Benchmarking is incredibly useful, yet endlessly painful. This benchmark suite is the result of a group of Phd/post-docs/professors getting together and combining their workloads/frameworks/experiences/efforts. We hope this will save other people's time, and will provide an extensible platform, that can be grown in an open-source fashion.
OLTPBenchmark is a multi-threaded load generator. The framework is designed to be able to produce variable rate, variable mixture load against any JDBC-enabled relational database. The framework also provides data collection features, e.g., per-transaction-type latency and throughput logs.
Together with the framework we provide the following OLTP/Web benchmarks:
- Wikipedia
- Synthetic Resource Stresser
- AuctionMark
- JPAB (Hibernate)
- CH-benCHmark
- Voter (Japanese "American Idol")
- SIBench (Snapshot Isolation)
- SmallBank
- LinkBench
This framework is design to allow easy extension, we provide stub code that a contributor can use to include a new benchmark, leveraging all the system features (logging, controlled speed, controlled mixture, etc.)
If you are using this framework for your papers or for your work, please cite the paper:
OLTP-Bench: An extensible testbed for benchmarking relational databases D. E. Difallah, A. Pavlo, C. Curino, and P. Cudre-Mauroux. In VLDB 2014.
Also, let us know so we can add you to our list of publications.
Please visit the project homepage for anything other than source code:
- Java (1.8)
This fork includes a Quick Start to get you up and running the CH-benCHmark with Splice Machine on OLTP-Bench. Enjoy!
You can run HTAP using a docker image as well.
The following command will restore the HTAP database and then it will run the benchmark
docker run -t -v `pwd`:/logs splicemachine/benchmark_htap:0.0.1 -j "jdbc:splice://localhost:1527/splicedb" -a restore
The following command will remove the HTAP database:
docker run -t -v `pwd`:/logs splicemachine/benchmark_htap:0.0.1 -j "jdbc:splice://localhost:1527/splicedb" -a destroy
If you prefer not to use the restored database, you can load it from flat files:
docker run -t -v `pwd`:/logs splicemachine/benchmark_htap:0.0.1 -j "jdbc:splice://localhost:1527/splicedb" -a create
The parameters that can be used are:
-a, --action false The action you want to preform. Valid values: create, destroy, restore, none. It defaults to none.
-e, --execute true Execute the benchmark workload. Valid values true / false. It defaults to true.
-j, --jdbc_url JDBC Url for the splice machine datbase. It defaults to jdbc:splice://localhost:1527/splicedb
-u, --user Splice Machine database user. It defaults to splice
-p, --password Splice Machine password. It defaults to admin
-n, --schemaName Htap Schema Name. It defaults to htap
-r, --schemaUser Htap Schema User. It defaults to htap
-o, --schemaUserPassword Htap Schema User password. It defaults to htapuser
-d, --restoreDirectory Restore directory if action is restore. Defaults to s3a://splice-benchmark-data/database/HTAP/100
-b, --backupId Backup id of the restored schema. Defaults for scale 100 to 2235534337, scale 1000 to 1384221697 and scale 10000 to 39810049
-x, --restoreSouceSchema Schema of the restored database. Defaults to htap
-y, --dataDirectory If creating a database, the location of the import files. Defaults to s3a://splice-benchmark-data/flat/HTAP/htap-100
-m, --work_time 3600 The work time. It defaults to 3600.
-w, --weights Comma delimited list of weights. It defaults to "45,43,4,4,4".
-s, --sample true Sampling window. Numeric value. It defaults to 300.
-i, --interval true Throughput Monitoring Interval in milliseconds. It defaults to 10000.
-l, --scale 100 Scale. It defaults to 100.
-t, --tpch_sessions 1400 TPCH Sessions It defaults to 4.
-c, --tpch_sessions 1400 TPCC Sessions It defaults to 100.