teen Fucking Hardcore Anal Wreck Teen - F02 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot Teen holding hands with small talks and grab a big dick - very busty very skinny teen-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13823 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Hot Teen Fucking Hardcore Anal Wreck Teen - F02 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=398;Set=190 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=205' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16875, ID=16875 duration=(1092.15), Size=(60449444), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16875, ID=12320 duration=(1092.13), Size=(60385928), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12320 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=442337 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS COM.mp4=442792' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot black girl takes white cock up the ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=400;Set=191 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=206' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27821, ID=27821 duration=(2788.02), Size=(263321354), Res=(854 x 482) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Cadence Luxx in StepDad fucks StepDaughter hard -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Cadence Luxx in StepDad fucks StepDaughter hard -' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27821, ID=12327 duration=(2788.07), Size=(230065770), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot blond groped and manhandled by her step daddy (Cadence Lux, Gina Wild) Porn Video -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Cadence Luxx in StepDad fucks StepDaughter hard -' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12327 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot blond groped and manhandled by her step daddy (Cadence Lux, Gina Wild) Porn Video - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=402;Set=192 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=207' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3046, ID=3046 duration=(630.76), Size=(50082782), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Pleated Skirt Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Pleated Skirt Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3046, ID=12323 duration=(630.78), Size=(34439272), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot brunette teen abused fuck on couch -[Force]-[Skirt]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Pleated Skirt Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12323 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Hot brunette teen abused fuck on couch -[Force]-[Skirt]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=404;Set=193 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=208' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12338, ID=12338 duration=(204.42), Size=(29750229), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\How to Painal Free 4tube Tube HD Porn Video c1 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\How to Painal Free 4tube Tube HD Porn Video c1 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12338, ID=15851 duration=(204.42), Size=(29733996), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\How to Painal - rough forced anal painal BBC on ebony-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\How to Painal Free 4tube Tube HD Porn Video c1 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15851 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\How to Painal - rough forced anal painal BBC on ebony-1280x720P.mp4=1163666 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\How to Painal Free 4tube Tube HD Porn Video c1 xHamster.mp4=1164301' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\How to Painal - rough forced anal painal BBC on ebony-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=406;Set=194 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=209' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3199, ID=3199 duration=(1175.93), Size=(154665869), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 6 - Forced Rape-320x240P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 6 - Forced Rape-320x240P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 6 - Forced Rape-320x240P.wmv=wmv3:Rank=40 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\If Girl Starts Crying It Means To Stop -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-320x240P.mp4=h264:Rank=9' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 6 - Forced Rape-320x240P.wmv with B:\\V\\V\\2\\If Girl Starts Crying It Means To Stop -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-320x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: wmv3, 1052207, 30 : h264, 469419, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12359, ID=12359 duration=(1057.79), Size=(62068471), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\If Girl Starts Crying It Means To Stop -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\If Girl Starts Crying It Means To Stop -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 6 - Forced Rape-320x240P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=408;Set=195 of 912;QtySkipForDel=4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=12361, ID=12361 duration=(1004.23), Size=(174630809), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\If She Didn't Want It - RapeLust-640x480P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\If She Didn't Want It - RapeLust-640x480P-[Force].mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\If She Didn't Want It - RapeLust-640x480P-[Force].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\5a9dd2b95b930f8.mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22853, ID=22853 duration=(1004.2), Size=(109545153), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\5a9dd2b95b930f8.mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\5a9dd2b95b930f8.mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22853, ID=24029 duration=(1003.96), Size=(101964244), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[rapesection] elena tsibrik \u0440\u0430\u0437\u044a\u044f\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043a\u043e \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 (720 hd \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e, \u0448\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430, \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435, \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435) watch online-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\5a9dd2b95b930f8.mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22853, ID=24102 duration=(1004.26), Size=(19981500), Res=(384 x 288) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\if she didin\xb4t want it - XVIDEOSCOM[Mp4]-[Force]-384x288P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\5a9dd2b95b930f8.mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - rape-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12361 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\If She Didn't Want It - RapeLust-640x480P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=412;Set=196 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=210" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24029 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\[rapesection] elena tsibrik \u0440\u0430\u0437\u044a\u044f\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043f\u0430\u0440\u0435\u043d\u044c \u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043a\u043e \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u0435\u0442 \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 (720 hd \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e, \u0448\u043a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u043d\u0438\u0446\u0430, \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435, \u0440\u0443\u0441\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0435) watch online-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=412;Set=196 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=211' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24102 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\if she didin\xb4t want it - XVIDEOSCOM[Mp4]-[Force]-384x288P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=412;Set=196 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=212' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14899, ID=14899 duration=(2693.84), Size=(149278223), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Cuarteto interracial Gran polla negra follando con tres chicas sexys ITS-1-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Cuarteto interracial Gran polla negra follando con tres chicas sexys ITS-1-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14899, ID=12381 duration=(2693.75), Size=(149134622), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Interracial foursome Big black cock fucking three sexy chick - anal ATM FFFM BBC-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Cuarteto interracial Gran polla negra follando con tres chicas sexys ITS-1-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12381 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Interracial foursome Big black cock fucking three sexy chick - anal ATM FFFM BBC-554x416P.mp4=442906 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - Cuarteto interracial Gran polla negra follando con tres chicas sexys ITS-1-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-554x416P.mp4=443316' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Interracial foursome Big black cock fucking three sexy chick - anal ATM FFFM BBC-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=414;Set=197 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=213' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12448, ID=12448 duration=(1593.82), Size=(221118706), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Jillian janson (amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed) - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Jillian janson (amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed) - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Jillian janson (amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed) - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jillian janson amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed 1080p watch online-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30904, ID=30904 duration=(1593.8), Size=(206597659), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jillian janson amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed 1080p watch online-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jillian janson amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed 1080p watch online-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12448 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Jillian janson (amish girls go anal part 1 time to breed) - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=416;Set=198 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=214' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12459, ID=12459 duration=(1669.31), Size=(438462727), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\KERI ANAL very busty teen anal ATM redhead painal-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\KERI ANAL very busty teen anal ATM redhead painal-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\KERI ANAL very busty teen anal ATM redhead painal-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Keri - busty painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Redhead]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=270, ID=270 duration=(1669.42), Size=(214145586), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Keri - busty painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Redhead]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Keri - busty painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Redhead]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12459 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\KERI ANAL very busty teen anal ATM redhead painal-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=418;Set=199 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=215' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12510, ID=12510 duration=(1213.98), Size=(411885700), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kumalott - This Girl Sure Can Take 2 Cocks in All Her Holes! - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kumalott - This Girl Sure Can Take 2 Cocks in All Her Holes! - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12510, ID=15554 duration=(1213.98), Size=(410269093), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Double for the blonde with two big white cocks - anal DP-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kumalott - This Girl Sure Can Take 2 Cocks in All Her Holes! - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15554 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Double for the blonde with two big white cocks - anal DP-1920x1080P.mp4=2703623 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Kumalott - This Girl Sure Can Take 2 Cocks in All Her Holes! - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-[DP]-1920x1080P.mp4=2714281' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Double for the blonde with two big white cocks - anal DP-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=420;Set=200 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=216' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12528, ID=12528 duration=(1180.08), Size=(64035216), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12528, ID=16005 duration=(1180.13), Size=(63907419), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - very skinny anal-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16005 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - very skinny anal-588x392P.mp4=433224 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny].mp4=434107' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\LBO - The Hardcore Collection 08 - scene 7 - very skinny anal-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=422;Set=201 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=217' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12534, ID=12534 duration=(2456.24), Size=(400932396), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Abby & Niki Wild Scene with Anal Only - very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Abby & Niki Wild Scene with Anal Only - very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12534, ID=14741 duration=(2456.54), Size=(400658475), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LPFS - GG Exclusive Anal with Abby & Niki - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Abby & Niki Wild Scene with Anal Only - very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14741 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LPFS - GG Exclusive Anal with Abby & Niki - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1304792 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Abby & Niki Wild Scene with Anal Only - very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4=1305841' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LPFS - GG Exclusive Anal with Abby & Niki - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=424;Set=202 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=218' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31323, ID=31323 duration=(4089.24), Size=(854278100), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Legal (0221) - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Legal (0221) - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31323, ID=12552 duration=(4089.25), Size=(691250899), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Latina Casting Kamila Egypt And Yessica Bunny - Latina Bunny - very skinny anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Legal (0221) - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12552 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Latina Casting Kamila Egypt And Yessica Bunny - Latina Bunny - very skinny anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4=1352327 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\k\\Legal (0221) - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4=1671268' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Latina Casting Kamila Egypt And Yessica Bunny - Latina Bunny - very skinny anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=426;Set=203 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=219' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12572, ID=12572 duration=(1637.77), Size=(1064749819), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lick, Suck And Fuck Hard - Emma Fantasy - skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lick, Suck And Fuck Hard - Emma Fantasy - skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12572, ID=31423 duration=(1637.75), Size=(627352840), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lick, Suck And Fuck Hard-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lick, Suck And Fuck Hard - Emma Fantasy - skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31423 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lick, Suck And Fuck Hard-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=428;Set=204 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=220' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20694, ID=20694 duration=(2165.12), Size=(217544176), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\pornbox 23 01 20 lola bredly first monster cock in anal 18yo baby 1080p hevc x265 prt mkv watch online -[Teen]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\pornbox 23 01 20 lola bredly first monster cock in anal 18yo baby 1080p hevc x265 prt mkv watch online -[Teen]-720x406P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\pornbox 23 01 20 lola bredly first monster cock in anal 18yo baby 1080p hevc x265 prt mkv watch online -[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lola Bredly - AnalVids First Monster Cock In Anal 18yo Baby Lola Bredly (20-01-2023) - very busty teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 720x406 < 852x480' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12594, ID=12594 duration=(2165.1), Size=(164497143), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lola Bredly - AnalVids First Monster Cock In Anal 18yo Baby Lola Bredly (20-01-2023) - very busty teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lola Bredly - AnalVids First Monster Cock In Anal 18yo Baby Lola Bredly (20-01-2023) - very busty teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20694 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\pornbox 23 01 20 lola bredly first monster cock in anal 18yo baby 1080p hevc x265 prt mkv watch online -[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=430;Set=205 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=221' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13473, ID=13473 duration=(1928.16), Size=(360897584), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Big Tits Blonde Loren Strawberry - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Big Tits Blonde Loren Strawberry - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13473, ID=12609 duration=(1928.13), Size=(281307183), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Loren strawberry gets hard anal from her master - skinny busty anal ATM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Big Tits Blonde Loren Strawberry - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12609 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Loren strawberry gets hard anal from her master - skinny busty anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=432;Set=206 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=222' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=12615, ID=12615 duration=(2278.85), Size=(547358113), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lost Her Anal Virginity At The Casting Of Leo Casanova's Monstrous Cock - very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lost Her Anal Virginity At The Casting Of Leo Casanova's Monstrous Cock - very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=12615, ID=24900 duration=(2278.83), Size=(208389562), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AnalVids Tea Mint New Beautiful Teen Tea Mint Lost Her Anal Virginity At The Casting Of Leo Casanovas Monstrous Cock FLX056 (07-02-2023) 1080p -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lost Her Anal Virginity At The Casting Of Leo Casanova's Monstrous Cock - very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=12615, ID=15160 duration=(2278.85), Size=(335385146), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new beautiful teen tea mint lost her anal virginity-[ATM]-[Casting]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lost Her Anal Virginity At The Casting Of Leo Casanova's Monstrous Cock - very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24900 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\AnalVids Tea Mint New Beautiful Teen Tea Mint Lost Her Anal Virginity At The Casting Of Leo Casanovas Monstrous Cock FLX056 (07-02-2023) 1080p - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=435;Set=207 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=223' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15160 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new beautiful teen tea mint lost her anal virginity-[ATM]-[Casting]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=435;Set=207 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=224' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12628, ID=12628 duration=(1880.03), Size=(1214101913), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lucie Kline - Birthday Anal Surprise [ Abuse Me ] - EPORNER-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lucie Kline - Birthday Anal Surprise [ Abuse Me ] - EPORNER-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12628, ID=13474 duration=(1879.94), Size=(140332984), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Birthday Anal Surprise \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lucie Kline - Birthday Anal Surprise [ Abuse Me ] - EPORNER-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13474 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Birthday Anal Surprise \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=437;Set=208 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=225' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16097, ID=16097 duration=(2986.03), Size=(1875076074), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lucie Wilde&Friends - Big Birthday Party - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lucie Wilde&Friends - Big Birthday Party - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16097, ID=12626 duration=(2985.9), Size=(487496344), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lucie Wilde Big Natural Tits Creampie Orgy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lucie Wilde&Friends - Big Birthday Party - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12626 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Lucie Wilde Big Natural Tits Creampie Orgy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=439;Set=209 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=226' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22776, ID=22776 duration=(3316.97), Size=(470676004), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\293384_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\293384_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\293384_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Luna Haze In First Interracial Anal [atm, Balls Deep An for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 854x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12629, ID=12629 duration=(3317.16), Size=(424420283), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Luna Haze In First Interracial Anal [atm, Balls Deep An, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Luna Haze In First Interracial Anal [atm, Balls Deep An' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22776 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\293384_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=441;Set=210 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=227' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=336, ID=336 duration=(1573.68), Size=(1015830345), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - fucking with busty teen - Bing video - Anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - fucking with busty teen - Bing video - Anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=336, ID=12655 duration=(1573.69), Size=(188344665), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mandy Dee (aka Daria Makarova) - TeenAss - very busty teen anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - fucking with busty teen - Bing video - Anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12655 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mandy Dee (aka Daria Makarova) - TeenAss - very busty teen anal-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=443;Set=211 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=228' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13089, ID=13089 duration=(880.44), Size=(52029364), Res=(546 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Roswitha (Maria) 3 - very skinny teen-546x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Roswitha (Maria) 3 - very skinny teen-546x406P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Roswitha (Maria) 3 - very skinny teen-546x406P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Marianna having sex on a car - Marianna aka Maria aka Roswitha - very skinny teen-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 546x406 < 554x416' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12667, ID=12667 duration=(880.36), Size=(48719362), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Marianna having sex on a car - Marianna aka Maria aka Roswitha - very skinny teen-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Marianna having sex on a car - Marianna aka Maria aka Roswitha - very skinny teen-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13089 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Roswitha (Maria) 3 - very skinny teen-546x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=445;Set=212 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=229' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12685, ID=12685 duration=(1207.69), Size=(92605278), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Masked Man Unpleasantly Surprised Mother And Daughter - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Masked Man Unpleasantly Surprised Mother And Daughter - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Masked Man Unpleasantly Surprised Mother And Daughter - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Helpless Roommates Could Not Overcome Violent Intruder -[Force]-480x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x270 < 480x360' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25607, ID=25607 duration=(1207.76), Size=(84684138), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Helpless Roommates Could Not Overcome Violent Intruder -[Force]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Helpless Roommates Could Not Overcome Violent Intruder -[Force]-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12685 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Masked Man Unpleasantly Surprised Mother And Daughter - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=447;Set=213 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=230' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18651, ID=18651 duration=(2323.32), Size=(396453650), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest mia sanders skinny -[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest mia sanders skinny -[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest mia sanders skinny -[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mia Sanders - FAQ -[Anal]-[Skinny]-864x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 864x480' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12708, ID=12708 duration=(2323.41), Size=(244721768), Res=(864 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mia Sanders - FAQ -[Anal]-[Skinny]-864x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mia Sanders - FAQ -[Anal]-[Skinny]-864x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18651 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal quest mia sanders skinny -[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=449;Set=214 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=231' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29636, ID=29636 duration=(2514.92), Size=(1501116291), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puttin Out The Fire - Melissa May - teen anal ATM FFM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puttin Out The Fire - Melissa May - teen anal ATM FFM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29636, ID=12716 duration=(2514.7), Size=(428573641), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mike adriano simone sonay melissa may anal ATM FFM-852x480P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puttin Out The Fire - Melissa May - teen anal ATM FFM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12716 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mike adriano simone sonay melissa may anal ATM FFM-852x480P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=451;Set=215 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=232' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16143, ID=16143 duration=(624.54), Size=(238874117), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Fox Has A Casting Couch Encounter - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Fox Has A Casting Couch Encounter - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16143, ID=12712 duration=(624.42), Size=(41622030), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Milana Fox Has A Casting Couch Encounter... - EPORNER-640x360P-[Anal]-[Anal Casting].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Fox Has A Casting Couch Encounter - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12712 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Milana Fox Has A Casting Couch Encounter... - EPORNER-640x360P-[Anal]-[Anal Casting].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=453;Set=216 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=233' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12752, ID=12752 duration=(1652.39), Size=(182913571), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother Forced To Join Daughter Gangbang. Porn Video -[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother Forced To Join Daughter Gangbang. Porn Video -[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother Forced To Join Daughter Gangbang. Porn Video -[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother and Daughter Gangbang, Free Porn Sex Porn Video - busty anal rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 852x480' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12754, ID=12754 duration=(1652.33), Size=(159507718), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother and Daughter Gangbang, Free Porn Sex Porn Video - busty anal rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother and Daughter Gangbang, Free Porn Sex Porn Video - busty anal rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12752 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mother Forced To Join Daughter Gangbang. Porn Video -[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=455;Set=217 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=234' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12762, ID=12762 duration=(2366.32), Size=(461956564), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting, Prado - busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting, Prado - busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12762, ID=22526 duration=(2366.07), Size=(363502972), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\1659604.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting, Prado - busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22526 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\1659604.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=457;Set=218 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=235' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19765, ID=19765 duration=(2237.66), Size=(948946808), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nataly Gold, Sexy Russian Babe In Anal Sex Teen - W81 - XFREEHD-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nataly Gold, Sexy Russian Babe In Anal Sex Teen - W81 - XFREEHD-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19765, ID=12790 duration=(2237.92), Size=(375287681), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nataly Gold Fucked By A Fat Pervert - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nataly Gold, Sexy Russian Babe In Anal Sex Teen - W81 - XFREEHD-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12790 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nataly Gold Fucked By A Fat Pervert - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4=1341561 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nataly Gold, Sexy Russian Babe In Anal Sex Teen - W81 - XFREEHD-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4=3392639' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nataly Gold Fucked By A Fat Pervert - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=459;Set=219 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=236' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12799, ID=12799 duration=(785.28), Size=(46527777), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nerdy Black Teen anal sex scene - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nerdy Black Teen anal sex scene - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nerdy Black Teen anal sex scene - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2539253 - ebony anal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 785.28 < 790.81' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16645, ID=16645 duration=(790.81), Size=(46482547), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2539253 - ebony anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\2539253 - ebony anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12799 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nerdy Black Teen anal sex scene - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=461;Set=220 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=237' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30571, ID=30571 duration=(2852.85), Size=(184216244), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48-[Force]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48-[Force]-576x324P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48-[Force]-576x324P.mp4=20 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\No Mercy For Young Girl - rape anal busty-[Force]-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\2\\No Mercy For Young Girl - rape anal busty-[Force]-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 516581, 20 : h264, 470806, 25' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12821, ID=12821 duration=(2852.73), Size=(167885656), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\No Mercy For Young Girl - rape anal busty-[Force]-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\No Mercy For Young Girl - rape anal busty-[Force]-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30571 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-48-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=463;Set=221 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=238' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12838, ID=12838 duration=(2705.59), Size=(890324251), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Novinha Dando O Cu - skinny petite teen anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Novinha Dando O Cu - skinny petite teen anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12838, ID=12827 duration=(2705.59), Size=(373345013), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Novinha Dando O Cu - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Novinha Dando O Cu - skinny petite teen anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12838, ID=30494 duration=(2705.54), Size=(208876228), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - NON-STOP! Monstrous cock fucked hard Tea Mint in the asshole 0% pussy ATM Anal cream Hard & fast fucking \u2013 PornXP-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Novinha Dando O Cu - skinny petite teen anal-1280x720P-[ATM].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12827 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Novinha Dando O Cu - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=466;Set=222 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=239' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30494 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - NON-STOP! Monstrous cock fucked hard Tea Mint in the asshole 0% pussy ATM Anal cream Hard & fast fucking \u2013 PornXP-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=466;Set=222 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=240' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12832, ID=12832 duration=(1129.33), Size=(178235857), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nura - Truculent Patient, Free Hardcore Babes HD Porn e1 rape-[Force]-960x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nura - Truculent Patient, Free Hardcore Babes HD Porn e1 rape-[Force]-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12832, ID=19949 duration=(1129.28), Size=(118976136), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nurse gets her own physical MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nura - Truculent Patient, Free Hardcore Babes HD Porn e1 rape-[Force]-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12832, ID=29728 duration=(1129.14), Size=(133215171), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape section ero ret 013-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Nura - Truculent Patient, Free Hardcore Babes HD Porn e1 rape-[Force]-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19949 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nurse gets her own physical MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=469;Set=223 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=241' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29728 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape section ero ret 013-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=469;Set=223 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=242' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13150, ID=13150 duration=(445.8), Size=(114824356), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\first deep anal with flexi stepsis - RedTube-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\first deep anal with flexi stepsis - RedTube-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13150, ID=12833 duration=(445.85), Size=(64366759), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\O primeiro anal profundo com passos flex\xedveis \xe9 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\first deep anal with flexi stepsis - RedTube-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12833 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\O primeiro anal profundo com passos flex\xedveis \xe9 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=471;Set=224 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=243' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14041, ID=14041 duration=(392.87), Size=(132871741), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\OMG, that's the Wrong Hole. it Hurts.Surprise, Painful Anal - real painal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\OMG, that's the Wrong Hole. it Hurts.Surprise, Painful Anal - real painal-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14041, ID=12847 duration=(392.87), Size=(64118479), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Oh no!!!! that's the Wrong Hole, please don't Fuck my Ass!!!-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\OMG, that's the Wrong Hole. it Hurts.Surprise, Painful Anal - real painal-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12847 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Oh no!!!! that's the Wrong Hole, please don't Fuck my Ass!!!-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=473;Set=225 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=244" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12852, ID=12852 duration=(402.45), Size=(23791185), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Old Interracial Anal - vintage anal BBc-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Old Interracial Anal - vintage anal BBc-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12852, ID=26753 duration=(402.47), Size=(16995418), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vintage Interracial Anal BBC-426x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Old Interracial Anal - vintage anal BBc-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26753 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vintage Interracial Anal BBC-426x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=475;Set=226 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=245' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12863, ID=12863 duration=(5234.63), Size=(927724192), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Olivia Nice A DP While Hard Casting - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Olivia Nice A DP While Hard Casting - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Olivia Nice A DP While Hard Casting - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - olivia nice-[Anal]-[Busty]-[DP]-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1662, ID=1662 duration=(5234.66), Size=(757488575), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - olivia nice-[Anal]-[Busty]-[DP]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - olivia nice-[Anal]-[Busty]-[DP]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12863 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Olivia Nice A DP While Hard Casting - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=477;Set=227 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=246' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12916, ID=12916 duration=(2891.3), Size=(6241013447), Res=(3840 x 2160) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - E-3840x2160P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - E-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - E-3840x2160P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - busty teen anal ATM FFM-2560x1440P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=664, ID=664 duration=(2891.3), Size=(3692198896), Res=(2560 x 1440) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - busty teen anal ATM FFM-2560x1440P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - busty teen anal ATM FFM-2560x1440P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12916 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Only 4K - Shakila Asti & Sofy Torr Horny Threesome In 4K - E-3840x2160P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=479;Set=228 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=247' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2098, ID=2098 duration=(220.63), Size=(12241649), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Anal painal dolorido latina Anna Marie Nacho Vidal - XVIDEOS.COM-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Real Painal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Anal painal dolorido latina Anna Marie Nacho Vidal - XVIDEOS.COM-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Real Painal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2098, ID=12883 duration=(220.61), Size=(8860843), Res=(360 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Painful Anal Free Anal Movie Porn Video f6 xHamster-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Latina]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-360x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Anal painal dolorido latina Anna Marie Nacho Vidal - XVIDEOS.COM-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Real Painal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12883 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Painful Anal Free Anal Movie Porn Video f6 xHamster-[Ebony]-[Force]-[Latina]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-360x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=481;Set=229 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=248' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12891, ID=12891 duration=(319.72), Size=(108513326), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Painful anal but with huge orgasm and yells of stepdaughter .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Painful anal but with huge orgasm and yells of stepdaughter .mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12891, ID=27573 duration=(316.23), Size=(53877610), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0416\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b \u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 had anal painful anal watch online-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Painful anal but with huge orgasm and yells of stepdaughter .mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27573 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0416\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043e\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b \u0436\u0435\u0441\u0442\u043a\u0438\u0439 \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 had anal painful anal watch online-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=483;Set=230 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=249' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12904, ID=12904 duration=(51.3), Size=(2486213), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club - Bing video-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club - Bing video-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12904, ID=16247 duration=(51.3), Size=(2485901), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club-01.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club - Bing video-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16247 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club-01.mp4=387664 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club - Bing video-576x432P.mp4=387713' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Girl Groped At Club-01.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=485;Set=231 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=250' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26529, ID=26529 duration=(1193.67), Size=(81317020), Res=(336 x 256) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Olga Peter Tried Unsuccessfully To Hide From Sexual Predator -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Olga Peter Tried Unsuccessfully To Hide From Sexual Predator -' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Olga Peter Tried Unsuccessfully To Hide From Sexual Predator - with B:\\V\\V\\2\\Paying For Walking Alone - rape-[Force]-[Teen]-552x418P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 336x256 < 552x418' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12910, ID=12910 duration=(1193.34), Size=(65609883), Res=(552 x 418) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Paying For Walking Alone - rape-[Force]-[Teen]-552x418P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Paying For Walking Alone - rape-[Force]-[Teen]-552x418P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26529 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Teen Olga Peter Tried Unsuccessfully To Hide From Sexual Predator - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=487;Set=232 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=251' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15882, ID=15882 duration=(2398.58), Size=(391087289), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indiana Fox AKA Angnes - MF006310 1 01 - skinny ebony school girl anal ATM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indiana Fox AKA Angnes - MF006310 1 01 - skinny ebony school girl anal ATM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15882, ID=12927 duration=(2398.58), Size=(332038997), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Petite Etudiante Indienne Se Fait Enculer Par Son Prof - French Skinny - EPORNER-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Ebony]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indiana Fox AKA Angnes - MF006310 1 01 - skinny ebony school girl anal ATM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12927 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Petite Etudiante Indienne Se Fait Enculer Par Son Prof - French Skinny - EPORNER-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Ebony]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=489;Set=233 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=252' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12965, ID=12965 duration=(2557.55), Size=(441515816), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pinky breeze super cute teen trying anal sex first time anal - petite teen anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pinky breeze super cute teen trying anal sex first time anal - petite teen anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12965, ID=12963 duration=(2557.69), Size=(247955424), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pinky Breeze Does Anal For First Time. Anal - T92 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pinky breeze super cute teen trying anal sex first time anal - petite teen anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12963 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pinky Breeze Does Anal For First Time. Anal - T92 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=491;Set=234 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=253' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12979, ID=12979 duration=(2869.48), Size=(158482280), Res=(586 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornstars enjoying anal orgy TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornstars enjoying anal orgy TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12979, ID=14904 duration=(2869.5), Size=(158168399), Res=(586 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\586x392 - Estrellas porno disfrutando de una org\xeda anal TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM-586x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornstars enjoying anal orgy TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14904 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\586x392 - Estrellas porno disfrutando de una org\xeda anal TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM-586x392P.mp4=440963 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornstars enjoying anal orgy TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=441842' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\586x392 - Estrellas porno disfrutando de una org\xeda anal TS-1-01 - XVIDEOS.COM-586x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=493;Set=235 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=254' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12983, ID=12983 duration=(3488.52), Size=(601788714), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornworld ivi rein stud psychologist slams nympho secretary ivi rein at her workplace - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornworld ivi rein stud psychologist slams nympho secretary ivi rein at her workplace - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornworld ivi rein stud psychologist slams nympho secretary ivi rein at her workplace - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Crazy Porn Video Handjob Fantastic , Its Amazing With Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[ATM]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13594, ID=13594 duration=(3488.68), Size=(588492738), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Crazy Porn Video Handjob Fantastic , Its Amazing With Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[ATM]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Crazy Porn Video Handjob Fantastic , Its Amazing With Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[ATM]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12983 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pornworld ivi rein stud psychologist slams nympho secretary ivi rein at her workplace - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=495;Set=236 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=255' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12981, ID=12981 duration=(1610.88), Size=(219736066), Res=(848 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pretty Babe Enjoys Anal Penetration - Nelya Smalls - very skinny anal-[Teen]-848x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pretty Babe Enjoys Anal Penetration - Nelya Smalls - very skinny anal-[Teen]-848x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=12981, ID=14023 duration=(1610.86), Size=(129558622), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Nelya's Favorite Joystick \u2013 very skinny teen anal-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pretty Babe Enjoys Anal Penetration - Nelya Smalls - very skinny anal-[Teen]-848x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14023 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Nelya's Favorite Joystick \u2013 very skinny teen anal-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=497;Set=237 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=256" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12993, ID=12993 duration=(2521.02), Size=(347561504), Res=(848 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Psycho Teens 7 - petite teens puffy nipples anal FFM-848x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Psycho Teens 7 - petite teens puffy nipples anal FFM-848x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Psycho Teens 7 - petite teens puffy nipples anal FFM-848x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\roccospsychoteens07_s03_roccosiffredi_alicef Sarah Lollypop - FFM teen anal puffy nipples ATM-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=655, ID=655 duration=(2521.02), Size=(237923548), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\roccospsychoteens07_s03_roccosiffredi_alicef Sarah Lollypop - FFM teen anal puffy nipples ATM-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\roccospsychoteens07_s03_roccosiffredi_alicef Sarah Lollypop - FFM teen anal puffy nipples ATM-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12993 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Psycho Teens 7 - petite teens puffy nipples anal FFM-848x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=499;Set=238 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=257' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14748, ID=14748 duration=(712.43), Size=(116261269), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Selection of puffy nipples clips - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Selection of puffy nipples clips - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14748, ID=12992 duration=(712.28), Size=(66962952), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Puffy Nipples compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Selection of puffy nipples clips - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12992 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Puffy Nipples compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=501;Set=239 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=258' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=12998, ID=12998 duration=(753.58), Size=(213454755), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - HardX -[ATM]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - HardX -[ATM]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2266040, 24 : h264, 1302480, 25' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29611, ID=29611 duration=(753.56), Size=(122687118), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - HardX -[ATM]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - HardX -[ATM]-[Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 12998 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Pussy Squirting, Anal Gaping Hardcore FFM Threesome - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=503;Set=240 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=259' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3953, ID=3953 duration=(1106.44), Size=(114806180), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Russian Rape 1-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Russian Rape 1-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3953, ID=13012 duration=(1106.47), Size=(95062159), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\RUSSIAN RAPE 1 Porn Video -[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Russian Rape 1-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13012 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\RUSSIAN RAPE 1 Porn Video -[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=505;Set=241 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=260' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3957, ID=3957 duration=(1383.6), Size=(94363624), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Russian blonde teen forced into threesome - full-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Russian blonde teen forced into threesome - full-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3957, ID=13022 duration=(1383.77), Size=(77860386), Res=(512 x 368) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rape R0091 Porn Video-[Force]-[Teen]-512x368P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Russian blonde teen forced into threesome - full-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13022 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rape R0091 Porn Video-[Force]-[Teen]-512x368P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=507;Set=242 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=261' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13028, ID=13028 duration=(1266.41), Size=(162359008), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rape girl in dress on red couch.-[Force, Skirt].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rape girl in dress on red couch.-[Force, Skirt].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rape girl in dress on red couch.-[Force, Skirt].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\Rape girl in dress on red couch.-[Force, Skirt].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32044, ID=32044 duration=(1266.4), Size=(112558616), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Rape girl in dress on red couch.-[Force, Skirt].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Rape girl in dress on red couch.-[Force, Skirt].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13028 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rape girl in dress on red couch.-[Force, Skirt].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=509;Set=243 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=262' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13037, ID=13037 duration=(1972.3), Size=(208912776), Res=(576 x 414) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rapists Interrupt Couple Having Sex - rape teen-[Force]-576x414P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rapists Interrupt Couple Having Sex - rape teen-[Force]-576x414P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13037, ID=29705 duration=(1972.26), Size=(131246842), Res=(500 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape fake 2 russian guys abuse girlfriend in front of her boyfriend one cum inside her creampie cum inside -[Force]-[Teen]-500x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rapists Interrupt Couple Having Sex - rape teen-[Force]-576x414P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29705 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape fake 2 russian guys abuse girlfriend in front of her boyfriend one cum inside her creampie cum inside -[Force]-[Teen]-500x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=511;Set=244 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=263' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13058, ID=13058 duration=(2012.29), Size=(649583996), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Redhead And Brunette Are Hungry For Anal Sex - Geizer - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Redhead And Brunette Are Hungry For Anal Sex - Geizer - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13058, ID=29132 duration=(2012.26), Size=(343757502), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Geiser & red barbie anal threesome -852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Redhead And Brunette Are Hungry For Anal Sex - Geizer - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29132 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Geiser & red barbie anal threesome -852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=513;Set=245 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=264' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13068, ID=13068 duration=(1266.56), Size=(74682710), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Retro Petite Teen Lee Anal - Lee Summer - very skinny teen anal-[Vintage]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Retro Petite Teen Lee Anal - Lee Summer - very skinny teen anal-[Vintage]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13068, ID=15459 duration=(1266.64), Size=(50517334), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Classic schoolgirl anal xHamster-[Teen]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Retro Petite Teen Lee Anal - Lee Summer - very skinny teen anal-[Vintage]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15459 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Classic schoolgirl anal xHamster-[Teen]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=515;Set=246 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=265' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13070, ID=13070 duration=(866.2), Size=(69715262), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Revenge Fucking Porn Video -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-[Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Revenge Fucking Porn Video -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13070, ID=28039 duration=(864.39), Size=(67097118), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Screaming Teen Molested By Bunch Of Guys Retro Fuck Porn rape-[Force]-[Painal]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Revenge Fucking Porn Video -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-[Teen]-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28039 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Screaming Teen Molested By Bunch Of Guys Retro Fuck Porn rape-[Force]-[Painal]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=517;Set=247 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=266' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13081, ID=13081 duration=(1666.82), Size=(284238633), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rita lee russian teen rita lee first anal skinny teen anal-[ATM]-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rita lee russian teen rita lee first anal skinny teen anal-[ATM]-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13081, ID=25401 duration=(1666.73), Size=(109504460), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Russian teen Rita Lee first anal \u2013 ATM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rita lee russian teen rita lee first anal skinny teen anal-[ATM]-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25401 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Russian teen Rita Lee first anal \u2013 ATM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=519;Set=248 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=267' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18060, ID=18060 duration=(2439.95), Size=(398297322), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EXTREME BRUTAL FUCK - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EXTREME BRUTAL FUCK - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18060, ID=13098 duration=(2439.84), Size=(173729863), Res=(560 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rough Violent Anal For Poor Spanish Girl - rape-[Force]-[Latina]-560x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EXTREME BRUTAL FUCK - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13098 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Rough Violent Anal For Poor Spanish Girl - rape-[Force]-[Latina]-560x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=521;Set=249 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=268' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13103, ID=13103 duration=(2503.32), Size=(414338362), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Russian Blonde Anal - Milana Milka - busty teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Russian Blonde Anal - Milana Milka - busty teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13103, ID=25790 duration=(2503.27), Size=(252938594), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\analvids 21 07 09 milana - Milana Milka aka Gulya Pechkina-[ATM]-[Busty]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Russian Blonde Anal - Milana Milka - busty teen anal ATM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25790 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\analvids 21 07 09 milana - Milana Milka aka Gulya Pechkina-[ATM]-[Busty]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=523;Set=250 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=269' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6349, ID=6349 duration=(3332.39), Size=(256676109), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian Redhead Kidnapped and Gangbanged - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian Redhead Kidnapped and Gangbanged - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6349, ID=13106 duration=(3332.34), Size=(246465412), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\Russian Redhead Kidnapped and Gangbanged-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian Redhead Kidnapped and Gangbanged - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13106 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\Russian Redhead Kidnapped and Gangbanged-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=525;Set=251 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=270' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19272, ID=19272 duration=(1578.31), Size=(257767822), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Maia Davis tied up 1 - [Force]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Maia Davis tied up 1 - [Force]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19272, ID=13120 duration=(1578.36), Size=(87139399), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\blonde anal - XVIDEOS.COM - very skinny anal rape-638x360P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Maia Davis tied up 1 - [Force]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13120 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\blonde anal - XVIDEOS.COM - very skinny anal rape-638x360P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=527;Set=252 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=271' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17618, ID=17618 duration=(1486.64), Size=(242604388), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DOUBLEVIEWCASTING.COM - AMBER IS THIRSTY FOR TASTY CUM - XVI-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DOUBLEVIEWCASTING.COM - AMBER IS THIRSTY FOR TASTY CUM - XVI-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17618, ID=13148 duration=(1486.68), Size=(217789153), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\doubleviewcasting Amber Hardin anal fuck - Amber Chase, Amber Hardin - skinny busty teen anal ATM busty -852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DOUBLEVIEWCASTING.COM - AMBER IS THIRSTY FOR TASTY CUM - XVI-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13148 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\doubleviewcasting Amber Hardin anal fuck - Amber Chase, Amber Hardin - skinny busty teen anal ATM busty -852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=529;Set=253 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=272' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24954, ID=24954 duration=(2653.51), Size=(1042702093), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Ashley Adams - Daddy Knows - Ashley Adams busty anal teen ATM-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Ashley Adams - Daddy Knows - Ashley Adams busty anal teen ATM-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24954, ID=13160 duration=(2653.53), Size=(259809981), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\fractured brunette daughter - very busty teen anal ATM rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Ashley Adams - Daddy Knows - Ashley Adams busty anal teen ATM-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13160 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\fractured brunette daughter - very busty teen anal ATM rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=531;Set=254 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=273' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13183, ID=13183 duration=(5076.76), Size=(301387745), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\hot anal sex orgy 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\hot anal sex orgy 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\hot anal sex orgy 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Org\xeda de sexo anal caliente 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 5076.76 < 5111.69' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14931, ID=14931 duration=(5111.69), Size=(301367051), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Org\xeda de sexo anal caliente 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Org\xeda de sexo anal caliente 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13183 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\hot anal sex orgy 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=533;Set=255 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=274' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16055, ID=16055 duration=(523.31), Size=(65023515), Res=(978 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Librarian Forced To Fuck With Prisoner - RapeLust-978x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Librarian Forced To Fuck With Prisoner - RapeLust-978x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16055, ID=13186 duration=(523.36), Size=(32742760), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\librarian forced to fuck with prisoner -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Librarian Forced To Fuck With Prisoner - RapeLust-978x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13186 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\librarian forced to fuck with prisoner - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=535;Set=256 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=275' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13195, ID=13195 duration=(245.68), Size=(8453121), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Bound Teen GF Painful Anal and Facial! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Bound Teen GF Painful Anal and Facial! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13195, ID=13498 duration=(245.71), Size=(6768921), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bound Teen GF Painful Anal and Facial! - Bing video-374x280P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Bound Teen GF Painful Anal and Facial! _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13498 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bound Teen GF Painful Anal and Facial! - Bing video-374x280P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=537;Set=257 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=276' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1697, ID=1697 duration=(1233.76), Size=(143222749), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-038-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-038-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-038-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Brutal Anal Rape (claim) _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13198, ID=13198 duration=(1233.72), Size=(132238694), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Brutal Anal Rape (claim) _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Brutal Anal Rape (claim) _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-038-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=539;Set=258 of 912;QtySkipForDel=5" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13213, ID=13213 duration=(268.16), Size=(22270316), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Multi-anal rape. Posted several times but my fave. _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Multi-anal rape. Posted several times but my fave. _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Multi-anal rape. Posted several times but my fave. _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\ineversible rape Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-640x464P-[Anal].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3649, ID=3649 duration=(268.16), Size=(19763742), Res=(640 x 464) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\ineversible rape Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-640x464P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\ineversible rape Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-640x464P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13213 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Multi-anal rape. Posted several times but my fave. _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=541;Set=259 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=277' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17226, ID=17226 duration=(309.98), Size=(27473841), Res=(856 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - First painful anal girls wants to cry painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - First painful anal girls wants to cry painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17226, ID=13216 duration=(310.04), Size=(22569605), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - No lube painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - First painful anal girls wants to cry painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13216 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - No lube painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=543;Set=260 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=278' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=13246, ID=13246 duration=(2686.8), Size=(373525088), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Harlow West Daddy's Anal Cutie 02 2021 Dorm Sex, Harlyn _ PornoEggs-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Harlow West Daddy's Anal Cutie 02 2021 Dorm Sex, Harlyn _ PornoEggs-640x360P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=13246, ID=13602 duration=(2686.78), Size=(163669878), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Daddy's Anal Cutie 02- Harlow West \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Harlow West Daddy's Anal Cutie 02 2021 Dorm Sex, Harlyn _ PornoEggs-640x360P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13602 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Daddy's Anal Cutie 02- Harlow West \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4=487333 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\2\\ - Harlow West Daddy's Anal Cutie 02 2021 Dorm Sex, Harlyn _ PornoEggs-640x360P.mp4=1112176" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Daddy's Anal Cutie 02- Harlow West \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=545;Set=261 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=279" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13278, ID=13278 duration=(3317.06), Size=(1715742900), Res=(1400 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\A Beautiful And Delicious Gangbang Orgy For Rebecca Lord & Vanessa Chase - anal ATM skinny FFMMM-[Gang Bang]-1400x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\A Beautiful And Delicious Gangbang Orgy For Rebecca Lord & Vanessa Chase - anal ATM skinny FFMMM-[Gang Bang]-1400x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13278, ID=26272 duration=(3318.25), Size=(179121776), Res=(304 x 232) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Rebecca Lord and Vanessa Chase Porn Videos-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Gang Bang]-[Skinny]-304x232P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\A Beautiful And Delicious Gangbang Orgy For Rebecca Lord & Vanessa Chase - anal ATM skinny FFMMM-[Gang Bang]-1400x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26272 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Rebecca Lord and Vanessa Chase Porn Videos-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Gang Bang]-[Skinny]-304x232P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=547;Set=262 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=280' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=374, ID=374 duration=(2801.96), Size=(1435910182), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Ass to Mouth \u2013 Anal Threesome FFM Mff with Teen MILFs - teen anal ATM FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Ass to Mouth \u2013 Anal Threesome FFM Mff with Teen MILFs - teen anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=374, ID=13289 duration=(2801.91), Size=(947140437), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ASS TO MOUTH anal threesome ffm mff with skinny teen milfs - ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Ass to Mouth \u2013 Anal Threesome FFM Mff with Teen MILFs - teen anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13289 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\ASS TO MOUTH anal threesome ffm mff with skinny teen milfs - ATM-1920x1080P.mp4=2704275 v.s. B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Ass to Mouth \u2013 Anal Threesome FFM Mff with Teen MILFs - teen anal ATM FFM.mp4=4099726' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\ASS TO MOUTH anal threesome ffm mff with skinny teen milfs - ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=549;Set=263 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=281' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13307, ID=13307 duration=(810.26), Size=(77475827), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass - ebony anal-854x480P-[ATM]-[Busty].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass - ebony anal-854x480P-[ATM]-[Busty].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13307, ID=24394 duration=(810.24), Size=(77438788), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass (Noemi Bilas) POV - busty anal ATM-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass - ebony anal-854x480P-[ATM]-[Busty].