The Panorama app has been tested with PanOS version 11.0.2 and should work with any version above.
All the containment actions (like block ip etc.), take a policy name and the policy type as parameters. The action first creates an object (Application Group, Address Group, etc.) on the Panorama device to represent the object being blocked. This object is then added to the specified policy. It does not modify any other policy parameters including the Action . Therefore you must pre-configure the policy action as Drop .
Most of the actions execute a commit on the panorama device followed by a commit on the device group. This second commit results in Panorama sending the commit to each device that belongs to a device group, which could take some time. It is a good idea to add a time interval between two panorama actions when executing a playbook
Panorama restricts object names to 31 characters. This could result in object names that are created by Phantom being truncated in some cases.
It is usually a good idea to have one Policy created on the Panorama device to handle the block of each type of object. The panorama_app playbook that is available on the community github repo assumes this type of configuration. Note that to block URLs on Panorama, they are included in a URL Filtering profile that is usually added to an Allow policy. Please see the PanOS documentation for more details.
You can use the commit API request to commit a candidate configuration to a firewall. Commit actions are called at the end of all Contain actions (e.g. BlockIP).
You can learn more about Commit Configuration below: (API)
If the option "Require audit comment on policies" (Panorama -> Management) is enabled, Audit comments must be specified to a given Policy rule before committing any changes to that rule.
WARNING: Additionally, the length of an Audit comment can be at most 256 characters.
You can learn more about Audit comment below:
Address, Address group, EDL and Policy name must be alphanumeric and can contain only special characters like dot(.), hyphen(-), underscore(_) and space( ) but cannot start with them. (up to 63 characters)- Examples:
- Test_name (valid input)
- _Addressname (invalid input)
- Examples:
Device group
The device_group must be alphanumeric and can contain only special characters like dot(.), hyphen(-), underscore(_) and space( ) but cannot start with them. (up to 31 characters)- Examples:
- Test_edl (valid input)
- _Testedl (invalid input)
- Examples:
When the device_group is 'shared' the disable_override parameter is ignored. -
should_commit_changes (Default: true)
When the should_commit_changes is set to true, This commits both, changes to the firewall and changes to the device groups at the end of this action. -
When use_partial_commit is true, this performs user specific commit. As part of the request, the configuration's username is included as the administrator name. When the should_commit_changes is false the use_partial_commit parameter is ignored.
If you want to add below special characters in any of the field you need to add as per below list.
- & -
- < -
- > -
- " -
- ' -
- & -
Example: If you want to pass value as -> testing&
In the parameter pass it as -> testing&