diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index bd10fb3..fa19397 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
Publisher: Splunk
-Connector Version: 3.0.0
+Connector Version: 3.1.0
Product Vendor: Generic
Product Name: SMTP
Product Version Supported (regex): ".\*"
-Minimum Product Version: 6.0.0
+Minimum Product Version: 6.1.0
This app provides the ability to send email using SMTP
diff --git a/manual_readme_content.md b/manual_readme_content.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3cb4d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/manual_readme_content.md
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+[comment]: # " File: README.md"
+[comment]: # " Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Splunk Inc."
+[comment]: # ""
+[comment]: # " Licensed under Apache 2.0 (https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.txt)"
+[comment]: # ""
+## Backward compatibility
+- In the version 3.0.0, a new configuration parameter “Authentication type” is added. Once the
+ connector is upgraded from any of the previous version to 3.0.0, the default value “Automatic”
+ will be set in “Authentication type” parameter and it will behave as stated below in the
+ document.
+- After the app is upgraded to v3.0.0, it is suggested to update the value of “Authentication
+ type” parameter to the suitable value by editing and re-saving the asset, in order to ensure
+ test connectivity works as expected
+## Authentication Type parameter
+- In the version 3.0.0 of the connector, we have added the new asset configuration parameter
+ “auth_type”. This is an optional parameter and it is used to determine the type of
+ authentication to use for test connectivity.
+- The “Authentication type” parameter has four options:
+ - Automatic (default)
+ - OAuth/Interactive Authentication
+ - Basic
+ - Passwordless
+- **Automatic (default)** :
+ - For automatic auth_type priority of authentication flow is in decreasing order as follows:
+ 1. OAuth
+ 2. Basic
+ 3. Passwordless
+ - First, the required parameters for the OAuth will be checked, if provided, the connector
+ will try to establish the connection using the OAuth authentication.
+ - If OAuth authentication fails, the required parameters for the Basic Authentication will be
+ checked, if provided, the connector will try to establish the connection using the Basic
+ Authentication.
+ - If the Basic authentication also fails, then the connection will be established using the
+ passwordless authentication. If the connection for passwordless also fails, the test
+ connectivity will be considered unsuccessful for Automatic Authentication.
+- **OAuth** :
+ - If this option is selected, the connector will explicitly use the OAuth mechanism to connect
+ with the given server.
+ - First the required parameters for the OAuth will be verified, if all the required parameters
+ are entered, the connector will try to establish the connection with the server. If the
+ connection is successful, test connectivity will pass.
+ - Required parameters for the OAuth Authentication are:
+ - Username
+ - Client ID
+ - Client Secret
+ - OAuth Authorization URL
+ - OAuth Token URL
+ - If any of the above mentioned parameter is missing the test connectivity will fail.
+- **Basic** :
+ - If this option is selected, the connector will explicitly use the Basic Authentication to
+ connect with the given server.
+ - First the required parameters for the basic authentication will be verified, if all the
+ required parameters are entered, the connector will try to establish the connection with the
+ server. If the connection is successful, test connectivity will pass.
+ - Required parameters for the Basic Authentication are:
+ - Username
+ - Password
+ If any of the above mentioned parameter is missing the test connectivity will fail.
+- **Passwordless** :
+ - If this option is selected, the connector will explicitly use the Passwordless
+ Authentication to connect with the given server.
+ - No parameter is required to establish the connection using the passwordless mechanism. If
+ the provided server is valid SMTP server the test connectivity will pass.
+ **Note:** When using the Passwordless Authentication, it may happen that the test
+ connectivity will pass but the send email action may fail, this can happen due to the server
+ expecting user authentication to send the email, and in passwordless we are only validating
+ the server.
+## General Points
+- Attachments and HTML formatting are supported
+- The asset configuration parameter **Enable SMTPUTF8 support (Check this only if the SMTP server
+ supports SMTPUTF8 option)** should be disabled if the SMTP server does not support the SMTPUTF8
+ configuration option. For the SMTP servers supporting SMTPUTF8, please enable this parameter. If
+ this parameter is kept disabled for the SMTP servers supporting SMTPUTF8, all the actions having
+ Unicode characters in TO, CC or BCC attributes will fail due to encoding issues in Python 3
+ installation of the app due to a known SDK behavior.
