From 535eedf63384140b07d4619626b71e65985221dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Explosi00N <> Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2024 22:30:54 +0900 Subject: [PATCH 01/24] qol: tendril loot translation (#6236) * Update * Update * updae * upde * upe * ue * u Co-authored-by: PlayerUnknown14 <> * e Co-authored-by: PlayerUnknown14 <> * updat Co-authored-by: PlayerUnknown14 <> * pdte * pizdec * apply suggests --------- Co-authored-by: PlayerUnknown14 <> Co-authored-by: Antoonij <> --- .../mining/lavaland/loot/ | 178 ++++++++++++++---- 1 file changed, 141 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-) diff --git a/code/modules/mining/lavaland/loot/ b/code/modules/mining/lavaland/loot/ index 21d4e613711..1a312d331fb 100644 --- a/code/modules/mining/lavaland/loot/ +++ b/code/modules/mining/lavaland/loot/ @@ -3,7 +3,15 @@ //Internal /obj/item/storage/backpack/shared name = "paradox bag" - desc = "Somehow, it's in two places at once." + desc = "Каким-то образом, эта сумка существует в двух местах одновременно." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "парадоксальная сумка", + GENITIVE = "парадоксальной сумки", + DATIVE = "парадоксальной сумке", + ACCUSATIVE = "парадоксальную сумку", + INSTRUMENTAL = "парадоксальной сумкой", + PREPOSITIONAL = "парадоксальной сумке" + ) max_combined_w_class = 60 max_w_class = WEIGHT_CLASS_NORMAL cant_hold = list(/obj/item/storage/backpack/shared) @@ -13,7 +21,7 @@ // basically we cannot put one bag in the storage if another one is already there if(istype(I) && I.bag && I.bag == src && I.twin_storage && I.twin_storage.loc == src) if(!stop_messages) - to_chat(usr, span_warning("Yo dawg, and how are you going to do it?")) + balloon_alert(usr, "невозможно!") return FALSE return ..() @@ -21,7 +29,15 @@ //External /obj/item/shared_storage name = "paradox bag" - desc = "Somehow, it's in two places at once." + desc = "Каким-то образом, эта сумка существует в двух местах одновременно." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "парадоксальная сумка", + GENITIVE = "парадоксальной сумки", + DATIVE = "парадоксальной сумке", + ACCUSATIVE = "парадоксальную сумку", + INSTRUMENTAL = "парадоксальной сумкой", + PREPOSITIONAL = "парадоксальной сумке" + ) icon = 'icons/obj/storage.dmi' icon_state = "cultpack" slot_flags = ITEM_SLOT_BACK @@ -111,7 +127,15 @@ /obj/item/book_of_babel name = "Book of Babel" - desc = "An ancient tome written in countless tongues." + desc = "Древнейший фолиант, написанный в бесчисленном множестве языков." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "книга Вавилона", + GENITIVE = "книги Вавилона", + DATIVE = "книге Вавилона", + ACCUSATIVE = "книгу Вавилона", + INSTRUMENTAL = "книгой Вавилона", + PREPOSITIONAL = "книге Вавилона" + ) icon = 'icons/obj/library.dmi' icon_state = "book1" w_class = 2 @@ -119,11 +143,14 @@ /obj/item/book_of_babel/attack_self(mob/living/carbon/user) if(HAS_TRAIT(user, TRAIT_NO_BABEL)) - user.visible_message(span_notice("[user] suddenly stops, releasing [src].")) - to_chat(user, span_warning("You don't know what a book is or what to do with it.")) + user.visible_message( + span_notice("[user] внезапно останавлива[pluralize_ru(user, "ет", "ют")]ся, недоумённо глядя на [declent_ru(GENITIVE)]."), + span_warning("Вы понятия не имеете, что это такое и что с этим делать.") + ) + return - to_chat(user, "You flip through the pages of the book, quickly and conveniently learning every language in existence. Somewhat less conveniently, the aging book crumbles to dust in the process. Whoops.") + to_chat(user, "Вы упоённо пролистываете страницы книги, вбирая в себя знания всех существующих языков во Вселенной. К сожалению, [declent_ru(NOMINATIVE)] не выдерживает такого напора и рассыпается в прах. Ой...") user.grant_all_babel_languages() new /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/ash(get_turf(user)) user.temporarily_remove_item_from_inventory(src) @@ -138,7 +165,15 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/potion/flight name = "strange elixir" - desc = "A flask with an almost-holy aura emitting from it. The label on the bottle says: 'erqo'hyy tvi'rf lbh jv'atf'." + desc = "Флакон с едва ли не святой аурой, исходящей от него. Вы пытаетесь прочитать надпись на бутылке, но текст неразборчив." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "странный эликсир", + GENITIVE = "странного эликсира", + DATIVE = "странному эликсиру", + ACCUSATIVE = "странный эликсир", + INSTRUMENTAL = "странным эликсиром", + PREPOSITIONAL = "странном эликсире" + ) list_reagents = list("flightpotion" = 5) /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/potion/update_icon_state() @@ -150,20 +185,20 @@ /datum/reagent/flightpotion name = "Flight Potion" id = "flightpotion" - description = "Strange mutagenic compound of unknown origins." + description = "Странный мутагенный состав неизвестного происхождения." reagent_state = LIQUID color = "#FFEBEB" /datum/reagent/flightpotion/reaction_mob(mob/living/M, method = REAGENT_TOUCH, reac_volume, show_message = 1) - to_chat(M, "This item is currently non-functional.") + to_chat(M, span_warning("Данный предмет нефункционален на текущий момент.")) /*if(ishuman(M) && M.stat != DEAD) var/mob/living/carbon/human/H = M if(!ishumanbasic(H) || reac_volume < 5) // implying xenohumans are holy if(method == INGEST && show_message) - to_chat(H, "You feel nothing but a terrible aftertaste.") + to_chat(H, span_notice("Кроме отвратительного послевкусия у вас во рту, вы ничего не почувствовали.")) return ..() - to_chat(H, "A terrible pain travels down your back as wings burst out!") + to_chat(H, span_danger("Невыносимая боль проходит через вашу спину, как вдруг оттуда вырываются крылья!")) H.set_species(/datum/species/angel) playsound(H.loc, 'sound/items/poster_ripped.ogg', 50, 1, -1) H.adjustBruteLoss(20) @@ -172,7 +207,15 @@ /obj/item/jacobs_ladder name = "jacob's ladder" - desc = "A celestial ladder that violates the laws of physics." + desc = "Небесная лестница, нарушающая законы физики." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "лестница Иакова", + GENITIVE = "лестницы Иакова", + DATIVE = "лестнице Иакова", + ACCUSATIVE = "лестницу Иакова", + INSTRUMENTAL = "лестницей Иакова", + PREPOSITIONAL = "лестнице Иакова" + ) icon = 'icons/obj/structures.dmi' icon_state = "ladder" @@ -180,7 +223,7 @@ var/turf/T = get_turf(src) var/ladder_x = T.x var/ladder_y = T.y - to_chat(user, "You unfold the ladder. It extends much farther than you were expecting.") + to_chat(user, span_notice("Вы разворачиваете лестницу. Она уходит значительно дальше, чем вы ожидали.")) var/last_ladder = null for(var/i in 1 to world.maxz) if(is_admin_level(i) || is_away_level(i) || is_taipan(i)) @@ -195,12 +238,27 @@ // Inherit from unbreakable but don't set ID, to suppress the default Z linkage /obj/structure/ladder/unbreakable/jacob name = "jacob's ladder" - desc = "An indestructible celestial ladder that violates the laws of physics." - + desc = "Нерушимая небесная лестница, нарушающая законы физики." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "лестница Иакова", + GENITIVE = "лестницы Иакова", + DATIVE = "лестнице Иакова", + ACCUSATIVE = "лестницу Иакова", + INSTRUMENTAL = "лестницей Иакова", + PREPOSITIONAL = "лестнице Иакова" + ) //Wisp Lantern /obj/item/wisp_lantern name = "spooky lantern" - desc = "This lantern gives off no light, but is home to a friendly wisp." + desc = "Эта лампа не источает света, но является пристанищем для дружелюбного духа." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "жуткая лампа", + GENITIVE = "жуткой лампы", + DATIVE = "жуткой лампе", + ACCUSATIVE = "жуткую лампу", + INSTRUMENTAL = "жуткой лампой", + PREPOSITIONAL = "жуткой лампе" + ) icon = 'icons/obj/lighting.dmi' icon_state = "lantern-blue" item_state = "lantern" @@ -222,33 +280,31 @@ /obj/item/wisp_lantern/attack_self(mob/user) if(!wisp) - to_chat(user, "The wisp has gone missing!") + balloon_alert(user, "дух исчезает") update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE) return if(wisp.loc == src) RegisterSignal(user, COMSIG_MOB_UPDATE_SIGHT, PROC_REF(update_user_sight)) - to_chat(user, "You release the wisp. It begins to bob around your head.") + balloon_alert(user, "дух выпущен") wisp.forceMove(user) update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE) INVOKE_ASYNC(wisp, TYPE_PROC_REF(/atom/movable, orbit), user, 20) set_light_on(FALSE) user.update_sight() - to_chat(user, "The wisp enhances your vision.") SSblackbox.record_feedback("tally", "wisp_lantern", 1, "Freed") // freed else UnregisterSignal(user, COMSIG_MOB_UPDATE_SIGHT) - to_chat(user, "You return the wisp to the lantern.") + balloon_alert("дух возвращён") wisp.stop_orbit() wisp.forceMove(src) set_light_on(TRUE) user.update_sight() - to_chat(user, "Your vision returns to normal.") update_icon(UPDATE_ICON_STATE) SSblackbox.record_feedback("tally", "wisp_lantern", 1, "Returned") // returned @@ -263,7 +319,7 @@ if(wisp.loc == src) qdel(wisp) else - wisp.visible_message("[wisp] has a sad feeling for a moment, then it passes.") + wisp.visible_message(span_notice("Дух огорчённо вздыхает, а затем улетает восвояси.")) return ..() /obj/item/wisp_lantern/proc/update_user_sight(mob/user) @@ -273,7 +329,15 @@ /obj/effect/wisp name = "friendly wisp" - desc = "Happy to light your way." + desc = "Счастливо освещает вам путь." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "дружелюбный дух", + GENITIVE = "дружелюбного духа", + DATIVE = "дружелюбному духу", + ACCUSATIVE = "дружелюбного духа", + INSTRUMENTAL = "дружелюбным духом", + PREPOSITIONAL = "дружелюбном духе" + ) icon = 'icons/obj/lighting.dmi' icon_state = "orb" light_range = 7 @@ -282,7 +346,15 @@ //Red/Blue Cubes /obj/item/warp_cube name = "blue cube" - desc = "A mysterious blue cube." + desc = "Мистический синий куб." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "синий куб", + GENITIVE = "синего куба", + DATIVE = "синему кубу", + ACCUSATIVE = "синий куб", + INSTRUMENTAL = "синим кубом", + PREPOSITIONAL = "синем кубе" + ) icon = 'icons/obj/lavaland/artefacts.dmi' icon_state = "blue_cube" var/obj/item/warp_cube/linked @@ -295,11 +367,11 @@ /obj/item/warp_cube/attack_self(mob/user) if(!linked) - to_chat(user, "[src] fizzles uselessly.") + balloon_alert(user, "куб искрится и шипит") return if(is_in_teleport_proof_area(user) || is_in_teleport_proof_area(linked)) - to_chat(user, "[src] sparks and fizzles.") + balloon_alert(user, "куб искрится и шипит.") return if(do_after(user, 1.5 SECONDS, user)) var/datum/effect_system/smoke_spread/smoke = new @@ -313,12 +385,20 @@ smoke2.set_up(1, 0, user.loc) smoke2.start() else - to_chat(user, "You need to hold still to use [src].") + balloon_alert(user, "прервано из-за движения") /obj/item/warp_cube/red name = "red cube" - desc = "A mysterious red cube." + desc = "Мистический красный куб." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "красный куб", + GENITIVE = "красного куба", + DATIVE = "красному кубу", + ACCUSATIVE = "красный куб", + INSTRUMENTAL = "красным кубом", + PREPOSITIONAL = "красном кубе" + ) icon_state = "red_cube" /obj/item/warp_cube/red/New() @@ -332,7 +412,15 @@ /obj/item/gun/magic/hook name = "meat hook" - desc = "Mid or feed." + desc = "Ты погляди, свежее мясо!" + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "мясной крюк", + GENITIVE = "мясного крюка", + DATIVE = "мясному крюку", + ACCUSATIVE = "мясной крюк", + INSTRUMENTAL = "мясным крюком", + PREPOSITIONAL = "мясном крюке" + ) ammo_type = /obj/item/ammo_casing/magic/hook icon_state = "hook" item_state = "chain" @@ -343,7 +431,15 @@ /obj/item/ammo_casing/magic/hook name = "hook" - desc = "a hook." + desc = "Это крюк." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "крюк", + GENITIVE = "крюка", + DATIVE = "крюку", + ACCUSATIVE = "крюк", + INSTRUMENTAL = "крюком", + PREPOSITIONAL = "крюке" + ) projectile_type = /obj/item/projectile/hook caliber = "hook" icon_state = "hook" @@ -372,7 +468,7 @@ var/turf/firer_turf = get_turf(firer) var/mob/living/L = target if(!L.anchored && L.loc) - L.visible_message("[L] is snagged by [firer]'s hook!") + L.visible_message(span_danger("[firer] зацепля[pluralize_ru(firer, "ет", "ют")] [L] [declent_ru(INSTRUMENTAL)]!")) ADD_TRAIT(L, TRAIT_UNDENSE, UNIQUE_TRAIT_SOURCE(src)) // Ensures the hook does not hit the target multiple times L.forceMove(firer_turf) REMOVE_TRAIT(L, TRAIT_UNDENSE, UNIQUE_TRAIT_SOURCE(src)) @@ -385,7 +481,15 @@ //Immortality Talisman /obj/item/immortality_talisman name = "Immortality Talisman" - desc = "A dread talisman that can render you completely invulnerable." + desc = "Таинственный талисман, способный даровать неуязвимость." + ru_names = list( + NOMINATIVE = "Талисман Бессмертия", + GENITIVE = "Талисмана Бессмертия", + DATIVE = "Талисману Бессмертия", + ACCUSATIVE = "Талисман Бессмертия", + INSTRUMENTAL = "Талисманом Бессмертия", + PREPOSITIONAL = "Талисмане Бессмертия" + ) icon = 'icons/obj/lavaland/artefacts.dmi' icon_state = "talisman" resistance_flags = INDESTRUCTIBLE | LAVA_PROOF | FIRE_PROOF | UNACIDABLE | ACID_PROOF @@ -406,7 +510,7 @@ /obj/item/immortality_talisman/attack_self(mob/user) if(!COOLDOWN_FINISHED(src, last_used_immortality_talisman)) - to_chat(user, span_warning("[src] is still recharging.")) + balloon_alert(user, "ещё не готово!") return var/turf/source_turf = get_turf(src) @@ -415,11 +519,11 @@ COOLDOWN_START(src, last_used_immortality_talisman, 60 SECONDS) SSblackbox.record_feedback("amount", "immortality_talisman_uses", 1) - user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] vanishes from reality, leaving a a hole in [user.p_their()] place!")) + user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] исчеза[pluralize_ru(user, "ет", "ют")] из реальности, оставляя после себя дыру в пространстве!")) var/obj/effect/immortality_talisman/effect = new(source_turf) = "hole in reality" - effect.desc = "It's shaped an awful lot like []." + effect.desc = "Подозрительно походит на силуэт []." effect.setDir(user.dir) user.forceMove(effect) user.add_traits(list(TRAIT_NO_TRANSFORM, TRAIT_GODMODE), UNIQUE_TRAIT_SOURCE(src)) @@ -438,7 +542,7 @@ user.remove_traits(list(TRAIT_NO_TRANSFORM, TRAIT_GODMODE), UNIQUE_TRAIT_SOURCE(src)) user.forceMove(effect_turf) - user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] pops back into reality!")) + user.visible_message(span_danger("[user] материализу[pluralize_ru(user.gender, "ет", "ют")]ся в пространстве, вновь возвращаясь в нашу реальность!")) effect.can_destroy = TRUE if(length(effect.contents)) From 53f085cd38fd69a6b7110ae3670fba7be732a338 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: dageavtobusnick <> Date: Sat, 14 Dec 2024 02:46:18 +0500 Subject: [PATCH 02/24] add: request console cart in pda (#5990) --- _maps/map_files/Delta/delta.dmm | 2171 +++++++++-------- _maps/map_files/celestation/celestation.dmm | 525 ++-- _maps/map_files/cerestation/cerestation.dmm | 58 +- _maps/map_files/cyberiad/cyberiad.dmm | 317 +-- _maps/map_files/event/Station/delta_old.dmm | 1465 +++++------ .../map_files/event/Station/towerstation.dmm | 371 +-- _maps/map_files/nova/nova.dmm | 650 ++--- code/__DEFINES/ | 1 + code/__DEFINES/ | 91 + code/datums/outfits/ | 1 + code/game/machinery/ | 109 +- code/modules/mining/ | 28 +- code/modules/pda/ | 40 +- code/modules/pda/ | 8 + code/modules/pda/ | 18 + code/modules/pda/ | 21 + code/modules/pda/ | 30 + code/modules/pda/ | 307 +++ code/modules/pda/ | 130 + code/modules/research/ | 7 +- icons/obj/pda.dmi | Bin 20766 -> 20964 bytes paradise.dme | 3 + tgui/packages/tgui/interfaces/PDA.js | 20 +- .../tgui/interfaces/RequestConsole.js | 46 +- .../interfaces/pda/pda_request_console.js | 57 + tgui/public/tgui.bundle.js | 36 +- 26 files changed, 3714 insertions(+), 2796 deletions(-) create mode 100644 code/__DEFINES/ create mode 100644 code/modules/pda/ create mode 100644 code/modules/pda/ create mode 100644 tgui/packages/tgui/interfaces/pda/pda_request_console.js diff --git a/_maps/map_files/Delta/delta.dmm b/_maps/map_files/Delta/delta.dmm index e1b88a5d516..c7eb23c4b24 100644 --- a/_maps/map_files/Delta/delta.dmm +++ b/_maps/map_files/Delta/delta.dmm @@ -895,16 +895,6 @@ icon_state = "brown" }, /area/quartermaster/delivery) -"ajG" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/space) "ajM" = ( /obj/structure/spacepoddoor{ luminosity = 3 @@ -1466,6 +1456,19 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fpmaint) +"apg" = ( +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Research Central Hallway"; + network = list("Research","SS13") + }, +/obj/machinery/alarm{ + pixel_y = 22 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/medical/research/nhallway) "aph" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, @@ -1656,15 +1659,6 @@ /obj/structure/girder, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fore) -"aqe" = ( -/obj/effect/landmark/start/trainee_engineer, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "aqf" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -1696,6 +1690,16 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/kitchen) +"aqk" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/space) "aqq" = ( /obj/structure/rack, /obj/item/clothing/shoes/magboots{ @@ -13398,23 +13402,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/storage/tech) -"bGW" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwestcorner, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 2; - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "1-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/engine, -/area/toxins/sm_test_chamber) "bGY" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 4; @@ -13819,6 +13806,21 @@ icon_state = "blue" }, /area/bridge/checkpoint/north) +"bJx" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 2; + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, +/turf/space, +/area/space) "bJy" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ @@ -14017,6 +14019,16 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/disposal) +"bKL" = ( +/obj/machinery/power/terminal{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeast, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "0-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "bKN" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -15722,6 +15734,13 @@ /obj/structure/plasticflaps, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/hydroponics) +"bSy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/controlroom) "bSA" = ( /obj/structure/sink{ pixel_y = 22 @@ -17365,18 +17384,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/maintenance/bar) -"cam" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 2; - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/controlroom) "cas" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/reagentgrinder{ @@ -17978,6 +17985,14 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/crew_quarters/serviceyard) +"ccU" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "ccW" = ( /obj/machinery/portable_atmospherics/canister/oxygen, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, @@ -17996,16 +18011,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/maintenance/casino) -"cdd" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "cdj" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/item/pen, @@ -19744,16 +19749,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/remains/mouse, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/banya) -"cml" = ( -/obj/machinery/vending/autodrobe, -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Clown Office"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "bar" - }, -/area/clownoffice) "cmm" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/door/window/westleft, @@ -19859,24 +19854,6 @@ icon_state = "barber" }, /area/civilian/barber) -"cmO" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/machinery/hologram/holopad, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/storage/secure) "cmP" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -19884,33 +19861,6 @@ icon_state = "green" }, /area/hydroponics) -"cmR" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) -"cmV" = ( -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/sign/fire{ - pixel_x = 32 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "2-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/storage/secure) "cmX" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -19999,19 +19949,6 @@ /obj/item/storage/box/mousetraps, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/sorting) -"cnq" = ( -/obj/structure/bed, -/obj/item/bedsheet/clown, -/obj/structure/sign/poster/official/random{ - pixel_y = 32 - }, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "bar" - }, -/area/clownoffice) "cnx" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, @@ -20029,20 +19966,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/office) -"cnB" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "cnD" = ( /obj/structure/cable, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -20408,20 +20331,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/storage/secure) -"cpo" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/storage/secure) "cpr" = ( /obj/machinery/power/emitter, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, @@ -20740,10 +20649,6 @@ icon_state = "caution" }, /area/atmos) -"crr" = ( -/obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/blueshield, -/turf/simulated/floor/wood/fancy/light, -/area/blueshield) "crv" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/item/clipboard, @@ -21158,15 +21063,6 @@ /obj/machinery/status_display, /turf/simulated/wall, /area/hydroponics) -"ctV" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "yellowfull" - }, -/area/engineering/controlroom) "cua" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -21508,13 +21404,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/gateway) -"cvI" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/controlroom) "cvJ" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/hydroponics/soil, @@ -24354,6 +24243,15 @@ icon_state = "redfull" }, /area/crew_quarters/kitchen) +"cHj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/storage/secure) "cHm" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/newscaster{ @@ -24384,20 +24282,6 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/medical/research) -"cHz" = ( -/obj/structure/bed, -/obj/item/bedsheet/mime, -/obj/structure/sign/poster/official/random{ - pixel_y = 32 - }, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "tranquillite" - }, -/area/mimeoffice) "cHC" = ( /obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -26059,21 +25943,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/quartermaster/storage) -"cOT" = ( -/obj/machinery/vending/wallmed{ - name = "Emergency NanoMed"; - pixel_x = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer, -/obj/item/radio/intercom{ - pixel_y = -26; - pixel_x = 0 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 6; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/toxins/explab) "cOU" = ( /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/heat_exchanging, @@ -26819,16 +26688,6 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/meter, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/engineering/controlroom) -"cRT" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/controlroom) "cRU" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeast, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, @@ -26874,14 +26733,6 @@ icon_state = "purplefull" }, /area/toxins/test_chamber) -"cSa" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/controlroom) "cSb" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -28141,19 +27992,6 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/chemistry) -"cXs" = ( -/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ - pixel_y = -28 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 6; - icon_state = "whiteyellow" - }, -/area/medical/chemistry) "cXv" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 4; @@ -31508,6 +31346,25 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/crew_quarters/hor) +"dmd" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/preopen{ + id_tag = "Singularity"; + name = "Singularity Blast Doors" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "dmj" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -33412,6 +33269,21 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/engineering/controlroom) +"duH" = ( +/obj/machinery/vending/wallmed{ + name = "Emergency NanoMed"; + pixel_x = 26 + }, +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer, +/obj/item/radio/intercom{ + pixel_y = -26; + pixel_x = 0 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 6; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/toxins/explab) "duI" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/heat_exchanging{ dir = 9 @@ -33439,21 +33311,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/permabrig) -"duO" = ( -/obj/machinery/power/terminal, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 9 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/controlroom) "duT" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 1; @@ -33682,6 +33539,20 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine/co2, /area/atmos) +"dvO" = ( +/obj/structure/bed, +/obj/item/bedsheet/mime, +/obj/structure/sign/poster/official/random{ + pixel_y = 32 + }, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "tranquillite" + }, +/area/mimeoffice) "dvP" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -33756,6 +33627,21 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/crew_quarters/bar/atrium) +"dwp" = ( +/obj/machinery/access_button{ + command = "cycle_exterior"; + frequency = 1379; + master_tag = "engineering_east_airlock"; + name = "exterior access button"; + pixel_x = 20; + pixel_y = 20; + req_access = list(10,13) + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "dws" = ( /obj/machinery/recharge_station, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -34859,11 +34745,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/permabrig) -"dBp" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "dBr" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -35078,19 +34959,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/permabrig) -"dCv" = ( -/obj/structure/table/reinforced, -/obj/item/book/manual/engineering_guide{ - pixel_x = 4; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/book/manual/engineering_particle_accelerator, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "yellow" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "dCw" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/machinery/computer/library/public, @@ -35576,12 +35444,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine/o2, /area/atmos) -"dEs" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "dEt" = ( /turf/simulated/wall, /area/maintenance/banya) @@ -36751,18 +36613,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine, /area/maintenance/turbine) -"dJh" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 2; - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, -/turf/space, -/area/space) "dJi" = ( /obj/machinery/field/generator{ anchored = 1; @@ -37983,13 +37833,6 @@ /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, /turf/space, /area/space) -"dOM" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "dON" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden{ @@ -38362,16 +38205,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/engineering/engine) -"dQA" = ( -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "dQB" = ( /obj/machinery/light{ dir = 4 @@ -38429,15 +38262,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/quartermaster/miningdock) -"dQQ" = ( -/obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, -/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/singularity{ - dir = 8; - pixel_x = -32 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "dQR" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/vodka{ @@ -38449,32 +38273,6 @@ icon_state = "brown" }, /area/quartermaster/storage) -"dQS" = ( -/obj/effect/landmark/start/engineer, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "yellowfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) -"dQT" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/machinery/hologram/holopad, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "dQV" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 