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spencer kelly edited this page Apr 23, 2018 · 20 revisions

Applications of wtf_wikipedia

Wiki2Reveal - on the fly cross compilation into a Presentation

Download of Wiki Markdown

If you just want the source text of an MediaWiki article, call the API in the browser. The following example just download an article about Toronto from the english Wikiversity.

var wtf = require('wtf_wikipedia');

//call the API and process the  markup 'pWikiSource' in the callback function of the API
wtf.from_api('Toronto', 'en', function(pWikiSource) {
  // do something with wiki markup return by the callback function in the parameter pWikiSource (String)

Remark: To distinguish local variables from parameters of functions a preceeding p can used to indicate that (e.g. pWikiSource). This denomination of parameters variables is just a support for reading the code without any impact on the Javascript interpretation of code.

WikiID: Language and Domainname

You can retrieve the Wiki markdown from different MediaWiki products of the WikiFoundation. The domain name includes the Wiki product (e.g. Wikipedia or Wikiversity) and a language. The WikiID encoded the language and the domain determines the API that is called for fetching the source Wiki. The following WikiIDs are referring to the following domain name.

If you use just the language identifier en then wtf_wikipedia assumes that the wiki is Wikipedia. The same is applied if you just use enwiki. Due to the fact that the Wiki Foundation has severval MediaWikis with a different content scope, also enwiki is mapped to the english Wikipedia.

var wtf = require('wtf_wikipedia');

// Fetch the article about '3D Modelling' in english Wikiversity from the domain
// call the API and process the  markup 'pWikiSource' in the callback function of the API
wtf.from_api('3D Modelling', 'enwikiversity', function(pWikiSource) {
  // do something with wiki markup return by the callback function in the parameter pWikiSource (String)

If you want to fetch Wiki markdown with a different language (e.g. german Wikiversity) use the appropriate language ID (e.g. de for german).

Extended Wiki ID in site_map.js

In previous versions of wtf_wikipedia the wiki identifier (wikiid) used for Wikipedia the product specification wiki. To be consistent with wiki product specification part in the domain name wikipedia the following wiki IDs are added to list of Wiki ID mapping (defined in the folder src/data/site_map.js).

The additional entries for a consistent WikiID mapping are added with a regular expression (Perl-like)

Cross Compilation of Wiki Source

The library offers cross compilation into other formats.

Plain Text Export

wtf_wikipedia also offers a plaintext method, that returns only paragraphs of nice text, and no junk:

wtf.from_api('Toronto Blue Jays', 'en', function(pWikiSource) {
  var text = wtf.plaintext(pWikiSource);
  // "The Toronto Blue Jays are a Canadian professional baseball team..."

Markdown Export

wtf_wikipedia also offers a markdown method, that returns converted into MarkDown syntax. The following code downloads the article about 3D Modelling from the english Wikiversity:

wtf.from_api('3D Modelling', 'enwikiversity', function(pWikiSource) {
  var text = wtf.markdown(pWikiSource);
  // converts the Wikiversity article about "3D Modelling"
  // from the english domain

HTML Export

wtf_wikipedia also offers a HTML method, that returns converted article into HTML syntax. The following code downloads the article about 3D Modelling from the english Wikiversity:

wtf.from_api('3D Modelling', 'enwikiversity', function(pWikiSource) {
  var text = wtf.html(pWikiSource);
  // converts the Wikiversity article about "3D Modelling"
  // from the english domain

LaTeX Export

wtf_wikipedia also offers a LaTeX method, that returns converted article into LaTeX syntax. The following code downloads the article about 3D Modelling from the english Wikiversity:

wtf.from_api('3D_Modelling', 'enwikiversity', function(pWikiSource) {
  var text = wtf.latex(pWikiSource);
  // converts the Wikiversity article about "3D Modelling"
  // from the english domain

Preprocessing of Wiki Markdown

wtf.from_api()-Call fetches the Wiki Markdown from the MediaWiki. After downloading some preprocessing might be helpful for further improvement of the cross-compilation of the source text from the MediaWiki. The following example shows how wtf.wikiconvert can be used to perform some basic operations.