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24394 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass (Noemi Bilas) POV - busty anal ATM-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4=764603 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass - ebony anal-854x480P-[ATM]-[Busty].mp4=764951' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Black girl gets anal fucked and creampied in the ass (Noemi Bilas) POV - busty anal ATM-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=551;Set=264 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=282' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19202, ID=19202 duration=(1345.92), Size=(176587529), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Luna corazon anal crave [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, gonzo] watch online-[ATM]-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Luna corazon anal crave [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, gonzo] watch online-[ATM]-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19202, ID=13319 duration=(1345.88), Size=(72728718), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Crave - ebony anal ATM-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Luna corazon anal crave [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, gonzo] watch online-[ATM]-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13319 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Crave - ebony anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=553;Set=265 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=283' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7102, ID=7102 duration=(1026.59), Size=(92187777), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tammi Ann Vaginal and Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tammi Ann Vaginal and Anal -' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7102, ID=13323 duration=(1026.67), Size=(41149633), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Deep Rider Tammi Ann - very skinny teen anal-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tammi Ann Vaginal and Anal -' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13323 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Deep Rider Tammi Ann - very skinny teen anal-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=555;Set=266 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=284' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13343, ID=13343 duration=(2109), Size=(492370918), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Sex And Facial Cumshot For Stella Cardo - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Sex And Facial Cumshot For Stella Cardo - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13343, ID=24741 duration=(2109), Size=(150408723), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex And Facial Cumshot For Stella Cardo - busty anal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal Sex And Facial Cumshot For Stella Cardo - very busty anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24741 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex And Facial Cumshot For Stella Cardo - busty anal-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=557;Set=267 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=285' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13365, ID=13365 duration=(1447.96), Size=(489249170), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal sex with a petite brunette asian girl with small tits -1920x1080P-[Skinny]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal sex with a petite brunette asian girl with small tits -1920x1080P-[Skinny]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13365, ID=21722 duration=(1447.94), Size=(80345675), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny asian teen gets a big dick in her pussy and her asshole - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal sex with a petite brunette asian girl with small tits -1920x1080P-[Skinny]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21722 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny asian teen gets a big dick in her pussy and her asshole - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-[Petite]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=559;Set=268 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=286' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13366, ID=13366 duration=(2101.91), Size=(361256645), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal vids ivi rein first time rough sex with steve q on anal vids - very skinny teen anal ATM-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal vids ivi rein first time rough sex with steve q on anal vids - very skinny teen anal ATM-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13366, ID=30485 duration=(2101.82), Size=(154166490), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Ivi Rein First-time rough sex with Steve Q on AnalVids \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Anal vids ivi rein first time rough sex with steve q on anal vids - very skinny teen anal ATM-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30485 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Ivi Rein First-time rough sex with Steve Q on AnalVids \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=561;Set=269 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=287' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13401, ID=13401 duration=(1993.06), Size=(153897609), Res=(480 x 394) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Asian Kitty Yung Does Anal - very skinny petite teen asian anal-480x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Asian Kitty Yung Does Anal - very skinny petite teen asian anal-480x394P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Asian Kitty Yung Does Anal - very skinny petite teen asian anal-480x394P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Kitty Jung MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny petite asian teen-[Anal]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x394 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26137, ID=26137 duration=(1993.01), Size=(144290931), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Kitty Jung MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny petite asian teen-[Anal]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Kitty Jung MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny petite asian teen-[Anal]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13401 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Asian Kitty Yung Does Anal - very skinny petite teen asian anal-480x394P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=563;Set=270 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=288' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13441, ID=13441 duration=(1656.13), Size=(212317071), Res=(626 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Babes, Blonde - drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-626x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Babes, Blonde - drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-626x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13441, ID=28414 duration=(1655.89), Size=(114092626), Res=(480 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Totally Wasted Girl Dped And Molested By Two Horny Guys - Pa-[Force]-480x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Babes, Blonde - drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-626x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28414 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Totally Wasted Girl Dped And Molested By Two Horny Guys - Pa-[Force]-480x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=565;Set=271 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=289' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13439, ID=13439 duration=(751.54), Size=(93744401), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bad Bad Gang! Scene -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bad Bad Gang! Scene -' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bad Bad Gang! Scene - with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\MovieScene\\Bad Bad Gang! (1972) Scene - rape-[Force]-[R-Rated Scene]-480x320P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4124, ID=4124 duration=(751.38), Size=(47055110), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\MovieScene\\Bad Bad Gang! (1972) Scene - rape-[Force]-[R-Rated Scene]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\MovieScene\\Bad Bad Gang! (1972) Scene - rape-[Force]-[R-Rated Scene]-480x320P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13439 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bad Bad Gang! Scene - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=567;Set=272 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=290' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=375, ID=375 duration=(1247.05), Size=(422332290), Res=(1916 x 1084) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\BangingBeauties Ebony Teen Anal Threesomes Skin Diamond and Leilani Leeane - anal ATM FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\BangingBeauties Ebony Teen Anal Threesomes Skin Diamond and Leilani Leeane - anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=375, ID=13447 duration=(1247.06), Size=(208706488), Res=(1272 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\BangingBeauties Ebony Teen Anal Threesomes Skin Diamond and Leilani Leeane - skinny ebony anal ATM FFM ballslicking-1272x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\BangingBeauties Ebony Teen Anal Threesomes Skin Diamond and Leilani Leeane - anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13447 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\BangingBeauties Ebony Teen Anal Threesomes Skin Diamond and Leilani Leeane - skinny ebony anal ATM FFM ballslicking-1272x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=569;Set=273 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=291' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13461, ID=13461 duration=(1415.58), Size=(80382764), Res=(560 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Betty - Painal - 18 & Interracial 9 Porn Tube-560x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Betty - Painal - 18 & Interracial 9 Porn Tube-560x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Betty - Painal - 18 & Interracial 9 Porn Tube-560x416P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Painful anal collection - MOTHERLESS.COM girl's hair grabbed and pulled in for blowjob-[Painal]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=5860, ID=5860 duration=(1415.56), Size=(77281997), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Painful anal collection - MOTHERLESS.COM girl's hair grabbed and pulled in for blowjob-[Painal]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Painful anal collection - MOTHERLESS.COM girl's hair grabbed and pulled in for blowjob-[Painal]-448x336P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13461 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Betty - Painal - 18 & Interracial 9 Porn Tube-560x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=571;Set=274 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=292' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13478, ID=13478 duration=(1755.68), Size=(273049381), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bitch Slap - Fetish, Hardcore Porn - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bitch Slap - Fetish, Hardcore Porn - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13478, ID=13476 duration=(1755.71), Size=(145517191), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bitch Slap - anal rape-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bitch Slap - Fetish, Hardcore Porn - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13476 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Bitch Slap - anal rape-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=573;Set=275 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=293' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16768, ID=16768 duration=(3784.62), Size=(546213368), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BLACK AMBUSH - Natalie ambushed full Anal fuck video Sep 11 2020 - teen skinny busty anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BLACK AMBUSH - Natalie ambushed full Anal fuck video Sep 11 2020 - teen skinny busty anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16768, ID=13487 duration=(3784.38), Size=(313172539), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\BlackAmbush - Natalie - skinny busty anal ATM BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\BLACK AMBUSH - Natalie ambushed full Anal fuck video Sep 11 2020 - teen skinny busty anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13487 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\BlackAmbush - Natalie - skinny busty anal ATM BBC.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=575;Set=276 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=294' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16222, ID=16222 duration=(1077.79), Size=(153495732), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Onlyfans evaelfie eva elfie anal with boyfriend anal babyface russian teen-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Onlyfans evaelfie eva elfie anal with boyfriend anal babyface russian teen-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Onlyfans evaelfie eva elfie anal with boyfriend anal babyface russian teen-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Blonde Beauty Gets A First Time Ass Drilling From Her Boyfriend - skinny busty blond anal-[Teen]-960x540P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 960x540' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13493, ID=13493 duration=(1074.54), Size=(101908664), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Blonde Beauty Gets A First Time Ass Drilling From Her Boyfriend - skinny busty blond anal-[Teen]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Blonde Beauty Gets A First Time Ass Drilling From Her Boyfriend - skinny busty blond anal-[Teen]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16222 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Onlyfans evaelfie eva elfie anal with boyfriend anal babyface russian teen-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=577;Set=277 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=295' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13514, ID=13514 duration=(1990.6), Size=(471031593), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brenda Opens Up - Tara Ashley - very skinny anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brenda Opens Up - Tara Ashley - very skinny anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:412] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brenda Opens Up - Tara Ashley - very skinny anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4=30 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploring Brenda's Butt, Free Xnnxx Free Porn 20 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4=60" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brenda Opens Up - Tara Ashley - very skinny anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploring Brenda's Butt, Free Xnnxx Free Porn 20 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1893023, 30 : h264, 1542445, 60" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=18316, ID=18316 duration=(1990.53), Size=(383785211), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploring Brenda's Butt, Free Xnnxx Free Porn 20 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploring Brenda's Butt, Free Xnnxx Free Porn 20 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13514 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brenda Opens Up - Tara Ashley - very skinny anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=579;Set=278 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=296' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20833, ID=20833 duration=(1739.16), Size=(163838008), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco the ass destroyer has a new prey - XNXX.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco the ass destroyer has a new prey - XNXX.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20833, ID=13511 duration=(1739.27), Size=(92594696), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\British teen analized by Rocco - very bust anal ATM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco the ass destroyer has a new prey - XNXX.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13511 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\British teen analized by Rocco - very bust anal ATM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=581;Set=279 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=297' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13525, ID=13525 duration=(3294.39), Size=(661513344), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brixley Benz I Bet My Ass - very skinny ebony teen anal puffy nipples ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brixley Benz I Bet My Ass - very skinny ebony teen anal puffy nipples ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13525, ID=13837 duration=(3294.17), Size=(194970562), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\I Bet My Ass - skinny ebony anal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Brixley Benz I Bet My Ass - very skinny ebony teen anal puffy nipples ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13837 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\I Bet My Ass - skinny ebony anal-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=583;Set=280 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=298' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13545, ID=13545 duration=(1076.2), Size=(100998448), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Buttfucking miss Daisy - skinny anal teen-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Buttfucking miss Daisy - skinny anal teen-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13545, ID=22359 duration=(1076.2), Size=(59334231), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\small whore - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Buttfucking miss Daisy - skinny anal teen-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22359 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\small whore - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=585;Set=281 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=299' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13563, ID=13563 duration=(2233.71), Size=(309826064), Res=(856 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Chanel Shortcake S\xedgueme - very skinny teen anal-856x480P-856x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Chanel Shortcake S\xedgueme - very skinny teen anal-856x480P-856x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13563, ID=24041 duration=(2233.58), Size=(293620972), Res=(854 x 478) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[yutch] [18 year old first anal] chanel shortcake follow me [porno first anal sex oral] watch online-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x478P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Chanel Shortcake S\xedgueme - very skinny teen anal-856x480P-856x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24041 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\[yutch] [18 year old first anal] chanel shortcake follow me [porno first anal sex oral] watch online-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x478P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=587;Set=282 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=300' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13575, ID=13575 duration=(827.96), Size=(45670334), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - X-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - X-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - X-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 827.96 < 828.08' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14915, ID=14915 duration=(828.08), Size=(45575922), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13575 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\College Teen Gets first time anal from naughty professor - X-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=589;Set=283 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=301' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23170, ID=23170 duration=(1122.84), Size=(91500726), Res=(600 x 450) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute blowjob amateur - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-600x450P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute blowjob amateur - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-600x450P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute blowjob amateur - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-600x450P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\DRUGGED DATE - sleep rape-[Amateur]-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x450 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13600, ID=13600 duration=(1122.86), Size=(68870284), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\DRUGGED DATE - sleep rape-[Amateur]-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\DRUGGED DATE - sleep rape-[Amateur]-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23170 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute blowjob amateur - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-600x450P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=591;Set=284 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=302' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13604, ID=13604 duration=(2103.83), Size=(238676799), Res=(720 x 400) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\DX Big Boobs IR Anal - Babe, Blonde, Big Tits Porn - Stella Cox - skinny busty anal ATM BBC-720x400P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\DX Big Boobs IR Anal - Babe, Blonde, Big Tits Porn - Stella Cox - skinny busty anal ATM BBC-720x400P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\DX Big Boobs IR Anal - Babe, Blonde, Big Tits Porn - Stella Cox - skinny busty anal ATM BBC-720x400P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stella Cox And Lex Steel Anal-[ATM]-[BBC]-[Busty]-[Skinny]-720x406P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 720x400 < 720x406' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6943, ID=6943 duration=(2104.05), Size=(157938412), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stella Cox And Lex Steel Anal-[ATM]-[BBC]-[Busty]-[Skinny]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stella Cox And Lex Steel Anal-[ATM]-[BBC]-[Busty]-[Skinny]-720x406P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13604 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\DX Big Boobs IR Anal - Babe, Blonde, Big Tits Porn - Stella Cox - skinny busty anal ATM BBC-720x400P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=593;Set=285 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=303' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31372, ID=31372 duration=(1601.84), Size=(131099769), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lelik Classics - Maysa Defloration of 18yo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lelik Classics - Maysa Defloration of 18yo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31372, ID=13612 duration=(1602.04), Size=(91183524), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Defloration Of 18yo Blonde Girl - RapeLust-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lelik Classics - Maysa Defloration of 18yo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13612 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Defloration Of 18yo Blonde Girl - RapeLust-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=595;Set=286 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=304' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17793, ID=17793 duration=(277.94), Size=(45214796), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Deleted scene from Emmanuelle IV (1984) - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Deleted scene from Emmanuelle IV (1984) - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17793, ID=13613 duration=(277.92), Size=(26125031), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Deleted scene from Emmanuelle IV (1984) - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Deleted scene from Emmanuelle IV (1984) - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13613 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Deleted scene from Emmanuelle IV (1984) - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=597;Set=287 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=305' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13651, ID=13651 duration=(1520.16), Size=(989223294), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Dose Of Cum In Ass - Shyla Ryder - very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Dose Of Cum In Ass - Shyla Ryder - very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13651, ID=21553 duration=(1520.37), Size=(201975295), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Ryder - Anal Ho-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Dose Of Cum In Ass - Shyla Ryder - very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21553 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Ryder - Anal Ho-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=599;Set=288 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=306' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24040, ID=24040 duration=(2817.05), Size=(373012392), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[teamskeet] harlowe west, dakota burns entrepreneurial stepsisters porn porno russian sex home video sex porn hd watch online-[FFM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[teamskeet] harlowe west, dakota burns entrepreneurial stepsisters porn porno russian sex home video sex porn hd watch online-[FFM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24040, ID=13662 duration=(2816.91), Size=(143499256), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Entrepreneurial StepSisters - Dakota Burns - very skinny teen FFM-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[teamskeet] harlowe west, dakota burns entrepreneurial stepsisters porn porno russian sex home video sex porn hd watch online-[FFM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13662 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Entrepreneurial StepSisters - Dakota Burns - very skinny teen FFM-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=601;Set=289 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=307' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14060, ID=14060 duration=(1867.86), Size=(301444994), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Only Fans Eva Elfie First Anal Full Version - busty teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Only Fans Eva Elfie First Anal Full Version - busty teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14060, ID=13666 duration=(1867.88), Size=(143169815), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Eva Elfie - Anal with boyfriend - My First Anal Sex 2023 - busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Only Fans Eva Elfie First Anal Full Version - busty teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13666 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Eva Elfie - Anal with boyfriend - My First Anal Sex 2023 - busty teen anal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=603;Set=290 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=308' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31171, ID=31171 duration=(2294.6), Size=(347865997), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31171, ID=30553 duration=(2294.6), Size=(347865895), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31171, ID=13670 duration=(2294.5), Size=(193749613), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Extremely Brutal and Incredibly Sad - Part I \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30553 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23-[Force]-854x480P.mp4=1212815 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-02.mp4=1212816' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=606;Set=291 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=309' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13670 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Extremely Brutal and Incredibly Sad - Part I \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=606;Set=291 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=310' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18676, ID=18676 duration=(2289.36), Size=(426965777), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FirstAnalQuest - Gaping Anal teen in mini skirt-[FAQ]-[Miniskirt ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FirstAnalQuest - Gaping Anal teen in mini skirt-[FAQ]-[Miniskirt ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18676, ID=13673 duration=(2288.08), Size=(321352135), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Exxxtra Small Anal, Small Boobs Anal - - very skinny redhead anal ATM-[FAQ]-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FirstAnalQuest - Gaping Anal teen in mini skirt-[FAQ]-[Miniskirt ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13673 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Exxxtra Small Anal, Small Boobs Anal - - very skinny redhead anal ATM-[FAQ]-[Miniskirt ]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=608;Set=292 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=311' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13675, ID=13675 duration=(763.1), Size=(124187696), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ - Maya Morgen - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ - Maya Morgen - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ - Maya Morgen - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4=29.97 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Maya Morgen gets Her Ass Hammered Free HD Porn f1 xHamster-[Anal]-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=30' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ - Maya Morgen - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Maya Morgen gets Her Ass Hammered Free HD Porn f1 xHamster-[Anal]-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1301935, 29.97 : h264, 1103844, 30' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23873, ID=23873 duration=(763.1), Size=(105292937), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Maya Morgen gets Her Ass Hammered Free HD Porn f1 xHamster-[Anal]-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Maya Morgen gets Her Ass Hammered Free HD Porn f1 xHamster-[Anal]-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13675 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ - Maya Morgen - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=610;Set=293 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=312' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20737, ID=20737 duration=(2028.2), Size=(574693269), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Regina Moonshine - FirstAnalQuest - Russian skinny busty anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Regina Moonshine - FirstAnalQuest - Russian skinny busty anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20737, ID=13680 duration=(2028.15), Size=(514725501), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 194 - skinny anal-1280x720P-[Busty].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Regina Moonshine - FirstAnalQuest - Russian skinny busty anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13680 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 194 - skinny anal-1280x720P-[Busty].mp4=2030328 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Regina Moonshine - FirstAnalQuest - Russian skinny busty anal-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4=2266811' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 194 - skinny anal-1280x720P-[Busty].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=612;Set=294 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=313' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13687, ID=13687 duration=(2015.24), Size=(464980110), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 229 - anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 229 - anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13687, ID=16150 duration=(2015.21), Size=(263442919), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka - Milana Vital, Anal Sex, Teen Anal Porn - very busty teen anal-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 229 - anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13687, ID=18669 duration=(2015.24), Size=(203508733), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FirstAnalQuest Young blonde Milana Vital first gaping anal s-[FAQ]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ 229 - anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16150 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Milana Milka - Milana Vital, Anal Sex, Teen Anal Porn - very busty teen anal-[FAQ]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=615;Set=295 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=314' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18669 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\FirstAnalQuest Young blonde Milana Vital first gaping anal s-[FAQ]-[Teen]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=615;Set=295 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=315' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13693, ID=13693 duration=(1932.5), Size=(582437042), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Kris The Foxx - anal-1280x720P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Kris The Foxx - anal-1280x720P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13693, ID=18385 duration=(1932.52), Size=(213654081), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST - FIRST ANAL QUEST FOR KINKY TEEN KRIS THE FOXX-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Kris The Foxx - anal-1280x720P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18385 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST - FIRST ANAL QUEST FOR KINKY TEEN KRIS THE FOXX-[FAQ]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=617;Set=296 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=316' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13702, ID=13702 duration=(2735.12), Size=(649223547), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Mia Sanders - very skinny anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Mia Sanders - very skinny anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13702, ID=18390 duration=(2735.13), Size=(251385147), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST - SKINNY RUSSIAN GIRL MIA SANDERS GETS FIRST ANAL FUCK WITH CREAMPIE-[FAQ]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Mia Sanders - very skinny anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18390 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST - SKINNY RUSSIAN GIRL MIA SANDERS GETS FIRST ANAL FUCK WITH CREAMPIE-[FAQ]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=619;Set=297 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=317' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13707, ID=13707 duration=(1856.2), Size=(628238790), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sara Hilton AKA Bella G, Julia Blair - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sara Hilton AKA Bella G, Julia Blair - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sara Hilton AKA Bella G, Julia Blair - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\[FirstAnalQuest] Julia Blair (380 - 25.01.16) rq (450p) -[Busty]-[FAQ]-[Teen]-800x450P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8028, ID=8028 duration=(1856.2), Size=(177163584), Res=(800 x 450) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\[FirstAnalQuest] Julia Blair (380 - 25.01.16) rq (450p) -[Busty]-[FAQ]-[Teen]-800x450P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\[FirstAnalQuest] Julia Blair (380 - 25.01.16) rq (450p) -[Busty]-[FAQ]-[Teen]-800x450P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13707 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sara Hilton AKA Bella G, Julia Blair - busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=621;Set=298 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=318' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14, ID=14 duration=(1942.54), Size=(252339019), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\FAQ\\FAQ Very skinny teen anal - Kitana A Demida - ATM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\FAQ\\FAQ Very skinny teen anal - Kitana A Demida - ATM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14, ID=13701 duration=(1942.56), Size=(115316493), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sindy anal - very skinny anal ATM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\FAQ\\FAQ Very skinny teen anal - Kitana A Demida - ATM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13701 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sindy anal - very skinny anal ATM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=623;Set=299 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=319' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13710, ID=13710 duration=(2253.43), Size=(684351369), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sofi Smile - skinny anal-1280x720P-[Petite]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sofi Smile - skinny anal-1280x720P-[Petite]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13710, ID=29007 duration=(2253.64), Size=(281425883), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\U0001f525Petite teen Sonia Smile enjoys first anal gape - First Anal Quest -[FAQ]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\FAQ Sofi Smile - skinny anal-1280x720P-[Petite]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29007 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\U0001f525Petite teen Sonia Smile enjoys first anal gape - First Anal Quest -[FAQ]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=625;Set=300 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=320' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13728, ID=13728 duration=(2679.7), Size=(1055972161), Res=(1296 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Faye Runaway Interracial Big Dick Anal - very skinny anal BBC-1296x720P-[Ebony].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Faye Runaway Interracial Big Dick Anal - very skinny anal BBC-1296x720P-[Ebony].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13728, ID=23320 duration=(2677.96), Size=(430317676), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\African Anal, African Long, Blacks On Blondes Long -[BBC]-[Ebony]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Faye Runaway Interracial Big Dick Anal - very skinny anal BBC-1296x720P-[Ebony].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23320 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\African Anal, African Long, Blacks On Blondes Long -[BBC]-[Ebony]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=627;Set=301 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=321' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14647, ID=14647 duration=(1861.72), Size=(250103243), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\hdzog.comvideos1906339anal-teen-cream-6-scene-1-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\hdzog.comvideos1906339anal-teen-cream-6-scene-1-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14647, ID=13772 duration=(1861.45), Size=(91749072), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\GirlsGotCream - Renee-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\hdzog.comvideos1906339anal-teen-cream-6-scene-1-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13772 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\GirlsGotCream - Renee-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=629;Set=302 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=322' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30538, ID=30538 duration=(1180.04), Size=(127534498), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape beautiful girl on the sofa MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape beautiful girl on the sofa MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30538, ID=13799 duration=(1179.95), Size=(85201536), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Helpless Maid Suffered Painful Torment - rape-[Force]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape beautiful girl on the sofa MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13799 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Helpless Maid Suffered Painful Torment - rape-[Force]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=631;Set=303 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=323' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19897, ID=19897 duration=(2902.71), Size=(496928696), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nikky fox and kitty fox horny twin s [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, threesome] -[FFM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nikky fox and kitty fox horny twin s [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, threesome] -[FFM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19897, ID=13819 duration=(2902.42), Size=(323276540), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Horny Twins Porn Sex-Crazed 3some Date HD - very skinny teen twins FFM-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nikky fox and kitty fox horny twin s [all sex, hardcore, blowjob, threesome] -[FFM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13819 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Horny Twins Porn Sex-Crazed 3some Date HD - very skinny teen twins FFM-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=633;Set=304 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=324' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13860, ID=13860 duration=(2255.87), Size=(835686097), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\I Love Anal - YANIK 19Y0 BIG ASS - very busty teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\I Love Anal - YANIK 19Y0 BIG ASS - very busty teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13860, ID=14854 duration=(2255.82), Size=(190195537), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\19yo Teen Yanik with Big Natural Tits Gets Fucked Hard by Italian Monster Cock - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\I Love Anal - YANIK 19Y0 BIG ASS - very busty teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14854 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\19yo Teen Yanik with Big Natural Tits Gets Fucked Hard by Italian Monster Cock - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=635;Set=305 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=325' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13880, ID=13880 duration=(3104.51), Size=(556945930), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Jazmin Luv And Kyler Quinn AllAnal - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Jazmin Luv And Kyler Quinn AllAnal - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13880, ID=30838 duration=(3104.51), Size=(525811876), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jazmin luv and kyler quinn opening kyler\u2019s ass and jazmin\u2019s throat anal FFM-[ATM]-[Skinny]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Jazmin Luv And Kyler Quinn AllAnal - skinny anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30838 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Jazmin luv and kyler quinn opening kyler\u2019s ass and jazmin\u2019s throat anal FFM-[ATM]-[Skinny]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=637;Set=306 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=326' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15301, ID=15301 duration=(2896.54), Size=(446276706), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Betty Carr- Teen With Puffy Nipples Debut, First Anal - ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Betty Carr- Teen With Puffy Nipples Debut, First Anal - ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15301, ID=13936 duration=(2896.13), Size=(419725833), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Legalporno anal vids betty carr debut! first anal ! 18yo - teen anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Betty Carr- Teen With Puffy Nipples Debut, First Anal - ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13936 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Legalporno anal vids betty carr debut! first anal ! 18yo - teen anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=639;Set=307 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=327' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22630, ID=22630 duration=(2531.5), Size=(340805870), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18yo Teen Casting with Petra \u2013 My First Time Anal... xHamste-960x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18yo Teen Casting with Petra \u2013 My First Time Anal... xHamste-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22630, ID=13982 duration=(2531.72), Size=(261667041), Res=(1004 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Markus Dupree In 18yo Teen Casting With Petra My First Time Anal-1004x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18yo Teen Casting with Petra \u2013 My First Time Anal... xHamste-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 13982 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Markus Dupree In 18yo Teen Casting With Petra My First Time Anal-1004x668P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=641;Set=308 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=328' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13997, ID=13997 duration=(385.76), Size=(49495956), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Milf Skinny Gangbang, Flat Petite - very skinny anal painal-[Gang Bang]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Milf Skinny Gangbang, Flat Petite - very skinny anal painal-[Gang Bang]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=13997, ID=24751 duration=(385.76), Size=(16752513), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Super Skinny Blonde-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Milf Skinny Gangbang, Flat Petite - very skinny anal painal-[Gang Bang]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24751 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Super Skinny Blonde-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=643;Set=309 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=329' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14545, ID=14545 duration=(1362.92), Size=(214120361), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Nastya Horny Thief Tales - rape-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Nastya Horny Thief Tales - rape-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14545, ID=14009 duration=(1362.88), Size=(75325763), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Nastya Horny Thief Tales - XVIDEOS.COM - rape-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Nastya Horny Thief Tales - rape-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14009 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Nastya Horny Thief Tales - XVIDEOS.COM - rape-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=645;Set=310 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=330' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14024, ID=14024 duration=(1626.44), Size=(551414122), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot - busty teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot - busty teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14024, ID=31437 duration=(1626.44), Size=(551311262), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot in -1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot - busty teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31437 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\k\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot in -1920x1080P.mp4=2711739 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot - busty teen anal.mp4=2712247' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Natural tits asian girl gets anal sex before the cumshot in -1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=647;Set=311 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=331' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19820, ID=19820 duration=(2708.88), Size=(471604298), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\New 18 y.o. nympho Bella Tornado - Non-Stop Multi Orgasm - Anal Crazy Teen - Squirting Orgasm-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\New 18 y.o. nympho Bella Tornado - Non-Stop Multi Orgasm - Anal Crazy Teen - Squirting Orgasm-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19820, ID=14027 duration=(2708.77), Size=(197132881), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\New 18 y.o. nympho Bella Tornado - Non-Stop Multi Orgasm - Anal Crazy Teen - Squirting Orgasm - teen anal ATM cum swallow-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\New 18 y.o. nympho Bella Tornado - Non-Stop Multi Orgasm - Anal Crazy Teen - Squirting Orgasm-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14027 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\New 18 y.o. nympho Bella Tornado - Non-Stop Multi Orgasm - Anal Crazy Teen - Squirting Orgasm - teen anal ATM cum swallow-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=649;Set=312 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=332' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20634, ID=20634 duration=(1351.17), Size=(230970275), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\olga shkabarnya anal skinny busty teen - Olga shkabarnya gets anal during photosession .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\olga shkabarnya anal skinny busty teen - Olga shkabarnya gets anal during photosession .mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20634, ID=14045 duration=(1343.09), Size=(89427538), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Olia - First Sex In 18 - Olga Shkabarnya - skinny very busty anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\olga shkabarnya anal skinny busty teen - Olga shkabarnya gets anal during photosession .mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14045 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Olia - First Sex In 18 - Olga Shkabarnya - skinny very busty anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=651;Set=313 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=333' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14066, ID=14066 duration=(2108.32), Size=(540904371), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Oliviya Dis Vs Erick Lewis - anal BBC-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Oliviya Dis Vs Erick Lewis - anal BBC-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Oliviya Dis Vs Erick Lewis - anal BBC-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - INTERRACIAL ANAL PORN WITH BBC IN HER WHITE ASSHOLE - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Oliviya Dis Vs Erick Lewis - anal BBC-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - INTERRACIAL ANAL PORN WITH BBC IN HER WHITE ASSHOLE - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2052458, 24 : h264, 1305106, 25' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18703, ID=18703 duration=(2108.28), Size=(343941359), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - INTERRACIAL ANAL PORN WITH BBC IN HER WHITE ASSHOLE - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - INTERRACIAL ANAL PORN WITH BBC IN HER WHITE ASSHOLE - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14066 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Oliviya Dis Vs Erick Lewis - anal BBC-1280x720P-[FAQ].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=653;Set=314 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=334' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30257, ID=30257 duration=(917.19), Size=(74578064), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen girl forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen girl forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30257, ID=14062 duration=(917.09), Size=(40618533), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\PabloLapiedra - La Nilorona Mexican Sex up to TEARS - very skinny teen latin real painal-[Latina]-[Anal]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen girl forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14062 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\PabloLapiedra - La Nilorona Mexican Sex up to TEARS - very skinny teen latin real painal-[Latina]-[Anal]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=655;Set=315 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=335' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14070, ID=14070 duration=(180.54), Size=(12990129), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Painful Anal Sex For The Russian Milf - very busty anal ATM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Painful Anal Sex For The Russian Milf - very busty anal ATM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Painful Anal Sex For The Russian Milf - very busty anal ATM-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Painful Anal Sex OMFG! Russian Slut Crying While Gets Fast Ass-Fucked! -[ATM]-[Busty]-[Painal]-[Scream]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 640x480' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5852, ID=5852 duration=(180.78), Size=(8611422), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Painful Anal Sex OMFG! Russian Slut Crying While Gets Fast Ass-Fucked! -[ATM]-[Busty]-[Painal]-[Scream]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Painful Anal Sex OMFG! Russian Slut Crying While Gets Fast Ass-Fucked! -[ATM]-[Busty]-[Painal]-[Scream]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14070 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Painful Anal Sex For The Russian Milf - very busty anal ATM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=657;Set=316 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=336' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14618, ID=14618 duration=(420), Size=(23354879), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\[] Cute Blond Teen In Anal - busty teen real painalxwx.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\[] Cute Blond Teen In Anal - busty teen real painalxwx.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\[] Cute Blond Teen In Anal - busty teen real painalxwx.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Porn Video[Anal]-[Painal]-[Teen]-600x450P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 554x416 < 600x450' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14100, ID=14100 duration=(420.08), Size=(19508404), Res=(600 x 450) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Porn Video[Anal]-[Painal]-[Teen]-600x450P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Porn Video[Anal]-[Painal]-[Teen]-600x450P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14618 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\[] Cute Blond Teen In Anal - busty teen real painalxwx.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=659;Set=317 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=337' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29926, ID=29926 duration=(1714.78), Size=(279501943), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny babe gives her ass for a drill - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny babe gives her ass for a drill - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29926, ID=14103 duration=(1714.79), Size=(113649456), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Porn little hellcat - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny babe gives her ass for a drill - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14103 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Porn little hellcat - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=661;Set=318 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=338' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14116, ID=14116 duration=(3446.05), Size=(1166821406), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Pretty brunette and her beautiful stepsister with discover their desires - (Dana C Ashley, Inga) - very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Pretty brunette and her beautiful stepsister with discover their desires - (Dana C Ashley, Inga) - very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14116, ID=14734 duration=(3446.29), Size=(562059457), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Incre\xedbles zorras jugando con enormes juguetes sexuales - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Pretty brunette and her beautiful stepsister with discover their desires - (Dana C Ashley, Inga) - very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14734 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Incre\xedbles zorras jugando con enormes juguetes sexuales - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=663;Set=319 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=339' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2054, ID=2054 duration=(4544.4), Size=(378564733), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Young College Girl Kidnapped Fucked and Strangled By Madmen (Alice March) Porn Videos - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Young College Girl Kidnapped Fucked and Strangled By Madmen (Alice March) Porn Videos - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Young College Girl Kidnapped Fucked and Strangled By Madmen (Alice March) Porn Videos - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-638x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Pst pkf young college girl kidnapped fucked - anal ATM rape-[Force]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 638x360 < 640x360' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14114, ID=14114 duration=(4544.45), Size=(353388467), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Pst pkf young college girl kidnapped fucked - anal ATM rape-[Force]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Pst pkf young college girl kidnapped fucked - anal ATM rape-[Force]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Young College Girl Kidnapped Fucked and Strangled By Madmen (Alice March) Porn Videos - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-638x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=665;Set=320 of 912;QtySkipForDel=6" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14118, ID=14118 duration=(1256.72), Size=(424674881), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SLIM SECRETARY LUCY IN JEANS MINI SKIRT - skinny anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SLIM SECRETARY LUCY IN JEANS MINI SKIRT - skinny anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14118, ID=29658 duration=(1256.74), Size=(424539917), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SKINNY SECRETARY LUCY WITH JEANS MINI SKIRT-[Force]-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SLIM SECRETARY LUCY IN JEANS MINI SKIRT - skinny anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29658 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SKINNY SECRETARY LUCY WITH JEANS MINI SKIRT-[Force]-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4=2702477 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SLIM SECRETARY LUCY IN JEANS MINI SKIRT - skinny anal ATM.mp4=2703385' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ROUGH ANAL SEX FOR SKINNY SECRETARY LUCY WITH JEANS MINI SKIRT-[Force]-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=667;Set=321 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=340' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14121, ID=14121 duration=(477.36), Size=(10632894), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rap Intruder, Force - rape-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rap Intruder, Force - rape-444x250P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14121, ID=29684 duration=(477.36), Size=(10594943), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Intruder, Force -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rap Intruder, Force - rape-444x250P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29684 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Intruder, Force - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rap Intruder, Force - rape-444x250P.mp4=178196' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Intruder, Force - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=669;Set=322 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=341' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14125, ID=14125 duration=(4037.52), Size=(218887282), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rape Of War (1992) VOLLEDIGE VINTAGE FILM -[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rape Of War (1992) VOLLEDIGE VINTAGE FILM -[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14125, ID=22162 duration=(4037.48), Size=(161832802), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stupri Di Guerra 1992 Full Vintage Movie, Porn 8e xHamster xHamster-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rape Of War (1992) VOLLEDIGE VINTAGE FILM -[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22162 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stupri Di Guerra 1992 Full Vintage Movie, Porn 8e xHamster xHamster-[Force]-320x240P.mp4=320661 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Rape Of War (1992) VOLLEDIGE VINTAGE FILM -[Force]-320x240P.mp4=433706' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stupri Di Guerra 1992 Full Vintage Movie, Porn 8e xHamster xHamster-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=671;Set=323 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=342' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29838, ID=29838 duration=(1390.27), Size=(238055117), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Jo Raped And Strangled II - RapeLust-720x480P-[Busty]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Jo Raped And Strangled II - RapeLust-720x480P-[Busty]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29838, ID=14133 duration=(1390.32), Size=(107269605), Res=(540 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Raped and Strangled II - redhead busty-[Force]-540x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Jo Raped And Strangled II - RapeLust-720x480P-[Busty]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14133 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Raped and Strangled II - redhead busty-[Force]-540x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=673;Set=324 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=343' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22255, ID=22255 duration=(1544.82), Size=(90889725), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet Russian Girl, hot Analfuck - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet Russian Girl, hot Analfuck - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22255, ID=14136 duration=(1544.82), Size=(90728531), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ravishing Russian Hotty Analfuck - hellcat - very skinny anal ATM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet Russian Girl, hot Analfuck - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14136 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ravishing Russian Hotty Analfuck - hellcat - very skinny anal ATM-544x408P.mp4=469845 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet Russian Girl, hot Analfuck - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4=470680' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ravishing Russian Hotty Analfuck - hellcat - very skinny anal ATM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=675;Set=325 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=344' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14137, ID=14137 duration=(340.92), Size=(55853034), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Real Porn Shooting Backstage (Leo Casanova preparing Bella T-1280x720P-[Petite]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Real Porn Shooting Backstage (Leo Casanova preparing Bella T-1280x720P-[Petite]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14137, ID=22524 duration=(340.9), Size=(55831301), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 & 19 years old petite angels trying Leo Casanova's big cock in the ass for the first time - XNXX.COM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Real Porn Shooting Backstage (Leo Casanova preparing Bella T-1280x720P-[Petite]-[Teen].mp4" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22524 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 & 19 years old petite angels trying Leo Casanova's big cock in the ass for the first time - XNXX.COM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1310209 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Real Porn Shooting Backstage (Leo Casanova preparing Bella T-1280x720P-[Petite]-[Teen].mp4=1310631" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 & 19 years old petite angels trying Leo Casanova's big cock in the ass for the first time - XNXX.COM-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=677;Set=326 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=345" +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3179, ID=3179 duration=(2204.2), Size=(194456537), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Robbery Gone Brutal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Robbery Gone Brutal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3179, ID=14162 duration=(2204.16), Size=(130783445), Res=(576 x 326) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Robbery Gone Brutal - rape-[Force]-576x326P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Robbery Gone Brutal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14162 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Robbery Gone Brutal - rape-[Force]-576x326P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=679;Set=327 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=346' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14177, ID=14177 duration=(2606.37), Size=(426675369), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Russian Pornstar Tessa Mini Skirt Anal Sex HD - teen anal painal-[Miniskirt ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Russian Pornstar Tessa Mini Skirt Anal Sex HD - teen anal painal-[Miniskirt ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14177, ID=20997 duration=(2606.4), Size=(216246511), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Pornstar Tessa Mini Skirt Anal Sex HD - Sunporno-[Miniskirt ]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Russian Pornstar Tessa Mini Skirt Anal Sex HD - teen anal painal-[Miniskirt ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20997 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Pornstar Tessa Mini Skirt Anal Sex HD - Sunporno-[Miniskirt ]-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=681;Set=328 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=347' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14199, ID=14199 duration=(7167.63), Size=(939486428), Res=(848 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\STC-047 [Outside Rape] Black Girls Get Ravaged! Beautiful Black Teens Indiscriminately-[Ebony]-[Force]-848x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\STC-047 [Outside Rape] Black Girls Get Ravaged! Beautiful Black Teens Indiscriminately-[Ebony]-[Force]-848x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14199, ID=26345 duration=(7167.27), Size=(369150336), Res=(480 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Stc-047 - ebony rape-[Force]-480x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\STC-047 [Outside Rape] Black Girls Get Ravaged! Beautiful Black Teens Indiscriminately-[Ebony]-[Force]-848x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26345 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Stc-047 - ebony rape-[Force]-480x272P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=683;Set=329 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=348' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14246, ID=14246 duration=(4676), Size=(626546196), Res=(720 x 576) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen Classic 1 - (1983) - vintage teen anal-720x576P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen Classic 1 - (1983) - vintage teen anal-720x576P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14246, ID=21297 duration=(4676.04), Size=(257289562), Res=(562 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Seventeen Classic 01 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Vintage]-562x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen Classic 1 - (1983) - vintage teen anal-720x576P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21297 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Seventeen Classic 01 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Vintage]-562x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=685;Set=330 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=349' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14258, ID=14258 duration=(5306.04), Size=(355862474), Res=(512 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen classic #2 - (1985) - vintage teen anal-512x384P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen classic #2 - (1985) - vintage teen anal-512x384P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14258, ID=14247 duration=(5306.18), Size=(263675017), Res=(512 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen Classic 2 -[Vintage]-512x384P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen classic #2 - (1985) - vintage teen anal-512x384P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14247 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen Classic 2 -[Vintage]-512x384P-[Anal].mp4=397536 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen classic #2 - (1985) - vintage teen anal-512x384P.mp4=536539' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Seventeen Classic 2 -[Vintage]-512x384P-[Anal].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=687;Set=331 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=350' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14262, ID=14262 duration=(1797.17), Size=(352528644), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sexual Equilibrium - Ivi Rein - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sexual Equilibrium - Ivi Rein - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14262, ID=14257 duration=(1796.99), Size=(108423314), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sexual Equilibrium - skinny blond anal ATM-636x360P-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sexual Equilibrium - Ivi Rein - petite very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14257 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sexual Equilibrium - skinny blond anal ATM-636x360P-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=689;Set=332 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=351' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14289, ID=14289 duration=(895.9), Size=(146085299), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Skinny teen hard and deep anal sex by a huge dick - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Skinny teen hard and deep anal sex by a huge dick - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14289, ID=21694 duration=(895.96), Size=(19801009), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Hard And Deep Anal Sex By A Huge Dick Ngebokep-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Skinny teen hard and deep anal sex by a huge dick - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21694 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Hard And Deep Anal Sex By A Huge Dick Ngebokep-444x250P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=691;Set=333 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=352' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22123, ID=22123 duration=(852.2), Size=(263880625), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stunning Teen Hardcore Fucking Turns into Deep Anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stunning Teen Hardcore Fucking Turns into Deep Anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22123, ID=14320 duration=(852.2), Size=(263789421), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Stunning teen hardcore fucking turns into deep anal - skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stunning Teen Hardcore Fucking Turns into Deep Anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14320 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Stunning teen hardcore fucking turns into deep anal - skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4=2476314 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stunning Teen Hardcore Fucking Turns into Deep Anal-1920x1080P.mp4=2477170' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Stunning teen hardcore fucking turns into deep anal - skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=693;Set=334 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=353' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14319, ID=14319 duration=(1278.04), Size=(98112276), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Submissive Girl Face And Assfucked To Tears - anal ATM real painal forced-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Submissive Girl Face And Assfucked To Tears - anal ATM real painal forced-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Submissive Girl Face And Assfucked To Tears - anal ATM real painal forced-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Submissive Girl Face and Assfucked to Tears-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6999, ID=6999 duration=(1278.07), Size=(51023361), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Submissive Girl Face and Assfucked to Tears-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Submissive Girl Face and Assfucked to Tears-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Painal]-[Real Painal]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14319 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Submissive Girl Face And Assfucked To Tears - anal ATM real painal forced-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=695;Set=335 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=354' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14329, ID=14329 duration=(1671.37), Size=(202369826), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sweetheart And Cute Kacey Kox Has A Sweet Anal Sex Anal - T4 teen anal ATM-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sweetheart And Cute Kacey Kox Has A Sweet Anal Sex Anal - T4 teen anal ATM-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sweetheart And Cute Kacey Kox Has A Sweet Anal Sex Anal - T4 teen anal ATM-480x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Pain.-.from.-.First.-.Time.a2m.swallow.anal-[ATM]-[Painal]-[Teen]-512x384P.avi for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x360 < 512x384' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5414, ID=5414 duration=(1671.64), Size=(192587776), Res=(512 x 384) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Pain.-.from.-.First.-.Time.a2m.swallow.anal-[ATM]-[Painal]-[Teen]-512x384P.avi, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Pain.-.from.-.First.-.Time.a2m.swallow.anal-[ATM]-[Painal]-[Teen]-512x384P.avi' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14329 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Sweetheart And Cute Kacey Kox Has A Sweet Anal Sex Anal - T4 teen anal ATM-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=697;Set=336 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=355' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14354, ID=14354 duration=(1672.85), Size=(428858242), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHYRAW Oil comp - V\xeddeos Pornos Gratuitos - YouPorn-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHYRAW Oil comp - V\xeddeos Pornos Gratuitos - YouPorn-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14354, ID=14345 duration=(1672.85), Size=(70547150), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHYRAW Oil comp - V\xeddeos Pornos Gratuitos - YouPorn-1-426x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHYRAW Oil comp - V\xeddeos Pornos Gratuitos - YouPorn-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14345 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\TUSHYRAW Oil comp - V\xeddeos Pornos Gratuitos - YouPorn-1-426x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=699;Set=337 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=356' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7087, ID=7087 duration=(1958.21), Size=(223875122), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs-640x480P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs-640x480P.flv' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7087, ID=14349 duration=(1958.28), Size=(157748344), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs Porn Video, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs-640x480P.flv' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14349 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs Porn Video v.s. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs-640x480P.flv=914611' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tabitha Blue-cream puffs Porn Video for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=701;Set=338 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=357' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3347, ID=3347 duration=(630.04), Size=(59481161), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teasing Teen Forced By Tv RepairMan - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teasing Teen Forced By Tv RepairMan - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3347, ID=14364 duration=(630.03), Size=(46727234), Res=(450 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teasing Teen Forced By Tv RepairMan - rape-450x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teasing Teen Forced By Tv RepairMan - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14364 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teasing Teen Forced By Tv RepairMan - rape-450x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=703;Set=339 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=358' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28291, ID=28291 duration=(1689.08), Size=(664198296), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Codi Aka Little Hellcat Anal For The First Time - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Codi Aka Little Hellcat Anal For The First Time - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28291, ID=14371 duration=(1689.1), Size=(184998118), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Codi Aka L. Hellcat Anal For The First Time - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Codi Aka Little Hellcat Anal For The First Time - very skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14371 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Codi Aka L. Hellcat Anal For The First Time - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=705;Set=340 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=359' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17067, ID=17067 duration=(3046.27), Size=(1130661443), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Skinny Girl Anal Bbc - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Skinny Girl Anal Bbc - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:08] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17067, ID=14394 duration=(3046.25), Size=(799537186), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Katia sweet first anal hardcore balls deep big - skinny teen anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Skinny Girl Anal Bbc - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14394 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Katia sweet first anal hardcore balls deep big - skinny teen anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=707;Set=341 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=360' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30218, ID=30218 duration=(625.34), Size=(316876106), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4=23.97 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\18 Videoz - Julia A - Teen threesome party with anal - FMM-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\18 Videoz - Julia A - Teen threesome party with anal - FMM-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 4053830, 23.97 : h264, 3169652, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14766, ID=14766 duration=(625.4), Size=(247787614), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\18 Videoz - Julia A - Teen threesome party with anal - FMM-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\18 Videoz - Julia A - Teen threesome party with anal - FMM-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14766, ID=14383 duration=(625.38), Size=(243933415), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\18 Videoz - Julia A - Teen threesome party with anal - FMM-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30218 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=710;Set=342 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=361' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14383 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Threesome Party With Anal - FFM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=710;Set=342 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=362' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14782, ID=14782 duration=(101.18), Size=(22653260), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Big Ass Latina Teenage does Painal Ass Fuck -[Anal]-[Real Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Big Ass Latina Teenage does Painal Ass Fuck -[Anal]-[Real Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14782, ID=14378 duration=(99.77), Size=(8156248), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Tries It And Hates It PainalTube - real painal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Big Ass Latina Teenage does Painal Ass Fuck -[Anal]-[Real Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14378 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen Tries It And Hates It PainalTube - real painal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=712;Set=343 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=363' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24901, ID=24901 duration=(1348.21), Size=(208393261), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24901, ID=14493 duration=(1348.12), Size=(189387667), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Amateur teen rough sex - Teen, Amateur, Blowjob - rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=24901, ID=31805 duration=(1348.34), Size=(160164587), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA bat-rea-033-wmv-high_01.anal.force [ rape section] two guys tear hard and rape Russian girlfriend's ass -640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24901, ID=14385 duration=(1348.25), Size=(105559202), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen girl kidnapped and raped-480x360P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Young Girl DP Rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3557, ID=3557 duration=(1348.25), Size=(134060614), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Young Girl DP Rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Young Girl DP Rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24901 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anally Ravaged Teen - RapeLust - skinny anal rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=717;Set=344 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=364' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14493 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Amateur teen rough sex - Teen, Amateur, Blowjob - rape-640x480P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=717;Set=344 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=365' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31805 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA bat-rea-033-wmv-high_01.anal.force [ rape section] two guys tear hard and rape Russian girlfriend's ass -640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=717;Set=344 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=366" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14385 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen girl kidnapped and raped-480x360P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=717;Set=344 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=367' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14384, ID=14384 duration=(1269.44), Size=(67541333), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen girl sex - skinny tall teen rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen girl sex - skinny tall teen rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14384, ID=22404 duration=(1269.48), Size=(43949896), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\- Video - Free Porn Videos -[Force]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen girl sex - skinny tall teen rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22404 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\- Video - Free Porn Videos -[Force]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4=276963 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\3\\Teen girl sex - skinny tall teen rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4=425644' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\- Video - Free Porn Videos -[Force]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=719;Set=345 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=368' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14453, ID=14453 duration=(1893.73), Size=(973547642), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Timea Bella - White Teens Black Cocks - anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Timea Bella - White Teens Black Cocks - anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14453, ID=28404 duration=(1893.69), Size=(277817366), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Timea Bella - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Timea Bella - White Teens Black Cocks - anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28404 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Timea Bella - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=721;Set=346 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=369' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26634, ID=26634 duration=(985.75), Size=(128230301), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity St Clair Puts Her Tight Little Asshole to Use xHamster-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity St Clair Puts Her Tight Little Asshole to Use xHamster-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26634, ID=14442 duration=(985.71), Size=(93318892), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tiny tits tart gets her nasty asshole blasted - very skinny anal teen-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Trinity St Clair Puts Her Tight Little Asshole to Use xHamster-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14442 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Tiny tits tart gets her nasty asshole blasted - very skinny anal teen-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=723;Set=347 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=370' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21277, ID=21277 duration=(1063.13), Size=(139313108), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sekushilover top 10 real movie penetration sex scenes 10 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0441\u0446\u0435\u043d \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0432 \u043a\u0438\u043d\u043e \u0435\u0431\u0443\u0442 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439 watch online-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sekushilover top 10 real movie penetration sex scenes 10 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0441\u0446\u0435\u043d \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0432 \u043a\u0438\u043d\u043e \u0435\u0431\u0443\u0442 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439 watch online-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sekushilover top 10 real movie penetration sex scenes 10 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0441\u0446\u0435\u043d \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0432 \u043a\u0438\u043d\u043e \u0435\u0431\u0443\u0442 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439 watch online-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Top 10 Real Movie Penetration Sex Scenes-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 854x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14445, ID=14445 duration=(1063.03), Size=(99494417), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Top 10 Real Movie Penetration Sex Scenes-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Top 10 Real Movie Penetration Sex Scenes-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21277 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sekushilover top 10 real movie penetration sex scenes 10 \u0440\u0435\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u044b\u0445 \u0441\u0446\u0435\u043d \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0439 \u0432 \u043a\u0438\u043d\u043e \u0435\u0431\u0443\u0442 \u0437\u043d\u0430\u043c\u0435\u043d\u0438\u0442\u043e\u0441\u0442\u0435\u0439 watch online-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=725;Set=348 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=371' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3881, ID=3881 duration=(1421.57), Size=(91852745), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\PST tortured rape of Amber B. - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\PST tortured rape of Amber B. - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3881, ID=14448 duration=(1421.48), Size=(77763040), Res=(540 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Torture Rape Strangulation Of Amber \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-540x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\PST tortured rape of Amber B. - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14448 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Torture Rape Strangulation Of Amber \u2013 PornXP-[Force]-540x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=727;Set=349 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=372' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26691, ID=26691 duration=(1486.04), Size=(242141862), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Ultra Rare Skinny Teen Anal Slut Gets Dominated - Cindy Shine - very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Ultra Rare Skinny Teen Anal Slut Gets Dominated - Cindy Shine - very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26691, ID=14466 duration=(1486), Size=(32821630), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ultra Rare Skinny Teen Anal Slut Gets Dominated[ATM]-[Very Skinny].