+- The Gmail server's policy set is to use the username associated with the login credentials as
+ the 'from' address by default. To send the email from a different address follow the given
+ [steps](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/22370?hl=en&authuser=1#zippy=) to configure the
+ email address on Gmail server.
+ Note - Uncheck 'Treat as an alias' while adding email address for sending email from another
+ email address.
+- The **username** and **password** fields for an SMTP Asset are optional because some SMTP
+ servers do not require any authentication to accept mail. The **ssl_config** and **port** fields
+ are related, but only the field **port** is optional. This is because each of the ssl_config
+ options has an associated default port number, and you only have to specify the port if you want
+ to override that default. For example, the default SMTP port for StartTLS-style encryption is
+ 587, but it's also possible to do start TLS on port 25. So in that case, you may want to select
+ StartTLS and specify port 25. The default port numbers are listed in this table:
+ | SSL Method | Port |
+ |-----------------------|------|
+ | **None** | 25 |
+ | **SSL** | 465 |
+ | **StartTLS** | 587 |
+- Splunk SOAR (Cloud) does not provide access to TCP port 25 \[
+ [link](https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/SOAR/current/ServiceDescription/SplunkSOARService#Differences_Between_Splunk_SOAR_.28Cloud.29_and_Splunk_SOAR)
+ \]. However, Splunk SOAR (On-premises) does and will provide outbound access for cloud-to-cloud
+ connections for appropriate SMTPS ports like 587, 465, or a customized port. If there is a
+ requirement to access TCP port 25 SMTP on Splunk SOAR (Cloud) then it can be achieved within the
+ internal environments through the Automation Broker.
+ To obtain the required parameters, please check the document of the service provider
+ Here we have attached links for the most used mail services to find parameters values:
+ [Setting up OAuth2.0](https://support.google.com/cloud/answer/6158849?hl=en) [Using OAuth2.0 to
+ access google
+ API's](https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2#1.-obtain-oauth-2.0-credentials-from-the-dynamic_data.setvar.console_name-.)
+ [Authentication for
+ SMTP](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/client-developer/legacy-protocols/how-to-authenticate-an-imap-pop-smtp-application-by-using-oauth)
+ [Authorization code flow for
+ OAuth2.0](https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v2-oauth2-auth-code-flow)
+ Note: Service providers might have html/css rendering issues.
+## Playbook Backward Compatibility
+- The behavior of the following action has been modified. Hence, it is requested to the end-user
+ to please update their existing playbooks by re-inserting the corresponding action blocks or by
+ providing appropriate values to these action parameters to ensure the correct functioning of the
+ playbooks created on the earlier versions of the app.
+ - Send RawEmail - To run this action, provide the **raw_email** parameter as a string
+ separated using the new line character ('\\n' between headers like to, from, cc, bcc,
+ subject) ('\\n\\n' before providing the body text or HTML after the headers). The example
+ value for the same has been provided in the **Examples for Send RawEmail** section below.
+ The action can also be executed using the playbook.
+ To run the action using playbook, the user can also provide the **raw_email** parameter as a
+ multi-line string, i.e., any string enclosed within three double-quotes ("""some-string""")
+ or three single-quotes ('''some-string''')
+## Actions Key Points
+- Send Email
+ - For email consisting of HTML body to be processed correctly as HTML, it must start with
+ either "\"
+- Send Email and Send HTMLEmail
+ - For emails consisting of Unicode characters, set the **encoding** asset configuration flag
+ to true.
+- Send RawEmail
+ - The **encoding** asset configuration flag does not apply to this action.
+## Examples for Send RawEmail
+- The **raw_email** action parameter can be provided in the following ways.