wtf.from_api(title, 'en', function (wikimarkdown, page_identifier, lang_or_wikiid) {
  var options = {
  var vDocJSON = {}; // vDocJSON stores parsed content
  // init "wikiconvert" the Wiki Source - necessary for expanding relative URLs for images and local links
  // init the article name with the page_identifier, also necessary for handling relative links
  // replace local image urls (e.g. [[File:my_image.png]])
  // by a remote image url [[File:]]
  wikimarkdown = wtf.wikiconvert.replaceImages(wikimarkdown);
  // replace local  urls (e.g. [[Other Article]])
  // by a remote url to the Wiki article e.g. [ Other Article]
  wikimarkdown = wtf.wikiconvert.replaceWikiLinks(wikimarkdown);
  // perform the post processing after wikimarkdown compilation
  wikimarkdown = wtf.wikiconvert.post_process(wikimarkdown);

  var latex = wtf.latex(wikimarkdown, options);
  // console.log(latex);

You can test these features with the js-file ./bin/latex.js by calling:

$ node ./bin/latex.js George_Clooney

Define new Export formats

This section explains how developers can extend the capabilities of wtf_wikipedia to additional export formats.

If you want to create new additional export formats, try PanDoc document conversion to get an idea what formats can be useful and are used currently in PanDoc (see Select as input format MediaWiki in the PanDoc Webinterface and copy a MediaWiki source text into the left input textarea. Select an output format and press convert.

Workflow for new Exports

The following sections describe the definition of a new export format in 4-5 steps:

  • (1) Create directory for new output format in /src/output e.g. /src/output/odf for Open Document Format for Office suites.
  • (2) Clone e.g. the export libraries from LaTeX and adapt them to your new export format.
  • (3) require the new export format in /src/index.js e.g. by
const odf     = require('./output/odt');

and extend the module exports at the very end of the export libraries

module.exports = {
  from_api: from_api,
  odf: odf,
  parse: (str, obj) => {
    obj = obj || {};
    obj = Object.assign(obj, options); //grab 'custom' persistent options
    return parse(str, obj);
  • (4) Create or extend the test script in directory /tests. A test script for the format odf will be named odf.test.js. A test script for the HTML based presentation RevealJS format reveal will be named reveal.test.js. Look at other formats e.g. html.test.js to understand the concept of testing mechanism. Basically you create the
    • exported a defined text with wtf (e.g. wtf.latex(...)) and store it in the have-variable
    • define the desired output in the want variable,
    • and the t.equal(have, want, "test-case-name") defines the comparision of have and want.
    • html_tidy(), latex_tidy(), ... are removing comments and generate compressed equivalent code for a smarter t.equal-comparison. These functions are defined in tests/tidy.js.
  • (5) run test and build for the extended wtf_wikipedia
  • (6 optional) create a Pull request on the original wtf_wikipedia repository of GitHub by Spencer Kelly to share the code with the community

Handling Relative Links and Inter-Wiki Links in Wiki Source

If a source text in Wikipedia or Wikiversity is exported, the file is in general removed out of the relative link context. The library /src/lib/wikiconvert.js contains a Javascript class to preprocessing the relative links.

General approach:

  • Wiki source text was fetched e.g. from english Wikiversity then the
    • the language ID is en and
    • the domain ID is wikiversity
  • a relative link replacement should be defined like this:
    • Input Wiki Markdown:
My [[relative link]] and my german [[w:de:my_link|inter-wiki link] are exported.
  • Output HTML:
My <a href="" target="_blank">relative link</a> and
my german <a href="" target="_blank">inter-wiki link</a> are exported.
  • Inter-wiki links can be encoded by domain:language:article (e.g. w:de:my_article which is short for wikipedia:de:my_article) to refer to content that is available in a specific language only (e.g. the english Wikipedia only).