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Ultra Rare Skinny Teen Anal Slut Gets Dominated - Cindy Shine - very skinny teen anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14466 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Ultra Rare Skinny Teen Anal Slut Gets Dominated[ATM]-[Very Skinny].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=729;Set=350 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=373' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14472, ID=14472 duration=(734.33), Size=(370496096), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\VERY FIRST TIME ANAL DEFLORATION! THE MOST PAINFUL, ANAL CRE-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\VERY FIRST TIME ANAL DEFLORATION! THE MOST PAINFUL, ANAL CRE-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14472, ID=20119 duration=(734.45), Size=(80367185), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal - anal blond screeming in pain bent over-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\VERY FIRST TIME ANAL DEFLORATION! THE MOST PAINFUL, ANAL CRE-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20119 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal - anal blond screeming in pain bent over-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=731;Set=351 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=374' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14494, ID=14494 duration=(581.5), Size=(81034168), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Anja's anal boo boo - Anal Fuck, German Teen, Teacher - Asja Ent-[ATM]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Anja's anal boo boo - Anal Fuck, German Teen, Teacher - Asja Ent-[ATM]-640x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14494, ID=24928 duration=(581.52), Size=(23258427), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anja Und Der Herbergsvater Germany 1998 - teen anal ATM-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Anja's anal boo boo - Anal Fuck, German Teen, Teacher - Asja Ent-[ATM]-640x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24928 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anja Und Der Herbergsvater Germany 1998 - teen anal ATM-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=733;Set=352 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=375' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14499, ID=14499 duration=(2500.93), Size=(365520723), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch BBC Straight Anal Teen - Angie Koks, Erick Lewis, Bbc -852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch BBC Straight Anal Teen - Angie Koks, Erick Lewis, Bbc -852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14499, ID=19587 duration=(2501.04), Size=(156322050), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Move Your Hand-1-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Teen]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch BBC Straight Anal Teen - Angie Koks, Erick Lewis, Bbc -852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19587 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Move Your Hand-1-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Teen]-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=735;Set=353 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=376' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14526, ID=14526 duration=(1039.8), Size=(75758179), Res=(626 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - Rough - rape-[Force]-626x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - Rough - rape-[Force]-626x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14526, ID=25685 duration=(1039.8), Size=(73980699), Res=(480 x 368) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - Rough - rape-[Force]-626x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25685 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Whore Gets Roughly Fucked In a Limo - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=737;Set=354 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=377' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14533, ID=14533 duration=(1301.83), Size=(167357115), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hot Red on Sofa - Stupri, Stupro, Witness Porn - - rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hot Red on Sofa - Stupri, Stupro, Witness Porn - - rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14533, ID=28931 duration=(1301.82), Size=(71423643), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043c\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0445\u0443 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u044e\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438 \u043d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0445\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0440\u0430-[Busty]-[Force]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Hot Red on Sofa - Stupri, Stupro, Witness Porn - - rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28931 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043c\u0430\u0437\u043b\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0434\u0435\u0432\u0430\u0445\u0443 \u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u0443\u044e\u0442 \u0442\u043e\u0432\u0430\u0440\u0438\u0449\u0438 \u043d\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0433\u043e \u0443\u0445\u0430\u0436\u0435\u0440\u0430-[Busty]-[Force]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=739;Set=355 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=378' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5739, ID=5739 duration=(1154.96), Size=(85624219), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5739, ID=14535 duration=(1155.13), Size=(52192858), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Just Fuck her - Hot, Sexy, Solo Porn - - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5739, ID=30665 duration=(1155.04), Size=(15456068), Res=(256 x 144) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Homemade Webcam Fuck 981, Free Fucks Porn 83 xHamster xHamster-[Force]-256x144P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Neighbourly Visit-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14535 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Just Fuck her - Hot, Sexy, Solo Porn - - rape-[Force]-480x270P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=742;Set=356 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=379' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30665 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Homemade Webcam Fuck 981, Free Fucks Porn 83 xHamster xHamster-[Force]-256x144P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=742;Set=356 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=380' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6950, ID=6950 duration=(1223.8), Size=(91384324), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stepdad fucks busty daughter in kitchen - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stepdad fucks busty daughter in kitchen - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6950, ID=14537 duration=(1223.83), Size=(64000961), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Katerina Hartlova - First Anal - Angela Roccanera - very busty ATM-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Stepdad fucks busty daughter in kitchen - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14537 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Katerina Hartlova - First Anal - Angela Roccanera - very busty ATM-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=744;Set=357 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=381' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31302, ID=31302 duration=(822.1), Size=(48513162), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lea Martini - Le ma\xeetre chanteur - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lea Martini - Le ma\xeetre chanteur - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31302, ID=14540 duration=(822.13), Size=(42883635), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch L\xe9a Martini - Le maitre chanteur - Poor, Blonde Sexy, -480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lea Martini - Le ma\xeetre chanteur - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14540 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch L\xe9a Martini - Le maitre chanteur - Poor, Blonde Sexy, -480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=746;Set=358 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=382' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14549, ID=14549 duration=(1443.82), Size=(225057230), Res=(850 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drunk Russian Girl Double Penetrated By Her Fellows - - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Busty]-[Wasted]-480x270P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2634, ID=2634 duration=(1443.7), Size=(108111041), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drunk Russian Girl Double Penetrated By Her Fellows - - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Busty]-[Wasted]-480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drunk Russian Girl Double Penetrated By Her Fellows - - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Busty]-[Wasted]-480x270P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14549 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Perfect Video Of This Kind With Great Busty MD as Lora - anal drunk rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-850x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=748;Set=359 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=383' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28652, ID=28652 duration=(2111.65), Size=(79999671), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Plumber - Plumber, Brunette, Babe Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 640x480' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14548, ID=14548 duration=(2111.83), Size=(73868001), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Plumber - Plumber, Brunette, Babe Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Plumber - Plumber, Brunette, Babe Porn - - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28652 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Xxx rape fantasy rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=750;Set=360 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=384' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14561, ID=14561 duration=(5294.85), Size=(862162989), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\girls forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3662, ID=3662 duration=(5294.88), Size=(291624442), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\girls forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\girls forced to have sex - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14561 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Rekonstruction der Gewalt - Manuel Ferrara, Reconstitu - rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=752;Set=361 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=385' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14577, ID=14577 duration=(4656.04), Size=(770336769), Res=(624 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-3-[Anal]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 624x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29318, ID=29318 duration=(4656.08), Size=(460064887), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-3-[Anal]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-3-[Anal]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14577 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch Viol\u20acnzi@ #3 - Hard Fuck, Restraint, Italian Mature - skinny anal rape-[Force]-624x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=754;Set=362 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=386' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14585, ID=14585 duration=(1973.12), Size=(308719154), Res=(624 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 624x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2534, ID=2534 duration=(1973.12), Size=(193246300), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2534, ID=17959 duration=(1973.12), Size=(78310835), Res=(312 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dreckige Biker Fantasy, Free Fantasy Tube Porn c9 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-312x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Classic Raped by bikers MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P-[Anal]-[Gang Bang].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14585 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watch motoqueiros selvagens - Gostosa, Gangbang, Anal Porn - - rape-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-624x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=757;Set=363 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=387' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17959 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dreckige Biker Fantasy, Free Fantasy Tube Porn c9 xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-312x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=757;Set=363 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=388' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14597, ID=14597 duration=(2868.78), Size=(261321458), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watching The Schoolgirl \u2013 rape-640x360P-640x360P-[Force]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watching The Schoolgirl \u2013 rape-640x360P-640x360P-[Force]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14597, ID=17490 duration=(2868.74), Size=(179367590), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute School Girl Kidnapped Fucked And Strangled By Psychopath - teen rape-[Force]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Watching The Schoolgirl \u2013 rape-640x360P-640x360P-[Force]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17490 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute School Girl Kidnapped Fucked And Strangled By Psychopath - teen rape-[Force]-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=759;Set=364 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=389' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1749, ID=1749 duration=(2284.84), Size=(327211797), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1749, ID=14599 duration=(2284.89), Size=(192902681), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Wife and husband kidnap and abuse a girl - rape-[Force]-400x300P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1749, ID=22429 duration=(2284.9), Size=(134826587), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\0645 - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 3 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14599 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\Wife and husband kidnap and abuse a girl - rape-[Force]-400x300P-[Anal].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=762;Set=365 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=390' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22429 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\0645 - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=762;Set=365 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=391' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14601, ID=14601 duration=(3018.75), Size=(526990242), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4=1396579 v.s. B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4=1405718' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1396579, 24.83 : h264, 1405718, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1633, ID=1633 duration=(2998.18), Size=(526825475), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\WoodmanCasting\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14601 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\WoodmanCasting - Nensi Fox - New Xxxx Wsg (20-07-2023) - very skinny anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=764;Set=366 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=392' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14604, ID=14604 duration=(1442.35), Size=(160567840), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Xxx New Anal - XXX BULE - Teen singer ass-fuck casting - busty anal real painal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Xxx New Anal - XXX BULE - Teen singer ass-fuck casting - busty anal real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14604, ID=24169 duration=(1442.47), Size=(22242145), Res=(256 x 144) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A primeira audi\xe7\xe3o anal da gata gostosa xHamster-256x144P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\Xxx New Anal - XXX BULE - Teen singer ass-fuck casting - busty anal real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24169 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\A primeira audi\xe7\xe3o anal da gata gostosa xHamster-256x144P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=766;Set=367 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=393' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14631, ID=14631 duration=(322.12), Size=(52279825), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\b. PAINAL punishment for 18-year-old - Bing video-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\b. PAINAL punishment for 18-year-old - Bing video-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14631, ID=22561 duration=(322.07), Size=(19346027), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year-old Painal-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\b. PAINAL punishment for 18-year-old - Bing video-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22561 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year-old Painal-[Teen]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=768;Set=368 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=394' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14667, ID=14667 duration=(1170.16), Size=(70739562), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Random Teen Porn Vids I Love _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Random Teen Porn Vids I Love _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14667, ID=25816 duration=(1170.12), Size=(54407185), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\curious daughter fucked by dad - MOTHERLESSCOM-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Random Teen Porn Vids I Love _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25816 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\curious daughter fucked by dad - MOTHERLESSCOM-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=770;Set=369 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=395' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14674, ID=14674 duration=(1833.2), Size=(195867396), Res=(682 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Old man rape young girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3016, ID=3016 duration=(1833.12), Size=(104950034), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Old man rape young girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Old man rape young girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14674 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\ - Russian rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 (3)-[Force]-682x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=772;Set=370 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=396' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8083, ID=8083 duration=(1619.21), Size=(114392078), Res=(432 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8083, ID=14685 duration=(1619.16), Size=(64774545), Res=(432 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\3\\pleasure and pain for this cutie - very busty anal painal ATM-432x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14685 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\3\\pleasure and pain for this cutie - very busty anal painal ATM-432x240P.mp4=320040 v.s. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\pleasure and pain for this cutie-[Painal]-432x240P.mp4=565176' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\3\\pleasure and pain for this cutie - very busty anal painal ATM-432x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=774;Set=371 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=397' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14698, ID=14698 duration=(499.62), Size=(81925875), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14698, ID=21076 duration=(499.6), Size=(81900837), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SIS. PORN. Unplanned sex with stepbro helps skinny girl forge-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21076 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\SIS. PORN. Unplanned sex with stepbro helps skinny girl forge-1280x720P.mp4=1311463 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\.PORN. Unplanned sex with her stepbrother helps the skinny g-1280x720P.mp4=1311804' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\SIS. PORN. Unplanned sex with stepbro helps skinny girl forge-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=776;Set=372 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=398' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14715, ID=14715 duration=(1987.63), Size=(324216347), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14715, ID=26035 duration=(1987.52), Size=(311290237), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Hard Anal Casting Couch Pretty Young Black Slut HD Porn cf xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26035 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Hard Anal Casting Couch Pretty Young Black Slut HD Porn cf xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1252979 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Black student deep anal fucked for her amateur french casting - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal Casting]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1304938' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Hard Anal Casting Couch Pretty Young Black Slut HD Porn cf xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=778;Set=373 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=399' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25056, ID=25056 duration=(2090.84), Size=(341109676), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 2090.84 < 2091.02' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14723, ID=14723 duration=(2091.02), Size=(340888910), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1304204 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4=1304221' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1304204, 25 : h264, 1304221, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15457, ID=15457 duration=(2090.86), Size=(340868670), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15457, ID=24404 duration=(2090.93), Size=(323126418), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Chubby Schoolgirl Hard Sodomized by Her Teacher xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25056 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=782;Set=374 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=400' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14723 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=782;Set=374 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=401' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24404 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Chubby Schoolgirl Hard Sodomized by Her Teacher xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4=1236295 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chubby french student sodomized hard in classroom - XVIDEOS COM-1280x720P-[Amateur]-[Teen].mp4=1304221' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Chubby Schoolgirl Hard Sodomized by Her Teacher xHamster-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=782;Set=374 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=402' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31219, ID=31219 duration=(1935.88), Size=(316815709), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Drilled - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1935.88 < 1936.15' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14730, ID=14730 duration=(1936.15), Size=(316599799), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Drilled - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Drilled - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31219 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Anal Teen slut Casey gets Fucking Dr-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=784;Set=375 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=403' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19046, ID=19046 duration=(2615.61), Size=(426982407), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19046, ID=14738 duration=(2615.91), Size=(426713703), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14738 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1304977 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby -1280x720P.mp4=1305950' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - LP FULL SCENE - GG Exclusive Anal with Slutty Ashley & Abby - XNXX.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=786;Set=376 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=404' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26221, ID=26221 duration=(958.72), Size=(156333936), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26221, ID=14750 duration=(958.9), Size=(156213252), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14750 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1303270 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1304522' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - Real Girl - Unreal audition - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=788;Set=377 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=405' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7075, ID=7075 duration=(702.59), Size=(151127688), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7075, ID=14754 duration=(702.64), Size=(114117432), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14754 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1299298 v.s. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn-1280x720P.mp4=1720801' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TUSHY First Anal For Teen Rebel Lynn - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=790;Set=378 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=406' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14761, ID=14761 duration=(1817.43), Size=(295989987), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14761, ID=28334 duration=(1816.71), Size=(267726730), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teensloveanal - Compilation of Painful Anal Sex HD Porn 78 x-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14761, ID=26499 duration=(1816.67), Size=(189674554), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex Porn Videos-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1280x720 - TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28334 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teensloveanal - Compilation of Painful Anal Sex HD Porn 78 x-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=793;Set=379 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=407' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26499 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TeensLoveAnal - Compilation Of Painful Anal Sex Porn Videos-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=793;Set=379 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=408' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14769, ID=14769 duration=(5505.36), Size=(477841133), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Volumen de gang bang inverso 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 638x360 < 554x416' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26773, ID=26773 duration=(5505.26), Size=(304299543), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Volumen de gang bang inverso 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Volumen de gang bang inverso 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14769 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\16 Girls in Reverse Gangbang with anal -[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=795;Set=380 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=409' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14846, ID=14846 duration=(492.75), Size=(165901679), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4=2693505 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4=2694700' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2693505, 24.99 : h264, 2694700, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14776, ID=14776 duration=(492.06), Size=(165745289), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14776, ID=23497 duration=(492.04), Size=(10889739), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot 18 Year Old Indian Teen Like It Rough -[Force]-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\19 Years Old Indian Teen Gets Intense Fuck My Big Desi Stud - XV-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14846 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - hot 18 year old indian teen like it rough - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=798;Set=381 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=410' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23497 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot 18 Year Old Indian Teen Like It Rough -[Force]-444x250P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=798;Set=381 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=411' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=200, ID=200 duration=(1213.16), Size=(410308322), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=200, ID=30589 duration=(1213.18), Size=(410178836), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rough assfuck for big ass teen 18 after street casting on th-[Anal]-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=200, ID=14786 duration=(1213.26), Size=(410167684), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Voyer]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30589 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rough assfuck for big ass teen 18 after street casting on th-[Anal]-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704810 v.s. B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4=2705716' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rough assfuck for big ass teen 18 after street casting on th-[Anal]-[Force]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=801;Set=382 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=412' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14786 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Voyer]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704558 v.s. B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - teen anal ATM.mp4=2705716' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Anal Defloration Sex for PAWG Latina Teen after Beach Fun - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Voyer]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=801;Set=382 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=413' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29081, ID=29081 duration=(738.28), Size=(248230627), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29081, ID=14795 duration=(738.34), Size=(248104363), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORATION SEX AT FIRST DATE - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14795 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORATION SEX AT FIRST DATE - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2688246 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORAT-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2689826' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - CUTE 21yr YOUNG GIRL TRICKED TO ANAL DEFLORATION SEX AT FIRST DATE - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=803;Set=383 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=414' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29084, ID=29084 duration=(736.16), Size=(246952377), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29084, ID=14797 duration=(736.24), Size=(246918824), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CHANIE AT STREET CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14797 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CHANIE AT STREET CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2683008 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CH-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2683681' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - FIRST ANAL FOR CURVY BIG NATURAL TITS TEEN CHANIE AT STREET CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=805;Set=384 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=415' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14804, ID=14804 duration=(754.05), Size=(253818577), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - SKINNY REDHEAD TEEN EMMA ANAL SEX AT CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - SKINNY REDHEAD TEEN EMMA ANAL SEX AT CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14804, ID=29160 duration=(753.96), Size=(121088943), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Skinny Redhead Teen Emma Anal Sex at Casting xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - SKINNY REDHEAD TEEN EMMA ANAL SEX AT CASTING - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29160 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Skinny Redhead Teen Emma Anal Sex at Casting xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=807;Set=385 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=416' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14810, ID=14810 duration=(421.48), Size=(141602499), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Amateur Interracial African Anal Casting Compilation -[Ebony].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=811, ID=811 duration=(421.48), Size=(9234159), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Amateur Interracial African Anal Casting Compilation -[Ebony].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Amateur Interracial African Anal Casting Compilation -[Ebony].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14810 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Homemade White on Black Ebony Ass Fuck Casting COMP - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=809;Set=386 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=417' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14820, ID=14820 duration=(737.43), Size=(249282636), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Our Favorite Bang Casting Scenes - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Our Favorite Bang Casting Scenes - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14820, ID=20055 duration=(737.24), Size=(102736143), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Our Favorite Bang! Casting Scenes a Compilation - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Our Favorite Bang Casting Scenes - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20055 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Our Favorite Bang! Casting Scenes a Compilation - Free Porn Videos-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=811;Set=387 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=418' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14823, ID=14823 duration=(1084.25), Size=(368431861), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=14823, ID=20134 duration=(1084.17), Size=(368295560), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal 'Please Cum, I'll Do Anything' Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal 2023 WWWXXX-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20134 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal 'Please Cum, I'll Do Anything' Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal 2023 WWWXXX-1920x1080P.mp4=2717630 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Painal Please Cum, I'll do Anything Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2718420" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal 'Please Cum, I'll Do Anything' Wicked Bunny's First Painful Anal 2023 WWWXXX-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=813;Set=388 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=419" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14835, ID=14835 duration=(636.74), Size=(213936443), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\25yo Mother Trying Anal Fuck with our Cameraman - Pornhubcom-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5670, ID=5670 duration=(636.69), Size=(70659260), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\25yo Mother Trying Anal Fuck with our Cameraman - Pornhubcom-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\25yo Mother Trying Anal Fuck with our Cameraman - Pornhubcom-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14835 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - Super Cute 25yo m. Does Anal with our Cameraman - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=815;Set=389 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=420' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26903, ID=26903 duration=(705.8), Size=(237383291), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26903, ID=14845 duration=(705.95), Size=(237295903), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14845 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2689086 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM - wow legal 18Yo teen very skinny petite.mp4=2690657' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - What Are You Doing I Am Only 18! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=817;Set=390 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=421' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21082, ID=21082 duration=(1225.78), Size=(414434858), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21082, ID=14856 duration=(1225.86), Size=(414242138), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - skinny girl 18 seduce to first assfuck by huge cock step brother - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14856 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - skinny girl 18 seduce to first assfuck by huge cock step brother - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2703361 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\SKINNY GIRL 18 SEDUCE TO FIRST ASSFUCK BY HUGE COCK STEP BROTHER - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704788' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\1920x1080 - skinny girl 18 seduce to first assfuck by huge cock step brother - XNXX.COM-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=819;Set=391 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=422' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14858, ID=14858 duration=(1789.42), Size=(239871218), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked up and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Busty]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20411, ID=20411 duration=(1789.48), Size=(161321510), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked up and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Busty]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked up and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Busty]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14858 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\2 on 1 rape with big tits hitchhiker MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very busty blond rape-[Force]-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=821;Set=392 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=423' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22437, ID=22437 duration=(1083.36), Size=(64563515), Res=(526 x 394) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\526x394 - 100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1083.36 < 1086.37' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14878, ID=14878 duration=(1086.37), Size=(64459993), Res=(526 x 394) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\526x394 - 100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\526x394 - 100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22437 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\100 nude movie clips - XVIDEOS.COM-526x394P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=823;Set=393 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=424' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14887, ID=14887 duration=(5023.67), Size=(296488275), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4=472146 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4=472911' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 472146, 24.93 : h264, 472911, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19196, ID=19196 duration=(5009.34), Size=(296122005), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lujuria cavern\xc3\xadcola (1996) [wwwpeliculaseroticasnet] -[Mp4]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14887 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - Caveman Lust (1996) - XVIDEOS.COM (1).mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=825;Set=394 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=425' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14886, ID=14886 duration=(2508.15), Size=(118482543), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4=377912 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4=380275' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 377912, 24.83 : h264, 380275, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28497, ID=28497 duration=(2491.29), Size=(118422244), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14886 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\544x408 - White Meat On Black Street - Felony - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=827;Set=395 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=426' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30983, ID=30983 duration=(2483.14), Size=(136872487), Res=(546 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30983, ID=14888 duration=(2483.19), Size=(136700707), Res=(546 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\546x420 - Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - XVIDEOS.COM-546x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14888 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\546x420 - Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - XVIDEOS.COM-546x420P.mp4=440404 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\k\\Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - busty anal ATM DP-546x420P.mp4=440965' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\546x420 - Kacey Kox - Gang Bang Girl - XVIDEOS.COM-546x420P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=829;Set=396 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=427' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22762, ID=22762 duration=(4973.28), Size=(358212264), Res=(720 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\24556.mp4-720x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\24556.mp4-720x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22762, ID=14906 duration=(4973.68), Size=(275404955), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - she needs her asshole to be filled - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\24556.mp4-720x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14906 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\554x416 - she needs her asshole to be filled - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=831;Set=397 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=428' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22802, ID=22802 duration=(1925.56), Size=(106343380), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22802, ID=14909 duration=(1925.58), Size=(106134087), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - 3 rubias sexy folladas por una polla negra PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14909 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - 3 rubias sexy folladas por una polla negra PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=440943 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 sexy blondes get fucked by a black cock PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=441817' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - 3 rubias sexy folladas por una polla negra PP-2-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=833;Set=398 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=429' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21874, ID=21874 duration=(3550.73), Size=(195884124), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21874, ID=14917 duration=(3550.81), Size=(195573478), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Rubias cachondas a las que les estiran el culo TS-5-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14917 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Rubias cachondas a las que les estiran el culo TS-5-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=440629 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slutty blondes getting their assholes brutally stretched TS-588x392P.mp4=441338' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\588x392 - Rubias cachondas a las que les estiran el culo TS-5-02 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=835;Set=399 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=430' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17716, ID=17716 duration=(314.56), Size=(17349857), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17716, ID=14913 duration=(314.6), Size=(17295215), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14913 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=439800 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=441247' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\640x360 - Dasha is waiting on her kitchen for anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=837;Set=400 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=431' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14997, ID=14997 duration=(4008.3), Size=(337264135), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Young Black Teen Anal Casting Black Hardcore Sex Video - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 638x360 < 646x364' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14930, ID=14930 duration=(4035.89), Size=(236602196), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Young Black Teen Anal Casting Black Hardcore Sex Video - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - Young Black Teen Anal Casting Black Hardcore Sex Video - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14997 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\AfricanCasting\\Becky Cohen - Exploited Black Teens -{AfricanCasting}.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=839;Set=401 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14929, ID=14929 duration=(3735.45), Size=(219789641), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4=470711 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4=473792' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 470711, 24.83 : h264, 473792, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22562, ID=22562 duration=(3710.08), Size=(219726111), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old slut best cock riding - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14929 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - de 18 a\xf1os mejor cabalgando una polla - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=841;Set=402 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=433' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14933, ID=14933 duration=(3223.5), Size=(190337184), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4=472373 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4=475597' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 472373, 24.83 : h264, 475597, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22559, ID=22559 duration=(3201.12), Size=(190305656), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 year old pornstar cum inside pussy - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14933 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\646x364 - estrella porno de 18 a\xf1os semen dentro del co\xf1o - XVIDEOS.COM-646x364P-[Teen].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=843;Set=403 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=434' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14937, ID=14937 duration=(1474.42), Size=(138725846), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14937, ID=28707 duration=(1474.1), Size=(138629450), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28707 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=752349 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\738x554 - tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=752709' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\tiny asian takes white cock in her butt - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=845;Set=404 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=435' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14953, ID=14953 duration=(3465.33), Size=(517822174), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=29.97' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1195433, 24 : h264, 1058118, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14952, ID=14952 duration=(3439.4), Size=(454912047), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\766esdx-008 Shoplifting Sex Ai 20 Years Old - Upornia com-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14953 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\766ESDX-008 Watch Online Shoplifting x Forced SEX Ai 20 Years Ol-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=847;Set=405 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=436' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16514, ID=16514 duration=(300.2), Size=(29093661), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4=29.94' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv with B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 775314, 25 : h264, 753896, 29.94' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14946, ID=14946 duration=(300.4), Size=(28308594), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\852x480 - Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief - XVIDEOS.COM-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16514 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Free HD Polish porn - girl forced to have sex by a thief Porn Video-852x480P.mkv for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=849;Set=406 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=437' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16534, ID=16534 duration=(303.8), Size=(41249179), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16534, ID=14959 duration=(300.51), Size=(23076115), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG] -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14959 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ABUSED THAI CRYING ANAL PAIN [PORNMANIA.ORG] -[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=851;Set=407 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=438' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14981, ID=14981 duration=(216.85), Size=(11449038), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Accidental Painal Compilation-576x432P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Accidental Painal Compilation-576x432P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14981, ID=24624 duration=(216.94), Size=(8688648), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Compilation Pain, Free Xxx Anal Tube Porn 81 xHamster xHamster-[Painal]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Accidental Painal Compilation-576x432P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24624 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Compilation Pain, Free Xxx Anal Tube Porn 81 xHamster xHamster-[Painal]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=853;Set=408 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=439' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=14991, ID=14991 duration=(610.08), Size=(237488460), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3114179, 24 : h264, 1304280, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23280, ID=23280 duration=(609.96), Size=(99444830), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23280, ID=24243 duration=(609.95), Size=(41200610), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adelle Is a Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition -1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 14991 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - anal casting skinny teen-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=856;Set=409 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=440' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24243 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Adelle Is A Teen Student Who Has Her First Casting Audition Fuck - Adele Booty - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=856;Set=409 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=441' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15002, ID=15002 duration=(615.87), Size=(234715444), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3048872, 24 : h264, 1310850, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23345, ID=23345 duration=(615.76), Size=(100896175), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23345, ID=24253 duration=(615.78), Size=(44247699), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview... - Angie Koks - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alessia Lebedeva Has a Casting Interview... - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15002 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview - Angie Koks - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=859;Set=410 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=442' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24253 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alessia Lebedeva Has A Casting Interview... - Angie Koks - EPORNER-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=859;Set=410 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=443' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15009, ID=15009 duration=(2439.16), Size=(287357911), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15009, ID=23363 duration=(2439.12), Size=(287296888), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alexa May - Anal Petite Teen Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too Far, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23363 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alexa May - Anal Petite Teen Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too Far v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alexa May - Anal Petite teen 18 Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too F-1280x720P.mp4=942481' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alexa May - Anal Petite Teen Whore Alexa Flexy Has Gone Too Far for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=861;Set=411 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=444' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26467, ID=26467 duration=(2364.3), Size=(1539268559), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenie Gets Ass Hole Fucking - Blonde Alice Klay - teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenie Gets Ass Hole Fucking - Blonde Alice Klay - teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26467, ID=15015 duration=(2364.33), Size=(391951832), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alice - Russian girlfriend puts out - Alice Klay - teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenie Gets Ass Hole Fucking - Blonde Alice Klay - teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15015 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alice - Russian girlfriend puts out - Alice Klay - teen anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=863;Set=412 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=445' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15019, ID=15019 duration=(2339.58), Size=(832250740), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alicia Williams Fit Teen Anal - very skinny busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alicia Williams Fit Teen Anal - very skinny busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15019, ID=22660 duration=(2339.4), Size=(243746723), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\195385_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Alicia Williams Fit Teen Anal - very skinny busty teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22660 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\195385_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=865;Set=413 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=446' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15032, ID=15032 duration=(615.67), Size=(234727709), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3050063, 24 : h264, 1312744, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24379, ID=24379 duration=(615.56), Size=(101009130), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked on the Casting - XVIDEOS. C-[Anal]-[Anal Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15032 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Alice Gets Her Ass Fucked On The Casting - Irina Pavlova - anal casting-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=867;Set=414 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=447' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15040, ID=15040 duration=(4673.73), Size=(262313609), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Amateur Anal Attempts\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4, ID=4 duration=(4673.71), Size=(261428804), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Amateur Anal Attempts\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Amateur Anal Attempts\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15040 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Attempts 33 - Bing video-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=869;Set=415 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=448' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15047, ID=15047 duration=(2520), Size=(342416729), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15047, ID=24385 duration=(2519.95), Size=(342385983), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In Stockings, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15047, ID=24446 duration=(2519.72), Size=(55742349), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur anal casting couch of a skinny french brunette in stockings -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In St-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24385 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Casting Couch Of A Skinny French Brunette In Stockings for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=872;Set=416 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=449' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24446 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur anal casting couch of a skinny french brunette in stockings - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=872;Set=416 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=450' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17947, ID=17947 duration=(597.24), Size=(59494591), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Double blackmail rape scene watch online watch online-[Amateur]-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Double blackmail rape scene watch online watch online-[Amateur]-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17947, ID=15050 duration=(597.22), Size=(35214474), Res=(524 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur, Big Tits, Fat, British, BBW - busty rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Double blackmail rape scene watch online watch online-[Amateur]-[Busty]-[Force]-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15050 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amateur, Big Tits, Fat, British, BBW - busty rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=874;Set=417 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=451' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24565, ID=24565 duration=(2425.07), Size=(1587453622), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amelia Li First Anal Session [4K] - Sheena Shaw - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amelia Li First Anal Session [4K] - Sheena Shaw - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24565, ID=15058 duration=(2425.1), Size=(332411423), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amelia Li First - Anal Session - EPORNER-854x480P-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amelia Li First Anal Session [4K] - Sheena Shaw - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15058 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Amelia Li First - Anal Session - EPORNER-854x480P-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=876;Set=418 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=452' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15079, ID=15079 duration=(1970.53), Size=(1283669850), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15079, ID=24584 duration=(1970.52), Size=(141297535), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24584 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Action With Skinny Brunette - Grace Moon - EPORNER-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=878;Set=419 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=453' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15086, ID=15086 duration=(2198.5), Size=(1179261210), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Casting 2 - Hard X Mick Blue Zoe Bloom - anal casting-1920x1080P-[Nude].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Casting 2 - Hard X Mick Blue Zoe Bloom - anal casting-1920x1080P-[Nude].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15086, ID=27249 duration=(2198.47), Size=(287090864), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Zoe bloom (all anal super cutie)[2019, big butts, small tits, brunette, nude photography, sexy, blowjobs, anal, hd 1080p] watch online-[Anal Casting]-[Casting]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Casting 2 - Hard X Mick Blue Zoe Bloom - anal casting-1920x1080P-[Nude].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27249 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Zoe bloom (all anal super cutie)[2019, big butts, small tits, brunette, nude photography, sexy, blowjobs, anal, hd 1080p] watch online-[Anal Casting]-[Casting]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=880;Set=420 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=454' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15093, ID=15093 duration=(4198.36), Size=(724393141), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15093, ID=24765 duration=(4198.33), Size=(723516813), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sky In The Woods, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24765 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sky In The Woods v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal Sky In The Woods - 23Yo and 20Yo anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4=1380335' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sky In The Woods for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=882;Set=421 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=455' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24876, ID=24876 duration=(300.07), Size=(16531754), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24876, ID=15111 duration=(300.07), Size=(16503368), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15111 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=439984 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XNXX.COM-640x360P.mp4=440741' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Anal teen angel Sindey - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=884;Set=422 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=456' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=341, ID=341 duration=(1817.5), Size=(711256401), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Busty\\Busty Girl Enjoys Anal - Busty Clary - very busty teen anal cum in mouth-[ATM]-[CumInMouth]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Busty\\Busty Girl Enjoys Anal - Busty Clary - very busty teen anal cum in mouth-[ATM]-[CumInMouth]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=341, ID=15131 duration=(1817.47), Size=(141341847), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Marceline(2)-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Busty\\Busty Girl Enjoys Anal - Busty Clary - very busty teen anal cum in mouth-[ATM]-[CumInMouth]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15131 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Marceline(2)-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=886;Set=423 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=457' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25785, ID=25785 duration=(1641.98), Size=(162147387), Res=(720 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 10 21sextury 2020 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 10 21sextury 2020 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25785, ID=15134 duration=(1641.95), Size=(123360786), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Renata Fox-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal teen angels 10 21sextury 2020 web dl 540p split renata fox watch online -' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15134 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\AnalTeenAngels - Renata Fox-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=888;Set=424 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=458' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15147, ID=15147 duration=(3039), Size=(446593304), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids 19yo sweetie doll's first interracial penetration big black cock ATM BBC balls deep anal cum in mouth-[CumInMouth]-[Teen]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids 19yo sweetie doll's first interracial penetration big black cock ATM BBC balls deep anal cum in mouth-[CumInMouth]-[Teen]-852x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15147, ID=31615 duration=(3038.98), Size=(306945241), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\legalporno analvids 23 01 21 sweetie doll eks105 720p xleech watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids 19yo sweetie doll's first interracial penetration big black cock ATM BBC balls deep anal cum in mouth-[CumInMouth]-[Teen]-852x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31615 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\legalporno analvids 23 01 21 sweetie doll eks105 720p xleech watch online - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=890;Set=425 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=459' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15163, ID=15163 duration=(3222.05), Size=(474205894), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lola Bredly - Anal - very busty-854x480P-[Teen].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16075, ID=16075 duration=(3222.17), Size=(438771519), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lola Bredly - Anal - very busty-854x480P-[Teen].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lola Bredly - Anal - very busty-854x480P-[Teen].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15163 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new hot teen 18yo with big tits lola bredly gets he-852x480P-852x480P-[Busty].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=892;Set=426 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=460' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=16140 duration=(2503), Size=(1607947410), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=25104 duration=(2502.97), Size=(505887361), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-Mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=25106 duration=(2503.18), Size=(504542913), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16140, ID=15162 duration=(2503.02), Size=(432201939), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new teen mensia francis first time anal action ball - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis Legal Porno com 2021 New Teen First Anal Action B-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25104 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-Mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=896;Set=427 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=461' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25106 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-mensia Francis New Teen First Time Anal for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=896;Set=427 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=462' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15162 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids new teen mensia francis first time anal action ball - very skinny teen anal-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=896;Set=427 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=463' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15987, ID=15987 duration=(3009.71), Size=(1928232707), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Kate Foley Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-[Amateur]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Kate Foley Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-[Amateur]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15987, ID=15166 duration=(3009.61), Size=(441730258), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids newbie teen kate foley tastes a big black cock for -[Amateur]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Kate Foley Tastes A Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-[Amateur]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15166 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Analvids newbie teen kate foley tastes a big black cock for -[Amateur]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=898;Set=428 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=464' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5500, ID=5500 duration=(1977.98), Size=(380661129), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Angelina black - Velvet Touch - pure 18 movie from JizzBunker com - skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 768x432 < 852x480' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15182, ID=15182 duration=(1978.13), Size=(271946820), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Angelina black - Velvet Touch - pure 18 movie from JizzBunker com - skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Angelina black - Velvet Touch - pure 18 movie from JizzBunker com - skinny teen anal ATM-852x480P-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAAA velvet_touch_big.teen.a2m.anal-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=900;Set=429 of 912;QtySkipForDel=7" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15206, ID=15206 duration=(1983.21), Size=(759036774), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asia Butt Hurt - teen very skinny asian anal real painal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asia Butt Hurt - teen very skinny asian anal real painal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15206, ID=31436 duration=(1983.1), Size=(236334554), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Ouch! Why Does My Bum Hurts Asian - F86 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asia Butt Hurt - teen very skinny asian anal real painal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31436 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Ouch! Why Does My Bum Hurts Asian - F86 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=902;Set=430 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=465' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15218, ID=15218 duration=(2268.03), Size=(977629151), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3448377, 30 : av1, 2431229, 30' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15208, ID=15208 duration=(2268.03), Size=(689263335), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Ass Fucked - Alexia Anders - skinny busty asian teen anal-[ATM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15218 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Asian Bitch First Anal - Alexia Anders - skinny ATM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=904;Set=431 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=466' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15269, ID=15269 duration=(2924.13), Size=(497623417), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Balls deep alice clay vs dylan brown balls deep anal - aka alice klay - anal ATM BBC teen-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Balls deep alice clay vs dylan brown balls deep anal - aka alice klay - anal ATM BBC teen-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15269, ID=23390 duration=(2923.93), Size=(496095278), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alice Clay petite teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Balls deep alice clay vs dylan brown balls deep anal - aka alice klay - anal ATM BBC teen-[Petite]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23390 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Alice Clay petite teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=906;Set=432 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=467' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16897, ID=16897 duration=(3471.29), Size=(932933547), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\It Will Grow In Her Care - Jill Taylor - teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\It Will Grow In Her Care - Jill Taylor - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16897, ID=15275 duration=(3471.52), Size=(698524377), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\BangBus - Jill Taylor - Pickup Young Blonde Girl - teen busty anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\It Will Grow In Her Care - Jill Taylor - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15275 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\BangBus - Jill Taylor - Pickup Young Blonde Girl - teen busty anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=908;Set=433 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=468' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17321, ID=17321 duration=(1901.95), Size=(327198014), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17321, ID=29639 duration=(1901.9), Size=(326514540), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (queen lin) [porncube \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e new porn hd 1080 anal big tits russia -[Busty]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17321, ID=15323 duration=(1901.81), Size=(268196086), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Biker Hard Fucked Teen Queenlin in The Ass - Big Anal Gape - Big Natural Tits - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29639 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (queen lin) [porncube \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e new porn hd 1080 anal big tits russia -[Busty]-852x480P.mp4=1373424 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Outdoors anal big tits russian watch online.mp4=1376265' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (queen lin) [porncube \u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e new porn hd 1080 anal big tits russia -[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=911;Set=434 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=469' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15323 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Biker Hard Fucked Teen Queenlin in The Ass - Big Anal Gape - Big Natural Tits - busty anal ATM-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=911;Set=434 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=470' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2782, ID=2782 duration=(1489.5), Size=(133022869), Res=(822 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ginevra Hollander - Intruder takes advantage of a horny blind - Forced_Rape-822x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ginevra Hollander - Intruder takes advantage of a horny blind - Forced_Rape-822x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2782, ID=15332 duration=(1489.51), Size=(59024503), Res=(412 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blind very busty girl in black dress anal raped-[Force]-[Skirt]-412x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ginevra Hollander - Intruder takes advantage of a horny blind - Forced_Rape-822x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15332 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blind very busty girl in black dress anal raped-[Force]-[Skirt]-412x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=913;Set=435 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=471' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15361, ID=15361 duration=(2389.96), Size=(1532206578), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Babe Takes Huge BBC - Charlotte Sins - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Babe Takes Huge BBC - Charlotte Sins - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15361, ID=27989 duration=(2389.94), Size=(334149665), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Charlotte sins, dredd - anal BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Babe Takes Huge BBC - Charlotte Sins - skinny anal BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27989 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Charlotte sins, dredd - anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=915;Set=436 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=472' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15340, ID=15340 duration=(491.84), Size=(64194027), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15340, ID=29300 duration=(491.81), Size=(56932262), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-23-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29300 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-23-768x432P.mp4=926089 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Blonde Hitchhiker Nabbed And Bent Over Table - RapeLust-768x432P-[Force].mp4=1044144' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-23-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=917;Set=437 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=473' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15350, ID=15350 duration=(1812.22), Size=(92857439), Res=(400 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal -' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal - with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x240 < 432x240' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15373, ID=15373 duration=(1812.32), Size=(72149616), Res=(432 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Claudia Rossi loves Boats - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-444x250P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 432x240 < 444x250' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25089, ID=25089 duration=(1812.27), Size=(50578886), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Claudia Rossi loves Boats - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Claudia Rossi loves Boats - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-444x250P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15350 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Boat Anal - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=920;Set=438 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=474' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15373 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brittish babe rough-ass boat bang xHamster-[Force]-432x240P-[Anal].