9; @@ -38510,36 +38308,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint2) -"dRd" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/storage/secure) -"dRe" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 9 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 10 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/storage/secure) "dRf" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -38639,14 +38407,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/chapel/office) -"dRw" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/storage/secure) "dRB" = ( /obj/machinery/alarm{ dir = 4; @@ -38861,21 +38621,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/crew_quarters/locker/locker_toilet) -"dSy" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) -"dSz" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/preopen{ - id_tag = "Singularity"; - name = "Singularity Blast Doors" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "dSA" = ( /obj/item/radio/intercom{ pixel_x = -28 @@ -38890,13 +38635,6 @@ /obj/item/flashlight/lamp, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/library) -"dSC" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "dSD" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -39356,19 +39094,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/miningdock) -"dUA" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "dUC" = ( /obj/structure/cable/yellow{ d1 = 1; @@ -39733,13 +39458,6 @@ icon_state = "green" }, /area/hydroponics) -"dVW" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "dVX" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ @@ -40166,16 +39884,6 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/medbay) -"dXn" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "dXo" = ( /obj/structure/cable/yellow{ d1 = 2; @@ -41895,6 +41603,14 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/medical/research/restroom) +"eki" = ( +/obj/machinery/door/window/eastleft{ + dir = 1; + req_access = list(10) + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "ekj" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, @@ -42829,6 +42545,13 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood/fancy/light, /area/crew_quarters/courtroom) +"exf" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "exh" = ( /obj/machinery/door/airlock/maintenance{ req_access = list(47) @@ -43084,6 +42807,18 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/maintenance/tourist) +"eAh" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "eAm" = ( /obj/machinery/camera/motion{ c_tag = "Minisat AI Core North"; @@ -44045,16 +43780,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/atmos) -"eLU" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "eMg" = ( /obj/machinery/door/airlock/glass{ name = "Cabin" @@ -44960,14 +44685,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/security/main) -"eWl" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "eWs" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -46265,6 +45982,13 @@ icon_state = "grimy" }, /area/hallway/secondary/entry/lounge) +"fme" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, +/turf/space, +/area/space) "fmw" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -46845,16 +46569,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/office) -"fui" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "0-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/power/smes{ - charge = 2e+006 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "fuj" = ( /obj/structure/chair/comfy/brown{ dir = 8 @@ -47090,6 +46804,18 @@ /obj/item/clothing/head/welding, /turf/simulated/floor/bluegrid, /area/tcommsat/chamber) +"fxD" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 2; + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, +/turf/space, +/area/space) "fxR" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/red/hollow, /obj/structure/table/reinforced, @@ -47184,15 +46910,6 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/security/customs) -"fyJ" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/toxins/sm_test_chamber) "fzv" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "2-4" @@ -47924,24 +47641,6 @@ }, /turf/space, /area/turret_protected/ai) -"fId" = ( -/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ - id_tag = "engstorage"; - name = "Secure Storage Blast Doors" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "fIg" = ( /obj/machinery/light/small{ dir = 1 @@ -48007,6 +47706,18 @@ }, /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/tcommsat/chamber) +"fIM" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, +/turf/space, +/area/space) "fIS" = ( /obj/machinery/light/small{ dir = 8 @@ -48450,14 +48161,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/engineering/engine) -"fPD" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "yellowfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "fPF" = ( /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/security, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/red/hollow, @@ -48517,13 +48220,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fpmaint) -"fQv" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "fQD" = ( /obj/structure/chair/comfy/red{ dir = 4 @@ -49391,6 +49087,14 @@ /obj/item/radio/beacon/engine/tesling, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, /area/space) +"fZE" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "yellowfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "fZK" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/royalblack, @@ -49710,13 +49414,6 @@ icon_state = "wood-broken3" }, /area/maintenance/kitchen) -"geb" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "yellow" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "geg" = ( /obj/machinery/newscaster{ pixel_y = 30 @@ -50279,20 +49976,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint3) -"gmI" = ( -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Engine Room South"; - dir = 1; - network = list("Engineering","SS13") - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8 - }, -/mob/living/simple_animal/possum/Poppy, -/obj/structure/bed/dogbed/pet, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "gmO" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "redfull" @@ -50446,21 +50129,6 @@ /obj/machinery/light/small, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint3) -"goI" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 2; - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, -/turf/space, -/area/space) "goM" = ( /obj/structure/flora/grass/jungle, /turf/simulated/floor/grass, @@ -50807,6 +50475,16 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"gtz" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/structure/cable, +/obj/machinery/power/apc{ + dir = 4; + pixel_x = 26 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "gtC" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden{ @@ -51247,6 +50925,13 @@ icon_state = "grimy" }, /area/chapel/office) +"gzM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "gzO" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ @@ -51272,25 +50957,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/toxins/storage) -"gzX" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/preopen{ - id_tag = "Singularity"; - name = "Singularity Blast Doors" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "gAB" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, @@ -51550,14 +51216,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/toxins/xenobiology) -"gDQ" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "gDV" = ( /obj/machinery/alarm{ dir = 1; @@ -52968,6 +52626,20 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/turret_protected/ai) +"gQU" = ( +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/sign/fire{ + pixel_x = 32 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/storage/secure) "gQV" = ( /obj/structure/grille, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, @@ -53552,6 +53224,24 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/medbay) +"gYo" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 2; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 2; + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "gYp" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, @@ -54012,6 +53702,13 @@ icon_state = "whitebluefull" }, /area/medical/reception) +"hfl" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "hfp" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced/plasma, /obj/structure/cable, @@ -54114,6 +53811,12 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/warden) +"hgP" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "hgQ" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/item/folder/yellow, @@ -55581,6 +55284,15 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwestcorner, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/disposal) +"hAy" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "yellow" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "hAC" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible{ desc = "Труба содержит газ для обработки и после возвращает его обратно в трубу смешивания"; @@ -56224,6 +55936,21 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/hallway/secondary/exit) +"hJr" = ( +/obj/machinery/power/terminal, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/controlroom) "hJA" = ( /obj/machinery/computer/arcade, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, @@ -56785,6 +56512,16 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood/fancy/light, /area/crew_quarters/courtroom) +"hPZ" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "hQg" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -57591,6 +57328,13 @@ icon_state = "caution" }, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"iaH" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "ibj" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "0-8" @@ -59021,6 +58765,18 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fpmaint) +"isc" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 2; + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, +/turf/space, +/area/space) "iso" = ( /obj/structure/chair{ dir = 4 @@ -59557,6 +59313,15 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/crew_quarters/courtroom) +"izn" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/toxins/sm_test_chamber) "izC" = ( /obj/structure/rack{ dir = 8; @@ -61440,15 +61205,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/portsolar) -"iYh" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/storage/secure) "iYl" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -61701,6 +61457,17 @@ icon_state = "purple" }, /area/quartermaster/miningdock) +"jbg" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "jby" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, @@ -61929,6 +61696,20 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/engineering) +"jeu" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "jev" = ( /obj/structure/chair/comfy/red{ dir = 8 @@ -62104,22 +61885,6 @@ /obj/structure/grille, /turf/space, /area/space) -"jhc" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast, -/obj/machinery/r_n_d/circuit_imprinter{ - pixel_x = -1; - pixel_y = 3 - }, -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; - departmentType = 2; - name = "Research Request Console"; - pixel_x = 30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "dark" - }, -/area/toxins/lab) "jhm" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, @@ -62526,6 +62291,26 @@ icon_state = "solarpanel" }, /area/solar/starboard) +"jmF" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "purplefull" + }, +/area/medical/research/nhallway) "jmK" = ( /obj/structure/girder, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -66064,21 +65849,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/permabrig) -"kfr" = ( -/obj/machinery/access_button{ - command = "cycle_exterior"; - frequency = 1379; - master_tag = "engineering_west_airlock"; - name = "exterior access button"; - pixel_x = 20; - pixel_y = 20; - req_access = list(10,13) - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "kfS" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 5 @@ -66715,6 +66485,13 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/starboard) +"knT" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "knU" = ( /obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor{ dir = 2; @@ -68121,20 +67898,6 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance/double, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/trading) -"kHo" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, -/obj/machinery/light, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "kHz" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -68228,6 +67991,19 @@ icon_state = "bar" }, /area/clownoffice) +"kIL" = ( +/obj/machinery/power/apc{ + dir = 1; + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/medical/research/nhallway) "kJi" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ @@ -68376,6 +68152,13 @@ icon_state = "chapel" }, /area/chapel/main) +"kKE" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, +/turf/space, +/area/space) "kKR" = ( /obj/machinery/light/small, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -68457,6 +68240,22 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/assembly/robotics) +"kMe" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast, +/obj/machinery/r_n_d/circuit_imprinter{ + pixel_x = -1; + pixel_y = 3 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Research"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Research Request Console"; + pixel_x = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "dark" + }, +/area/toxins/lab) "kMl" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -69287,15 +69086,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/wall, /area/toxins/test_chamber) -"kZJ" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, -/obj/machinery/light, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "kZL" = ( /obj/structure/table/wood, /obj/machinery/status_display{ @@ -72543,6 +72333,24 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/arcade, /area/crew_quarters/fitness) +"lPI" = ( +/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ + id_tag = "engstorage"; + name = "Secure Storage Blast Doors" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "lPJ" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on, /obj/machinery/camera{ @@ -72875,6 +72683,21 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/permabrig) +"lUn" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "lUL" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -73202,14 +73025,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/warden) -"lYo" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "lYu" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner, /obj/machinery/light/small{ @@ -74039,6 +73854,15 @@ }, /turf/simulated/wall, /area/quartermaster/office) +"mjo" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, +/obj/machinery/light, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "mjr" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-4" @@ -75108,6 +74932,22 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/test_chamber) +"mvm" = ( +/obj/structure/table/glass, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/burn, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/charcoal, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Genetics"; + departmentType = 1; + name = "Genetics Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -2; + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/medical/genetics) "mvI" = ( /obj/machinery/door_timer/cell_1{ dir = 1; @@ -75242,6 +75082,26 @@ /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, /turf/space, /area/solar/port) +"mxh" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/machinery/hologram/holopad, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "mxr" = ( /obj/structure/table/wood, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -76140,21 +76000,6 @@ icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/medbay2) -"mGs" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "mGt" = ( /obj/structure/table/glass, /obj/item/storage/toolbox/surgery{ @@ -76343,6 +76188,15 @@ icon_state = "grimy" }, /area/maintenance/library) +"mJD" = ( +/obj/effect/landmark/start/trainee_engineer, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "mJH" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-8" @@ -78169,18 +78023,6 @@ icon_state = "seadeep" }, /area/crew_quarters/fitness) -"nfv" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, -/turf/space, -/area/space) "nfN" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/recharger{ @@ -78761,13 +78603,6 @@ icon_state = "purplecorner" }, /area/medical/virology/lab) -"nml" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "nmp" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/machinery/door/firedoor, @@ -78794,6 +78629,14 @@ /obj/machinery/computer/security, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/security/hos) +"nnh" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/visible, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/controlroom) "nnt" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/light/small{ @@ -79427,24 +79270,6 @@ /obj/structure/falsewall, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/brig) -"nth" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 2; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "2-8" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 2; - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "ntj" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/grille, @@ -79900,13 +79725,6 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/security/prison/cell_block/A) -"nAz" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "nAA" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on, /obj/machinery/light{ @@ -80058,6 +79876,14 @@ /obj/structure/girder, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"nCi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/preopen{ + id_tag = "Singularity"; + name = "Singularity Blast Doors" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "nCm" = ( /obj/machinery/firealarm{ dir = 8; @@ -80465,29 +80291,24 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/engineering/gravitygenerator) -"nGC" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 2; - icon_state = "1-2" +"nGs" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/machinery/hologram/holopad, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 }, -/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, -/turf/space, -/area/space) -"nGG" = ( -/obj/machinery/vending/autodrobe, -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Mime Office"; - dir = 8 +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "tranquillite" + icon_state = "neutralfull" }, -/area/mimeoffice) +/area/storage/secure) "nGI" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -80510,6 +80331,13 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/toxins/lab) +"nGT" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "nGY" = ( /obj/structure/particle_accelerator/particle_emitter/right{ dir = 8 @@ -83291,17 +83119,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/bridge/vip) -"oqc" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "oqp" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -83496,6 +83313,23 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/disposal) +"osi" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwestcorner, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 2; + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/engine, +/area/toxins/sm_test_chamber) "osl" = ( /obj/machinery/recharge_station, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -83823,6 +83657,14 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"owx" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/storage/secure) "owB" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, @@ -83892,6 +83734,14 @@ icon_state = "wood-broken" }, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"oya" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "oyq" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-8" @@ -84316,19 +84166,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fpmaint) -"oBM" = ( -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Research Central Hallway"; - network = list("Research","SS13") - }, -/obj/machinery/alarm{ - pixel_y = 22 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/medical/research/nhallway) "oCc" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ @@ -84401,6 +84238,20 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/crew_quarters/fitness) +"oDd" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "yellowfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "oDk" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -84423,6 +84274,22 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine, /area/engineering/controlroom) +"oDt" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "oDx" = ( /obj/machinery/camera/motion{ c_tag = "Vault"; @@ -85052,6 +84919,13 @@ icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/medbay2) +"oKO" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "oKQ" = ( /obj/machinery/computer/secure_data, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -85300,6 +85174,21 @@ icon_state = "chapel" }, /area/chapel/main) +"oOf" = ( +/obj/machinery/access_button{ + command = "cycle_exterior"; + frequency = 1379; + master_tag = "engineering_west_airlock"; + name = "exterior access button"; + pixel_x = 20; + pixel_y = 20; + req_access = list(10,13) + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "oOg" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -85882,6 +85771,16 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/detectives_office) +"oVt" = ( +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "oVx" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/item/storage/fancy/donut_box, @@ -85897,6 +85796,18 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/security/main) +"oVB" = ( +/obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/blueshield, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + announcementConsole = 1; + department = "Blueshield"; + departmentType = 5; + name = "Blueshield Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/wood/fancy/light, +/area/blueshield) "oVM" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -85923,26 +85834,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/nw) -"oWk" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "purplefull" - }, -/area/medical/research/nhallway) "oWp" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -86623,6 +86514,13 @@ /obj/item/chair/wood/wings, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, /area/crew_quarters/theatre) +"pfb" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "yellow" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "pfs" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -87909,13 +87807,18 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/rodent, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/garden) -"ptE" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner, +"ptU" = ( /obj/structure/cable/yellow{ icon_state = "1-4" }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, +/turf/space, +/area/space) "pua" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -90371,14 +90274,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/assembly/chargebay) -"pUS" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "pVa" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "neutralcorner" @@ -90875,6 +90770,18 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/toxins/launch) +"pZY" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 2; + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/controlroom) "qac" = ( /obj/structure/grille/broken, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, @@ -91959,13 +91866,6 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/security/interrogation) -"qlZ" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, -/turf/space, -/area/space) "qme" = ( /obj/structure/table/wood, /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ @@ -94016,15 +93916,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/storage/tech) -"qJy" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "yellow" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "qJB" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -94126,6 +94017,14 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"qKJ" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "qKK" = ( /obj/machinery/teleport/station, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, @@ -94185,14 +94084,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/permahallway) -"qKZ" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "qLa" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -95056,6 +94947,15 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine, /area/toxins/test_chamber) +"qVS" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "yellowfull" + }, +/area/engineering/controlroom) "qWg" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 6 @@ -95846,14 +95746,6 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/xenobiology) -"rfz" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "rfA" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, @@ -96326,6 +96218,12 @@ color = "orange" }, /area/crew_quarters/courtroom) +"rlQ" = ( +/obj/effect/landmark/start/engineer, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "yellowfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "rma" = ( /obj/machinery/vending/cola, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -97729,6 +97627,14 @@ }, /turf/space, /area/space) +"rDo" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "rDp" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwestcorner, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/airless, @@ -98828,6 +98734,20 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/engineering/engine) +"rQX" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "yellowfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "rRf" = ( /obj/machinery/embedded_controller/radio/airlock/airlock_controller{ id_tag = "engineering_east_airlock"; @@ -99150,16 +99070,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/prison/cell_block/A) -"rVk" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/structure/cable, -/obj/machinery/power/apc{ - dir = 4; - pixel_x = 26 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "rVt" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -99952,6 +99862,25 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"sgj" = ( +/obj/structure/filingcabinet/chestdrawer, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ + pixel_y = -28 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Chemistry"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Chemistry Requests Console"; + pixel_x = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 6; + icon_state = "whiteyellow" + }, +/area/medical/chemistry) "sgu" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -100978,20 +100907,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/prisonershuttle) -"srT" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "yellowfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "srW" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-8" @@ -101145,22 +101060,6 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/explab) -"sui" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "sum" = ( /obj/structure/table/wood, /obj/item/pen/multi{ @@ -101403,6 +101302,19 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood/fancy/light, /area/crew_quarters/captain/bedroom) +"sxl" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "sxp" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 4; @@ -101953,6 +101865,16 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/security/execution) +"sDg" = ( +/obj/machinery/vending/autodrobe, +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Clown