diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 68668b7..eb02e71 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -7,3 +7,193 @@ Repository for generating pediatric template Instructions to download: https://intranet.neuro.polymtl.ca/computing-resources/data/git-datasets.html#download +Same subjects kept for both templates (N = 18). Some notes below on why some subjects are missing: +* Incomplete data acquisition for `sub-107`, `sub-110` and `sub-125`: subjects were only kept if they had re-composed T1w and T2w images (images are generated by "stitching" the top and bottom acquisitions with each other). +* `sub-108`: removed because disc 3 (above vertebrum 3) is blurry in straightened T2w image. +* `sub-123`: removed because disc 10 (above vertebrum T3) is blurry in straightened T1w image. + +> for `sub-103` and `sub-109` T1w images, the spinal cord masks were not great. I did not need to manually fix the SC mask labels for these two subjects because their centerline files were automatically generated and used by the [template pipeline](https://github.com/neuropoly/template). + + +## Regenerating T1w and T2w Templates +Step-by-step walk-through on how to generate T1w and T2w pediatric templates from philadelphia-pediatric dataset. +All code below should be run in your command-line (bash) on CCDB. Each step begins from your **working directory**: `/PATH/TO/pediatric-template`. + +### 1. Get data from git annex +``` +git clone git@data.neuro.polymtl.ca:datasets/philadelphia-pediatric +cd philadelphia-pediatric +git checkout 31aea09ec124e2aebffef28927731ae635db3f4f +git annex get . +cd .. +``` + + +### 2. Dependencies + +Install SCT +``` +git clone git@github.com:spinalcordtoolbox/spinalcordtoolbox.git +cd spinalcordtoolbox +git checkout -b 49a40673e6d1521eb7c2d1d6d7b338ab6811448d +./install_sct +conda activate python/envs/venv_sct/ +cd .. +``` + +Install template pipeline (https://github.com/neuropoly/template) +``` +git clone git@github.com:neuropoly/template.git +cd template +git checkout a7915f4ccfa075a5d31f4ea84bb9761d42710e9e +cd .. +``` + + +### 3. T1w data preprocessing and normalization +``` +cd template +cp ../configuration_T1w.json configuration.json +python preprocess_normalize.py configuration.json + +# Rename derivatives such that the T2w data normalization does not override the outputs of the T1w data normalization +mv ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/sct_straighten_spinalcord ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/sct_straighten_spinalcord_T1w +mv ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template_T1w +``` + + +### 4. T2w data preprocessing and normalization +``` +cp ../configuration_T2w.json configuration.json +python preprocess_normalize.py configuration.json + +# Rename derivatives +mv ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/sct_straighten_spinalcord ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/sct_straighten_spinalcord_T2w +mv ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template ../philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template_T2w +``` + + +### 5. Log in to Digital Research Alliance of Canada (the Alliance) High-Performance Computer (HCP) +Refer to [NeuroPoly Lab Manual](https://intranet.neuro.polymtl.ca/computing-resources/compute-canada.html) for further specifications. + + +### 6. Set up correct environment on Alliance HPC +``` +cd PATH/TO/scratch +mkdir pediatric-template +cd pediatric-template +module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 minc-toolkit/ python/3.8.10 +pip install --upgrade pip +pip install scoop +git clone https://github.com/vfonov/nist_mni_pipelines.git +nano ~/.bashrc + :' + export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/PATH/TO/scratch/philadelphia-pediatric/derivatives/model_nl_all_T2w/code/nist_mni_pipelines" + export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/PATH/TO/scratch/philadelphia-pediatric/derivatives/model_nl_all_T2w/code/nist_mni_pipelines/" + export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/PATH/TO/scratch/philadelphia-pediatric/derivatives/model_nl_all_T2w/code/nist_mni_pipelines/ipl/" + export PYTHONPATH="${PYTHONPATH}:/PATH/TO/scratch/philadelphia-pediatric/derivatives/model_nl_all_T2w/code/nist_mni_pipelines/ipl" + ' +source ~/.bashrc +pip install "git+https://github.com/NIST-MNI/minc2-simple.git@develop_new_build#subdirectory=python" +``` + + +### 7. Bring necessary data to Alliance HCP using rsync +The data contained in `philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template_T1w` and `philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template_T2w`\ + should be on your Alliance HCP scratch directory. +Your directory `PATH/TO/SCRATCH/template-pediatric` should now have the following structure: +``` +nist_mni_pipelines +my_job.sh +make_subjects_csv.sh +generate_template.py +template_T1w/ + sub*T1w_straight_norm.mnc + template_mask.mnc +template_T2w/ + sub*T2w_straight_norm.mnc + template_mask.mnc +``` + + +### 8. Bring necessary data to Alliance HCP using rsync +The data contained in `philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template_T1w` and `philadelphia-pediatric-processing/derivatives/template_T2w`\ + should be on your Alliance HCP scratch directory. +Your directory `PATH/TO/SCRATCH/template-pediatric` should now have the following structure: +``` +nist_mni_pipelines +my_job.sh +make_subjects_csv.sh +generate_template.py +template_T1w/ + sub*T1w_straight_norm.mnc + template_mask.mnc +template_T2w/ + sub*T2w_straight_norm.mnc + template_mask.mnc +``` + + +### 9. Create T1w template + +The template-generation process is an iterative averaging process. +* It does a voxel-wise averaging of `sub-*_T2w_straight_norm.mnc` in `template_mask.mnc` space to create `avg.001.mnc` +* This process is then repeated in `avg.001.mnc`, to generate `avg.002.mnc`. +* etc. + +``` +cd PATH/TO/SCRATCH/template-pediatric +# generate subjects.csv (list of full path to `sub-*_T1w_straight_norm.mnc` files and `template_mask.mnc`, used by `generate_template.py`) +./make_subjects_csv.sh template_T1w +module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 minc-toolkit/ python/3.8.10 +sbatch --account=def-jcohen --time=48:00:00 --mem-per-cpu 8000 my_job.sh +``` + +Keep running for several iterations. Sometimes, there is not enough time for an iteration to finish completing and the job needs to be resubmitted. +Each iteration i generates the following files upon successful completion: +``` +model_nl_all/ + i/ + # 201 .mnc files + # 112 .xfm files + avg.i.mnc + avg.i_mask.mnc + sd.i.mnc +``` +> `avg.i.mnc` is the template generated by iteration _i_. + + +### 10. Convert to T1w template to NIFTI + +After N iterations, if you are satisfied with your template (`avg.N.mnc`), you can convert it to NIFTI format and save it! +``` +module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 minc-toolkit/ python/3.8.10 +cd PATH/TO/SCRATCH/template-pediatric +mv model_nl_all model_nl_all_T1w # such that T2w template-generation does not use the T1w averages +cd model_nl_all_T1w +mnc2nii avg.N.mnc +gzip avg.N.nii +mv avg.N.nii.gz pediatric-template_T1w.nii.gz +``` + + +### 11. Create T2w template + +Same as steps 10 and 9, but with T2w data! + +``` +cd PATH/TO/SCRATCH/template-pediatric +# generate subjects.csv (list of full path to `sub-*_T2w_straight_norm.mnc` files and `template_mask.mnc`, used by `generate_template.py`) +./make_subjects_csv.sh template_T2w +module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 minc-toolkit/ python/3.8.10 +sbatch --account=def-jcohen --time=48:00:00 --mem-per-cpu 8000 my_job.sh +``` +When you are satisfied with your template, you can convert it to NIFTI: +``` +module load StdEnv/2020 gcc/9.3.0 minc-toolkit/ python/3.8.10 +mv model_nl_all model_nl_all_T2w +cd model_nl_all_T2w +mnc2nii avg.N.mnc +gzip avg.N.nii +mv avg.N.nii.gz pediatric-template_T2w.nii.gz +``` diff --git a/configuration_T1w.json b/configuration_T1w.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bc9afc1 --- /dev/null +++ b/configuration_T1w.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "path_data": "ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/pediatric-template/philadelphia-pediatric-processing/", + "include_list": "sub-101 sub-102 sub-103 sub-104 sub-105 sub-109 sub-111 sub-112 sub-113 sub-114 sub-115 sub-116 sub-117 sub-118 sub-119 sub-120 sub-121 sub-122", + "data_type": "anat", + "contrast": "t1", + "suffix_image": "_rec-composed_T1w", + "last_disc": "18" +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/configuration_T2w.json b/configuration_T2w.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..674de8d --- /dev/null +++ b/configuration_T2w.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "path_data": "ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/pediatric-template/philadelphia-pediatric-processing/", + "include_list": "sub-101 sub-102 sub-103 sub-104 sub-105 sub-109 sub-111 sub-112 sub-113 sub-114 sub-115 sub-116 sub-117 sub-118 sub-119 sub-120 sub-121 sub-122", + "data_type": "anat", + "contrast": "t2", + "suffix_image": "_rec-composed_T2w", + "last_disc": "18" +} \ No newline at end of file