Releases: srs/gradle-node-plugin
Releases · srs/gradle-node-plugin
Version 0.10 (2015-05-19)
- Fixed problem with spaces in workDir
- Add configuration for node_modules location (nmalaguti)
- Solaris support (halfninja)
- Upgraded wrapper to use Gradle 2.4
Version 0.9 (2015-02-28)
- Updated some plugin references
- Fixed some tests on Windows (abelsromero)
- Fixed issue for windows environments, not containing "PATH" but "Path" (tspaeth)
- Allow 64 bit windows to use the x64 node.exe (ekaufman)
- Renamed "ext" property on SetupTask so that it's not causing any conflicts
- Added detection for FreeBSD as a Linux variant
- Compiling using Java 1.6 compatiblity (stianl)
Version 0.8 (2014-11-19)
- Publish snapshots to jcenter (dougborg)
- Add node to execution path for NodeExec (dougborg)
- Use 'com.moowork.node' id instead of 'node
- Upgraded wrapper to use Gradle 2.2
Version 0.7 (2014-11-03)
- Allow local npm to override bundled npm (dougborg)
- Allow for configuring npmVersion (dougborg)
- Upgrade to Gradle 2.1
Version 0.6 (2014-07-10)
- Upgrade to Gradle 2.0
- Using 'com.moowork.node' as plugin id, but 'node' still works for another version
- Possible to read execResult for npm and node tasks (johnrengelman)
Version 0.5 (2014-03-29)
- Upgraded to use Node version 0.10.22 (tkruse)
- Provide gradle rule to run any NPM commands (tkruse)
Version 0.4 (2014-03-07)
- Possible to ignoreExitValue (konrad-garus)
- Added support for exec taks overrides (delegates down to Gradle exec task) (konrad-garus)
- Now adding npmInstall outside afterEvaluate to allow better dependsOn usage
- Reworked SetupTask so that it is using task input/output change tracking
- Updated gradle wrapper to version 1.11
Version 0.3 (2014-01-10)
- Initial usable version
Version 0.2 (2014-01-10)
- Initial version