diff --git a/notebooks/ACS/acs_cte_forward_model/acs_cte_forward_model_example.ipynb b/notebooks/ACS/acs_cte_forward_model/acs_cte_forward_model_example.ipynb
index d625b7504..35574a5ca 100644
--- a/notebooks/ACS/acs_cte_forward_model/acs_cte_forward_model_example.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/ACS/acs_cte_forward_model/acs_cte_forward_model_example.ipynb
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
"Full-frame, new-mode subarray, and 2K old-mode subarray ACS/WFC images can be run through the CTE forward model. New-mode subarrays were added to the HST flight software at the beginning of Cycle 24. These subarrays have `APERTURE` keywords of the type `WFC1A-512, WFC1A-1K, WFC1A-2K`, etc. Old-mode subarrays have `APERTURE` keywords of the type `WFC1-512, WFC1-1K, WFC1-2K`, etc. WFC apertures are also listed in [Table 7.7 of the ACS IHB](https://hst-docs.stsci.edu/display/ACSIHB/7.7+ACS+Apertures#id-7.7ACSApertures-table7.7).\n",
- "We recommend that the CTE forward model be run on data that has been bias-corrected, but not dark-corrected or flat-fielded. The flat and dark should be present in the image input into the CTE forward model because these features are present in the image when it is read out, and are therefore affected by CTE losses. The forward model can be run on `flc` files, but the results will technically be incorrect. Photometric tests of forward modeled data of both types show minor differences. Post-SM4 subarray data must be destriped with [`acs_destripe_plus`](https://acstools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/acs_destripe_plus.html), which will also perform the other calibration steps. **Note: At this time, `acs_destripe_plus` only produces `flt`/`flc` images.**"
+ "We recommend that the CTE forward model be run on data that has been bias-corrected, but not dark-corrected or flat-fielded. The flat and dark should be present in the image input into the CTE forward model because these features are present in the image when it is read out, and are therefore affected by CTE losses. The forward model can be run on `flc` files, but the results will technically be incorrect. Photometric tests of forward modeled data of both types show minor differences. Post-SM4 subarray data must be destriped with [`acs_destripe_plus`](https://acstools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/acstools.acs_destripe_plus.destripe_plus.html#acstools.acs_destripe_plus.destripe_plus), which will also perform the other calibration steps. **Note: At this time, `acs_destripe_plus` only produces `flt`/`flc` images.**"
diff --git a/notebooks/ACS/acs_saturation_trails/acs_saturation_trails.ipynb b/notebooks/ACS/acs_saturation_trails/acs_saturation_trails.ipynb
index 731f036fa..cba923269 100644
--- a/notebooks/ACS/acs_saturation_trails/acs_saturation_trails.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/ACS/acs_saturation_trails/acs_saturation_trails.ipynb
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
"|`astropy.stats` |`sigma_clip`| link| sigma clipping image for background estimation |\n",
"|`scipy.signal` |`convolve2d`| link| convolve saturation mask with kernel |\n",
"|`stsci.skypac` |`pamutils`| link|obtain pixel area maps (PAM) |\n",
- "|`photutils` |`CircularAperture`| link| aperture object for photometry |\n",
+ "|`photutils` |`CircularAperture`| link| aperture object for photometry |\n",
"|`matplotlib.patches`|`Circle`| link| draw circle on a plot |"
diff --git a/notebooks/ACS/acs_sbc_dark_analysis/acs_sbc_dark_analysis.ipynb b/notebooks/ACS/acs_sbc_dark_analysis/acs_sbc_dark_analysis.ipynb
index 7b020ce8e..05d9e2915 100644
--- a/notebooks/ACS/acs_sbc_dark_analysis/acs_sbc_dark_analysis.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/ACS/acs_sbc_dark_analysis/acs_sbc_dark_analysis.ipynb
@@ -78,10 +78,15 @@
"|`astropy.io` | `fits` | link| access and update fits files |\n",
"|`astropy.table` | `Table` | link| constructing and editing in a tabular format |\n",
"|`astropy.wcs` | `WCS` | link| extract WCS information from header |\n",
- "|`photutils` |`EllipticalAperture`| link| construct aperture object for plotting\n",
- "|`photutils` |`aperture_photometry`| link| extract counts from aperture"
+ "|`photutils` |`EllipticalAperture`| link| construct aperture object for plotting\n",
+ "|`photutils` |`aperture_photometry`| link| extract counts from aperture"
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": []
+ },
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
diff --git a/notebooks/ACS/acs_subarrays/acs_subarrays.ipynb b/notebooks/ACS/acs_subarrays/acs_subarrays.ipynb
index e9736eb31..d8142d44a 100644
--- a/notebooks/ACS/acs_subarrays/acs_subarrays.ipynb
+++ b/notebooks/ACS/acs_subarrays/acs_subarrays.ipynb
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@
"source": [
"#### Clean Subarray Images\n",
- "Next we will run the [acs_destripe_plus](http://acstools.readthedocs.io/en/stable/acs_destripe_plus.html) code on our image. This will execute all of the calibration steps that are set to 'PERFORM' in the primary header of the FITS file. \n",
+ "Next we will run the [acs_destripe_plus](https://acstools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/acstools.acs_destripe_plus.destripe_plus.html#acstools.acs_destripe_plus.destripe_plus) code on our image. This will execute all of the calibration steps that are set to 'PERFORM' in the primary header of the FITS file. \n",
"The `acs_destripe_plus` code will produce the FLT file is the calibrated output product from `CALACS`, `jd5702jmq_flt.fits`. With the CTE correction turned on, an FLC file will also be produced, which is the same as the FLT file but with the CTE correction applied."