Office"; + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "bar" + }, +/area/clownoffice) "sDo" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor/northleft{ @@ -103078,6 +103000,21 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/bridge/checkpoint/south) +"sSy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/storage/secure) "sSD" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -105194,6 +105131,16 @@ /obj/structure/girder, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/consarea_virology) +"ttD" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "0-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/power/smes{ + charge = 2e+006 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "ttY" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/item/stack/sheet/cloth/ten, @@ -105418,6 +105365,14 @@ icon_state = "whitehall" }, /area/maintenance/tourist) +"twj" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "two" = ( /obj/machinery/firealarm{ dir = 4; @@ -105823,6 +105778,20 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint2) +"tBz" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/storage/secure) "tBB" = ( /obj/machinery/status_display{ pixel_x = -32 @@ -105968,6 +105937,20 @@ icon_state = "grimy" }, /area/chapel/main) +"tDk" = ( +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Engine Room South"; + dir = 1; + network = list("Engineering","SS13") + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8 + }, +/mob/living/simple_animal/possum/Poppy, +/obj/structure/bed/dogbed/pet, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "tDv" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, /obj/machinery/door/airlock/external{ @@ -106062,20 +106045,6 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/research/shallway) -"tED" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "yellowfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "tEE" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -107901,6 +107870,19 @@ icon_state = "purple" }, /area/quartermaster/miningdock) +"tXL" = ( +/obj/structure/table/reinforced, +/obj/item/book/manual/engineering_guide{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/book/manual/engineering_particle_accelerator, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "yellow" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "tXP" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 8 @@ -108138,19 +108120,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/toxins/xenobiology) -"ual" = ( -/obj/machinery/power/apc{ - dir = 1; - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "0-2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/medical/research/nhallway) "uaF" = ( /obj/machinery/hydroponics/soil, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, @@ -109230,6 +109199,13 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint) +"unX" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "uob" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -110382,16 +110358,6 @@ "uCn" = ( /turf/simulated/wall, /area/maintenance/asmaint) -"uCs" = ( -/obj/machinery/power/terminal{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeast, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "0-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "uCv" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/red/hollow, /obj/machinery/suit_storage_unit/security, @@ -110919,21 +110885,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/engineering/engine) -"uJj" = ( -/obj/machinery/access_button{ - command = "cycle_exterior"; - frequency = 1379; - master_tag = "engineering_east_airlock"; - name = "exterior access button"; - pixel_x = 20; - pixel_y = 20; - req_access = list(10,13) - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "uJo" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -111052,6 +111003,19 @@ icon_state = "redcorner" }, /area/security/brig) +"uKB" = ( +/obj/structure/bed, +/obj/item/bedsheet/clown, +/obj/structure/sign/poster/official/random{ + pixel_y = 32 + }, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "bar" + }, +/area/clownoffice) "uKK" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 5; @@ -111477,6 +111441,13 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint4) +"uPO" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "uPT" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/light_switch{ @@ -112085,18 +112056,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/ne) -"uXS" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/engineering/engine) "uXU" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/table/wood, @@ -112890,15 +112849,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/crew_quarters/locker) -"vhR" = ( -/obj/structure/table/glass, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/burn, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/charcoal, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/medical/genetics) "vhV" = ( /obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast, @@ -114760,18 +114710,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/engineering/break_room) -"vCh" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 1; - d2 = 2; - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "vCj" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -115469,6 +115407,14 @@ icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/medbay) +"vMn" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "vMS" = ( /obj/structure/chair/office{ dir = 4 @@ -115882,6 +115828,18 @@ }, /turf/space, /area/space) +"vRz" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 1; + d2 = 2; + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "vSn" = ( /obj/structure/table/glass, /obj/item/defibrillator/loaded, @@ -116673,18 +116631,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/prisonershuttle) -"wav" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, -/turf/space, -/area/space) "waC" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 10 @@ -116876,19 +116822,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/engineering/aienter) -"wcz" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "wcB" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ dir = 4 @@ -117213,6 +117146,19 @@ "whO" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall/coated, /area/crew_quarters/hor) +"whQ" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "wie" = ( /obj/machinery/camera{ c_tag = "Departure Lounge South-West"; @@ -118319,6 +118265,20 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/crew_quarters/locker) +"wvh" = ( +/obj/structure/grille, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, +/obj/machinery/light, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, +/area/engineering/engine) "wvA" = ( /obj/item/radio/intercom{ pixel_y = -28 @@ -118768,6 +118728,16 @@ icon_state = "darkredcorners" }, /area/security/warden) +"wAW" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "wBo" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -118941,6 +118911,19 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/crew_quarters/fitness) +"wDx" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "wDB" = ( /obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, /obj/machinery/newscaster{ @@ -120481,14 +120464,6 @@ icon_state = "tranquillite" }, /area/maintenance/kitchen) -"wXm" = ( -/obj/machinery/door/window/eastleft{ - dir = 1; - req_access = list(10) - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "wXn" = ( /obj/item/storage/box/donkpockets, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -120643,6 +120618,16 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/permabrig) +"xaq" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/controlroom) "xas" = ( /obj/machinery/firealarm{ dir = 8; @@ -121055,6 +121040,11 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/toxins/storage) +"xeN" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "xeP" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/coatrack, @@ -121213,6 +121203,14 @@ icon_state = "redcorner" }, /area/security/customs) +"xgj" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, +/obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "xgm" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 9 @@ -121239,6 +121237,15 @@ /obj/structure/table/wood, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/security/detectives_office) +"xgv" = ( +/obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, +/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/singularity{ + dir = 8; + pixel_x = -32 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "xgy" = ( /obj/machinery/gateway{ dir = 1 @@ -121443,13 +121450,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/engineering) -"xiR" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, -/turf/space, -/area/space) "xji" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/chair/comfy/beige{ @@ -122013,14 +122013,6 @@ "xqu" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/security/range) -"xqC" = ( -/obj/structure/grille, -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, -/area/engineering/engine) "xqE" = ( /obj/vehicle/ridden/secway, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -122333,6 +122325,21 @@ icon_state = "darkblue" }, /area/chapel/main) +"xul" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/storage/secure) "xun" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/item/paper_bin, @@ -122666,6 +122673,16 @@ icon_state = "darkblue" }, /area/construction/hallway) +"xwJ" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/engineering/engine) "xwL" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, @@ -125714,13 +125731,6 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/engineering) -"ybT" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/yellow{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) "ybU" = ( /obj/structure/grille, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, @@ -125965,6 +125975,17 @@ "ydS" = ( /turf/simulated/wall, /area/crew_quarters/courtroom) +"ydT" = ( +/obj/machinery/vending/autodrobe, +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Mime Office"; + dir = 8 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "tranquillite" + }, +/area/mimeoffice) "yek" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ @@ -144370,7 +144391,7 @@ xXS dON qta pnU -bGW +osi tIx vor cTi @@ -144602,19 +144623,19 @@ bXU cbb rLd aaq -xiR +kKE pnx pnx -dJh +fxD pnx pnx -goI +bJx pnx pnx -nGC +isc pnx pnx -qlZ +fme aaq hdZ cbb @@ -145112,7 +145133,7 @@ coE sPe coE bXU -oqc +jbg qCX lEd aaq @@ -145132,7 +145153,7 @@ efA aaq rfZ pyN -kZJ +mjo bXU wUr pIc @@ -145373,7 +145394,7 @@ bZl cbb lEd coE -wav +fIM dUE coE aaq @@ -145385,7 +145406,7 @@ aaq aaq coE cZc -nfv +ptU coE rfZ cbb @@ -145400,7 +145421,7 @@ cJK lFw uBx tgM -fyJ +izn qbq idK jYB @@ -145627,7 +145648,7 @@ wXY coB bXU keL -gDQ +oya lEd aaq efA @@ -145645,7 +145666,7 @@ dZb efA aaq rfZ -pUS +twj ufl bXU nlR @@ -146144,7 +146165,7 @@ bXU qvF cbb coE -wav +fIM dUE aaq coE @@ -146156,7 +146177,7 @@ acF coE aaq cZc -nfv +ptU coE cbb pBi @@ -146654,7 +146675,7 @@ dgF uSR dnN bXU -qKZ +vMn ffP lEd aaq @@ -146674,7 +146695,7 @@ efA aaq rfZ oak -xqC +ccU bXU ohF nBj @@ -146915,7 +146936,7 @@ bZl cbb lEd coE -wav +fIM dUE coE aaq @@ -146927,7 +146948,7 @@ aaq aaq coE cZc -nfv +ptU coE rfZ cbb @@ -147168,7 +147189,7 @@ sBX dkZ dog bXU -sui +oDt qCX lEd aaq @@ -147188,7 +147209,7 @@ efA aaq rfZ pyN -kHo +wvh bXU aKV pxR @@ -147683,7 +147704,7 @@ uWf dom bXU buf -kfr +oOf kAV aaq bep @@ -147692,7 +147713,7 @@ nsT nsT nsT nsT -ajG +aqk nsT nsT nsT @@ -147701,7 +147722,7 @@ tgT hHu aaq tgf -uJj +dwp gHc bXU dhw @@ -148204,11 +148225,11 @@ cwu cwu cwu cwu -dVW -nAz +exf +unX hWL eQV -nml +oKO cwu cwu cwu @@ -148715,7 +148736,7 @@ wgm bXU rQP mWV -gzX +dmd wNB gcj oON @@ -148725,7 +148746,7 @@ tKz jGo gcj mWV -gzX +dmd wNB rQP bXU @@ -148975,7 +148996,7 @@ tPh dDP jJc tXp -uXS +eAh nnT aIo oFs @@ -149229,14 +149250,14 @@ fPA bZn gHz wUB -nth +gYo pGB pvn -dXn +xwJ pEz dQz pEz -dUA +sxl pvn pGB ejp @@ -149430,13 +149451,13 @@ ccb bHp bdL caN -cvI -cam -cam +bSy +pZY +pZY cDO cfi cPq -cRT +xaq ctK cxV dnz @@ -149483,16 +149504,16 @@ dor bUg mPg cCp -dBp -dCv -eWl -lYo +xeN +tXL +qKJ +rDo dQD bXU dXo -dSy -dQA -dSy +uPO +oVt +uPO dUC bXU fFR @@ -149500,8 +149521,8 @@ tzM tzM tny uyI -fPD -rfz +fZE +xgj bXU hLD qUe @@ -149743,13 +149764,13 @@ eIu dUI dCy tzM -aqe +mJD dQD bXU bXU -dSz +nCi bXU -dSz +nCi bXU bXU dXr @@ -149758,7 +149779,7 @@ mQp eAb uyI eIu -wXm +eki gVN pgt qac @@ -149951,7 +149972,7 @@ tGE cga boL crk -ctV +qVS btC bVk cDV @@ -150000,13 +150021,13 @@ dza dUI dCz egF -qJy +hAy xNt dJD pei -dOM -dQQ -dSC +hfl +xgv +knT dUO dVY vUJ @@ -150015,7 +150036,7 @@ egF nQt uyI dza -gmI +tDk bXU hLD cbC @@ -150257,12 +150278,12 @@ eIu cbc tPh tPh -fQv +iaH tPh tPh tPh rzf -dQS +rlQ dSF tPh tPh @@ -150271,8 +150292,8 @@ tPh tPh tPh cPX -mGs -eLU +lUn +hPZ cCh dVy cbC @@ -150514,12 +150535,12 @@ ryM dXD nkf dXD -srT +oDd dXD nkf dXD qlu -dQT +mxh dSH dXD nkf @@ -150768,15 +150789,15 @@ cnj oQC xMX iFH -ybT +nGT cbj cbj -wcz +whQ cbj cbj -vCh -ptE -tED +vRz +gzM +rQX cpi tPv etT @@ -151031,9 +151052,9 @@ ehG xsj eeG vtm -fui -uCs -cmR +ttD +bKL +wDx cod cpl mDe @@ -151282,15 +151303,15 @@ bWn xnf xSn dzm -cdd -geb -dEs +wAW +pfb +hgP eci iTM utt cpm nqL -fId +lPI nqL cpm mDe @@ -151492,7 +151513,7 @@ aCi tGE cga aDe -cSa +nnh aHc aHo bVk @@ -151547,7 +151568,7 @@ iNf utt wQP rSt -cnB +jeu cof cpn mDe @@ -151804,7 +151825,7 @@ bXU utt wUC dWc -cpo +tBz cqU tZR mDe @@ -152010,7 +152031,7 @@ aFl cul aEn aHe -duO +hJr dzx aOg dLe @@ -152061,7 +152082,7 @@ cbn utt igP dOZ -dRd +sSy cpk csm mDe @@ -152318,7 +152339,7 @@ vWF utt wUC dOZ -dRd +sSy cso cso mDe @@ -152575,7 +152596,7 @@ cij dJU lTF xKq -cmO +nGs cso cpr mDe @@ -152832,7 +152853,7 @@ oZH utt uqq pus -dRe +xul rHz cqX mDe @@ -153089,7 +153110,7 @@ jem utt dNd qFn -dRw +owx dWc kpR mDe @@ -153346,7 +153367,7 @@ eir utt qFn teJ -dRw +owx dWc xvB mDe @@ -153603,7 +153624,7 @@ dkj utt gxS cna -iYh +cHj aAb tEE mDe @@ -153860,8 +153881,8 @@ onj utt jtS coh -cmV -rVk +gQU +gtz ufR mDe smf @@ -157482,9 +157503,9 @@ mAn ipb suf wAv -cOT +duH ddi -oBM +apg oUh dpZ isM @@ -157998,8 +158019,8 @@ cUT cQV aEh uHA -ual -oWk +kIL +jmF dgk iZG kxQ @@ -158937,7 +158958,7 @@ eTZ woa cbs cEJ -cHz +dvO gZH cwA dOY @@ -159194,7 +159215,7 @@ aVS fOa cgR cEJ -nGG +ydT cFQ baG dpg @@ -159708,7 +159729,7 @@ aVS dLf cei ckh -cml +sDg dbu cxA kIA @@ -159965,7 +159986,7 @@ eTZ woa cbs ckh -cnq +uKB bfY bVz gpo @@ -163137,7 +163158,7 @@ dxF hXm ohz cUZ -jhc +kMe pBD wEb daF @@ -165460,7 +165481,7 @@ vec ueo djS dfv -vhR +mvm vkl dvr drE @@ -166691,7 +166712,7 @@ lVo byU bCr pty -crr +oVB tOA iLo bHx @@ -168785,7 +168806,7 @@ dzf pfD cKR cMr -cXs +sgj jsJ dix gra diff --git a/_maps/map_files/celestation/celestation.dmm b/_maps/map_files/celestation/celestation.dmm index 1372e974525..93674e986d9 100644 --- a/_maps/map_files/celestation/celestation.dmm +++ b/_maps/map_files/celestation/celestation.dmm @@ -2201,6 +2201,21 @@ /obj/structure/barricade/wooden, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/cele/medbay) +"ath" = ( +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 1; + id = "CargoTransfer" + }, +/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ + dir = 1; + eject_range = 2 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "atm" = ( /obj/item/radio/intercom{ pixel_y = 28 @@ -7410,16 +7425,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/engineering/gravitygenerator) -"bfw" = ( -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ - dir = 5; - id = "garbage" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "bfB" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -17785,15 +17790,6 @@ /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/leafybush, /turf/simulated/floor/grass, /area/hallway/secondary/exit) -"cps" = ( -/obj/effect/turf_decal/loading_area{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 6; - icon_state = "red" - }, -/area/security/checkpoint/south) "cpt" = ( /obj/machinery/firealarm{ dir = 8; @@ -20196,6 +20192,15 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/white, /area/toxins/xenobiology) +"cGM" = ( +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Detective"; + name = "Detective Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/obj/machinery/photocopier, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet, +/area/security/detectives_office) "cGY" = ( /obj/machinery/light_switch{ pixel_x = -26 @@ -23639,21 +23644,6 @@ "deL" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/toxins/test_area) -"dfl" = ( -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Tool Storage"; - name = "Tool Storage Requests Console"; - pixel_y = 30 - }, -/obj/structure/table, -/obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical, -/obj/item/multitool, -/obj/item/stack/cable_coil, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "neutral" - }, -/area/storage/primary) "dfq" = ( /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/genericbush, /obj/machinery/light{ @@ -29520,24 +29510,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/janitor) -"eln" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced, -/obj/structure/sign/directions/floor/alt{ - dir = 6; - pixel_y = 32 - }, -/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ - dir = 8; - eject_range = 2 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "elp" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/cable/orange{ @@ -33317,6 +33289,17 @@ /obj/structure/ladder, /turf/simulated/floor/glass/reinforced, /area/engineering/gravitygenerator) +"eZF" = ( +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Locker Room"; + name = "Locker Room Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -32 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "neutralcorner" + }, +/area/crew_quarters/locker) "eZH" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/teleporter/quantum/docking) @@ -40500,6 +40483,17 @@ icon_state = "navybluealt" }, /area/teleporter/quantum/docking) +"gpO" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/l3closet/janitor, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/cleaner/janitor, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Janitorial"; + departmentType = 1; + name = "Janitor Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/janitor) "gpR" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 10 @@ -44299,30 +44293,6 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance/double, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid, /area/maintenance/asmaint5) -"hbq" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/universal{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/table/reinforced{ - layer = 2.5 - }, -/obj/machinery/door_control{ - desc = "A remote control-switch to lock down the prison wing's blast doors"; - id = "Prison Gate"; - name = "Prison Wing Lockdown"; - pixel_x = -7; - req_access = list(2) - }, -/obj/machinery/door_control{ - id = "Secure Gate"; - name = "Security Lockdown"; - pixel_x = 7; - req_access = list(2) - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "darkred" - }, -/area/security/warden) "hbt" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "neutralcorner" @@ -45999,6 +45969,21 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/royalblack, /area/ntrep) +"hrJ" = ( +/obj/structure/cable/orange{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Engineering"; + departmentType = 3; + name = "Engineering Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "darkyellow" + }, +/area/engineering/engine/smes) "hrL" = ( /obj/structure/cable/orange{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -48297,6 +48282,21 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, /area/solar/auxstarboard) +"hPF" = ( +/obj/effect/turf_decal/loading_area{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Security"; + departmentType = 5; + name = "Security Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 6; + icon_state = "red" + }, +/area/security/checkpoint/south) "hPG" = ( /obj/structure/closet, /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, @@ -50470,17 +50470,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/medical/research) -"ini" = ( -/obj/structure/window/reinforced, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ - dir = 10; - id = "garbage" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "ink" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 1; @@ -51894,12 +51883,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/dark, /area/toxins/server) -"iAb" = ( -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "neutralcorner" - }, -/area/crew_quarters/locker) "iAe" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/machinery/cell_charger, @@ -52291,14 +52274,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/prisonlockers) -"iEd" = ( -/obj/structure/sign/beautyplaque{ - pixel_y = 32; - name = "Благодарственное Письмо Для Бригадира Команды Архитекторов Селестии"; - desc = "Важное Уточнение! Рабочие пожелали оставаться анонимными, поэтому, обойдёмся их прозвищами. За выдающиеся успехи в области инженерного менеджмента, а также успешное проектирование Селестии по всем стандартам НаноТрейзен. Благодарим вас за труд, Saad_f603. Слава НаноТрейзен!" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, -/area/bridge) "iEf" = ( /obj/machinery/bodyscanner, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -53222,19 +53197,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/royalblack, /area/crew_quarters/bar) -"iNt" = ( -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; - departmentType = 2; - name = "Science Requests Console"; - pixel_x = -30 - }, -/obj/machinery/photocopier, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 9; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/toxins/lab) "iNx" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/universal{ dir = 4 @@ -55183,21 +55145,6 @@ icon_state = "navyblue" }, /area/turret_protected/aisat_interior/secondary) -"jfp" = ( -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - dir = 1; - id = "CargoTransfer" - }, -/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ - dir = 1; - eject_range = 2 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "jfE" = ( /obj/structure/bed, /obj/item/bedsheet, @@ -59273,6 +59220,19 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/aisat/atmospherics) +"jWE" = ( +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Research"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Research Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/obj/machinery/photocopier, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 9; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/toxins/lab) "jWF" = ( /obj/structure/railing/corner{ dir = 4 @@ -59313,6 +59273,24 @@ icon_state = "whiteyellowfull" }, /area/medical/chemistry) +"jWV" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced, +/obj/structure/sign/directions/floor/alt{ + dir = 6; + pixel_y = 32 + }, +/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ + dir = 8; + eject_range = 2 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "jWW" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 4; @@ -62071,6 +62049,23 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/security/podbay) +"kxt" = ( +/obj/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/machinery/light_switch{ + pixel_x = 26 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Science"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Science Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/toxins/launch) "kxC" = ( /obj/structure/chair/comfy{ dir = 8 @@ -62507,6 +62502,22 @@ icon_state = "grimy" }, /area/security/detectives_office) +"kCl" = ( +/obj/structure/chair/office/dark{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/start/atmospheric, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Atmospherics"; + departmentType = 3; + name = "Atmospherics Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "caution" + }, +/area/atmos/control) "kCm" = ( /obj/structure/railing{ dir = 4 @@ -62890,16 +62901,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/atmos/distribution) -"kEQ" = ( -/obj/machinery/light_switch{ - pixel_y = 26 - }, -/obj/structure/table/reinforced, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/mint, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/crew_quarters/kitchen) "kEV" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 10 @@ -63046,6 +63047,16 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/security/warden) +"kGA" = ( +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ + dir = 5; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "kGH" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -65521,17 +65532,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/blue, /area/blueshield) -"lgC" = ( -/obj/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/machinery/light_switch{ - pixel_x = 26 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/toxins/launch) "lgJ" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -69704,21 +69704,6 @@ /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/ywflowers, /turf/simulated/floor/grass, /area/hallway/primary/fore) -"lYL" = ( -/obj/structure/table/glass, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/burn, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/charcoal, -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Medbay"; - departmentType = 1; - name = "Genetics Requests Console"; - pixel_y = 30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/medical/genetics) "lYT" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/fried_vox, @@ -70695,18 +70680,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/engineering/engine/smes) -"miy" = ( -/obj/structure/table/wood, -/obj/item/paper_bin{ - pixel_x = -3; - pixel_y = 7 - }, -/obj/item/pen, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/multiz{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, -/area/chapel/office) "miQ" = ( /obj/machinery/camera/motion{ c_tag = "Minisat Teleporter Room"; @@ -71256,15 +71229,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/royalblack, /area/crew_quarters/captain/bedroom) -"mor" = ( -/obj/structure/cable/orange{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "darkyellow" - }, -/area/engineering/engine/smes) "moz" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on{ dir = 4 @@ -82676,13 +82640,6 @@ /obj/structure/transit_tube/crossing, /turf/space/openspace, /area/space) -"oDP" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/security, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 9; - icon_state = "darkred" - }, -/area/security/checkpoint) "oDQ" = ( /obj/structure/cable/orange{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -89612,6 +89569,19 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/security/prisonershuttle) +"pPm" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/security, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Security"; + departmentType = 5; + name = "Security Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 9; + icon_state = "darkred" + }, +/area/security/checkpoint) "pPn" = ( /obj/structure/closet/crate, /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, @@ -96208,6 +96178,21 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/rock_50, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/asteroid, /area/maintenance/port) +"rhu" = ( +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Primary Tool Storage"; + name = "Primary Tool Storage Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/obj/structure/table, +/obj/item/storage/toolbox/electrical, +/obj/item/multitool, +/obj/item/stack/cable_coil, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "neutral" + }, +/area/storage/primary) "rhy" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -96442,6 +96427,24 @@ icon_state = "darkyellow" }, /area/atmos) +"rjn" = ( +/obj/structure/table/wood, +/obj/item/paper_bin{ + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = 7 + }, +/obj/item/pen, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/multiz{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Chapel"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Chapel Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, +/area/chapel/office) "rjo" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/maintenance/ai) @@ -106754,6 +106757,22 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/grille_50, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/cele/medbay) +"tiS" = ( +/obj/machinery/light_switch{ + pixel_y = 26 + }, +/obj/structure/table/reinforced, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/mint, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Kitchen"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Kitchen Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/crew_quarters/kitchen) "tiY" = ( /obj/structure/table/wood, /obj/machinery/photocopier/faxmachine/longrange{ @@ -108277,6 +108296,17 @@ icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/patients_rooms) +"txd" = ( +/obj/structure/window/reinforced, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ + dir = 10; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "txf" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -117356,6 +117386,14 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine, /area/toxins/xenobiology) +"viZ" = ( +/obj/structure/sign/beautyplaque{ + desc = "Важное Уточнение! Рабочие пожелали оставаться анонимными, поэтому, обойдёмся их прозвищами. За выдающиеся успехи в области инженерного менеджмента, а также успешное проектирование Селестии по всем стандартам НаноТрейзен. Благодарим вас за труд, Saad_f603. Слава НаноТрейзен!"; + name = "Благодарственное Письмо Для Бригадира Команды Архитекторов Селестии"; + pixel_y = 32 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, +/area/bridge) "vje" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 8; @@ -118778,14 +118816,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/hallway/primary/fore) -"vyB" = ( -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - name = "Detective Requests Console"; - pixel_y = -30 - }, -/obj/machinery/photocopier, -/turf/simulated/floor/carpet, -/area/security/detectives_office) "vyQ" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/item/multitool, @@ -119096,6 +119126,21 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/hallway) +"vBG" = ( +/obj/structure/table/glass, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/burn, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/charcoal, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Genetics"; + departmentType = 1; + name = "Genetics Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/medical/genetics) "vBM" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ dir = 4 @@ -129305,16 +129350,6 @@ icon_state = "neutral" }, /area/hallway/primary/fore/east) -"xye" = ( -/obj/structure/chair/office/dark{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/effect/landmark/start/atmospheric, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "caution" - }, -/area/atmos/control) "xyf" = ( /obj/machinery/door/morgue{ name = "Confession Booth (Chaplain)"; @@ -130124,6 +130159,36 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/central) +"xFO" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/universal{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/table/reinforced{ + layer = 2.5 + }, +/obj/machinery/door_control{ + desc = "A remote control-switch to lock down the prison wing's blast doors"; + id = "Prison Gate"; + name = "Prison Wing Lockdown"; + pixel_x = -7; + req_access = list(2) + }, +/obj/machinery/door_control{ + id = "Secure Gate"; + name = "Security Lockdown"; + pixel_x = 7; + req_access = list(2) + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Warden"; + departmentType = 7; + name = "Warden's Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "darkred" + }, +/area/security/warden) "xFQ" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 10 @@ -207544,7 +207609,7 @@ olV wha bbD dsd -dfl +rhu gBF jBm baI @@ -207574,7 +207639,7 @@ hQg hna ljI vzB -miy +rjn kTD hHU nor @@ -212243,7 +212308,7 @@ ryZ ryZ wQW wQW -lgC +kxt pEF wLz nWt @@ -213879,7 +213944,7 @@ gSu gcz jns fwp -hbq +xFO rMr pKM mVc @@ -213979,7 +214044,7 @@ ska pkj ska frt -kEQ +tiS ceP vfW chR @@ -216095,7 +216160,7 @@ eOu bwu aBP sxu -iNt +jWE kpW uZc cpy @@ -217249,7 +217314,7 @@ peG gme jEc mNY -vyB +cGM eyQ orm orm @@ -231217,7 +231282,7 @@ cOP nfw cOP bgc -xye +kCl fdb vyQ hYj @@ -235595,7 +235660,7 @@ tjl xYY jBR naw -mor +hrJ wBv klO jfm @@ -237519,7 +237584,7 @@ wVh bjT wFn eQF -iEd +viZ bNj qee cVq @@ -243071,7 +243136,7 @@ dXS ktv rdQ jVG -oDP +pPm qUD gAP gQP @@ -253292,7 +253357,7 @@ lQa gCe hQU mDJ -lYL +vBG wiV laG cPh @@ -255137,7 +255202,7 @@ hod dFU qIy xNH -cps +hPF hod sfL pbn @@ -273334,7 +273399,7 @@ oXc pNI fIm prd -iAb +eZF nuI fGN snX @@ -275635,7 +275700,7 @@ oqZ aeM aeM wMM -kLd +gpO tTe jHd duy @@ -314871,7 +314936,7 @@ orm idQ wNk nuW -jfp +ath cQw spN rlk @@ -316668,7 +316733,7 @@ orm ukB vgw gyR -ini +txd jmP pNB kUl @@ -316925,7 +316990,7 @@ orm cNk cNk cNk -bfw +kGA xlt pQi vhk @@ -317439,7 +317504,7 @@ orm orm orm idQ -eln +jWV iys oPx eUM diff --git a/_maps/map_files/cerestation/cerestation.dmm b/_maps/map_files/cerestation/cerestation.dmm index 9e55a1207db..dd37d32655f 100644 --- a/_maps/map_files/cerestation/cerestation.dmm +++ b/_maps/map_files/cerestation/cerestation.dmm @@ -20248,6 +20248,12 @@ /obj/machinery/computer/guestpass{ pixel_y = -28 }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Warden"; + departmentType = 7; + name = "Warden's Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 10; icon_state = "darkred" @@ -25453,6 +25459,12 @@ dir = 1; network = list("Medical","SS13") }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Virology"; + departmentType = 3; + name = "Virology Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "whitegreen" }, @@ -30446,8 +30458,8 @@ /area/maintenance/port) "eLR" = ( /obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Tool Storage"; - name = "Tool Storage Requests Console"; + department = "Primary Tool Storage"; + name = "Primary Tool Storage Requests Console"; pixel_y = 30 }, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ @@ -62776,6 +62788,12 @@ /area/security/detectives_office) "obz" = ( /obj/machinery/cooker/deepfryer, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Kitchen"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Kitchen Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "white" }, @@ -62825,6 +62843,12 @@ dir = 5 }, /obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Chapel"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Chapel Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, /area/chapel/office) "ocC" = ( @@ -64585,6 +64609,12 @@ /area/maintenance/atmospherics) "oDP" = ( /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/security, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Security"; + departmentType = 5; + name = "Security Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 9; icon_state = "darkred" @@ -64833,7 +64863,7 @@ /area/crew_quarters/bar) "oHw" = ( /obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Medbay"; + department = "Genetics"; departmentType = 1; name = "Genetics Requests Console"; pixel_y = 30 @@ -78330,9 +78360,9 @@ /area/medical/cmo) "sxu" = ( /obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; + department = "Research"; departmentType = 2; - name = "Science Requests Console"; + name = "Research Requests Console"; pixel_x = -30 }, /obj/machinery/r_n_d/destructive_analyzer, @@ -82324,6 +82354,12 @@ /obj/item/clothing/glasses/welding, /obj/item/clothing/glasses/welding, /obj/item/clothing/glasses/welding, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Engineering"; + departmentType = 3; + name = "Engineering Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "dark" }, @@ -84394,6 +84430,11 @@ /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/engineering) "umA" = ( +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Locker Room"; + name = "Locker Room Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "neutral" }, @@ -88231,6 +88272,7 @@ /area/hallway/primary/port/north) "vyB" = ( /obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Detective"; name = "Detective Requests Console"; pixel_y = -30 }, @@ -96782,6 +96824,12 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ dir = 8 }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Science"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Science Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/toxins/launch) "xTW" = ( diff --git a/_maps/map_files/cyberiad/cyberiad.dmm b/_maps/map_files/cyberiad/cyberiad.dmm index 85289102a09..9342f86ef13 100644 --- a/_maps/map_files/cyberiad/cyberiad.dmm +++ b/_maps/map_files/cyberiad/cyberiad.dmm @@ -14424,26 +14424,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/hallway/secondary/entry) -"aVg" = ( -/obj/structure/table, -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Primary Tool Storage" - }, -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Tool Storage"; - name = "Tool Storage Requests Console"; - pixel_y = 30 - }, -/obj/item/assembly/igniter{ - pixel_x = -8; - pixel_y = -4 - }, -/obj/item/assembly/igniter, -/obj/item/screwdriver{ - pixel_y = 16 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/primary) "aVh" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -24290,28 +24270,6 @@ /obj/item/storage/fancy/donut_box, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/crew_quarters/captain) -"byT" = ( -/obj/structure/table/wood, -/obj/item/storage/photo_album{ - pixel_y = -10 - }, -/obj/item/camera_film, -/obj/item/camera_film, -/obj/item/camera{ - desc = "A one use - polaroid camera. 30 photos left."; - name = "detectives camera"; - pictures_left = 30 - }, -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - name = "Detective Requests Console"; - pixel_y = -30 - }, -/obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wood{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/item/storage/box/tapes, -/turf/simulated/floor/wood, -/area/security/detectives_office) "byU" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/library) @@ -32651,16 +32609,6 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/medical/genetics) -"bZz" = ( -/obj/structure/chair/office/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/landmark/start/geneticist, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 6; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/medical/genetics) "bZA" = ( /obj/structure/table/glass, /obj/item/storage/box/disks, @@ -44024,15 +43972,6 @@ /obj/structure/grille/broken, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint) -"cIa" = ( -/obj/structure/table/wood, -/obj/item/pen, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/holywater, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, -/area/chapel/office) "cIb" = ( /obj/item/radio/intercom{ name = "north station intercom (General)"; @@ -45586,24 +45525,6 @@ /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/simulated/floor/engine, /area/toxins/xenobiology) -"cMl" = ( -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; - departmentType = 2; - name = "Science Requests Console"; - pixel_y = 30 - }, -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Xenobiology Module North"; - network = list("Research","SS13") - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/toxins/xenobiology) "cMm" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -53170,6 +53091,17 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint2) +"dic" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, +/obj/machinery/status_display/supply_display{ + pixel_y = -32 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "did" = ( /obj/machinery/camera{ c_tag = "Bridge East" @@ -65778,14 +65710,6 @@ /obj/machinery/vending/assist, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/storage/tech) -"jRJ" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, -/obj/machinery/disposal, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "whiteyellow" - }, -/area/medical/chemistry) "jRL" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/grille_13, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ @@ -69830,6 +69754,40 @@ icon_state = "vault" }, /area/toxins/misc_lab) +"myk" = ( +/obj/structure/table, +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Primary Tool Storage" + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Primary Tool Storage"; + name = "Primary Tool Storage Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/obj/item/assembly/igniter{ + pixel_x = -8; + pixel_y = -4 + }, +/obj/item/assembly/igniter, +/obj/item/screwdriver{ + pixel_y = 16 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/primary) +"myy" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, +/obj/machinery/disposal, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Chemistry"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Chemistry Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whiteyellow" + }, +/area/medical/chemistry) "mzq" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 1; @@ -70315,6 +70273,17 @@ /obj/structure/transit_tube/horizontal, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/atmospherics) +"mOu" = ( +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ + id_tag = "QMLoaddoor"; + name = "supply dock loading door" + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "mOw" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -70690,17 +70659,6 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/assembly/robotics) -"nfM" = ( -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; - departmentType = 2; - name = "Science Requests Console"; - pixel_x = -30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/toxins/lab) "nfX" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -72242,6 +72200,21 @@ icon_state = "blue" }, /area/medical/cmostore) +"omn" = ( +/obj/structure/table/wood, +/obj/item/pen, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/bottle/holywater, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Chapel"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Chapel Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, +/area/chapel/office) "omV" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/scientist, @@ -74457,6 +74430,29 @@ icon_state = "whitebluefull" }, /area/medical/reception) +"pHL" = ( +/obj/structure/table/wood, +/obj/item/storage/photo_album{ + pixel_y = -10 + }, +/obj/item/camera_film, +/obj/item/camera_film, +/obj/item/camera{ + desc = "A one use - polaroid camera. 30 photos left."; + name = "detectives camera"; + pictures_left = 30 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Detective"; + name = "Detective Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wood{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/item/storage/box/tapes, +/turf/simulated/floor/wood, +/area/security/detectives_office) "pIm" = ( /obj/structure/closet/firecloset, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, @@ -79226,6 +79222,14 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/toxins/mixing) +"sJo" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps/mining, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "sJv" = ( /obj/structure/rack, /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, @@ -79331,6 +79335,24 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/fungus, /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/maintenance/xenozoo) +"sMs" = ( +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Xenobiology Module North"; + network = list("Research","SS13") + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Xenobiology"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Xenobiology Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/toxins/xenobiology) "sMY" = ( /obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ name = "east extinguisher cabinet"; @@ -81331,6 +81353,15 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/chemistry) +"uck" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, +/obj/machinery/light, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "ucp" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/binary/pump{ dir = 8 @@ -84084,6 +84115,17 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/hallway/primary/aft) +"vWf" = ( +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Research"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Research Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/toxins/lab) "vWk" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -85367,6 +85409,22 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/toxins/storage) +"wGQ" = ( +/obj/structure/chair/office/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/landmark/start/geneticist, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Genetics"; + departmentType = 1; + name = "Genetics Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 6; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/medical/genetics) "wHa" = ( /obj/machinery/door/airlock/external{ name = "Escape Pod Airlock" @@ -87423,31 +87481,12 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fsmaint2) -"xTp" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps/mining, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - dir = 4; - id = "QMLoad2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "xTI" = ( /obj/structure/rack, /obj/item/wrench, /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/port) -"xTK" = ( -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ - id_tag = "QMLoaddoor"; - name = "supply dock loading door" - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - dir = 4; - id = "QMLoad2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "xTV" = ( /obj/structure/extinguisher_cabinet{ name = "north extinguisher cabinet"; @@ -87459,17 +87498,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/engineering/controlroom) -"xTY" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, -/obj/machinery/status_display/supply_display{ - pixel_y = -32 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - dir = 4; - id = "QMLoad2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "xVm" = ( /obj/machinery/newscaster{ name = "north newscaster"; @@ -87593,15 +87621,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint2) -"xYm" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, -/obj/machinery/light, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - dir = 4; - id = "QMLoad2" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "xZm" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeastcorner, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -104540,7 +104559,7 @@ tst uXX syu uXX -xTp +sJo syu uTI uTI @@ -104797,7 +104816,7 @@ tsS uZo rmn uZo -xTK +mOu rmn uTI uTI @@ -105020,7 +105039,7 @@ aMA aMA aSa bdd -aVg +myk aWl aXQ aXQ @@ -105054,7 +105073,7 @@ tst uXX rmn uXX -xTp +sJo rmn uTI uTI @@ -105311,7 +105330,7 @@ nMQ vaY whv vaY -xTY +dic bxb uTI uTI @@ -105568,7 +105587,7 @@ nMQ bKz dSG bWL -xYm +uck bxb uTI uTI @@ -117343,7 +117362,7 @@ boN aEi aFw bxc -byT +pHL axe aKy aMj @@ -124574,7 +124593,7 @@ uwX rgv uwX bOD -jRJ +myy bJP bJP bGt @@ -128701,7 +128720,7 @@ bZY ccc bWE bWE -bZz +wGQ cjF gab vvD @@ -132579,7 +132598,7 @@ qus qus bIi bIi -cMl +sMs cWi cEH cPm @@ -133292,7 +133311,7 @@ baz xDP ndQ baz -cIa +omn cKT bel bfW @@ -133828,7 +133847,7 @@ bwv tGd kBi bGF -nfM +vWf bNk bPd bRP diff --git a/_maps/map_files/event/Station/delta_old.dmm b/_maps/map_files/event/Station/delta_old.dmm index 1135d1e919e..23a34ab390d 100644 --- a/_maps/map_files/event/Station/delta_old.dmm +++ b/_maps/map_files/event/Station/delta_old.dmm @@ -3392,18 +3392,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/fore) -"aGE" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/crate, -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ - lootcount = 3; - name = "3maintenance loot spawner" - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodelivery"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/delivery) "aGF" = ( /obj/machinery/camera{ c_tag = "Arrivals Shuttle South West"; @@ -4061,13 +4049,6 @@ "aKD" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/casino) -"aKF" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "aKK" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -4130,6 +4111,31 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fpmaint) +"aKW" = ( +/obj/machinery/autolathe, +/obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor{ + dir = 1; + id = "Autolathe"; + name = "Autolathe Access"; + req_access = list(47) + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, +/obj/item/stack/sheet/metal{ + amount = 10 + }, +/obj/item/stack/sheet/glass{ + amount = 10 + }, +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 1; + id_tag = "researchdesk1"; + name = "Research Desk Shutters" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/toxins/lab) "aKY" = ( /obj/machinery/door/airlock/engineering/glass{ name = "Turbine Generator Access"; @@ -4703,6 +4709,17 @@ icon_state = "brown" }, /area/crew_quarters/chief) +"aOC" = ( +/obj/structure/window/reinforced, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "aOF" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -5247,20 +5264,6 @@ icon_state = "arrival" }, /area/hallway/secondary/entry) -"aSl" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 9 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "aSy" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/maintenance/turbine) @@ -6807,17 +6810,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/hallway/secondary/entry) -"bcz" = ( -/obj/machinery/disposal/deliveryChute{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "bcA" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/sign/vacuum, @@ -9076,18 +9068,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/atmos) -"brF" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps/mining, -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ - lootcount = 2; - name = "2maintenance loot spawner" - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "brG" = ( /obj/machinery/door/airlock/engineering/glass{ name = "Mechanic Workshop"; @@ -9372,13 +9352,6 @@ icon_state = "brown" }, /area/quartermaster/storage) -"bta" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 9 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "btd" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/turret_protected/ai) @@ -11549,17 +11522,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/disposal) -"bCh" = ( -/obj/structure/window/reinforced, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "bCj" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -11890,6 +11852,14 @@ icon_state = "vault" }, /area/storage/tech) +"bDE" = ( +/obj/machinery/recycler, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "bDG" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -12110,6 +12080,13 @@ }, /turf/space, /area/space) +"bEE" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "bEG" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, @@ -13186,30 +13163,12 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/bridge/meeting_room) -"bKF" = ( -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "bKH" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 }, /turf/simulated/floor/bluegrid, /area/turret_protected/ai_upload) -"bKK" = ( -/obj/machinery/recycler, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "bKN" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 4 @@ -14007,20 +13966,6 @@ /obj/machinery/ai_status_display, /turf/simulated/wall, /area/hallway/secondary/entry/lounge) -"bOT" = ( -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/bed/dogbed, -/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/sloth/paperwork, -/obj/machinery/computer/guestpass{ - pixel_x = 30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 6; - icon_state = "brown" - }, -/area/quartermaster/qm) "bOU" = ( /obj/machinery/door/firedoor, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, @@ -17359,25 +17304,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/maintcentral) -"cdQ" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) -"cdR" = ( -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 6 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "cdS" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -18904,14 +18830,6 @@ /obj/structure/chair/comfy/brown, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, /area/bridge/vip) -"clQ" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps/mining, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "clT" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/universal{ dir = 4 @@ -19415,20 +19333,6 @@ icon_state = "arrival" }, /area/hallway/secondary/entry/commercial) -"cod" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) -"cof" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "coh" = ( /obj/machinery/portable_atmospherics/canister/oxygen, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, @@ -19650,22 +19554,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/engineering/engine) -"cpi" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeastcorner, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/engineering/engine) -"cpk" = ( -/obj/machinery/power/tesla_coil, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "cpl" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/cell_charger, @@ -19943,14 +19831,6 @@ icon_state = "purplefull" }, /area/janitor) -"cqU" = ( -/obj/machinery/pipedispenser/disposal, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "cqW" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -19976,40 +19856,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/wall, /area/janitor) -"cqZ" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) -"cra" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) -"crg" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) -"crh" = ( -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Cargo Backroom" - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "crj" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/tvalve/digital{ dir = 8 @@ -20181,17 +20027,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/storage/secure) -"csn" = ( -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "cso" = ( /obj/machinery/power/emitter, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, @@ -20253,17 +20088,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/crew_quarters/serviceyard) -"csv" = ( -/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "csz" = ( /obj/structure/table/wood, /obj/item/radio/intercom{ @@ -23752,15 +23576,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/crew_quarters/serviceyard) -"cGl" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "cGm" = ( /obj/effect/landmark/marauder_entry, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -25169,22 +24984,6 @@ icon_state = "whiteyellow" }, /area/medical/chemistry) -"cMr" = ( -/obj/structure/table/glass, -/obj/item/storage/box/masks, -/obj/item/storage/box/gloves{ - pixel_x = 4; - pixel_y = 4 - }, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/cleaner{ - desc = "Someone has crossed out the 'Space' from Space Cleaner and written in Chemistry. Scrawled on the back is, 'Okay, whoever filled this with polytrinic acid, it was only funny the first time. It was hard enough replacing the CMO's first cat!'"; - name = "Chemistry Cleaner" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 4; - icon_state = "whiteyellow" - }, -/area/medical/chemistry) "cMs" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ @@ -26309,31 +26108,6 @@ tag = "icon-whitepurple (NORTHWEST)" }, /area/medical/genetics) -"cRb" = ( -/obj/machinery/autolathe, -/obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor{ - dir = 1; - id = "Autolathe"; - name = "Autolathe Access"; - req_access = list(47) - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, -/obj/item/stack/sheet/metal{ - amount = 10 - }, -/obj/item/stack/sheet/glass{ - amount = 10 - }, -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ - id_tag = "researchdesk1"; - name = "Research Desk Shutters"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/toxins/lab) "cRe" = ( /obj/structure/chair{ dir = 4 @@ -26536,6 +26310,22 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/engineering/controlroom) +"cRL" = ( +/obj/structure/table/glass, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/burn, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/charcoal, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Genetics"; + departmentType = 1; + name = "Genetics Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -2; + pixel_y = 25 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" + }, +/area/medical/genetics) "cRT" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible{ dir = 4 @@ -27111,6 +26901,13 @@ tag = "icon-whiteblue (SOUTHWEST)" }, /area/medical/biostorage) +"cUm" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "cUn" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -27339,22 +27136,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/bridge/meeting_room) -"cVs" = ( -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Research and Development"; - dir = 9; - network = list("Research","SS13") - }, -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; - departmentType = 2; - name = "Research Request Console"; - pixel_x = 30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/toxins/lab) "cVy" = ( /obj/structure/chair/comfy/teal, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -28946,19 +28727,6 @@ /obj/structure/flora/ausbushes/genericbush, /turf/simulated/floor/grass, /area/medical/sleeper) -"dcq" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps, -/obj/structure/closet/crate/internals, -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ - lootcount = 3; - name = "3maintenance loot spawner" - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodelivery"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "dcs" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -30962,13 +30730,6 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/research) -"dko" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad"; - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "dkp" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/light/small{ @@ -33757,6 +33518,13 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/engineering) +"dvH" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "dvJ" = ( /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/medical2, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -35918,14 +35686,6 @@ icon_state = "whitepurplecorner" }, /area/medical/research/restroom) -"dFo" = ( -/obj/machinery/power/emitter, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "dFp" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ dir = 8 @@ -37675,14 +37435,6 @@ /obj/structure/chair/stool, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/engineering/engine) -"dMs" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodelivery"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/delivery) "dMu" = ( /obj/structure/chair/office/dark{ dir = 8 @@ -39182,22 +38934,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/engineering/engine) -"dSH" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "yellowfull" - }, -/area/engineering/engine) "dSI" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -41776,14 +41512,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/starboard/east) -"egs" = ( -/obj/machinery/light, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodelivery"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "egu" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -41877,6 +41605,13 @@ icon_state = "whitegreencorner" }, /area/medical/virology) +"ehy" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southeast, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/engineering/engine) "ehA" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -42450,17 +42185,6 @@ /obj/item/toy/figure/detective, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/security/detectives_office) -"eqQ" = ( -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ - id_tag = "QMLoaddoor2"; - name = "supply dock loading door" - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "eqY" = ( /obj/machinery/photocopier, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -42512,6 +42236,20 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/cobweb, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/maintenance/library) +"erM" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 9; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "erO" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -42829,16 +42567,12 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/crew_quarters/locker) -"ewf" = ( +"ewr" = ( +/obj/machinery/power/tesla_coil, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, /obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "0-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/power/apc{ - dir = 4; - name = "east bump"; - pixel_x = 24 + icon_state = "4-8" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/storage/secure) @@ -43017,6 +42751,16 @@ tag = "icon-whiteblue (NORTH)" }, /area/medical/sleeper) +"eyz" = ( +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "QMLoad" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "eyI" = ( /obj/structure/chair/office/dark{ dir = 8 @@ -45224,6 +44968,14 @@ icon_state = "grimy" }, /area/crew_quarters/heads/hop) +"fbZ" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodelivery" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/delivery) "fcN" = ( /obj/structure/chair/stool, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -45231,6 +44983,17 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/crew_quarters/locker) +"fcP" = ( +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodisposals" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "fcZ" = ( /obj/machinery/door/airlock/hatch/gamma{ locked = 1; @@ -45543,6 +45306,18 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/crew_quarters/cabin3) +"fin" = ( +/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ + id_tag = "engstorage"; + name = "Secure Storage Blast Doors" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "fiH" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -45971,18 +45746,6 @@ icon_state = "purplefull" }, /area/medical/research/nhallway) -"fnW" = ( -/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ - id_tag = "engstorage"; - name = "Secure Storage Blast Doors" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/west, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "foa" = ( /obj/machinery/hologram/holopad, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/arcade, @@ -48710,16 +48473,6 @@ /obj/effect/landmark/event/blobstart, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/engineering) -"fZe" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "fZf" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/south, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber{ @@ -49376,6 +49129,28 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine, /area/toxins/test_chamber) +"gkH" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 9 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-8" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "gkQ" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -49538,6 +49313,16 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/security/customs) +"gmf" = ( +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "gmk" = ( /obj/structure/cult/archives, /obj/machinery/newscaster{ @@ -51890,24 +51675,15 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/permabrig) -"gOq" = ( -/obj/structure/table/reinforced, -/obj/item/folder, -/obj/item/pen, -/obj/machinery/door/window/southleft{ - name = "Research Lab Desk"; - req_access = list(47) - }, -/obj/machinery/door/window/northleft, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, -/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ - id_tag = "researchdesk1"; - name = "Research Desk Shutters"; - dir = 1 +"gOs" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/toxins/lab) +/area/storage/secure) "gOv" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northeast, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, @@ -52975,6 +52751,14 @@ /obj/item/stock_parts/cell/high, /turf/simulated/floor/bluegrid, /area/tcommsat/chamber) +"hdD" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps/mining, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "hdG" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 1 @@ -54190,6 +53974,27 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwestcorner, /turf/simulated/floor/plating/airless, /area/engineering/engine) +"hvS" = ( +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/bed/dogbed, +/mob/living/simple_animal/pet/sloth/paperwork, +/obj/machinery/computer/guestpass{ + pixel_x = 30 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + announcementConsole = 1; + department = "Quartermaster's Desk"; + departmentType = 5; + name = "Quartermaster Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 6; + icon_state = "brown" + }, +/area/quartermaster/qm) "hvW" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -55946,6 +55751,27 @@ /obj/structure/sign/securearea, /turf/simulated/wall, /area/engineering/engine) +"hUu" = ( +/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "hUH" = ( /obj/structure/sign/biohazard, /turf/simulated/wall, @@ -56041,6 +55867,16 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/maintenance/asmaint2) +"hVE" = ( +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Cargo Backroom" + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodisposals" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "hVL" = ( /obj/machinery/embedded_controller/radio/airlock/airlock_controller{ id_tag = "engineering_west_airlock"; @@ -56097,6 +55933,13 @@ icon_state = "brown" }, /area/quartermaster/miningdock) +"hWy" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodisposals" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "hWA" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/wood{ icon_state = "wood-broken"; @@ -56177,6 +56020,15 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/asmaint) +"hXP" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "QMLoad" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "hYi" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -57716,20 +57568,6 @@ icon_state = "purple" }, /area/quartermaster/miningdock) -"iuG" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "iuQ" = ( /obj/machinery/vending/medical, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -59495,18 +59333,6 @@ icon_state = "purple" }, /area/maintenance/xenozoo) -"iVt" = ( -/obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "0-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ - id_tag = "researchdesk1"; - name = "Research Desk Shutters"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/toxins/lab) "iVE" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -59554,6 +59380,13 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/research/restroom) +"iVR" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "iWe" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -60698,6 +60531,14 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/checkpoint/south) +"jnm" = ( +/obj/machinery/pipedispenser/disposal, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "jnn" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -61664,16 +61505,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/hydroponics) -"jyC" = ( -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "jyF" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/firedoor, @@ -62657,6 +62488,16 @@ icon_state = "escape" }, /area/crew_quarters/fitness) +"jMU" = ( +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ + dir = 10; + id = "QMLoad" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "jNa" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, @@ -63249,15 +63090,6 @@ tag = "icon-stage_stairs" }, /area/medical/reception) -"jWn" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "jWq" = ( /obj/structure/table/glass, /obj/machinery/reagentgrinder{ @@ -63546,6 +63378,18 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/crew_quarters/courtroom) +"kaU" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/crate, +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ + lootcount = 3; + name = "3maintenance loot spawner" + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodelivery" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "kaX" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -63836,6 +63680,22 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/xenozoo) +"kgT" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "yellowfull" + }, +/area/engineering/engine) "khf" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "2-4" @@ -65030,18 +64890,6 @@ tag = "icon-whiteblue (WEST)" }, /area/medical/medbay) -"kyY" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "kzc" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 1; @@ -65770,27 +65618,6 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/chemistry) -"kKd" = ( -/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "kKi" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -67941,6 +67768,18 @@ tag = "icon-whiteblue (WEST)" }, /area/medical/ward) +"luH" = ( +/obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 1; + id_tag = "researchdesk1"; + name = "Research Desk Shutters" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/toxins/lab) "luK" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, /obj/structure/closet/crate/internals, @@ -68332,6 +68171,18 @@ icon_state = "yellow" }, /area/engineering/break_room) +"lAj" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/crate, +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ + lootcount = 3; + name = "3maintenance loot spawner" + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 1; + id = "cargodelivery" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/delivery) "lAr" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -72525,16 +72376,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/west) -"mEg" = ( -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "mEt" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, @@ -73038,6 +72879,13 @@ icon_state = "green" }, /area/hallway/secondary/exit) +"mLQ" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 1; + id = "QMLoad" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "mLS" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -73083,6 +72931,18 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/security/warden) +"mMj" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "mMo" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber{ @@ -73140,14 +73000,6 @@ icon_state = "darkblue" }, /area/aisat/maintenance) -"mME" = ( -/obj/structure/plasticflaps, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodelivery"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/delivery) "mMH" = ( /obj/structure/sign/poster/official/work_for_a_future{ pixel_x = 32 @@ -73791,6 +73643,19 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/engineering/engine) +"mWW" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps, +/obj/structure/closet/crate/internals, +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ + lootcount = 3; + name = "3maintenance loot spawner" + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 1; + id = "cargodelivery" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "mWY" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -73879,6 +73744,21 @@ icon_state = "darkblue" }, /area/turret_protected/ai) +"mYP" = ( +/obj/structure/table/wood, +/obj/item/camera_film, +/obj/item/book/manual/security_space_law, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/flask/detflask, +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Detective"; + name = "Detective Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -32 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet, +/area/security/detectives_office) "mYX" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -76835,13 +76715,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/permahallway) -"nNc" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad"; - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "nNj" = ( /obj/structure/closet/firecloset, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, @@ -78251,13 +78124,6 @@ /obj/effect/landmark/event/xeno_spawn, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/library) -"oht" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "garbage"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/disposal) "ohx" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -79477,28 +79343,6 @@ temperature = 80 }, /area/toxins/server) -"oyI" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 9 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 9 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 9 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-8" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "oyP" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 4 @@ -82079,6 +81923,17 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/security/processing) +"pir" = ( +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ + id_tag = "QMLoaddoor2"; + name = "supply dock loading door" + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "piB" = ( /obj/machinery/light/small{ dir = 4 @@ -83427,6 +83282,16 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/medical/research/nhallway) +"pAK" = ( +/obj/machinery/light{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ + dir = 6; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "pAL" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -83934,6 +83799,17 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/atmos) +"pGs" = ( +/obj/structure/disposaloutlet{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodisposals" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "pGt" = ( /obj/structure/sign/greencross, /turf/simulated/wall, @@ -86539,6 +86415,20 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/maintenance/gambling_den) +"qnZ" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced, +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "qol" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/xeno, /obj/machinery/power/apc{ @@ -88634,15 +88524,6 @@ /obj/item/folder/blue, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/bridge/meeting_room) -"qRa" = ( -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad"; - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "qRn" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/north, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -89590,6 +89471,13 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/security/permahallway) +"rdz" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 5; + id = "QMLoad" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "rdB" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -91690,13 +91578,6 @@ icon_state = "vault" }, /area/security/securearmory) -"rHh" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "rHl" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber{ dir = 8; @@ -91724,34 +91605,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/crew_quarters/fitness) -"rHz" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/crate{ - name = "solar pack crate" - }, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, -/obj/item/paper/solar, -/obj/item/circuitboard/solar_control, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/solar_assembly, -/obj/item/tracker_electronics, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/storage/secure) "rHD" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/portables_connector, /obj/machinery/light{ @@ -92283,6 +92136,19 @@ "rPI" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/rust, /area/toxins/mixing) +"rPM" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "0-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/power/apc{ + dir = 4; + name = "east bump"; + pixel_x = 24 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "rPP" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -92810,6 +92676,14 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/medical/virology) +"rWG" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodisposals" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "rWW" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 6; @@ -93825,6 +93699,14 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/bridge) +"snO" = ( +/obj/machinery/light, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodelivery" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "snP" = ( /turf/simulated/wall, /area/maintenance/disposal) @@ -94778,6 +94660,34 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/security/securearmory) +"szN" = ( +/obj/structure/closet/crate{ + name = "solar pack crate" + }, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/item/paper/solar, +/obj/item/circuitboard/solar_control, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/solar_assembly, +/obj/item/tracker_electronics, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_pump/on{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "szQ" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, @@ -94802,6 +94712,13 @@ icon_state = "purplecorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/aft) +"sAe" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 1; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "sAv" = ( /obj/machinery/light/small, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, @@ -96125,6 +96042,28 @@ tag = "icon-cult" }, /area/lawoffice) +"sTN" = ( +/obj/structure/table/glass, +/obj/item/storage/box/masks, +/obj/item/storage/box/gloves{ + pixel_x = 4; + pixel_y = 4 + }, +/obj/item/reagent_containers/spray/cleaner{ + desc = "Someone has crossed out the 'Space' from Space Cleaner and written in Chemistry. Scrawled on the back is, 'Okay, whoever filled this with polytrinic acid, it was only funny the first time. It was hard enough replacing the CMO's first cat!'"; + name = "Chemistry Cleaner" + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Chemistry"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Chemistry Requests Console"; + pixel_x = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 4; + icon_state = "whiteyellow" + }, +/area/medical/chemistry) "sTO" = ( /obj/structure/sign/poster/official/random{ pixel_y = 32 @@ -96375,6 +96314,14 @@ icon_state = "darkblue" }, /area/security/detectives_office) +"sYg" = ( +/obj/machinery/power/emitter, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow/hollow, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/storage/secure) "sYB" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber{ dir = 1; @@ -96420,6 +96367,24 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, /area/bridge/vip) +"sZd" = ( +/obj/structure/table/reinforced, +/obj/item/folder, +/obj/item/pen, +/obj/machinery/door/window/southleft{ + name = "Research Lab Desk"; + req_access = list(47) + }, +/obj/machinery/door/window/northleft, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, +/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, +/obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 1; + id_tag = "researchdesk1"; + name = "Research Desk Shutters" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/toxins/lab) "sZg" = ( /obj/effect/decal/remains/xeno, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/blood/xeno, @@ -102013,15 +101978,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/turret_protected/aisat) -"uAf" = ( -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "uAh" = ( /obj/structure/closet/crate/freezer, /obj/item/reagent_containers/iv_bag/blood/OMinus, @@ -102479,6 +102435,15 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/crew_quarters/locker) +"uHj" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 1; + id = "cargodisposals" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "uHk" = ( /obj/structure/closet/secure_closet/security, /obj/machinery/alarm{ @@ -102841,6 +102806,16 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/bluegrid, /area/aisat) +"uKS" = ( +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 1; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "uKT" = ( /obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment{ pixel_y = 32 @@ -104521,15 +104496,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/crew_quarters/locker/locker_toilet) -"vhR" = ( -/obj/structure/table/glass, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/applicator/burn, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bottle/charcoal, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 1; - icon_state = "whitepurple" - }, -/area/medical/genetics) "vhU" = ( /obj/machinery/light/small{ dir = 1 @@ -106756,6 +106722,15 @@ "vKJ" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/security/detectives_office) +"vKP" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "vLk" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-4" @@ -106936,16 +106911,6 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/medical/genetics) -"vOC" = ( -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor/inverted{ - id = "QMLoad"; - dir = 10 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "vOF" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/cable, @@ -107488,20 +107453,6 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/medical/ward) -"vUq" = ( -/obj/structure/table/wood, -/obj/item/camera_film, -/obj/item/book/manual/security_space_law, -/obj/item/reagent_containers/food/drinks/flask/detflask, -/obj/machinery/light{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - name = "Detective Requests Console"; - pixel_x = -32 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/carpet, -/area/security/detectives_office) "vUu" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -107788,18 +107739,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/south) -"vXN" = ( -/obj/structure/closet/crate, -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ - lootcount = 3; - name = "3maintenance loot spawner" - }, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodelivery"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, -/area/quartermaster/sorting) "vYj" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -107979,6 +107918,15 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/security/customs) +"vZC" = ( +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "QMLoad" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "vZG" = ( /obj/structure/chair/office/dark, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -108610,16 +108558,6 @@ icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/assembly/robotics) -"wjh" = ( -/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, -/obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "QMLoad2"; - dir = 8 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "neutralfull" - }, -/area/quartermaster/storage) "wjj" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/rust, /area/maintenance/library) @@ -110281,6 +110219,18 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/engineering/hardsuitstorage) +"wEG" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps/mining, +/obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance{ + lootcount = 2; + name = "2maintenance loot spawner" + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "wEJ" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ dir = 6 @@ -111676,6 +111626,22 @@ dir = 1 }, /area/security/customs) +"wYP" = ( +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Research and Development"; + dir = 9; + network = list("Research","SS13") + }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Research"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Research Request Console"; + pixel_x = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/toxins/lab) "wYQ" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/wood{ broken = 1; @@ -111776,6 +111742,15 @@ /obj/structure/bookcase, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/library) +"xaw" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "xaE" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -112643,6 +112618,14 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/hallway/secondary/exit) +"xkL" = ( +/obj/structure/plasticflaps, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 4; + id = "cargodelivery" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/delivery) "xkY" = ( /obj/structure/lattice/catwalk, /turf/space, @@ -113466,6 +113449,13 @@ icon_state = "bluecorner" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/south) +"xuw" = ( +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 9; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "xux" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/structure/cable, @@ -114389,6 +114379,17 @@ icon_state = "white" }, /area/assembly/robotics) +"xFg" = ( +/obj/machinery/disposal/deliveryChute{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "cargodisposals" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/quartermaster/sorting) "xFk" = ( /obj/machinery/ai_status_display{ pixel_y = -32 @@ -115135,6 +115136,16 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/toxins/mixing) +"xNv" = ( +/obj/structure/window/reinforced{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 5; + id = "garbage" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/disposal) "xNy" = ( /obj/item/radio/intercom{ dir = 4; @@ -115801,6 +115812,16 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fpmaint) +"xWf" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/obj/machinery/conveyor{ + dir = 8; + id = "QMLoad2" + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "neutralfull" + }, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "xWh" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "2-8" @@ -140961,7 +140982,7 @@ nkf dXD qlu dQT -dSH +kgT dXD nkf dXD @@ -141218,7 +141239,7 @@ cbj vCh ptE tED -cpi +bEE tPv etT sMJ @@ -141475,7 +141496,7 @@ vtm fui uCs cmR -cod +ehy cpl mDe mDe @@ -141732,7 +141753,7 @@ utt cpm nqL fId -fnW +fin cpm mDe bQr @@ -141989,7 +142010,7 @@ utt wQP rSt cnB -cof +cUm cpn mDe vSK @@ -142246,7 +142267,7 @@ utt wUC dWc cpo -cqU +jnm tZR mDe vly @@ -142503,7 +142524,7 @@ utt igP dOZ dRd -cpk +ewr csm mDe feE @@ -142760,7 +142781,7 @@ utt wUC dOZ dRd -dFo +sYg cso mDe vDd @@ -143017,7 +143038,7 @@ dJU lTF xKq cmO -dFo +sYg cpr mDe iVc @@ -143274,7 +143295,7 @@ utt uqq pus dRe -rHz +szN cqX mDe hCy @@ -143531,7 +143552,7 @@ utt dNd qFn dRw -rHh +iVR kpR mDe yfQ @@ -143788,7 +143809,7 @@ utt qFn teJ dRw -rHh +iVR xvB mDe vly @@ -144045,7 +144066,7 @@ utt gxS cna iYh -cra +gOs tEE mDe prK @@ -144302,7 +144323,7 @@ utt jtS coh cmV -ewf +rPM ufR mDe smf @@ -152289,7 +152310,7 @@ oBH hnE ugy iQQ -cRb +aKW oIq fVX nsS @@ -153060,7 +153081,7 @@ qhT dkn iQQ tot -iVt +luH gjV cTR cTU @@ -153317,11 +153338,11 @@ bJP vyT ugy tot -gOq +sZd aiF cTB cUY -cVs +wYP oIq cYB daE @@ -153574,7 +153595,7 @@ qhT dkn bNH wId -iVt +luH hXm ohz cUZ @@ -155033,14 +155054,14 @@ rVF avf axj ayA -bcz +xFg ays tZI rxE cKZ cOv cQU -vXN +kaU ayA kiI blB @@ -155290,21 +155311,21 @@ bZN bEO chC ayA -crg -jWn +hWy +uHj dQc cLc cLc cOw pqC -egs +snO ayA deG -mME +xkL dfM bxv dfM -dMs +fbZ deG grq eqN @@ -155547,7 +155568,7 @@ nhF jWD jWD ayA -cqZ +rWG ayA azs cLc @@ -155555,8 +155576,8 @@ cLc cOw cnp csF -dcq -aGE +mWW +lAj dqv cGc cKb @@ -155804,7 +155825,7 @@ aSd bbl avb ayA -crg +hWy cyH cBM cLc @@ -155901,7 +155922,7 @@ vec ueo djS dfv -vhR +cRL vkl dvr drE @@ -156061,7 +156082,7 @@ bZO bbl bNA ayA -crh +hVE bXh aCx aEB @@ -156318,7 +156339,7 @@ bZP bbl bNC ayA -csn +fcP bXh cLc cdN @@ -156575,7 +156596,7 @@ dgP wff jWD ayA -crg +hWy bXh cLc cdN @@ -156832,7 +156853,7 @@ qsv bFv bAf ayA -csv +pGs bXB azv cdN @@ -159148,7 +159169,7 @@ hCZ cua mdr aBS -oyI +gkH nKJ bzc lXS @@ -159156,7 +159177,7 @@ ctv vgm qpZ djV -cGl +hXP eZs hXt cSh @@ -159225,7 +159246,7 @@ pbX dzf pfD cKR -cMr +sTN cXs jsJ dix @@ -159405,7 +159426,7 @@ hSN cue ric tiq -uAf +vKP nKJ bzc iGN @@ -159413,7 +159434,7 @@ dmq pHT gus djV -mEg +eyz eZs luK cSh @@ -159662,7 +159683,7 @@ rsC aCE dri bxD -fZe +xWf pNE cOS lwr @@ -159670,7 +159691,7 @@ ctv eZs cYL eZs -cGl +hXP djV vKa wTS @@ -159701,7 +159722,7 @@ iGw vKJ bFQ cLe -vUq +mYP vcG vTX wwg @@ -159919,7 +159940,7 @@ dmq cuw bYJ hVC -wjh +gmf nKJ aJg vKa @@ -159927,7 +159948,7 @@ eZs vKa sZV djV -cGl +hXP eZs vKa cSh @@ -160176,7 +160197,7 @@ dmq cux gNy jvq -uAf +vKP cKW aJg dAZ @@ -160184,7 +160205,7 @@ tFA tNh hOD eZs -cGl +hXP eZs vKa dNf @@ -160433,7 +160454,7 @@ dmq cuz gNy hVC -uAf +vKP nKJ oZo eZs @@ -160441,7 +160462,7 @@ djV djV aJm eZs -cGl +hXP ebV rup cSh @@ -160690,7 +160711,7 @@ dmq cuO bZh mHQ -cdQ +xaw cLd mHQ mHQ @@ -160698,7 +160719,7 @@ dHr dHr dHr vfD -qRa +vZC dHr dHr dNr @@ -160947,15 +160968,15 @@ dmq cuS cSf cSf -cdR -aKF -bta +pAK +sAe +xuw ddO cYX ddO -dko -nNc -vOC +rdz +mLQ +jMU tkx eWq jgZ @@ -161206,7 +161227,7 @@ bBM bBM bBM bBM -brF +wEG nyK bBM nyK @@ -161463,7 +161484,7 @@ iGw iGw iGw eqA -eqQ +pir qak cOy mbm @@ -161720,7 +161741,7 @@ aaa aaa iGw bBM -clQ +hdD nyK bBM nyK @@ -161735,7 +161756,7 @@ bSJ duw bIp duw -bOT +hvS dDb cqB dXb @@ -162222,10 +162243,10 @@ aaa aaa iGw puN -bKF -jyC -jyC -aSl +xNv +uKS +uKS +erM aUq snP iGw @@ -162479,10 +162500,10 @@ aaa aaa iGw puN -bKK +bDE snP snP -bCh +aOC jkM snP iGw @@ -162736,10 +162757,10 @@ aaa aaa aaa bBS -oht +dvH qBA hrt -kyY +mMj qyB bBS iGw @@ -162993,10 +163014,10 @@ aaa aaa iGw bBS -oht +dvH ocv eMA -iuG +qnZ ose bBS aaa @@ -163250,10 +163271,10 @@ aaa iGw iGw bBS -oht +dvH wyH dWk -kKd +hUu hnU bBS iGw diff --git a/_maps/map_files/event/Station/towerstation.dmm b/_maps/map_files/event/Station/towerstation.dmm index 80238a9e039..dca0de25e48 100644 --- a/_maps/map_files/event/Station/towerstation.dmm +++ b/_maps/map_files/event/Station/towerstation.dmm @@ -704,8 +704,8 @@ req_access = list(39) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 6 + dir = 6; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "atz" = ( @@ -858,8 +858,8 @@ pixel_y = -28 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 10 + dir = 10; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "axJ" = ( @@ -916,8 +916,8 @@ /area/hallway/secondary/exit) "azA" = ( /obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + id = "cargodisposals" }, /obj/structure/sign/deathsposal{ pixel_y = -32 @@ -972,9 +972,9 @@ "aBP" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 2; id_tag = "chemshuts"; - name = "Chemistry Shutters"; - dir = 2 + name = "Chemistry Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/medical/chemistry) @@ -1319,8 +1319,8 @@ "aPe" = ( /obj/machinery/door/window{ dir = 1; - req_access = list(61); - name = "Telecommunications Access" + name = "Telecommunications Access"; + req_access = list(61) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/dark/telecomms, /area/tcommsat/server) @@ -2213,8 +2213,8 @@ dir = 6 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitebluecorner"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whitebluecorner" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "bvB" = ( @@ -2766,8 +2766,8 @@ /obj/machinery/door_control{ id = "researchshuts"; name = "Research Shutters Control"; - req_access = list(33); - pixel_y = 26 + pixel_y = 26; + req_access = list(33) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "dark" @@ -3239,8 +3239,8 @@ /obj/machinery/door_control{ id = "brigshuts"; name = "Brig Shutters Control"; - req_access = list(1,4); - pixel_y = 36 + pixel_y = 36; + req_access = list(1,4) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "redfull" @@ -3309,8 +3309,8 @@ /area/space) "cdz" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 9 + dir = 9; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "cdB" = ( @@ -3416,9 +3416,9 @@ pixel_x = -8 }, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 2; id_tag = "kitchen"; - name = "Kitchen Shutters"; - dir = 2 + name = "Kitchen Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/crew_quarters/kitchen) @@ -3815,9 +3815,9 @@ "cyG" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 1; id_tag = "brigshuts"; - name = "Brig Shutters"; - dir = 1 + name = "Brig Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/main) @@ -3908,8 +3908,8 @@ dir = 4 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whiteblue"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "cAL" = ( @@ -4244,8 +4244,8 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whiteblue"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "cRi" = ( @@ -5063,8 +5063,8 @@ pixel_x = 24 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "dsw" = ( @@ -5721,9 +5721,9 @@ /obj/item/storage/fancy/donut_box, /obj/item/reagent_containers/food/snacks/soup/misosoup, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 2; id_tag = "kitchen"; - name = "Kitchen Shutters"; - dir = 2 + name = "Kitchen Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/white, /area/crew_quarters/kitchen) @@ -5779,8 +5779,8 @@ dir = 4 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "dTl" = ( @@ -6956,9 +6956,9 @@ "eIB" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 8; id_tag = "brigshuts"; - name = "Brig Shutters"; - dir = 8 + name = "Brig Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/main) @@ -7237,6 +7237,17 @@ /obj/structure/closet/wardrobe/mixed, /turf/simulated/floor/shuttle, /area/shuttle/arrival/station) +"eTD" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + announcementConsole = 1; + department = "Quartermaster's Desk"; + departmentType = 5; + name = "Quartermaster Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, +/area/quartermaster/storage) "eTG" = ( /obj/structure/rack, /obj/item/ammo_box/shotgun/beanbag, @@ -7608,8 +7619,8 @@ }, /obj/effect/landmark/start/virologist, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "feZ" = ( @@ -8404,6 +8415,12 @@ "fBs" = ( /obj/effect/turf_decal/delivery, /obj/machinery/computer/scan_consolenew, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Genetics"; + departmentType = 1; + name = "Genetics Requests Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 10; icon_state = "whitepurple" @@ -8749,8 +8766,8 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /obj/machinery/plantgenes, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "blue"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "blue" }, /area/hydroponics) "fIT" = ( @@ -9119,8 +9136,8 @@ icon_state = "2-4" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "fXq" = ( @@ -9604,8 +9621,8 @@ "gpQ" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + id = "cargodisposals" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/storage) @@ -10735,8 +10752,8 @@ }, /obj/machinery/computer/card/minor/hos, /obj/item/radio/intercom{ - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = 28 + pixel_x = 28; + pixel_y = -28 }, /obj/machinery/keycard_auth{ pixel_x = 28; @@ -10904,8 +10921,8 @@ }, /obj/structure/plasticflaps, /obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + id = "cargodisposals" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/storage) @@ -11157,10 +11174,10 @@ /area/toxins/lab) "hjb" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/filter{ + dir = 4; filter_type = "n2"; name = "nitrogen filter"; - on = 1; - dir = 4 + on = 1 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/atmos) @@ -11352,8 +11369,8 @@ /obj/machinery/door_control{ id = "briglock"; name = "Brig Lockdown"; - req_access = list(3); - pixel_x = -26 + pixel_x = -26; + req_access = list(3) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "dark" @@ -12655,8 +12672,8 @@ dir = 4 }, /obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + id = "cargodisposals" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/storage) @@ -13288,9 +13305,9 @@ name = "Access Queue" }, /obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor/northleft{ + dir = 8; name = "Access Desk"; - req_access = list(57); - dir = 8 + req_access = list(57) }, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ dir = 2; @@ -13372,8 +13389,8 @@ /obj/machinery/light, /obj/machinery/chem_master, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "blue"; - dir = 6 + dir = 6; + icon_state = "blue" }, /area/hydroponics) "iGn" = ( @@ -13474,9 +13491,9 @@ pixel_x = 30 }, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 2; id_tag = "kitchen"; - name = "Kitchen Shutters"; - dir = 2 + name = "Kitchen Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/crew_quarters/kitchen) @@ -14164,8 +14181,8 @@ }, /obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor/security{ dir = 2; - req_access = list(63); - name = "Brig Medical Bay" + name = "Brig Medical Bay"; + req_access = list(63) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 4; @@ -14833,8 +14850,8 @@ }, /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bucket, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "green"; - dir = 10 + dir = 10; + icon_state = "green" }, /area/hydroponics) "jAi" = ( @@ -15189,6 +15206,18 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/security/main) +"jMQ" = ( +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + announcementConsole = 1; + department = "Blueshield"; + departmentType = 5; + name = "Blueshield Requests Console"; + pixel_y = 30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "bcarpet05" + }, +/area/bridge) "jMV" = ( /obj/structure/window/reinforced{ dir = 4 @@ -15393,9 +15422,9 @@ "jUc" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 2; id_tag = "kitchen"; - name = "Kitchen Shutters"; - dir = 2 + name = "Kitchen Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/crew_quarters/kitchen) @@ -16500,8 +16529,8 @@ /obj/machinery/door_control{ id = "briglock"; name = "Brig Lockdown"; - req_access = list(3); - pixel_x = -26 + pixel_x = -26; + req_access = list(3) }, /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/security/warden) @@ -17305,18 +17334,18 @@ /obj/machinery/door_control{ id = "engsm"; name = "Supermatter Blast Doors"; + pixel_x = -24; pixel_y = -8; - req_access = list(10); - pixel_x = -24 + req_access = list(10) }, /obj/machinery/door_control{ id = "smbolts"; name = "Supermatter Bolt Control"; normaldoorcontrol = 1; + pixel_x = -24; pixel_y = 8; req_access = list(56); - specialfunctions = 4; - pixel_x = -24 + specialfunctions = 4 }, /turf/simulated/floor/engine, /area/engineering/engine) @@ -17884,9 +17913,9 @@ "lCt" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 2; id_tag = "kitchen"; - name = "Kitchen Shutters"; - dir = 2 + name = "Kitchen Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel/white, /area/crew_quarters/kitchen) @@ -18580,8 +18609,8 @@ dir = 8 }, /turf/simulated/floor/glass/reinforced{ - oxygen = 0; nitrogen = 0; + oxygen = 0; temperature = 2.7 }, /area/space) @@ -19057,8 +19086,8 @@ dir = 10 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whiteblue"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "mmJ" = ( @@ -19131,8 +19160,8 @@ }, /obj/machinery/portable_atmospherics/canister/oxygen, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "mqd" = ( @@ -19681,8 +19710,8 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitebluecorner"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whitebluecorner" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "mIi" = ( @@ -20714,8 +20743,8 @@ /area/turret_protected/ai_upload) "nrB" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/filter{ - dir = 8; desc = "Отфильтровывает углекислый газ из трубы и отправляет его в камеру хранения"; + dir = 8; filter_type = 3; name = "Фильтр Углекислого Газа (СO2)"; on = 1; @@ -21522,8 +21551,8 @@ /area/gateway) "nSq" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "blue"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "blue" }, /area/hydroponics) "nTs" = ( @@ -22233,9 +22262,9 @@ req_access = list(35) }, /obj/machinery/door/window/eastleft{ + dir = 8; name = "Kitchen Desk"; - req_access = list(28); - dir = 8 + req_access = list(28) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/crew_quarters/kitchen) @@ -22256,8 +22285,8 @@ /area/crew_quarters/dorms) "oqA" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 9 + dir = 9; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "orb" = ( @@ -22312,8 +22341,8 @@ /area/medical/medbay) "otM" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "ouf" = ( @@ -22842,8 +22871,8 @@ /area/hallway/primary/aft) "oLj" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/glass/reinforced{ - oxygen = 0; nitrogen = 0; + oxygen = 0; temperature = 2.7 }, /area/space) @@ -23023,8 +23052,8 @@ /area/hallway/primary/starboard) "oSt" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/trinary/filter{ - dir = 8; desc = "Отфильтровывает оксид азота из трубы и отправляет его в камеру хранения."; + dir = 8; filter_type = 4; name = "Фильтр Оксида Азота (N2O)"; on = 1; @@ -23428,8 +23457,8 @@ pixel_y = -32 }, /obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + id = "cargodisposals" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/storage) @@ -23860,8 +23889,8 @@ icon_state = "1-2" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "pxE" = ( @@ -24150,9 +24179,9 @@ "pFi" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 1; id_tag = "chemshuts"; - name = "Chemistry Shutters"; - dir = 1 + name = "Chemistry Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/medical/chemistry) @@ -24207,9 +24236,9 @@ dir = 4 }, /obj/machinery/door/window/southleft{ + dir = 8; name = "Research Lab Desk"; - req_access = list(47); - dir = 8 + req_access = list(47) }, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ id_tag = "researchshuts"; @@ -24294,8 +24323,8 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitebluecorner"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitebluecorner" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "pHL" = ( @@ -24630,8 +24659,8 @@ dir = 1 }, /obj/item/radio/intercom{ - pixel_y = -28; - pixel_x = -28 + pixel_x = -28; + pixel_y = -28 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "bcarpet05" @@ -24716,8 +24745,8 @@ pixel_x = 28 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "pVk" = ( @@ -24770,8 +24799,8 @@ dir = 4 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "pWM" = ( @@ -24917,8 +24946,8 @@ /area/security/permabrig) "qcu" = ( /obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + id = "cargodisposals" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/storage) @@ -25181,8 +25210,8 @@ dir = 4 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 5 + dir = 5; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "qkI" = ( @@ -25295,8 +25324,8 @@ pixel_x = 32 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "qph" = ( @@ -25509,12 +25538,12 @@ pixel_x = 32 }, /obj/item/radio/intercom/custom{ - pixel_y = 14; - pixel_x = 32 + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = 14 }, /obj/item/radio/intercom{ - pixel_y = -15; - pixel_x = 32 + pixel_x = 32; + pixel_y = -15 }, /turf/simulated/floor/greengrid, /area/turret_protected/aisat) @@ -25532,8 +25561,8 @@ dir = 4 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "qxq" = ( @@ -26493,8 +26522,8 @@ "rdP" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible/yellow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "blue"; - dir = 6 + dir = 6; + icon_state = "blue" }, /area/atmos) "ree" = ( @@ -27228,8 +27257,8 @@ /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitebluecorner"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whitebluecorner" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "rBV" = ( @@ -27690,6 +27719,12 @@ pixel_x = 26; req_access = list(33) }, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Chemistry"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Chemistry Requests Console"; + pixel_y = -30 + }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 4; icon_state = "whiteyellow" @@ -28627,7 +28662,7 @@ pixel_y = 3 }, /obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; + department = "Research"; departmentType = 2; name = "Research Request Console"; pixel_x = 30 @@ -29656,8 +29691,8 @@ req_access = list(39) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whiteblue"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whiteblue" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "tiH" = ( @@ -30111,8 +30146,8 @@ /area/hallway/secondary/entry) "tzj" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/toxins/mixing) "tzx" = ( @@ -30151,8 +30186,8 @@ created_name = "Officer Podsky"; desc = "Ты не узнаешь ценность чего-либо, пока не потеряешь это..."; name = "Обломки офицера Подски"; - pixel_y = 14; - pixel_x = -5 + pixel_x = -5; + pixel_y = 14 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 1; @@ -30491,8 +30526,8 @@ tag_interior_door = "viro_lab_airlock_interior" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "tKy" = ( @@ -30606,8 +30641,8 @@ icon_state = "4-8" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "blue"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "blue" }, /area/hydroponics) "tQb" = ( @@ -31511,8 +31546,8 @@ dir = 8 }, /obj/machinery/door/window/brigdoor/security{ - req_access = list(2); - name = "Rrocessing" + name = "Rrocessing"; + req_access = list(2) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 1; @@ -31806,8 +31841,8 @@ /obj/machinery/door_control{ id = "execblast"; name = "Vacuum Execution"; - req_access = list(2); - pixel_x = -26 + pixel_x = -26; + req_access = list(2) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ dir = 9; @@ -32309,8 +32344,8 @@ dir = 5 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitebluecorner"; - dir = 1 + dir = 1; + icon_state = "whitebluecorner" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "uQL" = ( @@ -32433,8 +32468,8 @@ /obj/machinery/chem_dispenser/botanical, /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "blue"; - dir = 9 + dir = 9; + icon_state = "blue" }, /area/hydroponics) "uUg" = ( @@ -32548,8 +32583,8 @@ icon_state = "1-2" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 5 + dir = 5; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "vbn" = ( @@ -33519,9 +33554,9 @@ "vDD" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 1; id_tag = "brigshuts"; - name = "Brig Shutters"; - dir = 1 + name = "Brig Shutters" }, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ density = 0; @@ -33676,10 +33711,10 @@ "vIe" = ( /obj/structure/showcase{ dir = 4; - pixel_x = -9; icon = 'icons/mob/robots.dmi'; icon_state = "Robot-STD"; name = "Cyborg Statue"; + pixel_x = -9; pixel_y = 2 }, /turf/simulated/floor/bluegrid, @@ -33898,9 +33933,9 @@ "vNU" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 8; id_tag = "chemshuts"; - name = "Chemistry Shutters"; - dir = 8 + name = "Chemistry Shutters" }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/medical/chemistry) @@ -34145,9 +34180,9 @@ "vXi" = ( /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor/shutters/preopen{ + dir = 2; id_tag = "brigshuts"; - name = "Brig Shutters"; - dir = 2 + name = "Brig Shutters" }, /obj/machinery/door/poddoor{ density = 0; @@ -34789,9 +34824,9 @@ "wqQ" = ( /obj/machinery/biogenerator, /obj/machinery/door/window/eastleft{ + dir = 1; name = "Hydroponics Desk"; - req_access = list(35); - dir = 1 + req_access = list(35) }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/hydroponics) @@ -36166,8 +36201,8 @@ "xef" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber/on, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitegreen"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology) "xeu" = ( @@ -36209,8 +36244,8 @@ }, /obj/item/toy/figure/roboticist, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitepurple"; - dir = 5 + dir = 5; + icon_state = "whitepurple" }, /area/assembly/robotics) "xeR" = ( @@ -37108,8 +37143,8 @@ dir = 4 }, /obj/machinery/conveyor{ - id = "cargodisposals"; - dir = 4 + dir = 4; + id = "cargodisposals" }, /obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ dir = 1 @@ -37553,8 +37588,8 @@ /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bucket, /obj/item/reagent_containers/glass/bucket, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "blue"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "blue" }, /area/hydroponics) "xYz" = ( @@ -37865,15 +37900,15 @@ pixel_y = 2 }, /obj/item/clothing/gloves/combat{ - pixel_y = -3; - pixel_x = -3 + pixel_x = -3; + pixel_y = -3 }, /obj/item/clothing/gloves/combat{ pixel_y = -3 }, /obj/item/clothing/gloves/combat{ - pixel_y = -3; - pixel_x = 3 + pixel_x = 3; + pixel_y = -3 }, /obj/item/shield/riot{ pixel_x = 3; @@ -37913,8 +37948,8 @@ dir = 8 }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whitebluecorner"; - dir = 8 + dir = 8; + icon_state = "whitebluecorner" }, /area/medical/sleeper) "yjR" = ( @@ -337765,7 +337800,7 @@ vvq uJy cxo uYB -cYO +eTD cYO wwa jxt @@ -590154,7 +590189,7 @@ nOE vtz tMi kFM -qiF +jMQ ckr eBD rgz diff --git a/_maps/map_files/nova/nova.dmm b/_maps/map_files/nova/nova.dmm index a660768c920..1ff16844f16 100644 --- a/_maps/map_files/nova/nova.dmm +++ b/_maps/map_files/nova/nova.dmm @@ -3414,6 +3414,20 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/chapel) +"aAP" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/medical/cryo) "aAV" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/multiz{ dir = 4 @@ -8037,23 +8051,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/engineering/aienter) -"bil" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 5 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 5 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 5 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "whiteblue" - }, -/area/medical/cloning) "bio" = ( /obj/structure/bookcase, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, @@ -15137,6 +15134,17 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/security/permahallway) +"cgR" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/medical/cryo) "cgX" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "4-8" @@ -21107,6 +21115,23 @@ icon_state = "vault" }, /area/turret_protected/aisat_interior/secondary) +"cZo" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 5 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 5 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "whiteblue" + }, +/area/medical/cloning) "cZt" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ dir = 6 @@ -21379,10 +21404,6 @@ icon_state = "purplefull" }, /area/medical/research/nhallway) -"dcl" = ( -/obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/blood_5, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/secpost) "dcq" = ( /turf/simulated/wall/r_wall, /area/toxins/xenobiology) @@ -30041,17 +30062,6 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/window/reinforced, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/bridge) -"epN" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/medical/cryo) "epP" = ( /obj/structure/table, /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, @@ -35638,6 +35648,25 @@ /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/southwest, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/storage/tech) +"fgL" = ( +/obj/machinery/camera{ + c_tag = "Central Bridge Hallway East 2"; + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment{ + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/engine{ + slowdown = -0.3 + }, +/area/hallway/primary/central) "fgN" = ( /obj/machinery/computer/crew, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -36211,13 +36240,6 @@ icon_state = "darkred" }, /area/turret_protected/aisat_interior/secondary) -"fkL" = ( -/obj/machinery/vending/boozeomat, -/obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wood{ - dir = 4 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/wood/dark, -/area/ntrep) "fkO" = ( /obj/structure/railing/corner{ dir = 4 @@ -38568,10 +38590,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/storage/secure) -"fBy" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/spiderling_remains, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/secpost) "fBE" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "neutralfull" @@ -38639,6 +38657,26 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/crew_quarters/chief) +"fCz" = ( +/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/unres{ + dir = 1 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/door/airlock/medical/glass{ + id = "cloninglab"; + name = "Cloning Lab"; + req_access = list(5) + }, +/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/medical/cloning) "fCA" = ( /obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wideplating/dark{ dir = 1 @@ -40566,11 +40604,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet/red, /area/lawoffice) -"fQX" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/vomit, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/secpost) "fQY" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /obj/item/ammo_casing{ @@ -42063,6 +42096,24 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/quartermaster/miningdock) +"gbK" = ( +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment{ + pixel_y = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/engine{ + slowdown = -0.3 + }, +/area/hallway/primary/central) "gbN" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ dir = 4 @@ -49013,24 +49064,6 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/second/west) -"hdq" = ( -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment{ - pixel_y = -30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/engine{ - slowdown = -0.3 - }, -/area/hallway/primary/central) "hdt" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, /obj/structure/girder, @@ -58394,29 +58427,6 @@ icon_state = "whitegreen" }, /area/medical/virology/lab) -"iza" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "2-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 10; - initialize_directions = 10 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 10 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - d1 = 4; - d2 = 8; - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ - dir = 10 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/medical/cloning) "izb" = ( /obj/machinery/power/solar{ name = "South-East Solar Panel" @@ -62331,6 +62341,13 @@ /obj/structure/closet, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/starboard) +"jfC" = ( +/obj/machinery/disposal, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ + dir = 1 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, +/area/ntrep) "jfD" = ( /obj/structure/toilet/secret{ dir = 1 @@ -66742,6 +66759,32 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/civilian/barber) +"jLR" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/effect/turf_decal{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "golden_stripes" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/sortjunction/reversed{ + dir = 1; + name = "Captain Office"; + sortType = 18 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "dark" + }, +/area/bridge) "jLT" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -67062,34 +67105,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/nw) -"jOe" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/button/windowtint{ - pixel_y = -24; - pixel_x = 24; - id = "ntrepprivate"; - name = "Door tint control" - }, -/obj/machinery/door_control{ - id = "NTRprivate"; - name = "Privacy Shutters Control"; - pixel_x = 26; - pixel_y = -33; - req_access = list(73) - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk/multiz/down{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, -/area/ntrep) "jOs" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "0-8" @@ -67277,6 +67292,10 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/apmaint) +"jQq" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/spiderling_remains, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/secpost) "jQt" = ( /obj/machinery/light{ dir = 1; @@ -73313,17 +73332,6 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/tourist) -"kOr" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/medical/cloning) "kOs" = ( /obj/structure/chair/sofa/left, /obj/random/therapy, @@ -76677,13 +76685,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fsmaint) -"loQ" = ( -/obj/machinery/disposal, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk{ - dir = 1 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, -/area/ntrep) "loR" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/yellow, /obj/machinery/portable_atmospherics/canister/oxygen, @@ -77705,20 +77706,6 @@ icon_state = "red" }, /area/security/main) -"lxy" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk/multiz{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "dark" - }, -/area/medical/genetics) "lxA" = ( /obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/east, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/unary/vent_scrubber{ @@ -77915,21 +77902,6 @@ dir = 1 }, /area/security/brigstaff) -"lzn" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/medical/cloning) "lzo" = ( /obj/item/flag/nt, /obj/machinery/light{ @@ -79403,6 +79375,11 @@ icon_state = "darkgrey" }, /area/engineering/mechanic_workshop/hangar) +"lLc" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/vomit, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/secpost) "lLh" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dust, /obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wood, @@ -83579,32 +83556,6 @@ }, /turf/space/openspace, /area/space) -"mpH" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "2-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/effect/turf_decal{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "golden_stripes" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/sortjunction/reversed{ - dir = 1; - name = "Captain Office"; - sortType = 18 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "dark" - }, -/area/bridge) "mpL" = ( /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -86626,20 +86577,6 @@ icon_state = "neutralfull" }, /area/hallway/primary/central/se) -"mND" = ( -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "2-8" - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/medical/cryo) "mNG" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, @@ -87197,6 +87134,17 @@ icon_state = "neutralcorner" }, /area/maintenance/apmaint) +"mRP" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/medical/cloning) "mSa" = ( /obj/machinery/light, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ @@ -90730,24 +90678,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood/dark, /area/crew_quarters/bar/atrium) -"nrr" = ( -/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/door/airlock/medical/glass{ - id = "cloninglab"; - name = "Genetics Lab"; - req_access = list(9) - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - dir = 8; - icon_state = "dark" - }, -/area/medical/genetics) "nrs" = ( /obj/structure/lattice, /obj/structure/window/reinforced, @@ -91361,6 +91291,10 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/atmos) +"nwA" = ( +/obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/blood_5, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/secpost) "nwG" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ d1 = 4; @@ -92163,26 +92097,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/tourist) -"nBP" = ( -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ - dir = 8 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "2-4" - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-4" - }, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction/reversed{ - dir = 2 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/medical/cryo) "nBS" = ( /obj/item/twohanded/required/kirbyplants, /obj/machinery/light/small{ @@ -116037,6 +115951,13 @@ icon_state = "neutral" }, /area/crew_quarters/serviceyard) +"rcy" = ( +/obj/machinery/vending/boozeomat, +/obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wood{ + dir = 4 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/wood/dark, +/area/ntrep) "rcB" = ( /obj/structure/table/reinforced, /obj/item/radio, @@ -119102,19 +119023,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/carpet, /area/crew_quarters/captain/bedroom) -"rzi" = ( -/obj/machinery/computer/rdconsole/core, -/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, -/obj/machinery/requests_console{ - department = "Science"; - departmentType = 2; - name = "Research Request Console"; - pixel_x = -30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "dark" - }, -/area/toxins/lab) "rzl" = ( /obj/structure/girder, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, @@ -119346,6 +119254,34 @@ /obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dust, /turf/simulated/floor/wood, /area/maintenance/backstage) +"rAR" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/button/windowtint{ + pixel_y = -24; + pixel_x = 24; + id = "ntrepprivate"; + name = "Door tint control" + }, +/obj/machinery/door_control{ + id = "NTRprivate"; + name = "Privacy Shutters Control"; + pixel_x = 26; + pixel_y = -33; + req_access = list(73) + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk/multiz/down{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/carpet/black, +/area/ntrep) "rBa" = ( /obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wood, /obj/structure/table/wood/fancy/red, @@ -130089,6 +130025,11 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/chapel/office) +"tbV" = ( +/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, +/obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/blood_5, +/turf/simulated/floor/plating, +/area/maintenance/secpost) "tci" = ( /obj/structure/chair/wood{ dir = 8 @@ -133236,6 +133177,20 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/chapel/office) +"txj" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/trunk/multiz{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "dark" + }, +/area/medical/genetics) "txo" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, @@ -142188,6 +142143,29 @@ dir = 8 }, /area/crew_quarters/locker) +"uNu" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "2-8" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 10; + initialize_directions = 10 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ + dir = 10 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + d1 = 4; + d2 = 8; + icon_state = "4-8" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment{ + dir = 10 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/medical/cloning) "uNv" = ( /obj/structure/cable/yellow{ d1 = 1; @@ -147696,25 +147674,6 @@ icon_state = "dark" }, /area/turret_protected/aisat_interior) -"vFN" = ( -/obj/machinery/camera{ - c_tag = "Central Bridge Hallway East 2"; - dir = 10 - }, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply{ - dir = 4 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "4-8" - }, -/obj/machinery/computer/security/telescreen/entertainment{ - pixel_y = -30 - }, -/turf/simulated/floor/engine{ - slowdown = -0.3 - }, -/area/hallway/primary/central) "vFV" = ( /obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/visible{ dir = 6 @@ -148891,26 +148850,6 @@ /obj/effect/spawner/lootdrop/maintenance, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/maintenance/fore2) -"vOz" = ( -/obj/effect/mapping_helpers/airlock/unres{ - dir = 1 - }, -/obj/structure/cable{ - icon_state = "1-2" - }, -/obj/machinery/door/airlock/medical/glass{ - id = "cloninglab"; - name = "Cloning Lab"; - req_access = list(5) - }, -/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, -/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, -/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, -/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ - icon_state = "white" - }, -/area/medical/cloning) "vOB" = ( /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ icon_state = "white" @@ -152851,6 +152790,19 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/atmos) +"wrr" = ( +/obj/machinery/computer/rdconsole/core, +/obj/effect/decal/warning_stripes/northwest, +/obj/machinery/requests_console{ + department = "Research"; + departmentType = 2; + name = "Research Request Console"; + pixel_x = -30 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "dark" + }, +/area/toxins/lab) "wrz" = ( /turf/simulated/openspace, /area/security/processing) @@ -158030,11 +157982,6 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood/fancy/cherry, /area/crew_quarters/theatre) -"xhp" = ( -/obj/effect/decal/cleanable/dirt, -/obj/effect/spawner/random_spawners/blood_5, -/turf/simulated/floor/plating, -/area/maintenance/secpost) "xhr" = ( /obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, /obj/structure/cable{ @@ -159179,6 +159126,24 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/plasteel, /area/maintenance/xenozoo) +"xqb" = ( +/obj/machinery/door/firedoor, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/door/airlock/medical/glass{ + id = "cloninglab"; + name = "Genetics Lab"; + req_access = list(9) + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/supply, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/simple/hidden/scrubbers, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + dir = 8; + icon_state = "dark" + }, +/area/medical/genetics) "xqq" = ( /obj/structure/cable{ icon_state = "1-2" @@ -161253,6 +161218,21 @@ }, /turf/simulated/floor/wood/fancy/cherry, /area/crew_quarters/theatre) +"xFq" = ( +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-2" + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 4 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/segment, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/medical/cloning) "xFr" = ( /obj/effect/turf_decal/siding/wood{ dir = 1 @@ -161317,6 +161297,26 @@ /obj/effect/decal/ants, /turf/simulated/floor/plating, /area/security/permabrig) +"xFT" = ( +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/supply{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/machinery/atmospherics/pipe/manifold/hidden/scrubbers{ + dir = 8 + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "2-4" + }, +/obj/structure/cable{ + icon_state = "1-4" + }, +/obj/structure/disposalpipe/junction/reversed{ + dir = 2 + }, +/turf/simulated/floor/plasteel{ + icon_state = "white" + }, +/area/medical/cryo) "xGl" = ( /obj/machinery/alarm{ pixel_y = 24 @@ -190112,12 +190112,12 @@ jvn tdr clY qcI -lxy -nrr -kOr -kOr -lzn -bil +txj +xqb +mRP +mRP +xFq +cZo nEG hya fXb @@ -190374,13 +190374,13 @@ qRz eri fcC hPA -iza -vOz -epN -epN -mND -epN -nBP +uNu +fCz +cgR +cgR +aAP +cgR +xFT qgs rOG ieh @@ -190930,7 +190930,7 @@ tkq bje mKV bvT -hdq +gbK bje tkq tkq @@ -198620,7 +198620,7 @@ wqw uVH hQo jlb -rzi +wrr iuU tYL cod @@ -203266,7 +203266,7 @@ tkq bje vFC bvT -vFN +fgL bje tkq tkq @@ -254619,7 +254619,7 @@ ozQ kux ozQ ozQ -fkL +rcy ozQ ozQ ozQ @@ -255218,7 +255218,7 @@ ieI gtF otn kZy -fQX +lLc chE ddQ bbZ @@ -255648,8 +255648,8 @@ lVZ wdp ozQ pLK -jOe -loQ +rAR +jfC lnp qIY tHo @@ -255732,7 +255732,7 @@ orm kfz xKb thB -dcl +nwA xic ddQ oqM @@ -256758,7 +256758,7 @@ btM syu gVD bbZ -fBy +jQq mVH bRV wre @@ -257275,7 +257275,7 @@ awC xRZ pWi wUw -fBy +jQq ihn xXG aiQ @@ -257533,7 +257533,7 @@ xRZ wre wCs rhi -xhp +tbV uhC cPv tUk @@ -258047,7 +258047,7 @@ hoH mTa mqL jYH -fBy +jQq awC ibR jAH @@ -265423,7 +265423,7 @@ qCF mXr ihk kjR -mpH +jLR tbl biB icw diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/ b/code/__DEFINES/ index 381b6b2e6f8..4ffa1a41511 100644 --- a/code/__DEFINES/ +++ b/code/__DEFINES/ @@ -103,3 +103,4 @@ /// Machines with this flag will not start processing when it's spawned. Use this if you want to manually control when a machine starts processing. #define START_PROCESSING_MANUALLY (1<<1) +#define ORE_REDEMPTION "Плавильная печь" diff --git a/code/__DEFINES/ b/code/__DEFINES/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..806eabf4e55 --- /dev/null +++ b/code/__DEFINES/ @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +// Request Console Department Types +#define RC_ASSIST 1 // Request Assistance +#define RC_SUPPLY 2 // Request Supplies +#define RC_INFO 4 // Relay Info + +// Request Console Screens +#define RCS_MAINMENU 0 // Main menu +#define RCS_RQSUPPLY 1 // Request supplies +#define RCS_RQASSIST 2 // Request assistance +#define RCS_SENDINFO 3 // Relay information +#define RCS_SENTPASS 4 // Message sent successfully +#define RCS_SENTFAIL 5 // Message sent unsuccessfully +#define RCS_VIEWMSGS 6 // View messages +#define RCS_MESSAUTH 7 // Authentication before sending +#define RCS_ANNOUNCE 8 // Send announcement +#define RCS_SHIPPING 9 // Print Shipping Labels/Packages +#define RCS_SHIP_LOG 10 // View Shipping Label Log + +// Radio list +#define ENGI_ROLES list(RC_ATMOSPHERICS, RC_MECHANIC, RC_ENGINEERING, RC_CHIEF_ENGINEER_DESK, RC_TECH_STORAGE, RC_TELECOMS_ADMIN) +#define SEC_ROLES list(RC_WARDEN, RC_SECURITY, RC_DETECTIVE, RC_LABOR_CAMP, RC_BRIG_MEDBAY, RC_HEAD_OF_SECURITY_DESK) +#define MISC_ROLES list(RC_BAR, RC_CHAPEL, RC_KITCHEN, RC_HYDROPONICS, RC_JANITORIAL) +#define MED_ROLES list(RC_VIROLOGY, RC_MEDBAY, RC_MORGUE, RC_CHEMISTRY, RC_CHIEF_MEDICAL_OFFICER_DESK) +#define COM_ROLES list(RC_BLUESHIELD, RC_NT_REPRESENTATIVE, RC_HEAD_OF_PERSONNEL_DESK, RC_CAPTAIN_DESK, RC_BRIDGE) +#define SCI_ROLES list(RC_ROBOTICS, RC_SCIENCE, RC_RESEARCH, RC_GENETICS, RC_XENOBIOLOGY, RC_RESEARCH_DIRECTOR_DESK) + +// Request Console Departments + +//Civilian +#define RC_PRIMARY_TOOL_STORAGE "Primary Tool Storage" +#define RC_LOCKER_ROOM "Locker Room" +#define RC_ARRIVAL_SHUTTLE "Arrival Shuttle" +#define RC_CREW_QUARTERS "Crew Quarters" + +// Medical +#define RC_MEDBAY "Medbay" +#define RC_VIROLOGY "Virology" +#define RC_MORGUE "Morgue" +#define RC_CHEMISTRY "Chemistry" + +// RND +#define RC_ROBOTICS "Robotics" +#define RC_SCIENCE "Science" +#define RC_RESEARCH "Research" +#define RC_XENOBIOLOGY "Xenobiology" +#define RC_GENETICS "Genetics" + +// Engineering +#define RC_ENGINEERING "Engineering" +#define RC_TECH_STORAGE "Tech storage" +#define RC_MECHANIC "Mechanic" +#define RC_ATMOSPHERICS "Atmospherics" + +// Security +#define RC_SECURITY "Security" +#define RC_DETECTIVE "Detective" +#define RC_WARDEN "Warden" +#define RC_LABOR_CAMP "Labor Camp" + +// Cargo +#define RC_CARGO_BAY "Cargo Bay" + +// Service +#define RC_BAR "Bar" +#define RC_HYDROPONICS "Hydroponics" +#define RC_JANITORIAL "Janitorial" +#define RC_KITCHEN "Kitchen" +#define RC_CHAPEL "Chapel" + +// Comand +#define RC_RESEARCH_DIRECTOR_DESK "Research Director's Desk" +#define RC_HEAD_OF_PERSONNEL_DESK "Head of Personnel's Desk" +#define RC_CHIEF_ENGINEER_DESK "Chief Engineer's Desk" +#define RC_CHIEF_MEDICAL_OFFICER_DESK "Chief Medical Officer's Desk" +#define RC_QUARTERMASTER_DESK "Quartermaster's Desk" +#define RC_HEAD_OF_SECURITY_DESK "Head of Security's Desk" +#define RC_CAPTAIN_DESK "Captain's Desk" +#define RC_AI "AI" +#define RC_BRIDGE "Bridge" +#define RC_EVA "EVA" + +// Central Command Dependent +#define RC_BLUESHIELD "Blueshield" +#define RC_INTERNAL_AFFAIRS_OFFICE "Internal Affairs Office" +#define RC_NT_REPRESENTATIVE "NT Representative" +#define RC_CENTRAL_COMMAND "Central Command" + +// NOT USED IN MAPS +#define RC_BRIG_MEDBAY "Brig Medbay" +#define RC_TELECOMS_ADMIN "Telecoms Admin" + diff --git a/code/datums/outfits/ b/code/datums/outfits/ index 9f628a62c9c..23acd23ca3c 100644 --- a/code/datums/outfits/ +++ b/code/datums/outfits/ @@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ //=========== security clown equipment =========== /obj/item/pda/clown/security default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/clown + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/clown_security icon_state = "pda-security-clown" desc = "Переносной микрокомпьютер от Синктроник Системс, LTD. Этот КПК разработан по заказу тайного покупателя, пожелавшего хонкнуться нераскрытым. Поверхность покрыта политетрафторэтиленом и банановым налётом." ttone = "honk" diff --git a/code/game/machinery/ b/code/game/machinery/ index a5523d86e21..0dec2464fd9 100644 --- a/code/game/machinery/ +++ b/code/game/machinery/ @@ -1,32 +1,6 @@ /******************** Requests Console ********************/ /** Originally written by errorage, updated by: Carn, needs more work though. I just added some security fixes */ -//Request Console Department Types -#define RC_ASSIST 1 //Request Assistance -#define RC_SUPPLY 2 //Request Supplies -#define RC_INFO 4 //Relay Info - -//Request Console Screens -#define RCS_MAINMENU 0 // Main menu -#define RCS_RQSUPPLY 1 // Request supplies -#define RCS_RQASSIST 2 // Request assistance -#define RCS_SENDINFO 3 // Relay information -#define RCS_SENTPASS 4 // Message sent successfully -#define RCS_SENTFAIL 5 // Message sent unsuccessfully -#define RCS_VIEWMSGS 6 // View messages -#define RCS_MESSAUTH 7 // Authentication before sending -#define RCS_ANNOUNCE 8 // Send announcement -#define RCS_SHIPPING 9 // Print Shipping Labels/Packages -#define RCS_SHIP_LOG 10 // View Shipping Label Log - -//Radio list -#define ENGI_ROLES list("Atmospherics","Mechanic","Engineering","Chief Engineer's Desk","Telecoms Admin") -#define SEC_ROLES list("Warden","Security","Brig Medbay","Head of Security's Desk") -#define MISC_ROLES list("Bar","Chapel","Kitchen","Hydroponics","Janitorial") -#define MED_ROLES list("Virology","Chief Medical Officer's Desk","Medbay") -#define COM_ROLES list("Blueshield","NT Representative","Head of Personnel's Desk","Captain's Desk","Bridge") -#define SCI_ROLES list("Robotics","Science","Research Director's Desk") - #define RQ_NONEW_MESSAGES 0 #define RQ_NORMALPRIORITY 1 #define RQ_HIGHPRIORITY 2 @@ -69,6 +43,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) var/print_cooldown = 0 //cooldown on shipping label printer, stores the in-game time of when the printer will next be ready var/obj/item/radio/Radio var/radiochannel = "" + var/list/connected_apps = list() /obj/machinery/requests_console/Initialize(mapload) @@ -90,7 +65,6 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) GLOB.req_console_supplies |= department if(departmentType & RC_INFO) GLOB.req_console_information |= department - update_icon(UPDATE_OVERLAYS) @@ -109,6 +83,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) if(departmentType & RC_INFO) GLOB.req_console_information -= department QDEL_NULL(Radio) + for(var/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/app as anything in connected_apps) + app.on_rc_destroyed(src) return ..() /obj/machinery/requests_console/attack_ghost(user as mob) @@ -120,7 +96,6 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) /obj/machinery/requests_console/attack_hand(user as mob) if(..(user)) return - ui_interact(user) @@ -193,9 +168,9 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) message = new_message screen = RCS_MESSAUTH switch(params["priority"]) - if("1") + if(1) priority = RQ_NORMALPRIORITY - if("2") + if(2) priority = RQ_HIGHPRIORITY else priority = RQ_NONEW_MESSAGES @@ -238,9 +213,9 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) radiochannel = "Command" else if(recipient in SCI_ROLES) radiochannel = "Science" - else if(recipient == "AI") + else if(recipient == RC_AI) radiochannel = "AI Private" - else if(recipient == "Cargo Bay") + else if(recipient == RC_CARGO_BAY) radiochannel = "Supply" write_to_message_log("Message sent to [recipient] at [station_time_timestamp()] - [message]") Radio.autosay("Alert; a new requests console message received for [recipient] from [department]", null, "[radiochannel]") @@ -292,38 +267,46 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) return ..() if(istype(I, /obj/item/card/id)) - var/obj/item/card/id/id = I add_fingerprint(user) - switch(screen) - if(RCS_MESSAUTH) - msgVerified = "Verified by [id.registered_name] ([id.assignment])" - SStgui.update_uis(src) - return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS - if(RCS_ANNOUNCE) - if(ACCESS_RC_ANNOUNCE in id.GetAccess()) - announceAuth = TRUE - announcement.announcer = id.assignment ? "[id.assignment] [id.registered_name]" : id.registered_name - SStgui.update_uis(src) - return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS - reset_message() - to_chat(user, span_warning("You are not authorized to send announcements.")) - SStgui.update_uis(src) - return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS - if(RCS_SHIPPING) - msgVerified = "Sender verified as [id.registered_name] ([id.assignment])" - SStgui.update_uis(src) - return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS + return login_console(screen, I, src) if(istype(I, /obj/item/stamp)) - if(screen == RCS_MESSAUTH) - add_fingerprint(user) - msgStamped = "Stamped with the []" - SStgui.update_uis(src) - return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS + return stamp_messauth(screen, I, src, user) return ..() +/obj/machinery/requests_console/proc/stamp_messauth(screen, obj/item/stamp/stamp, obj/ui_object, mob/user, is_distant=FALSE) + if(screen == RCS_MESSAUTH) + if(!is_distant) + add_fingerprint(user) + msgStamped = "Stamped with the []" + SStgui.update_uis(ui_object) + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED + +/obj/machinery/requests_console/proc/login_console(screen, obj/item/card/id/id, obj/ui_object, mob/user) + switch(screen) + if(RCS_MESSAUTH) + msgVerified = "Verified by [id.registered_name] ([id.assignment])" + SStgui.update_uis(ui_object) + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS + if(RCS_ANNOUNCE) + if(ACCESS_RC_ANNOUNCE in id.GetAccess()) + announceAuth = TRUE + announcement.announcer = id.assignment ? "[id.assignment] [id.registered_name]" : id.registered_name + SStgui.update_uis(ui_object) + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS + reset_message() + to_chat(user, span_warning("You are not authorized to send announcements.")) + SStgui.update_uis(ui_object) + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS + if(RCS_SHIPPING) + msgVerified = "Sender verified as [id.registered_name] ([id.assignment])" + SStgui.update_uis(ui_object) + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED_SUCCESS + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED + /obj/machinery/requests_console/proc/reset_message(mainmenu = FALSE) message = "" recipient = "" @@ -353,14 +336,20 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(allRequestConsoles) playsound(loc, 'sound/machines/twobeep.ogg', 50, TRUE) atom_say(title) + var/rendered_message switch(priority) if(RQ_HIGHPRIORITY) // High - write_to_message_log("Высокий приоритет - От: [linkedSender] - [message]") + rendered_message = "Высокий приоритет - От: [linkedSender] - [message]" else // Normal - write_to_message_log("От: [linkedSender] - [message]") + rendered_message = "От: [linkedSender] - [message]" + + if(!isnull(rendered_message)) + write_to_message_log(rendered_message, source == ORE_REDEMPTION) -/obj/machinery/requests_console/proc/write_to_message_log(message) +/obj/machinery/requests_console/proc/write_to_message_log(message, ore_message = FALSE) + for(var/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/app as anything in connected_apps) + app.on_rc_message_recieved(src, message, ore_message) message_log = list(message) + message_log /obj/machinery/requests_console/proc/print_label(tag_name, tag_index) diff --git a/code/modules/mining/ b/code/modules/mining/ index 842f46e041d..01de99e993c 100644 --- a/code/modules/mining/ +++ b/code/modules/mining/ @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ #define BASE_SHEET_MULT 0.5 #define POINT_MULT_ADD_PER_RATING 0.35 #define SHEET_MULT_ADD_PER_RATING 0.2 +#define MESSAGES_WAIT_TIME 1 MINUTES /** * # Ore Redemption Machine @@ -28,15 +29,16 @@ /// List of supply console department names that can receive a notification about ore dumps. /// A list may be provided as entry value to only notify when specific ore is dumped. var/list/supply_consoles = list( - "Science", - "Robotics", - "Research Director's Desk", - "Mechanic", - "Engineering" = list(MAT_METAL, MAT_GLASS, MAT_PLASMA), - "Chief Engineer's Desk" = list(MAT_METAL, MAT_GLASS, MAT_PLASMA), - "Atmospherics" = list(MAT_METAL, MAT_GLASS, MAT_PLASMA), - "Bar" = list(MAT_URANIUM, MAT_PLASMA), - "Virology" = list(MAT_PLASMA, MAT_URANIUM, MAT_GOLD) + RC_SCIENCE, + RC_RESEARCH, + RC_ROBOTICS, + RC_RESEARCH_DIRECTOR_DESK, + RC_MECHANIC, + RC_ENGINEERING = list(MAT_METAL, MAT_GLASS, MAT_PLASMA), + RC_CHIEF_ENGINEER_DESK = list(MAT_METAL, MAT_GLASS, MAT_PLASMA), + RC_ATMOSPHERICS = list(MAT_METAL, MAT_GLASS, MAT_PLASMA), + RC_BAR = list(MAT_URANIUM, MAT_PLASMA), + RC_VIROLOGY = list(MAT_PLASMA, MAT_URANIUM, MAT_GOLD) ) // Variables /// The currently inserted ID. @@ -55,6 +57,7 @@ var/datum/research/files /// The currently inserted design disk. var/obj/item/disk/design_disk/inserted_disk + COOLDOWN_DECLARE(messages_cooldown) /obj/machinery/mineral/ore_redemption/New() ..() @@ -186,8 +189,11 @@ // Process it if(length(ore_buffer)) message_sent = FALSE + if(!COOLDOWN_STARTED(src, messages_cooldown)) + COOLDOWN_START(src, messages_cooldown, MESSAGES_WAIT_TIME) process_ores(ore_buffer) - else if(!message_sent) + + if(COOLDOWN_FINISHED(src, messages_cooldown) && !message_sent) SStgui.update_uis(src) send_console_message() message_sent = TRUE @@ -484,7 +490,7 @@ if(!(C.department in supply_consoles)) continue if(!supply_consoles[C.department] || length(supply_consoles[C.department] - mats_in_stock)) - C.createMessage("Плавильная печь", "Новые ресурсы доступны!", msg, 1) // RQ_NORMALPRIORITY + C.createMessage(ORE_REDEMPTION, "Новые ресурсы доступны!", msg, 1) // RQ_NORMALPRIORITY /** * Tries to insert the ID card held by the given user into the machine. diff --git a/code/modules/pda/ b/code/modules/pda/ index 90c01171c98..5cf60cd6afc 100755 --- a/code/modules/pda/ +++ b/code/modules/pda/ @@ -27,8 +27,12 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) //Main variables var/owner = null var/default_cartridge = null // Access level defined by cartridge + /// Default request console cartridge + var/default_request_console_cartridge = null var/special_pen = null //special variable for nonstandart pens in new PDAs var/obj/item/cartridge/cartridge = null //current cartridge + /// Current request console cartridge + var/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/request_cartridge = null var/datum/data/pda/app/current_app = null var/datum/data/pda/app/lastapp = null @@ -107,6 +111,9 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) if(default_cartridge) cartridge = new default_cartridge(src) cartridge.update_programs(src) + if(default_request_console_cartridge) + request_cartridge = new default_request_console_cartridge(src) + request_cartridge.update_programs(src) if(special_pen) new special_pen(src) else @@ -125,6 +132,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) scanmode = null QDEL_LIST(programs) QDEL_NULL(cartridge) + QDEL_NULL(request_cartridge) QDEL_NULL(current_case) current_painting?.Cut() return ..() @@ -168,7 +176,7 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) ui_interact(user) /obj/item/pda/proc/start_program(datum/data/pda/P) - if(P && ((P in programs) || (cartridge && (P in cartridge.programs)))) + if(P && ((P in programs) || (cartridge && (P in cartridge.programs)) || (request_cartridge && (P in request_cartridge.programs)))) return P.start() return 0 @@ -240,6 +248,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) to_chat(user, "You remove the ID from the [name].") SStgui.update_uis(src) id = null + cartridge?.on_id_updated() + request_cartridge?.on_id_updated() update_icon(UPDATE_OVERLAYS) @@ -294,6 +304,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) var/obj/item/I = user.get_active_hand() if(istype(I, /obj/item/card/id) && user.drop_transfer_item_to_loc(I, src)) id = I + cartridge?.on_id_updated() + request_cartridge?.on_id_updated() update_icon(UPDATE_OVERLAYS) return TRUE return FALSE @@ -303,6 +315,8 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) id.forceMove_turf() user.put_in_hands(id) id = I + cartridge?.on_id_updated() + request_cartridge?.on_id_updated() update_icon(UPDATE_OVERLAYS) return TRUE return FALSE @@ -399,8 +413,25 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) to_chat(user, span_notice("You have put [I] onto the PDA.")) return ATTACK_CHAIN_BLOCKED_ALL + if(istype(I, /obj/item/cartridge/request_console)) + add_fingerprint(user) + if(request_cartridge) + to_chat(user, span_warning("The PDA is already holding another request cartridge.")) + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED + if(!user.drop_transfer_item_to_loc(I, src)) + return ..() + request_cartridge = I + request_cartridge.update_programs(src) + update_shortcuts() + to_chat(user, span_notice("You have inserted [I] into the PDA.")) + SStgui.update_uis(src) + if( + = src + return ATTACK_CHAIN_BLOCKED_ALL + if(istype(I, /obj/item/cartridge)) add_fingerprint(user) + if(cartridge) to_chat(user, span_warning("The PDA is already holding another cartridge.")) return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED @@ -460,6 +491,13 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(PDAs) to_chat(user, span_notice("You have slided [I] into the PDA.
