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Splunk Synthetic Monitoring - Kubernetes Private Locations

Version: 0.0.5 Type: application AppVersion: 0.19.6-2

Helm chart to deploy private location runners for Splunk Synthetic Monitoring.

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name my-splunk-synthetics-runner:

helm repo add synthetics-helm-charts
helm install my-splunk-synthetics-runner synthetics-helm-charts/splunk-synthetics-runner --set=synthetics.secret.create=true,synthetics.secret.runnerToken=<TOKEN>

Updating the Chart

Get the latest version of the chart by running the following command:

helm repo update synthetics-helm-charts

Users can also check the available versions of the chart by running the following command:

helm search repo synthetics-helm-charts/splunk-synthetics-runner --versions

To upgrade an installed release of the Splunk Synthetics runner with the name my-splunk-synthetics-runner, run the following command:

helm upgrade my-splunk-synthetics-runner synthetics-helm-charts/splunk-synthetics-runner --set=synthetics.secret.create=true,synthetics.secret.runnerToken=<TOKEN>

Uninstalling the Chart

To unistall a release of the Splunk Synthetics runner with the name my-splunk-synthetics-runner, run the following command:

helm uninstall my-splunk-synthetics-runner


Refer to the values.yaml file or the Values section below for the full run-down on configuration options and default values available.

Alternatives to Helm

If you are not using Helm, you can generate the Kubernetes manifests from the helm chart and deploy with kubectl.

To generate the Kubernetes manifests and apply with kubectl, run the following command:

helm template my-splunk-synthetics-runner synthetics-helm-charts/splunk-synthetics-runner --set=synthetics.secret.create=true,synthetics.secret.runnerToken=<TOKEN> | kubectl apply -f -


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} Inter-pod and node affinity/anti-affinity rules.
automountServiceAccountToken bool true Indicates whether a service account token should be automatically mounted to the runner pod.
commonLabels object {} Additional labels which will be included on all objects and as selectors.
containerSecurityContext object {} Container security context for runner container.
dnsConfig object {} Specify additional DNS parameters for the runner pods.
dnsPolicy string "ClusterFirst" DNS Policy to set for the runner pods. Valid values are ClusterFirst, ClusterFirstWithHostNet, Default, None
env object {} Additional environment variables as map.
fullnameOverride string "" Overrides fully qualified app name
hostAliases list [] List of hosts/IPs to be injected into the pod's hosts file.
image object {"pullPolicy":"IfNotPresent","repository":"","tag":""} Configuration for container image for Splunk synthetics runner
image.tag string "" Override the image tag; default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list [] ImagePullSecrets to use for pulling the images in use.
livenessProbe.enabled bool true Enable liveness probe
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 60
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 300
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 10
nameOverride string "" Overrides app name
nodeSelector object {} Selector for the runner pods to fit on a node.
podAnnotations object {} Additional annotations for runner pods.
podDisruptionBudget object {"enabled":true,"minAvailable":1} Pod distruption budget
podLabels object {} Additional labels for runner pods.
podSecurityContext object {} Pod security context for runner pods.
priorityClassName string "" Priority class for runner pods
replicaCount int 1 Count of runner pods.
resources object {"limits":{"cpu":2,"memory":"8G"},"requests":{"cpu":2,"memory":"8G"}} Resources for runner container.
serviceAccount object {"annotations":{},"create":true,"name":""} ServiceAccount config. Note that the runner pod does not need access to k8s api for its operation.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to service account
serviceAccount.create bool true If true, service account will be created. string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set, the release's fullname will be used when create is true. Set this variable to add user created service account to pod.
synthetics object {"additionalCaCerts":{},"enableNetworkShaping":true,"logLevel":"info","secret":{"create":false,"name":"","runnerToken":""}} Splunk Synthetics Runner configurations
synthetics.additionalCaCerts object {} Add custom CA certs (should be in PEM format) to use in Uptime tests. Requires privilege escalation in an init container which adds these certs to the runner's system cacerts.
synthetics.enableNetworkShaping bool true Enable netwrok shapping capabilities which allows runner to simulate different device's throughputs. Needs privilege escalation and CAP_NET_ADMIN.
synthetics.logLevel string "info" logLevel is to set log level of the Splunk Synthetics runner. Available values are: debug, info, warn, error
synthetics.secret object {"create":false,"name":"","runnerToken":""} Private location token configuration.
synthetics.secret.create bool false Option for creating a new secret or using an existing one. When true, a new kubernetes secret will be created by the chart that will contain value from runnerToken. When false, the user must set to the name of the k8s secret the user created with the runner's token. string "" The name of the secret created by chart (if name is empty the default name is used) or the name of a secret that the user created. If secret is created outside of the helm chart, make sure the key for token is 'runner_token' in the secret. The chart references this key when passing token as env variable.
synthetics.secret.runnerToken string "" Used when sythentics.secret.create=true. The runner's token available in Splunk Observability when Private Location was created.
terminationGracePeriodSeconds int 10 Duration in seconds the pod needs to terminate gracefully.
tolerations list [] Tolerations to attach to runner pods for node taints.
updateStrategy object {} Configure update strategy for runner pods.
volumeMounts list [] Additional volumeMounts to add to the runner deployment.
volumes list [] Additional volumes to add to runner deployment.