From ecd068218840e9edf8c52c447e88b328c1347b59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vasyl Boroviak Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 20:46:58 +1000 Subject: [PATCH] New merge algorithm & linting with airbnb New merge algorithm & linting with airbnb --- .eslintrc | 188 ++------------------------------------------------- | 35 ++++++---- compose.js | 143 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------- package.json | 9 +-- 4 files changed, 142 insertions(+), 233 deletions(-) diff --git a/.eslintrc b/.eslintrc index 31f483e..d350f96 100644 --- a/.eslintrc +++ b/.eslintrc @@ -1,187 +1,9 @@ +// Add our overrides as necessary { - "parser": "babel-eslint", - - "env": { - "browser": true, - "node": true, - "es6": true - }, - - "ecmaFeatures": { - "arrowFunctions": true, - "binaryLiterals": true, - "blockBindings": true, - "classes": false, - "defaultParams": true, - "destructuring": true, - "forOf": true, - "generators": true, - "modules": true, - "objectLiteralComputedProperties": true, - "objectLiteralDuplicateProperties": true, - 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A set of properties that will be added to new object instances by deep property merge. * `propertyDescriptors` - A set of [object property descriptors]( used for fine-grained control over object property behaviors. * `staticProperties` - A set of static properties that will be copied by assignment to the stamp. -* `staticDeepProperties` - A set of static properties that will be added to the stamp by deep property merge, except arrays are concatenated. +* `staticDeepProperties` - A set of static properties that will be added to the stamp by deep property merge. * `staticPropertyDescriptors` - A set of [object property descriptors]( to apply to the stamp. * `initializers` - An array of functions that will run in sequence. Stamp details and arguments get passed to initializers. * `configuration` - A set of options made available to the stamp and its initializers during object instance creation. These will be copied by assignment. -* `deepConfiguration` - A set of options made available to the stamp and its initializers during object instance creation. These will be deep merged, except arrays are concatenated. +* `deepConfiguration` - A set of options made available to the stamp and its initializers during object instance creation. These will be deep merged. #### Composing Descriptors Descriptors are composed together to create new descriptors with the following rules: -* `methods` are copied by assignment as in `Object.assign()`. -* `properties` are copied by assignment as in `Object.assign()`. -* `deepProperties` are deep merged, except arrays are concatenated. -* `propertyDescriptors` are copied by assignment as in `Object.assign()`. -* `staticProperties` are copied by assignment as in `Object.assign()`. -* `staticDeepProperties` are deep merged, except arrays are concatenated -* `staticPropertyDescriptors` are copied by assignment as in `Object.assign()`. +* `methods` are copied by assignment +* `properties` are copied by assignment +* `deepProperties` are deep merged +* `propertyDescriptors` are copied by assignment +* `staticProperties` are copied by assignment +* `staticDeepProperties` are deep merged +* `staticPropertyDescriptors` are copied by assignment * `initializers` are uniquely concatenated as in `_.union()`. -* `configuration` are copied by assignment as in `Object.assign()`. -* `deepConfiguration` are deep merged, except arrays are concatenated. +* `configuration` are copied by assignment +* `deepConfiguration` are deep merged +##### Copying by assignment + +The regular `Object.assign()` is used. + +##### Deep merging + +Special deep merging algorithm should be used when merging descriptors: +* The last object type always overwrites the previous object type +* Plain objects are deeply merged (or cloned if destination metadata property is not a plain object) +* Arrays are concatenated using `Array.prototype.concat` which shallow copies elements to a new array instance +* Functions, Symbols, RegExp, etc. are copied by reference #### Priority Rules diff --git a/compose.js b/compose.js index 12976f8..10573ba 100644 --- a/compose.js +++ b/compose.js @@ -2,17 +2,69 @@ This is an example implementation of the Stamp Specifications. See The code is optimized to be as readable as possible. +*/ + +import {isObject, isFunction, isPlainObject, assign, uniq, isArray, merge} from 'lodash'; + +// Specification says that ARRAYS ARE NOT mergeable. They must be concatenated only. +const isMergeable = value => !isArray(value) && isObject(value); + +// Descriptor is typically a function or a plain object. But not an array! +const isDescriptor = isMergeable; + +// Stamps are functions, which have `.compose` attached