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=920;Set=438 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=475' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5285, ID=5285 duration=(1321.35), Size=(137201426), Res=(512 x 384) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Blonde Brazilian anal.painful.anal-512x384P.avi, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Blonde Brazilian anal.painful.anal-512x384P.avi' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5285, ID=15356 duration=(1321.43), Size=(50451531), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brazilian Babe Gets Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA Blonde Brazilian anal.painful.anal-512x384P.avi' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15356 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Brazilian Babe Gets Anal - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=922;Set=439 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=476' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4094, ID=4094 duration=(2616.8), Size=(179221788), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4094, ID=15366 duration=(2616.77), Size=(178692712), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Briana Taylor and Mark Wood - Drunken Street Boys video-852x480P-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Wasted].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15366 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Briana Taylor and Mark Wood - Drunken Street Boys video-852x480P-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Wasted].mp4=546299 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Drunk teen in brown dress anal Fuck in 2 Boys on couch - busty teen anal Rape.mp4=547912' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Briana Taylor and Mark Wood - Drunken Street Boys video-852x480P-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-[Wasted].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=924;Set=440 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=477' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24152, ID=24152 duration=(1337.12), Size=(123003351), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\79 big dick black cock retro classic - teen anal ATM BBC-[DP]-[Petite]-[Vintage]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\79 big dick black cock retro classic - teen anal ATM BBC-[DP]-[Petite]-[Vintage]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24152, ID=15369 duration=(1337.28), Size=(33236587), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\British IR DP - petite teen anal BBC-320x240P-[ATM]-[Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\79 big dick black cock retro classic - teen anal ATM BBC-[DP]-[Petite]-[Vintage]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15369 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\British IR DP - petite teen anal BBC-320x240P-[ATM]-[Vintage].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=926;Set=441 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=478' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15395, ID=15395 duration=(310.83), Size=(50935000), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15395, ID=18015 duration=(310.81), Size=(50910962), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dude caught victim and anal fucked her - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Asian]-[Busty]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18015 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dude caught victim and anal fucked her - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Asian]-[Busty]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=1310403 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Busty asian anal - force anal ATM rape-1280x720P.mp4=1310925' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dude caught victim and anal fucked her - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Asian]-[Busty]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=928;Set=442 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=479' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27833, ID=27833 duration=(1902.21), Size=(305413068), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Camila Wants BBC Free Xnnxx HD Porn Video 79 - xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Camila Wants BBC Free Xnnxx HD Porn Video 79 - xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27833, ID=15400 duration=(1902.13), Size=(278741181), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila - teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Camila Wants BBC Free Xnnxx HD Porn Video 79 - xHamster xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15400 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camila - teen anal BBC-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=930;Set=443 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=480' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15406, ID=15406 duration=(1181.9), Size=(748403675), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camilla Krabbe - BBC UPSCALED skinny anal-960x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camilla Krabbe - BBC UPSCALED skinny anal-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15406, ID=15924 duration=(1182.03), Size=(162408335), Res=(708 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jake Steed Franco Roccaforte Vs Camilla Krabbe - skinny puffy nipples anal BBC-[UPSCALED]-708x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Camilla Krabbe - BBC UPSCALED skinny anal-960x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15924 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jake Steed Franco Roccaforte Vs Camilla Krabbe - skinny puffy nipples anal BBC-[UPSCALED]-708x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=932;Set=444 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=481' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=20823, ID=20823 duration=(600.63), Size=(203425294), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco Siffredi Wants 2 Know If She's REALLY NASTY! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Casting]-[Deepthroat]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco Siffredi Wants 2 Know If She's REALLY NASTY! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Casting]-[Deepthroat]-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=20823, ID=15418 duration=(600.73), Size=(13494235), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting Deepthroat, Casting Anal Atm -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rocco Siffredi Wants 2 Know If She's REALLY NASTY! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Casting]-[Deepthroat]-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15418 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Casting Deepthroat, Casting Anal Atm - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=934;Set=445 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=482' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16838, ID=16838 duration=(3406.8), Size=(343374645), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ExploitedCollegeGirls 17 10 19 E715 Charlotte Anal XXX 1080p - T-720x480P-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ExploitedCollegeGirls 17 10 19 E715 Charlotte Anal XXX 1080p - T-720x480P-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16838, ID=15432 duration=(3406.79), Size=(139789610), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Charlotte Carmen Nice Baby Charlottes First Anal Sex Experience Public Pussy - very skinny teen anal (Low Res) -480x270P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ExploitedCollegeGirls 17 10 19 E715 Charlotte Anal XXX 1080p - T-720x480P-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15432 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Charlotte Carmen Nice Baby Charlottes First Anal Sex Experience Public Pussy - very skinny teen anal (Low Res) -480x270P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=936;Set=446 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=483' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17257, ID=17257 duration=(1099.8), Size=(108507062), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Roadtrip to Hell - ultimate asphyx kill _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Roadtrip to Hell - ultimate asphyx kill _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17257, ID=15442 duration=(1099.94), Size=(60077541), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chick Kidnapped, Fucked, Smothered - busty, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Roadtrip to Hell - ultimate asphyx kill _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15442 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chick Kidnapped, Fucked, Smothered - busty for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=938;Set=447 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=484' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25908, ID=25908 duration=(2511.48), Size=(138688486), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25908, ID=15448 duration=(2511.5), Size=(138413231), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chocolate bar in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15448 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chocolate bar in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=440893 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chocolate rod in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4=441774' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Chocolate bar in your ass SB-1-04 - XVIDEOS.COM-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=940;Set=448 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=485' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16403, ID=16403 duration=(446.62), Size=(150865670), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16403, ID=15489 duration=(446.62), Size=(150858151), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Indian Teen Slut Pounded - XVIDEOS COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15489 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Indian Teen Slut Pounded - XVIDEOS COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2702201 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\from Lucknow had a great fuck and ass - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2702335' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Indian Teen Slut Pounded - XVIDEOS COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=942;Set=449 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=486' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2800, ID=2800 duration=(522.96), Size=(85671284), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gorgeous babe Sarah Kay kidnapped and brutally fucked in BDS - Forced_Rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gorgeous babe Sarah Kay kidnapped and brutally fucked in BDS - Forced_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2800, ID=15492 duration=(528.89), Size=(51405345), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Sweetie Sarah Kay Kidnapped And Brutal Fucked In Bondage Action By Large Male -[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gorgeous babe Sarah Kay kidnapped and brutally fucked in BDS - Forced_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15492 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute Sweetie Sarah Kay Kidnapped And Brutal Fucked In Bondage Action By Large Male -[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=944;Set=450 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=487' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17540, ID=17540 duration=(821.88), Size=(77546905), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17540, ID=15496 duration=(821.9), Size=(77457717), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15496 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian-854x480P.mp4=753935 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4=754824' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Cute teen plays with my cock in the shower - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=946;Set=451 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=488' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15510, ID=15510 duration=(7150.88), Size=(895574477), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dakota Tyler In 1st Anything Anal - brunette petite teen real painal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dakota Tyler In 1st Anything Anal - brunette petite teen real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15510, ID=15915 duration=(7150.72), Size=(407037513), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\It\u2019s Been An Exit Only Until Today \u2013 xxdbx-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dakota Tyler In 1st Anything Anal - brunette petite teen real painal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15915 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\It\u2019s Been An Exit Only Until Today \u2013 xxdbx-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=948;Set=452 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=489' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15520, ID=15520 duration=(1810.65), Size=(574224609), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho Thrillers - Daddy Dearest MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29549, ID=29549 duration=(1803.76), Size=(162872203), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho Thrillers - Daddy Dearest MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho Thrillers - Daddy Dearest MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15520 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Daughter Used And Dumped - RapeLust-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=950;Set=453 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=490' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15546, ID=15546 duration=(1771.78), Size=(1136320777), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Diana Rius First Anal Quest - EPORNER-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Diana Rius First Anal Quest - EPORNER-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15546, ID=18994 duration=(1771.78), Size=(175888721), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest com diana rius 598 august 29 2020_1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Diana Rius First Anal Quest - EPORNER-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18994 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest com diana rius 598 august 29 2020_1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=952;Set=454 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=491' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15539, ID=15539 duration=(483), Size=(24290503), Res=(576 x 442) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Sleeping daughter-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6783, ID=6783 duration=(482.96), Size=(19659541), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Sleeping daughter-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Sleeping daughter-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15539 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Dirty Dad Abuses Sleeping Teen-576x442P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=954;Set=455 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=492' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17960, ID=17960 duration=(888.48), Size=(300502695), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17960, ID=15553 duration=(888.5), Size=(300400335), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15553 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704777 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4=2705768' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Downhome Country & Western Outdoor Anal. Pretty Busty Ranch Girl in Cute Dress & Boots Going Ass to Mouth-[ATM]-[Skirt]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=956;Set=456 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=493' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2619, ID=2619 duration=(657.26), Size=(107648920), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drugged and fucked in bedroom - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drugged and fucked in bedroom - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2619, ID=15555 duration=(657.27), Size=(36269454), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Drugged And Abused-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Drugged and fucked in bedroom - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15555 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Drugged And Abused-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=958;Set=457 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=494' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15566, ID=15566 duration=(2687.21), Size=(535213337), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15566, ID=29874 duration=(2687.29), Size=(525244814), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time Wet Cocks - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29874 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time Wet Cocks - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4=1563640 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\EKS317 Aarol Renti FIRST BBC! Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4=1593366' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Bab\u0435 Aarol Renti Tastes Big Black Cock For The First Time Wet Cocks - anal BBC-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=960;Set=458 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=495' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15571, ID=15571 duration=(8519.68), Size=(471974888), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15571, ID=18049 duration=(8519.66), Size=(471458669), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EVASIVE ANGLES Hot Latin Pussy Adventures 32 -[Latina]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18049 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\a\\EVASIVE ANGLES Hot Latin Pussy Adventures 32 -[Latina]-554x416P.mp4=442702 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\EVASIVE ANGLES TT Boy fucks wet and nasty Latinas - very busty anal-554x416P.mp4=443185' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\EVASIVE ANGLES Hot Latin Pussy Adventures 32 -[Latina]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=962;Set=459 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=496' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18275, ID=18275 duration=(442.35), Size=(70077097), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1267369, 24 : av1, 1046438, 24' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15600, ID=15600 duration=(442.35), Size=(57861054), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\EvilAngel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass! xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18275 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evilangel Monster BBC for Anna De Villes Ass Free Porn 99 xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=964;Set=460 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=497' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15625, ID=15625 duration=(1680.68), Size=(430368757), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\ - ANAL SLAVE DRESSES LIKE A CUTE SLUT FOR - Forced_Anal_Rape-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1825, ID=1825 duration=(1680.64), Size=(92848953), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\ - ANAL SLAVE DRESSES LIKE A CUTE SLUT FOR - Forced_Anal_Rape-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\ - ANAL SLAVE DRESSES LIKE A CUTE SLUT FOR - Forced_Anal_Rape-[FAQ]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15625 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\FAQ - Bella Morgan - skinny blond anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=966;Set=461 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=498' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15689, ID=15689 duration=(2517.53), Size=(2175295453), Res=(3840 x 2160) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy Whores - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-3840x2160P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy Whores - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15689, ID=16042 duration=(2517.53), Size=(1555532156), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal (9215) - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy Whores - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16042 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal (9215) - Brittany Bardot - anal orgy-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=968;Set=462 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=499' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18563, ID=18563 duration=(1996.86), Size=(188912982), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18563, ID=15645 duration=(1996.89), Size=(109656189), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15645 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Filthy blonde slut Noell farts balls and takes huge cock in her Ass - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=970;Set=463 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=500' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18615, ID=18615 duration=(2354.97), Size=(1212519171), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Alexa Flexy - EPORNER-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 2354.97 < 2355' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15652, ID=15652 duration=(2355), Size=(588723069), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Alexa Flexy - EPORNER-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Alexa Flexy - EPORNER-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18615 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\First Anal For Alexa Flaxy - Calibri - anal petite-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=972;Set=464 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=501' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23850, ID=23850 duration=(63.07), Size=(21524607), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4=29.98 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4=30' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 2730394, 29.98 : h264, 2724249, 30' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15651, ID=15651 duration=(63.09), Size=(21483997), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First Time Teen Anal - real painal anal very skinny teen-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23850 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Indian Girl Doggystyle First Time Anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=974;Set=465 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=502' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15654, ID=15654 duration=(748.24), Size=(122218533), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15654, ID=25529 duration=(748.15), Size=(100471712), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hardcore anal gaping is what teen hussy gets - ZB Porn-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25529 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hardcore anal gaping is what teen hussy gets - ZB Porn-1280x720P.mp4=1074351 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\First-time anal video starring Amanda Clarke. Blonde teen as-1280x720P.mp4=1306734' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hardcore anal gaping is what teen hussy gets - ZB Porn-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=976;Set=466 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=503' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23039, ID=23039 duration=(2548.58), Size=(617758842), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A teen who gets her anus sprayed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-[Anal]-[FAQ]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A teen who gets her anus sprayed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-[Anal]-[FAQ]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23039, ID=15655 duration=(2548.7), Size=(140203914), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - ANAL PUNISHMENT OF A CUTE CZECH TEEN WI-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A teen who gets her anus sprayed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-[Anal]-[FAQ]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15655 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - ANAL PUNISHMENT OF A CUTE CZECH TEEN WI-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=978;Set=467 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=504' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18407, ID=18407 duration=(1550.24), Size=(524646344), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINNY TEEN GIRL - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINNY TEEN GIRL - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18407, ID=15657 duration=(1550.26), Size=(252987405), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINN-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINNY TEEN GIRL - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15657 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - HARDCORE ANAL SEX WITH A GORGEOUS SKINN-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=980;Set=468 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=505' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15670, ID=15670 duration=(1402.07), Size=(151187309), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced at home #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 554x416 < 738x554' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2723, ID=2723 duration=(1386.32), Size=(130700809), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced at home #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced at home #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15670 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing On House #2 -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=982;Set=469 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=506' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20912, ID=20912 duration=(2030.72), Size=(191601142), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough and seedy sex in the suburbs Vol. 6 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough and seedy sex in the suburbs Vol. 6 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20912, ID=15672 duration=(2054.03), Size=(188488991), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing To Fuck -[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough and seedy sex in the suburbs Vol. 6 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15672 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Forcing To Fuck -[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=984;Set=470 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=507' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15688, ID=15688 duration=(2630.82), Size=(623570917), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15688, ID=23746 duration=(2630.86), Size=(344559329), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Huge dick monster dick penis severely torn stretched ass Russian inkwell francesca dicaprio in anal ass ass anus porn watch online-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Pounding In Prague - Anal, Interracial, Anybody Know Her Name Porn - SpankBang-[BBC]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 2630.82 < 2631.16' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31551, ID=31551 duration=(2631.16), Size=(537152820), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Pounding In Prague - Anal, Interracial, Anybody Know Her Name Porn - SpankBang-[BBC]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Pounding In Prague - Anal, Interracial, Anybody Know Her Name Porn - SpankBang-[BBC]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15688 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Francesca Dicaprio(over30) . Rosa High Heels . Bbc Anal - EP-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=987;Set=471 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=508' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23746 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Huge dick monster dick penis severely torn stretched ass Russian inkwell francesca dicaprio in anal ass ass anus porn watch online-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=987;Set=471 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=509' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15695, ID=15695 duration=(2681.28), Size=(231359934), Res=(576 x 468) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen's First Anal Fuck-576x468P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen's First Anal Fuck-576x468P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=15695, ID=19013 duration=(2681.28), Size=(148052562), Res=(532 x 434) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\flora jourdan -Clip#1-532x434P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French Teen's First Anal Fuck-576x468P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19013 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\flora jourdan -Clip#1-532x434P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=989;Set=472 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=510' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28779, ID=28779 duration=(1796.2), Size=(291712033), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1299238, 25 : av1, 1234699, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15697, ID=15697 duration=(1796.2), Size=(277221264), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15697, ID=16452 duration=(1796.16), Size=(203130084), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - French amateur teen try painful anal homemade -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\French amateur teen tries painful anal \u2013 homemade xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28779 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosfrench-amateur-teen-tries-painful-anal-homemade-xhh88uR-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=992;Set=473 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=511' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16452 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - French amateur teen try painful anal homemade - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=992;Set=473 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=512' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15708, ID=15708 duration=(767.6), Size=(74378272), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder in Amber MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-636x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x432 < 636x480' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2887, ID=2887 duration=(767.7), Size=(68405299), Res=(636 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder in Amber MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-636x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder in Amber MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-636x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15708 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Fucked By Intruder - rape-[Force]-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=994;Set=474 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=513' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15751, ID=15751 duration=(2339.62), Size=(1202126570), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Gianna Michaels Anal Scene - UPSCALED very busty anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Gianna Michaels Anal Scene - UPSCALED very busty anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15751, ID=30632 duration=(2339.5), Size=(754599455), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Gianna Michaels Anal Scene [Color Corrected, Upscaled, And Interpolated] - Gianna Michaels, Milf, German Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Gianna Michaels Anal Scene - UPSCALED very busty anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30632 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Gianna Michaels Anal Scene [Color Corrected, Upscaled, And Interpolated] - Gianna Michaels, Milf, German Porn - SpankBang-[Busty]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=996;Set=475 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=514' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21350, ID=21350 duration=(2393.76), Size=(317205835), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1060109, 25 : av1, 704160, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15741, ID=15741 duration=(2393.76), Size=(210698756), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Girl Anal busty buffy - busty anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21350 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Busty 18 Y O Stepsister, Free Xxx Sexy Pornhub HD Porn xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=998;Set=476 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=515' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18383, ID=18383 duration=(2428.68), Size=(383272892), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18383, ID=15767 duration=(2428.68), Size=(382886685), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grandparents Anal Threesome, Grandparents Threesome - Videos-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15767 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grandparents Anal Threesome, Grandparents Threesome - Videos-1280x720P.mp4=1261217 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\FFM French Student Hard Anal Fucked and Fisted in Threesome xHamster.mp4=1262489' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grandparents Anal Threesome, Grandparents Threesome - Videos-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1000;Set=477 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=516' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3944, ID=3944 duration=(424.84), Size=(34386260), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rocco - Teen First Blowjob, Forced Anal Fucking She Does Not Like-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rocco - Teen First Blowjob, Forced Anal Fucking She Does Not Like-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3944, ID=15762 duration=(424.97), Size=(16996879), Res=(324 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Great anal scene 1 - Tubesafari com-[Force]-[Teen]-324x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rocco - Teen First Blowjob, Forced Anal Fucking She Does Not Like-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15762 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Great anal scene 1 - Tubesafari com-[Force]-[Teen]-324x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1002;Set=478 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=517' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15768, ID=15768 duration=(2295.9), Size=(316620404), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grosse Pute Se Fait Pulv\xe9riser Le Fion Par Une Bbc - Jane Wi-01-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grosse Pute Se Fait Pulv\xe9riser Le Fion Par Une Bbc - Jane Wi-01-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15768, ID=26378 duration=(2296.04), Size=(315933082), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Sweet Teen Anal Ride Bbc - Sweet Jane - EPORNER-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Grosse Pute Se Fait Pulv\xe9riser Le Fion Par Une Bbc - Jane Wi-01-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26378 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Sweet Teen Anal Ride Bbc - Sweet Jane - EPORNER-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1004;Set=479 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=518' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15766, ID=15766 duration=(1516.7), Size=(142256312), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\group of woman snuff in forest - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3645, ID=3645 duration=(1516.66), Size=(83505158), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\group of woman snuff in forest - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\group of woman snuff in forest - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15766 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Group Of Woman Snuff In Forest - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1006;Set=480 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=519' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23935, ID=23935 duration=(651.41), Size=(113928719), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial sex for petite teen with both anal and pussy-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial sex for petite teen with both anal and pussy-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23935, ID=15785 duration=(651.42), Size=(35553187), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hardcore interracial white teen fucked by black man in her pussy and tight ass - XVIDEOSCOM-640x360P-[Anal]-[Petite].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial sex for petite teen with both anal and pussy-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15785 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hardcore interracial white teen fucked by black man in her pussy and tight ass - XVIDEOSCOM-640x360P-[Anal]-[Petite].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1008;Set=481 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=520' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2213, ID=2213 duration=(1872.48), Size=(638057197), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Hazel abducted drugged and hung out for use - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Hazel abducted drugged and hung out for use - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2213, ID=15789 duration=(1893.79), Size=(130160169), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel Abducted Drugged + Hung Out For Use - skinny teen[Force]-[Wasted]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Hazel abducted drugged and hung out for use - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15789 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel Abducted Drugged + Hung Out For Use - skinny teen[Force]-[Wasted]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1010;Set=482 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=521' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15792, ID=15792 duration=(2071.48), Size=(356977398), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel moore anal ATM BBC-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel moore anal ATM BBC-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15792, ID=26584 duration=(2071.43), Size=(156438020), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\There Is Nothing Like The Backdoor \u2013 xxdbx-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hazel moore anal ATM BBC-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26584 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\There Is Nothing Like The Backdoor \u2013 xxdbx-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1012;Set=483 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=522' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2461, ID=2461 duration=(1881.76), Size=(215174770), Res=(576 x 484) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Teen Raped And Choked - Forced_Rape-576x484P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Teen Raped And Choked - Forced_Rape-576x484P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2461, ID=15807 duration=(1881.79), Size=(188135906), Res=(572 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker Raped By Duo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny busty-[Force]-[Teen]-572x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Teen Raped And Choked - Forced_Rape-576x484P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15807 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Hitchhiker Raped By Duo MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - skinny busty-[Force]-[Teen]-572x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1014;Set=484 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=523' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32007, ID=32007 duration=(2589.47), Size=(288268321), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\854x480 - Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\854x480 - Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\854x480 - Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4=890586 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4=902415' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\854x480 - Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 890586, 29.59 : h264, 902415, 30' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32021, ID=32021 duration=(2554.3), Size=(288129857), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - anal rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=blacklist vs not blacklist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15817, ID=15817 duration=(2554.3), Size=(288129856), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 32007 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\854x480 - Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1017;Set=485 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=524' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 32021 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Home Intruder - First Time Anal Fuck - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1017;Set=485 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=525' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15933, ID=15933 duration=(1825.68), Size=(956199158), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15933, ID=28168 duration=(1825.64), Size=(740625719), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Small Tits Teen Gets Anal Creampied by her Big Cock Pussy De-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15933, ID=15852 duration=(1825.59), Size=(211901265), Res=(800 x 452) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\How To Spend Spare Time Presented By Horny Girl Iveta - teen anal-[Deepthroat]-800x452P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28168 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Small Tits Teen Gets Anal Creampied by her Big Cock Pussy De-1920x1080P.mp4=3245440 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Jailbait, Jailbait Deep Throat -[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=4189996' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Small Tits Teen Gets Anal Creampied by her Big Cock Pussy De-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1020;Set=486 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=526' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15852 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\How To Spend Spare Time Presented By Horny Girl Iveta - teen anal-[Deepthroat]-800x452P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1020;Set=486 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=527' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15873, ID=15873 duration=(438.98), Size=(147603155), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15873, ID=29822 duration=(438.98), Size=(147601391), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Sex With 18 Years Old Indian Girl - XVIDEOS COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29822 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Sex With 18 Years Old Indian Girl - XVIDEOS COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2689878 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian First Time Blowjob And Pussy Fucking With Anal Sex In Cle-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2689911' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Sex With 18 Years Old Indian Girl - XVIDEOS COM-[Force]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1022;Set=487 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=528' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15876, ID=15876 duration=(450.28), Size=(152424183), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15876, ID=27123 duration=(450.28), Size=(152345438), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Sexy Indian Girl First Time Sex Defloration - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27123 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Sexy Indian Girl First Time Sex Defloration - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2706700 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Indian best ever first time anal skinny girl boy in clear hindi -[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2708099' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Sexy Indian Girl First Time Sex Defloration - XVIDEOS COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1024;Set=488 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=529' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21462, ID=21462 duration=(1712.67), Size=(231142945), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She Needs the Black Cock in the Ass, Free Porn 84 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She Needs the Black Cock in the Ass, Free Porn 84 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21462, ID=15896 duration=(1712.78), Size=(133107890), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Interracial Hole Stretchers 3 - Scene 3 -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She Needs the Black Cock in the Ass, Free Porn 84 xHamster xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15896 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Interracial Hole Stretchers 3 - Scene 3 - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1026;Set=489 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=530' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15903, ID=15903 duration=(603.17), Size=(228393247), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 3029257, 24 : h264, 1269753, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1868, ID=1868 duration=(603.05), Size=(95715689), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Intruder Busts into Blondes Asshole, Free Porn ab xHamster[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15903 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder Busts Into Blondes Asshole - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1028;Set=490 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=531' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32019, ID=32019 duration=(317.1), Size=(115577371), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Intruder Anal Fucks Bound Housewife - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Intruder Anal Fucks Bound Housewife - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32019, ID=15901 duration=(317.03), Size=(18516027), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder anal fucks bound housewife - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Intruder Anal Fucks Bound Housewife - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15901 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Intruder anal fucks bound housewife - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1030;Set=491 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=532' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30549, ID=30549 duration=(1634.85), Size=(169711876), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=30549, ID=15905 duration=(1653.36), Size=(141310948), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\It's A Trap! Brought Her House And Violently Crew Pounded - skinny teen anal DP[ATM]-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-30 - anal DP ATM-[Force]-640x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15905 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\It's A Trap! Brought Her House And Violently Crew Pounded - skinny teen anal DP[ATM]-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1032;Set=492 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=533" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28534, ID=28534 duration=(2352.88), Size=(130164950), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28534, ID=15911 duration=(2352.9), Size=(129905604), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Iveta - skinny busty russian anal painal-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15911 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Iveta - skinny busty russian anal painal-638x360P.mp4=441686 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Who is this girl - XVIDEOS.COM-638x360P.mp4=442572' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Iveta - skinny busty russian anal painal-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1034;Set=493 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=534' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5099, ID=5099 duration=(2853.57), Size=(492973173), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\SpyCam\\Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[Nude]-[Voyer]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\SpyCam\\Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[Nude]-[Voyer]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5099, ID=15914 duration=(2853.54), Size=(211016686), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ivi Rein Gets Her Asshole Filled With Cum \u2013 xxdbx- very skinny petite ATM anal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\SpyCam\\Ivi Rein - very skinny teen anal-[Nude]-[Voyer]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 15914 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Ivi Rein Gets Her Asshole Filled With Cum \u2013 xxdbx- very skinny petite ATM anal-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1036;Set=494 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=535' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15983, ID=15983 duration=(2518.58), Size=(445472074), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Khali Noire Straight To Anal - very skinny latin teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Khali Noire Straight To Anal - very skinny latin teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=15983, ID=16309 duration=(2518.58), Size=(353170342), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\[legalporno com&analvids com] khali noire brazilian super cu-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Khali Noire Straight To Anal - very skinny latin teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16309 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\[legalporno com&analvids com] khali noire brazilian super cu-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1038;Set=495 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=536' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31226, ID=31226 duration=(3469.85), Size=(567144433), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31226, ID=16011 duration=(3469.86), Size=(566759264), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16011 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - anal-1280x720P.mp4=1306701 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4=1307593' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Hot Teen Lana gets her Ass Fucked - anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1040;Set=496 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=537' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16009, ID=16009 duration=(2054.88), Size=(336088166), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16009, ID=31237 duration=(2054.87), Size=(335973981), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31237 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4=1308008 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4=1308450' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\LEGALPORNO FULL SCENE - Victoria gets Folded and Ass Fucked! - XVIDEOS.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1042;Set=497 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=538' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16014, ID=16014 duration=(1484.32), Size=(159013012), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Lady y su amiga porno colombiano gratis anal painal busty-[FFM]-544x408P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x360 < 544x408' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26198, ID=26198 duration=(1484.46), Size=(87518955), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Lady y su amiga porno colombiano gratis anal painal busty-[FFM]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Lady y su amiga porno colombiano gratis anal painal busty-[FFM]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16014 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lady Damita Trio - Colombiana anal painal FFM very busty-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1044;Set=498 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=539' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16034, ID=16034 duration=(1365.7), Size=(97750406), Res=(480 x 352) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen babysitter watches homemade video then punished by-480x352P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8197, ID=8197 duration=(1364.03), Size=(62319041), Res=(480 x 352) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen babysitter watches homemade video then punished by-480x352P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen babysitter watches homemade video then punished by-480x352P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16034 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legal Age teenager 18+ babysitter watches homemade movie the-480x352P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1046;Set=499 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=540' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22746, ID=22746 duration=(2495.77), Size=(460510107), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\21 Years Old In New Teen Princess Alice First Time Assfucked, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\21 Years Old In New Teen Princess Alice First Time Assfucked' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22746, ID=16046 duration=(2495.59), Size=(426700675), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legalporno analvids princess alice new teen princess alice f-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\21 Years Old In New Teen Princess Alice First Time Assfucked' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16046 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Legalporno analvids princess alice new teen princess alice f-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1048;Set=500 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=541' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19045, ID=19045 duration=(410.62), Size=(16282203), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 317220, 25 : av1, 201668, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16058, ID=16058 duration=(410.67), Size=(10352374), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lilian Kerstin, Michelle Davy, Gerard Luig in classic sex - anal rape-[Force]-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19045 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lilian Kerstin Michelle Davy Gerard Luig in Classic Sex xHamster-[Vintage]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1050;Set=501 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=542' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16082, ID=16082 duration=(1519.12), Size=(1816986773), Res=(2560 x 1440) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal ATM painal-[UPSCALED]-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=252, ID=252 duration=(1519.13), Size=(993098472), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal ATM painal-[UPSCALED]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Codi Aka Little Hellcat - very skinny teen anal ATM painal-[UPSCALED]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16082 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Little Hellcat Teen Codi - ATM Anal Teens Ai Enhanced Upscaled -2560x1440P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1052;Set=502 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=543' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19221, ID=19221 duration=(772.18), Size=(394395812), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19221, ID=16095 duration=(772.29), Size=(394312700), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots -1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16095 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots -1920x1080P.mp4=4084600 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4=4086052' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Lydia Pirelli Rapes A Man, And Gets A DP With Epic Cumshots -1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1054;Set=503 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=544' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16101, ID=16101 duration=(1206.85), Size=(99954915), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 544x408 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18771, ID=18771 duration=(1194.4), Size=(94273953), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3984, ID=3984 duration=(1193.96), Size=(74061469), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3984, ID=4041 duration=(1193.18), Size=(33750585), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\force russian girl 21 - XNXX.COM-374x280P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Stripped And Forced To Fuck By Thugs - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16101 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Make Russian Teen 21 - skinny very busty[Force]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1058;Set=504 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=545' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18771 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Fuck MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-bigboobs skinny-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1058;Set=504 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=546' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\force russian girl 21 - XNXX.COM-374x280P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1058;Set=504 of 912;QtySkipForDel=8" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16120, ID=16120 duration=(1804.62), Size=(222943154), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom -' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom - v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom - with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 988322, 24.72 : h264, 471858, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2976, ID=2976 duration=(1784.38), Size=(105246989), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Masked Man Rapes A women Hard In Garden, Extreme wwwForceVideoscom[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16120 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Masked Male R a Women Tough in Garden Hard Core Wwwforcevideoscom - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1060;Set=505 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=547' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=67, ID=67 duration=(4798.87), Size=(976337017), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 1111.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 1111.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=67, ID=16128 duration=(4798.94), Size=(496749774), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (1111) Facefucking Marathon, Part 11 Of 11-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 1111.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16128 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (1111) Facefucking Marathon, Part 11 Of 11-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1062;Set=506 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=548' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=89, ID=89 duration=(5186.7), Size=(1481416743), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz multiple scenes - Sluts Get Destroyed - Cocksucking, Cumpil.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz multiple scenes - Sluts Get Destroyed - Cocksucking, Cumpil.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=89, ID=16129 duration=(5186.78), Size=(566844314), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (411) Facefucking Marathon, Part 4 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz multiple scenes - Sluts Get Destroyed - Cocksucking, Cumpil.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16129 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (411) Facefucking Marathon, Part 4 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1064;Set=507 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=549' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=71, ID=71 duration=(6074.73), Size=(1466870773), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 511 _ test upload - HD No volume - includes Jessie hotel scene.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 511 _ test upload - HD No volume - includes Jessie hotel scene.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=71, ID=16131 duration=(6074.8), Size=(648281214), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (511) Facefucking Marathon, Part 5 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\MaxHardcore\\Max Hardcore - zzz - ReMAXstered, part 511 _ test upload - HD No volume - includes Jessie hotel scene.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16131 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Max H ReMAXstered (511) Facefucking Marathon, Part 5 Of 11 (-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1066;Set=508 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=550' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16133, ID=16133 duration=(2230.97), Size=(872762773), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis FirstAnal Quest com 2022 EP657 Blonde Girl In Fis-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis FirstAnal Quest com 2022 EP657 Blonde Girl In Fis-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16133, ID=19406 duration=(2230.93), Size=(385098545), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mencia Francis - Firstanalquest blonde girl in fishnets mencia francis tries anal sex first time russian - puffy nipples very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mencia Francis FirstAnal Quest com 2022 EP657 Blonde Girl In Fis-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19406 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mencia Francis - Firstanalquest blonde girl in fishnets mencia francis tries anal sex first time russian - puffy nipples very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1068;Set=509 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=551' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16144, ID=16144 duration=(2977.14), Size=(424553533), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16144, ID=19468 duration=(2977.12), Size=(423937963), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19468 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn - Upornia.-1280x720P.mp4=1140835' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mika Kim Anal Creampie - Anal Delights Jul3sj0rdn for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1070;Set=510 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=552' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16163, ID=16163 duration=(2128.67), Size=(281662047), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Molly jane dad thinks im mom - very busty anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Molly jane dad thinks im mom - very busty anal-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16163, ID=19539 duration=(2128.59), Size=(202331300), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Molly Jane in step Daughter with Big Tits is broken in her Anus by Horny StepDad - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Molly jane dad thinks im mom - very busty anal-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19539 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Molly Jane in step Daughter with Big Tits is broken in her Anus by Horny StepDad - XVIDEOS.COM-[Anal]-[Busty]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1072;Set=511 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=553' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16167, ID=16167 duration=(3003.2), Size=(515730702), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting Welcome To Porn Rough Sex, Balls - skinny teen anal ATM rough.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting Welcome To Porn Rough Sex, Balls - skinny teen anal ATM rough.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16167, ID=22461 duration=(3002.9), Size=(421510951), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\1177008.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Mr. Andersons Anal Casting Welcome To Porn Rough Sex, Balls - skinny teen anal ATM rough.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22461 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\1177008.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1074;Set=512 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=554' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16183, ID=16183 duration=(1260.02), Size=(69503838), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal skinny petite teens FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal skinny petite teens FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16183, ID=19691 duration=(1260), Size=(25220613), Res=(384 x 288) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal FFM-[Teen]-384x288P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal skinny petite teens FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19691 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Nacho breaks the ass of 2 young colombians - anal FFM-[Teen]-384x288P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1076;Set=513 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=555' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16201, ID=16201 duration=(2425.67), Size=(420119098), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16201, ID=19844 duration=(2425.64), Size=(418868914), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\New teen queenlin first time to anal vids-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19844 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\New teen queenlin first time to anal vids-852x480P.mp4=1381473 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\New teen queenlin first time to analvids! - BEST XXX TUBE-852x480P.mp4=1385577' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\New teen queenlin first time to anal vids-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1078;Set=514 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=556' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5862, ID=5862 duration=(3631.06), Size=(291980346), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\PST office party - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\PST office party - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5862, ID=16219 duration=(3631.15), Size=(283303010), Res=(540 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Office Party \u2013 PornXP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\PST office party - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16219 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Office Party \u2013 PornXP.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1080;Set=515 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=557' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16255, ID=16255 duration=(2372.97), Size=(897116328), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Pain Of Bbc In The Ass - Angie Koks - anal-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Pain Of Bbc In The Ass - Angie Koks - anal-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16255, ID=31439 duration=(2372.9), Size=(307175262), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Painal BBC Up Her Tight Anal Cavity Anal - skinny teen anal BBC-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Pain Of Bbc In The Ass - Angie Koks - anal-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31439 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Painal BBC Up Her Tight Anal Cavity Anal - skinny teen anal BBC-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1082;Set=516 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=558' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20159, ID=20159 duration=(286.88), Size=(27692772), Res=(360 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painful Anal Free Porn Porn Porn Video a9 - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painful Anal Free Porn Porn Porn Video a9 - xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20159, ID=16240 duration=(286.88), Size=(10386244), Res=(244 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Painful Homemade Anal-244x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painful Anal Free Porn Porn Porn Video a9 - xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16240 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Painful Homemade Anal-244x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1084;Set=517 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=559' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16254, ID=16254 duration=(1018.67), Size=(147030025), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16254, ID=22931 duration=(1018.75), Size=(73845026), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\A Good Time free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page of-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16254, ID=21419 duration=(1018.69), Size=(63517003), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shame On Her - Dahlia Sin fucked in an alley - XVIDEOS.COM-[Passed Out]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Passed Out Whore Found In Alley And Used - RapeLust-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22931 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\A Good Time free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page of-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1087;Set=518 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=560' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21419 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shame On Her - Dahlia Sin fucked in an alley - XVIDEOS.COM-[Passed Out]-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1087;Set=518 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=561' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16263, ID=16263 duration=(1128.28), Size=(142864567), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Persistent Guy Finally Convince Shy Friends Sister With Perfect Natural Tits To Fuck Her -[Anal]-[Casting]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-480x272P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5901, ID=5901 duration=(1128.28), Size=(82261067), Res=(480 x 272) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Persistent Guy Finally Convince Shy Friends Sister With Perfect Natural Tits To Fuck Her -[Anal]-[Casting]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-480x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Persistent Guy Finally Convince Shy Friends Sister With Perfect Natural Tits To Fuck Her -[Anal]-[Casting]-[Force]-[Skinny]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-480x272P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16263 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Persuaded a skinny girl in a black dress for sex porn sex hard fuck young teen cute ass pussy anal suck dick cum rough casting boobs - anal-854x480P-[Force]-[Skirt].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1089;Set=519 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=562' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4302, ID=4302 duration=(1281.64), Size=(111930858), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4302, ID=16270 duration=(1281.66), Size=(75903610), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Girlfriend Violently Abused And Force Fucked - RapeLust-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4302, ID=3321 duration=(1281.78), Size=(75603808), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Step Brother forces his Little Step Sister to fuck -[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\ - Russian Brother Anal ATM Rapes skinny busty teen-[Force]-[Petite]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16270 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Girlfriend Violently Abused And Force Fucked - RapeLust-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1092;Set=520 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=563' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Step Brother forces his Little Step Sister to fuck -[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1092;Set=520 of 912;QtySkipForDel=9" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4881, ID=4881 duration=(176.54), Size=(19076162), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg, KeepPath=B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Young Latina Short Pigtails By Pool Anal Fuck One Of My F.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 384x288' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16279, ID=16279 duration=(176.68), Size=(3948312), Res=(384 x 288) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Young Latina Short Pigtails By Pool Anal Fuck One Of My F.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Petite Young Latina Short Pigtails By Pool Anal Fuck One Of My F.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\NoPreview\\!!!AAA 1 petite latina short pigtails by pool - Anal-320x240P.mpg';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1094;Set=521 of 912;QtySkipForDel=10" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16489, ID=16489 duration=(1831.26), Size=(148571066), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\Two Hot Brazilian Bikini Babes Gets Roughly Pushed Anal Fucked On the Yacht By 2 Intruders - anal rape FFMM skinny-[Anal, Bikini, Force].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 448x336 < 480x368' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16298, ID=16298 duration=(1831.38), Size=(127796116), Res=(480 x 368) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Two Hot Brazilian Bikini Babes Gets Roughly Pushed Anal Fucked On the Yacht By 2 Intruders - anal rape FFMM skinny-[Anal, Bikini, Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\Two Hot Brazilian Bikini Babes Gets Roughly Pushed Anal Fucked On the Yacht By 2 Intruders - anal rape FFMM skinny-[Anal, Bikini, Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16489 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Two sexy Brazilians raped on a boat _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1096;Set=522 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=564' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16311, ID=16311 duration=(636.53), Size=(60100947), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal Sexo - very skinny anal teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal Sexo - very skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16311, ID=30232 duration=(636.56), Size=(37647740), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal Sexo - very skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30232 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen anal sex - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1098;Set=523 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=565' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25767, ID=25767 duration=(207.36), Size=(11436243), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25767, ID=16313 duration=(207.38), Size=(11414846), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16313 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4=440338 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=441213' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\anal fail compilation - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1100;Set=524 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=566' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16339, ID=16339 duration=(450.5), Size=(152376652), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\black teenage girl gets a hung wh i te dick in her big booty-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\black teenage girl gets a hung wh i te dick in her big booty-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16339, ID=28782 duration=(450.54), Size=(71220078), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoshardx-ebony-teen-takes-a-big-white-cock-up-her-bubbly-ass-10864505-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\black teenage girl gets a hung wh i te dick in her big booty-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28782 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoshardx-ebony-teen-takes-a-big-white-cock-up-her-bubbly-ass-10864505-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1102;Set=525 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=567' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16359, ID=16359 duration=(727.82), Size=(118626881), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex -' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4=30' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex - with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1303919, 29.97 : h264, 1139327, 30' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22196, ID=22196 duration=(727.83), Size=(103654477), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Anal Sex HD Porn c1 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16359 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Sunny Shine Enjoys Unforgettable First Painal Sex - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1104;Set=526 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=568' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26994, ID=26994 duration=(1555.52), Size=(146744048), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26994, ID=23264 duration=(1555.58), Size=(85779926), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #3 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26994, ID=16360 duration=(1555.54), Size=(85272791), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - You Never Know What Twisted Meetings Come Across Vol. 11 - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 11 - XVIDEOS.COM-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23264 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #3 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1107;Set=527 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=569' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16360 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - You Never Know What Twisted Meetings Come Across Vol. 11 - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1107;Set=527 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=570' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17595, ID=17595 duration=(1256.8), Size=(425047424), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17595, ID=16375 duration=(1256.82), Size=(424903015), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\deep ass fuck with cum inside for slim blonde girl 18 - ATM anal blond-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16375 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\deep ass fuck with cum inside for slim blonde girl 18 - ATM anal blond-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704616 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\DEEP PAINFUL ASS FUCK WITH CUM INSIDE FOR SLIM BLONDE GIRL 18 - XNXX.COM-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4=2705585' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\deep ass fuck with cum inside for slim blonde girl 18 - ATM anal blond-[Skinny]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1109;Set=528 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=571' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18954, ID=18954 duration=(5198.9), Size=(286897446), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18954, ID=16370 duration=(5198.9), Size=(286342073), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16370 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4=440619 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=441473' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ebony reverse gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM-[Gang Bang]-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1111;Set=529 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=572' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16406, ID=16406 duration=(731.94), Size=(247591463), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16406, ID=16404 duration=(731.9), Size=(247574566), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\extreme skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and de.