diff --git a/code/game/mecha/combat/durand.dm b/code/game/mecha/combat/durand.dm index e2b3a29548a7..3694b5256509 100644 --- a/code/game/mecha/combat/durand.dm +++ b/code/game/mecha/combat/durand.dm @@ -42,27 +42,3 @@ infra_luminosity = 8 force = 40 wreckage = /obj/structure/mecha_wreckage/durand/old - -/obj/mecha/combat/durand/executioner - name = "mk. V \"The Executioner\"" - desc = "Dreadnought of the Executioner Order, heavy fire support configuration, made for purge evil and heretics. Extremely durable in close combat." - icon_state = "executioner" - initial_icon = "executioner" - max_temperature = 65000 - step_in = 3 - max_integrity = 350 - deflect_chance = 30 - lights_power = 15 //rise and shine, HUMANKIND! - force = 40 - resistance_flags = LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | ACID_PROOF - armor = list("melee" = 70, "bullet" = 15, "laser" = 5, "energy" = 30, "bomb" = 60, "bio" = 0, "rad" = 100, "fire" = 100, "acid" = 100) - max_equip = 3 - wreckage = /obj/structure/mecha_wreckage/executioner - -/obj/mecha/combat/durand/executioner/GrantActions(mob/living/user, human_occupant = 0) - ..() - flash_action.Grant(user, src) - -/obj/mecha/combat/durand/executioner/RemoveActions(mob/living/user, human_occupant = 0) - ..() - flash_action.Remove(user)