title | nav | ||||
Team |
The Stajich Lab asks questions about how microbes interact with a focus on Fungi. We use genomics, bioinformatics, and experimental mycology approaches to test evolutionary, molecular, and ecological questions.
{% include section.html %}
{% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: pi, group: current " %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: postdoc, group: current: " %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: phd, group: current: " %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: undergrad, group: current: " %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: staff, group: current: " %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: visitor, group: current: " %} {:.center}
{% include section.html background="images/background.jpg" dark=true %}
{% include button.html icon="fas fa-hands-helping" text="Join the Team" link="join" style="button" %}
{% include section.html %}
These are past lab members who have moved on in their careers.
{% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: pi, group: alum" style="small" %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: postdoc, group: alum" style="small" %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: phd, group: alum" style="small" %} {% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: staff, group: alum" style="small" %}
{% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: visitor, group: alum" style="small" %}
{% include list.html data="members" component="portrait" filters="role: undergraduate, group: alum" style="small" %}
{% capture content %}
{% endcapture %} {% include grid.html content=content %}
Our work is made possible by funding from several organizations. {:.center}