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16404 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\extreme skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and de.mp4=2706091 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\4\\flexi skinny young woman tight anus destroyed - XVIDEOS.COM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2706128' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\extreme skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and de.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1113;Set=530 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=573' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16412, ID=16412 duration=(1703.8), Size=(106287816), Res=(848 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\BrutalPickup\\Brutal Pickups - Joseline Kelly - E09 - rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1680, ID=1680 duration=(1703.89), Size=(96054870), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\BrutalPickup\\Brutal Pickups - Joseline Kelly - E09 - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\BrutalPickup\\Brutal Pickups - Joseline Kelly - E09 - rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16412 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Joseline Kelly Brutal Pick-Ups Four-Eyed Fuck Slut _ HeavyFetish-[Force]-848x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1115;Set=531 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=574' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17115, ID=17115 duration=(2248.27), Size=(733311447), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Emma Rosie Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - anal skinny.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Emma Rosie Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - anal skinny.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17115, ID=16427 duration=(2248.25), Size=(427768007), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Emma Rosie Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Emma Rosie Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - anal skinny.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16427 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Emma Rosie Tiny Anal Pocket Slut Gets A BBC Monster Cock In Her Ass - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1117;Set=532 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=575' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28426, ID=28426 duration=(2174.5), Size=(1408011539), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality - very skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality - very skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28426, ID=16434 duration=(2174.48), Size=(375203108), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality -[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality - very skinny petite anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16434 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Tiny Tits Teen Takes Monster BBC Anal Hardcore Better Quality -[ATM]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1119;Set=533 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=576' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27665, ID=27665 duration=(783.76), Size=(74575282), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty French Picked Up For Anal 2023 WWWXXX-748x548P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty French Picked Up For Anal 2023 WWWXXX-748x548P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27665, ID=16443 duration=(783.77), Size=(70806226), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Busty french picked up for anal - SEXTVX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty French Picked Up For Anal 2023 WWWXXX-748x548P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16443 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Busty french picked up for anal - SEXTVX.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1121;Set=534 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=577' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22383, ID=22383 duration=(2481.77), Size=(838209105), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead skinny milf - XNXX.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead skinny milf - XNXX.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22383, ID=16457 duration=(2481.79), Size=(277433556), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead milf -[Skinny]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead skinny milf - XNXX.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16457 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - EROCOM.TV - small ass anal threesome ffm with blonde and redhead milf -[Skinny]-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1123;Set=535 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=578' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16700, ID=16700 duration=(1919.89), Size=(181059383), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\852x480 - Petite Black Babe Penetrated by White Cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\852x480 - Petite Black Babe Penetrated by White Cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=16700, ID=16461 duration=(1919.85), Size=(177809431), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - White cock for ebony babe's ass -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\852x480 - Petite Black Babe Penetrated by White Cock - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16461 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - White cock for ebony babe's ass - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1125;Set=536 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=579" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16468, ID=16468 duration=(216.32), Size=(15114154), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Fat Slut Screaming While Assfucked PAINAL _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Fat Slut Screaming While Assfucked PAINAL _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16468, ID=21812 duration=(216.13), Size=(10542973), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Wife Screams Loudly while getting her Asshole Drilled Hard-[Anal]-[Painal]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Fat Slut Screaming While Assfucked PAINAL _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21812 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Slave Wife Screams Loudly while getting her Asshole Drilled Hard-[Anal]-[Painal]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1127;Set=537 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=580' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16475, ID=16475 duration=(1307.01), Size=(301770522), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Furniturer Raped girl in the ass _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny teen in skirt rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Furniturer Raped girl in the ass _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny teen in skirt rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16475, ID=23794 duration=(1307.24), Size=(163819163), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\I got a big instrument for you MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Furniturer Raped girl in the ass _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - very skinny teen in skirt rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23794 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\I got a big instrument for you MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1129;Set=538 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=581' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16494, ID=16494 duration=(2879.32), Size=(596224484), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=29.97' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1656570, 25 : h264, 1305470, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22656, ID=22656 duration=(2879.25), Size=(469847128), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19 year-old Rain Summers - Painal Yoga - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16494 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Rains painal _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1131;Set=539 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=582' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16481, ID=16481 duration=(1949.31), Size=(217050550), Res=(656 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\beautiful young girl raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 656x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3592, ID=3592 duration=(1949.36), Size=(190253611), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\beautiful young girl raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\beautiful young girl raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16481 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - Teen raped _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-656x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1133;Set=540 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=583' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16487, ID=16487 duration=(464.08), Size=(26317499), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - War Rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - War Rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16487, ID=30812 duration=(464.12), Size=(25672146), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Japanese in prison - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - War Rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30812 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Japanese in prison - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1135;Set=541 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=584' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30998, ID=30998 duration=(275.43), Size=(26553272), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16495, ID=16495 duration=(275.46), Size=(23771130), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage gangrape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3758, ID=3758 duration=(275.52), Size=(21121929), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage gangrape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Vintage\\Vintage gangrape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Vintage Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30998 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Karpuzcu 1979 Watch online.php-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1138;Set=542 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=585' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16495 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\ - really good gang rape _ MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1138;Set=542 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=586' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19684, ID=19684 duration=(687.06), Size=(229732434), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19684, ID=16527 duration=(687.08), Size=(229690808), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\4\\no lube anal was a bad idea 18 yo blonde teen can hardly take it-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 16527 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\4\\no lube anal was a bad idea 18 yo blonde teen can hardly take it-1920x1080P.mp4=2674387 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\NO LUBE ANAL WAS A BAD IDEA - 18 Yo Blonde Teen Can Hardly Take It (ROUGH PAINAL) 2023 WWWXXX.mp4=2674962' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\4\\no lube anal was a bad idea 18 yo blonde teen can hardly take it-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1140;Set=543 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=587' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26862, ID=26862 duration=(1557.57), Size=(507722813), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Keri Anal Teen Second Video - EPORNER.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1557.57 < 1585.64' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16575, ID=16575 duration=(1585.64), Size=(436185758), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Keri Anal Teen Second Video - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Keri Anal Teen Second Video - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26862 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Teen Keri with gorgeous boobs is fucked anally - 60Fps.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1142;Set=544 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=588' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1841, ID=1841 duration=(311.3), Size=(50772407), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Painful Anal Scream and Anal Pain Compilation.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 311.3 < 315.55' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16570, ID=16570 duration=(315.55), Size=(34917967), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Painful Anal Scream and Anal Pain Compilation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Painful Anal Scream and Anal Pain Compilation.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Hard Anal Scream Compilation - BESTOFANALCOM - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1144;Set=545 of 912;QtySkipForDel=11" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16587, ID=16587 duration=(730.04), Size=(118936524), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Vegan Cutie Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From Her 1st Big Black Cock! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Vegan Cutie Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From Her 1st Big Black Cock! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16587, ID=23912 duration=(730.01), Size=(89678086), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial Amateur Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From BBC! - Bing video.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - Vegan Cutie Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From Her 1st Big Black Cock! - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23912 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Interracial Amateur Skye Avery Gets Anal Creampie From BBC! - Bing video.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1146;Set=546 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=589' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16592, ID=16592 duration=(730.15), Size=(118771552), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - dude 18 yo babysitter bella anal painal and more wtf - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - dude 18 yo babysitter bella anal painal and more wtf - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16592, ID=22551 duration=(730.01), Size=(88017735), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Yo Babysitter Bella Fucked in Virgin Butthole! - Bing video.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1280x720 - dude 18 yo babysitter bella anal painal and more wtf - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22551 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Yo Babysitter Bella Fucked in Virgin Butthole! - Bing video.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1148;Set=547 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=590' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16607, ID=16607 duration=(720.9), Size=(244495822), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16607, ID=27713 duration=(720.75), Size=(244410765), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27713 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=2712834 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=2713222' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Victoria fucked anal before 1st interracial creampie - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1150;Set=548 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=591' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16620, ID=16620 duration=(790.85), Size=(266897862), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16620, ID=29154 duration=(790.76), Size=(124982127), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - GERMAN SCOUT - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29154 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\German Scout - Deep Anal for Skinny Teen Veronica at Casting xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1152;Set=549 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=592' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16633, ID=16633 duration=(783.73), Size=(265117168), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16633, ID=29622 duration=(783.63), Size=(127909202), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29622 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Put It In My Ass - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1154;Set=550 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=593' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16687, ID=16687 duration=(2882.12), Size=(1827556328), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Summer Vixen Hard Anal Fucking - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Summer Vixen Hard Anal Fucking - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16687, ID=26369 duration=(2842.95), Size=(490873132), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Summer vixen hard anal fucking in summer - skinny anal BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\1920x1080 - Summer Vixen Hard Anal Fucking - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26369 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Summer vixen hard anal fucking in summer - skinny anal BBC.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1156;Set=551 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=594' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25011, ID=25011 duration=(1473.44), Size=(133113822), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\544x408 - Daniela Zianchine Brazilian Petite - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x360 < 544x408' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16658, ID=16658 duration=(1483.38), Size=(87500821), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\544x408 - Daniela Zianchine Brazilian Petite - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\544x408 - Daniela Zianchine Brazilian Petite - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25011 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Brazilian Teen Gets A Big Cock In Ass Latin - S63 - busty teen anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1158;Set=552 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=595' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16676, ID=16676 duration=(807.2), Size=(44771233), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - How Anal Is Supposed To Work - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - How Anal Is Supposed To Work - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16676, ID=23704 duration=(807.12), Size=(17866523), Res=(408 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\How Anal Is Supposed To Work -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\588x392 - How Anal Is Supposed To Work - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23704 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\How Anal Is Supposed To Work - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1160;Set=553 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=596' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16686, ID=16686 duration=(1037.8), Size=(97523444), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16686, ID=18842 duration=(1037.64), Size=(61281637), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\738x554 - French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18842 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\French big tits fuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1162;Set=554 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=597' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16695, ID=16695 duration=(1525.35), Size=(144780105), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16695, ID=24499 duration=(1525.19), Size=(144643722), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVI.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24499 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVI.mp4=758691 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\748x548 - Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=759327' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 24 - XVI.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1164;Set=555 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=598' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16705, ID=16705 duration=(1083.49), Size=(153415002), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ANAL VIRGIN teen 18 HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ANAL VIRGIN teen 18 HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16705, ID=24210 duration=(1083.31), Size=(122722842), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\ANAL VIRGIN TEEN HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ANAL VIRGIN teen 18 HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24210 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\ANAL VIRGIN TEEN HAVING HER FIRST TIME ANAL - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1166;Set=556 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=599' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16707, ID=16707 duration=(1943.14), Size=(227814089), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16707, ID=31808 duration=(1943.14), Size=(227754394), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA and-rea-005-wmv-high_01.anal.force - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31808 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA and-rea-005-wmv-high_01.anal.force - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P.mp4=937676 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Abused anal and hard porn - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P-[Force].mp4=937922' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA and-rea-005-wmv-high_01.anal.force - RAPESECTION - LuxureTV-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1168;Set=557 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=600' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16715, ID=16715 duration=(1305.23), Size=(123745374), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16715, ID=24498 duration=(1305.21), Size=(123672996), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 25 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24498 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 25 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=758029 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol 25 - XVIDEOS .mp4=758459' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing ass of brazilian teen is made for fuck Vol. 25 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1170;Set=558 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=601' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26487, ID=26487 duration=(2109.12), Size=(338889414), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1285424, 25 : av1, 1009000, 25' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16772, ID=16772 duration=(2109.12), Size=(266012998), Res=(960 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Best Teen Fuck Ever 18 Yo Teen after School In Russian Porn - BBC anal ATM painal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26487 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teens Try Blacks18yo Russian Elena Had Her First BBC... xHam.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1172;Set=559 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=602' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16801, ID=16801 duration=(2338.92), Size=(913981740), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Tina Fire - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Tina Fire - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16801, ID=25014 duration=(2338.84), Size=(235765271), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Ebony-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Tina Fire - very busty anal ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25014 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Busty All Natural Brazilian Ebony Gets Ass Fucked - Ebony-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1174;Set=560 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=603' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27706, ID=27706 duration=(1720.62), Size=(308501104), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Teen Redhead Gets Anal - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Teen Redhead Gets Anal - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27706, ID=32020 duration=(1720.71), Size=(308385536), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty Teen Redhead Gets Anal - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Teen Redhead Gets Anal - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 32020 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty Teen Redhead Gets Anal - EPORNER.mp4=1433761 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Teen Redhead Gets Anal - EPORNER.mp4=1434370' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Busty Teen Redhead Gets Anal - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1176;Set=561 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=604' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16839, ID=16839 duration=(2210.21), Size=(449692637), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Esperanza del Horno - Dutch stepdaughter in an interracial anal fuck - teen anal BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Esperanza del Horno - Dutch stepdaughter in an interracial anal fuck - teen anal BBC.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=16839, ID=25391 duration=(2210.08), Size=(175139468), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Dad Wants To Break Daughters' Addiction To BBCs at DrTuber.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Esperanza del Horno - Dutch stepdaughter in an interracial anal fuck - teen anal BBC.mp4" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25391 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Dad Wants To Break Daughters' Addiction To BBCs at DrTuber.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1178;Set=562 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=605" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16858, ID=16858 duration=(1531.22), Size=(144325305), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Glamorous 18yo Gets Made Love In Rear End - Ass Sex -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Glamorous 18yo Gets Made Love In Rear End - Ass Sex -' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16858, ID=24752 duration=(1531.03), Size=(122329623), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Hot Teen Juliya Porn Videos.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Glamorous 18yo Gets Made Love In Rear End - Ass Sex -' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24752 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Sex With Hot Teen Juliya Porn Videos.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1180;Set=563 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=606' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16949, ID=16949 duration=(1830.55), Size=(500607530), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mesmerizing girlfriend gets a big raging cock - Free Porn Videos.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mesmerizing girlfriend gets a big raging cock - Free Porn Videos.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16949, ID=23085 duration=(1829.93), Size=(311798318), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette busty big boobs wants to get ass-fucked - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Mesmerizing girlfriend gets a big raging cock - Free Porn Videos.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23085 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette busty big boobs wants to get ass-fucked - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1182;Set=564 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=607' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16971, ID=16971 duration=(2427.43), Size=(412769298), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16971, ID=19845 duration=(2427.39), Size=(412238426), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Newbie Latina Teen Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Scene With Min Galilea, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19845 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Newbie Latina Teen Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Scene With Min Galilea v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Newbie Latina teen 18 Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Sce.mp4=1360348' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Newbie Latina Teen Min In Her First Ever Interracial Anal Scene With Min Galilea for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1184;Set=565 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=608' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5904, ID=5904 duration=(1200.58), Size=(86742258), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally - BBC anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-374x280P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 374x280' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=16989, ID=16989 duration=(1200.56), Size=(26823572), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally - BBC anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-374x280P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally - BBC anal-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-374x280P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Perky Puffy Nipple Teen Takes Black Anally Free Porn 6f - anal ATM BBC-[Puffy Nipples]-320x240P.flv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1186;Set=566 of 912;QtySkipForDel=12" +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32033, ID=32033 duration=(1522.58), Size=(337983540), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shione Cooper Force Fuck In A Jail - Very busty force.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shione Cooper Force Fuck In A Jail - Very busty force.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32033, ID=28083 duration=(1522.52), Size=(236342707), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shione Cooper - Aberrazione Sessuale - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Shione Cooper Force Fuck In A Jail - Very busty force.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28083 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shione Cooper - Aberrazione Sessuale - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1188;Set=567 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=609' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17056, ID=17056 duration=(1543.64), Size=(766704504), Res=(1440 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC German Porn by Teen - BBC anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC German Porn by Teen - BBC anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17056, ID=28089 duration=(1543.64), Size=(148948075), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC Free Porn f6 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC German Porn by Teen - BBC anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:09] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28089 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sie Interresierte Sich Schon Immer Fuer BBC Free Porn f6 xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1190;Set=568 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=610' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17085, ID=17085 duration=(94.6), Size=(9297929), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Raped During Party Becomes Resigned - movie.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Raped During Party Becomes Resigned - movie.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17085, ID=18002 duration=(94.6), Size=(7424033), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl raped by friend trying to help her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Teen Raped During Party Becomes Resigned - movie.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18002 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl raped by friend trying to help her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1192;Set=569 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=611' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17140, ID=17140 duration=(3080.62), Size=(554533482), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17140, ID=26707 duration=(3080.47), Size=(425605700), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26707 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une Petite Black Defoncee Par Un Gros Pervers - French Skinny - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1194;Set=570 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=612' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17136, ID=17136 duration=(1855.25), Size=(234794653), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Used tiny teen girl is forced to thraot some hard cock and gets some deep anal fucking in her tusty .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Used tiny teen girl is forced to thraot some hard cock and gets some deep anal fucking in her tusty .mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17136, ID=29334 duration=(1855.06), Size=(115601753), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Go Anal When Shes Drunk - Bing video-[Force]-[Wasted]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Used tiny teen girl is forced to thraot some hard cock and gets some deep anal fucking in her tusty .mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29334 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Go Anal When Shes Drunk - Bing video-[Force]-[Wasted]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1196;Set=571 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=613' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17156, ID=17156 duration=(1182.14), Size=(65510672), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=17156, ID=28513 duration=(1182.12), Size=(65443232), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White stud fucks black cheerleader's asshole - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28513 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\White stud fucks black cheerleader's asshole - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=442889 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\White stud fucks black cheerleaders asshole - XVIDEOS COM.mp4=443336" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\White stud fucks black cheerleader's asshole - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1198;Set=572 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=614" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17161, ID=17161 duration=(817.27), Size=(275893933), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17161, ID=20135 duration=(817.25), Size=(275848365), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal BDSM Sex Slave Endures A Rough Anal Fucking 2023 WWWXXX.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20135 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal BDSM Sex Slave Endures A Rough Anal Fucking 2023 WWWXXX.mp4=2700257 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\Wicked Bunny Painal in the Dungeon - XNXX COM-1920x1080P.mp4=2700627' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal BDSM Sex Slave Endures A Rough Anal Fucking 2023 WWWXXX.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1200;Set=573 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=615' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19143, ID=19143 duration=(2400.04), Size=(276852918), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop - for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 768x432 < 720x480' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17198, ID=17198 duration=(2400.13), Size=(269671528), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17198, ID=31419 duration=(2400.02), Size=(190300616), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lolly Pop - Hard - Bed + 2 Boys - Sarah Lollypop aka Olga - petite puffy nipples teen anal DP ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Lolly Pop -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19143 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Lolly Pop - Hard DP MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1203;Set=574 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=616' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31419 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lolly Pop - Hard - Bed + 2 Boys - Sarah Lollypop aka Olga - petite puffy nipples teen anal DP ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1203;Set=574 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=617' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31166, ID=31166 duration=(2934.8), Size=(237179610), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31166, ID=30566 duration=(2934.8), Size=(237179500), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44-576x324P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30566 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44-576x324P-[Force].mp4=646529 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-01.mp4=646530' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-44-576x324P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1205;Set=575 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=618' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31163, ID=31163 duration=(554.95), Size=(72527153), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31163, ID=30536 duration=(554.95), Size=(72527043), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-1.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30536 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-1.mp4=1045529 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-04.mp4=1045530' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-1.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1207;Set=576 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=619' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31167, ID=31167 duration=(1006.1), Size=(60711498), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31167, ID=30563 duration=(1006.1), Size=(60711396), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-6.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30563 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-6.mp4=482746 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-09.mp4=482747' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-6.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1209;Set=577 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=620' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31169, ID=31169 duration=(326.85), Size=(32218457), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31169, ID=30565 duration=(326.85), Size=(32218355), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-9.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30565 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-9.mp4=788578 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-11.mp4=788580' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-9.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1211;Set=578 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=621' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31186, ID=31186 duration=(1032.1), Size=(539960162), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31186, ID=30552 duration=(1032.1), Size=(539960060), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-14.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30552 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-14.mp4=4185331 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-15.mp4=4185332' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-14.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1213;Set=579 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=622' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31174, ID=31174 duration=(424.15), Size=(84116654), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31174, ID=30540 duration=(424.15), Size=(84116480), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30540 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4=1586542 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-18.mp4=1586545' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-13.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1215;Set=580 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=623' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31176, ID=31176 duration=(143.1), Size=(12072747), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31176, ID=30561 duration=(143.1), Size=(12072645), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30561 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4=674920 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-23.mp4=674926' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-51.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1217;Set=581 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=624' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31179, ID=31179 duration=(1388.3), Size=(120702672), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31179, ID=30560 duration=(1388.3), Size=(120702554), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-45.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30560 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-45.mp4=695541 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-25.mp4=695542' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-45.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1219;Set=582 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=625' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31183, ID=31183 duration=(301.65), Size=(25628649), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31183, ID=30541 duration=(301.65), Size=(25628531), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-16.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30541 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-16.mp4=679689 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-27.mp4=679692' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-16.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1221;Set=583 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=626' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31188, ID=31188 duration=(1319.4), Size=(156087719), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31188, ID=30556 duration=(1319.4), Size=(156087609), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-34.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30556 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-34.mp4=946412 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-28.mp4=946413' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-34.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1223;Set=584 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=627' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31192, ID=31192 duration=(1189.6), Size=(76796447), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31192, ID=30548 duration=(1189.6), Size=(76796337), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-26.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30548 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-26.mp4=516449 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - LuxureTV-36.mp4=516450' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-26.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1225;Set=585 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=628' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32040, ID=32040 duration=(981.88), Size=(91771491), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - busty blond.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - busty blond.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32040, ID=30551 duration=(981.88), Size=(91771397), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - busty blond.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30551 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4=747720 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - busty blond.mp4=747721' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-33.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1227;Set=586 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=629' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32041, ID=32041 duration=(522.75), Size=(73608033), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - teen rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - teen rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32041, ID=30545 duration=(522.75), Size=(73607859), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - teen rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30545 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4=1126471 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\rape collection - teen rape.mp4=1126473' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-21.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1229;Set=587 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=630' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17367, ID=17367 duration=(440.48), Size=(118337622), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and deep ass fucke-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and deep ass fucke-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17367, ID=24666 duration=(440.49), Size=(21562123), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Fucking Skinny Teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\skinny flexible teen Wensday K gets stretched and deep ass fucke-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24666 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Fucking Skinny Teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1231;Set=588 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=631' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17410, ID=17410 duration=(1205.91), Size=(138203554), Res=(656 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Sweet redhead tries anal WNM - Anal, Blowjob, Redhead Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Sweet redhead tries anal WNM - Anal, Blowjob, Redhead Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17410, ID=27432 duration=(1206), Size=(122242144), Res=(492 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Amateur Anal Attempts #10 _ Amateur - M68 - XFREEHD.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Sweet redhead tries anal WNM - Anal, Blowjob, Redhead Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27432 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Amateur Anal Attempts #10 _ Amateur - M68 - XFREEHD.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1233;Set=589 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=632' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17414, ID=17414 duration=(892.73), Size=(56555481), Res=(676 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Very Sweet Hard Anal - Anal Babe, Sweet Teen, Hard Anal Fuck Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Very Sweet Hard Anal - Anal Babe, Sweet Teen, Hard Anal Fuck Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17414, ID=24022 duration=(892.7), Size=(49418234), Res=(570 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[] Tight Ass Painal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - Watch Very Sweet Hard Anal - Anal Babe, Sweet Teen, Hard Anal Fuck Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24022 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\[] Tight Ass Painal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1235;Set=590 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=633' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17459, ID=17459 duration=(3600.21), Size=(415619270), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - ExploitedCollegeGirls Millie Melrose Anal {1080p} -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - ExploitedCollegeGirls Millie Melrose Anal {1080p} -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17459, ID=19682 duration=(3600), Size=(320717928), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\NEW - MILLIE MELROSE, Exploited Anal. 100621. Casting - T94 .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\Tip\\ - ExploitedCollegeGirls Millie Melrose Anal {1080p} -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19682 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\NEW - MILLIE MELROSE, Exploited Anal. 100621. Casting - T94 .mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1237;Set=591 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=634' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17560, ID=17560 duration=(2110), Size=(711529575), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17560, ID=17547 duration=(2109.96), Size=(46668801), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17547 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Cute young french Teen ass fucked for money - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1239;Set=592 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=635' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17604, ID=17604 duration=(1420.86), Size=(133774796), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 01 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 01 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17604, ID=25870 duration=(1420.62), Size=(107101664), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chilling Out In The Forest Turns Into Horror -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 01 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25870 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Chilling Out In The Forest Turns Into Horror - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1241;Set=593 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=636' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17605, ID=17605 duration=(1367.14), Size=(128733894), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Violence Sex #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2273, ID=2273 duration=(1366.84), Size=(128670343), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Violence Sex #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Violence Sex #2 - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17605 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 02 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1243;Set=594 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=637' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26173, ID=26173 duration=(1457.9), Size=(140796586), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 04 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x480 < 716x572' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17611, ID=17611 duration=(1457.86), Size=(137237011), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 04 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\DIS 043 04 - XVIDEOSCOM[572, Mp4]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26173 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\La Banda Della Stazione Colpisce Ancora, Porn 30 xHamster xHamster-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1245;Set=595 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=638' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26913, ID=26913 duration=(2310.12), Size=(137196548), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\WhiteTeensBlackCocks - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\WhiteTeensBlackCocks - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26913, ID=17659 duration=(2314.27), Size=(91811896), Res=(340 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Daisy Wtbc Free Funny & Daisy Porn Video 57 - xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-340x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\WhiteTeensBlackCocks - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17659 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Daisy Wtbc Free Funny & Daisy Porn Video 57 - xHamster xHamster-[ATM]-[Anal]-[BBC]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-[Very Skinny]-340x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1247;Set=596 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=639' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17674, ID=17674 duration=(1483.34), Size=(88620608), Res=(576 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damage goods-576x384P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damage goods-576x384P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17674, ID=17673 duration=(1483.48), Size=(67934653), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damaged Goods.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damage goods-576x384P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17673 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Damaged Goods.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1249;Set=597 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=640' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28209, ID=28209 duration=(940.87), Size=(150707523), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28209, ID=17712 duration=(940.95), Size=(124194087), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dark-haired Cunt Raped Hard by Dominant Stud MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28209, ID=20898 duration=(940.71), Size=(73687862), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Throat and Pussy Fuck For Brunette Teen -[Force]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 17712 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dark-haired Cunt Raped Hard by Dominant Stud MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4=1055902 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Suck Me Beautiful - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4=1281429' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dark-haired Cunt Raped Hard by Dominant Stud MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1252;Set=598 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=641' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20898 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Throat and Pussy Fuck For Brunette Teen -[Force]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1252;Set=598 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=642' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=17895, ID=17895 duration=(1299.67), Size=(208939187), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Don't Say a Word the Parody - Chapter 14, Porn 29 - busty rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Don't Say a Word the Parody - Chapter 14, Porn 29 - busty rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=17895, ID=21494 duration=(1299.48), Size=(122490325), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Don't Say a Word the Parody - Chapter 14, Porn 29 - busty rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21494 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 2 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1254;Set=599 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=643" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17907, ID=17907 duration=(2162.26), Size=(203271669), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 11 - MILF anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 11 - MILF anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17907, ID=23265 duration=(2162.3), Size=(119093020), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #8 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Dont make a sound and open your legs little slut! Vol 11 - MILF anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23265 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #8 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1256;Set=600 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=644' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31911, ID=31911 duration=(2262.41), Size=(142116402), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17977, ID=17977 duration=(2262.4), Size=(122346069), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31911 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\ - Drugged asian stripped and raped at an interview 1 -[Force]-[Wasted].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1258;Set=601 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=645' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17976, ID=17976 duration=(1307.1), Size=(102693050), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17976, ID=27330 duration=(1307.18), Size=(68355072), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Stepsis - Step Sister, Step Brother, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-[Force]-[Wasted]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drugged forced anal MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27330 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Stepsis - Step Sister, Step Brother, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Anal]-[Force]-[Wasted]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1260;Set=602 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=646' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17991, ID=17991 duration=(796.52), Size=(60380877), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=17991, ID=29281 duration=(796.4), Size=(56192857), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls Found Sleeping Drunk On The Street Gets Gangbanged By Local Scum -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29281 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls Found Sleeping Drunk On The Street Gets Gangbanged By Local Scum - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1262;Set=603 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=647' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18004, ID=18004 duration=(1336.08), Size=(133341012), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Boozed Teen Passed Out Drunk Gets Fucked And Puke - - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2465, ID=2465 duration=(1336.03), Size=(107261222), Res=(560 x 400) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Boozed Teen Passed Out Drunk Gets Fucked And Puke - - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Boozed Teen Passed Out Drunk Gets Fucked And Puke - - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18004 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunk girl forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1264;Set=604 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=648' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18011, ID=18011 duration=(1236.44), Size=(103606600), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Drunk man anal Rapes.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4108, ID=4108 duration=(1236.34), Size=(92463906), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Drunk man anal Rapes.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Drunk man anal Rapes.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18011 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Drunkin Father In Law Abuses Daughter In Law MOTHERLESS.COM -768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1266;Set=605 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=649' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18044, ID=18044 duration=(1375.1), Size=(597543887), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EURO TEEN TAKES IT NICE - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EURO TEEN TAKES IT NICE - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18044, ID=31500 duration=(1375.21), Size=(182017257), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Fucked in the Ass - Only Anal, Rough Anal, Shaved Pussy Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\EURO TEEN TAKES IT NICE - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31500 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Fucked in the Ass - Only Anal, Rough Anal, Shaved Pussy Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1268;Set=606 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=650' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4436, ID=4436 duration=(3674.68), Size=(630500376), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Jada doll-[Ebony]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Jada doll-[Ebony]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4436, ID=18106 duration=(3674.11), Size=(310499474), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ebony chick, Jada Doll always fucks her way out of trouble, when-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Jada doll-[Ebony]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18106 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ebony chick, Jada Doll always fucks her way out of trouble, when-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1270;Set=607 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=651' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18168, ID=18168 duration=(1187.92), Size=(82432470), Res=(640 x 356) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Emily and Jahn - BEST XXX TUBE-640x356P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Emily and Jahn - BEST XXX TUBE-640x356P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=18168, ID=20464 duration=(1187.92), Size=(70421518), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please don't fuck my ass by assessor - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Emily and Jahn - BEST XXX TUBE-640x356P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20464 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please don't fuck my ass by assessor - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1272;Set=608 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=652" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18257, ID=18257 duration=(2949.4), Size=(533704102), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Eveline Dellai & Sylvia Dellai real TWINS assfucked tog[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Eveline Dellai & Sylvia Dellai real TWINS assfucked tog[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18257, ID=29828 duration=(2949.24), Size=(406327811), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Girl 53 - Eveline Dellai - anal orgy-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Eveline Dellai & Sylvia Dellai real TWINS assfucked tog[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29828 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Girl 53 - Eveline Dellai - anal orgy-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1274;Set=609 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=653' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18269, ID=18269 duration=(1167.16), Size=(147940385), Res=(780 x 470) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind - with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Girl Rape Fucked 7 - drug rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3364, ID=3364 duration=(1167.13), Size=(83735951), Res=(528 x 352) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Girl Rape Fucked 7 - drug rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Girl Rape Fucked 7 - drug rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18269 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Evil Stepbrother Sneaks In And Chloroform Teen Stepsis To Satisfy His Deviant Mind - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1276;Set=610 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=654' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18279, ID=18279 duration=(890.44), Size=(103144740), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\d\\How We Got Laid in The Old Days MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23709, ID=23709 duration=(890.4), Size=(72039773), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\How We Got Laid in The Old Days MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\How We Got Laid in The Old Days MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18279 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Ex-wife Gang Raped as Revenge MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1278;Set=611 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=655' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18929, ID=18929 duration=(4905.38), Size=(876406142), Res=(1424 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\cute legal age teenagers hardcore cumshot compilation dimecu.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\cute legal age teenagers hardcore cumshot compilation dimecu.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18929, ID=18321 duration=(4905.39), Size=(792063161), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploited 18 Compilation Pmv by Dimecum, Porn f0 xHamster xH-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\cute legal age teenagers hardcore cumshot compilation dimecu.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18321 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Exploited 18 Compilation Pmv by Dimecum, Porn f0 xHamster xH-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1280;Set=612 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=656' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18376, ID=18376 duration=(2290.77), Size=(494577700), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FAQ - Ellie Eilish, Ellie Eilish Anal Porn - ATM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FAQ - Ellie Eilish, Ellie Eilish Anal Porn - ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18376, ID=25410 duration=(2290.44), Size=(260066631), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Quest - Ellie Black Amateur - M78 - XFREEHD-[ATM]-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FAQ - Ellie Eilish, Ellie Eilish Anal Porn - ATM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25410 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Quest - Ellie Black Amateur - M78 - XFREEHD-[ATM]-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1282;Set=613 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=657' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18408, ID=18408 duration=(1816.6), Size=(615025728), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - FIRST TIME ANAL SEX WITH AN AMAZINGLY HORNY YOUNG VIRGIN - anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - FIRST TIME ANAL SEX WITH AN AMAZINGLY HORNY YOUNG VIRGIN - anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18408, ID=26761 duration=(1816.43), Size=(132090892), Res=(480 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Asses Anal Fuck Hurts A Lot - anal painal ATM-480x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\FIRSTANALQUEST.COM - FIRST TIME ANAL SEX WITH AN AMAZINGLY HORNY YOUNG VIRGIN - anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26761 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Asses Anal Fuck Hurts A Lot - anal painal ATM-480x272P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1284;Set=614 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=658' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18461, ID=18461 duration=(5784.92), Size=(242437589), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Faces of Pain 6 - real painal compilation.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=98, ID=98 duration=(5784.92), Size=(203979903), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Faces of Pain 6 - real painal compilation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Faces of Pain 6 - real painal compilation.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18461 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Faces Of Pain.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1286;Set=615 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=659' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18561, ID=18561 duration=(219), Size=(21410581), Res=(758 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Anal Submissive Drunk Girl.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2077, ID=2077 duration=(219), Size=(13242840), Res=(576 x 366) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Anal Submissive Drunk Girl.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\DrunkOrSleep\\Anal Submissive Drunk Girl.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18561 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Filthy Anal Whore Assfucked & Degraded in Bathroom MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Wasted]-758x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1288;Set=616 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=660' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24904, ID=24904 duration=(2546.02), Size=(349857572), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal casting with a young and hot Altera Pars FLX-[Redhead]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18646, ID=18646 duration=(2546), Size=(334915713), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal casting with a young and hot Altera Pars FLX-[Redhead]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\First anal casting with a young and hot Altera Pars FLX-[Redhead]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24904 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Analvids Casting Of Young Redhead Casting - F97 - XFREEHD-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1290;Set=617 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=661' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18683, ID=18683 duration=(2100.64), Size=(116112643), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\One of the Best Teen Anal Sex Ever, Free Porn c6 xHamster-[FAQ]-462x240P.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5825, ID=5825 duration=(2100.69), Size=(102163501), Res=(462 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\One of the Best Teen Anal Sex Ever, Free Porn c6 xHamster-[FAQ]-462x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\One of the Best Teen Anal Sex Ever, Free Porn c6 xHamster-[FAQ]-462x240P.flv' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18683 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\ - BRUNETTE ANAL WITH TOY PLAY AND BIG COCK DOGGYSTYLE SEX - XVIDEOS.COM-[FAQ]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1292;Set=618 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=662' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18748, ID=18748 duration=(3178.25), Size=(298723878), Res=(736 x 556) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For d. Girls - 1972 - XVIDEOS.COM-736x556P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For d. Girls - 1972 - XVIDEOS.COM-736x556P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18748, ID=21174 duration=(3178.25), Size=(208293751), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\School For Dead Girls - 1972 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For d. Girls - 1972 - XVIDEOS.COM-736x556P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21174 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\School For Dead Girls - 1972 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1294;Set=619 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=663' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1537, ID=1537 duration=(3195.9), Size=(1086746991), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_Unknown - blond anal painal ATM(53min15sec).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_Unknown - blond anal painal ATM(53min15sec).mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1537, ID=18744 duration=(3195.96), Size=(70705428), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\For his first casting he unloads in his ass -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_Unknown - blond anal painal ATM(53min15sec).mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18744 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\For his first casting he unloads in his ass - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1296;Set=620 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=664' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18758, ID=18758 duration=(1472.7), Size=(113577259), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder rapes girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Anal].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x432 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2892, ID=2892 duration=(1472.68), Size=(109541925), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder rapes girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Anal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Intruder rapes girl MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Anal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18758 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced anal - Bing video - Forced Rape-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1298;Set=621 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=665' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18766, ID=18766 duration=(300.12), Size=(31379481), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Lady! Feel free to cry xHamster - anal rape painal ATM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=96, ID=96 duration=(300.2), Size=(9805118), Res=(468 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Lady! Feel free to cry xHamster - anal rape painal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Lady! Feel free to cry xHamster - anal rape painal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18766 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\Forced to Anal Sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1300;Set=622 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=666' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18808, ID=18808 duration=(2393.44), Size=(541383862), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - Alaina Dawson , Teen Porn - redhead petite teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - Alaina Dawson , Teen Porn - redhead petite teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18808, ID=19031 duration=(2393.4), Size=(298668893), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\freckles - Bing video-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\Freckled Teen - Alaina Dawson , Teen Porn - redhead petite teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19031 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\freckles - Bing video-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1302;Set=623 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=667' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18833, ID=18833 duration=(1510.83), Size=(162756085), Res=(960 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French Cunt Raped at Gunpoint by Intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-960x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French Cunt Raped at Gunpoint by Intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-960x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18833, ID=31901 duration=(1510.83), Size=(128912283), Res=(720 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\Gunpoint rape - Tnaflix com-720x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\French Cunt Raped at Gunpoint by Intruder MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-960x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31901 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\Gunpoint rape - Tnaflix com-720x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1304;Set=624 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=668' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18945, ID=18945 duration=(429.4), Size=(29388480), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Wasted Slut Disgracing Herself-[Busty]-[Force]-576x384P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 448x336 < 576x384' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26803, ID=26803 duration=(429.39), Size=(17198504), Res=(576 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Wasted Slut Disgracing Herself-[Busty]-[Force]-576x384P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Wasted Slut Disgracing Herself-[Busty]-[Force]-576x384P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18945 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\drunk, humiliation - Big Tits-[Busty]-[Force]-[Wasted]-448x336P.flv for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1306;Set=625 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=669' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31510, ID=31510 duration=(2203.69), Size=(697944393), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Greedy teen gets her asshole atomized - Anal, Teen, - very busty anal teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Greedy teen gets her asshole atomized - Anal, Teen, - very busty anal teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31510, ID=18992 duration=(2203.76), Size=(219039768), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest 20 10 22 amalia davis 1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Greedy teen gets her asshole atomized - Anal, Teen, - very busty anal teen-[FAQ]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 18992 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest 20 10 22 amalia davis 1080p watch online -[FAQ]-720x406P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1308;Set=626 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=670' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18993, ID=18993 duration=(2116.13), Size=(147176750), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=18993, ID=25398 duration=(2116.13), Size=(143885606), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Laura Dickens - busty-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25398 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Laura Dickens - busty-640x360P.mp4=543958 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\a\\firstanalquest busty teen laura dickens gets her first anal sex 14 06 2018 rq watch online -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\FAQ - Laura Dickens - busty-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1310;Set=627 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=671' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20377, ID=20377 duration=(4234.41), Size=(2768108659), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Anal Teens - Carolina Sweets, Layla Love - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Anal Teens - Carolina Sweets, Layla Love - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20377, ID=19176 duration=(4234.55), Size=(863788411), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Love - Atm Extravaganza With With Carolina Sweets, Lina Sweet And Layla Love[Anal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Anal Teens - Carolina Sweets, Layla Love - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19176 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Love - Atm Extravaganza With With Carolina Sweets, Lina Sweet And Layla Love[Anal]-[Petite]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1312;Set=628 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=672' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=19238, ID=19238 duration=(896.96), Size=(85437593), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\MILF Really Hates [Forced] Ass-To-Mouth - XVIDEOSCOM[392, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1877, ID=1877 duration=(897.02), Size=(49676607), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\MILF Really Hates [Forced] Ass-To-Mouth - XVIDEOSCOM[392, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\MILF Really Hates [Forced] Ass-To-Mouth - XVIDEOSCOM[392, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19238 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\MILF's Forced Into 'Ass-To-Mouth' MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[ATM]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1314;Set=629 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=673" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19450, ID=19450 duration=(1446.08), Size=(86078482), Res=(582 x 388) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Angel forced - MOTHERLESS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2357, ID=2357 duration=(1446.04), Size=(72421316), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Angel forced - MOTHERLESS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Angel forced - MOTHERLESS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19450 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Michael Stefano maid anal- XVIDEOS.COM-582x388P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1316;Set=630 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=674' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19467, ID=19467 duration=(1497.1), Size=(456176290), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Anal 2 Mouth Teens #5 Marley Brinx, Moka Mora, Alyssa Cole - very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=690, ID=690 duration=(1497.21), Size=(387142933), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Anal 2 Mouth Teens #5 Marley Brinx, Moka Mora, Alyssa Cole - very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Anal 2 Mouth Teens #5 Marley Brinx, Moka Mora, Alyssa Cole - very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19467 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Mick Blue Teaching Teens Anal Pleasure-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1318;Set=631 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=675' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19489, ID=19489 duration=(813.56), Size=(71882528), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf gets Raped in shed MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf gets Raped in shed MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19489, ID=29734 duration=(813.56), Size=(63614534), Res=(490 x 366) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Raped mature woman - video-[Force]-490x366P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf gets Raped in shed MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29734 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Raped mature woman - video-[Force]-490x366P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1320;Set=632 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=676' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19491, ID=19491 duration=(1219.84), Size=(83785896), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19491, ID=28826 duration=(1219.84), Size=(48401743), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosstep-mom-with-big-boobs-get-to-fuck-with-two-guys-4104594-[Busty]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Milf raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28826 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosstep-mom-with-big-boobs-get-to-fuck-with-two-guys-4104594-[Busty]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1322;Set=633 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=677' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19633, ID=19633 duration=(3293.99), Size=(1111756006), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\My Dirty Novels Compilation - Stud assfucks two hotties - XN-[Anal]-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\My Dirty Novels Compilation - Stud assfucks two hotties - XN-[Anal]-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19633, ID=31547 duration=(3290.53), Size=(904605983), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch MyDirtyNovels Compilation - FFM Threesome Anal & Cumsh-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\My Dirty Novels Compilation - Stud assfucks two hotties - XN-[Anal]-[FFM]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31547 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch MyDirtyNovels Compilation - FFM Threesome Anal & Cumsh-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1324;Set=634 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=678' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19925, ID=19925 duration=(1792), Size=(169527007), Res=(748 x 548) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=19925, ID=19921 duration=(1791.96), Size=(39641623), Res=(390 x 286) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 19921 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Now you get fucked in the ass bad bitch - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1326;Set=635 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=679' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20088, ID=20088 duration=(1606.6), Size=(543315603), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20088, ID=29947 duration=(1606.62), Size=(543134693), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny shy Teen tricked to First Time Assfuck by Step brothe-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29947 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny shy Teen tricked to First Time Assfuck by Step brothe-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2704478 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\b\\PETITE VIRGIN STEP SISTER STACY SEDUCE TO ANAL SEX BY BROTHER - XVIDEOS.COM-[Skinny]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2705418' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny shy Teen tricked to First Time Assfuck by Step brothe-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1328;Set=636 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=680' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20145, ID=20145 duration=(500.93), Size=(993185073), Res=(3840 x 2160) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\POV Teen Porn Starring a Cute Pale Redhead Free HD Porn 85 xHamster-3840x2160P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\POV Teen Porn Starring a Cute Pale Redhead Free HD Porn 85 xHamster-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20145, ID=20718 duration=(500.96), Size=(53921508), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Redheaded teen with freckles and red pubic hair sucks cock -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\POV Teen Porn Starring a Cute Pale Redhead Free HD Porn 85 xHamster-3840x2160P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20718 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Redheaded teen with freckles and red pubic hair sucks cock - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1330;Set=637 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=681' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26223, ID=26223 duration=(1480.13), Size=(380229941), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Extremely most Painful first Anal Sex of A\xa0cute Girl. \U0001f62b\U0001f632 -[Painal].