This module integrates SSLCommerz Payment Gateway using the generic payment with redirection flow based
on form submission provided by the payment
- Payment with redirection flow
- Instant Payment Notification(IPN)
- Odoo version 17.0(Tested on 17.0)
- A Sandbox Account or Live Merchant Account
Please Follow these steps for setting up SSLCommerz Payment module in Odoo.
- Download or clone the repository
- Unzip and move the payment_sslcommerz_ssl folder in your Odoo module directory
- Go Odoo settings and activate the developer mode and click on Update app list
- Search for Payment Provider: SSLCommerz
- Activate the module
Once you have installed the module please follow these steps for setting up SSLCommerz Payment Provider.
- Go to your websites Configuration > Payment Providers & select SSLCommerz
- Enter your credentials. For testing enter your sandbox store id and password and set the state as Test Mode. For production enter your merchant store id and password and set the state as Enabled.
- Now you will be able to select SSLCommerz payment method in the checkout page.
Card Number: 4111111111111111
Exp: 12/25
CVV: 111
Card Number: 5111111111111111
Exp: 12/25
CVV: 111
American Express
Card Number: 371111111111111
Exp: 12/25
CVV: 111
Mobile OTP
111111 or 123456
Just choose any of the Mobile Banking method.
For more information please visit: