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Become a sponsor to Claude

Hi, I'm Claude (@reinhrst).

I love doing deep-dives into different (technical) subjects; sometimes this leads to an actual product (like, or You can read about my deep-dives (and other things) on my blog.

Sometimes, a project gets paused for a while, hopefully to be picked up later.

One think that my projects have in common is that I try to give them for free to the community. This means, I don't serve adds, I don't collect personal data. No Strings Attached1.

I really appreciate people showing me that they like the kind of things I share. This can be though a sponsorship, but equally through a reaction on my blog, or a follow on GitHub. If I know people like what I do, it's easier for me to keep going.

  1. In an ideal world this means that I don't collect any data. I started some projects this way, and the problem is that I realise that it's really hard for me to find the energy to ship updates, or write blog posts, if I don't know if anyone ever uses the product or reads the blog. Therefore these days I use a minimal of tracking (from, in the most privacy-sensitive way.

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