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Extremely most Painful first Anal Sex of A\xa0cute Girl. \U0001f62b\U0001f632 -[Painal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26223, ID=20116 duration=(1474.35), Size=(95785592), Res=(1096 x 616) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pain anal buttplug before Sex - Video - Free Porn Videos -[Painal]-1096x616P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Real Extremely most Painful first Anal Sex of A\xa0cute Girl. \U0001f62b\U0001f632 -[Painal].mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20116 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pain anal buttplug before Sex - Video - Free Porn Videos -[Painal]-1096x616P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1332;Set=638 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=682' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24711, ID=24711 duration=(1164.83), Size=(70505382), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation Painal Painful First anal - - Bing video-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation Painal Painful First anal - - Bing video-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24711, ID=20123 duration=(1164.96), Size=(46602355), Res=(376 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal Compilation Free Anal Anal Porn Video bc - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation Painal Painful First anal - - Bing video-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20123 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Painal Compilation Free Anal Anal Porn Video bc - xHamster xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1334;Set=639 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=683' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20220, ID=20220 duration=(1180.6), Size=(89332892), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4=25 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl - for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 605341, 25 : h264, 598959, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25961, ID=25961 duration=(1180.6), Size=(88391084), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Group Of Violent Punks Bruttaly Attacked And Tied Up To A Tree Helpless Russian Girl -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20220 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Park Mafia Watch online.php.php.php.php-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1336;Set=640 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=684' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29909, ID=29909 duration=(1244.82), Size=(421125973), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Czech Virgin Step Sister Seduce to her Tight Ass Defl-[Anal]-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Czech Virgin Step Sister Seduce to her Tight Ass Defl-[Anal]-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29909, ID=20331 duration=(1244.95), Size=(120196679), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Girl Seduced to Anal Sex by Classmate During... xHams-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Czech Virgin Step Sister Seduce to her Tight Ass Defl-[Anal]-[Petite]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20331 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Girl Seduced to Anal Sex by Classmate During... xHams-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1338;Set=641 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=685' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20349, ID=20349 duration=(373.24), Size=(83961982), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite skinny anal whore plowed - XNXX.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 1188x668 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20388, ID=20388 duration=(373.1), Size=(60955652), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite skinny anal whore plowed - XNXX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite skinny anal whore plowed - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20349 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite Skinny Anal Whore Plowed - Azura Alii for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1340;Set=642 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=686' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28809, ID=28809 duration=(2342.31), Size=(1230341763), Res=(1440 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoslewd-asian-engages-in-rough-anal-sex-romp-xhHgaB6-[ATM]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1440x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoslewd-asian-engages-in-rough-anal-sex-romp-xhHgaB6-[ATM]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1440x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28809, ID=20382 duration=(2342.24), Size=(306632014), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite geizer - very skinny anal ATM-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideoslewd-asian-engages-in-rough-anal-sex-romp-xhHgaB6-[ATM]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-1440x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20382 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Petite geizer - very skinny anal ATM-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1342;Set=643 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=687' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25676, ID=25676 duration=(769.42), Size=(58044928), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride - with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked Up For DP On Street.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x270 < 480x360' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20403, ID=20403 duration=(769.02), Size=(34085275), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked Up For DP On Street.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Picked Up For DP On Street.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25676 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Double Penetrated Just For One Free Ride - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1344;Set=644 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=688' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=328, ID=328 duration=(1780.58), Size=(105828995), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\BBC\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\BBC\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=328, ID=20413 duration=(1780.69), Size=(49661347), Res=(374 x 280) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - XVIDEOS.COM-374x280P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\BBC\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - very skinny teen anal ATM BBC.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20413 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pigtail Tiny Teen Stretched by the Monster - XVIDEOS.COM-374x280P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1346;Set=645 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=689' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27458, ID=27458 duration=(305.63), Size=(47643685), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Insane first pain anal for young slender slut-[Painal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Insane first pain anal for young slender slut-[Painal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27458, ID=20461 duration=(305.63), Size=(24243775), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please Stop!-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Insane first pain anal for young slender slut-[Painal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20461 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Please Stop!-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1348;Set=646 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=690' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27269, ID=27269 duration=(1147.36), Size=(83857641), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27269, ID=20501 duration=(1147.36), Size=(80070344), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Poor little victim-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\kidnapped and Hard Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20501 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\Poor little victim-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1350;Set=647 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=691' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28895, ID=28895 duration=(1148.01), Size=(110936754), Res=(600 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pretty blonde girl abused By stepfather MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 600x480 < 640x480' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20557, ID=20557 duration=(1145.8), Size=(110927175), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pretty blonde girl abused By stepfather MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\Pretty blonde girl abused By stepfather MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28895 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0441\u0432\u043e\u044e \u0434\u043e\u043c\u0430\u0448\u043d\u0435\u0435 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043f\u043e \u043f\u0440\u0438\u043d\u0443\u0436\u0434\u0435\u043d\u0438\u044e watch online-600x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1352;Set=648 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=692' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28670, ID=28670 duration=(1107.94), Size=(180129717), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28670, ID=20561 duration=(1107.7), Size=(104430420), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape-[Busty, Force, Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20561 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\You are Mine - Episode 18 - Vintage busty rape-[Busty, Force, Vintage].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1354;Set=649 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=693' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23103, ID=23103 duration=(1737.41), Size=(423037240), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4222, ID=4222 duration=(1737.39), Size=(222691682), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4222, ID=20608 duration=(1737.36), Size=(94769025), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\my sister anal super MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Donna Keller-[Anal]-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23103 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle se fait d\xe9foncer vigoureusement dans sa baignoire - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1357;Set=650 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=694' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20608 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\my sister anal super MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1357;Set=650 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=695' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22827, ID=22827 duration=(255.23), Size=(15979417), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\b\\new MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 448x336 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20613, ID=20613 duration=(255.05), Size=(14612468), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\new MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\b\\new MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22827 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\40500.mp4-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1359;Set=651 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=696' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23079, ID=23079 duration=(1712.96), Size=(465661979), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brune chaudasse encul\xe9e sauvagement par son amant - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brune chaudasse encul\xe9e sauvagement par son amant - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23079, ID=20635 duration=(1713.04), Size=(161167848), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\b\\olimpia brunette hottie ass fucked - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brune chaudasse encul\xe9e sauvagement par son amant - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20635 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\b\\olimpia brunette hottie ass fucked - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1361;Set=652 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=697' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29111, ID=29111 duration=(2724.21), Size=(537026401), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gangband Riley Reid - Free Porn Videos - YouPorn-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gangband Riley Reid - Free Porn Videos - YouPorn-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29111, ID=20779 duration=(2724.19), Size=(353126880), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley Reid anal hardcore pizza girl-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gangband Riley Reid - Free Porn Videos - YouPorn-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20779 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Riley Reid anal hardcore pizza girl-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1363;Set=653 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=698' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4248, ID=4248 duration=(1814.45), Size=(595128899), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lexie Owens-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lexie Owens-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4248, ID=20803 duration=(1814.33), Size=(459587770), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp - AbsoluPorn - Le sexe brutal ca la fait monter au septi\xe8me ciel - anal ATM rape-[Force]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lexie Owens-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20803 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp - AbsoluPorn - Le sexe brutal ca la fait monter au septi\xe8me ciel - anal ATM rape-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1365;Set=654 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=699' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20800, ID=20800 duration=(2295), Size=(574817906), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lorraine Floyd-854x480P-[BBC]-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4246, ID=4246 duration=(2294.95), Size=(288435562), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lorraine Floyd-854x480P-[BBC]-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lorraine Floyd-854x480P-[BBC]-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20800 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\RipHerUp\\RipHerUp - Rouquine libertine dans une s\xe9ance de baise brutale - anal ATM BBC-960x540P-[Force]-[Redhead].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1367;Set=655 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=700' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29824, ID=29824 duration=(3570.11), Size=(1354816117), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rita fox and anastasia mistress (redhead rita and anastasia big piss drinking piss in mouth deep anal foot suck 088) - anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rita fox and anastasia mistress (redhead rita and anastasia big piss drinking piss in mouth deep anal foot suck 088) - anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29824, ID=20817 duration=(3570.32), Size=(577841660), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rita Faltoyano - Clip And Anastasia Mistress Anal Piss Drinking Vk, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rita fox and anastasia mistress (redhead rita and anastasia big piss drinking piss in mouth deep anal foot suck 088) - anal ATM FFM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20817 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rita Faltoyano - Clip And Anastasia Mistress Anal Piss Drinking Vk for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1369;Set=656 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=701' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20856, ID=20856 duration=(1116.65), Size=(159651258), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-027-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape.wmv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1692, ID=1692 duration=(1116.64), Size=(129906539), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-027-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-027-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape.wmv' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20856 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Room Service Rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1371;Set=657 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=702' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20886, ID=20886 duration=(2441.23), Size=(277242240), Res=(892 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20886, ID=29818 duration=(2441.28), Size=(277207941), Res=(892 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck teen 18+ Carola -[Force]-[ATM].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29818 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck teen 18+ Carola -[Force]-[ATM].mp4=908401 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck Teen Carola[ATM]-[Force]-892x668P.mp4=908532' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rough Painal Anal Fuck teen 18+ Carola -[Force]-[ATM].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1373;Set=658 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=703' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1696, ID=1696 duration=(1274), Size=(147207309), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3820, ID=3820 duration=(1274.08), Size=(97239508), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3820, ID=20895 duration=(1273.52), Size=(93660682), Res=(512 x 368) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Teen Anal RapeXXX Gf Porn-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-512x368P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Sweet & petite raped by hung boy MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-037-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P-[Petite]-[Skinny].wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1376;Set=659 of 912;QtySkipForDel=13" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20895 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rough Teen Anal RapeXXX Gf Porn-[Force]-[Petite]-[Skinny]-512x368P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1376;Set=659 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=704' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4103, ID=4103 duration=(773.16), Size=(58301741), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen gets Raped at a construction site - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen gets Raped at a construction site - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4103, ID=20942 duration=(773.04), Size=(45674227), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rougher than she expected MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Brazilian Teen gets Raped at a construction site - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20942 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Rougher than she expected MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1378;Set=660 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=705' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29827, ID=29827 duration=(2923.92), Size=(416446201), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29827, ID=20974 duration=(2923.88), Size=(416424408), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Anal Teen Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opal, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 20974 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Anal Teen Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opal v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Russian Anal teen 18+ Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opa-1280x720P.mp4=1139418' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Anal Teen Princess Roughly Assfucked - Aften Opal for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1380;Set=661 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=706' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30656, ID=30656 duration=(3033.76), Size=(393069310), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Invaded Gangbang - Pornhubcom-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-[Painal]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 854x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=20995, ID=20995 duration=(3034.04), Size=(370614235), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Invaded Gangbang - Pornhubcom-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-[Painal]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Invaded Gangbang - Pornhubcom-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-[Painal]-[Skirt]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30656 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\teen in schoolgirl dress anal force ATM screem painal-[Skirt]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1382;Set=662 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=707' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21013, ID=21013 duration=(795.5), Size=(128680646), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Teen Nelya Small First Anal Sex, Porn 4f xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Teen Nelya Small First Anal Sex, Porn 4f xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21013, ID=21054 duration=(795.49), Size=(104395157), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen nelya small s first anal sex - BEST XXX TUBE-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian Teen Nelya Small First Anal Sex, Porn 4f xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21054 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen nelya small s first anal sex - BEST XXX TUBE-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1384;Set=663 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=708' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21049, ID=21049 duration=(818.55), Size=(103575471), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\ Russian Redhead Anal Teen Anally Creampied By A Big Dick ~ Teen Anal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7724, ID=7724 duration=(818.56), Size=(50262601), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\ Russian Redhead Anal Teen Anally Creampied By A Big Dick ~ Teen Anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\ Russian Redhead Anal Teen Anally Creampied By A Big Dick ~ Teen Anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21049 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian redhead first anal-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1386;Set=664 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=709' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8143, ID=8143 duration=(595.36), Size=(46221675), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\skinny busty ANAL! - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\skinny busty ANAL! - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8143, ID=21052 duration=(595.44), Size=(35231813), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen anal in a car - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\skinny busty ANAL! - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21052 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russian teen anal in a car - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-[Skinny]-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1388;Set=665 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=710' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21062, ID=21062 duration=(539.56), Size=(48903944), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russianrape rapesection 03 .mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russianrape rapesection 03 .mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21062, ID=28898 duration=(539.5), Size=(29544716), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0447\u043a\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0439 \u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u0440\u044e\u043d\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0443-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Russianrape rapesection 03 .mp4 MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28898 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u041e\u0447\u043a\u0430\u0441\u0442\u044b\u0439 \u043b\u0435\u043a\u0442\u043e\u0440 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u043a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u0438\u0432\u0443\u044e \u0431\u0440\u044e\u043d\u0435\u0442\u043a\u0443-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1390;Set=666 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=711' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21094, ID=21094 duration=(1676.02), Size=(1089926853), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Ryder Rey, Anthony Pierce - Don T Tell My Parents I Assfucked The Babysitter - EPORNER-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Ryder Rey, Anthony Pierce - Don T Tell My Parents I Assfucked The Babysitter - EPORNER-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=21094, ID=22302 duration=(1675.97), Size=(236699558), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\ryder rey don't tell my parents i assfuck ed the babysitter - anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Ryder Rey, Anthony Pierce - Don T Tell My Parents I Assfucked The Babysitter - EPORNER-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22302 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\ryder rey don't tell my parents i assfuck ed the babysitter - anal-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1392;Set=667 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=712" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29845, ID=29845 duration=(2714.84), Size=(430237991), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29845, ID=21111 duration=(2714.81), Size=(429679518), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21111 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Samanthas Anal Reign - Samantha Reigns for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1394;Set=668 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=713' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28066, ID=28066 duration=(1714.42), Size=(541138322), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sexy Blonde Gets her first Anal Experience -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sexy Blonde Gets her first Anal Experience -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28066, ID=21337 duration=(1714.58), Size=(287449268), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Blonde Gets Her First Anal Experience, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sexy Blonde Gets her first Anal Experience -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21337 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy Blonde Gets Her First Anal Experience for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1396;Set=669 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=714' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26535, ID=26535 duration=(2358.66), Size=(1231146287), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teeny German Sex Ep 2, Free HD Porn Video 12 xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teeny German Sex Ep 2, Free HD Porn Video 12 xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26535, ID=21408 duration=(2358.56), Size=(130373060), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy step Mom Anally Rides Best Friends Fat Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teeny German Sex Ep 2, Free HD Porn Video 12 xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21408 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy step Mom Anally Rides Best Friends Fat Cock - XVIDEOS.COM-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1398;Set=670 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=715' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21416, ID=21416 duration=(1254.02), Size=(152986973), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-044-wmv-high_01anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Redhead]-[Teen]-400x300P.wmv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1703, ID=1703 duration=(1254), Size=(146119029), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-044-wmv-high_01anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Redhead]-[Teen]-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-044-wmv-high_01anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Redhead]-[Teen]-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21416 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sexy young redhead gangraped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1400;Set=671 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=716' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=21492, ID=21492 duration=(1423.36), Size=(134086135), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=21492, ID=21506 duration=(1423.38), Size=(133939535), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shes too cute I jump her and screw her! Vol 1 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21506 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: "[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shes too cute I jump her and screw her! Vol 1 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4].mp4=752795 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\She's too cute... I jump her and screw her! Vol. 1 - XVIDEOS.COM-738x554P.mp4=753631" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shes too cute I jump her and screw her! Vol 1 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1402;Set=672 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=717' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28016, ID=28016 duration=(1763.79), Size=(235739868), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SHIRLEY HARRIS & TEACHER - skinny busty anal blond.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SHIRLEY HARRIS & TEACHER - skinny busty anal blond.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28016, ID=21502 duration=(1763.48), Size=(118051166), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shelly trys out-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\SHIRLEY HARRIS & TEACHER - skinny busty anal blond.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21502 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shelly trys out-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1404;Set=673 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=718' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28086, ID=28086 duration=(2118.12), Size=(209722461), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shut Up + Open Your Legs Bitch! Vol. 10 - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shut Up + Open Your Legs Bitch! Vol. 10 - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shut Up + Open Your Legs Bitch! Vol. 10 - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shut up and open your legs bitch! Vol 10 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 554x416 < 738x554' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21525, ID=21525 duration=(2118.1), Size=(199214346), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shut up and open your legs bitch! Vol 10 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shut up and open your legs bitch! Vol 10 - XVIDEOSCOM[554, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Force]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28086 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shut Up + Open Your Legs Bitch! Vol. 10 - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1406;Set=674 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=719' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26503, ID=26503 duration=(743.34), Size=(109600346), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teensloveanal - Shy Ebony Teen Fucks in Her Parents\u2019 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teensloveanal - Shy Ebony Teen Fucks in Her Parents\u2019 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26503, ID=21537 duration=(743.43), Size=(77388547), Res=(1072 x 604) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shy Ebony Teen Fucks In Her Parents Bedroom, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teensloveanal - Shy Ebony Teen Fucks in Her Parents\u2019 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21537 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shy Ebony Teen Fucks In Her Parents Bedroom for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1408;Set=675 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28090, ID=28090 duration=(2004.07), Size=(275592792), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shyla - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shyla - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28090, ID=21550 duration=(2004.13), Size=(79678253), Res=(344 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Free Funny & Shyla Porn Video 9c - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Shyla - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21550 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Shyla Free Funny & Shyla Porn Video 9c - xHamster xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1410;Set=676 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=721' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21594, ID=21594 duration=(1417.56), Size=(479879258), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21594, ID=29900 duration=(1417.58), Size=(479714607), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by d. and to her first As-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29900 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by d. and to her first As-1920x1080P.mp4=2707225 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by Brother d. and Blackmail to her first Ass Fuck - XNXX.COM.mp4=2708198' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny 18yr old Stepsister Suprise by d. and to her first As-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1412;Set=677 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=722' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21643, ID=21643 duration=(247.41), Size=(23942523), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny German Anal German Online Porn Video 7c - xHamster xHamster-[Amateur]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny German Anal German Online Porn Video 7c - xHamster xHamster-[Amateur]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21643, ID=21589 duration=(247.27), Size=(9586312), Res=(576 x 326) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Amateur Anal Fucking-576x326P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny German Anal German Online Porn Video 7c - xHamster xHamster-[Amateur]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21589 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Amateur Anal Fucking-576x326P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1414;Set=678 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=723' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21601, ID=21601 duration=(120.6), Size=(5633444), Res=(576 x 326) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Slim girlfriend with constricted butthole anal HClips - Private Home Clips-[Skinny]-428x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6811, ID=6811 duration=(120.81), Size=(3064150), Res=(428 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Slim girlfriend with constricted butthole anal HClips - Private Home Clips-[Skinny]-428x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Slim girlfriend with constricted butthole anal HClips - Private Home Clips-[Skinny]-428x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21601 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Anal-576x326P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1416;Set=679 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=724' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21642, ID=21642 duration=(3217.77), Size=(1255129698), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21642, ID=29910 duration=(3217.8), Size=(1254863439), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29910 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4=3119805 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER.mp4=3120491' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Babe Enjoys Anal Sex - Kate Rich - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1418;Set=680 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=725' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21684, ID=21684 duration=(810.24), Size=(62514039), Res=(576 x 318) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Anal - for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x318 < 720x396' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21628, ID=21628 duration=(810.32), Size=(59738183), Res=(720 x 396) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Anal -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21684 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Pounding-576x318P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1420;Set=681 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=726' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21629, ID=21629 duration=(703.04), Size=(155955411), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Pounded By Big Dick -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Pounded By Big Dick -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21629, ID=26395 duration=(703.12), Size=(71895760), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TUSHY My girlfriend and I love to gape -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Brunette Teen Pounded By Big Dick -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26395 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TUSHY My girlfriend and I love to gape - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1422;Set=682 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=727' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21667, ID=21667 duration=(1221.12), Size=(72857865), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4=24.99 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 477318, 24.99 : h264, 476677, 25' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29912, ID=29912 duration=(1221.26), Size=(72768403), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Redhead - very skinny busty teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21667 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Redhead - XVIDEOS.COM-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1424;Set=683 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=728' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21686, ID=21686 duration=(819.54), Size=(128503755), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4=24 v.s. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off - for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1254396, 24 : h264, 1118330, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6746, ID=6746 duration=(819.55), Size=(114565323), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny teen anal play takes her virginity and gets her off -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21686 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Anal Play Takes Her Virginity and gets Her off xHamster-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1426;Set=684 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=729' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21702, ID=21702 duration=(2052.18), Size=(877004841), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21702, ID=21701 duration=(2052.18), Size=(804990206), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21701 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen Gets Spitroasted - Milena D Sunna - EPORNER-1.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1428;Set=685 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=730' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21704, ID=21704 duration=(1229.22), Size=(415261046), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21704, ID=29923 duration=(1229.22), Size=(415128800), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29923 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4=2701731 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock Cousin to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.COM.mp4=2702603' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen talk Huge Cock to Fuck her Tight Asshole - XNXX.-[Anal]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1430;Set=686 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=731' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28820, ID=28820 duration=(787.43), Size=(127236383), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28820, ID=21773 duration=(787.39), Size=(113013403), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny teen Izzy Lush loses her anal virginity - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21773 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny teen Izzy Lush loses her anal virginity - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4=1148237 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosskinny-teen-izzy-lush-loses-her-anal-virginity-11828648-1280x720P.mp4=1292670' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Skinny teen Izzy Lush loses her anal virginity - Bing video-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1432;Set=687 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=732' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21827, ID=21827 duration=(1210.47), Size=(137549104), Res=(602 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleeping Bride To Be Is Raped In Pussy And Ass By Masked Man - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1988, ID=1988 duration=(1210.44), Size=(54849725), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleeping Bride To Be Is Raped In Pussy And Ass By Masked Man - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleeping Bride To Be Is Raped In Pussy And Ass By Masked Man - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-[Puffy Nipples]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 21827 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sleeping Whore Raped After Being Woken Up MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Anal ATM skinny teen puffy nipple blond forced by burglar-[Puffy Nipples]-602x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1434;Set=688 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=733' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21962, ID=21962 duration=(1910.47), Size=(748563720), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sophia Traxler - 18Yo White Teen With Huge Natural Tits First Anal Scene #CENTURION #anal #bigtits (Big Natural Tits - 0) (02.05.2022) on SexyPorn.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sophia Traxler - 18Yo White Teen With Huge Natural Tits First Anal Scene #CENTURION #anal #bigtits (Big Natural Tits - 0) (02.05.2022) on SexyPorn.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=21962, ID=31458 duration=(1910.49), Size=(177220716), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Sophie Traxler - Gonzo First Time Anal On Cam Anal - W86 - X-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sophia Traxler - 18Yo White Teen With Huge Natural Tits First Anal Scene #CENTURION #anal #bigtits (Big Natural Tits - 0) (02.05.2022) on SexyPorn.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31458 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Sophie Traxler - Gonzo First Time Anal On Cam Anal - W86 - X-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1436;Set=689 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=734' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28114, ID=28114 duration=(1228.99), Size=(415144590), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Teen First Time Assfuck by Huge Cock Classmate - anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Teen First Time Assfuck by Huge Cock Classmate - anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28114, ID=22031 duration=(1229), Size=(97000701), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Step Sister 18 Seduce To Anal Defloration Sex By Big Cock at DrTuber-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Teen First Time Assfuck by Huge Cock Classmate - anal ATM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22031 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Step Sister 18 Seduce To Anal Defloration Sex By Big Cock at DrTuber-[ATM]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1438;Set=690 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=735' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26895, ID=26895 duration=(630.03), Size=(42295041), Res=(450 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 450x360 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22055, ID=22055 duration=(630.08), Size=(39654665), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Stepsister Anal Rape By 2 Brothers MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Skinny]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26895 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\We Force Fucked My Stepsis In Her Tight Anal - skinny anal rape-450x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1440;Set=691 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=736' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26359, ID=26359 duration=(1467.16), Size=(497510037), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26359, ID=22113 duration=(1467.13), Size=(497434636), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22113 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4=2712417 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - Iveta (aka Dasha) - skinny busty russian.mp4=2712785' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Student With Big Tits Feeling Horny - XVIDEOS.COM-[Busty]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1442;Set=692 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=737' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22167, ID=22167 duration=(2149.87), Size=(86006713), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 320044, 25 : av1, 120581, 25' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26362, ID=26362 duration=(2149.89), Size=(32404731), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Submissive wife will fuck as ordered part 75 - force anal BBC.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22167 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\Submissive Wife will Fuck as Ordered Part 75 Free Porn 5c xHamster-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1444;Set=693 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=738' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22224, ID=22224 duration=(2245.52), Size=(123875970), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22224, ID=26367 duration=(2245.54), Size=(123633265), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take a big cock in their asse-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26367 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take a big cock in their asse-588x392P.mp4=440457 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\c\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take big cock in their asses .mp4=441326' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Super slut Tanya and 2 friends take a big cock in their asse-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1446;Set=694 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=739' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22285, ID=22285 duration=(2663.81), Size=(454772342), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet hole - skinny teen anal ATM casting-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet hole - skinny teen anal ATM casting-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22285, ID=24293 duration=(2663.89), Size=(417719983), Res=(852 x 400) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alita Angel - anal casting - very skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-852x400P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\Sweet hole - skinny teen anal ATM casting-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24293 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alita Angel - anal casting - very skinny anal ATM-[Teen]-852x400P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1448;Set=695 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=740' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3142, ID=3142 duration=(3338.66), Size=(344110457), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped In The Woods MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped In The Woods MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3142, ID=22290 duration=(3338.64), Size=(183913523), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\rough groupsex XXX hornyporn sexfuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped In The Woods MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22290 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\rough groupsex XXX hornyporn sexfuck - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1450;Set=696 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=741' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22287, ID=22287 duration=(34.8), Size=(5754910), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene - busty black slave forced by her massah MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3684, ID=3684 duration=(34.84), Size=(3548729), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene - busty black slave forced by her massah MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene - busty black slave forced by her massah MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Painal]-[Scream]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22287 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\c\\rp scene cry sweet revenge busty black chick rped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Painal]-[Scream]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1452;Set=697 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=742' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22483, ID=22483 duration=(2553.05), Size=(197922626), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\139032.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\139032.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22483, ID=30461 duration=(2553.6), Size=(132012384), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - 18yo babyfaced litte Kendall \u2013 PornXP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\139032.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30461 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - 18yo babyfaced litte Kendall \u2013 PornXP.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1454;Set=698 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=743' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22505, ID=22505 duration=(342.31), Size=(72073609), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\160167.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\160167.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22505, ID=30380 duration=(342.42), Size=(18738756), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Brutal anal sex for goth teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\160167.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30380 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Brutal anal sex for goth teen.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1456;Set=699 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=744' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22512, ID=22512 duration=(1346.62), Size=(325538790), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\16092_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\16092_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22512, ID=25854 duration=(1346.64), Size=(135553310), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\high class student escorts scene 2 540p watch online -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\16092_720m.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25854 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\high class student escorts scene 2 540p watch online - for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1458;Set=700 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=745' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22581, ID=22581 duration=(2459.92), Size=(1274143655), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Year Old on Her Birthday at Anal Casting Free Porn ed xHamster-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Year Old on Her Birthday at Anal Casting Free Porn ed xHamster-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22581, ID=28269 duration=(2460.05), Size=(176350345), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Anal Casting - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\18 Year Old on Her Birthday at Anal Casting Free Porn ed xHamster-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28269 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Anal Casting - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1460;Set=701 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=746' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22669, ID=22669 duration=(4464.85), Size=(701398984), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22669, ID=23877 duration=(4464.92), Size=(602073822), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Eighteen Year Old Casting and First Anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23877 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Eighteen Year Old Casting and First Anal.mp4=1078763 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\19342.mp4-1280x720P.mp4=1256747' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Innocent Eighteen Year Old Casting and First Anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1462;Set=702 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=747' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7449, ID=7449 duration=(1647.11), Size=(128695697), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\They Both Get The Business -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\They Both Get The Business -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7449, ID=22686 duration=(1647.13), Size=(96395526), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 Black teen FFM anal and painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\They Both Get The Business -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22686 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\2 Black teen FFM anal and painal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1464;Set=703 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=748' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23284, ID=23284 duration=(1201.79), Size=(214744943), Res=(608 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adorable 18 Year old April Aniston Loves getting Fucked in the Ass -, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adorable 18 Year old April Aniston Loves getting Fucked in the Ass -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23284, ID=22715 duration=(1201.8), Size=(92818243), Res=(270 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\200990_480p.mp4-270x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Adorable 18 Year old April Aniston Loves getting Fucked in the Ass -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22715 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\200990_480p.mp4-270x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1466;Set=704 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=749' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22780, ID=22780 duration=(2368.85), Size=(446239649), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Amber Stark - redhead.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4407, ID=4407 duration=(2368.9), Size=(229394185), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Amber Stark - redhead.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\ShopLyfter - Amber Stark - redhead.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22780 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\297505_480p.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1468;Set=705 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=750' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22792, ID=22792 duration=(1383.24), Size=(866849473), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv with B:\\V\\V\\e\\HDSex18 - Ella Fantastic # Anal Video with 18 Yo Gottie #teen.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 1383.24 < 1384.33' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25482, ID=25482 duration=(1384.33), Size=(344619928), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\HDSex18 - Ella Fantastic # Anal Video with 18 Yo Gottie #teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\HDSex18 - Ella Fantastic # Anal Video with 18 Yo Gottie #teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22792 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\29_YoungAnalTryouts_015_big_YoungAnalTryouts_015_high-1280x720P.wmv for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1470;Set=706 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=751' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8199, ID=8199 duration=(1213.61), Size=(93462639), Res=(480 x 362) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal -' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal - with B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 Blacks 1 Girl - XVIDEOSCOM[404, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Teen]-550x404P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x362 < 550x404' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22785, ID=22785 duration=(1213.58), Size=(71634134), Res=(550 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 Blacks 1 Girl - XVIDEOSCOM[404, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Teen]-550x404P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\3 Blacks 1 Girl - XVIDEOSCOM[404, Mp4]-[Anal]-[Teen]-550x404P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\teen anal -';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1472;Set=707 of 912;QtySkipForDel=14" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22861, ID=22861 duration=(790.89), Size=(93745514), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Skinny Hooker Fucked By Two Soldiers - - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3258, ID=3258 duration=(789.42), Size=(59076856), Res=(720 x 560) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Skinny Hooker Fucked By Two Soldiers - - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Skinny Hooker Fucked By Two Soldiers - - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22861 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\6037575.mp4-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1474;Set=708 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=752' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4202, ID=4202 duration=(2066.2), Size=(675639593), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4202, ID=22882 duration=(2066.23), Size=(293058958), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\713995258619-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4202, ID=23024 duration=(2066.12), Size=(215663989), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A bitch violently fucked by a half-breed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sheri Mitchell.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22882 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\713995258619-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1477;Set=709 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=753' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23024 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A bitch violently fucked by a half-breed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1477;Set=709 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=754' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22876, ID=22876 duration=(264.68), Size=(25424477), Res=(480 x 272) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\russian-teen-cries-while-being-forced-to-fuck_-_XVIDEOS_COM.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x272 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=8116, ID=8116 duration=(264.68), Size=(24044816), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\russian-teen-cries-while-being-forced-to-fuck_-_XVIDEOS_COM.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\russian-teen-cries-while-being-forced-to-fuck_-_XVIDEOS_COM.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22876 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\73230.mp4-480x272P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1479;Set=710 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=755' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4190, ID=4190 duration=(1938.73), Size=(635914885), Res=(1552 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Brenda Wang aka Stacy Snake.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Brenda Wang aka Stacy Snake.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4190, ID=22895 duration=(1938.68), Size=(279442238), Res=(852 x 396) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\849534519927-852x396P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Brenda Wang aka Stacy Snake.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22895 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\849534519927-852x396P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1481;Set=711 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=756' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24170, ID=24170 duration=(1182.87), Size=(138584074), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Very Good Party - RapeLust.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Very Good Party - RapeLust.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24170, ID=22893 duration=(1182.8), Size=(44725728), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\867065727538-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Very Good Party - RapeLust.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22893 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\867065727538-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1483;Set=712 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=757' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=22904, ID=22904 duration=(979.82), Size=(57777721), Res=(646 x 364) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape 43634634.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3896, ID=3896 duration=(979.76), Size=(50926315), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape 43634634.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape 43634634.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 22904 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\92b2b4d61a7d79b - XNXXCOM[364, Mp4]-646x364P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1485;Set=713 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=758' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23027, ID=23027 duration=(1716.22), Size=(647960411), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Holly Osborne.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4241, ID=4241 duration=(1716.3), Size=(565017604), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Holly Osborne.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Holly Osborne.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23027 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A Romanian who loves extreme sex - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1487;Set=714 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=759' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4196, ID=4196 duration=(1511.13), Size=(497399035), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sally Ledesma.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sally Ledesma.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4196, ID=23023 duration=(1511.02), Size=(169747796), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A black guy rips off her pantyhose before fucking her wildly - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Sally Ledesma.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23023 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A black guy rips off her pantyhose before fucking her wildly - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1489;Set=715 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=760' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23030, ID=23030 duration=(1498.32), Size=(158575885), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rose Scott.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4259, ID=4259 duration=(1498.34), Size=(151145349), Res=(720 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rose Scott.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rose Scott.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23030 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A naughty girl who loves rough sex - Porn video movies xxx sex streaming-[Force]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1491;Set=716 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=761' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23047, ID=23047 duration=(1673.04), Size=(562710184), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4191, ID=4191 duration=(1673), Size=(548905820), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4191, ID=4223 duration=(1672.96), Size=(213425361), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Dorothy Nash-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Dorothy Nash.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23047 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - A well-mounted mixed-race guy sodomizes a fat slut - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1494;Set=717 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=762' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Dorothy Nash-[Force]-854x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1494;Set=717 of 912;QtySkipForDel=15" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4201, ID=4201 duration=(1753.01), Size=(568491360), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Susan Price.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Susan Price.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4201, ID=23092 duration=(1753.06), Size=(385763595), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette sauvagement sodomis\xe9e - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Susan Price.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23092 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette sauvagement sodomis\xe9e - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1496;Set=718 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=763' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23093, ID=23093 duration=(2068.2), Size=(747885746), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Madelaine Young-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4193, ID=4193 duration=(2068.16), Size=(679060043), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Madelaine Young-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - BBC - Madelaine Young-[Busty]-[Force]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23093 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Brunette with huge tits extrem fucking - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Busty]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1498;Set=719 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=764' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4253, ID=4253 duration=(1823.07), Size=(599008026), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lupe Burnett.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lupe Burnett.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4253, ID=23107 duration=(1823.04), Size=(582514884), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle aime le sexe extr\xeame et la sodomie - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lupe Burnett.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23107 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Elle aime le sexe extr\xeame et la sodomie - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1500;Set=720 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=765' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4251, ID=4251 duration=(1839.69), Size=(605425108), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lucy Abernathy.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lucy Abernathy.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4251, ID=23142 duration=(1839.62), Size=(566580295), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il arrache les v\xeatements de cette actrice x pour mieux lui p\xe9n\xe9trer la rondelle - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Lucy Abernathy.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23142 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il arrache les v\xeatements de cette actrice x pour mieux lui p\xe9n\xe9trer la rondelle - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1502;Set=721 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=766' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4236, ID=4236 duration=(1644.21), Size=(538317527), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Hellen Miller.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Hellen Miller.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=4236, ID=23141 duration=(1644.03), Size=(397741761), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il d\xe9fonce le cul d'une brune en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Hellen Miller.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23141 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Il d\xe9fonce le cul d'une brune en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1504;Set=722 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=767" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23151, ID=23151 duration=(1458.99), Size=(490088552), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Roxanne Mercer.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4264, ID=4264 duration=(1459.07), Size=(480035958), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Roxanne Mercer.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Roxanne Mercer.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23151 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Jeune nymphomane sodomis\xe9e dans une s\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1506;Set=723 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=768' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4268, ID=4268 duration=(2017.93), Size=(664628378), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Ruth Fowler-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Ruth Fowler-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4268, ID=23168 duration=(2017.83), Size=(476730192), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Pornstar hard ass fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Anal]-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Ruth Fowler-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23168 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Pornstar hard ass fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming-[Anal]-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1508;Set=724 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=769' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23221, ID=23221 duration=(1795.84), Size=(683189208), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Belkis Toscano.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 960x540 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4219, ID=4219 duration=(1795.92), Size=(591427684), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Belkis Toscano.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Belkis Toscano.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23221 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - S\xe9ance de baise extr\xe8me pour chaudasse en chaleur - Video porno films xxx sexe en streaming-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1510;Set=725 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=770' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4285, ID=4285 duration=(1918.29), Size=(630929531), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4285, ID=23248 duration=(1918.21), Size=(476811604), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Wendy harper gets her pussy slammed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4285, ID=4206 duration=(1918.32), Size=(223836366), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Angela-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Wendy Harper.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23248 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\AbsoluPorn - Wendy harper gets her pussy slammed - Porn video xxx movies streaming sex-960x540P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1513;Set=726 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=771' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Angela-[Force]-854x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1513;Set=726 of 912;QtySkipForDel=16" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27012, ID=27012 duration=(1814.4), Size=(171408614), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 9 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 9 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27012, ID=23262 duration=(1814.46), Size=(100058330), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #10 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 9 - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23262 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Abuced #10 - XVIDEOSCOM[416, Mp4]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1515;Set=727 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=772' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3696, ID=3696 duration=(1034.94), Size=(97059066), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\sexy MILF passed out burglar plays with her - XNXXCOM[554, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\sexy MILF passed out burglar plays with her - XNXXCOM[554, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3696, ID=23524 duration=(1034.96), Size=(65670164), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Bitch Knocked Out and Raped by Burglar MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Passed Out]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\sexy MILF passed out burglar plays with her - XNXXCOM[554, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23524 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Bitch Knocked Out and Raped by Burglar MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Passed Out]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1517;Set=728 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=773' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=23539, ID=23539 duration=(445.12), Size=(48512157), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Extreme Skinny Gf Tight Pussy Gets Rough And Deep Fucked - Forced_Rape-[Busty]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2669, ID=2669 duration=(445.14), Size=(23553991), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Extreme Skinny Gf Tight Pussy Gets Rough And Deep Fucked - Forced_Rape-[Busty]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Extreme Skinny Gf Tight Pussy Gets Rough And Deep Fucked - Forced_Rape-[Busty]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23539 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hot Busty Skinny Teen Destroyed by Stepdad 4tube-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1519;Set=729 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=774' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25348, ID=25348 duration=(1147.92), Size=(82936373), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy black bitch punched out and raped by stepdad MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy black bitch punched out and raped by stepdad MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25348, ID=23752 duration=(1147.99), Size=(67630627), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hurt the Hunnies Hard MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy black bitch punched out and raped by stepdad MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 23752 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\Hurt the Hunnies Hard MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1521;Set=730 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=775' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24033, ID=24033 duration=(1654.33), Size=(241206041), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24033, ID=26721 duration=(1654.42), Size=(239784631), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal - skinny teen puffy nipples.