Mapping wiki domain abbreviation with a hash: ``javscript var vDomainMap = {}; vDomainMap["w"] = "wikipedia"; vDomainMap["wikipedia"] = "wikipedia"; vDomainMap["Wikipedia"] = "wikipedia"; vDomainMap["v"] = "wikiversity"; vDomainMap["wikiversity"] = "wikiversity"; vDomainMap["Wikiversity"] = "wikiversity"; vDomainMap["b"] = "wikibooks"; vDomainMap["wikibooks"] = "wikibooks"; vDomainMap["Wikibooks"] = "wikibooks";

The domain map is an associative array that maps a possible domain prefix in an interwiki to an explicit part of the domain name. The explicit part of the domain name (e.g. `wikipedia` for `w`) is necessary to expand relative link to absolute links. This link expanding procedure assures that the relative links still work, when the export file displayed out the MediaWiki server context (e.g. Wikipedia or Wikiversity).  

### Defining test cases for the new Format
Test cases are defined in the folder `tests/` and have the ending `.test.js` (e.g. `html.test.js` for the HTML test cases). Just by naming the file with that ending `.test.js` the test will be included in the NPM test call `npm run test`. Desired output can be generated for different format by the [PanDoc-Try web-interface]( Select as input format in [PanDoc-Try web-interface]( the format MediaWiki and select as output format the new format (e.g. `Reveal` for web-based presentation or `Open Document Format` to generate LibreOffice files based on a template file with all your style).

### Offline Use of Exported File
Media files like:
* images,
* audio,
* video
files can be displayed offline (without internet connectivity) if and only if the media files are stored locally on the device as well. The command line tool  `wget` can be used for downloading the media files to the device. The file can be stored into subfolders (e.g. of the generated HTML file) in corresponding subfolders. For example in a subfolder `export/my_html/`
* `export/my_html/images`,
* `export/my_html/audio`,
* `export/my_html/video`
The selection of the subdirectory can be done with the following function that checks the extension of the file and derives the subdirectory name from it:  

function getExtensionOfFilename(pFilename) {
  var re = /(?:\.([^.]+))?$/;
  // re.exec("/path.file/project/output.dzslides.html")[1];  returns  "html"
  return re.exec(pFilename)[1];   // "html"

function getMediaSubDir(pMediaLink) {
  var vExt = getExtensionOfFilename(pMediaLink);
  var vSubDir ="images"
  switch (vExt) {
    case "wav":
        vSubDir = "audio"
    case "mp3":
        vSubDir = "audio"
    case "mid":
        vSubDir = "audio"
    case "ogg":
        vSubDir = "video"
    case "webm":
        vSubDir = "video"
        vSubDir = "images"
  return vSubDir;

Create Office Documents

If you try PanDoc document conversion the key to generate Office documents is the export format ODF. LibreOffice can load and save even the OpenDocument Format and LibreOffice can load and save MICR0S0FT Office formats. So exporting to Open Document Format will be good option to start with in wtf_wikipedia. The following description are a summary of aspects that support developers in bringing the Office export format e.g. to web-based environment like the ODF-Editor. OpenDocument Format provides a comprehensive way forward for wtf_wikipedia to exchange documents from a MediaWiki source text reliably and effortlessly to different formats, products and devices. Regarding the different Wikis of the Wiki Foundation as a Content Sink e.g. the educational content in Wikiversity is no longer restricted to a single export format (like PDF) open ups access to other specific editors, products or vendors for all your needs. With wtf_wikipedia and an ODF export format the users have the opportunity to choose the 'best fit' application of the Wiki content. This section focuses on Office products.

