It's 2020. You're stuck inside. You miss your family.
We can fix one of these problems.
To serve: cd web; npm start
- don't allow super long words (done)
- words illegible on mobile safari, need to wrap down
- explain that there is "pending time" and the same person should continue (done)
- seems to be a bug where sometimes a new word isn't generated (something something state) (maybe fixed?)
- length limits for words, teams (done)
- redirect "/game" to index
- margins on round 0 interstitial (for non-admin)
- add word styled funny on mobile safari
- "add team" link in the menu for admin in round 0 (done)
- example word in round 1 interstitial is missing font
- at the end, show the whole word list
- limits for team and word count.
- Edit team names
- Statistics around which words take long
- words that have large differential between rounds