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26721 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal - skinny teen puffy nipples.mp4=1159484 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\d\\[private] vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal-852x480P.mp4=1166423' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Vasilisa lisa teen hairdresser addicted to anal - skinny teen puffy nipples.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1523;Set=731 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=776' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24257, ID=24257 duration=(3367.67), Size=(1137147254), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Abuseme - Kinky Harsh Sex Fetishes With Kylie Quinn, Brittne-[Force]-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Abuseme - Kinky Harsh Sex Fetishes With Kylie Quinn, Brittne-[Force]-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24257, ID=24073 duration=(3367.72), Size=(74017917), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\V\\V\\d\\abuse painal - Free porn movies-[Force]-444x250P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Abuseme - Kinky Harsh Sex Fetishes With Kylie Quinn, Brittne-[Force]-[Painal]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24073 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\d\\abuse painal - Free porn movies-[Force]-444x250P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1525;Set=732 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=777' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24128, ID=24128 duration=(502.98), Size=(80002636), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4=24.99 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1272448, 24.99 : h264, 1272280, 25' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26743, ID=26743 duration=(502.8), Size=(79963580), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Video german skinny young amateur teen painful anal try Porn. ATMmp4.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24128 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\1280x720 - pt.xhamster.comvideosgerman-skinny-young-amateur-teen-painful-anal-try-13751762-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1527;Set=733 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=778' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24141, ID=24141 duration=(678.88), Size=(341880323), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched to the Max - Asian anal BBC busty.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched to the Max - Asian anal BBC busty.mp4' +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=24141, ID=31426 duration=(677.04), Size=(102432673), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills' tight asian ass stretched to the max by a BBC in-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched to the Max - Asian anal BBC busty.mp4" +[241127 15:35:10] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31426 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills' tight asian ass stretched to the max by a BBC in-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1529;Set=734 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=779" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24163, ID=24163 duration=(2476.12), Size=(410877332), Res=(1282 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Black Man Fucks a Schoolgirl in Anal Brings Her to Orgasm -1-[Teen]-1282x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Black Man Fucks a Schoolgirl in Anal Brings Her to Orgasm -1-[Teen]-1282x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=24163, ID=26693 duration=(2476.12), Size=(239182121), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Un black baise une lyc\xe9enne en sodomie et l'am\xe8ne \xe0 l'orgasme et jouit dans sa bouche xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\A Black Man Fucks a Schoolgirl in Anal Brings Her to Orgasm -1-[Teen]-1282x720P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26693 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Un black baise une lyc\xe9enne en sodomie et l'am\xe8ne \xe0 l'orgasme et jouit dans sa bouche xHamster-[Anal]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1531;Set=735 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=780" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24193, ID=24193 duration=(662.23), Size=(224643877), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMATEUR THREESOME WITH TWO BEAUTIFUL TEEN GIRLS THAT LOVE ANAL - anal FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMATEUR THREESOME WITH TWO BEAUTIFUL TEEN GIRLS THAT LOVE ANAL - anal FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24193, ID=24384 duration=(662.2), Size=(107798616), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Threesome with Two Beautiful Teen Girls xHamste anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\AMATEUR THREESOME WITH TWO BEAUTIFUL TEEN GIRLS THAT LOVE ANAL - anal FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24384 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Anal Threesome with Two Beautiful Teen Girls xHamste anal FFM-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1533;Set=736 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=781' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24280, ID=24280 duration=(496.14), Size=(93768846), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Interracial Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 496.14 < 500.8' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24281, ID=24281 duration=(500.8), Size=(81613596), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Interracial Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Interracial Anal - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24280 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Alina West Gets her very first Interracial Anal Fuck-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1535;Set=737 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=782' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24297, ID=24297 duration=(625.96), Size=(211750900), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal All The Time 18 Yr old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal All The Time 18 Yr old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24297, ID=24298 duration=(626.04), Size=(91137279), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal all the Time 18 Yr Old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal All The Time 18 Yr old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie! - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24298 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\All Anal all the Time 18 Yr Old Anastasia Rose Anal Creampie xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1537;Set=738 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=783' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24435, ID=24435 duration=(1198.04), Size=(326742735), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Plumper Sodomy Sex -960x540P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Plumper Sodomy Sex -960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24435, ID=26876 duration=(1198.03), Size=(195771360), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Y-Fatties (VanessaValerieVal) - Teen, Fatties, Babe - busty anal teen-[Amateur]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amateur Plumper Sodomy Sex -960x540P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26876 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Y-Fatties (VanessaValerieVal) - Teen, Fatties, Babe - busty anal teen-[Amateur]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1539;Set=739 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=784' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24488, ID=24488 duration=(419.99), Size=(171110740), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed tutor finds out the ginger babe wears no panties - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=duration: 419.99 < 420.02' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24486, ID=24486 duration=(420.02), Size=(142293052), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed tutor finds out the ginger babe wears no panties - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed tutor finds out the ginger babe wears no panties - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24488 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazed Tutor Finds out the Ginger Babe Wears no Panties-[Redhead]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1541;Set=740 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=785' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24515, ID=24515 duration=(1203.12), Size=(81858073), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Threesome Rape - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-576x462P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3190, ID=3190 duration=(1203.12), Size=(64642140), Res=(576 x 462) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Threesome Rape - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-576x462P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Threesome Rape - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-[Teen]-576x462P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24515 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Amazing teen gangraped by friends MOTHERLESS.COM - skinny teen anal rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1543;Set=741 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=786' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24576, ID=24576 duration=(356.45), Size=(37716652), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 3 European First Time Anal Pain - XVIDEOSCOM[422, Mp4] - painal.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1726, ID=1726 duration=(356.34), Size=(19725708), Res=(546 x 422) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 3 European First Time Anal Pain - XVIDEOSCOM[422, Mp4] - painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal 3 European First Time Anal Pain - XVIDEOSCOM[422, Mp4] - painal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24576 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal 3 European first time Anal Pain - painal-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1545;Set=742 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=787' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24710, ID=24710 duration=(343.1), Size=(55786523), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24710, ID=29781 duration=(343.1), Size=(55676138), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Real Virgin Defloration Painful, Pain Missionary Sex Compila-[Anal]-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29781 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Real Virgin Defloration Painful, Pain Missionary Sex Compila-[Anal]-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4=1298175 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anal Pain Compilation, Free Free Xnnxx HD Porn 17 xHamster-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4=1300748' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Real Virgin Defloration Painful, Pain Missionary Sex Compila-[Anal]-[Painal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1547;Set=743 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=788' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24945, ID=24945 duration=(4197.17), Size=(1371423897), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=24945, ID=24932 duration=(4197.14), Size=(300606906), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - Amateur Anal Teen - EPORNER.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 24932 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Anita Teen - Anal Casting - Amateur Anal Teen - EPORNER.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1549;Set=744 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=789' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30508, ID=30508 duration=(1649.68), Size=(165145435), Res=(720 x 404) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\private 18 10 15 big tit clany enjoys anal watch online - very busty anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\private 18 10 15 big tit clany enjoys anal watch online - very busty anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30508, ID=25009 duration=(1649.66), Size=(88152530), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Big Tit Enjoys Anal \u2013 Busty Clary - very busty-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\private 18 10 15 big tit clany enjoys anal watch online - very busty anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25009 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Big Tit Enjoys Anal \u2013 Busty Clary - very busty-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1551;Set=745 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=790' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2005, ID=2005 duration=(1775.88), Size=(151274420), Res=(520 x 390) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Stasy German Teen Forced Anal - Free18net - Forced_Anal_Rape-520x390P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Stasy German Teen Forced Anal - Free18net - Forced_Anal_Rape-520x390P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2005, ID=25081 duration=(1776.42), Size=(114256786), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic German Anal Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-[Vintage]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Stasy German Teen Forced Anal - Free18net - Forced_Anal_Rape-520x390P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25081 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic German Anal Whore MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-[Vintage]-448x336P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1553;Set=746 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=791' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2685, ID=2685 duration=(419.52), Size=(46154787), Res=(624 x 464) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic Scenes - Amber Hunt Train Scene - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 624x464 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25082, ID=25082 duration=(419.54), Size=(40567589), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic Scenes - Amber Hunt Train Scene - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Classic Scenes - Amber Hunt Train Scene - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Finona On Fire - raped in the train Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-624x464P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1555;Set=747 of 912;QtySkipForDel=17" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25117, ID=25117 duration=(2619.23), Size=(418734552), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-queenlin And Anastasia Mistress First Time Piss Drinking Anal Vk[FFM]-1188x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-queenlin And Anastasia Mistress First Time Piss Drinking Anal Vk[FFM]-1188x668P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25117, ID=29642 duration=(2619.07), Size=(367673139), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin FFM Hardcore Frolics Anal - S04 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Clip-queenlin And Anastasia Mistress First Time Piss Drinking Anal Vk[FFM]-1188x668P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29642 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin FFM Hardcore Frolics Anal - S04 - XFREEHD-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1557;Set=748 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=792' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25285, ID=25285 duration=(1448.46), Size=(150657543), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Slut A Big Cock Down Her Throat - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-716x572P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 536x428 < 716x572' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25284, ID=25284 duration=(1448.4), Size=(136726248), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Slut A Big Cock Down Her Throat - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Slut A Big Cock Down Her Throat - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-[Painal]-[Scream]-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25285 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Crying Bitch Hooker Forced A Massive Dick Down Her Throat - -[Painal]-[Scream]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1559;Set=749 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=793' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6360, ID=6360 duration=(286.6), Size=(28181295), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen with huge tits - missionary then anal - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen with huge tits - missionary then anal - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6360, ID=25329 duration=(287.04), Size=(23116228), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cunts fuck to the song hands up (porn anal oral blowjob students orgasm cp sex erotic sperm virgin)) watch online-[Busty]-[Teen]-426x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen with huge tits - missionary then anal - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Busty]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25329 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Cunts fuck to the song hands up (porn anal oral blowjob students orgasm cp sex erotic sperm virgin)) watch online-[Busty]-[Teen]-426x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1561;Set=750 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=794' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25351, ID=25351 duration=(1814.96), Size=(614044990), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo brunette Teen with natural tits gets the tip anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo brunette Teen with natural tits gets the tip anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25351, ID=25341 duration=(1815.02), Size=(332210299), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo Brunette Teen with Natural Tits gets the Tip xHam-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo brunette Teen with natural tits gets the tip anal - XVIDEOS.COM-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25341 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Curvy 18yo Brunette Teen with Natural Tits gets the Tip xHam-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1563;Set=751 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=795' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=4822, ID=4822 duration=(2646.31), Size=(415782056), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\MyVeryFirstTime\\MyVeryFirstTime - 016 - Destiny's First Anal featuring Destiny Love real painal - Free Porn Cliphunter.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\MyVeryFirstTime\\MyVeryFirstTime - 016 - Destiny's First Anal featuring Destiny Love real painal - Free Porn Cliphunter.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=4822, ID=25409 duration=(2646.26), Size=(227554887), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Destiny Love Anal - T01 - XFREEHD-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\MyVeryFirstTime\\MyVeryFirstTime - 016 - Destiny's First Anal featuring Destiny Love real painal - Free Porn Cliphunter.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25409 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\First Anal Destiny Love Anal - T01 - XFREEHD-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1565;Set=752 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=796' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25603, ID=25603 duration=(1201.28), Size=(196168319), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=25603, ID=25605 duration=(1201.3), Size=(196042360), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25605 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4].mp4=1305531 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOS.COM-1280x720P.mp4=1306395' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Heidi Goes Black - XVIDEOSCOM[720, Mp4].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1567;Set=753 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=797' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28234, ID=28234 duration=(2279.32), Size=(769432145), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Susana Melo and Max Cortes fucking in the forest - teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Susana Melo and Max Cortes fucking in the forest - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28234, ID=25689 duration=(2279.27), Size=(683232339), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Fucked Hard In Ass - Susana Melo - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Susana Melo and Max Cortes fucking in the forest - teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25689 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Hitchhiker Fucked Hard In Ass - Susana Melo - EPORNER-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1569;Set=754 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=798' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30633, ID=30633 duration=(2307.03), Size=(274968060), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30633, ID=31910 duration=(2307.15), Size=(194912475), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection FOO foo-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30633, ID=25711 duration=(2307), Size=(178884008), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\Home Intrusion - rape-[Force]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch gangbang anal - Pd, Gata, Loiras Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31910 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection FOO foo-[Anal]-[Force]-[Gang Bang]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1572;Set=755 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=799' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25711 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\Home Intrusion - rape-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1572;Set=755 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=800' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2823, ID=2823 duration=(606.3), Size=(92469799), Res=(768 x 576) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hardcore Gang Rape xxx Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-768x576P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hardcore Gang Rape xxx Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-768x576P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2823, ID=25821 duration=(606.3), Size=(54496723), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\e\\hardcore gangrape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Hardcore Gang Rape xxx Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-768x576P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 25821 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\e\\hardcore gangrape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1574;Set=756 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=801' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30602, ID=30602 duration=(1290.83), Size=(63544811), Res=(480 x 358) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Birthday gift - Birthday, Threesome Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Birthday gift - Birthday, Threesome Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30602, ID=26025 duration=(1290.68), Size=(51233067), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Happy Birthday to You- Girlfriend, Free Porn 91 xHamster xHamster-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch Birthday gift - Birthday, Threesome Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26025 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Happy Birthday to You- Girlfriend, Free Porn 91 xHamster xHamster-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1576;Set=757 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=802' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26426, ID=26426 duration=(764.95), Size=(67992358), Res=(542 x 422) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4=24.72 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 711077, 24.72 : h264, 437403, 25' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28935, ID=28935 duration=(756.3), Size=(41351156), Res=(542 x 422) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u043b\u0434\u0430\u0442\u0438\u043a\u0438 \u0443\u0432\u0438\u0434\u0435\u043b\u0438 \u0442\u0435\u043b\u043e\u0447\u043a\u0443 \u0438 \u043f\u043e\u0442\u0435\u0440\u044f\u043b\u0438 \u0433\u043e\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0443-[Force]-[Teen]-542x422P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26426 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Teenage Was Forcing In A Sauna -[Force]-542x422P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1578;Set=758 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=803' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26526, ID=26526 duration=(2819.48), Size=(192819880), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_\\Burglars fuck woman - busty vintage Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4278, ID=4278 duration=(2819.5), Size=(112817153), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_\\Burglars fuck woman - busty vintage Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_\\Burglars fuck woman - busty vintage Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26526 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Terrified Home Alone Milf Housewife Gets Brutally Fucked By 2 Masked Robbers - Bing video-[Force]-[Vintage]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1580;Set=759 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=804' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26557, ID=26557 duration=(858.58), Size=(120283946), Res=(852 x 478) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Skinny Asian Forced Anal Sex - RapeLust-[Painal]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=100, ID=100 duration=(858.64), Size=(56776226), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Skinny Asian Forced Anal Sex - RapeLust-[Painal]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\Skinny Asian Forced Anal Sex - RapeLust-[Painal]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26557 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Thai pain ful abuse d holes -[Force]-[Painal]-852x478P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1582;Set=760 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=805' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2152, ID=2152 duration=(59.18), Size=(3447955), Res=(644 x 364) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4]-[Force]-644x364P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4]-[Force]-644x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2152, ID=26563 duration=(59.14), Size=(3271677), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOSCOM[364, Mp4]-[Force]-644x364P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26563 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\The Greatest Painal Screaming Ever! - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-638x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1584;Set=761 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=806' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26588, ID=26588 duration=(1444.23), Size=(367169388), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Anal-[Skinny]-480x252P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5937, ID=5937 duration=(1444.11), Size=(111259514), Res=(480 x 252) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Anal-[Skinny]-480x252P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Anal-[Skinny]-480x252P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26588 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Things To Do In Czech Republic - Terezie Karups - skinny teen anal-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1586;Set=762 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=807' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28401, ID=28401 duration=(1003.8), Size=(519722491), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4=av1:Rank=2' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 4142051, 30 : av1, 2961554, 30' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26604, ID=26604 duration=(1003.8), Size=(371600068), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=26604, ID=28391 duration=(1003.8), Size=(96953015), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany dit joyeux anniversaire \xe0 Blackzilla avec un peu d'amour anal xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla With Some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28401 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany Says Happy Birthday to Blackzilla with some Anal Lov-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1589;Set=763 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=808' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28391 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiffany dit joyeux anniversaire \xe0 Blackzilla avec un peu d'amour anal xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1589;Set=763 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=809" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=346, ID=346 duration=(3084.17), Size=(443432358), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\DP\\Bella Gray - Lil Ho - puffy nipples teen anal ATM DP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\DP\\Bella Gray - Lil Ho - puffy nipples teen anal ATM DP.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=346, ID=26610 duration=(3083.94), Size=(427146696), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny Teen Gets Her Ass Tore Up - anal puffy nipples teen ATM-[DP]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\DP\\Bella Gray - Lil Ho - puffy nipples teen anal ATM DP.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26610 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny Teen Gets Her Ass Tore Up - anal puffy nipples teen ATM-[DP]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1591;Set=764 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=810' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26606, ID=26606 duration=(180.84), Size=(10019382), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny asian girl taking bbc anal - XVIDEOS COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny asian girl taking bbc anal - XVIDEOS COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26606, ID=28400 duration=(180.84), Size=(7249950), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Asian Girl Takes a BBC up the Ass, Porn 3b skinny anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Tiny asian girl taking bbc anal - XVIDEOS COM-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28400 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tiny Asian Girl Takes a BBC up the Ass, Porn 3b skinny anal.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1593;Set=765 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=811' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=30695, ID=30695 duration=(4629.58), Size=(289244831), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: "Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Its My Body (1985)-[Vintage]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 480x320 < 640x480" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26619, ID=26619 duration=(4629.84), Size=(245531976), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Its My Body (1985)-[Vintage]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Its My Body (1985)-[Vintage]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30695 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\It's My Body High Quality 80's Classic \u2014 PornOne ex vPorn-[Vintage]-480x320P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1595;Set=766 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=812" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26635, ID=26635 duration=(4505), Size=(1226454789), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Talk Dirty to Me Part 3 (1984) UNCUT (720) (AI UPSCALED).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Talk Dirty to Me Part 3 (1984) UNCUT (720) (AI UPSCALED).mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26635, ID=30031 duration=(4505.15), Size=(446254384), Res=(618 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Talk Dirty To Me 3 [Pogovori so mnoyu gryazno 3] (1984) \u2014 Daft-618x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Traci Lords - Talk Dirty to Me Part 3 (1984) UNCUT (720) (AI UPSCALED).mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30031 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Talk Dirty To Me 3 [Pogovori so mnoyu gryazno 3] (1984) \u2014 Daft-618x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1597;Set=767 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=813' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6381, ID=6381 duration=(2859.67), Size=(396996967), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) -' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) - v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) - with B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1110610, 24 : h264, 1079828, 25' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26637, ID=26637 duration=(2859.76), Size=(386006187), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\TryTeens - 2856 - Upornia com-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Russian teen anally pounded (HD) -';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1599;Set=768 of 912;QtySkipForDel=18" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=718, ID=718 duration=(2664.21), Size=(1709842060), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mouth - Stephanie Moon - skinny teen anal ATM-[Tryteens]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mouth - Stephanie Moon - skinny teen anal ATM-[Tryteens]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=718, ID=26641 duration=(2664.48), Size=(366800187), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Stephanie E - Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mout - Uporni-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Skinny\\Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mouth - Stephanie Moon - skinny teen anal ATM-[Tryteens]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26641 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Stephanie E - Teenie Pounded In Ass And Mout - Uporni-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1601;Set=769 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=814' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26643, ID=26643 duration=(2780.48), Size=(461768941), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teen Love DP Free Teen DP Porn Video 03 - xHamster-[Tryteens]-446x240P.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7184, ID=7184 duration=(2780.02), Size=(200788034), Res=(446 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teen Love DP Free Teen DP Porn Video 03 - xHamster-[Tryteens]-446x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teen Love DP Free Teen DP Porn Video 03 - xHamster-[Tryteens]-446x240P.flv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26643 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - zzzUknown - TryTeens - 3309-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1603;Set=770 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=815' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27000, ID=27000 duration=(1631.76), Size=(153883071), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 2 - anal-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 2 - anal-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27000, ID=26654 duration=(1631.82), Size=(89128574), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Bad Guys Brutalizing A Kidnapped Teen At The Freeway - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\You never know what naughty meetings come across Vol. 2 - anal-[Force]-[Teen]-738x554P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26654 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Bad Guys Brutalizing A Kidnapped Teen At The Freeway - rape-[Force]-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1605;Set=771 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=816' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4125, ID=4125 duration=(1615.08), Size=(268285338), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\DP\\Brazilian Redhead Raped By Thugs - busty anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\DP\\Brazilian Redhead Raped By Thugs - busty anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4125, ID=26668 duration=(1615.04), Size=(124016427), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Maniacs Picked From The Road Bondage And Fucked Redhead - rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\DP\\Brazilian Redhead Raped By Thugs - busty anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26668 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Maniacs Picked From The Road Bondage And Fucked Redhead - rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1607;Set=772 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=817' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3730, ID=3730 duration=(1538.8), Size=(144726983), Res=(852 x 482) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\two women forcedsex by three boys - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-852x482P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\two women forcedsex by three boys - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-852x482P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3730, ID=26675 duration=(1556.38), Size=(141165637), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Women Forcedsex By Three Boys - very busty FFMMM, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\two women forcedsex by three boys - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-852x482P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26675 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two Women Forcedsex By Three Boys - very busty FFMMM for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1609;Set=773 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=818' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26681, ID=26681 duration=(2215), Size=(122348383), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26681, ID=26683 duration=(2215.02), Size=(122107538), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3-01 - anal ATM BBC FFM blonds skinny.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26683 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3-01 - anal ATM BBC FFM blonds skinny.mp4=441015 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3 - anal ATM FFM BBC-588x392P.mp4=441890' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Two sexy blondes fucked in the ass by a big black cock BMP-3-01 - anal ATM BBC FFM blonds skinny.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1611;Set=774 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=819' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31376, ID=31376 duration=(30.2), Size=(4890988), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lesbian Hardcore lesbian anal pounding in front of her girlf.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lesbian Hardcore lesbian anal pounding in front of her girlf.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31376, ID=26703 duration=(30.21), Size=(2911321), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une lesbienne d\xe9tenue, punition anale xHamster-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Lesbian Hardcore lesbian anal pounding in front of her girlf.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26703 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Une lesbienne d\xe9tenue, punition anale xHamster-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1613;Set=775 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=820' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26741, ID=26741 duration=(889.94), Size=(418520531), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26741, ID=26738 duration=(889.89), Size=(302782531), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal defloration!The most painful ANAL CREAMPIE E-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26738 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal defloration!The most painful ANAL CREAMPIE E-1920x1080P.mp4=2721977 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal deflorationThe most painful ANAL CREAMPIE Ever H-1920x1080P.mp4=3762230' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Very first anal defloration!The most painful ANAL CREAMPIE E-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1615;Set=776 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=821' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30382, ID=30382 duration=(557.74), Size=(30494117), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Virgin Anal Compilation-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Virgin Anal Compilation-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30382, ID=26758 duration=(557.76), Size=(22322701), Res=(426 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Anal Compilation, Free American Dad Anal Porn Video x.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Virgin Anal Compilation-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26758 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virgin Anal Compilation, Free American Dad Anal Porn Video x.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1617;Set=777 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=822' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26770, ID=26770 duration=(2451.79), Size=(1192231609), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - 3Way - DP petite very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - 3Way - DP petite very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26770, ID=26765 duration=(2451.88), Size=(423785543), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - Chess And Gape With Two Men - petite very skinny teen anal DP.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - 3Way - DP petite very skinny teen anal-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26765 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Virginy Lovely - Chess And Gape With Two Men - petite very skinny teen anal DP.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1619;Set=778 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=823' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26867, ID=26867 duration=(1050.08), Size=(126881730), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleepy teen getting butt banged by a dirty older man - - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1992, ID=1992 duration=(1050.28), Size=(55925868), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleepy teen getting butt banged by a dirty older man - - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleepy teen getting butt banged by a dirty older man - - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26867 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Watch Ugly grandpa fucks sleepy teen - Pov, Anal, Babe Porn - SpankBang-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1621;Set=779 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=824' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26914, ID=26914 duration=(2474.89), Size=(218974682), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Whitney - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Whitney - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26914, ID=28527 duration=(2474.9), Size=(98400677), Res=(346 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Whitney Wtbc Free Black Porn Video 60 - xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Whitney - WhiteTeensBlackCocks-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28527 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Whitney Wtbc Free Black Porn Video 60 - xHamster xHamster.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1623;Set=780 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=825' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4118, ID=4118 duration=(2671.43), Size=(199664273), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\g\\Women Captured And Used As Sex Slaves By Soldiers - rape asian-[Censor]-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 576x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=26940, ID=26940 duration=(2671.49), Size=(183236308), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Women Captured And Used As Sex Slaves By Soldiers - rape asian-[Censor]-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Women Captured And Used As Sex Slaves By Soldiers - rape asian-[Censor]-[Force]-[Wasted]-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Censored\\Raped and Wasted by Soldiers During War Time - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Censor]-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1625;Set=781 of 912;QtySkipForDel=19" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=28667, ID=28667 duration=(2736.04), Size=(559887470), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Yessica Bunny gets her first anal with Ed Junior's huge-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Yessica Bunny gets her first anal with Ed Junior's huge-854x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=28667, ID=26972 duration=(2736.18), Size=(465997656), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Yessica bunny gets her first anal with ed juniors huge cock ye (28 10 2020) - very skinny petite teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Yessica Bunny gets her first anal with Ed Junior's huge-854x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 26972 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Yessica bunny gets her first anal with ed juniors huge cock ye (28 10 2020) - very skinny petite teen anal ATM.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1627;Set=782 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=826' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27223, ID=27223 duration=(1317.08), Size=(226603551), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Youthful Adult Beauties Getting Sloppy Drillin Lucy Tyler, A-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Youthful Adult Beauties Getting Sloppy Drillin Lucy Tyler, A-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27223, ID=27054 duration=(1317.14), Size=(72160228), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Banana Tits - There are amateur and professional HD videos free porn movie \U0001f336\ufe0f.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Youthful Adult Beauties Getting Sloppy Drillin Lucy Tyler, A-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27054 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Banana Tits - There are amateur and professional HD videos free porn movie \U0001f336\ufe0f.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1629;Set=783 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=827' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27102, ID=27102 duration=(1289.48), Size=(144007065), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Latina]-[Teen]-640x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2709, ID=2709 duration=(1289.61), Size=(136922256), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Latina]-[Teen]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Forced MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Latina]-[Teen]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27102 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Latina tied and raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1631;Set=784 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=828' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2875, ID=2875 duration=(714.81), Size=(243551434), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\I fucked my drunk teen sister, she woke up and I cum in her pussy[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\I fucked my drunk teen sister, she woke up and I cum in her pussy[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2875, ID=27111 duration=(714.81), Size=(54015358), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Pussy Fucked and Creampied While She is Drunk - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\I fucked my drunk teen sister, she woke up and I cum in her pussy[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27111 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young Pussy Fucked and Creampied While She is Drunk - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1633;Set=785 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=829' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27181, ID=27181 duration=(1285.16), Size=(434280253), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young cute shows big gape and fisted - busty anal ATM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young cute shows big gape and fisted - busty anal ATM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27181, ID=28335 duration=(1285.21), Size=(205974723), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teenyplayground - Fisted Busty Teen Anal Fucked by Older Man-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young cute shows big gape and fisted - busty anal ATM-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28335 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teenyplayground - Fisted Busty Teen Anal Fucked by Older Man-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1635;Set=786 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=830' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27203, ID=27203 duration=(2231.62), Size=(210819519), Res=(738 x 554) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young unleashed sluts for a reverse gang bang Vol. 2 - XVIDE.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young unleashed sluts for a reverse gang bang Vol. 2 - XVIDE.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27203, ID=29804 duration=(2231.69), Size=(123638631), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Reverse gang bang for a lucky man - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\Young unleashed sluts for a reverse gang bang Vol. 2 - XVIDE.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29804 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Reverse gang bang for a lucky man - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1637;Set=787 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=831' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27292, ID=27292 duration=(2172.09), Size=(120437575), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27292, ID=30582 duration=(2172.1), Size=(119469203), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30582 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4=440013 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\g\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4=443582' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\redhead girl takes a big black cock in the ass interracial porn - XVIDEOSCOM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1639;Set=788 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=832' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3285, ID=3285 duration=(1312.58), Size=(69900511), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl gets hard cock - Porn300com - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl gets hard cock - Porn300com - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3285, ID=27300 duration=(1311.75), Size=(64873048), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Medical Fuckers - Medical Fuckers, Fetish, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Sleep]-480x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl gets hard cock - Porn300com - Forced_Rape-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27300 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Medical Fuckers - Medical Fuckers, Fetish, Blowjob Porn - SpankBang-[Force]-[Sleep]-480x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1641;Set=789 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=833' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28164, ID=28164 duration=(1150.18), Size=(189385882), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28164, ID=27319 duration=(1150.25), Size=(166198832), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Russ - Russian, Gangbang, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4127, ID=4127 duration=(1150.01), Size=(166144355), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4127, ID=3440 duration=(1150.16), Size=(144151688), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\The girl get Gang Rape - Bing video - Forced_Rape-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\HD\\Gangbang and anal rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28164 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Some Days Just Keep Getting Worse - anal rape-[Force]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1645;Set=790 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=834' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27319 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Russ - Russian, Gangbang, Fetish Porn - SpankBang-[Gang Bang]-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1645;Set=790 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=835' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\The girl get Gang Rape - Bing video - Forced_Rape-576x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1645;Set=790 of 912;QtySkipForDel=20" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27333, ID=27333 duration=(1235.56), Size=(131347738), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleep Assault Drugged Girl Archosavi MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1985, ID=1985 duration=(1234.76), Size=(93727015), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleep Assault Drugged Girl Archosavi MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Sleep Assault Drugged Girl Archosavi MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27333 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Watch Sleeping Teen Fucked - Pussy, Fucked, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1647;Set=791 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=836' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27403, ID=27403 duration=(1728.12), Size=(137429445), Res=(624 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl penetrated deep and fucked hard - PORNDROIDSCO - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3291, ID=3291 duration=(1728.21), Size=(91977337), Res=(528 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl penetrated deep and fucked hard - PORNDROIDSCO - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sleeping girl penetrated deep and fucked hard - PORNDROIDSCO - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27403 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Sleep Assault - Velicity Von -[Force]-624x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1649;Set=792 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=837' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=758, ID=758 duration=(1455.1), Size=(193472489), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Heidi.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Heidi.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=758, ID=27410 duration=(1455.2), Size=(164739945), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - rough anal sex and gape for skinny teen girl (Lana Conti) -[ATM]-[AssTeenMouth]-[Force]-[Tryteens]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\Tryteens - Heidi.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27410 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - rough anal sex and gape for skinny teen girl (Lana Conti) -[ATM]-[AssTeenMouth]-[Force]-[Tryteens]-720x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1651;Set=793 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=838' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=731, ID=731 duration=(2105.79), Size=(289528453), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Nika Bride- Anal For 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty With Perfec - teen anal cum in mouth.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Nika Bride- Anal For 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty With Perfec - teen anal cum in mouth.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=731, ID=27494 duration=(2105.54), Size=(151958608), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Anal for 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty Nika Bride with Perfect Natural Body, Gapes and Cum on Mouth \u2013 xxdbx-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Nika Bride- Anal For 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty With Perfec - teen anal cum in mouth.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27494 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\ - Anal for 18yo Schoolgirl Beauty Nika Bride with Perfect Natural Body, Gapes and Cum on Mouth \u2013 xxdbx-[Teen]-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1653;Set=794 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=839' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27542, ID=27542 duration=(766.76), Size=(48206362), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex fuck hard - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3623, ID=3623 duration=(766.68), Size=(44967604), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex fuck hard - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex fuck hard - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27542 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0411\u0435\u0448\u0435\u043d\u044b\u0439 \u043e\u0442\u0435\u0446 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043b \u0440\u044b\u0436\u0443\u044e \u0434\u043e\u0447\u044c-544x408P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1655;Set=795 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=840' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27559, ID=27559 duration=(1199.46), Size=(65829735), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0413\u0440\u0443\u043f\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0433\u0438-[Force]-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0413\u0440\u0443\u043f\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0433\u0438-[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27559, ID=30567 duration=(1199.33), Size=(45367112), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape fantasy rape section gri ret 007 -[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0413\u0440\u0443\u043f\u043f\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u0432 \u0442\u0443\u0430\u043b\u0435\u0442\u0435 \u043e\u0431\u0449\u0430\u0433\u0438-[Force]-554x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30567 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape fantasy rape section gri ret 007 -[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1657;Set=796 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=841' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2656, ID=2656 duration=(1517.31), Size=(118387772), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Dumb bitch gets used, abused and degraded MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Dumb bitch gets used, abused and degraded MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2656, ID=27578 duration=(1516.71), Size=(101041935), Res=(480 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0417\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b \u0436\u0435\u043d\u0443 \u0435\u0431\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0441 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f\u043c\u0438 wife forced to hard sex with husbands friend and enjoy it [\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u043a\u0438 \u0438\u043d\u0446\u0435\u0441\u0442 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043c\u0438\u043b\u0444 \u0444\u0443\u043b\u043b watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Dumb bitch gets used, abused and degraded MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27578 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\g\\\u0417\u0430\u0441\u0442\u0430\u0432\u0438\u043b \u0436\u0435\u043d\u0443 \u0435\u0431\u0430\u0442\u044c\u0441\u044f \u0441 \u0434\u0440\u0443\u0437\u044c\u044f\u043c\u0438 wife forced to hard sex with husbands friend and enjoy it [\u043f\u043e\u0440\u043d\u043e \u043c\u0430\u043c\u043a\u0438 \u0438\u043d\u0446\u0435\u0441\u0442 \u0441\u0435\u043a\u0441 \u043c\u0438\u043b\u0444 \u0444\u0443\u043b\u043b watch online.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1659;Set=797 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=842' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27651, ID=27651 duration=(467.03), Size=(69804985), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally for Cumshot, HD Porn 2e xHamster xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally for Cumshot, HD Porn 2e xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27651, ID=27648 duration=(467.13), Size=(62766172), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally For Cumshot - Lucie Wilde - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally for Cumshot, HD Porn 2e xHamster xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27648 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Buffy Fucked Anally For Cumshot - Lucie Wilde - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1661;Set=798 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=843' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27671, ID=27671 duration=(630.12), Size=(114443092), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Hot Blonde Fucked By Best Friend - XVIDEOS.COM-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Hot Blonde Fucked By Best Friend - XVIDEOS.COM-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27671, ID=29871 duration=(630.1), Size=(34461856), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Blondie Forced Fucked By Best Friend in short blue skirt on couch -[Busty]-536x428P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Busty Hot Blonde Fucked By Best Friend - XVIDEOS.COM-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29871 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sexy Blondie Forced Fucked By Best Friend in short blue skirt on couch -[Busty]-536x428P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1663;Set=799 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=844' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=27975, ID=27975 duration=(374.98), Size=(44875212), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BRUTAL RAPE, TORTURE, SNUFF VIDEO MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2383, ID=2383 duration=(374.92), Size=(24514288), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BRUTAL RAPE, TORTURE, SNUFF VIDEO MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BRUTAL RAPE, TORTURE, SNUFF VIDEO MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 27975 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Chaos (warning - extremely violent) - a guy cuts off girls tit.php-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1665;Set=800 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=845' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28042, ID=28042 duration=(2781.41), Size=(1219579426), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sarah Wants Him To Ring Her Bell - Sara Bell - skinny blond anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sarah Wants Him To Ring Her Bell - Sara Bell - skinny blond anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28042, ID=28208 duration=(2781.66), Size=(414717239), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Stunning Blonde Babe Sara Opens Her Backdoor For A Huge Black With Sara Bell And Freddy Gong - skinny petite 21Yo anal BBC-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sarah Wants Him To Ring Her Bell - Sara Bell - skinny blond anal ATM BBC-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28208 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Stunning Blonde Babe Sara Opens Her Backdoor For A Huge Black With Sara Bell And Freddy Gong - skinny petite 21Yo anal BBC-[ATM]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1667;Set=801 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=846' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28094, ID=28094 duration=(602.5), Size=(157255337), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28094, ID=29898 duration=(602.57), Size=(157105426), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Atm, Ava -[Anal]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29898 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Atm, Ava -[Anal]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4=2085790 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Anal 19Yo teen Ava Love-1920x1080P.mp4=2088051' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Atm, Ava -[Anal]-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1669;Set=802 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=847' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29722, ID=29722 duration=(1077.47), Size=(71450929), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape of a Japanese girl at the doctor 2021 Doktor Japon tecav\xfcz - DaftSex-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape of a Japanese girl at the doctor 2021 Doktor Japon tecav\xfcz - DaftSex-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29722, ID=28108 duration=(1076.48), Size=(59271621), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Japanese anal - Anal Planet-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape of a Japanese girl at the doctor 2021 Doktor Japon tecav\xfcz - DaftSex-[Anal]-[Force]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28108 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Skinny Japanese anal - Anal Planet-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1671;Set=803 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=848' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2701, ID=2701 duration=(1387.5), Size=(471392783), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\FULL Drunken passed out young niece gets a creampie -[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\FULL Drunken passed out young niece gets a creampie -[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2701, ID=28142 duration=(1387.49), Size=(106385560), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sleeping Girl Wakes Up When She is Fucked by Her Daddy - rape-[Force]-[Passed Out]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\FULL Drunken passed out young niece gets a creampie -[1080, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28142 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Sleeping Girl Wakes Up When She is Fucked by Her Daddy - rape-[Force]-[Passed Out]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1673;Set=804 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=849' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28260, ID=28260 duration=(2684.4), Size=(640159056), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28260, ID=28157 duration=(2684.6), Size=(367168919), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Slim Slam! - Rosa Mentoni anal very skinny-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28157 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Slim Slam! - Rosa Mentoni anal very skinny-1280x720P.mp4=1094149 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\h\\Tattooed Rosa Mentoni handjob on sofa \u2014 very skinny teen anal ATM.mp4=1907790' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Slim Slam! - Rosa Mentoni anal very skinny-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1675;Set=805 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=850' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3583, ID=3583 duration=(1047.36), Size=(104638762), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\asian schoolgirl rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\asian schoolgirl rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3583, ID=28311 duration=(1047.28), Size=(90873958), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Molested On The Way To School-[Asian]-[Force]-576x324P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\asian schoolgirl rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28311 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Teen Molested On The Way To School-[Asian]-[Force]-576x324P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1677;Set=806 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=851' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28382, ID=28382 duration=(402.08), Size=(188927012), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief in the house - LifeSelector - anal forced rape girl in red dress.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief in the house - LifeSelector - anal forced rape girl in red dress.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28382, ID=28378 duration=(402.2), Size=(37242007), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief In The House... - Roxy Bell - rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief in the house - LifeSelector - anal forced rape girl in red dress.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28378 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\Thief In The House... - Roxy Bell - rape-[Force]-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1679;Set=807 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=852' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28483, ID=28483 duration=(2710.37), Size=(916459478), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\WHITE SKINNY MILF GET ANAL FROM BIG BLACK COCK - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\WHITE SKINNY MILF GET ANAL FROM BIG BLACK COCK - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28483, ID=28504 duration=(2710.63), Size=(427572262), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Skinny Milf Get Anal From Big Black Cock, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\WHITE SKINNY MILF GET ANAL FROM BIG BLACK COCK - XVIDEOS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28504 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\White Skinny Milf Get Anal From Big Black Cock for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1681;Set=808 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=853' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=28749, ID=28749 duration=(1573.24), Size=(239449631), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Geri-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=246, ID=246 duration=(1573.52), Size=(100412707), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Geri-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Geri-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28749 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\xhamster.comvideosass-to-mouth-teen-18Yo-first-anal-fuck-extreme-hardcore-xh8X7fU-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1683;Set=809 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=854' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3821, ID=3821 duration=(1554.96), Size=(131838919), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Snatched and raped at gunpoint MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Snatched and raped at gunpoint MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3821, ID=28934 duration=(1554.98), Size=(84936211), Res=(588 x 392) Name=B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0438\u043b \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u0443\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0437\u043e\u0439 \u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u044f-[Force]-588x392P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Snatched and raped at gunpoint MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 28934 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\h\\\u0421\u043e\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0448\u0438\u043b \u0430\u043d\u0430\u043b\u044c\u043d\u043e\u0435 \u0438\u0437\u043d\u0430\u0441\u0438\u043b\u043e\u0432\u0430\u043d\u0438\u0435 \u043f\u043e\u0434 \u0443\u0433\u0440\u043e\u0437\u043e\u0439 \u043e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0438\u044f-[Force]-588x392P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1685;Set=810 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=855' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29306, ID=29306 duration=(1839.4), Size=(189484011), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\9cc6c195138dc554 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5683, ID=5683 duration=(1839.4), Size=(102524609), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\9cc6c195138dc554 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\9cc6c195138dc554 - XVIDEOS.COM-[Force]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29306 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-24-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1687;Set=811 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=856' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29685, ID=29685 duration=(2523.86), Size=(289679116), Res=(692 x 452) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-26.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 692x452 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29311, ID=29311 duration=(2523.85), Size=(263239087), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-26.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Girls forced to have a sex MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-26.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29685 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape 87 Re1 - Bing video - Forced Rape-692x452P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1689;Set=812 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=857' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29341, ID=29341 duration=(332.25), Size=(46042595), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced in bedroom free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3615, ID=3615 duration=(332.54), Size=(21700271), Res=(480 x 270) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced in bedroom free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced in bedroom free HD Porn Video - SpankBang The Front Page - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29341 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Goldilocks - Intruder Forces Rough Fucking And Creampie - EPORNER-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1691;Set=813 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=858' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29522, ID=29522 duration=(3444.82), Size=(498376206), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gonzo Anal Debut With Hazel Moore[BBC]-[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29350, ID=29350 duration=(3445.01), Size=(461206078), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gonzo Anal Debut With Hazel Moore[BBC]-[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Gonzo Anal Debut With Hazel Moore[BBC]-[Deepthroat]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29522 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Private hazel moore, gonzo anal debut anal , interracial, bbc, teen , blowjob, deep throat, doggystyle, facial, gonzo-[Deepthroat]-852x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1693;Set=814 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=859' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29553, ID=29553 duration=(807.64), Size=(73912913), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\PST-After school Menace MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29394, ID=29394 duration=(807.6), Size=(59553294), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\PST-After school Menace MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\PST-After school Menace MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29553 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Psycho-Thrillers After School Menace - Sasha Grey - RapeLust-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1695;Set=815 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=860' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29407, ID=29407 duration=(1523.61), Size=(515514648), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails - teen ATM Oral Cumshot, European Slut.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=684, ID=684 duration=(1523.6), Size=(515422346), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails - teen ATM Oral Cumshot, European Slut.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails - teen ATM Oral Cumshot, European Slut.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29407 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Pretty Brunette Anal Teen Slut in Mini Skirt & Pigtails. Ski-[Miniskirt ]-1920x1080P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1697;Set=816 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=861' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29440, ID=29440 duration=(310.32), Size=(32005702), Res=(524 x 420) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Female Prisoners - Raped By the Guards MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 524x420 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2185, ID=2185 duration=(310.32), Size=(26212755), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Female Prisoners - Raped By the Guards MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Female Prisoners - Raped By the Guards MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29440 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Prisons Tres Speciales Pour Femme 1982 - rape-[Force]-524x420P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1699;Set=817 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=862' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30615, ID=30615 duration=(1014.07), Size=(126417122), Res=(638 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch DIRTY SEX - Pervert, Dirty Sexy, Anal Porn - SpankBang.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch DIRTY SEX - Pervert, Dirty Sexy, Anal Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30615, ID=29536 duration=(1014.1), Size=(56137550), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Proper ladies fallen into bad and dirty traps Vol. 13 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch DIRTY SEX - Pervert, Dirty Sexy, Anal Porn - SpankBang.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29536 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Proper ladies fallen into bad and dirty traps Vol. 13 - XVIDEOS.COM-554x416P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1701;Set=818 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=863' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30289, ID=30289 duration=(746.18), Size=(103916912), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen with Puffy Nipples Wants to Fuck Really Hard Porn ca xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen with Puffy Nipples Wants to Fuck Really Hard Porn ca xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30289, ID=29583 duration=(746.34), Size=(69095352), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puffy nipples doing solo dildo live streaming-1188x668P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen with Puffy Nipples Wants to Fuck Really Hard Porn ca xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29583 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Puffy nipples doing solo dildo live streaming-1188x668P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1703;Set=819 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=864' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29637, ID=29637 duration=(2398.18), Size=(414264570), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (new teen hard fucked in the ass anal gape big natural tits cute face 049) [2021, anal,natural tits,teen, 720p] watch online.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (new teen hard fucked in the ass anal gape big natural tits cute face 049) [2021, anal,natural tits,teen, 720p] watch online.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29637, ID=30390 duration=(2398.18), Size=(282203122), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal Defloration- Galinka Nagymellu Losing Her Anal Virginit _ Anal - T15-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Queenlin (new teen hard fucked in the ass anal gape big natural tits cute face 049) [2021, anal,natural tits,teen, 720p] watch online.