Open Document Format ODT

Some important information to support Office Documents in the future

  • see WebODF how to edit ODF documents on the web or display slides. Current limitation of WebODF is, that does not render mathematical expressions, but alteration in WebODF editor does not remove the mathematical expressions from the ODF file (state 2018/04/07). WebODF does not render the mathematical expressions but this may be solved in the WebODF-Editor by using MathJax or KaTeX in the future.
  • The ODT-Format is the default export format of LibreOffice/OpenOffice. Supporting the Open Community Approach OpenSource office products are used to avoid commercial dependencies for using generated Office products.
    • The ODT-Format of LibreOffice is basically a ZIP-File.
    • Unzip shows the folder structure within the ZIP-format. Create a subdirectory e.g. with the name zipout/ and call unzip mytext.odt -d zipout (Linux, MacOSX).
    • The main text content is stored in content.xml as the main file for defining the content of Office document
    • Remark: Zipping the folder content again will create a parsing error when you load the zipped office document again in LibreOffice. This may be caused by an inappropriate order in the generated ZIP-file. The file mimetype must be the first file in the ZIP-archive.
    • The best way to generate ODT-files is to generate an ODT-template mytemplate.odt with LibreOffice and all the styles you want to apply for the document and place a marker at specific content areas, where you want to replace the cross-compiled content with wtf_wikipedia in content.xml. The file content.xml will be updated in ODT-ZIP-file. Also marker replacement is possible in ODF-files (see also WebODF demos.
    • Image must be downloaded from the MediaWiki (e.g. with an NPM equivalent of wget for fetching the image, audio or video) and add the file to the folder structure in the ZIP. Create a ODT-file with LibreOffice with an image and unzip the ODT-file to learn about way how ODT stores the image in the ODT zip-file.
  • JSZip: JSZip can be used to update and add certain files in a given ODT template (e.g. mytemplate.odt). Handling ZIP-files in a cross-compilation WebApp with wtf_wikipedia that runs in your browser and generates an editor environment for the cross-compiled Wiki source text (like the WebODF editor). The updating the ODT template as ZIP-file can be handled with JSZip by replacing the content.xml in a ZIP-archive. content.xml can be generated with wtf_wikipedia when the odf-export format is added to /src/output/odf (ToDo: Please create a pull request if you have done that).
  • LibreOffice Export: Loading ODT-files in LibreOffice allows to export the ODT-Format to
    • Office documents doc- and docx-format,
    • Text files (.txt),
    • HTML files (.html),
    • Rich Text files (.rtf),
    • PDF files (.pdf) and even
    • PNG files (.png).
  • Planing of the ODT support can be down in this README and collaborative implementation can be organized with Pull Requests PR.
  • Helpful Libraries: node-odt, odt

Word Export with Javascript Libraries

Create directory for new output format

First go to the subdirectory /src/output. We will show, how a new export format can be added to wtf_wikipedia. Create a new subdirectory (e.g. /src/output/latex) to support a new export format. Copy the files

  • index.js,
  • infobox.js,
  • sentence.js,
  • table.js,
  • math.js (not supported in all formats of <2.6.1 - see ToDo) from the subdirectory /src/output/html into the new subdirectory for the export format (e.g. /src/output/latex). Adapt these function step by step, so that the exported code generates the sentences and tables in an appropriate syntax of the new format.

At the very end of the file /src/output/latex/index.js the new export function is defined. Alter the method name

const toHtml = function(str, options) {

to a method name of the new export format (e.g. for LaTeX the method name toLatex)

const toLatex = function(str, options) {

The code of this method can be reused in most cases (no alteration necessary).

Add the new output format as method

The new output format can be exported by wtf_wikipedia if a method is added to the file index.js. Add a new require command must be added to the other export formats that are already integrated in wtf_wikipedia.

const markdown = require('./output/markdown');
const html     = require('./output/html');
const latex    = require('./output/latex');

After adding the last line for the new export format, the code for cross-compilation to LaTeX is available in the variable latex. The last step is to add the latex output format to the Module Export. Therefore the method for the new output format must be added to the export hash of wtf_wikipedia add the very end of index.js by adding the line latex: latex, to export hash.

module.exports = {
  from_api: from_api,
  plaintext: plaintext,
  markdown: markdown,
  html: html,
  latex: latex,
  version: version,
  custom: customize,
  wikiconvert: wikiconvert,
  parse: (str, obj) => {
    obj = obj || {};
    obj = Object.assign(obj, options); //grab 'custom' persistent options
    return parse(str, obj);
Clone this wiki locally