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Add argocd helm transformer and required dependencies
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kajogo777 committed Nov 22, 2022
1 parent c9e2dfb commit 34fa82d
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Showing 85 changed files with 15,275 additions and 0 deletions.
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@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.

//cue:generate cue get go

package v1alpha1

import metav1 ""

// AppProjectList is list of AppProject resources
#AppProjectList: {
metadata: metav1.#ListMeta @go(ListMeta) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)
items: [...#AppProject] @go(Items,[]AppProject) @protobuf(2,bytes,rep)

// AppProject provides a logical grouping of applications, providing controls for:
// * where the apps may deploy to (cluster whitelist)
// * what may be deployed (repository whitelist, resource whitelist/blacklist)
// * who can access these applications (roles, OIDC group claims bindings)
// * and what they can do (RBAC policies)
// * automation access to these roles (JWT tokens)
// +genclient
// +genclient:noStatus
// +kubebuilder:resource:path=appprojects,shortName=appproj;appprojs
#AppProject: {
metadata: metav1.#ObjectMeta @go(ObjectMeta) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)
spec: #AppProjectSpec @go(Spec) @protobuf(2,bytes,opt)
status?: #AppProjectStatus @go(Status) @protobuf(3,bytes,opt)

// AppProjectStatus contains status information for AppProject CRs
#AppProjectStatus: {
// JWTTokensByRole contains a list of JWT tokens issued for a given role
jwtTokensByRole?: {[string]: #JWTTokens} @go(JWTTokensByRole,map[string]JWTTokens) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.

//cue:generate cue get go

package v1alpha1

// AnnotationKeyRefresh is the annotation key which indicates that app needs to be refreshed. Removed by application controller after app is refreshed.
// Might take values 'normal'/'hard'. Value 'hard' means manifest cache and target cluster state cache should be invalidated before refresh.
#AnnotationKeyRefresh: ""

// AnnotationKeyManifestGeneratePaths is an annotation that contains a list of semicolon-separated paths in the
// manifests repository that affects the manifest generation. Paths might be either relative or absolute. The
// absolute path means an absolute path within the repository and the relative path is relative to the application
// source path within the repository.
#AnnotationKeyManifestGeneratePaths: ""
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.

//cue:generate cue get go

package v1alpha1

import "time"

#DefaultSyncRetryMaxDuration: time.#Duration & 180000000000
#DefaultSyncRetryDuration: time.#Duration & 5000000000
#DefaultSyncRetryFactor: int64 & 2

// ResourcesFinalizerName is the finalizer value which we inject to finalize deletion of an application
#ResourcesFinalizerName: ""

// ForegroundPropagationPolicyFinalizer is the finalizer we inject to delete application with foreground propagation policy
#ForegroundPropagationPolicyFinalizer: ""

// BackgroundPropagationPolicyFinalizer is the finalizer we inject to delete application with background propagation policy
#BackgroundPropagationPolicyFinalizer: ""

// DefaultAppProjectName contains name of 'default' app project, which is available in every Argo CD installation
#DefaultAppProjectName: "default"

// RevisionHistoryLimit is the max number of successful sync to keep in history
#RevisionHistoryLimit: 10

// KubernetesInternalAPIServerAddr is address of the k8s API server when accessing internal to the cluster
#KubernetesInternalAPIServerAddr: "https://kubernetes.default.svc"
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.

//cue:generate cue get go

package v1alpha1

// EnvVarFakeInClusterConfig is an environment variable to fake an in-cluster RESTConfig using
// the current kubectl context (for development purposes)
#EnvVarFakeInClusterConfig: "ARGOCD_FAKE_IN_CLUSTER"

// EnvK8sClientQPS is the QPS value used for the kubernetes client (default: 50)

// EnvK8sClientBurst is the burst value used for the kubernetes client (default: twice the client QPS)

// EnvK8sClientMaxIdleConnections is the number of max idle connections in K8s REST client HTTP transport (default: 500)

// EnvK8sTCPTimeout is the duration for TCP timeouts when communicating with K8s API servers

// EnvK8sTCPKeepalive is the interval for TCP keep alive probes to be sent when communicating with K8s API servers

// EnvK8sTLSHandshakeTimeout is the duration for TLS handshake timeouts when establishing connections to K8s API servers

// EnvK8sTCPIdleConnTimeout is the duration when idle TCP connection to the K8s API servers should timeout
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.

//cue:generate cue get go

// Package v1alpha1 is the v1alpha1 version of the API.
// +k8s:deepcopy-gen=package,register
// +k8s:openapi-gen=true
package v1alpha1
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.

//cue:generate cue get go

package v1alpha1

// objectMeta and corresponding GetMetadata() methods is a hack to allow us to use grpc-gateway
// side-by-side with k8s protobuf codegen. The grpc-gateway generated .gw.pb.go files expect a
// GetMetadata() method to be generated because it assumes the .proto files were generated from
// protoc --go_out=plugins=grpc. Instead, kubernetes uses go-to-protobuf to generate .proto files
// from go types, and this method is not auto-generated (presumably since ObjectMeta is embedded but
// is nested in the 'metadata' field in JSON form).
_#objectMeta: {
Name?: null | string @go(,*string)
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@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
// Code generated by cue get go. DO NOT EDIT.

//cue:generate cue get go

package v1alpha1

import metav1 ""

// RepoCreds holds the definition for repository credentials
#RepoCreds: {
// URL is the URL that this credentials matches to
url: string @go(URL) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)

// Username for authenticating at the repo server
username?: string @go(Username) @protobuf(2,bytes,opt)

// Password for authenticating at the repo server
password?: string @go(Password) @protobuf(3,bytes,opt)

// SSHPrivateKey contains the private key data for authenticating at the repo server using SSH (only Git repos)
sshPrivateKey?: string @go(SSHPrivateKey) @protobuf(4,bytes,opt)

// TLSClientCertData specifies the TLS client cert data for authenticating at the repo server
tlsClientCertData?: string @go(TLSClientCertData) @protobuf(5,bytes,opt)

// TLSClientCertKey specifies the TLS client cert key for authenticating at the repo server
tlsClientCertKey?: string @go(TLSClientCertKey) @protobuf(6,bytes,opt)

// GithubAppPrivateKey specifies the private key PEM data for authentication via GitHub app
githubAppPrivateKey?: string @go(GithubAppPrivateKey) @protobuf(7,bytes,opt)

// GithubAppId specifies the Github App ID of the app used to access the repo for GitHub app authentication
githubAppID?: int64 @go(GithubAppId) @protobuf(8,bytes,opt)

// GithubAppInstallationId specifies the ID of the installed GitHub App for GitHub app authentication
githubAppInstallationID?: int64 @go(GithubAppInstallationId) @protobuf(9,bytes,opt)

// GithubAppEnterpriseBaseURL specifies the GitHub API URL for GitHub app authentication. If empty will default to
githubAppEnterpriseBaseUrl?: string @go(GitHubAppEnterpriseBaseURL) @protobuf(10,bytes,opt)

// EnableOCI specifies whether helm-oci support should be enabled for this repo
enableOCI?: bool @go(EnableOCI) @protobuf(11,bytes,opt)

// Type specifies the type of the repoCreds. Can be either "git" or "helm. "git" is assumed if empty or absent.
type?: string @go(Type) @protobuf(12,bytes,opt)

// Repository is a repository holding application configurations
#Repository: {
// Repo contains the URL to the remote repository
repo: string @go(Repo) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)

// Username contains the user name used for authenticating at the remote repository
username?: string @go(Username) @protobuf(2,bytes,opt)

// Password contains the password or PAT used for authenticating at the remote repository
password?: string @go(Password) @protobuf(3,bytes,opt)

// SSHPrivateKey contains the PEM data for authenticating at the repo server. Only used with Git repos.
sshPrivateKey?: string @go(SSHPrivateKey) @protobuf(4,bytes,opt)

// ConnectionState contains information about the current state of connection to the repository server
connectionState?: #ConnectionState @go(ConnectionState) @protobuf(5,bytes,opt)

// InsecureIgnoreHostKey should not be used anymore, Insecure is favoured
// Used only for Git repos
insecureIgnoreHostKey?: bool @go(InsecureIgnoreHostKey) @protobuf(6,bytes,opt)

// Insecure specifies whether the connection to the repository ignores any errors when verifying TLS certificates or SSH host keys
insecure?: bool @go(Insecure) @protobuf(7,bytes,opt)

// EnableLFS specifies whether git-lfs support should be enabled for this repo. Only valid for Git repositories.
enableLfs?: bool @go(EnableLFS) @protobuf(8,bytes,opt)

// TLSClientCertData contains a certificate in PEM format for authenticating at the repo server
tlsClientCertData?: string @go(TLSClientCertData) @protobuf(9,bytes,opt)

// TLSClientCertKey contains a private key in PEM format for authenticating at the repo server
tlsClientCertKey?: string @go(TLSClientCertKey) @protobuf(10,bytes,opt)