+ - Example 1
+ **raw_email** =
+ to:receiver@testdomain.com\\nfrom:sender@testdomain.com\\nsubject:Test\\n\\nThis is body
+ text
+ - Example 2:
+ **raw_email** =
+ to:receiver@testdomain.com\\nfrom:sender@testdomain.com\\nContent-type:text/html\\nsubject:HTML
+ Test\\n\\n\\
\This is test\
This is some üñîçøðé
+ data.\\
+ - Example 3:
+ **raw_email** =
+ to:receiver1@testdomain.com,receiver2@testdomain.com\\nfrom:sender@testdomain.com\\nsubject:CommaSeparated
+ Recipients Test\\n\\nThis is test data.
diff --git a/readme.html b/readme.html
deleted file mode 100644
index cc17de9..0000000
--- a/readme.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
- Backward compatibility
- - In the version 3.0.0, a new configuration parameter “Authentication type” is added. Once the connector is upgraded
- from any of the previous version to 3.0.0, the default value “Automatic” will be set in “Authentication type”
- parameter and it will behave as stated below in the document.
- -
- After the app is upgraded to v3.0.0, it is suggested to update the value of “Authentication type” parameter to the
- suitable value by editing and re-saving the asset, in order to ensure test connectivity works as expected
-Authentication Type parameter
- -
- In the version 3.0.0 of the connector, we have added the new asset configuration parameter “auth_type”. This is an
- optional parameter and it is used to determine the type of authentication to use for test connectivity.
- -
- The “Authentication type” parameter has four options:
- - Automatic (default)
- - OAuth/Interactive Authentication
- - Basic
- - Passwordless
- -
- Automatic (default):
- -
- For automatic auth_type priority of authentication flow is in decreasing order as follows:
- - OAuth
- - Basic
- - Passwordless
- -
- First, the required parameters for the OAuth will be checked, if provided, the connector will try to establish
- the
- connection using the OAuth authentication.
- -
- If OAuth authentication fails, the required parameters for the Basic Authentication will be checked, if
- provided,
- the connector will try to establish the connection using the Basic Authentication.
- -
- If the Basic authentication also fails, then the connection will be established using the passwordless
- authentication. If the connection for passwordless also fails, the test connectivity will be considered
- unsuccessful for Automatic Authentication.
- -
- OAuth:
- -
- If this option is selected, the connector will explicitly use the OAuth mechanism to connect with the given
- server.
- -
- First the required parameters for the OAuth will be verified, if all the required parameters are entered, the
- connector will try to establish the connection with the server. If the connection is successful, test
- connectivity will pass.
- -
- Required parameters for the OAuth Authentication are:
- -
- Username
- -
- Client ID
- -
- Client Secret
- -
- OAuth Authorization URL
- -
- OAuth Token URL
- -
- If any of the above mentioned parameter is missing the test connectivity will fail.
- -
- Basic:
- -
- If this option is selected, the connector will explicitly use the Basic Authentication to connect with the given
- server.
- -
- First the required parameters for the basic authentication will be verified, if all the required parameters are
- entered, the connector will try to establish the connection with the server. If the connection is successful,
- test connectivity will pass.
- -
- Required parameters for the Basic Authentication are:
- -
- Username
- -
- Password
- If any of the above mentioned parameter is missing the test connectivity will fail.
- -
- Passwordless:
- -
- If this option is selected, the connector will explicitly use the Passwordless Authentication to connect with
- the given server.
- -
- No parameter is required to establish the connection using the passwordless mechanism. If the provided server is
- valid SMTP server the test connectivity will pass.
Note: When using the Passwordless Authentication, it may happen that the test connectivity will pass
- but the send email action may fail, this can happen due to the server expecting user authentication to send the
- email, and in passwordless we are only validating the server.
- General Points
- - Attachments and HTML formatting are supported
- - The asset configuration parameter Enable SMTPUTF8 support (Check this only if the SMTP server supports SMTPUTF8
- option) should be disabled if the SMTP server does not support the SMTPUTF8 configuration option. For the SMTP
- servers supporting SMTPUTF8, please enable this parameter. If this parameter is kept disabled for the SMTP servers
- supporting SMTPUTF8, all the actions having Unicode characters in TO, CC or BCC attributes will fail due to encoding
- issues in Python 3 installation of the app due to a known SDK behavior.
