- v0.6.41.1 - fix the Potion Type NPE
- v0.6.41.0 - possibility to customize the Arena prefix
- v0.6.40.26 - fix NPE when not selecting a region before trying to save the selection
- v0.6.40.25 - fix inventory protection
- v0.6.40.24 - fix region protection issues
- v0.6.40.20 - fix dead players still wearing their armor
- v0.6.40.19 - set debug ingame /pa debug [value]
- v0.6.40.18 - recognize players running outside of the arena
- v0.6.40.17 - fix woolhead removal for flag arenas
- v0.6.40.16 - fix ready block hit while countdown teleporting ppl inside the arena. Bad, bad players!
- v0.6.40.15 - hackfix Potion Effects not vanishing. Bad, bad API!
- v0.6.40.14 - fix resetting of player stats -.-
- v0.6.40.13 - fix abusing the spectator state
- v0.6.40.11 - fix a random NPE; fix WoolHead enforcement
- v0.6.40.10 - fix powerup type REPAIR and a NPE in flag arenas
- v0.6.40.9 - fix another issue with the startup countdown
- v0.6.40.8 - Backend organising by NodinChan, has NO effect on the plugin atm
- v0.6.40.7 - Fix NPE and fix LeaderBoards
- v0.6.40.6 - Tries to fix mcMMO damage messing up the arena ;)
- v0.6.40 - Multiple flags for CTF
- v0.6.39 - Enchantments
- v0.6.38 - Arena chat
- v0.6.37 - Item reward random
- v0.6.36.11 - fix a bug where players were able to start alone / with just one team
- v0.6.36.8 - fix various bugs
- v0.6.36.4 - add a proper arena start message ; add a PAKillEvent
- v0.6.36.3 - fix bet placing NPE
- v0.6.36.2 - add Vault support
- v0.6.36 - fix for every arena start bug caused by leaving / quitting players
- v0.6.35.3 - taught talking to DOM arena
- v0.6.35.2 - fix the CTF issues
- v0.6.35 - fix the death issues, finally
- v0.6.29.9 - fix the fire bug, finally
- v0.6.29.8 - create custom events properly
- v0.6.29.7 - reset team flags on arena startup to be colored
- v0.6.29.6 - fixed CTF NPE
- v0.6.29.5 - added config setting protection.restore to stop block restoring
- v0.6.29.4 - added teleport ignoring INSIDE the battlefield
- v0.6.29.3 - fixed countdown join bug, for real :D
- v0.6.29.2 - fixed sign restoring bug
- v0.6.29.1 - fixed inventory hack bug
- v0.6.29 - join teams with sign. Line 2: teamname
- v0.6.28.6 - cancel 5s countdown if player joins
- v0.6.28.5 - spawn camping just for battlefield & fighting players
- v0.6.28.4 - add config: protection.punish (default false)
- v0.6.28.3 - fix 2 NPEs happening when spawn camping or using /pa leave
- v0.6.28.2 - fix a very bad bug occurring after fixing an NPE
- v0.6.28.1 - fix various NPEs
- v0.6.28 - potion effects for PowerUps
- v0.6.27 - join range possible without set region
- v0.6.26.2 - fixed NPE
- v0.6.26.1 - added proper join event calling
- v0.6.26 - add custom events for other plugins to listen to
- v0.6.25 - get stats with /pa {name} stats [stattype]
- v0.6.24 - sort arena board by click
- v0.6.23 - config "hideName": remove names over head
- v0.6.22 - punish spawn camping
- v0.6.21 - [PUMPKIN|CTF|DOM] join arenas ingame
- v0.6.20 - arena start runnable (5s, if readycount > x%), interrupted by player join
- v0.6.19 - fixed players joining from vehicles
- v0.6.18 - added entry fee "pay" message
- v0.6.17 - force joining from a special region, if one arena has set "join" region
- v0.6.16 - "explicitPermission" to enable need of "pvparena.join.[arenaname]"
- v0.6.15 - new debug system
- v0.6.14 - main config: onlyPVPinArena -> cancel all damage except arena!
- v0.6.13.2 - quitting ingame does not break anything
- v0.6.13.1 - fixed block destruction being possible
- v0.6.13 - EDIT mode /pa {name} edit
- v0.6.12 - "[player] killed" + " by [player/cause]"
- v0.6.11 - config: betWinFactor [2], betTeamWinFactor [1], betPlayerWinFactor [2]
- v0.6.10 - config: allowDrops [true]
- v0.6.9 - config: flagColors: set flag (head) colors
- v0.6.8 - config: woolFlagHead: change/set woolhead on flag grabbing
- v0.6.7 - config: autoclass: [classname]
- v0.6.6 - team chat: add player name
- v0.6.5 - [Spout] wool lock (inv change cancel)
- v0.6.4 - [Spout] color name over head
- v0.6.3 - game mode: death match, spheric regions, block repair, powerup spawn
- v0.6.2 - leaderboards RELOADED, spawn protection, flag coloring/whitening, inv drops
- v0.6.1 - sign update/check, announcements, death!, arena end timer
- v0.6.0 - huge rewrite