function. +const isStamp = value => isFunction(value) && isFunction(value.compose); +/** + * @typedef {Function} Stamp + * @property {Function} compose + * @property {Object} [compose.methods] Instance ptototype methods + * @property {Object} [] Instance properties + * @property {Object} [compose.deepProperties] Instance deep merged properties + * @property {Object} [compose.propertyDescriptors] JavaScript property descriptors + * @property {Object} [compose.staticProperties] Stamp static properties + * @property {Object} [compose.staticDeepProperties] Stamp deep merged static properties + * @property {Object} [compose.staticPropertyDescriptors] Stamp JavaScript property descriptors + * @property {Object} [compose.configuration] Stamp configuration + * @property {Object} [compose.deepConfiguration] Stamp deep merged configuration */ -import {mergeWith, assign, isFunction, isObject, uniq} from 'lodash'; +/** + * Mutate the 'dst' by deep merging the 'src'. Though, arrays are concatenated. + * @param {*} dst The object to deep merge 'src' into. + * @param {*} src The object to merge data from. + * @returns {*} Typically it's the 'dst' itself. Unless it was an array, or a non-mergeable. + * Can also return the 'src' itself in case the 'src' is a non-mergeable. + */ +function mergeOne(dst, src) { + // According to specification arrays must be concatenated. + // Also, the '.concat' creates a new array instance. Overrides the 'dst'. + if (isArray(src)) return (isArray(dst) ? dst : []).concat(src); -const isDescriptor = isObject; -export const merge = (dst, src) => mergeWith(dst, src, (dstValue, srcValue) => { - if (Array.isArray(dstValue)) { - if (Array.isArray(srcValue)) return dstValue.concat(srcValue); - if (isObject(srcValue)) return merge({}, srcValue); - } -}); + // Now deal with non plain 'src' object. 'src' overrides 'dst' + // Note that functions are also assigned! We do not deep merge functions. + if (!isPlainObject(src)) return src; + + // See if 'dst' is allowed to be mutated. If not - it's overridden with a new plain object. + const returnValue = isPlainObject(dst) ? dst : {}; + Object.keys(src).forEach(key => { + // Do not merge properties with the 'undefined' value. + if (src[key] === undefined) return; + // deep merge each property. Recursion! + returnValue[key] = mergeOne(returnValue[key], src[key]); + }); + return returnValue; +} + +/** + * Stamp specific deep merging algorithm. + * @param {*} dst This will be either mutated, or substituted. + * @param {Array} srcs Source bjects to merge form. + * @returns {*} Typically it's the 'dst' itself, unless it was an array or a non-mergeable. + * Or the 'src' itself if the 'src' is a non-mergeable. + */ +export function mergeDescriptor(dst, ...srcs) { + return srcs.reduce((target, src) => mergeOne(target, src), dst); +} /** * Creates new factory instance. @@ -21,22 +73,31 @@ export const merge = (dst, src) => mergeWith(dst, src, (dstValue, srcValue) => { */ function createFactory(descriptor) { return function Stamp(options = {}, ...args) { - let obj = Object.create(descriptor.methods || {}); + // The 'methods' metadata object becomes the prototype for new object instances. + const instance = Object.create(descriptor.methods || {}); - merge(obj, descriptor.deepProperties); - assign(obj,; - Object.defineProperties(obj, descriptor.propertyDescriptors || {}); + // Deep merge, then override with shallow merged properties, then apply property descriptors. + merge(instance, descriptor.deepProperties); + assign(instance,; + Object.defineProperties(instance, descriptor.propertyDescriptors || {}); + // Run initializers sequentially. return (descriptor.initializers || []) .filter(isFunction) - .reduce((resultingObj, initializer) => { + .reduce((resultingInstance, initializer) => { + // Invoke an initializer in the way specification tell us to. const returnedValue = - resultingObj, + // 'this' context will be the object instance itself + resultingInstance, + // the first argument passed from factory to initializer options, - {instance: resultingObj, stamp: Stamp, args: [options].concat(args)} + // special arguments. See specification. + {instance: resultingInstance, stamp: Stamp, args: [options].concat(args)} ); - return returnedValue === undefined ? resultingObj : returnedValue; - }, obj); + + // Any initializer can override the object instance with basically anything. + return returnedValue === undefined ? resultingInstance : returnedValue; + }, instance); }; } @@ -44,19 +105,23 @@ function createFactory(descriptor) { * Returns a new stamp given a descriptor and a compose function implementation. * @param {object} [descriptor={}] The information about the object the stamp will be creating. * @param {Function} composeFunction The "compose" function implementation. - * @returns {Function} + * @returns {Stamp} */ function createStamp(descriptor, composeFunction) { const Stamp = createFactory(descriptor); + // Deep merge, then override with shallow merged properties, then apply property descriptors. merge(Stamp, descriptor.staticDeepProperties); assign(Stamp, descriptor.staticProperties); Object.defineProperties(Stamp, descriptor.staticPropertyDescriptors || {}); + // Determine which 'compose' implementation to use. const composeImplementation = isFunction(Stamp.compose) ? Stamp.compose : composeFunction; - Stamp.compose = function () { - return composeImplementation.apply(this, arguments); + // Make a copy of the 'composeImplementation' function. + Stamp.compose = function (...args) { + return composeImplementation.apply(this, args); }; + // Assign descriptor properties to the new metadata holder. assign(Stamp.compose, descriptor); return Stamp; @@ -69,40 +134,50 @@ function createStamp(descriptor, composeFunction) { * @returns {object} Returns the dstDescriptor argument. */ function mergeComposable(dstDescriptor, srcComposable) { - const srcDescriptor = (srcComposable && srcComposable.compose) || srcComposable; + // Check if it's a stamp or something else. + const srcDescriptor = isStamp(srcComposable) ? srcComposable.compose : srcComposable; + // Ignore everything but things we can merge. if (!isDescriptor(srcDescriptor)) return dstDescriptor; const combineProperty = (propName, action) => { - if (!isObject(srcDescriptor[propName])) return; - if (!isObject(dstDescriptor[propName])) dstDescriptor[propName] = {}; + // Do not create destination properties if there is no need. + if (!isDescriptor(srcDescriptor[propName])) return; + // Check if the destination is malformed, fix the problem if any. + if (!isDescriptor(dstDescriptor[propName])) dstDescriptor[propName] = {}; + // Deep merge or shallow assign objects. action(dstDescriptor[propName], srcDescriptor[propName]); }; combineProperty('methods', assign); combineProperty('properties', assign); - combineProperty('deepProperties', merge); + combineProperty('deepProperties', mergeDescriptor); combineProperty('propertyDescriptors', assign); combineProperty('staticProperties', assign); - combineProperty('staticDeepProperties', merge); + combineProperty('staticDeepProperties', mergeDescriptor); combineProperty('staticPropertyDescriptors', assign); combineProperty('configuration', assign); - combineProperty('deepConfiguration', merge); - if (Array.isArray(srcDescriptor.initializers)) { - const initializers = (dstDescriptor.initializers || []) - .concat(srcDescriptor.initializers) - .filter(isFunction); - dstDescriptor.initializers = uniq(initializers); + combineProperty('deepConfiguration', mergeDescriptor); + + if (isArray(srcDescriptor.initializers)) { + // Initializers must be concatenated. '.concat' will also create a new array instance. + const dstInitializers = (dstDescriptor.initializers || []).concat(srcDescriptor.initializers); + // The resulting initializers array must contain functions only, and + // must not have duplicate initializers - the first occurrence wins. + dstDescriptor.initializers = uniq(dstInitializers.filter(isFunction)); } return dstDescriptor; } /** - * Given the list of composables (stamp descriptors and stamps) returns a new stamp (composable factory function). + * Given the list of composables (stamp descriptors and stamps) + * returns a new stamp (composable factory function). * @param {...(object|Function)} [composables] The list of composables. - * @returns {Function} A new stamp (aka composable factory function). + * @returns {Stamp} A new stamp (aka composable factory function). */ export default function compose(...composables) { - const descriptor = [this].concat(composables).filter(isObject).reduce(mergeComposable, {}); + // Merge metadata of all composables to a new plain object. + const descriptor = [this].concat(composables).filter(isMergeable).reduce(mergeComposable, {}); + // Recursively pass this 'compose' implementation which will be used for `Stamp.compose()` return createStamp(descriptor, compose); } diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 4d9a089..9075aa8 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -1,6 +1,6 @@ { "name": "stamp-specification", - "version": "1.2.0", + "version": "1.3.0", "description": "The Composables specification and example implementation", "main": "build/compose.js", "scripts": { @@ -29,12 +29,13 @@ "homepage": "", "devDependencies": { "babel-cli": "^6.6.5", - "babel-eslint": "^5.0.0", + "babel-eslint": "^6.1.2", "babel-polyfill": "^6.7.2", "babel-preset-es2015": "^6.6.0", "babel-register": "^6.7.2", - "check-compose": "^2.0.0", - "eslint": "~2.2.0" + "check-compose": "^3.1.2", + "eslint": "^2.13.1", + "eslint-config-airbnb": "^9.0.1" }, "dependencies": { "lodash": "^4.5.1"