- -
- The Gmail server's policy set is to use the username associated with the login credentials as the 'from' address by default. To send the email from a different address follow the given steps to configure the email address on Gmail server.
Note - Uncheck 'Treat as an alias' while adding email address for sending email from another email address.
- - The username and password fields for an SMTP Asset are optional because some SMTP servers do not
- require any authentication to accept mail. The ssl_config and port fields are related, but only the
- field port is optional. This is because each of the ssl_config options has an associated default port number,
- and you only have to specify the port if you want to override that default. For example, the default SMTP port for
- StartTLS-style encryption is 587, but it's also possible to do start TLS on port 25. So in that case, you may want
- to select StartTLS and specify port 25. The default port numbers are listed in this table:
- SSL Method |
- Port |
- None |
- 25 |
- SSL |
- 465 |
- StartTLS |
- 587 |
- -
- Splunk SOAR (Cloud) does not provide access to TCP port 25 [link]. However, Splunk SOAR (On-premises) does and will provide outbound access for cloud-to-cloud connections for appropriate SMTPS ports like 587, 465, or a customized port. If there is a requirement to access TCP port 25 SMTP on Splunk SOAR (Cloud) then it can be achieved within the internal environments through the Automation Broker.
To obtain the required parameters, please check the document of the service provider
Here we have attached links for the most used mail services to find parameters values:
- Note: Service providers might have html/css rendering issues.
-Playbook Backward Compatibility
- - The behavior of the following action has been modified. Hence, it is requested to the end-user to please update
- their existing playbooks by re-inserting the corresponding action blocks or by providing appropriate values to these
- action parameters to ensure the correct functioning of the playbooks created on the earlier versions of the app.
- - Send RawEmail - To run this action, provide the raw_email parameter as a string separated using the new
- line character ('\n' between headers like to, from, cc, bcc, subject) ('\n\n' before providing the body text or
- HTML after the headers). The example value for the same has been provided in the Examples for Send RawEmail
- section below. The action can also be executed using the playbook.
To run the action using playbook, the user
- can also provide the raw_email parameter as a multi-line string, i.e., any string enclosed within three
- double-quotes ("""some-string""") or three single-quotes ('''some-string''')
-Actions Key Points
- - Send Email
- - For email consisting of HTML body to be processed correctly as HTML, it must start with either "<!DOCTYPE
- html" declaration or "<html" and the tag should end with ">"
- - Send Email and Send HTMLEmail
- - For emails consisting of Unicode characters, set the encoding asset configuration flag to true.
- - Send RawEmail
- - The encoding asset configuration flag does not apply to this action.
-Examples for Send RawEmail
- - The raw_email action parameter can be provided in the following ways.
- - Example 1
raw_email = to:receiver@testdomain.com\nfrom:sender@testdomain.com\nsubject:Test\n\nThis is
- body text
- - Example 2:
raw_email =
- to:receiver@testdomain.com\nfrom:sender@testdomain.com\nContent-type:text/html\nsubject:HTML
- Test\n\n<html><body><h2>This is test</h2><br>This is some üñîçøðé
- data.</body></html>
- - Example 3:
raw_email =
- to:receiver1@testdomain.com,receiver2@testdomain.com\nfrom:sender@testdomain.com\nsubject:CommaSeparated
- Recipients Test\n\nThis is test data.
