+ @displayName builds
+ @if (Model.Options.BuildsPageLink is { } link)
+ {
+ Here you can find the latest server builds available for @Model.Options.BuildsPageLinkText.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Here you can find the latest server builds available for @displayName.
+ }
+ If you somehow ended up here without reading the Server Hosting Tutorial, go read that first. It tells you how to actually host a server.
+ @if (Model.Versions.Count == 0)
+ {
+ Congratulations. There are no server builds yet.
Seriously, none at all. Go push some commits.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Latest build
+ @{ await ShowBuild(Model.Versions[0]); }
+ Old builds
+ @foreach (var version in Model.Versions[1..])
+ {
+ await ShowBuild(version);
+ }
+ }