You can remove it with Ctrl-click.")) return ATTACK_CHAIN_BLOCKED_ALL + if(istype(I, /obj/item/stamp)) + var/result = cartridge?.stamp_act(I) + result |= request_cartridge?.stamp_act(I) + if(result) + return ATTACK_CHAIN_BLOCKED_ALL + return ATTACK_CHAIN_PROCEED + return ..() diff --git a/code/modules/pda/ b/code/modules/pda/ index 98e9d5fe1bd..17508353787 100644 --- a/code/modules/pda/ +++ b/code/modules/pda/ @@ -20,6 +20,14 @@ /datum/data/pda/proc/program_process() return +/datum/data/pda/proc/on_id_updated() + return + +/datum/data/pda/proc/stamp_act(obj/item/stamp/stamp) + if(!istype(stamp)) + return FALSE + return TRUE + /datum/data/pda/proc/program_hit_check() return diff --git a/code/modules/pda/ b/code/modules/pda/ index a4e2c4efaa8..85b14210e59 100644 --- a/code/modules/pda/ +++ b/code/modules/pda/ @@ -28,6 +28,24 @@ var/datum/data/pda/messenger_plugin/P = A P.pda = pda +/obj/item/cartridge/proc/stamp_act(stamp) + var/result = FALSE + for(var/A in programs) + var/datum/data/pda/P = A + result = result || P.stamp_act(stamp) + for(var/A in messenger_plugins) + var/datum/data/pda/messenger_plugin/P = A + result = result || P.stamp_act(stamp) + return result + +/obj/item/cartridge/proc/on_id_updated() + for(var/A in programs) + var/datum/data/pda/P = A + P.on_id_updated() + for(var/A in messenger_plugins) + var/datum/data/pda/messenger_plugin/P = A + P.on_id_updated() + /obj/item/cartridge/engineering name = "Power-ON Cartridge" icon_state = "cart-e" diff --git a/code/modules/pda/ b/code/modules/pda/ index 6587438c319..cd3ec775e4b 100644 --- a/code/modules/pda/ +++ b/code/modules/pda/ @@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ var/list/prog_list = programs.Copy() if(cartridge) prog_list |= cartridge.programs + if(request_cartridge) + prog_list |= request_cartridge.programs for(var/A in prog_list) var/datum/data/pda/P = A @@ -47,6 +49,7 @@ data["idLink"] = (id ? "[id.registered_name], [id.assignment]" : "--------") data["cartridge_name"] = cartridge ? : "" + data["request_cartridge_name"] = request_cartridge ? : "" data["stationTime"] = station_time_timestamp() data["app"] = list() @@ -96,6 +99,24 @@ P.unnotify() cartridge = null update_shortcuts() + if("Eject_Request")//Ejects the cart, only done from hub. + if(!isnull(request_cartridge)) + var/turf/T = loc + if(ismob(T)) + T = T.loc + var/obj/item/cartridge/C = request_cartridge + C.forceMove(T) + if(scanmode in C.programs) + scanmode = null + if(current_app in C.programs) + start_program(find_program(/datum/data/pda/app/main_menu)) + if( + = null + for(var/datum/data/pda/P in notifying_programs) + if(P in C.programs) + P.unnotify() + request_cartridge = null + update_shortcuts() if("Authenticate")//Checks for ID id_check(usr, in_pda_usage = TRUE) if("Ringtone") diff --git a/code/modules/pda/ b/code/modules/pda/ index d7e2a4f29ce..3ee62d5aeb8 100644 --- a/code/modules/pda/ +++ b/code/modules/pda/ @@ -1,36 +1,44 @@ /obj/item/pda/medical default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/medical + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/medical icon_state = "pda-medical" /obj/item/pda/viro default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/medical + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/viro icon_state = "pda-virology" item_state = "pda-medical" /obj/item/pda/engineering default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/engineering + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/engineering icon_state = "pda-engineer" /obj/item/pda/security default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/security + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/security icon_state = "pda-security" /obj/item/pda/detective default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/detective + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/detective icon_state = "pda-detective" /obj/item/pda/warden default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/security + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/warden icon_state = "pda-warden" /obj/item/pda/janitor default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/janitor + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/janitor icon_state = "pda-janitor" ttone = "slip" /obj/item/pda/toxins default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/signal/toxins icon_state = "pda-science" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/toxins ttone = "boom" /obj/item/pda/clown @@ -59,40 +67,49 @@ /obj/item/pda/heads/hop default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/hop + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/hop icon_state = "pda-hop" /obj/item/pda/heads/hos default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/hos + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/hos icon_state = "pda-hos" /obj/item/pda/heads/ce default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/ce + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/ce icon_state = "pda-ce" /obj/item/pda/heads/cmo default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/cmo + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/cmo icon_state = "pda-cmo" /obj/item/pda/heads/rd default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/rd + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/rd icon_state = "pda-rd" /obj/item/pda/captain default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/captain icon_state = "pda-captain" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/captain detonate = 0 //toff = 1 /obj/item/pda/heads/ntrep default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/supervisor + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/ntrep icon_state = "pda-h" /obj/item/pda/heads/magistrate default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/supervisor + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/magistrate icon_state = "pda-h" /obj/item/pda/heads/blueshield default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/hos + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/blueshield icon_state = "pda-h" /obj/item/pda/heads/ert @@ -109,14 +126,17 @@ /obj/item/pda/cargo default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/quartermaster + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/cargo icon_state = "pda-cargo" /obj/item/pda/quartermaster default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/quartermaster + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/quartermaster icon_state = "pda-qm" /obj/item/pda/shaftminer icon_state = "pda-miner" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/shaftminer special_pen = /obj/item/pen/survival /obj/item/pda/syndicate @@ -144,19 +164,23 @@ /obj/item/pda/chaplain icon_state = "pda-chaplain" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/chaplain ttone = "holy" /obj/item/pda/lawyer default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/lawyer + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/lawyer icon_state = "pda-lawyer" ttone = "..." /obj/item/pda/botanist //default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/botanist + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/botanist icon_state = "pda-hydro" /obj/item/pda/roboticist icon_state = "pda-roboticist" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/roboticist /obj/item/pda/librarian icon_state = "pda-library" @@ -175,25 +199,31 @@ model_name = "Thinktronic 5230 Personal Data Assistant Deluxe Special Max Turbo Limited Edition" /obj/item/pda/chef + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/chef icon_state = "pda-chef" /obj/item/pda/bar icon_state = "pda-bartender" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/bar /obj/item/pda/atmos default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/atmos + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/atmos icon_state = "pda-atmos" /obj/item/pda/chemist default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/chemistry icon_state = "pda-chemistry" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/chemist /obj/item/pda/geneticist default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/medical icon_state = "pda-genetics" + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/geneticist /obj/item/pda/centcom default_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/centcom + default_request_console_cartridge = /obj/item/cartridge/request_console/centcom icon_state = "pda-h" /obj/item/pda/centcom/New() diff --git a/code/modules/pda/ b/code/modules/pda/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..3de9ca7784e --- /dev/null +++ b/code/modules/pda/ @@ -0,0 +1,307 @@ +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console + name = "Request Consoles" + title = "Request Consoles" + icon = "archive" + template = "pda_request_console" + category = "Request Console" + update = PDA_APP_UPDATE + var/list/department_list + var/list/possible_consoles = list() + var/list/consoles_mute = list() + var/ore_message_reciver_dep + var/obj/machinery/requests_console/selected_console + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/New() + . = ..() + for(var/C in (GLOB.allRequestConsoles)) + var/obj/machinery/requests_console/console = C + if(QDELETED(console) || !istype(console)) + continue + if(console.department in department_list) + possible_consoles |= console + department_list -= console.department + console.connected_apps |= src + + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/Destroy() + selected_console = null + LAZYNULL(possible_consoles) + . = ..() + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/proc/on_rc_destroyed(datum/source) + possible_consoles -= source + SStgui.update_uis(pda) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/proc/on_rc_message_recieved(obj/machinery/requests_console/source, message, isoremessage) + SIGNAL_HANDLER + if(isoremessage && source.department != ore_message_reciver_dep) + return + var/rendered_message = "Recieved on [] : [message]" + if(!QDELETED(pda) && !consoles_mute[source]) + notify(rendered_message) + + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/update_ui(mob/user, list/data) + if(selected_console) + data += selected_console.ui_data(user) + data["selected_console"] = + else + data["selected_console"] = null + var/list/possible_consoles_data= list() + for(var/obj/machinery/requests_console/console as anything in possible_consoles) + possible_consoles_data += list(list("name" =, "priority" = console.newmessagepriority, "muted" = consoles_mute[console])) + data["consoles_data"] = possible_consoles_data + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/ui_act(action, list/params, datum/tgui/ui, datum/ui_state/state) + var/name = params["name"] + var/obj/machinery/requests_console/clicked_console + for(var/atom/console as anything in possible_consoles) + if( == name) + clicked_console = console + break + switch(action) + if("select") + if(!clicked_console) + return + selected_console = clicked_console + title = + unnotify() + if("mute") + if(!clicked_console) + return + consoles_mute[clicked_console] = !consoles_mute[clicked_console] + if("back") + selected_console = null + title = initial(title) + else + selected_console?.ui_act(action, params, ui, state) + login() + SStgui.update_uis(pda) + + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/on_id_updated() + login() + + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/proc/login() + if( && selected_console) + selected_console.login_console(selected_console.screen,, pda, usr) + + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/stamp_act(obj/item/stamp/stamp) + if(!..() || !selected_console) + return FALSE + var/result = selected_console.stamp_messauth(selected_console.screen, stamp, pda, usr) + if(ATTACK_CHAIN_SUCCESS_CHECK(result)) + return TRUE + return FALSE + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/cargo + department_list = list(RC_CARGO_BAY) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/shaftminer + department_list = list(RC_CARGO_BAY) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/botanist + department_list = list(RC_HYDROPONICS) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/chef + department_list = list(RC_KITCHEN) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/bar + department_list = list(RC_BAR) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/janitor + department_list = list(RC_JANITORIAL) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/chaplain + department_list = list(RC_CHAPEL) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/security + department_list = list(RC_SECURITY) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/clown_security + department_list = list(RC_SECURITY) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/lawyer + department_list = list(RC_INTERNAL_AFFAIRS_OFFICE) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/medical + department_list = list( + RC_MEDBAY, + RC_MORGUE + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/viro + department_list = list( + RC_MEDBAY, + RC_VIROLOGY, + RC_MORGUE + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/engineering + department_list = list( + RC_TECH_STORAGE, + RC_ENGINEERING, + RC_ATMOSPHERICS, + RC_MECHANIC + ) + ore_message_reciver_dep = RC_MECHANIC + + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/detective + department_list = list( + RC_SECURITY, + RC_DETECTIVE + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/warden + department_list = list( + RC_SECURITY, + RC_WARDEN, + RC_LABOR_CAMP + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/toxins + department_list = list( + RC_SCIENCE, + RC_ROBOTICS, + RC_RESEARCH, + RC_XENOBIOLOGY + ) + ore_message_reciver_dep = RC_RESEARCH + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/hop + department_list = list( + RC_BAR, + RC_KITCHEN, + RC_HEAD_OF_PERSONNEL_DESK, + RC_BRIDGE, + RC_HYDROPONICS, + RC_JANITORIAL, + RC_CHAPEL + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/hos + department_list = list(RC_SECURITY, + RC_WARDEN, + RC_LABOR_CAMP, + RC_HEAD_OF_SECURITY_DESK, + RC_BRIDGE, + RC_DETECTIVE) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/ce + department_list = list( + RC_TECH_STORAGE, + RC_ENGINEERING, + RC_ATMOSPHERICS, + RC_MECHANIC, + RC_BRIDGE, + RC_AI, + RC_CHIEF_ENGINEER_DESK + ) + ore_message_reciver_dep = RC_MECHANIC + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/cmo + department_list = list( + RC_MEDBAY, + RC_VIROLOGY, + RC_MORGUE, + RC_GENETICS, + RC_BRIDGE, + RC_CHEMISTRY, + RC_CHIEF_MEDICAL_OFFICER_DESK + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/rd + department_list = list( + RC_SCIENCE, + RC_ROBOTICS, + RC_RESEARCH, + RC_XENOBIOLOGY, + RC_GENETICS, + RC_BRIDGE, + RC_AI, + RC_RESEARCH_DIRECTOR_DESK + ) + ore_message_reciver_dep = RC_RESEARCH + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/captain + department_list = list( + RC_CHIEF_ENGINEER_DESK, + RC_CHIEF_MEDICAL_OFFICER_DESK, + RC_HEAD_OF_PERSONNEL_DESK, + RC_HEAD_OF_SECURITY_DESK, + RC_BRIDGE, + RC_QUARTERMASTER_DESK, + RC_AI, + RC_CAPTAIN_DESK, + RC_RESEARCH_DIRECTOR_DESK + ) + ore_message_reciver_dep = RC_RESEARCH_DIRECTOR_DESK + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/ntrep + department_list = list( + RC_NT_REPRESENTATIVE, + RC_BLUESHIELD, + RC_INTERNAL_AFFAIRS_OFFICE, + RC_BRIDGE + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/magistrate + department_list = list( + RC_INTERNAL_AFFAIRS_OFFICE, + RC_BRIDGE + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/blueshield + department_list = list( + RC_BLUESHIELD, + RC_BRIDGE + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/quartermaster + department_list = list( + RC_CARGO_BAY, + RC_QUARTERMASTER_DESK, + RC_BRIDGE + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/roboticist + department_list = list( + RC_RESEARCH, + RC_SCIENCE, + RC_ROBOTICS + ) + ore_message_reciver_dep = RC_ROBOTICS + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/atmos + department_list = list( + RC_TECH_STORAGE, + RC_ATMOSPHERICS, + RC_ENGINEERING + ) + ore_message_reciver_dep = RC_ATMOSPHERICS + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/chemist + department_list = list( + RC_CHEMISTRY, + RC_MEDBAY + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/geneticist + department_list = list( + RC_GENETICS, + RC_MEDBAY + ) + +/datum/data/pda/app/request_console/centcom + department_list = list( + RC_BRIDGE, + RC_AI, + RC_BLUESHIELD, + RC_INTERNAL_AFFAIRS_OFFICE, + RC_NT_REPRESENTATIVE, + RC_CENTRAL_COMMAND, + RC_CAPTAIN_DESK + ) diff --git a/code/modules/pda/ b/code/modules/pda/ new file mode 100644 index 00000000000..f0d86786259 --- /dev/null +++ b/code/modules/pda/ @@ -0,0 +1,130 @@ +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console + name = "Request Console" + icon_state = "cart-req" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/medical + name = "Medical Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/medical) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/viro + name = "Virology Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/viro) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/engineering + name = "Engineering Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/engineering) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/security + name = "Security Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/security) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/detective + name = "Detective Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/detective) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/warden + name = "Warden Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/warden) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/janitor + name = "Janitor Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/janitor) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/toxins + name = "Sciense Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/toxins) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/hop + name = "HOP Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/hop) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/hos + name = "HOS Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/hos) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/ce + name = "CE Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/ce) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/cmo + name = "CMO Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/cmo) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/rd + name = "RD Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/rd) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/captain + name = "Captain Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/captain) + + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/ntrep + name = "NTR Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/ntrep) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/magistrate + name = "Magistrate Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/magistrate) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/blueshield + name = "Blueshield Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/blueshield) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/cargo + name = "Cargo Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/cargo) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/quartermaster + name = "QM Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/quartermaster) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/shaftminer + name = "Shaftminer Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/shaftminer) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/chaplain + name = "Chaplain Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/chaplain) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/lawyer + name = "Internal Affairs Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/lawyer) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/botanist + name = "Botanist Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/botanist) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/roboticist + name = "Roboticist Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/roboticist) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/chef + name = "Chef Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/chef) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/bar + name = "Bartender Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/bar) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/atmos + name = "Atmospherics Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/atmos) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/chemist + name = "Chemist Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/chemist) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/geneticist + name = "Geneticist Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/geneticist) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/clown_security + name = "Clown Security Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/clown_security) + +/obj/item/cartridge/request_console/centcom + name = "Centcom Request" + programs = list(new /datum/data/pda/app/request_console/centcom) + diff --git a/code/modules/research/ b/code/modules/research/ index fcf50821b76..f09614ec5d3 100644 --- a/code/modules/research/ +++ b/code/modules/research/ @@ -100,17 +100,20 @@ GLOBAL_LIST_EMPTY(message_servers) if(RC.newmessagepriority < priority) RC.newmessagepriority = priority RC.update_icon(UPDATE_OVERLAYS) + var/rendered_message = null switch(priority) if(2) if(!RC.silent) playsound(RC.loc, 'sound/machines/twobeep.ogg', 50, 1) RC.atom_say("PRIORITY Alert in [sender]") - RC.message_log += "High Priority message from [sender]: [authmsg]" + rendered_message = "High Priority message from [sender]: [authmsg]" else if(!RC.silent) playsound(RC.loc, 'sound/machines/twobeep.ogg', 50, 1) RC.atom_say("Message from [sender]") - RC.message_log += "Message [sender]: [authmsg]" + rendered_message = "Message [sender]: [authmsg]" + if(!isnull(rendered_message)) + RC.write_to_message_log(rendered_message) /obj/machinery/message_server/attack_hand(user) // to_chat(user, "There seem to be some parts missing from this server. They should arrive on the station in a few days, give or take a few CentComm delays.") diff --git a/icons/obj/pda.dmi b/icons/obj/pda.dmi index 3d44421a2cd5685e5a458497a834d33601bdde04..477e975459ffb7a308286daa60e64d344fe359af 100644 GIT binary patch literal 20964 zcmbTebyyo;yZ0NQNbweTDmX=o(?W1}r??e&*8s&@ti_?YyA;cGLugGeXn$&JeZ4CilTa%==rMu>A2|dKJ8*m z-XHQW`=eg%OUL|(f$pYpPL51mNuA=kKDgJ7$uwAWCJ zuK(Lm+>21^G|$bjeGkSO22-+}y|!RVT7d;lbniN20B5_NogPHB6M@x#B3C z89#|Jj#5sqXjtDau`!S;h0$hWiPV-z70Vsqcx^e)UbA$V(fLQaX#PSi^N+?VX$OBI zcq0-M{7v35ft_AnY)bA;3g_^6gHkr@XSv_LNL) zzdtPS4f_2ZHj)QJFGj1|1}xX70RZ#>c`0!%pUmSdZ$08c#NayR6P9V>K1p#Yv@b6Q zXbWBr=sh>sT3GuUCe{C%Qr#jNT*{qd!<*7)GpmS?^i&2`H=r^6~M;|ceP@$u0$e{bh&_nh>l^fK3zRUtyGC!y4{N%v2%p8Tx9;TC&> zD$XB;@{$nihd3@_h}c&=^I+s24uoh@^n{k5$mvl-=&AYu&#;~>(PKo3(f`8uuZNiR zFkIfL7t9(RAGvS?>1I>%@5i(Fq=4>XqCyV7z;ho7?c8Z()Hj#gzj^nXfWRTi$ zM=6xjH~q2QMhS6pjtrn~Xc6!_irT9w@#Q$jW`dnkItnAak`A};ux7dY+GBC6T!bLlL3QPRaTlBw3CL0h7wXxu(ZN&Pr@OX z04<^Pw7M71@V@}UMn&jb;h-LiJpy{r9UD7)Hz%-0y8a^y76AcYdk}VTwn$qZ4zJAc zDpUdlQqkrTyNtJps=RRfbZ%~8b?U^`C6#PP8raIh!op4NY*lnh^Ch-3kqsVWc4FUK zo~bl+g|abr47T+qx0*8iJ25aYZyI1`7SiKW=WFwN{HynCbmVox*uI0qEAb{5YdXI* zu%n&G#%(qx!uD>hJL7FpPp>4YYcx$|zYp!2`Mw}8`rTwYU5S;|aJ7CNJQr>X_#8n% z8WKv|R0~F1y<<_8Z>$`&(Qmr~hJ8NK`@;81YBpRDGU~x7%9RW)<$**764gk4%szq<}kf zTFk~N42VfdO~w599qNAo0O%YXf`4=tO3j|*+>HI+;NC?2a>~^0Xsufq--ZS7SS%kWAl72&A>K>bIh!Qs;d0H8yKS3-kM z67hNKa;;4W06<*-bvdMrheV5dWPtnux`lJ`I92k82Fpu5-WJkU0q6k&I`k*jw(mT4 zGhNXD4fYGPO$JS`-W(ALR~d<;oUFFKDht~Fiqrihwr6OJV=_q+(7J@~va&>StDxZ< z;NpfFJbVH2Bj&1|eoA=zP!FF=6ESvETXu{dhp$?Bb9tvX0EH7nX{X`6>7fVb=9F|h zI(BIyv~Kj?cLu9GGyqe3`)E`$GUjbN`lR6Wf;@WWxJtwL%`;1+` zCo65#9}IB-Op?=)kx5A#C3oOOG1g*G=4fskmlbzjUd=L!nc{UT!A!L7YD(F?N4e+( zDRPm0&GO1uR={oUT?CJ!*k@J}!3+HP&LXNB(H~DD?j!nkuhPtd+Y6j5N4e^44D|K$ zHf*z}c+1rPTE09gEPjK}Z>m4j03*M{FZHz%cLkXAy* zUL<41sh8W-C{*FLB6qPs$OlHWC&B@Q*wpZXw<#1m_)KWTx`v|$a=7`4V^$w=3%;lW zxaOy85D6)Z)W9G^x7Y(U#l?|+jMfnoy93aV1K^W0IhjC~Ake(C1Q9ZLEOv0kPCh~1 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--- a/tgui/packages/tgui/interfaces/PDA.js +++ b/tgui/packages/tgui/interfaces/PDA.js @@ -75,7 +75,13 @@ export const PDA = (props, context) => { const PDAHeader = (props, context) => { const { act, data } = useBackend(context); - const { idInserted, idLink, stationTime, cartridge_name } = data; + const { + idInserted, + idLink, + stationTime, + cartridge_name, + request_cartridge_name, + } = data; return ( @@ -99,6 +105,18 @@ const PDAHeader = (props, context) => { } /> + +