diff --git a/release_notes/3.1.0.md b/release_notes/3.1.0.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..45bd4ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/release_notes/3.1.0.md
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+* Bug fix related to inline and encoded images [PAPP-30315, PAPP-31591]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/smtp.json b/smtp.json
index a1b350d..030f4d9 100644
--- a/smtp.json
+++ b/smtp.json
@@ -5,13 +5,13 @@
"publisher": "Splunk",
"type": "email",
"main_module": "smtp_connector.py",
- "app_version": "3.0.0",
+ "app_version": "3.1.0",
"utctime_updated": "2023-01-23T18:26:04.000000Z",
"package_name": "phantom_smtp",
"product_vendor": "Generic",
"product_name": "SMTP",
"product_version_regex": ".*",
- "min_phantom_version": "6.0.0",
+ "min_phantom_version": "6.1.0",
"rest_handler": "request_handler.handle_request",
"license": "Copyright (c) 2016-2023 Splunk Inc.",
"logo": "logo_splunk.svg",
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
"python_version": "3",
"fips_compliant": true,
"latest_tested_versions": [
- "smtp.gmail.com, smtp.office365.com May 17, 2023"
+ "smtp.gmail.com, smtp.office365.com September 26, 2023"
"configuration": {
"server": {
@@ -700,44 +700,7 @@
"pip_dependencies": {
- "wheel": [
- {
- "module": "beautifulsoup4",
- "input_file": "wheels/py3/beautifulsoup4-4.9.1-py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "bleach",
- "input_file": "wheels/shared/bleach-3.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "bleach_allowlist",
- "input_file": "wheels/shared/bleach_allowlist-1.0.3-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "chardet",
- "input_file": "wheels/shared/chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "packaging",
- "input_file": "wheels/py3/packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "pyparsing",
- "input_file": "wheels/py3/pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "six",
- "input_file": "wheels/shared/six-1.16.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "soupsieve",
- "input_file": "wheels/py3/soupsieve-2.3.2.post1-py3-none-any.whl"
- },
- {
- "module": "webencodings",
- "input_file": "wheels/shared/webencodings-0.5.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl"
- }
- ]
+ "wheel": []
"pip39_dependencies": {
"wheel": [
diff --git a/smtp_connector.py b/smtp_connector.py
index 9b8a49e..af91e02 100644
--- a/smtp_connector.py
+++ b/smtp_connector.py
@@ -1056,7 +1056,8 @@ def _handle_send_htmlemail(self, param): # noqa: C901
- css_sanitizer=CSSSanitizer(allowed_css_properties=all_styles)
+ css_sanitizer=CSSSanitizer(allowed_css_properties=all_styles),
email_html = unescape(email_html)
@@ -1204,10 +1205,10 @@ def _handle_send_htmlemail(self, param): # noqa: C901
except Exception:
return action_result.set_status(phantom.APP_ERROR, "Error: failed to read the file for the vault ID: {}".format(vault_id))
- attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
if content_id:
attachment.add_header('Content-ID', "<{}>".format(content_id.strip().lstrip('<').rstrip('>').strip()))
+ else:
+ attachment.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=filename)
diff --git a/smtp_consts.py b/smtp_consts.py
index 28165e8..c1e4c9f 100644
--- a/smtp_consts.py
+++ b/smtp_consts.py
@@ -357,3 +357,4 @@
+SMTP_BLEACH_ALLOWED_PROTOCOLS = ["cid", "data", "tel", "sms", "geo", "webcal", "callto"]
diff --git a/wheels/py3/certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl b/wheels/py3/certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl
deleted file mode 100644
index a083056..0000000
Binary files a/wheels/py3/certifi-2022.12.7-py3-none-any.whl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/wheels/py3/packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl b/wheels/py3/packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl
deleted file mode 100644
index 913cc21..0000000
Binary files a/wheels/py3/packaging-21.3-py3-none-any.whl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/wheels/py3/pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl b/wheels/py3/pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl
deleted file mode 100644
index 597df22..0000000
Binary files a/wheels/py3/pyparsing-3.0.9-py3-none-any.whl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/wheels/py3/soupsieve-2.3.2.post1-py3-none-any.whl b/wheels/py3/soupsieve-2.3.2.post1-py3-none-any.whl
deleted file mode 100644
index b363a9b..0000000
Binary files a/wheels/py3/soupsieve-2.3.2.post1-py3-none-any.whl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/wheels/shared/bleach-3.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl b/wheels/shared/bleach-3.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl
deleted file mode 100644
index f81ff38..0000000
Binary files a/wheels/shared/bleach-3.3.1-py2.py3-none-any.whl and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/wheels/shared/chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl b/wheels/shared/chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl
deleted file mode 100644
index d276977..0000000
Binary files a/wheels/shared/chardet-3.0.4-py2.py3-none-any.whl and /dev/null differ