// Type specifies the type of the repo. Can be either "git" or "helm. "git" is assumed if empty or absent.
type?: string @go(Type) @protobuf(11,bytes,opt)

// Name specifies a name to be used for this repo. Only used with Helm repos
name?: string @go(Name) @protobuf(12,bytes,opt)

// Whether credentials were inherited from a credential set
inheritedCreds?: bool @go(InheritedCreds) @protobuf(13,bytes,opt)

// EnableOCI specifies whether helm-oci support should be enabled for this repo
enableOCI?: bool @go(EnableOCI) @protobuf(14,bytes,opt)

// Github App Private Key PEM data
githubAppPrivateKey?: string @go(GithubAppPrivateKey) @protobuf(15,bytes,opt)

// GithubAppId specifies the ID of the GitHub app used to access the repo
githubAppID?: int64 @go(GithubAppId) @protobuf(16,bytes,opt)

// GithubAppInstallationId specifies the installation ID of the GitHub App used to access the repo
githubAppInstallationID?: int64 @go(GithubAppInstallationId) @protobuf(17,bytes,opt)

// GithubAppEnterpriseBaseURL specifies the base URL of GitHub Enterprise installation. If empty will default to
githubAppEnterpriseBaseUrl?: string @go(GitHubAppEnterpriseBaseURL) @protobuf(18,bytes,opt)

// Proxy specifies the HTTP/HTTPS proxy used to access the repo
proxy?: string @go(Proxy) @protobuf(19,bytes,opt)

// Reference between project and repository that allow you automatically to be added as item inside SourceRepos project entity
project?: string @go(Project) @protobuf(20,bytes,opt)

// Repositories defines a list of Repository configurations
#Repositories: [...null | #Repository]

// RepositoryList is a collection of Repositories.
#RepositoryList: {
metadata?: metav1.#ListMeta @go(ListMeta) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)
items: #Repositories @go(Items) @protobuf(2,bytes,rep)

// RepositoryList is a collection of Repositories.
#RepoCredsList: {
metadata?: metav1.#ListMeta @go(ListMeta) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)
items: [...#RepoCreds] @go(Items,[]RepoCreds) @protobuf(2,bytes,rep)

// A RepositoryCertificate is either SSH known hosts entry or TLS certificate
#RepositoryCertificate: {
// ServerName specifies the DNS name of the server this certificate is intended for
serverName: string @go(ServerName) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)

// CertType specifies the type of the certificate - currently one of "https" or "ssh"
certType: string @go(CertType) @protobuf(2,bytes,opt)

// CertSubType specifies the sub type of the cert, i.e. "ssh-rsa"
certSubType: string @go(CertSubType) @protobuf(3,bytes,opt)

// CertData contains the actual certificate data, dependent on the certificate type
certData: bytes @go(CertData,[]byte) @protobuf(4,bytes,opt)

// CertInfo will hold additional certificate info, depdendent on the certificate type (e.g. SSH fingerprint, X509 CommonName)
certInfo: string @go(CertInfo) @protobuf(5,bytes,opt)

// RepositoryCertificateList is a collection of RepositoryCertificates
#RepositoryCertificateList: {
metadata?: metav1.#ListMeta @go(ListMeta) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)

// List of certificates to be processed
items: [...#RepositoryCertificate] @go(Items,[]RepositoryCertificate) @protobuf(2,bytes,rep)

// GnuPGPublicKey is a representation of a GnuPG public key
#GnuPGPublicKey: {
// KeyID specifies the key ID, in hexadecimal string format
keyID: string @go(KeyID) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)

// Fingerprint is the fingerprint of the key
fingerprint?: string @go(Fingerprint) @protobuf(2,bytes,opt)

// Owner holds the owner identification, e.g. a name and e-mail address
owner?: string @go(Owner) @protobuf(3,bytes,opt)

// Trust holds the level of trust assigned to this key
trust?: string @go(Trust) @protobuf(4,bytes,opt)

// SubType holds the key's sub type (e.g. rsa4096)
subType?: string @go(SubType) @protobuf(5,bytes,opt)

// KeyData holds the raw key data, in base64 encoded format
keyData?: string @go(KeyData) @protobuf(6,bytes,opt)

// GnuPGPublicKeyList is a collection of GnuPGPublicKey objects
#GnuPGPublicKeyList: {
metadata?: metav1.#ListMeta @go(ListMeta) @protobuf(1,bytes,opt)
items: [...#GnuPGPublicKey] @go(Items,[]GnuPGPublicKey) @protobuf(2,bytes,rep)

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