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30390 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal Defloration- Galinka Nagymellu Losing Her Anal Virginit _ Anal - T15-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1705;Set=820 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=865' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2249, ID=2249 duration=(1768.1), Size=(136572381), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Fantasy - Biker Girl Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 448x336' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29683, ID=29683 duration=(1768.48), Size=(97193602), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Fantasy - Biker Girl Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rape Fantasy - Biker Girl Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Force]-[Teen]-448x336P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Russian Teen Raped By Two Biker Guys - Rape Fantasy - Bing video-1 - Forced Rape-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1707;Set=821 of 912;QtySkipForDel=21" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1705, ID=1705 duration=(1196.1), Size=(138646319), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2193, ID=2193 duration=(1196.18), Size=(103810926), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2193, ID=29745 duration=(1195.84), Size=(57041065), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection hard anal drink russian blonde watch online-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Forced anal girl in white shirt on coach - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA gri-ret-003-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1710;Set=822 of 912;QtySkipForDel=22" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29745 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection hard anal drink russian blonde watch online-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1710;Set=822 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=866' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29752, ID=29752 duration=(1166.6), Size=(102479481), Res=(640 x 460) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ania forcedsex fucked - XVIDEOSCOM[406, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-542x406P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2360, ID=2360 duration=(1167.46), Size=(68856805), Res=(542 x 406) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ania forcedsex fucked - XVIDEOSCOM[406, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-542x406P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Ania forcedsex fucked - XVIDEOSCOM[406, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-542x406P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29752 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Rapesection red hair watch online-640x460P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1712;Set=823 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=867' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3151, ID=3151 duration=(630.06), Size=(59213211), Res=(716 x 572) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Redhead Stepsister Forced In A Threesome - XNXXCOM[572, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Redhead Stepsister Forced In A Threesome - XNXXCOM[572, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3151, ID=29794 duration=(630.08), Size=(47076491), Res=(482 x 384) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Redhead Sister In A Threesome Forced Sex Orgy - rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Redhead Stepsister Forced In A Threesome - XNXXCOM[572, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-716x572P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29794 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Redhead Sister In A Threesome Forced Sex Orgy - rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1714;Set=824 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=868' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29852, ID=29852 duration=(2454.5), Size=(1569940475), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruz - Samantha Cruuz - very busty anal ebony latina.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruz - Samantha Cruuz - very busty anal ebony latina.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29852, ID=29840 duration=(2454.5), Size=(567286406), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruuz Anal Sex - very busty anal ebony-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruz - Samantha Cruuz - very busty anal ebony latina.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29840 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Samantha Cruuz Anal Sex - very busty anal ebony-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1716;Set=825 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=869' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29859, ID=29859 duration=(5551.6), Size=(848269685), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) (uncut-92 minutes) (1985 [LA]) - very busty rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) (uncut-92 minutes) (1985 [LA]) - very busty rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29859, ID=29851 duration=(5551.68), Size=(221337148), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) uncut - very busty rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) (uncut-92 minutes) (1985 [LA]) - very busty rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29851 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) uncut - very busty rape-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1718;Set=826 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=870' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29855, ID=29855 duration=(5212.3), Size=(416749571), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury full movie Christy Canyon - Tnaflix com-638x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury full movie Christy Canyon - Tnaflix com-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29855, ID=29849 duration=(5212.33), Size=(270274036), Res=(480 x 370) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) full movie - very busty rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury full movie Christy Canyon - Tnaflix com-638x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29849 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Savage Fury (1985) full movie - very busty rape.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1720;Set=827 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=871' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29883, ID=29883 duration=(1499.87), Size=(135000409), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Sharking Public Violations Of Japanese Girls In Park -[Asian]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4349, ID=4349 duration=(1500.03), Size=(117562940), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Sharking Public Violations Of Japanese Girls In Park -[Asian]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Sharking Public Violations Of Japanese Girls In Park -[Asian]-[Force]-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 29883 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sharking - Asian Girls Overpowered And Stripped Naked-576x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1722;Set=828 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=872' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3185, ID=3185 duration=(1137.32), Size=(149609641), Res=(520 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv=wmv3:Rank=40 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4=h264:Rank=9' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv with B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: wmv3, 1052367, 30 : h264, 951521, 30' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29917, ID=29917 duration=(1136.89), Size=(135221604), Res=(520 x 416) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Skinny Teen Fucked By Russian Man - RapeLust-[Force]-520x416P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Russian Rape 2 - Forced Rape-520x416P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1724;Set=829 of 912;QtySkipForDel=23" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=29967, ID=29967 duration=(1824.44), Size=(312893129), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sophia sterling - anal ATM blond-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sophia sterling - anal ATM blond-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=29967, ID=30477 duration=(1824.37), Size=(130061192), Res=(636 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Drilling Maia Little's Bunghole \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Sophia sterling - anal ATM blond-852x480P.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30477 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: "Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Drilling Maia Little's Bunghole \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-[Anal]-636x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1726;Set=830 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=873" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30163, ID=30163 duration=(3211.44), Size=(2025953306), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Ass Vs BBC = Teen Ass Destroyed - Rosalyn Sphinx - skinny anal teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Ass Vs BBC = Teen Ass Destroyed - Rosalyn Sphinx - skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30163, ID=31564 duration=(3211.46), Size=(901117907), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Ros@lyn.5phinx.First.BBC.Anal - Ir, Bbc, Anal Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen Ass Vs BBC = Teen Ass Destroyed - Rosalyn Sphinx - skinny anal teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31564 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Ros@lyn.5phinx.First.BBC.Anal - Ir, Bbc, Anal Porn - S-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1728;Set=831 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=874' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30244, ID=30244 duration=(666.97), Size=(75120526), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Painal\\Crying Anal, Unwanted Anal - for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5110, ID=5110 duration=(667.11), Size=(26531882), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Painal\\Crying Anal, Unwanted Anal -, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Painal\\Crying Anal, Unwanted Anal -' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30244 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen bitches forcefucked all fuckholes used MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1730;Set=832 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=875' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30288, ID=30288 duration=(1242.74), Size=(130411907), Res=(656 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Forced In A Black Miniskirt - XVIDEOSCOM[428, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3352, ID=3352 duration=(1242.66), Size=(68428623), Res=(536 x 428) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Forced In A Black Miniskirt - XVIDEOSCOM[428, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Forced In A Black Miniskirt - XVIDEOSCOM[428, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30288 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\Teen taped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1-656x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1732;Set=833 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=876' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30447, ID=30447 duration=(3158.22), Size=(374790150), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30447, ID=30444 duration=(3158.22), Size=(330781410), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 ( The Last Of Us ) - Animated Video Porn Ep.3 _ Hentai - W91-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30444 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:402] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHighBitRate=True] Better bit rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 ( The Last Of Us ) - Animated Video Porn Ep.3 _ Hentai - W91-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4=837892 v.s. B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 - Last Of Us - Part 3 _ Hentai - S72-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4=949369' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Sarah 2 ( The Last Of Us ) - Animated Video Porn Ep.3 _ Hentai - W91-[Anal]-[Force]-[Petite]-[Teen]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1734;Set=834 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=877' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=915, ID=915 duration=(3169.11), Size=(663107091), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Angelique 25Yo - brunette anal ATM open legs upskirt.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Angelique 25Yo - brunette anal ATM open legs upskirt.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=915, ID=30467 duration=(3169.13), Size=(198256692), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - ANAL ANGEL \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Angelique 25Yo - brunette anal ATM open legs upskirt.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30467 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - ANAL ANGEL \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1736;Set=835 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=878' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5480, ID=5480 duration=(1319.82), Size=(760408354), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA v72167 - Netta.a2m.anal-[ATM]-1280x720P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA v72167 - Netta.a2m.anal-[ATM]-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5480, ID=30468 duration=(1319.87), Size=(119498158), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal teen angel Netta \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA v72167 - Netta.a2m.anal-[ATM]-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30468 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Anal teen angel Netta \u2013 PornXP-[ATM]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1738;Set=836 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=879' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1564, ID=1564 duration=(1964.17), Size=(285318775), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\CzechCasting\\Czech Casting denisa (6796) czech casting - busty anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\CzechCasting\\Czech Casting denisa (6796) czech casting - busty anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1564, ID=30476 duration=(1964), Size=(107813171), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Denisa \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\CzechCasting\\Czech Casting denisa (6796) czech casting - busty anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30476 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Denisa \u2013 PornXP-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1740;Set=837 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=880' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30544, ID=30544 duration=(1610.1), Size=(155247124), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:412] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo]:[favorHigherFrameRate=True] Better frame rate. B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17.mp4=20 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17-[Force, Swallow].mp4=25' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17-[Force, Swallow].mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 771366, 20 : h264, 737262, 25' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=32003, ID=32003 duration=(1609.89), Size=(148363536), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17-[Force, Swallow].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17-[Force, Swallow].mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30544 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-17.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1742;Set=838 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=881' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30568, ID=30568 duration=(2980.45), Size=(301760430), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-4-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-4-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-4-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Forced, Whipped and Spanked by Two Guys after Shower - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2442, ID=2442 duration=(2980.24), Size=(176086112), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Forced, Whipped and Spanked by Two Guys after Shower - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde Forced, Whipped and Spanked by Two Guys after Shower - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30568 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\rape collection - LuxureTV-4-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1744;Set=839 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=882' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30599, ID=30599 duration=(2626.6), Size=(354509658), Res=(660 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucking My sweet gf While Shes Sleeping - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2755, ID=2755 duration=(2626.56), Size=(144933404), Res=(562 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucking My sweet gf While Shes Sleeping - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucking My sweet gf While Shes Sleeping - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30599 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch 222223 - Milf, Hardcore Porn - SpankBang-660x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1746;Set=840 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=883' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30598, ID=30598 duration=(1328.09), Size=(214332774), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen Brutally Fucked In Abandoned Building - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2257, ID=2257 duration=(1327.93), Size=(107435302), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen Brutally Fucked In Abandoned Building - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Teen Brutally Fucked In Abandoned Building - Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 30598 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\j\\ - Watch A dangerous stroll - Blowjob, Tall Girl, Blonde Porn - SpankBang-640x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1748;Set=841 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=884' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31749, ID=31749 duration=(3005.3), Size=(420156364), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4 with B:\\V\\V\\k\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 548x418' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=30667, ID=30667 duration=(3005.29), Size=(166252226), Res=(548 x 418) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31749 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\m\\!!! AAA Nice boobs in green dress convert2 - Big Tits.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1750;Set=842 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=885' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1164, ID=1164 duration=(2330.2), Size=(312770323), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Katrina-1 25Yo - brunette anal real painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Katrina-1 25Yo - brunette anal real painal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1164, ID=31030 duration=(2330.28), Size=(271582373), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Katrina watch online-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Katrina-1 25Yo - brunette anal real painal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31030 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Katrina watch online-854x480P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1752;Set=843 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=886' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1544, ID=1544 duration=(1747.07), Size=(185965898), Res=(704 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Latifa Miller.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Latifa Miller.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1544, ID=31255 duration=(1746.33), Size=(96809999), Res=(556 x 414) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latifa Casting - XVIDEOS.COM-556x414P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Latifa Miller.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31255 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latifa Casting - XVIDEOS.COM-556x414P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1754;Set=844 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=887' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31300, ID=31300 duration=(3676.07), Size=(1888920413), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latina Anal Creampie - Luna Mills - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latina Anal Creampie - Luna Mills - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31300, ID=31433 duration=(3676.27), Size=(634138131), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills In 19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched To The Max-[Latina]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Latina Anal Creampie - Luna Mills - EPORNER-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31433 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Luna Mills In 19 Yo Asian Anal Princess Stretched To The Max-[Latina]-[Teen]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1756;Set=845 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=888' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1782, ID=1782 duration=(1431.58), Size=(157581332), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Casting Latina Painful 1st Anal With Tears - Video - Free Porn Videos - - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Casting Latina Painful 1st Anal With Tears - Video - Free Porn Videos - - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1782, ID=31431 duration=(1431.38), Size=(108058432), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Nataly Lopez Anal Hurts Teen - W51 - XFREEHD-[Casting]-[Force]-[Latina]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Casting Latina Painful 1st Anal With Tears - Video - Free Porn Videos - - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31431 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Nataly Lopez Anal Hurts Teen - W51 - XFREEHD-[Casting]-[Force]-[Latina]-640x360P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1758;Set=846 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=889' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31503, ID=31503 duration=(1133.09), Size=(233418694), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA CuteTeen DeepThroated and AssFucked-[ATM]-[Anal]-320x240P.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=not whitelist vs whitelist' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5316, ID=5316 duration=(1132.96), Size=(69467421), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA CuteTeen DeepThroated and AssFucked-[ATM]-[Anal]-320x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!! AAA CuteTeen DeepThroated and AssFucked-[ATM]-[Anal]-320x240P.flv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31503 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\k\\Watch Gorgeous Teen Deep Throat And Anal - Deep Anal To Deep Throat, Anal, ATM- SpankBang-[Deepthroat]-1280x720P.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1760;Set=847 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=890' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3374, ID=3374 duration=(1271.8), Size=(98443721), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3374, ID=31907 duration=(1271.95), Size=(82384548), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection - LuxureTV-50-768x432P-[Force].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Anal]-[Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31907 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\V\\testdup\\rape collection - LuxureTV-50-768x432P-[Force].mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1762;Set=848 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=891' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31933, ID=31933 duration=(58.29), Size=(9644314), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4=h264:Rank=9 v.s. B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm=vp9:Rank=8' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4 with B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: h264, 1323595, 29.95 : vp9, 796237, 29.97' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=31934, ID=31934 duration=(58.27), Size=(5799100), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm, KeepPath=B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova Breasts, Butt Scene in Thursday - very skinny celeb.webm' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1010] DBG: 'Adding scene 31933 to HTML report.' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1055] INF: 'Tagging duplicate B:\\V\\celeb\\_Vid_\\Paulina Porizkova in Thursday (1998) - very skinny celeb.mp4 for deletion;AddTag=0;Qty=1764;Set=849 of 912;NewlyTag=0;isTag=892' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=90, ID=90 duration=(2602.8), Size=(453111161), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4 with B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #10 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM-640x360P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=not ExcludeTag vs ExcludeTag' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5123, ID=5123 duration=(2602.57), Size=(247282305), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #10 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #10 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\BRCC #6 Ashlee 18Yo - teen brunette very busty anal real painal ATM.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1766;Set=850 of 912;QtySkipForDel=24" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3895, ID=3895 duration=(912.16), Size=(48670148), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\anal fuck cry forced screaming MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - real painal rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 576x432 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=102, ID=102 duration=(912.17), Size=(46810186), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\anal fuck cry forced screaming MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - real painal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Painal\\_AAA\\anal fuck cry forced screaming MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - real painal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Rape - Bing video-[Force]-576x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1768;Set=851 of 912;QtySkipForDel=25" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=129, ID=129 duration=(2876.2), Size=(355148466), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC #35 Ava-4 aka Ava Eden 23Yo - brunette anal ATM real painal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC #35 Ava-4 aka Ava Eden 23Yo - brunette anal ATM real painal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=129, ID=5124 duration=(2876.21), Size=(264525791), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #13 Ava Eden - brunette anal ATM real painal-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC #35 Ava-4 aka Ava Eden 23Yo - brunette anal ATM real painal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\BrccTestMerge\\BRCC #13 Ava Eden - brunette anal ATM real painal-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1770;Set=852 of 912;QtySkipForDel=26" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1488, ID=1488 duration=(3143.83), Size=(399967391), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde HD.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde HD.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1488, ID=157 duration=(3143.85), Size=(290523260), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde HD.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\RealPain\\BRCC\\BRCC Victoria-5 (Alicia Williams) 18Yo - real painal anal very skinny teen blonde.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1772;Set=853 of 912;QtySkipForDel=27" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=220, ID=220 duration=(1378.48), Size=(226042809), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=220, ID=746 duration=(1378.78), Size=(81814342), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top.old - busty - deleteme - Copy.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\TryTeens\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Autumn - Purple Top.old - busty - deleteme - Copy.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1774;Set=854 of 912;QtySkipForDel=28" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=229, ID=229 duration=(1509.48), Size=(293328050), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Temptation.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 1280x720' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=314, ID=314 duration=(1509.67), Size=(196775206), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Temptation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Temptation.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Cassie-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1776;Set=855 of 912;QtySkipForDel=29" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2079, ID=2079 duration=(1707.75), Size=(391402679), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\guy with big by a dick girl fucks mercilessly anal but she screams - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\guy with big by a dick girl fucks mercilessly anal but she screams - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2079, ID=271 duration=(1708.8), Size=(296231155), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kenzie - painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\guy with big by a dick girl fucks mercilessly anal but she screams - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kenzie - painal-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1778;Set=856 of 912;QtySkipForDel=30" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=330, ID=330 duration=(1857.77), Size=(533509393), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=330, ID=272 duration=(1857.74), Size=(307709615), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kimberly - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - zzz - Unknown_ - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\AssTeenMouth\\AssTeenMouth - Kimberly - busty-[ATM]-[Anal]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1780;Set=857 of 912;QtySkipForDel=31" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=632, ID=632 duration=(2891.26), Size=(1847554421), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\EURO PISS SLUTS FUCKED IN THE ASS - Hot Pearl - teen very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\EURO PISS SLUTS FUCKED IN THE ASS - Hot Pearl - teen very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=632, ID=623 duration=(2891.27), Size=(498842981), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Hot pearl + anastasia mistress - skinny teen anal ATM FFM-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\EURO PISS SLUTS FUCKED IN THE ASS - Hot Pearl - teen very skinny anal ATM FFM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\ATM\\FFM\\Hot pearl + anastasia mistress - skinny teen anal ATM FFM-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1782;Set=858 of 912;QtySkipForDel=32" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=737, ID=737 duration=(1823.9), Size=(586589244), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Lovely Blonde Girl With Hard Dick In Ass - Joleyn Burst - puffy nipple busty teen anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Lovely Blonde Girl With Hard Dick In Ass - Joleyn Burst - puffy nipple busty teen anal.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: "KeepID=737, ID=7819 duration=(1823.81), Size=(60088085), Res=(450 x 238) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\What's Her name-450x238P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Anal\\Teen\\CumInMouth\\Lovely Blonde Girl With Hard Dick In Ass - Joleyn Burst - puffy nipple busty teen anal.mp4" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\What's Her name-450x238P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1784;Set=859 of 912;QtySkipForDel=33" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=818, ID=818 duration=(1798.12), Size=(304338253), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Desperate_Black_Beauty_Does_Her_Best_To_Please_Her_Producer_-[Ebony]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Desperate_Black_Beauty_Does_Her_Best_To_Please_Her_Producer_-[Ebony]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=818, ID=809 duration=(1798.41), Size=(235397384), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\African casting candy watch online-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Desperate_Black_Beauty_Does_Her_Best_To_Please_Her_Producer_-[Ebony]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\African casting candy watch online-[Ebony]-854x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1786;Set=860 of 912;QtySkipForDel=34" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=863, ID=863 duration=(4463.49), Size=(419650027), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Anal African Casting - Bing video.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x360 < 720x480' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=820, ID=820 duration=(4463.8), Size=(410547202), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Anal African Casting - Bing video.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Anal African Casting - Bing video.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\africancasting.20.03.11.clarissa.mp4-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1788;Set=861 of 912;QtySkipForDel=35" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=828, ID=828 duration=(1890.48), Size=(241511913), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\Watch African Casting Lola - Anal, Ebony, Casting Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 852x480 < 854x480' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=849, ID=849 duration=(1890.28), Size=(241397991), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\Watch African Casting Lola - Anal, Ebony, Casting Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\Watch African Casting Lola - Anal, Ebony, Casting Porn - SpankBang-[Skinny]-[Very Skinny]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\AfricanCasting\\AfricanCasting - Lola - very skinny ebony anal-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1790;Set=862 of 912;QtySkipForDel=36" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=871, ID=871 duration=(1782.87), Size=(333869621), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina - 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana(full).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina - 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana(full).mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=871, ID=869 duration=(1782.72), Size=(89393325), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina - 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana(full).mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alaina 22Yo - blond fake boobs noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1792;Set=863 of 912;QtySkipForDel=37" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=910, ID=910 duration=(4020.27), Size=(2363478922), Res=(1920 x 1080) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha - 19Yo brunette skinny ebony teen anal ATM painal(full)-[Casting]-1920x1080P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha - 19Yo brunette skinny ebony teen anal ATM painal(full)-[Casting]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=910, ID=891 duration=(4020.27), Size=(982092101), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha 19Yo - busty ebony skinny teen brunette anal real painal ATM full HD.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha - 19Yo brunette skinny ebony teen anal ATM painal(full)-[Casting]-1920x1080P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Alisha 19Yo - busty ebony skinny teen brunette anal real painal ATM full HD.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1794;Set=864 of 912;QtySkipForDel=38" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1014, ID=1014 duration=(2648.03), Size=(301230607), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Cheri - brunette noana(full)-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Cheri - brunette noana(full)-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1014, ID=1422 duration=(2648.35), Size=(267152606), Res=(1188 x 668) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Stella-1 20Yo - brunette noana.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Cheri - brunette noana(full)-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Stella-1 20Yo - brunette noana.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1796;Set=865 of 912;QtySkipForDel=39" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1165, ID=1165 duration=(1977.27), Size=(121980965), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Kayla 18Yo - brunette teen noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Kayla 18Yo - brunette teen noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1165, ID=1450 duration=(1977.44), Size=(54949260), Res=(444 x 250) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Tayla - 18Yo - brunette busty teen noana(full).mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Kayla 18Yo - brunette teen noana-[Casting]-[No A_n_a_l]-640x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Tayla - 18Yo - brunette busty teen noana(full).mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1798;Set=866 of 912;QtySkipForDel=40" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1240, ID=1240 duration=(4763.99), Size=(891700843), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddy 21Yo - blond anal ATM painal puffy nipples-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddy 21Yo - blond anal ATM painal puffy nipples-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1240, ID=1237 duration=(4764.03), Size=(590391930), Res=(720 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddie-0 21Yo blond anal painal ATM(full)-[Casting]-[Puffy Nipples]-720x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddy 21Yo - blond anal ATM painal puffy nipples-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Maddie-0 21Yo blond anal painal ATM(full)-[Casting]-[Puffy Nipples]-720x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1800;Set=867 of 912;QtySkipForDel=41" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1348, ID=1348 duration=(2894.87), Size=(597449344), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19Yo - brunette very busty teen anal ATM painal-[Casting]-[Real Painal]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19Yo - brunette very busty teen anal ATM painal-[Casting]-[Real Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1348, ID=1342 duration=(2894.63), Size=(123454542), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19yo - brunette teen busty anal real painal ATM-[Casting]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19Yo - brunette very busty teen anal ATM painal-[Casting]-[Real Painal]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC Rebecca-3 19yo - brunette teen busty anal real painal ATM-[Casting]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1802;Set=868 of 912;QtySkipForDel=42" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1507, ID=1507 duration=(948.37), Size=(237906682), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### Anal chair compilation-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### Anal chair compilation-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1507, ID=1511 duration=(948.53), Size=(124475883), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### compilation - painful anal painal BRCC compilation.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### Anal chair compilation-[Casting]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BRCC\\BRCC_### compilation - painful anal painal BRCC compilation.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1804;Set=869 of 912;QtySkipForDel=43" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1541, ID=1541 duration=(2501.72), Size=(158608603), Res=(638 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1541, ID=1538 duration=(2501.56), Size=(138059694), Res=(580 x 396) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage]-580x396P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Alexis - 19Yo teen-638x360P-[Vintage]-580x396P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1806;Set=870 of 912;QtySkipForDel=44" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1546, ID=1546 duration=(1828.44), Size=(132206368), Res=(488 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4 with B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage]-558x410P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 488x360 < 558x410' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1545, ID=1545 duration=(1828.41), Size=(100793583), Res=(558 x 410) Name=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage]-558x410P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage]-558x410P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Casting\\BackroomFacialsCasting\\BackroomFacials Casting - Rebeca-488x360P-[Vintage].mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1808;Set=871 of 912;QtySkipForDel=45" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1693, ID=1693 duration=(1279.28), Size=(148999393), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 4 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1736, ID=1736 duration=(1279.28), Size=(146162589), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 4 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 4 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-030-wmv-high_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1810;Set=872 of 912;QtySkipForDel=46" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1700, ID=1700 duration=(1184), Size=(137910049), Res=(400 x 300) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Abducted and raped teen - MOTHERLESSCOM - anal rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 400x300 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2333, ID=2333 duration=(1184.01), Size=(124076457), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Abducted and raped teen - MOTHERLESSCOM - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Abducted and raped teen - MOTHERLESSCOM - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA bat-rea-042-wmv-high_01.anal - Forced_Anal_Rape-400x300P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1812;Set=873 of 912;QtySkipForDel=47" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1707, ID=1707 duration=(970.96), Size=(161635091), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 8 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 640x480 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1740, ID=1740 duration=(970.96), Size=(119493804), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 8 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Anal Rape Fantasy 8 MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAA ero-rea-016-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1814;Set=874 of 912;QtySkipForDel=48" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1717, ID=1717 duration=(1187.36), Size=(197939557), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAB bat-rea-026-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAB bat-rea-026-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1717, ID=2250 duration=(1184.25), Size=(80750558), Res=(560 x 384) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Step Brother Brutally Anal Rapes His Crying Teen Step Sister - Incest Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\!!! AAB bat-rea-026-wmv-xl_01.anal.force - Forced_Anal_Rape-640x480P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Step Brother Brutally Anal Rapes His Crying Teen Step Sister - Incest Rape Fantasy - Bing video - Forced Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1816;Set=875 of 912;QtySkipForDel=49" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1819, ID=1819 duration=(461.57), Size=(35015435), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2127, ID=2127 duration=(461.59), Size=(18371301), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\First Time Anal Can be Painful Little Compilation 2013 - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1818;Set=876 of 912;QtySkipForDel=50" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1891, ID=1891 duration=(1262.16), Size=(89418872), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice hard anal rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice hard anal rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1891, ID=4006 duration=(1262.12), Size=(71141082), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Total rape scene - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-[Force]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Nice hard anal rape MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Total rape scene - MOTHERLESS.COM(1)-[Force]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1820;Set=877 of 912;QtySkipForDel=51" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1930, ID=1930 duration=(545.23), Size=(39561106), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal Collection MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 320x240 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2134, ID=2134 duration=(545.28), Size=(38162850), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal Collection MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Painal\\Painal Collection MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122-[Anal]-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Really Painful Anal Free New Anal Porn Video 85 - xHamster[240, Mp4] - Forced_Anal_Rape-320x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1822;Set=878 of 912;QtySkipForDel=52" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3620, ID=3620 duration=(242.58), Size=(13400640), Res=(548 x 420) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Retarded Girl [] Raped & Sodomized MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 548x420 < 768x432' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1934, ID=1934 duration=(242.52), Size=(6418100), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Retarded Girl [] Raped & Sodomized MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Retarded Girl [] Raped & Sodomized MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Anal_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\forced sex with Retarded Daughter - XVIDEOSCOM[420, Mp4] - Forced_Rape-548x420P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1824;Set=879 of 912;QtySkipForDel=53" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1945, ID=1945 duration=(1547.28), Size=(591476174), Res=(900 x 488) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Johanna - (!!! AAA rhu_johanna.a2m.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-900x488P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Johanna - (!!! AAA rhu_johanna.a2m.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-900x488P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1945, ID=4239 duration=(1547.38), Size=(122561740), Res=(850 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Johanna Bach-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-850x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Johanna - (!!! AAA rhu_johanna.a2m.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-[ATM]-900x488P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Johanna Bach-[ATM]-[Anal]-[Force]-850x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1826;Set=880 of 912;QtySkipForDel=54" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=1968, ID=1968 duration=(1832.28), Size=(942464409), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:408] TRACE: '[isBetterVideo] Better codec. B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv=wmv3:Rank=40 v.s. B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4=h264:Rank=9' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=codec,bit_rate, or frame_rate: wmv3, 4114942, 50 : h264, 2607405, 50' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4265, ID=4265 duration=(1832.36), Size=(597211834), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Rebeka Akesson-[Anal]-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Anal\\Rip her up Rebeca Akesson - (!!! AAA Rebeca Akesson.anal.force) - Forced_Anal_Rape-1280x720P.wmv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1828;Set=881 of 912;QtySkipForDel=55" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2824, ID=2824 duration=(613.7), Size=(32650278), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Secretary Chloroformed - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Sleep]-576x394P.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 544x408 < 576x394' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2248, ID=2248 duration=(613.4), Size=(31594098), Res=(576 x 394) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Secretary Chloroformed - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Sleep]-576x394P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\Secretary Chloroformed - Bing video - Forced Rape-[Sleep]-576x394P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\He puts the secretary to sleep and bangs her in the office - - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1830;Set=882 of 912;QtySkipForDel=56" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2281, ID=2281 duration=(1512.87), Size=(98947380), Res=(720 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\simulated rape incest and murder - Bing video - Forced Rape-720x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\simulated rape incest and murder - Bing video - Forced Rape-720x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2281, ID=2600 duration=(1512.86), Size=(83514726), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Divorced Father breaks into house and forces his wife and daughter[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape\\simulated rape incest and murder - Bing video - Forced Rape-720x360P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Divorced Father breaks into house and forces his wife and daughter[416, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1832;Set=883 of 912;QtySkipForDel=57" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3843, ID=3843 duration=(1084.51), Size=(70108045), Res=(560 x 304) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Wasted Teen Melissa Matthews Forced Fuck In the Closet-rape - Forced Rape-560x304P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Wasted Teen Melissa Matthews Forced Fuck In the Closet-rape - Forced Rape-560x304P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3843, ID=2382 duration=(1084.6), Size=(49150431), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BEST DRUNK GIRL RAPE MOVIE EVER!!! - MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Wasted Teen Melissa Matthews Forced Fuck In the Closet-rape - Forced Rape-560x304P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\BEST DRUNK GIRL RAPE MOVIE EVER!!! - MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape-[Teen]-[Wasted]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1834;Set=884 of 912;QtySkipForDel=58" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2514, ID=2514 duration=(1597.06), Size=(189696768), Res=(640 x 464) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Burglar Rape Homemade - EPORNER - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Burglar Rape Homemade - EPORNER - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2514, ID=2458 duration=(1597.13), Size=(95467826), Res=(554 x 402) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde is forced to suck and fuck in home invasion. - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x402P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Burglar Rape Homemade - EPORNER - Forced_Rape-640x464P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Blonde is forced to suck and fuck in home invasion. - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-554x402P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1836;Set=885 of 912;QtySkipForDel=59" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2540, ID=2540 duration=(318.36), Size=(32041467), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cowboys Gang Rape Indian Babe MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cowboys Gang Rape Indian Babe MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2540, ID=3336 duration=(318.32), Size=(18811089), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sweet and savage gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Cowboys Gang Rape Indian Babe MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Sweet and savage gangbang - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-[Gang Bang]-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1838;Set=886 of 912;QtySkipForDel=60" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2588, ID=2588 duration=(1785.1), Size=(146939036), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter Raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter Raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2588, ID=2586 duration=(1785.08), Size=(98313362), Res=(572 x 402) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter forced by dad - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter Raped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Daughter forced by dad - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1840;Set=887 of 912;QtySkipForDel=61" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4102, ID=4102 duration=(2611.8), Size=(224213555), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Unaware - busty drunk anal rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Unaware - busty drunk anal rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4102, ID=2757 duration=(2611.76), Size=(218069507), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucked drunk slut MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Wasted].mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\AA\\Unaware - busty drunk anal rape-[Force]-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Fucked drunk slut MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P-[Wasted].mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1842;Set=888 of 912;QtySkipForDel=62" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2768, ID=2768 duration=(447.36), Size=(33051008), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gets daughter drunk to fuck her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gets daughter drunk to fuck her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2768, ID=2908 duration=(447.28), Size=(23491188), Res=(352 x 288) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Jeunes filles vendre - fat old guy rapes Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-352x288P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Gets daughter drunk to fuck her MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Jeunes filles vendre - fat old guy rapes Watch online.php - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-352x288P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1844;Set=889 of 912;QtySkipForDel=63" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3119, ID=3119 duration=(480.05), Size=(36021814), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape! Drunk girl gangraped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape! Drunk girl gangraped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3119, ID=2810 duration=(480.03), Size=(29055888), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\HG - Drunk girl gang raped in alley MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape! Drunk girl gangraped MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-[Wasted]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\HG - Drunk girl gang raped in alley MOTHERLESSCOM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1846;Set=890 of 912;QtySkipForDel=64" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2939, ID=2939 duration=(5562.8), Size=(377669839), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapped and Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapped and Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=2939, ID=3822 duration=(5562.8), Size=(329431381), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Rapita e Umilata - rape force retro - Forced Rape-[Vintage]-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Kidnapped and Raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#1 - Forced_Rape-[Vintage]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\[All]\\Rapita e Umilata - rape force retro - Forced Rape-[Vintage]-544x408P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1848;Set=891 of 912;QtySkipForDel=65" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4023, ID=4023 duration=(114.04), Size=(3644587), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\WONDERFUL RAPE SCENE!!! - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\WONDERFUL RAPE SCENE!!! - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4023, ID=3078 duration=(114.01), Size=(3248178), Res=(576 x 324) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape In Backstage Toilet - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\WONDERFUL RAPE SCENE!!! - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rape In Backstage Toilet - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1850;Set=892 of 912;QtySkipForDel=66" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3128, ID=3128 duration=(1400.12), Size=(109685105), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped by a big dick MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped by a big dick MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3128, ID=3654 duration=(1400.08), Size=(77333607), Res=(554 x 416) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\innocent girl forced by burglar - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Raped by a big dick MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\innocent girl forced by burglar - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1852;Set=893 of 912;QtySkipForDel=67" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3170, ID=3170 duration=(1444.96), Size=(154235840), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rip Her Up Pia Paz - (RipHerUp.E03.Pia.Paz Porn Videos) - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rip Her Up Pia Paz - (RipHerUp.E03.Pia.Paz Porn Videos) - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3170, ID=4255 duration=(1445.12), Size=(63842669), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Pia Paz.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Rip Her Up Pia Paz - (RipHerUp.E03.Pia.Paz Porn Videos) - Forced_Rape-640x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Pia Paz.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1854;Set=894 of 912;QtySkipForDel=68" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3990, ID=3990 duration=(610.24), Size=(52286983), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Teen Abducted, Tied, & Forced - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Teen Abducted, Tied, & Forced - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3990, ID=3346 duration=(610.08), Size=(47212964), Res=(576 x 438) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Abducted And Tied - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Teen Abducted, Tied, & Forced - MOTHERLESS.COM-768x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Teen Abducted And Tied - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1856;Set=895 of 912;QtySkipForDel=69" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3474, ID=3474 duration=(2022.41), Size=(119370651), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3474, ID=3480 duration=(2022.46), Size=(119204408), Res=(544 x 408) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOS.COM - Forced_Rape-544x408P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\Two girls forced - XVIDEOSCOM[408, Mp4] - Forced_Rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1858;Set=896 of 912;QtySkipForDel=70" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3642, ID=3642 duration=(1253.04), Size=(124474504), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\gang rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\gang rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3642, ID=3894 duration=(1253), Size=(85891553), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Peeping Tom Raped - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\gang rape MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122 - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\Peeping Tom Raped - MOTHERLESS.COM-[Force]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1860;Set=897 of 912;QtySkipForDel=71" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3689, ID=3689 duration=(1149.64), Size=(77404745), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene expensive tastes hooker forced les MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene expensive tastes hooker forced les MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=3689, ID=4068 duration=(1149.68), Size=(58303741), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\rp scene - escort forced by 2 guys and 1 woman-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\Rape_temp\\rp scene expensive tastes hooker forced les MOTHERLESSCOM - Forced_Rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\rp scene - escort forced by 2 guys and 1 woman-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1862;Set=898 of 912;QtySkipForDel=72" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4216, ID=4216 duration=(1170.6), Size=(135399258), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Cindy Jays.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Cindy Jays.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4216, ID=4089 duration=(1170.7), Size=(93547196), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\what a rape - \U0001f4f9 Free Porn Video-[Force]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Cindy Jays.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Old_Force\\t\\what a rape - \U0001f4f9 Free Porn Video-[Force]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1864;Set=899 of 912;QtySkipForDel=73" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4100, ID=4100 duration=(1196.96), Size=(134789597), Res=(598 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4 with B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Burglar Force Anal Fucked Home Alone Girl - - Forced_Anal_Rape anal ATM teen.mp4 for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 598x480 < 700x534' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4286, ID=4286 duration=(1196.57), Size=(94471229), Res=(700 x 534) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Burglar Force Anal Fucked Home Alone Girl - - Forced_Anal_Rape anal ATM teen.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\_AAA\\Burglar Force Anal Fucked Home Alone Girl - - Forced_Anal_Rape anal ATM teen.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\Anal\\Teen raped MOTHERLESS.COM \u2122#2 - anal rape.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1866;Set=900 of 912;QtySkipForDel=74" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4269, ID=4269 duration=(1495.09), Size=(491313556), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Scarlet Lamm-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Scarlet Lamm-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4269, ID=4180 duration=(1494.98), Size=(168893383), Res=(960 x 540) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute hot fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Scarlet Lamm-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\AbsoluPorn - Prostitute hot fuck - Free xxx sex porn video streaming.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1868;Set=901 of 912;QtySkipForDel=75" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4187, ID=4187 duration=(1153.68), Size=(270427890), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - Assfucking Rape In Shower - TubeGalore.Tv - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - Assfucking Rape In Shower - TubeGalore.Tv - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4187, ID=4226 duration=(1153.34), Size=(169260275), Res=(852 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Gabrielle Clayton-[Force]-852x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\Ripherup - Assfucking Rape In Shower - TubeGalore.Tv - anal ATM rape-[Force]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Rape\\RipHerUp\\[ripherup] Gabrielle Clayton-[Force]-852x480P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1870;Set=902 of 912;QtySkipForDel=76" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4369, ID=4369 duration=(1437.18), Size=(232996537), Res=(640 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\enf - Sharking Compilation 5 - AllnPorn.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\enf - Sharking Compilation 5 - AllnPorn.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4369, ID=4345 duration=(1437.18), Size=(159101324), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Real Pubic Boob Sharking-[Force]-576x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\enf - Sharking Compilation 5 - AllnPorn.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\Sharking\\Real Pubic Boob Sharking-[Force]-576x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1872;Set=903 of 912;QtySkipForDel=77" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4540, ID=4540 duration=(3111.42), Size=(233276203), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Love-[Force]-854x480P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Love-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4540, ID=4493 duration=(3111.48), Size=(194791720), Res=(480 x 320) Name=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Avi Love - Case 4448576 - anal.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Love-[Force]-854x480P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Force\\ShopLiftingAsianThievesMyLF\\ShopLyfter\\Shoplyfter - Avi Love - Case 4448576 - anal.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1874;Set=904 of 912;QtySkipForDel=78" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4999, ID=4999 duration=(450.69), Size=(43469591), Res=(576 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\CatFight,ForceStrip,Groping\\Drunk girl beaten and stripped by other girls.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\CatFight,ForceStrip,Groping\\Drunk girl beaten and stripped by other girls.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=4999, ID=4985 duration=(450.84), Size=(28945773), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\Bullies\\girl beaten by friends and strip - Xrares-[ForcedStrip]-[Nude]-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\CatFight,ForceStrip,Groping\\Drunk girl beaten and stripped by other girls.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Nude\\ForcedStrip\\Bullies\\girl beaten by friends and strip - Xrares-[ForcedStrip]-[Nude]-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1876;Set=905 of 912;QtySkipForDel=79" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5100, ID=5100 duration=(95.4), Size=(11356395), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch Breasts Scene in American Beauty - AZnude-[NudeMovieScenes]-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch Breasts Scene in American Beauty - AZnude-[NudeMovieScenes]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5100, ID=5101 duration=(95.4), Size=(5127718), Res=(640 x 274) Name=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch nude - American Beauty (1999) - very busty teen movie nude scene.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch Breasts Scene in American Beauty - AZnude-[NudeMovieScenes]-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\Nude\\TeenNudeMovieScenes\\Thora Birch nude - American Beauty (1999) - very busty teen movie nude scene.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1878;Set=906 of 912;QtySkipForDel=80" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=5525, ID=5525 duration=(922.4), Size=(79285125), Res=(720 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:551] DBG: 'Replacing B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4 with B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Young Slut Young Skinny Porn Video 73 - xHamster.flv for candidate to keep. Reason=resolution: 720x432 < 720x576' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6663, ID=6663 duration=(922.36), Size=(66199260), Res=(720 x 576) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Young Slut Young Skinny Porn Video 73 - xHamster.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Young Slut Young Skinny Porn Video 73 - xHamster.flv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\!!!! AAA Skinny Young Slut.skinny-[Teen]-720x432P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1880;Set=907 of 912;QtySkipForDel=81" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6670, ID=6670 duration=(480.15), Size=(99936495), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny anal teen amateur outdoor Man Milk Cookies And Tiny on GotPorn (6623743)-1280x720P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny anal teen amateur outdoor Man Milk Cookies And Tiny on GotPorn (6623743)-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=6670, ID=5934 duration=(480.2), Size=(36465727), Res=(640 x 360) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Brunette Anal Threesome Man Milk, Cookies, And T - Free Porn & Sex Video - Facia-[Amateur]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny anal teen amateur outdoor Man Milk Cookies And Tiny on GotPorn (6623743)-1280x720P.mp4' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Petite Teen Brunette Anal Threesome Man Milk, Cookies, And T - Free Porn & Sex Video - Facia-[Amateur]-[Skinny]-640x360P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1882;Set=908 of 912;QtySkipForDel=82" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7360, ID=7360 duration=(809.32), Size=(213798634), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teenie Spritz Ab - Und Dann Arschficki, Porn 03 xHamster-1280x720P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teenie Spritz Ab - Und Dann Arschficki, Porn 03 xHamster-1280x720P.flv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7360, ID=6660 duration=(809.33), Size=(204050207), Res=(1280 x 720) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Teenie Spritzt Auch Ab, Free Sexter Media Channel HD Porn.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Teenie Spritz Ab - Und Dann Arschficki, Porn 03 xHamster-1280x720P.flv' +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Skinny Teenie Spritzt Auch Ab, Free Sexter Media Channel HD Porn.flv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1884;Set=909 of 912;QtySkipForDel=83" +[241127 15:35:11] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7079, ID=7079 duration=(1151.15), Size=(88480078), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes, Free Young Porn 82 xHamster.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes, Free Young Porn 82 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7079, ID=7080 duration=(1150.98), Size=(84556811), Res=(320 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes-320x240P.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes, Free Young Porn 82 xHamster.mp4' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tabitha Blue & Wesley Pipes-320x240P.flv';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1886;Set=910 of 912;QtySkipForDel=84" +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1056] TRACE: '***************************' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7727, ID=7727 duration=(500.35), Size=(43230259), Res=(768 x 432) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Vintage German Teen Orgy.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Vintage German Teen Orgy.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7727, ID=7529 duration=(500.62), Size=(35284100), Res=(448 x 336) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tiny Tove - Teenage Tricks-448x336P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Vintage German Teen Orgy.flv - MOTHERLESS.COM.mp4' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\Tiny Tove - Teenage Tricks-448x336P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1888;Set=911 of 912;QtySkipForDel=85" +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7691, ID=7691 duration=(739.25), Size=(57656989), Res=(854 x 480) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By not Stepdad.flv, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By not Stepdad.flv' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:938] DBG: 'KeepID=7691, ID=7687 duration=(739.37), Size=(24605010), Res=(428 x 240) Name=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By Stepdad-428x240P.mp4, KeepPath=B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By not Stepdad.flv' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:967] INF: "NOT processing duplicate, because it's in whitelist. 'B:\\_\\miscellaneous\\VIXEN Teen Lily Rader Fucked By Stepdad-428x240P.mp4';AddTagW=False;QtyDup=1890;Set=912 of 912;QtySkipForDel=86" +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1056] TRACE: '---------------------------' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1074] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1075] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1076] INF: 'View Stash duplicate report using Stash->Settings->Tools->[Duplicate File Report]' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1077] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1078] INF: '************************************************************' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1081] DBG: '#####################################################' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1082] INF: 'QtyDupSet=912, QtyDup=1890, QtyDeleted=0, QtySwap=0, QtyTagForDel=892, QtySkipForDel=86, QtyExcludeForDel=0, QtyExactDup=828, QtyAlmostDup=149, QtyMerge=0, QtyRealTimeDiff=0' +[241127 15:35:12] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 50 +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1880] DBG: 'create_duplicate_report_task EXIT' +[241127 15:35:12] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9155', 'mode': 'deleteScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = deleteScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=deleteScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:35:35] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1770] INF: 'Processing scene ID# 9155' +[241127 15:35:35] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 54 +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 521' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:35] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 528' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;} for scene 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 521' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9155{background-color:#646464;pointer-events:none;}\n' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1640] TRACE: 'Trying to update scene ID 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1655] DBG: 'Found and updated scene ID 9155 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateCandidateForDeletionList.txt.' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1781] INF: 'deleteScene complete for scene 9155 with results = True' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1898] DBG: 'deleteScene EXIT' +[241127 15:35:36] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:95] INF: '******************* Starting *******************' +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:99] DBG: "No command line arguments. JSON_INPUT['args'] = {'Target': '9167:red highlight', 'mode': 'flagScene'}; PLUGIN_TASK_NAME = flagScene; argv = ['C:\\\\Stash\\\\plugins\\\\DupFileManager/']" +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:100] DBG: 'StashPluginHelper Status: (CALLED_AS_STASH_PLUGIN=True), (RUNNING_IN_COMMAND_LINE_MODE=False), (DEBUG_TRACING=True), (DRY_RUN=False), (PLUGIN_ID=DupFileManager), (PLUGIN_TASK_NAME=flagScene), (STASH_URL=http://localhost:9999), (MAIN_SCRIPT_NAME=C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager/' +[241127 15:36:08] "POST /graphql HTTP/11" 200 574 +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:214] TRACE: 'Added underscore to DuplicateMarkForDeletion = _DuplicateMarkForDeletion' +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:230] TRACE: "graylist = ['b:\\\\v\\\\v\\\\0']" +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:234] TRACE: "whitelist = ['b:\\\\_']" +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:241] TRACE: 'pinklist = []' +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:1514] INF: 'Parsed targets 9167 and red highlight' +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:08] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property remove highlight for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 522' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_1.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_2.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_3.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_4.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_5.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_6.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_7.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 529' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1724] DBG: 'Inserting property {background-color:red;} for scene 9167 in file C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_8.html' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1729] DBG: 'line count = 522' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1747] DBG: 'styleSetting = .ID_9167{background-color:red;}\n' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1757] DBG: "Checking if file 'C:\\Stash\\plugins\\DupFileManager\\report\\DuplicateTagScenes_9.html' exist." +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1910] DBG: 'flagScene EXIT' +[241127 15:36:09] [LN:1984] INF: '\n*********************************\nEXITING ***********************\n*********************************' diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml index 8544b65a..b4d12159 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/DupFileManager.yml @@ -4,15 +4,15 @@ version: 1.0.0 url: ui: javascript: - - DupFileManager.js + - DupFileManager.js css: - - DupFileManager.css - - - - + - DupFileManager.css + - + - settings: matchDupDistance: displayName: Match Duplicate Distance - description: (Default=0) Where 0 = Exact Match, 1 = High Match, 2 = Medium Match, and 3 = Low Match. + description: (Default=0) Where 0 = Exact Match, 1 = High Match, 2 = Medium Match, and 3 = Low Match. type: NUMBER mergeDupFilename: displayName: Merge Duplicate Tags diff --git a/plugins/DupFileManager/ b/plugins/DupFileManager/ index ed40e70e..fee8a9a0 100644 --- a/plugins/DupFileManager/ +++ b/plugins/DupFileManager/ @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ It has both **task** and **tools-UI** components. - Creates a duplicate file report which can be accessed from the settings->tools menu options.The report is created as an HTML file and stored in local path under plugins\DupFileManager\report\DuplicateTagScenes.html. - See screenshot at the bottom of this page for example report. - - Items on the left side of the report are the primary duplicates designated for deletion. By default, these duplicates are given a special _duplicate tag. + - Items on the left side of the report are the primary duplicates designated for deletion. By default, these duplicates are given a special \_duplicate tag. - Items on the right side of the report are designated as primary duplicates to keep. They usually have higher resolution, duration and/or preferred paths. - The report has the following options: - Delete: Delete file and remove from Stash library. @@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ It has both **task** and **tools-UI** components. - **Delete Duplicates** - Deletes duplicate files. Performs deletion without first tagging. - Plugin UI options (Settings->Plugins->Plugins->[DupFileManager]) - Has a 3 tier path selection to determine which duplicates to keep, and which should be candidates for deletions. - - **Whitelist** - List of paths NOT to be deleted. + - **Whitelist** - List of paths NOT to be deleted. - E.g. C:\Favorite\,E:\MustKeep\ - - **Gray-List** - List of preferential paths to determine which duplicate should be the primary. + - **Gray-List** - List of preferential paths to determine which duplicate should be the primary. - E.g. C:\2nd_Favorite\,H:\ShouldKeep\ - - **Blacklist** - List of LEAST preferential paths to determine primary candidates for deletion. + - **Blacklist** - List of LEAST preferential paths to determine primary candidates for deletion. - E.g. C:\Downloads\,F:\DeleteMeFirst\ - **Permanent Delete** - Enable to permanently delete files, instead of moving files to trash can. - **Max Dup Process** - Use to limit the maximum files to process. Can be used to do a limited test run. @@ -61,8 +61,9 @@ It has both **task** and **tools-UI** components. - **toRecycleBeforeSwap** - When enabled, moves destination file to recycle bin before swapping files. - **addPrimaryDupPathToDetails** - If enabled, adds the primary duplicate path to the scene detail. - Tools UI Menu -![Screenshot 2024-11-22 145512]( + ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 145512]( - Can access either **Duplicate File Report (DupFileManager)** or **DupFileManager Tools and Utilities** menu options. + ### Requirements - `pip install --upgrade stashapp-tools` @@ -90,9 +91,9 @@ That's it!!! - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 225359]( - If there's a scene on the left side that has a higher resolution or duration, it gets a yellow highlight on the report. - There's an optional setting that allows both preview videos and preview images to be displayed on the report. See settings **htmlIncludeImagePreview** in the **** file. - - There are many more options available for how the report is created. These options are targeted for more advanced users. The options are all available in the **** file, and the settings have commented descriptions preceeding them. See the **** file in the DupFileManager plugin folder for more details. + - There are many more options available for how the report is created. These options are targeted for more advanced users. The options are all available in the **** file, and the settings have commented descriptions preceeding them. See the **** file in the DupFileManager plugin folder for more details. - Tools UI Menu -![Screenshot 2024-11-22 145512]( + ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 145512]( - Can access either **Duplicate File Report (DupFileManager)** or **DupFileManager Tools and Utilities** menu options. - DupFileManager Report Menu - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 151630]( @@ -102,9 +103,9 @@ That's it!!! - ![Screenshot 2024-11-22 232208]( ### Future Planned Features + - Add logic to merge performers and galaries seperatly from tag merging on report. Planned for 1.5.0 Version. - Add code to report to make it when the report updates the screen (due to tag merging), it stays in the same row position. Planned for 1.5.0 Version. - Add logic to merge group metadata when selecting merge option on report. Planned for 2.0.0 Version. - Add advanced menu directly to the Settings->Tools menu. Planned for 2.0.0 Version. - Add report directly to the Settings->Tools menu. Planned for 2.0.0 Version. -