In order to be able to propose a tutorial on strapi, it is necessary to read our guidelines
If you read this, you are interested by writing articles for strapi and that's great! However there is some point that we want to clarify before you get into this experience.
Indeed we want to make sure that strapi articles are:
- Comprehensive by anyone, even your grandmother Our articles are written in such a way that a beginner as well as an expert can understand and reproduce the content of the tutorial very easily. A user facing a complicated tutorial will not last long and will be discouraged. Make it extremely easy to understand and follow!
- Explain everythings All commands must be well explained so the user does not feel lost. Do not hesitate to say why you choose a specific technology, package, or service.
- Useful and practical Creating a tutorial on how to make a to do list with Strapi would not be really interesting... Indeed we want to offer quality tutorials that prove to be really useful and interesting for others like connecting strapi with a frontend framework: "How to create a Trip Advisor project like with Nuxt.js and strapi"
- Title
- Introduction, (what people will learn in this article)
- Goals, (what people will be able to achieve)
- Prerequesites, (what people need to achieve the tutorial)
- Specify the version of Strapi (alpha, beta)
- Step 1 - First thing to to
- Step 2 - Second thing...
- Step n - Last thing to do
- Include code source (github)
- Conclusion
We recommend using this format: How to with The title is very important, indeed, it must allow the user to know exactly what he will be able to do/find in this tutorial. The user will be more interested by the goal of the tutorial than the technologies used, think about it!
The introduction is a key point of the tutorial. Indeed it allows to formally explain what will be:
- The goal of the tutorial
- What softwares are involved and why
- Why the reader should follow this tutorial
This part does nothing more than explain the purpose of this tutorial and what the reader will be able to accomplish at the end of it. Make the reader want to accomplish such a goal!
It is very important to list the prerequisites on a tutorial. Indeed, the reader must be aware of what he needs to start the tutorial correctly.
This part defines the different steps of your tutorial and indicates precisely what the reader must do.
There must be an introduction for each step and a transition before the next one All commands must be explained and must reside in their own code block. It is important to specify the path in which they are executed so that the reader is not lost.
It is obvious to detail each script / code that you include so that the reader can really understand its usefulness and subsequently customize it.
The conclusion must summarize what the reader has just accomplished but also propose what he could do afterwards. Indeed proposing improvements, adjustments can be a very good point
Performing a tutorial video takes more time than writing an article but it allows you to see in real time what you (professor) do. The viewer will also have your point of view on the subject, on the technologie you are using making it a powerful tool to learn.
Make a video tutorial for us request some technical requirements:
- Upload it to Youtube (on your account if you want)
- Have a 1280x720(HiDPI) resolution
- Software: Screenflow, OBS, Quicktime (whatever software you can use)
- Typo of 80 or 120
- Close every other application in the background In fact you don't want to be disturbed by any notifications that may pop up while recording
It is important to go through post production in order to offer a quality video to your viewers
- Add the strapi intro and outro accessible in the
zip file - Remove the beginning and the end of the screencast, which probably shows you starting and stopping the recording
- Remove any long pauses you may have during the recording
- Remove any background noises (computer fan noise for example)